December 17, 2012 Hon. Jaclyn A. Brilling Secretary to the Commission New York State Public Service Commission Three Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12223-1350 RE: Application for Franchise Renewal - Time Warner Cable Northeast LLC, d/b a Time Warner Cable through its WNY Division Dear Secretary Brilling: We are herewith filing copies of the following: 1. Method of Service Form 2. R-2 Application for Franchise Renewal (rates, channel line-up) 3. Municipal Resolution granting renewal dated, August 20,2012 4. Fully executed copy of Franchise Renewal Agreement dated, August 30,2012 5. Notice of Public Hearing 6. Legal Notice of Application for Renewal Please note that this franchise renewal's test data is associated with the CD labeled POP, Rochester - All which was sent to the Commission on 1/13/12. We hereby request approval by the Commission of this application pursuant to Section 222 of the Public Service Law. Respectfully, ~ Chris Mueller Director, Government Relations Time Warner Cable, WNY ':!t,· .. :: : . ':t~: ,. :"'~: ,,;~; NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE METHOD OF SERVICE FORM This form should be filed with all new petitions and applications that require action by the Commission. It will allow us to serve you with the Commission decision using the method you select. Name: Chris Mueller Your Company/Organization: Time Warner Cable Mailing Address: 71 Mt. HOl2e Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620 Company/Organization you represent, if different from above: E-Mail Address:
[email protected] If you consent to receive Commission-issued orders electronically, you will receive all Commission-issued documents electronically. If you do not consent to receive Commission-issued orders electronically, you will receive all Commission-issued documents by mail.