1-8OO-HOLIDAY • SOCCER.HOLIDAY-INN.COM Tournament A MONTHLY LISTING OF SOCCER TOURNA- tact: Ed Decker; day: (215) 632-4879; email: Kusanovich; day or evening: (209) 478- Male: U-9, 10, 11, 16, 17. Female: U-13, 14, MENTS IN THE U.S. AND ABROAD. Contact informa-
[email protected]; Level: 4. Male: U-8. En- 2147; fax: (209) 475-1833; email: 16, 17. Entry fee: $295, $240 (U-8 to U-11) try deadline: Jan. 13. Entry fee: $130
[email protected];. Female: H.S. Varsity. H February 15-16. Altoona PA. Spring tion provided with tournament listings is for tournament registration February 7-9. Phoenix AZ. Desert Clas- Entry deadline: Dec. 15. Entryfee: $350 Meltdown Challenge (UNS). Contact: only. You are not required to make travel arrangements through this sic. Contact: Tom Fox; day or evening: February 14-16. Cleveland OH. 2003 Jim Fee; day or evening: (814) 940-1108; contact. Soccer America makes every effort to assure the accuracy of (602) 493-3143; fax: (602) 493-3165; Cleveland Cup Boys Indoor Tourna- fax: (814) 940-1108; email: fjesoccer1@ email:
[email protected]; URL: www ment. Contact: Audrey Gargas; day: (330) aol.com; Level: 2, 3, 4. Male: U-8, U-10 to each listing. However, we are not responsible for any errors which may .scdelsol.com; Level: 4, 5, 6. Male: U-8 to U- 273-6308; fax: (330) 220-1216; email: U-17, U-19. Female: U-8, 10, 12, 14, 16, appear. Check with tournaments directly to find out if any information 14. Female: U-8 to U-14.