_ „ ^bftnaDy o, breve'boy^tomjSy^^ WMevmii6:\They keep two oonatruo^ AURELIUS. H. W. Tanner's Column. jiowfleolnk^ thai weirtiBa the; Israelites did tion trains, riot exactly to draw gravel, iromE^pc to oBospo their cruel task-mBSten, but to draw away enow - nnd clear the PlMtlnR About Fluiataed-Blek Wllh •We pHtiso'and aak oiurselveSi'Wby. Iios been HoMlM-rPerrannl ••>•! Other Itenm. this oxBondltnroof .bllllona :of money'nnd track when the weight of snow crushes Tlinrsdayj Juno 8| 1880^ UundredB of thousand* of lives t. What haa the shed, forwhen It falls on the track [Special Carreitpomlenee.'l beonRalnodt ,What Jios .hconjilnccd upon it covers It deep. ^ Both telegraph wires AunGMUs, Juno 1. tho ci-edit side of the ledger r Can wo only Our Honored Dead; bonst of having escaped Iroin the bund of the imd operators are kept inside the shed. Mending our ways is in order. robber,who doinondod our money? If BO, Also flag-meii to warn approaching Orecnbuckers are quiet In this towi :'. In spite of the rain In the inornhig what assurance have wo'tbat the demand trains of any obstruction. Tho con­ since town meeting. not ogain bo repeated T, ^ id. wil. l and the threatening uflpect.of the ' Have wo free spocoh and a ft-ce press In tho ductor told ihe the snow was seventeen Wilson Davis has gone to Fctoskey ; clouds during the day, a laise crowd land ? Does the government protect tho rights feet deep on tho level uiion the sum­ again to spend tho summer. gathered at the court-houso last Sun­ of all Its clUzons In every portion of this mit. In one hour after leaving tho country, the same as It does In a foreign land? snow shed, we were down where tho There is a fair prospect for u good day to pay their.respects to the memo­ Ifnot, what have we to boast ot as a republic? crop of wheat in this vicinit.y. ry of our country's lallen defenders. Let a rending nnd thouglitail pooplo ponder peach trees were in bloom and house well over thoso questions, and answer. This James Covert's boy had his arm The court-house was tilled to Its ut­ Is a suitable tlmo to recount tho past that wo lants woro standing on the porches, most capacity and many went a>vay may judge of the future. Jt is now ten o'clock; we aro nearlng broken while playing at school, Mon­ VOL. XXIL-NO. 24. unable to gain admittance. Did those soldiers, whose memory wo now Sacramento and it begins to look like day. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1880. WHOLE NO. 1H8. meet to commemorate, blond and die that u summer. Tho boys arc in good spirits up by The Mason band discourscjV stirring few empty eulogies and faded llowors nilglil martini mimic, andfi.;n:]itniy K \viwout bo east upon their graves? I think not, tlio Bingo farm — good news Irom home. Business Cards. republicans of this city, and tho dis­ in Corunna, and compelled him to as­ house of Andorsonvillo, we shall accept noney to Iiban, ' in full uniform. Thoy had a grontor, a nobler, nnd a bottorpur- DANSyiLLE. Dress Goods! patches indicate that the same feeling The court-house was decorated with poso in view. sign to them a mortgage of $1,000 to the issue. If it takes offense at tbe ar­ on farm property, at low, rate of Intorcst;, Thoy have performed their task \voll—lot us A leading, reliable, live democrat in MEVHET MOCIRTIEM. exists throughout the nation. evergreen mottoesand beautiful wreaths Hncceaaor "^'he.'I.oNt I,onr'—Naudnj'- tills town says he shall vote for Greeley settle It. They at flrst asked $12,000 to raignment of crimes ten-fold more good mortgages boiight.. Inquire of do ours, NnhoolM Proaiiorinv — A N(nrillii«' ^UWSIIKD EVEIIV TmjltSDAY AKTEK- settle it. Brown Is tho man who sued aud crosses of flowers, which were, at I can say. In tlio language of tho lamented this fall. NOON JIV KNIQHTS OF HONOR; W. H. Overholt, tho Vovay small- black than tbe liorrors of the Inquisi­ 17tl. COtTMTY RaOISTEtt. ' the dose of the exercises in the court­ Lincoln, used by him at Gettysburg: "The tlnery—NIrnck by LlBblnlnK —Ann A RCADIAN LODGE NO. 061. K. OF H. fruit man, has our thanks tor some Hon. John N. IngersoU of the Ameri­ tion, The News will have no apology world will little note, nor long romoinbor Urokeii—Market CIIonciI—Sfnrrletl. AVhcaton Gilhnoro has gone to .Jack­ This department in our store is A Regular mootl ngs second nnd fourtli Mon­ can for |ilO,000 damage to his obarocter, to offer for publishing and commentl- 'Trophy. house, laid upon the soldiei-s' graves in what wo say bore, but It can never forgot OTIS FULLER. days In oacli month, hold In Masonic hall. splendid samples of his strawberries. [Sltcciat Oorratponihmcc.] son to work on the railroad as fireman. for charging him with dishonesty Ingtho ofibnslve words. But tbe more The Hamblbtonlan stallion. Trophy, will the cemetery. Mayor Sayers presided what tlie.v did hero. It Is for us, tho living, We wisli the boy good luck. five times as large as ever beforo. Visiting brethren aro Invited to moot with us. make the.season of 1880 at our stabloa in over tho meeting and Bev. D. Baldwin rather to bo dedicated hero to tho unllnlshecl D.vnsviIjI.e, .Tune 2. ^- W. VAN SLYKE, Dictator. July 7, instead of 17, as was stated while in the clerk's ofllce. The News patriotic demoemts do not thank tlieir work, whloh thoy who fought hero havo thus We can sho'vtryou an Elegant Line I jrnr, tl.SO i •!!• monlhi, 7S etnli; H. K. Dkan, Reporter. in The News last week, is the date on contained an account of the affair at Mason. 15tf. WEBBAFtoilA. opened tlie exercises with prayer. far nobly advanced. It Is rather for us to bo The new market has closoii for re­ Burt Bogors expects to start for St. Ihra* organ for its attempt to class them with pairs. Clair to-day to worlt In a spoke and mtnlh*, 40 eanii—In (dvanoe. which tho Hvcniny NCWH excursion the time. It will bo remembered that the gray against the blue. They fought Webb DANIEL CAMPHELI,, herododloatod to tho groat task romnliiiiigbe­ of Dress Goods at 12^, 16, 20, 22, ABCHITECTN AND BVILDERM. will leave Detroit. fore usj that from thoso honored dead, wo hub factory. AVe wish him well. ADVEflTISINQ SATES. Brown got a verdict for six cents and side by eldie with republicans for their sells tho proteotlon toes for children. Tlioy who was a gallant and honored soldier, take Increased devotion to that cause for The roads in this village are being 26, and 27 cents, and a large vari­ paid the costs. and who is an excellent speaker, de­ which thoy gave tho last full meusiiro of de­ improved. Farmers aro about tlir(*gh Our odvortlBlHK rules nro SUK) por column S. A. PADOeCK&CO., By order <»f Justice Byan, John country's honor. Their friends perish­ never wear out. What, npver? Hardly over. votion; that wo hero highly resolve that thoso ety'of Fine Dress Qoods, Buntings, niar year. BuuIhohh curds SI a lino per year, RCHITECTS, CONTRACI'ORS, AND ed in rebel prison pens and they still livered the opening address, which was Miss Joslo Royce was visiting friends but they have been greatly BUBlncMS locals llvo cents por lino cneli and Jackson is languishing In the cooler, The democrats held their state con­ Hoaie and Ijot dead shall not havo died In vnlu; thatthls on account of the heavy rain storms. A Hnlldors, and proprietors of tho Mason on a ten days' contract, for being vention to elect delegates to the na­ cherish the blue before the gray. They well written and was received with nation, under God, Nhnll have a now birth of in Mason last week. Broadhead, Armures and Camels- every Insertion. lumberyard nnd planing mill. Sash,doors, are not" insulted" by Judge Chatter- for sale or rent 18tf. T. VanOstuand. great favor by the audience. The ITcodom, and that goVornmont of the people, A number of friends visited Kinnle- Marrlngo, blrtli, nnd doatli notices free. and'• blind" ' s a•t wliol• ilosali o nnd retail. drunk ond disorderly. tional convention at Cincinnati, June speaker openecl hi.Sjaddress witli the by tho iion|>lo, and for tho people, sliail not Sam. Hoftinan and fiimily started Hair Cloths at. as lo'w priues as Obituary notlcoN, rusoliitloiis of raspoct, 22, at Saginaw, on Tuesday. Hon. H. ton's forcible arraignment of Jefferson Farmers, " perish from tho earth." for their home in California, May ill. vlllc the 20th. The new Baptist ehurcl cards of tliankR, etc., Uvo cents a lino. The •' most the deniucrats can say Davis, and Wirz, and Winder. following patriotic and touching .wn- was dedicated and a i)roritiible time en­ HiLsdn Bnslness Directory. P. Henderson, A. W. Mehan and I. YOU CAM USB STEAM TiinusuEiis, without cxlra At tho conclusion, tho mayor, city can be found in the county, and against Garfield and) Arthur is that tonces: Fremont Asoltyno and Miss Evtt joyed. JOB PRINTING! B. Woodhouse represented this city, coat, If you Insure your property with mo. Bill. PKESIDENT, COMJIADES, AND FKLtOW council, Mason band, company K, and Glynn were united in marriage Itist many goods loiver. JKWKI.ERM. they both fought bravely to put down andS. S. Dewey, Vevay. The dele­ [Additional local on fifth page,] I represent none but flrst-class oompanlos, nnd OiTiZENs:—You cannot piiy ii lovoUor tribute " Older of Stars and Stripes," followed Monday night, Bev. Prltchaid oili- :^^l•s. Nelly iSwartout, who came steam Power, Now Presses, nnd Now Typo a democratic rebellion. gates at large to Cincinnati, weroO. give tho lowest rates. to tho memory of your (lopnrtea coniriules homo sick with the measles from Mti- enablo usi to do ,lob Printing on short LIAS CULVER, denier In wntohos, clocks, tlion l),v iiieotlnK annually to Htrew llowcrs by a largo number of citizens, marched clating. uotleo,'atiowpkees"»n"fln "110°'^'' E Jewelry, si 1 vorwaro, etc. HopalHiig done. " Little Seal," tho Star clothier, has M. Barnes, Dr. Foster Pratt, Don. M. BUSINESS LOCALS. lOtr, J. C, BavtBns, Mosod. over lliolr grnves.. A more beautimi memo­ in procession to the cemetery aud deck­ son, has nearly recovered, antl lier removed his stock of goods to the Dickenson, and Col. Messniore. From It makes no diirerenee wlietlier a molher is now sick with them. C. BERRY, Jeweler, nnd dealer In watches, Noticet under tht* head wlll he iruertedat the Horse For Halev ' rial soi'vloo cbulU not liavo boon devised. Tlio ed with flowers the last resting place BEST POSSIBLE MANNEB! . clocks, Jewelry, sllvcrwiiro, nnd musical Spears block at the north end of Main the sixth congressional district, the tic that bInUS'u.S'tn uur coinriidox lia.s boon of each of our soldier dead. person Is fooling or not. If he breaks a J rate of Jive eentt per line, each imertlon. No no­ Day maro, olght years old, wolglui about rondoiedsacfod by tliclr iloatli. Let llioyoiirs plow iMJiut; why ! he has to pay for it Instrumants. Repairing a Hpeclalty. Call I street, whore he will remain until the delegates aro Byron G. Stout andJ. tice innerttd/ar leu than twcnty-flve cents. 1,100 pounds. Cash or a good note. W. M. bo many bolbroyou nefflect tbU appropriate UNADIIXA. Black Cashmeres Business Cards. Cook block is repaired. W. Turner. O. M. Barnes was re-elect­ custom. . Lot us, I bog ol you, ostoom Itn great " jusiiiflf-t. ththeo SlimeNonio. ItRVOQIIVTM. Cllno at Marble works. lOtt. A COMPANY has been formed of Death of Blvlinrd TA,vIor, Aiccil Sixty- ed chairman of tho state central com­ Walt. privilege to pay them this tribute—.so ulmiile, Leslie and .Tackson capitalists, Icnown During the thunder storm jNtonday AT'I'OIIXKYN. it. WI LLIAM8, d ruitglst and apothecary. Mason and Lansing furnlshetl but mittee, and Geo. P. Sanford and Je- Saturday, jtino 12, wo commonco to give , Clocks. ~ Hoboautlftil, HO atreetlnp, witliout pomp KHn« „ _ are opposed to " Old Usufruct of Ciph­ wealth of spring's elioleesttronsures. Willi ug­ mourn the tleath of Richard Taylor, DART & CLARK, bought on Its merits, nt LoNO & ELtte. ver and Golo plows. N. A. DuNSlKO. shows a very favorable state of aflUirs. received quite a severe shock, but w.%s in the city. er Alley." They favor the two-thirds ly liavo I accepted your Invitation to Join In able to go over to iter fatlier's liouse in which occured at six a. sr. this morn­ A TTOHNEVH, r,ANSINa,Micrt. SPECIAL Wnnted, Clocks. tlio public ceremonies to-day; but words are At a depth of thirt.v-flvc feet six inches, ing. Mr. Taylor was liorn at Lincoln­ iSfi„'!'J'';?Ili''"' K'.von to InvestlKiitlngand per- two-year-old heifer, third Belle of Ho­ rule. ' iuuapablo of a iiatlios so sweet as the Incense a vein ot superior lire clay one and one- a short time after. At tho .same time, They were all bought before rrai "stnte "" ' n"cstloiis portaliilii« to A. HOWARD * SON, dealers In Krooorlca a (Irst-elasH liar at C, E. Smith's Agricultural Immonso stock of now clocks Just received of tho ilowors j'ou hero bring to dock tlio its Mls.s Maggie Dalmage was piissing shire, England, on the 10th day of A__!_jmd piroWslons, Ellsworth block. Call I mer, purehosed from Curtiss' Hillsdale store; to a slick one, good pay, at Berry's. ^ graves of the soldlcrdeiul. half feet in thickness was found, and April, 1S17. Ho was therelbre sixty- the advance. herd. The price paid was $200. I'ersonal. four feet below this a vein of coal two from Dr. Sherwood's to Mr. Lowell's, A. B. HAVNES, R. D. W. HAI^TED & CO., dealors in gro- • Mabow, MtCH. Bovera WanU Ills Fay t As long as you shall observe thoso son-Ices she also received a very severe shock, three years olil last month. After re­ you will not bo alone. You will not bo alono feet in thickness. Fire clay again oc­ TT0IINEY AT LAW AND SOLICITOU D cerlos, dmgs, sewing mnclilnds, etc.etc. The only true way to build up a Mrs. M. M. Ellsworthlefl the city on T T T T Having sold out my bustnoss in Slookbrldgo to-dny, as you assemble around tlio graves. curs, followed by " oil rock" nearly but was able to be around yesterday. maining in that county for some time, J?„ ii™?.'"^;-, Co'loctlons a specialty. Our teas can't bo bo matched for the money It nui.v bo that fl-om the heavenly home your lie removed to this country, arriving in __58juiJ2arro\yJ)loek, Mason. "bootn Awn nhoem. town is to sustain home enterprises, Monday, on her way home. I want to settle up all accounts at once. two feet, and a coal vein of three feet. The shock was I'clt by quite a number 4 liome improvements, homo manufac- in this vicinity. Call ond bo convinced, eonu-ades, tliougli liix'lslble to mortal eyes, in the south part of tiie town. thisJownonMay 8, 1840. Afterspeiid- Please bo prompt. wlllJlllyour minds wllli gonoi-ous thouglils It will thus be seen that the comimny RUSSELL C. OSTRANDER, -r T viir V vn .i«,.iAr \n hnni« Bhop. torlcs, lioiuo busiuess 111011, homc labor- Dr. E. D. North of Detroit was in LoNO 4 Ei.l,iM. OtI D. N. RoQEits, Slookbrldgo. and your lioiii-ts with holy omoUon.s. liut, iug a few days he settled on the north- TTOIINEY AT LAW AND CIUCUIT the city Monday, visiting freinds. liave a " good thing." The otllcei-s are Yesterday, at about iialf past 11 ea.st corner of section' 20, on what was .___couriUomnUsNlqner, r^ J. ViifcoHmui-fancfgoius""**^^^^^^^ otH and mechanics, and, above all, For Miile. howovof tills may bo with you, as iitiw, tliu .Ttuiies Gould of .fackson, president; A House nnd lot on Center street. Inquire of A Srewspaper Free. wllowlll oome again toplaeo across ofllowers o'clock A. St., as E. Rico and ./V. .1. then called the Tattle farm. Mr. T. OOWLES. EmvAllD CAlVlLL. /SGrHUNTiNGTONToxchisivo dealer Vn J'our home newspitper. J. C. Berry, the jeweler, Is wrestling I wjU Insure every mon In the Wntertown over a husband's grave. With you, as now, M. E. Runisoy of Leslie, tretisurer; V. Miller were coming out of tlie saw­ J. E. Coy, ut Eaton's elovator. IStf win como tho ngod father, and tho tour will pro.spered tinely until about six years COWLES & CAHILL, V«„'L?9l^ll"l«l'?i?iJl?>l"lrlM.^ Number 1, Volume 1, of the Lalngs- with the measols and bis store is closed. for one year and fUrnlsh him with The Itta- S. Pease of .lackson, secretary. With mill yard on a one-horse wagon, tlie We have a very nice line of all follow down tho furrow time has plowed upon ago, wlieii death visited his family and A TTORNEY.S A'r LAW, LANSING, jnCIT. ICE IJRO.S. mnnufnoturo and repair boots burg Zcarfw found its way toourtti- Beraembcr HAM CotTNTT NEWS, St. Louts Leader or Ing­ Ills cheek, as lie calls lo 'mind tlic Imago ol these aro associated tis directors, .T. horse started up suddenly, throwing Aaron E. Ball, formerly of this city, called his youngest daughter away In wool Buntings at 25c, and a full ±ft-i»H*^lr'' *^"l',",'>. prosecuting attorney, R and shoes, shop '» oxpressjbuilding. jjie i,w,t woek. It is a nlcely-printed now has his copy of The News sent to that nt W. M. CUne's you can got a Oranlto nt ham county Denvmrat, for what it costn lilm to tho soldier boy Hlocpingat his foot. With .vou Longycaraiid W. A. Mo.sely of Grii.ss Mr. Miller otf from the back end of the a very few days. The wife followed wlTl bo In Mujioii FilU^iys wlion requested. _ tho same flguro that you have to pay other as now, %viil come tlio mother, tenderly elier- Lake, V. H. Orout and H. C. Yerby line of French Buntings. mii«Vei.i.ai«ki»iih. seven column folio, well-filled with De Smet, Dakota. insure In the Mutual for one year. u.-i iiu,,, »111 fjijiiiu Liiu iiiuiiior, Luiiiie. wagon, striking on and breaking his the daughter to the grave ; and thus VERNER J.TEFFT, doalom for marble. Marble ut the lowest 11 v 4tf. I. H. Vawdbbcook. Ishlng the memory of her son, as she places of Leslie. .Stock certidcates will.sooii j'Iglit arm just above the elbow, and homo "ttds.," and has apparently llowory emblem of he- r allbctioi. i upon tliespot came aitllction upon atllictlon. Mr. TTpnNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW •W.TANNER, donior In dry goods, no- come to stay. Succes.s to the venture. G. W. Polar storted for Minnesota Ing rates nnd flrst class work guarantebd. where lio sleons the .sleep that knows no wak­ be issued, of which probtibly two- al.so dislocating the elbow. Dr. Sher­ llospeetfully. itn«on, Mlcli. Siickrldor block^ , tlons, silks, and fancy goods. Main st. ,„,.,,,, , , j>. last Monday, for a few weeks visit The H. at. W. Se. Clsnr, thirds will be taken in Leslie. As Taylor leaves a second wife nnd seven A M Walt. ing. Her motherly grief is consoled by tho wood was called, and Dr. Root of children to mourn his loss—four boys H; p. UKSDKIISON. OKO. V. DAY. among relatives. Is the delight of every imoker-clear Havana thought that Jier beloved boy died n licro. soon as dry weather is insured, the We will show you bargains never beforo fllled, nt William's drug-Mtoro. With ynii, as now, will come brollioi-s and sis­ Mason was al.so sent for, and atsibout and three girls—all of whom are grown HENDERSON & DAY, ters and lov^iiig friends, oaeh bearing some work of sinking a shaft will com­ 4 o'clock P. M., they had the bone set. up. Tho funeral will take place at the FRANK CLARK— , blacksmith nnd «noventlon , favors a coalition of the demo­ John Buzzell of Vevay started for heardofln Mason. ParkisA Piiesi.ey. blossomed token ofall'eetioii to the city iif tho mence.—ZcsKc Local. ATTORNE'i'B AND COUNSELORS AT Dakota on Tuesday, Avith the view of Money to iMtna. 'I'he fracture is a very bad one, and it house on AVeducsday the •2(ith inst. M. W.TANNER g^'aw, plllco over First National bnnk. L. carrlago builder. Repairing neat, cheap. crats and greenbackers,_with Geo. P. Strayed. dead. And with yon, as now, will eoiiio tho will j)robably take it a long tlmo to buying a farm and settling there. At eight per cml on gilt cdgo security.' orphaned ones, seeking their father's grave, The deceased received a light stroke of -niiRST NATIONAL IJANK. M. MeRobort, Sanford at the head. Beats all how Came into ray onolosuro In Vovay, May 16, Dakt ft CI.ABK, Laming, Mich. yet pi-ounrlj-, Eteholl Sunday-.school is doing well though respected by everyone. He TTOMCEOPA/ritlC PHYSICIAN AND SUR- C" 1" : • —- A lliml^^. lolt thigh. 17w2p. LVMAN MiMAK. oounts at onco,/or X mutt have the nmxev. iiofoi-o tiio deiiKin of war (-oiikl tio stayed? Do- III tliv I'-'iir n'<>N(. this settson. had held some town olliees years tigo; .4?-..'*°°"- ,."".'9° Kllswoi-tli block wltli T • A Bunkerhill farmer named Sharp Gen. C. A. Arthur of New York, the OStf. O. G. HPSTlNO-roN. cause, I answer, of llio ics.son it Icaelics us— yet he never sought after ofllce. He Ur. Morse, Rosldonco cor. Miipio nnd D HU EACH & HOSE, mnntifrtetnrors and deal- fllsno>ip(l of his farm and Is about next vice-president of the United rionr. that tho pntliM-ny of justice is Iho only path May C—Wo took breakfast at Sidney, V. C. Dixon, tho miller, has a fo.ssll Olllco hours from l to 2:;ti) v. m. M_-LiU.«^lHi-'«or!^Zn.t..r^ topurcCse the old de?i)t building at States, is a cousin of S. E. Stone of this Klnnlovllle, Laiislng, and Phoenix mills Wood-Tard. wayofpeace. llecause It teaches us thiit na- a town where they fit out trains for curiosity at the mill. was a very quiet citizen and ti good C. K. Smith has opened a wood-yard at hia tlonnl erliiioH cannot oseapo punisliinent. neighbor. DR. HENRY COOK, J.''a.™»e'.!fio'S?r^.';io''yi?2 n,-?.??: Et^en to nt up into ahok and ^^^^^^ city. flour always on hand. I.0N0 dc Eli,is. And when a national evil becomes so gliiriiig the Bltick Hills, and whither drovoin Dr. Sherman, " don't let that horso HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE Biieenttent. Over Lowe's bank, Main street, loon. The probabilities are that by the agricultural store, south of tho court-house, and defiant tliiit only tliu red plowshare can conic to car their stock, it contains at residence on Main i,troet, Sliisqn^ E. S. Hoskins, editor of the Bellevue A Beaper Fitr 9110. and la prepared to deliver dry beech ond npi-ootit, then war c-ome.s, springing from tho get away with you." P eii'v time he pays the state tax and tbo tax Only Ave Royco reapers len. Wlll sell them liydi-n-headed evil itsolf, to seourgo or lode, about 1,000 intiabitants. This is a cold On AYediicsday last. Homer G. Ives, W." W. Roiof, M. 6., Gazette and secretary of the Michigan maple wood at nil timos atid on reasonable day. Yesterday wo were sweating, Measles aro In tho neighborhood, im­ brother of L. H. Ives of A'evay, went F bVkm•V:^?r";h^'?.!.i\'^^^ thetownslfip board has power to Im- senate, called on The News Monday. for |110 «aoh, cash. Como early and secure a terms. 8fltf stroy. ported by a new family. VPICE AT RESIDENCE. CALLS AT- Vi^^WHH'iLEY, noHvidoalorlind s^^^^^ Posc P««flts wlll be ratlier small. JUD01-; jr. D. CJtATTEKTON and had to have the windows closed to to Ann Arbor and had it cataract cut tended at all hours, except on Sundays His wife is spending a few days in the bargain. C.E. Smith. Money to Irftaa, keep out the dust. Now it is as cold as The IJ.iptist Sunday-school expect Obatwocn It A. m. and a i\ M., and fl to »i-. m. • JP-'. »'"" Amoricanoxp.ngont. ,jij,e democrats looked sad when tho city, the guest of Mrs. L. E. Spafford. closed the exercises at the eourt-liouse i'rmn his left eye. The painful opera­ RANE A DUNNING, pi-opiiotors city feed news of Garfield's nomination was re- I.adlei«' Walklns BbiMHi. by tho Real Estate Agoiit, witli tl .short and pithy address, deliv­ winter. We are between two ranges soon to have another concert, tion was very cpilekly performed by Dr. A. B.'cAMPBELLrM. D.. C Wobb has the largest stock ever shown in John Dunsback. of hills. Thou.sands of grazing cattle • • _lt,9r^-j>'ii!"r jq!'JJ£-';'Jg>«j!jF.?.Pt.'" "'"""t: celved. They had to kick Gmnt's Hon. Isaac M. Crane, of tho law firm Mason. ered with more tliaii his usual vigor ^leadville Sunday-.-^chool is prosper­ Frotliingham of the medical college. UHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE AYERS & PHELPS, doaioi-s In hardware, throne down In disgust, postpone their of Crane & Dodge of Lansing, was ad­ Dated Mason, Fob. 18,1880. llOUtf. I and lire. The .fudge's bold and patriot­ are in siglit. AVe occasionally see prai­ ing, Willi Waterinan for a leader. €. E. iSiiiitli's (Joliiinii. XT overH. SI. Williams' drug store. Mason. Harriaon Waifoa. rie dogs watching the viihtges. It S__J'i?^lL2?...i}n.wir9,_nan^_Bto^ joyful nnticlpatlons of a monarchical judged insane by Judge Chatterton on ~Wool 1 Wool t ic utterances, spoken in no uiimeanliig Tiie ^r. E. cluirch is alive and the DR. jT H. TvON, F. iiROWN, raaiifr. and dealer In harnoHs, "form of government, and bum the Mul- Monday and sent to the Pontiao asy­ L. Frank Clark soils tho Harrison Wagon— terms, rekindled anew the memory of would seem as If wc are far beyond the ATE ASSISTANT TO THE DEPART- I am again In the wool market, with an building of the new iiieotiiig liouse a C•_J2i^l'"'''-Wl'JP''iJLO?.e^Ji™il!^!j?i^^„ ^ llimllgan lettersletters.. They look foolish when lum. Mr. Crane removed from Eaton tho cheapest, bent ami lightest running. Callorde r for good wool at what It Is worth. tlioso (Uiys wiieii tuIiIa.so.v litid his htiunts of civilization. Still wo have L raent of diseases of womon and children and nee thoin. * "* 15tf. ixiijsed tills morning as many as twen­ siicces.s licyond cimtnulieiion. at the University of Michigan, will attend all jrc • •• Baplds to Lansing about a year ago. N. A. DWNKINO. bloody grin upon the nation's tlii'oat, SEASON OF 1880 calls, city or country, OHlco over Moauli & C. '::m^"I."u^;iil?^^^^^ a republican reining them of theirlate He was well known In this county as ! and caused many tni old soldier to ask ty emigrant wagons which bad stopped Dr. Webb was out riding last Friday, Boso'a furniture store, south of court-house, nlght-mare. FoHDd, Blaaer Clear. for the night. Their lioi'.ses were feed­ but tho doctor still thinks his Cii.se Is N. B.—Night calls answered at olllco. EECH A PECK, pi-opi-Ietoi-7of tho Mnson ' an able lawj'cr, having had many im­ the place to buy QroccrloH, For full portlcu- I ill doubtful sorrow: "Did my dead Just Arrived! B foundry and iiiaclil no shops. Ropalriiig. W. M. Cllne of this city, who is a portant cases in this circuit. Ho was Smoke a So. solf-Ughtlng Dlaxor olgar. Two ; comrade shed his blood in vain'?" ing in siglit. The company had sod hopeless. His itiaiiy frionds hope not. DR. C. 0. SHERMAN, lars call on LoHo & Elms. cigars for Sc. at houses with walls two feet thick. J. HILL, real estate and collections, member of the Lansing Knights Tem­ once a demtxiratic candidate for con­ Tlie address produced a profound sen­ How happens it that human bones OMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND W. .JVIasoii, Mich. Otllco 111 Darrow block. plar band, went to Flint on Tuesday to gress from this district. Wanted! D. W. Halstkd it Co.'s. sation upon the audience. We reiiro- Some had one window, some not any. aro to be found scattered on the ground Surgeon, Dansvlllo, Mich. Ofllce on A good harness maker, Immodlatoly. As wo approach the Rocky moiiiitali'is n St. over Nlms' Harness shop. Olllce W. VAN SLYKE, photographist. Flnore- attend the state band tournament now Honey to XMn ducc it in full: 111 our village cemetery'.' Wlio can Hliours IVom 1 to 9 i: m. Will bo found at tho c. toiiched photos, cheap. In Polar block. In session. The Lansing K. T. band CHAS. A. Nms, Dansvlllc. On real estate at the ofllce of J. M. Dresser, we find the gra.ss has not started. No teir> office nights. Coining Events. Mr. PitEsiDKN-r A.vn I.'eli.ow CrrizKX.s:— cattle are to be seen. The grass Is dry. contains thirty-four members and is a Baryalna. over Lowe, Smoad ft Oo.'s bank. OStf It is omiueiilJy iii-oiior,and the day approjiri- Our new doettu' I.s being well i-eeeiv- fine organization. Wo shall be dlsaii- ! ate, for this great nation to remember the There is nothing green to look upon. PRINTS! The "Boom" Started. NEWS NOTES. The Farmers' club will meet at the Wo want to clode out our largo stock of deeds of valor of Its citizen .soldlory—not that ed by tho people, ami is working Into a PINAX:l,-> p.m. Express 10:15 a.m. to send three delegates. Its object is The Boss*' Hair Cotter I J. R. Warden, the Barber, tlons for war. The sllvor-tongucd orator min­ but saw a large quantity of hay. There tors, but jiisllfc would dictate a .special -ANSINO, MiniL llOAlin, Sl.O') PER Way fi-olulit.. n:iW a.m. Wav fiolglit.. 3:00p.m. to secure united work In favor of a Quarterly meeting will be held at Amo Salspaugh can givo you tho sllokoat haa removed hla red-ribbon barber shop to gled his voice with tlie bittorsobs of the slstor were nine stacks and each one at leust LAWNS! 1J day. 13. E. Drown, pioprloior. Good snm Thro' lr'glit„12:00noon .lackson it (I:.50p.m. i and mother, as tlioy parlcil with their loveil note of each one, so wo desist, .lust Full Line of the •jitejyom on ilrst floor. Feed liarn. constitutional amendment to prohibit thoM. E. church in this city, next kind of a hair cut; and when It comes to rooms In tho Durrow block basement. A 200 feet in length. one word : don't wait so long to begin ,„.'''"'^,''"'"''''^'" tl'no-lablo soo Iiisldb pages of the manufacture and sale of intoxicat­ Saturday and Sunday. Presiding El­ shaving, ho '• lays over" them all. Try him holr-out and shnvo for 25c,; throe shoves for ones. Wo saw regiment after regiment of men DONNELLV HOUSE, "" '1HK News]. i leaving I heir pleasant homos for the hardships next time; it is lirosoine for the audi­ Witli IDarlc CJrovxncl! ing liquors, as a beverage, in the state. der Jacokes will preach Sunday eve­ onco and ao«. One door north of postofflce, a quarter. Neat and clean. and ilnugers of tho tented Hold. Many look We dined at Cheyenne. Tlie wind ence. ASON, MICH. H. ,r. DONNELLY, PRO- STew AdvortlNcmrutii Thin Week. ning. up stairs, the fai-owoli ki.ss of loved ones that iiovor rc- has blown hard from tho north all day. prloior. Tholareesi, best, and most com- Watertown Ahead. - turneil. They Ihouglit of lioiiie and its sur- llouB hotel In tho city. Tables flllod with Wang Chin Foo, a pig-tailed orator Plotr Shoes, I. H. Vandercook, agent for tho Watorto-wn rouudliigs; but nn motiier's blind closed Dielr After leaving Cheyenne and before we *1M1 tho delicacies of tlio season. Flrst-cliiss Carrlages-A. M. Hall. from the Celestial jEmplre, delivered a The county grange of Ingham coun­ ijyollils In .death. Wo watched them as tlioy came to the summit, which Is between FI'IfJiritUIlG. sample rooms. Good slablo accommoiiallniis Medleiil—Dr. Spinney. lecture at the court-house in this city ty wlll hold their next regular meet­ Webb has tho Dirt Excluder Plow Shoes; Insurance Company, took twenty-four poli­ lay wounded on llio ticiil of buttle; as llioy eight and nine thousand feet high, wo Near rail load depot. Groceries—Howni-eiiili'N DoinicH—Ililioii b.v a Niinku— GLOVES! Drti-Kiilns—Pnrkis ami Presley. fuiiiliic: but no language can tell wiiat thoy eiieountcred a severe snow storm. Tho Ilnried in HIH Onn nnor-Yiud. Illf. NEW BUCKEYE! JUMTICKN. tho religion of Buddah and Confucius North Leslie, on tho afternoon and Staleuteut. Farm for Sale. ' endured: only tiio Uecoi-dliig Angel took nolo. cars stopped at the summit for passen­ Reiiioviil—.Star Clothing Ifouso. evening of June 18. I would rolalo the valor of a Steele or a Mc- {.Spccitd- Ot)Vfcf Averlirspalnt,mlxcdready for uso; beautiful, liuudreUsof living witnesses who pnrllclpiited On the morning of tho 7tli wo were on her thumb, wliilo weeding In her O and shop on Annsti-on.? streel, Leslie, that Lang & Mlh arc elected to sell the ?2,0l)0 as death benefit to the heirs of durable and vory choap. For sale at tbe nt Berry's. . in the event. Mich. Dealer in ciinins, eiiskels, and enses. While In the south I visited many of our in the desert, where nothing but wild llowcr garden. IJ/lftt.l I ticut f/roccries, for the money, in the the late Leonard J. Smith. On Mon­ Our esteemed contemporary of con­ drug and grocery atoro of Belt With the Baaor, sage grows. The soil lias the appear­ Uu8 a new and aill a.ssortmenkorinii-liil robes, I nalionnl cemeteries, and I was astoiiisliod at Mrs. C'aveiider of AVaterloo, on the tieman of Mr. Springer's charactc iihrouds, name plates, and liandlos of all city. day two thousand dollars in greenbacks federate synmathiea mokes a savage U D. W, Hauitkd & Co. la what tho boya all aoy of Blokman, over H tho cH'orl the govorimient has mndo to collect ance of the prairies of Illinois, but Dtylca and varieties, A good liearso always were paid to Dr. D. W. Halated, ad­ attack upon Judge Chatterton's decor­ M.W.'adnig-atore. ; together In those cemeteries tho soldloi-s who 22d ult., fell and fractured the bones of more violently against AVasliburii tliu in readiness. died nnd woro killed In battle, and at llid from lack of rain lias become, or has her lower left arm. Dr. J. E. Conlan Lot Us Ratify! ministrator of tlie estate. Mr. Smith ation address and charges liim with Strayed or Stolen. money expended to mnrk, beautify, and alwiiys been, barren. We stopped at the offer o£ a bribe to work for hire liad been a member of the order but having madea partisan political speech From my farm In Alalodon, near tho Sand Planu for Sale. adorn thesoldlor.s'graves, without distinction did the repairs. and when the letter waa flrst publishe IIAHNKMN. Flowering Planta and Bulbs of nil kinds con as to rank or.prevlous condition. Each soldier Green river for breakfast. Last night A grand ratification meeting, to eight months, and liad paid only sev­ unsuited to the day -and to the occa­ Hill school houao, obout the middle of April, , lias an Individual head-stone, upon wiilcli Is it froze quite hard. Last Friday, .roliii Chase lost a valu­ it w.as no doubt tlie impression of a JOHN GREGORY, start tlic boom for Garfield and Arthur, en dollars into tho benefit fund, Mrs. sion, and with having "waved the n dark rod bull, white faced, a rod heifer and be hod at Dunnlng's grocery and otFroKol'a carried his number, name,statenndreglinent; May 8.—We dined at Humboldt sta­ able farm horse. Feeding near a 1 most everybody that it came from tli ANUF.VCTUREU OF 3 LA UN ESS, AND will be hold at the court-house to-mor­ Smith desires to return thanks for tho bloody shirt." Tho Democrat filed no ndarkroan atoor, all ycarltnga, A reward will moot morkot; also at oonaorvotory on Colum- so far as known. Tho gronndaare beautifully spring wiilcli was covered over, it step- Ociilor lnsaddles,wlilps,elc. Uciiali-iiig bio atroot. Call nnd look thom over. ' I'ndorned with evergreens, gravel walks, rustic tion, and soon after reachetl a largo Froi» Democratic side. Now that theatitho: Mpromptly dono on slioi-t notice and at ' row (Frida.y) evening. Dr. Charles promptness with which the business specifications but perhaps this is what bo paid for information as to tholr where. ! scats, and llowing fountnliis of water, all eu- sandy jilain of many tJiousand acres, jied upon and broke througli the j)liit- 3 ship has been traced, the exact posititi II IT ,v 'j living Byud of Adrian, ex-regent oftheunl- was transacted. it objected to. nbouta, 16tf. I. H, RoaaglTBH. U Habuy Papdock^ form, and beforo a,SKistatice could be prices. Shop uiidoi- Noar's block. : clo.sed by a wall mndo of liewn stone. The which is sometimes called a lake, when .soi. Dcl^at, despair, want, and revenge nottlod Seed Potatoes. Jolnera Wanted. I eiilrnneo or gateway to enoli Is a colored ni-cli the snow is fast melting, but it is now had, the struggling animal liad "shuf­ ItEN'I'IN'rN. onU^'ln fhe'state "will" be m""enf The plans and specifications of the down over thom like tho black pall of an We want throe or four good Jolnora. Steady i of stone, upon which Is carved: "Hero rest fled oil'this niortfd coil." i' MMw Mowii ill mm mm Egvptlaii niglil. Rut tlio leaders orthls wick­ Several of the beat varieties for sale nt Dun­ almost entirely dry. We soon found a auclCaitCahiUol^amn ^Tlbirk'rhearoh^ ed rebellion arc potted, and placed In positions nlng's grocery. 14 employment to good mon. Nono but tho best ' ill pence olti/.ons of tho United States, ourselves following the Truekce river, Oscar G. Pixley, whose illness was A. P. VAN DEUSEN, of honor and trust. And to-diiy, tho very men nood apply. S. A. Pabdook ft Co., I who died In the defense of their country.'' Finley appeared openly as the frieii '4 ENTIST, WILL HE IN WILLIAMSTON pcctcd m favor the meetlngNvitli some ffL^±S ^"^^fSiiu^ are making laws for you and for mc, who The Atlanlie Clsar I All of this Is under tho charge of tho war de- which wo continued to follow to Reno, referred to last week, was burled yes­ on tho second and fourtli Wednesdays 1-1 ' ' • Mason. . , pnrtment, and over all Ilouus the Hug of our and agent ot Ignatius Donnelly, it wi * D certainly promises to beahaiidsomeand cigliteon years ago wore shooting ua with bul­ Is tho triumph of tha olgar-makor'a art. For whore we arrived at half past eight last terday. He was a native of New York, understood at the National Capiti and Thursdays of oacli month, tho balancoof lets. Tho inaiincd soldier Is compoUod to sale by H, M. WIlllamB, drugglal. 90tf. Plain Sewla*. 1 country, evening. This is a village of .3,000 in- agcd'lifty-one years, and had resided in And a Full Line of the Garr, Scott the tlmo at his olllc^o In Darrow block, Mason. Wheat, $1.02. imposing structure. It will be 100 feet stand aside to make room for the men who I lookeookeid In vain, cccoptat CiiarleHton, for a that he represented interests muc long, forty-four wide, and flft.y-four ordered the poor crar.ed maniac to be shot, ns All kinds of plain sewing dono cheap oud I cemetery containing th^iiou ranrailas aniiiidu lliluoe ofi Llitlio habltante, affording good facilities for this state since 18.30, mostly in Jack­ & Company's DR. W. H. MORSE, ho reached aorons tho "dead lino" for u cup Planes and Organs. neatly on short notice. I confederate dead—soldierIdlorss qulto as patrlot- watering the fields, and water i>ower son county. Ho was buried undej- tho more extensive than those of the Mii -VENTIST. OFFICE IN F-LLHWOltTII Wool, 35®40 cents. high, with a mansard slate roof sur­ of sUignant water. Tho "Boy State" la tho favorite organ— lo and bravo as our ow 13wa, Mra. B. DuTOUKH. . vn, tlghtlng for a cause sufflclent to drive ahnost any amount auspices of Pleasant lodge, No. 185, F. nesota Democracy. He was prett J bloek. Mason. The only dentist In tho Don't forget to leave a little of that mounted by a center tower and adorn­ If these words are hard they are tho everybody admlrea it, Tho "Western Cot­ 1 unworthy of their Kcalzea,l N_ _o marble slab_s well known as a secret operator in Ni ty who Is licensed to uso rubber as a base ed with fancy iron work on top. There ReodQ.W. Glynn^a "ad" In onoHior ooli! I mark their final resting places, or commem­ of machinery. It has four churches, & A. isr., of which ho was an esteemed w<^ (brartillclaJ l teeth wool money M'ltli The News, sober truth. If they have political sig­ tage" alao speaks far Itaolf. Bemembor umn—"To the traveling publio." orate their deeds of valor. No iionsion.s aro but services were held in only one to­ member. Sixty-flve teams followed tioniil politics; and when he wrote ( wlll be a lorge stoge, four boxes, and a nificance so much the worse for the that I win not bo underaold either In pi­ granted to their widows, or orplinn chlklronj day (the 9th). I thinli the morals of tibout lll'ty of tho fraternity to the • B. W,lieeker, the liveryman, is now gallery wit- h raise• d• .seats. Tlie ...oflret„ I noannultlesaro settled upon the malmodsol- MINCEI,I.ANEOirM. political party that Is wounded by them. anos, organs, or musical merohandlae. Mr. HAI.I.'S VBOETABCB SlOIUAM Haib^Bb- , dioi-swho -wore tho "gray," No welcome ol the community are not of tho highest rave. The funeral was held nt the V porinanontly .settled opposite the Clark floor will be seated with chairs, and the There are thorns among thei roses J, L. Bement of Ifoion la my regularly an- itcwcB la a aolentl'flo combination ofaomo 1 triumph greeted tlicm on their return n-om standard. Although this is Sunday, g F. W. HAVENS, liouse. floor will be made to raise and lower thorlted agont. Address L, A. Baker, Look outh M. E. church, Bev. F. Braley ilSfisFSsM ENGINES AND THRESHINfi MACHINES UCTIONEER. ALLBUSINESSPROMPr- which wo lay iipon the graves of our of tho most powerful roatomtlvo ngontolntho i jtliobnuie-flcld. tho stores are all open and the dry offlciating. He leaves a wife and two The Blancliard property on Oak a.s the occasion may require, by means box 1S7, Lanaing, Mloh. Store In Mead Bite. vegetable kingdom. It rcstoroa gray hair to j Defeat, despair, -want, and revenge settled .1 eflecUhat action niight have in the t' ly attended to. I,ong oxpoi-lence and soldier dead. There must be thorns , down over thorn like tho blade iiall of an goods exhibited on boxes, the same as children, and was buried near the 4rgo« mpderatp. Apply hi person or ad- street has been purchasetl by Prof. ^^i^^?,Yy„!5.^'J.„!,TT^''!: It is also to be among the flowci's of rhetoric which ita original color. It makea the acalp whlto n Mason on a week day. dreas at Fitchburg, Mlcli. used by company K as an Armory. Potatoes Wanted t and clean. It cures dandrnlT and liumorji, I I Egyptian night. But the leaders of this wlck- west line of AVaterloo. /' Simmons. we dedicate to their memory. Aught One thouaand bnahola wanted at Dunnlng's { od rebellion are petted, and placed In positions A. P. DRAKE, and fltUing-ont of tho bikir.''It ftirnlihci tho : :of honor nnd trust. And to-day, tho very May 0.—As we left Reno going west, Last Thursday Mrs. P. C. D. Merklo Tho supreme court docket for tho Almoron C. Brown, ex-clerk of Shi­ else would be a hollow mockery. grocery. _. ' W I jinon are making laws for you andfor mo, who the valley grows narrow and the hills do not come OUNTY SURVEYOR. LEVELS TAKEN awassee county, was arrested tho other We say that the day la a proper one nutrltlvo principle by whloh the liatr la nonr. 1 olghtoen yeors ago wore shooting us with bul- of AVaterloo died of. heart dlseasq, in C and land surveyed on short notice. Drain June term, which opened Tuesday, Wanted. Ished and supported. It makoi tbo hair . I lots. Tho molrhod soldier Is compelled to seem to crowd nearer us, and in one the sixty-seventh year of her age. (She work a specialty. Uesldonce nt ^Mnson. contains 142 coses. day for attempting to fraudulently ex­ and the occasion eminently fitting to hour wo And ourselves in the midst of and see our prices you I carry a full line of E. Bement & Son's tort money from Otto Krell, a wealthy A good Uvo agent to sell the genuine Singer molstisoAand glosar, and la unsarpa«ao.;.^.

mm \

have Bbiine Mtlafoctbry evldenoe that Oanaey BiuDs;—The , bird seed: is the dealeir Is good-for the amount sent; a mixture prepared for,. the constant mim 80 that if any altercation ensues where- use of the canary bird, but it Is #ell '«Wjv-.^'-,v....r''^'Vv. ...,„.. , , , to Oet Ohoiooi Queen Cells. e^iiM,' bue,'Mter some diBousslon;bei with Buspend oll'MtloiA thereon untiMhstruot- Omon^Bermudss, M SS pst state. HDB Will IDn*IB aHAVZlfO PAHtOHS, in,the purchaser is liable to be wronged, sometimes to add sometliing by wajr of • , -new:'pau«i^g«rA'OMobes ffor the ed by Congress as to, the, manner of Its FoTaioi8-78alesboniston88A40a.peT bnsb, moat HIliLllIlV a lU Cominu st. Kaat, De­ lie can squeeze his due out of the deal­ SEWS WalMsh road are being built:at the Pull, drew: theVijuotlon.' The -committee. on troit. First Clsaa In all Its sppolntnenta. The following directions for obtain­ variety to this simple bill of 'fare. Wmmm or^ehtlals.^reported raoommonding the settlement, was adopted. Bcrmudss, tO 00 per Dbl; Bonthein, er by law. Sponge cake may occasionally be given niian works In (lils otiy. They, will cost 9m* 80 ing good queen cells iu.ubuiidiince are ahontf10.000 e«cl«>-^^i!^-^': 'C. adonlssioh Ofthre e anti-Grant contesting Tbe tariff^oommission bill was then A perusal.of the. differeijt romtuer- them, also crackers and sweet apples, delegatOH f^m Alabama, four Grant del­ taken up,'atidaftsr a long debate, tbe Pbab—Wiaoonain blue vta 0002 26 per bn, Learn loleftraptiy anil e>rn giyen by Mr. Townsehd -of Hub- Affei^thQ noon' 8toBt#;vjbf ,tlie Boardof I Field, 90® UH);0*DMlsgreen,«l, 80 clal rerorterswill show you that a mail' but food (iontiiiuing salt is injnriouH to V , WedntiBd«y afteraoon 178,000 feet oA egate,.; ffOni^'KansaH and 18 anti-arnnt pendintr question being on tiie amend­ ,. tiO to «iqO a mopOi biirdston, this State. His metliod is ,Trad«iVbUi»day«^ the jittestlon of raising delogiiteaelegatens froIrotmn Iliiaois;;'sIlliabisi;'sA minority'rp- ment ott'ored by Mr. Kirkwoofli (Rep.,i 'jSTf uradufteiiuaraiiteod a paying BltiiuUcn. is "good," "fair,'f or ••'worthlesB," alinbst tliein. AVorms should be given them lumber beloDRlng to Haokley.^'^it'Oo.ijVitt Ibe^OODIsltilL wantadf- Butler; ,Ia.),>directing the commission toinohide PabvisioMST-Poiik men; «U 60 00; Lsra much like 'our own, and v/o can rec­ :' Muskegon, valuiea at 915,000,was dwtrdy- porp'ortwn* s 8ubmitted:b•!—«,^«..«i,_y the saine commit-!' AddniiaB. Valentino. Manneer. Jnaenvillo.Wla. ommend it, still Mr, ToSvnsuiid's (lueoiis in exactiprdiiortiqiri toKwhat can jljo occasionally. During .inly and Aufj- boiiiiajivas brought ap;ahd was discussed I in tholr r«port the relation of the'tariff to ' '7 <8 8i hims,'. ScaiOu; ahoul- r.Or/>: .t I'JiAltCJi:, ArcHltecw, M Fort forced from him by law. This fiict iti ust they should have lettuce or cab­ ••.veavby.fire.- jI'^^MS S|' tbetbe.iivTh. e diaousblan of.vtho reports ocou-' , daTt<,6St6e; bsoon,'B)<;'o;\exira moHS XStreet vrem, Dotrolt. we have found to reoomniend them­ by Plilio Pttirilons fandiothorM, thu result :the*xistlngsystem 'of internnl, revenue not exactly intended to culogi/.e our : In the Menominee Iron regton Norway .beinglUie appointmeiit'ofudditioim to the pled;pl^jth^ e reslof tUeiday;- h'A laws, it waa adopted. Mr. Kirkwood's - baef, 76@9 00 per owt; dried boot, Archltocla—Uhniirtlor lllock, Board of Trade, selves: bage given them, or lettuce seed iiiid . I0@llo. . V •- Whltnay'i Opera Houho, .tic, .to. lu-esent civilization, but I am not in- plantain seed mixed, and placed in a has grown In a lew months iromnotblug; -oitiigehB' canyassing: cnmmittCKj, aiul re­ Wasliihgtbh.gossips are exoiled over nn nmeiidmont to Mr. Garland's substitute A few days boftire you wish a colony to a place of over 2,600 ihhabitanta' aud newed instructions to continue ill the ef­ alleged; »cah'dal in wliiiih Seiiiitor Perry incroaHiii!,' tbo nuinhor oJ'outsiders from HM.T-^Fino tl 25IHI SOnorbhl| coarse, $1 78. oliiied to run around truth, whether it small cup where tlioy ciin get it at SUBE„C1JBi: FOR First door north of Hiuithigtoii'H shoo shop. of.Micbigan is said t.i be iuiplicntcd. STinwiiEnniKH—00f TIIBOAT and X,i;a;09. the cotljager toll-bridge his horse took wish to tear (lueens. (For convenience oftbeSlst. Cause, inoeiidlarlsm.' I^oss undertake the duties ot tho Lliinoso mis­ In tho House tlio joint: resolution ap­ tnmatecs, 8(la per peek; peuK, 41 76; A r Win KoouroUKunclen In llilnandoOior Btutoufor initup with the feelings of hunger. have clean water in jars to bathe in Pat op tn Qnart-Slu BatUM for Famllr Uw. ongoods:fl;OOOi'ioss on-biilldlnifi 8400. sion, took pliicenttheKuKsf-inroiJsoFH- IViKht, aud, boing unable to control it, ho propriating $30,000 lOr a'monument to euoumborn, OOo; cabbngcs, $1 25 per the Now York I.lfu liiBurnnco Coinpiiuy, by iiii))lyliiK wo will call this hive No. 1,) Keei) Solentlflonllr prepared ol BalaAm Tolo, Of)rB««llli»d Insnred in the Under writers of New Yor'k day-evening. About 300 jfunsts sat called .the toil-keeper to .shut tlio ^nia. mark tho birlhplaeo of GoorRcWashiiig- , doz; beets, 55o, • iltoiico to C. W. MO01il<:, MnnuKor, Detroit, MIcll. "It takes, a rogue to catch a rogue" every day, which'i^reatly refreshes Rook Candy, Old Uyo, and othac tonloa.*h a Kornmla Castoiia. SBRMAN FRAZSL The toll-keeper did ko miil apain'^t tho watcli over this comb, and when eggs them. A little sand and a - cuttle-lish ta known tooiirboa t pbyaloluu,la btobljoommendiid forjl,200. down to the table. Speeches w,to made toii was atrreod to uiianlnioualy. Wood—Uiokory, doltvcrcd 25(8G 00 per from I'uru Blood are found, mark the date on the top is an old adage, but notwithstanding by tbein, and tba analyala of our moat prominent by Dr. Angell, tlie Hon, G. V, Lolh- gate the horse dashed vviili nuuh forue Jlr. Pago (Bep., Oal.) olferod an cord; liecoh,and maple *4 60 ©5 50; Brown LeKliora that, I do not believe it strictly neces­ bonoslioiiUl 111! l(ei>t in the cage, aa it KemlSrtS, a. A. MAklNBR,ln OhloMoTtoon the Proprislor. During the two mohtlis 'mdlog May 31, that Lieut. .Zelltn was thrown to tho hiWMW I owiB.Ji for i;i. bar of tim comb: ;! days later these Ubelof eteiTbottle. It law?U tno« to themedloal 26,067 immigrants arrived at Port Huron, rop. Judge Cooley, and otlit>i s. Dr. An­ amend meut appropriating $8,000 to pay "oft. *3 fid. sary for amiin to be "either a fool or a helps to Ucep the bird in a healthy con­ profoMlon that TOI.U BOOK and. RYK will afford tli. Kotltan Uk«, and; PhjaloUm* gell expects to sail.from Shu Francisoo bridge aud died five mluules afterwards. apcoial dopiit.v iniirshals In California at Wool—B,iiton markot—MloUigan extra and M. r. nonrJxfi, i: ir.,muhiioviiio, mioii'.' eggs will be hatching, and that is the dition, l^hicu the cage where it will (freataat relief far Ooullia, Ooldi, Iniluanu, Bronobltla, raoomnancl it. hailing from the followlnjt countries; His hock was broken. medium. 44@'l5; dclniiio and ooiiib- right time to remove them to a (jueen- knave;"in otlier words, it is liicrhly Bore Tbtoat, Weak l.nngi, alio Ooniiunptlon, la tbe in. Quebec and Ontario, 17,602; New Bruns­ about:Jnne20,, , , . , llio Sepiomlior election. Rejected: yoaa ,TA.Hr..s juiotry, possible to be honest without taking enjoy tli(; iiiiirniiig sun, and not where , ,.Wm, Purceil, a well known cltlzon A Greenback train of four oars startod "7, iiavs 'M, a strict party vote. • iu.', &0(§)54o; pulled, 45(3600; tub- less'colony. (We will call this Iso. 2.) '.il,'»° '."'•"V'" tho dtlzons of Miwon and wick, 631; Nova Scotia., 1,106; England, washed, 5'.2o; unwashed 21^(iii40o. DEALER IN STOCKS AND BONDS, every one else to be. the arteiiiiiuii sun shines hot upon it, •'te^"lt.\rv"l?Jt%'KndAPPKTIZER,.tm.ke.a IT IS NOT NARCOTIC. viclii ty that wo aro pronarod to'Airu- 1,513; Scotland,'848; Ireland, 298; Den- -and,for some years, a int-uiLier ol tl.io from Porllaiid, .Maine, Saturday, for llie Tlio"uoxt vote waa taken on the atnond- 04 and 00 Broadway, New York. In choosing a colony to build the as excessive heat may produce sick- daliabtful tonlo for lamlly use. Ia pleasant u> tjiko -, U ; Ish thorn with nil klmls of ft-oah (nark, 164; Sweden, 462; Norway, 8,958. board of publio works, died Friday eve­ nailoiial convoiitloii at Cliicaso. meiit adopted In coiuinittae providing , Orcratloim on iimririii iiiid liy inciiiB ot I'llvilem's. There seems to be something peculiar weak or debilitated. It alvea tona, aoUrity and itrength and salt meats at as that no part of tlio appropriation,made cells, always select a strong one of enough about us as a class to cause nu.ss, «the wbo^human f^ne^ ^^^.^ dECE.VEOV This is a larger number ttaan ever before ning, aged 62 years. Til tlifl libel suit of L. G. Bernard, late DETROIT STOCK MARKETS. Inriiriiiiiilnii fiinilalii'd on all innttciii <'iiiiiiccli;iUvlth pure Italians, it you liave them Oiy- for thu payment of marshals shall be st^ick Siiuculiitlnu and InvrHtnient. some to rub their eyes and inquire: i \j£i.\j JL L\JiS a by unnrinolpled deal- \ CENTAUR LINOCENTS {the arrived in any full quarter. Since the .The Hon. Ellhu B, Washburiio spent cnuuiy dcrU, agaiiihi tlie Ciiioinimli Ga­ paid lo any general or special doput.v Tho receipts of live stock at the Central brids are ai)t to sting you while remov­ LOW PItlCES district of Huron was organized, October Sunday in the city. zette, for $S0,lM,0 dainago.'-', ilin Jury roii- Yards Saturday were: cattle, 5,741; hogs, "Are bee-keepers more dishonest than Mr. IJiivid Ayersof Camella, Mitchell World's i great Pain-Relieving marshals i'or servicoa rendered at elnc- Itiec's TcmperaiicB llotcl and totauraiit. ing the cells). Find the (lueen in No. 2, 8, 1860, the arrivals haye numbered 565, About900 bushels of straw!'erri'-s came derod a vordict for tho iilulntiif, asstissing tioiia. Tho action of the committee was 13,055; shoop, 722. The cattle market was otlier.s, as a class V" Well, I sliuuld not Couniy, Georgia, says Ids sheep, ;J500 in \S;°a"{lff»M^?&''t"'S'FA'&V«^^^ remedies. Theylical, aootlieand 818. damages at SIO, iiioderatelj' active for all grades of cattle. Cor. Baton & Congrosa St's, Detroit and remove her witli two combs ut wonder if they were, for very many niiinber, cost him annually fourteen .WHEWCE ac MAJSTIX, Praprlelora, As any other innrkct In tho elty. • to the Detroit market Saturday, oiiu-half concurred in; yeas f)5, nays 79. brood and bees into a new hive (No. i!) cureBums, Wounds, WeakBack Money enough has been secured to In- . the quantity to one firm. A Santa Fd hpoeial anya an odiclal The general deficiency bill waa passed. Good shipping cattle advanced 15o per WIUiliilwo nitmitra w.ilk of. tlie City Hall, Ooorii have been lured into tlie business by cents per head. The average clip is ^111 Bfadlsun Ntreel, Ohleaso. cwt., and stockers dBcllned 25c, Butolior- llim»o«, I'listolllco mill Hanks, iimiso JUHt liiill' and fur- on a new stand, and build them up as snre the construction of acharcoal blast Tbe Garland, a now and haudsoine report from Gen. Hatch al Fort Craig Juno -1.—In tho .Senate Mr. Voorliooa nialioil UiniiiBlioiit In ElBKunt Stylo with Now Fiiniltiun the "gusliers" who told them that great tliree pounds of unwashed wool, which Aak yanr Draniat for Itt and Klieiiinatism upon Blau, fornaue on Huron bay in tbe upper pen- states that on tho moriiiin; oftlie .''ith inat. (Dein,, Ind.) aont to the clerk's desk and iiif, cattlo sold at the previous week's etc. Tku vory beat (JSK Doi.i,Aa pur dny House In beat you can. llemove all' ibe combs sells at thirty cents per pound, a clear your l3rocer tar HI and Sprains, Galls, and Lame­ We buy none buftho very best stock and cut inBul§.t steamer, made its appearHtica • >n i he ri ver Major Morrow struck a bund of lio.stilo quotations. Snlos were as follows: Aiuorlcii. ,j, 1). JacE, IToprleuir returns for little outlay, Labor and •Aak1 j vonr WIno Merehnnt Ibr Itt It up to suit bur customers. Saturday, It Is deaigtiod to bo run as nn had road a reaolution under which the that contain brood from No. 2, llrst knowledge, were there. Such "talk" IM'olit on money invested in sheep of Children, mak yoiip MumniK for It I ness upon Beasts. Cheap, quick King re liy waa severely but not I'at 'll.y woiiiidad at postollice appropriation bill, atriklng out .1. II. Uijua Puiii.isni.s'o Co., Clileiiiio, 111., Box Wii. on it a little below tlie top bar and op THE patrolman E. B. Rowland on the charge I'nj'nu to »iinio, W tlo li2l) a 7.1 are all comparative, and really convey ilceiirliil niscaseil out the profits from the bar. the first lire. Tho duel grow out of a the proviso relailvo to reletting tlio st.nr Uleu to Biiiiio, 4 (to tfJS a 6,1 parallel with it, in such a way that the no meaning at all. It is quite likely LiverlStoiacli Pail of forgery. comment iu the Whlj; upon tiie "Fund- routes. The motion to table was agreed Clark to Hiinie, 8 liolfor« "75 a 50 I'atleiit, liow tlioy The dead body of a man was seen LELANl) HAS llEMQYED cells on one side of the strip will point that the .Si! man gives\the most for the reeovereil lleiiltli, Tho woman's suffrage convention, era." to: yoas 87, nays 72; ao the proviso is lloo .'i. I'lllllllM to B. Dttvoy, 4KOOII downward; gently push the strip AND floating in the river atMt. Pleasant on stricken from the bill, which now^oes to muer.H 110 4 as money, and realizes the smallest profit. Olieorl'iil Spirits ami wliich was partly arranged to take place Sunday forenoon a hurricane took the Siiiiie to .1. Itolilimoii, aliuletierlni,' From tho UKSTAUUA.NT '.'27 Jotroraon Avonuo t» against the comb, and stick one or two Medicinal Absorptive Monday. The boy who saw it went lor in this city on Friday and Saturday, has the Senate for its action iu regard to the THE REVERE HOUSE. A pine candle box can be had for one tjoial Appetite—11 ley liteSewiDgMacliine help to secure it, but when the men roof li-oui iho KtiKliali Kvamioiical church liond 1,<1''I0 a 75 pins through the strip into the comb, will lell yiju by tak- One of tho best Horse Shoors In Ingham been abandoned for a time at least. ;t Ora ite, H no ick ,.o;iutj', Ohio, and amendments non-concurred in by the Siiiiie to Hiiinc, 14 do SS7 Whicli liaa been thorouKlily renovated. shilling; a cross between this and a BODY A FOOT PUV8TER8 oounty, I am prepared to do all went with him it had floated out of House, > Siilue to Hiinie, 15 do ti'HI a 7b simricn aoon MK.ihs AX tin cjisxs to hold it iil place. bee hive ia easily sold at "UOc in the ini; work In this lino In sight. liii-ew tlio Houlli gable upon llm as.srtni- Simio to Huiiie, lli do...... fi."!'.! a 50 Cor, of .lolferaon Ave., and Hnndol|ili. NimiiinnM l.ivtir ni-Kiiliilor AND MISCELLANEOUS. bled Sunday seh'iol, in ju ring 23 persona, Fernando Wood (Dow., N. Y.) stated VoiiKlitto Ilunrj-, 10 Hieoi's 1180 a 50 Use only 1 strip, or row of strips, on flat." I heard a party say that he sent ABSORPTION SALT Tho waste weir on tbe. dam at Pain si.x or more receiving probably fatal that ho would not call up tho refunding a 75 nrUCIOMC 'J'houaundaentitled. Vm nVSI'KP.SIA,Cl")NSTn'ATIfJX, .liiuiullee, well was carried away on Sunday by Tho National Brewers' Convention as­ riinly to siitiio, " do l.O.ss a single comb, and this on only 1 side forsome cheap hives in tho Hat, and llllllcHis iiltiu-Us, Sick IIkauaciii;, Colli:, lii:- , Xa.-w'V^ia.'wv/iiv The Best Possible Manner! wounds, bill ut this session, but gave notico thnt Chirk to ttiiaie, 1,') do..,.. 1,040 4 00 rrilAlljn^ «vory aoldlcr even allMhtly of e.icli of .'> or ti combs. Ilang the large, black, pine knots dropped out as jUT.ssldii 111' HplrltN, .Siiuit .s-nj.M.vcit, Heart the flood, and it will cost ?1,000 to rebnild sembled at Bufl'alo, Wedneadn.v. Henry lie would bring it before tho IHouso the Ureen lo sumo, 4 do MS 4 15 • .'dlBublod, by wounds, dlaeiiao, To jiick from, at it, to say nothing of the loss resuUini; M. Renter wss elected President and Wauaeon,. AVis., apocial says heavy nice to .M. Kloladuiiuii, llHleers... Sli" or iicclilent, entitled to pwislnii, daUiiK back to day ot combs in the hive with the strips next he handled the pieces. 1 have the iiiini, ote. rains have caused much dania«o to the first Wednesday in Decernlier next. a 75 dtscliarito. Kvun ttio losa of iliiuor or loo (iiitltIM to IT tt\H XO i:«ll'AI„ from the stoppage of the mills and fac­ Conrad Seip, of Chicago, one oftho Hon­ The House then went into committee Newniun t.) sumo, I heifer 000 IHiiisloii, At.*^ •, alt widow— s nnd. deiiondiin. - -t paroiits. and to you, and put the combs close enough pleasure of an acquaiiitiince with the Tills iiiirlviillecl .Soiitliorii remedy Is wnr- RANSOM'S crops, beaidea carrying away daiiia, re­ nice to U. Klclficliiiiuii 4 butcliei'- 4 00 niliioi'S laitltlUiMl.. * Tlmo llmllod. Apply at oiicn. Many riiiiteil not lo eiiiitalii ii sliiRlo imrtleie ol'M liiit- Ii I'oinectlun tberewllli I bave • . tories in the village. orary Pret-idetits. Tlie revenue collected of the wliole on tlio private calendar, but liuiisliilli'rsK Ino w raitltlod to liicroiiso_. Uniiiity yet duo u> together to hold the strips (irmly in man who shipped tliis worthless ma­ from brewers and dealers in malt liquors sulting in tholcsa of Hoveral million Iokh. lieud 870 a 75 place. Close up the liive, giving the cuitv, oriiiiv liiliirloiisniiiieral .'iiilj.slauee, but At Ottawa Lake Wednesday a barn be The track of the Wiacousin Vallej' Rail­ after considering three pension bills, tho lioiisandaI. Land ciusoH Bottled. I'atenlB'pnicurwT'foI'ntenlB pnicurod fof r terial, and I believe him honest, too, Is PIIIIKI.Y VK«jKI'.tllI.»:. PRISON FlIRNITDRE STORE! longing to Anthony Bordeaux was (iis- for the la.st fiscal year amounts to *10,729- committee finding itself without a quo­ tiivontor.-). FouB tlx(.il by law. Sund two BtaiiiiKS tor now bees a chance to fasten these strips, and but you see he used just such trash, 320, which is 5792,265 more than received road is badly washed and trains will bo ENGLISH GRAIN K^JIKETa . 40 awa, blanks and lii.striii:tloiiB lo B. 11. QELS'I'ON k CO., If you leel drowsy, ileiillltatoil, lmvnt'roi|iii'nt JACKSON. covered to lie on fire. When the dnor delayed somewhat. rum, adjouriiod. I'tiiisliiiHiindl'utoiitAttdnioys, Lock iJox7B.') Wiiililug- deposit food for tlie use of the young .and if this lot was not quite so bad as liniuhiulie, iiioutli iii.sUis badly, poor iippetllii, was opened, Mrs, Bordeaux was found from the same source the year preced­ After tho passage of sovoral pension London, May 31.—The Mark Lano Ex­ tiiii, D. 0. mill liiiiKUu eoiiteil, you are kiiiI'u1'1ii« I'roiii tor­ ing. The total income from the intornul press says: Showers and warm wind for larvce, which they will lose no time in some he had kept at home, his circu­ pid liver or " bltlloii.iiiess," aiul iiotliliij,' will Wlioro 1 am prepared to miinutnoture on the floor suffocated by snioke. She bills, tbo House got into an obstinate doing, having plenty of bees for the euro you so spueillly ami periiianomly as to or repair , was about 60 years old. She either went revenue tax in malt liquors since tho moou,refusingeither to aiijourn or to pro­ tho past week have promoted vegetation lar would pronounce it "the best.— l''ull Slocli, at Wholesiilo and PERSONAL. JOSEPH C. TODD, work on the start Leave them just James Heddon in American liee Jour­ tiiitu Itetiill. into the barn to smoke or with hot ashes year 1803 amounts to ?120,410,803, ceed 10 business, aud it was only hy the woiidorl'iiliy. Iftho weather from now NininioiiH I.lvcr •'<>i'. to kill chicken lice, Mr. Bordeaux was One wall of an unfinished brick build­ Tlie Senate has coiilirmed Horace May­ speaker voting in the allirniative on'a lio to harvest s-liould even be droughty, it ENGiKmm Ajv^n MACIIIXIST, 4 days (do not wait until the 5th day, nal. Tt. I.si;lveu with siilL't.v iiud the Impplest ro- in the cellar of the residence, about 200 ing, in Minneapolis, owned by Peter nard as poatmastor general, nnd Foli.'c vote that a motion to adiourn waa car­ will probably bo boiioli .-lal to the wheat or some of the cells will be sealed); Niilus to the most (lolleiite Inl'unt. It. liilcoN the 'tiunxiKMii.f Cost United States marshal for tho east­ crop, 'i'bo .•supplies ot English wheat I'iitcison, i\. J., anil 10 Itareliiy St., K. V. iiliiee (d'liululuo anil bitlers ol'overy hind. It Oarricigfes, feet east of the barn, sprouting potatoes Walford, fell Wednesday, burying sev­ ried. Flax. Ilomp, ,Tiite, K«ik) niid BaKKiiiB llactilnary; then open the hive and loosen each Is theidieiipest, purest, and best liiiully iiiodl- Portions of the charred remains of the eral workmen in the ruins, Thomas Gill, ern district of Missouri. .Tune 7.—In tlieSmato tliobl'l reducing continue small, but trade was not vory Stoiim-eiiKliioH anil lldlloi'M of every (iu.^rlptloii; Holat- Experiments in Corn Growing. cliio lu the world,. I'O TH33 animated, eitlior in Mark Lano or in the liiK-uiJiclimDry r«r mlims, &c. Owner luid oxciiulvo strip from 1 comb with the point of a Cutters a,nd woman were found In the debris, but John Gannis, S, F, Little, T, J. Fisher Judge Ko.v will stay in the cabinet till the price Of publio land within the rail­ inaiiufucturur (if tho imw Piiteiit Bialor I'nrtablo sharp knife, being careful to cut well Juno 30. by which lime it is expoctod provinces. Prices are fairly steady, nnd KiiKiim. Ttiuso ofiKliiOiiaru a tmsiit IniiirovniitMitover Mr, John Howard, of Grand Ledge, J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. there was little by which it could be def­ and .Tohn Jenson were seriously ii;jinnd, road limits from $2 50 to $1 25 per acre, lliu old HtyiLs and art) udnilraUly lulupUHl for all kinds away from the strip. Sleigrbs initely ascertained that they were those though not probably fatally. The build­ that Mr. Maynard will bo here. Ho must passed. only receded for inferior produce, of i)f UKrlciUtural and mocliunical jmriMwea. Send for Mich, has been experimenting with Sold by all druggists. llOlyl TRAVELING PUBLIC! of Mrs. Bordeaux, But she Is known to ing was new, not wholly completed, and leave at that time, becaiiae hia court op­ Mr. Kernan (Dem., N. Y.) mado a which, howover, a large proportion ol dftscrlpttviuilnriilar. A(ldn«.H as alKive. If all the above directions have been different fertilizers for corn, and he re­ On the Shortest Notice. have gone Into the barn shortly before was about being occupied by H. G. Har­ ens on tlie second Monday iu July, speech in support of tho reaolution un­ the olfurings ill Loudon consisted of im­ closely followed, you will be surprised DID YOU ElVEIR / The innll route Iroin Dansvllle to Mason Tho Empreas of Russia died nt St. ports of loroign, being chiolly American GREAT WESTERN ports the result in the Bmi.ne.ss Far­ liavlni; been dlNcontlnuetl, tlie Nuhserlbcr the fire, and there is no doubt she per­ riaon tfc Oo. as a wholesale grocery house, seating Kellogg. to see long rows of nice looking cells mer as follows:—After reading Mr. ished in the flames. and part of the stock was alroady iu the Petersburg Thursday morning. and Iniiian, but tho totalarrivala in Lon­ 'will liereuUci' run a vehlelo over ihc road The bill nutliorizlng tiie purchase of don havo boon moderate. Owing to the nearly ready to seal. Choose tlie best Lambie*3 experience in raising corn, IN THE THIRD YEAR OF ITS EXISTENCE, ITS ' dully (Sundays iiiul the Ith of July excepted) Good Work and Fair Prices a, R. Horton, a braheman on the Grand building. Cause of accident alleged to The statue of Goethe was unveiled ground and tho erection of a public SALES AMOUNT TO for llic eouvoyanco of passeiiKoi-s, express, be dofoctivB architecture. The loss on Wednesday at Berlin in tlio proaonce of building at Detroit passed.' absence of speculatlDn, favorable crop ones to leave, and "steal" out the lar- as given in your last number, allow me and frelRlit, at reasonable rates, leavinu Diins- Rapid nndlnKShotOtins 920 to «M()0: PnuMnSbot times caeli day as shall best promote llie| switching. The National llopublicao Convention The Emperor Williatn has formally an­ amendments, the sundry civil appi-opri anus »H to ^ir>ff; siiiRifl utiMK (2 to m\\ m\m rs to to the cells of your clioice. worth the room it will occupy. I may ^0 OTHER MACHINE EVER HAD SUCH convcnienco of the public. nounced the batrntlial of hia graiulaon. ation bill. Placod on tlio oaioiidar. the country doiiiaiid wiia suaieioiitly The Dioeese of Western Michigan hold to nominate candidates for I^rflsidoiit strong lo clioek any marked downward <^75; Itevolviirs fl lo fTS. Send for larKO Illu-slratod These cells will hatcii (or the queen be unfortunate in not having a swuinp CEO. W. CLYNN. its annual session at Hastings last week and "Vice-President met in the Exposi­ Prince William of Prussia, to tlio friucG.ss The Houso bill prohibiting govermont -Ico ciitatDKiic. AddrfiiiH QUEAT WKSTKKN will) on the ISthday from tlie time the to raise cheap com on, but I have some A RECORD OF POPULARITYa Augusta Victoria of Schloawig-Holalein. suits against timber trespiusseis on public inoveiiieiit for the time. . WORKS. PltL-jburtth. I'a. Dansvllle. July 1.18711. ,000 JB faioQs aii Cairianes Wm. Jeffrey was killed Friday by the tion building at Chicago, Wednesday af­ There liiia been a fair consumptive strips were placed in the queenless col­ good solid up land, capable of prodnc C. A. NIMS, ternoon. The convention waa called to The prinoosof Wales,the kingof Graeco, lands prior to March 1, 1870, and onabliiig h frmifO WOTlf pH ^^"^ t^iorldily inuHtmtcd, nnd only hreaking of a bridge under a carload of defendants in suits now ponding to settle trade, 'with occasloiiall.v a slight docline il^uULd IV flUluUcniplotouu d uiuhuntlo hUtorjr of ony. In this wayi liave never failed ing one hundred bushels of ears of corn Xt is tbo Liffbtost-SiW&laff, Legal. ore at the Jackson mine, Negaunee. order by Senator Cameron, chairman ol the foreign represoutalives at London, whore sales wore pressed ex ship. Tho to the acre with good cultivation, with­ J>L.t DaiisvilleV -AT- the National Committee, and on his mo­ Earl Granville and Sir Onarles Dilko them by acquiring title to the lands to get plenty of will developed queen Sftsiest SoUlasr, Ml Last Friday night the office of the At­ under existing laws was called up. Tlie I'utiiro eoiiise of prices will probably bt ceils. out any manure. OMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. — TnE UN- tion the Hon. Geo. F. Hoar, of Massacliu- were at the funeral service for tho Em­ downward, in consequence of tho good Dill you over see any of his work'? There derslgiied, hnvlni! licoii n)>p(i!nted liy tho lantic mine waa entered by some enter­ setts, was :chosen temporary uliairuuiu. press of Russia Friday. section reducing from $2 5U to $1 25 por Those who are not satisfied with were Iiuko imiiibers of liurmi.sses of Ills luako Sost SatitfTlBC Kublno C prising burglars, who gobbled a small acre hinda whose price was riii-od more crop pros;.octs in Europe nud America. It (loscribo.H Itoyal Piilnceff, ItiirorurlOHltlos, Wealth One year ago I commenced a series sold 111 InKliam eiinnly lust year, and he tle- probiito cmirt for the county of loKhuni, coinnils- Mr. Hoar on boing escorted to the chair, President Hayea has been elected Notwitlistamling the downfall of the and WonderH of thu Indies, China, Japiin, cte. A their past experiences in queen rear­ of experiments with home-made ma­ iieiiils upon their iiierKs to larKOlv Increase siouers on the cstiite of Leonard J. Smith, dcc'd, A. M. Hall's safe, which Is used for a cash box, and made a short speech which waa loudly vice-president of the Aineiican Bible 8o- than 20 years before the piissage of this million pcopio want it. ThlH Ik tho bent chance of Ills sales during the eomliiK year. Jle doesn't to settle and adjust all claims against said estiitu, usually placed inside a large safe at act on account of grants of altoriiato rin;;, .-Vmericn liits not lost command of ing should try this plan, and they will nures on my own account. I used horse IN THE WORLD. do hereby nh'U notice, thnt tliuy will meet for •applauded. The roll of the States was cietj'. the market, and it is quite likely, be­ ymir life to niiLko nionoy. Ilowaro of "eiitchpunny" be surprised at tlie number of choice eliilm te- materials were as follows: From un­ and after some general discussion the bin. thn provions yoar, Iiii)>orts into the Horlptive Ciroiiliir knil PrlN am sure I am paid for my care by get­ man ured land, about 100 baskets of C. A. Nims' Harness and Saiery Store, Xevi PurtiicrNlilii. product in tbe State of 233,190 barrels waa not hurt. Rochefort's wound ia re­ Mit, which cnntklDH laauy The uhuve business will he coathiued hy Geo. against 171,884 barrels in May, 1879. convention adjourned till 10 o'clock Fri­ Mr. Brown's (Dem., Ga.) amendment ported severe. The duel only occupied kingdom for Iho week ending May 22 --- Intteri conllrralng thU. ting a superior quality of queens, a.s ()ins per acre. Between the hen dung Dansville. Mich. day, increasing the appropriation for Savan­ were 091,325 cwts of wheat and :ii7,575 Ilnccntawn AffrlouHurnl ImpluMciit Hlff. On, good as any natural ones can be. DonRluss nnd Geo, H. Jlnynnrd, under the llrm George R. Horton, a man 48 or 50 years nah harbor from ?65,000 to $100,000 waa two minutes. Rochefort's sword while Statt where you Muto AdvertUenmt, llaccmtOHm, BI4 iind the ashes there was no perceptible iininu ef Douglass i6 Mnyiniril, who will huy CARRIAGE SHOP, J. Wilson, who waa to have been hung parrying a thrust slipped from his gloved cwts of Hour. shall hereafter rear all my queens in dilterence ot yield. From mixed man­ NO PATENT NO PAY urnln nnd fnnn produce of nil kinds nnd will keep of age secured a job as a brakeman on a at Upper Sandusky on the 18tb inst. for rejected, 28 to 16. Tho opposition to the coHstniitly on liaud for snie, land plaster, salt, freight train on the Grand Rapids anil amendment was solely on the ground hand and Koeehiiu'a aword entered the this way. ure and litter," 105 bushels; from cow murder, was found dead in his cell Thurs­ lower part of Roclieforl's chest below the The man who Boiilds his oryinR linby and in llmo, corn, onls, clover and timothy seed, etc. Dsinsville, Micho Indiana railroad and made his first trip day morning, having taken poison dur­ that to agree to it would open the door to too mean to invest 2i cents in a bottle of Ur. Bees are in good condition here. dung and litter from stalls kept under GEO. DOUGLASS, north from Grand Rapids on the 3d. On loading tho bill down with increases of sternum and false ribs, i.iiniiHT. .•I'll., GEO. S. .MAYNAKD. ing the night, which was furnislird liim Hull's Baby Byrnp shonld be div..recri. ,y ("ifTois >ui't:iiur :u!'.ani;if;<:s lo Hives full of brood, and a good many cover, 110 bushels; from hog dung, 115 -- • • A-M.-u.'K.ifiaOQrmi.n,—iW^^j— the return trip next day be fell under the appropriations. A dispatch from Pan states tliat one of have sealed drones. AVe have reason bushels; from horse dung and litter sometime Wednesday by frioud.i who AROUND THE WOHLD. •' mihUmiiv. 'I'licy ;irc iliuruiiyhly to cover Stomach, Liver and Spleen, and ia WHICH MU&T BE SOLDI sara at Stanwood and was instantly killed. visited him. Mr. Morgan (Dem., Ala.) offered the the arclies of a bi'ldgo being built over tirlllirti hi nfTicc wiirk. letter wriiint; to expect a good report from Michi­ from the stable kept under cover, over a sovereign remedy for all cAronic troublcii. Judge Chatterton of Mason made an following amendment: Provided that the Gave lell in Thursday, precipitating A fume that la world-wide and acquired In thu '.ml iltc (.•.veciiiiiiy of biisiiiu.ssp.ipi.'rs Xabmt Fad—fti.So: Preventive and Cure of chol­ The American rifle team sailed Thurs­ 20v/orkmenln the water. Some were Bhoi't Biuioo 111' a few youra, inuat have true merit t'Y 'i'li[,t.sc wi'-liinj; a thoroir^lli business gan the coming season. 120—-as will be seen from the following era Infantum, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Consisting of order Monday morning adjudging the day for Ireland. the entire sum available under the first lor Ita supporl. Dr. I'iercu'fl Faudly .Medlcliiea [/"i-Mliiciitlon slu'iild cnijiiirc of ill': husi- figures: The .Mlcliliraii feiitnil railroad, with Its eon- Summer Complaints, etc. Hon. Isaac M. Crane Insane, and for his soction of the act shall not o.vccod $,'),01o,- crushed to deatliaiid others drowned. hiivo Kiilnuil aiich fiinio, and tho foreign ordera for nuss men of liciroit where itcin best lU'ctloiis at (.'lilciiKO, allimls the most direct Body FlBitera—50C— . ' For •Nervous and admittance to the asylum for tbe iusaue The American Medical Association lias OOO, which sum sliall ho apportioned liy ami desirable roiuu of Iravelfroiii .MIchluan to Circulative _ trouble., The ravages of the phylloxera in hla tlolduii .Medtoal Dlaccvory—IJio (irciUoBt lilood- je had. Collfmc n.npcr inailt;il fmr;. Value of one aero of land, ISO; Intoroat *5 00 all points In Kuiisu.s, Nelirii.'Jka, Colorado, throwing oil obstruc Top Buggiea, at Psntiac, Mr, Crane has long been a elected John T. Hodges of .St. Loui.s tho .Secreiary of War to the work of im­ France aro becoming more serious daily. piiritlor ut the iiko, for Ida I'louaiint I'lir^'altvu "What I Know About Supply Deal­ 't'nxoa t 00 Tt^xii*^, Mliiiir-...otii, riiikotii, ^liinllobit, et(\, etc, Voot " pair—soc. president. provement designaied in thu first soo I'oltots (Iittlo allKar-t.'OiiUjil pllta), hla Kiivorltu Ilaullnu 16 cords horse duiiK .1 00 Malnodjor Invenlora, in Ihe United Sattt, Canada, tiona and removing prominent lawyer in central Michigan. In July last it was coiiipuled that one- ing. Sure II ml ,*l(i-ii^ cmint'ci Ions can iilwii3*s be rii- Abiorptlon Skit—t pains. For Colds, Open Buggies, SLe has been a member of tbe legislature, It is rumored that a Cuban filibustering tion and in proportion to that amount third of tlio total surface devoted to wine I'roacriiitlim—woiiiiin'a licst friend—and otlii.'r ruiii- to eiamine the Light Running SpruudliiK I 00 and Europe, al rtdueed tatet. With ow prineipaf. lleil itiion at I'hii-iiuo with iliroui^li trains for "ick Headaches, therein specified I'or each work of im­ edlcs hucmiio ao Kruiit, thai a branch of Uio Wnrtd'a I'lowlnu, »2; harrowluK, 50 cents S 50 Offiat located in Waihingltn, dlreetlv cpboilla thethe wc-ii. Itatf-s are us low us tlio lowest, Dox,3sc; 6boxe», $i,JS , , , and a Democratic nominee for congress, expedition composed of Americans left growing had been irretriovably dovaata- lllsiieiiaary haa been ealubllahud In London, Kiii;- MurkliiK aud plnntlni; T.'i Vnited Statet Patent Office, ice ore nb(e(o nlfenrl tor'arlb- cdl s i.',)liii; wc-^l liiis sprlnj; will lliiil it lo numbness of extremities, etc, riatformWagona, ' The case of the people against Thomas Montreal on board a steamer Wednosd ay. provement shall boar to tho sum of ?5,- lod, and aa the plague has boon steadily hiiid, lor thuir niiinul'iicluru. From this depot tliuy YOUi NEW HOME Some have asked me why I with­ CultlvatluK four times, and hoehiK onee 4 00 Patent Biuinetswith greaterpromptnefianddefpatehthei r Intcresi. lo ciiiTcspoiid with Henry C Sentby mall, free of postage, on receipt ot price. Costello and wile who were nrrestod Tho cargo is said to be coin poHed oJ 014,000. increiisiiiir all this year it ia oatiinaiod are ahlppud to evory imrt of Kiiriipe, iind to thu Sewing Machine. We have just added several new drew from the Held this season; aud Outtlni! and huaklnit !'.".> haakels 4 00and letm cost, than other patent attorneiji, viho areWciitwiirili ala . llii'•_ciicnil pitssciis'fr iiiiil ticket Wholesale and Hetall Depot, i'.'iiat IiiitloH, China, .Iiiimiii, iiiiiI other coiinlrlua. distance Jrom Washinglan, and who have.therejort,iiKcni'iil . ('hlcii^'o. wlri M'lll chuorfiill.v Impart 3-Spring Wagons^ charged with burning a barn belougiup 150,000 cartridges and a large number of Mr. Jlnrgan's nmondmont waa reject that 40,000 acres havo been added to tlu- features to the machine, which will interest every one here let me say that poor health was Inernploii " asaocinte allomcjis.". Ve viake prelim- Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. firearms. ed, yeas 18, nays S3. I'lieir aiilo in hotli .Niirlh nnd South Aiiioricii la pei'- who contemplates buying a Sewing Machine. Pon't 'I'olal 121 25 nii.v ik-sircd inforiimllfin rchillvc to I'atos, con- to William Taylor of this city, terminated total amount of land lost. A society ol I'cotly L'liiiriiioua and liicreiiaea ytiiirly. WorUI'a the main reason. One can much more Or. -'-'onaailo pat- nf'ctUiiis. lime (if I niiiis, uiul hnvcsi. hires, lio BATES &HANLEY, Lumber Wagontt Monday. The defendants were disoharg- John G. Thompson, Jr., of Ohio, son 'riio anieiidmont was adopted appro­ wine growers has botii formed for the DIapenaitr,' .Moilleal Aaauclallon, IToprletora, Mul'- f.-iil to try one before buying any other. It will cost easily carry on a trade in any class of Uy la'.' baskets—Hvorimo wolKht jiur basket, are interested not purchiiM! ymir llcJrets nor eonlriict .vour od. The prosecuiing witnesses claimed of the sergeant-at-arms ol the hmiso of priating $185,000 for tiiepayiiioiitof judg­ purpose of utilizing and applying scien­ I'lllo, .N, v., and tireiit Unaaull Struct Itiilldlliua, you nothing to try it. Machinei sent on trial to any 41 lb, JIIO liO _ _.. invited lo tend for frel).'lit uiiMI ymi Imve hoard from the Sllclil- Managers for the Northwest London, l':ii|.'htnd. part of the country. Send for circuKir and terms. goods tliat are more lixed or uniform. one acre ut sUilks 5 00 aeojiyofonr '• Quide for obtaining Palcntt," whichgn u (.'eiitriil. All of which will be Bold tjiatthey were bribed to swear falsely. roprosontatives at Washington, was shot ments, of tho United States Court tific moans of destroying the in.soot. i» scntfrtt to anj/ aildreii>, nnd contains complete in- C'lalmB, JtOiWJ, Cli.VritE, CMS CO., lull.,Feb. -is, ISTU. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory* I wish to speak of the practice «if Joseph Starr, engineer at Wsrner & and seriously wounded In the abdninoii A private letter gives an apjialling 'I'otnl jas 50 ilnicUona how to obtain Patents, aud other valuable on Friday at HiKlilaud Fulls by Bmiu- Tbo amendment appropriating $1,000 account of famine in Diarl-ekir and Bug 1)11. 11. V. 1'ii;i»'K; Address. warranting safe arrival of goods in our matter. Il'e re,fer to the Oernan-American Kniional EttBtmau's lumber mill, East Saginaw, J>t:tir ,^ir—\ tiiko ploiiaiire in wrltlni: my loali- JOHNSON, CLARK & CO. line. I guess the practice grew out of Kow, it is goiierally allowed that 100 Hank, Washington, I), C; the Jio^nl Swedish, A'or As Cbeap as Can De BonsM inTWliere in M was killed Saturday afternoon by tlie moiit Buck ol Texas, Both were candi­ for tho relief of the lamilios of tlio aurl- (lad, Peoplo are dying in tlio streets, nioiiy with others In roi.'iir>I to your valiiiililu iiiudi- BEST IN THE WORLD! dates for admission to West Point iiiili- iiion who recently perished uLPoint aiix women soiling ilioir childrou I'or liiod, uine. For a loiii: tlmo 1 liavu sulfurud Iroiii iliauaau CHICAGO, ILU the newness of the class of goods to be bushels per aore is a good crop. AVell, tergian, and D'anitli lAqationi, allyaihiiu/lon; lion startlngof the gang while he was oiling Barques, LakeHui-on,while acting under Joseph- ..isei;.(n(—., Caseii,tate, e Chief Chief, Juatiei Justice Hi,'J .V/,8, Comlof Courl Claim: NERVOUS DEBILITY. Statejor tlie Same ClasI of Qookl" tlie pitmau rod beueath, tary academy and attending clas.se.s in and uiHiiy living ou rats. oC Iho Iiin(.'M and outil I n.-.od your dl.'.uovery loiiiid shipped. Bees more particularly. It that I admit, is very true, ]Jut if my lo tlu! Omcials of the U, S. Patent Office, and to Sena- HAMM& tlio preparatory school. Buck is a st.ii of orders from the Lifo-saviiig Servico, was iiotliliii.'thnt did iiiu any i; I. 'rtiiiiilis to U, 1 iiiii yield is less, I claim tliere is more pro- tors anfilembert of OtngHiifrbtnevtryBlaie. Saturday afternoon the slx-year-olrl son adopted. A Berlin diapatch saya intRlliconce had relieved and rccuiiimund It lo all. is amply demonstrated that a colony J. G. H. Buck, president of Dallas coUefje, tit in the last 22 baskets than in the Address; I.UVIH aAaaKU*Vo.,SolieUor, of D, Baumgarton, Bay City, fell off tlio Tho cominUtoo rose, reported the bill readied .St. Peter.-,bui'g that the Chinese Yiiura truly, PENSIONS of bees (properly put up) are more apt TRADE MARK.'•'''•''"''''''^^^ W-f^f^* e^ Texas, wore ruiaiiig large bodies of troops ou thn .MAUY KKN.S'Kr.. lit fftM In rII Solil.ar. oUn aliu* tlikt Ilic; itr 4linl>lf(1 h.-n *uj •lo.thllltf to reach their destination safely than lirst 100. Ill fact, I claim the 22 bas­ nt Patents and Attorneys al Lav, Le Droit Suildinn unlalllii}; v.\w*\ My work Is all manufaotured by flrit<'elMe dock and was drowned. and amenduiatus to tho Houso, tho main (ontrftiit*,! In liic trrtker, (iicli vsuBit of anr hind, loi» uf tin.Mr, lot »t expetleaced workmen, and of flrat- The 14th annual encampment of tlio llua>iau Iruntier, and aa attack ia ex- »jf. it htne\ a box of oranges. Does any one know kets are all profit, for the niaiiiire is WaataliiKtou. D. C I'or .s(;ni I nn I Tlie Grand Trunk-railway company nnostion waa ordered and tho HouHo aU- THE MAKKET PRIOK Oi' BUTTElt •rfhtrn filliliiTt.llioii.'l, ,,tl.-t, il.fuinsHim. •tli'lil. .n, jIjifhi M^.rtc -It-.-vi' WMn-if Mkuia. cHUrtr-trim, .hri m. d'trU W{'nknf'.'r**r r'Mn cuJ !• a class of commercial men who war­ still in the ground, or at least a large 4* during the month of May carried ovor thoSoldiers' Home, at Dayton, 0 , bepin- ration of war. nlr« au'l it C4n 1>« tn iirnfrri. trt Riaiieiitlllr.l li> a |'rii<>l7 iho U*. if uiirlloiUuiiK |!nl in III rlwrltipii!' all (llscM.''T'.K tin. Grniid Trunk junction, and translerrfid lor two days and a thousand ineniberw whole, Mr, Whitthorne (Dem., Tonn), in iiu,'oliu-liull'. Kuupa butter li'oiii beooiiiiiii,' "atroiik'" •Hrr ipiiljin,/ will ilr-.* lii.'k ui •l%u -t i11iiiUr':c, in tntnj lii«i«n>-rii frttlni son why no such warrant should ever ent growing wheat crop more than the TO iNTiioiiijci-: nil-: I WARRANT MY WORK them to'the Michigan Central r.tilroiKl, thu chair, on the General Deficiency Ap­ lh.ni.»'iil» ufiloMiri tt tl.r ll«t |.ijiii.-ui. On thi* ».ioonnl api'lii^tltM Inlliiw ns u .so- were present from all parts ol the uninii. DETROIT MARKETS. or rancid, (lives a rich iiolden color thu year ihoiil.ibo tai «t- noinw .d rdrKHln II rincnf ipnttm. Tl.inlUMilu nnl blt»tur iiljeniiiU'l rnlUUil Vil Incrt'tcilu l.oiinlj, . riannii'Uiaarit t«« l be given. "VVe all know that lire, smash cost of putting it on the ground. If 1 World's Encyclopedia ilUOMcf (iT sell- .^-^ , 2 to homes iu the west. Five hundred tents were put up at tlie propriation bill, tlia pending paiagrapli ruuiiil. Sold by dniKPlats, Krocora and Koiioral tttinj-* r»r aiii>itii«rT nr rf;i-liin Ktiil lluunt; nci*. Ut t rrinlml'iD vro r*f«* ups, or very malicious handling may cannot raise corn as cheap as some of and bold myself reBponslble for tUa. being that appropriating $20,000 tounaiile IfLOOU—Gity piiHiry braudn 6 40@5 00 sloi'ukoepura. riund ataiiip for "llilila to ll-ittor- til* ruM'iwini tiiartif* in ln>luni|Kill> •• tnour lun.ilnci —OK— Before Takius';,\;V-'(.'^^--J.^Aftor Taking. • same. Those wlBblug any.' . ; The electric light is giving perfect home for the accommodation of guests. llio Secretary of the Trcasiiry to provide .Miiltera," Addreaa, lliittur Iniprovumellt Co, damage any kind of freight. In such my brother farmers I can still raise it satisfaction at the Cleveland iron miue. State brands !> 25i(i5 511 ([. I'. Kk't, tVnirul lifttik.Pri r n.ix)'. t;. s. c«i. Int. h**. vorsiil Iiissitiule, |iiilii In the Imck, illiniiess of . thing In the line of • The National Women's .SnflraKO con­ storage for silver coin. To thia was pend­ Secoiitis 4 n0(3'l lif, liulhilo, srf. riarW,i aJ. Uiul/iWiiII. .•i-l.u«. Ki-.Iu>l;I'li-tniHHrrr Ctr.r«iir. LHo n J. U. Ki-.Ui'i«.i'l cases tiie transportation company is at a profit, and I expect to be able to Wonders ^Curiosities vision, preiiiiituro old niie, ami niap,v (itlier li»i« •iTicta, Aitilrtti Iiipt4«ft I1a)>kiii>i Co. ilisciisos Unit li'iul t'l tiisiinliy nr constiniptloii vention met in Milwaukee Friday even­ ing na a substilnte the aitiondment oll'or- Ulinnoaota pivtonts 7 2S(io8 OU Counuuiptiou Ciirod. responsible, and they know enough to report a crop of wheat from the same —or— ing. An address of welcome was ilellver- od yesterday by Mr. Bland and amoiuled Low (ji'mlcH 3 00((iS 2,'i ground, in the Pall, tliat shall be satis­ ami a iiremai nriijinivu. Kull inirllcnhirs In our DETKOIO? IN BRIEr. An old physiiuiin, retired from practice Rlth"r Mot n.WnRhltiLTon cifT n O^nr InrlWr.nrviMii.lnrt. pay right up without any trouble that painplilel,which we desire to send free by mal CARRIA^B CrQOSS ed by Madame Anneke, and speeclies by Mr. Hayea, directing the Secretary of Itye 4 70(o£5 DO liuviii;. lnul iilneed ill lii.s liatuls by nu lilaat factory at least. Nature and Art, to overv one. K5-Tlie .V/nn'ric Jfrdiriiii) Is sole The examination of Dr. William C, were made by Susan B. Anthony and the Treasury to jiay in staiidard silver WHitAi-—Kstni wliitc 1 wm l.S will advertise the matter. Now who ludia mis.»iiinary thu lorniula uf a simple vc-(,'fi- do they owe ? They owe the consignee, by all rlruL'glsts nt SI t'cr piickiiire. or six luick- will do well to examine my atook before Cox, charged with the murder of Anna Mrs. Merrlweather of New Orleans. dollars the amount appropriated by this No. 1 white... I ^0^al j;i tuhlo remedy for the speedy iiui-l t'eriniiucut Science and Literature! a'li'S for or will he sent free b.v until on re- AUD N. Cleniens by procuring an abortion, act,aiiproprialiiig *IO,000 for the storage Amber i OUcoil III and not the shipper. His receipt says colin. of the iiiiiiiey, by iiililri^.isliii; 7'/i/.' (;rai/ purohRBlnKelaewnere,: >, >, ' Charles W. Schofield, 115 Broadway, cure for (Jonsuniptioii, l.tionchitis, Catarrh, FIRE nv I. iM.A'i'rs, It. n. MMllfiiir Ml., \l\ M,'rhiiilir.s lilurl.; IMmil, Mii'l'i. was concluded in the police court Wed- New York, a merchant who deals heavily of so much' of said coin as may be n-- 13AKJ.KV-1 mm 30 per 100 lbs. Asthma and nil Throat and LuiiK AtTections, he delivered the goods in good ship­ Indian corn once germinated and «3-.'-!iihl In iMiK'iii hy nil ilrii'j'flsis, uml evcry- BI-CAHB. SODA esday. He was,held for.'trial in the in iron, has suapeded. His liabilities turued to the treasury for cirtificates Conn—4U@45o per bii«b, also a poaitivo null rudioiil euro for Nervous ping condition, to all appearances, and fairly out of the ground, will withstand Containing n fnll and luilhontio descrip­ wliere by whole.siilu ami retail duiilers. .Ilyl WMohia the same tbins. • \ Recorder's Court, and Mr. Weaver, im- issued therefor, and piovlding that the O.vrH—.i5««40(i. por bu. Debility and all .Nerv.Kis (Inniplnints, after tion of tlieinostremarkableand nHtonlshluu aris placed at about two million dollars, BvE—7fi@80B per hunh. the company are in no way responsible an amount of cold and wet weather places, beings, animals, customs, exporl- Isnpnra BBlt»tM orBi«Cub'Sedak'. DO HEPAIRING OF ALLKINDS , " inted with him'in disposing of the half of which Is secured by merchandise. salaries of members of Congress shall be havini,' tested its ivonricrtnl oiirutiyo powers far exceeding corn in the course of ger­ y, wasdlschargedi paid iu standard silver dollars, Sekbu—Clover, H.0d(i?4 10 p«r bn; No 2 seed, in thuusaiiiis of casep, has felt it hia duty to WORKS. to him nor he to them or the' con­ inent.s, plienomoua, eio,. of both ancient iy dlrtjr wlilta color. It may appaar', C Soofield claims that if he is allowed sufii- signee, and the only party who is in mination. There is not the slightest and modern times In nil parts of tlio globe, • The body of • an ' unknown {woman, clent time by bis creditors he will be able . Tho.bill was then reported to the Senate »3 60 -WITH. OHimoH^* o pay in full, and states that he has $2,- GO'S ARtt ARDHAMIIIBn? BWUkMU:: 'I •••'•.•fl'.i.''.". ... .i;'-', In the river Tuesday evening. OOO.OiJO in western railroad investments. of the whole agreed toj except the amend­ millet, $L 10 por bu. nian nufteritii-, 1 w.U leiid free of uharKO lo all AS USUAL! fault. If it should happen that the is dry and warm; it will not sprout ' KS-Tho work Is In one largo octavo volume ment reducing from $110,000 to. 185,000, BEANa—Unpicked, 70olitl 00 pet banh, Vioi.- who desiro it, this recipe, in Clerinan, French, of nearly 1,000 pages, llio type Is largo and DR.EMMERSON'S irUl •bow;tb«.dlflloiwBe«. ' . KeBpeetfully, ' .'71,'. 1 At tbe inquest into the death of the Mis failure wascaiised, Itis sflid, by the Wo oifor the liirKoat and beat aaaortmontof KTJtK shipper did not deliver the goods in and is liable to decay. When the suit­ clear, the paper and priming (Irst-olass, and BfcthBtrBW' ••Uratai.Md B*k» heavy decline iniron; Soofield is presi­ the appropriation for the improvement ed, $1 30 @1 37. or EnKlish, with fall dircotiuas for prepariiiK able time comes, however, farmers IH illustrated with Mo engravings. woman found floating in < the river, held of the Illinois River, which was disa­ IJEKSWAX—20 ©25 per ponnd. and usiUK. bent by mail hy iUddresniiiK with WOltKS and rOTUTII Oh',rVhr flOOJh* good sliii)ping condition (as his receipt GREAT Ing Soda Is white and PURE). dent of the Utah and Pleasant Valley BUTTSB—Prime qaaiity, 10^12, Madiam 80 to bo found In tho West, eomiirlainK nil tho old re­ says he did), then he should be held should be in readiness to take advan­ Not ono canvasser in ono hundred, who •hSnld be AU. SIAUIiAa BVBWSAKm hefore Justice Comstook,Thursday fore- road and the Wabashaud Jorrlaii Valley greed to, ' ntamp, tiamipg thin paper, W. Buebar, 149 liable kinds, as woll as the «b-callod "NB\r DK- wants a good thing to sell, and knows one OKB.aied;Air-1bad.' ,.-,f ' noon,- it was found impossible to identi-j IDota. Foworn llloek, Itnchenter, N. Y. ow I'AllTUltE" Koods. partially or wholly responsible, as the tage of it without delay, for early plant­ when he soo It, will hestllato a niomonl SPECIFIC REMEDY road. His iiabilities are divided up be­ Obbbsb—New lO^iao per lb. ty the remains and a verdict was render- tween these lines and hiij Iron trade. He On motion of Mr. Davis (Ind., III.) the Ahb you 8iii'i''Kiii.''0 wllh stomach, Llvor nnd case may be, and to the company. ing as a rule gives better crops tliiin about taking hold of this work, for It pos- •y>r', \{rit 't-^^-''^^.r^fi'^ ,ed that the unknown deceased had in the bill was then read a third time and pass­ Dann ArPLts—7@8 Ota, per lb; evaporated JirOT'J'OJl.S AXn DKriOlHH in Klro yrm\M .sesses ovory olomontof suocoss, and iaalso president of the Pittsburg chair Kidney Complaint, awonk and dobllltatod constitu­ mado ti . pold of tbe royal, family of England with The Be'pubiican convention at Chicago Friday calling on the secretary of the New life will take pinoo, inactivity cease, drowsi­ tVIiemembor tbat we nunafnotora all our own and not in the regular commercial Held. lo to 30 days.' No otherknown remedy-will euro (4aii perbaUbbU exblbltlan plocca, in as aany weeks. Sold by alt druggists at $t per Tho uso uf this with sour mllk^ In preforciicu nuil..'r2:^,'ir'£!.sr.;s!fissr;t£!£!;>;3 . ihoir^Biaite, passed tbronghDetroitTnufB- reaasembied Friday forenoon. A resolu­ .treasury for.nopiesof aU the papers, etc,,of HiDits.—Oreen, 6(S7o per ib.| onred, BdlSWo. ness disappear, atronftth, energy and ambition re­ It saves book-keeping, and leaves no In feeding bran to stock we obtain a ALLEN AWILLMABTH, package, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Send to Baking I'owdor, .saves twent.v llmcs: Uh day night on their way toOhioago; ' tion offered by Mr. Oonkling, pledging Inteir.eBt in his department relating to te ihMpHikini 'Tsaa eO| neen oalf, ISo; turn; In fact, )reoonald> elored In 1860 on iU stock oapltal, and •"'•'' • lloW '*'• • «ta(latlM of popnlatlon nd mortoUly. erad as taavlUK forfeited theUr seats oa del- that the oommlulon of Interml revenue Kma BcoiJb—UClte pec lb. Appetite loat? Ua« Bced'a QUl-Edge Taaic DBTROIT, MIOB. Tj. Forbes and John Mopes appolntodcommli. slonora. Isaac Jf.Cranp of the 5th word of Lansing miefi lentil it: iH:hearly Swiped out in sent to the osylum us an Indignant Iniano person. rbiiityiloqiUtteii M^^^^ Tlinrsday, Junp 10, 1880. , Juno 7.—Report nnd conflrmaUon of sale of real cstato In the osUito of Lodoina P. Almy Inte of Lansing, alm^oeAMdto a nationalpaiiy^ ADnillONAL LOCAL. Ellm J. Bardon appointed luiirdlan for Ef- In Maine It has'adopted a radical 1101. FllUlns and fiSlth E. ] 'llklns, minors, WOOL WOOL! of Leslie. JAMES A. QABFIELD, ffreenbaok platform ana'ticket, while Lucy A. Wilson flics licr lliial account as • / ".OfOhio;-. • • In Peniuylvania it still declares that Tlio Fourth In Mason. Kiiardlan of Uilora M. AVlIson, a minor, of I HAVE ADDED TO MY LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, For VIco-PrMldont, 1 Whlto Ouk, and asks for discharge. Hearing, "coin Istne moneyof the constitution." At tlie meeting last Friday evening, June 17, at 11*. M. CHESTER A. ABTHUB, A house divided against itself cannot ETC., A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Of New York. to make arrangements for the proper Fred Elilnger appointed ndniliilstrator of stand. • celebration of tfic Fourtli In this city, tho estate of Frodrfea Ehliigcr, late of Lan­ —=^FARMER8>^=— sing. ftiiBIIEIJ^ ABTHriB ASP TICTOBT; tho following olllcei'.s and'committees JunoR—Danlol JllUcr withdraws his pott OmabD. GorraEB, the distlngiiish- were appointed: tlon to bo apiioliitcd giiiirdlan for Cora K. The six days "battle of Oieb^^ ed representativo in congress from the I am selling C'oiiiniltt«e of arranireiiionts—A. 11. lla.viicH, AVenmaii.aii orphan of Wllllanislon. .lolin W. W. Root, A. W. Melmu, .M. A. Bwuet, .1. K. C. Adams petitions for mine sii I table poison closed In Cblca>gb'<^ seventh district of Michigan, made his Buttcrllold, ,7. C.Houlres, to bo appointed guardian lor said Cora li. MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING! mark in the national convention. Ho President of the day—Mayor .T. II. Sayer.s. AVenman. Hearing July (1, nt 11 A. M. convention did a glorious work. All was chairman of the committee on cre­ COQUILLABD WAQONS. Vlc(!-rrcNl(lciit«—Alalodon, H. .T. Ilaluht; llobert 8. Covert, drain uoniiiilNHloiior of over the land there is an enthusiastic Aurelius, K.J. Hullen: lluiikcrblU, lloii. KM. AureUiis, potltloiiK for the appolntincnt of dentials, and the majority reiibrt, Kltch; Delhi. G. W. Nfallory; Iniilmiii, Dr. O. mninnsslonerH on "AVIIlow Creek ditch.'' of the Newest Patterns, cut in the Latest Style, and made equal to custom work. Gents' Linen Ulsters and Straight outburst of approval. .There is utiion, which was compiled by him, was a re­ Dress Goods! ^upei*ioi* Oirain I>rill», Ij. Kaiulall: hanNlnk', Hoii.O. M. liariies; Les­ Hearing June 17, ut 10 a. m. lie, Hon. Arnold Wiilkor; I.oroy, B. A.Mur­ .Innoll—Mary AUon petitions for ndnilnlH- Coats, both Linen and Poplin, in great variety. White Vests in nobby patterns. We also take orders for harmony and vlctoiy in the nomina­ markably able document. Not only e^(Be8t in Use.)^ ray; Locke, It. O. t). K'nl«lif, MurldhiiijL«oo. tiatloii on the cstato of .Icriiiiio II. AValdo, late was tho subject-matter of the report re­ of Wllllanislon. Hoai'Ing July Ifl, at 11*. M. Custom Made Clothing for Men, Youths and Boys, cut and made up in nobby shape, aud guar­ tion. The name of Janies A. Oarfield I'lyps- " " " " • Juno 10—CoiiiinlssloneiH iipiioliitcd lo ad. is a houifiehold word in every hamlet markably clear and pointed, but his Just claims against tho eslaic of John C. anteed to fit or no sale. A large line of samples now on exhibition. This department in our store is llanes, late of Ingbani, lUe tholr report. and every farm-house of every state. masterly and successful defense of the ROBBW IIHPROVD 2-WHHiD CWim, positions taken, stamped him as an able five times as large as ever before. There is inspiration in his lifefs his­ debater, a good speaker, and a clear Marshal pf tlio day-Dr. W. AV. Itoot, Mason. Last Friday morning, this commun­ A. FINE LINE OF" tory. Left an orphan at an early age, We can show you an Elegant Line Assistant niarshiilN-Dan. I.;. Watts, Iiii,'- thinker. Conger will be agood man to Gale Horse Rake, liain; .1. f.co Claric, Itunkerlilll; MaJ. I,. H. ity was thrown into a state ofcxcite- he has risen,step by step from the of Dress Goods at 12^, 16, 20, 23, Ives, Vovay; It. Haywanl, AiirelUi.s. nieiit by tho report that Henry I'ettis of keep nn eye on for U. 8. senator some Comiiiltico on orator and reader—Win. II. hiimbie place of a poor canal boy to of these days. 26, and 27 cents, and a large vari­ AND Clark, W. W. Hoot, and W. A. Teel. this village, aged about seventeen Fine Straw and Fur Hats .V^minltteu'uiiiiiiiii^e ooiipruitini^aiKn printing andl m'OKraiiimo—Mnro;;raiiini . years, had been accidentally shot by major general and cong^ressman; and ety of Fine Dress Goods, Buntings, Ityaii, M. W.Tanner, luiil A. W. Moliau. George I'addock. It appears that B^or the IBoys. ^on the fourth of March next, heAvill Sevebai. democratic papere aro Fliianeo coniinlttec—AI, Uyaii, Kcal 11, CUT AND TRIMMED IN THE LATEST STYLES. Broadhead, Armures and Camels- Grand Hapids Corn Cultivators. don, and A. W. Mcliaii. Wor- Paddock was shouting at a mark on assume^the resijonslbillties of the high­ booming for Stephen J. Field of Cali­ t'oiniiiltlec on llio-works—.M. A. .Sweet, A. the side of a barn witli a iSpeucer rillc, Hair Cloths at as low prices as est offlce In the gift of the American fornia for president, and Clarkson N. \V. Mehan, and li. M. WllllaiiiH. after having cleaned it, and did not C'oiiiniltico on " KantjistlcV—Wiisli SUer- knoAv that young Pettis was in the people. His nomination coupled with Potter of New York for vice-iJresident. can be found in the county, and maii, Clia.s. A. I'erry, W. W. Itool, A. W. Far- Field-Potter would make a good com­ Also tun tlie Sole Agent for the Celcbratetl ran, and K. H. Htroucl. barn. One of the balls went through that of Chester A. Arthur of New many goods lower. C'onimltteo to procure-o.\tia police—A. AV. an inch board and struck Pettis, jiass- bination, for, after the November fun­ Mehan. Yorkj a pure and able statesman, has eral, the order can be easily reversed so Cominittec lo prociiro ladles to represent ing entirely througli his body, and Don't forget we keep a good stock of FURNITURE. Chairs in Cane, Splint, Wood, and united all factions, and the republican KALAMAZOO states—A. AV. .Meliaii, I.. 11. Ives, anil .seal II. canio out near the Mpiiic. He died as to read " Potter's-Field," which will AVoiden. from the eflects of tlie wound the siune party will move with unbroken ranks be the democratic party's burial place. The secretary aviis instructed to in­ day. His funeral waa held Sunday af­ Flag. Tables—Marble and Wood Top. Couches, Lounges, Bedsteads, Spring Beds, Mattrasses. uxion the enemy of human freedom, vite the civic crgauinatlous of tho city ternoon, Kev. .T. W. Henry preacliing Black Cashmeres We are selling Flag Seats for $2.50 per Set. E. pure elections ond an honest currency. The Egyptian obelisk, which was and adjoining towns. the sermon in the Baptist church.— Spring Tooth Harrow! The result will be a triumph for the presented l>y the Khedive of Egypt to Nothing will bo left undone to make Williamstoii Jin terprinc. tills the celebration in the county, and right; a reaffirming of the principles the United States, has beoii placed Bankrupt Store. New AdvcrtisoHiciits. Legal. We can show the largest stock visitors from neighboring towns can which Garfield fought to establish upon on board a vessel, and Is now on its way THE OTVLY OIVE THAT" WILL. count on having a good time and plen­ At a meeting at the court-houso last to New York. in the city. ty of amusement. niglit, the " Jfason Garllcld Club" was OMMISSIONS US'NOTICE.-THE UNDEIi- the battle field. STATVr> WEA-H IIV THE organized, with a large listof members. fijkniti;ki:. C elgned, having boon appointed uy tho probnto We can make the lowest prices iiy all ineaiiH come to Jlasoii. The folloAving ollleors Averc elected: DOWN AGAIN! court for the county of Ingham, coinmisslonere DuBiNQ tlio montli of May tlie pub­ M-A^RKET! If you want lo buy anything, on the estate of Hannah M. Hardy, deceased, to in the city. Frosldenl^M. D. Chatterton. sotUeand adjust all claims against said estate, do THE SOUTHERN BEMOCRJlTIC lic debt'was decreased nearly sixteen The riuiiccrs. Isl vico-l'resldent^L. M. Ives. hereby give notice llittt thoy will meet for that pur­ METHOD. They were all bought before 'M vIee-rrcNident—II. L. Henderson. pose at the houno of Aided I'. UaskiU, In tho millions of dollars. The eighth annual meeting of the Pi­ Kecictury—N. A. Dunning. Oo Where They Keep It! township of Leroy, Ingham Co., Atlch., on tbe Troiusmor—H. S. Fuller. Hiiving waited until the boom of high prices was over, I have bonn able to buy my Spring While in Chicago last week, we in­ the advance. oneer society of Ingham county aviis and summersloek utOI,l> PllItJKN. and will soil at LOWEU FIOUltE.S Hrst of July, and the ili-st flay of Soptember, at The National Brevvmo . ClilcfofOrdnunec—Harvey Ai:ker. than any other bouse in tlie eouiit,v. nine o'clock in tho forenoon of said days. Sl.i; terviewed a score or more of the color­ I Am AGENT FOR TUB TWO BEST held at the court-liouse in this city Exeentlvo Committee — .M. U. Cliattorton, $S36,O0O STOCK mouUis from Uio 22d day of April, A. D. ISSO, is sombled at Buffalo, Wednesday. Heui .Tune S, 1880, and was called to order N. -\. DHiinlng, AV. AV. Koot, C. E. Eaton and the tlmo limited for tho presentation of claims. ed delegates from the southern states, M. Ben ter was elected President nti Otis Fuller. 'ro pick from, at Conrad Seip, of Chirago, one of the Hor PLOWS IN USE, by .1. .T. Tiittle, vice-president. Tlie NO HOUSE SHALL UNDERSELL, IP I KNOW IT! JKKEMIAU tIASKILL, and we fdUnd them intelligent and attendance was good. Prayer Avas of­ This is the first Gardeld club in Cen­ W, S. D. JOUNfsON, orary Pretidenls. Tlie revenue colloute tral Mlchigaiu, RANSOM'S low.! Commissiouore. well Informed upon the political issues from brewers and dealers in malt liquot fered by Itev. O. B. Watklns of tlie M. Dated April 22, ISSO. of the day. They were fully equal in for the last lineal yearamounts to ?10,72! E. church. I have just received from New York about PRISON FOMITDRE STORE! 320, whieh is S792,265 more than receive Advertised Letter List. intelligence to the white delegates The Oliver Chilled Plow The minutes of last meeting were JACKSON. ri UARDIAN SALE.-BV VIRTUE OF A LI- from the same source the year precec read ami approved—the secretary made IjT conso, to mo giautod, on the third day of from the south. They all agreed that .in(f. The total income from tho intorni JIA.SON, June .7 6,000 yds. Standard Prints, mostly at 6 cts. May, 1880, by JI. D. Chatterton, Jndgo of probata We have a very nice line of all AND a report showing a balance on hand : Ayers. James Haleoinb, AV. T. of 110 county of Ingham und slate of Mlchlgau, I the republicans, under the existing revenue tax in molt liquors since tlj At the eoiiiinencoiiient of the year of..... il llndgeley, Jlr.s. .Fano Hillniiin Sam. 1,600 yds. Beautiful Lawn, at lO cts. nha 1 sell at public auction, on tbe 19th day of state of affiiirs, cannot,carry any of the year 1863 amounts to f 120,440,863. wool Buntings at 26c, and a full lleeolpts lis dues I'loni ineiubei's ilurliig Fowler, .1. AV. Itoblnson, Clianey G. Full stock, at AVholesalo and Juno, ISSO, ut 10 o'clock In tho forenoon, ot tbo Hoag, Mrs. E. A. llogers, E, H, Buntings, Plain and Brocade. Kelall. promises hereinafter described, in Haid county, southern states, though there are large One wall of an unfinished brick builc line of French Buntings. The Gale Chilled Plow! the year l.i 00 Halsoy, iMIss Cora all tho right. Utlc und intorost of Clara Osborne republican mojorlties in some of them. Int;, in Minneapolis, owned by Pett TotJil SKI 05 Persons eallliig for tbo above should say Dress Coods of All Kinds. ':iiinij,iN:uii.f nnd James Osborne, minors. In and to certain Walford, fell Wednesday, burying se\ KeHpeetfully, advertised. F. T. Ai.iinrairr, 1'. M. real estate In said county, doBcrlbed as tbe east Mr. Pledger, a bright and Intelligent eral workmen in the ruins. Thomas Gil E.xponses Includingallowaneo loseurc- half of tho northwest Quartor of section nnnibcr young colored man, who is editor of tiii's; •. l.'l 00 Parasols, Ladies' Dusters, Friugcs, Silks, Satiii8, Etc., Etc. Staple (jooils of TO THE t.weuly-two ('."i). In town t wo nottb of range two John Gannis, S. P. Little, T. J. Fi.sh« Ciirrliiges, Etc. west (Aurolluii), In Ingham county mid stato of the Athens Blade, and chairman of and John Jenson were seriouslv iiMurot Of the oommittee.y a])ji()iiitctl l;i.st Kvery (Jrade for All Mankind, (jrocerles and Clatliiiig at a llig Mlcbfcan, LEWIS It. S.MITU, year to itscertain the nsinics of thoso the Georgia State Central committee, though not probably fatally, The builc Guarmaii of said Clara and James Osboi-no, ing was new, not wholly completed, an M. W.TANNER in their several twonshijis who were Discount From Regular Prices. TRAVELING^PUBLIC! niiiiurs. said, in reply to questions, substantial­ was about being occupied by H. G. Hiii residents in IfilO only throe toAvn- Dated May 3, ISSO. in8w7 MOWEY^VED The mull lonto nom Diiiisvlllo to Mason ly 08 follows: "Georgiais a republi­ rison & Co. as a wliolesale grocery housi shins responded, a'Is: J)elhi, Aurelius having been dlscontlnuoil, tlio subscriber can state, but there is no hope of car- lly and part of the stock was^alroatly in tk aiul Tnghimi. Aurelius rciiorted 17, Is Ilctter tliaii Money Made, is wlll lu'reallor run a vclilelo over \lio road /-1UAUDIAN SALE-DY VIUTOE OP A LI- building. Cause of accident alleged I No other person in this city can Delhi 14, Ingliam i;i, exclusive of dully (Sunduy.s and tbe Itb of July e.secpled) yr cousc, 10 mo yriintod on Iho 20tb day ol Ap­ rying its electorial vote for any repub­ be tlol'ectiva architecture. Tho lo.ss o old but True; ,so As we now have a No. t Tailor in our city, I have obtained abouti200 sam­ for the crinveyaneo of passengers, express, ril, 1880, byM. D. Chuttorton, judge of iirobato,ol lican nominee. This is also true of menibui'8 of the society, liemarks and IVelgiit, at reasonable rates, leaving Dnns- tbo county of Ingham, ami state of Michigan, I, stock cannot bo estimated at present, t were made by tlio following pioneers : ples of clotli, Avhich you ctiii select from and liave a .splendid suit made to order. vlllo at S o'clock A. .It. and arriving at Mason siiall sell at public unction, on tbo 12th day of North Carolina and Florida, and per­ ?30,000 worth is buried in tlie ruins. sell the gemdne Points and other June, 1880, at one o'clock iu tho attornoon, ut .T. K. Price, A. K. L. Covert, ,S. O. at or before 10 o'clock A. m., returning at such tbe premises hereinafter doscrlbod, In said coiin- haps of South Carolina and Louisiana. The National Republican Convontio. Kusiscll, Hiram H. Biiiitli and Gi. Ji. GRIFFIN & ROGERS times eneli ilivy as Kliall best promote the OOn^E SEE. convenience of tbo public. tv, ull ibo right, title, aud Interest ol.JayAv. The shot-gun policy docs not prevail to nominate candidates for Presidon Repairs ibr fhese plows. All oth­ Webb. Tliink, and tlicriiforo they oiler you a Fcathcrly, Abraham L. Featborly aud Charles G. and VicB-Presldent met in tlie K.'cposi Fotttherly, minors, in and to certain real cfltato In in my section of Georgia. Most of the f"' The following olllcers were elected FIRST-CLASS CEO. W. CLYNN. Buld county, descrlbod as cominonclag nt the tlon building at Chicago, Weduesdsy a for the ensuing year; northwest corner of tho souiliwost quarter of tho colored men work for large land own­ tornoon. Tho convention was called t ers offered for sale are imitations^ A. W. PARKHURST. Dansvlllc, July 1,1B7II. I'roslclonl/—Hamiiel .Skadiin. Platfovm Wagon northwest (Icislgneil, luivliig been npiKilnted liy Iho MAUTHA O. PAHKEK their employer's consent. If they are Mr, Hoar on being escorted to tbe chaii Hurdwui'c. Extreme Facts. probiito coMrt for the county oriUKhttia.coiauils- made a short speech which was londl; during the past year wa.s reported : i$90!i Bioiierd on tlio CBtiite ofhconiird J. Siiiltli, dec'd, Guardian of said minors. allowed to go, they are told that they tiolonion Vvnodwoitli, T. ,1. Ulaki!, Jus. to settle and adjust all claims iigaiiist i)»ld estate, Datod Aiiril 27, ISSO. 12w7 "applauded. The roll of the States wa ^^^^ _^ Kiindell, .\lis. Henry Aii.stin, Manly Walke,', To save you the trouble of borrowing, o..f .you r cio hereby give notice, that tliey will meet for will be discharged If they vote tlio re­ Also, I am in tlie IMarketfcr Ail Kinds of Leslie. iielglihor any longer.„ngcr, uiiiandl consequciconsociueutli y Mi'K. Susuii Clonglt, Vevuy. that puriioHu at the olUco of S. W. llivnimond, ORTGAGE SAhE.-DEPAULT HAVING publican ticltet. In districts where its members'torthe committee" o"n 'ere H-A.^^-U lAf A Wi Bi ? TT.A.'li 11^X7^ JVTJ.Jli ? being subjoetod tu Iho Ineoiivoii. IREMEMBEB. Esq.. la ilie city nf Mason, on the .'toiti ilay of dentlals.rosolu!ions, order of business * -^-fc^A^W*^ V» AiAVJ-l • Mrs. Aim Hariies, C. C. Ilai'lliig, Mrs. ..Viin iuiico ol returning tlio eoinpll- June and the M day of November, ISSO, at ten M boon made In the conditions of a certain they are more independent, they near- L Cowles, Lansing. iiiont without being o'clock In tho foreuuiiu of said days. Six months ly all vote the republican ticket, but it [e and permanent organization. All cm u • > m v^v^ • PRODUCE, .lolin C. Hanes, Iiigbum. able to do It, from tbo Mill dav of May, A. 1). 1880, Ja tho time dentials and notices of contest were re H A n. I 1 lA/ A W% HS * ,fos. ,S. Plerson, Katbaiiiie I'eek, Oiioiulugu. limited for the prosontatlon ufolalms. man anaueiosiia js. vromanofilttson, Jllcbigaii, is not counted. I know of one voting (n J. H. Child, Alaledoii. Wo will iilMti Npll ynn n to William 11. Hayner of tlie same place, and re­ ferred to tho committee on credential »W lAiXVXJ • .r. C. Frcclaiul, liiinkcrlilll. S. W. HAMMOND, precinct in my vicinity, where over a- and tbe convention adjourned to 11 o' AIIbTON KVAN, corded in the ofllce of tho register of deeds lor the Caroline AValt, Plantlia I'urk, Delhi. Coiiimlsslonurd. county of Ingham, state of MIehigau. onthoSd three hundred-colored republican votes rt POTATOES, BEANS, ifr. H. H. Biiiitit of .lacU.soii was We are Extremists day ofDecomTior.A1,. D. 1S07- , In Lihor SI _ofmort _ - LUt sue Bilge?! Dated May 25, laSO. l«-.3 gages, on jiage 20 : on which mortgage tliero is '^^SB^^^^i^^ In Great flnantities. at the Mammotli Pioneer Monarters elected an honorary member of the soci­ clulmodtobg08,011 jiiiof due-, at tho dat• • e• hereof, the sum of were polled, and but fifty were counted For $90, ISSOLUTION OP CO-PAItTNKKSniP. seven hundred and eight dollars, bosldos un at­ at night. The democrats have ex­ the temporary chairman onnoundiig tha ety, Avlth all the privileges of regular D Notice is licroby given tliat tllo co-partiier- limed to 1)0 ht dollars, hosldos nn at- CORN AND OATS, membership. Xot to bo heat Hu- tho mouoy anywhere, slilp lierctoforo existing between Geo. Douglass torney foo of thirty Sdollarsollars,, stipulated In anld clusive control of the counting, and we the committee on credentials would noi lUS well as anything In the Cuv- antl 8. S. Dewey In tho grain' and prodnce busi­ mortgage to bo paid,' sliculd any proceedings bo can't help ourselves. I don't know of | be ready to report till 4 o'clock, no busi­ lagc Lino itt similar ness, under tho ilrni name of Douglass & Downy, taken to foreclose said mortgage : and no suit or ness of importance could be transacted CoiHiiuiu Coiiucll Procvudliiijs. Is this dav dissolved by mutual consent. A'll prodoedings iitliuvorin equity having been In­ but three colored 'democrats in niy We Clothe the Head! dohis of tbo llrni will he imid by Geo. Douglass stituted to recover any pan of the debt sccnred town, and they are not democrats from After making the temporary organiza BUTTER & EGGS, [0K1.'1C1A1.]. Astounding Low Prices! by said mortgage; now, therefore, by virtue of tion permanent, a recess wos taken till I .Ma.son, Jiiiiu 7, I8S0. anil all accounts due tlils llriu will be collected the power of siuo tu said mortgage contained, and prlnoiplc. The colored men know Coancil met in regiilut* se.ssluii. f.'allcd to by lilm. GliO. DOUGLAS.'?, p. m. At that hour the committee oi SAYERS & PHELPS! S. H. DEWEA-. of the statute In such case made nnd provided, that they owe their freedom to tho re­ order bv Mn.vor Wnyers. I'resenI, AUIennen We Clothe the Feet! notice is hereby given, that on tho 13th day of publican party, and they would be un­ credentials were still unable to repor Uecil, AVIlllaiiiK, Kiis.sell, A'uiigliit anil I'eek. Dated Eden, AIlcli., May IS, ISSO. July, A.D. 1880, utonu o clock in the afternoon frs and after some general discussion th( For which I will pay CASH. Minutes of btstineotlng road iiiiiI nppi'oved, —ASH— of that day, at the west front door ofthoconrt- grateful it they did not vote the repub­ convention adjourned till 10 o'clock Fri I'KTITIONH. New FiirtiicrHlilit. liouBO, in tliu city of Mason, In tbo county of Inn- lican ticket. They cling to tlieir day. A petition of L, Frank Clark, asking ptT- BEPAIBS IK GENERAL Tho above business will be continued by Geo. bam, state of Michigan, there will bo solo nt pub­ friends more closely than do white inlssloii to biillil nil addition on llie back end a Hpoulully. Call und.sou us and bo Douglass and Geo. S. Alaynard, under the tli-m lic auction, to tiio lilgliest bidder, thoprcinlBCB J. AVilson, who was to have been hun of his shop for a stoic room, un niollon, eonvliieeil. iiainu of Douglass & Maynard, who will buy doscribo'l in said mortfage, or eo inucli, or such people." at Upper Sandusky on the 18th inst. f( same was granted. We have an extremely fine line of Millinery grain and farm produce of all kinds and will koop part thereof US may bo nooossary to satisfy the murder, was found dead in his eel! Thurs I WILL SAY NOTHING ABOUT MY IM­ uui'oitr or c(iM.>iiTri;i:s. 11. F. (ilKIt'FISr, .1. J. lUMilKIIS. constantly on Imnil for sale, land plaster, salt, oraount doe on said mortgage, with Interest nt day rooming, having taken poit^on dur 'riio eomnilttce mi cemolory rc(!oniinen(l at extremely Low Prices. lime, corn, oats, clover and timolliy seed, etc. tho rate of ten por cent, per annum, and legal THE KOMIITATIOirS. Oardeix Hoes, MENSE STOCK OF that the report bo uceepled, and llio lrastei!N GEO. DOUtJhASS, costs, Including BuidattorDoy fee of thirty, dollars, ing the night, which was furnished liiir be autlioii/.oil to purebiuso the land adjoining GEO. S. MAYNAKD. lliat Is to say, lots one (1), two (i2), tlireo (3), four Never befere has there been so pro­ the old cometerygiouml on the west, eiiibnie- Dry Goods. We are extremely successful in pleasing _patod Edoii, ;>nc!i;._Miiy 18..1SfiO. tlwjl_ (•l).ln block number one of Condon's addition to i)Ei.i"rx"—'Wheat and grass^'iriTdoinlj-'l' ^Iio^elfs, ^pa^des. Etc od In llioir lepnrl, provided tlio sainoeuii bo the village (now city) of Mason, In tho county of tracted a struggle over the nomination finely. purchased atasuni not louxeeodHevemy-llve persons who are extremely particular, conse­ TN CI 1 ANCEKY.-STA'rK'OF MICillGAN', Ingham and stato of Mlchlg.in. of a republican candidate for president, Items are as ncarce as " hen's teeth." dollars por aero, and to bo paid for I'rmii inon- JL Oirunit cotu't of IiiLdiani county, .^iult pend­ oy lo bu raised for cemetery i)nn»).''es In issl. People Livii On! of Detroit! quently we have an extremely fine trade, ing In the circuit court of Ingliain county, Mich­ £atod April l.i, 1880. as occurred at the late Chicago conven­ The town board let the road Jolis igan, wborein Addle E. Ellison is comiilainaut WILLIAM 11. RAYNER, Mortgagee. last Saturday. Thoy further re|mit that. Ilicy liavo exam­ and lllrani Eillsnu is dofendaut. ItBAtinfactorlly tion, yet never before has the result ined Iho road runulng llirongli tbe old ucine- Who cfuinot convonlontly visit the which enables us to give extremely rare bar­ appoai'liif;, by nllldavit, that said dcfondant is a M. D. CiiATTEiiTON, Attorney for Mortgiigoc. Orson Olmstead of Bochester, N. Y., I.Gry ground from north to .south, and are not city, may huvu iion-rcsiiVont of tills stato, but is a roildont of the been attended with more universal is visiting relatives in this vicinity. We are Selling Nails for d cents at Retail. favorable to being changed to a walk, and state of Mow York, on motion ofbucien Iteed, lo- ORTaAGES.\.LE.-DEFAULT HAVING reeommeiid that It ho eontlnued us a ruud for gains. lleltor for tlio complainant, It is ordered that said boon made In tho conditions of a certain satisfaction. There will be a strawberry festival teams: Samples Sent Them defendant appear and answer Iho bill'of eom­ mortgagM e bearing date the 22d day of April, A.D. In 1850, .Tohn C. Freemontwas nom­ in Weigman's liall, under tlio auspices Locks, Knobs, Glass and Putty Down in .Vdopted as follows: A'uiui-lieeil, Wllllniiis, We would be extremely pleased to have plalnt flUd In said cause within thiue months 1870, made and.cxecuted by Cliurloa 0. Drowijnnd of tho Delhi grange, Wednesday even­ Uussell, I'oijk and Vaughn; nays—nniuj. AT ANY TIME from Iho date hereof, and in del'ault tboruof that Flora E. Brown of Meridian. Michigan, to Aaron inated on the flrst ballot. ing, Jan. 10. proportion. In fact we are selling every­ Gome and See for Yourselves. Tlio llnaiicu committee lopoit back llie I'ol- you call and examine our goods, whether you said bill be lakun as confei!sed lly Haid dufoudiiut; JonoB of the same place, aud recorded In tho of­ lowlngclaims, and reeominend tlioir allow­ If thi'y win Honil UN ii poshtl KtntluK what And it Is farther ordered that tnls order bo pub. llce of tho register of delids for the county of Ing­ In 1800, at Chicago, Abraham Lin­ ance lui follows: «oods thtiy want. llslied at leait once u' week for six ancceaslve ham, stato of Mlolilgan, on tlioSSdday ofAiirll. Dnnirhtera, Wives niiil JtFoUierH. thing in our line .1. A. HariicK— wish to purchase or not. weeks In TuK Inouax County Nkws, a newspa­ A. D. 1870, lu llbor 51 of mortgages, on pages 8S0 coln was nominated on the third bal­ day's labor hand ami team I .ss per publlslind in said conuty. and 381, and asalgned by said Aaron Jones to lot, and in 1804, at Baltimore, he Avas Dr. Marchlsl's Uterine CathoUcon will posi­ •5i day's labor .self. I l'.i Dated June II, 1880. Wllllnrd Botflford, on the llib day of May, 1S70; tively cure female weakness, sucli as fallliiK The Largest Store in the city. 1 day's labor man and team 'i .Hi Extremely yours, said assignment waa recorded on the flih day of renominated by acclamation. of tbo woinb,wliltes, clu-oiile Inlliimmatlon or 1 days' labor sell". 1 .10 OUR TERMS ARE ONE PRICE! GKO. AV. niHSTOh, May, 1880, In said ,ii'oglstor"s olllc o, in liber BO of ulceration of tbo womb, Inekleiitul boinor- AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! 1 days' labor man and team ;! .W Circuit Court Com'i- for Ingbani Oouuty, Mich. mortgages, on pagoim, on which mortgage tbero In 1808, at Chicago, Grant was nom­ rhajjo or Hooding, painful, suppres..!ed and Ir- And wo can nssuio oureuslomers of receiv­ Attest: Jou T. C*sirrK!.i,, Deputy itoglBter. la claimed to bo due, at tbo date hereot, the sum rcKHlnr monstrHatlon, etc. An old and rella Filled Full of Choice Goods. 1 days' labor self, I .")0 ing g»i|iiiiil>!. Bald defendant. And it is airther ordered that der, tho proniisoB doscrlbod In said raortgngo, or Ulnlno , 281 claimed, SI", Allowed IS l*(l as follows: Vcim—Aldermen Reed, Grand Display of New Goods in UouNTV News, a newspaper published In said sary to aatlsiy the amount duo on said mortgage, Washburne , 30 AVIIIIiims, I'eek, A''migbii and ltussell,.l! nays county, at least once a week for six BUcceaBlvo with Interoflt nt tho rate of Ion por cent, per an­ Wlndom .{ 10 none. NEWCOMB, ENDICOTT & CO^ weeks from tbo date of this order. Edmunds »1 We have a Large Assortment of ni-isoi.u'rioxK anmi nkw iiusinkss. Dated Juu« nth, ISSO. num, and legal costs. Including said attornov fee On the second ballot Garfield got one WITH A PULL LINE OF Tlic report of C. A. .\l(Hiroo, cliy ponml mas Importers ami llotallers of GEO. W. BRISTOL, of twonty-nve dollars, that Is to aay: All tlioso vote which • occasionally increased to ter, was proscntcil, ami, on iiiDlkin, same was Millinery and ITovelties of the Season Circuit Court Com'r for Inghnm County, MIob. certain plqces of land eltnatod and being In the iiceeptoil and placed on llio. Attest; Jon T. CAMruEt.i,. Deputy Hegistur.' township of Meridian, county of Ingham, and two up to the thirty-fourth ballot wlicn Tlio report of A. A. IfowunI, city treusurer, LuoiKN KBEn, Sol'r for Comiil't, ISwO. state of Jllolilgan, and described ae followe; Ono- he received seventeen • votes. On the TIN, GOFFER AND SEEET-IRON WARE! HARVESTING MACHINES! was |>rcseiilod and referred to lliiancc com­ HDie/lT (3-OOI5S, JUST RECEIVED AT elghth of an acroofland from tho dast fraction of thirty-fifth he got fifty votes. There mittee. oaEUlPF'S SALE.-NOTICE IS HEREBY tho BOUthottBt fractlonolquarter of Boctlou num­ Manufactured by D. M. O.sbonie, Auburn, N. Y., consisting of The following eluims were prusontcd ami re- 3 niKl a <>|»crn llonwe Hnllillnir. O given, that by virtue of a writ of execution ber twenty-one, and boiuidodastoHows! Com- being but slight changes on the other Icrieil to llnuiiru comiiiltloe : Issued out ol amf under the seal of tbo circuit niencing at a nest on the southeast corner of candidates up to the thirty-fourth bal­ J. A. lliiriios ? -1 'J."> court, lor the county of Leuawoe, bearing date Charles, Almue' land on:Plno Lake road, thence lot when a few of the Sherman and .1. A. Hariics II l;! DETROIT MICH. tho 1st day of April, A. D. 1880, to me directed running, southerly along Pine Lake road iilx nnd Self-Binding Harvesters, ,1. A. lliiriics 10 SS and dollvereil, against the goods and chattels, ono-half rods, to tho Lansing nnd IIowoll plank Blaine men made a break for Garfield. J. A. Hiinius 17 21 land! and teuenients of Clark Cuiiiniliigs, de-road; tbonco runulng uortliorly alongsald.plnnk The thirty-sixth and last ballot stood STOVES ARE DOWN! W.d. I'lirWls 10 M KIM MEL'S. fondant•"—', nnd i"n favor, of Jerome Trnuxi -iralntlB'. road Ihlity-two and ono-half feet to tbo land deed­ Combined Machines. A. V. I'eek « 2fl I did, on tho l«th day of May, A., d; iSSO, boIzo ed by Adalino Stovous to Georgo Lawrence j : as follows. Grant retaining his original K. Curry 10 no and levy npon nil tbo right; title, equity and In- theiic_ u northerly to the soutU lino of Chnrlos F. strength throughout: Single Reapers. Rear and Geo. W. .Sliafer I 00 NEW TAILOR SHOP! Garllcld 309 Scythes and Snaths ofallMnds very Cheap. The Larg­ Sayers .tl'hclps 12 10 Ji?,Si'lL .„ Lf?","^'."-'''''''K tlmnrafiRS, the Almas' land; Ihonco oasterl.v along said sonlh ; Grant ; 809 Front Cut Mowers! On motion, coniicll mlluiirned for two weeks. New styles In Cloths, Casslmeres for Suitings, Fur, Wool l^srl{o\?,.l1s'ikav«^,™.?rD™fe?«Lteii';-" '"•"'^•^^''"^m»o%ut.or. .ipIUOOOL be Blaine. 42 est Assortment of Whips and Lashes JijK 1'. iMiKSLKV, C'lly t.'lerk. ... containing twenty-two rods of' land., Sherman..,..! 8 O. E. BACON and to tho following described lands und tone- ' iiioroorless. Also tbq following piece of land: in the city. and Straw Hats for Men and Boys. nients, to wit: The, west half (iJ) of tbe south- Camineiicing at the northeast corner ol Aiirou Wnahburno;... 5 Guaranteed to be second to none. Also the BEST SPBING Probate Court. Of Charlotte has opened a Tai­ west quarter of section number eleven (11), Jones' land In the vlllago of Okeinas, In said .. Chester A. Arthur of New York was and the nortbeaBt-quarter (J«) of the northeast township of Meridian, anuon tho west llnbcftbo'i nominated for vice-president on the TOOTH HARROW in the market, and a full line of PLOWS' Tiie following are the proceedings in lor Shop in the quarter ('4) of section nmiiber flftoon (15), oil In Pino Lako road, thence woatcrly along llio north- Call on J. C. KIMMEL if you want a township, number ono(l) north of range number lino of land of aatdJoncii uluety-six foot-, tbonco first baUot.^ and ALL OTHER AGRICULTURAL GOODS. the probate court up to and ineludliig two (2) woflt, (Onondaga,) Ingham conuty, Mlchl- Igan. which Bald rlglils, titles, oquItloB. and In. northerly on tho welt lino of Coruellas Uiiroali's .Tune 7: terosls In and to all the abovo described lands, I land twonty-flyofootitlionco easterly to tho west' The Chicago r/OTCs has'a telegram tho acquisition of Many other goods in our line too numer- June I.—.Vppllcatlon lo open tbo estiiloof Near Block, Up Stairs llneofBaiilroadi.tlioncofloutb on'tho ivost lino Appetite, refreshing Hieop, . _ C. A. AVIIIIamH, bite of l.aiislng, caiitimiod to IP aDi GooffltiDfi Suit BaJe In tie Teiy Latest Style. shall soil at public nucUon, to tho highest bidder, of Bald road twelve feet to tlicpluco of tbgliining- : froui Grand Baplds to. tlie effect .that ncsii and color, aro blessing?ss attendant upounon Steam Threshing Machines! July 20 at II A. M. at the wist front door of the Ingham' county Said above dcaorllied lands will bu aoldeiibjoct to the reparative processes which this priceless ous to mention here. And IiiTltes the Potroiingoof conrt-honae, In tbo city of Mason, oonaty of Ing­ leading, democrats, and greenbaekers invlgorent speedily Initiates and carries ton Juno.").-Mary I... AVatcis lUos her account ham,, and stato of Michigan, on Friday, tho Otit n^mortgage. oxccuted.by.eaia.ChtrlcB C. llroyrii' Buccessmi conclusion. Digestion Is restored A Full Line from the Best Manufacturers. usguardliin of the estate of Clara .'Vnsiiacli, u and Flora E. Brown, for glOO and liitordst.' anted Respectfullyj minor, of IJellil. . „ . the Publiu. Eimmel sells Clothing Cheap. Call and day of Jnly, A. D. 1880, at ton o'clock In tliu fore­ April 23, isro, and recorded hr llbor' 61 of mort- I'mo'^tryJng: to eflfect-,a coaUtloni tlie andsustenancealTordod to each Ufo-sustnlnlng noon of lald day. ! ,• - iiilQUliieoantyind iltte.onpBiiea 878and organ by the bitters, which Is Inoffensive oven IJanlul .McICeiis'.Io and Ablgnl DnUots ap­ see for yourself. Dated Manonjtay 18,1880. Ii' i democrats; offering the' greenbaiokeiB toThe feminine palate, vecotable In composi­ pointed exucutoi'K of tho estate nf.loliii l)n JAMES K. DAHT, Sheriff of Inghont County, tion, and thoroughly safe. J. C. STEVES & CO. Bols, Into of AVbllo Oak. AVlllliim Kooiis and Good Fits and Low Prices D»teilMnv!B,A D 18S0 ' ' twclyeeic^^ on tbi^Ucket and taking For solo by all UruffglstR and dealors gonor- .•jamuolC. rroetor appointed uppralsors; A. ^ . ^ By llAnnv O. Cam,. Under Sheriff. WIlLUKD BCTiSPORD Aislgnou Sayers & Phelps. Guaranteed. Iff AFLB STREET, MASON. C, A. A J. A, Staov, Att'yB fur Plaintiff. - M, D. CUArrniiTox,Atty. forAsslgnon.lOrtl.'l aiktlicinselyes.,Th(B democratic party | olly. ) Opposite Clark Sotese, Mason.

mm mm d«leg»tioo» «rbo' Kara voted v upon the BVBNniO emsioNi _ _ tstlBfihi^' ky th* foil payMtot avenr ,tOth:--Qnint801, Bloln«'»88, Bhermon JJI.JWash., .deUat tbaraof tibat fevi*iBc4Bdnitrie* ahonU. burn* 31,. iKdmunito SO,- WIndom iu, Oorfl*ia »• ^'"xiiftoonwntton'; Hayes I, iown;' and notably tUe delegation from b* tBtthor promotadt aud that the obmmeroe, FOBT AJSO VABKBB. Then up the little, uneven hill in _ ot'-UM-'irti^o and restimed consideratidn of the re­ already *o great, should' be otcadily encour. llth-Qrant 808, Elaine SSI, Bhorroan OJ, Waah- that as it may, it had the effect of em­ the road to its joining with the main The piown'a Baby. U*p»aanS"oirthekukinx. :in'B^ntb;aiioUDa .Oonneoticut, of which I am a member, port of the committee oh credentials. oged.' ' • bume.sa, Edmunds 81, WIndom 10, Gartlela i, barrassing all the timid ones and A poet well known in tbe city. road, where erected upon a post is a Blood is ilie'tltei .ittokeii tbe biiiieat baUbt fromtiie bos and voted ho on the question because they A motion to substitute the minority for •i. The constitution o( tho United SUte* in Uayes.U. .:',;>•,(,. . ' .1 . • . Went into the country one time. frightening aiway all their ideas, while Ono hightdurlng the performance of stnffa the tlasite ballot in It* plaee. In Maw a supremo low ond nut a mere ountroct. Out ' 12ih-'oran't 3114, Blalno 388, Sliornian 03, Wnah- salt box that serves as postollice for didn't believe that tbe committee on the majority report in regard to the burno 83, Edmunds 31, WIndom 10, Garlield 1, With hia poekot quite barren of money,- the more acute ones on the back seat a jiantomine at Leamington, in which THPBSDAY/JPKE 10^1880. Xotk Itiiasue* |randnlen( tiatnralisi^on credentialB should be forced to make a of eunfedoratcd States it made a sovereign Bnt bis hood overflowing witb rhyme. the neighborhood. Once more she LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEAliOHBB papera,'three acore ,-th6a«ahd «n nnmbar.Jt In Alabama delegates was lost, ayes 300; nation. Some powers are denied tu the notion, Hayes 1. soon gave evidence of suppressed merr raised the leather-hinged cover of this Williani Ginnet took the part of clown, Is rapidly luequlrlnji a'national repulu'tion for Ibe .' . Maine ita ambitious larceny tries to, pilfer report in installments; while we sup­ hays, 441, The majority report was while otbors ore denied tu tbe States, but tho 13tn—Grant 311!, Blnlno '.'85, Shorninn S5, Wash- "Be wrote ot tbo sweet winds ot summer. riment, with which she secretly sym- a curious hitcii occured. At tiie mo­ a whole State government at once. In Uela- posed it would be necessary for them boundary between tbe powers delegated and bnrno IW, Kdinuuds, HI, WUidom lU, llnjos 1, Mo- link between her and the outside cure, -of • • •"• ' : ' ' ' then adopted. C'rary 1, . , He sang of the farmer's grand life, : p.atlii/.ed. But she stood a little back world, took the last letter therefrom, ment when the ever-mischievous indi­ BorofulouB AfiTection, Oanooroug, Repubiican National Con­ wate it looks with complacency on the whipping to be on the floor of the convention to tbnno reserved ia to be determined by the Ot bin easy and free indbjiendonoe, ol him, reassuring the, former with vidual had to run on the stage with post./. A* in war itfouhd. in the constitution The convention then took up the National and not tbu State tribunals, 14th--0rnnt 805, Blnlno 285, Shorninn 89, Wash­ and the slam of tlie cover was echoed Formation, Bryaipelaa, .Bolls,, sustain and explain their report [aii- case of Illinois, and debated till near burno 85, Edmunds 31, Wliiduni ID. Away from the city's fieroont:ife . smiles and checking the latter with bid)y, supposed to liave been stolon Pimples, Dicers, Bore Eyos; oothlDR'wbioh could protect the notional 3. Ihe work of popular education is ono back from the woods. Tho old horse Scold Bead, Tetter Snlt- life, io,i in peace, it finds nothing there plause]; it was therefore in order to midnight. The roll of States was called left to tho onre olf tho several Siaten, but it in I51h-Grnnl 3011, Illnino'.'81, Shorninn 83, Wuab-' The hay-linio had come, and tho pool— serious looks, and all went smoothly. from some jierambulator, which said vention. expedite the business of the conven­ liurno 3il, Edmunds 81, WIndom II). Out into tho meadow went he; ogged on, and the littlo white scliool- Bheum, Morourial and which can protect'.'the: national honor. Oan on tbo First Illinois District, to accept tho duty of the National giiveruinuut to aid .\11 but the smaller children gave the louse was passed,, Good-by, little baby is then thrown violently at tlie BALSAM all Bkln Diaeoaea. yoa find in- the hiatory of tho Demooratio tion that we voted as we did. I move the majority report. The call resulted (hut work to the extent of Its cunstitntiniial llith—Grnnt ,1011, Blnlno 2(13, Sliorinnm 88, Wash­ And while tbo tanned farmers were mowing. best of attention, add those occupied policiJnian as he rushes in, stall in h.and, 'riila remedy Isa VoKotnblc Compouiid.iind can­ party for tho past 16 years anything the at this stage of the convention, when ability. Tho intolligonco oil the nation is burno 311, Edmunds 81, WIndom 10. Bo sat him dawn under u tree. white .schoolhouse; sho has been hap­ not harm the most tondor Infant, l.ndies who Democratic party boa either donetor tried to yeas .SS2, nays 350, so the contested kut tbe aifgregttte of tho iutoUigence in tho 17th—Grnnt 303, Blnlno 383, Shorninn 88, Wasli- themselves quietly with •' Cris-cross- py with you. After that the fields, the dummy, or, as it is termed, " pro­ stilTor t'rum dobllluitInK diaonsos nud Kuiiinto Com- , Tbe Kepublican National Conven­ It seems to me we cannot expedite any delegates from the flrst. district were buriio 311, Edmunds 31, WIndom 10. Thou out came bin pencil and noto-book, crow" and other games with their perty " baby, was nowhere to be found Cures Colds, Fnonmbiila, Broiicbitls. pltiliits, will dnd speedy rellefby uslnu this remedy. do except to break down the legal sofegoards several States, and tho destiny ut tho nation While poetry beamed in his oye; hare and asleep with the snow in the Asthmn, Croup, Whoo|iiuff Cough, and tion to nominate candidatea for Pre- •oa* to moke these things possible? further business here this evening, and admitted. must bo guidod, not by the gcnious ot any ISth—Grant 304, Blnlno 2fl4 Shormnn 01, Woah- slates, as she had taught them to do Itr so liappened that a woman wi C, W. I.iNAboTT, of MosBopotumlu, U„ siiya it sident and : Vice-Eresiderit of tlie understanding from my colleagues of burnu 35, Edmunds 31, Wluilom 10. And ho sang of tho farmers before him. hollows and under the wall. She al­ nil diseases or tho Brcatiiiug Orgaus. cured hini of Scrofula of thirty years, 'rsro huttloo The Republican party faas nu snub miserable Upon the question of the adoption uuu State, but by the iiverngo ganiun ot all. Who mowed 'noath tho blue summer sky. whenever she should be too busy to at­ most wondered it they would miss her stiinding near the ring door with her It Soothes ami heals the Mombrnne ot cured .Mrs, E, ,1, Dukes, of Colfnx, ind., of ulccr- United States, met in Cliicago ou hiatory. Bebellioa Kubdued, slavea freed, the committee on credentials that that •I. The ounstitution wisely forbids congress nUh-Grant 305, Blnlno'.'83, Shorninn 02, Wash­ tend to them. The conduct ofJ|the baby In.lior arms iit the moment when ntod nnklo nnd biff nook. LIMDSIEV'S Bl.OOU of the remainder of the majority re­ burno 35, Edmunds 31, WIndom 10, MoCrnry I, Gar­ And his verses wore pretty—quite pretty; when they awoke in the spring and the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned by SISAItCllKlt cured my son of EryslpClns.-^Mrs. U Wednesday afternoon the 3d inst. great public waya- constructed, homestead committee cannot report before to­ port ^tr. Logan asked a division and a to make any law res|iooting an establishment iibove-mentioned six-year-old was par­ AVilliam Ginnet came for his dummy, Tlie .ittendance was very large, in­ liib'ir, naturalisation 'treaties, publio nredit uf religion, but it is idle tn hope thtt tbo lield I, Uuyus I. But it worried tho farmer tu see found her gone she was sure she the disenKc, nm! prevents the night- Smelt'/.or, Liirlniur Slnllon, Pa. • , morrow morning, I move to l.ay the vote on each Congressional district. While bo wns at work like a bcavor. ticularly admirable. Lying on the seat, .Seeing that it was not lorthcbming, sweats and tiglitucss across tlio chest 'i'ho Blood Searcher Is tho Surest, Siircat and cluding prominent politicians from all re-establisbed, the public debt diminiabcd, present resolution on the table, in or­ nation can bo protected against tbo influuncoa At the conclusion of the nineteenth should miss them. Most Powerful Purifier ovor kriuwn. I'rieo fl.OO • sound ourrenoy restored, the flag respected The vote was then taken on the tliird of scolarianisru while each State ii#c.\-po.'i«l ballot the convention took a recess till The po3t beneath a green tree. he fell fast asleep, and was, therefore, he at once snatched the baby froin the Vblohocconipaiirlt. CONSUDIFTION pur bnttto. . parts of the country. For several ohove oil. But not («r these things alone, nr der that the convention may adjourn to its domination. Wo thereforo recommend ((uite unobtrusive until he rolled onto As site passed several farmhouses woman's arms itnd rushed with it to is not an incurable nialadv. It Is only days In advance the large hotels In the district, with the tollowiiiii result: 7 o'clock in the evening. And as bis swath Jcngthened nnd lengthened. 11. E, SEI.l.EnS & CO., I'rop'rs, Pittsburgh, Pa.. cbUtty, does tbe Ilepublicsn narty live. Tbo and have time to tlilnk over this ques­ Ayes, SSr,; nays, .'!."..">; so the contestants that tho ounstitutiou bo so amended aa to lay Be nearcd to the piiot's retreat; the floor, and scrambling up, appeared children and parents came forth to the ring. The woman, thinking, no necessary to have the right remedy, city were crowded, the Grant delega­ Republican poity lives that every man within tion and come in to-morrow prepared tho same prohibition on tho legislature of ench JIOXDAY ES'^ENING. say good-by to the scboolmarm. and IIALL','^ B.VLSADI Is that remedy; To Regulate tbe Liver. our terriers may dwell seouro in a happy from the Tliird District were admitted. State, and to forbid tho appropriation of pub­ And wearied with scythe and with sunshine, over the desk—lirst tumbled liair and doubt, thiit her child would be subject tions making their general headquart­ to settle who tlie convention shall con­ The convention reassembled at 7 ;25 He threw himselt down at his feet. surprised eyes, and then whole scared AVlien she jiasscd houses where they ed to the same rigorous treatment thai UUN'f UESPAIU OF RELIEF, for VSE OKT.Y ,S]Sr.T-I,J31tS' T^irBE l'IX,Tja, home, may cast and have counted his equal Cheers greeted the result when two lic funds to tho support of ncotariun schools. this benign 6|iociflo will cure you, tho best nnd only true I.IVEU itEOnLAToit. Estub- ers at the Palmer Iiouse, and the vote, may send hia ohilri, at tbo publio sist of, and nominate a c.tndidate upon 6. We rcuflirm the beliefs, svuwcd in I87G, and resumed balloting without delay. face above the rullle that stood off iu did not come out to speak to lier.wheh the dummy liad to undergo, wiis lor Blaine delegations at tjie Grand Paeilic. whom we can write tlie word "Victory" votes for tlio first time were announced "What is it you're doin' now, Mistor? they only Hocked to the windows in even though protesslonid aid falls. llslifld over 50 yenrs. Thoy cure . Headache. ohargo to a free sotauol, Until these things against the majority delegation from that tbe duties levied fur the purpose ot rev The following are the ballots in de­ A writin' sumo pu'try, I s'pose! sympathy; AVhich involuntary jier- rushing pell-mell after the clown; her Biliousness, OostiveneBS, I,iver Complaint, THE NATIONAL COStMITTEE. come to pass, from tho Atlnutio to tlio P.'ioitio, ill November, onuo should no disctiininatc ns to favor Amer- tail: Would ye mind reelin' out a few verses, lorinnnre startled him enough lo keep Idlest curiosity, slie began to realize struggles to do so when we restrained Fever and Ague, nnd nil similar diaonsos liko from Canada to the gulf, the minsiou of our Illinois, these being the votes of the icun labor; that no further grant ot tho pub­ While I set hcreadryiu' my close?" a change in her i>osition In relation to mlltdc. Got tho riKht kind, SEU.EUS' I.IVEH party is not accompli.hed, nor its warfare The chair—The gentleman from Con­ newly 'Admitted de'.egiiles from the 20th—(irnnt 30.4, Blnlno 279 Shorinim «8, Ed him still while the committee-man re­ her being at onco laughiible and touch IMl.l.S, 3S cts. The National Executive Committee lic domain shuuld bu riiudc to any railway 0, Wanh- days, having her patience tried, she yellow. By observing these rules the for tlio iiioiiey 111 llie world. would not be ready to make their re­ vention, had forfeited tlieir seats as suljstitiito the minority i'or the iniijor- to n supreme and insatiable lust ot ollico and no less care and Interest. She could *K«)-.Seiid fur lurKL' Illustrnlod C'utnloguo to organi «atlon. The committee of arrange­ port till 4 o'clock. After some discus­ buriiu 33, Edmunds 11, WIndom 4, Uurtleld 3, scut- had sometimes in an unguarded mo­ amateur nniy have h s flower borders delegates. This resolution was oi> ity report. patroiiuger thnt to obtain possession of na­ turtnK 1. ment promised a punishment iu the not say idl she would, but she i>i-eaclied A Buckeye Beverage. JAMES SOWN & SONS, ments, composed of Grant men, was sion the convention adjourned till 4 tional and State governments and tho control them r. Wll- ger chairman, and remained in session the committee appeared. The majority Virginia are admitted. This result in­ nuiuds44, Wushburno II, WIndom 4. GarHold 1. threat he was generally piqued to in­ talking with them, listening to them, Colonel has in his declining ye.ars ap­ going up AVasliington street New York, liuniH, Ciin Indtiin romody), culled J)r. WllIlnmH' The hall in which the convention a majority of the States in tbo house of rop- hating to leave them, clasjiing with truckman nodded at him and asked, Indlnn Ointment, iiropiircd only for Piled iind was held was an inner structure witli- nearly all night. The contesting par­ report was read by Mr. Conger. It creased the Blaine vote 2, and adds 1 renenutives; hnve ciidenvoreetrolt, Mich. from all parts of the seml-clrcular 'Mr. Henderson of Iowa—I under­ blo people of the United States to say wbetbo .- there were loud calls for Garfleld. The troubled her so; and thus he rolled it naturally. south end of the building were flags stand that the committee on creden- The committee say: majority report of the committtee on it would not be dangerous to the dearest in­ growing minds, and reluctant to pass quart of whisky. The youth took Do you wish to obtain good and rules and Mr. Sharp, of New York, the excitement was Intense. Soon the all off his conscience. Dear little fel­ down a large jar, the contents ol which vnlid Piiioiitsy then wiilc'toorcnii arranged in graceful festoons and tials will not be able to report at this The justice and equality of recognizing, terests of our ocuntry at this time to sur­ over to other and perhaps less forbear­ minority report. The former abrogates render the odministration ot tho national whole convention was singing " Rally ing hands the constant ebullition ol low! ho and the scboolmarm are good resembled the desired article in appear­ upon ITbos. 1^. ISpraiciie meeting just over Chandler's portrait. session of the convention. I therefore securing and protecting Oongressionai repre­ Round the Flag," and the excitement friends in spite of his predilection lor afcSoii, a7 \\\vt. Patsiits. On a line with this portrait, in the move, Mr. Chairman, that the commit­ sentation is also demonstrated by the actual the unit rule and adopts the rules of government tu u party which seeks to over­ spirits that neetls to be guided rather ance, and filled the bottle, with which Congrcfs St. Deimlt, Mich., Attor­ preeodcnta of the licpublioan party since its the House of Bepreseiitatives for the throw the existing policy, under which wo arc was overbearing. Frye, of Maine, and than repressed. " mischief, and they will miss one anoth­ the Colonel ambled oil home. On the neys [11 PatentCiiuses. Estnblish' center of the hall, were life-size bust tee on rules be now requested to make so prosperous, and thus bring destruction and Logan, of Illinois, made speeches of er. He has been a trial and no mis­ In ono, two or three colors. Cotubrntlon nnd organization in 1866, which may be anmmar- governing of the convention. The ma­ return of the druggist about an hour " 5 years. Send for pamphlet, free- Excualon Committees plenso send for sumples and i IIIMOrSJiESS. PILES. COSSTlPATIOIf, | portraits of Washington, facing nortli their report to the convention, so that ized an f jllown: confusion whore tbere now is order, confidence approbation. Gen. Garfield's nomina­ take, but she is satlsfled that she Is and south, and against the north end we may proceed with business. jority report was adopted after it had and hope. But the school money came to be ex­ later, he took a look at his array ot prices. Wo hnvo n lino hntf-shoot out of Gen. KiiiNKV «;o.ni'r,.vi.vtm, ruiN.iuit I 1. lu all the oflicial recordn of the proceed­ tion was made unanimous. noue the worse, and he a little better FIRST ANNUAL SALE! QEOiioK WA.siiiNOTON, which sufplemcnts a Mie- ' niSEASKS, I'IJUAlV: WKAK. of the building, a portrait ot Lincoln The Chair—It is moved by the gen­ ings uf the convention from 1869 t!\lm and nclins ? Senator Logan—Mr. Chairman, I do been shown to tho committee, has a selcotiun The little schoolroom was gayly (or tlio litre tirm i I Reld A Vlhj tnrincnicd withPiles,Cuustl|i:ii,innlI from tlie earth.' nounce the name tu tbo country, and innuo o» resolutions: for the jiurpose of forming a Natlonjil adorned; evergreen was lestoonetl individuals: to the girl to whom some nil).i. .SIl(•o.!^.ol• to iniil (xna Why frightened overdlsurdcrcd Kidncj-s f \ not rise, sir, to make any factious op­ of delegates, fairly made, within ond for any tbe coll for that convention in conformity particular study "came hard;" to the High-bred Trotting Stock, ill OiisH tiiid Louif Biiulaesi.t THE CALL TO OllDEIt. Congressional district by tho Republican party therewith; provided that such motbudn or The Republican porty, adhering to a prinoi­ ALsociation, The important industry around the room above windows ami "What jar did,you get it from?" Why have sleepless nltrlits I position to anything that this conven­ within such disiriot, been overruled or changed plo nliirmed by its last national eonvention; boy whose temper also "came hard" shrieked the excited maker of pills. tho get of aech notud Stallions as MAM1IK1NO ^^'^sSif,^a^,iK'" At 1,00 p. M„ precisely, Chairman rules shall inclu»!e and secure t» the several was largely represented, more than two about the desk, and bunches ol it GIFT, (Keeord 2:30); MA.MBRI.SO I'A'I'CIIIN, me KIDNEY \VC"T and rejoice in tion may decide to do, but, sir, I would by n State convention, or by any other meunn congressional districts in tho United States ot respect for the constitutional rub' covering thirds of the manufacturers ol glass and oltcn; then a lew words to some "Ttiat un," said the apprentice, point­ Wlnilowriass, Plate Glass, Cameron called the convention to or­ ask the gentleman from Iowa how or authority. appointments to ollico, adopt tbo declnrutiim brightened by thistle balls and "Itox- LAKLAND, aBDALLA and GEORGE WILKES. hmlth. It is a dry, reyttc'M eompo::ndand the right to elect their own delegates to the in the country being present. There bnry waxwork," were suspended from wliose home trials or whose ambitions ing to the nearly emptied jar of acid, nibbjil nnil lloiiBh Pl.t. tol der. The Eev. A. E. Klttrldge, of tlie much of a report the committee on 3. The last proposition is that whether the National convention. of I'reiident Hayes that the reform uf tho had been confided tu her: aud still 6LASS Sky I-lKlii,, (iiit ual Kn«m. Ono pacliacewi:i lunlic *lx .itsof .trcdielao. civil s.Tvico should he thoroughly radical and have hererolore been two associations , the wires that held up the stove fun­ "Great guns! you've pisened him," Fifty-seven Head, including elml ninu, Silver PlatB) Get it of y: !r Jirvrr'--', he vlil order it Third Presbyterian Cliurch, Chicago, rules and order of business will, by re­ delegates within nny State have been chosen some words ol thanks to some older biifh liar., French .nil fle, by separate distriol conventions held within cuiuplcto. [.\pplaune.] To this end it de­ ol the producers of glass, one liaving nel. It was the closing day, and was, howled the drug store man, and seizing WH TE-LEAD nmn l.cokliiR Ola,. Pint*. furvoi. i'. ,..•0,21,110, invoked the divine blessing upon tlie porting at this time, be able to make THE I'LATKOllM. mands the uu-uperatiuii of thu legislative witb ones whose kindly sympathy and ellorts SSambri^o Kate. the district, or a single State convention and its centre in Pittsburg, the other in therefore, exceptiomil. The children his hat, shot down the street toward honti «nJ Oil, Color., Putw r.::.-..'.~.r,"c.'.r t ci., rrcprioiwii, •• labors of the convention. to this convention ? This report on where State conventions have been held it has Mr. Pierrejiont, of New York, pre­ tbo executive department of the goveriiineiit., had made lier work easier. Tills time OIL & COLORS Point., etc. nnd thnt congress shall so legislate thnt fituesF, l>oston.' It is proposed now to com­ were allowed a little longer time be­ the Gardner mansion like a special dis­ tsrsnlo positive. For cntalogucs nddross 12& 14 Conjtreas St. Ebbi. Detroit. Ml«h, The chairman then called on the rules and order of business was agreed been the almost universal praotioe to allow the sented the report ol tlie committee on she took the key with her instead ot patch. On approaching the house he delegates to suoh State convention from such resolutions as follows: nscertniucd by proper prnntical test*, skall nd- bine these for purposes of mutual pro­ fore coming to order in the morning, rsr^-'-'^-iS^ i:eoretary to read the call, and Secreta­ to by the committee, that It should be inittuthe publio service; that the tenure of tection against foreign manufacturers. putting it In its old pliice under the saw the Colonel sitting on the veranda ^ NYE & FOSTER, Flint, Mich. deferred till after the committee on Oongressionai district to hold separate district while the linishing touches were being ry Keough proceeded in a clear voice conventions, and soleot the national delegates The Republican party, in national conven­ mlniinisirntivo ollices, except those thruagh put to the sclioolroom's ornamentation, door rock; and some ol the children fanning himsell vigorously, and rue- credentials should make tlieir report. tion assembled, nt the end of 20 years since the I'liis industry has made rapid strides m to read the document. from each district. This long current o£ prec wbic:i the distiuotivo policy ot tho paity in imd they in turn showed themselves walked with her to the turn in llie lully surveying the charred remnants ol BIRDSALL ENGINE. There are many things in this report, edent, and this universal ountiim of the past, federal guvernment was first oominitted to power is carried lait, shall be mode permanent since the summer day in 1780 when roiiit, there to leave her not only sad at Mr. Cameron tlien spoke as follows: its charge, submits to the people of the during go.id behavior, and thnt the power of Robert Ilewes set uj) his glass factory particularly zealous to lend the school- a newspaper whicli were scattered Fosaeiaea Mora Faints of Qehtlemen of the convention—Before the sir, that would be appropriate and mo t cuiiclusivoiy establish tbe right of a Con­ United Sintcn this brief report ot its adminis­ breaking those ties, but a little better about, M'hile the sweat which poured oil £zoeIlenca than Anv some perhaps that miglit not, \V hy gressional district to representation. removal fur cause, with duo responsibility for in New Hampshire with the aid ol marm their assistance—a trifle to her Other now OffareiL. couventiuu entera upon the Important duticn tration : tbo good conduct ut suburdinates shall acoum- confusion, perhaps, but she did not lor having aided others to be good, a him formed in little pools about him. that has called ua together, 1 aak your. atten­ this haste, I ask ? There is a resolu­ Twelve members of the committee some drunken Wallaclilan soldiers who little older lor having had tlie care of It supproHscd a rebellion which had armed pany the power of appiiiotment. mind. "Hello," gasjied the warrior, "wliat It Oertalnla;y stands Vi\- tion tor a single moment. During tho canvana tion In that report that denies to men presented a minority report in which nearly 1,000,000 u£ men to subvert tho national had deserted from the army. They youngea' minds, a little more womanly rivaled I1n_ SITeotive m fffari's^il.'v^Jl-'j Jnat ended there ban been munifeated, in many on this floor the right to defend their they say: authority. •f'lie amendment was accejited a>id had been skilled glass founders at Very early In tlie afternoon there lor having been engaged in woman's kind ol whisky w.is that you sold me ?owor, ond the ThI-,-; aootionn of the country, oonaiderablo bittor- It reoorstrnctcd the Union ot tha States, to-day, .Johnson V I never see such stull. Saving of Fuel ' •• miil(,.« "iJilt-ndwe" Bullrr th, .v,.nr rcnnd. O.iii. right to appeal on this floor, unless Tbo minority, while concurring in so much the report adopted. home, but were no more faithful to the came a knock at the door that was work. and Water. innii-i-it t> ncBii, which 1 truat will entirely diaappear bo­ of the report of tbe majority a, reports tho with freedom instead uf shivery as its corner- I brought it home and took a couple of iiii'.l 11... .S,.|<.i,.,,. (,rc'li,.nil irv n;jll,..; to liu-rc-. foro entering upon tho grave dutiea devolving they confine themselves to five minutes stune. The convention tlien took a rece,ss work of blowing gliiss than to lighting, startling, though It came in the midst Its SMVIni. innkiui:. •Iul;-,,lii.Ln'l nu.l V.-inl.T (1,. ,.,_„.,i ;^ upon un. Let there be but one motive govern­ names oE delegates and alternates whose scats and the factory soon came to an end. drinks and s.'it down here to read the qualities nn each in debate. Sir, if this convention are nut contested, beg leave to state that tbey It transformed 4,000,000 human beings from till evening. ol "five times live" Irom the capaciuiis Fi.ir a week jiast she had been saying • uper ejccl- lFI*t ,llliH. :.r<,M,,.!. Iiirn-nsa. ,;™.:u,.: fl ...r,.^,,;., JxiiroTcs ing our aotion, and let that be a determination Is a body of men which Is honorable, the likeness of things to the ranks ot citizens. Pieces of tlie production of this flrst 1 lings of the whole third class ol robust paper, and in about live minutes I be­ lent Itsstoiim to place in nomination the atrongeat ponaible differ from tho opinions of the majority in KVKSlMi SESjJION. good-by us slic met tlieui to tlie many gan to bile, and the next thing, I'm Ing eapacit] >;"nl.t;_al l,-„..| io..i„r cent. I!..,li„v. iu:,c.rnr ,• true and great; if it Is a body of Re­ respcot to their application of the prinoiplo It relieved oungrirss from theinlamous work factory are still preserved in museums boys. A hush fell upon the school iit saves tliue. lb candidatea, men atrong in tbemaelvea, atrong of district representation in u national con­ of hunting fugitive slaves, and charged it to see The convention reassembled and was in Boston. Middle-aged people can re­ Irieiids she had made during her so'- darne(', if my breath didn't set the p.a- durabi nil in tbe confidonoo and affection of tbe people, publicans and desires that victory shall that slavery docs not exist. onco. Country children are not so ac- joiini there; kind, hospitable jieople, savee rer;di>. and men who will command the rcapect of the follow after what we do here, be not vention. Tho adoption of the views of tho called to order at 7:15. On tlie call of member the thick, green, cloudy glass­ eustomed to visits from the committee per alire; I'll have to move my custom Ita wulghi majority results prnotically in changing tho It hns raised the value of our paper currency the States Mr. .Toy, of Micliigan, nom­ uinoiig whom she had been quite at if you don't give me a better brand. A saves heavj civilized world. Oar country, of which we too hasty in raising the ax to the heads traiitions nnd practices of tho Republican from S8 per cent, tu par with gold. ware which was made in their early as city children, iiiid the two rugiila- haulliiK. Ill oro justly proud, boa grown ao rapidly in pop. inated Mr. Blaine in an eloquent youth iu Western Pennsylvania and home, and whose lioarty invitations to man would have to copper line himself a I lu p 1 e cull ulotion, wealth and influence during the cx- of your brethren. For all that I ask of party in many States where from time imme­ it has restored upim a solid basis payment tion visits in each term are events ol coine again she had received with sin­ s t r u u 11 o i: any man here, and ask as an honorable morial the State conventions have selected certain fur all the national obligations, and sjieech whicli was enthusiastically ap Massachusetts, and which otters such a moment. Though this "committee­ to stand that stuff." saves ftinptoy iatence oE tbe ItepnbUoan party that we have has given us n currency absolutely good and plauded. The nomination was seconded cere jileiisure. And at last she bid liiK skilled un attained o position aa one of the leading pow- delegate to this convention. Is fair play the delegates to the national conventions. marked contrast to tho fairy-like deli­ man's" lace was perleclly lamiliitr to Wr. .loliiison took what w;is lelt ol Bhiwrs, nnil Whenever the RepiublioanB in a national con­ legal, and equal in every part of our extended in short speeches by Mr. Pixley, of cate objects exhibited by the glass- guod-by CO the ones at the farmhouse Li'TTEi: .H.vu-nn" nvinle.l.... a,r.h •.!icU-.:;o. Pomler.inlJ ora of the world. We can no longer bo aatis- for our brethren In this convention. country. them, his solemn mien and best clothes the sulpliuric acid and inlorined the many tlhin fied with our iiolation. Beoogniaing our vention assembled shall lay down a system to California, and Mr. Frye, of Maine. where she had boarded, luul seated be­ much porplox Cm:n.. govern future notion in the selection of dele­ It baa lifted the credit of the nation frnmtho makers of New England, Pittsburg and impressed them greatly, and combined soldier that he would send him down a Ity and vexa ,i.v nn.l (IfiUTnl Stnr,..la-,,.i <>• • A^l; yoiiv .Icnlc;- l,)r changed condition, wo muat place in position Mr. Henderson—I am glad, Mr. Air.Conkling nominated Gen. Grant Wheeling at the Philadelphia Exposi­ hind the old white horse and before Won. 'riio Bcii onrl,r,»k ••Tfiiua i„ riiitler-r.D.ker.,." or reiiil Btainii to ra. mon whoso fomiliarity with other nations will gates, it is probable thnt tbe Republicans in point where 6 per cent, bonds sold at 86, to with her own good tniinitig of. them better (luiility of li(|Uor in return, and Chairman, particularly glad, to hear every Stoto will cheerfully conform to such that whore 4 per ceut- bonds are eagerly nought Mi: Garlield nominated Secretary Sher­ tion in 1870. Still there is much for her trunk she entered once iiioro those betook liinisoll to his store, marveling rtne material nsjd Id their msnnfactare snvss break- Snv h. hnmU size, lb., m ir, cents; rurfo sizi. J!;*' lha., enable them to direct our affairs ao that we (she Wiis sure that had a i>art) to ren- dear old woods. She liiul early con­ MS?..!'" "a'la'acfon they (Ira sayes reputation, saves will take tbo lead in commerce, aa wo have in the sentiments that have just fallen rulci but we declare as our deliberate judg­ at a premium. man, Mr. Billings, of Vermont, nom- our American manulacturers to learn at the strength of practiced digestive nioney, asd preserres ths gissl will ef nil. aai'iiijj liy biiylna the lavjror size. ment that tho majority propone for the adop­ Under its administration railways hnve in­ (ler them perfectly well behaved ceived a liking lor that spot of wood- ogrinulturo and in manufactures. Do not for from the lips of the distinguished gen­ nated Mr. Edmunds, and Mr. Cassidy, in this art as in every other; they . throughout his prolonged stay. Her m'';\\\i~.—Clecdund Leader. sii&j'^f^c^ik^x.r'''''^'^'''^ ?i*^S^_'^*^i2??!;->. ..Idress, '"JTTER IMPROVEMENT CO,CO,,, Pfop-ri,' a moment doubt tbo strength of our institn- tion of this convention, an ex post facto rule, creased from 31,000 miles in I860 to more than liiiid through which the luirnnv rotiil tleman from Illinois, I assume, sir, which will operate with great injustice, and 82,000 miles in 187U, and our foreign trade has ot Wisconsin, nominated Mr. Wash- learned much at the Exposition. The very worst little trial, whom site learned E.M. BIBDSALL & CO., tiona. They have been tried in blood, and that the words that have fallen from twisted lor a space out of the sun. pphifrAy, If. r come from the cnnteat better, stronger, purer virtually assorts the power on the part of increased from .*7OO,U00,0OO to .•il,150,000,000 burne. All these speeches were loudly Hint glass produced since then has to depend upon to do soirielliiiig atro­ The 1J0S.S Cn.vit.—A lew days ago his lips in his closing remarks Avlll be this National Convention of neoting delegates in tho name time, nnd cair exports, which were applauded, as were also the speeclies gained in lightness, tint and purity ol She had liked it when slie wandered NICHOLS,SHEPARD & CO.BattleCreetlA than the moat ardent patriot dared to hope. cious at sucli times, luidcoine to school through its midsummer .greenuess some .raoiutese lislierinen at Cape Jdzii Eatabllihed No combination of circumatancea, no coterie gratifying to the entire country. From chosen in violation of the long established prac- t2D,G00,00O less than oui imports in 18G9, were of those secodning the nominations. form. la ISiS, ti«o and usages of the Republican party uf tbe 4261,000,n00 more than our imports in 1879. looking more roguish tlmii ever from over its yiuliiing mosses, mid by the ciiptoreti nil immense crab in a net. ^ ORIOIHAL AND ONLY- CENUIlilE - of individuals, no persona] ambition can ever no gentleman In this convention would State to bo affected thereby. This action, we At a little after 1 o'clock Sunday out arudle added to his neck by way prevail againat the intelligenoo and the inborn I be more glad than from him to hear Without resorting to loans it has since the The industry at present stands upon cool brook that snug iu its niidsl. They brought it to Yokohama, audit affirm, is calculated to subject this convention war closed, dflrayed the ordinary expenses of moniing the convention adjourned till ol ailornment by a doting mother. At was luircliiised from tlieni by Mr. Pag- love ot libarty~wbioh ore implanted in the the announcement that there must be to tho criticism of deciding cunsests witb the a level with thatol pottery. We have Slie had enjoyed the walking to school "VIBRATOR" hearts ot Americans, When the nominations government, and besides paying the nooruing 10 o'clock ilonday forenoon, the coming in of the coniraittee-maii through it with the golden-rods bend­ don, who.se premises liave been con­ ore mnde and the convention baa completed no driving rough-shod over the rights view of affecting the final result o{ noniina- interest on the public debt and disbursing an­ all the material and the fuel in quan­ TbreflUns MaoUner,ery Mid:PortaUand;] « tiuns for President and Vioe-Prenident. MONr>.\Y'.S .SE.SSION. tity and cheaimess to en.tble us to he disajipeared from sight. Tiie school- ing to greet her on cither side, and stantly besieged by persons anxious to ite work, let there be bnt one aentiment ani­ ot the minority, nually more than 530.000,000 (or soldiers' pen­ marm very quickly missed him, but and Tractio>nn Engine mating all earneat, aincere and unaelfinb Re- sions, it bus paid $888,000,000 of tbo public compete with European producers, not a little the stejiping aside to pick, see the sea monster. The Iront pair Mr. Sharpe of New York—Mr. Chair­ The minority winh to call the attention ot The convention reassembled at 10 catching sight of a pair ol copper-toed oltrmtXin^llluOnlm publioana, and let that be that each shall vie the convention especially , to the content ia debt, and, by refunding tho balance at low­ and the best of their skilled labor is as tliey lipeiied in turn, the blueber­ ol legs ol this criib measure twelve with the other in carrying uur grand old party man, I am here simply by choice. I West Virginia. We understand that it stands, er rates, has reduced the annual interest o'clock Monday and proceeded to ballot boots projecting over the end ol a seat, ries and huckleberries. The liking leet from tip to tip, and are doubie- charge from nearly ^151,000,000 to less than for candidate for President. The fol­ coming to us. All that we need now through the coming contest to victory, represent the minority of the commit­ in renpcct to principle and fact, precisely upim is the artistic training which will lead she concluded not to disturb them, grew to affection as the maples and jointed; the other eight are much INOOlfiidftiiotiTOi been instructed by the national com­ committee Is in my pocket now, ready gressional delegations. Their names were re­ there is evidence of a coming prosperity great­ probably be insured by the meeting black-and-blue spots on any small all tlieir ijuiet deptlis. She grew to be twelve Indies. In 1871 a very large JerabUIItTABI l mittee to designate Mr, Hoar of Mas­ to be read to this convention when It ported to the State Convention. The State er than we have ever enjoyed. Ist-Ulysrtoss. (irnnt, of lIllnolH, 1101, .luiucs ti. boy's legs. friends with the jays and squirrels crab was caught and brought to Yoko­ S0P««iraas, ; ^1™.'!'}° S'^'^K'^^^J^J,'"^^ 1 .ty Convention refused to give the credentials to On this record the Itcpnblican party asks ninlne, oC .Mnino, '-'»4i .tohn Shornian, or Ohio, lilli wliich has just taken pl.ice In Phila­ sachusetts as temporary chairman. A shall proceed to consider it, according delphia^ ^ and patridges and tho crows that hama, but since that time until the «rlor good to the understanding of the committee, this convention, but selected other delcgats, for the continued confidence and support o£ Ooorue K. Edmunds, ut Verniuiit, M; Kllliu II. The committee-man did not ask many liont. unanimous vote followed. npon tho ground that tho oontestonts, although tho pcopio, and this convention submits for Washburno, of Illinois, tlU; Wm. WIndoin, ot ,Mlu- cawed in the tree-tops. Then even the l)resent we believe tliat none of ex­ • The'iroiiderfni neeen and nonntarltrof , Mr. Cameron—The chair will appoint I propose, Mr. Chairman, to move an appropriately representing tho sentiments of their approval tho following statements of ncsuia, IU| .lames A. Unrdold. of Ohio, 1. questions; indeed, one would have con­ crows deserted the place in long pro­ traordinary size had been captured. .,onr Vnaww UunisefT hu ib-l von other amendment to this' resolution by in­ Sixty spies are jiaid by the State in sidered the examlnalton rather superli- ins to bnltd ,llti.u«varlonam.]nr»^ar«noTslt«niit . I Gov. Davis of Texas, the Hon. Wm, B, their constituents, were not in accord with the tho principles and purposes which will con­ L'd-Ornnt llOr., Illnino aS'.', Sliorniun 0.|, Wnsh- Turkey to hang about the bazaars and cessions of black spots against the The largest specimen of a cr.ab known Frye of Maine, and the Hon. Green serting therein that the committee on majority of tho State Convention. Tho min­ tinue to guide and inspire its efforts; burno ll'J, WIndom 10, Kdmunds ll'J, Onrllotcl 1. clal had not one noticed the evident care is In the British Museum, .and meas­ OUT flHKUUt KM^St'' ority insist that if the report of the majority I. Wo afHrm thnt tho work of tbo last 21 ;id—Ornnt .'10,',, Blnlno aS'i, Shormnn IW, Kdmunds streets, attending as much as possible autumn sky, and tlie yellow faded out B.Raum to conduct the chairman to credentials be ordered to make its re­ ;i'J, Wushburno III, WIndom 10, Onrilold 1, Uonja- and deliberation with which each ques­ of the golden-rods, and left but their ures eighteen feet from the tip of one port, and I so move. in rcspeot to the Illinois, Alabama and Kansas years boa been suoh ns to commend itself to to everybody else's business, and to tion was selected, and the weighty, hisseat, oases is adopted, the contestants from West tbo favor of tbo nation, nnd that the fruits of mln Harrison, of Indtnnn, I. bring lo tlie palace regularly their dry white ghosts. But her affection claw to the tip of imoW\Qv.—Japan lf^^iS^»i£r^i:vi&i^ Mr. Hoar, on being conducted to the After some further debate in which Virginia should aino be admitted to scats in tho oostl^ viotoiios which wo havo oohloved, 4th—Urnnt 11(15, Illnino '.'81, Shoruinn 0.1, ISdnuinds solemn manner in which It was did not lessen even when the leaves Gazette. ll'J, Wnsliliurno'iil, WIndom iu, Onrilold 1. budgets of small talk .tnd gossip, while propounded. Whether this man­ chair by the comniittee, was received Messrs. Conkling, Boutwell, Garfleld this convention in plaoe of tho sitting dele­ through immonno dilliculties, should bo pre­ live professional talkers are always on had all fallen and left all biit the ev­ and others took part, the substitute gates. served; that tho peace regained should bo fall—Snme ns Inst. ner came from a determination to do TOBOM.aHBPAM) * CO..B»tll»Cnefc.lllek with great applause, and made a stir­ cherished; that tlio dissevetcd Union, now llth—Grnnt llOfi, Hlnlno2Sl, Sherman M, Edmunds hand to retail the scandal thus collect­ ergreens bare and dark, for then the Zachary Ctultiiey of Taylor Coiiiity, ring speech, concluding as follows: was defeated by a vote of 318 to 400. The report of the majority was di­ his full duty by the town whose repre­ snow camel and it was still beautiful. Ga,, Is a curiously deformed dwarf. He In every r.iso of lever and agiic, it is nlw.iya • happily restored, should be perpetuated, and 111, Washburno 111, WIndoin 10, GarHold 3. ed to the royal ears. His Majesty, it is sentative he was, or an effort to cover thorough remedy, wliile for disorders of the stom. The Dcmocratio puty confront* na to-day, On the announcement of this vote, vided into six parts, each to be voted that the liberties secured to this generation 7th—Ornnt 30S, Blnlno 231, Shermnn 114, Edmunds feared, might be sometimes dull, and She bad spent many happy care-free is 25 years old mid only 40 inches hi,q;h. nch, torpidity of the liver/Indigestion and dia- oa I soldi nachanged in pnrpoee, in temper should be transmitted undiminished to future 93, Washburno III, WIndoin 10, Onrilold 2. a little inefliclency by Impressing tiirbauces of the animal forces, which debilitate. Mr. Brandage of Connecticut said: "I upon separately. The part relating to so sixty men are kept as a gossiping hours in those woods, aud she could His general weight is 100 pounds, of 11 has no equivalent and can. have no tubatituie. ; and in ohorocter. Onit«d.ui nothing.elae; pro- propose to make a motion which I generations; that the order established and 8th-Grant aoti, Blaine '.181, Shormnn 01, Wash­ teacher and scholars with the profound­ not leave them without a little regret. the Louisiana contests was adopted the credit ooquired shonld never be impeocbed; burno Edmunds ai, WIndoro 10, Oartlold 1. staff, to make sure of somebody being which hia hands and feet will weigh ,|( ihould not be confounded .wllh' Ihc triturated ,poalog no other, meunra of poUoy.'it'.nnas think will be in the interest' of de­ and the convention adjourned till ness of his wisdom,. the scboolmarm Should she spend more such there? half. His little linger is' 14 inches In compounds of.cheap iplrlls 'aDd'.esseolisI oili, warfare upon tbe taregoatda wbieh ibsutioh that the pensions promised should be poid; nth—Grant 308 Blalno S83, Sherman «0, Waah- always on the spot with a joke, alstory, must not say—perhaps, indeed, the often Mid under the same of Blitcrt, baa thrown atonnd tha puritjr of ita •laotton*. cency, of harmony, of peace. Many evening. that the debt, so much reduced, should be burne ai, Edmunds 81, WIndom 1, OarHeld 2, or a scrap of news. Oh, she could not say, but good-by, circumference, which will give uome two motivea were combined and his good-by, now. ideaof the enormous proportions of • • rorsslsby : duty consisted in seeming wise. Be DRUGGISTS. GROCKRS AND OBNERAL his hands and feet. DBALBRS avnnrwHiaa., ; mm IF liiili

viBitIng relatives in I^aiibheeter,retum- ; Grocorlos. ed homo last Saturday.: -' ; , star Clothing House. Dr. C. L. Randall flredo salute of Tlmrsday, Jiiiio 10, 1880. thirty-nine guns yesterday in honor of the republican nominee for president. Mr. Maconder has' sold his place on FITCHBUIIG. Mason street to Adison Donsmore. REMOVED! REMOVED! Surprise Piir(y>-I.«ap-YeiirIIoii'.IIeiai Mr. Macender and family will start I From Two Sonreea. for Leadvlllo, Col., next Monday. IS^ccial Oorrcapondence.] • We had any quanlty of music on the FiTOliiiURO, Juno a street Monday night, but perhaps if " Egyptian Oil" hod sold more readily •THE— VOL. XXII.-NO. 25. Fair weather onco inoro.i MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE li, 1880. Tlie high wind Sunday, did much Ave would have had more musle yet. WHOLE NO. 1119. damage iu this vioiuity to fences, qrcli M. A. Carpenter has luA'cnted a nrds, etc. wood soAvlng machine. It is run by Business Cards. load, ho wiw willing to deduct $50 from one man who will soav as much wood and editor of Fentwater, called on us Menejrtbl^an, Corn is backward, but the wheat bis price rattier than to have the mat­ Saturday. He spent Sunday in the SOO on Ihrm property, ot low rate of Interest; as two men will In the same time MECBET MOCIETIEfl. ter brought into tho courts.—.Saton loolts Avell, and the grass and clover Avith a common cross-cut saAV. city with his mother, the guests of Mr. andnVj oflot 4 biooOofB^^ good mortgages bought. Inquire of i Ijromise a good yield. • PoBLtsnicB Ka-gby Tiiubsday Arran- Sapidt Journal, . and Mrs. H. P. Henderson. . ditlon, Onondaga 700 A Gooyear dance. A good time n. H. S.—Fred Carpenter. orery lasertlon. are among the Ingham county attor­ A Waab.Ont-Bleanibo»t Bold-Hheap Jj. II. S.—Ettlo Coy. luinberyard and planing mill. Sash, doors, " There has not been one solitary in- neys having cases on the supreme YOU CAN USB 8TXAI(THBESnBB8,lW(Aollt CZfrO • w'us reported. GROClIESiDFBOVmONS Ifarrlaie, birth, and death noUces n-ee, and blinds nt wholesale and retail.. stanceln my publio career where I suf­ KlIlMl-PanwaiBia, lie. Nasba'. Obltuanr notices, resolutions of respect, court docket. [Special Qirreapoiulence.} coti, If you Insure your property with mo. The daughters and other relatives of CLOTHING HOUSE! earda ortttanks, etc., live cents a lino, fered in the smallest degree from any re­ Mason Bnslness Directory. OXBNos, June U. I represent none but flnt.«Iasa oompanles, und Mre. Lydla E. Peak, surprised that WHEATFIELD. mark she ever made. With thecompeti- Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Meach celebrated give tbe lowest rates. JOB PRINTING! tion tliat has been against mc many the tenth anniversary of their marriage Where is the man who predicted a good lady yesterday, by making her a JEWEI.EBS. lOtr. J. C.SctuiEBS, Mason. visit, the occasion being the sixty- Ilaru nnlNeil-Cr»|Ml.oakl»ir Wcll-So- TEA! TEA! TEA! Steam Power, New Prosses, and Now Typo times such discretion lias been a real last evening with a tin wedding. A drouth? cinls—MIcfcneMs From Measles, Etc. Now Located in the '*01d Grout" enable us to do Job Printing on nhort LIAS CULVER, dealer In watches, cloeks, blessing." There is amoral in those few large and pleasant company were in at­ Chester Hasklns bad four sheep kill­ Horae For Hale, seventh anniversary of her birth-day. Boy mare, eight years bid, weighs about The surprise was as complete as the [Sjifctal CbiTetarts, nnd promise a larger yield than ball on Friday evening, July 2. This Avar, Avlio perished amid the closing last year. BIG STOCK TO SELECT FROM. AND AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU I nooTN Asrn nhoeb. land. Mich. They put it on tho cars at Berry's, scenes of the rebellion, reposes.in the Offlce In Darrow block. Mason. The grcenbockers of Ingham county hotel has always been popular, and last Thursday. The boys intend build­ Bather rainy in these parts, so Mr. We have added Largely to Our RUSSELL C. OSTRANDER, A Benper Far 9110. sunny south, near the spot where he L. FULLER, dealer In boots, shoes, mil- will hold u convention in this city on the party will, doubtless, be a success. ing a larger one for use on Pine Lake. Only Ave Boyeo reapers left. Will sell thom fell. Mrs. Peak has two sistei's, Avho Gardner Fletcher is taking the census We expect we wool be busy selling all-wool suits, as TTORNEY AT LAAV AND CIRCDIT J. Unery, and fancy goods. Main street. Thursday, June 24, to nominate county to ])ass aAvay time. tho wool time wool soon be here. A court coinmlHslonor. Ijinajng.Jlfleh. • The examinations of classes in our for $110 each, cosh. Como early and secure a reside in this vicinity, a father aged Crockery Department! O. HUNTINGTON, exclusive dealer In olllcers and representatives from the ubllo schools will commence on Tues Advertised Letter list. bargain. a E.Smith. ninety-one years, Avho resides with her A. B. COWLKS. ' KnWAIlD OAim^ C- .hoots and shoes. Itepalrlng^done cheap. flrst nnd second districts of this county, The Sunda.y-.scliool is prospering gny, June 22. There will be no pub­ Bepnira. only brother near Adrian. Long may llnely ill di.strlct No. 7, AVitli Mr.s. Wni. And More Ooinlny. COWLES & CAHILL, . ICE nnOS. mnnnracturo nnd repair boots to the legislature. They Avill also Mahon, June U, lished programme as last term. It is CInuflln, Clara Fire, LIbby I koop the only genuine repairs for tho Oli­ she liA'e to cheer and be cheered by her Avery as supoi'intcndcut. ''TS™^^^?.AT,P'^^^' LANSING, MICH. R nnd shoes. Shop In expre.ss building. choose delegates to tho state, congres­ desired and expected that those inter­ many friends, AVliilc our conunou hu­ lLdw.ird Calilll, prosoeutlng attorney, sional and senatorial conventions. We Ghllds, Miss Susan Lawrence, Ella J, ver and Oulo plows. N. A. DtmNiNO. Godfrey Folar raiscfl a large horse LiAUGMEST STOCK OF 4I be In Mason l''rldn.vswlieii reqiiMtnd. !IIIN€ET.r.A9rEOIJN. ested, particularly the parents, wlll be Durkor, Andrew J. manity heaA-e a sigh, that, with the and grain barn last Friday. Henry liavcn't learned Avhether the democrats present as much as possible. Some of Persons culling for tho above should say Cloeka. present generation, the name of this PleiMc Call und Examine Our VERNER J." TEFFT, will call one on the same day for fusion advertised. F. T. Albrigiit, p. M. • Every did the Carjienter Avorlt. TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AV, TANNER, doalor In dry goods, no- the examinations will be oral and oth­ Immense stock of now clocks Just rocolvcd branch of the Peak ftimily becomes ex­ Goods and Prices. A Mason, Mich. Bnckrldor^block. ' M••-J'°"''''''"ts,nnd fancy goods. Main st. urposcs or meet afterwards and in-ers written. at Berry's. tinct. T. The social at Mr. Coryell's Avas not Dusters, A/pacca and Mohair Coats BORN. veryAvell attended owing to the bad H. P. nBNnuiisox. OKoTl^ pay. -irrEnu * mead, oxcluslvo dealers In Sorse tlie-g. b, ticket and platform. Rovers Wniilii Hia Pay! JJ__clQlj}ingjiiid gents' furnishing goods. They avIII probablydoone or the other, CRUMB—To E. Crumlbof this city, June W, a Having sold out my business In Stockbrldgo Decoration day Avas not obser\'ed here Aveather. Another, at Tlionias Ijam- We feel confident of giving satisfac­ HENDERSON & DAV, Obituary. son. bei't's, Saturday, June 12. tion in CA'cry particular, and use our ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT - FRANK CLARK, blacksmith and flne as there is not enough left of the demo­ I want to settle -ip all accounts at once. People in general arc mending their To be found in the city. I^ J^carrlago hulldor. Repairing neat, cheap. cratic party in this county to stand David Bceman, who had been for best efforts to do so. ia-.„l?^VMason, Mich. 9'". ™ J*^'"''" National bank, Pleaso bo prompt. Avays. IRST N.VriONAL RANK. M. MeRobort, alone. twenty-five years a resident of Leroy BUSINESS LOCALS. 9tl D. N. RoQEits, Stockbrldgo. 0KEN08. r, .P''.'"'!.'.'2J'f'„ llendorsoii, cashier. .Tohn Lee Clark, census taker, is on F township, (lied June C, aged eighty- Hoticet under IMt fuad will be imerted at the PHYMICIANN. C'apllnl, 8100,1)1)0. Gonornl banking business. Wra. Jennoy, secretary of state, says three years. A Newspaper Free. the Avarpatli. J. J. Ilronn'N Ntorc nna'trlarlzeil—CIlNnslroiiN Fire. I'llc. L. A. SNELL, M. D., LARK HOUSE, AVm. H. Clark, proprietor. tice imertedfor leu than tteenty-flve octi/ji.. I will Insure every man In the Watertown M. Walker has been giving his house White "Vests, Wliite Vests! C JlS?L9JlS_'jPjjgJlJ* •''''y house In the city. iiisoinco from 815 townships shoAV that Jacob DuBois, who recently sold his for one year and hirnlsh him with The INO- [tWjwciirt O'dfiTspondciicr.] TTOMOilOPATHIC I'HY.SICIAN AND SUR- ii fresh coat of paint. MASON. IJ. geon, Otllco in Ellsworth block with EACli A ROSE, manufacturers and deal- there Avcre 1,580,020 sheep sheared in farm in Bunkerhill, died at the homo Mason HAK County News, St. Louis /^adn-or Ing­ Oicraio.SjjHnc ><. LARGE LINE TO SELECT FROM. Ur. Morse. Itesldcnco cor. Mnple andDsts. ers In all klndsorftirnlturo. Ash street. 1870, yielding 8,21,1,554 pounds of wool. of Mrs. B. Kendall in Vevny, where ham county Denwcrat, for what It costs him to' Frank HaAvley is clerking In S. 8. Working on tlie road is the order of M Is tho place to sell your wool, and J. L. Fuller's Dewy'a store at Eden. Offlce hours from 1 to a.lo i-. m. M. DUE.SSER loans money, buys notes, This la nn average of 5 1-5 pounds per he had been living since, yesterday boot and shoo store Is the place to leave a por­ Insure In the Mutual for one year. the day in tliis .section. . and makes collectionsj also llro Insur- head. Tho reports also show that the noon, of heart disease. He had been Wheat is heading out, and there are OR. HENRY COOK, J tion of that money. Why? Because he gives 4tf. I. H. VANDcncnoK. L.i.st AVediu'sday night the store of HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE nnco agent. Over Lowe's bank. Main street. number of sheep in the same townships sufl'erlng tram that disease for the past youyaluo received every tlmo, and has an prospects of an early liarvest. .1. .T. BroAvn was "visited liy burglars. Don't forget to call on us when in need of Clothing, etc., at rosldonco on Main street. Mason. RAZEI, & MEIIAN, proprietors of city in 1880 Avas 1,032,025, Avhich is 3.27 per ten years and for a long time had been Money to lK>nn. P Immonso stock to select from. At eighti>er cent on gilt c'dgo security. A. O. Miller is getting the material Ee.sult, several cases of pocket knives for we 'Will try to please you. W. W. ROOT, M. a, F ^"J'ir'ry- Zr*"!' bread, pios, and cakes. cent, more than tlie number shenreil in a confirmed inA'alid, but yesterday on the ground for a horse barn. and some toilet articles taken. Esti­ FFICE AT RESIDENCE. CALLS AT. AVHITELEA', nowsdoalor and subserlp- 1870. If there hns been a correspond­ morning was feeling better than usual. Walt. Dart A Clark, Lansing, Mich. mated loss about twelve diillai's. They tended at all hours, except on Sundays H_ . tlon agent; also American oxp. agent. ing hicreaso in the remaining 232 He went out to the barn to call the men Saturday, Juno 12, wo commonco to give When comiilcte, I. P. HaAvley will Obetween 0 a. m. nnd 2 p. m., and 8 to 9 p. m. Come One, Come All, : have the best little store in toAvn. otieetod an entrance by cutting iiAvay RANE * DUNNING, proprietors city food township.4, tlicro will be 1,830,266 sheep to dinner nnd on returning to tlic our onstomors a boneflt sale, to lost until July both great and small, and settle up your ac­ ... ^S':"' candles, oto., kept In stock. sheared in the .'state the present year, house wna seen to auddcnly-stogger as 4,1880, Pakkis dc Pbbslby. As soon as they get their church lln- a portion of one Avindow. IITTIII SEAL, TBE STAR ClOTBIER, A. B. CAMPBELL, M. D.. C counts at once,/irJ niwrf Aatie i\[ teits can't be be matched for tho money my own work, using only tho best of stock, night, the ladies played their part Avell. Itcal Estate Traiisfurs. give the alarm when Mr. Call had starting from Mrs. Kendall's in Vevay. tn this vicinity. Call and be convinced, and desire all wishing anything In my lino to Blva Earl, floor manager; Carrie NEWS NOTES. I'l.VANCIAI.. taken up his station ut the rear of the Long A Ellis. call and examine prices and work before pur­ Etchell, proprietor. They say the The following are tlie real-estate store. The alarm was given rather ror S»Ie. chasing. Shop and store east of Dunnlng's. girls did the fair thing. transactions rueordod in the books of TBAVEtEBS» GUIDE. prematurely and the burglars rushed House nnd lot on Center street. Inquire of 17tf. Yours F, P. MlLLBBBY. the register ofilocds of Ingham county MONEY TO LOAN Farmers* Club. Our Sunday-school has at last got a Now in Full Blast. N REAL EST.VTK SECURITY, AT 8 PER out the back Avay, revolver in hand, J. E. Coy, at Eaton's elevator. IBtf for the Aveek ending .liuie 4, ISSO, cent., at county clork'solllco. C. C. AVal- J., I.. A m. Division M. C. Railroad. and at onco opened fire on Mr. Call, Heed Potatoes. send off Avith the following ofHcers: Avhere the consideration is $40(1 oroA-er: Oker, agent. Trains leave Mason as follows, by Chicago The Inghnm County Farmers' club Superintendent, Mrs. Mary Stowell; BARGAINS who was.Just approaching tho rear of will hold a picnic at the residence of Wait. Several of the boat varieties for sale nt Dun­ Julia A. A Enos Norllin.ip to .Surali E, time, which is seventeen minutes slower than Wo will show you bargains nover before nlng's grooery;______^__ 14. secretary, Geo. Lord ; treasurer. Miss Horry, lots 12 and l.'l, luoek l,,Snillli & iin'1'Ei.N. Mason time: the store. The lire was returned by Mrs. A. M. Chapin on Saturday, June the officer, each party shooting twice; hoard ot In Mason. Pabkis A Pbeslxy. Alice LaAvrence; librarian, Z. B. I'oases' addition, Mn.son 5 750 OOINO NOIITU, IMal lOOIN O SODTHOiMp.m, . 26, at one o'clock P. M. Money to Iioan, Dewy. 'i'nylor.Uodufuisami tlroninKotloMniv .\. CHAPMAN HOUSE, Mall 8;0rl a.m. " but, though they were only a few feet Judge M. D. Chatterton of Mason " They cannot all He," was the observation Express .'>;l,'i p.m. Express lUjJS a.m. by the.Beal Estate Agent, .Simmons, lot 12, bloek 10, mill lot f ANSING, MICH. BOARD, 81.00 PER ,AVay froight.. 3:00 p.m. opart, no blood Avas spilled. One of will present a paper entitled "The ofono while reading tho endless testimonials John Dvnsbaok. At the convention at Mason the oth­ hloek 1, IIoltiVKIoolo'siuldltlon.MM.soii 1,000 XJ day. B. E. Brawn, proprietor. Good snm- AVny freight.. 0:30 a.m. I Jackson ft 0:50 p.m. the burglars, in his haste, tumbled into er day, poor Ferris said he trembled C. Ttor ase.; three tbavoa tor ! treated. N. 8. Kiikor to Simeon Kent, wy. i>("nay, soeiion ••!) AVheattleld .....C addition to his residence opposite The convention, of tho dangers to the party Webb has the Dirt Excluder Plow Shoea; 1,050 NEAVSoflice, at the outset, and of the happy out­ The following are the proceedings in Wesley Haynes Avas presented AVith rr ''"""loy tl) Geo. llurton and .1. 1'. Gome to White Oak HARNEHM. the only shoo that wlll keep the sand out. .'fi'l • ,0kOl no iiiirtoriioi({ of Inielloiial Closing Out! come. Lack of space forbids a review the probate court up to and including an eight pound girl, Friday, June 4. JOHN QREOORV, Dan. Gregory and Belle Lockwood Advlea. He says its the boss. , 21, AVIilliim.ston ' m If you want yonr Grinding dono tho sanio of the speeches. June 14: ^. Leiirbloii, .sr., to Carolino Taylor, day you feteh youri;rlsl. AVo aro ANUFACTURER OF HARNESS, AND were matrimonially Joined by Justice June 10.—Inventory filed of the estate of Si­ Brighten up your walls In whlteorbeaatlflil •lOaeres on seetloii ai, Willlaiii.sloii. 2,100 dealer In saddles, whips, etc. Repairing —• » • las Holt, late of Bunkerhill. A. E. SAvart Avill pass out the U. .S. ready every morning lo Mpromptly done on short notice and at living Hamnaond on Tuesday. tinta with Alabastlne I for wood work use mail after this at the old stand, corner . .fojiN C, Canno.n, IlCKlsler, sUtrl tho mill. Closing Out! Personal. Junell.—R, D. Wilcox flies hlsaeoountos pnoes. Shop under Near's block. D. S. Hewes, champion of the Dans­ guardian of the estate of Fred WUeox, and Averlll'spalnt,mixed ready for use; beantimi, I Broadway and Mill street. others, minors, of AuroUus. durable and verr cheap. For sale at tUe New Adrertiseniouts. Ifyou want a good pair of vllle gun club, bro)«,^ue\ Harlj alldrngglata. I UTow Wood-SnwInB IMaelilne, Etc. Lamps and GlockH, Stono ChurnH and Crooks, market. Everybody wants one. fVmSTY SURVEYOR. LEVELS TAKEN There Is weeping and wailing and Hon. Sumner Howard of Flint, a wlok, uM; of ne fractional K (except W eolda,wblehara tha Ibrartaintta.of moreae-. I ' DAit8vir.i.B, Juno 0, f01 ni.i. ;'i)'V Wi,;.iJWAHij Aui: Bolts of nU kinds. Milk Pans, Plow Cnstliiga \j and land surveyed on short notico. Drain gnashing of teeth in the offlces of dem­ prominent candidate for congress ftrom acres) section 1, Aurelius.....^. 1,100 . .Waatod. .v. rtoua dltorders. It acta apaMliiy iihd aurely, al- J ) l.-'l- 1{ O IT. .'wll (• II and Folnta for all kinds of Plows. work a specialty. Residence at Mason, ocratic newspapers, as they sadly con­ this distriot, made The News a plaas- A. B. Mack to D. Decamp, n 2> and 88-100 A good Uva agent to sell the gennlM BInger ww*r*UevlBg raltoring, Mcl.enaB aavlngUfc. ' 1 E. D. North Avns in town yesterday, AVe koop the Thomson Plow nnd tho Syra- Drugs, ant call thia morning. ,.8cres of wU of awji, section IS, Delhi.... 1,885 i C. F. Ncwkirk of WebberviUe was nUBoChllled Plow,nnd VowloHOultlvator, also SAVERS 4 PHELPS, sign their editorials-on a third term Wm.N.Ito6ertatoJohn 8. Sweet, w SI Sewing maehlne, ftom Maaon—either on Tba protaotlon It aflbntii by' Ita timely uae In ' OIothcH 'Wringers, and a full lino of Tabaeco GENTS FOR THE JACKSON AND LAN- and a monarchy to' the waste-basket. Miss Ada Whipple, who haa been andlMOpMresofsw fractional K Mo­ salary or oommltslon. We will lit up an oi^ throat and lung diaordera, makaaltaninval- . lu town Monday night, LIFE of the best kind. A fliU lino of Forks, ahovols, Medicines SL aing tile works. If you want any tile or They were " born to bloom unseen and visiting for some time in this city and tion .11, Delhi 1.100 ilea and pay all eipanaea. Toamanwhooon uaUa remedy to be k«pt atwaya onbandln : i Chits. Richardson -has the Job of ma­ Hpados, oto. Table nnd Pocket Cntlory. •eweA r pipe, call and see ns. A.W.Matth80ltoL. N. GlbbaVspiSeeta or ZACH. CHANDLER Groceries I I carry a full line of E. Bement & Son's waste their sweetness on the desert Dansvllle, returned to her home In on sections 15 and 18, Delhi...... „1w, 700 tarnlah a horse or taam, ipaelal indaeemsnta avaryhoma. Sopattoneaaaflbrdtobowlth-~ son AVork on the M. P. churcb. air." Agents wanted. AVo take, In exchange for goods, L. i. LINCOLN, Marion county, Kansas, yesterday. wlllbeoflbred. We also want aganla atdlf eat it, and thoaii,wbo bava onoa uaad it naver I Dollie Putnam wos ;:yiitfting Arleiids • n.D,S.TYLER&C6.,Dotrolt Wo buy nnd.soU for CASH nnd can give hot- FARM TOOLS. Call and see me before busring. RTESIAN W15LL BORER. RESIDENCE fsreat polnta throughont inghami Eaton; and. wlll. Vramthttr knowledge 'of iteoompoal- tor bargains than other houses, on Mill street. Mason. W. Hall of Leslie, sold his wool to I. W. L. Foster of Aurelius, has sold a,400 in town last Saturdayjaiid Bunday. Wheat, Oats, Com, T.-^]i"iy'U°f'^r!'?''''"P''constantly on hand. A his farm to a gentleman named Ellis EmellneButton'toDan'i'Butto^^^ Clinton oountlea-wlU bite men atther on aal- tioa and aflbels, pbyalolana uae the' OinmT Dr. D. W. Halsted Is nt tho hood of tho Drug N. Beynolds, for $04.03, protesting that ary or oommlulon. If yon wa'nt a.good naToaAi.astesalTaly ia;thalrpraMlof,and' , ; Hariy Lo\i;rence of I^Ue Is ktiwbrk Butter, Bggs, Potatoes, dopnrtmont, nnd Is a thorough druggist, FARMERS' MUTUAL the fleeces contained nothing but clean, from Owosso, and will go to California eel on section «, Alaledon,....,, ,'„,.,„.,.. (MHO I for C. A: Nimsjin the ^mera^^ . MONEY TO LOAN Romomber the place-West store In tho -niBE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ING- washed wool, but, on tbe discovery by In the fall to take charge of a fhilt Battle Fowler to B. B. Sherman, ur ' ebanoe to get Into bntlneta without any eapl* elargymaaftoommendlk ItlaakBBlHtelyofr-' Or anything Farmora have to sell, nnd pay the brick block opposite tho Foundry. J: ham OQunty. Safest, cheapest, best. For e 00 acres ofsW of a^ and nwK ot tal, write at onoa, and addraaa Tha aiagar talautte raaadlal atMa, and «IUal«^ i i Wo do niait'itilnlc .a peiabii iacai)ab)e '! ifbnoy to loan nt 8 per cent, on unlnouni" Inltormatlon write to O. F. Miller, secretary, Mr. Beynolds of twenty-eight pounds farm. tMrenuM, aarawkwa raiaa atapoailMo,: Vor taia br rofJudgtng'betAVcen tAfro;things^nlees MOO and upwards. liOok for the Bcverslble 8Ign, Beading Bdcn. Samuel Skadan, president, Dansvllle. of unwashed togs scattered through the Senator Ambler, a lawyer, banker Wygant, neH ofnw M section IS, Larby 1,000 Bfanaier. . alldialen. t li,o hob.'Neen'bbtbi-v.'-i.^.'" T-'-"'*A«»i"«;iiiBwi!«," •••• II.8.0&AU, Three Ways. I Mrs; S. H. McCord who, has been I«ii*lnK, Btiek. WHITE OAK. D. W. HAMTBD * CO. Opposite Oour^HovlM.