_ „ ^bftnaDy o, breve'boy^tomjSy^^ WMevmii6:\They keep two oonatruo^ AURELIUS. H. W. Tanner's Column. jiowfleolnk^ thai weirtiBa the; Israelites did tion trains, riot exactly to draw gravel, iromE^pc to oBospo their cruel task-mBSten, but to draw away enow - nnd clear the PlMtlnR About Fluiataed-Blek Wllh •We pHtiso'and aak oiurselveSi'Wby. Iios been HoMlM-rPerrannl ••>•! Other Itenm. this oxBondltnroof .bllllona :of money'nnd track when the weight of snow crushes Tlinrsdayj Juno 8| 1880^ UundredB of thousand* of lives t. What haa the shed, forwhen It falls on the track [Special Carreitpomlenee.'l beonRalnodt ,What Jios .hconjilnccd upon it covers It deep. ^ Both telegraph wires AunGMUs, Juno 1. tho ci-edit side of the ledger r Can wo only Our Honored Dead; bonst of having escaped Iroin the bund of the imd operators are kept inside the shed. Mending our ways is in order. robber,who doinondod our money? If BO, Also flag-meii to warn approaching Orecnbuckers are quiet In this towi :'. In spite of the rain In the inornhig what assurance have wo'tbat the demand trains of any obstruction. Tho con­ since town meeting. not ogain bo repeated T, ^ id. wil. l and the threatening uflpect.of the ' Have wo free spocoh and a ft-ce press In tho ductor told ihe the snow was seventeen Wilson Davis has gone to Fctoskey ; clouds during the day, a laise crowd land ? Does the government protect tho rights feet deep on tho level uiion the sum­ again to spend tho summer. gathered at the court-houso last Sun­ of all Its clUzons In every portion of this mit. In one hour after leaving tho country, the same as It does In a foreign land? snow shed, we were down where tho There is a fair prospect for u good day to pay their.respects to the memo­ Ifnot, what have we to boast ot as a republic? crop of wheat in this vicinit.y. ry of our country's lallen defenders. Let a rending nnd thouglitail pooplo ponder peach trees were in bloom and house well over thoso questions, and answer. This James Covert's boy had his arm The court-house was tilled to Its ut­ Is a suitable tlmo to recount tho past that wo lants woro standing on the porches, most capacity and many went a>vay may judge of the future. Jt is now ten o'clock; we aro nearlng broken while playing at school, Mon­ VOL. XXIL-NO. 24. unable to gain admittance. Did those soldiers, whose memory wo now Sacramento and it begins to look like day. MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1880. WHOLE NO. 1H8. meet to commemorate, blond and die that u summer. Tho boys arc in good spirits up by The Mason band discourscjV stirring few empty eulogies and faded llowors nilglil martini mimic, andfi.;n:]itniy K \viwout bo east upon their graves? I think not, tlio Bingo farm — good news Irom home. Business Cards. republicans of this city, and tho dis­ in Corunna, and compelled him to as­ house of Andorsonvillo, we shall accept noney to Iiban, ' in full uniform. Thoy had a grontor, a nobler, nnd a bottorpur- DANSyiLLE. Dress Goods! patches indicate that the same feeling The court-house was decorated with poso in view. sign to them a mortgage of $1,000 to the issue. If it takes offense at tbe ar­ on farm property, at low, rate of Intorcst;, Thoy have performed their task \voll—lot us A leading, reliable, live democrat in MEVHET MOCIRTIEM. exists throughout the nation. evergreen mottoesand beautiful wreaths Hncceaaor "^'he.'I.oNt I,onr'—Naudnj'- tills town says he shall vote for Greeley settle It. They at flrst asked $12,000 to raignment of crimes ten-fold more good mortgages boiight.. Inquire of do ours, NnhoolM Proaiiorinv — A N(nrillii«' ^UWSIIKD EVEIIV TmjltSDAY AKTEK- settle it. Brown Is tho man who sued aud crosses of flowers, which were, at I can say. In tlio language of tho lamented this fall. NOON JIV KNIQHTS OF HONOR; W. H. Overholt, tho Vovay small- black than tbe liorrors of the Inquisi­ 17tl. COtTMTY RaOISTEtt. ' the dose of the exercises in the court­ Lincoln, used by him at Gettysburg: "The tlnery—NIrnck by LlBblnlnK —Ann A RCADIAN LODGE NO. 061. K. OF H. fruit man, has our thanks tor some Hon. John N. IngersoU of the Ameri­ tion, The News will have no apology world will little note, nor long romoinbor Urokeii—Market CIIonciI—Sfnrrletl. AVhcaton Gilhnoro has gone to .Jack­ This department in our store is A Regular mootl ngs second nnd fourtli Mon­ can for |ilO,000 damage to his obarocter, to offer for publishing and commentl- 'Trophy. house, laid upon the soldiei-s' graves in what wo say bore, but It can never forgot OTIS FULLER. days In oacli month, hold In Masonic hall. splendid samples of his strawberries. [Sltcciat Oorratponihmcc.] son to work on the railroad as fireman. for charging him with dishonesty Ingtho ofibnslve words. But tbe more The Hamblbtonlan stallion. Trophy, will the cemetery. Mayor Sayers presided what tlie.v did hero. It Is for us, tho living, We wisli the boy good luck. five times as large as ever beforo. Visiting brethren aro Invited to moot with us. make the.season of 1880 at our stabloa in over tho meeting and Bev. D. Baldwin rather to bo dedicated hero to tho unllnlshecl D.vnsviIjI.e, .Tune 2. ^- W. VAN SLYKE, Dictator. July 7, instead of 17, as was stated while in the clerk's ofllce. The News patriotic demoemts do not thank tlieir work, whloh thoy who fought hero havo thus We can sho'vtryou an Elegant Line I jrnr, tl.SO i •!!• monlhi, 7S etnli; H. K. Dkan, Reporter. in The News last week, is the date on contained an account of the affair at Mason. 15tf. WEBBAFtoilA. opened tlie exercises with prayer. far nobly advanced. It Is rather for us to bo The new market has closoii for re­ Burt Bogors expects to start for St. Ihra* organ for its attempt to class them with pairs. Clair to-day to worlt In a spoke and mtnlh*, 40 eanii—In (dvanoe. which tho Hvcniny NCWH excursion the time. It will bo remembered that the gray against the blue. They fought Webb DANIEL CAMPHELI,, herododloatod to tho groat task romnliiiiigbe­ of Dress Goods at 12^, 16, 20, 22, ABCHITECTN AND BVILDERM. will leave Detroit. fore usj that from thoso honored dead, wo hub factory. AVe wish him well. ADVEflTISINQ SATES. Brown got a verdict for six cents and side by eldie with republicans for their sells tho proteotlon toes for children. Tlioy who was a gallant and honored soldier, take Increased devotion to that cause for The roads in this village are being 26, and 27 cents, and a large vari­ paid the costs. and who is an excellent speaker, de­ which thoy gave tho last full meusiiro of de­ improved. Farmers aro about tlir(*gh Our odvortlBlHK rules nro SUK) por column S. A. PADOeCK&CO., By order <»f Justice Byan, John country's honor. Their friends perish­ never wear out. What, npver? Hardly over. votion; that wo hero highly resolve that thoso ety'of Fine Dress Qoods, Buntings, niar year. BuuIhohh curds SI a lino per year, RCHITECTS, CONTRACI'ORS, AND ed in rebel prison pens and they still livered the opening address, which was Miss Joslo Royce was visiting friends but they have been greatly BUBlncMS locals llvo cents por lino cneli and Jackson is languishing In the cooler, The democrats held their state con­ Hoaie and Ijot dead shall not havo died In vnlu; thatthls on account of the heavy rain storms. A Hnlldors, and proprietors of tho Mason on a ten days' contract, for being vention to elect delegates to the na­ cherish the blue before the gray. They well written and was received with nation, under God, Nhnll have a now birth of in Mason last week. Broadhead, Armures and Camels- every Insertion. lumberyard nnd planing mill. Sash,doors, are not" insulted" by Judge Chatter- for sale or rent 18tf. T. VanOstuand. great favor by the audience. The ITcodom, and that goVornmont of the people, A number of friends visited Kinnle- Marrlngo, blrtli, nnd doatli notices free. and'• blind" ' s a•t wliol• ilosali o nnd retail. drunk ond disorderly. tional convention at Cincinnati, June speaker openecl hi.Sjaddress witli the by tho iion|>lo, and for tho people, sliail not Sam. Hoftinan and fiimily started Hair Cloths at. as lo'w priues as Obituary notlcoN, rusoliitloiis of raspoct, 22, at Saginaw, on Tuesday. Hon. H. ton's forcible arraignment of Jefferson Farmers, " perish from tho earth." for their home in California, May ill. vlllc the 20th. The new Baptist ehurcl cards of tliankR, etc., Uvo cents a lino. The •' most the deniucrats can say Davis, and Wirz, and Winder. following patriotic and touching .wn- was dedicated and a i)roritiible time en­ HiLsdn Bnslness Directory. P. Henderson, A. W. Mehan and I. YOU CAM USB STEAM TiinusuEiis, without cxlra At tho conclusion, tho mayor, city can be found in the county, and against Garfield and) Arthur is that tonces: Fremont Asoltyno and Miss Evtt joyed. JOB PRINTING! B. Woodhouse represented this city, coat, If you Insure your property with mo. Bill. PKESIDENT, COMJIADES, AND FKLtOW council, Mason band, company K, and Glynn were united in marriage Itist many goods loiver. JKWKI.ERM. they both fought bravely to put down andS. S. Dewey, Vevay.
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