Abbey Theatre (Dublin) 4, 161, 215 Ackroyd, Heather 120 Acts Of
Index Abbey Theatre (Dublin) 4, 161, 215 Bacchae, The 41 Ackroyd, Heather 120 Badejo, Peter 162 Acts of Man, The 131 Baker, Bobby 113-14, 120, 131, 163 Adams, John 189 Ballard, J.G. 109 After the Fall 229 Barba, Eugenio 139 Akademia Ruehl 142, 144, 145 Barker, Howard 12, 31, 33-8, 41, Albee, Edward 174 46-7,51,181,183-5,186,201-4 Alchemist, The 210-11 Barclays New Stages 17 Aldwych Theatre 209 Barlow, Tim 24 Alexander, Janec 139, 143 Barnes, Peter 183 Ali, Tariq 32 Bart, Lionel 79, 84 Alison Andrews Company 120 Bartholomew Fair 230 All in the Family 178 Bartlett, Neil 114-15, 120, 130, All That Fall 173 132-4, 135, 146 Almeida Theatre 24, 34, 37, 157, Barton,John 41 202,226,228,229 Basement, The 177 Anderson, Lindsay 48 Bastille Dances, The 118, 156-7 Andorra 173 Battersea Arts Centre 132 Andrews, Julie 81 Bausch, Pina 10 Andromache 206, 226 Beaton, Cecil 81 Animal 116-17 Bechtler, Hildegard 216, 229 Anouilh, Jean 228 Beckett, Samuel 173-4, 177 Antony and Cleopatra 60 Bed Sitting Room, The 25 Appeal Products 110 Behean, Katy 43 Arcadians, The 82 Belle af Brittany 82 Archers, The 22 Belle af Mayfair 82 Architecture for Babies 112 Belle of New York 82 Arden, Annabel 212-15 Belt and Braces Roadshow 15 Arden, John 12, 15, 174, 177, 190 Bennett, Alan 14, 177 Arts Council of Great Britain 6, 15, Bennett, Oliver 159 153, 155, 164, 184-7, 189, 190, Bergman, Ingmar 136 198,--9, 200, 203 Berkeley, Busby 85 As You Like It 60, 208 Berkoff, Steven 14,25-9, 41, Ascherson, Neal 128 50-1,90 Ashford, John 11 Bernstein, Leonard 226 Asian Theatre Co-operative
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