367 Trich Feathers, and Horns. Instead, the Areas North of Nǁuis Were Said
Who Were the Ancestors of the Namibian !Xoon? 367 trich feathers, and horns. Instead, the areas north of point worth consideration is that, also in the first Nǁuis were said to have been occupied by other San decade of the 20th century, the German colonial groups, namely Naro, Haiǁom, and Gainǂaman. The government run a model settlement scheme for few Taa speakers who nowadays live at the commu- Bushmen at Oas with the intention to slowly adapt nal area of Tjaka Ben Hur, which is located only a them to a sedentary lifestyle and farm labor (NAN few farms west of Tsachas, came there during the 1911–1913). However, old !Xoon claimed that they past four decades either together with their Tswana had nothing to do with that scheme and that they patrons or after a career as farm laborers in order only heard about Koukou (ǂKx‘au-ǁen) people be- to live with the relatives of their spouses. Several ing settled there while their own parents had kept reasons might account for the fact that Bleek met away from it out of fear (interviews with SM, JT, Taa speakers as far north as Tsachas and Uichenas. and JK, 06. 02. 2006 and 13. 02. 2006). This seems First, Tsachas is located on the Chapman’s River to be confirmed by Rudolf Pöch, who traveled in in the immediate neighborhood of Oas,9 an impor- Southern Africa between 1907 and 1909 and who tant station on the 19th-century trade routes from reported that two San groups were living at Oas: the south along the Nossob River and from the the Hei//um (Haiǁom), who spoke Nama, and the west coast through Gobabis to Lake Ngami in Bo- ǂAunin (ǂKx‘au-ǁen) who spoke their own language tswana.
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