AHIMSA PORTER SUMCHAI, M.D., NSCA-CPT · 236 West Portal Avenue, #563 San Francisca, CA 94127·1423 AhlmsePortarS11mc:
[email protected] (415) 859·5471 Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Complaint File# 20011 Date filed: 01/23/20 Previous File# 19077 To: Sunshine Ordinance Task Force 1 Dr. Carlton B. GoodlettPlace, Room 244 San Francisco, CA 94102 Dear members of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, I am submitting a concise summary of the public meetings, open government law violations I am able to provide better documentation of at your request in the opinions rendered in File# 19077. In both files I identified Mayor London Breed and her appointed Hunters Point Shipyard Citizens Advisory Committee as having engaged in basic freedom of speech in public comment testimony and basic requirements for meeting quorum requirements in government sponsored hearings. I was not able to convince the SOTF that, like others who attended the 07/17/19 HPSCAC Environmental & Reuse sub-commitee hearing announcing the UCSF/UCB "Independent" Review Radiological Testing Hunters Point Shipyard, I felt was selectively noticed. I do want to revisit your opinion in deciding whether SOTF had jurisdiction to cite the absence of a quorum at the announced 6pm starting time of the meeting as a public meeting violation. I am providing supporting audiovisual documentation that at the time the meeting began the three member required quorum was not present and District 10 Supervisor Shamann Walton is seated in a place holder position for the absent member. This audiovisual stream is available on the HPSCAC live stream at https://sfocii.org/hunters-point-shipyard meetings.