The Temporal Bone
Anatomic Moment The Temporal Bone Joel D. Swartz, David L. Daniels, H. Ric Harnsberger, Katherine A. Shaffer, and Leighton Mark Despite the advent of thin-section high-reso- the inner ear structures and the external lution computed tomography and, more re- environment. cently, unique magnetic resonance imaging se- Virtually all textbooks define the inner ear as quences with thin sections, T2 weighting, and a membranous labyrinth housed within an os- maximum-intensity projection techniques, seous labyrinth. The membranous labyrinth three-dimensional neuroanatomy of the tempo- contains endolymph, a fluid rich in potassium ral bone and related structures remains some- and low in sodium, similar to intracellular fluid. what of an enigma to many medical specialists, Interposed between the membranous labyrinth neuroradiologists included. Therefore, we are and the osseous labyrinth resides a supportive undertaking a series of anatomic moments in perilymphatic labyrinth. Perilymph is similar to the hope of solidifying the most important ana- cerebrospinal fluid and other extracellular tissue tomic concepts as they relate to this region. Our fluid. approach will be organized so as to consider the The osseous labyrinth consists of the bony temporal bone to represent the complex inter- edifice for the vestibule, semicircular canals, relationship of three systems: hearing, balance, cochlea, and vestibular aqueduct. The mem- and related neuroanatomic and neurovascular branous labyrinth consists of the utricle and structures. saccule (located within the vestibule), the semi- The ear originated in fish as a water motion circular ducts, the cochlear duct, and the en- detection system (1). The vestibular (balance) dolymphatic duct. The latter is a channel within mechanism becomes more complex as we the vestibular aqueduct with communications to scale the embryologic ladder and endolymph the utricle and saccule.
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