CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. Dr. med. Martin Hatzinger Name: Hatzinger, Martin Academic degree: Prof. Dr. med. Nationality: Switzerland Professional address: Prof. Dr. med. M. Hatzinger Psychiatric Services Solothurn Weissensteinstr. 102 CH-4503 Solothurn Switzerland Phone: ++41 32 627 14 50 FAX: ++41 32 627 14 66 E-Mail:
[email protected] Current position: Chairman of Adult Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services Solothurn and Professor of Psychiatry at the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel Studies: 1980 - 1986 Study of medicine in Basel 1986 Medical degree in Basel Academic and Postgraduate Degrees: 1988 MD Thesis at the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel (Dr. med.): Thesis: “Die Beeinflussung des Vasopressin-stimulierten Natriumtransportes durch den Atrialen Natriuretischen Faktor an der Froschhaut” 1993 Degree of specialist for General Medicine (FMH) 1997 Degree of specialist for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (FMH) 2000 Certificate in Electroencephalography, Swiss Society of Clinical Neurophysiology 2003 Certificate in Sleep Medicine, Swiss Society of Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology 2005 Venia legendi for Psychiatry (Habilitation) at the Medical Faculty of the University of Basel CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. Dr. med. M. Hatzinger 2 Thesis: “Neuroendokrinologie in der Therapie-, Prädiktions- und Kausalforschung affektiver Störungen” 2008 Certificate in Gerontopsychiatry and – psychotherapy 2010 Certificate in Consultation- and Liaison- Psychiatry 2010 Professorship of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel/Switzerland Clinical and administrative 1987 - 1988 Residency at the Surgical Hospital Liestal, Responsibilities: Baselland (Prof. M. Rossetti) 1988 - 1990 Residency at the Psychiatric University Hospital Basel (Prof. W. Pöldinger) 1990-1992 Residency at the Medical Hospital Lucerne (Prof. F. Nager, Prof. B. Truniger) 1992 - 1994 Residency at the Psychiatric University Hospital Basel, (Prof.