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Eastern Illinois University the Keep Eastern Illinois University The Keep January 1999 1-15-1999 Daily Eastern News: January 15, 1999 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1999_jan Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: January 15, 1999" (1999). January. 5. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1999_jan/5 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 1999 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in January by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 26˚ The Daily Friday Flurries 16˚ January 15, 1999 Inside Eastern Sports Entertainment www.den.eiu.edu Skyhawks’ Eastern Illinois University year in review Charleston, Ill. 61920 air attack The Verge staff gives its top Vol. 84, No. 80 Tennessee Martin’s strong 12 pages ten on everything from music shooting performance to movies. News grounded the Panthers 83-75. The Verge, section B “Tell the truth and don’t be afraid.” Story on Page 8A State of university ‘Drug of choice’ put on hold Police: Marijuana Jorns declines to give familiarize herself with annual address, Surles the campus use down at Eastern given opportunity and would be in a better By Joe Sanner By Meghan McMahon position to Senior reporter Administration editor convey her thoughts and ot, Mary Jane, cheeba cheeba, weed – Eastern President David aspirations whatever you call it, law enforcement Jorns has declined to give the President Jorns for the univer- officials throughout Charleston and the annual State of the University sity,” he said. PColes County area say they agree marijua- address before retiring in early Faculty Senate Chair James na is “the drug of choice” for college students and March. Tidwell said he respects Jorns’ working residents alike. “Because we are in the midst decision not to give the address But it appears the number of students smoking of a transition to a new presi- before his retirement. pot at Eastern each year has dropped more dent, I don’t think it would be “I respect his position,” than 50 percent since the 1995-96 acade- appropriate for me to step in and Tidwell said. “I’m not going to mic year. give a State of the University second guess his decision. During the 1997-1998 academic year, address, particularly given the “If (Surles) wants to do that, Eastern’s Judicial Affairs Office reported 49 timing of the address …,” Jorns that is fine with me,” Tidwell marijuana violations and one controlled sub- said in a written statement. said. “We’ll accommodate her stance case, compared to 105 marijuana viola- In the written statement, and whatever she wants to do. tions and five hard drug cases during the Jorns said the Faculty Senate It really all depends on her.” 1995-96 year. may want to consider delaying Tidwell said he would like Law enforcement officials are not sure the date of the State of the to have a State of the what to attribute this significant decrease to, University address until presi- University address but he will but Master Sergeant Dave McLearin at the dent elect Carol Surles is com- wait until Surles is comfort- Coles/Moultrie/Shelby County Drug Task fortable enough to present the able with the university. Force said it is not unusual. address. “It would be nice to have a “(The task force has) been working in “The Faculty Senate may state of the campus address but the area for around 10 years,” McLearin want to consider moving the it is up to (Surles) and whether said. “Some years we have more, some address to a later date so that Dr. she feels comfortable,” he said. years we have less. It’s kind of leveled off Surles has had the opportunity to at this point.” McLearin said the task force complet- ed 75 cases in 1998 that resulted in 75 arrests and 65 convictions. Although he could give no exact numbers, he said the Master plan to look majority of those cases originated in Coles County. Of the 75 cases worked by the task force in Photo illustration by Deanna McIntyre 1998, 10 percent were metham- *Information from EIU Police Dept. at state of university phetamine-related, 44 percent were cannibus-related, 23 percent were Marijuana usage By Meghan McMahon the committee, previously said the cocaine-related, 8 percent were At Eastern the number of marijuana 105 Administration editor committee also was looking at the LSD-related and the remaining 15 and controlled substance violations university’s recreation space, the 30 percent were for various other con- has fluctuated unpredictably in the past decade: The Campus Master Planning acres behind Greek Court and trolled substances. 81 Committee Tuesday will identify the Carman Hall, adequate parking and “We’ve had several cases here 73 current state of the university’s facil- sewer drainage. recently where people have an ities and what progress needs to be Olsen said the plan will be exe- indoor (marijuana) growing opera- 57 made within the next 15 years. cuted in multiple phases and will be tion,” McLearin said. “Several 49 The meeting will be at 3 p.m. in assessed in three to five year phases. years ago we even recovered two 39 37 the Charleston/Mattoon Room of The BOT will have to approve methamphetamine labs in Shelby 33 the Martin Luther King Jr. the Campus Master Plan, Olsen County, but we have not discovered University Union. said. any recently.” 21 “Basically the Campus Master Campus Master Planning McLearin said college towns Plan is an effort to align the campus Committee members include Olsen; tend to attract dealers, but he does facilities and grounds with the mis- Abebe; Johnson; Mack Hollowell, not believe the university is to sions and goals of the university,” BOT member; Lou Hencken, vice blame for the use of drugs among said Morgan Olsen, vice president president for student affairs; Jill college students. “The majority of our drug arrests are a result of an for business affairs. Nilsen, acting vice president for “Any college town you go to, you’re going to have a arrest for something else and then drugs are found on The Campus Master Plan will external relations; Gail Richard, fac- certain amount of kids who come here to party, but the individual,” he said. “As far as working on drugs provide a “blueprint” for the univer- ulty representative; Teresa Sims, you’re going to find that anywhere,” he said. “Even the and concentrating on drugs, we leave that to the task sity for approximately the next 15 staff representative; Steve Zielinski, work force-you’re going to see them go get their pay- force.” years, Olsen said. student representative; Ted Weidner, checks cashed and then go buy some pot or whatever. Fisher and McLearin both indicated area law offi- At the Sept. 10 Campus Master director of facilities planning and “There are kids that come here to go to school and cers believe the drugs that pour into the Charleston area Planning Committee, Tom Johnson, management and Jeff Conroy, archi- there are kids who come here to party and then there each year come from two major locations. chair of the committee and member tect. are kids who come here to make money off of the kids “The word comes back to us that such and such is of Eastern’s Board of Trustees, said Conroy is employed with who come here to party.” bringing drugs into the area,” Fisher said. “What we some of the specific buildings the Sizemore, Floyd, Conroy (SFC), the The Charleston Police Department reported 32 hear most of the time is Chicago and Decatur. committee is looking at to possibly consulting firm working with the arrests for cannabis and 44 paraphernalia violations in “Nine times out of 10, it’s one of those two.” reconstruct include the Physical Campus Master Planning Com- 1998. According to the available statistics for on-campus Science, Life Science and the Fine mitee on the Campus Master Plan. “These numbers are really not that great,” said EIU Police arrests, 15 arrests were made for cannabis, Arts buildings. The cost of the firm is $250,000 Charleston Officer Rick Fisher. “But we don’t really two arrests were made for controlled substances and 12 Teshome Abebe, vice president with an 8.5 percent contingency deal that much with it. We usually turn it over to the for academic affairs and member of rate. task force. See DRUGS Page 2A ~Classes will not be held Monday because of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The News will not publish because of the holiday. ~ MAGAZINE Photographs clockwise from left: www.movieweb.com/movie/privateryan/ www.darkhorizons.com/1998/The Truman Show.html www.ravecentral.com/shakespeareinlove.html friday.1.15.1999 www.washpost.hollywood.com/videoguide/movies/out of sight/photo/oskissh.html 8 pages Film Critics Pick Top 10 Films of the Year by dan ochwat by sean stangland Staff editor Staff writer 10. “Out Of Sight” / Director Steven Soderbergh – Another 10. “Out of Sight” / Director Steven Soderbergh – This adapta- adaptation of an Elmore Leonard novel, however Soderbergh’s tion of an Elmore Leonard crime novel crackles with great dia- brilliant direction sets it apart from the others such as “Jackie logue and features two sexy, smart performances from leads Brown” and “Get Shorty.” Soderbergh shoots a love story George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez. The excellent script is by between criminal George Clooney and police officer Jennifer Scott Frank, who also adapted Leonard’s “Get Shorty” in 1995. Lopez, but he shoots it in lustful dream sequences that confuse Look for great supporting turns from Don Cheadle (“Boogie the reality love story.
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