Proceedings of the United States National Museum
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. PROCEEDINGS OF UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 405 N. E. Asiarte crcnata Gray ( = J. lens Limopsis minula (Phil.). Stimii.). Modiola poliia V. & S. * s. Leda iiiica Gould. * s. Avicula hirundo? var. nifida V. * N. E. Leda pernula (Miill.). * X. E. Pecten vitreiis (Gmel.) Wood. * E. Yoldia expmisa Jeff. ? X. E. Pecten Hoslcijnsi Forbes, var. piis- * N. E. Yoldia frUjida Torell. tulosus V. * N. G. E. Area gladulis Gray. Pecten fenestratus Forbes ? N. E. Area pectunculoides Scacclii. Pecten, sj). (near opercularis). * E. Limopsis crisiaia Jeff. ? Limcea suhovata (Jeff.) Mouter. PART III.— CATALOGUE OF MOLLUSCA RECENTLY ADDED TO THE FAUNA OF SOUTHERN NE"W ENGLAND. By A. E. VERRILL. The following lists include 130 species of Mollusca that have recently been added to the fauna of Southern New England, mainly through the researches of the dredging party of the United States Fish Commission ' ". on the steamer ' Fish Hawk The greater portion of these, with several others undetermined or not yet described, were taken on September 4 and 13 and October 2, on the outer bank or slope, 70 to 115 miles south from Martha's -Vineyard and Newport, K. I., in 65 to 500 fathoms. For a list of these localities see p. — In these lists those species which were unrecorded from or entirely new to ISTew England or to the northeastern coast of America are indicated by an asterisk previously' species asterisks ; ; undescribed by two those known previously from our northern coasts have N prefixed ; those from the middle i^arts of the coast have m, and are neither specially southern nor northern ; those oceanic species belonging to the surface fauua have o prefixed; southern forms are designated by s; those that are also known from Europe are designated by e ; those peculiar to America by A. In the tables, living specimens are indicated by an asterisk; dead ones by a dagger ; m signifies many; sv, several; r, rare; I, unusually large; j, young. List of Mollusca from the outer ianks previously unknown south of Cape Cod. 406 PROCEEDINGS OF UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. List of MoUusca previously unknown south of Cape Cod—Coutinued. 865 872 870 879 Stations to to to 880 867 874 878 895 85 115 to to Depths in fathoms . to 100 155 252 GASTROPODA. Admete Conthouyi Jay (= A. viridula Gld.) Pleurotoma Pandionis Y Pleurotoma Agassizii V. & S tl tl Pleurotoma Carpenteri V. & S *t ' N. E. Bela impressa Morch (27 to 29 fathoms) 'N. E. Bela teuuicostata Sars ' N. E. Bela simplex Midd. (smooth) Bela hebi-s Vtriill Bela violacea (Mi^^h.) Ad. (27 to 29 fathoms) Bela exarata (Moll.) Ad Taranis pulchella V N. E. Taranis Morchii Sars *?S. Mar<;inella roscida? Rav tl Neptunea decemcostata (Say) Ad tl t sv. Neptunea propiuqua (Alder) t t sv. *-m. * Neptunea arata V. & S f sv. sv. t Neptunea caelata V sv. Tritonofusus latericeus (Moll.) Morch sv. Nassa nigrolabra V Anachis costulata (Cant.) * sv. Lunatia Gronlaudica (Moll.) Ad tl 1 sv. t sv. t sv. Lunatia nana (Moll.) (27 to 29 fathoms) Lunatia levicnla V. (27 to 29 fathoms) Lamelliiria prllucida T * K. E. Cingula Jau-Mayeni (Friele) V N. A. Cingula eaiinata Migh Cingula harpa V Cingula turgida (Jeff. ) Lovenidla Whiteavesii Verrill N. A. Ajjorrhais occidentalis Beck t t2 t2 N. E. Torellia ves'^ita Jeff tl *t Lepetella tubicola V. & S tl *N.E. Acmaea rubella (Fabr. ) Scalaria DalUana V. & S tl Scalaria Pourtalesii V. & S *t t sv. Scalaria (sp. ind.) *1 Acirsa gracilis V Solarium boreale V. & S *t •* N. Aclis striata "V tl *N. E. Aclis Walleri J. N. E. Calliostoraa occidentale (Migh. ) Calliostoma Bairdii V. & S * m. Margarita regalis V. & S t sv. Margarita lamellosa Y. & S tl tl Cydostrema trochoides (J.) Puncturella noachina (L. ) Lowe Eulima intermedia Cantr Eulima distora Desh Turbonilla nivea (St.) Ad Turliouilla Rathbuni V. >fc S Turbonilla formosa V. &. S Turbonilla Smithii V ()dost(»mia sulcata V tl N. E. Odostomia unidentata (Mont. ) tl * E. Auricxdina insculpta ? (Mont. ) Sars *N. E. Eulimella ventricosa Forbes N. A. Ringicula nitida V N. B. Scapbander punoto-striata (Migh.) Ad *N. E. Philiiie Finmarchica Sai-s *N. E. Philine cingulata Sars ** PhUiue amabilis V Amphiaphyra globosa Loveu ... - t4 Amphisphyra pellucida (Brown) Loven t2 Diaphana gemma V Diaphana conulus (Desh.) V *N. E. Diaphana nitidula (Lov. ) N. E. Diaphana pertonuis (Mighels) N. E. Cylichua otculta (Migh.) Ad tl Pieurobraucba^a tarda V. (27 fathoms) Doris complanata V Carinaria Atlantica Ad. & R PROCEEDINGS OF UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 407 List of Mollusca previously unknoivn south of Cape Cod—Continued. 408 PROCEEDINGS OF UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. List of MoUusca from th< outer tanks previously hnoion from the shallow waters south of Cape Cod, 865 872 870 879 893 891 to to to 869 880 Stations' 894 892 867 874 878 895 85 115 225 365 487 Depths in fathoms to to 192 to to to 100 155 252 372 500 CEPHALOPODA. *2 Ommastrephes iUccebrosa (Les.) V . GASTEOPODA. Bela pyramidalis (Strom) Buccinum undatuin Linii6 tl Neptunea Stimpsoni (Morch) tl Siphonella pygmtea (Gld.) V tm. *ni. Tritia trivittata (Say) Ad *1 tl Astyris rosacea (Gld. ) Ad t2 "m. Astyris zonalis (Lins.) V *m. Natica cLausa Brod. & Sowerby t sv. t2 Neverita duplicata (Say) Stimp tl Lunatia heros, var. (wide umb.) *t t sv. Lunatia heros, var. triseriata (Say) tl tl t3 Crucibulum striatum (Say) Ad tl tl Crepidula plana Say tl Machffiroplas obscura (Couth.) Friele . tl Turbonilla interiupta < Ad tl Philine quadrata (Wood) Forb. & Han. tl Cylichna alba (Brown) Loven Dendronotus robustus V PTEROPODA. Cavolina tridentata Griiy. t sv. tm. t sv. t m. t sv. tm. Diacria trispiuosa Gray.. t t tsv. SOLENOCONCHA. Dentalium striolatum Stimp LAMELLIBKANCHIATA. Teredo megotara Hanley Ensatella Americana (CJld.) V . , t3 Clidiophora irilineata (Say) Carp ., tl tl * Periploma papyracea (Say) V , *2 sv. Thracia Conraili Couth t sv. t2 t sv. Spisula solidissima ? Gray tl Ceronia arctata (Con.) Ad t sv. t sv. t sv. t sv. Macoma sabulosa (Speng.) Morch tl t sv. Cyprina Islandica (Linn6) Lam . tl Callista convexa (Say) Ad t Cardium pinnulatuni Conrad t Lucina fiJosa Stimp tm. t Cryptodon Gouldii (Phil.) Stimp.. Cryptodon obesus V tsv. tsv. tm. Solemya velum Say tl Venericardia borealis (Con.) Carp. It Astarte castanea Say Astarte quadrans Gld Astarte undata Gld tm. Nucula proxima Say T oldia sapotilla (Gld.) Stimp Modiola modiolus (Linn6) Turton. Crenella glandula (Totten) Ad Pecten tenuicostatus Migh t sv. Anomia aculeata Miill * sv. PROCEEDINGS OF UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM. 409 •List recent of additions to shalloic-icater Mollusca of Southern New England.* Farasira eatcnulata Steenstrup. Oceanic. Mediterranean. *Truncatula truncatulus (Drap,). Littoral. European. Litterina Uttorea. Littoral -, abundant. European. *Assiminea Graymia Leacli. Littoral. European. Ancula cristata Loven. Northern and European. **Polyc€relk(, Mmertoni Verrill. Littoral. Scrjlliea Edimrdsii Verrill. Littoral. Southern and oceanic. Corijphella Mananensis (Stimp.) Verrill. Off Race Point, Long Island Sound, 40 fathoms. Stiliger fuscata, (Gld.) Bergh. Massachusetts Ba^'. Terebratulina septentrionalis (Couth.). Off Block Island, 15 fathoms. Northern. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW i^PEt'IES OF NEMICHTHVS (NEMICHTHYS AVOCETTA), FieOlTl PUGET SOUND. By I>AVID S. JORDA]\ and CHARLES H. 01I.BERT. Nemichthys avocetta, sj). nov. Color translucent white, the lower half of the body covered with small, round, black spots, sharply defined ; among these some smaller spots. Belly near the median line black. Upper half of body plain, colorless. Pectorals and dorsal plain. Anal speckled. Body band-shaped, but not strongly compressed; deepest in the middle, tapering behind to the long and very slender filament-like tail, and anteriorly to a very long and slender neck, which contracts imme- diately behind the head. Skin smooth. No lateral line. Head proper small, short and rather broad; concave between the eyes, with two median ridges; full and broad behind the eyes, with three longitudinal ridges. Lower part of head narrow, sharj), so that the head would be triangular in a vertical section. Eye very large, vertically placed, its length one-third that of the head without snout. Nostrils each simple (two on each side), rather large, close in front of eye, without tube or flap. Maxillary extending to close behind the eye, the mandible somewhat farther. Jaws prolonged, becoming very slen- der, long, acuminate, needle like at tip, somewhat recurved. Upper jaw the longer, and nearly four times the length of the rest of the head, being 7-8 times its greatest depth. Both jaws with small, very numer- * Some of the species liere included were discovered in 1875 and 1876, and have been recorded in the American Journal of Science. Those with an asterisk prefixed were first discovered on our coast this season, or else have not been previously recorded. For additional species, not included in my Report on Invertebrates of Vineyard Sound;, &c., 1873, see American Journal of Science, x, pp. 40, 41, July, 1870..