1192 THE NEW :ZEALAND 'GAZETTE. .[No./ 38 MILITARY AREA No. 6 '(WANGANUI)-oontmued. MILITARY AREA No. 5·· (WANGANUI)-oontifliued. 150096 Thompson, ·cecil Maurice, farm-manager, Long Acre Valley, 056230 Ward, Frederick William, supervisor; 16 Manawaroa St., Okoia, Wanganui. , Palmerston North. 397301 Thompson, Lancelot Percival Walter, dairy-fariner, Glen -427909 Ward, William G~anger, student, N.Z. Missionary College,· Orona. Box 1, Longburn. 235165 Thompson, Leicester John, telegraphist, Post-office Staff, 212924 Warn, Sydney Francis, delivery-van driver, 153 Heads Rd., Waiouru Military Camp. Wanganui. · 089488 Thompson, Le.slie Herbert, farm hand, Ruahine Rural 253600 Watkins, Allan Cecil, farmer, Mangaweka, · Delivery; Rangiwahia. · · 141953 Watson, Henry Brougham Cunningham, farm.hand, care of 089601 Thompson, Stanley John, farmer, Ruahine Rural Delivery, Ormond Wilson, Esq., Bulls. · · · Rangiwahia. 422860 Watson, John Henry, mill hand, Cunningham's Hill, Otaki. 297912 Thompson, William Edward, foreman, care of E. Barling, 227280 Watson, Leonard Mortimer, 157 Ferguson St., Palmerston Mangowhata Rural Delivery, Palmerston North.· .North. 254393 Thomson, Lloyd James, baker, 8 Gurr St., Aramoho, 263545 Watt, Joseph Cumming, porter, care of Grand Hotel, Pal Wanganui. merston North. 208324 Thomson, Stanley George, market-gardener, 6 Gurr St., 089465 Watts, Percival, 11 Gorran Ave., Wanganui. Aramoho, Wanganui. 006949 Weatherall, Frederick Aldrich, gardener, 34G Somme Pde., 231257 Thorburn, Archie Leigh; farmer, Hewitt Rd.', No. 1 Line, Aramoho, Wanganui. ' Wanganui. 231233 Webb, Albert David, motor engineer, 16 Ridgway St., 237181 Thurston, Harry Clive Edgar, clerk, o4 Lombard St., . Wanganui. · Palmerston North_ 256923 Webb, Neil Whitby, junior mechanioian, care of Auto 243849 Thurston, Hubert James Duncan, exchange clerk, Post-oflicEl, · Exchange, Marton. Waiourti Military Camp.
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