THE SWISS NUMISMATIC SOCIETY Coins Were Struck at the Mints in Rome and Bologna in the Name of Gregory Founded I'l 1879 XI
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Classical Numismatic Group Sale 32 Wednesday· December 7, 1994 • 2 PM in conjunction with the NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL A Public & Mail Bid Sale of AV Greek· Roman Republican • Roman Imperial' Byzantine' World' British Also including a mail bid only section of books featuring the Numismatic Library of Dr. Frallk , . Nov ak OUR CURRENT LIST' XIX, 4 • OUT October 24, 1994 TI, e Classical Numismatic Review Featuring over 500 coins at fixed prices Holiday edition of our Book List also available Write for a complimentary copy of both Catalogue With prices realized $15/£10. Contact either our U.S. or U.K. office. Seaby Coins Eric J. McFadden, Senior Director 14 Old Bond Street London WIX 4JL, United Kingdom (0171) 495-1888, Fax (0171) 499-5916 Classical Numismatic Group, Inc. Victor England, Senior Director Post Office Box 479 @J) Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17608-0479 @J). (717) 390-9194, Fax (717) 390-9978 . INSIDE THE CELATOR... Vol. 8, No. 10 October 1994 6 Domitian unmaligned The CeiaTOf{ by David A. Wend Incorporating Roman Coins and Culture 36 Coins of the 14th century Publisher/Senior Editor Wayne G. Sayles popes from the Avignon and Editor Pont-de-Sorgue mints: Part 2 Steven A. Sayles Page 6 Domilian unmaligned by Dr. Thomas F. Fitzgerald Office Manager by David A. Wend Stephanie Schultz 40 Imagery on ancient coins as Production Asst. Nick Popp indicators of changes in cultural An values: Athena vs. Tyche Part 2 Parnell Nelson by Henry Clay Lindgren The Celator (ISSN #10480986) is an independent journal published on the first day of each month at 141 lodi Street, lodi, WI 53555. It is circulated internatior,ally through subscriptions Page 34 2 The Celator's Point of View and special distributions. Coins of the 14th century popes Subscription rates, by Dr. Thomas F. Fitzgerald 4 Letters to the Editor· Quotes from the Past - payable in U.S. funds, Col lector Correspondence are $27 per year (second class) within the United States; $30 to Canada; Through the Looking Glass by David L. Vagi 27 $48 per year to all other addresses (Air Printed 28 Coming Events Matter). Advertising and copy deadline is 30 People in the News · Profiles in Numismatics the fi rst of each month. Unsolicited articles 31 Art and the Market and news releases are welcome, however 32 Coins of the Bible by David Hendin publication cannot be guaranteed. Second class postage paid Antiquities by David Liebert Page 36 39 (USPS #006077) Imagery on ancient coins at lodi, WI 53555. by Henry Clay Lindgren 44 Book News Copyright ©1994, Celator. Inc. 45 Coin File· Trivia - Humor Postmaster: send address changes to P.O. Box 123, About the cover: 46 Long Before Columbus by Joe Rose lodi, WI 53555 Drawing of the emperor 47 Professional Directory 608-592-4684 Domi tian by artist David (same for FAX. after hours activate with asterisk Blodgett. 56 Index of Advertisers - Classifieds on touch tone phone) Deadline for the November issue is Saturday, October 1 coin dealers and the ancient coin mar ket have endured in recent years. Will we ever be free of the interlopers? • Every month we hear from a few subscribers who have not received their • • issue of The Cefalor, Our production schedule is qu ite re li able, and fo r U.S. Commentary by Wayne G. Sayles subscribers the date of mailing is pri nted on your protecti ve throw-away wrap. The U.S. Posta l Service cl aims a dcl ivery lime of 7 to 10 days for hi s past Spring the Franklin before the public as the defender of second class mail, so most readers Mint. a pri vate collecti bles the Franklin Mint's promoti on? None should receive their copy by the first manufacturer in Pennsylva other than ANA president David Ganz, of each month, Unfortunately, certain Oni a. began a promotion which Now it never occurred to me that Ganz parts of the country experience erratic offered ancient coins for sale. The might know an ything about ancient delays that are completely beyond our offering co nsisted mostly of gardcn coins. I can't recall ever seci ng Mr. co ntrol. If we replace an issue we have va ri ety third and fou rth century Ro Ganz at an auction of ancient coi ns, or 10 send il first class, at a much hi gher man coins packaged in a fan cy holder. at an ancient coin dealer's bourse table. rate, so we usually ask our readers to The "SCI" of 20 Roman coins was (and He certainly is not a Celator reader, So, wait and see if Iheir copy might arrive presumably still is) offered at $2,200. what did Mr. Ganz have to offer the a few days late. Concurrently wilh the launch of this media and the general publi c from his We have an even worse situ ation promotion, a supportive article ap obscure but apparently important per with foreign addresses. The forei gn peared on the front page of Coin World. spective? Wcl l, Coin World has kindly subscriptions are fil led by Intern at ion al In reactio n, a number of collectors of reported that be fore the television cam Surface Air Li ft (ISAL). This is a ancient coins expressed outrage, not era "Ganz stated that he bel ieved the class of service that moves the piece of only over the promotional price of Franklin Mint 's profi t margin is no dif ma il from the U.S. to the destinat ion these ex tremel y co mmon co ins, but ferent than that of other coi n dealers in country by air, and then it goes into the also over the characterization of them the ancient coin busi ness:' local post fo r surface delivery. It is much less ex pensive than any other form of ai r ma il , but there are also delivery problems at times. We have " Will we ever be free of the interlopers?" had at least three occas ion s where our entire shipment to a particular country was los\. This is de vastat ing, because as being in short supply. Equally per LeI' s anal yze that statement just a we cannot reship by ISAL due to the turbed was ancient coin dealer Harlan bit. The typical wholesale price for mi nimu ms required. Therefore, we J. Berk. At the NYINC Spring show average grade bronzes and debased prefer to replace any foreign subscriber Berk circulated a survey in which he antoninianii of the third and fourth copies along with the next monthly asked fellow ancient co in dealers to century is somewhere around $5 to $8 mailing. This is not an ideal solution , indicate the prices they wou ld charge in quantities (and mas sive quantities but it is about the only choice that we for specimens equal to those in the do exist). The Berk survey indi cated have. Fran klin Mint brochure. The result that most dealers would ask perhaps It would be much better, of course, was surprisin gly co nsistent. Most of twice th at amount for an individual to ship by first class mail or regular air the coins offered at $110 each by the coin in a retail tran saction . The Frank mail, but the cost is prohibitive. At the Franklin Mint were va lued by con lin Mint is askin g nearly fourteen times present time, over one half of the price census at $ 15 to $20 retail; some were that figure. Does Mr. Ganz really be of subscriptions to a foreign country is considered $5 "Junk Box" coins. The lieve that ancient coin dealers work on consumed by postage. Shipping by survey res ults were published by Coin a 1400% markup? Ah, bUldon 't forget standard air mail would triple the sub World, and suddenl y the issue became the wooden box that comes with your scription price- not a comfort in g a contentious debate. The heat is ap Franklin Mint coins. and also the valu though t to most. If you do not receive parently bui ld ing because an article in able historical desc ription! your copy at the usual time, please The Wall Sireel Journal and a segment We don' , intend to carry the stan give it a few more days and then call of the television program The Wall dards in thi s latest defensive aetion, us. We wi ll be happy to replace lost Street Journal Reporl have focused on Harlan Berk is doing a fin e job of that. copies. the debate. bUl we can'l help bei ng a lillie an Yours truly wi ll be spendi ng Sep We would expect to see the Franklin noyed by the portrayal of Ganl as a te mber in Greece, but Steve and Mint defending thei r honor, but qualified expert on ancient coin prices. Stephani e will be here to take care of strangely they seem to be in the back Even more annoy in g is the constanl business as usual. They'll be happy to ground. Who has their picture splashed character assass ination that ancient hear your point of view ! 2 The Celator Benefit from a 200 Year Old Numismatic Tradition ,o."r""5 of Clod, uS "Jbi",,~ SWt-r of Ixk» "'''' <"US ofD,od.. n:1I1 SQld On IJ.,h.lf of. New York ColleClo' Sold on beh~Jf of Illyn M~"'r CoU.-ge Sold ~ 5 pm of lilt: Mcun,Ioo, Collection 111 1991 for SU7.S1MI.