The Radio Urbanism of Robert C. Weinberg, 1966–71 by Christopher Neville for the New York Preservation Archive Project
“Building and Rebuilding New York:” The Radio Urbanism of Robert C. Weinberg, 1966–71 by Christopher Neville for the New York Preservation Archive Project “...This is Robert C. Weinberg, critic-at-large in architecture and planning for WNYC.” Introduction: Robert Weinberg, Department of Parks (under Robert Moses), New York City, and WNYC and at the Department of City Planning. Robert C. Weinberg was an architect and urban planner active in New York from the He taught courses in planning and related early 1930s until his death in 1974. Over four fields at New York University, the Pratt Insti- decades of vigorous engagement with preser- tute, the New School for Social Research, and vation and planning issues, he was both an ac- Yale, and published roughly 150 articles and tive participant in or astute observer of almost reviews. He was also the co-editor, with every major development in New York urban- Henry Fagin, of the important 1958 report, ism. Between 1966 and 1971, near the end of Planning and Community Appearance, jointly his career, he served as radio station WNYC’s sponsored by the New York chapters of the “critic-at-large in architecture and planning,” American Institute of Architects and the and his broadcasts are a window onto his re- American Institute of Planners. markable career and the transformations he But over his long career, Weinberg devoted witnessed in the city he loved. Weinberg’s the bulk of his considerable energies to a long personal history in the trenches and be- broad range of public-spirited efforts covering hind the scenes gave him unique perspective almost every aspect of urban development and on these changes—an insider’s overview, with city life, including historic preservation, zon- a veteran’s hindsight.
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