Lake Chautauqua, Illinois
ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY sio.s -^*, 'X KJ J J,»J c Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois A Biological Investigation of the Fishes of Lake Chautauqua, Illinois WILLIAM C. STARRETT ARNOLD W. FRITZ juri STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION Urbono, Illinois ^jy„^^ Hjjjjgy ^^^^^ SEP 29 1965 mmt STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION BOARD OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION John C. Watson. Chairman; Thomas Pauk, Ph.D., Biohiy; L. L. Si-oss, Ph.D., Geology; Rocek Adams, Ph.D., D.Sc. Ckimiitry: Robert H. Ande«son, B.S.C.E., Ensinciring; Charles E. Olmsted, Ph.D., Fortstry; W. L. EvERiTT, E.E.,Ph.D., Riprticnting the President oj the University of Illinois; Delvte W. Morris. Ph.D., President of Southern Illinois University NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION, Urbana, Illinois SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL STAFF Harlow B. Mills, Ph.D.. Chuf Hejibert H. Ross, Pli.D., Assistant Chief Robert O. Watson, B.S., Assistant to the Chief Section of Economic Entomology SecHon of Faunistic Surveys and George C. Decker, Ph.D., Principal Scientist and Head Insect Identification J. H. Bigger, M.S., Entomologist H. H. Ross, Ph.D.. Assistant Chief and Head W. H. Luckmann. Ph.D., Entomologist Milton W. Sanderson, Ph.D., Taxonomist Ph.D., Entomologist Willis N. Bruce, Llwis J. Stannard, Jr., Ph.D., Taxonomist John P. Kramer, Ph.D.. Associate Entomologist Philip W. Smith. Ph.D., Taxonomist Entomologist Richard J. Dysart, Ph.D.. Associate Leonora K. Glovd, M.S., Assistant Taxonomist Ronald H. Meyer, Ph.D., Assistant Entomologist H.
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