Atlanta Constitution
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THE ATI TITUT Dully Bad Stmda3, carrier delivery. 13 cent* **eelc£r. VoL .—N6. 291. ATLANTA, THUBSDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, 1914. '—TWELVE PAGES. copies OB tfce kitreet* and at net»a»t*Bd«, 5 c«ata> MEXICANS LOCKED SPLENDID BUILDING TO HOUSE BATTLE IN SENATE Council Sanctions Bonds; IN DEATH GRAPPLE ATLANTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OVER CANAL TOLLS Greater Grady Hospital FOR TORREON CITY TO BE PROTRACTED Now Seems Assured Fact General Villa Wires That Repeal Measure Is Referred City Has Not Fallen and to O'Gorman's Committee, Bond Ordinance Approved That Heavy Fighting Is in Which Will Begin Consid- GOUNTY EMPLOYEES IT IS DYING; by a Vote of 13 to 1, and Progress. eration Next Tuesday. Aldermanic Board Imme- GET RAISE! SALARY EGGERSpSTED diately Concurs in Action REBELS ARE MEETING MAJORITY OF SENATE of Council—Date of Elec- ! STUBBORN RESISTANCE CLAIMED FOR REPEAL County Commissioners at All Hope for Game Little tion Is Set for May 5. Meeting on Wednesday Prize Fighter Abandoned. Villa Has Taken Part of the Certain That Efforts ,Will Show Great Liberality to Arthur George, Clerk at PLAN FOR HOSPITAL City, But the Federals Are Be Made to Amend, and a All Officials. the Grady, Is Discharged. IS NOW SQUARELY Spectacular and Heated UP TO THE PEOPLE Barricaded in Buildings To the accompaniment of an inge- While his victim lay dying from con- and Fighting Desperately, Debate Is Expected. nious and varied assortment of rea- cussion of. the brain on a cot in Grady sons, the salaries of about twenty hospital last night, Johnny (Knockout) county employees went upward at the Eggers, the prize-fighter, sat at police No Action Was Taken on Juare.z. Mexico, April 1.— Heavy Washington, April 1.— The adminis- meeting "Wednesday afternoon of the headquarter. s between plain fighting was in progress at Torretm tration bill to repea.1 tolls exemption county commissioners. The financial! clothes policemen, w'ho had arrested the Plan to Issue $2,000,000 for American coastwise ships in the today, according to a 1.000-word report scurry began when Solicitor General h-tm, and broke Into violent tears. Panama canal, which passed the bouse M. .Doraey slipped away from a "Oh. Lord," he sobbed to Chief Beav- of Bonds for Building the received by General Carranza from yesterday amid spectacular scenes, forgery trial in the criminal court long ers, "I'll never have the nerve to climb General Villa tonight. reached the senate today and was re- Plaza—Mayor Hopes for enough to point out that N. A. Garner, over th' ropes ap'in. De poor kid, The gist of the information was ferred promptly to the committee on one of his deputies, could stand a little Jimmy Grant, was such a grame little given out through "General- Carranza's Vote of Both Propositions Inter-oceanic canals without debate. more in his monthly envelope. The so^ devil 'n sui.-h a sood fellow, 'n ] secretary. Alfredo Breceda, to the ef- Senator O'Gorman, chairman *of the licitor grerteral was in a hurry. wouldn* have 'im die on my account by May 25. fect that the heaviest fighting was canals committee, who is marshaling "Mr. Garner isn't in very good for th* Mffgrest prize-fight pot that the anti-administration forces, an- proceeding in a . so-called canyon health," he said, "and the bad air in was ever split." nounced definitely tonight that he Atlanta's general council has sane- Vamed Wuarache. 'the southern railroad the courtroom makes his work just All hope i was despaired for Jimmy tioned t.he proposal to issue $730.000 would call a meeting of the committee twice as. hard." exit from the city. Grant lon^ before midnight. Chances improvement bonds for a. "Greater for next Tuesday. Until that time, no It was suggested .that it might be The canyon is said to he in reality a were ten-to-one for death, He lay in Grady hospital." Photo by Price. formal consideration of the repeal cheaper to ventilate the courtroom, but an unconscious state over since he By a vote of 13 against 1, t.he city sort of basin formed by the proximity measure or proposed amendments can the solicitor general didn't have time The old Y. M. C. A. building at North Pryor and Auburn avenue has collapsed after having shaken hands fathers Wednesday afternoon approved of three mountains. Through ' this develop. Although friends of the pres- to argue the point. After he had plung- completely remodeled antf is now ready for occupancy by the chamber with -E>g-gers at ,th« tap of the gons the bond ordinance and fixed the date basin two railroads run. It is one of of commerce. ident had hoped to have the canals ed hack into the offending atmosphere which closed the fierce ten rounds of of the electron for May 5. tire most strongly fortified of the fed- committee meet earlier, they decided the boa-rd raised Mr. Garner's salary to make no effort to induce Senator punishment he underwent at the Gate Immediately following the passage eral positions and Senor BrecPda said from $100 to $125 a month. City club Tuesday night. O'Gorman to change his plans. They Some minutes later, it was suggest- of the' ordinance. Co'uncilman W, G. the rebels were' meeting with stubborn will insist, however, upon action Hfrart Wan Broken. H umphrey. chairman of the finance resistance. ed that the desk sergeants in the of- The doctors say Jimmy IB dying of 1THERSPOON CHOSEN within reasonable time after the com- fice of the county police ought to work committee, offered a resolution author- To Out Off 'Reinforcement*. POSTOFFICE RECEIPTS concussion "of the brain or some other mittee gets down to work. eight hours instead of twelve. The izing the expenditure of $200 to defray i;t is reported that General Joaquin brain trouble, maybe a burs ted blood No Unnecessary Delay. board promptly assented and, having the expenses of advertising as required Maas, with federal reinforcements, Senator Owen, of Oklahoma, major- vessel. But the prize-fighting clan by law. started in this manner, didn't stop un- who knew the gritty youngster say it who has been reported at Saltillo, from FOR CHIEF OF STAFF SHOW BIG INCREASE ity member of the committee, who will Mayor James G. , Woodward called a til it had raised the salaries of the wasn't Jimmy's brain that broke—it lead the fight in committee for the special meeting of the alderman ic where he recently has been sending his xvhoJe force. The patrolmen and lieu- was his 'heart. administration, visited the white house board immediately after council passed dispatches and which is to the east, of He Will Succeed Gen. Wood Business for March Was Near- tenants who have served two years, Tuesday's fight was the first im- early in the day and conferred with the ordinance and the resolution. The . Torreon. is making a circuit to the were raised $5 a- month; Chief Matnie- ?5 r!;.ant scrap of his career. Tt would When the Latter Retires ly $11,000 Greater Than the president. L*ater he made the em- ia; board concurred in both measurps. and south with the purpose, the rebels as- son's salary was lifted from $1,600 a have"'either made or broken hi,m. Had phatic declaration that friends of the the mayor placed 'his signature on both on April 22. in Year 1913. year to $1,800. he made a good showing heforp the sume. of joining the V^lasco forces In repeal bill would not submit to un- papers. necessary delay in preliminary con- H. M. Wood, clerk and auditor of the Cycionu- Eggers, his future would have "Huarache- Whether the rebel force 3oard, then read a letter from A. A. been mapped out gloriously.' Other- Now tTp to People. 1 Washing-ton, April 1.—Major Gen- Nearly $11,000 greater were the sideration of the bill, and flatly de- 1 under General Herrera sent out to Mitchell, warden of the female convicts, wise, he would have been forced back eral William W. Wotherspoon, now as- March. 3914, receipts at, the Atlanta clared that the gauntlet, of committe'e The action of council placed the hos- intercept him has been engaged is not asking- for a raise from 560 to $75 a to the laboring world from which he sistant chief of staff ,of the army, has pos toff ice than those for the corre- discharge would be hurled should an pital bond proposition squarely up to attempt be made to Impede the prog- month. Mr. Mitchell pointed out that tried to* drag himself via the ring. the people. V n ow n . been selected to succeed Major Gen- sponding month of 1913, according to he was getting much leas than the war- - I^ettrrM <« HIM People. "] According to Senor Breceda, the ress of tsb-e measure. j den of male convicts, and that taking j >fb action was taken r»n the plan to eral Lreonard Wood as chief of staff the monthly report Auditor Sheeman That some members of the commit- 1 Some oC these sporting fellows have ebels have cut the railroad between at the end of General "Wood's term, yesterday submitted to Postmaster care of fifty female convicts was quite authorize the issuance of $2.000.000 tee who oppose exemption repeal de- as difficult. Chairman Tull C. Waters seen letter? that Jjmmy Gra.nt wrote bonds for building the plaza ov f At- L-uis Potosi and Aguascalientes, April 22.