THE GAZETTE Pubhshed under the Authority of ms Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Reastered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 )

Vol. LX-No. 11 , 4th March, 1958 Price Sh 1

CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES I GAZETIENOTICES-(Contd ) PAGE PAGE Appointments, etc 218 The Bankruptcy Ordinance 237,238 The Immigration Ord~nance 1956-Appointment 218 The Fraudulent Transfer of Businesses Orhnance 238 The Mlnlng Ordinance-Renewal of Licences 21 8 Notice of Change of Name 238,239 The Regulatlon of Wages and Conditions of Emploq- Forest Department-Tender 239,240 ment Ordtnance, 1951-Intention to '3ubmit Proposals 218 H M Court of Appeal for Eastern Afr~caat Nalrobl The Compulsory Nallonal Service Ordlnance- and Kampala-Cause L~st 240 Release Advisory Comnnttee 218 Dissolution of Partnership 241 Appointments to Local Manpower Comrn~ttees 22 1 The Natne Lands Trust Ordmance-Tender 241

The Marketing of African Produce Ord~nance-Appoint The Crown Lands Ordmance- \ ments to Board 21 8 Plots at Klhfi 242 The Natlve Lands Trust Ordinance-Settlng Apart of Plots at Klsumu 243 Land 219,220 Plots at 245 The Essential Servlces (Arbitration) Ordmance, 1950- Plots at Molo 246 Appointment of Arbitrator and Assessors 220 The Crown Lands Ordmance-Forfeiture Notice 220 Tender 220 SUPPLEMENT No 15 Civll krcraft Accident-Inspector's Investigation 22 1 The Medical Practitioners and Dentlsts Ordlnance- (Lepzslatzve Suppleme~tt) Regstrations 221 LEGALNOTICE NO PAGE The Townships Ordinance-Appointment to Committees 222 I Nalrobi West Aerodrome--Change of Name 222 1 97-The Kenya Meat Commlsslon Ord~nance,1950- Wholesale Pnces 111 The Education Ordinance-Appolntme~ts 222 The W~ldAn~mals Protection Ord~nance--Appomtment 222 98 99-The Forfeiture of Lands Ordnance, 1953- Native Land Ryghts Confiscahon Order 112-1 13 Transport Licensing 222 229 The Courts Ordinance-Appointments 222,223 100-The Wages Regulatlon (Road Transport) Order, 1958 123 The Anlmal Dlseases Ordmance-Infected Areas 223 East African Rallways and Harbours-Amendment to 101-The Seeds (Amendment) Rules, 1958 128 Tanff Book No 2 22 3 102-The Colomal Alr Navlgahon Order 1955- Customs and Excise Auction Sale 224,227 Exemption from Landing Fees 128 Loss of Poky 225,226 103-The Colonial Ar Navlgahon Order, 1955-Use The Companies Ordmance 225,226 of Government Aerodromes 129 The Water Ordmance-Apphcatlons 226 104-The Kltale County Counc~l(L~censing of Dogs) The United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Ordin~nce By-laws, 1958 134 re Messrs Vono Ltd 326 105-The Thomson s Falls Urban Dlstrlct Councll The Societies Rules, 1952-Registrations etc 228 (Licensing of Cycles) By-laws, 1958 140 Uasln Glshu County Counal 229,230 106-The Movement of Ma~zeOrder, 1958 142 The Municipahties Ordmance-Nomination of Coun clllors 229,230 107-The Native Land Tenure Rules, 1956-Apph- Municipd Board of 230 catlon of Rules 141 Liquor Licensmg 230, 231 108-109-The Afrlcan Dlstrlct Councils Ord~nance The Compames Ordinance-Appointments 231 242,244 1950-Authonzation to Mahe By-laws 144 Vacancies 231 110-The Afrlcan Dlstrlct Counclls Ordinance, Trade Marks 232-234 1950-Notlce Under Section 23 145 Patents 234-235 11 1-The Publlc Health (Dramage and Latnle) City Councll of Narobl--Closure of Road 215 Rule\ 145 Probate and Admilustration 216 217 218 TH E KEN YA GAZETTE 4th M arch, 1958

CORRIGEN DU M G AZE'I'TE NoerlcE N o In G azette N otlce N o 52 ln the K enya G azette dated THE REGU LA TION S O F W AG ES AN D CON DITION S 7th January, 1958, delete the follom ng entry - OF EM PLOYM ENT ORD INAN CE 1951 PRELIMJNARI SWAHILI ORAL CXAMINATION (Az o 1 f7/ !95jj Reglstrar Co-opelatlve Socletles- THE BAKIN'G, PLOUR C ONFECTIONERN AND BISCUIT MAKING W Craw TRADES W AGES COUNCIL N O TICE ls hereby glven that the Baklng, Flour Confec- G U E'ITE N oTlcs N o 730 tlonery and Blscm t-m aklng rrades W ages Councll, estabhshed under Legal N otlce N o 4 dated 29th Decem ber, 1955, m tends to A PPO IN TM EN TS subm lt W ages R egulatlon Proposals to the M m lster for Educa tlon, Labour and Lands ln respect of em ployees em ployed ln HARDRBSS D E W ARRENNE W ALLER to be Dlstrlct Com m lsslonery the baklng, flour confectlonery and blscult-m aklng trades ln South N yanza, Nyanza Provm ce, wlth efect from 13th. Febru- N alrobl M om basa, N akuru, , K ltale and K lsum u M unl ary, 1958 clpahtles, N yerl and N anyukl Tow nshlps and Thlka U rbqn SHEIKH A HMAD ABDALLAH YUSUFF to be M lldlr, W ltu and D jstnct M kunum bl, Lam u Dlstnct, Coast Provm ce, wlth esect from 6th February, 1958 Com es of these wages regulatjons proposals m ay be obtalned GBOFFRBY JAMES ELLERTON) M A (OXON) M B E , resumed duty from the Secrdary ot tëe Wages Councll at the address glven on return from leave as U nder-secretary, Treasury, wlth below, or from labour om ces throughout K enya efect from 19th Febraury, 1958 Representatlons ln regard to the proposals m ust be m wrlt- GBOFFRBY JAMBS ELLBRTON, M A (OXON)y M B E $ to aCt as m g, settlng out clearly the reasons for m aklng sam e, and D eputy Secretary to the Treasury w lth effect from 19th m ust reaciv the Secretary not later than 7th A prll, 1958 February, 1958 T F M IN O G U E, REGINAL,D JAMES SPOONBR to act as A sslstant D lrector of A grl Secretal y, culture, Southern Provlnce w lth effect from 2nd February Olce of f/Te W ages Councll 1958 G 111 H ouse ER1c H UGH LINDSEY to act as A sslstant Cgm lm ssloner Of P O Box 326, N alrobl Pohce m th esect from 1st July, 1957 REVERSION S LAxcc or DONALD ABEL BARON, o F c , M A (oxoN), ceased to G AZEzu's N oTlcB N o 734 act as D eputy Secretary to the Treasury wlth effect from 19th February, 1958 (Df# 26/2 /22 / 14) ROBBRT DsNls W ILLIAM TOFIELD ceased to act as Senlor Press TH E CO M PU LSO R Y N A TIO N A L SERV IC E Superlntendent, Pnntlng and Statlonery Departm ent, wlth ORD IN AN CE, 1951 effect from 13th January, 1958 D ONALD GEORGE CHARLES K ING Ceased to aCt as Superlntendenty (No 19 ol 1951) Prlntlng and Statlonery D epartm ent, wlth egect from 13th RELEASE A ovlsoltv C OMM ITTBE January, 1958 H ENRY JOHN FREDBRICK PARKHIJRST ceased to act as A sslstant IN EX E RC ISE of the pow ers conferred by sectton 32A of the Superlntendent, Prlntlng and Statlonery Departm ent, wlth Com pulsory N atlonal Servlce O rdm ance, 1951 the G overnor elfect from 13th January, 1958 hereby appolnts- W N B Loudon, Esq , E N GRIFFITH -JON ES, The A dlutant, The K enya R eglm ent, Actlng CàIE'/ Secretary to be m embers of the Release Advlsory Com m lttee ln place of J B H lrst, Esq * and Captaln J R T Eve * GAZE'I'TE N o'rlcE N o 731 (IM M l /8) D ated thls 21st day of February, 1958 THE IM M IGRATION ORD IN AN CE, 1956 By Com m and of the G overnor (No 35 oj 1956) JOHN CU SACK , A PPOIN FM ENT OF IM M IGIIATION O FFICER M lnlstel jor Inter'tal Securkty and Dejence IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 3 of the Im mlgratlon Ordlnance, 1956, the Governor hereby Y G N 1552 /55 appolnts- BERNARD BAmtow SHAw , EsQ to be an lm mlgratlon OKcer G AZET'I'E N ozqcE N o 735 D ated thls 27th day of February, 1958 (AGR 4151) By Comm and of the G overnor TH E M A RK ETIN G OF AFRICAN PRODU CE E N G RIFFITH -JON ES, ORD IN AN CE Acttng Chlej Secretary (Cap 1 84) M BM BERSHIP olv THE N YANZA PpovlNcE M ARKETING BOARD G AZETTE N orlcB N o 732 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Schedule to the M arketm g of Afrlcan Produce Ordln- TH E M IN ING O RD IN ANCE ance, the M m lster for A grlculture, A m m al H usbandry and W ap 168) W ater R esources has appolnted- RENEw AL oF Excl-uslvF PROSPECTING LICENCES Stanley Everett, Esq , N OTICE ls hereby glven that the followm g excluslve pros Basheer ud-D m , Esq and pectm g llcences have been renewed - Frederlck M alakwan arap Sol Esq , L lcensee - M axwell M cG ujnness Area - 88 square mlles (approxlmately) to be m em bers of the N yanza Provlnce M arketlng Board ln L ocallty --coast Provl lce place of- No 0/ ltcelïce - 111 I'eîm .- one year from 28th October, 1957 C H East, Esq , M tnelals --preclous m etals and non-preclous m lnerals Lahlbhal D Hlndocha, Esq , and M llale arap K orgoren Esq , L tcensee - Froblsher Ltd Aé ea - 7,900 square mlles (approxlmately) respectlvelyrf who have reslgned

L ocaltt.p - N orthern Provlnce No t?/ llcence - 121 D ated thls 26th day of February 1958 Term - o ne year from 1st January, 1958 M lnerals - preclous m etals, non-preclous mm erals and radlo- M IC H A EL BLU N D ELL, acttve m lnerals M lnlste; y(lz Agrlcultu'e Antmal Slflbcntfr.l and W ater R esources Nalrobl, CH ARLES H A RVEY, 28th Fkbruary, 1958 jor Communoner (M IneJ and Geologyb * G N 1859/56 4th M arch, 1958 TH B K EN Y A G A ZETTE 219

G AZET'I'S N o'rlcB No 736 (2) Pulpose - D E B przm ary school TH E N ATIVE LAN D S TRU ST O RD IN AN CE Place .-x awetlu, M atungulu Locatlon, M achaltos Dlstrlct qcap 100) Area - 2 8 acres (approxlmately) SETTING A PART OF LAND UNDER SECTION 21 Desotptton ()/ Boundarles W HEREAS l conslder lt deslrable that the areas of land Com menclng at a pom t dem arcated by a stone calrn whtch herelnafter speclfied, bem g the areas sltuated wlthln the natlve IS sttuated at the beglnnlng of a perm anent slsal hedge , thls land snould be set apart as hereln provlded polnt of com m encem ent ls located by the tollowlng bearm gs- Axo wHEREAS the provlslon of sub-sectlon (1) ot sectton 51 degrees on M atetam H111 (), a dlstance of 21 and the pro&lslons of sectlon 22 of the N atlve Lands approxlm ately five nules and 198 degreeq on M bee H t11 Trust Ordlnance have been com plled wlth and the approval (M ltabonl), a dlstance ot approxlmately 14 mlles of the proper authonty to the settlng apart has been obtalned thence from the polnt ot com m encement on a beanng of 145 degrees for 209 feet along the aforem entloned slsal hedge to the N ow THEREFORE, m pursuance Of the provislons of sub- cornel of a further slsal hedge sectlon (2) of the sald sectlon I hereby glve notlce that ln exerclse of the pow ers conferred by Nlrtue of the sald thence followlng the Iatter slsal hedge on a beanng of 60 sectlon the areas of land, the botmdanes of phlch are desned degrr s for 473 feet to another corner ln the Schedule hereto have been set apart tor the purposes thence on a bearlng ot 329 degrees for 314 feet along th@ thereln speclfied sam e slsal hedge to a further corner thence on a beanng of 215 degrees for 100 feet along the Scc out.le sam e slsal hedge to a further corner ( 1 ) thence along tbe sam o slsal hedge on a bearmg of 231 5 degrees for 410 feet to the popnt of com mencem ent Purpose - D E B prlm ary school f4) Place - K yum bunl M bltlnlLocatlon M achakos D lstrlct Putpo' e - tklarket ,1 rea - 1 0 7 acres (approxlmatelvb Place - M akutano, M asll Locatlon, M achzkos D lstnct Descrlpttolt fp/ Boklltdaltes A'ea ..-.1 0 4 acres (approxlmately) Com m enmng at a stone calrn w hlch ls sltuated at the entrance Dencllptlol' t?/ Boundarleb to the school on the northern edge of the Em all-M utyam bua Com m enclng at a polnt dem arcatcd bv e4 stone calrn whlch road thls polnt of com m encem ent ls located by the follow ls on the corner of 'à perm anent slsal hedge at the edge of lng beartngs- the M achakos-W am unqu road , thls polnt of com m encem ent ls (c) 18 degrees on M uambwanl HllI dtstance of approxl Iocated by the followlng bexllngs- m ately slx m lles (aj 33U degrees on Lhe lowest peak of Kanzalu ranges (Kan (:) 143 degrees on M usue Hl1l a dlqtance of 7 ' mlles gundo Iwocatlelz) a dlstance of approxlm atdy ten m tles approxlm ately and also (b) 181 degrees on M boonl Forest Reserve (M boonl Locatlon), (c) 286 degrees on the M utyambua-Fmall road a dlstance of ct dlstance of qpproxlm ately 25 m lles 13 m lles approxlm ately (c) 250 degrees on the hlghest oeak ot Utml HIII (M as11 thence from the polnt of com m encem ent on a beanng of Locatlon), a dlstance of approxlmately mght mlles and 294 degrees for 450 feet along a thorny ftnce to lts corner (J) 90 degrees at a polnt on the M achakos-W amunyu road thence on a bearlng of 11 degrees for 615 feet #followlng the a dlstance of approxlm ately seven mlles sam e thorny fence to another corner thence from the the polnt of com m encem ent on a beanng of thence on a beanng of 107 degrees for 707 leet through a 187 degrees for 214 feet along the sald slsal hedge to 1ts sllamba to adlacent thorny tence corner thence on a bearlng of 182 degrees for 550 feet followlng tkhence on a bearlng of 263 degrees for 494 feet qlong the the latter thorny fence to lts corner at the edge of the M utyam salq slsal hedge to anothel corner bua-Em ah road , thence on a bearlng of 1914 degrees for 100 feet along the thence on a bearlng of 267 degrees for 357 ftet followlng qald slsal hedge to a further corner the edge of that road to the pom t of com m encem ent thenct on a bearlng of 239 degrees for 238 feet along tbe sald slsal hedge to a furthev corner (2) thence on a beanlzg of 305 degrees for 192 feet along tlle Pltlpose - Extenslon to G overnm ent Statlon s 4td stsal hedge and across tlle M achakos-W am tm yu road to Place .-x angundo, K angundo Loc ltlon, M achakos D lstrlct a pm nt at the edge ot tllctt road , thenct oo a bearlng of A35 degrees for 65 feet along open A'ea - one acre (approxlmately) land to a polnt Descrlptlon oj stld/ptïfw eî thence on a beanng of 38 degrees for 136 feet along the sald Com m enclng at a polnt where there is a pole on the fence open land to another slsal hedge whlch once deûned the boundary of the station and sltuated thence on a bearlng of 38 degrees for >3l feet along the at the cdge oi the Junctlon of three roads, nam ely one to sald slsal hedge to 1ts corner the statlon oflices another to Tala M arket and a thlrd to the K angundo Detelztlon Cam p thls polnt of com m encem ent thence on a oearlng of 13 degrees for 195 feet through Js located by the follow lng bearlngs- A sham ba to a w ooden peg lnstde the sald shanlba thence on 'a bearlng of 1 12 degrees for 138 feet through tht (t?) 35 degrees on K anzalu's eentral forest reserve dlstance sald sllanlba to another w ooden peg at the edge of the of approxlm ately four m lles M achakos-slathalzl road (b4 224 degFees felloqlng the dlrectlon of the road to the thence on a bearlng of 11 degrees for 100 feet followlng statlon oë ces a dlstance of approxlm ately 500 feet the edge of that road towards Slatham M arket to a fm ther tc) 28 degrees followlng the dlrectlon of the road to Tala w ooden peg M arket dlstance of apploxlmately three m lles and thence on a bearlng of 77- degrees for 135 feet follom ng (#) l53 degrees followlng the dlrectlon of the road to the the edge of the same road iowards the latter dlrectlon to a Kangundo D etentlon Cam p a dlstance of approxlm ately f ulther wooden peg 400 feet thrnce oa a bearlng ol 97 degrees for 170 feet across the thence fiom a polnt ot com mencement followlng the road to M achakos-slathanl road to a further wooden peg lnslde a Tala M arket on a beanng of 28 degrees for 143 feet to a slsal sham ba hedge thence on a bearlng ot ! 87 degrees for 100 feet through the thence on a bearlng of 130 degrees for 100 feet to a polnt same shanlba to a furthel wooden peg lnslde the saxd sham ba lnslde a shamba thence on a bearlng of 17O degrees for 1 5:2. feet through the thcnce on a bearlng of 144 degrees for 120 feet to a polnt sam e shanlba to a further wooden peg on open land on a terrace thence on a bearlng of 16O degrees for 132 feet along the thence on a bearlng of 166 degrees for 58 feet follow lng the sald open land to a further woodtn peg sald terrace to another polnt above a coffee plantatlon thence on a bearlng of 95 deglees for 135 feet along the thence on a lurther beftrlng of 1 86 degrees for 84 feet fol- sald open laqd to a furthel wooden peg lom ng the sald terrace to a furthel polnt , thence on a bearlng of i 83 deqrees tor 124 feet along the thence on a bearlng of 262 degrees for 100 feet followlng the sald open land to a furtber wooden peg at the edge of the dlrectlon of the sald terrace whlch ends at the road to a polnt M achakos-W am tm vu road ln the centre of the road to the K angundo D etentlon Camp thence on t bearlng of 253 degrees for feet across the tllence on a bearlng of 312 degrees for 61 feet followlng the sald road to the polnt ot com m encem ent course of the qald road ln the opposlte dlrectlon to a polnt Coples of the plons for these areas are deposlted wlth the at 1ts edge Dlstnct Com nussloner M achakos and are avallable for lnspe - thence on a bearlng of 345 degrees for tive feet across the tlon on request road to the K angundo lnterm edlate D E B School, to a pole G lven tm der m y hand thls 15th day of February, 1958 on the old boundary of the statlon , K M COW LEY thence followlng that boundary on a beanng of 337 degrees Plovtnctal Com mlsnoner for 163 feet to the pölnt of comm encem ent sbu//zerlz P; ovlnce Nronr 220 TH E K EN Y A G AZETTE 4+ M arch, 1958

G xa 'r're No'rlcs N o 737 N ow , THERETORE, m exerclse of tlle gowtrs conferrtd by sec- tlon 4 ol the Essentla.l Servlces (Arbltratlon) Ordlnance, 1950 rH E N ATIV E LAN DS I'R UST O RD IN AN C/ the M m lster tor Educatlon, Labour and Lands hereby constl (Cap 100) tuteo an Arbltratlon Tnbunal conslstm g of an arbltrator amd two assessors and appolnts- SETTING A ZAR'I olv LAND UNDBR SECTION 21 f HE H oN M R JUSTICB J S ABERNBTHY W HEREAS I conslder lt deslrable that the areas of land herelnafter speclfied (belng areas sltuated m thln the Natjve a Judge of the H lgh Court of Tanganylka to be such an Lands) should be set apart as herem after provlded arbltrator, and- ANo wHBREAS the provlslon of sub sectlon (1) of sectlon 21 M r P J G1ll and and the provlslons of sectlon 22 of the N atlve Lands Trust The H on M r R G Ngala, M L c , O rdlnance have been com plted w tth and the apgroval of the to be such assessors , proper authonty to the settlng apart has been obtalned AND FIJRTHBR, pursuant to the provlslons of sub-sectlon (2) N ow THBREFORB, ln pursuance of the provlslons of sub-sec of sectlon 5 of the sald O rdlnance, the M m lster for Educatlon, tzon (2) of the sald sectlon I hereby glve notlce that ln exerclse Labour and Lands hereby refers the sald trade dlspute, that ls of the powers conferred by vlrtue of the salcl sectlon the preas to aay, the dlspute or dlgerence as to the term s of em ploym ent of land, the boundarlTs of whlch are definetl ln the Schedule of mem bers of the Rallway A fncan U nlon, N alrobl, to the heieto laave been set apart for thc pu1 poses thereln speclfied Arbltratlon Trlbunal constltuted as hermnbefore provlded SCHEDULE D ated th!% 25th day of Fkbraary, 1958 (1) W F COU TTS Purpose - A D C M arket M tntster jor Ftïifctzptp/; Labouï and f,JnJ$ Plal.e - M ara m ver m the Trans M ara Dtvlslol' Area - 1 4 acres (approxlm atelq) Boundarkes - startm g at osoget treo tpom t A) on be um g 253 EIAZETTF '4oTtcE èço 610 degrees from stlm rm t of N golot H 111, oq beanng 337 degrees (6:273/ 16) from rlght-hand corner, Tsetse H ouse, and beallng 339 degrees summlt Kmleleo H11l tilence to osoget tlee (Pomt B) on fH E CROW N LAN D S ORD IN AN CE bearlng 297 degrees for 300 jeet thence to Polnt C beanng (Cap 155) 207 degrees for 195 feet thence to Pom t D bearlng 117 FORFEITURE N OTICE degrees for 300 feet thence to Polnt A (startlng polnt) bear- 1ng 27 degrees for 195 feet 1 o M essls Salga and Company Ltm lted P 0 Box 3916 N alrobï

W H EREAS by a grant reglstered the 19th day of June, 1957, Purpose - A D C M arket the G overnor and Com m ander-ln-chlef of the Colony and Pro- Place - K eyan ln the Trans M ara D m slon tuctorate of K enya on behalf of H er M ost Graclous M alesty Atea - 2 3 acres (approxlmately) Queen Ehzabeth 1)1 d1d grant unto the satd Salga and Company Boundalles - ln area due south of Nyamalya M arkd (South Llm lted all that plece of land Mtuate ln N alrobl M unlclpallty, Nyanza) across ltl&er Sare (whlch formb South Nyanza- by m easurem ent 0 453 acre or thereabouts, that ts to say boundary) Startlng at Polnt A at a calrn of stones, 'I. R No 209/5480, whlch sald plece of land lq dehneated on the on a bearlng of 31 8 degrees from crest of Ololdorobonl Hlll, plan annexed to the sald grant, and m ore partlcularly on Land 133 degrees from clest of G ot M um a H1ll 217 dep ees from Sm vm Plan No 65385 depostted m the Survey Reuords Oflice rlght hand edge of clum p of trees on N yam ondu H 1l1 thence at N alrobl to hold for the term of 99 years from 1st January, for 340 feet on a beanng of 127 degrees to polnt B thence 1949 at an annual rent of Sh 1,600 and sublect, tnter alta, to for 290 feet on a bearlng of 37 degrees to polnt C thence the f ollo wm g Specaal Conthtlon N o 1, nam ely - for 340 feet on a bearlng ot 307 degrees to polnt D thence Tht. grantee shall erect com plete for use m thln two years for 290 feet on a beanng of 217 degrees to startlng polnt of the com mencem ent of the term or wlthln two years of the at A date on whlch the Chlef Englneer of the East Afrlcan Ra1l- ways and H arbours Adm lm stratlon shall form ally authorlze Glven under m y nand thls 17th day of February, 1958 the grantee ln wrltlng to enter and take possesslon of the land (whlchever date ls the later) bmldlngs of approved deslgn K M COW LEY to be bullt of perm anent and sultable m atenals on proper P? (7% tnclal Ctpzll/z/l.suw()l/d/ Sotlthel zl Ptovlnce toundattons and shall m am tam the sam e The bulldlng perlod was subsequently extended to 30th June 1956 by a letter flom the Actlng Chlef Englneer, East Afrlcan Rallways and H arbours A dmlnlstratlon, dated 21st June G &ZET'I'B N o'rlcs N o 738 , 1954 (LAB 24/ 11 /3) I hereby glve you notlce that a breach has been com m ltted of t*e satd Spectat Condtttott as extended by the letter from the THE ESSEN IXAL SERV ICES (A RBITRATION ) Chlef Englneer East Afrlcan Rallways and Harbours Admlnlstra- O RD INAN C: 1950 tlon, dated 21st June 1954 and that lt ls m y m tentlon after (N o 4 oj 1950) one m onth fyorta the sers tce of tltts nottce to com m ence an actlon ln the Suprem e Court for the recovery of the prem lses CONSTITUTVON OF A RBITRATION TRIBUNAL &ND RFUERFNCE 01 TAADE D ISPUTE THEREA i3 D ated at N atrobt thts 10th day of Pebruary, 1958 W H ER EA S a dlspute or dtllerence has arlsen betw een celtqln J A O 'LOU G HLIN em ployers. nam ely tho East A frlcan R allw ays ctnd H arbours Actlng C'tpn?zzil-sl?tp/lE'? oj fafïz?cf,j A dm lnlstratlon, N eurobl, ana certaln w orkm en, nam ely m em bers of the Rallway Afllcan U mon, N alrobl, as to the term s of em ploym ent whlch such w orkm en should recen e ClxzE'r'rs N OTICE N o 739 A No w HERFA: such dlspute or dlllerence M aS reported ln wrltlng to the Labour Com mlssloner by or on behalf of the C EN TR A Y TEN D E R BO A R D sald workm en on the 29th day of Janualy, 1958, m accordance TB qolm Folt Spxlttss BINNING 11th the provlqlons of sub sectlon (1) of sectlon A of the TEN D ERS are m vlted for the supply of steel blnnlng 1or Essentlal Servlcca (Arbttratlon) Ordlnance, 1950 spare parts for the Supphes and Tr-tnoport D epartfnent A ND W HERLAS the Labour Com m lssloner declded that tl e m atter ln dispute or dlfference as aforesald between tne s t.d Tender form s, givlng tt'll detalls w1l1 be Jssued on appllc & em ployers and w orkm en w as a tlade dlspute ln an essentlal tlon to the unae ql lnect servlce wlthln the m eanlng of the wald Ordlnance Tenderq, on the torm s provlded, m uht be enclosed Jn a plaln A ND w HEREAS the 1. abour C om m lsoloner consldered tlae s 4ld sealed envelope m arî ed render for Spales Blnm ng' and sub trade dlspute and referred the m atter for settlem ert to the m ltted by regtstered poqt qo ès to leach the urtderslgned or be Eaqt Afrlcan Rallwayq and Harbouro A dm lnlstratlon s AlI llne placed ln the tender box slttlated ln Room N o 7, Lakhanlshl Jolnt Staff Advlsory Councll , H ouse, Bazaar Street, N alrobl not later than noon on 15th Xprtl 1958 Axo w HEREAS no such settlem ent was eflkcted by the sald All-hne Jm nt Staff Advlsory Councll Tenders not so addressed and endorsed are llable to be roected and any tender recelved atter the stated tlme apd A No w HBRBAS the Labour C om m lssionel', nursuant to the pro date w111 not be conslderetl vlslons of sub sectlon (2) of sectlon 5 of the sald Ordlllance veoorted zccorqlngl) on the 18th day of Febluary 1958 to ttle -1 he Board does not bm d ltself to accept the lowe-d or any tender and reserq es tl e rlght to accent any tender tn r) tl t M lmster for Educatlon, Labour and Lands u lless R tenderer expre sly stlpulates to the contraly ANo w lv ltu s, ln exerclse of the powers conferred bv sub sectton (3) of sectlon 5 of the sald Oldlnance the Mlnlwter B TOW F for Educatlon, Labour and Lands postponed the refelence of flzyc? eu'; ) the sald (hspute to an A rbltratlon Trlbunal for a ftirther perlod C entl al Tendel f'tpf'f/ il of stvtn days term lnatlng on the 35uh dav of Fwbruarz , 1958 P O Box 30071 Nt-tl/ obt * 4th M arch, 1958 TH E KENYA G AZETR E 221

G AZEI'TE N m qcE N o 740 GAZETTB N oucs N o 743 (M P 265) (M P 281) TH E COM PU LSO RY N ATION AL SERVICE ORDINAN CE, 1951 TH E COM PU LSO RY N ATION A L SERAICE O RD IN AN CB, 1951 (No 19 oj 1951) AQACHAKOS LOCAL A4ANPOW ER COMMITTEE qN o 19 oj 1951) IN EXERCISB of the powers conferred by sectlon 19 of NAIROBI RUM L LocAn M xxpow BR COMMITTBE the Com pulsory N atlonal Servlce Ordlnance, 1951, the Dlrector IN EXERCISE of the powers conferrcd by sectlon 19 of the of M anpower hereby- Com pulsory N atlonal Servtce Ordlnance, 1951, the Dlrector of (t7) ûancels the appolntment to the M achakos Local M an M anpow m hereby- power Comm lttee of the followm g persons- (f8 cancels the appolntm ents to the Nalrobl Rulal Local F S Howden, Esq Lchatlman), M anpower Com m lttee of the followlng persons- D J Ponwlll, Esq , o s o , J Peberdy, Esq , J N Slnclalr, Esq (Chalrman) G C lavens, Esq , M alor P D Carm lchael M R E D urand, Esq , R s Fm dlay, Esq , (!)) appolnts to the M achakos Local M anpower Commlttee (bj appotn? to the Natrobt Rural Local M anpower Commlttee the followm g person - the follom ng persons- '- P J Nlcholas, Esq (Chturman), Dlstnct Commlssloner (Chall nlan) J N Sm clalr Esq , G azette N otlce N o 1588 of 22nd N ovem ber, 1955, ls vaned R A Russell 5m 1th, Esq , accordlngly D Llndsa, , Esq D ated thls 24th day of February, 1958 G azette N otlce N o 3407 of 13th N ovem ber, 1956, js vaned accordm gly E W M M AGOR, Dvectot 0/ M anpowet D ated thls 24th day of February 1958 G xzsrrs N oTlcs N o 741 E W M M A GOR (M P 269) Dl'ectol 5/ M anpoxel THE CO M PU LSORY N ATION AL SERVICE ORD IN AN CE, 1951 G AZBTTE N oTlce N o (No 19 o! 1951) N AKURU LOCAL M ANN W ER COMMITTBE CIV IL AIRCRAFT ACCtD EN T IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 19 of lNseEcz'olt s INVESTIGXTION the Com puksory N atlonal Servlce Ordm ance, 1951, the D lrector NO FICE ls hereby glven that an lnspector s lnvesttga of M anpower hereby- tlon ts taking place lnto the cause of the acmdent whlch ttzl cancels the appomtments to the Nakuru Local M anpower occun'ed on 24th February 19.58, 12 m lles south e'tst of Nan- Com m lttee of tbe follom ng persons- yukl, Kenya, to Plper Crulser VP-K EZ, reglstered and operated W G H owell, Esq , In the nam e of D antask Llm lted D N N eylan, Esq , A ny persons lnterested who destre to m ake representatlons J P Ryan, Esq , as to the clrcum stances or cause of the accldent should do H J C H olmes, Esq , so ln wntlng to the Chlef Inspector of JAccldents Otlice of C P N lcholsons Esq , the Com nussloner for Transport, P O Box 30121, Nalrobl, R H G Prettelohn, Esq , K enya wlthln 14 days of thls notlce and should quote the (17) appolnts to the Nakuru Local M anpower Commlttee the reference ACC /4/ 1958 followm g persons- M G W llhamson, Esq , Dated thls 1st day of M arch 1958 W H H lndley, Esq , J T H arns, Esq , P E L H oward, Esq , GAZE= E N o'ncE N o 745 W M ullock, Esq , Capt R Prettelohn, TH E M ED ICA.L PRACTtTIONERS AN D DEN rISTS A F N tcoll, Esq ORD IN AN CE Gazette N otlce N o 1586 of 22nd N ovem bex, 1955, ls varled (Cap 125, Sectlon 7) accordm gly T'HE followm g dentlst has been reglstered - D ated thts 24th day of February, 1958 Reg No A'cprlc Quahllcattons and Addl ess B W M M AG OR, y1134 Dh15u8p,a ,K Dlsemvn uVrat, L D s , R c s (EoIN ), P O Box. Dtrector @/ M anpower A J W A LK ER , GAZETI'E N o'ncs No 742 Dtrecto, o! A.&l/tw/ Servlses (M P 272) R ekwy//tzr TH E COM PU LSORY N ATION AL SERVICE ORD IN AN CE, 1951 LN o 19 of 1951) G AM TTF N oTIcE N o 746 Tltàxs N zolA LocAt, M ANPOU R COMMITTBE TH E M ED ICAL PRACTITION ERS AN D D EN TISTS IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 19 of the ORD IN AN CE Compulsory Natlonal Servlce Ordm ance, 1951 the D lrector of M anpower hereby- (Cap 125, Sectfon 6) (t8 cancels the appom tments of the Trans Nzota Local M an- TH E followlng m edlcal practltloners have been reglstered - power Comm lttee of the followm g persons- Reg No Xcrzle Quallficatkons and Address Com dr H W Paterson, W H N ewton, Esq , 1126 Nesbltt James Sldney t. M s (E A ), P O Box G Tom lm son, Esq , 30016 N alrobl M lgue, M lchael Rufus, t, M s (E A ), P 0 Box G B Long, Esq , 30016 N alrobl C Tllney, Esq , C R Tofte, Esq , 1128 M plnm, Samuel Gldeon M atl, L M s (I! & ), # O Box 30016, N alrobt (b4 appomts to the Trans Nzm a Local M anpower Commlttee 1129 Patel, N arendra K um ar M am bhal, M B , B s the follom ng persons- (AGRA), P O Box 2950, Nalrobl S H Powles, Esq , 1 130 Bhatt, Shtvakumar M aganlal, M B , B s (BOMBAY), L A D wen, Esq , P O Box 446, N atrobl R D Horsfm Esq , 1131 Smgh, Surm , M B , B s (PIJNJAB), P O Box 641, I W H awkm s, Esq , M om basa M F Buck, Esq 1132 Beecher, John Leonard, L M s s A (LONDON), P O G azette N ottce N o 1584 of 22nd N ovem ber, 1955, ls varled Box 4, Klllfi accordm gly 1133 Faul, Shamln (M 1ss), M B , B s (PIJNJAB), P O Box 10056 N alrobl Dated th s 24th day of February, 1958 E W M M AG OR, lltrector oj sfedtcal JcrAlcel Dkrector 0/ M qnpower lkegzstrar l z27 TH E K ENY A G A ZETTE 4th M arch, 19%

(5 Aztrrs N olncr N o 747 G AD TTE N OTICE NO 751 (121113) (5/ 702/35 /4) TH E ED UCATION ORD IN AN CE, 1952 THE TOW NSHIPS ORDINANCE (No 58 oj 1952) (Cap 133) ytpeolx'rxfsx'r To M OMBASA Dls'rRlcr Etlucu loN BoARo THE M BRU TOW NSHIP COM M ITTESE- A PPOINTM ENR b IR IS hereby notlsed that In exerclse of the powers conferred bv sectlon 36 of the Fducatlon Ordlnance 1952, the m anagers IN EXERCINE of the powers conferred by sectlcm 7 ot ot the Afrtcan prtm ary and lntermedzate school ln M om basa the Townshms Ordlnance (Cap 133), the M lmster for Local Dlstnct have appolnted- Govcrnm ent, H ea1th and Holzslrlg herebv appolnts- THE VENERABLE ARCHDEACON P M w ANGTOMBE Chaïl ?pc?z- to be a m em ber of the M om basa D lstrtct Educatlon Board ln The Dlstrlct Com m lssloner, M eru ttze place of the Re: J C Rlddlesdell,* who haq restgned M embers- Dated thls 25th day of February, 1958 The Secretary, M eru Afrlcan D lstriut Councû M r A rbl Sulelm an W J D W AD LEY, M 1 N oordm lbrahlm Duectot // Educatton M r N oel Brownlull M G 14 1244/57 M r Hem an M 'M bm y M r Justus M 'Rmgera M r Chotabhat Vallabhal Patel , M r Vtthulbhat Rancbodbhals G Azs'r'rs N o'rfcs N o 752 to be m em bers of the M eru Township Com m lttee for 195* TH E W ILD AN IM ALS PRO IX CTION ORD IN ANCE 1951 Dated thls 21st day oî Februaly, 1958 fN o 18 oj 1951) W B H AV ELO CK ' r APPOINTMSNTS M tntster /t)z Local Gfplztv nment Healtlî IN EXERCISE ol the powers conferred by sectfon 52 of and F t)gllirtg the W lld Anlmalh Protectlon Ordlnance 1951, 1 hereby 2P9O1l1t- Karl Arnold H opt Esq G AZE'I'TE N oTlcls N o 74B Oq en Jefreys Esq (1211 19) Claude W altel Jones, Esq Kenneth Le&et Esq THE TO W N SH IPS O RD IN ANCF to be Honolary G ame W aldens for a perlod of five vears from (Cap 133) the date hcreof THE, K jAMBU TOW NSHIP COMMITT'Z E- AFPOINTMFNFN N a2l0rtohb lFebruar) W H H ALE, Chlej G/zzic W ardel IN EX ERCISE of tlle powers conferred by sectlon 7 of the 'lownshlps Oldlnance (Cap 133), the M lm ster for Local Governm ent 14ea1th and H ousm g hereby appolnts- GAzErlis No'rlcy No 763 The Dlstnct Com mlssloner, K lam bu (Chatl p?7tzul The M edlcal Oflicer of H ea1th K lambu or hls repre3ellta TH E TRA NSPORT l ICENSIN G O RD INANCP tlve fcap 297) M r W alter Stott M dctellan-W llson M r George Bertram Shlelds FI'IE unttetm entloned appllcatlort has beea appröved by the M rs Elleen Lom se Belcher, rransport t lcenslng Board at a m eetlng held ln Klsum u on M r Popatlal Hansrap, Frld Ay, 24th January, 1958 M r Sam sudm Sld: M oham ed, P A RU SSELL, M r Baclm am al Aggarwal, Executlve OMcer M r N ene M etha, I'îallspott Llcenstng fcpJ? d M r Shah Pethra) Lakha, P O Box 820 N alrobl Chtef Charles K aruga K olnange to bc m em bers of the K lam su Townshlp Com nuttee tor 1958 RoAo SBllvlcs LlcbxcE 1 l 8 2306- Andrt,a M nubl and Jevan A Kevolwe P O Box

Dated tlns 20tb day of Februar.y 1958 70 Maragoll Route M aragoll-Tanme (not settlng up or pllttlpg dowl) at yKlsum u) (Js-passenjTer W B H ANELOCK vehlcle ) M lnïstet jor Local G tqlA'er, ment H ealth fzn (1 H o If sf n $, G AZI-TTF N o1 lct N o 7%4 (J & L 13/ 1 /3, Yol ll) GAZBTTI& N fm t c N o 749 IcA 3B) rH E COURTS ORDINA N CL (Cap 3) N AIROBI B EST APROD ROM E SPBCIAL XPI>OINTMBNT IT IS notliicd 1 or gcneral lnform atlon tbat as from 10th IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by beotlon of M arch 1958 N allobl W est Aerodrom e wlll be renamed W llson s the Courts Ordznant.e the faovernor has appolnted- Atrodrom e ln recogm tlon of the outstandlnq ploneer servlces ALLAN G okoox H EFBIJRN CAln s EsQ to avlatm n lri lzaq.t Afnca rendered bv M rs F K W llsort to m aglstrate wlthout pow ers to hold a court N alrobl J L H W EBSTER 21st Februarv 1958 Secl t: taI '$z to //7c Counctl oj Alfl/clâ/: ; î D tted tbls 21st da) of Februarv 1958 Bv Com m and ef the G e&ernor GAzsrry NoTlcr No 750 D W CON ROY (5/ 702 / 14/4) Ailntster /o? lkegal zl/rciry TH E, LD UCATIO N ORDIN AN CE 1952 G AzErrE N o-rlcE N o 755 (No 58 oj 1952) (J tt L 13 / 1 /3 Vol llJ A IAPOINTMENT ro K ILII'I D ISTRIC'T EDUCATION BOARD TH E CO U R FS O R D IN A N CE IN EXFRCISE ()t the powers conferred by sectlon 36 of (Cap 3) the Educatlon Ordlnanc& l 952 the m anaqers of the Afrzcan SPECIAL A PPOINTMENr Prlmary and Intermedlate Schools fn the Klll6 D lstllct haxe IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 5 of appom ted- the Courts O rdlqance the A ctm g G overnor has appotnted- 7 HE VI-NERABLE A REHDBAIION PETER M W ANG OM BE W 4L rfllt H ENRY GEORGE Ftow eRs EsQ to be a m ember of the Klllti Dlstrtc.t Educatlon Board m pl fee of the Rev J C Rlddeisdell * who has reslgned to be : m aglbtralw w lthout pcwter to hold a court Dated tbls 27nd da& of February 1958 D ated thls 21st dav of February, 1958 W J D W AD LEY B) Cornmand of the Acttng G overnor Dlrectoî r)j Edïlcatïon D W C O N RO Y * G èf 2805/56 A%I1n1 î/ti ? jf'p? LeIal -4#t?J? ç 4:h slarch, 1958 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 223

GAZE'I'I'B N o'rlcs No 756 Scc otft,s 11I (7 tjs L 13 / l /2 Vo1 II) Ftrst Colum n Second Colum n TH E COU RTS ORD IN AN CE Government Notlct No By deletlng from Schedule I (East Lcap 3 ) 3242 dated the 22nd Coast Fever) thereto the follow-

day of October, 1956 1nj t' - A PPOINTM ENT OF EX O FFICIO M AGISTkAEE TO A H IGHER L O 8017 , G R de V Co1- SUBORDZNAIE COURT vllle Esq P O Box 27, M olo , N akuru D lstnct '' IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlons 3 and 1h Gazette Notlce No 3737 By deletlng from Schedule I (Foot- of the Courts Ordm ance the G overnor, after consultlng the dated the 28th day of and-M outh Dlseezse) thereto the Chlef Justlce, has appolnted- October, 1957 followlng - R OGER TEXL PF*=o=K, LsQ ixlwocatlon 2, Klpslgls Reserve , The D lstrlct Com m lssloner, who ls a m aglstrate by vtrtue of ius om ce of Dlstrlct Oëcer, K erlcho K erlcho D tstrlct '' N orth Nyanza D lstrlct to hold a subordlnate court of the By deletlng from Kchedule 11 (Fow1 second class ln the sald dlstnct for so long as he contm ues Pest) thereto the followmg - to hold the om ce of Dtstnct Oflicer aforesald * Plot N o 256/7 , M r Sham Nlngh P O Box 1942, Nalrobl , D ated thls 22nd day of Februar) 1958 N alrobl D lstnct '' Gazette Notlce No 3801 By deletmg from Schedule 11 (Foot- By Com m and of the Governor dated the 4th day of and-M outh Dtsease) thertto the N ovem ber, 1957 followm g - D W CON ROY CL O 480/4 480/7 5700, Nhntstel jor Legal .4#mi ,! 6207, 477 / 5 E G Thornhlll, Fsq , K am m ya M oto , Nakuru Dlstrlct ' Gazette Notlce No 3962 By deletlng from Schedule I (Foot- dated the 18th day of and-M outh Dlsease) thereto the G zzBrrh N oTzcl N o N ovem ber, 1957 followlng - (./ tt L l 3 / 1 /2 Vol Il) çsouth Tetu D lvlston , The D ts- trlct Com missloner N yerl , N yen rHE COU RTS ORD IN AN CE / D lstrlct '' W ap 3) Gazette Notlk,e N o 4154 By deletlng from Schedule 1 (East dated the 2nd day of Coast Fever) thereto the follow- A PPOINTMSNT OF Ex OFrlclo A4AGISTRATE To A H IGHSR December, 1957 lnj 'L- SIJBORDINAR'E COURT O 4732 /9 , l M orrls, Esq , f IN EXLRCISE of the powcrs conferred by sectlons 3 and 5 P O South Km angop , N aw asha oî the Courts Ordlnance the G okcrnor, after consultlng the D lstrlct ' Chlef Justlce, has appolnted- G AZBTTB N o'rlcE No 759 G sRiLo W II-I-I NM LORIM SR PRYBR, EsQ EAST APRICAN RAILW A YS AN D HARBOU RS who hs a m aglstrate b) vlrtue oî lus oK ce of Dlstnct Oflicers N orthern Frontler Dlstrlct to hold a subordlnate court of the AMENDMENT To TARIFF BooK N o 2 second class ln the sald distnct for so long as he contm ues îo THE East A frlcan Rallways and Harbours Adm lnlstratlon hold the oflice of dlstrlct officer aforesald gl vy s notlce that wlth efïect from 1st M arch 1958, Tans Book N d 2 has been am ended as follows - D ated thls 26th day of February 1958 P&GE 21 SECTION 36 .- COLLECTION &ND D ELIVERY OF GOODS, LIJGGAGB AND PARCBLS By Comm and of the G overnor Add- D W CON ROY (dj Kampqla- M tnlster for Legal .d././tu, ,î (1) Cartage Servlces wlll be performed by the Adrmmstra- t,ort and w11l m clude the collectton and dellvery of goods and parcels tral c lhhe cartage area m ll be confined m thm a radlus of 21. mlles from Kampala Statlon GAZE'I'TB NOTw E No 75S (11) The follom ng charges wlll be ralsed - (QUXR /O) Parcels TH E AN IM AL D ISEASES ORDIN AN CE Caents 50 ner 50 lb or part thereof, m cluslvo of handllng charges, and sublect to a m lm m ttm cllarge of (Cap 213) cents 75 per conngnment IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectton 4 of Goods- the Anlm al D lseases Ordm ance, I hereby declare- Collectlon H andlm g M lm mum (c) the areas descnbed In Schedule I and Schedule 11 to or D ellvery Charges C harge be lnftcted areas'' ln respect of the dlseases m dlcated per 100 lb per 100 lb per at the head of such Schedules , and or part or part Conslgn- thereof thereof m ent (b4 the notlces specéed tn the frst coltunn of Schedule lII to be am ended m the m anner spemfied m the second cents cents Shtlltngs colum n of such Schedule Conslgnm ents welghlng less K abete K D S M ACOW AN , than 11,200 lbs 60 10 1 25th February, 1958 D lrector oj Veterlnary Servlces Conslgnm ents welghm g 11,200 lbs and abovo 44 10 - ScHEouLs I--EAST COAST FEVBR 1. O 905/ 1 , W D udley-owens, Esq . P O Box 437, Eldoret, Bagged trafllc trt quantlttes of 10 tons and above m ay Uasm G zshu Dzstnct be collected or deltvered by arrangem ent and at sgemal rates whlch wlll be quoted by the Dlstnct Traë c Supenn- ScHEouLs lI--F ooT AND ATOUTH DISEASE tendent, K am pala, on apphcatlon L O 360/4 360/3, 235 5, 2354, 2353/ 2351, 2364, 2599 3600, Luggage / 360 1 , 236 7 , 360 8 , 3609, 361 0 , 2369 3620, 3623 and 3624, Sh 1 per 100 lb or pal't thereof per package 1n-

C D W llham s, Esq , A ualands, P O Atht m ver , M achakos dusw e of handlm g ciîarges, and sublec,t to a. m lntm um D lstrlct charge of Sh 2/50 per conslgnment 1-. f) 6494 , Colonel G. F M cD onald, P 0 Box 21, Turbo , AII charges arzung from the collectlon and dellvery of U asln Glshu Ehstnct parcels traë c and luggage m ust be patd at K am pala D ehvery charges for goods traë c m ay be pald by the conslgnor pro- Locatlon 17, K jgum o Dlvjszon , The Dlstnct Comm lssloner, vlded frelght charges are also prepald Collectlon and handlm g Fort H all , Fort H all Dzstnct chargek on outwards goods may be charged forward pro- Tlrlkt and N yang'orl Locatlons The D tstrtct Com m lssloner, vtded frelght cbarges are also charged forward lf catnage K akam ega N orth N yanza D lstnct charges aro KKprepald'' collectlon and bandllng clmrges wlll AII that part of Garlssa Dlstnct south of the K olblo-G alm a be payable by the conslgnor G alla-Bura roatl , Tlle D tstnct Comnusslontr, G anssa , C 1 W OTHERSPOON , G anssa Dlstrlct Ior General M anager 224 TH E K ENYA GAZETTE 4th M arch, 1952

GAZBTrB NOTICE ND 760 EAST A FRICA H IG H COM M ISSION î EAST AmucAx Ctls'roMs Axo ExclsE DEPARTMENT NOTICE ls hereby glven that tho undermentloned goods m ll be sold by publlc auctlon at the Queen s W arehouse Klllndlnls on 8th Aprll 1958, at 9 00 a m lf not cleared before that date Custom s H ouse, M om basa R F J OX LEY 18th February, 1958 fol Reglonal Comlnlsslonel of Customs Jzl# Exckse, A'calzc (Southj kasv oF UNENTERED CARGO LYING IN THE QUEEN'S W AREHOUSE FOR OVER TW() M ONTHS AND DLE FOR AUCTION SALF ON 8TH APRIL, 1958 w E K No Shlp s Nam e D ate of M arks and N umbets Descrlptlon of Goods and D ate A rmval 720720-7-57 Astra 6-6-57 Colonlal 5507 M om basa 20 bags soapstone 2- :$1'/2J-7-57 Nyanza 30-5-57 Reqn 6005 M ed Store Entebbe vIa M ombasa 2 bags detmgent prepalation of smphurlc acld and sodlum slllcate 245/14-8-57 Tanaflord 5-7-57 TOM 490 Nallobl v1a M ombasa 2 cartons safety matches A M M ercantlle Co Ltd S I M om baset 1 carton safety m atches 284/18-9-57 cjty of Evansvllle 12-8-57 Reqn 2906 P W D Ind 1211 Nalrobl vla 1 bundle shovels M om basa 33:41/2132-10:-57 I TLreamve munde 16-9-57 NSKlLJ Nalrobl Mombasa 1 bcasge mcuargrnaunstlsum sul/hate 335'/23-1> 57 xatal 29-8-57 Nutan 1633 Kampala v1a M ombasa 1 case plastlc sheets 334/23-10-57 Travemunde 1-9-57 J J UHL Kampala v1a M ombasa 1 case tools 339/17-10-57 Thorsgaard 1 1-9-57 N lL 1 copper m got 387'/27-11-57 Dunnottar Castle 11-10-57 .1 K Barrow Esq P O Box 7311 -/1 Mombasa 1 case samples of lubrlcatlng o1l East A fllca 398/5-12-57 Amerskerk 17-10-57 NIL 1 motor vehlcle tyre 600-19 4* /7-12-57 Klddrecht 27-10-57 NIL 1 carton glassware N IL 1 carton confectlonery N 1L 1 carton tollet soap 399/5-12-57 Uganda 22-10-57 Nl'L 12 bottles Gçscrubbs cloudy ammonla N IL 4 cartons bedspreads and qmlts 1 NclIaLe lius M om basa Y ellow Band 6 16 casroto dnms lmhnegt aml caacnh lenned ps aarntsd bodles 1 U BL K am pala 1 bag m alt I scc K am pala sKs M om basa 53 l bale second hand clothlng 1 O 4023 /' j 2z- lj 2a-57, jrtalletmar castle 05- 1 1-1'1 l Cc6&S $09.3 Hpss /sztld MxoaWjrbols/w a Momb as a - /32 1caf/o Kn Osavuzcêlf J Y 'W y j j sClaM,vRla l sva suMmomu bwaas aM 1o7m basa 387 1 ceraarteo ns hvelenpo gdallp N IL or N alrobl vla M om basa 1 carton lnsectlclde 404/1:,-12-57 w arwlck Castle 6-11-57 Patel Nalrobl v1a M ombasa 6 cartons vermouth R S K afero c/o J M Planll Box 23 Lugazl 1 case cycle U ganda B E A IRT Branford c/o Rlta Ltd P O Box 561, 1 sultcase porsonal efikcts N alrobl M om basa Kenya l G c strtvens Esq Regtonal roptesentatlve 4 cases glassware D unlop R ubber Co Ltd P () Box 30102, ) 1 Nalro b1 .Kenya Colony B L A ( 1 JPL 637 Vbalar'.t vla Mombasa 11 1/113 1 c2a se Ilashltght bulbs

1 J, pMa cte lK N aa mlrpo j aj vvyaa vMoommybaassaa Y O t 2 0 r n l l j 0e abractaloerust osenmvs J rqtmaxoshulllgsh 1 at 11b tbl lab gss ? 1 Chand 5/18807 Nanyukl vla M ombasa 1 crato sultcases 1, B lwtd N alrobl v1a M ombasa 99862/2 1 case motor vehlcle spares p ISW L K am pala M om basa 596 1 case steel furnlturg N IL 3 m otol vehtcle tyres 560-15 N IL 1 1ot m lscellaneous artzcles 406/12-12-57 zaankerk 5-11-57 Dalgety 1582 Nalrobl vla M ombasa 1 bundle empty gunny sacks 4:7/12-12-57 Tllpanas 8-11-57 S H R & Co M ombasa 1 package samples of footweal 408/12-12-57 A%hburton 27-10-57 NlL 1 carton soap 409/12-12-57 I Ulla Danlelson p 4-11-57 NlL 4 bundles cardboard contalners 410/12-12-57 1 Selko Maru t 7-11-57 Lot Co KAM '3281/1 i 1 1 case motor vehlcle spares A bros 15045 M om basa 00145 00246, 00124 4 crates tlles - I nlj i l NlL Mombasa 00052 1 crate tlles 411/12-12-57 state of Bombay ' 8-11-57 V/21 Jlnla v1a M ombasa Uganda 1 case calendars 1 G J LD E R K lsum u v1a M om basa 1 case leather sultcases 413/14-12-57 'f lnterpreter 26-10-57 NlLf. 31 8c basuen hdalelsr btoamlmcg lloops 414/ 14-12-57 Allobrogla 28-10-57 M C K FA N akuru 11 em pty bags NIL 13 round lron bars 415/16-12-57 Dlsa d 7- 11-57 M llona SHR M ombasa 1 carton condensed mllk Auto 2736 1/3 Nalrobl v1a M ombasa 3 cases motor car batterles 416/18-12-57 Interpretcl 15-1 1-57 Popat F 1308 -/4 Kampala vIa M ombasa 1 carton washlng soap secto DcI> & co Uw & Blos 1 carton D DT lnsectlclae N l 1 - 1 bag unldentlfied lron m anufacture N IL 2 pleces untdentlfied llon m anufacture 417/18-12-57 Tlsmenteng 15-11-57 PEP Nalrobl v1a M ombasa 2 cartons empty glass bottles N IL 1 carton m edlclnes 418/18-12-57 I Afrlcan Clescent 'j 9-1 1-57 Farmers Co op 111 /â7 Lusaka or N1L 1 calton padlocks 1 1 NlL t plece agrlcultural machlnely parts $ Charanya 1034 M BA l /2 2 cases calendars Clan Shaw j 1-11-57 Qulp 975 Nalrobl Vla M omb'ls 1 1 çrate sto>e spares NlL 1 1 bag second hand dothlng I N lL 1 case Gulnness' stout 1I Nx1lLI 2 bags second hand dothmg - 1 lot nuscellaneous artlcles G ulpa K 17645 Kam pala vla M ombasa /1 1 tea chest porcelaln ware f CCN Nalrobl val M ombasa -/1 1 crate lltter blrt 1st Tohn College faffha vla Colombo 11W /869 1 case medlclnes I Nl/L57 r2 colls tencmg wlre Dulno ) 20-11-57 2 FPBR Kaklra z1a Bùlra or NlL 1 bcausned ulen uldnelndetlnfitelfdi eldr olrno mn manaunfuacfatuctrutre I 1 N lL 36 c I plpe fittlng h cx N alrobl 6 bags m arble chlps I I j r I éMNleLîv en polt Loutse M aurltlus l1 cbaasge mpoartb lwe lcnhelps 4243 /27-12-57 / WKamropoanlga a l 2128-1 1-57 h JNBlDl-K Mombasa 101 /120 1 cbaasge dcarlsetdo rl oool1ts 427/27-12-57 1 Eldaneel 1' i4-1 1-57 M odern N allobl v1a M om basa 4 cases plovlslon j - 1 r NIlL 1 0b suonftt ibe ogaurmdsmed tapc I 1 NIL l bundle gumm ed tape p ( P Ltd N atrobt vta M om basa 1 carton beer m ats 429 27-12-57 1 VB-KJ tp 2-12-57 l 62434 C N 115 /36791 l parcel cement I ' 4th M arch, 1958 TflE K EN YA G A ZETTE 225

Ls'r oF uxcuxlm o wxo Aluxooxso Gooos Ix TI.Is Qtrssx's w ARsuous: ovs roR Aucvlox sAcs ox 8vf1 AeR,c, 1958- (c,afg) W E K No ( stup's xamo oato of Marks and Numbtrs oescrlptlon of Goods and D ato A rrlval

Q 161/5-12-57 Durban Castle 4-12-57 M /s Umon Castle Llne M ombasa 1 1ot mlscellaneous artlcles Q 162/5-12-57 Kenya Castle 4-12-57 M /s Unlon Cagtle Llne, M ombasa 1 lot mlscellaneous artlcles Q 164/6-12-57 Sayed Khallfa 4-12-57 NIL 2 handbags personal efikcts N lL 1 coat N 1L 1 plllow Q 166/* 12-57 M ohammedl 5-12-57 Dlpekben Navlnchandla Patel M ombasa, 1 t1n provlslon Bukoba N IL 1 tln personal esects N lL 1 grlndlng stone Q 167/7-12-57 Durban Castle 4-12-57 NIL 1 bundle carpet N lL 2 palrs L adles gloves Q 169/17-12-57 M ombasa 13-12-57 NIL 1 hand bag personal efrocts Q 170/20-12-57 Clan Slnclalr 14-12-57 M lss V B M Raw M ombasa -/1 1 tca-chest glassware and crockery Q 171/20-12-57 M ohammedl 10-12-57 NIL 1 lot mlscellaneous artlcles Q 172/20-12-57 Kenya 16-12-57 NIL 1 smtcase books Q 173/20-12-57 Unknown NIL 1 1ot mlscellaneous artlcles Q 174/21-12-57 Karanla 18-12-57 A M Roberts /l5 1 trunk pelsonal efrects N IL 1 chlld's lron cot Q 175/23-12-57 Unknown l NIL 1 lot mlscellaneous artlcles F L S 345029 E A P C Athl M ombasa 756 1 case lron m anul-acture Q 176/30-12-57 Unknown NIL 1 lot mlscellaneous artlcles Q 178/30-12-57 Amra 27-12-57 M K Kalyanl M bulu 1 tln orovlslon N IL 1 tln pro&islon N IL 1 sm all bag clnam m on bark N lL 1 beddlng Q 2/7-1-58 Rhodesla Castle 4-1-58 K T Fuller 1 hand bag personal efrects Q 3/7-1-58 State of Bombay 4-1-58 NIL 1 palr shoes AB 28/8-10-57 Rhodesla Castle 8-10-57 Veronlca Lay 400 Engllsh clgarettes, 1 box clgars AB 29/1* 10-57 Kampala J M Saldhana Kampala, Uganda 85 Engllsh cigarettes AB 30/16-10-57 Kampala M J Samll Box 1199, Nalrobl 50 Engllsh clgarettes AB 35/12-12-57 C P S NIL 1 case port M ne AB 35A/29-11- Interpreter K R Gen 294 & T Nmrobl v1a M om basa 5 kegs net dlstemper 57 AB 36/19-12-57 Kenya Castle S S 1033 M ombasa Ex /8/82 or NlL 1 case sherry wlne AB 37/30-12-57 W arwlck Castle M lss Burgess W V Sm Sllver Sand Leave Camp 1 case grampohone records N alro b1, East A fnca AB 1/6-1-58 NIL Afrlcan M ercantlle Co P O Box 110 M om- 1 parcel advertlslng matter, 1 packqt basa prlnted tëm ç-tables AB 2/11-1-58 Islplngo 18-10-57 W R 5 M ogadlshu v1a M ombasa 1 bag rlce


W E K No Shlp's N am e l oate of Marks and Numbers Dcscnptlon of Goods and Date t Arnval D/R No 3842/ Amra 26-9-57 M r Naranll Odhavlz P O Box 29, Klsll 475 beedls (lndlan clgarettes, !. lb

6-9-57 K enya . unmanu tobacco, 100 çlxarettes

LlsT or SEIZF,D GOODS LYING IN THE QUEEN S W AREHOUSB DUB rOR SALE ON 8TH APRIL, 1958 M lsœ llaneous selzures lncludlng rayon and cotton plece goods, palnt wrlstwatches, wlnes and splrlts, clgarettes and tobacco m anufactured, wearlng apparel, cam era etc , etc

G AzBrrE Ntm cE No 761 GzzrrrE lfozzcs blo 763 TH E JUBILEE IN SU RAN CE COM PAN Y LIM ITED THF CO M PAN IES ORD INAN CE fTxcomxoRA'rso zx KENyà) W ap 288) M O M BA SA PURSUANT to sectlon 284, sub-sectlon (5), of the above Ordm ance, lt ls hereby notllied that the underm entloned com - Loss oF Potfcœ pany has thzs day been struck off the Reglster of Com pam es and the com pany ls dlssolved - Ptp/icy N o 4124, for Sh 25,(%0, olt the /#c of M r azlzni?cf; Abdulkartm Alldtna Saleh 0/ Dal es s'f/îccz?l Tanganylka DHALA G ROCERS LIMITED Terntory APPLICATION has been m ade to tlus com pany for the N alrobl, D J COW ARD, lssue of a duphcate of the above-num bered pohcy, the ongm al 28th February, 1958 Reguhar // Companles bavlng been reported as lost or m lsplaced N otlce ls hereby glven that unless oblectlon ls lodged to the contrary at the N oë ce of the com pany m thln 30 days from the date hereot GAZET'I'E N oTlcs N o 764 a dupllcate pohcy wll1 be lssued to the pohcy-holder LIFE INSURAN CE CORPO RATION OF IND IA M ALIK W AH ED N A, D eputy General M anagel (UNII INDIAN LIFE ASSUIGNCE COMPANY) M om basa, Head O//cc INDIAN RIJT'EB PotlclBs 18th Febrmary 1958 # O Box 220 M om basa f H.E Llte Insurance Corporatton of Indla hereby gtves notlce to 4ll whom lt m ay concern that the olliclal recelpts to be lssued to the pohcy-bolders of the above U nlt m Bntlsh G AZETI'E N o'rlcs N o 762 East A fnca for the prem lum s due ln the m onth of F'ebruary, 1958, have been nusplaced and/or lost Any person iindlng any TH E COM PAN IES ORD IN AN CE recelpt ls hereby requested to return the sam e to the C orpora- tlon W ap 288) Recelpts for February, 1958, zssued by the sald U mt to the PURSUANT to sectlon 284, sub-yectlon (3) of tbe above pollcy holdel's In Bntlsh East A fnca shall not be consldered Ordmance, lt zs hereby notlfied that at the explratlon of three as valld Only tlle recetpts lssued by the Divlslonal Om ce of m onths from the date hereof the name of the underm entloned the Corporatlon at M om basa shall be consldered as vahd struck ofï the Reglster of Com panies and the com pany wl11 Com pan) - 11, tmless cause be shown tn the contrary D ated at Mbm basa tllts 24th day of February 1958 be dlssolved - N GARA H OTEL L IMITED K R VO RA, D lvkslonal M anager N alrobl, D J CO W ARD , fa/e Insurallce Corporatlon t?/ Indla 28th Ftbruary, 1958 Regtstraî // Compantes P O Box 186 M om basa 226 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 41 M arch, 1958 G wzE'rrs N oncB N o 765 THE W ATER ORDIN AN CE, 1951

Name and Dlstrlct Rlver and L R N o Quantlty ln Gallons pcr Day Normal or Uso Flood Flow

J Borstlap, Ruaraka, 154/9 1,750 Norm al Domestlc 20,000 Flood Power (100 per cent returnable) A M azonas, Eldoret Trlb Soslanl, 776/2/2 1,500 Normal Domestlc G K Irwm, Uasln Glshu Trlb Nzola, 838/5 2,300 Flood Domestlc 100,000 Flood G eneral Irrlgatlon The constructlon of a dam 15 ft Flood Conservatlon of fiood flow jn helght I K G Sandercock, Nakuru Olabanalta, 469/3/2 3 250 Normal Domestlc /R 469/3/3 300 Normal M lnor lrngatlon 10 000 N orm al Pulplng and washlng cohke 1 (8O per cent returnable) I i 50 000 Normal Power purposes (100 per cent returnable) R B S N lghtlngall, M olben M olbe n ,4486 330,000 Flood G eneral Irrlgatlon H L N Sarre, Trans N zola N zola, 4380 1 900 N orm al D om estlc 10,000 N orm al Pulplng and washlng collke 66 (80 per cent retttrnable) ,000 F'lood G eneral lrrlgatlon Elm er & Elm or, Trans N zola Trlb R ongal, 5379 4 125 Flood D om estlc 15,000 Flood Pulplng and washlng coFee 150 (80 per cent returnable) ,000 Flood G eneral lm gatlon The constructlon of a dam 21 5 Flood Conservatlon of llood flow . ft ln helght E A Settlement Board, M olo Cslguru, portlon 487/ 3,450 Normal Domestlc 42 30,000 Normal Power purposes (100 per cent returnable) A 1 R H arrles & Co , Thlka Komo 3799, 295/2, Tlne constructlon of a dam 45 ft Flood Conservatlon of flood flow 295/12 ln helght V D Fltzgerald, Trans N zola Tongaren, 4538 5,000 N orm al D om estlc 5 000 N orm al Pulplng and w ashlng of colree 1 (80 per cent returnable) ,000 Flood M lnor lrngatlon K J W oodhea d sNakuru M olo, portlon 487/42 800 Normal Domestlc K yerl, Ltd , Thlka Chan1au295/5, 295/9 100,000 Flood Irrlgatlon of coffee Dhana Slngh, Klbwezl Lesser K. lboko, 353/ 125.000 Normal General Irrlgatlon * 28 C L W ace, Thom son's Falls U n-nam ed sprlng, 3,200 N orm al D om estlc r 7517/2 16,000 Normal Genelal lrrlgatlon 17 S D yk and J W G rlm beck, U n-nam ed w ater The constructlon of three dam s Flood Conservatlon of flood llow Lalklpla courses, 8045 1 14 ft , 14 ft and 24 ft ln helght J j respectlvely j Publlcatlon ls mado of the above apphcatlons for dlverslon of water, plans of whlch m ay be seen at the M m lstry of W orks at the oflice of the Local W ater BalhF concerned , Nasrobl, or oblectlons statm g speclfk grounds therefor should be âled ln duphcate wzth the W ater Apportlonm ent Board Prlvate Bag, N alrobl , wlthln thlrty days from th* date of publlcatlon of thls notlco and a copy served on the underslgned ,

W I T D EW AR , Dawfully Authorlzed Wgea/

G AZET= N oTlcE N o 766 ln the sald Colony and Protectorate of K enya the llke prlw- leges and nghts as though the Certlscate of Reglstratlon ln THE STAN DA RD GEN ERAL IN SU RAN CE CO LTD the Um ted K m gdom had been lssued w1th an extenslon to the sald Colony and Protectorate Loss oF PoLlcY

In the event therefore of any mfrm gem ent or attem pted m -

Pollc% No 30961 , for Sh 20,000, dqted l.çf June 1955 on tlte fnngement of thelr rlghts m the sald deslgn the reglstered pro- lI/e of Laxmtdas Pulshottam Barot and the propel ty oj the prletors wll1 take tm m edlate actlon to protect thelr m terests Jl-îzfred * A copy of the sald deslgn ls avallable for m spectlon at the N OTICE ls Ilereby gzven that o>ldence of the loss or destruc- om ces of M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Com pany advocates tlon of the pollcy has been subm ttted to the com pany and Fort Jesus Road, M ombasa, durm g ordm ary oflice , hours any person m possesslon of thls pohcy or clatmlng to have any lnterest thereln should clmmunlcate lmmedlately by regls- M om basa ATK IN SON , CLEASBY & CO M PAN Y tered post wlth the com pany ralllng any such com m um catlon, 25th February , a certlfied copy of the pohcy (whlch shall bt the sole evldence , 1958 Advocates jor Volto Llmlted of the contract w11l be lssued to the owner

By Order of the Board GAZETTE N oTlcB N o 768 S PETRU CCI IN H ER M M ESTY S SU PREM E COU RT OF K ENYA A cttng G enelal M tzzltzpe? AT N AIROBI Stangel' H ouse 63 A ndeïson Street Jcl/ltzllrrcxlltf/g BANKRUPTCY AND W TNDING-UP C AUSE N O 29 OF 1955 RE BRITISH A M ERICAN AU TOM OBILE CO LTD G AZETTE NoTlcE N 0 767 (In Zfqrlidc/ftpnl THE UNITED KINGDOM D ESIGNS (PROFECTION) N OTICE OF INTENTION T0 D BCLARE A FINAL D IVIDEND ORDIN AN CE Nanïe :)/ company .-Bmtlsil Amencan Automoblle C.o Ltd (Cap 296) Regtstered cd ce - Mtthoo House, corner of m ver Road and N OTICE ls hereby glven that Vono tam ited of Dudley G overnm ent Road, N mrobl Port, Tlpton. Stafford England, ar'e the reglstered proprletors Court - H M Supreme Court of Kenya X alrobl of the copyrlght ln a deslgn N o 886640, reglstered ln the Unlted No 0/ mattet - 29 of 1955 K lngdom under the provtslons of the Reglstered Deslgns Act, Last Jtz)z fol 7 ecelvkng proofs - 18th M arch, 1958 1949, m respect of a m etal bed fram e Name o! llqultfcft;r - ol:Iiclal Recewer Address 0/ llquldatot .-Room No 148 lhrst Floor, W est W lng In terms of the Unlfed Klngdom Deslgns (Protectlon) Ordln Central G overnm ent Bmldm gy P O Box 30031, N atrobl , ance, sectlon 2 the copymght of the reglstered propnetors m the sald deslgn ls fully protected m the Colony and Pro- N alrobl, D J COW ARD , tectorate of K enya and the reglstered propnetors thereof enloy 28th February 1958 Olclal Recewer and Llquldatol 4th M arch, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G AZETTE 227

GAZETTE NoTICE N o 769 EAST AFRICA H IG H COM M ISSION EAST AFRICA CUSTOMS AND EXCISE D EPARTMENT N OTICE ls hereby glven that the underm entloned goods w11l be sold by pubhc auchon at the Auctlon Room s M essrs Jam al Ptrbhal and Sons, N alrobl, on Sunday, 6th A prll, 1958, at 9 a m , lf not cleared before that date J BU RGESS, 4ctlng Reglonal ti'tpêa?rfllwlt/z?er oj Custolns and facz-çe N atrobl, Kenya (N(?rf/;), 25th February, 1958 Custom H ouse X JI; ob: ltem No Entry Number and Date Jzliptv/er s Ntzzzle Quantlty D escrlphon ol Goods Bonded GIJ/JJ jor Sale lrf Dejault ol Re-warehouslng 1 Rç-warehouslng Entry N o 2 of 1-6-55 M essrs Bellram Parlm al and Co Ltd , N alrobl 19 cases Llqueurs 2 Re-warehousm g Entl'y N o 23 of 13-6-55 M essrs M odern Provlslons Store, N alrobl 2 cases Brandy 3 Ex W hse ltm l Entry N o 39 of 10-6-55 M essrs Eastlelgh W hlte H ouse Bar, N alrobl 13 cases Crystal Dry Gin 4 Ex W hse ltm l Entry N o 48 of 20-6-55 M essrs Blacklaw s and Brown Ltd , N alroby 2 cases * D orson Brandy 5 Re-warehousm g Entry No 21 of 18-5-55 M essrs Blacklaws and Brown Ltd , N alrobt 3 cases SW hltel.lart'' and 4dV O R N avy'' R um 6 W arehouslng Entry N o 33 of 27-7-55 M essrs Express Transport Co Ltd , Nalrobl, a pc M r G M ozzanl 10 casks srandy W arebouslng Entry N o N B 316 of 30-8-55 M essrs Express Transport Co Ltd , N alrobl, a /c M r Y Todd, G alley and Roberts Ltd 5 cases Personal effects 8 W arehouslng Entry N o NB 161 of 8-11-55 M essrs N atrobt Central Stores, N alrob: 10 cases Pure G rape Brandy 9 W arehousm g Entry PP 9 of 22-11-55 M essrs Express Transport Co Ltd , N alrobt 2 parcels passport covers 10 W arehousm g Entry PP 11 of 25-11-55 M essrs Express Transport Co Ltd , N alrobl 2 parcels shlrts 11 W arehousm g Entry N B 487 of 26-11 55 M essrs Express Transport Co Ltd , N alrobz 1 package G arden spnnklers 12 W arehouslng Entry N B 162 of 12-12-55 M essrs N alrobl Central Stores, N alrobl 6 cases Booth's 'H ouse Of Lords Gm l 3 W arehouslng Entry PP 10 of 13-12-55 M essrs Express Transport Co Ltd , Nalrobl 1 parcel Im lfatlon Jewellery 14 W arehouslng Entry N B 366 of 22-12-55 M essrs Clty G eneral Stores, Thlka 10 cases < P B '' Brandy 15 W arehousm g Entry PP 2 of 5-1-56 M essrs Fxpress Transport Co Ltd , Natrobt 1 petrcel Leather straps 16 W arehousm g Entry PP 14 of 10-1-56 M essrs Kotharl Bros and Co , N alrobl 4 parcels :N avy Cut'' Clgarette,s 17 W arehousm g Entry PP 20 of 23-1-56 M essrs Express Transport Co Ltd , N alrobt 1 parcel Inutatlon Jewellery Unentered Goods Zv/z'r z?; the Pz/etv? s lpcre/ltpus'e ove T'w o M onths 18 PP 7/57 of 4-6-57 1 parcel Adheslve taye marked Nalroln Boot Co 19 ELH / 141 of 17-9 57 M essrs Solon Hrgnelloy Co Ltd 1 parcel M eter 20 NW #/ 1957 of 18-9-57 M r J M Hunt, Nalrobl l parcel Dupltcated manuscrlpts 21 NW 9 / 1957 of 19-9-57 M r B Datt, P O Box 6814, N alrobl 1 parcel Llght fittmgs 22 NW 10/57 of 5-10-57 M r C N Paul, Nalrobt 1 parcd samples of sweets 23 ELH / 150/ 57 of 16-10-37 M r Rolllngs, c fo E A A C , Nalrobl 1 parcel Personal effects 24 ELH / 151 / 57 of 16-10-57 M r R P Cowley, P 0 Box 12450, Nalrobt 1 parcel ç4M jnjfon'' wlre recorders (accessones) 25 ELH / 159 / 57 of 22-10-57 Internatlonal M ercantlle Agencles, Nalrobt 1 parcel Blcycle parts 26 ELH / 162/57 of 30-10-57 M r G Klems P O Box 1:37, N alrobl 1 parcel samples 27 ELH /167/57 of 4-11-57 M r T Hlrose. P O Box 5032, N alrobl 1 parcel Fjshmg 28 NW 11 /57 of 4-11-57 Statlon M anager E A A C , Nalrobl 1 parcel camera 29 ELH /172/57 of 18-11-57 M r D M lller, N atrobl 1 parcel Empty can 30 ELH / 177/57 of 25/11-57 M I'S Klnnear, P O 2ox 4000, Nalrobl 1 parcel sllk samples 31 ELH / 183 /57 of 2-12-57 The M anager Avenue Hotel, Nalrobl 1 parcel Advertlsmg map 32 ELH / 185 /57 of 9-12-57 M essrs U S C (Kenya) Ltd , Nalrobl 1 parcel Texttle samplu 33 ELH / 186/57 of 16-12-57 Natlonal Bank of Indla Ltd , N atrobl 1 parcel Radlo set 34 ELH / 19157 of 23 12-57 Dave Textzle and General Tradmg Agencles, Nalrobl 1 parcel sam ple of L tchen set 35 ELH /192/57 of 30-12-57 The Standard Bank of South Afrlca Ltd , N alrobl 2 parcels H ats 36 ELH / 193/57 of 30-12-57 Osterrelclusche Transafnka Expedltton, N alrobl 7 packages s1x tyres and eight tubes 37 NW 12/57 of 30-12-57 Contlnenal Traders, P O Box 289, N alrobt 1 package 4 pteces woollen carpets Unclaxmed attd Abandoned Goods Z))J?1g la Queen â' W arehot4se over Three M onths 38 ELH /6 L8/57 of 29-6-57 6 bottles x'Jolm Halg'' W hlsky 39 ELH /8 LB /57 of 25-11-57 1 only txphotma'' camera 1 only K odak D uaqex cam era 1 bottle Brandy 1 bottle w me 4 only - 1 1 only Book setzed Goods 1 40 NB/EAST/11/57 of 29-8-57 ( (1 pav m noculars

* ' 228 TH E K EN Y A G AM TTE 4+ M arch, 1958

G z ZEIH N o'rlc? N o 770 FM #f R egutratlon THE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE 1952 Name , (7/ Socjt etuy F#a:/e# , Rate and Tax Payers Assoc a on, jugoa t 1g-1.5g (No 52 ol 1952) Buklzsu Unlon, Kabras Locatlon 13-1-58 TH E SOCIETIES RU LES V m bo U nlon, N akuru 14-1-58 , 1952 x Sem e . akeio Assoclatlon, N azrobz 17-1-58 PU RSU ANT to rule IS of the above-m entloned Rules notlce M urka Club 21-1-58 zs heleby glven that- BSurat D lstrld Assoclatlon, Eldoret 23-1-58 am burl Landowners Assoclatlon 23-1-58 (aj the soclotles hsted ln the lhrst Schedule hereto have Ikeaya Aslan Educattonal Counctl H eadquarters been reglstered and x ajrobl , 25-1-58 (b) tho socletles llsted m the Second Schedule hereto have Capncorn Afrlcan Socjety, M ombasa Branch 27-1-58 been exem pted from regstratton, Ruanda U rundt Uha U nlted Club, M ombasa 28-1-58 Afncan lntenor Chulch, Ebutanp Branch 28-1-58 under the provlslons of the abo&e-m entloned Ordmance A fncan lnterlor Church, Em 'maloba Branch 28-1-58 M alm uatul K halrat Klllfl Um on, M om basa 30-1-58 Nalrobl, D J COW A RD, clm stlan Churches Educatlonal A sçoclatlon 30-1-58 27th February 1958 Regïstrtlr t7/ Socletle% Kmmbu Polltlcal Assoclatlon 3-2-58 Bugwe Afncan Assoclatlon, M ombasa 4-2-58 FIRST SCHEDIJI.F Karachuonyo Locatlon Assoclatlon, M om basa 4-2-58 D ate S1o Port Sam la A ssoclatlon, M om basa 4 2-58 R eglnttahon shanzu D lstnct Plot O wners and Reszdents N t/ Assoctatton 4-2-58 ame ol s'tzclcfy EFecte Akqm ba M usllm Proglesslve A ssocm tlon, N alrobl 4-2-58 I slnglda A ssoclatlon, M ombasa 4-10-57 o octor m belro Goan School Parents' Assoclatlon 5 2-58 Elgoa N yanza Afrtcan Cham ber of Comm erce 4-10-57 Alego Ragar, N akuru K augagt Sub-Branch 5-2-58 # M llambo Assoclatlon, M om baqa 7-10-57 Alego Ragar, N akuru, Luganua Sub-Branch 5 2-58 Asem bo Locatlon A ssoclatlon, M om basa 7-10-57 Tudor Soclal Club, M om basa 5-2-58 l W anga Assoclatlon, M om basa Branch European U m oïns ,,Lasm G isl'm Branch 5 2-58 S o t o-qc Nalrobz South C A rea Plot H olders A ssoclatlon 6-2-58 urat Sports Club, K lsum u .%-Axz u ' xy ang orj youth Socjety N alrobl 6-2-58 Parents-Teachers Assomatton of H ospltal H lll x akuru Akam ba Fnendly, Soclety 6 C - 2-58 I School, Nalrobl 9-10-57 Jx o Unlon (East Afnca) Kakam ega Branch 7-2-58 I Karura Dlstnct Assoclatlon 10-10-57 umted Klsumu Soclal C,l ub, M ombasa 7-2-58 ' Kabete/Klkuytz Dlstrlct Assoclatlon 16-10-57 Bugusu W elfare Assoclatlon, M ombasa 7 2-58 ; N yakach Unlon, N akuru Branch 16-10-57 Holy Ghost Church of K enya, Headquarters, @ 1p j() Jam at- ul-Baladyla, Headquarters, N yen .5,7 M Llm uru 10-2-58 Jal H lnd K avl M andal, Nalrobl 17-10-57 Abom basa Photographlc Soclety 11-2-58 G anyala Somety, H eadquarters, N alrobt 12-2-58 em Rae Assoclatlon, Gem (Nyakach Locatjon) vjrju xdalo AssocjatTon ' B , N akuru 12-2-58 raneh 17-10-57 lndlan Assoclatlon Broderlck Falls 13-2-58 Afrtcan Othodox Church (Nyanzals Headquarters. smbu Dlstnct Asso, matton 13-2-58 sagam 18-10-57 south N yanza W estern D lvlslon Llnk H ead- Federal Independenco Farty, Nalrobl W est Branch 18-10*57 quarters, K lsu , 17.2-58 Afncan Soclal Club 19-10-57 Eldoret Afncan Congreess 18-2-58 Bukusu Brotherllood, N akuru B1 anch 22-10-57 W estern Dlvlslon Afncan Traders Assoclatlon M anwa W elfare and Sports Assocuatlon 22-10-57 (Central Nyanza) 18-2-58 K U genya Assoclatlon, N orth Branch, N alrobl 19-2-58 K alkada Assoclatlon, H eadquarters, Alego 25-10-57 Kencho Rate Payers Assomatlon 22-2-58 lsum u M unlclpal Sports Club 26-10-57 sudanese Assoclatlon , N yanza Prownce 22-2-58 Teso U nlon N akumz 26-10-57 Afrlcan Cathohc Teachers A ssomatzon H ead- Luo Unlon (East Afnca), Alego Branch 29-10-57 quarturs, Nalrobl , 24-2-58 Luo Unlon (East Afrlca) Asembo Branch 29-10-57 st y'rancls Xavler Goan Tallors' Socjety tou bnlon (East Afrlca), Branch 29-10-57 M om basa , 26-2-58 Luo Unlon (East Afrtca) East Kano Branch 29-10-57 Luo Unlon (East Afrlca), Karachuonyo Branch 29-10-57 Luo Unlon (East Afrlca), K erlcho Branch 29-10-57 Luo Unton (East Afrlca), M usanda Branch 29-10-57 Secox Sclcout,E Luo Unlon (East Afnca), Nanyukl Branch 29-10-57 Luo Unlon (East Afrlca), North Ugonya Branck 29-10-57 Exempted lrsvl Luo Unzon (East Afnca), Sa kw a Branch 29-10-57 X&zlt% 0/ Socletk Replfrcflon Luo U nlon (Fast Afrlca), South Ugenya Branch 29-10-57 safan Club 7-1-58 Luo Unlon (East Afnca), Suna Branch 29-10-57 East A fncan W om ens League, M om bmsa Branch 11-1-58 Luo 'Unloa (East Atllca), W est Nyokal Branch 29-10-57 Fast Afrlcan W omens League, M uthalga Branch 11-1-58 Luo Union (East Afrlca) Ylmbo Branch 29-10-57 East Afrlcan W omens League, Lower Kabete Nalvasha Settlers Assoclatlon 29-10-57 Branch 1 1-1-58 slkh U nlon Kltale 2-11-57 Theosophlcal Soclety, N akuru Lodge 11-1-58 N gattana SAlam a Assomatlon. M om basa 7-11-57 Theosophtcal Soclety Hlghland Lodge, Eldorot 11-1-58 Rachuonyo Students Assoclatlon, K lsu 7-11-57 East Afncan M otor Sports Club, Rtft Valley South M aragoh Y outh Soclety 7-11-57 Branch 11-1-58 N alrobt European Dlstrlct Assoclatton 7-11-57 M em on Sports Club, M om basa 11-1-58 Lowlands Unlon N alrobl Branch 8-11-57 taverpool Sporgs Club, M om basa 11-1.58 K ano Locatlon Assoclatlon, M om basa 11-11-57 Eluburgon Indlan School Assoclatlon 11-1-58 Usonga Assomatlon, M om basa 14-11-57 N akuru G olf Club 11.1-58 Nairobl W est Ratepayers Assoclrttlon 14-11-57 M ushm Qabrestan (Cemetery) Commlttee 11-1-58 M lyandhe W elfale Assoclatlon, Headquarters 1r M mumpal Tenants Assomatlon, K lsum u l 1-1-58 h alrobl 16-12-57 Road Safety Soclety of K enya 11-1-58 PxlWrtlok Anyango Nkalok (Kager) Nalrobt 19-12-57 t East Afrtcan Pëg Producers Assoclatton 11-1-58 Booksellers and Newsagents Assoulqtlon Of Kenva 230-12 57 ! East Afrlcan Womens League, Karen Branch 23-1-58 - Pralrle Resldentlal and Sportlng Club, N akm u 12-57 r1 K enya N atlonal F'arm ers U nlon, A rea Branch 10 23-1-58 Llkont and Dtstrlct European Assoctatlon 24-12-57 j bhell/ B P Sports Club, M ombasa 23-1-58 Luo Unlon (East Afrlca), M agadz Branch 27-12-57 1l Treagury Sports Club Nalrobl 23-1-58 K able U nlon, N alrobl 27-12-57 Jaguar D nvers Club 23-1-58 Alego Ragar, N akuru, K arapul Sub-Branch 27-12-57 l Afrtcan W elfare Socltty , Nalrobl 23-1-58 Alego Ragar, Nakuru, Kochleng Gangu Sub l Sotlk Dlstnct Gymkhana Club 23-1-58 Branch 27-12-57 Football A ssoclatlon of K enya 23-1-58 Alego Ragal , Nakuru, Komenya and Kalkada 1 Elburgon Hlndu Umon 26-2-58 Sub Branch 27-12-57 1 European Parents Assoclatlon, Thlka Blanch 26-2-58 Aram Traders Assoclatlon 28-12-57 I Fllm Soclety of East Afnca 26-2-58 Indlan Assoclatlon, Lum bwa 31-12-57 K enya Pollce Rugby Football Club, N alrobl 26-2-58 Slranga Paranga Assoclatlon, N alrobl 31-12-57 Eldoret Sm mm m g Club 26-2-58 Owlla Teachers Assoulatlon 3-1-58 ' K lslzm u Hlndu Crem atonuln Soclety 26 1 -2-58 Alego Ragar, N akuru, K aluo Stlb-Branch 4-1-58 European Soccer League 26-2-58 Alego Ragar N akuru, M ur Sub-Branclt 4-1-58 ' East Afncan Sectlon Instltute of Structural Engi Alego Ragar, N akuru, Slgom a Sub Branch 4-1-58 neers 26-2-58 Luo Unlon (East Afrlca), Nakuru Branch 4-1-58 r Crematlon Soclety of East Afnca 26-2-58 Chureh of Chrsst ?l tl NAaflnrocbal, M aseno 67-1-58 1' NH aolmroebmj aCkelzros, s NCallurbo bl 2:6-2-58 ltlwrtlok K arattng > .2-58 4th M arch, 1958 TH E KEN YA G AZET FE 229

GAZETTS NoncB No 771 THE TRAN SPORT LICENSm G ORDINANCE çcap 237) TH E underm entloned apphcatlons m 1l be consldered by the Transport Llcensm g Board m eetm g at the M unlclpal Board Room , Eldoret, at 10 a m on Frlday, 21st M arch, 1958 Ever) oblection ln rcspect of an appllcatlon shall be lodged wlth the Lzcensm g Authonty and the D lstrlct Ccmm lssloner of the dlstnct ln whlch such appllcatlon ls to be heard and a copy thereof shall bt sent to tht, appllcant not less than seven days before the date ot the m eetlng at whlch such apphcatlon ls to be heard Except where otherwlse stated the appllcatlons are for one vehlcle P A RU SSELL, Executlve O'cE'r Ttansport Llcenslng Board P 0 Box 820, h atrobt R OAD SBRVICE LICENCBS E/R/ 1 /s7- lklprogut arap Tlgol, c/o Chlef Isalah, Locatlon 6, TLB 7362- Tangut arap Barlwot, c/o E H Jones, P O Em udln, P O K apsabet Route Lessos-serem vla K lpkabus Route K lpkabus - Eldoret - Lessos - Nandl Hllls, Talto and K apsabet , N andl Dlstrlct- K apsabet - Serem - Tlm boroa - Londlam - Lessos-Eldoret N andl Dlstrlct-t-essos-lkapsabet v1a M uhoronl-Talto-chereng'anyl Zlwa Nandl Hllls and Talto , Nandl Dlstrlct-Lessos- E/R/ 1 /58- Abd1 Farah, P O Box 63 1, Kltale Route Kltale- Ttmbororoa Nandl Dlstnct-t-essos-Klpkabus Klmlllll-Bungoma-M alach (30 to 35 passengers ) TLB 3036- Ahmed M ohamed, P O Box 631 Kltale Varlatlon 2/58- T1m ona Kldweye P O Box 36 Kltale Route of route to add Lwakhakha Present route Kltale-Broderlck Falls--r sumu (H 7369, Klmlnlnl - Salotl - Kltale - Endebess - Chwele - 10 passengers ) Lugarl-Turbo , Klmlnlnl-l-loey s Brldge Soy and to 3/58- Hassan M ohamed, P O Box 356, Kltale Route Bungoma (KCF 758 35 passengers ) Kltale - Charengam - M olben - Eldoret - Kapsabet - 5918- Ahm ed M alakwen arap Slslwa, Kaptum o P O K lsum u Kapsabet Route Kaptumo - Kapsabet - N andl 2402 / 1--0 M P Servlce, P O Box 696, Eldoret Route Dlstnct-Nandl H1l1 Kakamtga-Eldoret (KBG 776, Eldolet - Tulbo - Bungom a - Bumala M arket 26 passengels ) (35 passenger vehlcle ) 4 B'' C &RRTERS LICENCF,S NK /B /46 /57--K1nuso1 alap Busarlo, c/o Chlef Issalah,Loca TLB 6920- Job K lnutal arap Sam a, K ablyet Tradmg Centre, tlon 5, P O K apsabet Route K apsabet-K akam ega P O Kapsabet Carrlage of malze farm produce Klsumu-Eldoret-Nakuru-Nandt Hllls (KDD 542, shop goods and goods Route K apsabet-Nandl .j ton ) (Rehearlng ) Dlstnct-Nandl Hllls Eldoret (F 2315, 3 tons ) TLB 6197- U G Transport Co , P O Box 662 Eldoret E/ B/4/ 58- Jawa1a Slngh P O Box 598 Kltale Carrlage of Carrlage of petroleum products Route Eldoret- farm produce and bulldlng m aterlals Route Trans Uasln Glshu D lstrlct-N andl-N andl Hllls Tam bach- Nzola Distnct (KBM 862 3 tons ) Trans N zola and Elgon N yanza D lstrlct (KCL 86 1142- Joe1 Klbet arap Chebor, M olben Locatlon, P O 1 500 gallons ) Tam bach Carrlage oî tlm ber, uheat and goods 403@- L J Snym an, P O Box 348, Eldoret Carrlage of Route KapsowRr-uasln Glshu Dlstrlct (KCE 927, 5 tons ) petrol Route Eldoret Townshlp (KCB 932, 7637- K 1ta1e M m eral W ater Factoly, P O Box 342, K ltale 5 tons J Carllage of farm produce and goods Route Trans 8821- K1pruto al ap Chepkwony, P O Plateau Carrmge Nzola Dlstrlct (KCF 7 16, 5 tons ) ot m alze and farm produce Route Eldoret 7403--0 A S Vorster, P O Box 541, Kltale Carnage Kapsabet (KCE 694 3 tons ) of farm ploduce and goods Route Trans Nzola 4622- R S K lrk P O Box 67 Eldolet Carnage of (KCF 785, 5 tons ) agnculture lm plem ents, m achlnely and cattle foods 5/ 58- Shar1fI Abdullah Alvl, P O Box 182, Kltale Route U asln Glshu and Trans N zola D lsttlcts Carrlage oi general goods Route K ltale K arlngate (KCB 624, 3 tons ) M akutano (5 ton vthlcle ) 52- 1 L N ulanl, P O B()x 417, Eldoret Carnage of 6 / 58- K 1byego arap R otlch, P O B ox 342 Eldoret general goods R oute Eldoret-u asln G lshu Dlstrlct- Carliage of shop goods, charcoal and goods Trans N zola D lstrlct-Tam bach-M arakwet-K apsabet Route U asln G lshu D lstllct-lwessos K apsabet- Klsumu (J 867, 3 tons and H 2511 3 tons ) Klsumu Timboroa Klpkabus Nakuru 1663 7 /s8- Abelnego Dera, P O Nandl Hllls Carrlage of - Turner, Barker and H atfeld Ltd , P O Box 75 K ttale V arlatlon of route to add Elgon N yanza general goods and country produce Route a Ntandl Dlstrlct Present loute Tt ans N zola and Uasln 1887 Hllls-Eldoret-central Nyanza (K,DB 795, ons ) O - Swaran Sm gh, P O Box 1, H oey s Brldge Carrlage lshu Dlstrlcts (KCF 241, 5 tons ) of malze sand cattle, stone and farm ploduce E/B/ 1 /58- Ram Kumar Som, P O Box 2104, Kampala Route Trans N, zoja and Uasln Glshu Carrlage of beer only Route Kenya Juganda g ysg- sandu arap Chepslror P O Box 177, Eldoret border-Eldoret-Kltale Klsumu N alrobl (5 vehlcles carrlage of farm pro,d uce and goods Route 5 ton: each ) yjdoret-uasln Glshu Dlstrlct X CF 118, 1 ton ) 2 / s8- Kapsabet Tradlng Co P O Kapsabet G rnage of 9 js8- ltlpkorum s/ o Chepslrorl, c/o G H Barnard. shop goods and goods Route Kapsabet-N andl P o Plateau Carrlage of fuel m alze and goods Dlstrlct-Eldoret-Klsumu-N andl H llls (K BP 570 Route U asln Glshu Plateau, Eldoret Plateau- lj-ton ) Kapsabet (KBV 947 ) 3 /58- A11 bln Osman, Ttlalwo, P O Kapsabet Carrlage 10 / 58- RavJ1 M anll, P O Box 273, Eldoret Carnage of of m alze, bncks, charcoal and goods Route bulldm g m aterlals Route U asm G lshu and Trans Kapsabet-Klsum u-Eldoret (H 4521 ) Nzola Dlstrlcts okxra NoTzcr N o 452 Gkzsrrs No'rlcs No 772 UA SIN GISH U COIJN'I'Y COU NCIL (121105) ELN RET EUROPBAN Hosv R RATE TH E M IJNICIPALITIES ORDINAN CE NO TICE ls hereby glven that at a m eetm g of Councll to be held on 25th M arch, 1958, lt ls proposed to m ove a resolutlon (Cap 136) to lmpose a rate of sfty shtlllngs (Sh 50) for the year 1958 on every person of wholly European orlgm or descent resldm g N OMINATION OF COUNCILLORS- K ISUMU M UM CIPAL BOARD wlthm the dlstrlct, other than a m arrled wem an llvm g wlth her IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 14 of husband, for the purpose of provldm g addltlonal funds towards the M lzm clpalltles Ordlnance, the M lm ster for Local G overn- the m am tenance and upkeep of the Eldoret European H ospltal m ent, H ealth and H ouslng nom m ates- The followmg persons shall be exempted from paym ent of M r Stanley Everett, the rate - ' M r W llham A dam , (t) Every person under the age of 21 years The H on John Lom s m ddoch, c B B , M t. c (11) A person on a temporary vlslt to tlle dlstrlct not exceed- M r M urdo Ian M aclennan, lng s1x m enths ln duratlon M r M athew On& ek, M r K arsandas BIMm JI Som ala, (u1J Every female person whose total mcome as defmed M r Fanwel Adala Otuko, ln tlle East Afrlcan Income Tax (M anagement) Act, 1952, whether recelved ln the Colony or not, dld not exceed to be m em bers of the M um clpal Board of Klsum u untll 28th one hundred and twonty pounds ln the calendar yeear February, 1961 1957 The burden of proof from exemptton of the rate shall D ated thls 21st day of February, 1958 l1o on the party clalm :ng exem ptlon Eldoret, H M K U LLAGH . W B HAV ELOCK , 3rd February, 1958 Clerk to Councél M lmster /or Local Government, Health and Houstng 230 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 41 M arch, 1958

GAzsrrs N olqcE No 773 GAZETTE N oT1cE N o 776 (121101) TH E M UN ICIPALITIES ORD IN AN CB U ASIN GISH U COUN TY COU NCIL (Cap 136) LICENSING OF DOGS N AIROBI CIIY CouxclL- N oMlxATloN N o-rlcE Is hereby glven m accordance wlth sectzon 1 13 of IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 4 of the the Local Government (County Counclls) Ordlnance that at M urlclpalltles Ordlnance (Cap 136), the M lnlster for Local a meetlng of the Uasm Glshu County Councll to be held G overam ent, H ea1th and H ouslng hereby appolnts- On 25th M arch, 1958, a resolutlon m 11 be proposed for sub- M R Joux M ACKBNZIE KASYOKA m lsslon to the M m lster for Local Governm ent of by-laws for the llcenslng of dogs wlthln the area of the U asln Glshu to be a m em ber of the Nalrobl Clty Councll for a perlod county 'lnhe efect of the proposed by-laws wlll be to extend of one year from the date of pubhcatlon of thls notlce the by-laws prevlously m force m the Uasln G lshu D istnct D to apply to the whole area of the county, Includm g the atcd thls 21st day of February, 1958 sjdoret M unlmpallty W B H AVELOCK , A ny oblectlon to the m akmg of the proposed by-law.s m ust M lnlstel /t7? Local Government Health and f.ft/l/â'i??r be sent to the underslgned wltlun 14 days of the date of tlus notlce GAZBTTE N on cE N o 774 A copy of the proposed by-laws ls avmlable for lnspectton M U N ICIPAL BOARD OF M OM BASA at the ol ces of the U asm Glshu County Counml m the Eldoret N OTICE ls hereby glven that the M unlmpal Board of M om - Town H all basa at thelr m eetm g held on 4th February, 1958, resolved to H M CCULLAG H , construct the prlvate street servlng Plots 50, 56-59, 232 and 239, Eldoret, Clerk to Cbuzlcl/ Sectlon XVI, M om basa Island, and m ade the followlng pro- 26th February, 1958 P O Box 10O Eldot et vlslonal apportlonm ent of the cost of constructlng the sald street under the provlslons of the M um clpahtles and Townshlps (Pmvate Street) Ordlnance, 1951 - G AzsrrE N o'n cE N o 777 .?4zz?tpun/ Plot No Name (7/ Owne? Sh cts THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE, 1957 50 The Secretary, Tho K lllndlm Sttes Ltd , (No 20 ol 1951) N alrobl, and to the Executors, Estate of the late Jlvral M erall Tlu xs N zolA LIQUOR LICENSING COURT M om basa 7,681 98 56 The Secretary, The K lllndlnl Sltes Ltd , N OTICE ls hereby gtven that the next statutory m eettng N alrobl, and to the Executors, of the Trans N zola Llquor Llcenslng Court wl1l be held ln E state of the late Jw ral M erall, the Resldent M aglstratt's Court Ilouse, K ttale, at 10 a m on M om basa .. 5,757 86 hfonday, 12th M ay, 1958 57 The Secretary, The K lhndlm Sttes Ltd , A ppllcatlons for renewals for the second half of 1958, appli- N alrobl, and to the Executors, catlons for new hcences and transfers of exwtjng hcences m ust Estate of the late Jtvral M erall, reach the Dlstrlct Comnussloner, P O Box 1 1, K ltale, on or M om basa 5 410 97 before 25th M arch, 1958, together wlth Sh 10 revenue stamps 58 The Secretary, The K lllndlnt Sltes Ltd , aflixed to each appllcatton N alrobl, and to the Executors, Estate of the late Jlvral M eralt, Apphcatlon forms are obtam able at the Revenue OKce, . M om basa 7,566 64 K ltale 59 The Secretary, The K lllndtm Sltes Ltd , N atrobl, and to the Executors, G N HA M PSON , Estate of the late Jlvral M erall, K ltale Presldent 6 22nd February, 1958 Ibans N ztllc Llquor Llcennng Court M om baga ,984 78 M r Jahad H usseln A bld H usseln. P O Box 1256, M om basa 7,196 67 239 The Successors of the late H H the GAZFTTE N oTlcE N o 778 Rt H on Slr Sultan M oham ed Shah Aga K han, P O Box 115, THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE, 1957 M ombasa 27,299 15 (N o 2: of 1957) Sh 67,898 05 PLATEAU LIQUOR LICENSING COURT N OTICE ls hereby glven that the next statutory meetlng M om basa, A V R ATCLIFF of the Plateau Ltquor Llcenslng Court wlll be held at the 27th February, 1958 Ttlwn C lerk D lstrlct Comm lssloner s Olce, Eldoret, on M onday, 12th M ay, 1958, at 10 a m G AZETTS lfoTlcs N o 775 Appkcattons for renewals fov the sGcond half of 1958, applt- catlons for new hcences and transfers of exlstlng llcences m ust ABERD ARE COU NTY COU NCIL reach the Dlstnct Com m lssloner, P 0 Box 30 Eldoret, on or A NNUAL ELECTION, 1958 before 25th M arch, 1958, together w1th Sh 10 revenue stam p N OTICE ls hereby glven m accordance wlth the Local ax xed to each appllcatlon Governm ent (County Counclls) Ordlnance, 1952, that an elec- Apphcatlon f orm s are obtam able at the Revenue Omce, tlon w1ll take place on Frlday, the 7th day of March, 1J58, Eldoret m order to Ell rotatlonal vacancles m the followtng wards - G J W PED RAZA , W ard R etlrtng M em ber Presldent M arm anet R E M eyler Plateau D quor Llcennng Court N arok H 'M C ollm son N daragwa C A W lnnm gton-lngram 01 Joro O rok W 1:7 B M ctyellan G xzErrE N OTICE N o 779 N anyukl T L Barkas Nyerl M rs A M D avles THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE, 1957 N om lnatlon form s can be obtamed from the Counml's oë ces at Nanyukt and Thom son's Falls and the Townshlp Superln- (No 20 oj 1957) tendent s Oë ce, N yerl M ASAI LIQLJOR LICENSING COURT Com pleted nomm atlon papers m ust be dehvered by hand N O IICE ts hereby gtven that the statutory m eetm g of the or dlspatched by remstered m all to the underm entloned so as M asaz Llquor Llcenslng Court wlll be held tn the oflice of to reach her not later than 1 p m on 7th M arch, 1958 the Provlnclal Com mlsstoner, Southern Provlnce, Ngong, on lf the num ber of duly nom lnated candldates exceeds the M onday, 12th M ay 1958, at 10 a m num ber of m embers to be elected ln any one ward the elec- A1l appllcatrons for new llcences, renewals and confirmatton hon for such ward wlil be postponed f or the purpose of takm g of transfers or rem ovals m ust reach the Personal A sslstant to a poll, due notlce of whlch m l1 be publlshed the Provm clal Com m lssioner, Southern Provm ce, on or before Candldates elected on 7th M arch 1958. wtll take thelr 25th M arch, 1958 Each appllcatlon, whlch should be m ade on seats on the Councll as from 1st A pnl, 1958, and w1l1 be the approprlate form , m ust bear an lnland Revenue Sh 10 entltled to hold oë ce untll 1st Aprtl, 1961 stam p M H U LM E, P W LO W , N anyukl, Actlng Clerk to Councjl Presidettt 20th February, 1958 P 0 Box 4, N anyukt M asal Llquor Llcennng Court 4th M arch, 1953 TH E K EN Y A G AZETTE 231

G tzsa-rE N oTfcs N o 780 GAZINTI'E No'rlcE N o 784 THE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE 1957 VACANCIES N THE KENYA GOVERN M ENT (NO 20 oj 1957) CIVIL SEIfW CE COMMISSION SOUTH N YANZA Llqt;oR LlcsNslxG COURT APPLICATION S are lnvlted for the followlng posts and m ust be subnutted to the Secletary, Cwll Servlce Comm lsslon, N OTICE ls hereby gwen that the next statutorv m eetlng Prlvate Bag, N alrobl, to reach hun by 25th M arch, 1958 Clvll of the south N yanza taquor Llcenmnq court wllWl be helWd Servants m ust subm lt thelr appllcatlons thlough heads of at the Dzstrrct comm sstoner s om ce. -K lsu at 9 a m on departments All appllcatlons to be subm ltted on F'orm csc 2, M onday, 12th M ay, 1958 ' '. ln trlpllcate, w hlch ls obtdlnable from the Secretary A1l appllcatlons for new ltcences, transfers of exlstlng hcences Asslstant Regkstrar oj Co operanve Socletles (Accountsj- and apphcatlons for renewals for the second half of 1958 should Departnwnt oj the Reglstrar ()/ Co-operattve Soclettes reach the D lstrlct C om m issloner s O m ce, K tstl, on or before Salary scale B1 25th M arch 1958, together m th the requlslte stam p fee of Sh 10 w herever appllcable fl 359 by f51 to f 1,410 by f54 to f 1,518 by f 69 to E1 863 PEN SION A BLE H DE W A RRENN E W A LLER, A ppllcants m ust be elther C hartei ed or lncorporated A ccount- K lslt, Prendent ants (U K ) and wjll be reqmred to undertake audlting and 19th Februaryy 1958 South N yanza Llquor Zictr/lan?Tg Court exam lnatlon of co-operatlve sometles accounts ln K enya The successful appllcant w 11 be requlred to 1ay dowll baslc prln- clples of book-keeplng and accountancy, devlse slmple systems for the use by co-operatlve soctetles, and glvo short courses on GAzErrs No'rlcs N o 781 book keeplng and accoants to stafï and om cers of co operatlve socletles Abillty to understand agrlcultulal problem s and a 1HE LIQUOR LICENSING ORDINANCE, 1957 knowledge of Swahlh s deslrable The Standard Swalull Examl- (No 20 oj 1957) natyon w11l have to be passed w lthln tw o yeals NORTH CoAs'r LIQUOR LICENSING COURT Soclal W eljare tl'cuv W emalej- M lnlstr.y oj Local Government Heatth and H ouslng N OTICE ls hereby glven that the next statutory m eetlng of the N orth Coast Llquor Llcenslng Court wlll be held at the Salary scale B(W )4-3 Dlstrlct Comm lssloner's Om ce K lhfi at 10 a m on M onday, :819 by f 30 to f 879 by E33 to f 912 by f 36 to f 1 056 12th M ay, 1958 PEN SIONA BLE Apphcatlons for renewals for the second half of 1958, appll- f906 by f36 to f 1,014 by f42 to f 1,182 AG REEM EN T catlons for new hcences and transfers of exlstmg hcences m ust reach the D lstncî Comm lssloner, P O Box 3, K lhfi, on or Candldates should 3e ln possesslon of a degree, dlplom a or before 25th M arch 1958, together w1114 Sh 10 revenue stam ps certlficate ln Soczal Stutkes, and experlence m Soclal W elfare atlixed to each appllcatlon * work ls essentlal The successful candldate wlll be requlred to take control of the Soclal W elfare Sectlon lncludm g m anage- A pphcatton form s are obtam able from tl'te Dtstrlct Comm ts- ment of a sm all oë ce and control of expendlture She should sloner s Omce Kllls be able to present brlef factual reports on the progreH of cases dealt wlth and wlth refm ence to a11 races D W HALL Prendent Economlc Asslsttmt- hitnkstry oj Agrlcultute Anlmal Sl/.çllaloll)' A orth Coast Lkquor falcezlxpig Court 'arld I'Fafer R esoutces Salary scale C5- 3 :705 by i27 to f 759 b) f 30 to f 819 f918 by f36 to f 1s026 by f39 to f, 1,104 oy f42 to f 1,188 (M en ) AGREEM EN.T G NZET'I'B N OTICE N o 782 f705 by f27 to f759 by f30 to f 819 by f,3'3 to f 918 by f36 THE COM PAN IES ORDIN AN CE ttl :1,026 by J39 to f 1,104 (W om en ) AGREEM ENT Lcap 288) Candldates should have a degree whlch lncludes economlcs, statlstlcs or mathematlcs ol a knowledge of statlstlcal m ethods APPOINTMENT OF A SSISTANT REGISTRARS lncludlng the organlzatlon and analysls of statlstlcal m aterlal The dutles of the post m clude the control and m am tenance of IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sub-sectlon (2) statistlcal senes and seld studles, the preparatlon of draft tables of sectlon 293 of the Com pam es Ordlnance, the Governor and the com putatlon of econom lc data hereby appom ts the persons for the tlm e belng holdm g the omces of Deputy Reglstrar-G eneral and A sslstant Reglstrar- G eneral respectlvcly to be asslstant reglstrars for the purposes Semor M echanlcs (2 postsj-shmstrk oj W otks of the Ordinant.e Salary scale C6- 5 f 651 by f27 to f 759 by f 30 to :819 A GREEM ENT G o&ernm eqt N otlce N o 45 of 1934* ls varled accordm gly Candldates must have served an apprentlceshlp to m echanlcal D ated thfs 27th day of February, 1958 and m otor engm eenng, and llave had five years' practlcal feld expenence of the repalr and m alntenance of plant such as earth- By Com m and of the Governor m ovlng equlpment Jncludlng excavators, crawler tractors and m otor graders of the followlng m akes Caterplllar, Alhs D W CON ROY, Chalm ers, Internatlonal and G alton Ablhty to lzse m lcrom eters M tnlster for Legal z4 #t7I? s and to read and understand lnstructlon manuals and spare parts books ln Engllsh Is essentkal - Substdlary T eplslntlona Vol VlI, p 3572 Asststant Sulveyor- Aîvtcan Land Development M lnlstry 0/ Agltcultu'e Salary scale G AZB'I'TB N o'ncE N o 783 (l) 135- 3 THE COM PAN IES ORD IN ANCE f762 by f27 to 1870 f978 by E36 to f 1,014 by E42 to f 1,266 A GREEM EN T qcap 288) (11) (75- 7 M POINrMENT OF ASSISTANT REGISTRAR :705 by f 27 to # 759 by f 30 to f 819 f918 by f36 to IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sub-sectlon (2) :1,026 by f39 to f 1,104 by f42 to f 1,188 AG REEM EN T of sectlon 293 of the Companles Ordm ance, the G overnor For salary scale (1) tne mlnlmum quahfkatlon requlred ls a hereby appom ts- pass ln the Interm edlate Exam jnatlon of the R oyal Insbtute of Chartered Surveyors and for salary scale (11) candldates must BETHIJEL M ARBKA GECAGA, EsQ have approved practlcal experlence m englneerlng and topo- to be an Asslstant Reglstrar for the purposes of the Ordlnance graplucal sulvey for 'z mlm mttm perlod of slx years The dutles of the post lncludo survey work for topographlcal m appfng Dated thls 27th day of February, 1958 and enpneerlng prolects ln any part of tho Colony Conslder- ablo tlme m 1l be spent ort safan By Com m and of tlle G overnor For term s and condltlons of servlce for penslonable and agreement posts see the Om clal Gazette dated 3rd Decem - ber, 1957, or the East X/rzcc?z Standard dated 6th December, hitnkster /or Legal A#J;r, 1957 232 TH E K ENY A G A ZETTE 4+ M arch, 1958

G= 'I'TE NoTlcE No 785 Appcïcàrlox No 8313 PART A G lss 14 (Schedule 111) o -$'N TH E TRAD E M ARK S ORD IN AN CE, 1955 ' f'go 51 of 1955) LI t D N OTICE ls hereby gtver that any penon who has grounds of opposltlon to the reg stratlon of any of the m arks advertlstd (To be asqoclated wlth No 8314) herein accordlng to fhe classes m ays wlthln 60 days from the It ls a ctm dltlon Of r6glstratlon that the proprletors undel take date of thls G azette, .odge notlce of opposlgion on Form TM not to apply the m ark dlrectly on tht, goods themselves as an No 6 m dupllcate together wlth a fee of Sh 50/ - lm presslon by stam plng or otherwlst The penod for lodglng notlce of opposltion m ay be extended by the Reglstrar as he tlunks Iit and upon such term s as he m ay Nature oj goods - Buttons studs fol clothlng, cuâ llnks, sleeve dlrect llnks, collar clTps, t1e cllps, t1e holders and t1e plns, a1l belng goods of preclous 'netal or coated thelewlth Form al opposl:lon whoulcl not be lodged untll after reasonable notlce has been glven !7y Ietter to tbe app lcant for reglstl a Name OJ apphcant - C H Collms and Sons Llmlted tlon so as to aflbrd 'ilm an opportunlty of m thdrawlng h1s appllcatlon before the cxpense of preparlng the notlce of Opposl- Addren --47 and 48 H ockley Hll1, Blrmlngham 18, England and c/o M essrs Atkmson Cleasby and Company advocateq tlon ls lncurred B allare to glve such notlce w111 be taken lnto P O Box 29, M ombaqa - account ln conslderlng an> appllcatlon by an opponent for an order for costs lf thc Opposltlon ls uncontested by the appllcant Representatlons of vlat. m arks advertlsed hereln can be seen at the Om ce of the etepstrar of Trade M arks, Central Govern- APPLICATION NO 8314 PART A Cl-Ass 26 (Schedule 111) m ent Bulldlng, N alrobl APPLICATION NO 8247 PART A C lAss 9 (Schedule 111) l I - M O -R ICH S Nature t# goods - Be1ls, bel' systf-ms, buzzers, bell transformel s (To be assoclatt-d wlth No 8313) clgarette and clgar llghters, door openers solderlng jrons vacuum cleancls, 'oor pollshlng m achlnes, lloor scrubblng lt ls a condltlon of lepstlatlon that the proplletors undertake M achlncs, tea lnfusers, kettles, coffee percolators, casseloles, not to apply the m ark clllectly on tnc goods themselveq aq an tea pots, hot water Jugs, m llk bollers, pots and pans al1 lm presslon by stam plng 01 Otherm se belng electrlcally opyraeed goods for dom estlc use, and tittlngs N'atul e oj soods .- Butwons studs fo1 clothyng, cufl llnks sleeve lncluded ln Clas% 9 (Su1 edule 111) for a1l the qforeqald goods llnks, collar cllps, t1e cllps, tle holders and t1e pjns nonu gram ophone plck ups, electrlc clzlm es fol doors and ekctrlc belng goods of precloua m etal ol coated therewlth flat Irons and parts fhcieof lncluded ln Class 9 (Schedule 111) and flex supports for electrlc flat lrons Name oj appllcant - C H Colllns and Sons Llmlted Name oj appltcant - lvlorphy-ltlchards Llmlted A dd'ess -,.47 and 48 H ockley H l11 B1l m kngaham 18 England A ddress - Arterlal Road St M ary Cray, K ent, England and and c/o M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Company advocates c Jo M essrs Kaplan and Stratton, advocates, P O Box 111 P O Box 29, M om basa N alrobl

APPI-ICATION N o 8235 PART A Cl-Ass 1 (Schedule 111) A I>PLJCATION No 8361 PART A CLASS 5 (Schedulu 111) AplwLlcATzoN N o 8239 PART A Ct.Ass 5 (Schedule 111) APPLICATION N o 8240 PART A Ct-Ass 6 (Schedule 111) BEN A D R Y L APPLICATION N O 8241 PART A CLAss 7 (Schedule 111) Advertlsed under the olovlslons of st-ctlon 72 (1) (bj ot Tht A.PPLICATION N o 8243 PART A CtzAss 14 (Scl edule 111) Trade M arks Ordlnance 1955 Natu; e oj goods - A product ustd human and vetel lnal y thel ap) Nanle oj applicatlt - parke Davls and Company AddlLss .- Foot of Toseoh Campau At thu Rlvel Dttlolt 32 M lchlgan, Unlted 3tates of Amerlca, and c/o W B Cummlng Esq , advocate, P O Box 607, N allobl

D EG U S S A APPLICATION No 8372 PART A CtAss 24 tsehedule 1lI ) Apphcatlon N os 8235, 8239, 8240, 8241 and 8243 are to be t % œ assoclatcd wlth cach other and m turn wlth others Nature t# goods - Appllcatlon N o 8235 m Class 1 - Al1 goods lncluded m l * Class 1 (Schedule 111) Apphcatlon N o 8239 ln Class 5 - A11 goods lncluded m Class 5 (Schedule 111) <% ApplTcatlon N o 8240 In Class 6 - A1l goods lncluded ln Class 6 (Schedule t1l) but not lncludlng metal alloys gene- rally known eztber as babblt, m agnolla ol antl-fnctlon metal and not xncludlng any other goods of a ljke klnd to these excluded goods and not lncludlng anchors and orees Natute oj goods '--fkxtlle plece goods Appllcatlon N o 8241 ln Class 7 - A1l goods lncluded m N ame // appltcalLt - f llex Tovarny K ralek and Tylu N al odnl Class 7 (Schedule 111) but not lncludlng any goods of a Podm k lA e klnd to m achtne tools Addïess .-tzutovloe Czechoslovakla, tnd c/o M essl s Kaplan Appllcatlon N o 8243 In Class 14 - A11 goods lncluded and Stratton, advocates, P O Box 111, N alrobl Class 14 (Schedule 111) Name (# applkcant - Deutsche Gold-und Sllber-scheldeanstalt V orm als R oessler APPLICATION N o 8378 PART A CtAss (Schcdule JlIJ Address - 9 W elssfrauenotrasse, (16) Frankful t (M a1n) 1, Ger- many, and c/o M essrs Kapa1 an and Stratton, advocates, P O JE Y ES Box 111, Nalrobl (To be aq< oclated wlth No 8379) Nature 0/ goods - pharmaceutlcal preparatlons 1ol human use APPLICATION No 8307 P&RT A Ctass 8 (Schedule 111) and for vetennary use, dlslnfectants antlseptlcs, germlcldes funglctdes, tnsectlmdes, weed kllllng preparatlons deodonsers PH ILIPS vermln, slug and snall destroylng preparatlons m edlcated (To be assoclated wjth No 8304 and othels) tollet paper Natuve oj goods .-ElciotAlo simvmg mstruments parts thereof and Name 5/ appltcant .-deyes Sanltary Compoundb Company Nttlngs l erefor Llrnlted Name oj appltcant - N V Phlllps Glomlam penfabrleken 4ddrezs - 31 W ver Road, Barklng. Essex England, and c/o AdKdress - Em maslngel 29, Elndhoven, Holland, and c/o M essrs M essrs Atkm son, Cleasby and Com pany advocates P O Box aplan and Stratton, advocates, P O Box 111 N azrobz 29, M om basa 41 M arch, 1958 THE K ENYA GAZETTE 233 - . . .. . APBLICATION No 83O PART A Cu Ns 16 (A hM ule 111) APPLICATION NO 8344 PM T A G is: 7 (Sche o 111) A repreesentation of *ne tlado m alk m apphcatlon N o 8344 m JE S Class 7 and conslstlng of a ploughm g scene and the words (To tne assoclated wlth No 8378) Safim and 4 V ereen3ging' as m appllcatlon N o 8343 can bc Natttre oj goods .---follet paper (not medlcated) paper towels seen at the om ce of the Reglstlar of Tlade M arks, Centra! Govelnment Bullding N atrobls and also ln the Utllted K lngdom Nunle oj Jpp/lcr?n/ .-îeyes Sanltary Compounds Companl Llm lted T1 ade M ark Journal N o 4128 dated 21st August 1957 o!1 page 879 under N o 755, 474 Address - 31 R kve? Road Balklng Essex England and c fo G essrs Atklnson, C leasby and Com pany advocates, P O ro be assoclated wlth N o 8342 and others Box 29, M om basa Reglstlatlon oft thls f ade mark shall gtve no rlght to the uxeluslve use of the word tçv ereenlglng ' AeeLlcATloN No 8383 PART A CI Ass 3 (Schedule 111) Natul e oj gtptpclâ - Xgrltultural and hortlcultural machmes agrlcultulal and hortlcultural lm plem ents lAcluded $n Class 7 TR ILL (Schedule 111) and parts of the aforesald goeds mcluded ln Ntlture oj grpflff: - perttlmelv, and beauty plepa! atlons, make-up, Class 7 (Schedule IiI) dentyfrlces tgllet xoap and ln general preparatlons for the Nanle oj appllcant -south Afrlcan Falm lmplement M anu m a ntenance cal e and beautj ot the hau iacludm g sham factulers Llm lte.d poolng dyelng and pleparatlons for the wavlng of the hall 4ddiess - General Heltzog Road, Veleenlgmg, Transvaal, U nlon Name // appllcant - Nzulvllle (Societe Anonyme) of South Afnca xnd c/o M essrs Kaplan and Stratton, adxo- 4ddless --60 Boulevard Thlers Alglers Algella and c/o M essrs cates, P O Box 111, N alrobl K aplan and Stratton ac> ocates, P O Box 111 N all ob! Nalrobl b J COW ARD , 28t11 Febl-ualy 1958 Revstrar oj T?c#c M at ks Al+T-lcA'rztm N o 8384 PART A C tAss (Schedule 111) G AzsTTc N oxlczr N o 786 TR E SS TH E TR ADE M ARK S ORDINAN CE 1955 Nature oj q'oods - pelfumel y, and beauty pl epalatlons, make up (No 51 oj 1955) dentlfrlces, tollct qoap and ln gentral preparations fot the IT IS hereby notlsed for general m forlnatlon that the follow- m alntenance care )nd beaut) of the halr lncludlng sham lng has been reglstered as the Reg stered U sel of tho Trade poolng dyelng and tlropalatlons fol the wavlng of the hak, M 'tlk No B 7308 In Class 39 (Schedule l1) and entered lla the N alne tp/ appltcant .- xzulvllle (Soclete Anonyme) Reglster ln lespect of the goods stated A replebentatlon of the trade m ark ln questlon can be seeq z4 ddI ess - 60 Boulevald Thlels A lglels, A lgtrla and c / o M essl s at the olhces of the Reg strar of Trade M alks Central G overn K aplan and Stratton advocates P O Box 11 1 N alrobl m ent Bm ldm g, N atrobl/ Rebrlkîz / :f/ Y rp/u/e/tp/ .- l aterm all Pen Com pany 1nc , m anu- Aeet ICATION N O 8386 PART A CLASS -4 (Schedule 111) factu) e!s of 1 D e Jorest Street Seymour Connectlcut, U nlted States of Amerlca R egtnïe'ed Use; .- W atel m an Pen ûom pany Llm ltcd m anu facturers ot N ew Falcon W orks, N easden Lane Neasden, London N W 10, Elzgland 4ddl ess /t?? &el t/cc - C/ o M essrs Atklnson Cleasby and Com pany advocates P O Box 29 M om basa Colltlit'olls ol A a pfti/so/pe - The trade M alk s to be used by the Reglstcied Usel (who Ts to be the sole Rcglatered User whllt he remalns reglstered) ln 1 elatlon to the goods only lf tt'ev have been m anufactured by ol for hlm ln accovdaace w lth speclhcatlons and dllecttons prest-rlbed and gI& u l 1:1 om tlm e Co tlm e by thu Reglstered Proprletor and only o long as the Reglstered Ploprletol has the rlght of and Is lot plevented tl om lnspectlng the goods before dlstllbutlon :nd sale The ploposed pelmltted use ls wlthout llm lt of perlod rl ade; M aik No B 7308 la Class 39 (Schedule III- W ATER M A N S propelllng penclls and reservolr wrltlng lnstruments (To be assoclated wlth No 4767) Nalrobl, D J COW ARD Nature oj goods - Bleachmg pleparatlons and other substances 27th 'Februarv 1958 Regutkar ()/ D ade M,arks for laundry uso, clmanjng, pollshlng, scourlng and abraslve preparatlons, soaps GAZB'I-I'E N o'rlc.s N o 787 Nante ()/ appltcanî - R S Hudson Llmlte,d THE TRADE M ARKS ORDIN AN CE 1955 Address - unlkver House, Blackfrlars, London, E C 4, England, (No 51 of 1955) @nd c/o M essrs Atkmson Cleasby and Company advocates, P O Box 29, M om baoa IT IS hereby notz ed (or general lnform atlon that the follow lng have been reglstered as the Reglstered U sers of the Trade M ark N o 4516 m Class 3 and entered ln the Reglster m resped of the goods stated APPLICATION No 8392 PART A Ctass 25 (Schedule 111) A lepresentatlon of the trade m ark ln questlon can be seen JEA N A G E at the oë cees of the Reglstrar of Trado M arks, Central Governm ent Bulldlng, N dlrobl Natule 0/ goods -veans, belng altlcle.s of ulothlng for women Regfstered Prop/ tetor - parke, D avls and Com pany of Foot of Name oj appllcant -vohnson and Sons Iumlted Joseph Campau A &enue, at the Rlver Detrolt 32, M lchlgan U nited States of Aznenca , Address - 34 North Quay, Great Yarmouth, Norlolk, England, s and Stxunes Road, H ounslow, and c/o M essrs Kaplap and Stlatton, advocates P O Box M lddlesex, England 111, N mrobl Regutered Users - (1) Parke, Davls Laboratorles (Pty) Llmlted of Lelsk House, AeeslcArloN blo 8343 PART A CsAss 8 (Schedule 11 1) Bree and m sslk Streets, Johannesburg, U nlon of South A lepresentatlon of tl'o trado m ark ln appljcatlon N o 8343 in A frlca Class 8 can be see at the oë ce of the Reglstrar of Trade M arks (2) Parke, Davls and Company Llmlted of Detrolt, M lchlgan, Central G overnment Bultdlng, N allobl and also ln the Unlted U nltcd States of A menca, and Stalne: Road, H ounslow Kangdom Trade M ark R uvnal N o 4128 dated 21st August, 1957, M lddlesex, England on pago 880 under N o 755, 475 Addless /t?? sel vice - CIo W B Cummlng Esq advocate: P O To be assoclated m th N o 8342 and others Box 607, N alrobl Reglstratlon of thls tl ade m ark shall glve no rlght to the Condïttons or Restrtcttons - The Reglstered U sers wlll remmn txcluslvo uso of the word Vereem png' Rep stered U sers nnly so long as the Reglstered Propnezor owns tlle m alonty ol ttw share camtal of tho Registere Natut e (7/ goods - Agrlcultural and hortlcultural lmplements and U ser companles enabllng lt to appom t a m alorlty of the parts thereot, al1 lncluded m Class 8 (Schedule 111) Board of D zrectors of tlx sazd Repstared Users Nanw 0/ appllcant - south Afncan Farm Implement Manu Tlad: M ark No 4516 m Class 3 tso edule IIYK HLOROM Y- facturers tamlted CETIN , chem lcal substancos prepared for use m medlclne and A ddress -e eneral H ertzog Road, V erezempng, Transvaal, U m on phanuacy of South Afrlca, and c/o M essrs Kqplan and Stratton, advo N alrobl D J COW ARD cates, P O Box 111, Nmrob; rti, kebruars 1958 Reglstra, t# naze J.o. 234 TW R K EN YA G A ZETTE 4th M arch, 1958

G u srrB N o'ncs N o 788 SCHLDULE THE TRADE M A RK S ORDINA N CE, 1955 No oj applfcatton - 8 1 1 Date (p/ appllcatlon - 13th February, 1958 (No 51 o! 1955) N ame oj appllcant '- Am erlcan Cynanam ld Com pany IT IS ht-reby notllled 1ol gcneral lnform atlon that thc follow R eglsteled A ddless - 30 R ockefeller Plaza, N ew Y ork State of lng has been reglstered as the Reglstered U ser of the trade 'N ew Y ork, U m ted States of A m ellca m arks dttalled below ancl entered ln the Reglster ln rrspect of Paltlculals 0/ the grf1?J/ ln the Ulllted X'/ngfïtarzl - 776 730 sealed the goods stated on 2nd O ctober, 1957 and dated 26th O ctober, 1955 Representatlons of tl'e trade marks ln questlon can be seen N ature oj lnventlotl .- N ew com pounds comprlslng 3-sulfa- at the oë ces of the xtepstrar of Trade M arks, Central G overn- nllam ldo- 6 substltuted pyr dazlnes ment Bm ldm g, N alrob) Documents etc , #/td tn the Reglstrv R egtstered Proprletor .-f anada D ry Internatlonal, lncorporated (1) One certlhed copy of the speclticatlon (lncludlng çoëce of N o 100 Park Avenue, Borough of M anhattan, Clty, County copy ' of lettel s patent) of the U nlted K tngdom patent and State of N ew Ycrk, U nlted States of A merlca (2) Certlflcate ot the Comptroller-General of the Unlted K lngdom Patent Oflice glvlng full partlculars of the grant of Regtstered User .-f anada Dry (East Afrlca) Llmlted of P O the patent Box 166, N alrobl (3) Authorlzatlon ln favour of M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Address ybr sermce -X /0 M essrs Atklnson, Cleasby and Com- Com pany, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa pany, advocates, P O Box 29, M om basa Condltlons or R estrlctlotls - N alrobl, D J COW ARD , 27th Februaly, 1958 The trade m arks are to be used by the proposed perm ltted Reglshar f# Patent; user excluslvely wlth the goods prepared and bottled ln accordance wltll the formulae, specttk attons, m ethods and under the techm cal supervlslon of the Repstered Plopnetor G kzsl'rE N orzcs N o 791 who shall have the nght to lnspect the goods before sale on thc prem lses of the proposed perm ttted user THE PATENTS (REGISTRATION) ORDINANCB The proposed perm ltted use ls m thout a delinlte llm lt of W ap 294) tlm e IT IS hereby notliied for general lnform atlon that a Ietters Trade M ark No 7575 ln Class 44 (Schedule III- f

G &ZET'I'E N oTlcE N o 793 GAzsrrs N oncs No 796 THE PATENTS (REGISTRATION) ORDINANCE THE PATENTS G EGISTRATION) ORDINANCE W ap 294) (cap aq4) IT Is herebv notlsed for general lnform auon that a letters patent, partlculars of whTkh appear ln the schedule hereto IT IS heleby notlEed for general lnform atlon that a letters was reglstered as N o 814 ln the Ktnya Reglster of Patents on Pattnt, partlculars of whlch tppear ln the Schedule hereto. the 13th day of February, 1958 WaS reglstertd as N o 817 ln the K enya Reglster of Patents on tiw 13th day of Febluary, 1958 scusovss No (# appltcatton - 8 14 scc otztz Date // appllcatlon - 13th February, 1958 No 0/ apphcatton --817 Name tpj appltcant - Amerlcan Chemlcal Palnt Company Date oj appltcatlon - 15th February, 1958 Reglsterrd atidress - Brooksude A venue, A mbler, Pennsylvanla. Name oj cpplrcczl/ - lmpenal Chemloal lndustneg Llnuted U nited States ol A m enca Reglsteed Jéffzea.: - lm perlal Chem lcal H oust, M lllbank, Parnculars oj fàe grant ;?? /7;e U'llted Klngdom - 779,6-15 sealed Londonz S W 1 , England on 13th N ovem ber, 1957, and dated 8th Septembtr, 1953 Parttcularn 0/ the grant ;z; the Untted Xsngfltpzn - 780,308 sealed Nature ()/ lnventlon - lmprovemtnts ln or relallng to plant on 20th N o: em bel , 1957, and dated 19th September, 1955 growth regulatlng com posltlons Nature t# 'tlve'ltton - lmprovements m or relatm: to packages Documents etc #le# tn the Regtstry contalm ng m atenals for use m blastlng operatlons (1) One certlied cop) of the speclfcatlon of the Unlted Documents etc , fled ln the Rezlstry Klngdom patent (1) One ct,rtlûed copy of the spectlkatlon (lncludlng drawlngs) (2) Ccrtlficate of the f omptroller-General of the Unlted of the Um ted Klngdom patent K jngdom Patent O ëce glvm g full partlculars of the grant of (2) Certlûcate of tlle Comptroller-freneral of the Unlted the patent K lngdom Patent Oë ce glvm g full partlculars of the grant of (3) Authorlzatlon ln favour of M essrs Atktnson, Cleasby and the patent Com pany, advocatts, P (J Box 29, M om basa (7) Authonzatlon tn favour of M essrs Kaplan and Stratton, N alrobl D J COW AR D , advocatesy P O Box 1 1 1, N alrobl 27th Februaryy 1958 Reglstrar o! Patents N alrobl, D J COW M D , G Azsrz'a N oaqcE N o 794 27th February, 1958 Reglstrar // Patents THB PATENTS (REGISTM TION) ORDINANCE (Cap 294) IT IS hereby notllied for general tnform atlon that a letters G AZSTTE NoTIcE No 797 patent, partlculars of whlch appear ln the Schedule hereto, was reglstered as N o 815 tn the K enya Register of Pdtents on THE PATENTS (REGISTM TION) ORDINANCE the 15th day of February, 1958 ScHsotTt,s W ap 294) No oj fmpllccflt?n - 815 IT IS heleby notlfied for gtneral m formatzon that a lttters patent, partlculars of whlclz appear m the Schedule hereto, Date ol appltcatton - 15th Februal'y, 1958 was reglstered as N o 818 m the K enya Regster of Patents on Natne 0/ appltcant .-Flusll Chemlcals l-lmlted the 19th day of February, 1958 Regtstered address - speke H all Road, L verpool 19, m the County of Lancaslure, England SCH:DULE Pal tkculqrs oj the êrant fa t/le U'lîted K tngdom - 782 444 sealed on 7th Jantzary, 1958, and dated 25th January, 1956 No oj applmatlon - 818 Nature oj 1?,1 entlon - lmprovements m or relatmg to dlsaslble Date 0/ appltcatkon - 19th February, 1958 blockq or tablets of or contalnmg dlslnfectlng, deodorm ng or/ hame t7/ applïcant - lmpenal Chezmcal lndustrles Llmlted and lnsectlcldal substances or preparatlons Regtstered address - lm perlal Chemlcal H ousta M tllbank. London, S W 1, England Documents etc , filed Izl the Reustry % (1) One certllied copy of the spemlkatlon (mcludlng drawlngs) Paruculars 0/ the grtznf In the tfaifeff Ktngdom - 780,309 sealed of tlze Unlted K lngdom patent on 20th N ovem ber 1957 ahd dated 19th September. 1955 (2) Ctrtlficate of the Comptroller-General of the Umted Nature o! ïnventton - lmprovements ln or relatlng to packages K m gdom Patent Olce glwng full partlculars of the grant of contammg a matenal ror use m blastlng the pattnt Documents etc /#etf tn the Reustry (3) Authonzaûon ln favolzr of M essrs Kaplan an; Stratton, (1) One certlfied copy of the sm clficatlon (mcludmg drawmgs) advocatts, P O Box 1 11. N mrobl of the U m ted K lngdom patent N alrobl, D J COW ARD , (2) Certlficate of the Comptroller-General of the Umted K m gdom Patent OR ce gm ng full partlculars of the r ant of 27th February, 1958 Reglstrar 0/ Patents the patent (7) Authonzatlon m favour of M essrs K aplan and Stratton, G AZE'I-I'B N oTIcE N o 795 advocates, P O Box 111, N alrobz THE PATENTS (REGISTRATION) ORDINANCE çcap 294) N alrobi, D J COW AR D , IT IS hereby notlied for general inform atlon that a letttrs 27th February, 1958 R eglstrar // Patents m tent, partlculars of whlch appear m tlle Schedule hereto, was regtstered as N o 816 ln the K enya Reglster of Patents on the 15th day of Februal'y, 1958 SCHEDULB G zuœ'rrs N tm cE N o 798 N o ol appllcatlon - 8 16 Date ()/ appltcatton - 15th February, 1958 CITY COUN CIL OF N A IROBI Name o/ applïcant - lmperlal Cshemlcal lndustnes Llnuted CLosuM oF RoAo R egtstered addrezs vd m perlal Chelm cal H ouse, M lllbank, N OTICE ls hereby gwen that m pursuance of the powers London. S W 1, England conferred upon it by sectlon 52, Part V, of the M um ctpahtles Parttculqrs (7/ the g'ralzl ln the Untted Ktngdom - 782,30$ sealed Ordlnance (Cap 136), the Clty Councll of Nalrobl mtends on on 23rd D ecem ber, 1957, and dated 10th February, 1956 and after W ednesday, the 23rd day of Apnl, 1958, to close to Nature oj fnvelzflon '-o elay blastlng devlce the use of the publlc a portlon of the road reserve formm g Documents etc #/cr'tf ln the Ae,wlwy, part of M arlborough Road and abuttlng on L R 1870, Sectlon VI1I, Plot No 25, plowded that no oblectlon to the pro- (1) Otze certihed copy of the specltitatlon (mcludmg drawmgs) posed closure of the road restrve on the part of any ptrson of the U nlted K m gdom patent or persons m terested ls upheld (2) Certlfcate of the Comptroller-General of tlle U nlted K lngdom Patent Oflice glvm g full partlculars of the p'ant of A plan descnptwe of the above proposal m ay be inspected the patent dunng oK ce hours at the oë ce of the underslgned (3) Authonzatlon m favtmr of M essrs Kaplan and Stratton, advocates, P O Box 1 1 1, N mrobl H AROLD AYREY Nalrobls D J COW ARD , N m robl. Town tsez.l 27th February, 1958 Rew trar :/ Patents 28th February, /958 ctty zzup 23* THE K EN YA GA ZETTE 41 M arch, 1958

G Azsrls NoT(cE No 799 G AZBTTB NolqcE N o 802

PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRA VION RE ALISTM R OSW A LD G RAN T, D ECEM ED TAK E N OTICE that attvr 14 days from the date of thls NOTICE ls hereby glven that credltors and other persons G azette I lnttntl to apply to H M Suprem e Court at N airobl haAlng clmm s agalnst the estate of the above nam ed deceased for leptesentztlon of the estates of the persons nam ed ln the late of M om basa ln the Protectorate of K enya. who dled on second column of the Schedule hereto, who dled on the dates the 1 1th day of February 1958, should glve notlce thereof ln respectlvely set iorth agam st thelr nanles wrlttng to the underslgtled advocates to the adm lntstrator of tho estato of the sald deceased not later than tlle 25t* day of And further 'take notlce tnat al1 pifsons havlng any clalm s Aprll, 1958, after whzch date ttie adm lm strator m tends to dlbtrj- agalnst or lntelests m the estates of the sald dvceased persons bute the estate of the sald dece tsed am ong the partles thereto are requlled to prove such clalm s or lnterests befolte m e wlthm havlng regard only to the clalm s of whtch notlce has tllen two m onths from the date of thjs Gazette after whlch date been recelved by the underslgned the clatm s and lnterests so proved wlll be pald and satlsfied SH ACK LETO N & COM PAN Y and thu sevelal estates djstnbuted accordlng te 1aw Advocates to the cdrnlnlsfm for M om basa Fort Jesus Road SCHEDULE 23th February, 1958 P O Pllvate Bag M om bastl

GAZEAIE N OTICE N o 803 CTPrusbthece *s Nzme ol Deceased Address 1! opaetaot ho t- 1' TeOsrtate ause N o j lntestate ESTATE OF THE LAW ROBERT JOHN CH ITTEND EN A t L persons havlng any glalm agalnst or lnterest In the 17/58 Nanl M aganlal Har- Surat ! 22-6-57 Intostate Jlbhat Indla 5 estatr of the above deceased, who dled at N alrobl on the 10th da3 of Febru try 1958 are requtred to lodge and prove 18/58 1 HeHlmeruzto gG ert Wolf lj Nalrobl 1j 14-2-58 ( Intestate the sam e ptth the underslgned on or before 8th M ay, 1958 1290/58 1 Mohamed Fadhll j Mombasa ' 22-8-56 j, Intestate after whtch date ttte adm m lstratrlx wlll dtstnbute the estate I Khamls Sharbmd ; M ombasa 7-1-57 i Intostate K cordtng to law, h tvm g regetrd only to the clalm b and m terests lodged and proved as above, pursuant to sectlon 28 of the 21/58 51 MwOamn%a Panganl blntli1 Mombasa 23-6-57 ( lntestato Trustees Ordlnance (Cap 36) K APLAN & STRATTON Najrobl, COW ARD , Sdlrobl Xd%0CGteS /01 the Irlfellfllllg cd/Allnl&fl Jfrl.k 28th Febru 1ry 1958 Publtc Tl a.5/ce 25th February 1958 P O Box 111 N alrobl

GAzEa 'I'E N owlcs N o 804 GAZETTe N oTlcs No 800 ESTA IE OF TH E LATE M A RY JOSEPH IN E W RIG H I- IN HER M AJESTS S SUPREM E CO UR'I O F K ENY A TAK E N OTICF that a1l persons havlng any clalms agalnst or AT K ISUM U osvlng m oneys to the above-nam ed M ary Tosephlne W rlght of the Lorralne H otel N Broad Street and Falrm ount Avenue, PRO BAAE AN D AD M IN CSTRA TION Phlladelphla St 1te ot Pennbylv lnla ln the U nlted States of A m ellf-a, who dlud at Plzlladelphla aforesald oa the l lth day TAK E N O FICE th'tt zppllc ttton havlng been m adi ln thls ot Septem ber (956 trt çequtretl to provq suc.h d alm s bd ore Court ln - m e tlw undeystgned or to p 4) to m e the am ount due as the v tse m ay bc on ol betore 30th Aprll, 1 958 after wbleh date f l ) CAU':B N o 1958 the cl 'lm s z,o provcd wlii be pald 4nd the ebtate dlstrlbuted By Robert Bruce l-awson of P O Box 91 Sotlk 1l) the accordlng to 1aw Colosly of K erl) a wldower of the deceased tor lettels of 'dm lnlstl atpon lntestate of the estate of M ary Ellzabeth L tw Dated Nallobl ttzls 24th day of Februar) 1958 son, Iafe of Setlk w ho dlud tt N alrobl o11 the 7th d ly of DAVID JOHN HU G H ROCH E Januarv I 957 z.1 ttol ??é''r jol the executor ,?tzz?2eJ ltl //?: wlll c Io P O Box 650 N avobl (2) CAtpsi: N o 6 t')F l 958 k1) A loert W helock T urton of P O Box 22 K akam ega 117 G Azer le N oiict- N o 805 the Colonv of K enya wldower of the deceawed for lettels ES3 AT il O F 1 H E LATL S1R ARCH IE W ILLIAM of adm lnlstratlon lntestate of the estate of A nlta G wendollnt - IBBOTSON Turton late ot K akam egq w ho dled at K lsum u en the 7th day of M arch 1 957 N OTICE ls htrebs gkven pursuant to sectton 2,8 of the T1 ustees Ordm m ce (C tp 36), that am person havlng a clalm Thjs Coult wl11 procecd to lssue the sam e unluss cause agalnst or an tnterest tn thf, estate ot ttle kate Str Archle be shown to the contrary and appearant.e In thls respect entered W llbam lbbotson of b alrobl 1t1 the Colony of K enya, who dled on or betore the 1 1th dav of M arch 1 958 on the 2nd day of M ay, 1 Q56 ls hereby reqtured to send partlculars ln wrltlng of hls or her clalm to the Trustee D epart- D ated at Kasumu tbls 1 8tb day of Februarv 1955 m ent Natlonal Overseas and Grlndlays Bank Llmlted, P O Box 30402, Nalrobl on or bcfore 1st M ay, 1958, after whlclz date the bank wtll dlstrtbute the estate am ong tlle persofts S SIM PSO N entttled thereto, havlng regard onlv to the clatms and lnterests D tm lct Re#;â// ar of w hlch tt has notlce and w111 not as respects the pro H M kj/zpre/'rte Court 5/ Ken),a perty so dlstrlbuted be llable to any person of whose clalm Klsulntz Dfstnct R eglsfry lt shall not tben have had notlce TRUSTEE D EPARTM ENT N atrobl Nattonal ()) e'seas fzlltf G'fndlays Scnk Ltd GAZETTw NoTlcE N o 80l 24th Februzry, 1958 Nairobi IN H ER M AJESTY S SUPREM E COU RT OF K ENYA AT NAK U RU D ISTRICT REG ISTRY GAZBTFE N oTlcs N o 806 IN HEK M AJESTY S SU PREM E COU RT O F K EN YA PROBATE AN D XD M IN ISTRATION AT ELDO RET C AUSE N o 5 oe 1958 IN TH E D ISRRICT D ELEGATE'S COURT A T ELD ORET PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION Ill f//tl llluttL ? o.t tllc estate oj f/ltz late Helett At/'J'C kav 4.)/ Erl qdalç kvouf lt lffuflngop CAIJSE 'N o 5 oF 1958 N otlc e of appllcattoll for letters f?/ adm lnntlatlon de bonts aon TA KE N OTICE that appltcatlon itavtng been m ade tn thls t)/ tht estate tp/ the d'fz/'ts Corneltub Pe/rlf,g faclfu l cns of Court jn the above case by W tlltam Gunn M ackay of Elra Pàcfttftf Ul,sl/l GIJ/lIf D kbtîkct a&k/l$.t:f Colon'b dale, South K lnangop m the Colony of K enya, through h1s TA KE N OTICE that apphcatlon havlng been m ade m thls advocates M essn Carson G entlcs and Com pany of P O Box Court b: Petrus Jacobus Stephanus l-aulrens of 13 O Box 460 350, N akuru Jn the sajd Colony, for a grant of probate of Eldoret U asln Glshu Dlstrlcf K enya Colony for grant of the wlll of tbe late H elen M ackay of Erradale, South K lnan letter: of admlnjstratlgn de J7tzlg/.ç 'toll of the es-iate of the late gop àf/resald who dled at South K lnangop on the 20th day Corneltus Petrus L tuwrens of Plateau, Uasm G lshu D lstrtct of Septem ber 1957 tlus C ourt w111 proceed to lssue tht . Kenya Colonv who dted at Broedenstloom , Plateau ln the bame unless causc be shown to the contrarv and appearancc Colonv of Kenya on the 26th day of N ovem ber, 1934 tl'tls ln tltls respect entered on ol before the 14th dav of M arch Court m 11 proceed to lssut the sam e unltss cause be bhown 1958 to the contrary and appearanwe ln thls rebpect be entered on or before 1 ltlz M arch, 1958 A N BU CK M ASTER K S FEW D lstru?t D elegate D utnct D e/gkjrtzrti N akuru H M â'/zpre/at/ Court oj Kenya Dutru ts o! Ntz.Fla Gtshu Trans Nzola 21st February 1958 A z//cldra Dlstllct Reglstry Nakuru N andl E lgeyo tz??r' M arak'k et 4th sfarch, 1958 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 237

G AZFJTB N olqcs N o 807 G AZBTTE Norlc, N o 809 IN H ER M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COU RT OF K ENY A IN H ER M AJESTY'S SIJPREM E COU RT OF K EN YA AT N A IROBI AT N AIROBI PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTM TION PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION TAK E NOTICE that apphcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls CAUSE N o 314 oF 1956 Court ln lll //;e lnatte? t')/ tlle estate of E I eIj /1 V tolet f.sâtz?l/ll.e/, Jeceflycf/ (1 ) Cat/ss No 186 oF 1957 By Bartolom eo Alonzo of N alrobl, the sole legatee nam ed and ln the m 11 of the deceased, through M essrs Slrley and K ean .r11 //?e ntatte' 0/ atl t'/ppflca/zty/: jbï Iettel s of f/lrzilnls/ltz/l()?7 1$1/./7 advocates, of N alrobl for a grant of letters of admm lstratlon wkll alt'leked !): Ba' c/f?p s Ba''k D C 0 wlth w1ll annexed of the estate of A urora M arconl of N alrobl who dled at N alrobt on the 9th day of February 1 9%7 TA K E N O TICE thqt appllcatton havm g been m ade ln tlus Court m tne above cause b's Barclays Bank D C O , as the (2) CAIJSE N o 35 oF 1958 noxm nee of al1 the bcneficlarles nam ed ln the wlll of the By Searle Johnston of South K lnangop ln tbe Colony of deceased, through M essrs Shapley Barret Allln and Com pany K enya and D orothy H azel W ebber of M achakos ln the Colony advocates of N alrobl for a grant ot letters of adm lnistratlon of K enya, tw o of the reslduary beneficlanes of the estate of wlth m l1 annexed of the estate of Evelyn Vlolet Essenhlgh of the deceased, through M essrs H am llton Harnson and M athews M om basa ln the Colony and Protectorate of K enya, who dled advocateq of N alrobl, for a glant of letters of adm lnlstra at M ombasa on the 8th day of October 1936, thls Court wl1l tlon wlth m ll and codlcll annexed of the estate of Lucle proceed to lssue the grant unless cause be shown to the con- M cM lllan Johnston of Llm uru ln the Colony of K enya who trary aad appearance m thls respect etztered on or before the dled at Llm uru on the 12th day of A prll, 1957 18th day of M arch 1958 (3) CAUSE No 36 olr 1958 lt ls further notllied that the lttters of admm lstratlon m testate By M anorle D ew oi N alvasha ln tbe C olony of K enya the granted on the 3rd dav of Januarv 1957 to Patnma St John executru nam ed ln the wlll of the deceased through M essrs Llag ot N alrobl, the next of kln and a nlece of the sald Ham llton, Harnson and M athews, advocates of N alrobl, for a deceased has been revokeo by the order of thls Coul't dated grant of probate of the w111 of John Flnlay D ew of N alrobl the 19th dav of February 1958 who dle,d at N alrobl on the 27th day of October 1957 H F H AM EL (4) CAIJSE No 37 oF 1958 Nalrobl D eputy R cpx/rcz 28th February, 1958 H M s'zlp?tzzue Coult t# Kenya By Barclays Bank D C O N alrobl the executors nam ed ln the wl11 of the deceased, through W A Close Esq , advocate N ote - The above m enttoned wl1l ls deposlted and open to of N alrobl for a grant of probate of the wlll of W llllam John lnspectton at the C ourt Barber of N alrobl, who dled ay N alrobl on the 23rd day of January, 1958 Thls Court m 11 proceed to lssue the sam e unless cause be shown to the contrary and appearance m thls respect entercd QIXZETTF èlovlcE iko 810 on or before the 18th day of M arch 1958 TH E BAN K R UPTCY ORDIN AN CE H F H AM BL, N alrobl, D eputy R eglstrar qcap 30) 28th Fcbruar) , 195: H M Supreme Court oj X'ez;y'fz O RDER M ADE oN A PPLICATION TO A PPROVE COMPOSITION N ote .- -l'he above-m entloned wllls and a codlcll are deposlted olt SCHEME and open to m spectlon at the Court Nanle (7/ debtor - rlnhakore Natha Address - P O Box 55, M achakos D escrlptton - shoem aker and retall m erchant, tradm g as GAZST'I'E N OTJCE No 808 M achakos Footwear Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enya, P O Box 30041, IN HER M AJESTY'S SU PREM E COU RT OF K EN YA N azrobl AT N A IROBI No t# cause - 35 of 1957 PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION Date of order - 17th day of February, 1958 - Nature t# ol der made - The proposal for a composltlon ls TAK E N OTICE that appllcatlon havzng been m ade m tbls hereby approved, and lt ls further ordered that the Recew- Court ln - mg Order shall not be resclnded untll the guarantor exe- cutes a bond ln the term s approved by the Oë clal Rtcelver (1) CAIJSE No 38 olr 1958 And whereas the bond now havm g been filed as ordered, By D hanlt Ramll Shah of Rtmyeme m the Colony of K enya the Recetvtng Order m ade agatnst the above named debtor the brother of the deceased, through M essrs Dave and Pabary, on the 8th day of Jtm e, 1957 be and the sam e ls hereby advocates, of N alrobl, for a grant of letters of admm lstratlon dlscbarged lntestate of the estate of D ulabhdas Ram ll Shah of Runyem e aforesald, who dled at Rtmyenp aforesald on thç 25th day ol H F H AM EL, January, 1958 Nalrobl, D eputy Reawxlrc? 17th February, 1958 H M 5'u#?e??7: Court oj Kenya, Natrobt (2) CAUSB No 39 oF 1958

By M ulp Chhaganlal N lrm al- of N atrobl, the httsband of the deceased, through B D Bhatt, Esq , advocate, of N alrobl, for a grant of letters of admlnlstratlon lntestate of the estate of CIAZBTTS ;4oTIcE ':o 811 Kamlaben w yo M uljl Chhaganlal Nlrmal of Nalrobl, who dted at N alrobl on the 22nd day of January, 1957 TH E BAN K RUPTCY O RD IN AN CE (3) CAUSE No 40 oF 1958 (Cap 30) By K enneth Stanley Dacre Ennton, Esq , advocate, of N atrobl, SECOND M EETING OF CREDITORS TO CONSIDBR PROPOSAL FOR and one of the duly constltuted attorneys of M aunce G raham COMPOSITION AND PUBLIC ENAMINATION Ktdd, wnter to the stgnet, 13 M dvllle Street, Edlnburgh, Scot- land, and Jam es Rltclue Cam eron, bank m anager of 142 D ebtol 3 name -vagllvan Ranchhod Pavagadhl, form erly trad- Pnncess Street, Edm burgh, the executors nam ed ln the w11l of mg as Fred s Confectlonery M art the deceased, through M essrs Ennton and M acdougall, advo- Address - P O Box 139 Plot No 209/3530/7 Park Road catees, of Nalrobl, for reseallng zrl the Colony and Protectorate N alrobl of Kenya the grant of contirm atlon granted to the satd execu- Deso tptton - clerk tors on the 26th day of July, 1957, by the Shens of the Cout t - H M Suprem e Court of K enya, N alrobl Lothlans and Peebles ln Scotland of the m 1l of John Henrv No (# mattet - B C 30 of 1957 Thompson of 26 M urrayfeld Roai Edlnburgh, who dled at Date ot second meetlllg tp; c?etflft?l s - 14th M arch 1958, to Edm burgh on the 5th (lay of June 1957 conslder ploposal for com posltlon H ollr - 2 30 p m Thts Court wlil proceed to lssue the sam e tm less cause be Place .-oflklal Recetver s Opce, Conference Room (N o 57), shown to the contrary and appearance .m thts respect entered W est W lng G round Floor, Central G overnm ent Bm ldm g on or before tbe 18th day of M arch 1958 N atrobl H F H AM EL, D ate (7/ pubhc exam tnatlon - 18th Aprll 1958 N r robl, D eputy R egïstrat H our - 10 30 a m 28th February, 1958 H M Sum eme Court of A'enyw Place - t-aw Courts, N alrobl N ote - The above-m entloned w11l ls deposttezd and open to N alrobt D J COW ARD , lnspectlon at the Court 28th Februarv, 1958 Omctal Recewer 238 TH E K EN Y A G AZE'I'TE 41 M arch, 1958

GzzErrc NOTIL''B No 812 G AZETTE N olqcE N o 817 THE BAN K RUPTCY O RDINAN CE IN H ER M AJFSTY'S SUPREM E COU RT OF K EN YA W ap 30) AT M OM BASA ADJUDICATION BAxhlttlel'c: JURISDII-TION CAuss N o 6 oF 1955 Debtor s rltzp?le .-bjrs lqbal Begum w/o Zafer Dln Sum nlal y Case A ddress - P O Box 1902, N alrobl D escrtptlon - H ousem fe Re h edade RodItgues deotot Court - H M Supreme Court of K enya at N azrobi TAK E N OTICE that Pledade Rodrlgues, the above-nam ed No 0/ matter - B C 17 of 1957 debtor, has applled to thls Court for hls dlscharge and that Date 0/ ordet - 7th February, 1958 the Court has hxed Fnday, the 28th day of M arch, 19:8, Date of petttton - 18tb. M arch, 1957 for the heanng of the sald apphcatlon at M om basa at 10 o'clock Date t7/ orde' Ior Juzrtratr.p admlntstîatlon - 25th M arch. 1957 ln the forenoon Nalrobz, D J COW A RD , 28th February, 1958 Omclal Recwl: er Dated at M om basa thls 20th day of February, 1958 S F N U NES C;AZBTTE l4oTlcE ':o 813 A chng D eputy R ekw.çfpcr TH E BAN K RU PTCY ORD IN ANCE H M 5'l/p, enle C'tlffrf c/ Kenya Ao zli:tzâ.c Lcap .30) REG IVING ORDER GAZETTS Non cB N o 818 Debtol s nante - -rara Slngh s/o Punlab Slngh tradlng as Vlshkarm a Bulldlng and Furm ture Contractors TH E FRA U DULENT TRAN SFER OF BU SIN ESSES A ddress - P O Box 3879, Nalrobl ORDIN AN CE Descnptlon --contractor W ap 286) rc/e oj Alag petttlon - 15th February, 1958 Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N alrob, N OTICE ls hereby gnen tbat the buslness of hldes and No t# matter - B C 9 of 1958 skm s m erchants lwretofore carned on by J W aweru K anyuku Date oj order - 15th February, 1958 and others undor the busm ess nam e of Thomson's Fallw H ides W hethet debtol .: or credttors pefi/ltln - Debtor's and Sklns Store on Plot N o 104, Thom son s Falls, ts now Act or acts t# bank' ttptcy - Ftllng of bankruptcy petltlon betng carned on by J W aweru K anyuku under the buslntss name of Lalklpla Htde and Skm D ealers on Plot N o 104 N alrobl, D J COW A RD, Thom son's F'alls 28th February, 1958 Om ctal Recelver The address of J W aweru K anyuku ls P O Box 94, Thom - QIAZETTS lfoTlcE l:o 814 son s Falls TH E BAN KRU PTCY ORD JN ANCE J W aweru Kanyuku has assum ed al1 llabzlltles of Thom son s Falls H ldes and Sklns Store up to and lncludlng the 30th day Lcap 30) of Januaryy 1958 and these wlll be pald and dlscharged by RECEIVING ORDER J W aweru Kan) uku Debtoï s ?1c??le .- M ollam ed Sulem an A ddress - llasum u Dated at N alrobl thls 30th day of January 1958 D escrm tlon - Transporter J W K AN YUK U Date t# Fllng pcfl/lt??i - 8th February, 1958 Court - H M Suprem e Court of K enya at K lsum u N o tp/ matter .-x su B C 1 of 1958 G &ZETTE N OTICE No 819 Date oj twtfer - 17th February, 1958 W hether debtor s or credltors petttion --credltors TH E FRAU DU LEN T TRAN SFER OF BU SIN ESSES Act or acts oj bankruptcy - The debtor has mven notlce to the petltlom ng credltor that he ls unable to pay hls debt to ORD IN AN CE hls credltors and as such, he, the debtor, has suspended pay- (C ap 286) m ent of a11 h1s debts N OTICE ls hereby glven that the buslness heretofore carrled N atrobl, D J CO W A RD on under the nam e and style of M andy Flonsts by M rs 28th February, 1958 Olclal Recet%o M abel A Qulnn on premlscs Shop No 3 Shelk Jundanl Road, M om basa, has as from the 16th day ot February, 1958 been sold and transferred to M rs Elleen Carver, who wll1 herc G AZETTS N oTfcE N o 815 after carry on the sald busm ess under her ow n pam e TH E BAN K RU PTCY ORDIN AN CE The address of the transferor ls c Jo Barclays Bank, Klhn- W ap 30) dtnt Road, M om basa RscslvlxG ORDFR The address of the transferee ls P O Box 7234 D ebtor a nam e - Kh1m )1 Pethra) Shah , M om basa Addres% - P O Klslj n e transferee dles not assum e nor uoes sbo m tend to D escrw tion - Trader assume anv llabtltttes of the transferor tncurred tn the sald Date 0/ #llrlg petttkon - 14th February, 1958 bustness under the nam e of M andy Flortst.s up to and m clud- Court - H M Supreme Court of Kenya, K lsum u lng 15th February, 1958, and the same m ll be pald and dls- No t)/ matter - Ksu B C 2 of 1958 charged by the transferor Date of tlrffc? - 24th February, 1958 W hether debtot .ç or credttors petltton .-f redltors D ated at M ombasa the 14th F'ebruary, 1958 Act or acts 0/ bankz uptcy .-af'he debtor has glven notlce to the petltlonmg credltors that he ls unable to pay hls debts to M ABEL A QUINN, hls credttors and that as such the debtor has suspended pay- l'rgnsfero, m ents of al1 hls debts EILEEN CARVER, N alrobl, D J COW ARD, TI an ç/e? ee 281 February, 1958 Omcml Recetver ClAzeTrs lkoTlcs èfo 82û G AZBTI'E No'rlcE N o 816 TH E BAN K RUPTCY ORDIN AN CE N OTICE OF CH AN GE OF N A M E (Cap 30) I Sharan Pa1 Stngh s fo Prttam Slpgh, of P O Box 11368, FIRST M EBTING OF CREDITORS Nalrobl, m the Colony and Protector a'te of Kenya, Brttlsil sub- Ject. hereby glve publlc notlce that by a deed poll dated the Debtor s name .-Tara Slngh s/o Pumab Slngh, (radlng as 15th day of Jaauary. 1958, duly executed by m e heretofore Ylshkarm a Bulldlng and Purnlture Contractors called and known by the nam e of M aster Jang Slngh, born Addtess - P O Box 3879, N alrobl at Dad. Dlstnct Ludhlana, East Ptmlab, Indja, form ally and D escrm tm n .-r ontraclor absolutely abandoned the tzse of m y first nam c of M aster Court .- H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N alrob! Jang Slngh and m lleu thereof assumed and adopted the name No (7/ mattet .-.B C 9 of 1958 of sharan Pal Slngh for a11 purposes, and I hereby autho- Date o/ frst meetbng 5/ credftors - 18th M arch, 1958 H our - 2 30 p m rlze and request a11 persons to deslgnate, descrlbe and address Place - conference Room (No 574, Ground Floor, Central me by such assumed name of Sharan Pa1 Slngk Governm ent Bulldlng. Nalrobt Datcd at N atrobt thts 16th day of January, 1958 N alrobl, D J COW ARD SHA RAN PAL SIN GH 28th February 1958 Omcml Recetver 4th M arch, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 239

G AZETTE Nolqcs N o 824 7 G overnment reserves the nght to accept any tender, not necessarlly the highest, or to relect a11 tenders wltbout asslgnlng N OTICE OF CHAN G E OF N AM E reasons I Nargls Rehana d/o M Fazal Dm Imam Dtn c/o P O 8 Tenders shall rem am valld for 31 days from the snal date Box 926, N alrobt, m the Colony of K enya, heretofore called stlpulated m paragraph 6 above and no tenderer m ay wlthdraw and known by the name of G ulshan Begum , hereby gw e notlce h1s tender m tiuy that perlod that by a deed poll dated 20th February, 1958, duly executed 9 The Secretary, Revenue Tender Board, m l1 lnform the by m e and attested I have renounced and abandoned the use successful tenderer m wrltlng of the acceptance of h1s tender of m y former nam e of G ulshan Begum and assumed and adopted wlthln 31 days of the openlng of tenders and a llcence wlll be la place thereof tlae nam e of N argls Rehana for all purposes, Issucd to h1m on recelpt of the deposits and lnitlal royalty pay- antl J hereby authonze and request all persons to deslgnate, ment prescnbed ln paragraphs 10 to 11 Hls operatlons and the descnbe and address m e by such assum ed nam e of N argls penod of llcence m 1l be deem ed to have started on lssue of thTs R ehana only llcencc D ated at N atrobt thts 26tt1 dAv of Pebruary, 1958 Condltlons o! llcence 10 The Llcensce wl1l be requlred to dcposlt the sum of shllllngs Iive hundred as secunty for tho due performance and N ARGIS REHAN A , observanco of the term s and condltlons of tbe contract before /ol merly GIl/.j'/;JzI Begum any cuttlng ls done, and the sald sum w11l be llable to forfelture ln the event of a breach of the term s and condltlons of the contract Thls sum w1l1 be returned to the Llcensee on due G AZETTE N orfcE N o 822 com pletlon of the contract 1 1 The Llcensee wlll be requlred to deposlt a sum of shtlllngs N OTICE OF CH AN GE OF N AM E two thousand wlth the Sem or A ccountant, M lnlstry of Forest I Lalbhal G ovlndbhal N athoo, of K lstlm u ln the Colony of D evelopment, Gam e and Flsherles, P O Box 30027, N alrobl, K enya herebl glve publlc notzce that by a deed poll dated the as a guarantee of paymerlt of sum s due uuder the contract, 10th day of Septem ber, 1957, duly executed by m e l have and to m alntaln thls deposlt dunng the currency of tba llcence form allv and absolutely renounced and abandoned the use of Thls deposlt wlll be refunded when a1l sum s due under tlle m y former nam e Som abhal and m lleu thereof assum ed and contract have bten pald A banker's reference may be called for adopted the nam e of Lalbhal for a11 purposes and I hereby ln respect of the Llcensee's fnanclal posltlon authorlze and request al1 persons to destgnate, descrtbe and 12 The Llcensee w111 be reqm red to pay for the produce address m e by such assum ed nam e of Lalbhal only cut each m onth before the seventh day of tlle next m onth D ated at K lsum u tlkls 10th day of Septem ber, 1957 13 If the Llcensee contravenes or falls to comply wlth any of the provlslons of the Forest O rdlnance and any rules m ade thereunder, and any am endm ents thereto ln force at any tlmo LALBHA I G OVIN D BH A I N ATHOO, dunng the currency of the llcence whether enacted prlor to Fo; merly Somabhm Gtpwatïh/wz N at%oo or after the grant of thls hcence, or, lf after wrltten notlce K from the Chlef Conservator of Forests or h:s ropresentatlve, the Llcensee contravenes or falls to com ply wlth any term or G AZET'I'E N oTIcE N o 823 condltlons of thls llcenco or, lf the D censee becom cs bankrupt or com pounds wlth hls credltors or allows h1s effects to be N OTICE OF CH ANG E OF N AM FF taken m process of law, or goes lnto llqm datlon, the Chlef 1, Anila w/o Chlmanlal Popatlal Bharadla, of P O Box 603, C ongervator m ay by notlce ln w rltlng, cancel the llcence Nalrobt, m the Colony of K enya, m arrted wom an heretofore 14 M easurem ent of logs wlll be by tho Hoppus system The called and known by the nam e of Am ba hereby gtve pubhc length m easurement wjll be taken on 1og lengths and w111 on nottce that by a deed poll dated the 28th day of February, no account be taken of full length trees l'f the 1og has a 195%, duly executed by m e, 1 form ally renounced and abandoned tapered end produced by felllng, m easurem ent wlll be taken the use of m y lirst nam e of Am ba and m heu thtreof assum ed to the end of the taper polnt G lrth m easurem ents m ll be taken and adpoted the first nam e of Anlla for a1l purposes, and I at a polnt m ldway between the two ends of the log length , laereby authonze and request al1 persons to deslgnate and readlngs m 11 be taken to the nearest quartcr-lnch down and descnbe and address m e by m y assumed nam e of Am la be m ado overbark 15 Tho Llcensee w11l be reqm red to fell a1l trees at ground N alrobl AN ILA, level and to use saws should any trees be cut lnto log lengths 28the February, 1958 Forlnerly Jvaown as azlplH A1l stumps wluch are not cut yn accordance herem th sball be pald for accordlng to thelr esbm ated volum e at double the tendered rate The Llcensee w1l1 pay compensatton for any CIAZETTE èioTlce 'ço 658 unm arked standlng trte ln the Com partment whlch ls dam aged due to lneë clent extractlon Paym ent w111 be on the basls of FOREST DEPARTAe shown to the Llmuru 6Y12) n e tender of any tenderer who does not vlslt Llcensee by the Forester, Uplands, and to use any other route the plantatlon wlth the Forester m ay be conmdered lnvalld m or out of the N yam wenz Block of tlze U plands Forest Dtstnct and a certlscate to the vFect that the plantatlons havo been wzll be an lnfnngem ent of the llcence Tlle road of acczss m ay vlslted should be attachod to the tender only bo used when declared 6tfit for the use of wheeled transport'' 4 Tlle basls of the tender m ll be pnce ln shlllmgs and cents 'by the Forester, U plands per cublc foot of tlm ber, H oppus m easurem ent N o defect 18 The Llcensee m ay not sublet ltls llcence, wholly, or ln allowance or dlstance allowance m 1l be pven part, wlthout the pnor approval, zn wntlng, of the Chlef 5 Tenderers m ust submlt thelr tenders ln a sealed envelope Conservator of Forests m arked :4plantatlon Thmm ngs Tender- uplands'' Tenders m ust be subrm tted on the correct form s whlch are obtam able from 19 Logs not extracted by the Llcensee by tâe end of the the Secretary, Revenuo Tender Board, M m lstry of Forest llcence penod wl11 revert to the Crown and, although mald for D ovelopment, G am e and n shenes, P O Eox 30:27, N atrobl m ay be sold olsewhere 6 Tenders m ust reacll the Secretary, Revenue Tender Board, 20 The Dlvlslonal Forest Oëcer, N azrobl Forest Dlvlslon, M lmstry of Forest D evelopm ent, Game and n shenes, P O Box w1ll be the representatwe of the Chlef Conservator of Forests 30027, Delam ere Avenuer N alrobl, not Iater than 11 a m on concernlng the lnterpretatlon of any term or condltron of the Tuesday, 18th M arch, at whsch tlme and place tenders w1ll llcence and h1s declslon shall be inal be opened by the Chalrm an, Revenue Tender Board, or hls 21 A 1I extractlon shall be completed by 30th June, 1958 $ representatsve, ln tihe pre,enc.e of tenderers wbo elect to be present Tenders rtcmved after the stm ulated tlm e w1l1 not be P A ECCLES, consldered Secretary Revenue Tender 'oar: 24û TH E K EN YA G AZEU E 41 M r ch, 1958 GZZETTE NoTlcc N o 824 17 A labour cam p m ay be X nstruded by tâe llcensee on a slte m Forest R eserve approved by the Foroster, Eldoret, and FOREST DEPARTM ENT m ust confonn wlt.h the standards requlred by the Goverm nent or Local A uthentles from ttm e to ttm e TBNDER N OTIdE--SALE oF W ATTLE BARK ANo FtzsL 18 The llcensee wtll bu responslble for a1l acts of h1s TEN DERS are m vlted f ol the llght to take fuel and bark em ployees at all tlmes wlule ln Forest Reserve trom a wattle plantatlon known as sub compartment 2 (E) of 19 The llctensee shall submlt to the Dlvlslonal l-orest Oflker Eldoret Townshlp Forest Rcserve, and approxlm ately 51 acres a m onthlv retuln of a1l h1s employees resldlng ln Forest Reqel vc ln extent on the follow lng condltlons - for the m nod of the llcenee 1 Exploltatzon may stalt on 1st M ay 1958, and m ust be 20 The llccnsee shall rem ove f l om Forest Reserve kkls camp com pleted by 15th Februaly, 1959, after w hlch the rlghts to any and all otlwl belongmgs wlthln 31 days of the explry of thu tl ùe& fuel ol bark ln the a'rea wzll revert to the Crown Jlcence J. Tlze plantatlon nnay be vlslted by arrangt-ment wlth the 21 The plantatlen w1l1 be dlvlded lnto folzr approxlm ately D lvlslonal Forest Olhct-r, or the Forester Eldolet P O Box 41, equal for fellm g pulposes and the hcensee w1l1 not be Eldoret The tender of any tendel er whe does not vlslt the permltted to m ove flom one are t to another untll the Dlvlslonal phntatlon m th the Forester m ay be consldered lnvalld and a Forest Ol cer ls satlssed tbat the al ea allocated has been cleared certlficate to the egect that the plantatlon has been vlslted to lus satlsfactlon should lye attached to the tendel 22 The D lvlslonal Foreqt Om ccl Eldoret, w111 be the reple 3 A.1l trees w1ll be felled as neal as practlcable to ground sentatlve of thc Chlef Consulvatol of Forests concernlng the level and m any case no stum ps m ole than 6 zn hlgh m ay be lnterpretatlon of any te, m ol condstlen of the hcence and h1s left The al ta wl11 be left ln a sultable condltlon for burm ng to declslon sltal) be final the satlsfactton o) the D lvlslcnll Forest O m cer Eldaret 4 Tfnders w 111 be on the basls of a lum p sum tender for the P A ECCLES, fuel and balk trom the w hole plantallon Seo etary 1st M al ch, 1958 Revenue Tender Board 5 Tendwrers m ust subm tt thelr tenders enclosed and sealed In an envelope m arked çtW attle Balk and Fuel Tender Eldoret'' Tenders m ust be submltted on the corlect form , coplcs of whlch can be obtam ed frorp the Secretary, Revenue Tender Board GAZETTF NOTICE N o 825 P O Box 30027 N a1 raobl l-cnders nçt so sealed m arked and addressed are llable to be relected IN HER M AJESTY S COURT OF APPEAL FOR FASTBRN A FRICA AT N AIRO BI 6 Tenders m ust reach the Secretary Revenue Tendel Boald M lnlstry of Forest D evelopm tnt, G am e and Flsherles, P O Box CAUSE LIsT 30027 N alrobl, not later than l 1 a m on Tuesday, 18th M arch, W ednesday 5th M arch, 1958, at 10 30 a m 1958, at phlch place and tlm e tenders wlll be opened by the Fot /fec?llzr f,;T tl A ppeal Chalrm an, Revenue Tender Boal d or hls 1 eprcsentxatlvc ln the presenee of tendvrers w ho elect to be pl esent Tenders recelved No 76/57 The Commlssloner of Lands l s Shetkh M ohamed after the above date and tlm e w11l not be consldered Bashlr (part heard) 7, G overnm ent reserves the rlght to aocept any tender, not Thursday, 6th M arch 1958, at 10 30 a m necessamly tbe lllgllest, or to relect al1 tenders, m thout asslgnlng reasons For J./ecrlag Crlmlnal Appeals t/rtz?n Kenya) 8 Tenders shall rem aln valld for 31 days from the snal date No 7/58 Reglna v.ç Gltuge s/o Ndugu stm ulated ln paragraph 6 above No 5/58 Reglna vs M watha s/o M acharm No 12/58 Regma vx Shlkanga s/o Ingllmba 9 Tne Se-cretary, Revcnue Tender Poard, w1ll lnfarm the No 195/57 Repna %J Leonard Stewart Blrd successful tenderer m wrltmg of tlle acceptancz of hls tender No 16/58 Reglna & s Andrew Tendwa s/o Shlbonle and two wlthln 31 days of the openlng of the tenders othen 10 A llcence wl1l be lgsued to the successful tenderer on No 23 /58 Reglna v.ç M wlte Rugunya and two others recem t of the deposlt prescnbed ln paragraph 11 below Frlday, 7th M arch, 1958 (1n Chambers at 9 30 a m ) Condltlons 0/ Ltccncc For Vecrfrlg CIvIl Appltcatlon 11 The successful tenderer w11l bc requlred to depeslt wlth No 1 /58 Thoet hCeoollector v.v Abdulla lhrmohamed and three the Senlor Accountant, M lnlstry of Forest Development, Gam e and Flshenes, P O Box 30027, N alrobl, the sum of Sh 2,500 wlthln 15 days of the date of the nctllicatlen of the acceptance Saturday, 8th M arch, 1958 (1n Court at 10 a m ) of h1s tender Thls sum will be retamed durm g the penod of the For M cn/io?? Ctvkl A ppeals llcence It w11l be returned to the llcensee when the Dlvlslonal No 27/57 Puran Chand and Sons v.ç R K Aggarwal Forest Ofllcer, Eldoret, has certlxed that the llcenset has fulflled No 28 /57 Nehemlah Klnambuga s yo Kapga and another v.ç a1l the condttlons of the ltcence m cludm g the rem oval of hîs Zebest Adenya s/o Obondo and two others eamp and other property No 43 /57 Dhaneshwar Valeshanker M ehta %,$ Nlmp Javer 12 The llcensee w1l1 be reclulred Day the total sum No 48/57 The Commlssloner of Income Tax v.ç N R tendered ln four lnstalm ents - Bapoo No 61 /57 Kanlt Purshottam Toprant, tradlhg as Colomal (aj 25 pe1 cent ef the tender wlthln seven days of the llcence Com m erclal Com pany v.î Khushaldas Chhagan- belng xssued bhal Patel, tradlng as Khushaldaq and Son (bj A furthc! 25 per cent of the tender wlthln 60 days of the No 72/57 M çdlcos Llmlted vs Glan Slngh Jandu llcence belng Issued No 77/57 Rhythm House Llmlted (ln hquldatlon) and (c) A further 25 per cent of the tender wlthm 1 20 dayq of the another vx Vldya Sagar D ukhlya llcence belng lssued No 83/57 Clty Councll of Nalrobl vx Ata Ul Haq (d) And tlw balance of the tendet wlthm 1 80 days of thc ljcence belng lssued A T K A M PA LA A banker s reference n'tay be called for ln respect of the Tuesday, 11th M arch, 1958, at 9 45 a m llcensee s inanmal pomtlcm Fo' Heal I,).g O tmtnal Appeals 1 3 If the llcensee contravenes ol falls to comply wlth any of No 185/57 Reglna 17 S Yosamu Bukenya Lutaya the provtstons of the Fotest G tdmonce and any rules m ade ttzere- No 199 / 57 Regm a & s Kanana, ahas M attya Lwanga, and an under, and any am ondments theleto ln forcc at any tlm e durlng other the currency of the llcence, whether enacted pllol to or after No 206/57 Reglna 9)1 Edongu s/o Eyayu tlte grant of tlus llcence or lf actcr wl tttt-n notlce fl om the Chlef No 9 /58 Regma k s Palleh s / o Otun Conscryatol ef F'orests or h1s representatlve, the llcensee should oontravene or fall to comply wlth any term or condltlons of this Fot H eattng CIï ,1 Appeals hcence , ol lf the llcensee should become banklkm t or should N o 82/ 57 N anll Kbodabhal ! s R am anlal G Patel compound wTth hls credltors or allows hls eflkcts to be taken ln No 85/57 The Klrln Cotton Company Llmlted vy Ranch process of 1aw or should go lnto llquldatlon, the Chlef Con hoddas K eshavll D ewam selwator of Forests m ay by notice m wrltm g cancel the llcence No 5/58 Kezekla Nslmbl and two others 1?â Sarwan Slngh 14 The llc-nxeu m ust use only such road ol loads of accesq and Son and another ts alt approvcd bv the Forest Oë cel for hlq usc ard the Forest No 9/58 Reglna e: parte Prafulbhal Dayabhal Patel v: The Oë cer m ay close any Folest D epartm ent road used by tht Pllnclpal Im m lgrauon Oë cer llcensee at any tlm e lf he conslderq that tram c m ay cause qcrlouc N o 1 1 / 58 Jlwandas M athuradas & ç Jolm N subuga and an dam age to lt other N o 19/ 58 A S Folkes and Com pany 1 J K arsandas Purshol 15 'I'he llcensee w11l be req u11 ed to conttlbutc to the m am - tam Thakkar and another fenance of anv roads wlthln tllt. Forest Reserve used by hlm No 21 /58 Drapers (194A) tlmlte.d 1 ç L M W ango 16 The llcensee may not asslgn or sublet h1s llcencv, wholly ol ln part, w lthout the prlor approval of tlnu C hlet C onqervatol N alrobl F H A RLA N D of Forests In wntlng 1st M arch 1958 Reglstral 4th M arch 1958 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE

GAZETR Non cs N tn 826 Tenders, statlng the am ount olk red and proposed develop- m ent envlsaged by the com pany should be m ade to the D1s- DISSOLUTION OB PARD ERSHIP tmct Comnusstoner, K lam bu so as to reach hlm not late N OTICE ls hereby gwen that the partnershlp heretofore than ntlon on 8t1a Apnl, 1958 subslstlng between Ranchhodbhal Jlvabhal Patel and Jeram bhat D am llbhal Plthadla carrylng on busm ess undel the firm nam e Condttlons tpj Tendeî aad style of Embrolders, has been dlssolved by m utual con- 1 The allottee of the plot shall pay to the D lstrlct Com ssnt as from the 1st day of February, 1958 by the retlle- mlsslonel K lambu wlthln 14 days of notlficatlcm that h1s m'ent tbererrom of the sald Ranchhodbhal Jlvrtbhal P ttel tender has been accepted the tender am ount, the survey fees The sald buslness, as flom the 1st day of February 1958, ls m respect of the plot, together w1th tlle fees payable m resped belng c Arned on b) the afolesald Jeram bhal D àm llbhal Plthadla of the preparatton and reglstratlon of the tltle (Sh 220) and the contlnulng partner uzAder the sam e hrm n )m e or stvle and the stamp dutv (whlch ls approxlmatev 2 per cent of the ten- at the samc place wdelrth mp rltchee) smp ecrzfelsepde cttj moe f ththe e Chgrteafn t Naltnlv ed eCfaoumltm lossfl onpeary mme j'yt A1l debt: due to and owlng by the -ald buslness up to and cancel the allocatlon and the appllcant shall havc no further lncludlng the 1si dav of February 1958 and dlsclooed ln the clalm to the plot books of accou 4to or the sald btlsm ess of Lm brolders m l1 be recelved and p z1d by tllç afores 41d contlnm ng partner Jeram 2 The grant wl1l be m ade under the N atwe Lands Trust bbal Damllbhal Ptthadl t Ordlnance (Cap 100J ot the Revlsed Edltlon of the Laws of Kenya), and tltle m ll be lssued under the Reglstratlon of Tltles D ated at N alrobl tbi% 14th dav of Februaly 19$8 Ordmance (Cap 160) JERAM BHA I D AM JIBH A I PITH AD IA , 3 The grant w111 be for a term of 33 years from the ftrst t:r t? ?? ttllktttlji /?t?? ttî c? day of the m onth followm g the notlscatlon of approval of the grant R AN C H H O D BH A I JIV A BH A I PA TEL, 4 In the event of the grantee falhng to com ply m th the R etll tng pci tllel provlslons of the condlttons set out below, any proceedm gs that m ay be neeessary wtll be m stltuted for the recovery of CJAZBTTB èqoTlcs ';o tlw land and any m onoys pald m respect of the plot w1ll be forfkated DISSOLUTION OF PARTN ERSH IP 5 The hlgheast or any tender wtll not nocessary be accepted N OTICE ts hereby glven that the paltnelshlp heretofore 6 Prionty wl11 be glven to any tenderer prepared to asso- subslstlng between Keshavjl H ansral Shah and Jlvral K hetshl clate K lkuyu duly approved by the K lambu Afrlcan Dlstrlct Shahw calrylng on buslness under the firm nam e and style of Couucll m tll the operatton of the busm ess on tho plot the Trtum ph W holesale T radm g C om pany on Stewart Stleet, 7 N o resldence w111 be perm ltted on the land Nalrobl, has been dlssolved by mutual consent as flom the , though the 1st day of D ecember, 1956, so far as lt concerns tht, sald granteets) m ay lnclude m the bmldmgs to be erected thereon Ilvral K hetslu Shah, who has retlred from the sald partnershlp a skzelter f or a m glltwatcbm an buslress as from the aforesaid date of the 1st d 4y of D ecem ber 8 The granteers) shall not do or perlmt anythmg to be done 1956 on the land whlch m ay becom e a nm sance That the sald busm esw as from the 1st day of Dectm ber, 1956, ls belng carned on by K eshavp H ansra) Shah as sole Condlhons ()/ G'ant proprletor urtder the same firm s nam e and style and at the t Tile grantee shall e'rect com plete f or occupahon m thm sam e place 18 m onths of tho com m encement of tho term butldlngs of A 1l debts due to or owm g by the sald late tlrm have been approved deslgn on proper foundatlons constructed of stone agreed to be recelved and pald bv the contlnm ng partner burnt bnck or concrete wlth roofing of ttles or other fire-, K eshavjl H ansral Shah proof perm anent m aterlals approved by the Provlnclal Com nusslonel and shali m amtaln tbe same (lncludlng the external D ated at N alrobl thls 31st day ot Januar: , 1958 pamtwork) ln good and substantlal tenantable repalr and condltlon K ESHAVJI HAN SRAJ SH AH , Contlntllng pat /7?t:'; 2 The bmldlngs shall not be erected tmtll plans (mclud- ing block plans showlng the posttlons of the bmldtngw and JIV R A J K H HT SH I SH A H , a system of dralnage for dlsposlng of sewerage R etltltlg pf'f? tlle; , surface and wrtter on the landly drawmgs, elevatlons and specttkattons thereof shall have been approved m wmtm g by the Local G AZBTTE N o'rlcE N o 828 Authonty and the Provm clal Com m lssloner Such plans, draw- m gs, elevatlons and speclfcattons shall be subrm tted m trmh- D ISSOLU TION OF PA RTN ERSH IP cate to tbe D tstnct Comm lssloner, Klam bu, wlthm three N OTICE ls hereby glven that the partnm slup herttofore m onths of the com m encem ent of the term subslstlng betpeen Kasturben w/o Jayantllal Karman Shah d/o 3 The land and butldm gs shall only be used for the pur- N arsht K aram slu and R atllal N arshl Shah, carrym g on busl- pose of a petrol servtce statlon, whlch shall jnclude olhng ness of c10th merchants at Quereslu M anslon, Port Hall Road, and greamng of vehlcles, sale of norm al vehlclc spares and N alrobl, under the firm nam e or style of Suresh Sllk Stores carrym g out mm or repalrs has been dlssolved by m utual consent of the partles as from the 1ot day of January 1958, by the retlrem ent therefrom 4 The btuldm gs shall not cover m ore than 30 per cent of the sald Kasturben w / o Jayantllal Karman Shah d fo Narlhl of the area of tht land K aram slu 5 The grantee shall not subdm de the land or lease to any The contlnulng partner, Ratllal N arshl Shah wlll henceforth person other than wlth the approval of the Provlncml Com - calry on the sald buslness at the srtm e place and undel the m lssloncl satd firm nam e as the sole propnetor thereof 6 The grantee shall pay to the K lam bu Afncan D lstnct A ll debts due to and owm g by the late firm w1ll be rucelved Councll on dem and such sum as the Com nusstoner may estl- m ate to be the proportlonate cost of constrgctm g a11 roads and pald by the contm m r'g partner R atllal N arshl Shah and dralns and sewers servm g or adm tm ng the land Dated at Nalrobl thls 20th day of February, 1958 7 The grantee shall from ttme to ttme pa, to the Klnm bu Atncan Dlstrlct Councll on dem and such proportlon of the RATILAL N ARSH I SH AH cost of m alntalnm g all roads and dram s servm g or adlom - t7ozz tlll J///71: /7/z7 /z?z?7 kng the land as the D tstrlct Com nussloner m ay assess

K ASTU RBEN J SHAH , 8 The grantce shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, dutles, R etlrlng paI /?7e? assessm ents or outgom gs of whatever descnptlon as m ay be lm posed, charged or assessed by any Governm ent or Local Authonty upon the land or the bm ldlngs erected thereon G AZETTE N tm cs N o b50 lncludm g any contnbutlon or other sum paxd by G overnm ent, TH E N ATIVE LAN D S TRUST ORD IN AN CE ln heu thereof 9 The G overnor or such person or Authortty as m ay be (Cap 100) appom ted for the purpose shall have the nght to enter upon TBxosR FoR PBTROL STATION PLOT- K ARANDINI AIARKEF the land 'm d 1ay and have access to water m nlns sern ce plpes and dram s, telephone or telegraph wtres and, eloctrm N OTICE ls hereby glven that a plot at D agoreth Com er on m am s of al1 descrm tlons whether overhead or tmderground the Junction of the N alroh -N akuru and N alrobt-N gong roads and the grantee shall not erect any bmldmg m suc: a way ls belng oqered for ahenatton and developm ent as a petrol as to cover or lnterfere wlth any extstm g altgnm ents 'of m nln servlce statlon Tenders are lnvlted for the lease of thls land of servlce m pes ol telephone or telegraph m res and dectnc A sketch m dlcatm g the posltlon of the satd plot can be vlewed m am s on request by genulnely m terested partles ln the Km m bu Land Oë ce durmg norm al workm g hours, or obtam ed by wmtm g F A LOYD , to the D lstmct Comm lss4onm , Klambu, on paym ent of Sh 3, Prom ncm l Comm tsszoner post free Central Provlnce 242 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 4th M arcb , 1958

GAZETTE N OTIC.L N o 829 G overnor no appllcatlon f or such consent fexcept m respect THE CROW N L of a loan lequlred for bulldlng purposes) w1l1 be cossldered unttl AN D S ORD INAN CE Specml Conchtlon N o 1 ltas been perfolm ed W ap 155) b The grantee shall pay to the Comm lsstoner of Lands en

K II-IFI--,L R SOS4- RESIDEw'rIA1. ANo SHOP PLo'rs demand çuch sum as the Com m lssloner m ay estlmate to be the THE Comm lsstonel ot Lands gives notlcc that plots ln K llui propol tlonate cost of constluctlag all loads and dl am s and sewers servmg or adlolnlng the land and shall on completlon of Tow nshlp as descllbed l.n the Schedule beleto are avallable fo1 allenatlon and tnvltes appllcatlons fo1 the d1I ect allenatlon such constructlon and the asceltalnm ent of thc actual propor thereof tlonate cost elthel pay (wtthln seven days ot demand) ol be refunded the am ount by whlch tlae actual proportlcm ate cost z l A plan of the plots m ay be seen at the oflice of the Dlstnct exceeds or falls sholt of the amount pald as aforesald Comm lssloner, K 1111i, and at the Pubhc M ap Oë ce of the Survey D epartm ent er m ay be obtqlned flom the Dlrector of Sulveys 7 The grantee shall flom tlme to tlm e pay to the Com P O Box 30046 N alrobt, on payment of Sh 4 post flee rnlssloner of Lands on demand sach proportlon of the cqst of , malntamlng all roadq and dralns servlng ol adlolm ng the land 3 Appltcatttm s stkould be subm ttted te the Com m tsstoner of. Lands, N alrobl, through the D lstnct C om m lssloner as the Comm lssloner m av assess , K 1lIli, statlng the plot requlred m order of pleferencc Appllcatloph 8 Should the Com m lsslontl of 1. ands at any tlm e rk-qulre the m ust not be sent dlrect to the C om m lsslonev of L ands sakd roads to be constlucted to a hyghel standal d tlAe grantee 4 Appllcatlons m ust be sent so as to reach the Dlstrlct Com shall pay ta thc C om mlssloner on dem and such proportlon of m lssloner, Klll1i, not latel than noon on 2nd Aplil 1958 the cost of such oonst/uctton as Lbt C om m lsstenel m ay assess 5 Appllcants m ust enclose wlth thell appllcatlon a chequu 9 The gl antee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges dutles, for Sh 1,000 drawn on the appllcant s tpw s? banklng account m assessments ol outgotngs of whxtever descllptlon as m ay be favour of the Comm tssloner of Lands, and no other cheques wlll lmposed charged or assessud by anv G evernm ent ol Lom-tl be accepted Thls sum w111 be dealt wlth as follows - Authallty upon the land or the bm ldlngs crected thereon, m clud.- (c) If the appllcant ls offered and takes up and pays for a plot lng any ccmtrlbutlon o. ofhe! sum pctld by the Governor m lleu wltiun the penod of 14 days as lequlrk.d by G encral Con tltereot dltlon N o 1 below the depostt w11l be credlted to hlm 10 The G overnor or such pelson ol atzthorlty as m ay be (b4 If the apnllcatlon ls uasuccessful the appltcant s deposlt appomted for the purpose shall have the rlght to enter upon w11l be leturned to hlm the land and 1ay and ha&e nccess to w qtt.l m alns selvlce plpes and dralns telephone or lelegraph wlles and electrlc m alns of (c) lf the appllcatlon ls succt-ssful and the appllcant falls to a1l descz lptlons, whethel oqelhead or undelground, and the take up and pay f or the plot osered to h1m wlttlln a perlod grantee shall not erect any bulldlng ln stlch a w ay as to cover of 14 days, the Commlssloner of Lands may declare thc ol- lnterfele wlth any e'ustlng allgnm ents of m ain or servlce plpes deposlt forfelted and the appllcqnt shall have no furthel or telephone e: telegraph wlles and electrlc m alns clalm thereto D ated at Nalrobl thls 4th day ol M arch, 1958 (c) Geneïal Ct7n#I/lt7,?.& SCHEDUI,E Each allottee ot a plot shall pay to the Comm lssloner ot ïvorkshops Lands wlthln 14 days of notlfcatton that hls appllcatlon has been approved the assessed stand plemtum anct propoytlon ot 1 Road annual rent together wlth the survey fees, the feus payable ln sectlon Plot Area 4 Stand Annual Charges Survey respect of the preparatlon and regpstratlon of the grant (Sh 220) No No (approx lj Premlum Rent ctlonyljttlrayl. Fees and the stamp duty m tespect of tho grant (approxtmately butlon) 2 per cent of thc stxand premlum and annual rent) In default of paym cnt wlthm the speclfied tlm e thc, pu1 chaser shall have no L R .?4 cre ç Sh Sh Sh furlher cla'im to the grant of the plot 5054 8 0 2296 2 000 400 To be 191/50 2 The grant w11l be lssued m the nam e of the allottee as 12 0 2296 t 2 000 j 400 assessed 191/50 stated ln the letter of appllcatyon Shops and R esldence 3 G rants w1ll be m ade under the C1 own Lands Ordlnance 5054 1 0 1 148 1 2,250 450 To be 191/50 2 0 1 148 I 1,750 350 assossed 19 l/ (Cap 155 of tht, Revlsed Bdltlon of the Laws of Kenya) and 3 0 1148 ' 1,750 350 jqj u%0 tAtle w11l be tssued under the Remstratlon of Tltles 0 1 dm ance 4 O 1148 2,250 450 191/50 The term of the glants w11l be 99 years from the first day of 5 0 l 148 1p500 300 191/50 the m onth followlng the notlscatlon of the approval of the 6 0 1148 1 500 300 191/50 grant 7 0 1 148 1 500 300 191/50 9 0 1 148 1 500 300 19 1/50 Lbj Speclal Ctpa#l'rltprl: 10 0 1148 1 500 300 191/50 11 0 1148 1 500 300 191/50 'I'he grantee shall erect cem plete f ol occupatlon wlthm 24 13 0 1148 1 500 300 191/50 months ef the com m encement of the term bmldlngs of approved 14 0 1148 1,500 300 191/50 dcslgn on plopel foundatlons constnzcted of stone, burnt brlck 15 0 1148 1 500 300 191/50 or concreto wlth roofing of tlles or other pelm anent materlal: 16 0 1148 2 250 450 191/50 approved by tht. Com mlssloner of Lands and shall m alntaln 17 0 1 14$ 1 750 350 19 1/50 the same (lncludlng the external paintwork) m good ancl sub 18 0 1102 2,250 450 191/50 21 0 1 148 1 750 350 191/50 stantlal tenantable repalr and condttlcm 223 0 1 148 J 1 750 350 191/50 PROVIDBD that should the grantee glve notlce ln wrltlng to the ,750 3-50 191/50 Com mtssloner of I-ands that he ls unable to com plete the bm ld 24 0 1 148 1,750 350 191/50 lngs w lthm the perlod aforesald the C om m lssloner of Lands 25 0 1148 1 750 350 191/50 shall (at the grantee s expense) accept a su1 rendel of fhe land 26 0 114$ 1,750 1 350 j 191/50 comprlsed hereln 27 0 4729 5.150 j 1 030 j 191/50 PRovlbEo FUR'I-HSR that lf such noflce as aforesm d shall be gwen (1) wlthln 12 months of the comm encem ent of tht. term the C om mlssloner of Lands shall refund ta the p antee 50 per GAZETTE N oTlce N o 830 centum of the stand premlum pald m respect of the land or (2) at any subsequent tlm e prlol to thv explratlon of the sald IN THE M ATTER OF TH E COM PAN IES ORD IN AN CE bm ldm g perlod the C om m lssloner of L ands shall refund to the (Cav 288) grantee 25 per centum of the sald stand prem lum In the event AND > of notlce belng glven after the explratlon of the sald bulldlng V A N D FLEU R EST ATE LIM ITED penod no lefund shall be m ade çIn Zlculllfitpnl 2 The bmldlngs shall not be erected untll plans (lncludlng block plans showlng the posztlons of the bm ldlngs and a system M EMBEIKS V OLLNTARY W INDING U P of dram age for dlqpostng of sew age, surface and sullage water N OTICE ls hereby glven pursuant to sectlon 232 of the on the land), drawlngs, elevatlons and speclficatlons thereof slmll Com pam es Ordlnance th L the hnal general m eetlng of the have been approved m wrltm g by the Local Authorlty and the above-nanled com pany w1ll be held ln the board room of Com m lssloner of Lands Such plans drawlngs, elevatlons and M essrs Barber Bellhouse and Com pany at 11 a m on Satur- specv c-atlons shall be submjtted m tnpllcate to the Local day, 12th Aprll, 1958, for the purpose of havlng the account Authorlty wlthm three m onths of the com m encem ent of the of the hquldator shom ng the m anner m whlch the wm dlng up term has been conducted and the property of the com pany dlsposed 3 Tlze plot shall be used for the purposeq of a shop on the of lald before such m eetlng, and to hear any explanatlons that ground ioor and resldence for cne fam lly on the lirst floor or m ay be glven by the llquldator and also for the purpose of f or a workslup, accordm g to the schedule determ m lng, ln accordance v/1th sectlon 277 of the sald Ordm - 4 'Fhe grantee sball not subdlvlde the land wltheut the con- ancc, the m anlzer ln whlch the books and papers of the com - sent of the Com mlssloner of Lands pany and of the hqm dator are to be dlsposed of 5 The grantee shall not sell, tlansfer sublet, charge or part W K F'ORBES, wlth the possesslon of tlze land (y1 any part thereof or any butld- N akuru Llquldator àngs thereon except w lth the prlor consent ln w rltlng, of the 26th Februpry 19*8 P 0 Sfa't 45 N akutu 4th M arch, 1958 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 243 GAZBZ'TB N o'rlc's N o 724 9 The grantee shall from tlm e to ttm e pay to the Com - THE CROW N LAN DS ORDINAN CE m lssloner Of Lands or the Local Authorlty on dem and such (cap 155) proportlon of the cost of malntalnlng a1l roads, dralns and K lstiuu- lk o'rs royt Low -osxsl'lv Axo M sozuM-zxxsl'rv SCWCI'S Servlng or adlolnlng the land as m ay be assessed RBSIDEXTIAI- Pupzoses 10 Should the Comm lssloner of Lands or the Local A utho- THE Com mlssloner of Lands gtves notlce that plots m rlty at any tlm e reaulre the sasd roads, dralns and sewers Klsum u Townshlp as descrlbed m the Schedules hereto are to be constructed to a hlgher standard the grantee shall pay avallable for allenatlon and m vltes apphcatlons for the dlrect to the Com m lssloner or the Local Authorlty on demaod such grant thereof proporuon of the cost of such constructlon as the Com mls- 2 Plans of the plots m ay be seen at the Pubhc M ap OK ce Sloner or the Local Authortty m ay assess of the Survey Departm ent, N alrobl, or at the oë ce of the 11 The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, dutles, D lstnct com m lssloner, K lsum u, or m av be had on appllcatlon assessm ents or outgolngs of whatever descrlptlon as m ay be to the Djrector of Surveys, P O Box 30046, N alrobl, on pay- lm posed, charged or assessed by the G overnm ent or any m ent of Sh 3 ln respect of the plots ln Schedule I and Sh 4 Local Authonty upon the land or the bmldlngs erected thereon m respect of the plots m Schedule 11 for each plan Apphcants lncludmg any contrlbutlon or other stzm payable by the should state the Schedule they are m terested ln when applym g G overnor ln heu thertof for coples of plans 12 The Governor or such person or authonty as m av be 3 Apphcatlons should be submltted to the Com m lssloner of appomted for the purpose shall have the rlght to enter upon Lands, N alrobl, through the Dlstrlct Comm lssloner, K lsum u, the land and lay and have access to watcr m am s, servlce plpes and should reach the latter not later than noon on the 22nd and dralns, telepnone or telegraph wlres and electrlc m alns day of Aprll, 1958 of all descrlptlons, whether overhead or underground, and the 4 A ppllcatlons m ust not be sent dlrect to the Comm lssloner grantee shall not erect any bmldlng ln such a way as to of Lands cover or m terfere wtth any exlstlng allgnments or m am s or 5 A pphcants m ust enclose wlth thelr appllcatlons a cheque Servlce m pes, or telephone or telegraph wjres and electrlc m ade payable to the Comm lsszoner of Lands for ish 1,000 m alns drawn on the appllcant s own bankmg account (no other Dated at Nairobl thls 25th day of Pebruary, 1958 cheques wlll be accepted) as a deposlt whlch wlll be dealt wlth S as follows - cusouf-s I

(tz) If the appllcant ls offered and takes up and pays for - - - Kfsumu N w Densltv Restdentlal .-- a plot wltltln a perlod of 14 days as requlred zn para- Road graph 5 of the General Condltlons below the deposlt Sectlon Plot Area Stand Annual Charges Survoy m l1 be credlted to hIm N o No (approx ) Prem lum Rent (Inltlal Fees (b) If th c ontrj- e appljcant ls unsuccessful, the appllcant's deposlt butlon) wl11 be returned to hlm - - . - - (c) If the apphcant ls successful and falls to take up and L R Acres Sh Nâ Payabk &n Sh pay for the plot wlthln a penod of 14 days as reqmred 1148 829 0 466 1,600 320 demand 191/50 ln paragraph 5 of the General Condlttons below, the (SCC Q 830 0 475 1,600 320 191/50 Commlssloncr of Lands may declare the deposzt fo 831 0 519 1,660 332 191/50 f r- g3c c 556 1,78: a56 191/50 elted and the appllcant sball have no further clalm 833 () 556 1 th ,780 356 191/50 ereto 834 c 556 1,78: 356 ,, 191/50 Genelal Ctpnfhfmrtn 835 0 556 1,780 356 ,, 191/50 1 The ordmarv condltlons apphcable to Townshlp grants 836 0 517 1,660 332 v 191/50 of thls nature shlll apply except as A aned hereb, 837 0 517 1,660 332 ,, 191/50 2 The grant wl1l be made under the m'ovlstons of tbe Crown 838 0 517 1 660 332 ,, 191/50 L g:o c 517 j 66() 3:j2 , 19j/x Lands Ordm ance (Cap 155 of the Revtsed Edltton of the 840 () 482 1,60: 32: 191/50 aws of K enya) and tltle wlll lssue under the Reglstratlon of 841 0 482 1 600 320 ,, 191/50 Tltles Ordlnance (Cap 160) 842 0 494 1.600 320 ',, 191/50 3 The gzant w1ll be lssued m the name of the allottee as 816 0 781 2,040 408 ,, 191/50 glven ln the letter of apphcatlon 817 0 689 1,940 388 ,, 191/50 4 The term of the grant wlll be for 99 years from the 8198 (0) 56749 1,840 368 , 191/50 s ,840 36g ,, 191/50 rst day of the m onth followm g the notlficatlon of the 820 0 513 1,660 332 191/50 approval of the grant 5 Each allottee of a plot shall pay to the Comlm ssloner of SCHEDULE 11 Lands wlthln 14 days of notlfcatlon that hls apphcatlon has K 'sulnu M edlum D E'?7,p/lz Resldentlal been successful the assessed stand prem lum and proportlon of - ' - Road' annual rent, together wlth survey. conveyanclng and vreglstra- Sectlon Plot Area Stand Annual Charges Survey tlons fees (Sh 220 and stamp duty approxtmatelv 2 per cent No No (approx ) Prem lum Rent (lmtlal Fees of the stand premlum and annual rent) In default of pay- Contn- ment m thln the specified tlme the Comnussm ner of Lands butlon) m ay cancel the allocatlon and the clalm ant shall have no - '' A ' - clalm to the grant of the plot t cres Sh Sh Payablo on Sh axlll 69 () 762 2,28: 4j6 uemand 191/50 Specçal ctprltfl/ftpz?x 70 0 816 2,440 488 ,, 191/50 1 Thq grantee shall erect for occupatlon m tlun 24 months 71 0 1l5 2,180 436 ,, 191/50 of the date of the commencement of the term a bmldmg of 72 0 705 2,120 424 ,, 191/50 approved deslgn on proper foundatlons constructed of stone 73 0 615 1,840 368 ,, 191/50 burnt brick or concrete wlth roosng of ttles or other , 74 () 8c! z 4. 4g() jokj5o perma- 96 c g()z a'4()() 4s() '' j9j/5c nent materlals approved by the Comnussloner of Lands and 97 () 82c 2346c 492 '' 191/5p shall mamtam such bulldmg m good and substantlal tenantable 98 0 793 2'360 472 '' 191/50 repalr and condltlon, lndudm g the external pamtwork, durlng 99 0 766 2,300 460 ,, 191/50 the contmuance of the term 100 0 792 2,360 472 ,, 191 /50 2 The bmldlngs shall not be erected unttl plans (lncludlng 101 0 774 2,320 464 ,, 191/50 block plans showlng the posttlons ot the bmldmgs and a system j. R ,7j7 () ()g6! 6g() ja6 jqj/sc 448 7jg () ()85: 6g() 136 '' 19,/5: of dramage for dlsposmg of sewage, surface and sullage water sec 719 () 0861 680 l36 '' 191/50 on the land), drawlngs, elevatlons and speclEcatlons thereof Lxvll 720 0 0861 680 l36 >oF 191/50 shall have been approved ln wrltlng by the Local Authorlty 721 0 0861 680 l36 ,, 191/50 and the Commlssloner of Lands Such plans, drawmgs, eleva- 722 0 0861 680 136 ,, 191/50 ttons and speclticatlons shall be submltted m quadrupllcate to 741 0 0861 680 136 191/50 the Local futhonty wlthln three m onths of the commence 742 0 0861 680 l36 ,, 191/50 ment of the t - 743 0 ()86j 68() ja6 ,, Lojfso erm 744 c ()861 yg() I36 ,, jgj/j() 3 Not more than one prlvate dwelhng-house wlth the neces- 745 () 0861 6#0 l36 191/50 sary omces and outbuildmgs appurtenant thereto (excludmg a 746 0 0850 680 136 191/50 guest house) shall be erected on the land 747 0 0850 680 136 191/50 4 The bujldmgs shall not co&er more than 50 per centum 748 0 0861 680 136 ,, 191/50 of the area of the land or such lesser area as may be latd g49 c (jg6I yg() j:q(; jqj/x d g5() c c861 6g() 1:36 191/5c own by the Local Authonty m 1ts by-laws 751 () 0861 68() 136 191/5: . 5 Tlze land sball not be used #or the pprposes of any 752 0 0861 680 l36 191/50 trade or buslness 753 0 1148 920 184 191/50 6 Th e grantee shall not subdtvlde the land 754 0 1148 920 l84 191/50 7 Th 755 0 1148 920 184 jqj/stl e grantee shall not sell, transfer, sublet, charge or 756 () 0861 6g() 136 191/50 part wlth the possesston of the land or any part thereof except 757 0 0861 680 136 191/50 wlth the pnor consent ln wntmg of the Governor no appllca- 758 0 0861 680 136 191/50 taon for suoh consent (except ln respect of a loan reqmred for 759 0 0861 680 136 191/50 butldmg purposes) m l1 be consldered untll Speclal Condltlon 760 0 0861 680 136 191/50 No 1 has been performed 761 0 0861 680 136 191/50 8 # Tht grantee shall pay to the Com rm suoner of Lands or g7823 (0) 0861 680 l36 ,, 191/50 ,, 191/50 the Imcal Authorlty on demand such lmttal sum as the Com- 784 0 0861 680 136 ,, 191/50 mlssloner or the Local Authorlty may estlmate to be the 785 0 0861 680 136 ,, 191/50 proporhonate cost of construchng a11 roads, dralns and sewers 786 0 0861 680 136 ,, 191/50 sem ng or 'admlnmg the llnd 181 0 0917 680 136 ,y 191/50 J..$4 -rI-IE kENVA GAzE'rl's 4ts Marcs, ikd8

G AZBTTE No'rlc'E No 831

THE CO M PAN IES ORDIN AN CE (cap 288) IT IS notlfed for general lnform atlon that the followm g com panles have been m corporated m K enya dtm ng tile p:nod 20tN January to 20th February, 1958 - PRW ATE CoMlu xlss N onltnal Nanîe ()/ Company Ctzplrtz/ Add, ess (:/ Regtstered OFcc

rtntawn Ltmlted 20,000 Sunglor t House, Vtctorla Street, N alrobl D W R obson Llm lted 40,000 Plot L R No 209/3826, Burton Road Natrotu Hlrll Popat Llnuted 200,000 Plot L R No 209/2788/10, Cross Road, Nanobl K enya Graln M llls D mlted 400,000 Plot N o 2 1c Sectlon 1, lndm n Bazaar Road, N akuru W ardles (W holesale) Llnuted 22,0()0 Plot N o 592 G overnm ent Road, N alrobl Veegay Constructton Ltm tted 100,000 Ctty M ansloa Governm ent Road, N alrobl N orm an Spencer Llm lted 20,000 D lrectory and G ulde to East A fnca Llm lted 100,000 Delhl M anslon, Duke Street, N alrobl Sam akl Llnuted 40,000 Samras and Ghmnan (Quarnes) Llmlted 40,000 S H Shah and Partners Ltmlted 50,000 Plot N o 353 Sectton V , Rodgers Road M om basa A m baram s Llm lted 300,000 Baby Soap Factory Llnuted 200,000 Plot N o 8, Sectlon XX IX , Odera Street, K lsum u N yaflza M ercantlle Agency Llmlted 200,000 Plot No 2 2 ,Sectlon 69, D e Boer Street, K lsumu K lnyoro Jerseys lwtm lted 200,000 L O N o 8887, Trans N zola Unwersal Servzces (Afrlca) Llmlted 20,Q()0 A K Investments Llm tted 200,000 Im perlal Cham bersy Governm ent Road, N atrobl Arrow M otors Llmlted 100,000 Loresho and Klora Investm ents Ltnuted 2,000 Loresho and Klora (Plantattons) Llmlted 2,000 Pkmu c COMPtQNIES Nomtnal Addïesb t)/ Regtstered O'ce Natne OJ Compatk% Capttal Sh D oble Bourne Corporatlon Llm lted 1 500,000 Plot t, R No 209/4321, Belfast Road, Industrlal Aroa N alrobl K enya W elfare Trust 200 lt Is further noh:ed the followm g com pam es, m corporated outmde Kenya, havm g estabhshed a place of busm ess m Konya have dellvered parttculars for reglstratlon dtlrlng that perlod - N om tnal Ntz/uc of Cflr?iplllp Ctwltal Address t>/ Regtstered OMce Petrochemlcal Products Tradmg Com pany (A ) Llmlted 200,000 Bank H ouse, Acacla Avenue, Dar es Salaam J Roberts Constructlon Company (Southern Rhpdesla) Llmlted 4,000 10 Spurn Road, Ardbennle, Sahsbury, Southern lthodema The W lute Cross Insurance Com pany Llm lted 400,000 Kinnalrd H ouse, Pall M all East, London, S W 1, England Sh K assam 's Autom oblle H ouse Llm tted 1,000,000 Plot No l0/ l8, Seventh Street, Industrtal Area, Kampala, U ganda Protectorate

N alrobl, D J COW ARD, 28th February, 1958 Reglstrar // Compames 4th 51 archs 1 958 TH E K EN Y A G A ZETTE 245

GAZETTE No'rlcB N o 504 glantee 25 per ccntum of the smd stand premlum ln the event of notlce belng glven after the exptratlon of the easd bulldmg THE CROW N LAN D S ORD IN XNCE perlod no refund shall be m ade Lcap 155) 2 Tht bulldm g shall not be elected untll plans tlncludlrtg bleck plans showlng the posltlons of the bulldlngs and a system O I;FlcB olt Bxxlv PLOTS- N AKIJRIJ of dram age for dlspomng of sewage, surface and sullage watel TH E Com m lsslone: of Lands glves notlce that two plots m on the land), drawlngs, elevatlons and speclscatlons thereol N akuru M unlclpahty for the purposes of bankm g houses, 1n- shall have been approved ln wrlting by the Local Autborlty and surqnce com pam es ol bulldlng socletles, etc , as descrlbed ln the Com rnlssloner of Lands Such plans, drawlngs: elevatlons the Schedule hereto are avallable f or allenatlon, and m vltes and specé catlons shall be submltted m trm llcate to the Local appllcattons for the dlrect allenatlon thereof Authollty wlthln s1x m cmths of tlle oom m encem ent of the 2 A plan of the plots may be seen at the oë ce of the term Town Clerk, N akuru, and at the Publlc M ap Oflice of the 3 N o bulldlngs erected on the sald land may be occupled Survcy D epaltm ent, N alrobl or m ay be obtalned flom the untll the grantee shall have subm ltted a block plan wlth the Dlrectol of Surveys, P O Box 30046, N alrobl, on paym ent of posltlon of such bulldlngs clearly defined and showlng the Sh :! post free m ethod of conqexlon of such bulldlngs to a sewer m each case te the satlsfactlon of the Local A uthojlty and the Com 3 Appllcatlons should be subm ltted to the Com m lssltm er m issloner of Lands, and the grantee shall also satlsfy the of Lands, N alrobl, through the Town Clerk, N akuru, statlng Local Authorlty and the Com m lss oner of Lands timt sueh the plot requllçd ln order of preference system of dlal n'age has been ploperly constructed, such satls 4 Appllcattons m ust be sent so as to leach the Town Clerk factlon ln both cases to be expressed in wlitlrg Nakuru, not later than noon on 11th M aroh, 1958 4 'l'he land and bulldtngs shall only be used for the purpose 5 A ppllcatlcm s m ust not be sent dtrect to the Com m ls- ol banklng houses, tnsulance companles om ces or bulldlng sloner of Lands Socletles oë ces, though tne Comm lssloner may Lonslder appll 6 A ppllcants m ust enclose wlth thelr appllcatlons thelr catlons from other slm ylar bodles cheque for Sh 1,000 as a deposlt m ade payable to the C om 5 Tbe land and bulldlngs shall not be used for the pur- m lssloner of Lands, whlch w1l1 be dealt wlth as follows - poses of any whoelsale or retall trade nor w111 resldence be (c) If the appllcant ls oFeled and takes up and pays for a pelm ltted plot wlthln a perled cf 14 days as requlred by General 6 (c) 0n tlre ground flool a mlnlmum of 60 per cent Condltlon N o 2 below, the deposlt wlll be crodlted to slte coverage and a m axlm um of 75 per cent slte coverage of hlm the plot area w111 be perm ltted (:) If the appllcatlon ls unsucessful,' the appllcant's deposlt qbj On the iirst and second floors the slte coverage sball w11l be returned to h1m be 60 per cent of the plot area (c) If the appllcatlon ls successful and the appllcant falls to The plots shall be develeped to a m lnlm um of three storeys take up and pay f or the plot osered to h1m wlthln a perlod oî 14 days as reqmred by Gf-neral Condltlon N o 2 8 The grantee shall not subdwlde the land below, the Com m lsslonel of Lands m ay declale the 9 The glantee shall not sell, tlansfel , sublet ol charge the deposlt forfelted and the appllcant shall have no further land or any pal t thereof exccpt wlth the prlor consent m wmtlng claun thereto of the Govelnol no appllcatlon fer such consent (except ln respect of a loan requlred fol bulldlng purpases) wlll be con 7 All appllcants ol thelr consultants w11l be required to sldeled untll Speclal Condltlon N o 1 has been perform ed attend a meetlng of the Town Plannlng Com m lttee of the M unlclpal C ouncll, N akuru, who w111 speclfy condltlons, wlth 10 The Govelnor or such person or authority as rna, be the oblect of seourlng co ordlnated development relatlng to- appomtcd for the pulposk- shall have the rlght to enter upon any plot and lay and have aocess to water m alns, sew ers, plpes (a) hmghts pf canoples of clerestory wlndaws (1f any) over tnd dram s teleglaph and telephone wlres and electrlc m alns canoples and of al1 coplngs and cornlces of all descrm tlons, whether everhead or underground and the (b) the placlng of slgns and advertlsements grantee shall not erect any bulldlng ln such a way as to cover % There ls a sewel runnlng through these plots wlueh w 111 or lnterfere wlth any exlstlng allgnm ent of m am s, sewels or be reallgned by the M unlclpal Councll of Nakulu at the expense servlce plpes or the telegraph or telephone w lres and electrlc of the successful appllcants lttalns afolem entloned 9 W hen subm lttlng appllcatlons those applylng should set out 1 1 The grantee shall pay such 1 ates, taxts, charges, dutles the m lnlm um am ount of capltal they are prepared to spend aqoessm ents ol outgom gs of whatever descnptlon as m ay be on developm ent Preference m ay be glven to those appllcants lm poqed, charged or assessed by any G evelnm ent or Local proposlng to bulld accom modatlon sololy f or thelr own occupa- A uthorlty upon the land or bulldlngs erected thereon, lnclud- tton lng any contrlbutlon or othcr sum pald by the G overnm ent ln (a) General Corllifltpêl.ç lleu thereof 1 G rants w111 be m ade under the Crown Lands Ordlnance 12 The grantee shall pay to the Com mlssloner of Lands on (Cap 155 of the Revlsed Edltlcfl of the Laws nf Kenya) and dwm and such sum as the Com m lssloner zzmy estlrnatc to be tltles w1ll be lssued under the Reglstlatlon of Tltles Ordm ance thu plopoltlonate cost of constructlng a11 roads and dlam s The term of the grants wtll be 99 years from tne tirst day untl sewers servlng ol adlolntng the land and shall on comple- of the m onth followlng the nottfication of the approval of the tlon of such ctm structlt?n and the ascertalnm ent of the qctual grant ploportlonate cost elther pay (wlthln seven days of demand) 2 Each allottee of a plot shall pay to the Comm lssloner of or be 1 efunded thc am cm nt by whlch the actual proportlonate Lands wlthln 14 dctys of notlficatlon that hls appllcation has cost exceeds ol falls sholt of the am ount pald as aforesald been approved the assessed stand premm m and proportlon of 13 l-he grqntee shall from tlm e to tlm e pay to the Comm ls annual rent, together wlth the survey fees, the fees pavable ln sloper of '-l-ands on dem and such pl opoltlon of the cost of respect of thc preparatlon and reglstratlon of the grant (Sh 220) ln tlntalnlng al1 loads and dram s se1 vlng ol adlolnlng the land and the stamp duty ln respect of the grant (approxlmately aq the Com m tsqkoner m ay assess 2 per cent of tbe stand plemlum and annual lent) ln default of payment wlthxn the specllied tlm e tlze Com m lssloner of Lands D ated at N allobl thlq 11th day of February 1958 may cancel the allocatlon and the appllcant shall have no further clalm to the grant of tlle plot SCHBDULE 3 The grant w tll be lssued lrl the nam e of the allottce as stated ln the letter of appllcatlon Plot No - 451/ 1049 (bj Speclal t7ozyls/lfl?i.s Alea - 0 2588 acle (approxl lately) 1 The grantee shall erect complete for occupatlon wjthln 24 months of the com mencement of the term bulldlngs of approved Statld p/c/rlluzr? - Sh 44,000 deslgn on pl opel fotm datlons constructed of stone, bulnt brlck or concrete wlth looling of thles or otber pe1 manent m atenals A nnual ?e?7l - Sh 8,800 approved by the C om mlssloner of Lands qnd shall malntam R oad c/kc? ges .- payable on dem and the same (mcludmg the external pamtwork) m good and sub- stantlal tenantable repalr and condltlon 5'/g? T. ey jees - Sh 191 /50 Provlded that should the grantee glve notlce ln wrltlng to the Commlssloner of Iwands that he/ tbey ls/are unable to complete the bulldlngs wlthln the perlod aforesald the Com - Plot No --451 / 1052 mlssloner of Lands shall (at tbe grrtntee s expense) accept a surrender of the land com prtsed hereln Alea - 0 2588 acre (approxlmately) Provlded furthcr that lf such notlce aq ntoresald shall be Stand Jlre/zll/g/?k - Sh 44,000 gl gen (1) wlthkn 12 months of the commenttment of the term the Com nnlsslonel of tands shall 1 efund lo tbc grantce 50 per Anllual rent - Sh 8,800 ccnt oi' the stand premlum pald hn leopect of l the land, or (2) at R oad chargeî - payable on dem and any subscquent tlm e prlor to the axp ratlon of the sald bulld- 1ng perlod the Corm m ssloner oî Lands shall refund to the Survey jees - Sh 191 /50

- - - - < r- - - 246 TH E KENYA GAZETTE 4th M arch, 1958

GAZFTTE NOTII-F N o 609 wlthln the specllied tllne the Comm lsslonel Of Lands m ay cancel the allx atlen and the clalm ant shall have no clalm to the grant of the plot TH E CROW N LA ND S ORDIN AN CE fcap 155) Speclal Condktîons M ol-o- BuslxEss PURPOSES PLOT 1 Th e grantee shall erect fol occupatlon wlthm 24 m onths ot (l the date of the com m encem ent of the term a bulldlng of llt' //lt'/lzz,g c Petl ol 5'/J/Jt?n) tpproved deslgn on proper foundatlons constructed of stone, Condltlons tp/ Sale btlrnt bnck or conclete wlth looling of tlles ol othe) pelmanent materjals approved by the Com mlssyoner of Lands and shall TH E Com mlssloner of Lands glves notlce that the plot ln m alntaln such bulldlng ln good and substantlal tenantable repall M olo Townshlp, refelred to In the Schedule hereunder, ls and condltlon, lncludlng the external palntw ork, dunng thc avatlablt- f or allenatlon sublect to tl4e term p and condltlons contmuance of the tetm herelnafter speclfied 2 The bulldlngs shall not be erected untll plans flncludtng 2 A ppllcatlons ln term s of dcvelopm ent proposals are lnvlted block plans showlng the posltlons of the bulldlngs and a system and should be m ade to the Comm lssloner of Lands through of dralnage for dlsposlng of sewage, surface and sullage water the D lstrlct Com m lsslonel, N akulu, and should reach the lattel on the land), drawlngs, elevatlons and spetlticatlons thçreof not later thun noon on 1st A prll 1958 T he am ount of capltal shall have been appl oved ln wrltlng by the Local A uthollty and to be spent on constructlon m ust be stated and a banker s the Com m lssloner of Lands Such plans, dlawlngs, elevatlons letter ln support m ust be prcwzded and speclficatlons shall be subm ltted m quadruphcate to tllez Loca.l Authonty wlthln three m onths of thc ûom tnencem ent of 3 A plan ot the plot m ay be seen at the Publlc M ap Oë ce the telm of the Survey Depaltm ent, Nalrobl or at the office of the Dlstrlct Comm lsssoner N akuru, or m ay be had on appllcatlon 3 The land and bulldlngs m ay be used for the pulposes specl- to the D lreetol ot Surveys P O Box 30046, N alrobl, on pay lield on acceptance of the appllcatlon ln acuoldance wlth para m ent of Sh 3 1post free graph 2 of the Condltlons of Sale 4 A ppllcatlons nlttst /1t:)/ be sent dlrect to the C om m lssloner of Lands 4 The land shall not bu used for the pulposes of any trade or buslness whlch the Com m lsslonel of Lands consldels to be 5 The plot znay be used fo1 the purposes of shops, whlch danrerous or ollenslve m ay lnclude a petrol servlce statlon 5 The grantee shall not subdlvlde fhe land 6 The grantee shall not at any tlm e durlng thc term of the g! ant erect bulldm gs to cover m ore than 90 per cent of the 6 The grantee sball not sell, transfer, sublet or charge the are.a of the plot or such lesser area as ls lald dow n by the land or any part thereof except wlth tht, pllol consent In Local Authorlty's by laws wmtlng of the G overnor no appllcatlon for quch consent (except ln respect of a loan requlred for bulldlng purposes) 7 A ppllcantq m ust enclose w lth thelr appllcatlons a cheqve w11l be consldered untll Speclal Condltlon N o 1 has been made payable to the Comm lssloner of Lands for Sh 1,000 performed dlawn on the appllcant's own banklng account (no other cheques wlll be accupted) as a deposlt whlch w1ll be dealt 7 The grantee shall pay to the Cemm lssloner of Lands ol wlth as follow s - the Local A uthorlty such sum s as m py be rissesst,d to be the cost of constructlng a11 roads dralns and sewers servlng or (f8 lf the appllcant ls offered and takes up and pays for a adlomlng the land plot w lthln a perlod of 14 days as reqm red m paragraph 5 of the General Condltlons below, the deposlt w1ll be 8 The grantee shall pay such rates, taxes, charges, dutles, credlted to hlm assessm ents er outgolngs of w hatever descrlptm n as m ay be lmposed, cbarged or assessed by the Government or any Local Lb) If the appllcant ls unsuccegsful, the appllcant's deposlt Authorlty upon the land or the bulldlngs urected thereon, ln wfll be leturned to h1m cludlng any contrlbutlon or othel sum payable by the G overnol ln lleu thereof (c) If the appllcant ls successftll and falls to take up and pay for the plot wlthln a penod of 14 days as requlred 9 The G overnor or such person or authority as may be m paragraph 5 of the G eneral Condlttons below, t-he Com appolnted fer the purpose shall have the rlght to enter upon m lsslone) of Landx m ay declare the deposlt forfelted and the land and lay and have access to water malns servlce plpes the appllcant shall have no further clalm thereto and dralns, telephone o: telegraph wires and electnc m alns of a11 descrlptlons, whethel overhead or underground and the grantee shall not erect any bulldlng ln such a wa, y as to G et3etal C'oncllflol?j covel ol m terfere wlth anv exlstlng allgnm ents oi maln or servlce plpes ol telephone or telegraph w lles and electllc m ains 1 The ordlnary condltlons appllcable to townshlp grants of thls nature shall apply except as varled hereby

2 The grant will be m ade under the provlslons of the Crown Dated at N alrobl the 18th day of February, 1958 I-ands Ordtnance (Cap 155 of the Pevlsed Fzdttlon of tl'ie Laws of Kenya) and tltle w1ll lsque under tht, Reglstratlon of Tltles Ordlnance (Cap 160)

3 The grant w1ll be Issued ln the nam e of the allottee as SCHEOUI.E glven ln the letter of appllcatlon 4 The term of the grant w111 be for 99 years fl om the first Plot No - L R 533 /99, Sectlon 11 day of the m onth followm g the notlficatlon of the approval of .d.? ea - 0 2066 acres (approxlmately) the glant Stand premtum - Sh 4,400 5 Each allottee of a plot shall pay to the Com mlssloner of Lands wltbln 14 days of notllicatlon that hls appbcatlon has A llnltal rent - Sh 880 been successful the asaessed stand premjum and proportlon of annual rent togethel wlth survey, conveyanclng and reglstra- Road charges (J??;/IJl cont' lbutlonj -payable on demand tlon feeq (Sh 220 and stamp duty approxlmately 2 per cent of the stand pl em lum and annua.l rent) In default of payment Sv; velz jees - Sh 191/50 4th M arch 1958 TI'1E KBNYA G AZE'IVE

PU BLICA TION S ON SA LE AT G OVER N M EN T PRIN TIN G A N D STA TION ER Y D FPAR TM EN T Sh cl-ç sh cts Annual Reports Geologlcal Report N o 38 G eology of the M wlngl Area, Afrlcan Alralrs Department, 1956 (postage 80 cts ) 50 North Kltul (postage 80 cts ) 10 00 Agmoultural Department, 1956 (postage 5û cts J 00 G eologlcal R eport N o 39 G eology of tho N am anga- Comm lssloner for Local Governm ent, 1956 (postage Blssel Area (postage 80 cts ) 10 00 50 cts ) Geology of Takabba-W ergudud Area M andera Dlstrlct Communlty Development, 1956 (postage 35 cts ) (postctge 80 cts ) 15 00 Educatlon Department, 1956 (postage 35 cts ) Oeology of Kalassla f'latl Area (postage 80 cts ) 12 50 Forest Department, 1954//55 fpostage 50 cts ) Hldes and Sklns Handbook (postage 80 cts ) 3 /s0 Game Department, 1954/55 (postage 50 cts ) Kyanlte In Kenya, M emolr No 1 (postagc 80 cts ) 7 50 Immlgrauon Department, 1956 (postage 35 cts ) La(nd and Populatlon ln East Afrlca, Colonlal No 290 lnland Revenue Dopartment 1954 (pastage 35 cts ) postage 25 cts ) 25 Department of Informatlon 1956 (postage 35 cts ) Laws of- Kenya, Revlst,d Edltlon, 1948, Com plete Set 8 Judlclal Department, 1955 (postage 35 cts ) volumes (mland postage Sh 15) , 400 00 Kenya Colony, 1956 (postage 80 cts ) Am endment Sllps to Kenya Laws--varlous Labour Department, 1956 (postage 50 cts ) Law Reports of K enya Land Bank Report, 1956 (postage 35 cts ) 1924-1926, Vol X (postage 80 cts ) 27 Lands Department 1956 (postage 35 cts ) 1927-1928, Vo1 XI (postage 80 cts ) 27 M edlcal Department 1956 (posfage 50 cts ) 1929 -1930, Vol X1I (postage 80 cts ) 27 M lnes Department, 1956 (postage 35 cts ) 1931, Vo1 XIII (postage 80 cts ) 27 Pohce Department 1956 (postage 55 cts ) Probatlon Servlces and dpproved Schools, 1955 (postage 1932, Vo1 X1V (postage 80 cts ) - 27 53 ct% ) 2 00 1933, Vo1 XV (postago 80 cts ) 27 1934, Vol XVI, Part I (postage 80 cts ) 10 Pnntlng and Statlonerv Department 1956/57 (postage 35 cts ) 1 00 1936-1937, Vo1 XVII, Parts I and 11 (postage 80 cts ) 27 Pubhc W orks Department 1954 (postage 80 cts ) 5 00 1938-1939, Vol XVIII, Parts I and 11 (postage 80 cts ) 27 Reglstrar General s Department, 1956 (postage 35 cts ) 2 00 1948, Part 1 (postage 35 cts ) 15 Repstrar of Co op Socletles drznlzal Report, 1956 1949, Part li (postage 35 cts ) 17 (postage 35 cts ) 2 00 1950, Part 1 (postage 35 cts ) 17 Survey of Kenya Admlmstratlon, 19.56 (postage 80 cts ) 5 00 1951, Part 11 (postage 50 cts ) 17 Treatment of Ofrendtrs Report 1956 (postage 35 cts ) 2 00 1952 (postago 80 cts ) 20 Vetennarv Department 1956 (postage 80 cts ) 5 00 1953 (postage Sh 1) 15 W elghts and M easures 1956 (postage 25 cts ) 1 00 A D lgest of the East Afrlcan and K enya Law Reports, Pettlrlg, Gam bllng and Lotterles Report 1.954 (postage 1897-1952, Volumes 1-25 (1) (postage 80 cts ) 27 50 80 cts ) 50 Law Reports Court of Appeal for Eastertt Afrtca Catalogue of Kenya Tlmbers, by S H W lmbush (postage 1941 (postage 35 cts ) 25 cts ) 2 50 1942 (postage 35 ds ) Coutts Report for Selectlon of Afrlcan Representatlves 1943 (postage 35 cts ) to the Leglslatlve Councll (postage 80 cts ) 4 00 1944 (postage 35 cts ) StaF 1.1st, 1957 (postage Sh 1,/75) 20 00 1945 (postage 40 cts ) The Approprlatlon Accounts sand other Pubhc Accounts 1946 (postage 50 cts ) of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya for the year 1955/56 and Report thereon by the Controller and 1947 (postage 80 cts ) Audltor-G enerai 40 00 1948 (postage 80 cts ) Estlmates- A D C 1958 (postage 50 cts ) 12 50 1949 (postago 50 cts ) G eolog cal Bulletzn N o 1, The Geology and M m olal 1950 (postage 50 cts ) Resources of Kenya (postage 35 (zts ) 5 (X) 1951 (postage 80 cts ) G eologlcal Report N o 17, Country between Embu and 1952 (postage 80 cts ) M eru (postage 50 cts ) 12 00 1953 (postage 80 cts ) Geologlcal Report N o 18, Geology of the K lsll D lstnct 1954 (postage 80 cts ) (postagc 50 cts ) 15 00 1955 Slt l/- G eologlcal Report N o 19 Geology of the Area N orth- '%M lrathl' ' , the M oham m edan Law of Inherltanco west of Kltale Townshlp (Trans Nzola, Elgon and W est (postage 80 cts ) 00 Suk) (postage 80 cts ) 17 50 Notes on Commerce and Industry, 1956/57 (postage Geologlcal Report N o 20, G eology of the M arlakanl- 50 cts ) 2 00 M ackmnon Road Area (postage 35 cts ) 8 00 Pollce Commjsslon Report, 1955 (postage 50 cts ) 5 00 Geologlcal Report N o 21, Geology of the Klsum u D lstnct Pubhc Accounts Commlttee Report, 1956 (postage 50 cts ) 12 50 (postage Sh 1/35) 15 00 Rates and Allowances Table of lncom e Tax, 1952 Geologlcal Roport N o 22, G eologv of the W allr-M andera (postago 35 cents) 50 Dlstrlct, N orth east Kenya (postage 80 cts ) 12 50 Report of Com mlttee orp Agrlcultural Credlt for Afhcans G eologlcal Report N o 2 3 G eologlcal R econnalssance or .,. (postage 80 cts ) 00 tlao Area South-east tpf fznbu (postage *0 cts ) 8 pê Report of the Incom e Tax Com rm ttee Kenya and W lnto Geologleal Report N o 24 Geology of M ombasa- Papor (postage 80 cts ) 50 Area (postage 80 ct% ) 17 50 Report of the Technlcal lnstltute Comnuttee (postage Geologlcal Report N o 25, G eology of the South-east 35 cts ) 2 00 M achakos Area (postage 35 cts ) 6 50 Report on Afrlcan H ouslng by E A Vasey, c M G , Geologlcal Report N o 26, Geology of the Broderlck Palls (postage 50 ots ) 2 5û Area (postage ,50 cts ) 12 50 Report on W slts to Indla, M alaya and Ceylon, wfth som e G eoloalcal Report N o 27, G eology of tho Southern notes for tlw gm danco of Tea Planters ln K enya M achakos Dlstnct (postage 50 cts ) 8 00 (postage 80 cts ) 7 50 G eologlcal Roport Nö 28, Geolog) of K akamega Dlstnct Roport of the Soclal Securlty Comlttee (Postage 50 cts) 3 50 (postage 80 cts ) 15 00 Revzew of Kenya n shenes, 1955 (postage 35 cts ) 2 50 Geologlcal Report N o 29s Geology of the Sultan H amud S1r Ibbotson's Report on tho M arketlng of M mze and Area (postago 80 ct,s ) 8 00 Other Produce (postage 35 cts ) 3 0Q G oologlcal Report N o 30, Geology of tho K ltm Area T>e Agranan Problem ln K enya N ote by Sjr Phlhp (postage 80 cts ) 8 00 M ttchell, o c M çy , M c: , Governor of Kenya (postago Geologlcal Report N o 3l, G eology of the M eru-lslolo 50 cts ) 2 5'û Area (postaêe 80 cts ) 8 ctl The Bzology of Trout ln Konva Colonv (paper cover) 25 0U G eologlcal Report N o 32, Geology of the Taveta Area The Blology of Trout ln Kenya Colony (bound m hard (postage 80 cts ) 12 50 covgr) 30 00 G eologlcal Report N o 33, Geology of the N orth K ltm The Cellulose Pulp Commlttee (1953) Roport (postage Area (postago 80 cts ) 8 00 35 cts ) , 2 50 Geologlcal Report N o 34, Geology of tho Klhf-M azeras Tho Compames Ordlnance (postago 80 cts ) 10 00 Area (postage 80 cts ) 12 50 G eologlcal Report N o 35, G eology of the Kltale- Tho M lmng Laws of Kenya (postage 35 cts ) 3 0û Clzeranganl Hllls Area (postage 80 cts ) 8 00 The M lnlng Regulatlons of Kenya (postage 50 ds ) 5 00 Geologlcal Report N o 36, Geology of the M alm dl Area Troun Report, 1951, M alze and W heat Pmces (postage (postage 80 cts ) 10 00 35 cts ) 2 00 G eologlcal Report N o 37 G eology of tho South Kjtul Tuberculoms ln K omyay by W S H aynes, M A , M D , Area (postage 80 cts ) 12 50 (postage 80 cts ) 15 09 248 TH E K EN YA G A ZETTE 4th M arch 1958 N OW ON SALE IM POR TAN T N OTICE TO SU BSCR IBERS T () TIIE K EN Y A G A Z ETTE K EN YA stmscRxzm ox Axo ADVSRTISEM SNT cpu cEs TR ADE SUPPLAES zxcltu s>m >'ROM 1st zAxrAav, 1958 W ITH EFFECT FRIJM 1st January, 1958, the rates of sub BU LLE TIN scllption und tdvertlsemunt charges to the Kenya Gazette wlll be lncleased Tbc neM rates w111 be as follows - Prlce Sh 1 Obtatntlble from the Government Prlnter, Nalrobt Annual Subsurlptlon, payable ln advance (lnclud- 1ng postage) 80 00 or newsagentç H alf-ycal ly subscrlptlon payablc ln advance (lncludlng postagel 40 00 Nlngle copv ot an) Gazette wlthtyut Sttpplements 1 00 bm sle copy ot any Supplem ent to thc G azette Q EPOR T O F TH E EA ST A FR ICA N n0t exceedmg one page 10 blngle copv ot any St4pplernent to the Gazette COM M B SION OF INQUIRY ON smngout cwoxpc.yoe do fn 3s utpwpolt mpeangte ,u p to four pages z205 Stngle eopv of Stmplem ent up to elght pages 50 IN CO M E TA X , 1956-57 smgle copy ot supplement up to 12 pages 75 Slngle copy ot Supplem ent up to 16 pages 00 Prtce kjW 17 / 50 Each acllltlonal 16 pages ()0

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