THE KENYA GAZETTE Pubhshed Under the Authority of Ms Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Reastered As a Newspaper at the G P 0 )

THE KENYA GAZETTE Pubhshed Under the Authority of Ms Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Reastered As a Newspaper at the G P 0 )

THE KENYA GAZETTE Pubhshed under the Authority of ms Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Reastered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 ) Vol. LX-No. 11 NAIROBI, 4th March, 1958 Price Sh 1 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES I GAZETIENOTICES-(Contd ) PAGE PAGE Appointments, etc 218 The Bankruptcy Ordinance 237,238 The Immigration Ord~nance 1956-Appointment 218 The Fraudulent Transfer of Businesses Orhnance 238 The Mlnlng Ordinance-Renewal of Licences 21 8 Notice of Change of Name 238,239 The Regulatlon of Wages and Conditions of Emploq- Forest Department-Tender 239,240 ment Ordtnance, 1951-Intention to '3ubmit Proposals 218 H M Court of Appeal for Eastern Afr~caat Nalrobl The Compulsory Nallonal Service Ordlnance- and Kampala-Cause L~st 240 Release Advisory Comnnttee 218 Dissolution of Partnership 241 Appointments to Local Manpower Comrn~ttees 22 1 The Natne Lands Trust Ordmance-Tender 241 The Marketing of African Produce Ord~nance-Appoint The Crown Lands Ordmance- \ ments to Board 21 8 Plots at Klhfi 242 The Natlve Lands Trust Ordinance-Settlng Apart of Plots at Klsumu 243 Land 219,220 Plots at Nakuru 245 The Essential Servlces (Arbitration) Ordmance, 1950- Plots at Molo 246 Appointment of Arbitrator and Assessors 220 The Crown Lands Ordmance-Forfeiture Notice 220 Tender 220 SUPPLEMENT No 15 Civll krcraft Accident-Inspector's Investigation 22 1 The Medical Practitioners and Dentlsts Ordlnance- (Lepzslatzve Suppleme~tt) Regstrations 221 LEGALNOTICE NO PAGE The Townships Ordinance-Appointment to Committees 222 I Nalrobi West Aerodrome--Change of Name 222 1 97-The Kenya Meat Commlsslon Ord~nance,1950- Wholesale Pnces 111 The Education Ordinance-Appolntme~ts 222 The W~ldAn~mals Protection Ord~nance--Appomtment 222 98 99-The Forfeiture of Lands Ordnance, 1953- Native Land Ryghts Confiscahon Order 112-1 13 Transport Licensing 222 229 The Courts Ordinance-Appointments 222,223 100-The Wages Regulatlon (Road Transport) Order, 1958 123 The Anlmal Dlseases Ordmance-Infected Areas 223 East African Rallways and Harbours-Amendment to 101-The Seeds (Amendment) Rules, 1958 128 Tanff Book No 2 22 3 102-The Colomal Alr Navlgahon Order 1955- Customs and Excise Auction Sale 224,227 Exemption from Landing Fees 128 Loss of Poky 225,226 103-The Colonial Ar Navlgahon Order, 1955-Use The Companies Ordmance 225,226 of Government Aerodromes 129 The Water Ordmance-Apphcatlons 226 104-The Kltale County Counc~l(L~censing of Dogs) The United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Ordin~nce By-laws, 1958 134 re Messrs Vono Ltd 326 105-The Thomson s Falls Urban Dlstrlct Councll The Societies Rules, 1952-Registrations etc 228 (Licensing of Cycles) By-laws, 1958 140 Uasln Glshu County Counal 229,230 106-The Movement of Ma~zeOrder, 1958 142 The Municipahties Ordmance-Nomination of Coun clllors 229,230 107-The Native Land Tenure Rules, 1956-Apph- Municipd Board of Mombasa 230 catlon of Rules 141 Liquor Licensmg 230, 231 108-109-The Afrlcan Dlstrlct Councils Ord~nance The Compames Ordinance-Appointments 231 242,244 1950-Authonzation to Mahe By-laws 144 Vacancies 231 110-The Afrlcan Dlstrlct Counclls Ordinance, Trade Marks 232-234 1950-Notlce Under Section 23 145 Patents 234-235 11 1-The Publlc Health (Dramage and Latnle) City Councll of Narobl--Closure of Road 215 Rule\ 145 Probate and Admilustration 216 217 218 TH E KEN YA GAZETTE 4th M arch, 1958 CORRIGEN DU M G AZE'I'TE NoerlcE N o In G azette N otlce N o 52 ln the K enya G azette dated THE REGU LA TION S O F W AG ES AN D CON DITION S 7th January, 1958, delete the follom ng entry - OF EM PLOYM ENT ORD INAN CE 1951 PRELIMJNARI SWAHILI ORAL CXAMINATION (Az o 1 f7/ !95jj Reglstrar Co-opelatlve Socletles- THE BAKIN'G, PLOUR C ONFECTIONERN AND BISCUIT MAKING W Craw TRADES W AGES COUNCIL N O TICE ls hereby glven that the Baklng, Flour Confec- G U E'ITE N oTlcs N o 730 tlonery and Blscm t-m aklng rrades W ages Councll, estabhshed under Legal N otlce N o 4 dated 29th Decem ber, 1955, m tends to A PPO IN TM EN TS subm lt W ages R egulatlon Proposals to the M m lster for Educa tlon, Labour and Lands ln respect of em ployees em ployed ln HARDRBSS D E W ARRENNE W ALLER to be Dlstrlct Com m lsslonery the baklng, flour confectlonery and blscult-m aklng trades ln South N yanza, Nyanza Provm ce, wlth efect from 13th. Febru- N alrobl M om basa, N akuru, Eldoret, K ltale and K lsum u M unl ary, 1958 clpahtles, N yerl and N anyukl Tow nshlps and Thlka U rbqn SHEIKH A HMAD ABDALLAH YUSUFF to be M lldlr, W ltu and D jstnct M kunum bl, Lam u Dlstnct, Coast Provm ce, wlth esect from 6th February, 1958 Com es of these wages regulatjons proposals m ay be obtalned GBOFFRBY JAMES ELLERTON) M A (OXON) M B E , resumed duty from the Secrdary ot tëe Wages Councll at the address glven on return from leave as U nder-secretary, Treasury, wlth below, or from labour om ces throughout K enya efect from 19th Febraury, 1958 Representatlons ln regard to the proposals m ust be m wrlt- GBOFFRBY JAMBS ELLBRTON, M A (OXON)y M B E $ to aCt as m g, settlng out clearly the reasons for m aklng sam e, and D eputy Secretary to the Treasury w lth effect from 19th m ust reaciv the Secretary not later than 7th A prll, 1958 February, 1958 T F M IN O G U E, REGINAL,D JAMES SPOONBR to act as A sslstant D lrector of A grl Secretal y, culture, Southern Provlnce w lth effect from 2nd February Olce of f/Te W ages Councll 1958 G 111 H ouse ER1c H UGH LINDSEY to act as A sslstant Cgm lm ssloner Of P O Box 326, N alrobl Pohce m th esect from 1st July, 1957 REVERSION S LAxcc or DONALD ABEL BARON, o F c , M A (oxoN), ceased to G AZEzu's N oTlcB N o 734 act as D eputy Secretary to the Treasury wlth effect from 19th February, 1958 (Df# 26/2 /22 / 14) ROBBRT DsNls W ILLIAM TOFIELD ceased to act as Senlor Press TH E CO M PU LSO R Y N A TIO N A L SERV IC E Superlntendent, Pnntlng and Statlonery Departm ent, wlth ORD IN AN CE, 1951 effect from 13th January, 1958 D ONALD GEORGE CHARLES K ING Ceased to aCt as Superlntendenty (No 19 ol 1951) Prlntlng and Statlonery D epartm ent, wlth egect from 13th RELEASE A ovlsoltv C OMM ITTBE January, 1958 H ENRY JOHN FREDBRICK PARKHIJRST ceased to act as A sslstant IN EX E RC ISE of the pow ers conferred by sectton 32A of the Superlntendent, Prlntlng and Statlonery Departm ent, wlth Com pulsory N atlonal Servlce O rdm ance, 1951 the G overnor elfect from 13th January, 1958 hereby appolnts- W N B Loudon, Esq , E N GRIFFITH -JON ES, The A dlutant, The K enya R eglm ent, Actlng CàIE'/ Secretary to be m embers of the Release Advlsory Com m lttee ln place of J B H lrst, Esq * and Captaln J R T Eve * GAZE'I'TE N o'rlcE N o 731 (IM M l /8) D ated thls 21st day of February, 1958 THE IM M IGRATION ORD IN AN CE, 1956 By Com m and of the G overnor (No 35 oj 1956) JOHN CU SACK , A PPOIN FM ENT OF IM M IGIIATION O FFICER M lnlstel jor Inter'tal Securkty and Dejence IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by sectlon 3 of the Im mlgratlon Ordlnance, 1956, the Governor hereby Y G N 1552 /55 appolnts- BERNARD BAmtow SHAw , EsQ to be an lm mlgratlon OKcer G AZET'I'E N ozqcE N o 735 D ated thls 27th day of February, 1958 (AGR 4151) By Comm and of the G overnor TH E M A RK ETIN G OF AFRICAN PRODU CE E N G RIFFITH -JON ES, ORD IN AN CE Acttng Chlej Secretary (Cap 1 84) M BM BERSHIP olv THE N YANZA PpovlNcE M ARKETING BOARD G AZETTE N orlcB N o 732 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Schedule to the M arketm g of Afrlcan Produce Ordln- TH E M IN ING O RD IN ANCE ance, the M m lster for A grlculture, A m m al H usbandry and W ap 168) W ater R esources has appolnted- RENEw AL oF Excl-uslvF PROSPECTING LICENCES Stanley Everett, Esq , N OTICE ls hereby glven that the followm g excluslve pros Basheer ud-D m , Esq and pectm g llcences have been renewed - Frederlck M alakwan arap Sol Esq , L lcensee - M axwell M cG ujnness Area - 88 square mlles (approxlmately) to be m em bers of the N yanza Provlnce M arketlng Board ln L ocallty --coast Provl lce place of- No 0/ ltcelïce - 111 I'eîm .- one year from 28th October, 1957 C H East, Esq , M tnelals --preclous m etals and non-preclous m lnerals Lahlbhal D Hlndocha, Esq , and M llale arap K orgoren Esq , L tcensee - Froblsher Ltd Aé ea - 7,900 square mlles (approxlmately) respectlvelyrf who have reslgned L ocaltt.p - N orthern Provlnce No t?/ llcence - 121 D ated thls 26th day of February 1958 Term - o ne year from 1st January, 1958 M lnerals - preclous m etals, non-preclous mm erals and radlo- M IC H A EL BLU N D ELL, acttve m lnerals M lnlste; y(lz Agrlcultu'e Antmal Slflbcntfr.l and W ater R esources Nalrobl, CH ARLES H A RVEY, 28th Fkbruary, 1958 jor Communoner (M IneJ and Geologyb * G N 1859/56 4th M arch, 1958 TH B K EN Y A G A ZETTE 219 G AZET'I'S N o'rlcB No 736 (2) Pulpose - D E B przm ary school TH E N ATIVE LAN D S TRU ST O RD IN AN CE Place .-x awetlu, M atungulu Locatlon, M achaltos Dlstrlct qcap 100) Area - 2 8 acres (approxlmately) SETTING A PART OF LAND UNDER SECTION 21 Desotptton ()/ Boundarles W HEREAS l conslder lt deslrable that the areas of land Com menclng at a pom t dem arcated by a stone calrn whtch herelnafter speclfied, bem g the areas sltuated wlthln the natlve IS sttuated at the beglnnlng of a perm anent slsal hedge , thls land snould be set apart as hereln provlded polnt of com m encem ent ls located by the tollowlng bearm gs- Axo wHEREAS the provlslon of sub-sectlon (1) ot sectton 51 degrees on M atetam H111 (Kangundo), a dlstance of 21 and the pro&lslons of sectlon 22 of the N atlve Lands approxlm ately five nules and 198 degreeq on M bee H t11 Trust Ordlnance have

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