CONTENTS (XLIX, 2007) Nr. 2 139 . PETR SLÁMA Notes from the Coast of Bohemia III. or On the Gospel of Creation and Resurrection 141 . JÜRGEN MOLTMANN The Resurrection of Christ and the New Earth 150 . PETR MACEK The Doctrine of Creation in the Messianic Theology of Jürgen Moltmann 185 . IVANA NOBLE Doctrine of Creation within the Theological Project of Dumitru Stăniloae 210 . RODNEY D. HOLDER Creation and the Sciences in the Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg 254 . BEAT ZUBER Bibel und Gnosis oder ein Vorschlag, den Gaul vom Kopf her aufzuzäumen BOOK REVIEWS 266 . Wie mit dem Teufel zu pflügen ist (Ondřej Macek) 269 . Ein Weg durch die Felsen mit Jan Heller (Petr Turecký) 272 . Synagogue and Ecclesia (Igor Kišš) ADDRESSES OF THE CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE Rodney D. Holder
[email protected] The Faraday Institute for Science and Religion St Edmund's College, Cambridge CB3 0BN, United Kingdom Igor Kišš
[email protected] Evanjelická bohoslovecká fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave Bartókova 8 SK-811 02 Bratislava, Slovakia Ondřej Macek
[email protected] Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University Černá 9 CZ-115 55 Praha 1, Czech Republic Petr Macek
[email protected] Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University Černá 9 CZ-115 55 Praha 1, Czech Republic Jürgen Moltmann Biesinger Strasse 25 D-72070 Tübingen, Germany Ivana Noble
[email protected] Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University Černá 9 CZ-115 55 Praha 1, Czech Republic Petr Turecký
[email protected] CZ-256 01 Soběhrdy 21 Beat Zuber
[email protected] Berg Sion, CH-6048 Horn, Switzerland The authors of the articles herein published are responsible for their contents, and while the editors have presented their ideas for discussion, they need not agree with them.