GOVERNMENT OF KERALA KANNUR INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LIMITED REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATION (RFQ) Kannur International Airport, Kerala, India EPC I Detailed Designing, Engineering, Procurement and Construction of Earth Work and Pavements for Runway, Basic Strips, Turning Pads, Taxiways, Apron, Access Roads, Drainage System, Related Retaining Structures, Formation Platforms for Landside Facilities and Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Airfield Ground Lighting System, Visual Aids for Navigation and Bird Hazard Reduction System.(herein after referred to as Project) 'Parvathy',T.C 36/1, Chackai, N.H Bypass, Thiruvananthapuram 695 024, Kerala, INDIA Ph: +91 471 2508668, 2508670, Fax: +91 471 2508669 E-mail:
[email protected] January 2013 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SI. No. Contents Page No. Disclaimer 4 1 Introduction 6 1.1 Background 6 1.2 Scope of Work and eligibility of Applicant 12 1.3 Brief description of Bidding Process 15 1.4 Schedule of Bidding Process 16 2 Instructions to Applicants 17 2A General 17 2.1 Scope of Application 17 2.2 Pre- Qualifying Criteria (PQ) for Works contracts 17 2.3 Change in composition of the Joint Venture / Consortium 21 2.4 Number of Applications and costs thereof 22 2.5 Site visit and verification of information 22 2.6 Acknowledgement by Applicant 22 2.7 Right to accept or reject any or all Applications/ Bids 23 2B Documents 24 2.8 Contents of the RFQ 24 2.9 Clarifications 24 2.10 Amendment of RFQ 25 2C Preparation and Submission of Application 25 2.11 Language 25 2.12 Format and