Socio-Economic, Land Use and Value Chain Perspectives on Vanilla Farming in the SAVA Region (North-Eastern Madagascar): the Dive
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development Socio-economic, land use and value chain Georg-August Universität Göttingen perspectives on vanilla farming in the SAVA Region (north-eastern Madagascar): The Diversity Turn Baseline Study (DTBS) Discussion Paper 1806 Hendrik Hänke, Jan Barkmann, Lloyd Blum, Yvonne Franke, Dominic A. Martin, Janna Niens, Kristina Osen, Viviana Uruena, S. Annette Witherspoon, Annemarie Wurz Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development University of Goettingen D 37073 Göttingen ISSN 1865-2697 Diversity turn in land use science, the importance of social diversity for sustainable land use innovations using the example of vanilla farming in Madagascar. WP1: Project Management, Coordination, Theoretical Advancement Prof. Dr. Andrea D. Bührmann1), Dr. Yvonne Franke1), Prof. Dr. Rainer Marggraf2), Dr. Hendrik Hänke2) 1) Göttingen Diversity Research Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Goettingen 2) Research Unit Environmental-and Resource Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, University of Goettingen WP2: PhD program "Diversity Turn in Sustainability Science" Prof. Dr. Andrea D. Bührmann, Dr. Yvonne Franke Göttingen Diversity Research Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Goettingen WP3: Social Diversity and Power Relations Prof. Dr. Andrea D. Bührmann1), Annette Witherspoon1), Raozivelo Ony Solomampionona2) 1) Göttingen Diversity Research Institute, Faculty of Social Sciences University of Goettingen 2) Department of Sociology,
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