Issue 221 • 1 July 2010 reporterSharing stories of Imperial’s community

Reporter finds out how Imperial is supporting its first Junior Research Fellows > centre pages

Careering aheadLooking for inspiration?

Summer science queen’s list wacky races Imperial Arthur Spirling Themed dinner researchers and Carol raises money take their work Propper on for student to the public their royal opportunities PAGE 3 recognition fund PAGE 8 PAGE 9 2 >> newsupdate | reporter | 1 July 2010 • Issue 221

The Group visited the College in being ­finalised, are par- Recognised by RCUK April 2010 as part of a national ticularly ­singled out by ­programme to assess provision in the Group, which recom- institutions that receive over mends that they should £1 ­million annually from RCUK for be shared with other uni- editor’s corner the career development and trans- versities. The guidelines ferable skills training of PhD stu- will be ­disseminated at dents and postdocs. Imperial via Heads of Family Its report praises Imperial’s two ­Department shortly. Graduate Schools and its Postdoc Professor Mary Ritter, affair Development Centre (PDC) for help- Pro Rector (International ing research postgraduates and Affairs) commented: postdocs to develop well-rounded “It’s great to have inde- 29 today Happy birthday Emily, Last week streams of skills, for example, enabling them pendent confirmation eager and anxious-to- to communicate and present their that we are leading the impress sixth formers Imperial’s training and development programmes work efficiently, and for alerting way in this area, both visited the College for for researchers in the early stages of their careers them to future career opportunities. at national and, indeed, Imperial’s annual science are amongst the best in the UK, according to a The PDC’s good practice guidelines international level”. and engineering under- report by the RCUK’s Research Careers and Diversity for postdoc support and develop- —Abigail Smith, graduate open day. Keen Group which the College­ received in June. ment in departments, currently Communications to gain insight into the first impressions we offer to prospective students I sat alongside them at the introduction given by New powerhouse for the Department of Phys- ics as they were wowed heart and lung healthcare by videos­ of explosions used to illustrate shock The College has come physics and by Dr Mark together with Imperial Richards’ sound wave ­College Healthcare NHS experiments in which he Trust and Royal Brompton remixed Rihanna’s pop and Harefield NHS Founda- song Umbrella to a ­reggae tion Trust in a new agree- beat. I was touched to ment, signed this month, see so many equally to undertake joint research captivated­ parents­ , dili- studies and explore clinician-led integration of services into joint gently taking notes and working units and programmes. probing current undergrad- The alliance will bring together more than 460 cardiac and tho- uates in the question and racic surgeons, consultants, cardiologists, professors and research- answer session. Seeing ers. Together, they will exploit the critical mass of expertise and them reminded me how patients to deliver world-leading improvements in clinical care, reporter online integral parents are to sup- education and research activities relating to heart and lung health, is now live, giving you porting our students, even for example, through enrolling patients from the two Trusts in large- though many of us only scale joint research studies. access to stories of see them at open day and Professor Stephen Smith, “This collaboration Imperial’s community from ­graduation – the bookends Principal of the Faculty of Med- is crucial in breaking your desktop. Join the of the student experience. icine at Imperial and Chief down the artificial conversation by adding your Emily Ross, Editor Executive of Imperial College organisational barriers Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “Our comments on the latest among acute specialist shared vision is to lead and be Notification care providers” news – whether you’ve got As Reporter went to press, we competitive on a global scale in learnt that Brian Flowers, one cardiovascular and respiratory an opinion, a related story of Imperial’s longest-serving healthcare. This collaboration is crucial in breaking down the artifi- or a grumble to share. Rectors, died at the age of 85. See page 3 for more details. cial organisational barriers among acute specialist care providers.” The collaboration will form part of an extension of the Academic Health Science Centre, the partnership formed in 2007 between the Reporter is published every three weeks during term time College and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, which will see in print and online. The next the creation of a new system of associates from the tertiary and pri- Shape the content of publication day is 29 July. mary healthcare sectors. Known as the Academic Health Science Contact Emily Ross: your newspaper at: System, its aim will be to explore new patterns of care, and achieve [email protected] +44 (0)20 7594 6715 greater advances in healthcare delivery and outcomes. —Laura Gallagher, Communications 3 | reporter | 1 July 2010 • Issue 221 >> newsupdate

Royal Society Magnificent seven Summer Exhibition 2010 staff honoured A giant pelvis, a wooden hut ­covered in layers of paper and College celebrates two new knights, two CBEs, two OBEs and an MBE a CSI-style chemical investiga- tion are some of the innovative Seven members of staff, including three methods Imperial academics from Imperial’s Business School, have been are employing to explain their recognised in the Queen’s birthday honours research to the public at the list published on 12 June 2010. Royal Society Summer Science ­Exhibition this month. Knighthoods go to Professor Marc ­Feldmann (Kennedy Institute), an expert on Researchers from the Department ­autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid of Surgery and Cancer are exhib- Mr Alister Hart (Surgery and Cancer) with the giant pelvis at the Royal arthritis, and Professor John Beddington (Life iting a model of a human pelvis Society Summer Science Exhibition. Sciences), currently chief scientific advisor to and hip replacement eight times the government. the average size, to help them In the Business School, Professor David describe the work they are doing using a high-intensity X-ray beam Gann, Head of Innovation and Entrepreneur- to examine why some hip replacements fail. They are exhibiting ship, and Professor Carol Propper, Head of with Diamond Light Source, the UK’s national synchrotron science Healthcare Management, are appointed CBE, facility, where they carry out some of this X-ray research. while Professor Dot Griffiths, Deputy Principal In another unique exhibit, created by researchers from of the School, is appointed OBE. Imperial’s Department of Medicine and the University of Addis Elsewhere in the College, Dr Maha Ababa in Ethiopia, layers of paper encase a hut, resembling human ­Barakat, co-founder of the Imperial ­College skin. Visitors are encouraged to rip away parts of the paper ‘skin’, London Diabetes Centre in Abu Dhabi is to illustrate the damage that the debilitating tropical disease appointed OBE, while Arthur Spirling, leishmaniasis can do to a person’s face and body. The researchers ­Director of ICT, is appointed an MBE. Congrat- are exploring potential ways to treat the disease by investigating ulating all those recognised, Rector Sir Keith how it can suppress the immune system. O’Nions said: Researchers from the Department of Chemical Engineering “Such honours are a mark of distinction and Chemical Technology are also on hand at the exhibition to and a sign of the high esteem in which these demonstrate the power of a chemical photography technique, seven people are held. For one institution to which allows researchers to understand the chemical composition have so many members of staff recognised is L–R from top: of different materials. Visitors can take part in live experiments to a great achievement and my congratulations Professors Marc see what traces of chemicals can be found on their fingerprints. go to them all.” Feldmann, John —Lucy Goodchild, Colin Smith and Laura Gallagher, Communications Honours lists are published twice a year Beddington, David Gann, Carol Propper, The Royal Society Summer Exhibition runs until 4 July at London’s Southbank at New Year and in mid-June on the date of the Dot Griffiths, Dr Centre. To watch videos about the Imperial researchers involved see: Queen’s official birthday. Maha Barakat­ and Chemical photography • —Abigail Smith, Communications Mr Arthur Spirling. Hip replacements • Leishmaniasis research •

Imperial remembers Engineering students Faculties focus on the former Rector change the world very best in teaching Amazing, Brian Flowers, who served A group of students from the Depart- Last month two ­ceremonies I loved the fake as Imperial’s Rector for ment of Electrical and Electronic Engi- were held at Imperial to 12 years from 1973, died neering have won the top prize in the honour staff with ­teaching in brief operation with on 25 June aged 85. He is IEEE Presidents’ Change the World Com- or teaching-related roles ­survived by his wife, Mary. petition with their project to provide an for their commitment to all the blood. Paying ­tribute, Lord Oxburgh, who led Imperial electricity system to rural Rwandan com- ­education and support- It taught me from 1993–2000, said: “Brian Flowers was a giant munities. The e.quinox project, already ing students over the past among Rectors – as well as consolidating the operating in a Rwandan village, uses year. To read the full story a lot about engineering and physical sciences at Imperial as renewable energy, such as solar power, of the Faculty of ­Natural being a doctor prosperity returned after the lean years following to charge portable batteries in a central ­Sciences Teaching Awards the Second World War, he recommended­ and fore- kiosk. These batteries can then provide and the Faculty of Engineer- and I’m going to be saw the amalgamation and strengthening of med- power in local people’s homes. Members ing’s Awards for Teaching icine in London that we have today.” Reporter will of e.quinox collected their US$10,000 ­Excellence, and for the list of one, one day.” publish a full tribute to Lord Flowers in issue 222. award and the title of IEEE Student winners see: www3.imperial. – Benjamin, aged 11, on his experience of Share your memories of Imperial’s 10th Rector at: Humanitarian Supreme at a ceremony the Imperial exhibit at the Cheltenham held in Montreal, Canada, on 26 June. Science Festival organised by academics from the College. 4 >> newsupdate | reporter | 1 July 2010 • Issue 221

Join our mailing list for regular media mentions news, information and website alerts: —COLIN smith, Communications

sky news • 02.06.2010 nature • 09.06.2010 bbc online • 14.06.2010 new scientist • 14.06.2010

BP ‘had no plan B’ Emergency medicine Public want What’s wrong for frogs regulation with the sun? One of the country’s leading energy engineers has told Sky News that BP Scientists are taking measures to The public­ wants a say in how Solar had no plan B following the collapse of save endangered ­amphibians from research into the manufacture of ­behaviour an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Speak- the disease ­chytridiomycosis, synthetic life is conducted, reports has changed ing to Sky’s Jeff Randall Show, Professor reports the ­journal Nature. BBC News Online. A report com- dramatically Geoffrey Maitland (Chemical Engineer- Chytrid ­fungus, which causes missioned by the UK research over the past ing and Chemical Technology) said that, ­chytridiomy­cosis, is rapidly councils revealed that people two years, although there was a whole range of spreading, and an experiment are comfortable with the idea of reports New safety meas- ­conducted in 2009 aimed to help ­creating life, but only if it is prop- Scientist. ures in place for scientists in search of a treatment.­ erly regulated and there is assur- Sunspots, caused by giant loops the potential In the experiment, researchers ance that the research could bring of magnetism bursting through the blow-out, they removed tadpoles from the ponds tangible benefits. The report also Sun’s surface, generally emerge all failed. “The affected by the fungus and treated suggests that people want to have then fade but recently they have main problem them with antifungal medication, a say in how mostly been missing. Their absence is that this leak before returning them to the wild. the research is the most prolonged in nearly happened 5,000 feet below the sea sur- Explaining why the midwife toad is conducted 100 years. Scientists are debating face and what would have been a rela- species in the pond makes this and how the extent to which changes in the tively normal operation on land, has to an important test, Dr Matthew­ grants are sun’s activity can affect our climate be done remotely in the sea,” he said. Fisher (Public Health) said: “They awarded. and the extended decrease in the “I think it has revealed to the industry are so susceptible to chytrid”. Professor amount of solar radiation reaching as a whole, not just BP, that there was ­Disappointingly, results of swabs Paul Freemont (Life Sciences) com- the planet could be the right test. no immediate plan B.” He added: “A taken this year suggested that all mented: “We want the science to Professor Joanna Haigh (Physics) full investigation is needed to see what the tadpoles probably still carried flourish,” adding: “We want the commented: “As a natural experi- caused this – whether it was a failure of the fungus. public to engage with it, under- ment, this is the very best thing to equipment or procedure.” stand it and also to influence it”. happen.” She added: “Now we have to see how the Earth responds.”

awards and natural sciences Engineering prize awarded annually in Germany honours Phillips wins Porter Medal Caro by the Robert Koch Foundation for receives outstanding and internationally Emeritus ­Professor David ­Phillips Honorary ­recognised scientific achievements. (Chemistry) has been awarded the Doctorate Professor Kafatos is recognised for Porter Medal, awarded every two his work on immunogenetic stud- years to the scientist who, in the In May, ies relating to insect immunity and international office opinion of the European Photo- ­Emeritus Professor Colin Caro malaria. He will receive the medal at Wood wins top chemistry Association, the Inter- ­(Bioengineering) flew to Johannes- a ceremony in November. German medal American Photochemistry Society burg to receive an honorary Doctor- and the Asian ate of Science from the University of medicine Professor John Wood, Senior and Ocean- the Witwatersrand, his alma mater, Top 10 HIV paper ­International Relations Advisor ian Photo- in recognition of his pioneering work (International Office), has been chemistry in the field of biomedical engineer- In April, a research paper enti- awarded the Officers’ Cross of Association, ing. It was his first return to South tled Delayed anti-HCV antibody the Order of Merit of the Federal has contrib- Africa for 25 years. response in HIV-positive men ­Republic of Germany for his role as uted most to acutely infected with HCV written chair of the International Steering the subject of Natural sciences by Dr Emma Thomson and Committee of the European X-Ray photochemistry. Professor ­Phillips, Kafatos wins gold ­colleagues from the Department of Laser Project (XFEL). The medal who is the incoming President of Medicine was named as one of the will be presented at the German the Royal Society of Chemistry, is Professor Fotis Kafatos (Life Sci- top 10 HIV papers of the year embassy on 21 July. the first British scientist to win the ences) has won the 2010 Robert 2009–10, at the British HIV medal since its inauguration in 1988. Koch Gold Medal – a prestigious ­Association annual conference. 5 | reporter | 1 July 2010 • Issue 221 >> scienceroundup

Increased New insights into volcanic activity mortality rate scientists thought that such activ- ity always accompanied plate breaks, at weekends believing the temperature of the man- tle beneath them to be the key factor. People admitted to English The research shows, however, that ­hospitals in an emergency at the In particular, the research comparatively little volcanic activity weekend have, on average, a seven showed a higher mortality rate at occurred when the present-day sub- per cent higher mortality rate than the weekend compared to week- continent of India broke away from people admitted between Monday days for patients with conditions what is now the Seychelles, 63 ­million and Friday, according to research including heart attack, heart fail- years ago. The new study reveals this published in the journal Quality and ure, stroke, some cancers and to be due to the rift’s prior history of Safety in Health Care on 10 June. aortic aneurysms. The authors a huge amount of volcanic activity, The new study, led by Imperial’s suggested that poorer access to New research by Imperial research- caused by plate thinning, which left it Dr Foster Unit and Department of hospital services and variations ers has revealed that when two parts with very little magma to erupt when Acute Medicine, is the in staffing levels at of the Earth’s crust break apart, this the rift occurred. largest ever to look at “Staffing levels the weekend may does not always Co-author Dr the differences between are often lower be contributing to cause massive Jenny Collier (Earth weekend and weekday at weekends, the difference in ­volcanic eruptions. Our study is Science and Engi- mortality, focusing on with fewer senior death rates. The study, published helping us to see neering) said: “Mass the deaths of patients medical staff “Hospitals on 16 June in the jour- more clearly some extinctions, the forma- admitted as emergen- around” have been reas- nal Nature, explains tion of new continents cies to 163 acute hospital sessing the work- why some parts of the of the factors and global climate trusts in England during ing hours and rotas world saw extreme that cause the change are some of 2005–06. of their doctors and, considering volcanic events mil- the effects that can Lead author of the study Dr Paul the impact that staff availability lions of years ago and events that have happen when plates Aylin (Public Health) said: “Staff- may be having on mortality rates, others did not. helped to shape break apart and cause ing levels are often lower at week- this is a timely reminder to hos- the Earth” super volcanic erup- ends, with fewer senior medical staff pitals that they must take care When the present- tions. Excitingly, our around, and some specialist services not to jeopardise the quality and day continent of North America broke study is helping us to see more clearly are less available. This may be con- standard of patient care available apart from what is now Europe, 54 some of the factors that cause the tributing to the increase in mortality at weekends when devising new million years ago, massive volcanic events that have helped to shape the rates on Saturdays and Sundays, but staffing rotas,” added Dr Aylin. activity was caused along the rift Earth over millions of years.” we would like to see more research.” —Lucy Goodchild, Communications between the two. Prior to this study, —Colin Smith, Communications

Antarctic expedition

Scientists from Imperial’s ­Winston The ‘digital plasters’ will improve our Wong Centre for Bio-Inspired understanding of how humans perform ­Technology, the Department of Civil in extreme conditions by monitoring the and ­Environmental Engineering and explorers’ vital signs such as heart rate, the Centre for Transport Studies are temperature and respiration. using ‘digital plasters’, mobile pollu- The sensors will be worn by the tion ­monitors and black box sensor explorers and fitted to their transport, technology to provide the engineering which comprise two Science Support know-how for a 3,600 kilometre expe- Vehicles and the Winston Wong Bio-In- dition across Antarctica in November, in spired Ice Vehicle (WWBIV), which will a ­collaboration announced on 11 June. slide along on skis using radar to detect dangerous crevasses. The expedition Official launch of the Moon Regan Trans-Antarctic expedition at Imperial. The scientists are partnering with the aims to evaluate the performance of bio- Moon Regan Trans-Antarctic Expedi- fuel, which will be used to power the tion team and will provide a network of WWBIV, and the energy efficiency and “We are ­providing sensors to monitor human physiology and the per- mobile wireless sensors to assess the environmental impact of the SSVs, which formance of the vehicles and their impact on the environment. We will environmental impact of the expedition could provide a viable alternative to light also capture atmospheric and meteorological data and assess the vehicles, check satellite positioning and aircraft that emit high levels of CO2. performance of GPS systems to understand more about the atmos- navigation systems, and harness solar Dr Robin North (Civil and pheric conditions around Antarctica.” power to melt snow for drinking water. ­Environmental Engineering) said: ­ —Colin Smith, Communications 6 >> featurefocus | reporter | 1 July 2010 • Issue 221

Professor Maggie Dallman chats with Junior Research Fellows Dr Ati Sharma (left) and Dr Silvia Díez- González (right)

Good Fellows

Setting up the JRFs brightest and best early career researchers at Impe- As Imperial begins rial, and give them freedom to focus on their research. The shock to the system felt by early The scheme’s support buys Fellows time free from recruiting its third career scientists when they set up their obligatory teaching and administration. “I was lucky own research group can be overwhelm- to receive a Fellowship early in my career, so I know cohort of Junior ing. Making the leap from postdoc what a significant difference such support can make to­ ­principal investigator often means in establishing your research, before you have to go Research Fellows, a sudden, and sometimes daunting, on and take responsibility for everything else,” says increase in responsibility for people, ­Maggie. “Even the brightest scientists can strug- Reporter catches up with money and ideas. Professor Maggie gle with the experience of suddenly having to run the Dallman, Principal of the Faculty of Nat- whole show themselves.” some of the first intake – ural Sciences, was keen to find a way Imperial is investing more than £10 million over of making this transition easier. In 2008 five years into the Fellowship scheme, which offers the class of 2009. she ­fulfilled her vision by persuading up to 60 fully funded three-year Fellowships that also the College to establish its own Junior include research expenses. In addition, each ­Fellow Research Fellowship (JRF) scheme. receives backing from a ­senior Imperial academic, who The idea behind the scheme was acts as sponsor by providing mentoring, equipment to appoint a new community of the and research space for them. This level of ­commitment 7 | reporter | 1 July 2010 • Issue 221 >> featurefocus

and support from a scheme run by Moving to Imperial group has had several opportuni- a UK university is rare, especially ties to bond during their first year, Apply for an Imperial in today’s financial climate. Not Dr Silvia Díez-González (Chemistry) especially through the induction, Junior Research Fellowship ­surprisingly, the programme has is one of the seven Junior Research training and support provided by attracted high quality applications Fellows from the first cohort to come Imperial’s Postdoc Development from scientists around the world, as from abroad, joining Imperial from Centre. “Being linked with other Imperial JRFs receive fully-funded, well as from early career researchers the Institute of Chemical Research people at a similar stage in their three-year fellowships, which include a already working at Imperial. of Catalonia in Spain. Her research career has been a useful network to competitive salary, research expenses focuses on developing more effi- have in the first year,” says Ati. “You and mentoring support from a senior Class of 2009 cient metallic catalysts for cleaning never know when ­connections with Imperial academic. up chemical reactions. “I particularly a group of colleagues working in Imperial welcomed its first cohort of like the fact that there are an almost diverse disciplines will come in use- The College welcomes applications from Fellows this academic year, with 17 infinite number of possible molecu- ful. I am sure it will stand us in good researchers with up to four years’ post-­ world class researchers taking up lar combinations – they are going stead for the future.” doc experience, across Imperial’s core their new posts from October 2009. to keep me busy for a long time to disciplines. You can apply from within Dr Ati Sharma (Aeronautics) is one come!” she says. New cohorts Imperial or from other organisations, of the eight Fellows from the first from the UK and abroad. You need cohort, who were already work- Everyone is anticipating the arrival to identify an Imperial academic who ing at Imperial before starting the Making the of the second JRF cohort this agrees to act as your ‘sponsor’, by Fellowship. He has used his new jump from postdoc autumn. For Maggie, it is reassur- providing laboratory space, research appointment to move from a joint ing that talented researchers are facilities and mentorship. Applications postdoc position in the Depart- to something more still seeking to stay in the university will be judged primarily on scientific ments of ­Aeronautics and Electri- permanent is hard to sector, and she is keen to highlight merit, track record and potential for cal and Electronic Engineering to do. This Fellowship Imperial’s continued support for the developing independent research. focus solely on aeronautics. “I have scheme: “The College is determined followed what you might call an has given me an to keep nurturing new research unusual career path – starting in amazing break.” stars. Even in times of financial physics, ending up in engineering, stress, we are not going to cut off going via a small hedge fund and our blood supply. We remain com- a large investment bank along the As well as taking advantage of pletely committed to attracting and way,” he says. the chance to live and work in Lon- supporting the best talent.” Ati’s research looks at reduc- don, Silvia was attracted to the JRF With applications for the third ing turbulence to decrease the scheme, as it gave her the opportu- cohort open until 29 October 2010, frictional drag in the air flow over nity to build her own independent Silvia wants to encourage others structures such as an aeroplane wing research programme, which will help to apply to the scheme. “From the or car bonnet. He hopes his theo- her to secure a permanent research day I started as an undergraduate, retical findings will be used to cut position in the future. “The Chemis- everyone has told me there are few fuel consumption­ in the aeronau- try Department at Imperial has been openings in science,” she says. “But tics, shipping and automobile indus- really welcoming,” says Silvia. “My research fellowship schemes like tries. His new post has also enabled sponsor, Dr Mimi Hii (Chemistry), this one prove that there are still him to establish collaborations with has gone out of her way to help and great opportunities for us, even rel- ­colleagues both at Imperial and fur- support me. In some labs we might atively early in our careers.” Ati is ther afield at the California Institute just be treated like cheap labour, but equally enthusiastic: “If you don’t of Technology. here I have really been supported to submit an application, you will “Making the jump from ­postdoc develop my own research.” never know what could have been. to something more permanent is This Fellowship has enabled me to hard to do,” Ati observes. “This Catching up get up to speed in a new area of ­Fellowship has given me an ­amazing research and is helping me carve out break. It can be difficult to build up On an overcast June afternoon, the a ­fulfilling academic career.” the required research experience Reporter JRF photoshoot on Dalby —Natasha Martineau, Communications when you’re working on relatively Court at Imperial’s South Kensington Meet the Fellows: Imperial JRFs will be short-term contracts. It often feels Campus provides Maggie with an presenting their research at the First Annual like there’s very little middle ground, opportunity to catch up with Ati and JRF conference on 11 October on the an excellent stepping stone.” Silvia about the Fellowship scheme South Kensington Campus. The event is Although there is no require- in general, and in particular, what free of charge and open to everyone. To For more information: register, email: [email protected] ment for Fellows to teach, Ati has life has been like as part of the class volunteered to develop his expe- of 2009. juniorresearchfellowships rience in this area by supervising Although they have been busy Master’s students, to put him in a building connections in their own Deadline for applications: better position when it comes to departments, the Fellows also feel 29 October 2010 applying for his next job. part of a broader community. The 8 >> featurefocus | reporter | 1 July 2010 • Issue 221

fact that the level of complaints about the ICT service is incredibly­ low.

How do you feel about your award? I feel really proud, but I couldn’t have achieved what I have without my colleagues, and the quality and quantity of skills they bring to the job – they really are a very hard working lot.

Carol Propper, Head of Healthcare ­Management (Business School), received a CBE for ­services to social science

How did you find out about your award? I got a phone call on a Friday afternoon from a lady at the Cabinet Office. Because I do a lot of work with the government on ­competition and healthcare, I assumed they were going to ask me to give a seminar. But Picking up the instead she asked me if I’d received a let- ter from the prime minister. I said no and she explained I’d been nominated for a CBE – it later turned out they’d sent the letter to honours the University of Bristol where I also hold an appointment. I was stunned by the news and Last month seven Imperial staff members were recognised in the Queen’s birthday honours. held the phone away from me and looked Reporter speaks to Arthur Spirling, Director of ICT, and Professor Carol Propper, Head of around to see if someone was setting me up. Healthcare Management (Business School), to find out how it feels to receive that letter and what tips they have for a successful career. What are you most proud of achieving in your career? Advancing research in economics of Arthur Spirling, Director You have worked at the College for 45 ­healthcare in general and raising the ­question of ICT, received an MBE years – how technologically advanced of whether competition in healthcare markets for services to higher was Imperial when you arrived? is a good thing, and whether incentives used education When I started, keyboards, video screens, in the private sector can be used to improve word-processing, email, Google, e-learning, outcomes in the NHS. How did you find out you were high performance computing, Facebook and going to be recognised? Twitter didn’t exist, and I’d never even used What are your tips for a successful I received a letter from the Cabinet Office a computer before! The College started with career as an economist? explaining that Gordon Brown was going to one mainframe in 1965. That grew to 10 main- You need to study at a really good institution. recommend me to the Queen for the award frames, which were then supplemented by It’ll feel like boot camp but excellent technical of an MBE and asking whether I wanted it hundreds of workstations, then thousands skills are vital and you’ll also get the opportu- or not. I ticked the box of desktops, and today Imperial has nity to meet people with exciting ideas. for yes but I didn’t really around 30,000 devices, servers, imagine anything would It felt desktops, laptops and handhelds. What advice would you give an come of it until I saw my surprising but economics researcher? name in the newspaper. What would be your advice to Follow your nose and pursue interest- rather nice to be a trainee computer software ing and sometimes off-beat questions. As Were you surprised recognised as a ­programmer starting out now? ­economists, we don’t have lab experiments that you were support service The most important thing to ­realise, so we have to think of clever ways of inferring nominated? is that people use computers, cause and effect from observational data. I always thought you had person” so always write people-friendly to be terribly special to ­programmes. Also remember that How does it feel to get a CBE? get an MBE, as the bulk of the honours you computers have limitations – they can’t do It’s like being the Queen! I’ve had a ­ read about in the papers are awarded to everything – for example they rarely smile! constant stream of lovely emails from actresses, athletes, civil servants or academ- colleagues, friends and family, and the wider ics. It felt surprising but rather nice to be rec- What are you most proud of achieving? ­academic community. I’ve also drunk a lot ognised as a support service person. Providing a great customer service to the of champagne! ­College is really important to me, as is the —Emily Ross, Communications

9 | reporter | 1 July 2010 • Issue 221

Wacky Races benefit

On 10 June, Support inside Services held a Wacky Races-themed ben- efit dinner in sup- story port of the Student Opportunities Fund. Rosie ­Dalton, Gradu- ate Intern (Commer- cial Services), helped mini profile organise the event and reports on her fied and changed in use. When experience: Last race winners receiving their prizes. From left to right: Andrew Murphy I was studying for my degree at “What started (Director of Finance), Louise Lindsay (Director of Human Resources), Dr ­Concordia University in ­Montreal, out as a racing- Martin Knight (Chief Operating Officer), Jane Neary, Paddy Jackman and Nigel Buck (Faculty Operating Officer for Medicine). Canada was mired in reces- inspired evening took sion, and the study of innovation­ a creative turn and seemed to offer the prospect of a emerged as Wacky fancy dress outfits­starring after Sharine Brown, pathway to recovery. Races, based on an Wacky Races cartoon char- the College’s Head of animated television acters Dick Dastardly ­Accommodation Serv- What happens if companies series broadcast in (Paddy­ ­Jackman, Director ices, who died in April. The aren’t innovative? the 1960s. Support of ­Commercial Services), Sharine Brown ­Scholarship Ammon Innovation is risky, offering the Services were joined Penelope ­Pitstop (Jane will offer the opportunity carrot of spectacular rewards or at the event by 350 Neary, ­Assistant Director of for a student to study at Salter the stick of destitution. But our guests from over 70 Commercial Services) and Imperial and be part of economic system is diverse and, companies with links Muttley (Tudo ­Scheibner, the institution of which Professor Ammon Salter, in many sectors, it is possible to across the whole Col- ­Commercial Services Sharine was so proud. Research Director of the UK survive and not be very innova- lege, for a truly wacky ­Systems Manager), and The night ran smoothly Innovation Research Centre tive, learning from the innova- evening held in the ‘last place’ t-shirts so infa- thanks to the contribu- (Business School), on the risks tions of others. What is really Queen’s Tower Rooms mous that people bid up to tions and commitment of and rewards of innovation. required is the ability to learn on the South Kensing- £50 to take one home! all those involved. In total quickly, be flexible and be willing ton Campus. High- The funds raised from the event raised £25,000 What is the UK Innovation to accept a high degree of uncer- lights included filmed the evening will be used and a thoroughly enjoyable Research Centre (UK-IRC)? tainty. Of course, these skills are pig and sheep races, for a scholarship named evening was had by all!”. The Centre is a joint venture hard to develop for individuals between Imperial College Busi- as well as organisations. ness School and the Centre for Business Research at the Uni- Why does Imperial need a science from scratch versity of Cambridge with the centre for innovation? aim to further research and As a leading university of As explained by Natalie Mills, MSc Science Communication knowledge exchange on innova- ­science, technology and tion policy and practice. UK-IRC ­medicine, it is critical that we involves a large-scale, research seek to understand how ideas programme and a knowledge are translated into new prod- Phenotype hub that seeks to engage policy- ucts, processes and services, makers and practitioners about and how these innovations are The term ‘pheno’ derives from the Greek word for ‘display’. Phenotype is a term innovation research. used, adapted and changed which describes the observable traits of an organism, like size, shape or col- in practice. The study of our. The colour of our eyes is a phenotype which is strongly controlled When did you first innovation provides a by our genetic makeup. However, a phenotype is not only down to recognise the importance of map for policy-mak- an organism’s genetics but can be due to its interaction with the innovation? ers, managers and environment where it lives, or the result of interactions between When I was an undergradu- academics to bet- its genetics and its environment, so that as the environment ate reading the work of Eng- ter understand how changes the phenotype of an organism also alters. For example, lish economist, Chris Freeman, we can influence the some plants can change their leaf thickness in response to stress and Austrian economist, Joseph future, by proactively caused by environmental factors such as lack of water. The term Schumpeter. Studying innova- shaping investments phenotype was first coined by Danish scientist Wilhelm Johannsen tion has many attractions, as it and decisions about the after his work on Phaseolus Vulgaris, or princess beans, showed that involves attempting to under- development and use genetically identical beans had different weights. He concluded that the stand how new things come of technology. appearance of a trait is not totally dependent on genetic make-up, which explains into being and are then modi- ­—Emily Ross, Communications why identical twins can grow up to behave and even look different. 10 insidestory | reporter | 1 July 2010 • Issue 221

From Land’s End Down to John O’Groats at the Leading Fire Officer Jon Avery (Security Services) reports on his experience of cycling from waterside Land’s End to John O’Groats last month.

In May, Beth Elzer, Creative ­Director “It all started with a drunken (Communications), organised a idea in a pub – doesn’t it photo shoot at the Imperial ­College always? My friend Steve and Boat Club headquarters on I cycle together a lot and we ­London’s Putney Embankment. decided it would be a good Beth reports on the unique shoot: idea to cycle from Land’s End to John O’Groats. We also “I have always been impressed with the dedication our students show for thought it would be an oppor- athletic pursuits and, with the Olympics coming up, we wanted to tunity to raise some money for The hardest thing about the ride highlight that Imperial is serious when a ­prostate cancer charity, as I was being in the saddle for up to it comes to sport. lost my father to the disease eight hours a day – not so much The Imperial College Boat Club two years ago. the ­physical side as the men- has always had high profile successes Seven months later, on 29 tal side – as there were some at student events so I was keen to May, we set off from Land’s long, straight, boring roads in ­capture their passion. End in the pouring stretches like Pres- We amped up the usual Imperial rain. Within hours I ton to ­Lancaster, photography style and went for a high- had broken a spoke, “Exmoor and where it was dif- drama, confident and intense visual which then buckled Glencoe in ficult to stay moti- style for these shots. The students and my wheel, meaning Scotland stand vated. However, coaches were amazing – completely that I had to buy a out for me, as there were also game for anything we asked, wonder- new wheel in Barn- the scenery was some magical fully energised and in amazing shape! staple. Luckily, the fantastic” moments. Exmoor The photographer, Sophie ­Mitchell, weather improved by and Glencoe in was eight months pregnant, but that the next day, which Scotland stand out didn’t stop her from half lying down in the helped, as we had to navigate for me, as the scenery was fan- freezing river shooting on her back to get two major hill climbs in Devon tastic, the sun was beating down the perfect shot. Spending four hours on that definitely tested our legs! and the climbs and descents the banks of the Thames with music pumping out of the boathouse Over the next seven-and-a- were brilliant. All in all it was an made for a fabulous atmosphere which resulted in a portfolio of amazing­ half days we pedalled on past amazing experience, and anyone shots. The teams look fierce, gorgeous towns and landmarks includ- thinking about doing it should and a force to be ing Chepstow, Whitchurch, Sed- stop thinking and get planning! ­reckoned with!” bergh, Moffat, Loch Lomond, So far we have raised £1,542.” Fort Augustus and Dorach, and To see Beth’s photo To support Jon visit: www.justgiving. shoot, visit: www3. finally arrived in John O’ Groats. com/lejogsteveandjohn waterside The last year has been a fantastic experience, if stressful at times! We’ve got a new management team, a renewed building, better support Ashley holding Mike the for student representatives and a new Micrometer — mascot of system to provide support for small . student-led projects. The thing I’ll miss most is the people both in the Union and in College. I’ll be taking a couple of months off to recover from nine years at Imperial before heading back into industry.” – Ashley Brown looks back on his year as Student Union President in the final weeks of his role. Keep your eyes peeled this month for a full interview: For afullobituaryandtoshare your memoriesofSirHughvisit: mechanics becomingestablished.” manufacture, robotics, polymer engineering and fracture jects like biomechanics, computer-aided design and to develop newlinesofresearch, whichresulted insub- regarded by bothstaffandstudents.He encouraged staff ofMechanicalEngineering,Hughwashighly Department manufacture and disposal of products. As Head of the to raise awareness of how much energy is used in the interest wasin energy useandconservation. Hewaskeen Engineering), whoworkedwithSirHugh,paystribute: ­ in 1980. ­Rector Brian Flowers. He was knighted in 1975 and retired until 1978 when he was made Pro Rector, working with ofMechanicalEngineeringfrom 1965 of theDepartment to processes in his research and teaching, he was promoted applied mechanics, plasticity theory and metal working rial in1948asReader inAppliedMechanics.Focusing on After astintworkinginindustry, hereturned toImpe- ­engineering undergraduate degree, followed by a PhD. obituaries 20 years • Professor Alun Hughes, • Mr Guljar Singh, • Ms Annette Winter, • MrsMaryBowe, ­Professor of Applied Mechanics in 1951. He was Head “Hugh Ford was a man of vision and his most recent Emeritus Professor ColinBesant(Mechanical Pharmacology (NHLI) Professor ofClinical Engineering) Technician (Mechanical Institute) Secretary/PA (Kennedy (International Office) International Officer Postgraduate and HR andiscorrect atthetimeofgoingto press. HR 19 August–1September. Staff ­ given manyyears of­ shares the ­ Reporter featured ­


reporter reporter celebrate ­ studied for a mechanical studied foramechanical (part of Imperial) where he at the City and Guilds production processes, began olutionise metal and plastic ­engineer, whichsawhimrev- His career asamechanical May 2010attheageof96. Sir HughFord diedon28 Former Pro Rector Profe


Dr Imad Jaimoukha, Senior • DrImadJaimoukha,Senior • MrColinRantle, Chief • Mrs Danuta Mahiouz, • Professor Dorian Haskard, 1 July2010•Issue221 stories ofstaffwhohave service tothe­ service Lecturer (EEE) Technician (Medicine) Scientist (NHLI) Senior Chief Biomedical Centre (NHLI) Director, The EricBywaters ssor SirHughFord Data issuppliedby anniversaries on College. ­Professor ­College

Cancer Cancer Mr James Turton, Surgery and Biosciences Dr Tina Toni, Molecular Mr Craig Tipple, Medicine Mechanical Engineering Mr Mark Thommyppillai, Public Health Mr Filipe Teixeira deAlmeida, Miss Tsing-Young Tang, Chemistry Dr DiegoSotoSanchez,EEE Dr BenjaminSimpson,Medicine Dr Kathleen Sim,Medicine Miss Yasaman Shadrokh, EEE Ms Rebecca Rahman, Aeronautics Miss Sharon Pyne,Medicine Computing Miss MichelleOsmond, Dr MichaelOkun,Bioengineering Sciences Ms Korinne Clinical Northwood, Dr BeinnMuir, Physics Biosciences Dr IsabelMoraes, Molecular Mr DanielMackay, Medicine Dr PiotrLugiewicz, Mathematics Science and Technology Mr AdrienLorenzi, Security Institute Ms Sarah Lester, Grantham Engineering Civil andEnvironmental Miss Pajaree Kewcharoenwong, Biosciences Dr MariusKaucikas, Molecular Dr Ravinder Kanda, Biology School Mrs NoelineJoseph,Business Dr Tao Jin,EEE Dr NicholasHylton, Physics Technology Engineering andChemical Mr Seyed Hosseini,Chemical Biosciences Ms Tamaswati Ghosh,Molecular Engineering Dr BelindaGarner, Biomedical Ms Louise Full, Kennedy Institute Professor AlFraser, ESE Dr Riccardo Fini,BusinessSchool Dr AhmedElSheikh,ESE Health Ms ElizabethDubois,Public Computing Mr Thomas Dinsdale-Young, Dr Ivan Diakonov, NHLI Sciences Dr Chiara Dellabianca,Clinical ‑and Cancer Dr RhiannonDavid,Surgery Crown, Miss Gabrielle Medicine Dr SotiriosChatzis,EEE Dr Katie Chapman,Medicine Dr CristinaCanova, NHLI Mr SimonButler, EEE Cancer Dr Jeroen Bergmann, Surgery and Mr SimonBennett,LifeSciences Mr JamieBanks,Physics Environmental Engineering Miss AngelikiAisopou,Civiland Mr Ryan Abbt,BusinessSchool new starters Welcome

Biosciences Biosciences Dr MinghaoZhang,Molecular Mr Lang Yuan, Materials Mr Norman Woolcock, Medicine Computing Mr Wolfram Wiesemann, Miss Natalie Watt, NHLI Technology Engineering andChemical Mr Ioannis Vyrides, Chemical Dr Flavie Vial, Public Health Cancer Cancer Dr ChristianLandles,Surgery and Dr Laurent Lamy, Physics Ms MagdalenaKudyba, NHLI Cancer (8years) Dr Yoshiaki Kawano, Surgery and Services Mr Aaron Joseph,Security Mr Stephen Johns,Chemistry Dr Thilini Ishwara, Physics Engineering Dr Yusuke Iida,Mechanical Mrs Rebecca Hernandez, Medicine Institute (19years) Mrs DianeHazlehurst,Kennedy and Cancer Dr SusanGotensparre, Surgery Cancer Miss AmyFord, Surgery and Physics Dr AmalioFernandez-Pacheco, Mrs EmilyEphgrave, Medicine Bioengineering (6years) Ms DimaCvetkova, Mr JamesColes,NHLI Dr DrissChoujaa,Computing Cancer (5years) Miss AnitaChau,Surgery and Dr DominicBuchstaller, EEE Dr DanBrudzevsky, Medicine (5 years) Medicine Dr Istvan Bartok, Institute Dr AnnaAndersson,Kennedy Mr Rob Anderson,ICT (12years) moving on Farewell oil industry.” out what life is like in the students andforthemtofind something back to the “I’m excited tofinallygive University ofUtah.Alsays: Institute (EGI) at the the Energy and Geoscience between theCollegeand involves fosteringlinks exploration. His new role in Libya for offshore oil looking intoopportunities He previously workedatBP, joined Imperial on 1 June. Science and Engineering), Geoscience (Earth Geoscience (Earth in Petroleum EGI Chair Chair EGI Al Fraser, Professor

insidestory role inCollegelife. individual will continue to play an active five years. Asterisk (*) indicates where an been amemberofCollegestaffforover service are given where an individual has rect at the time of going to press. Years of the period This data is supplied by and HR covers Resources (22years) Mrs Karen Jones,Human Mr NickJames,ICT (37years) (35 years) Mr PhilipBlissett,Medicine retirements Mr Eric Yeboah, Security(5years) Mrs Marie Wilcox-Perks, Medicine Dr Manuel Vogel, Physics Dr Eugen Varvaruca, Mathematics Dr Kim Van DerHeiden,NHLI Office Mrs Anna Traverse, International Physics Dr Ricardo Torres LaPorte, and Cancer Miss Victoria Thomas, Surgery Ms El Tham, NHLI Dr AlastairSmith,EEE Institute (6years) Mr Timothy Smallie,Kennedy Dr Andrew Singleton,Physics (30 years) Professor NicholasSevers, NHLI (14 years) Dr Len Sash,HealthCentre Ms NicolaRuivo, Medicine Mr AntonioRoldao Lopes, EEE Resources Miss JoleneRetallick, Human Ms AntoniaPolorecka, Catering (5 years) Dr Dorothee Petit, Physics Dr Ruth Pepper, Medicine Medicine (8years) Dr Timoleon Papagatsias, Dr ScotOuellette,LifeSciences Medicine Dr Thomas Newsom-Davis, Mr DimitrisMostrous, Computing Leisure Services Ms Fatima and Monaf, Sport (5 years) Mr DominicMikulski,Medicine Miss EllenMcDonagh,NHLI Mrs MelissaMatthias,Medicine Dr ErwuLiu,EEE Dr Tom Lissauer, Public Health these asnecessary. right to edit or amend The Editor reserves the [email protected] retirees to the Editor at new starters, leavers and and/or commentsabout Pleasesendyour images 26 May–15June.Itwascor

- 11

moving in. moving on. for complete details: events highlights 1 July 2010

take note

9 July • symposium fellow at Imperial. Dr Judson’s award-winning Discounts GSLSM summer research book, Dr Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation: symposium 2010 The Definitive Guide to the Evolutionary Biology on summer of Sex, has been translated into more than 15 The keynote speaker for the Graduate School languages and was also made into a TV show. accommodation of Life Sciences and Medicine’s annual research For the past two years, she has written a regular Imperial halls of residence symposium will be evolutionary biologist and online column for The New York Times. operate as bed and breakfast journalist Dr Olivia Judson, who is also a research facilities during the summer vacation period and College staff are entitled to a 20–50 per cent 13 July • symposium discount in Beit, Eastside and work. The announcement of the winners will be Southside Halls (dependent on GSEPS Research Students followed by a keynote speech by Dr Nicholas date of booking and subject to availability). Research Symposium Harrigan (Physics). Dr Harrigan will draw on The accommodation is also available to his experiences as an award-winning science friends or family visiting London over the The Graduate School of Engineering and Physical communicator to explain why it is crucial for summer. To benefit from the discount, Sciences annual symposium will begin with the scientists to tell the world about their work. He enter the promotional code ‘IC Staff’ when judging of an annual competition, which sees believes communication is a key skill for inspiring booking online. research students producing posters about their both the general public and potential employers.

5 July • MEDICAL WRITING EVENT 8 July • symposium 12 July • PERVASIVE SENSING AND voluNteering An insight into medical writing as Cardiovascular technology GAMING WORKSHOP a career Hosted by the IBM Cardiovascular Potential applications of pervasive Postdoc Development Centre in Technology Network, the Cardiovascular sensing technology in games Community collaboration with Network Pharma and Renal Medicine clinical programme Lower Ground Floor, Business School group and the BHF Centre of Research Excellence volunteer 6 July • SYSTEMS BIOLOGY OPEN DAY 13 July •symposium Modelling host pathogen GSEPS research symposium Project ID: 2342 Organisation: British Transport Police interactions 9 July • SYMPOSIUM Selling your science – keynote speech by Date(s): Ongoing G16 Sir Alexander Fleming Building GSLSM summer research Dr Nicholas Harrigan (Physics) Time(s): Any day, any time symposium Location: SE1 (nearest Glad to have evolved – keynote speech by tube Waterloo) Dr Olivia Judson, evolutionary biologist and writer British Transport Police (BTP) – the policing force of the rail transport across England, Scotland and Wales – is looking for volunteers to photo expo assist the organisation with everyday duties. Volunteers could find themselves Music Day returned to doing anything from helping to develop London on 20 June for the sixth year run- BTP’s work with the local community and ning, giving people’s ears a treat with a monitoring CCTV footage, to answering calls full programme of free musical events in at reception. Police officers will spend time getting to know all volunteers to ensure the area. One of the Imperial bands per- the jobs they are given utilise their skills, forming was The Techtonics (pictured experiences and interests. right) – an all-male vocal group, who sang a variety of their own arrangements of well- For more information known (and some less well-known) rock To take part in a scheme or to hear more and pop songs, with one or two off-the-wall about volunteering in general, contact comedy numbers for good measure. Marco Benozzi: 020 7594 8141 [email protected]

For full details of over 250 volunteering opportunities please visit:

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Designed and produced by the Communications Division, // Layout: Caroline Prew // Principal photography: Imperial College London // Additional photography: