Berhad 12379-K

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Berhad 12379-K JohorLand BERHAD 12379-K Laporan Tahunan 2008 Annual Report Rationale Rasional “The cactus rose symbolises durability and sustainability – JLand’s core development and corporate philosophy. Its radiating petals denote symmetry and orderly growth – the way JLand has progressed from building house units to residential neighbourhoods to thriving township. The succulent petals of the plant depict JLand’s capacity to endure the challenging economic climate.” “Ros kaktus melambangkan ketahanan serta kelestarian – iaitu teras kepada pembangunan dan falsafah korporat JLand. Kelopaknya yang bersemarak melambangkan pertumbuhan yang sekata dan tersusun – seperti mana JLand berkembang maju daripada membina unit-unit rumah kepada perjiranan kediaman dan seterusnya kepada perbandaran yang pesat membangun. Ketebalan kelopak tumbuhan ini adalah gambaran kepada keupayaan JLand untuk mengharungi persekitaran ekonomi yang serba mencabar.” NORTH SOUTH EXPRESSWAY ISKANDAR MALAYSIA Senai Airport BANDAR DATO’ ONN To Kota Tinggi To Second Link Tg. Langsat Port Pasir Gudang Port SINGAPORE Tg. Pelepas Second Link Port 2 Johor Land Berhad • Laporan Tahunan 2008 Annual Report Corporate Vision Visi Korporat To be the LEADING property company Menjadi syarikat PENERAJU di sektor hartanah Board of Directors Statement To Lembaga Pengarah Shareholders Penyata Kepada Para 10 Pemegang24 Saham Laporan Tahunan 2008 Annual Report • Johor Land Berhad 3 2008 Corporate Diary Financial Statements Diari Korporat44 2008 64 Kandungan Contents 02 Corporate Vision 24 Statement to Shareholders 130 Shareholdings’ Statistics Visi Korporat Penyata Kepada Para 132 Notice of Annual General 04 Corporate Profile Pemegang Saham Meeting Profil Korporat 44 2008 Corporate Diary 137 Notis Mesyuarat Agung 06 5 Years’ Financial Performance Diari Korporat 2008 Tahunan Prestasi Kewangan 5 Tahun 46 Audit Committee Report 142 Statement Accompanying 08 2008 Financial Calendar 50 Statement on Corporate The Notice of Annual General Kalendar Kewangan 2008 Governance Meeting 09 Corporate Information 56 Statement on Internal 143 Penyata Bersama Notis Maklumat Korporat Control Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan 10 Board of Directors 60 Statement on Directors’ 144 Corporate Directory Lembaga Pengarah Responsibility • Proxy Form 12 Profile of the Board of Directors 61 Additional Disclosure Borang Proksi Profil Lembaga Pengarah Information 22 Corporate Structure 64 Financial Statements Struktur Korporat 122 Location of Land Bank and 23 Teraju Committee Projects Jawatankuasa Teraju 123 List of Properties 4 Johor Land Berhad • Laporan Tahunan 2008 Annual Report Corporate Profile Profil Korporat Johor Land Berhad (JLand) is a successful property developer listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad with a strong track record of building thriving communities in Johor going back to 1972. One of its key achievements is the development of residential neighbourhoods in the Township of Pasir Gudang. JLand’s long term commitment to sustainable development and its ability to respond to the needs of the local market has made JLand a dominant property developer in Johor. This commitment and this ability is made possible through understanding homeowners’ need for quality and functionality. Our success is in giving our customers value for their money and assets with potential for appreciation. The company currently has a prime land bank of over 3,000 acres in Johor. In its endeavour to be a premier property company in the country, it intends to expand its presence throughout Malaysia and the region and to widen its involvement in other sectors of the property industry. JLand is prepared to develop viable parcels of land in areas outside its present area of operation and to participate in acquiring, developing and owning investment properties. Johor Land Berhad (JLand) merupakan pemaju hartanah berjaya yang disenaraikan di Papan Utama Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad dan mempunyai rekod pencapaian yang kukuh dalam membangunkan komuniti yang berkembang di Johor sejak tahun 1972. Salah satu pencapaian utamanya adalah pembangunan kediaman perjiranan di Perbandaran Pasir Gudang. Komitmen jangka panjang JLand untuk pembangunan yang berterusan dan keupayaannya bertindak balas terhadap keperluan pasaran tempatan menjadikan JLand sebuah pemaju hartanah yang terutama di Johor. Komitmen dan keupayaan ini tercapai melalui kefahaman terhadap kehendak pemilik kediaman untuk kualiti dan fungsi kediaman. Kejayaan kami adalah dalam memberi pulangan nilai wang dan potensi peningkatan nilai aset kepada pelanggan- pelanggan kami. Syarikat kini mempunyai lebih dari 3,000 ekar simpanan tanah utama di Johor. Dalam usahanya untuk menjadi syarikat hartanah yang unggul di negara ini, JLand berhasrat untuk memperluaskan aktivitinya ke seluruh Malaysia dan rantau ini serta memperluaskan penglibatannya dalam sektor-sektor lain dalam industri hartanah. JLand bersedia untuk membangunkan tanah-tanah yang berdaya maju di luar kawasan operasi sedia ada dan untuk melibatkan diri dalam mengambilalih, membangun dan memiliki pelaburan hartanahnya sendiri. Laporan Tahunan 2008 Annual Report • Johor Land Berhad 5 Johor Land Berhad (JLand) is a successful property developer listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Johor Land Berhad (JLand) merupakan pemaju hartanah berjaya yang disenaraikan di Papan Utama Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad 6 Johor Land Berhad • Laporan Tahunan 2008 Annual Report 5 Years’ Financial Performance Prestasi Kewangan 5 Tahun RM’000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Revenue 108,416 88,783 74,660 63,356 138,694 Perolehan Profit Before Tax 36,226 22,261 22,099 8,268 25,289 Keuntungan Sebelum Cukai Total Assets 721,552 755,777 757,365 809,887 894,636 Jumlah Aset Shareholders’ Equity 618,826 631,903 639,962 640,466 653,331 Ekuiti Pemegang Saham Earnings Per Share (sen) 12.54 7.17 7.68 2.90 8.30 Pendapatan Sesaham (sen) Net Assets Per Share (sen) 6.17 5.22 5.28 5.29 5.40 Aset Bersih Sesaham (sen) Laporan Tahunan 2008 Annual Report • Johor Land Berhad 7 RM (’000) Revenue RM (’000) Profit Before Tax RM (’000) Perolehan RM (’000) Keuntungan Sebelum Cukai 2008 138,694 2008 25,289 2007 63,356 2007 8,268 2006 74,660 2006 22,099 2005 88,783 2005 22,261 2004 108,416 2004 36,226 RM (’000) Total Assets RM (’000) Shareholders’ Equity RM (’000) Jumlah Aset RM (’000) Ekuiti Pemegang Saham 2008 894,636 2008 653,331 2007 809,887 2007 640,466 2006 757,365 2006 639,962 2005 755,777 2005 631,903 2004 721,552 2004 618,826 Sen Earning Per Share Sen Net Assets Per Share Sen Pendapatan Sesaham Sen Aset Bersih Sesaham 2008 8.30 2008 5.40 2007 2.90 2007 5.29 2006 7.68 2006 5.28 2005 7.17 2005 5.22 2004 12.54 2004 6.17 8 Johor Land Berhad • Laporan Tahunan 2008 Annual Report 2008 Financial Calendar Kalendar Kewangan 2008 27/02/2008 Quarterly report on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31/12/2007. Laporan suku tahun kewangan yang disatukan bagi tempoh berakhir 31/12/2007. 14/04/2008 Declaration of final dividend for financial year 2007. Pengisytiharan dividen akhir bagi tahun kewangan 2007. 24/04/2008 Notice of 33rd Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting. Notis Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan kali ke-33 dan Mesyuarat Agung Luarbiasa. 21/05/2008 33rd Annual General Meeting & Extraordinary General Meeting. Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan kali ke-33 & Mesyuarat Agung Luarbiasa. 21/05/2008 Quarterly report on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31/03/2008. Laporan suku tahun kewangan yang disatukan bagi tempoh berakhir 31/03/2008. 26/08/2008 Quarterly report on consolidated results for the financial period ended 30/06/2008. Laporan suku tahun kewangan yang disatukan bagi tempoh berakhir 30/06/2008. 26/11/2008 Quarterly report on consolidated results for the financial period ended 30/09/2008. Laporan suku tahun kewangan yang disatukan bagi tempoh berakhir 30/09/2008. 03/12/2008 Declaration of interim dividend for financial year 2008. Pengisytiharan dividen interim bagi tahun kewangan 2008. 31/12/2008 Date of entitlement for interim dividend 2008. Tarikh kelayakan menerima dividen interim 2008. Laporan Tahunan 2008 Annual Report • Johor Land Berhad 9 Corporate Information Maklumat Korporat BoARD of DIRECtoRS LEmBAGA PENGARAh ComPANy SECREtARIES / SEtIAUSAhA-SEtIAUSAhA tAN SRI DAto’ mUhAmmAD ALI SyARIkAt hAShIm Chairman / Pengerusi JAmALLUDIN BIN kALAm Non Independent Non Executive LS 02710 Chairman Pengerusi Bukan Bebas Bukan Eksekutif IDhAm JIhADI BIN ABU BAkAR ACIS (MAICSA 7007381) mohD tALhAR BIN ABDUL RAHMAN Deputy Chairman / Timbalan Pengerusi Non Independent Non Executive Deputy Chairman REGIStERED offICE StoCk EXChANGE LIStING Timbalan Pengerusi Bukan Bebas Bukan PEJABAt BERDAftAR PENyENARAIAN BURSA SAhAm Eksekutif Level 2, Persada Johor Main Board of Bursa Malaysia Securities International Convention Centre Berhad A.f.m ShAfIQUL hAfIZ Managing Director / Pengarah Urusan Jalan Abdullah Ibrahim Papan Utama Bursa Malaysia Securities 80000 Johor Bahru Berhad kUA hWEE SIm • Johor, Malaysia Independent Non Executive Director Tel : 07-219 2692 Pengarah Bebas Bukan Eksekutif Fax/Faks : 07-223 3175 AUDItoRS JURUAUDIt DAto hJ hASSAN BIN hJ mohD yUNoS • KPMG Independent Non Executive Director ShARE REGIStRAR Pengarah Bebas Bukan Eksekutif PENDAftAR SAhAm Pro Corporate Management Services PRINCIPAL BANkERS DR mohD hAfEtZ BIN AhmAD Sdn Bhd BANk-BANk UtAmA Independent Non Executive Director Pengarah Bebas Bukan Eksekutif (Company No. 349501-M) Malayan Banking Berhad Suite 2, 17th Floor Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad
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