Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers

Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers

Programme on 19 January 2019

Presentation Topic: Safe Electrical Installations for Healthcare Facilities

Ir Eric LEE Senior Engineer Health Sector Division Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

Speaker’s Profile Ir Eric LEE is a veteran Electrical and Mechanical Engineer with 20 years of experience. He joined the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) of the Government of the SAR in 1998 and has extensive working experience in a variety of different domains including operation, maintenance, and project services on E&M systems in the airport and government buildings. Ir Lee also worked in the Electricity Legislation Division of the EMSD responsible for the enforcement of the Electricity Ordinance (Cap. 406) and its subsidiary legislations.

Currently, Ir Lee works as Senior Electrical and Mechanical Engineer in the Health Sector Division of EMSD providing comprehensive engineering services for the electrical, mechanical, air-conditioning and building services (EMABS) systems and biomedical and general electronics systems for hospitals and clinics in the East Cluster of the Hospital Authority, as well as venues of the Department of Health and the Government Laboratory.


Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers

Presentation Topic: Occupational Health Requirements for Private Healthcare Facilities

Ms Edwina PO Occupational Hygienist Occupational Safety and Health Branch Labour Department

Speaker’s Profile Ms Edwina PO obtained her Master Degree of Public Health, specialized in occupational hygiene, in Hong Kong. She joined the Occupational Hygiene Division of the Labour Department to enforce the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance, the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance and their subsidiary regulations in 1997. She has worked at the Hong Kong & Kowloon Region, the Region and the Integrated Services Group of the Occupational Health Service of the Labour Department. She has been seconded to the Communicable Disease Division of the Centre for Health Protection to work for the Epidemiology Section.

Currently, Ms Po works for the Occupational Hygiene Division (Development) to promote occupational health at work.


Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers

Presentation Topic: Proper Handling of Clinical Waste & Chemical Waste

Dr Sam CHOI Senior Environmental Protection Officer Environmental Compliance Division Environmental Protection Department

Speaker’s Profile Dr Sam CHOI is the Senior Environmental Protection Officer of the Environmental Protection Department. His team oversees clinical waste management, hazardous chemical control and volatile organic compounds control in Hong Kong. Dr Choi obtained his PhD in Chemistry from the University of Hong Kong. After finishing his post-doctoral research fellowship in the University of Western Ontario, Canada, he returned to Hong Kong and joined the civil service.


Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers

Presentation Topic: Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme

Mr Derek LEE Head (Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme)

Speaker’s Profile Mr Derek LEE currently heads the newly established Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) Office under Food and Health Bureau. Under his leadership, the VHIS Office is responsible for implementing and coordinating all operational aspects of the scheme, including registration of insurance companies as VHIS Providers, certification of VHIS-compliant insurance plans, review and update of the complying requirements, and publicity and promotion of the scheme to the general public, etc.

Mr Lee is an economist by training and profession. Before taking up his current position, he had held various positions related to economic analyses and healthcare reform and financing, including Chief Research Scientist with Hospital Authority from 2012 to mid-2018 and Economist/Senior Economist with the Government of the Hong Kong SAR from 1994 to 2008.


Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers

Programme on 26 January 2019

Presentation Topic: Legal Requirements Relating to Drug Management in Clinics

Mr Lot CHAN Chief Pharmacist Drug Office Department of Health

Speaker’s Profile Mr Lot CHAN studied Pharmacy in London and Public . He joined the Department of Health, Government of the Hong Kong SAR more than twenty years ago. Mr Chan worked in different posts under the Drug Office as well as the former Pharmaceutical Service of the Department of Health.

Currently, Mr Chan is the Chief Pharmacist who oversees the licensing and compliance of pharmaceutical traders, pharmacovigilance, and law enforcement of various drug-related regulations.


Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers

Presentation Topic: Fire Safety in Private Healthcare Facilities

Ms WU Lai-Fong Senior Divisional Officer (Policy) Licensing & Certification Command Fire Services Department

Speaker’s Profile Ms WU Lai-fong joined the Fire Services Department as a Probationary Station Officer in 1993. She currently holds the office of Senior Divisional Officer and heads up the Policy Division of the Licensing and Certification Command. Her responsibilities include dealing with policies on fire protection and dangerous goods matters; handling legal and prosecution matters and reviewing the existing ordinances and subsidiary legislations related to dangerous goods, fire service installations and equipment as well as fire service installation contractors.

Ms Wu attained a Master Degree of Business Administration from University of South Australia in 2006 and a Graduate Certificate in Applied Management at Australian Institute of Police Management (AIPM) in Australia in November 2016.


Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers

Presentation Topic: Technical Talk on Minor Works Control System – Submission Procedure & Common Items Relating to Clinic Premises

Mr Joe NG Building Surveyor Public Education and Publicity Unit

Speaker’s Profile Mr Joe NG is a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors. Currently, Mr Ng works as a Building Surveyor in the Public Education and Publicity Unit of the Buildings Department.


Symposium on Healthcare Facilities Management 2019 Profile of Speakers