Hearts of iron 3 guide germany

Continue The download of this article depends too much on links to the first sources. Please improve this by adding secondary or tertiary sources. (September 2020) (Learn how and when to delete this template message) Developer (s) Paradox Of Development StudioPublisher (s)Paradox InteractiveProducer (s)Johan AnderssonDesigner (s)Johan AnderssonChristopher KingProgrammer (s)Thomas JohanssonArtist (s) Jonas JakobssonFredrick TollComposer (s Andreas) WaldetoftEngineClausewitz EnginePlatform OS XReleaseMicrosoft WindowsNA: August 7, 2009: August 14, 2009 A.M.: September 24, 2009OS XWW: December 7, 2009Genre (s)Grand StrategyMode (s)Single-player, multiplayer III is a great strategy developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by . The Windows game version was released on August 7, 2009, and the Mac OS X version was released on December 7, 2009. The grandiose wargame strategy, which focuses on World II, is a sequel to 2005's Heart of Iron II and the third major installment in the Hearts iron series. Initially, the game received a mixed reception, largely due to the large number of bugs present in the game at release. After a few patches, the reception of the game improved. In December 2009, he had an average score of 77 at Metacritic. The sequel, Hearts of Iron IV, was released on June 6, 2016. The Hearts of Iron III gameplay allows the player to take control of any nation in the world and guide this nation through World War II. The player controls almost every aspect of his country, including production, research, diplomacy, war, politics. and . The game is centered around three factions: Axis (led by Germany), Allies (led by Great Britain) and Comintern (led by the ). All other countries can slowly join one of the factions. States are more likely to side with factions with which they are ideologically and diplomatically affiliated. The player can use many different divisions, fleets and military aircraft to fight enemy forces. The development of the first trailer from the Games Convention in Leipzig showed new features such as 3D graphics, possibly due to the new Engine Clausewitz. Paradox has also released a series of developer diaries and video showcases. Despite being pleased with the scale of Hearts of Iron II, lead designer Johan Andersson wanted to improve every aspect of the game by starting again with a new engine. Artificial Intelligence Game (AI) has been designed to be able to achieve the strategic goals and control forces delegated to it, including entire theaters of war games. AI can also remember and compare strategic opportunities as circumstances change. Moving to 3D graphics has helped improve other areas, as Andersson explained: Going 3D means we could make a different type of architecture where we maintain more screen permissions and develop our maps faster. The biggest advantage from going 3D however was the ability to unload more to the GPU. With machine achievements over the last decade it gives us the biggest development benefits when it comes to gameplay and AI. The paradox had a vision of the style of the card, given that the player would spend most of his time looking at it: ... create a map that feels like a WW2 map, like it could be a map that... Commander in war will look at himself. The contents of the map have also been changed; the number of provinces was increased to more than 15,000 per heart of Iron II in 2600. Customized divisions were also added, each with two to five brigades. Each brigade increases the combat power and value of the division. ReceptionReview EvaluationPublicationScoreGameSpot8.5/10'12-IGN8.5/10-PC Gamer (UK)81/100-14-PC Area60// 100-15GamerLimit75/10016Smartyweb!65/100 Hearts of Iron III initially received a mixed reception because the game comes with a lot of errors in early release. After a few patches eliminated many errors, the reception improved and the game received generally positive reviews. In 2009 December it had a combined average of 77 at Metacritic and 79% on Gamerankings. Gamepro wrote: Perhaps the worst problem is the interface itself, or more specifically, the number of reviews it gives the player. Unlike the old system, there is no instant way to estimate how many divisions you have in each province, nor important values such as organizing their units or fighting values. On the other hand, the game has been praised by both seasoned head layers and wargamers with more patience, but the game is more accessible than any of its predecessors and a big leap to the point for new players who want to make the leap into a great epic strategy. On June 6, 2010, an extension package called Hearts of Iron III: Semper Fi was released. The Mac OS X extension version was sent from virtual programming on July 23, 2010. The second expansion package, Hearts of Iron III: For the Motherland, was announced on January 27, 2011. released on June 28, 2011. The Mac OS X extension version was sent from virtual programming on September 28, 2011. On November 22, 2011, Paradox Interactive released the Hearts of Iron III collection, which includes both extensions for Hearts of Iron III and all previously released sprite packages. On June 6, 2012, Paradox Interactive announced its third and final expansion, Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour. It was released on September 29, 2012. The Mac OS X version was sent from virtual programming on November 9, 2012. See also Video Games Portal List of Grand Video Strategies List of Paradox Interactive Games List world war II video game Heart of Iron II Dark Hour: Hearts of Iron Games Hearts Of Iron IV Downloadable Content Links : Gamespy Game Information, Hearts Iron III. June 29, 2009. Received 2009-07-20. Hearts gate gamer iron 3 pages. The gamer's gate. August 7, 2009. Received 2009-08-07. The Hearts of Iron III Are Released. Inside mac Games. December 7, 2009. Received 2010-08- 20. Hearts iron III preview. Gamespy. Received 2009-01-24. The first trailer in gamer.no. gamer.no (in Norwegian and English). August 21, 2008. Archive from the original on August 28, 2008. Received 2008-08-22. Developer's diaries in hoi3.com. hoi3.com on June 30, 2009. Archive from the original on May 25, 2009. Received 2009-06-30. Video showcases on YouTube. Youtube. June 30, 2009. Received 2009-06-30. b interview RPS. www.rockpapershotgun.com. received 2009-10-06. b Diary of Dev 27. hoi3.com archive from the original for 2009-09-07. Received 2009-10-06. b Diary of a Virgin 1. HOI3.com the archive from the original for 2009-09-07. Received 2009-05-06. Diary of Dev 7. HOI3.com archive from the original 2009-01-21. Received 2009-05-06. Brett Todd (2009-08-12). Hearts of Iron III Review. GameSpot.com archive from the original 2012-11-05. Received 2013-05-08. Hearts of Iron III Review. Ign. Received 2013-05-08. In October 2009, page 88 cited on Metacritic - November 2009 issue, page 76 cited on Metacritic - Review: Hearts of Iron III. Limit Gamer. Archive from the original 2013-08-17. Received 2013-05-08. see the official patch notes and change the journal 1.1-1.3 Patch Changelog - 2009 December score No. 2009 December score heart of iron III Review. GameSpot.com archive from the original 2012-10-12. Received 2013-05-08. - Semper Fi Announcement, Paradox Plaza and Corey, J.W. (July 23, 2010). Virtual programming releases Heart Iron III: Semper Fi. McGamer. Archive from the original dated July 14, 2011. Received on August 20, 2010. Hearts of Iron III: For homeland Announced. The Plaza paradox. Received 2010-02-10. HoI III: For homeland, released today. The Plaza paradox. Archive from the original 2011-06-30. Received 2011-06-29. Kruse, Cord (September 28, 2011). Virtual programming releases three new game titles. Inside mac Games. Received 2011-11-17. Paradox Interactive Release Heart of Iron III Collection. The Plaza paradox. November 22, 2011. Received 2011-11-22. E3 2012: New extension for Iron Hearts III Announced. The Plaza paradox. June 6, 2012. Archive from the original on June 9, 2012. Received 2012-06-26. Hearts of Iron III: Their beautiful hour is released. The Plaza paradox. September 29, 2012. Received 2012-10-09. Xrefs The website, extracted from the Hope this AAR will help new players in how to get started during the Germany game. While there is no right or wrong way to play it is not the fastest and probably the most effective way, but an easy easy way to play and be successful by introducing you to many elements of the game. You can take these ideas and then shape them according to your specific needs and style of play. I hope you find it useful! Last edited: May 11, 2015 I used some version of this launch for a wide range of games like Germany. Whether I launch an early invasion or play peacefully, no matter where I run first (N, E, S or W) or I build a navy or not. It can be changed to suit your needs. The question of whether to build an IR or not has been discussed for a long time. As Germany I am his supporter and you will see why in this AAR. My first pre-game steps: RE-ORGANIZING MY UNITS 1. I'll rename my main Berlin headquarters (only my preference), I remove 2 auxiliary brigades attached to it. I put the whole German territory under this theater (eliminating the need for the 2nd theater). 2. I remove the above 2 auxiliary brigades and 3 engineers attached to LARM units in addition to all headquarters (others, then Berlin headquarters, of course). 3. I will move all units in East Prussia to Koenigsberg and all units in mainland Germany in 3 stacks (infantry divisions near Berlin, LARM and Motorized near Berlin and mountain division on the Danish border. 4. I will not appoint generals for this textbook. The exceptions are the following (which is important!); You want to keep the 35th Division stationary and strategically redeploy the 25th Division in Baden-Baden, it allows you to shoot the re-occupation of the Rhineland on January 2, 1936 and get all the benefits that go with it! Last edited: May 12, 2015 DIPLOMACY, ESPIONAGE and POLITICS This AAR takes into account the historical normal game. If you want to delve into heavy diplomacy or espionage you have to work that out into the mix, it's easy to do. But for the purposes of this AAR I'm basically playing it straight. 1. I have been influencing the US since day one. The longer they stay outside the Allies and the war, the better for the axis. 2. I will raise the threat against both the UK and the Soviet Union and use our party's support for Austria. They have many advantages. Increasing the threat to two majors will cause countries to drift in some cases and stay away from allies. The support of our party in Austria will allow to dismiss Anschluss sometime between May and June 1937, not 1938. You will get a lot of benefits at the beginning of this journey. In addition, it will help drive Italy faster into the axis (sometimes for as much as a year or more) and you will get benefits from it as both One note, occasionally when you raise a threat on the majors it can cause some issues with a normal chain of events. If you want the game to unfold historically with each nation joining the axis as they did, then you need to control them. Sometimes Hungary or Romania, even with all the threat raised by the Soviets, will pull their heels. What I do is just influence them for a short time to get them where I need them. My politicians are like that; PRODUCTION 1. I raise all the German airbases to level 5 and build a Level 5 airbase in Dresden. This is done primarily for practical cooking (accelerate the production of IC ...), I build in Dresden as it needs coverage. 2. I am building 56 IC (beginning on the Polish border and working towards the center of Germany). This will give me a basic IC 200. 3. I start with my slider on Production until my IC ends and how I change it to updates. 4. All airbases go to the top of the queue, and then IC, then a missile place (for taste!) and than naval units that have been in line already. So it looks like this; RESEARCH Now there is no right or wrong way to do this, it basically comes down to preferences. I don't get everything worked out if my technique/doctrine isn't maxed out or feel like a navy or some other investment waste because I know no doubt I'm going to be successful anyway. It's kind of like winning a sporting event at 20 and someone criticizing you that you could win 25...so what? The point here is to relax and have fun! Germany starts in great shape with technique/doctrine and you have plenty of time to get your builds the way you want. I initially spend a lot on naval research at least up to a certain point, this is just my preference. I also invest heavily in spies to get the surplus going and then cut back. To do this, AAR my original setting was; Here's a link to the January 1, 1936 file settings from this AAR; MOVES My main task is to start accumulating resources for the fuel of my industry and its expansion. I'm not interested in making small deals and trying to get better prices or improve my relationship. I want to max deals before 1) start saving as soon as possible and 2) to avoid countries running out of resources or decide not to sell them to me, which may hinder my accumulation. I will sell materials to pay for my resources. I generally deal only with the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union. Dealing with other countries can be a pain as they tend to be more unstable, constantly cancelling deals. Don't worry about how much IC your expenses are to support you Supply, we use an IC minister who immediately gives a 10% kick as well as we will build and acquire as much IC that you will be fine. The first steps were: After the shooting reoccupation of the Rhine region do not forget to change their laws; After shooting Events or deciding to check everything and watch the look It affects your leadership sliders (see below), adjust them as needed. I also moved two infantry divisions that shelled the Rhineland event to my stack near Berlin. GET RESOURCES FLOWING I will continue to trade supplies and buy metal and rare. I don't need to buy energy and I buy oil or fuel with just my excess of $$$$$$$$As far as my builds go, I've never researched more than a year in advance and basically try to explore the oldest first and work my way up. Also, I tend to research in blocks (marine technology, infantry technology, aerial doctrines, etc...), you can follow up on builds I've used in more detail in saved game files. On March 1, 1937 I had my professions as I wanted them; I like to keep the extra money. This allows me to buy oil or fuel and it gives me a safety net when countries start cancelling my supply deals. CRANKIN UP PRACTICALS Below you will see why we built these airbases. Compare the completion date of my original IC in two pictures as the first launch of the airbase is complete; SPECIAL In some cases I'll put things at the top of research or production queues, such as when I unlock ARMOR; Or earlier Carrier technologies; Don't forget to constantly check two things.... 1) Your consumer products, so you have no dissent (if your manually processing production sliders) and 2) your leadership research as many things makes it change from what you have it locked on. FIRST PARTY IC End of October 1936 our first batch of IC will roll down the production line! A few days later this is what my turn looks like at the bottom; NON HISTORICAL EVENTS Normally, I try to react as my ruler will, no matter if it has a negative impact on my game. Again, these are just personal preferences. FIRST UNITS Below you'll see I put my first BB in line and buy a production license from Japan on 3 Landing Ships. I like to have 6 to start a war and than another 6 before I believe Sea Lion or similar ventures. Why build TP when Japan will sell you LC's? END OF 1936 Some key factors as the first year ends; 1937 Cont. When the Count Spree completes I put another CA in line; After completing my 3 LC I use them to ferry my units in East Prussia back to mainland Germany; FRUITS of my LABOR My investments are starting to be paid for. In May (instead of July) Japan joins the axis (due to the increased threat to the Soviet Union); I then upgrade my light armor to armor and cavalry to motorized infantry; In May (instead of 1938...) I will go away anschluss and get all the benefits that come with it (as a result Support for our party in Austria; Anschluss in addition to increasing the threat to the UK leads to Italy joining the axis a year or more earlier, so we reap more benefits! RE-ORGANIZE AND RE-ASSESS I remove headquarters and AC from the anschluss and send other units to my various stacks. Always Always revise your research sliders and re-adjust them! IC is finally done when IC ends I change my priority from production to upgrade (via slider) and keep it there for the rest of the game. I want my units to be upgraded as best I can. DIFFERENT EVENTS 1. The Spanish Civil War shot, I supported the nationalists in accordance with my historical game. 2. Multi-purpose research has been completed. 3. I put artillery, militia, aviation and convoys in the production queue. 4. Later that year, the nationalists won a relatively fast war. Page 2 PLAN I'm building my army on a 5th Corps/5 Division setting. For Germany, each case consists of 3 x (INFx3 / ARTx1) 2 x (INFx3 / ATx1). My armor units are ARM/MOT or WSS x2/SPART. I plan for 25 INF divisions and 2 ARMOR divisions for Poland, 25 INF divisions on the border with France and 25 more INF divisions on the Dutch border. I will have 3 divisions MTNx4 (along with MILx4) ready to take Denmark and then be part of the forces to take and hold on to Norway. It is planned to take Denmark (thus sealing the Baltic) and Poland at the same time. Hold 25 INF divisions in Poland as the original garrison forces and SR Armor back to join forces on the Dutch border. I will have 5 sets of TACx2 for Poland that will also be shipped back to the Dutch border (where my CAS and MR are). I will have 2 x MIL x 4 in 4 ports in Northwest Germany (where the UK can land) and MIL x 4 in any other port. I use 10 sets of INT x 2 in air interception missions over Germany. Now a lot of vets can choose this separately, but the bottom line is if im to play historically I have nothing to do with my units. It is simple and effective. Once all the units are on the Dutch border that go, I invade the Netherlands and as the hinge swings down through Belgium to France. Meanwhile, 25 INF divisions on the French border join the fight as soon as France begins to fall apart. When France is done, I take that entire army (25 divisions of INF) that was on the French border and send them east, thereby doubling my initial forces there (now 50 divisions of INF). At this point in the game my artillery brigades are coming down production so I'm filling the departments and re-positioning them for their final destination. I'm sending 6 INF x 3/ART x 1 to East Prussia (I'd like to have 2 full hulls there for my invasion), I'm sending 15 INF x 3/ART x 1 to the French border and the rest near the Netherlands. When the opportunity opens, I start building the INF x3/AT x1 to complete the aforementioned case. MORE INFO I'm starting to put naval units in line as much as I can. I generally like to build 1 capital and 2 types for every level of technology I achieve (i.e. 1936, 1938, etc....). As I want 10 armored divisions to start the war I suck up 4 more into production. In March, Japan shelled the coast, so all is well Spart became available in May, I immediately put 10 into production (for my armor departments). In August I ordered another 3 PL/LC from Japan (I want 6 to start a war). By September I have the AT departments (INF x3/AT x1) trim and start completing my enclosure. On October 1, I will win the First Vienna Prize; Last edited: May 12, 2015 ROUNDING OUT 1938 October concludes the last of my 10 armored divisions. In mid-October Hungary seems to have diplomatically stalled, so I affect them, takes two weeks and then they are in the axis! I form my first theatre; My typical build... 5 cases containing 15 INF x 3 / ART x 1 and 10 INF x 3 / AT x1. 1939 Here's a saved game file from January 1, 1939; I'll ingath up the M-R Covenant and Memel Solutions. Allows you to check on the U.S.; I'm a little concerned about Romania and want to make sure they join when they need to, so I'm starting to influence them (although the increased threat to the Soviet Union works well...). I spend the rest of the year preparing my theaters. I am mobilizing on August 1, 1939. PRODUCTION August 25 my production queue looks like; TECHS and DOCTOSS On August 25, 1939; MY PRIUY On August 25, 1939; MY THEATERS By on August 25, 1939; The question is what I think would be helpful for new players to open saved game files and look around and check out different aspects of the game and get an idea of what I've done. Then decide if any of this is good for you and apply it to your own style of play. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to play. Your goal is to have fun and be successful, so don't worry about the haters. Did you use 10 divisions? And I did it with 5! So what? You won them in 1942, I did it in 1941! Again, so what? I tried to make this tutorial easy and then effective. As I mentioned at the beginning I used this basic set for Germany no matter how I decided to play them, it adapts and is pretty much always successful. You can easily play-historically as well as have games with heavy diplomacy or espionage and still use basic footage of the work of this setting. I hope you new players find this some use. Thank you very much Oliver. While I'm no stranger (away from it), I've learned 1 or 2 things that I either don't know or never figured out to do it that way! Any officer who goes into action without a sword is wrongly dressed. - Jack Churchill - British officer in World War II If you don't want to hear the answer than not ask a question in the first place! See my list of AARs in my Inkwell. Take a look at my YouTube videos for more (and more in the future!). Glad it helped some! Very good, understandable and be overwhelming. Thank you very much! Good things, Oliver. I usually try radically different ideas with Germany, so my build is almost never the same, but it's this solid concept! It will work every time for me. Yes we have so many new players and reading the posts many of them seem lost (I remember!), so I just wanted some solid all-goal builds that would be successful. Not the most effective and powerful, but the ones you can count on all the time. In that sense you certainly succeeded imho. As mentioned by KyrionMyrthar, I have a completely different style of play, and most of the time I go to an early war (The Fall of France in 1936), in which case my building queue will be completely different. Having said that, I'll try a few things that you mentioned last night, and from what I see so far, it's a very good way to play if you're (fairly) new to HOI3. One thing I would like to ask is how did you set up your generals (for Germany in this case)? What I'm doing now: The headquarters are Dollmann and Koestring, both have the skills of 3 (to reduce the laying of the penalty) and the old guard. As theatrical leaders they won't get much experience, so 50% XP penalty doesn't hurt that much. Army Band - Bush, Hot, Uleks, von Stilpnagel C.H., von dem Bach-Selevsky, Christiansen and at will von Vaichs and Heissmeier. The first 6 have skills 3 or 4 and have Logistics Wizard Trait. The last two don't have the heck, but the skill is 4. All of them reduce supply consumption. Army - All the skill of 5 leaders and the rest of the skills of 4 leaders for a much needed organization (usually I need that for my Blitzkrieg). No organization means no ability to attack, and there is no pleasure in that. Hull is all remaining skills 3 that have at least 1 feature (without old guards) and optional skill 2 overall, but only if it is really necessary. Any remaining leader and preferably no old guards, I leave those for defensive units like occupied harbors and provinces have victory points. One note: every January 1st I review the newly added generals and encourage them to fit the overall picture. For example, it would be a waste of Erwin Rommel to lead a division with his number of traits. Any officer who goes into action without a sword is wrongly dressed. - Jack Churchill - British officer in World War II If you don't want to hear the answer than not ask a question in the first place! See my list of AARs in my Inkwell. Take a look at my YouTube videos for more (and more in the future!). When I find myself starting from the bottom up (assigning Level 1 or 2 commanders to the division) I always end up with some very good (level 3-4) generals sitting. So what I do is I let AI create my commanders, and when the war is upon me, I then do every theater at a time. TBH I'm less worried about my traits (others, then defensive or fortress buster around the Maginot line), though I, usually put army masters in army groups. I just work from top to bottom (5 for theater and army, 4 for army or corps and so on). I play the game often without even worrying with commanders so truthfully I can say it's impact on the game, but if I set them up, that's how I do it. I learned how to play in Germany initially from misterbean in a staggeringly large AAR. It distilled in me the need to put the logistics masters at hull level as much as possible - I use Level 2s as much as possible, many of which reach level 4 or higher by the time the Soviets have been defeated. The only generals I usually force increases by giving them early separations of people like Guderian, Rommel, etc. I want them to be higher for historical purposes. I then switch them to the Heeresgruppe team or The Armi Level for a week or two before Barbarossa if I quickly consolidated my gains. Page 3 Misterbeans tutorials are legendary indeed! We are constantly learning in this game. Not long ago I discovered that the Soviets could not abandon the M-R pact. All our games and it seems no one knew that. Also, there is no way to do anything if your fun and your successful is all that matters. At the same time any hints and tidbits we can get we are grateful. We have a growing batch of new players here in recent months I think it is important to welcome them and help them as they will be part of our future HOI4 community, your efforts are helping in this endeavor. Thank you for your contribution! There have always been good people on this forum, those who helped me feel it is important to give away. These new players will be part of our community, we can help them be active productive members or we may suffer the consequences of our inaction. I choose to help. Once I get the HoI3 running again, I can offer up an AAR or two (my first on these boards!). It's a commitment time to be sure, but I've learned so much over the last four years, it's time I passed it. Time will tell, however. I decided to follow your method and give Germany a go, however I feel like I came unstuck on the first barrier. I use TFH, but cannort find where I affect the US. I can increase the threat, etc., but I don't know how to influence. I'm wondering if I should download your 1936 save? Does this unpack and get copied into the save folder? Apologies if these are major issues, but I want to learn how to get into this game by playing Germany. Cheers. I decided to follow your method and give Germany a go, however I feel like I came unstuck on the first barrier. I use TFH, but cannort find where I affect the US. I can increase the threat, etc., but I don't know how to influence. I'm wondering if I should download your 1936 save? Does this unpack and get copied into the save folder? Apologies if these are major issues, but I want to learn how to get into this game by playing Germany. Cheers. Increased threat to on-screen intelligence, as is the support of our party. To influence, use a diplomatic screen. If you love wealth more, freedom, the serenity of slavery more than fight for freedom, go home from us in peace. We're not looking for your advice or your hands. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; Let your chains set lightly on you and let the descendants forget that you were our compatriots. I swear, I checked in the diplomacy section and never saw it. Cheers. PLAN I'm building my army on a 5th Corps/5 Division setting. For Germany, each case consists of 3 x (INFx3 / ARTx1) 2 x (INFx3 / ATx1). My armor units are ARM/MOT or WSS x2/SPART. I plan for 25 INF divisions and 2 ARMOR divisions for Poland, 25 INF divisions on the border with France and 25 more INF divisions on the Dutch border. I will have 3 divisions MTNx4 (along with MILx4) ready to take Denmark and then be part of the forces to take and hold on to Norway. It is planned to take Denmark (thus sealing the Baltic) and Poland at the same time. Hold 25 INF divisions in Poland as the original garrison forces and SR Armor back to join forces on the Dutch border. I will have 5 sets of TACx2 for Poland that will also be shipped back to the Dutch border (where my CAS and MR are). I will have 2 x MIL x 4 in 4 ports in Northwest Germany (where the UK can land) and MIL x 4 in any other port. I use 10 sets of INT x 2 in air interception missions over Germany. Now a lot of vets can choose this separately, but the bottom line is if im to play historically I have nothing to do with my units. It is simple and effective. Once all the units are on the Dutch border that go, I invade the Netherlands and as the hinge swings down through Belgium to France. Meanwhile, 25 INF divisions on the French border join the fight as soon as France begins to fall apart. When France is done, I take that entire army (25 divisions of INF) that was on the French border and send them east, thereby doubling my initial forces there (now 50 divisions of INF). At this point in the game my artillery brigades are coming down production so I'm filling the departments and re-positioning them for their final destination. I'm sending 6 INF x 3/ART x 1 to East Prussia (I'd like to have 2 full hulls there for my invasion), I'm sending 15 INF x 3/ART x 1 to the French border and the rest near the Netherlands. When the opportunity opens, I start building the INF x3/AT x1 to complete the aforementioned case. My start pretty much works similar to yours, so thanks for the guide. However, so far I don't seem to have amassed as many resources as yourself, but get there and I did in May 1937. My question at this point is, how many armored divisions should I have by 1939 in total? Thanks for the help to date. Yw. It's purely a choice thing. You start with 6 Larm. I generally try for 10 by September 1939, sometimes I'll make 15. There is no need to rush by the time it is mostly to have as much as you want for Barbarossa. Hello, and thanks for your tutorial tutorial A good addition with the tutorial misterbean I just wanted to offer some tidbits. Mr B is doing a great job at BTW! I enjoyed following your teachings in this AAR. I almost got the forces built and ready to go and its October 1938. I need to start producing a few more ships and convoys though. I have, however, failed to accumulate as many resources as you, except for supplies, but I can't wait to announce Denmark and Poand. I am sure that by August 39 I will have your recommended number of infantry divisions at the required borders. I tried to download your saves, but for some reason I am only able to open them in the windows of a media player, very strange and can not do anything with them?? Is there a way to set up the U.S. for beginners by accident? Once again a great job at your introductions for nabs as I save game files, simply copy them and stick them into your saved game folder. You can't do that? Just keep spam max trades (make sure you have enough diplo pts), sometimes in the US or UK will turn you down a few times before you get what you want. Also, its possible they don't have a PTS diplo or convoys or traded resources that you want etc... Its useful to mark the switch on them and see what happens. I'll get the U.S. set up Goin soon... Glad you'll find the games useful. Thanks for the answers, one more question and I'll leave you alone (maybe)... What type of command structure do you have for the Navy and Air Wings or do you attach them directly to headquarters? I noticed that the U.S., thank you, most people assign them to the army or theater group, I'll take them to the theater myself. I see your infantry build was INFx3 ARTx1 and then thrown into infx3 ATx1. I was wondering why not just go INFx2 ARTx1 ATx1. Later, the addition of INF with excellent firepower. Saves on micro and one divison can keep against armor much better. Also, you can distribute your units more, so you don't have to build so much and use your IC for other things. Page 4 I was wondering why not just go INFx2 ARTx1 ATx1 The only real point is where it will even be a Barbarossa issue. It's usually considered you don't need that many AT brigades. Also, I'd be as close or close as an armored division as the Soviets by the time I run it, so with AT units, I'd be fine. Generally my departments have 3 INF/ART and 2 INF/AT, most players will now only use 1 AT per case, so I actually have more. Also, although not in this tutorial I recently started replacing the TD for Spart in my armor units. The only real point is where it will even be the barbarossa issue. It's usually considered you don't need that many AT brigades. Besides, I'd have as much or as armored divisions as the Soviets by the time I run it, so with the AT units, I'd be fine. Typically, my departments have 3 INF/ART and 2 INF/AT, most players now will be use 1 AT on the body, so I actually have more. Also, although not in this tutorial I recently started replacing the TD for Spart in my armor units. That makes sense. I think if you think about it, none of the countries really have much in the way of booking other than SOV and Germany. Would it be better to go INFx2, ARTx2 with your units have a little more firepower and add INF with SF later? I don't usually go with SF (neither players seem), I prefer extra units, you can get more done. I briefly went with 2 INF brigades to the division, but went back to INF's Standard 3 as I like the endurance ones better. I'm not sure I may have done wrong, but the war came quite months later than in August 1939. I think it may have been a decision I made, not sure. At least as a result (thankfully, I captured Denmark and Poland pretty quickly and then focused on the low countries and France. By October 6 all the captured countries are under German occupier. Should I now focus on Norway and maybe build some marine divisions ready to attack GB or should I focus on the Councils? I really don't know which direction to go. , the countries that I overspend are not gray, but striped and the information says that said the country still own these provinces, is it just because I occupy these countries only? Thanks again for your help... Playing in Germany I usually have my corps set up like this: 3x - 3 INF / 1 ART 1x - 3 INF / 1 AT 1x - 3 INF/1 ENG Obviously everyone has to decide for themselves how they make their army composition, and this is my main setup, which seems to be working pretty well. No more AT is required on the case. It is enough to fight against French and then Soviet tanks. I like engineers for any river crossings and fortresses I've encountered. For me I have maximum variety when it comes to infantry. I'm not sure I may have done wrong, but the war came quite months later than in August 1939. I think it may have been a decision I made, not sure. Anyway as a result (fortunately, the required number of Inf departments are in place and ready to go. back to the East, I'm not sure where to go next. I can't be sure what you did to cause an early war, but the question is for you. Have you declared war on Poland and Denmark? Or any other two nations? Usually, like Germany, you can declare war 1 nation for free, meaning the Allies won't declare war on you, but if you DOW another nation, they will DOW you. I messed up my navy battles against GB and am currently restoring that, how many ports or cities in Low Countrie and France should I fit Gar in? Should I now focus on Norway and maybe build some marine divisions ready to attack GB or should I focus on the Councils? I really don't know which direction to go. It all depends on how you like to play. Some say placing one in each port, but I never tend to do that. I just take over GB and do with it. Oh, the last question is, the countries that I overspend are not gray, but striped and the information says that said the country still own these provinces, is it just because I occupy these countries only? Thanks again for your help... These countries will be angry as soon as the faction in which they are defeated. Any officer who goes into action without a sword is wrongly dressed. - Jack Churchill - British officer in World War II If you don't want to hear the answer than not ask a question in the first place! See my list of AARs in my Inkwell. Take a look at my YouTube videos for more (and more in the future!). Playing in Germany I usually have my corps set up like this: 3x - 3 INF / 1 ART 1x - 3 INF / 1 AT 1x - 3 INF/1 ENG Obviously everyone has to decide for themselves how they make their army composition, and this is my main setup, which seems to be working pretty well. No more AT is required on the case. It is enough to fight against French and then Soviet tanks. I like engineers for any river crossings and fortresses I've encountered. For me I have maximum variety when it comes to infantry. I can't be sure what you did to cause an early war, but the question is for you. Have you declared war on Poland and Denmark? Or any other two nations? Normally, like Germany, you can declare war on 1 nation for free, meaning the Allies won't declare war on you, but if you DOW another nation, they will DOW you. It all depends on how you like to play. Some say placing one in each port, but I never tend to do that. I just take over GB and do with it. These countries will be angry as soon as the faction in which they are defeated. Thanks for the response, I clicked on some decision regarding Poland and the Allies went to war with me, so I had to rush my invasion of Poland and then announced Denmark. France actually started pushing over the Maginot line but were quickly repelled. After Denmark and Poland were defeated, I announced the low countries and swept to France in this way. I need to recover to my fleet a little as stated above, but may try in GB, should 2 nautical divs be enough and is it viable trying to make it up to Barbarossa comes? Cheers. Thanks for the response I need to recover in my navy a bit as stated above, but may try to invade GB if 2 nautical divs will be enough and and and is it viable trying to make it up to Barbarossa comes? Cheers. You are welcome. I mean doing a short AAR game in Germany where I'm trying to conquer the world before January 1, 1942 (the date may shift to an earlier time, not yet sure), and set my personal best. I was doing a launch run where I only used ships that were originally assigned to Germany by the developers (including those in line). I just bought a manufacturing license from Japan (landing ships). After defeating France, I moved to Brest and landed west of Plymouth. It works for me about 90% of the time, but it could be different when you invade in 1939/1940. My landings in GB are usually in 1937-ish. Any officer who goes into action without a sword is wrongly dressed. - Jack Churchill - British officer in World War II If you don't want to hear the answer than not ask a question in the first place! See my list of AARs in my Inkwell. Take a look at my YouTube videos for more (and more in the future!). I loved following your advice for my first real try with Germany. I felt that most things went well, but after France fell, I decided not to wait for the UK to constantly haunt me. I went on the offensive and landed force in Penzance before spreading across southern England to establish a major foothold. Britain fell and that's where I think I went wrong, I annexed them and wondering if I should have just made them a puppet. Now I have South Africa corroding in my African provinces and Canada taking provinces to their neighborhood. My nef currently can't get to Canada because they don't have the range, although I have the strength to spare. I am also losing provinces in India because of the guerrillas and do not yet have troops defending these territories. I was moving too fast and made bad decisions or I had to just take my time. I felt like I could get the UK out of the way up to Barbarossa, which I did, but I'm not sure it really helped me. I am also currently losing a large amount of rare materials and metal on a dily basis, and I'm not sure how to fix it. By the way, it's nice to see you back with us Tai! I used to take out the UK first, if you go that route Japan and Italy set up nicely. Don't know how your trades were created or what your stocks are regarding is rare, it's hard to help with that. I loved following your advice for my first real try with Germany. I felt that most things went well, but after France fell, I decided not to wait for the UK to constantly haunt me. I went on the offensive and landed force in Penzance before spreading across southern England setting up Foothold. Britain fell and that's where I think I went wrong, I annexed them and wondering if I should have just made them a puppet. Now I have South Africa corroding in my African provinces and Canada taking provinces to their neighborhood. My nef can't currently be to Canada because they don't have the range, although I have the strength to spare. I am also losing provinces in India because of the guerrillas and do not yet have troops defending these territories. I was moving too fast and made bad decisions or I had to just take my time. I felt like I could get the UK out of the way up to Barbarossa, which I did, but I'm not sure it really helped me. I always annex them, and I have the same problems as you. Or better yet, I encounter the same things, but I don't see them as a problem. Honestly, I don't really care that much about Africa or India on this. Having said that, if you can save a shell or two, you can send one to Africa and one to India. The one in Africa can easily (if you keep your infantry equipment and doctrine) destroy South Africa and of course bring down any uprising in India. Did you move too fast? No, probably not if your production doesn't exist. FYI, I played the Game of Germany several times, in which I knocked out France and Great Britain in 1936/1937, so too early is not really an issue. If you made the right decision it is entirely up to you and how you love to play. I don't like puppets, but sometimes it's in my best interest. To reach Canada you can also move your ships and troops to Iceland, then Greenland, and you can probably reach Canada from there. Or, if you still have Newfoundland under your control (and especially this port), you can send your troops there and invade Canada/regain control of your regions in North America. The question you have to ask yourself, do you want? I am also currently losing a large amount of rare materials and metal on a dily basis, and I'm not sure how to fix it. Could you check your deficit daily and how much you import? Are there any countries that you can buy it from (you have money) and last but not least, do you have enough convoys? Any officer who goes into action without a sword is wrongly dressed. - Jack Churchill - British officer in World War II If you don't want to hear the answer than not ask a question in the first place! See my list of AARs in my Inkwell. Take a look at my YouTube videos for more (and more in the future!). Thanks for the response guys. I'll check mine in goings and out going rares next time I download up. I think I can use more than I should because of the large number of ships and aircraft currently under construction. At least now I don't panic too much about colonial holdings (thanks) and will deal with them at leisure. I can, however, create a Corps of Africa from the remnants of my invasion of the UK force and stomp South Africa. I think I need to focus now on the Councils and deal with after they (hopefully) won. Are any of the saved files still around by accident? I went to the site for them and no one exists anymore. Really enjoyed trying out HoI 3 3 this is AAR and other videos. don't wish I had any of this stuff. I can get back to the game again I'll try to cook something. I actually found some saved game files, didn't know what I had. What are you looking for? Any of the files would be good just for comparison. One of my questions is how much convoy I first invest in production. I have no idea how much I need. How many convoys usually depend on which nation. For Germany, it depends on how much trade you have when the war starts. Remember that you still need convoys just to supply your own troops in cases where you conquer something across the sea/ocean. I tend to like Germany stocks all before the war so I can cancel all the deals and I still like to have 2-300 convoys because the UK will sink them quickly as soon as the war starts. I started a new thread with all the saved games I've still had... Thank you so much for the files. I needed a file on January 1, 1938 to compare with. I did not fight past the French/Polish to have any use of militia. Eager to get back at it. Thank you again. I usually use militia instead of garrison troops as garrison troops. They are cheaper and more mobile. Mobile. hearts of iron 3 black ice germany guide

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