278Th Soldiers Train Iraqis St O R Y a N D P H O T O B Y Sgt
The Expeditionary Times Proudly serving the finest Expeditionary service members throughout Iraq Vol. 4 Issue 2 May 26, 2010 http://www.hood.army.mil/13sce/ Worldwide Force protection officer works to improve training Page 4 UFC Sgt. Josh Kimberly a cavalry scout with B Troop, Regimental Support Squadron, 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), and Columbia, Tenn., native observes an Iraqi Army military policeman demonstrate procedures for conducting a personnel search at Contingency Operating Base Taji, Iraq. 278th Soldiers train Iraqis STORY AND PHOTO BY Sgt. Josh Kimberly and Pfc. Eric White, we draw down and have less Soldiers here from U.S. SGT . DAVID A. SCOTT cavalry scouts with B Troop, Regimental Support and coalition forces, then the Iraqi Army will take EXP E DITIONARY TIM E S STAFF Squadron, 278th ACR, 13th ESC, both Columbia, an even greater role in the security at those check- Tenn., natives were the primary instructors. The points and those ECPs. So this serves both of those CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE TAJI, day’s training at the Iraqi Army compound located purposes.” Iraq– Every Sunday, members at COB Taji lasted nearly an hour, with an inter- 278th continued page 10 Pro-athletes of the 278th Armored Cavalry preter to assist both the students and the instruc- host clinic for Regiment, 13th Sustainment tors. Command (Expeditionary) Kimberly, who served with the 278th during Soldiers train their counterparts on its previous deployment to Iraq in 2004, took the essentials of force protec- the lead explaining the tasks to the squad of 10 tion, because soon the 278th Iraqis.
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