A supplement to Astronomy magazine


CONTENTS 2 A fresh look at Seven spacecraft work to uncover Mars’ mysteries. 8 ’s latest findings from Mars Curiosity continues its mission of discovery on the Red Planet. 14 How dust will put a ring around Mars What will happen when is shredded into a ring?

MARS: NASA, ESA, THE HUBBLE HERITAGE TEAM (STSCI/AURA), J. BELL (ASU), AND M. WOLFF (SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE); ROVER: NASA WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 1 Fourth rock A fresh look at MARS ars— the latest interna- mineral-filled veins containing gypsum. Seven spacecraft — tional hotspot. Although Both substances provide further proof that designation might that groundwater and perhaps even sur- two on the ground seem a bit far-fetched, it face water once existed on this part of and five circling seems less so if you consider the seven Mars. The clays, in particular, suggest spacecraft now operating at the Red that some of this water could have been above — continue Planet and the five more being read- comparable to fresh water on ied to go as scientific tourists. Robotic rather than the mildly acidic water to scour the Red emissaries from Earth have occupied inferred from ’s earlier Mars continuously since 1997, and the ­discoveries at Eagle, , and Planet for signs missions currently active date back to craters. 2001. This is the busiest, most fruitful, Even though Curiosity is the new kid of ancient water and most exciting time in the history on the block, having landed in August of Mars exploration. The armada of 2012, it surpassed its 1,000th in late and conditions spacecraft delivers a steady stream of May 2015. The sophisticated rover is data to planetary scientists that has led now exploring the lower slopes of Mount conducive to life. to important discoveries but also raised Sharp, the looming 3-mile-high (5km) intriguing new mysteries. mountain of layered sedimentary rocks by Jim Bell inside Crater that drew the rover The ground truth team to this landing site. ’s Two rovers — Opportunity and Curi­ layers record important parts of Mars’ osity — continue to return sensational early warmer and wetter history. Curi­ scientific information from the surface. osity’s mission is to decipher that record Opportunity, which landed in January in detail, layer by layer if need be, to 2004 and celebrated its 4,000th learn as much as possible about the Red day, or sol (one sol equals about 1.03 Planet’s potential past habitability. Earth days), in April 2015, surpassed the Like its predecessors, Opportunity 26.219-mile (42.195 kilometers) distance and (which ceased transmissions of a marathon a month earlier. The rov- in March 2010), Curiosity has found and er’s science team, working on the planet’s continues to find ample evidence that surface virtually through the robot, is both surface and groundwater once now exploring the eroded rim of an flowed on Mars. Recently revealed signs ancient called . of that water include swarms of mineral- NASA orbiters previously had rich veins created when moving ground- detected evidence for clay minerals water deposited materials that filled on the rim of this 14-mile-wide (22km) fractures in rocks. Other fresh discover- ­crater. Opportunity has sampled those ies of ancient water involve the detection clays and found abundant evidence for of the -oxide mineral hematite, NASA’s Curiosity rover poses for a selfie on Mount Sharp in January 2015. This vista combines dozens of images captured by a camera that sits at the end of the rover’s robotic arm. (Ground controllers posi- tioned the arm so it would be out of the mosaic’s frames.) The rim of Gale Crater appears at the top right of this image, and the peak of Mount Sharp is at the top left. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS

© 2015 Kalmbach Publishing Co. This material may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. www.Astronomy.com WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 3 Eagle Crater NASA’s Opportunity rover captured this pan- Endurance Crater orama from the rim of Endeavour Crater in Victoria Crater January 2015. The clay materials Opportunity Path of has found at Endeavour imply that ground­ Opportunity water once existed in this area. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/ CORNELL UNIVERSITY/ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY Endeavour Crater Marathon

Valley 5 km KELLIE JAEGER :

5 miles NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS/NMMNHS; NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS/NMMNHS; ASTRONOMY On March 24, 2015, Opportunity completed its first marathon when it passed the 26.219-mile (42.195 kilometers) mark on Mars’ surface. The journey took more than 11 years and carried the rover from its landing site in Eagle Crater to the rim of Endeavour Crater.

It also has built up an impressive collec- The mission’s Context Camera has tion of chemical and mineral maps of the imaged more than 90 percent of the mar- surface that have helped scientists under- tian surface at a resolution of about 20 feet stand the distribution of ground ice as well (6m) per pixel. An even higher-resolution as new details about the planet’s geology camera, the High Resolution Imaging and mineralogy. Thanks to the mission’s Science Experiment, helps scientists study longevity, the Mars Odyssey team recently intricate details in small gullies apparently was able to complete a global set of infra- created by seeping water, identify fresh red geologic maps at a resolution of around impact craters formed within the past 330 feet (100 meters) per pixel. These are decade, and even spot alien spacecraft Curiosity continues to explore the layered rocks the highest-resolution maps of surface parts on the surface — most recently, the on Mount Sharp’s lower slopes. In September properties yet created for Mars and are likely wreckage from the 2003 crash of 2014, the rover drilled its first hole on the moun- Curiosity discovered these two-toned mineral veins on the lower slopes of Mount Sharp in March tain to collect samples for onboard analysis. The 2015. They apparently formed when water flowed through fractured rock and deposited minerals helping researchers differentiate bedrock ESA’s -2 lander. hole measures 0.63 inch (1.6 centimeters) across in the cracks. The veins appear as a network of ridges, each of which measures up to 2.5 inches from and dust-covered surfaces. and 2.6 inches (6.7cm) deep. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS (6 centimeters) thick and half that in width. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS The second-oldest orbiter is ESA’s Mars The new arrivals Express, which went into an elliptical orbit Two rookies recently joined these three vet- formed when water alters basaltic volcanic between water and subsurface rock? Or around the planet in late 2003. The space- eran orbiters. ISRO’s Mars Orbiter Mission rock, and jarosite, an iron- and sulfur- could it be from some subsurface biological craft’s instruments have been mapping the (MOM), also called Mangalyaan, is India’s bearing mineral that can arise when volca- process? Although the latter seems unlikely, geology (in 3-D), mineralogy, and atmo- first interplanetary mission. And when it nic rock interacts with mildly acidic water. mission scientists don’t want to discount spheric chemistry of Mars during each entered Mars orbit in September 2014, that These kinds of mineral discoveries any possibilities until they perform addi- close pass ever since. They have discovered nation became the first to achieve success ­coupled with spectacular images of finely tional measurements and analyses. minerals that can form only in the pres- at the Red Planet on its first try. MOM’s layered sandstones and mudstones (fine- ence of water, vast amounts of water ice primary purpose is to test basic spacecraft grained sedimentary rocks that typically The view from above beneath the , and lava and instrument capabilities as well as ISRO’s form in water’s presence) are beginning to In the meantime, five active probes — three flows that might be only a few million ability to journey to Mars and operate suc-

paint a clearer picture of Mount Sharp. from NASA, one from the European Space years old. The High Resolution Stereo cessfully from orbit there. But in the process ARIZONA OF NASA/JPL-CALTECH/UNIVERSITY Scientists now suspect it is an enormous Agency (ESA), and one from the Indian Camera continues to crank out spectacular of demonstrating these technologies and NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured this impact crater, which formed in the past five accumulation of sediments deposited in an Space Research Organization (ISRO) — are topographic maps of volcanoes, craters, skills, the spacecraft has captured some years. This enhanced-color close-up reveals the ancient lake that periodically filled Gale plying the orbital seas above Mars. Using a and canyons across the planet. The 3-D stunning color photos of the martian sur- 100-foot-wide (30 meters) scar and debris that Crater early in the planet’s warmer and variety of sophisticated instruments, these images are helping scientists understand face and atmosphere from its highly ellipti- spreads up to 9 miles (15 kilometers) away. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA OF NASA/JPL-CALTECH/UNIVERSITY wetter history. It’s an exciting hypothesis, spacecraft are scouting the planet’s geology, the details of past geologic processes and cal orbit. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured Curiosity and its tracks as it trekked through but Curiosity needs to do a lot more climb- mineralogy, and atmospheric composition adding key information to the search for NASA’s newest artificial martian satellite layered deposits in April 2014. The rover (arrow) ing and sampling of additional layers to as well as searching for landing sites for future landing sites. arrived two days before MOM. The space appears blue in this image’s exaggerated color. fully test it and tease out more details of the future rovers and surface probes. The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter agency designed the Mars Atmosphere and habitability of that possible ancient lake. The most venerable of this quintet, and (MRO) ranks as NASA’s most prolific Mars Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) orbiter spe- Planetary scientist Jim Bell is a professor in the Curiosity’s measurements of the mar- indeed the longest-operating spacecraft orbiter yet. Since it arrived in its circular cifically to study the Red Planet’s atmo- School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona tian atmosphere have been no less thrilling. ever to explore the Red Planet, is NASA’s polar orbit in 2006, the spacecraft has sphere and especially the way it interacts State University in Tempe. He is a member of the A detailed search for methane early in the Mars Odyssey. Since arriving in polar orbit returned more than 30 terabytes of data with the stream of high-energy particles Mars Odyssey, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, mission came up essentially blank, but in in 2001, Mars Odyssey has circled the — more than all other Mars missions com- emitted by the known as the solar Opportunity, and Curiosity science teams, and is

late 2013 the rover observed a tenfold spike world nearly 60,000 times. In the process, bined. MRO captures the sharpest details wind. One of the mission’s goals is UNIVERSITY STATE NASA/JPL-CALTECH/ARIZONA leading the development of the high-resolution in the abundance of this gas followed by a it has discovered water ice in the from orbit and has helped planetary scien- to test the hypothesis that the solar wind Scientists working with Mars Odyssey data zoom cameras for the Mars 2020 mission. He is quick return to near-zero levels. Are there polar cap, found evidence that melting tists map Mars’ mineralogy and subsurface slowly eroded ancient Mars’ thicker and recently created the highest-resolution global the president of The Planetary Society and enjoys map of martian surface properties, in which localized sources of this simple organic snow carved some geologically recent structure. The probe has found buried gla- warmer atmosphere, perhaps after the warm areas appear bright and cool regions dark. science writing. His most recent book is The compound on Mars, perhaps a byproduct ­gullies, and helped find landing sites for ciers and the clay-rich minerals that led planet’s core solidified and its early mag- This tiny section highlights the 4.3-mile-wide Interstellar Age (Dutton, 2015). of geological processes such as a reaction Spirit and Opportunity. Curiosity’s science team to Gale Crater. netic field disappeared. Mars once had a (6.9 kilometers) impact crater Gratteri.

4 ASTRONOMY • MARS: EXPLORING THE RED PLANET WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 5 spacecraft behind Mars during the comet’s closest approach. Better safe than sorry, especially since MAVEN had arrived at Mars just a month earlier. As the comet swooped past the Red Planet, controllers of the other Mars orbiters similarly protected their probes. The spacecraft delivered a treasure- trove of information about Siding Spring. MAVEN, MRO, and Mars Express all detected strong increases in the number of electrically charged atoms in Mars’ upper The European Space Agency’s Mars Express satellite captured this complex region of isolated hills atmosphere. These ions formed as the com- and ridges in the southernmost section of in the planet’s northern hemisphere. The NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution probe’s High Resolution Stereo Camera snapped this scene in October 2014 at a resolution of about et’s dust and gas slammed into the planet, spacecraft discovered a martian aurora three 50 feet (15 meters) per pixel. ESA/DLR/FU BERLIN stripping the atoms of electrons. MAVEN’s months after it arrived in September 2014. This ultraviolet instruments captured the bright artist’s concept shows the probe’s ultraviolet imager capturing the glow. NASA/UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO glow from the comet’s and iron The dark reddish lines angling to the upper left in this Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter image are active strong magnetic field, a discovery made by researchers studying the February 2013 ions, for example, and then the probe sam- flows extending downhill from Crater’s central peaks. Scientists think the flows might be caused NASA’s earlier Mars Global Surveyor mis- meteor explosion over Chelyabinsk, Russia, pled these and other ions as it circled back by seeping water. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA sion, but no longer does. Will MAVEN find analyzed the event using computer models around the planet. These observations were that this is why Mars evolved into the cold, developed partially from the Shoemaker- the first direct measurements scientists had dry world it is today? Levy 9 impact. Would Siding Spring deliver ever made of ionized material from an Oort eight sols designed to study the landing and a critical step toward eventual human Early science results from MAVEN a similar show, or a show at all? No one Cloud comet in a planetary atmosphere. site’s atmospheric conditions. exploration of the Red Planet, will be to include the surprising discoveries of an was sure how the comet, which originated Comet Siding Spring also must have ESA will attempt its first , bring these carefully selected samples of auroral glow lower in the atmosphere than in the distant Oort Cloud, would behave. produced an impressive meteor shower. once again in cooperation with Roscosmos, soils and rocks to Earth for detailed geo- scientists expected and a dust layer much MAVEN had perhaps the best view, and Unfortunately, the cameras on Oppor­ with ExoMars. Currently scheduled for a chemical and biological analysis. Are there higher in the atmosphere than expected. its science team commanded the spacecraft tunity and Curiosity were built to image The martian armada targeted Comet Siding 2018 launch, the rover will use cameras, chemical compounds in the soils that could Spring (C/2013 A1) in October 2014. In this artist’s Some researchers have suggested that the to observe the comet both before and after the daytime surface and not the nighttime concept, NASA’s three orbiters watch as comet spectrometers (which analyze elemental degrade space-suit seals or other systems absence of a shielding magnetic field could its Mars encounter. Although the probe’s sky. Their relatively short exposures didn’t material crashes into the atmosphere and ionizes composition), radar, and a drill to study the needed for life support? Is martian dust allow the solar wind to penetrate deeper highly sensitive ultraviolet instruments are capture any meteors and rendered the atoms from the deep-space visitor. NASA/JPL-CALTECH geological history of a past watery environ- toxic to the human respiratory system in before it initiates the aurora. The origin optimized to study the planet’s upper atmo- comet as little more than a fuzzy blob. ment on Mars. some unanticipated way? Can explorers of the high-altitude dust remains a mys- sphere and aurorae, scientists often use Understanding the detailed nature of the extract resources such as oxygen and water tery, however. Is it dust from Mars lofted these same kinds of tools to study comets. Future exploration emissaries and even have started thinking martian environment is also at the forefront from common Mars surface materials? upward by strong atmospheric currents? There was some danger in making these Six national space agencies have now about plans for the first crewed missions, of NASA’s plans for its next Mars rover, ten- A primary goal of the Mars 2020 mis- Or could it be dust raining down from the observations, however. High-speed impacts launched more than 40 missions to Mars perhaps as soon as the 2030s. tatively called Mars 2020 after the year of its sion is to collect samples that can begin martian , Phobos or , or by even tiny chunks of ice or dust ejected since the first attempt in 1960. Only about Indeed, several missions in the works planned launch. To save money, some 80 to to answer such questions. Engineers are from streams of cometary dust? Scientists by the comet could cause a catastrophic half of these proved even partially success- have direct connections to the eventual 90 percent of the rover will be constructed currently working on ways to cache these plan to test these and other hypotheses failure of spacecraft components. To min­ ful, attesting to the difficulty in exploring human . In 2016, from spare parts from Curiosity. NASA samples and decide the best way to return with additional MAVEN observations imize the risk, mission managers manip­ the Red Planet. Despite the challenges, NASA will launch Insight, a lander based envisions Mars 2020 as a first step in a them to our planet. ­perhaps augmented by other orbiters. ulated MAVEN’s orbit to “hide” the however, humans continue to send robotic on the successful design of the 2008 ­longer-term set of missions designed to I believe the human fascination with Phoenix spacecraft. Insight will deploy a bring samples back from Mars. The rover Mars stems in part from the fact that the Comet encounter sensitive seismometer and heat-flow probe will feature high-resolution cameras, spec- deeper we look at it, the more we see paral- MAVEN and the other active spacecraft to search for signs of seismic or geothermal trometers, and drilling/coring systems that lels with our own world’s past. Early in its had front-row seats to one of 2014’s most activity. Is Mars geologically dead or still will allow it to physically sample a variety of history, Mars was much more Earth-like exciting astronomical events — October’s active? Insight is designed to find out dur- surface materials and cache them for poten- than it is today. It was warmer and wetter close encounter between Mars and Comet ing its two-year primary mission, which tial transport to Earth on future missions. — at least in places. Heat from the Sun, Siding Spring (C/2013 A1). Although will start in late 2016. Many planetary scientists believe that geothermal sources, and impacts provided the comet’s icy nucleus would miss the Also in late 2016, ESA, in cooperation the next major leap in Mars exploration, abundant energy, and the rain of planet by approximately 87,000 miles with the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, and comet impacts that pelted Mars and (140,000km), astronomers predicted that will deploy the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. the rest of the planets provided a steady its extended envelope would pass right over This spacecraft will study methane and supply of organic molecules. Mars and intermingle with its atmosphere. other minor atmospheric gases that might Water, energy, and organic molecules Cometary impacts and near-misses hap- provide clues to the planet’s geologic and are the key ingredients needed for life as pen rarely, but they can teach us a lot about possible biologic evolution. As part of the we know it. Past and present missions have planetary atmospheres and comets them- mission, the orbiter will deploy an entry, helped us discover that Mars was indeed a selves. Scientists remember vividly when descent, and landing demonstration mod- habitable world long ago. Upcoming mis- Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with ule called Schiaparelli. ESA expects Schia­ sions, including the first human explorers in 1994, a dramatic celestial fire- parelli to prove the agency’s ability to make The future of Mars exploration looks as promis- in the not-too-distant future, will be work- ing as the present. Future rovers may employ a works show that provided new information Although India designed its Mars Orbiter Mission only to demonstrate technology, the spacecraft a controlled landing on Mars’ surface. If it small helicopter to scout ahead, finding features ing to up the ante, trying to find out if about the giant planet’s cloud layers as well has returned some stunning images since arriving in September 2014. This one shows part of Valles survives touchdown, the spacecraft will of interest and allowing ground controllers to Mars was — or still is — not just habitable, as the nature of high-speed impacts. Indeed, Marineris, a canyon system that spans 2,500 miles (4,000 kilometers) and digs 4.5 miles (7km) deep. ISRO conduct a science mission lasting two to plot the best driving routes. NASA/JPL-CALTECH but inhabited.

6 ASTRONOMY • MARS: EXPLORING THE RED PLANET WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 7 Inside Gale Crater ore people tuned in to see there. Sharp is 5 miles (8km) from the rov- what happened on Mars, how that hap- the Curiosity rover land on er’s landing site, and Curiosity’s longest day pened differently on Earth, and how that Mars than watch CNN dur- of driving has thus far been 464 feet (142 allowed life on Earth to thrive.” ing Sunday prime time. meters). The mound will be worth the wait, When NASA’s most sophis- though, according to scientists. “Orbiting Red biology ticated, mobile, and outfit- spacecraft suggest that the lower layers of Curiosity has been busy helping scientists ted robot touched down this mound contain minerals formed in the piece the planet’s timeline together. During August 6, 2012, half a million viewers sat on presence of ancient water,” says Nadine Bar- the rover’s first year at work, it collected 190 Mthe edges of their seats. A sky crane lowered low, a Mars expert and professor at North- gigabits of data; took more than 36,700 full Curiosity to a soft arrival on a planet it had ern Arizona University in Flagstaff, “while images and 35,000 thumbnail images; fired traveled 352 million miles (567 million kilo- the upper layers appear drier and may con- lasers at targets more than 75,000 times; meters) to study. In the months since, the tain evidence of more recent, but still dis- fully characterized rock samples; and drove rover and the scientists who control it have tant, volcanic activity.” more than 1 mile (1.6km). been working hard to determine what Mars The mound will surely prove to be a The data are yielding serious results. The is like now, what it was like in the past, and mine. After spending 11 months investigat- first came March 7, when NASA announced what its past and present might mean for ing Gale’s depths, Curiosity set out for that Curiosity had discovered a streambed the past, present, and future of Earth. Mount Sharp on July 4. in which life could have survived. But what, exactly, did researchers hope “We have found a habitable environment A wild descent to learn when they set metal feet on this that is so benign and supportive of life,” Curiosity touched down in Gale Crater, a planet? Which questions has the rover Grotzinger said at the time, “that, probably, depression 96 miles (154km) across, near an answered already, and which new questions if this water was around and you had been that is called — a has it brought up? As Grotzinger said at the there, you would have been able to drink it.”

In August 2012, NASA’s newest rover landed in Mars’ Gale Crater. From finding ancient streambeds to analyzing hundreds of samples, the rover has kept busy helping scientists learn about the Red Planet’s habitability. by Sarah Scoles

cone-shaped buildup of debris from, pre- March press conference, “When you land The location, Yellowknife Bay, was not sumably, once-flowing water. on Mars, strange things can happen.” just wet — it had Goldilocks conditions: “We didn’t just stumble into this area,” While some of Curiosity’s discoveries have salty but not too salty, not too acidic, not said John Grotzinger, Curiosity’s project not been surprising, others have changed too basic, and full of porridge-like chemical scientist, in a press conference March 7, the public conception of Mars from a dead, energy for metabolism. These results came 2013. Scientists chose Gale Crater after dusty place to one that has been evolving from the first rock Curiosity drilled, Febru- much debate about balancing safety and for billions of years and continues, even ary 8. The fine-grained rock, called John science. After all, it doesn’t matter if inter- now, to do so. Klein, sits where streams appear to have esting geology lies at the top of a boulder- When NASA launched Curiosity, it had descended from the crater’s rim, perhaps strewn outcrop if your rover drives off a biological, geological, and chemical goals. leaving standing water, and is covered in cliff. Gale Crater presented few such physi- But the mission’s umbrella objective is to nodules and veins. The rover bored a 2.5- Curiosity’s cal obstacles and appeared to offer diverse determine whether Mars was ever habitable. inch (6.4 centimeters) hole into it, sending geology within a small area. Proximity is Grotzinger was quick to point out, though, samples to its important: While the rover can move, engi- that the rover is not there to determine (SAM) and Chemistry and Mineralogy neers expect it to drive only 12 miles (20km) whether metabolizing microbes actually (CheMin) instruments, which investigate in its lifetime, making targets separated by were on Mars. “We are not a life-detection chemical makeup. 15 miles (24km) undesirable. mission,” he said in March. Curiosity A month passed before NASA Gale Crater is also home to Mount instead will determine whether life could announced that the sample suggested a Sharp, a 18,000-foot-tall (5.5km) mountain have arisen and survived there. And the water-wet, life-friendly spot. When Curios- latest findings toward which Curiosity currently is travel- answer is directly applicable to us mammals ity ran John Klein through its spectrometers ing. But it’s going to take a while to get and microbes: If Curiosity discovers that and X-ray diffractors, the agency said, it Mars used to be hospitable and has turned found sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, During Curiosity’s 177th day on the Red Planet barren, what does that mean for our planet? phosphorus, and carbon. Sulfates (sulfur — February 3, 2013 — it took the dozens of im- Christopher Edwards, a postdoctoral plus oxygen) signal the presence of water. ages that, combined, make this full self-portrait. Soon after, the rover drilled into its first rock, fellow at the California Institute of Technol- Ancient, hardy bacteria on Earth use sul- becoming the first machine to sample the interior ogy and a member of the Curiosity science fides (compounds containing sulfur minus from Mars of another planet. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS team, confirms, “[We’re] going to look for two electrons) as fuel. DNA, meanwhile, is © 2014 Kalmbach Publishing Co. This material may not be reproduced in any WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 9 form without permission from the publisher. www.Astronomy.com intersection called Glenelg. Its Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN) detector Drilling into John Klein searched for slow neutrons, which indicate the presence of water. Cosmic rays con- an al f stantly strike the planet’s surface, kicking Alluvi After Curiosity drilled neutrons out of their atoms. If the ejected Water neutrons interact with hydrogen atoms on into its first rock, the instruments heated the their way out of the ground, they slow sample to 1535° Fahren- down. DAN looks for low-energy neutrons heit (835° Celsius). As it and, based on their abundance, can tell how became hotter, the dust released water, carbon full of water molecules the ground is. On its dioxide, oxygen, sulfur travels, Curiosity sometimes saw water Carbon dioxide dioxide, and hydrogen merely on the surface, but other times the Forms sulfide. ASTRONOMY: ROEN KELLY, chemistry extended more than 15 inches of sulfur AFTER NASA/JPL-CALTECH/GSFC (40cm) underground, making up between 1.3 and 3 percent of the total material. Signal strength Oxygen Remarkable Mars As temperatures on Mars changed, it was This map shows Gale Crater, where Curiosity touched down in August 2012. The colors represent the unable to hold on to its liquid water. Its terrain’s ability to hold heat. Red loses thermal radiation slowly, suggesting the material in the soil is water-friendly warmth was due solely to its cemented tightly together. The topography, including a fan-shaped deposit of debris called Peace Vallis, suggests water once flowed through this area on Mars. Curiosity, which landed inside the black ellipse, atmosphere, which is now an inhospitable 480° F Sample temperature 1500° F has seen rounded pebbles cemented to rocks, material that may have been carried and polished by a 95.95 percent carbon dioxide and 0.146 per- moving river. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/UNIV. OF ARIZONA cent oxygen, according to Curiosity’s latest readings. Long ago, though, Mars’ atmo- Two different Mars rovers — Opportunity and sphere was different. Its many giant volca- Curiosity — have seen concretions (the small spheres pictured here) and cemented rocks, noes were active, and they now act as road geological features that form in the presence of maps. “Even though they might not be as water. Opportunity’s Wompay rock (top) appears exciting as life,” says Joshua Bandfield, a to have formed in an acidic, inhospitable environ- Mars expert who was on the team that char- ment. Curiosity’s Sheepbed rock, however, formed in a neutral, non-salty environment with plenty of acterized Curiosity’s landing site, “volca- chemical energy. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/CORNELL/MSSS noes can point you to both where the liquid water and energy sources were in the mar- tian past.” At one point in Mars’ history, lakes. In addition to drilling rocks toward they also spewed plumes of methane, a that end, the rover also has scooped soil. At powerful greenhouse gas, into the air. The a sandbox called , its SAM instru- gas trapped the Sun’s heat, and the heat re- ment heated the dirt to 932° Fahrenheit radiated from the martian ground — a NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS (500° Celsius), and evidence of water, sulfur, combination that potentially warmed Mars Scientists receive images directly from Curiosity — the raw files (left) — but from there, they have two Curiosity collected the first drilled sample from another planet. The next day, its Chemistry Camera options. They can process the pictures to show the view as it would look if you were standing on Mars and chlorine compounds popped out. enough for liquid water to exist despite its sent laser pulses into the rock, creating the smaller holes. The larger hole has a diameter of 0.6 inch (middle), or they can white-balance the photos so the scene looks as it would under Earth-lighting (right). But the most satisfying answer came distance from the Sun. (1.6 centimeters) and is 2.5 inches (6.4cm) deep. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/LANL/IRAP/CNES/LPGNANTES/IAS/CNRS/MSSS from close-up pictures the MastCam took But Mars’ atmosphere is depleted now, of three rocks. The images are from the first too thin to keep the planet warm, and Curi- made of phosphates (phosphorus plus Water, water 40 days of the mission, but analysis did not osity discovered how, exactly, the once-thick element with different numbers of neutrons. as a generally dynamic place, rather than a oxygen), carbohydrates (carbon, hydrogen, So now we know Mars was, at some point, come right away. In June, scientists deter- blanket became so threadbare. Its SAM The more neutrons an isotope has, the Pompeii-style preservation of a bygone era. and oxygen), and nitrogen groups. In short, wet. But how long was the water there? How mined that “,” “,” and “Hot- instrument analyzed the abundances of “heavier” it is. Scientists can compare the Mars’ surface is lively, a fact Curiosity John Klein contains the ingredients neces- deep and extensive was it? Initial results tah” — as the rocks are affectionately isotopes, which are versions of the same light-to-heavy isotope ratio in today’s mar- must contend with to reach its next destina- sary to whip up a batch of life. And the pH- from a third Curiosity instrument — the known — are glued-together pebbles. On tian atmosphere to that of the early solar tion. Simone Silvestro, a postdoctoral balanced, fresh(ish) conditions would have Mast Camera (MastCam), which uses near- Earth — and so, presumably, on Mars — system. If Mars were not letting atoms researcher at the SETI Institute in Moun- been favorable to that life’s survival. infrared vision to detect iron- and water- sediments stick together like this when they escape, the two would be the same. tain View, California, demonstrated that “A fundamental question for this mis- bearing minerals — suggest the planet’s wet are immersed in flowing water. To create But SAM found that heavy isotopes of the martian wind is, as you read this sen- sion is whether Mars could have supported habitability was not limited to the resting deposits the size of Goulburn’s, Link’s, and hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and argon are tence, reshaping the planet’s dunes. He a habitable environment,” says Michael place of a single rock but extended at least ’s, the martian stream would have more prevalent on Mars than they were in compared results from ground-level wind Meyer, the lead astronomer for NASA’s up to Mount Sharp. been ankle- to hip-deep and flowing about the solar system’s early years. In other sensors to satellite images and saw that the Mars Exploration Program located in Scientists have long had solid evidence 3 feet per second (1 m/s). words, the planet, which has low gravity wind pushed the dunes surrounding Mount Washington, D.C. “From what we know that water used to flow across the surface of Although scientists speak of the streams and no significant magnetic field, can’t Sharp some 1.3 feet (0.4m) each year. “The now, the answer is yes.” Mission accom- the Red Planet. Data dating back to the in the past tense, Mars retains some of its hang on to its lighter isotopes. It has evolved action of the wind is the most active process plished, but far from over. Viking landers of the 1970s provided proof water in frozen form. Curiosity found out since its early years, losing lighter atoms. It in shaping the planet,” Silvestro says. Curiosity’s 1.6-inch-wide (4 centimeters) scoop of the H2O molecule’s existence, but Curios- just how much is there, searching for ice created these divots in the sand at Rocknest. At actively continues to lose its less substantive Silvestro works with research scientist Sarah Scoles is an associate editor at ity is doing its part to show that the H2O on-the-go as it traveled from Yellowknife this location, the sand consists of a crust of coarse substances today. And the more scientists Lori Fenton, who is excited by this proof Astronomy magazine. came in the form of rivers, streams, and Bay to its next big landmark: a three-terrain grains atop finer dust. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS learn about the planet, the more they see it that Mars isn’t a “dead” planet. “You can

10 ASTRONOMY • MARS: EXPLORING THE RED PLANET WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 11 Surface 40 Curiosity’s Dynamic 30 Albedo of Neutrons 20 instrument detects the 10 presence of hydrogen, Depth (centimeters) 0 and thus water. On Mars, most of this water 5 is bound to minerals, Bradbury Driving from Bradbury to Rocknest Point Lake Yellowknife which are then called and Bay “hydrated.” The amount 4 Gillespie of water near the surface At the Rocknest site in November 2012, Curiosity’s Mast Camera took this panoramic mosaic. NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS of Yellowknife Bay is an 3 average of 3 percent of the total material. ASTRONOMY: ROEN KELLY, AFTER NASA/ actually see how wind and water have 2 JPL-CALTECH/RUSSIAN SPACE RESEARCH played a role in martian history,” she says. INSTITUTE What’s inside martian sand? PSI AND NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS “To me that’s living, breathing.” The rover Some martian geology is remarkably similar to 1 will have to travel up and over this lively that of Earth. The Link outcrop on Mars (top) has Average water in 60-centimeter layer (percent) 16 16 Sulfur dioxideSulfur dioxide The sand that Curios- O2 O2 small gravel pieces called clasts embedded in the surface in the coming months to continue ity scooped at Rocknest 0 106 106(oxygen (oxygen larger rock. Erosion can release clasts, which fall to its scientific work. isotope)isotope) contains sulfur, chlorine, 0 200 400 600 the ground and create piles of pebbles. A similar Odometry (meters) and oxygen compounds. sedimentary formation on Earth is on the bottom. To determine the mate- 16 18 16 18 A time machine O O O O HydrogenHydrogen rial’s composition, the 105 105 Mars was more violent between 3.5 and 4.5 (oxygen (oxygen sulfide sulfide Sample Analysis at Mars isotope)isotope) billion years ago. This time period, known instrument heated it and is old. “Look at a typical rock in your back- “safe mode” after a software malfunction Curiosity is making inquiries into Earth’s as the Era, saw the formation of analyzed the resulting yard,” Edwards continues. “It probably March 16; and the rover popped a wheelie prehistory. In September, scientists emissions. Perchlorates 104 104 large impact craters, such as Gale, which are — compounds containing formed 100 million years ago. On Mars, for a while in June. But the system generally announced that they had found a rock, ready-to-use tools for scientists. Barlow chlorine and oxygen — in rocks have been sitting on the surface for works. In fact, it works so well that Curios- which they called , that was

phrases it more aggressively: “I like to refer Detector counts/second Detector counts/second the sample could indicate billions of years. You have an unadulterated ity sometimes operates without a baby sitter, nearly indistinguishable from a certain kind the presence of accompa- to impact craters as ‘nature’s drills.’ ” 103 103 reacting to obstacles without checking in nying organic molecules. record of rocks that often formed 3 billion of volcanic rock on Earth. The similarities Because of their low-lying bottoms, cra- ASTRONOMY: ROEN KELLY, AFTER NASA/ years ago, a period that has been largely with ground control. suggest Mars’ interior may be more similar ter floors collect material that flowed from JPL-CALTECH/GSFC erased on Earth.” The rover’s first year of results will help to Earth’s than anyone thought. higher elevations. If they were once wet, for 102 102 Sending a rover to Mars is like going space agencies put astronauts’ boots on the “You can think of planets as giant labo- instance, they retain sediments and depos- back in time. When Curiosity samples a ground — eventually. Astronomers need to ratory experiments set up 4.5 billion years its. Some rocks in Gale formed when flow- 200 200 400 400 600 600 800 800 streambed, it peers into a period in the solar thoroughly understand this desert planet if ago,” says Bandfield. “Each has slightly dif- Sample temperatureSample temperature (Celsius) (Celsius) ing water cemented material together, while system’s history that we — earthlings who the United States is going to send humans ferent proportions of rock, water, etc.” How some rocks formed from volcanic activity. build structures on top of our wetter, more there in 2020, as President Obama plans. did those slightly different proportions lead Curiosity can investigate both types. Mount Sharp, where the rover is headed, 61° F (16° C), while Mars is only a frigid volcanic, more pressurized, and more tec- Curiosity is pushing that agenda forward by to such radically different results? Specifi- Gale Crater showcases parts of Mars that also has rocky strata compacted together –31° F (–35° C). tonic planet — cannot easily access. learning where meltwater-ice supplies are cally, how did they produce Mars — a are below the surface but used to be the sur- like a book of pressed flowers, if a book of Curiosity, so mindful of its own condi- and measuring how much radiation reaches planet that may have been habitable, but not face. “The layers exposed in craters provide pressed flowers contained flora from geo- tion that it is almost self-aware, also uses Where to next? the surface each day. With current technol- inhabited, in the distant past — and Earth, insights into past environments quite differ- logical eras separated by millions of years. REMS to determine how strongly the atmo- Curiosity is continuing its long trek toward ogy, the level of radiation — about a CT a geologically similar planet now teeming ent from what we see on the planet today,” sphere is pressing down. The pressure Mount Sharp, and it will stop along the way scan’s worth every five days — is too high. with everything from upright mammals says Barlow. If Curiosity looks at the differ- It’s no Earth between mid-August 2012 and late Febru- whenever scientists see something interest- But as long as scientists know that, they can to archaebacteria? ent strata — just like a scientist in the Grand While it’s unlikely that Mars ever had ary 2013 — about a quarter of a martian ing. So far, their plans have encountered work to innovate new protections. “We study these other planets to reflect Canyon might sample different elevations mammals, it was habitable, at least in spots. year — slid upward by 0.029 pound per only minor blips: Curiosity’s computer had Aside from the logistical investigations on ourselves,” says Edwards. “It’s a system, along the rock walls — it can help scientists But like on Earth, conditions there vary square inch. This seasonal change occurs a memory glitch February 28; it flipped into into whether humans can hack it on Mars, right? Our solar system.” learn more about the planet’s past. from region to region, just as Earth is home because the spring sunlight causes carbon

to both the Badlands and the bayou. For dioxide (CO2) to sublimate from the south-

instance, Curiosity has found that the plan- ern polar cap. The CO2 becomes part of the et’s relative humidity changes based on its planet’s atmosphere, increasing its mass by location. The Rover Environmental Moni- 30 percent each time the season rolls toring Station (REMS) saw the humidity around. But even the highest pressure is drop from 60 percent to about 5 percent in 0.0095 atmosphere, not even a hundredth the 0.25 mile (400m) between the landing the pressure we experience on Earth. site and the sandy area where the rover So although the planet resembles Utah, spent its 55th to 101st days on Mars. remember Earth and Mars are still quite The surface temperature, though, did different. For one, everything Curiosity sees

NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS NASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS not depend on the rover’s location, at least is gigantic. “The scale of features on Mars is Curiosity’s Mast Camera snapped this portrait not on small scales. The average daily high massive,” says Edwards. “When I look at a of the rover’s Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS). Scientists directed the camera to take has been a still-freezing 32° F (0° C), while crater, I always have to tell myself, ‘That In this 360° image, taken during Curiosity’s 59th Earth day on Mars, the Navigation Camera recorded Rocknest in the foreground and Aeolis Mons (Mount Sharp) the image to determine whether APXS had been the low averages –94° F (–70° C). On Earth, crater is bigger than the entire Los Angeles in the background. The mountain rises some 18,000 feet (5.5 kilometers) from the floor of Gale Crater. The rover currently is on its way to Mount Sharp, leaving covered in dust during the rover’s landing. the average temperature is a comfortable Basin.’ ” Secondly, everything Curiosity sees more tracks like those in the right portion of the image. NASA/JPL-CALTECH

12 ASTRONOMY • MARS: EXPLORING THE RED PLANET WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 13 Red Planet mayhem How moon dust will put a ring around MARS Phobos, a moon of Mars, is destined to be shredded, changing the Red Planet forever. by Joel Davis

Someday, Mars’ moon Phobos will slip past a certain point in its degrading orbit and get ripped apart by tidal forces, form- ing a ring. This illustration depicts Phobos midway through that process, overlooking the Red Planet. RON MILLER FOR ASTRONOMY

© 2016 Kalmbach Publishing Co. This material may not be reproduced in any form 14 ASTRONOMY • MARS:without EXPLORING permission fromTHE the RED publisher. PLANET www.Astronomy.com WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 15 Lord of the rings RINGS OF THE GIANT PLANETS Jupiter’s four faint and dusty rings proba- impacts. What’s more, the current rate of While we know of thousands of exoplanets, only one exoring system has been found. J1407b is a massive planet JUPITER with rings so large they block out their parent star’s light. It has a total of 30 systems in its rings, and the system bly formed by a different mechanism than meteoroid impacts among moons and has a diameter of 74 million miles (119 million kilometers). To put that in perspective, if the ring system were around ’s — and more recently — but its other icy bodies at ’ distance is our Sun, it would stretch all the way past Venus and fall a bit short of Earth’s orbit. J1407b is massive enough that moons still play a vital role. Amalthea and enough to create all the observed rings Main Thebe Thebe it may not technically qualify as a planet, and may instead be a brown dwarf, a class of objects encompassing Thebe are the likely sources of the material and dust bands circling that planet. Halo gossamer extension “failed stars.” The object is estimated to be 20 times more massive than Jupiter. RON MILLER in Jupiter’s outer two “gossamer” rings. Because the rings appear to be young, Thebe orbits within the outer gossamer probably not more than 600 million years ring, while Amalthea lies near the outer old, the material in the rings must be con- Amalthea 50,000 km gossamer edge of the inner gossamer ring. Metis and tinually renewed. Particles blasted off the Adrastea, two other small moons, orbit tiny moons and still-unseen moonlets by 30,000 miles near the outer edge of Jupiter’s main ring, collisions and meteoroid strikes continually and are the sources of the dust grains mak- add material to the rings, while the dust SATURN ing up the main and innermost halo rings. continues to dissipate. Janus/Epimetheus D B Some forces work against the rings, ’s five rings and various dust A keeping them relatively thin. bands are probably even younger than Electromagnetic forces, a phenomenon those of Uranus, and the same processes G Pallene E called plasma drag, and even pressure are likely responsible for them and the F from sunlight (called the Poynting- moons that orbit in or near them. Naiad 50,000 km Robertson effect) continually remove the and Thalassa orbit in the gap between the micron-sized particles from the rings. But innermost and Le Verrier rings, and C Division 30,000 miles particles sputtered off the moons by Despina orbits just inside the Le Verrier meteoroid impacts create dust and con- ring. Galatea lies slightly inside the outer- URANUS 6 54 α β η γ δ λ ε tinually replenish the rings. most ring. These tiny moons are The 13 known rings of Uranus are likely rubble-pile objects, agglomerations unlike those of Jupiter or Saturn. All but of fragments from earlier neptunian the innermost and two outermost of the moons, weakly held together by gravity. ν μ rings are quite narrow, ranging from just The ring particles are material continually 0.6 to 59.6 miles (1 to 96 kilometers) wide. blasted off the moons by meteoroid Their particles are larger than those in impacts. Unlike the uranian rings, the rings Jupiter’s rings, but there’s little dust. of Neptune are quite dusty, thanks to the 1986U2R/ζ 50,000 km Instead, they’re largely made up of ice destruction of a satellite; at least 20 per- 30,000 miles with organic chemicals mixed in to give cent of the material is the size of smoke It appears the process of coming apart at the seams has Phobos, it seems, is not long the dark appearances, unique among the particles, and in some of the rings, that NEPTUNE already begun. Images of Phobos taken by the Viking orbiters outer solar system rings. rises to 70 percent. Le Verrier and other spacecraft show a network of grooves in the tiny The Adams ring also has five distinct for this universe — at least But there are similarities: Like Jupiter’s Galle moon’s surface. At first they appeared to radiate from near and Saturn’s rings, Uranus’ rings are inti- clumps or arcs of dust spanning about 40° Adams Crater, and geologists assumed that the grooves were mately associated with moons and moon- in longitude. How they can exist for any on the large cosmic timescale. cracks caused by the ancient impact. Some certainly are just that, lets. Primordial moons the size of Puck, 100 length of time is a mystery, as these tenu- miles (162km) in diameter, or larger would ous rings should have faded away. One Arcs Astronomers have long known that Phobos, the larger and but not all. In 2015, Terry Hurford of NASA’s Goddard Space 50,000 km have had a good chance of surviving for explanation, by planetary ring expert 30,000 miles nearer of the two martian moons, is slowly spiraling inward to Flight Center and his colleagues reported a new analysis of the several billion years. But not all would Carolyn Porco, leader of the Cassini orbit- eventual destruction. The end result won’t be pretty: Phobos will grooves. Most of them actually radiate from the side of Phobos escape a devastating fate. Computer simu- er’s imaging team, is that a resonance slip closer and closer toward Mars, then strike a gravitational line that constantly faces Mars; tidal forces caused by Mars’ gravita- lations show that the 11 inner moons of effect caused by Galatea’s eccentric orbit All four giant planets — gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, where the planet’s tidal forces will be strong enough to tional pull are deforming Phobos. Hurford believes the Uranus are likely the remains of original may act to keep the particles in the arcs and ice giants Uranus and Neptune — have ring systems. But each one is different. ASTRONOMY: ROEN KELLY rip it apart. The rubble pile-like moon will break grooves are stretch marks, a visible sign of the inexo- larger moons broken up by cometary from spreading out and dissipating. — J. D. into smaller boulders, rocks, and dust, and rable grip of tidal forces on the moon. will spread out in orbit around Mars. The future martian ring will not be the only one Mars will join the gas giants in having a in the solar system, of course. Nor will it be the number of tiny particles (he called them “brick-bats”), each inde- formed the planet’s main rings. This, she says, explains why the spectacular feature: a ring system. only ring whose existence depends on a moon. pendently orbiting Saturn. particles making up the rings are 99.9 percent pure water ice. It It could be 25 million years from now. There are rings across the giant planets: the four Since then, debate has raged over the origin, age, and composi- also explains the striking difference between Jupiter’s and Saturn’s It could be up to 75 million years. Recent dusty rings of Jupiter; Uranus’ 13 dark, thin rings; tion of Saturn’s rings. Are they leftovers from the formation of rings and satellites. discoveries about the little moon’s composi- and Neptune’s five faint rings and four enigmatic Saturn, or the remains of a shattered moon? As old as Saturn itself, “The existence of Saturn’s much more massive ring system is tion and density, however, make it far more ring arcs are — like the future ring around Mars or a relatively new addition? And why so much ice? Planetary sci- linked to Saturn having lost its large primordial inner moons,” likely that its death dive will happen sooner. — all intimately linked to moons and moonlets. entist Robin M. Canup of the Southwest Research Institute in Canup explains. “Jupiter retained its large inner moons, [while] its The pieces that don’t form a ring will fall to the And of course, the most familiar ringed planet is Boulder, Colorado, recently published a proposal that answers dusty ring system is vastly less massive than the ring system at surface, smashing with enough force to pockmark Saturn, whose icy surrounding matter can be seen these questions. Canup suggests that Saturn’s rings are the very Saturn.” Mars with new craters. even through a small telescope. ancient remains of a -sized moon. “A lot of planetary science focuses on what happened “Saturn originally had multiple massive moons like Jupiter,” Creating a martian ring in the past and what’s happening now,” says planetary scientist Saturn’s magnificent rings says Canup. These moons were large enough for their interiors to Phobos isn’t nearly the size of a planet, but many of the same Benjamin A. Black. “It’s not often that we look at the future, at Galileo Galilei saw what turned out to be Saturn’s spectacular ring differentiate into layers of ices and a rocky core — less like a large mechanisms will drive its destruction. Its companion moon what will happen.” Black, a City University of New York professor, system in 1610. (He said the features looked like ears or handles.) comet and more like the four larger moons of Jupiter. When the Deimos is about 7.8 miles (12.6 kilometers) in diameter and orbits and graduate student Tushar Mittal from the University of But it wasn’t until 1655 that Christiaan identified them large moons spiraled inward as Saturn finished its accretion, Mars at an average distance of 14,580 miles (23,460km), far enough California, Berkeley, have carried out a detailed examination of as an entire system of icy rings. In 1856, famed physicist James Canup says, the outer icy layers of at least one were stripped away. away to avoid Phobos’ fate. Phobos is 13.8 miles (22.2km) in the eventual fate of Phobos. Clerk Maxwell showed that the rings must be composed of a huge NASA (PHOBOS) The core plunged into Saturn, and the icy remains eventually diameter. It circles the planet at an average distance of 5,827 miles

16 ASTRONOMY • MARS: EXPLORING THE RED PLANET WWW.ASTRONOMY.COM 17 Small system You don’t have to be a planet to have a ring. An object known as Chariklo (classified as a centaur, or outer solar system minor planet) has a thin ring system around it. Chariklo’s diameter of 144 miles (232 kilometers) puts it at the lower limits of the size of dwarf planets. The formation mechanism of the rings, and indeed much information beyond their existence, is not yet known. Chariklo was the first minor planet or asteroid to have a known ring system. Another centaur, Chiron, may have one as well. The rings were discovered in 2014. Chariklo orbits in a highly inclined orbit between Saturn and Uranus. ESO/L. CALÇADA/NICK RISINGER

The lines cutting across Phobos are caused by tidal stresses from the slowly ripping its largest moon apart. NASA

The white object in the center of Saturn’s diffuse E ring is Enceladus, a tiny moon with a liquid ocean. Geysers at the moon’s south pole eject water into space, forming the ring. NASA/ESA

(9,377km). With an orbital period of just 7 hours, 39.2 minutes, Then there’s Stickney Crater, the giant impact basin on Phobos is one of only 18 of the 181 known moons in the solar sys- Phobos. Sometime in its past, Phobos was hit by an object that tem whose orbital period is less than its planet’s rotation period. left a crater 5.6 miles (9km) wide — nearly half the moon’s diam- That’s one of a few reasons why Phobos is doomed. “There are eter. The impact surely fractured much of Phobos’ interior, leav- four factors in action,” explains Mittal. “The tidal force of Mars; ing it even weaker. From there, billions of years of meteoroid the centrifugal forces on Phobos, which is rotating; the gravity of impacts have churned the surface of Phobos into a layer of fine Phobos; and the strength of Phobos. There’s a balance among dust about a hundred meters deep. Given the extremely weak sur- these. Tidal and rotational stresses act to pull Phobos apart; self- face gravity (escape velocity for Phobos is a mere 4.56 feet per gravity and [tensile] strength act to hold Phobos together.” second), the rock making up the rubble pile just barely stays put. Just as our own Moon’s gravity raises tides in both Earth’s Black and Mittal used a numerical geotechnical model oceans and landmasses, Phobos creates a tiny tidal bulge in Mars. designed for large underground construction projects to estimate Eventually, the rocky rubble left behind will meet a quicker but Curiously, our Moon also could end as it began, according to The bulge moves as the moon circles Mars, just as the Moon- what they call the moon’s “rock mass strength.” The results place equally dramatic end. It will plummet down along slanting paths astronomer Lee Anne Willson, university professor emerita at caused tidal bulge moves around Earth. Because Phobos has an the finale for Phobos between 20 million and 40 million years to impact the surface of Mars and leave a string of elongated cra- Iowa State University. As part of her research on the fate of Earth orbital period faster than the martian day, the tidal bulge lags from now, and give more details on its violent end. ters along the planet’s equator. as the Sun expands into a red giant, she found that the Moon behind Phobos and acts to gradually slow it in its orbit, sending As Phobos reaches its Roche limit, about 3,400 miles stood a chance of becoming a ring around Earth. Phobos slowly spiraling in toward the martian surface. The rate is (5,470km) from the martian surface, tidal forces will start pulling Other once and future rings The Moon is receding from Earth at a rate of about 1.6 inches about 0.79 inch (2 centimeters) per year. It’s not much, but there is Phobos apart. Just as Saturn’s tidal forces may have peeled away Is it possible that Mars possessed a ring system in its distant past? (4cm) per year. Left unchecked, the Moon will eventually migrate nothing to stop it. the icy mantle of a Titan-sized moon billions of years ago, the “We’re not certain,” says Black, “but it would be worth investigat- out to a distance where it will take 47 days to orbit Earth. By then, “As Phobos gets closer to Mars,” says Mittal, “the tidal stresses hundred meters or so of regolith will be stripped off Phobos. It ing whether past inwardly migrating moons may have existed. Earth’s rotation also will have slowed to 47 days. The two will increase.” The moon’s self-gravity and tensile strength oppose the will happen quickly: In as little as a week, the dust will spread Some fraction of moons might be expected to have an orbital con- then keep the same face to each other, as Pluto and its moon tidal forces, but eventually Phobos will drop to a distance — into a ring circling Mars, the moon no more. figuration similar to that of Phobos and Mars.” Charon do today. called the Roche limit — where the martian gravity will win the Depending on how much material is stripped off Phobos, the Some planetary scientists think Mars Before this happens, though, some 5 bil- tug-of-war. Several studies confirm that Phobos’ inward spiral ring could initially have a mass density similar to that of today’s once did have more than two moons. Several studies confirm lion years from now, the Sun will enter its will lead to its destruction in 25 million to 75 million years. rings of Saturn. The martian ring will be very dark, unlike Researchers have identified 258 elliptical red giant phase. It will start expanding in Phobos could stave off obliteration if it were a dense body, more Saturn’s bright icy rings, more like the dusty rings of Jupiter that craters on Mars formed by objects hitting that Phobos’ inward spiral size, and swallow up Mercury and Venus. able to resist the pull of gravity past the Roche limit. Unfortunately, are darker, thinner, and more diffuse. It will practically hug Mars, the surface at grazing angles. At least some will lead to its destruction As the Earth-Moon system orbits through data from the European Space Agency’s Mars Express orbiter show closer in relative terms to the planet than the other planetary rings of them could well have been made by the Sun’s expanded outer atmosphere, drag that the moon has a density of just 1.9 grams per cubic centimeter. in the solar system. And the ring, say Black and Mittal, will not oblique impacts of ancient martian moons. in 25 to 75 million years. forces will cause the Moon’s orbit to begin By comparison, our Moon has a density of 3.3g per cubic centime- last long; they estimate its lifetime at between 1 million and 100 If so, others may have broken up before hit- decaying. The Sun probably will continue ter. Even tiny Themisto, Jupiter’s smallest regular moon at just 4.9 million years. ting the atmosphere, leaving short-lived rings of rocks and dust to expand, and destroy both Earth and the Moon. On the other miles (8km) in diameter, has an estimated density of about 2.6g per around Mars. hand, if the Sun should blow off about 20 percent of its mass first, cubic centimeter. Mars Express also revealed that Phobos is Roche limit There’s no evidence that Mercury or Venus ever possessed ring the Moon will continue to spiral down to its Roche limit. Tidal porous, likely containing large voids, so it is probably a rubble pile, Phobos systems. Earth did, though, for an extremely brief period during forces will tear it apart, just as they will destroy Phobos. Roche limit like many of Uranus’ and Neptune’s tiny moons. As Phobos spirals the formation of the Moon 4.5 billion years ago when our planet inward, it will And then, 9 billion years after the Moon’s birth from a ring of In addition, Phobos’ makeup is similar to carbonaceous chon- reach a distance, was struck by a Mars-sized body dubbed Theia. Much of Theia molten impact ejecta, and nearly 5 billion years after the birth and drite meteorites like the ones that fell on Canada’s Tagish Lake in Mars called the Roche merged with Earth, but the “Big Splash” would have blown the death of the ring around Mars, Earth will once again have a ring. 2000. These primitive meteorites are made of a bevy of loose, eas- limit, where the remaining material into space. Computer simulations indicate moon will be Joel Davis is a freelance science writer and editor living in Bellevue, ily broken materials, including magnetite, olivine crystals, phyl- pulled apart about 20 percent of Theia’s mass would have gone into orbit losilicates, and complex organic molecules such as amino acids, by Mars’ gravity. around Earth as a ring. About 10 percent of the ring’s material Washington. In addition to Astronomy, his articles have appeared and are about 10 percent water, formed in oxygen-rich regions of The end result will then quickly coalesced into the Moon, with the rest eventually in Analog, Final Frontier, New Scientist, and Science Digest. His books the early solar system. Phobos is not only a rubble pile with a weak be a temporary falling back to Earth. The ring would not have lasted long, perhaps include Flyby: The Interplanetary Odyssey of Voyager 2 and Journey ring around Mars. gravitational field, but the rubble itself is somewhat frangible. ASTRONOMY: ROEN KELLY as little as a month but probably no more than 100 years. to the Center of Our Galaxy.