Inside This Week

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Inside This Week Thu'rsday A Student Publication November I, too? Volume 52 Issue 8 UNIVERSITY 0 F WISCONSIN-STEVENS PO INT Locked and loaded: UW-SP PrQ.tective Services to introduce armed police officers t·o campus Sara Suchy police on campus 24 hours a an increasing number of peo­ "Our number one concern consult SCA before making THE POINTER day, seven days a week. ple who are hostile towards has always been the safety the decision to arm police offi­ [email protected] .EDU "Currently we are the only them. Most of these people of our students; we take that cers. campus in the UW-System to are not students, but it is not very, very seriously." "Some students are con­ not already have armed police fair to our officers to put them Student Government cerned that having guns on Students at the University officers," said Bob Tomlinson, campus will provoke violence. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Vice Chancellor of Student Some students actually feel might be seeing more armed Affairs. unsafe having guns around police officers patrolling cam­ Chancellor Linda Bunnell campus," said Goldowski. pus in the near future after a is also expected to mandate Tomlinson views the ini­ committee organized by the that the UW-SP campus have tiative as a means of prevent­ Board of Regents to evalu­ armed police officers before ing a tragedy like Virginia Tech ate security of uw campus­ the entire UW-System requires from happening at UW-SP. es presents their report next it. "If something like Virginia week. Currently, there are three Tech happened here, the first "Immediately following full-fledged police officers on thing people would say is we the Virginia Tech shooting last campus and that number is need to have armed police on spring, President Kevin Reilly expected to climb to seven in campus to keep the students [president of the University the near future. safe. I say why do we have to of Wisconsin System] commis­ Tomlinson explained ,that wait for someone to get hurt, sioned a committee to look at not every protective servic­ why not take the initiative," the UW-security system," said es officer would be armed; Photo by Kaire Leb said Tomlinson. Bill Rowe, director of Campus only the seven officers that Sooh specially trained UW-SP Protective Services officers The committee organized wili be carrying loaded guns . Security. have been trained at the police by the UW-System is looking The committee is expected academy. , in that kind of situation with­ Association President Justin at several different aspects to recommend that every UW­ "We are doing this because out the means to protect them­ Glodowski expressed concern System campus have armed our officers are encountering selves," said Tomlinson. that administration µid not See Police officers on pg. 2 Do not fear, Caption Courage and your "Eyeryday· Heroes" are here "~ Sara Suchy ambitious and clearly well The five-person team cre­ and edited the film all in the a.m. on Saturday morning and THE POINTER rested students competed in ated "Everyday Hero." Each space of 24 hours. waited for Apple to release [email protected] the Apple Insomnia 24-hour member of the group was "We were all really ner­ the final instructions so they film festival. somehow involved in virtu­ vous the night before," said could begin. Lee Vaughter, Jeremy ally every aspect of the .film. Kraemer, "so we didn't get a In order to ensure that Kraemer, Jeff Swanson, Erin They wrote a script, found whole lot of sleep." While most University of Jaspersori. and Cory Scharrer all the props, shot the footage The team woke up at six See Heros on pg. 2 Wisconsin-Stevens Point stu­ had 24 hours to create the best dents were slowly awakening quality short film they could to a wicked hangover from the while following the specific I • homecoming festivities, five criteria set by Apple. Inside This Week Photo courtesy of Lee Vaughter Doll't forget it, set it... back. Daylight savings time st~rts Sunday, Nov. 4 .@ 1 a.m. 2 • November 1, 2007 News • UW-SP The Pointer From Police officers on pg. 1 Right now, SGA feels that not many people know that THE POINTER of campus security and the counseling center exists or crisis prevention and. manage­ Editorial is available to students. ment. "We want the students Editor in Chief "One of the things they to know that there is a place .............................. ... Sara Suchy are looking at is making our that that they can go to get Managing Editor counseling center more vis­ the support they need," said .......................... Laura Farahzad News Editor ible to the students," said Glodowski. Glodowski. ....... .. .. ........................ Katie Leb Outdoors Editor ............. ........... Steve Seamandel From Heros on pg. 1 Now, the world can view "Everyday Hero" on Apple's Pointlife Editors ......................... .. .An gela Frome the movies were made Web site and the creators of in the allotted time, Apple Sports Editor "Everyday Hero" are really ...................... Rochelle Nechuta released a list of materials of hoping a whole lot of people which three must be used in Science Editor check out the film. .. .............................. Sara Jensen each movie. The films are voted on Arts & Review Editor "We used a park bench, by people who view and rate' .................... ........ Joy Ratchman and old person and the line the films on Apple's Web site. Comi cs Editor 'don't you tempt me,"' said The top 25 will be critiqued by ............................ Joy Ratchman Kraemer. 10 celebrity judges including Head Copy Editor With the requirements in Nora Ephron, Terry George ......... .................. Aimee Freston hand, they took two hours to and James Mangold, have the Copy Editors ......................... ........... Kris Hess write the script of "Everyday film featured on Hero" starring Kraemer as ........... .......... ........ .. Avra Juhnke and promoted on iTunes music Reporters Captain Courage, an ordi­ store. The creators of the top nary, maybe a little bit nerdy, ............... .. ...... Richard LaRoche 25 films will also receive Mac ........................ Ashley Schlosser guy who wants to be a super books. .. .. .. ....... .. ........... Jessica Spengler hero. To view and show some Faculty Adviser After the script was com­ love to UW-SP' s one and only ..................... .. .... ....... Liz Fakazis plete, they spent the majority entry into the Apple Insomnia of the day finding props and Film festival, go to http:// Photography and Design shooting the footage. edcommuni ty. apple. com/ "We worked until sunset insomnia_fall07 / contest. Photo and Graphics Editor .............................. Alicia Mehre then spent the rest of the night php and search "Everyday and into the morning editing. Page Designers Hero." The voting closes on ....................J ake Grotelueschen We finished at 4 a.m. with November 9. Also, stay tuned four hours to spare," said ..................................Eri ca Sing to STV to see the cable pre­ ............................ Ben Whitman Kraemer. miere of "Everyday Hero." Photographers Unknown Location ............................. .Alicia Mehre October 28, '200712:12 a.m. Type: PUBLIC INTOXICATION Business Two inttixitated irtdivi.dua1$ seen outside South Debot Busin ess Manager .a.tea: ~~bed as being sparingly cklth~With writing au ............... .. .......... Matt Canthon Adve rtising Manager <tve1t th{~lr:~iesi · ........................ Tom McCracken .............................. .. Matt Thorp Public Relati ons ............................ Lara Forshaug Unknown Location October 28, '2007 12:35 p.m. Type: Ptrl3LIC INTOXICATION Repqmd intoxicated individual 0t1 a bike. Officers will t<eep theilt~e$ open. EDITORIAL POLICIES The Pointer is a student-run newspaper published weekly for the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point. The Pointer staff SGA Weekly Update is solely responsible for content and editorial policy. No article is available for The bike program is up and running! We have inspection prior to publica­ bikes available for students to rent for free. Rental tion. No article is available for further publication without periods will be for a semester at a time. You will be expressed written permission issued a helmet with your rental. If the bike is not of The Pointer staff. returned at the end of the semester, your student The Pointer is printed account will be charged for the bike. We are looking Thursdays during the academic THE POINTER for donations of bikes in working condition as well. year with a circulation of 4,000 If copies. The paper is free to all you a have a bike that you would like to donate tuition-paying students. Non­ to the program, or would l~ke to rent a bike, please Newsroom student subscription price is contact Colleen Kiefer at [email protected]. $10 per academic year. 715 .346.2249 SGA is looking to form a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Letters to the editor can Business Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) committee. One issue be mailed or delivered to The Pointer, 104 CAC, University 715.346.3800 this committee will be discussing is gender-neutral of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, bathrooms on campus. If interested, please contact ASSOCIATED Stevens Point, WI 54481, or sent Advertising Melissa Phinney at [email protected]. by e-mail to pointer@uwsp. COLLEGIATE 715.346.3707 Weare looking for participants for anlnterna tional edu. We reserve the right to PRESS Fashion. If you have a country you would like to rep­ deny publication for any letter Fax for any reason. We also reserve . resent please e-mail Xixi Meng at xmeng556@uwsp. 715.346.4712 the right to edit letters for inap­ edu. propriate length or content. [email protected] Names will be withheld from Sara Eberhard y publication only if an appropri­ SGA Communications and Public Relations Director ate reason is given. University of Wisconsin Stevens Point Letters to the editor and all other material submitted to 104 CAC Stevens Point, WI 54481 The Pointer becomes the prop­ erty of The Pointer.
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