BRITAIN ONCE AGAIN BETRAYED British Attack Italian FRENCH COLONIES WILL FIGHT on Outposts England Resolved to Repel Any Invader Abyssinian
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Published in English, Sesuto, Xosa and Zulu • /-, . UMTETELI ALL THE IUT EDUCAliOIUL WA SPORTING BANTU AND II THE COUNTRY UNION'S NEWS. , lEADING , . ALSO / • • • • AFRICAN ,, • • WOMEN'S • N!WSPAPER. • SECTION •• ••• WIDEST - SUBSCRIPT/Oil LATION 15/..... ,_ 'OlITICALLY 1/1 por IaII ,_ • The Mouthpiece of the African People ,---4/'_,._,"_"-....- ' Authorised to publish Government Notices affecting Africans. Vol. 21 No. 1053. JOB.AI1n8BtTBO. JUNE 29, 1940 ".,I.t.,,4MI at th. G.P.O.... ~.w.p.per. Prite 3d • , , BRITAIN ONCE AGAIN BETRAYED British Attack Italian FRENCH COLONIES WILL FIGHT ON Outposts England Resolved To Repel Any Invader Abyssinian. Dont Like MUllolini E rf'~et to have to annonnce that Genual Petaio, the 82-year old -'- Fnocb Gf'Dual ~ ho had bun put at the head of the French Govern LAST Sunday Bn official Britislt Wment bas upitnlatf'd to tbe Gfrmao armies, and haa surrendered Communique iaaued a~ Cairo, half of France to Bitler. HfI bas also permilled a lub8taotial portion of dealing with Abyssinian affairs the French ten-itor) to be cfdf'd to Italy. S8.1' d : ' 'Whal now hsppens to Britaio undn this disa8ler? "Further patrol activity and The British force hae bun betrtyed 6rstly by Belgium which laid down Jightning raids into A byesinia, it. arme at the iO.l!tancc of its King who, aitf'r calling in England to help covering au extensive area, have bim to 6~ht the invader, .l!nddenly called a stop 10 tbe 6ghting and sur. been reported from Somaliland. rendered billl umy. "In the northern sector One of But the Brili~h armies were takf'n oversee, rested and givf'n fresh arms, our patrols cr08seo the frontier gODS and f'quipmenl, and were 88vf'd 10 6ght again agajnst the enemy. and raided an ItaliaD poat occupied To-day they ue in Britaio, splendidly trained, equipped in the 6uest by conscripted AfricaDs. After" fashion aod determined to [email protected] again. BUI, 08 hance bas collapbed slight skirmish the enemy fled, throug" tbe weak will of ao old man, Britain intend8 to 6ght oo-with leaving one of their Dumber dead. bet powerful .ominion8-A wlralia, CaDada, New Zealand, Snnth Africa, There were no causal tics On our the Gold (O&&t and Olher lands. It ie, therefore, now Cermany again It the side. Ihitiih Coo;moDwulth of Natiom, backed in the making of guns and aeroplanu, by tbe immensely powerful United Statu. "Abont 200 mjle! to the west, At the mom~nt, Britain is a powerful fortru. (ull of troops and aero one of our pat role drawn from plane. : also fnll of proud citizens who will Defer admit the German in. tbe SomaJiland Camel Corp. .... du to seize any of lheir ~round. E.ery man capable of holding a rille i. penetrated onr tbe border and being trained in Britain against paracbutiets or olber German loldier. wbo raided another It.lian £'"ntier may be landed and it is fully certain that if Bitlu trice to invade Eng POlt. On arrival the troop. (oODd land, he will snffer a reverse whieb will COlt him dearly in men and .hip'. British Cruiser drOpA depth charges to blow up enemy submarines. tbe pOll dcserted, the enemy Large numbers of Italian and Germa.n submarines have been destroyed baving retreated. Our troops French politicians "bose names in this way. 4estroyed its ddencee, mcladinS have been household words in the water taoke. Fra.nce are on their way to London. How They Discuss War They are risking everything to JOE LOUIS BEATS GODOY liThe country fringing the &Oatil.. escape from Hitler's Gestapo, whioh At Estcourt ern border of British Somali1aod is will shortJy control public alld pri. - -- • Godoy forced tbe 6gbt for tbe fairly open and consists of whirling vate lives in France. first five rounds, frequently send. sand dunes and occasional patches They &re opposed to the Petain Natin Commi.sioner Holds Fight For World iog Louis to the ropes wit h body of light scrub area, which is Governmeot's capitula.tion and are Championship puoohes, but a cut eye in the first pro.ctically wa\erlees. " determined to continue the war Meeting. ronod handicapped him in later Abyssiniane •• ali8ll8 again8t Hitler on Britain's side, rounds. says the Daily Mail's diplomatic Reports 01 the fighting in Eaet A FRICANS of Estcourt aod dis. AS Was expected, Joe Louie, Be was fl oored for a count of six Africa reveal one important feature correspondent. beavywieght champion of the triot are being kept fuUy in. in the seventh round and counts of in common with whae happened worM, kept bi8 title in his fight ALTERNATIVE GOVERNMENT formed as to the positioo of the eix and five in the eighth round wh en BritlB h troop8 met Jtaliao war every month. against. tbe challenger Arturo Godoy, before the referee stopped tbe figh t . forces io L ibya , champion of Sooth America in In due course they hope to form The Native Commissioner goes I In both area8 there is distinct; an alternative Government 80me tL.eir Friday. Mrs. Dinah E Nxumalo, of Or. into the locations and holds meet ~ght at~ewYorkla 8 t I ~ev ideo ce of a low morale and • where in tbe French Empire. ings at various centres where he LoUIS won lD the eighth rouod Jando, left on Saturday for B eil. tdieinclination to fight 00 the par~ M. Reynaud hopes to reach Lon gives the latest war newa and of a 6ght scheduled to go 15. bron. (Coomin1U4 i n 'JHIg. 2) don to join this Government ; M. hands outl pampblets to th08e Who DeU»os. B former Foreign Mioieter, oan read. is on his wa.y and also M. Campioohi. a former Minister of Marine. He alao warns the NatiTes not to It was rumoured in London last accept aoy newa from anyone other thaD a person authorised by night that M. Blum and M. Herriot the Government. may &l.s:o succeed in reaching Lon D. doo. ~very oppo~tnnity is given to SMOKE THIS It is clear that General de Africans to dl 8C USS the position Gaulle'" ralJying cry to Frenchmen They at aU times expres8 then: who nject the shameful auuender loyalty to the Government and are • VERY GOOD is meeting with a big response not eager to be armed, and take part per! lb. only in France but in all parts of in the defence of the British Em. the French Em pire. plle. MEDITERRANEAN FRONT They sa::r it does not appeaJ to TOBACCO ••• them to Sit at home Hke women In the French possessions forming Wh ile their E uropean masters do part of t he Alli ed front round the tbe fig btiog for tbem. Mediterraman not a ~ingl~ (loldier and 1 01 a ~quare inch of tt:rritory • it goil g to be 6urrendt."r('d to the Abyssinian Legion dicta1uls. ~ay the Jerusa tm corns· pond!:'I.! CIt be D'ily l';\:prt<to .... A MESSAC.E from Cairo state8 TblJ Clel'h and iuttt.ct J\lIieri that tboll8andR of Abyssinians mililliors,llbu,} 8.11d air forc :1 .ue who tnc,k rduge in the SudaD after tot tLllr 811l11(lM ready t( figbt tho Italian couqUt'Bt of their land ~u t It" r aluLg a f, rl iti. d hUll are fornJiog a If·gion "to deliver ln 1\l.ll ..I Ldne IslLeC>LI} J.! I be· our country from the ItahaD tWet:o L(J Atlantic and 1 ur (' \' yoke." I ....... 2 UMTKTELI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, JUNE 29, 1940. AU C<>mr7' unocal io,.. lo be addr... edl o ISpr ading BUSINESS MANAGER, e The True War News To Lower Rents For Africans P.O. SOK "S25, Rand Africans JOH ANNESBURG. Agreement By City Council Pvbl"hed If",.l:/y. Loud Speakers To Talk In Suto, Zulu and IUBSOB1PTION RATBS-( By POST) Xosa Africans Will Now Save £16,000 A Year Ooe Year J 5, - - .- ••• • •• ALTHOUGB tbe African luITers under certain disadvantages, it i5 greatly THE question of reduction~ in roomed, and 5/- per week for & Bix Months to bis credit tbat be is among tbe mOlt loyaisectioD6 of tbe couotTY'S location rents in J.,bannesburg three-roomed house. ••• " . 7/6 populatioD. again came before tbe City Counoil This, as We have Seen, meaoa a Three Months ••• ••• 4/· Among the difficulties berore hiw is tbe false news tbat comel of Johannesburg On Tuesday, June total saving in rents for the tenaotM - from enemy source., propaganda intended to make him tbiok of tbe war 25. As is well known, there IS a of over £ 16,000. in 8 way which differs from tbe truth. Enemy agent. are active every move on foot to reduce the rents -..._- where among Africaos. in the Council's Native locations ; 10 spite of tbis, be retain. bia faitb iD tbe fiDal reault of tbe war and it is worthy of note that in namtly. victory for Britain now figbting atooe againat Germany and l:Iendin8 forward the proposal to 4,000 African Guards Italy. m&ke tbis reduotion, the Council's Wanted It ba8 been renliacd by tbe autboritiea tba, ooly tbe moat accorate war Finance Committee approved it, new. moat go oul to Africao8. Tbl"re moet be DO propaganda. The provided that it should not begin authorities Bre making arrangemeot8 to 8ee tbat true war neW8 ,.eacbe8 until July I. The Counoil agreed THE Government has now made African8 daily: 80 tbat they will know wbat i.s really happ .