Official~Gazette Government of Goa
I'REGD. GOA .' 5 I , Panaji, 7tli March, 199,6 (Phalguna17, 1917),' SERIES ill No. 49, OFFICIAL~GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA GOVERNMENT OF GOA 3. BlU've, Sakaram Pimdurang, MajeaNatyasmruthi (Essays), Panaji, ,Gomant~lcMarathiAcademy, 1992, 126p.,22c~s., Rs.60/-,New Dep;:lrtment of Education, Art & Culture Age Printmg Press, Bombay, (Marathi). Central Library 4. Rodke, Narendra,Sarpastre(poetry), Panaji, Gomantak Marathi Akademy, 1991, 84p., 21 cms., Rs.40/-, Asha Typesetters, Verem, (Marathi). Catalogue showillg books received in the S~ateCentral Library, Panaji from 1st January, 1991 to 31st December 1995 in view oftne provision 5, Cunha,'T.B., Govekaranchea Rashtriyavacha Rhass (History), contained in Goa, Daman and Diu, Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867 amended upto 1st M'!Tch, 1961. Pa,naji, Gomantak Marathi Akitdemy, 1991, 62 p., 22 ems., Rs. 25/-, Sahayadri Print6rs, Khorlim,(Marathi), Explanation: ,Author, title: subject of the book, place of publication, publisher, year 6. Devrukhar, Vinayakrao, Andharatil HU,nelke (Short Stories), of publication. number of pages, size, price of the book, name of the Margao', Xiuika·Prakashan Vishwasth MandaI; 1994, 218 p., 18 printer, place ,of printing and language oft)1e book. Dash in,the entry cins., Rs.80/-, Kalika Printers, V~ling, (Marathi). shows the inf0rmation required isnot.found, Panaji, 23nd. February, 1996.-The Curator, K. E, Marathe. 7; Dhume, Vinayak Narayan Shenvi, Marathe Protuguese Itihas KitllaJ).t NavazlcIem Gawel Saraswat Nyatitil Valse Gotriya Gara nein (Genealogy.), Caranzaiem, Author, 1990,54 p., 22-cms., Rs. Konkani,Roman 3~/-, Ganesh Kutur, Bombay, (1vIarathi).' . 1. Fernandes, Jess, ,Punor Jivon, (Short Stories), Quepem, Mannik Prakashan, 1994, XV+96 p" 21 cms., Rs, 301-, New Age Printers, 8.
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