AVERAGE DAILY OIRCCnLATIOiS ^ A T B B R for the Month of January, 198S Foreoaat o f'0." 8.' Weather Bareau; ' Hahtford

Member of the Audit Bureau Bain and:^ai1k. ^ i.^ni|(ht; of CIrculationa. day oIoQdy ajid colder.

(Claaelfled Advertliing on ^ g e 14.) VOL. Ll» NO. 118. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1932. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PK1(*E THREE CENTS CANNONADING ENDS; Italian Warship Rushes Troeps to Ghi|ia REORGANIZE BUREAUS SHANGHAI IS QUIET IS HOOVER’S APPEAL Both Sides Renew Efforts To I TUMULTY ASSAILS Stop Hostilities — Two President Sends Special Mes* LEACUE OPPONENTS Dtaft New Beer Bill; t British Soldiers Killed sage To Congress; Wants During Bombing. Former Wilson Secretary Would Raise Millions Changes Made In Federal Says Politicians Appeal To Washington, Feb. 17 — (AP) — The bill as now drafted would Departments In the Inter­ Whanghal, Thureday, Feb, 17,— Executive committees of the House modify the Volstead Act to legalize (AP) • Shaken by the guni which Democratic and Republican Anti- beer of 8.2 per cent alcohol by weight or about 4 1-2 per cent by ests of Economy— Wonld hoc bombarded Chapel all nlRht, Men’s Prejndices. Prohibition Blocs will be asked to­ volume. It would be sold only in Shanghai wan quiet early thli mom morrow to approve a bill to legalize sixteen ounce pint bottles and be Also Create Four New Ing ns the cannonading came to an beer of 8.2 per cent alcohol by subject to a Federal tax of four Newark, N, J„ Feb, 17,— (A P )— weight and establish a tax that pro­ end. cents a bottle. Joaeph P, Tumulty, secretary to ponents of the measure say would O’Connor oald the measure also More artillery was being brought Posts. President Wilion and a leading ex­ raise $600,000,000 a year. would include a prohibition against up to the lines of Chapel and Woo Representative O’Connor (D., N. ponent of United States’ entry into the sale of the new beer in any sung but there was no concrete Id- y.) said be and Repreaentative Wil­ political subdivision—including vil- dlcatlon that the expected Japanese the League of Nations, today assail liam E. Hull (R., 111.) had agreed lagesc—that chose to continue the Washington, Feb. 17 — (AP) — offensive was ready to begin. ed political expediency and declared Off to swell the ranks of the defenders of the Shanghai International settlement, the Italian battleship on the outline of the bill. present law in force. Asking support for a wholesale re­ Trento is pictured here as it sailed from Oaeta, Italy, enroute to the Chinese war zone. The vessel carried On the contrary, both sides bat “ the popular mode of the past few It will be presented to the execu­ The bill also, O'Connor said, would organization of the government. renewed their efforts to brlng'an end a regiment of troops, shown upper left as they paraded aboard ship just prior to their departure. tive committees and then to the en­ prevent sales of beer at any places years has been an appeal to the President Hoover today dispatched to the fighting. The Japanese com tire blocs, as was the constitutional but in hotel dining rooms, and a special message to Congreaa mand indicated that they would prejudices Instead of an appeal to amendment which failed to ‘receive restaurants or clubs whose members give ample warning before launch the handeome passions of men." favorable action in the House judi­ pay annual dues of at least $15 and recommending the creation of four new Federal offices. log the thunderbolt, and leading Speaking before the Democratic ciary committee yesterday, O’Con­ then only “when served with a bona Chinese officials were trying to NO RETURNS YET nor asserted. fide meal." He requested, simultaneously, the Women’s Luncheon Club, Tumulty NEED MORE FACIUTIES major alteration and changing In agree on a basla for peace. leveled his attack particularly title of four other Federal depart­ Until late last night Wellington against presidential candidates who <8^ Koo, T. V., Soong and other out­ ments. Under the eight new and “ will not exchange opportunism and FROM FREE STATE s e n u m e Nt f o b h o o v e b altered divisions be would cozisoll- standing Chlneie leaders were in the applause of the crowd for free AT HOME OF VETERANS u .g Ko w i n q i n s t a t e conference but they nad nothing to DEMOCRATS SCORED date present overlapping actlvitlea dom of action." <»- in an effort to subtract "millions of say for publication. The American, "Always with some candidates," Washington, Feb. 17.— (AP)— dollars annually” from the tax bur­ British and French ministers, who Obamrers Predict Margin Representative Tllson, (R., den. took a hand in the negotiations last Tumulty said, "in these days when great decisions have to be made af State Commission Reports CHARGES AL SMITH Conn.), informed President Hoo­ BY ASSEMBLYMAN Authority also was asked for the week said they would not go back ver todayly he had found “an ex- chief executive to transfer and con­ to Nanking until Saturday or Sun­ fectlng the peace ahd prosperity of WOl Be Small For Wko- the world, the questions seem tremely favorable reaction” to solidate executive and administra­ day. To Goromor Cross— Med­ the economic rehabilitation pro­ tive groups merely through the Eager For Peace to be 'How easily can I win an CLAIMED INTEREST election?’ 'How can I sbake hands gram throughout New England. Told They Are Helping Can­ issuance of executive orders, each to Mayor Wu Teh-Chen said China ererlstkeFmner. Tilson reported that on a visit with the bitterenders, the Implaca­ ical Staff Inadoqoate To lie before Congress for 60 days be­ was eager for an honorable, perm­ in Connecticut over the week-end fore becoming effective. ble foes of Woodrow Wilson, the anent peace, “but every indication he was informed by leaders the Drastic Economy League a^d world co-operation and didates For Office and points to the determination of the Dublin, Irish Free State, Feb. 17. President had gained strength “In the present crisis,” the Presi­ at the sum time stand in reveren Do Efficient W ork. Farley’t Lawyer Says It W as Japanese milltarista to aggravate —(AP)—Intense excitement pre­ particularly in that state. dent declared, "the absolute neces­ the situation by extending the in­ before tliiU&rine of W ilson?'" “Generally the political trend Neglect the Public. sity for the most drastic economy '' Halting Fears vailed in the Irish Free State today vasion." Hartford, Feb.. 17.— (AP)—With Old Cnstom In New York for the President is becoming mtikes the problem of governmental Mr. Soong, ridiculing reports that 'Tumulty charged Jiat in the as the people waited the result of marke^y more favorable,” he reorganization one of paramount there were differences between the “diagnoses pf those who have re­ a population of more than 500 resi­ the couflt of ballots cast in yester­ asserted. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 17.— (AP)— importance.” cently c(^e forward in behalf of Sheriff’s Office. Chlang Kai-Shek Army and the dents, all subject to the disease Eind day’s elections, on which hangs the - Here are the four x^w posts he their ony^ cimdidacy,. to express The Democratic minority of the New 19th Route Army defending Chapel, sickness prevalent among veterans fate oi the government of President would have Congress create: their vlsTVV'on domestic and foreign York legislature was described by a A public works administrator, to said General Chlang would support as a result of their service suid a Cospave. the 19th if the Japanese launched a policies, thpM has beS'/ nothing but Albany, Feb. 17.— (A P )— Counsel Most observers expressed the be­ Republican member today as “car­ construct and sometimes operate all “wholly inadequate" m''dlc£il staff, heavy attack. halting feaWr^pfleciiA


evening and Bill Waddell’s orchestra who is stopping here at the Carltoh will play on Thursday and Saturday Park Hotel. He said thc^ he was [TWO ORCHESTRAS evening. Both are siX’ piece or* AMEYO’DOWD George Arliss Plays Role In standing recently in a place in Lon­ chestras. don In the midst of that aged city The orchestra will be located at **TheMan Who Played God** As and the thought came to him of the. I FOR AUTO SHOW the rear of the Armory on a special­ TO PRACTICE HERE power that has lately come into the BIAGDEN’S STORY ly constructed platform, presenting If It Were Written For Him hands of a nation that is determined'’ a concert from 7:30 to 1Q:30 o’clock to make war. He said that it would each evening. Behrend’s orchestra WiUlam O. KeUh now be possible within the first will also play at the banquet to be three hours of a war to create 6,- I Local Bands To Play For Big held on the opening night of the Well Known Local Man William C. Keish, who became 91 Send Man To Gereland T » years old a week ago yesterday, 000,000 casualties, in that brief time show, in the basement of the Ar­ bombs could be dropped with such mory. died today at his home at 91 Nor­ I Exhibit — Banquet Open- Opens Office In Bowers man street. He was widely known deadly gases they would slowly pen- Get All the Details of Al­ This will be the all-membership dtrate the most remote and hidden meeting of the Chamber of Com­ as a general farmer but klso did some mason work b fore age made parts of the great city. "The nerve j ing Night. merce and the Kiwanis and Lions Block Judge Johnson centers of civilization,” he ssdd, "can leged Kidnaping. Clubs have also been invited to at­ him inactive. I His only near survivor la his wife, now be burned out in a single » tend. An attempt is being made to night.” If you have talked with Lord obtain the services of Robbins Mrs. Christina Keish. Mr. Keish ut i Two local orchestras have been Charles M. O’Dowd, son of Mr. one time owned the farm on Spen­ Cecil, you must have bee? impress­ Lake tlacid, N. Y., Fab. 1.— (AP) Stoeckel, state motor vehicle com­ aifd Mrs. Patrick F. Hannop, of 137 ed with, that quick, keen glance of i engaged to furnish music for the missioner, as speaker. cer street Just east of the West —In a statement published today, ' Golden Opportunity Automobile Main street, and one of Manchester’s cemetery. He sold it when he re­ his eagle eye, but you- feel thq It was said today that practically best known young men, annoimced state police said they intended to Show, to be held at the State tired and moved to Norman street. warmth of the kindly heart which every available space In the Armory today that he has opened jin office' check "very carefully” Harry. H. ! Armory from March 2 to March 3, Funeral arrangements are incom­ makes him tjie friend of all the has been contracted for by automo­ for the practice of law in The BoW' it was announced today by George plete. world. Bl^gden’s story that he was kid­ bile dealers and accessory men and ers Block over the South MancheS' If the conference should fall to naped here last Thursday night. : L. Betts, chairman of the music other exhibitors. Ten automobile ' committee. AI Behrend’s orchestra Mrs. Mary E. Allen make a substantial disarmament They said a trooper kad flown to dealers will display models of their there will be the gravest dangers in Cleveland, where Bln^rden turned up will play on Wednesday and Friday cars and twenty-eight other ex­ Mrs. Mary E. Allen, wife of Wal­ ter A. Allen of 19 Franklin street, Central Europe as already intimat­ late Monday night, to returh here hibits TVill be ranged about the hall. ed by the rebellious spirit of the on­ with the wealthy sportsman. The Automobile Show wiU, be the died at her home this morning fol­ lowing a long Illness. She had lived coming generation. It is an ominous Blagden diaappeared last Thux’s- first to be held in Manchester since sound already heard of a revolution­ day night from E. Roland Harri- 1929 and undoubtedly win be the in Manchester since 191'« coming U>* th« new VIoks Nos* ary that will overthrow existing man’s cottage at the fashionable finest ever held locally. No admis­ here from South Wllllngton. governments. Masses of people will Lake Placid Club. Relatives then re­ and Throat Drops with sion fee will be charged as the Show In addition to her husbEmd, one Vicks VapoRub asdiraotad son, Charles E. of Manchester Green not fall to rise against governments ported they had received a letter in is being planned as an educational that will continue to load upon them and one daughter, Miss Lura Allen his handwriting saying be bad been In the Vick Plan for bettor one, giving the townspeople a "gold­ the ever increasing weight of wars. en opportunity” to inspect the latest who lives at home, survive, 'fhs kidnaped and that his abductors de­ “Control-of'Colda." Un- The failure of the conference to re­ manded Jl.OCu ransom. lasa you are dallghtad with models of every automobile sold in funeral will be held ai 2 o’clock Fri­ duce armaments makes certain the Manchester. day afternoon at the undertaking A brother went to Tiipper Lake to results your druggist will increase of taixes to meet the mad keep a rendezvous and pay the | 1 ,- parlors of Thomalis G. Dougan, 69 race of the nations in their bitter refund your money. Two salt mines in Ruthenia have HoU street, and burial will be in the OOO but no kidnapers appeared competlti(5n for parity In arms. Nothing was heard from Blagden been operated continuously since East cemetery. Sees Success 1804 and 1809, respectively. -until he turned up at the home oTa No, no. We cannot believe that friend in Cleveland. He said be hid George Arliss and Violet HemmL g make "The Man Who Played this gathering of the world’s most God” really live. been taken to Cleveland by his cap­ representative statesmen will make FUNERALS tors and that he had esc^ied there. a fatal mistake and lose the op­ Un tlu> back page we have pork chops uavertised at 19c lb. BY DAN 'THOMAS ^a comparative newcomer to the Joseph J. Beinartz portunity of coming together at this These are cut from the finest quality pork—medium sized strips NEA Service Writer screen, in the role of a yoimg music The funeral of Joseph J. Reln- crucial moment, to savj the world —well trinuned. The chops will average 4 to the pound. lover who falls in love wltk Arliss from further calamity. It must not artz who died early yesterday at Hollywood, Feb. 17.—“The Man while he still is the great master. the Memorial hospital will be held fail to fulfill the hopes of humanity. AMATEUR CARVES WOOD Who Played God”—one immediately She begs him to marry her and is This page in human history must 4 Lean Center Pork Chops tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at the thinks df that as a George Arliss determined to go throup'- with it 6 Frankforts and undertaking parlors of Thomas G. record a step forward In the evolu­ picture. The English actor is aUbut even after he loses his hearing—but PLAQUE OF WASHINGION and 1 can Dougan, 59 Holl street. Rev. Har­ tion of civilization. It must in some 2 lbs. Kraut .. the only man in Holl3rwood who he refuses. Considering her inexpe­ 29c ris B. Anthony, pastor of the way find its way through all the dif­ Apple Sauce 29c Charles M. O’Dowd would fit into a film with such a rience, Miss Davis does remarkably Nazarene church which Mr. Rein- ficulties and not fail the peoples of title. well, so well that Arliss has asked ter Post Office. He will practice artz attended will officiate, and at the world who have put their trust George D. Edwards erf Oak Since he made his first appear­ for her for his next film. in his own name and will also be the grave in the East cemetery, Tus­ in it This page in human hi^iy Street Makes Flat Rdief ance on the screen in “Disraeli,” must record a forward step in the associated with Judge Raymond A. can Lodge of Masons, of which the Arliss has been free from bad pic­ Medalliim Remarkably WelL Walnut Meats ^ lb. 33* Johnson. His office will be open deceased was a member, will be in If you like tropical pictures with evolution of civilization w l^ a clos­ stock up at this low price. 59c on lb. lots. tures. To be sure, some have been plenty of jungle scenes and bar­ er bond for international unity and Thursday evenings and other eve­ charge. The Dougan funeral rooms A remarkable carved W(X)d laed^- We have some fresh walnuts in the shell at a special price better than others. But nom could rooms surrounding a beautiful girl peace, nings by appointment. ~ will be open this evening from 7 to llon with a fiat relief o f iQeorge of 25c and 29c a pound according to size. be classed as actually poor. His who falls by the wayside, ‘Panama JULIAN S. WADSWORTTI. Attorney O’Dowd attended the 9 for the convenience of friends of Washington is being exhibited today Ninth district grammar school and Mr. Reinartz. latest, ‘"The Man Who Played God,” Flo” will prove interesting. Geneva, Feb. 2, 1932. easily ranks with his best efforts. by George D. Edwards o f 133 Oak graduated from the High school “Panama Flo,” with Helen All this week Sugar*will be 10 lbs. 46c- This is the story of a great mu­ Twelvetrees in the starring role, is street, former machinist at the here with the class of 1920. He Charles T. O’Leary Pratt & Whitney plant in Hartford. attended Holy Cross College, sician who suddenly lost bis hear­ a well acted and well-directed pic­ Large bags Unista Flour 89c. Confec­ The funera’ of Charles T. O’Leary, Officials who viewed the hand- Worcester, Mass., during 1920 and ing. For months he figfures that the ture which has a story to tell and five years old sop of Mr. and Mrs. P. ABOUT TOWN carved piece of woodwork at the 1921 and graduated with the Bache­ world is at an end as far as he is tells It. The opening of the picture tionery Sugar, i lbs. 15c. J. O’Leary of East Center street State Trade. Schcwl and Recreation lor of Arts degree from St. Anselm’s concerned. Mucic, the thing he really is the ending. The military whist given by Tem­ was held at the home at 1 o’clock Centers today praised the. College, Manchester, N. H., In 1924. loved most, has been taken from Helen has been an entertainer in ple Chapter, O. E. S., at the Mason­ man’s The first shipment of the year of Fresh Halibut. We also this afternoon with Rev. W. P. work highly. The carving, done have ScaUops, Small Oysters, Large Oysters, Smelts, Butterfish He graduated from the Hartford Reidy officiating and the body was him. He nears a state of insanity. a Panama cabaret and is stranded ic banquet hall last night was most Suddenly he discovers that by using mtirely with the aid of a podket and Salmon. College of Law in 1930 and W£us ad­ placed in the receiving vault of St. along with the other girls when the successful, more than fifty tables mitted to the Connecticut Bar a year strong field glasses he can read the owner .can’t pay their salarlfes. Her jack-knife is the first ever attempt­ James’s cemetery. being in play. The military fea­ ed by Mr. Edwards. ago. lips of persons in the park across sweetheart, Robert Armstrong, is ture applied to progressive whist. Only 23 hours an(! 10 minutes Smelts Mackerel For the past eight years Mr. from his home. He spends hours sent away on a dangerous mission, Bridge was also played and there Miss Alice Jacquenoin were required to finish' the Job, Mr. lb...... O’Dowd has been connected with the each day watching people, “hearing” necessitating a postponement of were attractive prizes in each sec­ lb...... 19c 14c The funeral of Miss Alice Jacque- Edwards, said today. Outride of Hartford Accident and Indemnity what they say, answering their their marriage. Weeks stretch Into tion, Cake and coffee were served min of East Middle Turnpike will having a hobby for jack-knife wood­ Company in the capacity of surety be held at< 8:30 tomorrow morning prayers for help—and finds happi­ months and still he doesn’t return. by the committee in charge. Whole Haddock to boil or bake. Make an econom­ underwriter. He plans to continue ness again. Helen is desperate and helps an­ carving and making boats for, his /it the xmdertaklng parlors of W. P. children, the Oak street man^srid ical fish course. in this connection for the present at Quish at 225 Main street and at 9 other girl steal Bickford’s bankroll least. Arliss, of course, is in the title while be is lying dnmk in the caba­ be never had any'training in such o’clock at St. Bridget’s church. The work. It always pays to buy meat of Flnehnrst quaUty. Yon can Mr. O’Dowd played baseball and body will be placed in the receiving role, which couldn’t have suited him ret. She Is caught and Bickford PUBUC RECORDS' basketball in High school and better If it had been written especi­ says she can work it o".t as his Mr Edwards, now among the depend on Pinehnrst. Lower prices are In effect on Round vault of St. .James’s cemetery. town’s imemployed, plans to ifiace Steak, Bound Ground, Sirloin Steak and Chuck cuts. basketball in college. He was High ally for him. And he plasrs it with­ housekeeper. Naturally Armstrong school reporter for 'The Herald for out a flaw. Another excellent per- returns, finds Helen in Bickford’s A marriage license waq issued the portait on exhlMtlon at Wat­ two years. He Is a member of the formtmee turned in by Violet Jungle home, plots to take her away yesterday afternoon to Miss Beatrice kins Brothers tomorrow. It is Freshly Ground Beet Manchester Coimtry Club and the Hemming, who plays an (fid-time and is shot by Bickford while trying Blsckstock of North Andover, Mass., made froin a piece of white Mrrix Hartford Coimty Bar Association. RERUN BROADCASTS s'.veetheaiT who always has been In to steal some valuable papers. Bick­ and John H. McCusker of New wood aix>ut 12 Inches by eight inch­ love with Arliss but who has been so ford then sends Helen back to New Haven. es and one inch thick. • 2 lb s. 3 9 * close to the family that be never re­ York and follows her some three OVER MICRO WAVE garded her seriously. years later, where we find him try- m YOU KNOW T H A T - Also there Is young Bette Davis, ing to persuade her to marry hinf. Florida Oranges ...... r.. ...r.i 24c dozen STARING UP SOON Strictly Fresh Eggs ...... 27c dozen Speaker Gamer announces that DANCE he is going to wear a high, stiff Apples...... 5 lbs. 25c collar. Well, that's one way of keeping your chin up. Berlln.— (AP)—Micro-waves have TRAGEDY OF WAR WELCOMES AL-PIERRE TABARIN ~ (jonfuciuB lived to be about 72 passed the stage of mere laboratory years old—^from 650 to 478 B. C. tests and regular broadcasts on Willimantic Enrico Caruso's memorial candle, these diminutive wavelengths will be CONFERENCE AT GENEVA 16 feet high, 6 feet in circumfer started as soon as practicable. TOMORROW NIGHT ence, and weighing one ton, will be The Telefunken company has By Dr. Julian S. Wadsworth Featuring the Well Known burnt one day each year—All erected a "dipol,” a short vertical, RICHARD BENVENUTI and HIS ORCHESTRA Saints’ Day—and will last for 18 antenna on the highest building in An irony of circumstances bas^he not have pleaded more earnestly Presenting Many Entertaining Noveltiee. centuries, it is said. the heart of the city to enable an attended the opening of the confer­ even with an anguish of soul that DANCING 8:30 TO 12:00. AOfinSSlON; 80e> .Blackboards of steel with enamel even extension of the waves to all O THINGS TO 6AT ence for war disarmament. Events bis warning words might not have Don’t Misc This Feature Attroetioki! surfaces are now being used in directions. A broadcasting and tele­ been lost? We will not believe that schools. vision studio is being installed. have been moving co rapidly that all these vast preparations for a Perfectng the realm of television one can hardly read the pages of conference for war disarmament will will be the main field of the new hlttory being written at this world- be swept away by the bll dness of station. Every television device in­ center. those who will not see. The confer­ cluding the latest type cathode ray It has seemed In these last weeks ence must succeed in Jie purpose tubes will be tested. as if the forces of evil bad been let for wbi(!h it was called. Today Today Furthermore, it. is planned to re­ loose against it. For ten years the foundaUons have been laying for The Argument broadcast the regular Berlin pro­ Aside from technical discussions Thursday u id gram to investigate the possibilities this conference, and now it has seemed as if with the bitterest which will be considered in commis­ and Thursday of supplying Berlin radio fans with sions appointed with the finest ex­ two different programs Ih the fu­ storms of hatred hurled upon the ideal the work of the years might be pert minds, I am told there will.be ture. three general lines of argument at Although electric Interferences lost, and the conference even be y b i i Can*tLove A Married Man! Our Fine Stock Of abandoned. Last week it was decid­ least, (a) Pledges of honor were from outside can be localized and given at the close of the war by the eliminated to a great extent, it has ed to discontinue work on the con' struction of the Palace of Nations Allies who had conquered, to their not yet been fully ascertained vanquished foes, the Germnus and whether the waves belo. - ten me­ for "economic reasons.” It was real Cheated of romance ly with the fear that as the Lau­ their Allies. The enemy was stript COATS-DRESSES ters permit a faultless transmis­ of his arms with a solemn pledge sanne Conference had been cancelled sion over the wide area covered by that all the nations Would immedi­ like so many millions the city. this one would be also. Fortunately Ef*’ '' other council prevailed and the work ately enter upon a "general and con­ The station will transmit alter­ tinuous scheme of limitations.” This of other women— she nately on 7:5 meters and 9 meters. continues on this stately building and FURNISHINGS with such world-wide nd vital in­ pledge baa been flagrantly violated. terest to humanity. In every case the victorious Allies wanted to give him For Women, Misses and Children Devil In Charge have not reduced but have greatly One hears at this time all manner increased their own armaments. If love — but devotion MERCHANT MARINE of expressions. The most pessimis­ this conference fails at this time to tic tell us his Satanic majesty has keep this sacred promise, Jn wUch was all the law would already taken the place of the Deity the United States is equ^y bound PLANNED BY SPAIN morally by its subsequent treaty in the management of human af­ allow ! Damaged B y fairs. These say that there can be with , what can be expect­ ed but that (Germany wUl withdraw TO AD) SHIPYARD no thought of disarmament now but Do not fail to see the that we must even increase the from the League and proceed with bitter competition to ax-^ herself to armies for "security.” The reign of queen of the screen in Smoke and Water Madrid— (AP) The republic’s de­ the militarists conUnues and noth­ the parity if not beyond the other cision to build no more fighting ing can prevent the greed of nation­ nations? (b) Burdens. It would craft has caused a shipyard crisis at alistic governments from scrapping seem that in the presence ox the eco­ this great heart inter­ Are to be sold now at only a fraction of each of the half dozen naval n- the League of Nations when the nomic and financial depression, there centration points of the peninsula. race again will be plimged into a will be little reason for long argu­ est story! their original cost As w offset Doctor Jose Giral, welter of Woody butchery. These as­ ment upon this need for an imme­ minister of marine, has a program sure us that humanity must revert diate'find drastl/ reduction of this needless burden of expense. of construction of passenger and agiln to savagery. freight liners, under supervision of Horiever, there are those In Gen­ A man asked me the other day if a "Civil Marine Bureau." eva together with millions through­ I could think of money in terms Finishing touches are being put Racks full of garments that were out the world who will not bend the very large. I said that I bad not had ANH HARDIHG on the "Baleares” and "Canarias,” knee with these false prophets in an very much >'xperlence never having 10,000 ton cruisers being built at acknowledgment of the faUure of had very much of it and always barely touched by either smoke or water the port of FerroL Several destroy­ Christian civilization. ’I’here is faith careful to save what I bad. He then DEVOTION ers will be launched soon at Carta­ said that I could get an appropriate to go gena, as will two 5,000 ton cruisers in the Living God and it is believed u:sui: now \km that evil will be overcome by the idea of the magnitude of the sum at Cadiz. which the world has. spent for war \ CM \m .i s n. ]■.!>(.I I*-. When these ships slide down the mightier force of love. In this time of the world's extremity there Is the in these last twelve months, if I pRonn I ioN ways the old re^me’s naval pro­ could think of this sum as being gram will have been terminated, greatest need for hope that these at BARGAIN PRICES statesmen will not rest imtll they nearly equal to that which would Co-Featured on the Same Program! Scrapping of the veteran battle­ have been saved if at the birth of ship "Espana” will aid one naval have fotmd a way through the diffi­ culties. Christ a single gold piece of the shipyard to piece out a tem^rary value of 36 .had been put in some existence. First Wunlng PRANK ALBERTSON It was the warning voice of the safe place, one piece every'minute The minister said other nations through all the centuries to the SLIM SUMMERVILLE, LOUISE-FAZENDA might be Invited to take advantage late Czar Nicholas u of Russia that present hour. How long will it be o f the skiUed Spanish naval con­ called the first conference for world A thrilling Mixture of Romance, tsmghs and D ra m a struction industry. peace at The Hague, in 1897. Had that sensible taxpayers will be will- ‘ that word been heeded, history ing to bear the weight of this sense­ “RACING YOUTH" would have read very (jlfferently. less burden* at the dictate of sov­ Had the Czar himself :~own how ereign statesmen, when this confer­ FOOD SALE soon would be his own tragic end ence has failed in Its duty? TONIGHT OBSERVED AS and bis entire family with the fall (c) Darters. On all sides we will of bis empire with a sacrifice of 10,- be hearing of the increase of danger Thors., Feb. 18,2:30 P. M. 000,00(1 of the world’s - choicest in modem warfare, of the phyrical wAMo/r youth, to say nothing of the ruthless dangers due to the increased power Twe obhdren admitted free-if acMxwofMtried^ hg father sa i WATKINS BROS. STORE destruction of three hundred and of the enemy of destruction. I was mother. Plan a family party Mwt A. fifty .biUimis ^ doUars worth of the impressed with the remark made by -U r'.' By V. F. W. AuxUiary. world’s accumulated wealth, would Viscount Cedi of Oreat Britain, ► MAHOHBOTIR HVHNINO HERALD, SOUTH MANcSBSTlR,

BOOTH DISCHARGED SEE BICGER BUYING OFFICIALS AWAIT SONS OF REVOLUTION ' K E l X H ’ i # FROM SANATORIUM POWER FOR DOLLAR VESSEL’S ARRIVAL TO MEET IN GREENWICH McLelian Stores* Methods of The 42d annual banquet o f the Connecticut Society Sons of the et Operation Brins Lower iff Prices — Cooperate In Com­ American Revolution will be held in Star Yale Addete To Reaome Mystery of Miss Cook’s the.Pickwick Arms Hotel in Green­ Thursday-Friday-Saturday munity. wich on Washington’s birthday, Monday, February 22nd at 1:15 p. Studies Bat Must Keep Odt **PreBent "-conditions In the busi­ Death May Be Solved m. A m oi^ the s p i e r s will be ness world make It possible for former Governor Charles S. Whit­ McLelian Stores to bring even By a Cabletirain. man of New York State. A very of Sports. interesting program has been ar­ lower prices than tisual to the peo­ Just 25 High Grade ranged in connection with the ob­ .00 ple of Manchester,” declared F. F. $ servance of the George Washing­ Taylor, advertising manager of New Haven, Feb. 17.— (A P )—Al­ Boston, Feb. 17.— (A P )—Investi­ ton Bicentennial. McLelian Stores Company. gators expected that the arrival of bert J. Booth, diminutive captain of “It has always been our policy to Prior to the general dinner the each the steamer Chinese Prince late to­ Board of Managers of the Connecti­ Living Room Suites- the 1931 Tale football squad, re­ 100 co-operate In every way with the cut Society will meet at the hotel turned today from a Wallingfbrd community activities of the cities day would clear up, in part at least, the mystery surrounding the death at 12:15 p. m. Members and guests sanatorium, the lung ailment which in which our stores are located,” Mr. from out of town arriving by train Taylor continued. “We believe that of Elizabeth Barrett Cook. terminated his active football career St. George Arnold, 26 year old will be met at the Greenwich Station one of the best ways a retailer can ad provided with transportation to greatly Improved. Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ serve his, community is by giving the hotel by members of the local Physicians ssdd he might attend the merchandise people want at the nology graduate and fiance of Miss society in Greenwich. classes. . He will live with (3oach lowest prices consistent with sound Cook who died aboard the Chinese Elmer Ripley of the Eli basketball business practice. We believe that Prince last week hoped he might see squad although he will be forbidden by eliminating waste and running with his own eyes the hoaxed cable­ WILL IMPROVE TRADE to engage in any athletic activity. an efficient store we are perform­ gram which he believes sent bis Even the social Itfe to which he will ing that service. fiance to her death. The original of New York, Feb. 17.— (A P )— Solu­ be subjected if he returned to fra­ “We employ the young men and the cablegram is in the possession tion of the problem besetting the ternity house residence, was regard­ women of the community, deposit of the British freighter’s captain. railroad industry carries with it ed as unwise. funds in the local banks, advertise Miss Cook died aboard the Chi­ improvement in every line of busi­ He was reported several weeks in the local newspapers, use the nese prince while enroute to this ness in the opinion of Harry J. ago as recovered sufficiently to be skilled services of its craftsmen in country from Naples to marry A r­ Haas, president of the American removed from the windswept sani- erecting and maintaining the plant nold. Advices from Naples, trans­ Bangers Association. torium porch, where he had lain which houses the store, and in­ mitted to Arnold through Secretary Before the midwinter meeting of cidentally, give indirect employment since a few days after his illness pre­ of State Stimson, have indicated the assocfatlon’s trust division to­ vented his leading the Eli eleven to other people in the community by Captain Howard Uncles of the Chi­ day Mr. Haas urged imited support against Princeton, and assigned to the necessary use of light, heat, nese Prince received a cablegram for the railroads. power, expressage, trucking and a cottage. signed “Helen James” which told of “ If we can increase the consump­ the like, which the conduct of a tion of goods,” he said, "the flow Coach Ripley met him at the Arnold’s “death” at Boston after an prosperous business entails." operation. of production will follow,” he said. sanatorium with an automobile and McLelian Stores Company has brought him to this city. Although made rapid growth in the past 16 Miss Cook died while the ship was his physical condition forbids his years from a small group of stores approaching Gibraltar. A postmor­ taking active leadership of the quin­ in North Carolina to the present tem examination conducted by Brit­ tet of which he was to be captain, chain of 279 stores located through­ ish officials showed traces of a it is expected he will be on the side­ out the country from Maine to New narcotic, private advices said. A lines in the remaining games of the Mexico. small bottle* found in the girl’s cabin .epason. Testing the value of newspaper contained rectified ether. SAM’S To Resume Studies adveftlsing, the new sales promo­ Booth and Ripley went direct to tion department, recently set up in SEAT BRINGS $175,000 the offices of the Yale Athletic As­ the New York Office, found that SHOE SHOP sociation where news of his dis- well-planned advertising more than New York, Feb. 17.— (A P )—The • charge had not been received. His paid for itself in increased busi­ i price of Stock Eixchange seats took arrival, a surprise to the officers and ness and sales volume. As a result, another jump today, a membership RUBBER staff was a signal for an impromptu McLelian Stores Company is being arranged for sale at $175,000 reception and- cessation of all route' lavmching a nation wide advertising or $19,000 above the previous sale. ■^ork. A small-group gathered as campaign. Since the end of last week values HEELS the news spread, but Booth remain­ The McLelian Stores Company has have risen $40,000 and from the low ed only a short time. selected The Herald to carry its price of the year they have ad­ He will return to classes at once message of values to the people of vanced more than $50,000. 2 5 he said. In spite of the loss of time Manchester and its environs, believ­ The sensational upswing of the c he hopes to catch up with his class­ ing that through its pages, the last few days, brokers say is large­ Attached mates and graduate in June. store’s message will reach the ma­ ly the result of sharp advance in Fifteen styles to Suite Above is a two-piece style fea­ Values up to $195 Booth, a fast runner and ball car­ jority of alert and intelligent people prices and the great increase in for everybody. turing loose, spring-filled pillow rier as well as a threat in kicking of the community. Stock Market activity after the an­ 701 Main St., choose from- backs. Covered in green figured Every One a and passing, in spite of his 145 nouncement last week of the admin­ pounds was regarded as one of the For every 1,000 persons in the istration’s plans to amend the Fed­ Johnson Block 2 and 3 Piece Groups Tapestry. Extremely comfortable. Bargain. most sensational players in the east United States there are about. 186 eral Reserve Act to ease the credit through three sessions with the Eli cows. situation. eleven. He also starred at basket­ BELOW— Three-piece suite in provincial type, solid ball and baseball. His career reached its peak in the maple frame. Sofa and arm chair covered in Harvard game last season when his tapestry, rust figure on tan— wing chair in field goal won the game, three to ■ nothing. The following Monday plain rust repp. when the squad gathered for prac­ We Planned a tice for the game against Princeton, Booth remained out suffering from what was believed to be chest cold. I for YOU—but we found He was forced lo remain out of the Princton game. A few days later physicians diagnosed his illness as jwe could give you "pleurisy with effusion” and ordered ABOVE— Two-piece English lounging suite in fingi him treated at Gaylord Farms- Sana­ torium in Wallingford. It was ex­ Dollar Bargains in a quality of tapestry— grey background, green pected he would remain under treat­ and rust in figure. Very deep and comforta­ ment until May. Great SloI# at .... ble. OPEN FORUM 3 Days Only, Thu. Fri. Sat., February 18,19,20

OUT HEH£ AGAIN $1 Parelimenf Shadtt ■ For Thursday Only Editor, The Herald: For bridge, table and floor I bad given up writing as I said lompi, sizes to 18 inches. 55c ALUMINUM in my last article but when an ex­ widow butts in that’s different. If Glozed finish and ^striking she only knew bow much she hurt BELOW— Two-piece suite in wing back style as il­ me when she said I wasn’t a poet. no)K .designs.. 88< That’s going a bit too far. After 2 for 88c lustrated, covered in high grade tapestry with the beautiful poems I have written. I read one to my dog the other day Theie ore all big pieest— lO-Qt. Kettle and green predominating. because 1 had no one else to read it 2Se Turkish Towels coven 2{fV‘Qt. Double Beilen l2*Cap Percola­ to. Believe me or not be actually tor; S’Pt. Tea KetHe— afl of best quality ohi- stood up on bis bind legs and cried. FuH both size A Don't blame me because I ain’t a (24 X 41 in.) ^ minum, panelled. Yea eon buy two for about good poet, blame the dog. wHh colerea the regular price of one. ABOVE— Chippendale ensemble— sofa in soft plain Another thing you said you would borders...... like to discuss the “ cold feet busi­ 88 green, arm chair in plain rust, and a wing chair ness with me but it was too low For Friday Only harmonizing in brown bodied tapestry with down.” Don't you know your feet are green and rust figure. always lowest down unless you $1.35 stand on your head. Your descrip­ RAYON UNDIES tion of me is erroneous. You said I Electric Heaters was bow-legged. I could have you Powerful big 11-inch copper brought up before the judge for bowl type, that. I admit I am sprung at the knees and slightly pigeon toed but works on A .C . B D ^ or D.C. current 3 for 8 8 c I ’m not bow-legged. rsSc eocbl Perhaps you are. In the days of long ago when women wore clothes Bloomers and panties of expensive lew-lustre you couldn’t tell, but nowadays when they wear scarcely any you can get 3-lb Electric Irens rayon, beautifuRy ntode with flat seems end a pretty good line on ’em. Another Guaranteed for I year. Costly reinforced crotch. Dcecreted with clever em* thing you are wrong about when you nickel finish. Colored handles. brcldered ntedoDtens. Ful liie. said I parted my hair in the middle. For A.C. or My hair haen’t seen a comb since I D.C. current, ^ moved out here. I haven’t much left, For Saturday Only anyhow. Again you said I bad a swell bead which is also wrong. I've bad lots of big beads in my time but LEATHER HANDBAGS I always got over them. Electric Steves BELOW— Two-piece suite In finest quality mohair ABOVE—:Three-piece mohair suite. Very large, Now are you really an ex or are tCetf with moquet reverse cushions. A De luxe style deep pieces in choice mohair grade with moquet you really still a widow and have Com pact but efficient with ni- Oeeeiee Pefeet Leotter that three tboussmd you spoke chreme heoting elemenf. Hos leef PoBcyerefn with very dainty lines and solid mahogany cushion tops. Sofa, arm chair and wing chair. about.. Would like to get into com­ 88 oppeeved cord and switch. frame. munication with you for I ’m the guy For A.C. or i that could help you spend it. A real leather bog et $1 b remerkefcle fiiete V-. Now I must stop soon for I am o-c* O Q C ore seneaHenoll Ful shed bogs— in pouch, sleepy but I can’t stop until I tell underctm, end zipper styles— In the new eelers you this. I think it was Bamum end with smart trim m ing Every one is taffeta , who s4id “ One born every minute” I the chap you captured must have Crepe Dance Sets In e d l ben ope “ of ’em” . I bet by this time he wishes he had left you remain an Ponties or steptns, with bras­ siere, of flesh, peoieh and ted- For Saturday Only Again you said I would be running rose crepe de chine, trimmed ‘ for Mayor of the town. There isn’t with lace and any town Vv^here I live—nothing but medallions .. ^ MEN'S >1.69 SHIRTS frog ponds and mud boles. As I ' said before in a previous article, the ty Ceeeeefreffef en ■'mall man is the only one we see. Qee Medel If you want to elect a mayor where We Save fee tie I live you bad better put in a snap­ Kiddtei’ 88 ping turtle for that is about the only mayor you could find in his office Pantie Dresses The beet 2x2 white breoddoth. ebeeiutelyguer- out here in a mud hole. Cwtepereoles, J for onteed nette shrink, ful Oft, ful 7-batten length I had a beautiful poem written gees bite these shirts. A l are white, e e k r at­ but as you say I ain’t a poet I put with dainty a b o v e — ^Three-piece mohair suite witk tached, rises 14 te 17, frciri pleat, w8h wide It in the stove. But I must close ^rimmings. serpentine fronts as illustrated. now. I f you are still a widow and rraesl,2ond3 tals, liseely feand only in expensive shirts. Sofa, wing chair and biinny obalr. still have that money I won’t say no Most styles limited to uiore— you know what I mean. Still The Hermit, Feb. 18. 1982. one o f a kind. Make Your Selection COSTLY SUGGESTIONS A T wish you would- use your Early. bead a little more, dear,” “ Good. I will go to the mlUin- 973 Main Street, South Manchester v>cr's tomorrow and lue It to try on ’’’bats.” — ^Kaxlkaturen, Oslo. PAGF l-’OUIl llAlfCHBSTBR EVENING HERALD; SOUTH MANGHBSXER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1982.

by Mrs. Robert Dougan and Mrs. tures, produced especially for the KlfifJl FAHtiLT. SSLF SKATING SEEMS JM E D p. W. Taylorj ’The Clrcla will give TO SEE WASHINGTON’S bt-centennial by the Eastman Teach­ TAXPAYERS FU N Manchester’s ABOUT TOWN another setback party on Tuesday ing Films, Incorporated^ a t the re­ Stout, Iowa, Fob. 17 — evening of next week. quest'of the George Washlng^n Nanno Andreeeen, 45, a atdck bnyar IN TOWN THIS SEASON Date Book The Ladies’. Aid society of the LIFE TOIO IN MOVIES Bi-Centennial Conunlssion, under and farmer today shot and l^ed South Methodist, church will meet the title "The Great American lives four members of hla family nad t« n , TO GET SPEAKER for sewing tomorrow afternoon at FALSE ALARM TURNED Again—George WaMxlngton: His coi^ttkd juicide. Andfoesen Each Time Weather Tunui GeM The Week 2:30. Sends of Educational Films On Life and Times.” lived about a half mile from jbhla Vil­ Friday, Peb. 19.—Annual banquet This,series of vivid, authentic lage had driven into town ahbut To Make Goiod Ice Snow Or of Luther League of Swedish Lu­ IN FROM HIGH SCHOOL Great American At Second motion pictures will occupy approx- Hose Company No. 3 S. M. F. D., Cragrepitional Church Sun­ seven o’clock and had left a note Meeting Week From Tonight Rain Follows. theran church. responded to a still alarm this Imatety one hour. There are four aaylng five persons would be found .'Girl Scout rally at Hollister street monfing.at 7:50 and found an auto-, day. reels Kinder the following titles: Believed To Have Been RanK In dead at his place. A jinx seems to pursue stoiting ’‘ir to o l. mobile owned by U. J. Lupien of "Conquering the Wilderness," "Win­ Besides Andreesen the dead were To Be Addressed By conditions in Manchester keeping High school plays West Hartford Porter street on fire. It was extin­ From Third Floor — Glass of Sunday evening a t 8 o’clock a ning Independence,” "Uniting the Mrs. Andreesen; a aon E2mer, 14, a them unsatisfactory most of tiie at Armory. guished without extensive damage Door Found Unbroken. program in observance of the Colonies,” and “Building the Na­ daughter Verna, 9, sister-in-law Prominent Man of State. time. This winter kas been the Next Week being done. Washington bi-centennlal will be tion.” Maggie Hessenius. ' poorest for skating that ICanchester Sunday, Feb. 21.—^Dedication of All the east side fire apparatus given at the Second Congregational Mr. Allen will give a brief ex­ Authorities said they believed haa had in many y ea n . Two nights T. M. C. A. a t north end. Miss Florence Strickland, daugh­ of the South Manchester Fire De­ church. Through the Connecticut planatory description and there will financial worries were respcaifible of good ice were availaUe fcdtoWlng M

k e e p y o u r CREDIT 0OOD by paying your bills promptly. Ost the money from us—-pay all WATER SALE We Will Open Up Again In Another your bills—pay us back a little sack week or month. Ws will lend you any amount up to |800 Store Two Doors. Away From Our without Indorsers, and our only You Mast Act Quickly, Be Here Tomorrow charge is three and a half per cent on the unpaid monthly bal­ Some people bought so much they had to hire a taxi to take them home with their bundles. The values speak for Present Location After Saturday ance. Signatures of husband and wife the only ones required. themeelves as soon as you see them. Call at onr ofllos or telephone us. Watch Oar ' Annoancementt IDEAL The TEXTILE STORE EDWARD Financing Association. Inc. 888 Main St, Snd Floor PARK BUILDING SOUTH MANCHESTER 85S Main St-, Park Building, South Mttnc&iMUV TeL 7281, South Manohester - f M ^CHESTER EVENING iraJRALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY,: T O ^ :^ R Y ; 17^

^ •• -*T, .• I aovbrtzbbmbnt ApVfeRTI3EMENT CQtflit of the methods used by his de- s to ^ o f'the crime' and Its conse­ e^ptur^. ^ e ac(k>uht'^wa8~dbuhly the greatest' Mset 'of 'the crimjBSd, p^m ent in the apprehension of the' quences was an- amazing reVeiatlbn mtm^Uhg;in; that Mr. H fck^ show- but that tf be to the m ac|^, TOUDUAIUOF I^rsons inv(fived in one of the lead­ of an hiti^eat6'' axid -bafi[img- a%tat'es tiin'e."'"' comprise. one gang and the p^be GREAT MAN-HUNT cpuntiy—the names in which he and‘ repeatedly over the same \Ih ^ h ih narration, Jilr. Hickey, another, matchlBg • brain' for t^ n asked be not published. ’The Inside groupd befofe the leader was'finally -that the* antomobUe Is and scheihe for abhe^. toe' flrgt;^to

Febniarj ^ Phone 807i—New Model Laundry, This time o' year the atmosphere flTid bave yoim clothes washed just Detective Hickey, Urging Po­ Bequeathe her variant tide; as carefully and more economically Chfll breezes blow, both rain and than you can do them at home. Men’s Dress Shirt Men’s Pajamas enow, lice Machmery, Speaks To Double Shrunk 2-Ply! Plain They’r’e Real Broadcloth, and All o’er the countryside. The next time you have baked po­ Colors! Worth $1.95. Worth $1.50 tp Any Man! And then again, it does not rain. tatoes, try removing them from the And neither faUs the snow; shell, mashing with butter, adding a Credit Men Here. The eun peeps out plays about little onion juice, and then replacing iyt least an hour or so. the mixture in the potato shells. Quality broad­ Fancy patterns w t why not cheer this time o’ year. Sprinkle a little paprika on the top County Detective Edward J. cloth shirt —fine, and plain colors Famous “Wool- For soon e’en groundhogs know. of each and heat them in the oven Hickey of Hartford hM earned a iustrous. poplin. —puUover a n d crest” — fl8x80 for just a short while. Well have our showers and spring­ splendid repuUftion as a master You’ll want sev­ button.' styles. in., weight 4. lbs. time flowers eral. Buys! Sateen. bound From experience, I ceui say that hunter of criminals. LEist night he Or puffy, fluffy snow. earned a similar reputation as a ends. —O. H. Carr. having once tested the supreme quality of “blue coal”—^no other coal speaker before forty members and Special! Boys’ guests of the Manchester Retail Milk contains food elements of the would be acceptable. Order from Credit Association at a dinner meet­ hlg](iest quality in their most usable W. G. Glenney. 4149. ing at the Hotel Sheridan, when be Black Oxfords Rubber Auto Mats form. Eiveryone should drink at held the rapt attention of his At a Record Low Price! Felt Back! Insulated Against least a pint daily. The Waranoke Haste never harvests much fruit; audience for two hours with thrill­ Heat and Cold! A bargain at Farm D ^ry will supply you with the hurry habit is a vital wrong. ing accounts of the methods used to rich natural milk and cream. Well begun means in the end well apprehend fugitives from justice in done; careful doing needs no imdo- swindle and forgery cases. If your hair becomes terribly ing. Before citing actual cases, Mr. '$1.23 tangled, it will comb out readily if Hickey stressed the heed of a state you flrst rub the scalp with alcohol. An old kitchen or bedroom set bureau of criminal identification and Sturdy and smart! Calf grain might be improved 100 per cent by Information, which he said was one uppers. Composition soles Jersey cloth and knitted fabrics of the application of the right quality of the things lacking in the enforce­ and rubber heels. Sizes 1 to all typss given skilled cleaning at­ and color paint. Select some from ment of law in Connecticut. Such a 6. Save double! tention. Dougan Dye'Works. Phone the best at Olson’s. bureau, he said, incretuses the co.- 7155. operation of the police throughout Next time try cleaning your the country, and pointed but the Remember that roast lamb if it is white linen shades with a d ^ mix­ necessity of a bureau from the busi­ to have the best flavor must be ture of equal parts of flour and ness man’s point of view as well as basted constantly. If this is not borax. Lay the shade out flat and that of the police, by telling of in­ done, it becomes tasteless and dry. rub the mixture on with a clean dry stances where forgers and s^ndlers cloth. of business men have been ap­ A friendly chat over a cup of prehended through fingerprints. afternoon tea is always enjoyable. For your Patriotic Party com­ Fingerprinting Stop in any afternoon with a friend memorating the Bicentennial, Hale’s The speaker said that the finger­ a t the Coffee Shop. The surround­ at their stationery department have printing method of identification is ings are indeed attractive and con- tri-color snappers, nut cups, tallys, the most accurate method known. g(^al. ribbon for tying packages, and vari­ He told of an informal but serious ous kinds of table decorations. school that has been organized in Hartford, which holds weekly meet­ Ladies’ Special If you add just a little grated As a garnish for fresh boiled or ings tor the purpose of stud;^ng and Girls’ Special cheese to &e cream sauce in which baked fish, sprinkle lemon slices vdth mastering the science of fingerprint­ you serve cauliflower, it will .have a paprika, roll in chopped parsley or ing and also to discuss police pro­ "X - a delicious and tasty flavor. mint, or stripped with pimento. blems. Chief Samuel G. Gordon and lieutenant William Barron of the Tre?isure The Depot Square Gsirage has an locEd police force attend the school, Flannelette established reputation for courteous he sEiid. sad efficient service. Repair work Many banks today use finger­ and road service at reasonable prints to identify clients who can Chest Sheets Pajamas prices. neither read nor write, many gov­ ernment employees are identified by Finest quality, close weave, Two piece, striped and this method, business houses are be­ greater strength and durability. prints. Flare bottoms and ginning to use it, and in the bpinion power production in 1931 were as Size 81x99. elastic back. Sizes 8 to 16. follows: of the spetdeer, insurance companies • POWER OUTPUT OFF Month KWH would soon adopt the system as uni­ Ja n u a ry ...... 136,744,000 versal. F ebruary...... 123,286,000 Mr. Hickey pleaded for imited ef­ ^ ea. 3 .7 P.C . IN STATE M arch ...... 131,285,000 fort and cooperation between busi­ ea. A p ril...... 93,501,000 ness men Eind police and the courage M ay ...... 91,269,000 and integrity of the local police Pillow Cases to Match J u n e ...... 100,593,000 force and its chief. Chief Gordon and J u ly ...... 106,043,000 Prosecuting Attorney Charles R. 25c each Industrial and Commercial A u g u st...... 113,278,000 Hathaway were guests at the meet­ Septem ber...... 113,149,000 ing. Demand Lower — Home O ctober...... 117,169,000 In driving home the necessity for November ...... 92,070,000 a bureau of criminal identification December...... 97,029,000 and information in this state, Mr. Hickey cited several instances where Load Increases 8 P. C. fingerprinting was the key to the ILII solution of a case that, began with EASmB FOR OFFICIALS all the aspects-of mystery. He tol^ 3-Piece Suite Although ^o st of the important part played by ^ a l Eind comiherciEil c6nditii^.t>f^ f ' New fd«^' Feb. 17 — (AP) — National Bureau of Identification at Compare the Quality and Price! vailed throughout the year, Connec­ Whatever the opinion of a number Washington, D. C., where more thSn of prominent coaches, Edward K. two million fingerprints are on file A most amazing offer considering the exceptional ticut’s production of electric power and at the. disposal of the police during 1981 declined only 3.7 per Hall, chEiirman of the football rules quality and tne attractive low February price! throughout the country at less than Davenport...... Club Chair...... and Button-back cent from the total output of 1930, committee thinks the changes in a day’s notice. the playing code will make things Chair. Each is covered allover in two-tone Jac­ Bassinet Recording to statistics based upon A Long Trail quard, with tapestry cushions. easier for the officials. Mr. Hickey gave a detailed ac- 64.60 ihe monthly rbperts of th- United States Geological Survey. Coil Day with Link Spring Connecticut’s electrlcEd output for Washable Enamel Finish 1931 was 1,315,416,000 kilowatt Beds hours as compared with a total of NEW PRICES 1,367,234,000 kilowatt hours in 1930, Opens to Full Size Bed a decrease of 51,818,000 kilowatt hours. $2.95 As compared with the all-time $ 14.85 AfO W f A 6 PLY Well made—and worth much high record year of 1929, the state’s power production for 1931 was 8.3 Buy now and save at least more than our low price! Fin­ per cent less, but last year’s genera­ 20 %! Roll edge, cretonne- ished in green or ivory enamel. tion of electricity was nevertheless covered Mattress. Metal Coil RIVERSIDE TIRE Link spring. considerably in excess of the total Bed Enameled Brown. of 1928, which in itself was a record breaking year with tin output ex­ at usuai price of other 4-ply tires ceeding that of any previous year in the history of the state. Basement Special All of the decline in the power Men’s Special 6-Plies mean More Mileage—More Safety— output of 1931 came as a result of slackening in the industrial and More Comfort—More Value commercial demand. Household use Angel Cake of electricity in Connecticut not Iwhy not ride on 6-piy Riversides when they cost no more than you would ordinarily only held up in the face of the. de­ Cotton Ipay for other 4-Ply Tires? 6-plies from bead to bead. pression, but forged ahead during the year with a gain of approxi­ Pan mately eight per cent. Never before RJver^de 6-Ply 4-Ply And Here’s the New Mate Each Pidr Each ' Fair Diameter 10 inches, depth in the history of public utility oper­ Union Suits |v 4 1-4 inches. Solid bottom, ation in the state has domestic elec­ 29x4.40 1 $5.75 $11.20 $3.97 $ 7.64 tric lighting and utilization of Cream color, short sleeves. RIVERSIDE 29x4.50 1 5:60 10.90 4.29 8.S4 Sunray finish inside. 12 egg size electric appliances reachec. such a Firmly knit of good quality 30x4.50 1 6.75 11.20 4.38 8.44 high plane. yams. Cut full and roomy, MATE 4-PLY 28x4.75 6.60 12.84 5.10 9,96 This increase in the use of current flat locked seams. 29x4.75 1 6.75 18.14 6.28 10.04 in the home is attributed by public 29x4.95 1 7.10 18.80 6.47 10JI6 ea. utility officials to a coiubination of REDUCED! Other Si3^ at Proportionate Savings. t^o facts, first, the fact that the Now at LOWEST PRICE EVER for a genuine Riverside Tire utilities as early as the depression of 1921 egan laying plans for mak- ea. Riverside h ^ te When 1 ^ electricity more attractive in AFly 29x4.40-21 ^ J Ordered t ^ home Euid for building a domes­ FREE Mounting in Pairs tic load that would be self-sustain­ ing in the face of any conditions; and, second, the fact that during ^ is same period there bave been Dispuar m n y revisions in rate structures v?hich have made it possible for the householder to utilize greater quan­ Furniture Dept Attractive New tities of electricity at progressively l ^ e r costs per kilowatt hour. Special Ch>set Outfit ;,:On a monthly basis, the 1931 elec- Sensational Value a t tiical production reveals a strange comparison with 1930 especially Real $9.50 Ttjth respect to the latter'c relation­ Window *17.95 ship to the preceding year. In 1930, $ the electrical production in every The tank and month with the sole exception of De­ syphon wash­ Coil Spring cember was less than that of the Shades down bowl are corresponding month of 1929. In New ‘‘Standard” Ra< white vitreous Wlto 25-Year Gnanuiteet 1981, the power output of January, High grade muslin non­ china. Newest February and March was in excess transparent, machine flnishfid. Battery! Save! AtLowPric^! type flushing of that of the same montl.. of 1930. In water color process. Choice For Bfodels A aad AA!- A h iily i^ iy Special at meehan ism 'The situation was reversed in April ot colors, sizes 86x6 Inches. $0.25 to $ 2 ^ .25 :-Wlth sohd.' $4.98 and May and then June and July A NEW 1932 white china both brought increases over their handle, Ma- Coils of finest premier' wire corresponding months of the previ­ Guaranteed 18 nioatoa CREATION $ 5 . 2 5 hbgany finish give this Spring extra , resUleuir ous year. The output of August, Leiis 756 on Tonr-Old Battery against freeze daiz^el All seat with 1931, exactly equalled that of Au­ ea. Lowest price ever on a qual­ brass constnietlbn. One- : brass. nickel- cy. S ^ s toe body in normail gust, 1930. From September until BROWNBILT ity battery! Qiilck-starting, piece seamless tanks.- ,Ru8t, plated hinge. most heidthful position. the end of the year, the production Sturdy! Full year guarantee! alkali proof! of electricity took a marked, down­ ward trend, the final four months of FOOTLIGHTS FURNITURE ^FASHIONS . PLUMMNG Tires and AccessoHe&.| " RADIOS 1981 showing, respectively, declines ALL STYLES SECOND FL06R FIRST Floor ^ASElMpOT'- _ BASBME^ LJ :: FIRSi! FIX)OR of ton, twenty, twenty-five 'and - ..if ...... !!■ twenty-six per cent from the power tp ^ s of the same months of 1930. SIZES 3 TO 9 ■Of the total electric power pro- ALL WIDTHS doced in Connecticut in 1981, abotit ity-two per cent or 1,091,424,000 - - . '.'J owfltt hour* was generated' in ontgomery ard m i>perated plants. The balance M W BroWn^ Shoe Stbre . .i* generated at the hydro plants ■SM^§28:jRAiN ■■■ ■ WHERE COMFOBTp STYLE. AND >NOMY. l^iStaBsetiettt’s tnoqtbly totals 6t MAINSTItBET^ ‘S a ••* . - « ■ A . • ,


ance, and conalderable Interest In singing and a number of maas male quarts %at is to feature this OPEN FORM the Show Is -befng taken by garden BOYS ENJOY NEW Y JA C A games. The 22 teams of thA Com­ program. UITHBtlEAtOrS NATIONAL FLOWER dubs and the general public. munity Setback League also ' hdd Children of the public schools of acaO O h TEACHERS Greater Hartford are now busy FACILITIES LASTNIGHT their first session in the Y last OIMANIZEB Kn.f.Bn ' B j Awwflbited PraiM.) drawing posters for the show. The night AmwORFb^^ 2% B A N O O n m A Y Editor, The Herald: SHOW IN HARTFORD New York, Feb. IT.— CAP) -i- The Amer Owto-Faw-A .»»*••...• prize-winning painting or official Tonight will be Men’c .Night and 4 Though thin if a somewhat deliqr- bcidy £hrry Simms, 16-year-old Amer'Rupar.Row ‘44* ed response to the Herald’s two edi­ poster will be display^ all over the First Affair of Its Kind At­ a large number of persons are ex­ county. The contest closes Febru­ orgamlzer at ^ e National Miners Aarfd Goa and Elae ...... 4% torials of last week, "Teachers’ Con- tracts 180 Yoangsters — To­ pected to participate. Eleven boWP- ary 2fc Unlcnn. who was killed in Harlan. Blue Ridge 3r traetk” and “Welcome, Converts”, Big ExInbR To Be Held In night Men Win Participate. ing teams are to take part in an Ky., arrived at Grand Central Cities Service ...... 6 4 More Than 100 Expected To interest in the subject is none the evenings tournament for high pin- terminal today and was taken to the Eleo Bond and 88aze ...... 1 2 4 less keen. Appreciating the Herald's The Boys’ Night feature at the fall, included among which are the headquarters of the Young Com-r Ford Umited ...... ' Attod Annual Swedidi fairness in handling letters pre­ State Armory Aprfl 2-10; Y. M. C. A. last -light attracted 180 Bon Ami, C. E. Wilson Nursery, C. munlsts’ League of America to lie Goldman Saeba ...... 84 viously sent to the Forum, I submit Overnight R. Burr Nursery, hrerybody’s Bible in atatA Hudsmi Bay . .> 2 boys'to the gymnasium where a the following: 2d In New England. ^ Class, British-American dub, Norik A Communist dempnstration Midwest Utils ...... 44 Lutheran Dinner. There seems to be nothing amiss A . P. News program was cond i< ted tmder the End Business Men and others. planned to coincide with the arrival Niag Hud Pow ...... 6 4 in the suggestion that the school supervision of Secretary W. H. Four volley-ball . teams have of,the body wax deferred through a Penn Road 8 4 authorities sit in with the Boud of Petherbrldge and tiie direction of signed to participate. After the va- mixup in arrangements. Stand Oil Ind ...... 16 More than 100 penoas are ex« Selectmen to consider what is neces­ Mrs. J. R. Lowe, president, and Shanghai: Chinese unlimber heavy the sixteen members of the Lead­ .rious competitions the guests will United Founders 2 ers’ club. Germany, the United States and Util Pow and U 24 pected to attend the annual ban­ sary and what is possible concern­ Mrs. Mabel Rogers, secretary of the artillery in fresh offensive causing gather in the banqpiet hall for a ing the school appropriation—^par- Manchester Garden club, attended Japanese casualties and considerable Troop Nine, Boy Scouts, put on a short musical program after which France consume more than half of United Gas ...... 6 4 quet of the Luther League of the most interesting demonsti«tion of the winning team will be announced. the total commercial fertilizer pro­ United Lt and Pow A 2 4 ti^arly since the school system is the committee meeting of repre­ damage; two British bluejackets in­ Swediah Lutheran church, to be under fire. jured. ice-rescue work. There was group Helge Pearson will lead the double­ duced. ffinandal ...... 4 4 sentatives of Garden clubs from all held In the churcl veatry Friday Doubtless it is expedient to-con­ Tokyo: Japan to issue ultimatum sult the lending dlsposiUon of bank­ parts of the state, held at the Wom­ evening at 6:80 o’ctock. Hie an’s Club, Hartford, yesterday af­ demanding China withdraw army 20 ers, but the right morals of doing apeaker will be Rev. Worten Archi­ ternoon. The purpose of the meet­ kUometers from International Set- so are questionable. Recency the bald of the South Congregational ing was to discuss plans for the Na­ tieinent boiindarles. Herald condoned with McKenna the church of Hartford. tional Flower and Garden show to Japan’s repfesentatives in Wash­ The Boya’ Junior Glee club will right idea of going off the Gold be held at the State Armory, Hart­ ington report Stimson preparing to alao appear on the program, under Standard. Still perhaps, the Heriild ford, from April 2 to 10, inclusive. protest against landing of Japanese the direction of G. Albert Pearaon. will not be so heretical as to sug­ Miss Ruth S. Cloyes of East Hart­ troops in Shart of the program but this is only a part of ute. Plan to attend 'with your friends and make it "If we give the government the The mEinagement of the Puritan Bosses' and Chlldien’s Rubber support that we accord it in mili­ Market has annoimced that the the experience that's in store for you. There will a gala party. Fun, practical knowledge and valu­ tary emergencies our troubles will alterations, made necessary by fire, soon be over,” he said. "Statistic­ will be completed tomorrow. The OVERSHOES be a demonstration of able gifts all mixed up ally our present position is most un­ market will be open for busniess enviable, but for the individual Friday. v the latest, household in one grand good time things are not as bad as they may 9 8 c a pair ^ appliances and how to Valuable Gifts seem. Many of the things that ARREST 100 PICKETS at no cost to you u we consider hardships today were use them efficiently. part of the every day life of past Bombay, India, Feb. 17.— (A P )— this newspaper's offefh generations. We enjoy comforts One htmdred civil disobedience pick- Table dMoration is an­ our forefathers did not even know eters including several women were BARGAIN BASEMENT SPECIALS FREE other delightful phase ing in the . interest of of.” arrested today outside a hall where Women’s and Growing ' Many valuable gifts ranging fifo^r household Blisses* and Children’s Resolutions were passed con­ liquor licenses were being auctioned. Girls’ of die Home Makers' demning the sale of prison made Within half an hour, sixty of appliauMs to baskets fuQ of nationaHy known scientific home mak­ products in competition w?th goods those arrested had been tried and Oxfords and Straps school. In short youll t J privately manufactured, and oppos­ sentenced to six months’ rigorous SHOES food products wfll be given away. Don’t miss this ing. Take advsmtags ing the passage of "dole” le^sla- imprisonment in the government’s miss one of the great­ oppmrtunity. tlon. campaign against Mahatma Gand­ est educational treats o f i t A’ a 'If h J. F. Miller, of the Chope-Stevqps hi’s renewed passive resistance. $ 1 .6 9 a pair Pailer Company, of Detroit, was Brightly garbed girl volunteers $ 1 .6 9 a pair elected president bad previously tried to prevent the All style heels. auction, but the bidders ignored A VIATOR KILLED them. AT THE V- FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO MASONIC j.r. : :• Winter Haven, Fla., Feb. 17. — SWISS SLBDDER WINS CAP)—A wing came off a'ldane jMloted by. Tom Rians, 38, of lifte r Lake Pladd, Feb. XT—(AP)‘ — Haven, as be stunted above the city Reto Capadrutt, 19 year old Swiss DIAMOND SHOE STORES today and the chip erasbed In an ooUege student t o d ^ won the North orange grove, kllllag him instantly. American and A. A. U. two-man bob Affd Self Serve Bargain Basement It fen from an utltude of about sled ehampionih^ In twp runs ■ •’I JgOO feet The motor #ae burled down on Olympto riide ' slewed by .1018 Mato Stfest, South HMnebdbter» Conn* In 4be greuatf «ad ftter'g'bodly n o w s. W Jis o M were L'i,-.,- ’ll '!>•

. .. fr'-u >'A,. ■*,*'i^ ", V' i ««#•-*»! r^< MANCHB|M®R E V B ^ G Ij[B R i^ , S^

.Hj . . ... \ V d«partm«nti,. oommlMloiui, aad artlel«i naed«d for tb« oth«r -pi^flBt ealviDff .eomp«oaatloii. W)ien' aaked bunaui wUl';;r««u]l,t ndt' oi4y ^Iti much Wire removed from b«ff;. nui:|M dos 'about thla be explained that be bad BOOH FOR GARNER frMt«r •VUllanity «nd, pub^o con-^ ned gown and proceeded to o ' been'.io UpMt cobditioiuf in -tba benM tbUtY bla' xnind 'b4d .not been vnieiiot, but in ib« Mvlnf > of m uy room. Conference vnth doctor ;w: Washington, D. C., Fab. 17.«(AP) OVER PLANS TO millions bf/dollsrs now' extracted hod arrived during this time regatd P9 bi> wqrk at toe time. It wai a —Tba Onnar boom cama amaahing annually iroffl our overburdened ing new orders’ for patieht’s care. lmpfU pjfocedure to dfe'ae.bii injury DESCRIBES A DAY Ut' an infinitely harder thing to'aee out OS ft National driva today but taxpayers. ' j Nursing care given. Family instruct­ S toe sturdy Taxan stuck to hls job aa HBRBBRT HOOVER. ed regarding the necessara, precau­ that 'toe mother ifi tola ,fbm y bae tions to be taken, to prevent fur- •0 eeeentlal a thing aa reet. Much speakar of the Kousa and rafuaad RECAST BUREAUS l>be White House. to taka any part In tha movameht February 17,1982. ther spread of infection - (method , work and toe oo/Operatlon of other <*>■ Pnblic Health' Serriee At demonstrated). Doctors orders rer Agenclea in Itbe cpminunity wjU be that saaks to put him in tha Wbita heeded fbr tola whidh will then be House. and to create a few new positions in viewed with family and hqme nurse Formally, the two Senators from order to permit grouping con­ Hospital Covers Mnltitiide Instructed as to general care. recorded-^ aimply aa a “Health Preiident Asks Congress to vlBlt." r . . . Texas, Sheppard and Connally of­ vnthvqluaHe solidation not now possible. With Then a child of two years with fered Gamer os a Democratic presi­ the enormous growth of govern­ bronchitis; mother bkdtj^ven neces­ Sick Boya dential candidate, not as a "favorite Support His Reorganiza­ mental business there has been great of Duties Dafly. sary nursing caz’4 but she was glad Then we go along to another covippntfaid expansion and dlllualon of autborlty The Chriitliui Biideavor . Society son” of toe Lone Star State, but as to have nurse stop in to reassure young boy with a bad heart due to a. statesman supremely qualified in amongst minor officials. At the held a Vilehitlhe party at the li­ and advise her. Lunch was next on rheumatio fever. Rest is Imperative same time, there is an Insufficient brary Monday evening. National affairs. tion Pri^rain-^Wonld Al­ One of the most important the program after Which We return­ here if he is ever to join the ranks . 'They promised him toe solid vote number of officials of definite and A Washihgtbn birthday party will branches of the work o{ Manches­ ed to office to report on work of of healthy childhood again, but be- concentrated responsibility to the be held at' tne library ball Friday of the Texas delegation to toe Chica­ FREE! ter’s Memorial hospital is the public toe morning and to get new calls cE^uae of bis own nervousness and go convention and forecast his can­ so Create Fonr New Fed­ public. The additional expense of evening, Febhiary 26. The Ever and plan program for toe aftememn. the apprehension imd over-anxiety such officers over and. above the leady group will have charge of health service it is doing in the epn- didacy would gain wide support as This started with a delicate and of his parents as well as their lack Democrats all over toe nation learn­ salaries now paid to officials who he affalri fines.of the town.and sometimes be­ sickly baby living out in, the coun­ of control over the child he has not eral Posts. would be displMed would be less Miss Mae H ^ o n of Hartford ed more of his service and character. ntiitt MAff yond. To better acqiialnt the general try in poor hygienic ' conditions. been making progress. A frank talk Garner said he had known noth­ MK than 140,000 per annum. The saving spent the Week-end with Mr. and public With just what is being ac­ Mother young and inexperienced, with the boy himself explaining just in cost of administration would be Mrs. Frank A. Myers. complished by the,all-tQQ-few visit­ ing of toe' statement beforehand and WashlnftoD, Feb. 17.—(AP)—The also very depressed and discourag­ why we wished him to stay in bed, emphasized he had no authorized many times this sum. 'The most im­ The Board of' Relief held their ing nurses connected' witb the local ed because of baby’s condition and going over again with the parents special message today to Congress portant of the posts of this charac­ last meeting Monday at Ofshay’s spokesman and any statements on LOX hospital, in addition to the work at their very inadequate finance^. ’The all the factors which must be con­ his behalf were purely volimtary. of President Hoover follows In full ter are the following: store. . the' clinic buildings, we have re­ necessary nursing care was given sidered if they expected him to 're­ text: Important Poets Schools in,, town will close Fri­ quested one of the nurses to tell in baby, the mother instructed and an cover, re-assuring and encouraging To the Senate, and House of Rep­ Public works administrator (new day for a week’s vacation. her own words the nature of her effort was made to help her plan the them, we left feeling that possibly Norman R. -Lord is visiting his duties on an average day. This work this visit had not been in vain. resentatives: office). brother and' family in Providence, daily routine so that she could care Because of its direct relation to Personnel administrator (change goes on dally, quietly, and without for the baby with less physical and We still had one more young child the cost of government, I desire from chairman of civil service com­ R. I. any publicity for many of the pa­ mental strain. Lat^ we were able to look in on, who while not acutely John Paul Roberts of this place tients who. are thus benefited are ill had had frequent attacks of again to bring to the attention of mission). and Miss Margaret Frances Morgan to have a Girl Scout. volimteer to NEW JEWELRY— the Congress the necessity of more Assistant secretary for public very sensitive over the fact that take the child out after school hours bronchitis and needs careful watch­ of Wethersfield were married last due to the trying times they are un­ ing and, building up to prevent more That You Will Want To Go With New Spring Costumes effective organisation of the execu­ health (new). week end and are making their home so that the mother could get the tive branch of the government, the Assistant secretary for education able to pay for medical visits and rest she so badly needed. serious complications. CRYSTAL PENDANTS Importance of which I have referred (change from commissioner). for the present with his parents, nursing care as they once were able Then there is Mr. Smith with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roberts. Family Troubles to in previous messages. This sub­ Assistant secretary for Merchant Mrs. Ghauncey Markham of to do. acute tuberculosis, coughing inces­ in latest design settin g s...... $2.50 ject has been considered many times Marine .(new office). Westchester substituted at the Following is this nurse’s story: Our next family consisted of a santly and mingling freely vrith his by the executive and by the Con­ Assistant secretary for conserva Center school last week for Mrs. Day In the Life of a 'Visiting sick father, eight small children family of yoimg children. A great OTHER PENDANT AND RING SETS gress, but'without substantial re­ tlon (new office). Nurse with the ninth coming shortly. The deal of health education is neces­ sults. Various projects are now be­ Assistant secretary for agricul­ Eimice Boson who was ill ■with a hard cold. At 8 a. in. report at clinic building nurse talked first with the mother sary here, which will call for pa­ $4.50 fore the Congress. tural research (change from present John C. Vergason and Louis Cas- of Memorial, hospital, record and re­ regarding the necessary plans for tience, perseverance, tact and firm­ The need for reorganization is ob- assistant secretary). her confinement, also the hygienic ness in order to safeguard the health ella have recently had oil heaters in­ port previous day’s work. Problerus A NEW LINE OF CRYSTAL BEADS ^vious. There has been with the years Assistant secretary for agricul­ stalled in their home.i. and methods of health education dis­ routine to be followed to insure the of these children as well as to pre­ tja gradual growth of the government tural economics (chango from di­ William W. Bolles and son Clay­ cussed, bag inspected and equipped, maximum health for herself and the vent grave, economic loss to toe Stnmg on a chain with gold beads between, and up ,*^by the accretion in its departments rector). ton S. BoUes called on Hart E. work for the day planned. First call new baby, including rest. This the community. "'and by independent executive estab- Public Workr. Buell in Gilead the first of the is a maternity patient, baby one day mother explained was impossible, Living Alone .lishments, boards, and commissions, The public works administration week. old nurse had assisted doctor with John aged 3 was fretty and nervous, Finally we come to one of our NEW WRIST WATCH BRACELEtS problems requiring solution that should be partially a service agency the delivery the previous day so that he alept poorly and had violent tem­ grown-up children, an old lady liv­ for women, with the new ratchet; buckle. Gives you any adjust­ Confront the President and the Con­ to the other departments of the gov­ BIG NEW YORK STRIKE family was prepared for visit which per spells if things did not suit him. ing alone, feeble and far from well, ment you wish. Gold filled to liiatch A A fe ss. tfoday the government em­ ernment, executing certain construc- meant necessary things were on Questioned as to his diet, the moth­ though not an hospital case. She gold filled cases ...... braces from 150 to 200 separate Jon work, the subsequent operation New York, Feb. 17.—(AP)—Small hand. Today she took temperature, er explained that he would only eat looks forward to the nurse coming units, dependent on the method of of which should be carried on by groups gathered, along Seventh ave­ the things he especially liked and ^notation used. Government unlta gave bath and necessary care to both once or twice a week to make her Westclox Alann Clocks those departments. It should be also nue in the garment center this patients. Baby was washed at the that she had to spend much time comfortable and to advise, pet or «when once set up have a 'tendency partially an administrative agency morning bn the second day of the ooaxing him to do anything she to grow independently of other bedside of mother so that nurse scold her as the case may be. See the New Big Ben Chime Alarm. The clock with not only doing other construction strike of some 20,100 members of could demonstrate and explain the wished. An Inspection, of Johnny And so ends a typical day in the the silent tick ...... $3.50 and $4.50 ^ units. This leads to overlapping and work but also subsequently operat­ the International Ladies’ Garment * waste. Moreover, there is a marked method nf caring for baby. Mother showed him to be a thin, pale, ner­ hospital without walls. Sometimes ing such works. Naval, mUltary, and Workers’ Union., was instructed and encourjaged to vous and unhappy looWng young­ there is more sickness thah at other Big Ben Electric Alarm ...... $8.75 and $10.00 tendency to find new occupations some other highly specialized con­ ’The snow which fell early today i when the initial duties are complet- breast feed baby, and factors ster, decidedly unfriendly and stub­ times, but always there are health Pocket Ben W atches...... $1.00 and $1.50 struction work should not be trans­ appeared to have upset plans for a pertaining to this were gone over born. Another source of worry was problems to be solved, young cim- . ed. The overlap and the number of ferred to this agency. The super­ demonstration by the strikers, who • agencies can be reduced. with her. Before leaving a neighbor an older boy in High school who was dren and babies to be visited, moth vision and construction of rivers anc were to' have started intensive staying out at night going with a ^ A Few Mergers picketing at seven o’clock this- was advised' regarding care to be era to be advised and helped with A few consolidations, notably in harbors work should be continuec given between nurse’s visits. gang. He was obstinate and defiant their many problems of child care in under direction of the A r ^ engi moming. at home and neither of his parents law enforcement and the veterans’ There were. no banners and the Instructs Families order that there shall be less and R. DONNELLY services, have been effected. Both o9 ne rs, who should bei^fieMIga^d by Next a very ill patient with a seemed able to influence him. less preventable sickness, and that the secretary of v/ar to the service persons, mbitly, women, who stood JEWELER ' these reorganized agencies have of the administrator of public works about in front'of the dress shops, if question of typhoid fever; wife of The father in this family was more children may reach school age been able to discharge the very for this purpose. they were picketing did not wear patient also in bed with a minor ill­ home on account of an injury sus' in perfect physical and mental 515 Main Street South Manchester greatly increased burdens imposed ness, this patient was seen first and tained at work, but due to his own health and so become more efficient The personnel administration the customary placards proclaiming upon them without such an increase a strike. given the necessary care; then all carelessness, so that he was not re- adults. in administrative!* expense as would should comprise various agencies re­ otherwise have been the case. lating to the personnel of the gov­ In the present crisis the absolute ernment as 4 service agency to al .^ necessity for the most drastic econ­ departments of .the government, omy m ^ e s the problem of govem- recommend that the Civil Service ' mental reorganization one of para- Commission should be maintained, as \ mount Importance. The amount of an advisory body to the personnel saving in public funds to be effect- administrator, and the approval of !ed by a thoroughgoing reorganiza­ this body should be required in all tion, while difficult to estimate ac­ regulatory questions. The personnel curately, will be material, amoimt- administrator should be the chair ^ing to numy millions of dollars aUf man of toe conom^on. Other func­ "nually. Not only wUl the govern­ tions relating to toe personnel of the ment’s business be conducted more government should be transferred to efficiently and economically but the toe personnel' administration as may great body of citizens who have be deemed wise from time to time. business relations with their gov­ Reclamation Service ernment will be relieved of the bur­ With respect to certs’n agencies den of dealing with a multitude of In the government, I recommend a unnecessary and sometimes widely separate legislative reorganization I separated public agencies. of policy. The first of these la the ^ Many Diinoulties reclamation service. Reclamation # # • We may frankly admit the practi­ should have a broader import than cal difficulties of such reorganiza­ that of bringing unproductive land tion. Not only do different fractions under cultivation. We do not need of the government fear such reor- further additions to our agricultural i ganlzatlon, but many associations land at present. Additional agricul­ ; and agencies throughout the country tural production except such mar­ : will be alarmed that the particular ginal expansion as present projects function to which ^ey are devoted warrant Is inadvisable. may in some fashion be curtailed. The conservation of water by stor­ / Proposals to the Ctongress of detall- age Is required, not alone in toe ^ ed plans for the reorganization of west, but in all parts of toe coun­ ^ the many different bureaus and in- try. / dependent agencies have always The effective development of proved in the psist to be a signal water conservation through storage for the mobilization of opposition is largely an interstate question in HEY WERE TALKING " from all quarters which has destroy toe aid of domestic and industrial ed the possibility of constructive ac­ water supply, transportation, irriga­ ABOUT SMOKING... whether girls should tion. tion, and flood control where con­ There is little hope for success in struction work for storage relates or should not smoke; but it came out that all this task unless it is placed in the to these .arger issues,: it is properly hands of some one responsible for three of them had been smoking for a long time. it, with authority and direction to toe work of toe Federal government. act. Moreover, the consummation of Where water power is developed as They were asking each other what made a a comprehensive reorganization at a by-product, it should be disposed one moment is not in the best public of in advance by contracts which good cigarette. And after discussing one thing interest. Such reorganization should will fairly reimburse toe govern­ be imdertaken gradually and sys­ ment for its outlay. The reclama­ and another, they agreed that a cigarette should tematically, predicated on a soxmd tion service should be extended to ■ and definite theory of government cover these broad purposes of stor­ he milder. and effectuated as the result of age and conservation of water study and experience gained in the rather than toe narrow purpose of They thought also that it should taste just - actual processes of reorganization. irrigation. Such important projects w u Recommendations as the dam at Boulder Canyon, toe right—‘that is, not over-sweet, hut on the other I recommend, therefore, that the dam at Cove creek—toe develop­ Congress provide for— ment of Grand Culle on toe Colum­ hand, not bitter—just sweet enough. ^ (A) Consolidation and grouping bia, and toe dame on the Umatilla And everybody, they said, wants anything \o t the various executive and admin- should ultimately be undertaken ; istrative activities according to their when contracts can be made for toe that is placed in the mouth just as pure as major purposes under single-head- sale of power to amortize toe cost ; ed responsibility, the Congfress des­ of construction to'the government. can be. ig n atin g the title of the officer to be The actual construction work under placed in immediate charge of such this plan should be . carried out by Then they began to think what d g are^ if '^groups as are not now possible un- the public works administrator and ''der existing organization, toe completed projects administered any, filled this bill; and agreed that CHEST­ i; (B) Adoption of the general prin- by toe reclamation service. Iplple that executive and administra­ Conservation of Ranges ERFIELD was milder—tasted better—and was tiv e functions should have single- There should be a change in policy steaded responsibility and that ad- in dealing ■with public lands if we pure. The girls were satisfied, because **The/ ^'visory, regulatory, and quasi judl- are to preserve their value for graz­ l^lal fimctions should be performed ing and other purposes. The com­ Satisfy.” £by boards smd commissions, thus mittee on conservation and adminis­ 'permitting the transfer of certain tration of toe public domain, au­ i regulatory functions from executive thorized by acts of toe Congress ap­ Officials to existing boards or com- proved April 10, 1930, completed toe ^ssions and executive functions task assigned to it a year ago. Its Itrom boards and commissions to report has been transmitted to mem­ 'executive officials bers of toe Congress. Legislation (c) Authority under proper safe- carrying into effect toe recommen­ ^^guards to be lodged in the President dations of toe committee 'also is be­ ’ to effect these transfers and consoli- •**Music th at Satisfies.’* H ear N at Shilkret*s 35*pieoo .dations and authority to redistribute fore toe Congress. ’These proposals are toe result of painstaking study orchestra and Alex Gray, soloist,,every night e x o ^ ^executive ^ ’oops in the 10 Executive and earnest deliberation. They offer 'departments of the government or in Sunday — entire Columbia Network—KhSO K & T» 'the Independent establishments, as a solution of toe problems, connect­ 'the President may determine, by ex­ ed with thlis remnant of our public ecutive order, such executive order domain, which have pertlsted for to lie before the congress for 60 days toe past 26 years. I commend toe d u rin g sessions thereof before be- report to toe attention of toe Con­ effective, but becoming effec- gress, deeming the legislation of 9'i:^i;’Ij«ixn ft Hnw JoMcra Cck ;^ve at the end of such period imless sufficient importance to justify early congress shall request suspen- action. drion of action. ConoluskHi ” Tbe 10 major executive depart- In conclusion, I can not recom­ ents and the major regularity and mend tpo strongly that toe Congress acial boards and commissions give toe subject of effectlya organl- ttduld of course be maintained zatlon of the executive brahck of the ome of these existing agencies are governments its early and ; scrloqs ready orgeaixed tqm ^ e basis of attention. It is an essential a ir niajorf^tu^^ose, Dutiuncttons of ■oo^ reconstniptiqn an4>o8memy j same m^Jier piirpqs^^ow outride prograin. A patebirork' these groape shb^d be trans- compi^ ineffidracy, w as^ and ex- •Ml t n them: travakence. Ecohbmv azid.^ MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN^ WBDN]¥SpAY, FEBRUARY :j -.a' l>A(iE EiG R X - '•y- •* of a return to the rituation of 1938. flred three ehots. One bit the bandit A anrlrrB ter It would be a calamity if there were. in the arm, one in the midriff, the . 'i. If we can get the wheels of business next in the chest The stiokup man *5 SurafttQ 9^ral2i goiagLiDOderately. steadily, we shall is dead and the cop is alive, a re­ PUBLWHBD BT be very fortunkte. Possibly .there versal of the sItuatioB that has sx- HERALD FBINTINO OOMPANt, INC isted la far toe many such oases. It Btaaail str««t will be some disappointment, even South Manchaator. Conn. where hopes are thus cautious. If so Nothing in ths world caa be quite THUMAB rBRUUBON ______OanaralJlanagar then surely we shall have to turn so discouraging to crimes of vio- lenos ai policemens ability to'shoot Foundad Oetobar 1. Jttl to other than banking and oredit and the nerve to begin shooting flrst N o w - ■ ■ measures. We shall have to begin Publlabad Evary Evanlng Ezoapt Sundaya and Holldaya. Bntarad at tba ♦titniriwg along entirely new lines. Poat oirica at South Manohaatar. STUFFY Conn., as Second Claas Matl Mattar. Of the handful of members of the SUBSCRIPTION RATES House who voted against tte bank­ Hunter College girls who consti­ Ona gaar. by mail .••••••••••...tt.o o tuted the staff of tbs college week­ Par Month, by mail ...... I .60 ing bill we are most interested in Slngla copies ...... ••....I .01 the reasons given by Mr. LaOuardla ly resigned in a body when tho Dclivsred, ona year ...... tV.UO He fears'^ an inflation of retail prices president of the Institution, Dr. John N ewRCA-VICTOR MEMPBR OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS at the expense of people whose Kleman, notified them that they Tlia Associated Press is azeiusivaly wages have been deflated. We don’t must discontinue the publication of antitlad to ths use for rapublicatlon of all news diapatehas eraditad to it believe that retail prices will go up cigarette advertisements, Such ad­ or not otharwiaa credited in thta vertisements bad been the flnancta'. paper and also Aha local naws pub* very much or very suddenly. Mr, La­ llsned barain. Ouardla is another of those who life of the Hunter Bulletin. All rights of rapublicatioB of There wotUd seem to be some spsclsi dlspatchaa herein are also ra« confuses credit money with basic exclusively at served. money as a determining Influence on question whether the studenU would Publisher's Raprasantativat Tba prices. come to any barm through the ap­ ,/ Julius Mathews Spsetal Agency—'New pearance of cigarette ads In their York, Chicago, Detroit and Boston. At all events the sooner the bill is passed and the sooner it begins to newspaper, but very little as to WATKINS BROTHERS Full sarvica client of N B A Bar* vice. Ino. work in conjunction with Recon­ whether they and the coUege must suffer through such stuffy* narrow­ Member Audit Bureau of CIrcula* struction Finance Corporation ac­ 'EW RCA-Victor Radios for 1932 are tioiis. . * tivities the sooner we shall know the ness as that of Dr. Kleman. here... .and exclusively at Watkins 'I'ha Herald Printing Company, Ino., limit of the powers of credit legis­ assumes no ilnanclal responsibility for typographies! errors appearing in lation to restore buslneBS. Somehow Brothers in Manchester! Now with adverilsements in tba Manehastar there is a way in which it can be Evetilna Herald. ______RCA-Victor offering the finest values restored. Perhaps this is the way. If WEDNESDAY, FEB, 17, 1982 not we iball have to try some WASHINGTON in their history we are pleased to announce this exclusive fran­ PATERNAUSM other. LETTER chise, If you have dreamed of one day owning the ideal radio The rather surprisingly large ma* s e t... .if you have been waiting for the ^^radio of radios'Ho ap­ ♦*MODERN" EDUCATION By RODNEY DUTOBER jorlty In the Senate against the Dr. A. Unscbeld, bead of East NBA Service WHter pear. .. .if you have been waiting for a truly fine instrument to lAiFolIette'Costlgan federal uneni' Central Teachers College, Oklaho­ ployment relief bill—up to a few Washington — Downtown the be priced within your reach... .here are the sets you have been ma, and president of the Oklshonaa days ago It seemed that the vote boys were all asking each Model R-8 Education Society, proposes to re looking for! , , u might be quite close—caa hardly be other whether they bad been Have Oklahoma school children of Never before have we knoTO such radio values.. so much regarded as proof that federal relief ------I measured tor uniforms. But If the evil Influence passed down to consent Day up in the House has been completely disposed bt ter fine quality for so little money... .such high quality at such low them by Commodore Stephen Deca- ^ Reprewnutlves and If it cost! All these new models illustrated, as well as others, are $ 5 9 -5 0 ^ this session of Congress, tur. He proposes that that aU- hadn’t been for Congressman. Party lines cut no figure lo ths ready for your inspection today. Come in and see them. Hear RCA-Victor 8-tubs Super­ vote any more than they did io tho .^ 0 ,- . r J r r* jri heterodyne equipped with stieking by one's country, right or debate of the last two weeks and was worrying about the CbTnese them. Let us show you the back views, where, in the Ten Points automatic volume control. wrong, be banished from the school situation . . . The Consent Cal' Pentode Radlotron tubes, the decisions of many senators were endar comes before the House of the RCA Synchronized Tone System, you’ll find concrete proof Micro tone control. / -Tbe- made quite Independently of any books »o4 Pl*®* ^ establish' every two weeks and the bills on lateit value frofii emdin head­ ed tbs sentiment, "My country, to of their superior value. party commitment; sometimes they it are minor measures, favorably quarters. bingqd on rather fine spun reason' right the wrong." rsported by committees, which no Ing, For some other measure lo tended to tap the federal treasury as us have the Oklahoma children s hlS' Look Into The Backl a source of support for jobless peo< tories changed here and there ui gueb bills are declared passed pie there might very easily he con* otbsr spots to correspond. We can by unanimous consent If no sin- siderably more Senate backing. AU«-. tanxm. 4.m«a .t The CostigaO'LaFollette bill was ncottderoga stand as Is—It has al' Prom the galleries the Model R-4 ready been expurgated by an earlier | proceedings are, most of the based on the idea of a direct federal wi;ime, bo much bubbub. The buz» (Below)—A table model fit for fi dole administered by a bureau at feneration of Llnscheids. But let us zing of conversation between king! RCA-Vlctor 7-tube Super­ Washington. Some senators voted amend Lawrence's "Don't give u? congressmen often drowns, out the heterodyne, with Pentode and against it after having declared the ship!" making it read, "Don't member who has the floor. The Super Control Radlotron Tubes force th*the ship ahin onm memthem umes.unless they I yammers ^ monotowusly ^ the and Micro Tone control. Big set themselves io favor of a measure Mlectlvity and sensitivity . . tont appropriating federal funds to be want it—It wouldn t be polite, lait understand a word of it. On and volume control . . completa ■ i loaqcd to the states for relief work. us quickly and forever rid the hooks ly by closest attention to the cal for only Several substitute measures received of the perfectly dreadful language I numbers of such votes but were ds' used by George Washington to Qen' ^ which bill !_■ tip. feated by the backers of the LaFol* eral Charles Lee when the latter About a score members are lette-Costigan plan. One of them Is disobeyed orders at Monnfouth and following the calendar. 'The rest 46-75 have him exclaim, "Ob, Charlie, I’m 1 newspa,psrs, talk or pay $ . sure to come up again io the form a vague sort' of attention . . . • of a new bill, when it Is to be ex­ so disappointed In you!" Let ua have Someone occasionally shouts for pected that the crowd who strove to Lincoln say that be wished he knew ordsr. Speaker Jack Gamer, in what brand of tea General Grant a brown suit and an old'fasbioned put through the federal bureau bill choke collar, gets it, sometimes Model R-6 will be found among the supporters drank so that be could recommend merely by rapping, with bis gay- Model R-50 of the loan plan. Federal unemploy* it to some of bis other generals. Let el's htnme. “Is ttere objection? us get rid of the "Hell'and'Marla be chants — and "There is notl" Mocfel R-12 ment relief is far from a dead cock Which meant a bill baa passed. in the pit. It will probably be tradition conetming General Dawes What kind of bill? Nine out $66-50 crowing and fighting again present­ and• M make it 'Tell w WWW Maria!" of 10 on WfSV this calendar • bad W W W to WW do ly. And let us very quickly eliminato with bridges—to permit railroads, *157 RCA-Vlctor 7-tube Super­ fr«m IS. Khool l»ol» th. ^y. RCA-Victor 10-tube De LuxB heterodyne with Micro tons While millions of citizens, many control and both super con­ that the American congress in tho gtreams. RCA-Vlctor 3-tube Suporbetero* Superheterodyne with revolution­ of them hard up themselves, look ary nev/ synchronized tone system trol and Pentode Radlotron with dismay and apprehension on spring of 1917 declared that Ger- And one to ^declare the Mud dyne equipped with automatic vol­ tubes. A regular, big per­ ume control and Micro tone con­ . . fiicluding new automatic vol­ all schemes for federal doles as in­ many was engaged In making war river in Kentuc^ a ume leveler. Rubber mounted formance radio at a low trol, complete with Pentode and price! ' evitably tending to destroy the on the United States, changing it to part°of a cemetery reserve Super-Control Radlotron tubes. chassis. fundamental principles of our na­ a declaration that "Germany is dls- on an Indian ressrvation. Bills tional structure, there is no denying pleased." dealing with improvements on that the demand for such aid is in M k It olgst not b. .neb . but perfectly natural sequence to the notion to change the description of jifew York, squat little man with general trend of patemalistlo activi Dr. Unscbeld from ‘'America edu-1 his glasses pushed back on his head alm ost' to the collar, mi*is ties in which tho federal government cator" to pacifist quack. WATKINS BROTHERS, rsc. most of the noise in a high, has been becoming more and mors squeaky voice. Mr. Blanton of deeply involved in recent times, par OONVINOINO Texas rivals him In accents remi­ ticularly since tho beginning of the As effective an argument for the niscent of coimtry stores, full of feeling. , //jAe'Lcb'c^eq^tcU corid war. fuUer organisation of crime preven- They study ^all bills to^ see that When a government for 120,000, tion and criminal detection ss we so one puts anything over have ever heard was that presented The flrst bill, sponsored bv HUl 000 people undertakes, as Senator vet- Bingham has pointed out, to super­ by County Detective Edward J- wd^^ intend the making of their chUdren’s Hickey in his talk before the Retail to Conferewte veterans. It is ad- rompers and interests itself In see­ Credit Association here laat night, mltted that practically no Con- ing that each little nose is supplied m, .bK.rbtogly tbt.r«tlbg .tor, ot "rtSSftbirit with a handkerchief, and when It tA6 BlX*XHOBtn8 UlEJI BUOt TOr vBO I jUSt ft ^*V6rjT JfTftClOUB sends agreeable and capable ladies state’s most noted swindler, involv-1 ture." throughout the land showing farm­ ing an enormous amount of travel Underhill of Massachusetts wants to study the hill qlosely, so some activity are needed, m spite it is Impoeslble to uat the vHU to ers’ wives the best way to dress up and down the United States and it is held up . . . . Blanton de­ of Broadway, siways looking for control the vital organs. salads and decorate bridge tables, depending for its success on the e n mands______unanimous consent for a someone to back a play — Al­ at this knowledge the problem of ways hunting for actors to act in obtaining enough exerclsS is with The only way that wo know it is not to be wondered at that peo­ llstment of numberless agencies of five-minute spe^ and gets it whereby you caa streagtSea there a warning from La- p ls^ hs’d like to produce .... Once many people more difficult than ple, when they become broke and ------law and order in co-operation, , should ^ a presa agent, how bit by the prcK' organa through your own ri^foirta is finding the right kind of a house in hung;ry, expect to be fed by the same convince the most skeptical that tighten up on these requests." He dudng bug. to use your muscles. We have evi­ which to live. Most people are dence that thhee organs iaeraaae bountiful guardian. criminals would have a slender protests sending battieslflpe and Tn Paris l once managed the their functions and an etrspith- theater * where he started,"- recalls actually starving for the right kind This depression isn’t going to last onanevchance wof escape if all tbe iiotential soldiers to China, jj exprwwlng ^ involved the in New York, Feb. 17. Seeing New^hera ,. Eddie made a rep and of exercise. Practically everyone ensd whan ths large muscles of the some money .... A few years later Tom, concerning the sensational trunk art sxerdseo. If yon wish to forever. When it is over we shall elemenU of police power were but ..jo ^ cblnese mer- York from a column .... A gold newcomer. requires a preecription of the right came “Body and Soul", another kind of exercise to be taken Ih improve your vital functfopasuch as probably have learned a bitter and adequately co-ordinated. chants." filtered Sunday Afternoon...... “wow" .... And recently eome digestion and sUminatim, be sun to • costly lesson—that you cannot have Mr. Hickey was frankly speaking ^ Crowded bueee headed for River­ dally doses. Just aa su n as you a n shows that didn't do eo well. Next etop^-A studio, in the Bast reading this article your body keep your abdominal and back a self respecting, self reliant and in advocacy of the erection of a cen- .^ S m s 3* the desJrt land side drive .... And a t the muel- 40’e ...... Quttered with tricky muscles to good condition. The one daiM* entrance to Carnegie Hall needs and craves sxermat. Every­ self helpful nation under a paternal tral Identification bureau and crim^ law . . . . Suddenly you find La- A few blocks down street and easels, canvasses, iketches .... A one needs a certain nmount of it who keepe mess muscles developed waits a curioui crowd .... They’re hoyleh man-of-tbe-world just in will be tne one meet hkely to amto- government. And we will probably intelligence exchange in Connecticut Guardla ]^ling at Knutson of Sid Silvers Is turning into the stage every daj’. Even those who an trying to get a glimpse at the from Paris, but native of Philadel­ working at phyaioa) labor often tain the health and activity of proceed to extirpate paternalism, It 1. . pity tb.t ib,te.d «f Germanic, Bruno Walter, new Phil­ door entrance of a big vapdeviUe house .... Some call them “stooge" phia .... Bmlen Btting, youthful fall to obtain the type of exercise every organ in the hody< Flablw. root and branch. The choice is t o a single group In a hotel dining „ p Baudette, but Is objected harmonic leader, who created a artiit giving his first New York muscles a n the batoonUm of week door entrancea these days .... Sil­ which wll) do them the most good. difestion, poor droulaUoo and peer going to be between that and what room he could not carry his message to because It Involves private seneation when he replaced Toeoa- vers waa flrst of the famoui show a t the L'Blan Galleries after Everyone la aw an thSt exereiae ntni aa conductor .... Hie name waa a spectacular reception in France. elimination.' Instead of ngaratag they are headed for in Russia. to tho entire population of this stote. property at the end at a foderja “stooges," tbe gent who ribbed Phil buUda atronger muidee but most of Sohleainger before he came to .. A Hhrvard graduate four years ua do not realise that exerolae has mufcular development as a means Extremely useful as he Is on his own s*Sia*if America, but he changed it for con­ Bi^er from a box seat .... Now he to big strong muselet. you riieuld' works with a feminine movie star ago, who couldn't makt up {its mind another and far mon tmportaat ef­ t h e b a n k b i l l Job there may be some question to object! Don’t tell me I can't cert purpoeea when he was a young­ whether to be an actor or a painter fect, and that la its wholssome ef­ change your point of view and real­ er man .... The name he ueea was making personal appearanoei here­ ise that the one with sturdy stom­ If the depression is ever to be re­ whether as an apostle of co-ordi- object!" abouts. .... 8o took three years off to study fect upon the vitalrltal ooigaas. n a I'eaimot borrowed from a Wagnerian hero. In Paris .... Oombinss the ultra- lnt but too stroniKy that your a l and back musdtas Is b e ^ able lieved by purely fiscal legislation It D.M POUC. w«rk dmtibt blm^ ^5' gSS! Ethel Barrymore and her “brood" modtm and ths practical Ameri­ Kalth depends upon your iatsmal to maiatein stroag healthy tater- is surely getting its opportunity to the arousing ot pubUc support for you hear Sutson bUflng The moon haa ohoaen to challenge crueMng their way through one of cano .... Intends to stay in hie otgana To have health you must nal ergaast taeluqag M>e im fU now. The House plunged on the scientific police methods, his service a t LaOuardla for " f l^ g off ths tbe glare of the electric signs .... A those lobby orowTU that gatbir at homeland, but believes the next few have strong vital orgsirN such 'as liver, iateetlhee, etemhUh aad lumgi- Intermissions for a smoke and a bit lluecultor agd Offitoe itrei A p a rt People ore heginnini to rtaliis the atronger they njejuft ing Consent Day for the first time thati m oidiAto. dsvMw a -to-ttbetoV; maina to be seen. isn't tbe re- hand 'ho called on him to halt. is «a axperlpnee, hgl. you soon get -Just a Vagabond Lover." .... It nu to the star ^ the f . d |M f d - ^ a abort htohk gad thea | w ai one w VhUee*s higiest nusa* VIA '


her parents when still a young girl, Mrs. Ralph Bass were ^ e r t In was won toy an *xc«ll«at drawing residing here for many years. COSTUMES TILL STORY . Willimantic Friday afternoon. which Miaa Bartlett s u b m it^ mmmri LEAGUE APPEALS She leaves two daughters, Mrs. ANDOVER Elmer Finley of Molton and New along wltti the drawings of tor William Oppelt of Hartford and York took Mr. and Mrs. Fred jBleh- classmates, to the publlstors iot the C O M N C ^ ROCKVILLE Mrs. Frank Spikels of Rocky Hill; OF NOTED STAR’S ROLES Sunday school quarterly to which Miss Da Haihllton who has been op, Miss Myrtice and M'ys Annie TO JAPAN'S HONOR three brothers, Paul and Loifis Ertel Mathewson on a trip to Scotland the daas luhscrihee an^rs. Horace trating the lesson are made each To Confirm OtM In tle smd Miss Elizabeth Ertel of this —Ghosts of the roles Minnie Mad- week, and at tiie end of each period dem Flske lived on the stage sleep lapse last Thursday and is sick Maine and family. Before Taking Local PAY HONOR TO OLDEST city and two grandchildren. 1^ submitted to the publishing com'- today In attic tr-nks of her big abed. Her sister, Mrs. Arnie Flydall There will be an entertainment League Body Asks That Hos- The funeral will be held from the pany. This company receives draw­ Word was received ytot home of her daughter, Mrs. William Moose Lake lodge. Cloth, spangle of East Hartford, who Is a trained tUs evening given by the school WOMAN ON SATURDAY and bodice, they tell the story of nurse, is spending a few days with cnildren In honor of the two hun­ ings from classes who use their from Rev. Knut E. Ericson of Oppelt on Thursday afternoon at 2 quarteriles from many, many differ­ tifides Be Stopped In o’clock Rev.. John Kavasch, pastor her long career in the American Miss Hamilton. dredth anhiversary of George Wash­ cago, m., that he will not theater. Burton Lewis took Ellsworth Mit­ ington’s birthday. There will be ent Bunday schools, and the local bis duties aa pastor of the I Mrs. Mary Brfgham Reaches of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Sunday school was very pleaeed to church of Hartford, officiating. Mrs. Fiske, who died Monday of ten and Charles Pinney to Warren- singing, recitation and three plays. Lutheran church here until China— World Opposed. 98th Milestone — Is Very vUle Saturday evening to attend a The entertainment will begin at 8 have one of Its regular members June 1. Rev. Erloeon aooept«4 Burial will be in Zion Hill cemetery, heart disease, called her home in named a prise inner. Mlsd Bart­ Active For Her Age. that place. the Adirondacks “Veery Lodge,” dance. Mr. Knney played a violin o’clock. call to the local paetorate lu t for old fashidi^ dancing. Mr. Mit­ The Ladies’ Benevolent Society lett did not know of her award until on the final day of the three kn Funeral of Bertha Sternal naming it after melodious species of it was announced and presented dur­ Geneva* Feb. 17.— (AP)— The Mrs. Mary Brigham, known as thmsh foimd there. She loved ten plays In the orchestra. will meet at the conference house allowed to answer the call. B#:.i The funeral of Miss Bertha Ster­ ing the morning’s exercises. ceeds Rev. P. J. O. Cornell, who League of Nations Council publish­ Rockville’s oldest active woman, will nal, 22, of 13 River street was held birds, and the woods on the island Edward Jones spent the week-end Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. in Hartford. Mrs. Clarice Yeomans returned complete twentjHme yean in tjN ed today an appeal “ to the supreme be 98 years of age on Saturday, and from St. Joseph’s Polish Catholic are dotted with bird houses. church next month. . ' - I church on Monday morning at 9 Packed in the tnmks are the There was a small audience at home late Sunday evening from a PREMIER AT DESK sense of honor of Japan’’ asking her members of the family will hold a the Christian Er leavor meeting five weeks visit with her daughter. Rev. Erleson said in his letter thal o’clock. Rev. Siglsmund Woronieckl costumes of “Teas of the D’Urber- be desires to confirm his cor to cease hostilities in China. reunion in her home at 49 Brooklyn vUles,” “Becky Sharp,” “Mrs. Sunday owing to many being sick Miss Alice Yeomans; at Delray street. She was bom in Lebanon officiated at the requiem high mass London, Feb. 17.— (AP) -Wearing tion class and also to settle othf The communication which was and was assisted by Rev. Maximilian Bumpstead-Leigh,” “Hedda Gabler,” with grip colds. The Columbia so­ Beach, Florida, where Miss Yeo­ and came to Rockville more than 80 ciety took charge of t* ' meeting mans is spending the ' 'ter for her an eye shade and a bandage over affalfs for his succemor ih ChlC given to Naotake Sato, Japanese Solhyack 6f Middletown who acted ‘^Salvation Nell,” “Cyprienne” (of before he comes here. delegate to the Council, for trans­ years ago. as deacon, and Rev. Stanislaus “Dlvorcons” ),'an d even of little and put on the play “Native Evil” health, Mrs. Yeomans reports her his left eye, Prime Minister Ramsay Mrs. Brigham is the widow of the mission to the government at Tokyo Wojelozek of Suffleld acted aa sub­ Fritz In “Fritz, Our German which was very interesting and well daughter is gainirg very well and MacDonald arrived at No. 10 Down­ late George Brigham, civil war vet­ Cousin.” She played Fritz In the ncted. growing stout and strong. ing street today to preaide over an said: eran and postmaster at the Rock­ deacon. Interment took place in the Tiy Ijfdh L niMMm'c VnHiibli “The committee of twelve earn­ family plot in St. Bernard’s ceme­ company of J. K. Emmett. That was Mrs. Ralph furnished flowers for Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Platt and important Cabinet seesion. ville Post Office for twenty years. tery. The bearers were Edward as long ago as 1870, and her career the church Sunday morning in mem­ two children spent Sunday with Mr.' estly trusts Japan will admit her This young old lady is looMng for­ The premier, who recently under­ obligations and justify the confi­ Ertel, Louis Skibiski, Casmlr has been constant throughout the ory of her mother the late Mrs. and Mrs. A. E. Frink. went an operation for glaucoma ward to the reunion on Saturday Swider, Joseph Zastawny, Frank Hannah Turner whose birthday oc­ Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Hartford dence reposed in her by the powers with great pleasure. She is most intervening years. (diminution of vision) in hla left Sierakowski and John Bielak. Deep among the costumes is that curred on Feb. 14. visited their cottage at Andover eye, also had a slightly swollen face of the world.” active and enjoys making afghans Lake Sunday. i The Council members said they Notes of Dollie, the child of “Chicago Mr. and Mrs. George Merritt, Billy as a result of a tooth extraction. for veterans at hospitals. This has Twenty-five members of the local could not recognize the'validity of a Harry W. Flamm of Windsor Before the Fire,” with its memories and Lois Merritt motored to New ' He planned to go later today to been her hobby for several years, avenue is spending a few days in London Simday and spent the day Sunday school were in attendance Japanese occupation of China be­ and is at the present time working of the old Theatre Comique, New hla, country place, Chequers, for a New York City. ^ York, where she played the role in with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hewitt. Sunday morning. After the usual ex­ rest before a three weeks’ holiday cause of Article X of the League cf on another. On last Thursday eve­ ercises and lesson period several Covenant which guarantees the ter­ Mrs. John Hewitt haus been ill at 1872; and of the Little Duke of Miss Watie Brown had the mis­ prescribed by bis physicians. ning Mrs. Brigham attended the an­ her home the past week. fortune to fall on the ice in her door anecdotes from Lincoln’,- life were ritorial Integrity of League mem­ nual roll call and reception at Union York which she played in “Richard Cried Herself to Ste# George Rider has returned to his III” with the late James Bennett yard Wednesday and broke her left related by the supemitendent, Her­ bers. ' church, and was presented with a home on Windemere avenue from bert A. ’Thompson, Sr. Following More money has been spent on or­ All worn out... spUniflf hcedschas “The Shanghai incident,” the beautiful bouquet of carnations. To­ at Nlblo’s Garden in 1871. arm. Dr. Edward H. Ottenhelmer of tDtke life hideov* every aonth. She the U. S. Veteran’s hospital at New­ Recollections of John McCollough Wllllmantic reduced the fracture. these the prize of a nice book was naments by the United States dur­ communication said, *“has made a night she will be the guest of honor awarded Miss Martha Bartlett, of ing the psist fiscal year than by any needs a toaic . . . Lydia B. Piokhatt's ington. are revived by the costume Mrs. Miss Brown is very comfortable at Vegetable Compound relievea crampe. / deep Impression upon the public at a social time to be held by Burpee Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bllnn of Miss Amy Randal’s claco. This prize other country in the world. Woman’s Relief Corps in G. A. R. Flske-Minnle Maddera then —wore her home on Long Hill. opinion of the world. It has expos­ Spring street are the proud parents Miss Mary Hewitt has taken a Hall.' as Prince Arthur in "King John.” ed the lives and property of many of a son, Philip, Jr., bom at the Most of the costumes were worn position as bookkeeper at the Case citizens to danger, augmented the Mrs. Brigham is interested in the Rockville City hospital Friday night. news of the day and her memory is by Mrs. Flske in many parts of Fiber Company’s mill. Miss Merritt world's present economic depression Miss Ruth Keeney, daughter of America, for she was an inveterate graduated a few months ago from and it threatens to menace the good unfailing. She is a member of Union Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keeney ot West church, a charter member of Burpee trouper and “the road” knew her the Woman’s Buslne'"’ college. New progrress of the disarmament con­ street underwent an operation at fully as well as Broadway. • London, and is the daughter of Mr. ference now In session.” Woman’s Relief Corps, W. C. T. U. and the missionary societies con­ the Rockville City hospital on Mon­ and Mrs. Edward Merritt of this Men’s and Young Men’s It requoted the council’s note of day night for appendicitis. EDITOR FINED town. Jan. 29 to the effect that “coopera­ nected with Union Church. She is sure to receive the hearty con­ Mrs. Wallace 1. Woodin Is ill with tion and mutual respect only can gratulations of her host of friends WINS ODD SUIT Dublin, Irish Free State, Feb. 17. the grip. Her daughter. Miss Marlon secure the maintenance of interna­ OVERCOATS on Saturday. Montreal, Feb. 17.— (AP)— Be­ — (AP)—The Irish Press and Frank Woodin, a graduate nurse is caring tional relations and that economic Masons To Attend Services cause the Canadian Arena Company Gallagher, its editor, were found for her. or military forces cannot bring Fayette Lodge, No. 69, A. F. & A. guilty by a military tribunal today Several farmers around town un­ about any permanent solution of the declined to let him buy a ticket for Winter hasn’t left us yet and you M., together with Hope Chapter, O. a hockey game here last spring, on four charges of seditious libel and loaded a carloa/' of grain at the problem.” E. S. will unite in a religious ob­ Leon La France of Montreal has fined £100 each. freight yard Saturday. y n \ ] find plenty of days to come Discord Aggravated servance of the 200th anniversary been awarded 360 damages by Cir­ The hearing of the case was con­ Mrs. Frank L. Hamilton spent uy mca’tage@ ofgM). 9becltd?wa of the birth of George Washington cluded Febmary 9 and judgment Friday in Hartford. when a good warm overcoat will “So long as the present situation cuit Court Justice Joseph Archam- at St. John’s Episcopal church on bault. waji reserved. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bartlett and confinuea” the note said, “ the dis­ next Sunday morning at 10:45. feel snug. Buy one now at these cord between the two countries will It Is a well-known fact that savings and use it this winter and be aggravated endangering the George Washington was a staunch creation of a situation unfavorable Mason and there are many lodges next too. to the status of the world at large.” bearing his name throughout the Calling attention to Article X of country. Rev. H. B, Olmstead, the League Covenant it said “we pastor of the church will use a draw attention to these stipulations. special order of service and will SPRING 1932 Coats Now $35 Encroachment upon the Integrity of preach on the subject, “Our Nation’s AS EXPRESSED BY $50 members states will not be consider­ Adventure For God." ed valid. The committee of twelve Masons in Rockville not affiliated AMERICA'S LEADING STYLISTS earnestly desires that Japan make with the local lodge are cordially In­ Now a conciliatory and wise attitude in vited to attend. Now On Display — Fashion’s Latest Creations $45 Coats $31 view of the fact that she Is one of Heads Local Commltte* the members of the League and a Edward L. Newmarker, Past De­ permanent of League partment Commander of the Ameri­ Council.” can Legion, has been named chair- $40 Coats Now $28 The Far-Eastern situation, the naan of the local committee In TWIN PRINTS' note said, should be studied fully charge of the Legion campaign to by a commission made up with the restore prosperity. Governor Cross has accepted the honorary chair­ Feature a navy blue print blending up • consent of the two parties to the Now $24 manship of this state In the Legion into a light blue of the same print. Very $35 Coats dispute. At the same tisK, the Coun­ campaign. cil said it was “well aware of Holiday Post Oflioe Hours smart. ; . - Japan’s grievances.” It ^pressed Postmaster George E. Dickinson deep regret, however, th af Japan announced on Tuesetey that Post Of­ $30 Now $20 should “think herself imable to ac­ fice hours on Washington’s Birthday cept the method of peaceful settle­ at the local office will be as follows: THE ULTRA - SMART ment which the League Covenant stamp and general delivery windows defines. open from 8 a. m. to 10 a. m. and Best expressed in frocks with a black skirt $25 Coats Now $17 “We point out. It said, “ that ac­ from 5:30 p. m. to 6:80 p. m. There and bright colored printed tops with cording to the Kellogg Pact all in­ will be no delivery by the city or ternational disputes should be set­ Rural Carriers.' jacket effects. A real Parisienne touch. tled amicably.” Joint flrensen’s Meeting ’There will be a joint meeting of the Rockville Fire Department on Friday evening in the Fitch bouse SPORTWEAR BOYS’ OVERCOATS in the center of the city at 7:80. WARPING Every member of the Department Two-piece knitted dresses with hats tp 12, 15, 14 years only. , is invited to attend. The final re­ match. The ideal frock for those days Little Elsie Vonola, the thirteen port of the annual fair will be made months old daughter of Mr. and at this time. outdoors. A popular Spring model. Mrs. Julio Vonola of Station No. 36, Official Visitor One-Half Price South Windsor, who was scalded by At a meeting of General Kitchen­ hot water, was removed to the er Lodge, American Order of St. LARGE SELECTION Hartford hospital on Thursday af­ George to be held in Forester’s hall ternoon for treatment. Hospital au­ this evening, the members will enjoy In Junior DreMes Sizes 18-19. thorities said the condition of the a visit from Grand President George AU Oolora — Printi — Style*. Childrai’s Overcoats baby was not serious. A pan of hot H. Couch of Capitol Lodge, No. 131 3 to 10 years only. water set on a chair tilted over the of Hartford and his staff. A social Large Selection of Half Slzee baby as she was playing. hour will follow the meeting. The Miss Gladys Giles has been ill at grand officer will addreas the gath­ Banging From SS'/j-SZI/i. her home for several days with the ering. One-Half Price grip. Going To Broad Brook Miss Julia Stead from Mt. Ver­ The Lledertafel Singing Society of non, New York, Is spending a few this city, rated as one of the best days at the home of her brother and in Connecticut under the direction family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stead of Max C. Kabrick will go to Broad THE WILROSE DRESS SHOP of Wapping. Brook on Saturday evening, where The ^ a r d of Finance of the town they will give a concert. An excel­ “The Shop of Individuality” C. E. HOUSE & SON, Inc. of South Windsor will hold a public lent program has been arranged by meeting at the town hall next the director and the Club will be Hotel Sheridan Building Thursday evening, February 18 at heard la ensemble and solo numbers. half past seven o’clock to hear all r Joins Visitors’ Onb persons who wish to be heard In re­ Mrs. Clara Keeney tot Mountain gard to any appropriation for the street, is vacationing in the Hawai­ ensuing year, which they are desir­ ian Isles and word was received this ous that the boar^ shall recom­ week that she has joined the visitors mend. club. This is an informal organiza­ Rev. David Carter gave a lecture tion made up of travelers in Hi*wall about ‘Ttaly” which was Illustrated from every corner of the globe. Club WARANOKE HOTEL by lantern slides, last Sunday eve­ headquarters are In the famous ning at the Federated church. Waikiki Beach District. Francis Billings youngest son of Mrs. Amelia A. Keller SPAGHETTI PALACE Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Billings, Mrs. Amelia Agusta Keller, died has been confined to his home sev­ on Monday afternoon at the home of eral days by illness. her daughter at 66 Harbinson 801 Main Street James Deveran of East Windsor avenue, Hartford. She was bom in Hill, who was taken to the Man­ Germany but came to Rockville with chester Memorial hospital Is rrnch better and returned to his hdme REAL ITALIAN STYLE DISHES there last Monday afternoon. 5 The next meeting of the South AifCi/ m oneq? Windsor Wednesday Afternoon club will be held this afternoon,' Febru­ ary 17 at the home of Mrs. Leslie As Reported In Yestiirday’s Herald Newberry. Mrs. Harry S. Martin Single Room and Board • • • $11*50 and Mrs. Lewis Main will have charge of the program. $34,000,000 Id HoM’ikid Money The United Workers will serve a public supper Friday evening, UP TD flDU February 19. In the basement of the IP YOU AM mADRY IMMOYID-Kna. Double Room and Board g e a M e h Returned To Grculatiim First Congregational church. Mrs. Charles Lindsey, Mrs. Robert Rlsley INO HOUUr-ANO Menvww a m q u l a i TWO BEDS IN ROOM V * W and Mrs. Marshall Bidwell will take INCOMI, W I'U UNO YOU THI MONIY And this is only a small fraction of the vast samt charge of the supper and it is to be YOU NEED. THI ONIY MONATUMS M- hf mmey now reposing in every conceivable plies a Valentine party. A genuine birthday surprise party QUIRED AM THOM OP HUMANO AND DINNER SERVED 11 A. M.—2 P. Ml throughout the homes in this country. To say the lea|i^ was held at the home of Mr. and W m. YOU CAN CHOOM ANT O NI OP OU« FULL COURSE DINNER y^hy tempt fate, fire and robbery? Mrs. Oscar D. Strong last Mon­ MPAYMINT PUNS THAT M M MlfTI YOU* day' evening when twenty two INCLUDES VEGETABLES, DESSERT, COFFEE of their relatives, friends and neigh­ INCOME. PROMPT, COURHOUS MRVKI. Place Your savings in a Savhyrs Account where H bors called to celebrate Mrs. The nnlf ebarse la three and one- will be working for you—.-not, just ^thttrtng^ diist .tQ..,. . Strong’s birthday, which fell on haU percent per month on unpaid Sunday. February 14. There were amount of loan. Breakfast Served 6 a. a. m. some hidden spot. four tables at cards, prizes were giyen and refreshments served. At Moderate Prices Mrs. Strong received many useful ERSONAL presents. \ PIHAHCS «0» 'The three act comedy play, “Go Slow Mary” which was nresented Our Coffee Is Served with Cream i>v the Wapping Grange Dramatic PROOM 2, STATR fHEATRE IL D a club, was so well received in town, that they have been requested to re­ 715^ MAIN STREET peat it here, under the auspices of # ^ W PHONS: 3 430 SOUTH MilNCimSTER.CQHN: the Parent-Teachers association Our Chef Has Had 25 Years Experience »"d thev have consented to do so 9e MANCHEfTER« CONNe Drursday evening, February 26. PAGE T E N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1982li

two 80^8, Lohls B., Jr;, Warner P iet ...... 8% STUDENT DIES West Union ...... 45 gradiiatp.^aitid, Edwi ‘ - ► - KITCHEN STYLE SHOW STATE’S FINANCES the tennl8 team at West El and Mfg ...... 81% ( Toronto, O ht, Feb. 17.—►(AP) —. Local Stocks Woolworth ...... 43% Queer Twists y . A. W o ^ iourtii-year student in- IN HARTFORD NOW Hartford, Feb. 17.— (AP) -4- The jured/in Honda^^'s dxplosion in the receipts of the state of Connecticut [(FnrnlBhed by Patnam ft Oo.) In Day’s News mining building of University of ly connected with tennis and tehnRa CANNONADINaiNDS; for the first seven , months of the Toronto, died tpday. Nun^erous ' Oentaral Bow, Hartford, Conn. Gas Company’s Exhibit Creates present fiscal year fell off $3il97,- associatioha for aemral years. 1 P. M. Stocks blood transfusiona were resorted to ______New York, Feb. 17.— (AP) — The: Much Interest — Yesterday 818.53 and the balance in the general in.an effort to save bis life. SHANGHAI IS QUIET "Iron Age” composite prices are tmr Was Children’s Day. fund decreased $5,018,502.11 In com­ Evanston—Dr. Miller McClintock Wood wsis working under the di­ ' Bank Stocks parison with last year, according to •f.l Bid Asked changed this week with finished steel rection of Professor M. C. Boswell at 2.037 cents a pound, pig iron at the monthly financial statement filed of Harvard, who figures things out Cap Nat B and T .... — 200 (Oontinned from Page One) The Hartford Gas company’s in an attempt to produce carbolic $14.48 a gross ton and steel scrap at with the governor today by State says an automobile costs $4.20 ani Ship Arrimls Oc^. River ...... 600 — kitchen style show which is going acid by the &reet oxidation of coal $8.23 a gross ton. Commissioner of Finance and Con­ hour to operate and that 75 per cent tar benzene , and use of various ox­ Htfd Conn Trust ....< — 90 Eenkichl Uyeda, army and navy A ir iv ^ : on this week, every aftemon at 2 trol Edward F. Hall. of the time in traffic is a “perfect idizing compounds as well as at­ Htfd Nat B and T ... — 27 commanders thete. The Chinese To aid employes who purchased The receipts for the first seven Kungsholm, New Ybilc, Fel^uary First National ...... — 200 were to be ordered to retire twenty and Saturday at 11 o’clock, is creat­ waste.” mospheric oxygen, when the ex­ the cdmpfmy’s stock at higher levels, months ended January 31, 1932, plosion occurred. The blast wrecked 17, from La.Guaiia. " ^ Land Mtg and Title... — 20 kilometers (about 12% miles) from ing widespread d^terest. Leading Satl Lake City—Mrs. Mabel the Armstrong Cork Company pfo- amounted to $14,217,461.12 as com­ the laboratory and shattered all Habana, New Tork, February 17, New Brit Trust ...... — l60 the city. Hartford firms are cooperating In Bridge’s life savings of $1,420, ordi­ poses to buy back from the workers, pared with $17,269.65 last year. The Windows of the fourth floor of the from Bilbao. ; West Hartford T ru st.. 150 — May Negotiate including officers, not more than providing the newest models in wo­ balance in the general fund on Feb­ narily kept in a bank, is back in cir­ Reliance, New York, F^hmaiy 17, Insurance Stocks Between the presentation of the mining building. One other student 24,000 shares at $25 a share, or ruary 1, 1932, was $4,964,980.01 as culation. A purse-snatcher grabbed from Kingston. Aetna Casualty...... 35 38 ultimatum and the Chinese reply, it men’s and children’s clothes, house­ was seriously Injured. about $17 a share above the current compared with $9,983,482.12 on the her pocketbook yesterday while she ; Failure of a thermometer to re­ Lapland, New Yoik, February I7j Aetna Life ...... 25 27 was pointed out, there probably hold appliances and furniture, as from Bermuda. market price. In a letter to em­ well as grocery staples. same date last year. The receipts was transferring the money to an­ cord the correct temperature was Aetna Fire ...... 29 31 would be an opportunity for negotia­ other bank. SaUed: ployes the company states the pur­ Yesterday was children’s day and for January this year were $1,193,- advEuiced as a possible cause of the Automobile ...... 16 18 tions between the Chinese and Japa­ chase will be limited to stock in 487.23 as compared with $1,150,878.- Dallas—Six members of the Berengaria, New York, February Cotm. General ...... 46 50 the three luncheon menus prepared explosion. nese. If the representatives of the bank loans which have been called 87 for the same month in 1931, an Athens high school beisketball team 17, for Southampton. Hartford Fire ...... 37 39 other powers offered their good of­ by Mrs. Arra Sutton Mlxter, home have declared a strike. They’re peev­ He de France, New Tork, Febru­ for repayment. economist with the Gas company, increEise of $42,608.36. The expen­ Hartford Steam Boiler 41 44 fices during that time they would ditures in January this year amount­ ed because C^ach Jimmy Kitts TENNIS OFFICIAL DIES ary 17, for Havre. t National Fire ...... 34 36 were assembled as follows; No. 1, be accepted, it v is stated. Electric power output for the ed to $2,321,436.29 w h i^ was $852,- neglected to give them the cus­ New York, Feb. 17.—(AP) — caty of Btiltimore, Havre, Febru­ phoenix Fire ...... 46 48 A proposal was also made, the Hina bean soup, entire wheat bread, 948.57 more than last year when tomary tea and toast luncheon after I/)uls B. Daliey, former president ary 14, for Baltimore. Travelers ...... 465 485 week ended February 13 was 1,578,- stewed apricots, sponge cake and announcement said, for an inspec­ 817,000 kilowatt hours, a decrease they amounted to $1,968,487.72. a game here. of the United States Lawn Tennis Mauretania, Cherbourg, February Public Utilities Stocks milk; No. 2, casserole of vegetables, tion of the district from which the of 6.2 per cent from the correspond­ Philadelphia—The Rt. Rev. Bishop Association, died early today at his 17, for New York. Conn. Elec Serv ...... 44 48 rolled oats muffins, ctiramel custard, withdrawal was ' o be demanded. ing week last year. In the preceding Dr. Wyatt Brown told a Lenten home in South Orange, N. J. Bergensfjord, Bergen, February ■Conn. Power ...... 43 45 sugar cookies and cocoa; No. 3, The inspection would b^^ made by week, output showed a decrease of PREPARING FOR DRIVE service congregation that the home Dailey was president of the New 17, for New York. Greenwich, W&G, pfd. — 70 Japanese officers and if foreign olj- coddled eggs, crisp bacon, rosy has become a “filling station by day York Real Estate Board and a vice Conte Grande, Havana, February Hartford Elec ...... 53 55 5.4 per cent from last year. The cen­ servers wished to accompany the in­ tral industrial region registered a apples with cream, molasses cookies, and a parking place by night.” He president of the Equitable Building 17, for New York. ‘Hartford Gas ...... 40 43 spectors they would be welcome. Be­ cocoa or milk. Leaflets giving reci­ FOR VETERANS’ BONUS blamed the “machine age.” Corporation of New York. do, pfd ...... 39 43 decrease of 9.7 per cer ' , Chicago side the notice to General Tssd, Chi­ district 8.5 per cent, and Atlantic pes were distributed, together with He became ill last Wednesday. Someone estimated there are 7,- S N E T Co ...... 124 128 nese military commander. Minister seaboard 4.2 per cent. a panjphlet by Henry C. Sherman Double pneumonia developed and ha 000,000 cats in the state of New Manufacturing Stocks Shigemitsu was expected also to of Columbia University on "Emer­ Washington, Feb. 17.—(AP) — SUBMARINE SAVED passed away today at 12:30 a. m. York. Which probably explains Am Hardware ...... 22 24 serve notice on Mayor Wu Teh- Preparing for their drive before the Eastern railroad executives will gency Nutrition”, especially prepar­ He is survived by Mrs. Dailey and why it’s a wide-awake stats. Am Hosiery ...... 25 — Chen of Shanghai, that he had fail­ ed for the children all over the House ways and means committee Arrow H and H, com.. 11 14 discuss the leading problems of the for full cash payment of the soldier New London, Feb. 17.—(AP)'— ed to fulfill the pledges made Janu­ transportation Industry at their country who are under-nourished do, pfd ...... — 106 ary 28 when he agreed to accept bonus, advocates of the legislation The veteran submarine Defender meeting tomorrow at the Waldorf- and it is feared will be weakened Billings and Spencer.. — 2 Japan’s demsmds for suppression of will shortly file with the House peti­ was on the ways at the Thames Ship Astoria hotel. Their meeting will and injured for life because of the Bristol Brass ...... 9 11 the anti-Japanese boycott, disband­ tions they say carry more than two Yard here today, safe from the dan­ precede a session of the advisory hard times. do, pfd ...... 90 — ing of anti-Japanese societies and million names. ger of going to the bottom without committee of the Association of The pamphlet in question carries Case, Lockwood and B — 400 indemnities for Japanese Injured in The ways and means committee the formality of a submergence Railway Executives. Motor truck an appeal to all who have given to Collins Co ...... 20 — disorders that preceded the Japa­ will open hearings on the bill intro­ competition, rate matters and the give more generously, even to sacri­ operation. Colt’s Firearms...... 10 12 nese occupation of the city. duced by Representative Patman recapture clause of the transporta­ fice, that these unfortunate children The submarine was hauled out Eagle Lock ...... 18 22 (D., Texas), sifter it completes draift- after a leak developed around an Fafnir Bearings ...... — 65 tion act will be among the matters may be spared a lifetime of weak­ ing a tsut bill. Patmsin’s bill would considered by the executives. ness and misery. underwater valve and water enter­ jollier Brush, Class A. — 14 CHARGES AL SMITH provide sin issue of $2,200,000,000 Ln ed, causing the craft to settle at her Mention was also made of book­ United States notes to pay off the Hart and Cooley .... — 100 berth at the ship yard. Holders of the Burlington Rail­ lets which may be obtained from the remsilnder of the bonus certificates, Hartman Tob, com.... — 2 The Defender is owned by Simon do, pfd ...... — 20 way and Light Co. first mortgage 5 U. S. Department of Agriculture, about $1,400,000,000 already having CLAIMED INTEREST Lake of Milford and Commander ►Inter .S ilv e r...... 18 22 per cent sinking fund bonds due namely “Adequate Diets for Fami­ been advsmced in loans. Exactly 4.923 Customers do, pfd ...... 55 — (Continued Prom Page 1.) March 1, 1932 have been requested lies with Limited Incomes” The “ We believe the bill will pass both Sloan Damenhower of Old Lyme, the Landers, Frary & Clk. 29 31 to deposit their bonds under an price of this is 5 cents; also “The Houses by an overwhelming major­ latter now reported to be in Paris. Shopped the **Self-Serve’’ MaUn & Bow, Class A — 8 do with the taking of Interest?” agreement calling for ar extension Family’s Food At Low Cost”, which ity smd yover the President’s veto, if The submarine was used in sub­ V do. Class B ...... — 4 Governor Roosevelt continued. to October 1, 1933 with-an Increase is free. Both booklets are by Hazel it is vetoed,” the Texan said. marine safety tests with the Navy luring Our 12th Anniversaryl Hew Brit. Mch. com.. — 10 "Absolutely,” Seabury answered. in the interest rate to 8 per cent. K. Stiebeling and Miriam Birdseye, Patman ssild five out of every salvage vessel Falcon off Block do, pfd ...... — 95 “In other words, if it is wrong to and Clyde B. Schuman of the seven vetersms already had borrow­ Island in the summer of 1929 and take Interest now, it was wrong to has been at the Thames Ship Yard North and Judd .... 9 11 COUNTRY HOME BURNS American Red Cross. ed the fifty per cent limit dn the Sale Last Week-End Hiles Rem Pond ...... 8 9 take interest when it was on a fee certificates. since October of that year. basis—right?” Tomorrow afternoon at 2 at the Over one ton of SUver Lane pickles were carried away by­ ^eck. Stow and Wilcox 1 — Portland, Conn., Feb. 17.— (A P )— auditorium of the Gas company! 233 customers during the three days. About 240 pounds (or 480 Hussell Mfg Co ...... 12 20 "Yes,” was Seabury’s answer. “Interest is an Incident of principal, While Charles J. Seiserman was at­ Pearl street. Miss Olea M. Sands of packages) of Craft Cheese. Wo sold 2,300 loaves of milk bread liScovill ...... 18 20 tending a meeting of the town board the Extension service. Department in the first 8 hours Saturday. 1,682 pounds of butter (by actual Stanley Works ...... 18 20 and whoever owns the principal of Agriculture, assisted by Mrs. check) was sold Thursday alone. There must be a reason! :^tandard Screw ...... 27 32 owns the interest.” of relief today, .fire damaged his Plenty of Advertised Specials at A & P Markets Mlxter will prepare club luncheons There is! 'V do, pfd., guar.. A .. 101 — coimtry home, the center of a sum­ and suggest a serie.*" of menus for •Smythe M fg Co ...... 20 — Shingles can often be used with mer camp. Loss was estimated at club purposes. A & P Meat Market “IT PAYS TO WAIT ON YOURSELF” .Taylor and Fenn .... — 120 an imusuEd effect in finishing the $3,000. ’The house, built in 1800, was Herrington ...... 30 32 walls of a den. a landm uk. Oderwood M fg Co .. 21 23 Gold Medal nlon Mfg Co .'...... — 10 FISH t 1 ■ f S Envelope, com.. 110 — Special} FLOUR hag 7 3 ® 1 H do, pfd ...... 95 — SPECIALS All purpose kitchen tested flour. 24 1-2 pound bagT J^eeder Root ...... — 12 ANNOUNCEMENT! ! at WiThitlock Coil Pipe . . . — 11 Cudahy’s Sunlight ^.B.W il’ms Co. 310 par — 90 Thursday, Feb. 18^ * r m r STATE BEAUTY BUTTER lb. FANCY Quartered batter of high score. Never before sold in town PARLOR at this low price. ______^ N. Y. Stocks Majestic .Adams Exp ...... 5% 166 Center St. Phone 7260 OTSTERS Air Reduction ...... 56% PURITAN Alaska Jim ...... 15H TOILET TISSUE 4 for21c Allegheny ...... 2% 1,000 sheets to the roll. Silk .tissue free from injuii.ona chemloals. Allied Chem ...... 78 Facial and Marcel 2 } c pint Am Can ...... 67% MARKET Red Bag Am For P o w ...... 8% SOLID MEATS Am Rad Stand ...... 7% THE HOME OF FOOD VALUES or Finger Wave Am Smelt ...... 15% COFFEE lb. l i e Am Tel and Tel ...... 131% OTHER SPECIAL VALUES—FISH AND MEAT Fresh ground or In bean. Am Tob B ...... 80 €*""”'‘'$ 1 .5 0 Newton Robertson’s Am Wat W k s ...... 31% W ill Re-Open Smelts Halibut Pollock Anaconda ...... 10% THIS WEEK ONLY! 'Atchison ...... 7% ^’ancy No. 1 Steaks Fancy Sliced . HOT CROSS BUNS doz. l7e Auburn ...... 121 % Fresh Hot! vBalt and Ohio ...... 18% Fancy, White '^Bendix ...... 17% Friday, Feb. 19 2 27c ! 25c J'Beth S te e l...... 21% SHOE 25c’’ Combination Special tBorden ...... 40 Short or ‘ !Can Pac ...... 15% 2 cans Campbell’s Pork and Beans, 1 ‘JCase (J. I . ) ...... 37 At The Comer Of REPAIRING Mackerel Swordfish Sirloin bottle Burt Olney’s Ketchup. All for iterro De Pasco ...... 12% 5 WALNUT ST. Fancy Cape .. 23c. Buy and save! ►phes and O h io ...... 25% Steaks Steaks 2 3 ^X3irysler ...... 13 l b ... lb. . lb... Jfcoca Cola ...... 113% MAIN and ELDRIDGE STS. tCol Gas ...... 14% Using only the best 10c 29c 27c sComl Solv ...... 8% Watiih The Herald market sections for farther an­ Miscellaneous Specials of leather. ROBERTO’S SPAGE'TTEE...... pkg. S6o F.Cons G a s ...... 63% nouncements and opening specials. fCont Can ...... 38% Fancy Porterhouse Lamb Spag-et-tce dinner. Real Italiafi sauce. rCom P r o d ...... *... 44% Giving only the best CHANT-I-CLEER CHICKEN EGG NOODLES ...... jar 45c ^Drug ...... 55 Steaks Forequarters 1' lb., 3 oz. glass Jar of noodles filled with large slabs of white jDu Pont ...... 6% of service. chicken. ^astman Kodak ...... 76 37c lOc"^ FISH F L U F F ...... pkg. 15o .Elec and Mus ...... 3% PROMPT EFFICIENT Something new! Put up at Swampsoott, Mass. For usa vHlec Auto Lite . . . 1...... 30 WORK in fish cakes or creamed fish. :Elec Pow and Lt ...... 13 KBE-MEL DESSERTS...... pkg, 5c fFox Film A ...... 4 A & P M e a t M a r k e t s Chocolate, caramel, vanilla and coffee flavors. JGen Elec ...... 22% L ow Prices "BETTY BRAND” SALTED NUTS ...... lb. 50a Gen F o o d s ...... 34% The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. CeUophane packed filled with fresh nuts. Gen Motors ...... 23% Open Wed., Feb. 17. SUNBEAM FREE-RUNNING SA LT ...... 2 cartons 15o Gillette ...... 17% 2-lb. carton. Guaranteed not to cake or. harden. Gold Dust ...... 18 BURT OLNEY’S CORN ...... 2 cans 25o Grigsby Grunow ...... 1% INSURANCE Golden Bantam. Regular 15c. . Hershey ...... 78^^ Int Harv ...... 24% Selected Second Int Nick ...... 8% Int Tel and Tel ...... 11% Thursday and Friday Specials A t Johns Manville ...... 23% Kelvinator ...... 9 % The Best Guardian of POTATOES ta. Kennecott ...... 10 % EVERYBODY'S BfARKET Not as large as our regular graded No. 1 p o U I^ bat of Kreug and T oll ...... 8% the same stock. Local Green Mountain variety—guaranteed Lehigh Val Coal ...... 2 Life and Property 856 Main Street South Manchester, Conn, to cook mealy. Ligg and Myers B ...... 57 Everybody Saves at Everybody’s Market Loew’s ...... 30% Fancy LoriUard ...... 14% McKeesp Tin ...... 59% Z6c DAT 26c DAT Mont Ward ...... % TANGERINES 4 qt. bsk. 19c This Is our onsorted size of sweet, juicy tangerines. Two Nat Biscuit ...... 44% Sm What 26c Wm Bo,- dozen and over in the basket.______' ■Nat Cash R e g ...... 10 Nat Dairy ...... 26% Insure Your Valuables Land & Lakes Sunldst Nat Pow and L t ...... 14% Fancy Savoy N Y Central ...... 32 A BOX IN A GOOD SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT Butter! Spinach! NY NH and H t f d ...... 27% lb . 2 6 * pks. 2 6 ORANGES 2 doz. 23c North Amer ...... 87% IS THE Sweet California seedless oranges. Good size. Less than lo Noranda Min ...... 14% Cndahy*B Pure Lnnoh Crackers or Graham each. . • ______.Packard ...... 4 % BEST AND CHEAPEST INSURANCE Fresh, Crisp Param Pub .... . • • • • m'4-» •Vv's'rV 9%. Lard! 4 lbs. Crackers! 2 lb. box Penn ••••••«••■••.....*.■... 21^^ SPINACH 2 pecks 29e Phila Rdg C and I ...... 4% The Manchester Trust Co. Strietiy. Fresh Extra Large King Phillips Pete ...... 4% Ordered fresh for Thursday morning! A heaHhful vege­ ’Pub Serv N J ...... 57 Eggs! Dozen Oranges! dozen ^ ^ ^ ^ C table to serve with fish. . Radio 9% Large Idaho Baking .Radio Keith . 7 . . 6 rlReading . • 85 DeUdoua Florida stock! Fancy, York State Rem Rand • • • • 8% POTATOES lb . 9 c Rey Tob B • • • • • vl** •Va'bTTb' 87% Oranges! 2 dozen Pea Beans! 6 lbs. 2 4 * 9 Bake; break open; add paprika, batter and salt. A tneal ^ears Roebuck w.-r..-.- 84% in itself! inclair ...... v . . 5% Sealdsweet ocony Vac • ****• *T#'#T***'**» 10 Fire and Liability Bread! 6 loaves Tender, Fresh Cut louth Pac .... • TTTp’F*''* TT«’» 85% Tangerines! 2 dozen Fun pound loaf. tand Brands 18% _it Gas and El 81 SHOULDER % t Oil Cal ...... *b V*'#*f*b'*» 26 Green Strlngleaa Premier ^ t Oil N J .. • ••••• 29% Insurance STEAK f fe x Corp 12 Beans! 4 qts. Jams! 2 j a r s 2 ^ C jftiflicdi Roll Bcftr SO 96 Leani Tender' :■ • • • • • 096 Exh» rilicy Maelhtosh ' Detmonloo ^D loD Carbide • • •• •T'a'aV# 88 t Aircraft 16 a RICH A p p les! 4 lbs. Salmon! cans 2 4 c CORNED t Corp • • « • • •VraTT'a'a'* a 9% Beg. 19o seller. 2 Tinker BnUding, Sonth Manchester y . . « OK...... -’V " ■ '1^' ’ ' nit Gaa Im p • • aTrr'*irra*ra aT^ 20 Hot Boasted .New Shipment. . '-.■v S Ihd Alcohol • a WaV #*•'?*# a • 26% 1 Jar Mustard and , i'-d i';V > '■ • ■ 8 Rubber • • a a aT a~^a*^aVa a a' 4% Peaniits! 4 qts. 1 Jar Peanut Batter 8 8teel aaaaaaaaaa a'V*a~a‘7*a'a,f a 48 (1 lb. 8lce) both for Pow aad L t ,. iL>xotsctx«jyA 9

.A, ■.... ' \ ■■* •.' ■ ■■' .. -•_ r*- .''■'V-'"' .•>


couple are enjoying' their wedding "Tbe Taming of the Shrew," and Sefeno ' s i ^ FOot^ trip now. Mr. Gilbert was a the children aieo entertained. Mrs. UCENSES SUSPENDED nard OoiEfliayi 80 Foste WAPPIN6 Wapplng boy aa the family lived Josephine (Congdon) Willson was Btmwpod, HarrlaoB A. SlflBS,' lUi^ DAILY RADIO PROGRAM many years in the northern part of hostess and the refreshments were New BHUJn Ave.; Hartford, IM a^ Little Miss Betty Joyce Burnham, Wapplng: / served in Valentine style. ' A list of operators whose licenses Campbell, 4 Oraadview Tdrr., Cm|: WIDNItDAY, FliHUAHY 17 (Biitero fUadtrd « « •) Dial Twisters celebrated her ahitb birthday on Tbe Pleasant Valley club will L. Oanser, 26 Addiiofa street; P. M. iwlMf lodlcaUd. Frofrwn* ind-fUtlon lUU rabiMt to c ^ J » . Valentine d ^ , Sunday afternoon, to drive autptpobiles iiKCpnnccticut Haven, Deodato. M amed, 60 Orofe^ wjM By W. J. DJtLTON meet next Thursday afternoon at HIS ERROR have been suspended for one year utv Tht AUotiattA Pr$$$> wmalwkbw wcao woan wdbJ wdro wado f«»e whk .^SSSL wkro wtoo Feb. 14, at the home nf her paresta, tbe home of Mrs. Harold F. Turner street; Joeeph O D m i. 016 Btau 4M.S—WEAF-NBC--«fO wqam wdbo wdao wayz wopd Mr. and Mrs. Wellman Burobam, and Mri. Wellman Burnham will be because of a conviction for driving street; Stamford, Randolph K. Dogr, tilt—Or^o Club — Aloo by giving a little party for her Los Angeles—A valuable tip to •dO Oonova iroodeOit — Aloo wjof woan wdro wnM wcau wJm wmal wcao tbe assistant hostess. husbands: When your wife wears while under the influence of liquor No. Stamford AVa. wado whk wkrc wayz wapd efrt It is a far cry from ten yeari ago friends. The little rolke enjoyed a SiMLdHobbfno ^ 0 r- arfbl when a few itations projected their Mri. Mabel Howard, Mr. and Mri. size "84" undies, don’t come home was given out today at the State Wallingford, Cbarlea Carol#, ^ i r w U f wcfb wfte wn jjro w g lOiOfr-PoroonaTlVoa - Alao wolw wfvjaz fine afternoon playing games. Fred Bieber of South^Manebester, Cherry etreOt; West Hartford, wkbw woan wdro waab wcau wJi feeble eignals upon the air to today Betty's mother served dainty re- with size "88” in your pocket. Peter Motor Vehicle Department as a part wmal wcao wado whk wkro wcab wbt fresbmenta in Valentine style, and Mrs. Sadie Laiten, Mrs. How­ F. Gray, Jr., happened to pull that of tbe eu'ort to reduce this highway ander H. Groder, 16 RoMa Ro6» iundooon—Alao wcao waab when about eix bimdred statione are Walter M. Ollberi of 36 WeUs ard of New York, were recent blimder here .and IMs wife, Mrs. menoM. Tbe department statement Wehtter, Mass., Joe. NaleWaJk, 6BI wkW ^r o whk wayz wore wcao wjaz clamoring to be beard. guests at tbe home of Mr. and Martha R. Gray, sued him for di­ advised people to notify the depart* School street. avenue. East Hartford, a retired Mrs. Herbert Watroue of Wapplng. loUS-^ilPrt WGY and WOR are to celebrate electrical engineer, and Margaret T, vorce. The judge granted her peti­ meet or tbe police in case they l^^inri»xsi^'Ss whop wkbw wlbz woan_5/p_ wjiao Wapplng Parent-Teachers aseod- tion. should ISO any of these drivers op­ w m WlV* wptt Wif WWM WjM Wiod libzoo wore wpg wcau wbp t ,-. tbelr tenth birthday this month. And McCourt of No. 22 Gillette street, Winter was lat* in e o m ^ out mal wcao wtar wmbg wdbj w ^ wW ten years in radio have meant ten Hartford, were married last Thurs­ atiott was Invited to tbe South erating motor .vehicles. 7»S^<*Wborf(f-A______wfr wboB POM ..Jtro wcab wbt wbig wtoo wqam wdbo day by tbe Rev. J, Clement Martin, Windsor P. T. A, last Thursday eve­ Chinese bandits who reduced Bridgeport, John 8. Saunders, 88 this year, and it will the same w^r weob active, rabid, changing years. A pastor of St. Rose's Catholic church ning a number attending. A very the ransom of on American from Madison AVe., John J. Semosky, 65 with Fall. Tbe wiree say " Wt WTO wgy wbon wfiMn wwj «1tt-58'eet*8fngor—Alao woko wfbl ten year old locomotive etill is a pleasant evening was enjoyed. An 810,000,000 to 8200,000 must Maiden Lane; Bristol; Joshph J. secretary’s parole from the pern- wfbr wnt wnt woo# iAd«...... wkbw wlbz» woan wdrwdro------worojrpf- in Bumsids. The marriage was tentlary has been postponed unttl wmI wMo wtOi and — Alfp wtU wtac wmal wcao modem piece of machinery and at made known when the certifleate entertainment was presented. An have been reading tbe stock mar­ Broderick, 82 Upson street, Rudolf wool wJar weob wilt wfb» woo W wtoo wqam was filed with tbe town clerk. The elocutionist was present who gave ket news. W. E rii^, 164 East Rd.; Colchester, May. weoti WMM wwno wlo m ten year old building still is a new liwA—MMrlguora'o Oreb. — Alao wlbz structure but a ten year old radio T 5(&-0» c^ooHof—Aloo WtOf wo|rt wjarwooh wilt wfbr wro way 552 is a relic and very few of these w«o wtam ww1 woal okfw kfip wtto itt wbp wltjw wcao wtar relics are in use today, fl^hllfcrot Conoori-^ ^lo wtof ;ro wcab wkjto wbt wtoo Tbe crystal cct predominated. W f l f tl ll WWm v wayzw w m rm wopd *7‘ efrb Once in awhile someone would be wool( wJar weob wtbf wilt wro wjff 11 ilO—Rodman Orob.“ lb.—All —loo woko wfbl o ^ nn woao wtoiB wwJ woolweal wwno wiawft wkbw wlbz wdro waab'zab wcwore wpg wcau lucky enough to get a VTI tube wbp wllw wepowc^ wtartar wdiwdbj wadewz wkro which was used by the U. 8. Navy roab wkbwkbn wbt wtoooe woiwaam wayz and Blgnal Corpe, A set built wjMf wooh wilt wftf 5 " 5 2 ,7 5 2 2 iiSit-Duobln Oroh;— woko wfW wcao wuin wwj wo»l wrva wwno wlo wkbwrkbw woan wcau whp ndbw wmal whk around this tube was quite a radio r a -a lP r sa nicro wkbn wapd ten years ago. Then came the ^(/tiS^OMvJi Oulon Oroh. — Aloo uliS oUn^tCruigorKruo Orcb«—Alao woko wJaTwcob wtbf wro wfp wfbl wkbw woan wcqo wlbw wmal UV201 and tbe UV200 which re­ wkro wkbn wopd quired considerable current to light sisiMX'iisr.ff-Tasf'w —» liO^Daneo Hour—Aloo woan wnao the flllament. Three or four of ELECTRIFIED 1l^?f3oooo c7awfofd—Aloo wool wro 3f4.f—WJZ-NBC—7f0 these tubes would drain a battery in 11 VaS-Lopof Orob.—Aloo wJar wro wgy •tad-Ward Wlloon—Aloo wbal wham a couple of days. They were an wgar wrva —%lpb KIrboryj Coon-iandoro' gi4»-Topieo In tplof-Aloo wbal wbz improvement over the crystal, ^,«H.-AIoo wro wfp jwUm wham kdka wlw ^ ^ ^ though, and anyway the battery- 13.jd 7(1b—ting Croaby — Aloo woko wfbl •idl^'horleok Helmoo—Aloo wbal wbz Md another for tbe condenser to wboo war wlba woan wdro wnao wwo wham.kd______ka wgar wjr wlw tune the tuning coil. Then knobs range for cookir.g, a Franklin stove as tlie sole source of heat, the horse-car or a horse wcau wbpjp wjao wlbwwll wnjal woao wlar fiM—ttory of Womon'o Namoo—Aloo wmbf wdbj wado wbh wkro wcqh wbt wbal wham------wgar wjr wlw ^ , for the rheostate and the variable and buggy as your sole means of transportation? wbljTwtoo w ■m wdbo wdao wara wopd tiOft-'Morglo, , tbo ttono—wja chain grid leak and the variometer and 7ilA-ioowoll flatoro-Alao wpko a^bl 10i0®-L_—Ruoa Co1umbo»Aloo wbal wgar w variable grid bias. And we cannot Then why continue old-fashioned methods of performing household tasks which are war woan wdro wnao woao wjao wcao wir clcffw wado wkro wave wopd lOill—Tune Ootootivo—Aloo wtal forget the twenty or thirty switches Inefficient and laborious, when electricity will perform them for you? If your house 7i4b-Mofton 6ownoy—Aloo woko wfbl lOilO—Clara. Lu and tm—Aloo wbal for the tapped coils. whoo war wlba woan wdro wnao wi wbz wham iidka wgar wjr Every set sounded like a peanut is properly wired for electric service, there is no excuse for operating it in the most wcau wbp wjao wmal wcao wtar wl lOiOt—Hollywood Nlghto—Alao wbal wwva wado whk wkro wcab wbt jrbig wbz wham kdka^ wgar wjr . , , roaster with Its assortment of difficult and time-consuming way possible when this greatest of all servants is at wajs wtoo wqam wdbo wdao wayz IlidO—tiumbor Muole—Aloo wbal wjx 11180—gva Taylor—Aloo wbal whistles and squeals. But this was your command. JiO^Tho Club—Aloo woko wfbl war 11{4d_Low White—Also wtal wgar radio and we enjoyed it because woan wdro wnao wcau wJaa wmal wcao 12i00—Plano Mcodo—Alao kdka wgar there was always the possibility of wado whk wkro waya wapd 1IH8 a. m.—Funk'o orch.—Also wgar hearing KDKA or WGY broadcast­ g)ie—tingin' tarn - Alao woko w/bi wjr wlw wkbw woan wdro wnac woau wjaa IdiSd—Kyto'o Orch,- - Aloo wjr ing phonograph records. wmal wcao wado whk wkro waw wapd Today we hear the phonograph •lad-Kata tmMh—Alao wfbl wboo wgr TItBVItlON wcau wjao wmal wcao wado wbk wkro W2XAt-3760ke (W2XE-ei20kc) records dressed up by being called AN ELECTRIFIED HOME wcab wara wapd _ ^ 8:00 to 11:00—Variety With Sound elecMcal transcriptions. Instead of 8;4ft—Colonal and tudd — Alao wado one or two tube bloopers we have r wnao wgr wkro whk wayz wdro wcau W2XCR—2000ko (WINt-1180ke) ELECTRIC is one where ligditing is attractive as well as utilitarian; w'herc wjaa woan wfbl wopd wmal 0:00 to 7:30—Audlovioion Variety eight or ten tube super-heterodynes fsOO—Paat Frolght — Alao woko wfbl 7:80 to 9:00—Silent Picturea with their life-like tone. Instead of electrical appliances have displaced the broom, the wash-tub, the listening to a scratchy phonograph RANGE sad-iron and other relics of a past age; where electricity is per­ record we may hear music from a forming the many tasks it can perform and doing it more efficient­ Edgar Wallace Mystery. symphony orchestra or an organ or 10:00—Guest Artist, Male Quartet eyen an opera if we are so in­ ly, more economically. It is the home where the lady of the WTIC PROGRAMS and Freddie Rich’s Orchestra. clined. house is a home-maker—not a housekeeper. fravelerz Broadcsnttng ttarvtoe 10:15—Adventures In Health pre­ Ten years ago few people had the sent Dr. Herman N. Dundesen. power to ima^ne what might take Bmrtford, (Jono. 10:30—Music that Satisfies. place In the next decade and if they flUAMNI W., 10«0 B. C.. gl»4l M. 10:46—Street Singer. gave vent to their imaginations 11:00—Enric Madriguera’s Orches­ they were ridiculed. tra, Our radios of today are capable of A' Wednezday, February 17. 11:15—Hdward Barlow and the Col­ nearly perfect repro<^uction of the E Se T. umbia Symphony Orchestra. progH'am being broadcast and at any WTIC—1060 k. c.—282.8 m 11:30—Don Redmon’s Orchestra. time of the day or night we cat! ELECTRIC IRONER ,4:00 p. m. — Sunsqt Hour •— * • r • tiaan Krlena, director. hear some station broadcasting. 4:30—"Bismark” — Dr. Curtis M. How many people are satisfied with Geer. WBZ-WBZA this? Very few. 4:45—Janet Cooper, soprano, and That is human nature. Q;00—Caravan—Desert Romance. 1 Mary Cohane, pianist.' "HONES’F’ THIEF r5:15—"Sklppy”. Wednesday, February 17 ELECTRIC 5:30—Duncan Robertson, baritone 4:00 p. m.—Dance. Seattle, Wash. —Papers meant and pianist. 4:15—“National Affairs” — David nothing to the thief who stole the 5:45—-Mother Goose”—Bessie Lil­ purse of Mrs. O. L. Cary, but they REFRIGERATOR lian Taft. Lawrence. 6:00—Program Summary. 4:20—The Business World Today. did to her. In the purse were several 6:05—jT.e Merry Madcaps—Norman 4:30—Stock Exchange quotations. important documents and a check Cloutier, director. 4:45—Orchestra. book. Tbe thief took $10 the purse 6:28—Bulletins. 5:15—Mouth Health. contained, wrapped up the papers, 6^30—Serenading Strings— Chris­ 5:30—Agricultural Markets. and sent them to Mrs. Gary by mail. 6:40—Uncle Beezee tian Kriens, director. 6:00—Time, weather. 6:45—Stebbins Boys. 6:02—Orchestra. THE NERVE OF HIM 7:00—"Sanitorium Versus Home 6:09—Sports Review. _ Treatment” Dr. James E. Boston—A deer Island prisoner Murphy. 6:13—^Musical Clock. 7:15—New England Troubadours — 6:14—^Temperature. wrote Mayor' Curley asking for a Norman L. Cloutier, director. 6:15—Orchestra. pardon. The prisoner contended that If your working day is 7:30—Melody Speedway. 6:30—^Watchmen. he had been given two months in the 7:46—Rudolph Frlml and Orchestra, 8:45—Topics in Brief — Lowell house of correction for his first 8:00—Screen Star Interview. Thomas “drunk.” Investigation by the Mayor from early morning until 8:15—^Musical Craftsmen. 7:00—^Time; Amos ’n’ Andy. however, showed that the man had ELECTRIC 8:30—John Philip Sousa and his 7:15—’Trio. been convicted 45 times since 1918. Band. 7:80—^Mountaineers WASHER '9:00—^In A Rose Garden. 7:45—“Believe It or Not” Ripley. late at night, if you have '9:30—Nathaniel Shilkret’s Orches­ 8:00—Sponsored* Program. f tra, 8:15—Sponsored Program. 10:00—^Topnotchers of Sport. 8:30—Sponsroed Program. 10:30—^Weather; Atlantic Coast 8:45—Sponsored Program. SPECIAL little or no time for your­ Marine Forecast. 9:00—Adventures of Sherlock 10:33—W nC Revue — with Merry Holmes Typewriters M adc^s, Norman Cloutier, direc­ 9;30_“Parading” — Milton Post, self, You Are Doing Work tor; Three Madhatters; Happy American Legion band. CLEANED Trio; Fred Wade; Franofes Bald­ 10:00—Club Chorus. and win. 10:30—Sponsored Program. 11:30—Vincent Lopez and his Or­ 11:00—'nme; weather; temperature; ADJUSTED That Electricity Can Do Sports Re'riew. chestra. 11:14—^Musical Clock. 12:00—Collin Driggs, organist. 11:15—Musical Greetings to ArcUc 12:30 Midni —Silent. and sub-Arctic. $3 For You For a Few Cents 12:30 a. m.—^Time. D ial 6284 22S—WDRC a Day. ^ Hartford—1380 TODAY ^ WORLD WAR \ Wednesday, February 17 Thursday Spedal 4:00 p. m.—^Band Concert. ANNIVEBSARY 5:00—^Kathryn Parsons. * Here is a servant with a giant’s ■ 5:15—^Three Minute. SIRLOIN STEAK ■ 5:30—Garden Talk. strength, an almost incredible facility 5:45—^Tbe Lone Wolf Tribe. WAR COSTS DINNER 6:00—Geneva Mid-Week Broadcast. in action—a servant moreover, who is .6:15—Harold Stem’s Orcuestra. On Feb. 17, 1918, the U. S. War Heavy '6:45—Arthur Jarrett. Department at Washington estimat­ Steer « never saucy or sullen, breaks no dishes 7:00—^Myrt and Marge. ed that its g;ro8s expenditures in the 7:15—Bing Crosby. year ending June 30 would be $8,- Beef and mars no furniture, does not tell the 7:30—Boswell Sisters. 790,000,000. Expenditures to Dec. ^7:45—^Morton Downey, • Anthony 31 were given aa 81,762,000,000. Complete Menu * family secrets to the neighbors, is never Wons; Jacques Renard’s Orches­ Rumania received an ultima­ tra. tum on that date from the Soviet QUALITY plus SERVICE in. the way, demands no Thursday 8:00—Margaret Santry Intervlewa evacuation of Bessarabia by Ru­ Guest. Male Quartet and Orches­ manian and counter-revolutionary Fresh Strawberry or Pineapple afternoons off, and never develops such tra troops. Sundae with OA The right to transport Russian 8:15—Stagin’ Sam. Whipped Cream ...... m UC complaints as “housemaid's knee." S:30—^The Dictators. troOps tro u g h Rumanian terri­ 8:45—Colonel Stoopnagle and Bud tory was demanded in the same *9:00—Organist and Quartet ultimatum. ELECTRIC 9:30—Crime Club. Dramatization of Anti-Bolahevik Ukrainians sent Tea Room a note to the German govemmmt VACUUM declaring that their territory was 883 Main Street being Invaded by the Soviet armies and asking for protection CLEANER PHONE 6718 from the "Red menace." ELECTRIC WASHER RADIO SERVICE It was announced that addition­ al United States troops were ready ATTACHMENT IRON^ W. J. DALTON for front line duty In France. Manchester Ice and 141 North BlalD St. Open Unto 8 p. m. WEED-KILLEB EXPRESS Fuel Oil Company 29 Cottage S ti^ t London— To keep the railroad right of way clear xA weeds, an Ti^ Our Special Range Oil English comnany has rigged up a Pdurl White, guaranteed. POTTERTON & KRAH special train to IdU them. This train South l^nehest^: “Ob the Square” carries two y>ld tenders fitted with 773 Main Street Phone 5181 spray pipes and tanka. A apedhl We service your Oil Burner form of weed.:feiUiiig liquid Ja sprajr- free while,using ,our oiL Ra^ioSermce ed over a range m about ten feet OR YOUR J* Etane aias



' - I 1 ^ , Exile and Death Wcis Tfagui GLORIFYING irno-n-dnnCQ Fate of ‘Baby Stuart* YOURSELF OJJve Rjoberu Jhetrlomy If you are relying w idely on some BYy N€A S£RyiC€^IN9 fragrant something out of a mod­ ernistic crystal bottle to settle all All over the United States trees.^the beautiful Fotomad / they boBi BBGHf HERB TODAY your complexion, troupes for y are being planted to commemorate loved so well. > Ellen was conscious of not want­ the bridge but I couldn’t hear,” she A Lover of the Land ' BeMittfol ELLEN ROSSTTEB, ing to forget a word of all this. She told him a little stiffly. you are pretty naive for a modern. the two hundredth anniversary of HdMdri In Barclay's Department Washingfan loved the land and knew she would want to remember I 'So I did,” he agreed exasperat- Certainly imguents and lotiqns do the birth of George Washington and e v e r y ^ g It bore. . I^cen^y we Store, Uvea with her extravagant often what he had said. It would Ingly. their full bit. But there Is no single moOier, MOLLY BOSSITEB, her in almost all cases school children drove through Frederlc]ubur|;, Va., i have been a little better if he had "What was it” cure-all that will miraculously make are'actively Interested in the work. near where he was bom, and man}^ elder alster, MYRA, and her yoong not laughed so. Still there it was— "Something I hadn’t any right to your skin soft as silk and more In Benningtdh, Vermbnr, five of t^e old trees under which ha teetlier, MIKE. The two girls sup­ he had said they wanted to be say to you.” beautiful. miles of Elnglish elms are being played as a boy are still there in port the family. Molly foolishly alone. "Oh, for heaven’s sake!” she cried Lovely skin often begins with a set ' but this year in honor of the the grand old town. fiends money saved to pay the rent. in irritation. "You have a right to fine, healthy digestion. Plenty of memory of the Father of Our As a very young man he wai BBen decides to work at night at They giggled when Mrs. Clancy say anything you wan. to say to sleep, on a good set of springs and Country. sent on a ha^rdous errand-to Uie Dreamland as a dance hall hostess opened the door and peeped oqt at me.” an exc^ent mattress, does its full The Southland, perfect at this commuder of the English forces until the sum la made up. The hos­ them. EUen did not apeak. That “Do you really mean that?” quota too. A well-rounded diet, w itt time of year for tree planting, is west of thefPennfflrlymil* Mp™* tesses must wear evening dresses would have been too embarlfasslng "Certainly, I mesint it!” lots of fresh vegetables and fruits very busy. Six hundred high tains. Also as a surveyor he went and Ellen does not own one. for the kindly neighbor who was makes a . big contribution. And all school pupils in Jacksonville, Fla., out into that wilderness. T tet STEVEN BARCLAY, 67, and El­ pretending she was invisible. Then ’The car slowed; his speech slow­ the more water you drink—the more have set out one thousand forest took, courage. If you have qroased len’s employer, sees the girl cry­ they reached the street where a col­ ed.. “I was only thinking.” he said chance your skin has to be a real trees along a country highway. those moimtains on a smooth ing and discovers the situation. Be lection of grimy urchins, their Sun­ lightly, “that I like your dress to­ asset. Other school children in other paved highway, have you .ever lends fEllen a lovely frock when she day clothes alretidy hopelessly soil­ day a good deal better thatn the ’There is one good thing about the cities are not only co-operating in tried to conceive what it meant refuses to accept It as a gflft. Ellen ed, scrambled over, a shining blue one you wore the first night I met skin game todays You don’t have to the purchase of young saplings, to blaze trails through’ 'virgin for­ forgets her wealthy admirer’s kind­ roadster. you.” have a peaches and cream skfn to but are actually engaged in plant­ est and wilderness thick ^th. In­ ness when at Dreamland she meets •What a marvelous car,” Ellen That dress again! be beautiful. Many artists hold ing them by the thousands. dians, and where to be lost meant handsome LARRY HARROWGATE, breathed. "Most people thought the other briefs for the olive complexion, Many of the states are tumihh- death? an artist. Ellen discovers Larry is •What you can see of it isn’t so one was lovely,” Ellen put in faint­ others prefer the rich sunt'an tones, Ing the memorial plates or tags I think that sometimes we over­ engaged to ELIZABETH BOWES, bad. At the moment it looks some­ ly. How she wished she had not some like the pallor of a camellia­ free of charge and are helping in emphasize IVashington’s political a debutante. She is hurt that he has forced this issue! like skin. other ways with the work in this and martial career, and say too thing like a human ant hill,” he re­ “February until Thanksgiving” failed to tell her this. Though she marked, adding carelessly, "Doesn’t 'That’s not quite what I was get­ It is stylish to be, quite as in­ little about the brave young fel­ believes him to be a philanderer she ting at.” dividual in your skin tone as in festival. low whose experiences would belong to me. I wish it did. But I’ve A Fitting Memorial make an astounding volume were continues to see him. the use of it till seveia” your clothes. Make the most of Just then he turned a sharp cor­ Could anything be more fitting they all known. Myra and her mother openly Larry dug into his pockets for what you have. If your skin is or magnificent than this tree­ At any rate, it is a fitting ges­ favor Barclay. Ellen quarrels with change and came out with a hand­ ner and Ellen, caught off guard, was healthy and looks it, if you keep it literally flung into his arms. She planting program? George Wash­ ture to commemorate his birth by her mother and refuses to break an ful of nickels and dimes. For all scrubbed meticulously and it showS ington was a lover of trees and planting trees and it won’t be engagement with Larry to accept the world like a pitcher preparing gasped, extricated herself and mov­ it, if you have a real zest that some of the monarchs at Mount long now until spring. one from Barclay. to hurl a fast one, he swimg his arm, ed back to her own comer with an comes from a healthy body with fine Vernon still’ stand that were there NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY whispering to Ellen to watch. Coins uncertain laugh. She hoped the man circulation and your skin reflects when the soldier and statesman would laugh too; hoped his attention CHAPTER XIII sprang from bis hand and clattered this life, then why should you wor­ had turned his sword to a plow­ to the street in all directions, some would have been diverted from the ry? share and retired to spend his de­ Ellen had not expected to enjoy dress. It had not been. If you are about 28, you should that afternoon with Larry Harrow- of them rolling half a block away. clining years on his Virginia es­ Daily Health At once the roadster was abandoned You know what I was getting at, begin -face patting to keep its con­ tate. gate. She would have said that her by the shouting, shrieking young­ don’t you?” he inquired idly. tour clean cut and handsonie. If As spring approaches our north­ Service mother’s hysterics, her own dis­ sters who pounced after the elu­ "How should I? ” you are over 80, you should use ern territories, great plans are satisfaction with the state of af­ sive coins. Several flsts flghts had She was determined not to help anti-wrinkle cream. If you are over imder way for similar memorials. Hints no How to Keep Well fairs between them, had spoiled the begun by the time Ellen and Larry, him. 40, you shoulo do both quite as re­ As in Vermont, many communi­ by World Famed Authority. afternoon. But when at 4:30, only laughing helplessly, stepped into the “Very well then. I’ll tell you,” he ligiously as you eat and sleep. And ties have already begun the work. 20 minutes late, he appeared leap­ empty car and drove off. began brfsifly and in a manner most in addition, jrou should give your The American Tree Association is BATHINa THE SICK BABY ing up the stairs she saw that she "You’ll never be rich if you throw matter of fact. "It’s none of my skin plenty of oil because it is the going to have a busy summer, I had been wrong. business and I’m rushing in where dry skin that lets its owner down am sure. By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN "I’m a mountain goat,’’ he shout­ away money like that,” the girl said after a while. angels fear to tread and all that but by looking old. I have been thinking that one Edl'tor, Journal of the American ed when he caught sight of her in Ho! Ho! So you’re another one it seems funny to me that—^well—” good way to commemorate Wash­ Medical Association, and of the doorway. "I’m good for 10 flights of those people who’s going to tell he continued stubbornly after a ington’s birthday on February 22 Hygela, the Health Magazine yet.” bresdc, “—that was an expensive “Baby Stuart” apple and all . . a charming little flg;ure looking DUMB THIEF in schools is to tell the children me things for my own good,” he BO wise and self-controlled. Ellen laughed. “You’re panting commented with a sidewise and de­ dress, wasn’t it?” about his ability as a naturalist, When a baby is sick it must be just the same,” she jeered. "Did you "This is an expensive car, isn’t Springfield, m.—There’s one thief as well as that of a soldier and a lighted glance at her. in this city whose dumbness is go­ bathed frequently. Sometimes, by any chance see Mrs. Clancy as it? ” BY ALICE ROHE statesman. sadly enough, it is so ill that it can­ "Certainly not!” she assure^ him terials. And he knew how to em ing to get him into jail one of these Have you ev?r been to Moimt you were coming up? She generally with indifference. Oh, I see! Meaning that at just hellish everything he touched. Per­ not be bathed in a tub, but has to opens her door to Investigate all tbia point a young man watches One sunny afternoon three hun­ days. He stole a pocketbook belong­ Vernon where (Jeorge and Martha be bathed while in bed. An exper­ Nevertheless her color rose and haps this was why King Charles I ing to Mrs. Margaret Moore. De Washington are burled? They are caIIgts.” even as she entered her swift de­ his step?” dred years ago three small children knighted him. ienced nurse knows how to do this. "That the party with the red face "Meaning precisely that!” tectlves searching for the thief not buried really, but lie in open She first sees to it that the room is nial she was wondering who those were playing with a spaniel in the He painted thirty-one portraits of found the pocketbook. 'The robber tombs in simple stone sarcophagi and the mob cap I flew past on the others were. Certainly this charm­ Elllen was annoyed, as much with the king before that monarch was properly heated, that^ere are no second floor?” he inquired as he herself as with him. She wanted palace at Westminster. The romper- had taken 20 cents from it, but had where the shade of forest trees drafts and that an hour has paiMSd ing irresponsible young man needed clad child of today would never beheaded and England "went purl left a watch, rings and other jewel- fall^ over them. If they were reached the landing and paused to be told things for his own good. to be furiously angry. Larry had no tan” under Oliver Cromwell for since the child has had a meal. panting. “Sure. She was so inter­ right to question her when she have guessed from their long heavy ry in it. He evidently overlooked the alive they could stand and gaze The fresh bed clothing, the Was he referring to Elizabeth silk petticoats that two of .them eleven years. Van Dyck, who was most valuable part of the loot. dowm a gently sloping hillside to towels and the wash cloth should ested I thought she meant to join Bowes, his fiancee ? Briefly __Ellen ex- _ could not question him. Her affairs born in Antwerp, died in 1641 at the me on the last lap.” were boys. The littlest one wore a be avEdlable at the foot of the MrienceTa“t^Vt'of7ure^^ as much her o ^ as were Ms lace cap, like his five-year-old broth­ age of 42, so he never knew the fate bed. The utensils used in washing '•You’re lucky she didn’t,” Ellen she^ determined sensibly that ------no such1 affairs. But she could not be really of his royal patron and children. advised him with a little giggle. angry: she dared not risk severing er. His three-year-old sister was a should be on a table by the side speculations should spoil the after­ miniature court lady. The baby’s Renounced Crown—^But Became of the crib or bed. "You’d have had to carry her. I’m noon. For a few hours at least Lar­ the slender thread that bound them sure.” together. Still her pride meant chubby hand, outstretched from the r s g When everything is ready, the . ry belonged exclusively to her. She puffed sleeve of his rich, blue silk Evening Herald Pattern bath proceeds as follows: The "That was a break.” must get what fun she could from something. She would not explain. “Baby Stuart”, now known as They stood for a moment laugh­ "I’m sorry. I’ve no right to be gown, was just about to catch the James, Duke of York, was 16 y e ^ sick child is covered with the those hours. spaniel’s ear when their play was old at the time of his father’s execu­ blanket and undresssed under the ing at the door of the living room You did tell me that you were so curious,” he apologized unexpect­ blanket. Its soiled clothing is where afternoon sunlight shone edly and almost as if he were read­ interrupted. tion. One of his acts which has a mercilessly on the hodge-podge fur­ poor,” she ventured. “Sir Anthony Van Dyck—to paint modem flavor was to renounce the placed either in a laundry bag That’s right. A poor man with a ing her secret thoughts. “I don't or on sheets of paper ready for niture and leveled its rays sis well know what got into me. Let’s drop your Royal Highnesses,” announced throne to marry a commoner, Anne rich man’s habits. Don’t you feel the gentleman in waiting. wrapping. A bath towel is spread on the shabby, worn carpet and fad­ the subject and talk about the Hyde, daughter of . Lord Chancellor under the head «md neck of the> ed wall paper. Ellen had thoroughly sorry for me?” weather or what we’re going to do But even royal klfants—for these Clarendon. She wais the m o^er of "Can’t say that I do exactly.' ornately dressed youngsters were patient, which ere then washed swept the apartment and folded Up He laughed and called her hard­ this afternoon.” eight of his children, and his second with the wash cloth wrung but o< the Sunday papers but she had The apology also fadled to satisfy, the children of Charles the First of wife, Mary of Modena, bore him water and with soap if desirable. hearted. Soon they were wrangling England—can forget their manners. chsmged nothing. She felt an obscure gaily, pleased with each other and gnien was conscious of a certain dis­ seven. In spite of bis remmeiation After the face, neck, ears and determination that Larry Harrow- appointment, baffling and displeas­ And the littlest one did. At two of royal privileges he became King upper arms are washed, they are with themselves, pleMed to be to­ years the stubborness which was gate should see them as they were gether, riding in a smooth, luxurious ing. She would not admit that deep of England at the death of his dried with the face towel and the New that he was there, as thorough­ in her heart she had hoped Larry later to cost him his crown as James brother, Charles n, the eldest of the bath towel is removed from un­ car on such a glorious day. the Second of England, cropped out. der the head. It is then placed ly at ease as though he were in the "That’s a nice frock,” Larry said would insist he had the right to three children whose play was in­ home of a millionaire, she breathed know everything about her. “No!” he cried, hanging on to the terrupted by Sir Anthony Van Dyck. lengthwise under the patient and as they swept out of Pine street and spaniel. “No!” the chest and abdomen are. care­ with relief. toward Memhattan. There was a rather flat interval. It is sad to relate that the adorable He was no snob. Then Larry began driving at such Apple Turned the Trick Baby Stuart made a most unador-: fully washed. If tunfing does hot "I wore it last night,” Ellen re­ It was only when Sir Anthony hurt the child, it is turned to the Molly and Mike had disappear­ sponded innocently. “This is the terrific speed that the girl could able king. When he was forced to ed but Myra was there. She refused think of nothing except keeping her himself lured him with a big apple flee from England the littlq girl side and the back washed while same one with the jacket added.” that this cunning but self-willed in­ the bath towel is placed length­ their urgent invitation to join them “You’re a smart little girl, aren’t hair up and her frock down. The who posed so graciously for Sir on the score of some darning she pins showered from her hair. She fant consented to pose for the por­ Anthony that sunny afternoon en­ wise close to the back. must do. So Ellen and Larry de­ you, Ellen?” pleaded with the speed maniac in trait which was to become one of ters history through her son. This Then the bath towel la spread "Girls have to be smart about the most famous children’s pictures lengthwise imder each leg sepa-- parted alone. clothes,” Ellen confessed hiding her vedn. son was Willima of Orange, and he rately and the leg is washed and "Your sister’s swell,” Larry ob- "How’s for some dancing?” he in the world. married King James Second’s exifltation with the compliment There he is today, apple and all, a dried. The child must be well "With or without the jacket, that shouted, grinning. daughter Mary. protected by being covered with “Yes, isn’t she?” Ellen agreed "Too hot for dancing,” she charming little figure looking so The two reigned as William and dress is just your ticket,” Larry wise and self-controlled. Artists the blanket during the procedure eagerly. summarized it. shouted in answer. "Have you ever Mary while “Baby Stuart” lived and of changing. \ "She could see that we wanted been to Coney? Why don’t we rent marvel at the natural, easy pose of died in exile. He was 68 years old After the bath is completed, the to be alone,” ha went on. "I bet my suits andJiave that kind of a rowdy this two-year-old, as well as that when death ended his willful self- The car slid over Brooklyn of his sister and brother. For the child may be rubbed with alcohol, bat she had no darning to do.” bridge. Ellen, glancing up, surpris­ afternoon?” indulgent life, and no wonder. His or, if the child is too young for Immediately he whirled the car celebrated “Baby Stuart” is a de­ great-grandmother was Mary, Queen this, powder may be applied gett- ed an odd expression on Larry's tail of a large group of the three face. He spoke but the roar of Sim- in the direction of Coney Island. of Scots, who, like his father, died erously. Then the child is dressed (To Be Continn^) children. The answer is that Sir on the scaffold. Van Dyck’s famous under the blanket is clean slew­ day traffic drowned his voice. Help­ Anthony Van Dyck, in addition to lessly the shook her head. painting hangs in the Royal Picture ing garments. G ood News for NO WONDER! being a great artist, was the swift­ Gallery in Turin, Italy. An experienced nurse caq Lower Manhattan was quieter. est painter of his rank in history. Empty office buildings frowned change the bed clothing with the Tacoma, Wash.—City policemen He was, too, an suristocrat, a child in bed without much trou­ the O ver-fet down into empty canyons that on courtier, and he understood royalty ble to the Child, even though it week-days were filled vdth scurry­ spent two days looking for Walter IGndervltch, who was wanted in —even babies. The King, the Queen, is quite sick. An inexperienced Medical science has discovered a great ing stenographers and clerks and the nobles were his guests. He hated person may have difficulty with brokers and customers’ men. Noth­ Bellingham for defrauding an inn­ cause of excess fat. Not lazy habits, not keeper. Their search was fruitless, the vulgar and the commonplace. the patient in the bed and may over-eating, though such things con­ ing open, not a restaurant, not a He loved elegance, a characteri^ic find it necessary to lift the child tribute. A certain gland grows weak, drug store, not a news stand. A few however, and they reported their un­ successful search to headquarters. reflected in his work especially in carefully in order to make the then too much of your energy food goes pedestrians idled along lower Broad­ the patrician quality he gives to his necessary change of bed clothing. to fat. Since that discove^, doctors the way, a few cars idled along the de­ No wonder they couldn’t find Kin- dervitch! He was In the city jail subjects, the fine texture of the If the child has been having world over supply the lacking factor. And serted street, but eveiywhere was What Japan is really seeking at much fever, cold cream should -be excess fat, in late years, has been dis­ serving time on a drunken driving flesh, the detailed perfection of the Shanghai and in CSiina is peace. the peace of Sunday. Ellen waited costumes, the richness of the ma­ applied to the lips in order tn appearing fast. for Larry to speak. He had wanted charge. —^Mamom Shigemltsu, Japanese make it comfortable. Marmola prescription tablets embody minister at. Shanghai. that same factor. People have used them to say something; he had said some­ for 24 years—millions of boxes of them^ thing on the bridge. His persistent Now youthful figures in almost every silence disturbed the girl, made her It would be foolish for me to talk circle show what Marmola does. nervous and absurdly anxioiu. THIS CURIOUS WORLD - about any problem imtil I see'what If you need this help, go get Mahnola "Well?” she said at length. the problem actually is. now. A book in each box tells you all "WeU,” he repeated after her. —Colonel Theodore Rooshvelt;; new governor of the FhtUppbieB. about it. At all druggists—31f "You said something to me on Thy son shall no more go down; I always liked stiff, high collars, neither *»Mdi thy moon withdraw and I think I’ll wear them until the itself: for the Lord shall be thine depression is over. everlasting light, and the dayi of —John N. Garner of Teaan, speaker thy montnlng shall be ended.— of the Honae. Isaiah 60:20. THE SMART SHOP All mankind is looking to this dis­ God has commanded time to con­ State Theater Building armament conference. It we suc­ PARIS FAVORS TWO-PIECE MODE sole the unhappy.—Joubert. ceed, we shall bave/made a decisive And hm’t this model interesting .with Its slimming Vlonnet blouse? contribution to the bulwark against ’The sldrt too has the shaped circular, gores that lend smart height to WED IN VAULT war; if we fail, no one can foretell the figure. The skirt is attached to a camisole bodice ■with shoulder the evU consequences. strai>s. Milford, Pa.—It was very con­ _^Arthur Hendersop, dialmoan of It has so much snap about It, fashioned of rough silk crepe in light venient for Ralph Decker and Mrs. NEW SPRING FROCKS Geneva INaannament Conference. na'vy blue topped by light blue blouse. Ajid incidentally these two DoUy Williams when they appear-i Fascinating fashions in bright colorful shades promise to be very popular, for spring. ed at the courthouse to obtain' I have never seen anything since It’s a model that will be charming cairled out as a complete frock, maurlage license. As the license shades and prints. Presented at ouT 1918 that was worth the sacrifice of particularly in one of the new gay printed crepe silks of conservative was signed by the clerk, ’the Rev. the war dead. small pattern. , H. Calvin Aroh sp eared to file a usual popular prices: —J. B. Priestly, British writer. Then agMn, you will like It immensely In sheer woolens. ’The green paper. The minister was pressed in- ' shades are exceedingly youthful and sportive. to service and the couple adjourned No game man e'ver hears the Style No. 2628 is designed for sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 40 to the courthouse vault where Rev. $2.95, $4.95, $6.95 count of 10. He is up before that. inches bust Size 16 requires 2.1-4 yards of 39-inch material for the Aroh tied the knot. __Gene Tnnney, ex-heavywelght blouse and 2 yards of 29-inch material for skirt, with 1-2 yard a t 36- boxing champion. inch for camlsble. . ------R • • 1 $8.95 You can’t imagine anything more Mmple to make. The-blouse has lapped fronts. AU you’ve to do is to join the sides and shoulders, at­ filanchester Herald t tach collar and set sleeves into the armholes. The skirt cut in six cir­ cular gores Is merelj^ seamed smd attached to the camisole bodice. The Pattern Service Tresoh Foot SPRING MILLINERY saving in cost is enormous. Bfiwiro AtnMts*# gy>r a Herald Pattern of the Our new Spring Fashion Magazine is out! Every page from cover to Why sniftr trom the>. FEATURING model Illustrated send IQo In cover Is in color. Mssast eausinc ivere. Beautiful styles covering the complete range for the woman, miss, sndieet. 4 stamps or coin directly to Fash­ Misters. R tn i^ ]irm. New Straws Sailor Rrims ion Bureau. Manchester Evening child and the stout, articles showing what hats will be worn, hairdress­ IteOi'whM avMl Herald. Fifth Avenue- and 29tb ing hintv, afternoon wew,' suh-deb frocks, etc., etc. teoUon and qulrii It points the way to better dreis and help you economize. with Dr. Nla^' AH Q C t Street, Now York Oty. on me fassens-'' You save $10 in patterns,, niktertala etc., by spending 10 cents for ftuliwjMepvoritedTI Headslzef StyW Pattern No. S52S this book. So we h < ^ you wUl send your order today. Just write yonr name and a d d ^ s x^early on any p ! ^ of ^papen Prioe 16 Qeata Order bne;book. BnclbsevlO q ^ts^in stimps or coin and mail your Cellophane Straws order to PtaMon Depibthieht“ Be sure to im 'in tile'aine>'0f- Address • a a a • Send stamp* iot ealit $ F ;00 $1.29 9 z e e e »’• e e o'# e'a a 'e • a-i 6,0'. • ^ e»a '• a s * ^ \ ra c e of iSBv MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, GONN^ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1982. PAGE THtRTEiiN^ — ______- - —______j i ______^__ — — ;— ______:■ ^ Rec Loses, Teams Make More Fouls Points Corneir$ Victory Puts BRUSHING UP SPORTS . . By Laufer Bristol Ingrahams

m B < 5 o c^ ■'*3 Four Teams In Running evO f Score 36-26 Victory % •B BACK (SATES What! No Police Gazettef MXH ^'l.OOChOOO CM ^ SlK\6LB HORSE RACE Something will have to be done. ROCKVILLE CARD PACKS For Basketball Crown The other day the I’olice Gazette, Incessant Fonlins Mars CLUSH’ the Leading Illustrated Sporting Journal in the World, suspended TOWN HALL LAST NICHT Retail Basketball Contest publication. The rumor was bruited Ithacans Torn Back Dart­ STAGG APPROVES about that a tidkl wave of debts had ( 3 ^ engulfed the old pink sheet with C. D. K. Club’s Reputation For At Rec Gym; Referee Bog- mouth 28 To 27; Columbia CM such a checkered life story. Perhaps Fast Show Draws 581—-Tech­ TRE C c f O ^ or^ the old journal’s creditors can be in­ gini Praised; Rec’s First FOOTBALL RULES ' A RAIKiOROP duced to declare a moratorium. The nical K. O.’s Feature Pro­ Can Tie Indians By Beat­ OKi A vuiMOovl) I Police Gazette must not perish. If it gram. does, the barber shops might as well Dedsbe Defeat .-•F5AK1E— close up. ing Yale Tonight. Believes Objections Will Be Fourscore and seven years ago our The Rockville K Club’s forefathers 'orougbt forth the Police reputation for putting on a caurd of Excluding the Renaissance game, Forgotten When Changes Gazette, dedicated to the proposi­ fast amateur boxing bouts pa 1 ^ when Gordon was so exhausted be Lou Bender of Columbia may face Cravat No. 1 with such quaint names as Nobby couldn’t continue. Gordon is only Ingrahams are the first state team HIM F O R T H E SEASo^4- c fe lT NOOi l ^ l S McChestsr, Donkey Dora Cole, Liz­ to beat the Rec by more than five Louis Bender of Yale on the court E. Geddls ...... 77 |^lC^9AlQTA^feD & eoCkS ^ I V E D 114 PumiCr 17 years old and has much to team in their game here tonight. Although M. Sbirshac ...... 71 zie the Poor Beauty, Country Mc- about ring tactics. Bruno has been or six points. Last Saturday the the Yale player is a reserve while H, Gustafson ...... S3 ..Ol/TAW SW -IREEPigE’-- Closkey, Deaf Martin, seen for several years in amateurs Rec beat the Ingrahams in Bristol the Columbia captain is an all- Dummy ...... 72 The plant was demonlebed, and around Hartford and is staging a 34 to 80 and committed only seven league star, there will be the pos­ the battle, in which several mobs- comeback. The fat fairly roMsd out personals against eleven for Bristol. sibility of their playing on opposing 303 826 348 men jvere killed, raged in the streets over bis tnmks. Bnmo was the Last night Boggini called 22 on tMms. Weaving No. 1 for hours. better boxer and would easily have Bristol and 17 on Manchester and it 'They are both forwards but Col­ Shea ...... ;. 83 Along Comes the gberlfl won the bout had It gone through is a well known fact that no referee umbia Lou is taller, heavier and is Nelson 72 Sport Briefs the scheduled three rounds. can see much more than three- > a senior. The Yale Lou is a junior BOSTON QUINTET The sheriff swooped down on the The other bouts were as follows; fourths of the fouls made in a rough Kissmann ...... 99 Gazette in 1867, and Editor Wilkes and hails from New Haven, having g; Taggart ...... 80 Eddie Ellis 128, Rockville, decision battle. prepared a t Milford. Columbia Lou Shirts of broad bla... and white was out of employment. The Joumm over Freddy Roy, 124. Rockville: A1 Art Avalo/e and Tommy Faulk­ Is a New Yorker and all league for­ 384 396 848 stripes are the new official garb for continued, however, though without, (^ovanni, 129, Pomfret, decision ner were the high scorers for their ward and high scorer for two years. basketball officials in centrM Ohio. Wilkes it lost character and circula­ over Eddie Dougherty, 127, Hart­ respective teams. The foul sboot>^' OPPOSES GUARDS tion, It passed into the bands of two Two successful foul shots by Kop- No. 2 Indiana race horse owners num< ford; AI Columbo, 140, Windsor ing of each was also excellent engravers In 1872. The old Journal Briggs outscored Boyle but the lat­ aczynski, guard, gave Cornell its c. Ott e # « e « 0 « 0 0 0 $ 0 .102 92 98 bering around 2,000 are planning an Locks, knocked out Ed Dolan, 142, third stral^t league triumph last Visius . .. « e e e e e e. 71 85 86 was in the last itages of decay Hartford, in second; Domcnic Mas- ter had some tough luck on two or A. organization to operate their own when Richard K. Fox, a young three shots that seemed certain ’oas- n i^ t, A. Wolfram 0 $ 0 0 § 0 0 . 79 76 84 saro, 124, Windsor Locks, decision tracks. Irishman with energy and imagina­ kets. Banished for too many fouls .The game was closely contested Kasalski 0000000 . 90 87 84 ON ARMORY COURT over.Rocco Casale. 124, Hartford; C. throughout, the lead changing Wilbur Shaw and Wild Bill Cum- tion, took it over-^and restored it to were Briggs, "Tug” Zetarskl, M, Hadden 0000000 .106 114 89 mings, both of Indianapolis, have Sonny Parker, 186, Hartford, de­ hands several times. Cornell led robust health. cision over Ki(j Sherwood, 189, East Bourdeaux, Waterman and Farr. ents and the Rockville Wheel Club. been winning maiiy races on the 21-11 at half time, 447 403 "486 Under Fox the Gazette aimed to Hartford, when latter quit in thlr

MOVING— TRUCKING— WANTED— TO BUY 68 HIS LIFE STORY IN PlClURES, COMMEMORATING Want Ad InformatioB STORAGE 20 I BUY ALL KINDS of household THE 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF HIS BIRTH 6 -Army goods, furniture, etc. Better prices WASHINGTON FRANK V. WILLIAMS— General Manchester trucking, carlot distribution, fer­ paid if you caU or write Nathan Liverant, Colchester, Conn. Tele­ Evening Herald tilizer and tobacco deUvery a specialty. Rates reasonable. Tel. phone 97. CLASSIFIED 7997. ' APARTMF.N'l'S— FLATS— advertisements CARLSON & COMPANY Ehepress. Daily service to Hartford and TENEMENTS 63 ftix AV6raK6 word* t* • If®#. Initials numbers and abbreviattons Springfield, and all Connecticut, FOR RENT—’TWO four room flats, each count as a word and compound and Massachusetts points. Loads steam heat, on Ridge street. In­ words as two words. Minimum cost is or part loads moven anywhere. quire at 25 Spruce street. price of three lines. Furniture moving, lelephone Man­ Line rates per day for transient chester 8624, Hartford 2-6229, FOR RENT—5 ROOM downstairs BlIectiTe March 17, y>*7 Cash Charge Springfield 6-0391. flat, on Cambridge street, steam 9 cts heat and all Improvements. Apply 6 Consecutive Days 7 cts PERRETT & GLENNE i INC.— We } Consecutive Days i cts U cts 62 Cambridge street 11 cts 18 cts will move, pack and snip your iff- ^ AU^orders‘for'irregular Insertions merchandise quickly and econdm- 3 ROOMS IN NEW JOHNSON will be charged at the one time rate. Special rates for long term every icaJly. Fast dauy express service Block facing Main street All mod­ day advertising given upon reddest to and from New York Cdnnec^ em Improvements. 'Very desirable. Ads ordered for three or six Uons with fast truck service cut ol Phone 3726 or Janitor 7635. and stopped before the third or fifth New Turk gding scutn and wesL day will be charged only for the ac­ FOR RENT—4 LARGE ROOMS, tual number of times the ad Agents toi United Van Service, ed. charging at,the rate one ot the leading teng distance white plumbing. Walnut street, no allowance or refunds can bf ™ade moving companies. Phone 3068. near Cheney Mills, $16.00. Inquire on six time ads stopped after the 8860, 8864. Tailor Shop, 3 Walnut street. Tel. ^^No*^*mi forbids” : display lines not 5030. L. T. WOOD CO.— Furniture and Election to ^Continenlal Congress, in 1 ^ 4 , The Boston Tea Piity focused his attention "°The Herald will not be responsible piano moving, modem equipment, FOR RENT—LILLEY street first nadced bepmimg of Weslungton’s nadooil upon the threatening slate of Anglo-Amencan One o f die most impteinve scenes o f the revolutionary period took {dace when Washington, wheeling fus horse under an e b i for more than one Incorrect insertion floor, 4 room flat, with garage, of any advertisement ordered for experienced help, public store­ idations. on Cambridge common, drew his sword and took comttiand o f the troops investing Boston, July 3 , 1775. more than one time. house. Phone 44M. steam heat house newly reno-<'ated. The inadvertent omission of Phone 5661. rect publication of advertls ng will be [ rectified only by cancellation of ths ' p a in t in g — REPAIRING 21 FOR RENT—6 ROOMS with ull charge made for ttee service elude borers, scrapers and piecers improvements. Including steam Until he was past 40, Washington when the Congress convened in in addition to other pieces large All advertisements must conform PAINTING, PAPERHANGING etc. In style, copy and typography wlt^h ! heat, newly done over, at 12 Trot­ SIREDGAI^SPEYER gave few signs of greatness in either Philadelphia on Sept. 5, 1774, DIGGINGS PROVE enough to have been used as chop­ regulations enforced by the Publ'sh- ) 25 years experienc, 10 percent dls- ter street. Telephone 6068: Even then he utterly opposed the ers and they reserve the right to state or national politics. pers or anvils, point to a very sys­ i count during February, 5 percent idea of independence, although he tematic industry.” edit, revise or reject any copy con­ He played, a silent part in the declared that he was determined sidered objectionably. DIES IN GERMANY ORGANIZED LIFE “’The quartz from which th^ss CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads to 6490. W. B. Gilnack. School street. Inquire 100 East Cen­ House of Burgessej. He was pres­ never to submit “to the loss valua­ things were made was a very Im­ be published same day must be re- ; ------——----- ter street or telephone 37)S2. ent when Patrick Henry introduced ble rights and privileges which are celved by 12 o’clock noon: Saturdays | NOW— Unemployed pricea. perfect material but the “Peking bis resolution against the Stamp essential to the life of every free Man” seems to have done about as 10:30 a. m Estimated free; workmanship guar- Act, in 1765, and he said he would FOR RENT—FIVE AND SIX room state and without which life, liberty OF PEKING MAN well with it as any one could be ex­ TELEPHONE YOUR ^Loulder his musket whenever his enteed. H. Kanehl. Tel. 7541. tenements, w it. all modem im­ Dispute Over His Nationality and property are rendered totally In­ pected to do.” country needed him. But it was not WANT ADS. provements. Inquire at 147 East secure.” “Probably he was able to work Ads are accepted over the telephone until the first provincial legislature Washington’s selection as com- 23 Center street ur telepbcme 7864. Peiping— (AP) — Fresh chapters wood as well as bone, but that‘Is at the CHARGE RATE given above r e f a i r i n g convened In 1774 that he won praise mander-ln-chief of the revolutionary Daring W ar Recalled; W as In the life history of the “Peking difficult to prove. UnquestlonaUiy, as a convenience to advertisers, but | FIVE AND SIX ROOM tene­ for declaring, ‘‘I will raise 1000 men, army; following closely on the heels the CASH RATES will be accepted as , VACUUM CLEANER, guns, phono­ Ma..” have appeared to disclose however, he was a successful hunter ments, all improvements, newly subsist them at my own expense, of the first fighting, was the result f u l l p a y m e n t if paid at the busi­ graph, clock repairing. Key mak­ that this ancestor of present-day of animali'. He was much too high­ ness office on or before the seventh | renovated, 95 Foster street, tele- Bom In New York. and march myself at their head for of a political bargain by which New ing etc. Bralthwaite, 52 Pearl St. man had begun to organize his life ly developed for us to be able to day • following the I phon 5230 or 4545. the relief of Boston.” The Boston England offered the chief command a million years ago. consider him as the ffrtt man. each ad otherwise the CHARGE i Tea Party had focused his interest as her price for the adoption and RATE will be collected. No responsi- | FOR RENT—5-ROOM SINGLE, ail Scientists at a meeting of the Clearly he had a still more primitive bllity for errors in telephoned ads BUSINESS New York, Feb. 17.— (AP)— The on the cry for independence. support of the New England army. forerunner.” will be assumed and their accuracy | improvements. Apply EMward J. Chinese Geological society here 32 death In Germany of Sir Edgar The Virginia provincial convention cannot be guaranteed. OPPORTUNITIES Holl. Telephone 4642. Immediately elected him a delegate told how he used lumps of quartz NEXT: How Washington disciplin­ to fashion hunting weapons from Speyer today recalled the contro­ to the first Continental Congress. ed his men .... crossing the Dela­ Gene Venzke, who set a new mile INDEX OF NEW CARMEL t>OPCORN shops animal bones and how he made fire SEVERAL GOOD RENTS both in versy over his nationality that arose His national career really began ware. record the other day, is 23 and a CLASSIFICATIONS making lots of money now; we single and two family ranging his servant. after he was accused of being pro- high school student. Fast, you'might Births ...... • • • ^ outfit you and teach process. Long from $20 to $60 month. Apply Ed­ During the past couple of years say, but thorough. Engagements ...... " Eakins, 36 High street. Spring- German during the World War. charred fragments have been re­ Marrl-res ...... Jr ward J. Holl, telephone 4642. 866 a turn for the better in general Deaths ...... s field, Ohio. Main street. At the time be was a naturalized covered from the limestone cave The training camp season can Card of Thanks ...... " British subject, having been created DEMOCRAT! SCORED business conditions. where the original “Sinanthropus” FOR SALE— MEAT AND FISH * The regular quarterly dividend of begin now officially. Henry Johnson, In Memorlam ...... * f o r EtENT—TWO. THREED and 4 a Baronet In 1906 and a Privy Coun­ remains were found. Lost and Found ...... J Market on Main street. So. Man­ $2.25 by American Telephone had another Yankee pitcher, has appen­ Announcements ...... • room apartments, heat, Jamtor cillor in 1919. Specifilcally he was Kept Home Fires Burning chester, Conn. Fine location for BY ASSEMBLYMAN apparently been fujly discounted dicitis. Personals ...... * service, refrlgeratoi fumlshet. Call charged with having urla^ully Chemical teats carried out by Antomoblles by that stock’s sharp rise In recent business, or will sell fixtures con­ Arthur A. Knofla 6440 or 4131, commimicated with subjects of an Dr. Gaubert, of the laboratory of Automobiles for Sale j sessions, which bad apparently There may still be some argu­ tained in said market. Phone 5987. 876 Main street. enemy state and associating with a (Contlnaed from Page One) mineralogy o f the Paris Museum, Automobiles for Excharge s eliminated much of the short inter­ ment as to who won the World Auto Accessories—Tires ...... a business that was, to his knowledge, and by Dr. Bernard E. Read, of est. The demand for stocks in the War, but there’s little doubt left Auto Repairing—Painting...... J FOR RENT—6 ROOM bungadow, carried on in such a way as to assist entire administration of Governor the Rockefeller Foimdatlon in Peip­ Auto Schools ...... "'A HELP WANTED— loan crowd, brokers said, still Indi­ as to who will pay for It 32 Woodbridge strest, also 3 room the enemy in war. Roosevelt. ing, have proved conclusively that Autos—Ship by Truck ...... » FEMALE 33 cated a fair-sized short interest in the “Peking Man” was accustomed Autos—For Hire ...... • apartment. Forest Block. Telephone Statements in Engleind in 1921, Franklin D. Roosevelt, the pres­ Garages—Service—Storage ...... 10 7541. the general market, but some felt to built fires In his subterranean Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... 11 DEPARTMENT HEAD— Position when his British naturalization was ent governor of the state has an­ that a fresh building up of the short dwelling. Wanted Autos—Motorcycles .... 1* available at once for a yoimg lady revoked,, were that he was bom In nounced bis candidacy for the Dem­ position would be necessary to re­ Further proof of organized life BnslnesB and Professional Services who has had definite experience Germany. A t that time Samuel ocratic nomination for president. NOTICE! Business Services Offered ...... 18 HOUSES FOR RENT 65 store the market to a strong techni­ was furnished by the discovery of Household Services Offered ...... 18-A selling Hosiery, Lingerie, Curtains Untermyer, New York lawyer and Alfred E. Smith, governor in 1928, cal position. more than 2,000 worked fragments was the Democratic standard bear­ Notice is hereby given that there Building-Contracting ...... U and Piece-Goods. Here is a steady SIX ROOM BUNGALOW, North long personal friend Issued a state­ The midweek business statistics of quartz in association with two Florists-Nurseries ...... JB er In the presidential campaign of will be a special meeting of the le^al position for one with sales ability. Main street, cixtra land and garage. ment that Sir Edgar was bora In were mixed. Bradstreet’s reported additional “ Sinanthroups” Jaws and Funeral Directors ...... 18 America of American parents, and that year. voters of the Heating—Plumbing—Roofing ,r» 17 Single person preferred, and must W. G. Glenney Company. a decrease from the previous week part of a skull. attributing the caturalizatlon revo ‘‘I say to you Democrats on the FIFTH SCHOOL DISTRICT Insurance ...... J* make a neat appearance. Address of 20 7-10 percent in the number of In the opinion of Abbe Henri of the Town of Manchester, held at Millinery—Dressmaking ...... 1; *Herald, Box T.______cation to ‘‘political agitation.” other side of the aisle,” said Stone, business failures for the week ended Breuil, noted French paleontolo­ Movlnir—Trucking—Storage ... 80 ‘‘that too long have you yielded here the schoolhouse in said district on Painting-Papering ...... 21 WANTED TO RENT 68 Born In New York. Feb. 11, as against a normal sea­ gist, who recently visited Peiping Biographical data Issued today by for these ten years to the manufac­ the 19th day of February, 1932, at Professional Services...... j* POULTRY AND sonal decrease of only 7 4-10 per­ to investigate these finds, the 7:00 o’clock in the afternoon (Stand­ Repairing ...... S? the Wall Street banking firm of turing of a candidate for president. “Peking Man” used the quartz SUPPLIES 43 WANTED —A SMALL furnished cent. 'The electric power consump­ ard Time) for the following pur­ Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleq.nlng ... 2J Speyer & Co., said that Sir Edgar ‘‘You haven't been here represent­ fragments as tools with which to Toilet Goods and Servlc...... 26 apartment. Best of references fur­ tion figures showed a drop of 6.2 poses to wit:— was bom In New York In 1862, a ing the people who sent you here. fashion weapons 'from animal Wanted—Business Sorvlce ...... *6 RHODE ISLAND RED baby chicks nished. Address replies Box M, percent from the like week of last 1. To elect a moderator for said Edaeatlonal lirother of James Speyer of the New You have been carrying out the for sale from large Red birds, first care of Herald. year, against only 5 percent In the bones. meeting. Courses and Classes 82 Wirk banking, firm. He, was edU' mandates of some ambitious candi­ previous week. The, weekly Organized Life Intelligently Private Instruction ...... *8 hatch Feb. 27th then weekly. We 2. To see If the district will, vote Dancing ...... *8-A do custom hatching. Edgerton, 655 cated at Prankfort-on-Maln, Ger^ date for president.” petroleum statistics showed the Deer antlers with sharpened REAL ESTATE 77 points and with enough of the skull to buy the tract of land south of the Musical—Dramatic ...... 8* North Main street, Manchester, many and In 1884 became a member large gain .df 2,054,000 barrels In district’s property. Wanted—Instruction ...... W Conn. Phone 5416. WANTED— of the Frankfort, London and New gasoline in stock. attached to form a handle were Financial used as daggers, Abbe Breuil be­ 3. To transact any other business Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ...... 81 York Speyer firms. It was In 18S7 WANTED— FARMS and suburban lieves, while deer skulls served as proper to come before said meeting. Business Opportunities ...... 88 that he went to London to reside, LATEST STOCKS GARRISON APPOINTED Dated at Manchester, Conn., this properties. Have many prospective drinking vessels. Money to Loan ...... 88 became a British subject and head Madison, Wis., Feb., 17.— (AP)— 15th day of February, 1932. Help and Sltnations buyers waiting. Write or call M. of the firm of Speyer Bros. Lloyd K. Garrison, of New York has “Sinanthropus was already man Help Wanted—Female ...... 86 FOR SALE—STOCK consisting of EDWARD H. KEENEY, Help Wanted—Male ...... 8s Parsons, 34 State street, Hartford. In 1914, shortly after the out New York, Feb. 17.— (AP)—The been selected to succeed the late and was able to organize his life electrical fixtures, household ap­ intelligently,” the French scientist HENRY P. JORDAN, Help Wanted—Male or Female .. 37 Tel. 2-3415. break of the World War, he with­ Stock Market was unable to break Harry S. Richards as dean of the LOUISE HAGENOW, Agents Wanted ...... •...... 87-A pliances, three autos, safe, cash drew from Speyer & Co. In New out of tl>e January price range on University of Wisconsin Law School, said. Situations Wanted—F em ale...... 88 register, adding machine, etc., of Committee. York and In 1922, when the London the upside today,' Just as it failed to President Glenn Frank announced “These implements, which In Situations Wanted—Male ...... 89 The Johnson Electric Co., bank­ Employment Agencies ...... 40 firm of Speyer Bros, was dissolved, break through on the downside a today. rupt, at Public auction Friday, Live Stock—Pets—Poultry-Vehicles Jie retired from business, came to week ago. The new dean was graduated from Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 February 19, 11:00 a. m. at Foley’s ANDERSON FILES New York and agsiln became an The market had an interval of Harvard in 1919 and from the Har­ L1v 3 Stock—Vehicles ...... 42 Ehcpress Warehouse, Purnell Place, Poultry and Supplies ...... 48 American citizen, renouncing his firmness In the morning, but eased vard Law Schobl In 1922. For the Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 South Manchester, Conn, L. H. CARDOZO PROTEST British titles. Since that time he off after midday. Payment, o^ the For Sale—Miscellaneous succeeding three years he was as­ Sipe, Trustee. had made his home In New York regular quarterly dividend of $2.25 sociated with the law firm of Root, Articles for S a le ...... 45 by American Telephone had been Boats and Accessories ...... 46 (CoDlinut-d Prom Page One) City. Clark, Buckner and Howland, the Building Materials ...... 47 FUEL AND FEED 49-A fairly widely anticipated and firm headed by Elihu Root. Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 brought out more prpfit taking than Electrical Appliances—Radio ... 49 mer superintendent of the New He Is a member of the executive sTOpy HAL c(x:hran PICTURES 4/JDE king- SHOOTING ACCIDENTAI. fresh buying. ¥ Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A FOR SALE—^HARD wood, under York Anti-Saloon League. committee of the Civil Service Re­ Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 50 cover, furnace and stove wood $5. Losses in principal shares in the Bridgeport, Feb, 17.— (AP)—“My form Association and treasurer of Household Goods ...... 51 a load. V. Firpo, H6 Wells street. afternoon ranged from 1 to ~ Machinery and Tools ...... 68 SERVED IN SING SING. brother shot himself,” eight-year-old the National Urban League for Musical Instruments...... 68 Tel. 6148. points, with American Telephone Civil Service Among Negroes. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 17.— (A P )— Lucille Bennett, daughter of Mr, and Office and Store Equipment . . . . 64 registering one of the maximum de Garrison is a great grandson of Specials at the Stores ...... 66 FOR SALE— SEASONED HARD Chief Jqdge Benjamin N. CardozO of Mrs. Arthur Bennett, of Unquowa dines. Issues off a point or two William Lloyd Garrison, famous Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 67 wood, furnace chunks and fire the New York State Court of Ap­ Road, Fairfield, today told Coroner Included U. S. Steel, General Elec­ Wanted—To Buy ...... 68 Phelan at an inquest conducted at abolitionist of Civil War days. Rooms—Board—Hotels—Resorts place wood 1-2 cord $5.00, 1-2 cord peals and William H. Anderson, who tric, American Cfin, Westlnghouse, Restaurants seasoned hard wood slabs $4.00. has protested confirmation of his his office this morning into the fatal North Amei;ican, Santa Fe, Union Rooms Without Board ...... 59 Geo. Buck, telephone 25-4. appointment to the Supreme Court shooting of Jimmy Bennett. Pacific, Chesapeake and Ohio, New Boarders Wanted ...... 69-A On the strength of her story and MR. AND MRS. Country Board—R esorts...... 60 benchj have met before. York Central, International Har­ Hotels^Restaurants ...... <1 SPECIAL PRICE—Hard wood for the testimony of the other principals vester, Union Carbide, Dupont and TAXPAYER The Court of Appeals several in the case. Coroner Phelan will Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 88 furnace, fire place or stove $5 per years ago affirmed the conviction of others. Selling, however, was In and Mr. and Mrs. Rentpayer you Real Estate For Rent load. Birch $4, hard wood slabs $4. Issue a finding of accidental death; are included— as rent payers are Apartments, Flats, Tenements .. 68 Anderson, then superintendent of moderate volume. There were tern Kindling wood 10c bushel. Thomas it was reported today. The coroner, porary advances of 1 to 2 point: real taxpayers—please remember Business Locations for Rent . . . 64 the New York Anti-Saloon League, who concluded his investigation Houses for Rent ...... 66 Wilson, telephone 8581 or Rosedale on a charge of forge^. Anderson during the morning. that one of our fire Insimance poll Suburban for Rent ...... 66 37-4. which was conducted behind closed A distinct imdertone of bullish­ sles will soften the hard blow that Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 as a result served a term In Sing doors, says no member of the family Wanted to R e n t...... 68 Sing prison. ness was apparent In brokerage comes i^th a fire. • Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE—HARD WOOD and was responsible for the child’s death quarters, but Wall Street generally A few cents a week spent for one Court records show that Cardozo and the shooting was clearly acci Apartment Building for Sale . . . 69 bard wood slabs sawed stove seemed to feel that over enthusias­ of our policies may save you him- Business Property for S a le ...... 70 lengtl and under cover. Cash price was one of the Judges who sat in the dental. Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 tic bidding up of the market at this dreds of dollars. Now is the time per load for hard wood $5.00; hard case. to act, not after the fire. Houses for Sale ...... '... 72 Anderson is now general secre­ stage would be unwise. Some im­ Lots for Sale ...... 73 wood slabs $4.00. L. T. Wood Co. The Cascade range running portant bankers felt that a fairly Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 Phone 4496. tary of the American Protestant Suburban for Sale ...... 75 Alliance. through Washington and Oregon stable market arotmd- current or Robert J. Smith Real Estate for Exchange...... 76 from the Canadian border to Cali moderately higher levels would be 1009 Main Street Wanted—Real E state...... 77 On Jime 30, 1930, the enlisted strength of the United States Army Chicago has more hotels than any fornia has 16 major snow or glacier about the best that could be ex­ Real Estate Insurance Auction—Legal Notlcea pected pending conclusive signs of LiUsr that 'toes CAMPAIGN TO sklmnoing ’long the ground. rik.|rive SOUR HEM ON went. Beneath their weight the branches bent. “Don’t topple off,” you Tinymites a' ride. XU you^^fiied ANN FENWICK do is dimh instde.” “You b e t i'f^ - BY FEEDING cried Coppy. “It’s a long way to the » t n ^ DOSES will be all right. I think that we are lucky since a safe place has been (The flBlea^gelitrsialeli Mfpriee found.” . .■■■ ____ ... Z-!7 MANCHBST& EVENING HERALD, SOtHH BIANGHfeSTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1981 HcEFlFTEiESf I ...... V Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox OUR BOARDING HOUSE [i SENSE AND NONSENSE By Gene Ahem

A l t o g e t h e r F l e m P r o p p v h a s w o n e l e v e n c e n t s b e t t i n g A Froj^eoy <^over tha phone , for a full explsina- Of Nlnetisen Tlilrty-Two, A. D. tion. It proved to be: “The Lord THREE t o o n e HE CAN HIT *^THAT TIN CAN ? r u k e - t h ’ I seeketh an humble heart.” V! l^/4rf Z><^ Vcb HfHlAi K LA35S W ll lgci^ all. Great prophedes are made; Mass GREEKl^ There’8 boimd to be prosperity, vioul j>6ES rr vr-r 1 Hav/ e BicH T n=- Vcd Depression’s sure to fade. “Kneading bread will remove clg- -TlKi-r -THAtT aret stains from the fingers,” says ' A RECEPIff^Ki 'CAt\ GET A "SEAr SLll-1' riAS a well-known household magazine. The rival clans in party rage r f IM B A C K ciT=- Will spout about the dole; From^now on hqpie made bread goes WtLL’BE V/BRV' -TAKEKi CJA \ A Pori^TEP Then booze and tariff grab the stage off our menu. T6RAAALIwu A^l ME, r RECALL -rHRii -tH'* a g e s I To plague our weary soul. -PALM Doctor—But, Madam, a woman r TiRS-r VOciRE -THIS MAKES Vdli i5 u s -r s Ma k e Of bunk and blah there’ll be a smear of your age cannot expect to grow SWALL0Va--TAlL A“f A LccK ira sr For voters rate as hicks; yoimger. Ha m d s - thru Patient—^I’m not asking that, doc­ ILi CT* 'RRESlDEfrl-r LIKE. A BIG Which means—alas!—the coming -TH’ TRhLlAGE/ year • tor. All I want you to do is to keep CLEV/ELA^iP / Wh^A-T A 'FA-T'-fCAP t Will feature politics. me growing older a little bit slower. < h PALiDV I WAS -r^iElkl ww Yet still we hope good times are Mother—^Daughter, dear, your es­ due cort brought you home very late To come in Nineteen Thirty-two. last eight. C Daughter—Yes, it was late, moth­ Men wish they didn’t have any er. Did the noise disturb you? Vl harder times than'boys think they Mother—No, the silence. have. . . . In the old drys when families gave big dinners the best The ready-to-serve system be­ tablecloth wasn’t burned full of comes the order of the day—and all holes. . . . People often hug a delu­ a girl wants to know is whether a sion, but never one that they have man likes his loving rare—^medium married. . . . Another good way to or well done. prevent suffering in time of depres­ sion, is to quit showing off when Horace—Funny thing about those times are good. . . . The average fifteen-cent black socks. person is like a bureau drawer, too Harold—Wassamatter ? full of his own stuff. . . . A girl Horace—Every time I walk, they doesn’t have to be a good skate to run. cut a pretty figure. . . . Just when we think we can make both ends THAT STOPPED 'EM \ meet, somebody moves the ends.. . . One of the mysteries of the day, is A small boy, leading a donkey, (s > why a farmer can’t make as much passed an army camp. A couple money out of a good hog as a city of soldiers wanted to have some man out of a blind pig. . .. ’T)" said fun with the lad. our ancestors sprang from ferocious “Why are you holding on to your beasts of the jungle. Well—you brother so tightly, sonny?” asked can’t blame ’em for that. . . . Ten one of them. ^lears hence, when you say, “A dol- “So that he won’t Join the {ar went farther in those days,” army,” the youngster replied.- you’ll mean these days. Buy now. Buen Humor, Madrid. . . . Cfourtlng is so expensive these OF-THE " days that a lot of young fellows MlWBTi^S haven’t enough left to get married R apper Fanny Says < FeootM Foil NS2) on.... We would like to know what WM.U.«.FAT.OIT.______any person over saved by daylight ■avittg. . . . If 1981 taught you that you are better in your chosen line of endeavor luan you are a picker of S (‘()R (’HY SiVIITP A S u r p r i s e by John C, Terry '’winners” in the stock market, .you’ll do better in 1932. . . . Some r <565RVrXRrglAC)TO S66 V0L3 AflATW. AlLftidTir SoorO W » "HI .men are bom liars, but the rest of ' bu t w hAt \ h e r e ^ A W , Sviudks', rVERVTRUE, BUT UNtUE SAM us acquire the art from our friends. YOU SHOULD HAVE WIRED SO 1 COULD HAVE PUT WOULDNV HAVE V\AD "THE TIME AHY- FOR IS IN REGARD TO MR.LOCKE*. TWAT' MEANS WELL.SCORCHY, EVEN IF HE . . . Then there's the Scotchman who OM A SHOW FOR YOU. WE HAD 1KD1AHS AMD RETURN AUAOST THAT SPLENDfD WORK WAS NOTHING APPEARS SLOW AT TIMES ! took out fire insurance on bis cigars. COWBOYS HERE FOR A WEDDING YOU DID IN RUNNING THE DEPARJMEHT 1 AM OUT HERE WITH AN OFFICIAL . . . Proof of the political pudding t h e y Ve j u s t eoH E • DOWN TVIOSE a i r ­ OF JUSTICE DIDNY LETTER OF CONGRATULATION - lies in the plum distinction. . . . The p l a n e BANDITS FOR REALLY NEED ME * word “probably” is the weather AND ALSO A CAST OF A MEDAL man’s shock absorber. ANYHOW THAT THAT YOU WILL. RECEIVE later ! 'GEEVVH17 .MR. LOCKE*. Mr. Jacobs—Who is your wife's I d on 't d es er v e a l l favorite author? t h a t *. TVUNKOFALLTH' Mr. Lamont—The guy who writes MEN WHO HELPED . the ads for the bargain sales in the P'JT IT^.g«iACROSs! papers. ‘ I. P. C. A. Agent—Your horse looks terrible. Why don't you fatten him up. uJ\ Mike—Fatten him up? Why, the poor beast can hardly carry the that’s on him now. b p t t t l - A child returned from a Sunday Bobool was asked what text the teacher talked about. She replied: A sculptor sometlmos finds It P„ All Wihii HoMrved “The Lord is sneaking around Hum­ hard to carvo out a career for him­ boldt Park.” The teacher was called self. WASHlfiiiTON Tlflili ’ ('r a iu OUT OUR WAY By W illiamfl FREOCLES AND HIS FRIENDS OF COURSE IT I6« 1 WAS FtGHDN' OH, NOTHIN'. Ry RIoM.ser STUPID. GIT THIS 'Kl* SOMETHING ONLY I CAN'T DM CAN OFFA ME. HVrS ME 'N' HELP 1MINKIN' THfCS AU 1 NCnTA RiP-ROARiN' PfBMAPS, \P Ml t i l t 1 SMOOUOMT REMEMBERS. WILDCAT YOU •COMING SOON.. TMit W0MAKI WM0H IVISIK TMl RlDl claim to be. A D railt W/A 0H 1MAT UNTIL-WttU OnPHANS ALIA* IM ybUR. CAR. w om t^ vou OF THt SUP Op PAPS9., Hl'UU VIOUUD HURT MIM.H. M faiU M A ., AY? s t o r m P llL 01TTBa...OSAtTlC guTvMMAT poaias iMSiiTS 0»J ■miATMlMT OFTfiU HAS US IS VIHV H I EAST L.NMNC USIUODKID 9SPTVIA 0A)S Hit MAMl THS. pop. R f- IS SORtog.V/HfihJ 5EVUIM(T Me£HIMe 01910 1ULT0 a Z UHOW ITS GURU 011 A M il. AAtLUlHeiR.// 01OBISLO eeei VJNCl.t.'TbM* M . MAAP/ AlAlWir Hit B im s . -1.

HAi UHB pgOMttSlOlJM UAVI HAW even NOW, VIASH, SURE-BUT TH' WITH A SUIT OP ARMOR BIG UHNPBAG vou ^ JJ fM SURE RIP WANT A BUST WOT OF ON They knock you out. DID THE BEST COULDN'T DO I TMS N 0S6? IT? THE TERROR OF THE HE COULD.. MUCH. OM'j', \tJS AAldHT FIWD THAT ©OT UNIVERSE GETS SEAT WOTTA AFT8R NM6 TA kl MlAAlb SSS Huh: just tr/ UP. WHOOPKl RID 0‘D/ iHis uAoy OH RiDsfiuy AKIO V&PP us FROAA FIGHTIN' \0OLl STRSHT....yoO Boys 0AM SO|MS,...H0H p ? . ^ rc 60 VJITW US, t h a t is, if FAWTHER c ' CAR0 ii V.C 10.'.' L -w.i n SL FAVUTVAER umii iiniiii"""’’LUUUliUlli \ —LlLI_LI»>i Iiiiifiiiiimiiii N - vsoo "KZ,

z ' K (p /(I w ^ a-iT / ^u.a.PAT.orr. BOPtsJ TtUPfTV WEARS TCO -SOOM me^ t »Y wtA Mswea we. Jii J

SALESMAN SAM One Plate of Beans! B y S m a l l


t 1111*1"*


:-'AW - i-i %yr'-


Mrs. Myra Fitzgerald, Mrs. Bessie Mary C. Keeney Tent, I^aughters Teams num\>er one. and^ve plac­ Mn^ Thomas ' D. - Smlpi,Mrs: NATIONAL GUARDS o f Union Wax Veterans will meet ed in the^ Itecreatidn CenMr VoVey LADIES iffll SOCIETY Thonms J. ;Shaw; Mrs.' Jdhh Larson, vs. Ferris and Mrs.' Gladys Hubert of this town, accompimied Deputy tomorrow evening at the State Ball len^e hu3t niglit ndth the Mrs, William Baijclay,Mrs. Elton BABSON INSTITUTE Susan Kastner and Myrtle White to Armory. Mrs. Helen Henry and her former winning 16-;L9, 16-14 • and T01MY.M.C.A. Johnson and M ira.''' William H, 15-9. Tonight teams two and four Petherbridge. — - -•' STATE ARMORY West Haven last night to attend the committee will put on a three-ln- banquet and visitation of the Great one social, a combined observance meet. North En4 Group Amonsf First TO N IG H T ! Chiefs of the Degree of Pocahontas. of Washington and Lincoln’s birth­ To Use Niew Socisd Rooms of ( Place. Ypur.OrdeWj! Main Game 8:45. day and Valentine day. Eighteen Councils were presented Mrs. John Dpugan and; Mrs^ Buildinsf. ^ W t h '.U s fp r High Scbooi Stndento, 25c. by 172 members. Andrew Ferguson wUl-be'hostesses Mrs. N. A. Burr of Park street for the meeting of the Ladies Guild One o f the first organizQitiohs to Prpmpt DeHyery On The Sons of St. George will meet entertained with a luncheon-bridge at St. Msuys l^iscopal church to­ make use of the attractively furn­ in Odd Fellows hall tonight at eight today. morrow afternoon at 2 o’clock. ished rooms in the new Y. M. C. A. ABOUT TOWN o'clock. Past President Mycock, ac­ building on North Msdn street for a RANGE companied by a delegation from Women of the Church of the social event, is the North Methodist At the meeting of the Men's Torrington will pay a visit to the lo­ Nazarene will hold their weekly , Rev. Watson iWoodruff and ISieo- Ladies’ Aid society, -the .February FURNACE and League of the Center Church Sun­ cal lodge. Following the meeting re­ prayer service tomorrow afternoon dore Bidwell were delegates from g^oup of which will give a Washing­ day morning the speaker will be freshments w l be served. at 2 o’clock with Mrs. H. B. Anthony the Center Congregational chujxh at ton party Wednesday aftemobn, Secretary Guthrie of the Hartford at the parsonage. ‘ the meeting today of the Hartford February 24 at 3 o’clock. They wifi FUEL OIL Y. M. C. A., who has spent sev­ The directors of the Manchester East association ct the Soutli have the use of-the spacious banquet eral years in Manchuria, and will Kiwanis club will have an Important Miss Harriet A. Cobum of 866 Ohurch, East Hartford, when the hall on the second floor, adjoining Center AutiD Supply speak from personal experience of meeting at the Hotel Sheridan to­ Oakland street has returned after a Rev. I^dley F. Showman was or­ the kitchen. conditions there. morrow at 12:15. visit in N^w York City. dained as pastor of that qhurch. The committee in charge includes PhPne 5293

Tomorrow, The Last Day Of Our One Cent Sale. Buy Items Now! Drugs, Notions and Hosiery At Great Savings


45c Standard Brand Remedies 45c 20o Bicarbonate Soda 2 for 21o 80c Cle-O-Tex Dry Cleaner Standard Extract pf (16 ounce) ...... 2 for Slo h NOTION SALE 25o Castor O il ...... 2 for 26o (Non inflammable. 4 ounce) Rubbing Alcohol Witch Hazel (8 oimce bottle) 25o Sweet Spirits of . Buy One for the Regular Price 26o Aromatic Castor N itre...... 2 for'YOo Grain alcohol medicated v/ltb antiseptics. And Another for Ic O i l ...... 2 for 26o (1 ounce) Triple distilled. Used as astringent, Used for rub downs, bed sores, headaches, (2 ounces) 25c Snlpnr Ointment 2 for 26o emd has hundreds of other uses. body rub and has dozens of other tises. 89o Lilac Water .... 2 for 40o 85o Capslcnm Ointment (6 ounce) ...... 2 for 86c 2 Pint SOo Glycerine ...... 2 for Slo 25o Boric Add Ointment pint bottles Willimantic Thread B p ttles...... (8 ounces) ...... 2 for 26c 4 6 c SOo Peroxide ...... 2 for Slo 85o Supreme Pile Ointment 46c Black and white. Sizes 24 to 70. 6 spools (16 oimce bottle) ...... 2 for 86c to each customer. Buy now and save. 15c Tincture Iodine . .2 for 16o 85o Rhubarb and Soda SOc Antiseptic Alkaline S5c Ichthyol Ointment lOo J and J Gauze Bandages xSc Floroscent Oakes 2 for 26c (1-2 ounce) Mixture...... 2 for 86c Tablets ...... 2 for Slo ....'...... 2 for 86o ...... 2 for lie SOc Carthatio Compound (4 oimce) (Seller’s formula. SO’s)' 25c Zinc Oxide Ointment (1 inch by 10 yards) 40c Oil of Wintergreen 2 for 41c PiUs ...... 2 for Slo 15o Aspirin ...... 2 for 16c20c Boric Acid Powder 2 for 21q ...... 2 for 26c (2 ounce) (lOO’s) (6 grain. 12’s) (4 ounces) 45c Z. O. Adhesive Plasters 25c Laxative Quinine 2 for 26c ...... 2 for 46c 25c Spirits of Camphor Sewing Thread Whisk Brooms 80o Saccharin Tablets 2 for Slo 45o Aspirin ...... 2 for 46cSOc Dakol Nasal Cream (CTold tablets) (1 inch by 6 yards) ...... 2 for 26o 1200 yard spools o f No. 60 Fine quality whisk broom. (lOO’s) (5 grain. lOO’s) ...... 2 for Slo S5c Cascara Compound 2 for 86c (1 ounce bottle) ' sewing thread. Black and Three sewed. 50o Aromatic Casoara Sagrada 25o Chloroform Linament 25c Headache Powders 2 for 26c (Dr. Hinkle’s. lOO’s) 10c Z. O. Adhesive Patterns white. Extract ...... 2 for 51c 25c Aromatic Spirits of 49c, 1 more for Ic ...... 2 for 26c (Tens) 40c Camphorated Oil 2 for 41o ...... 2 for 11c 19c, 1 more for Ic (4 oimces) (2 ounces) 26o Com Remover .. 2 for 26c (4 ounces) (1-2 inch by 1 yard) A m m on ia...... 2 for 26c Ironing Boards SOc Bland IW s ...... 2 for 81c 50o Iron, Quinine and 25o Toothache Drops. .2 for 26c (1 ounce) Sew-On Supporters Unbleached, heavy cotton 25o Mercurochrome.. 2 for 26c complete with laces. Fits any (6 grain, lOO’s) S trych n in e...... 2 for 61c 35c Analgeric Balm.. 2 for' 36o “Velvet Grip’’ sew^n sup­ 81.60 69o Antiseptic (1-2 ounce) porters. Flesh only. board, 19c, 1 more for Ic 25c, 1 more for Ic 45c Hot Water Bottles Douche Powder Shoe Laces' Darning Cotton standard brand hot water 75c Russian bottles and fountain Mercerized tubular shoe Mercerized darning cotton. A soothing, refreshing, hy­ laces. Best selling shades. All colors. Milk of Magnesia syringes. 2 qt. capacity. gienic powder of exceptional Conforms to the requirements of the U. Moulded in one piece, no merit. Packed in conven­ Mineral Oil 5c, 1 more for Ic 5c, 1 more for Ic S. Pharmacopeia. Becoming more popular seams— guaranteed against ient, sterilized bottles. Safety Pins Blanket Binding as a mouth wash protecting teeth against defects of any kind. One of Best quality oil. For constipation. Also Clinton, safety pins. Numbers All colors. Double faced. food acids, as well as having other uses. each or used in place of vegetable oils for salad 1, 2 and 6. Per yard dressing. 2 ‘ 60c lOc, 1 more for Ic . lOc, 1 more for Ic 16 oz. 2 $1.51 Hot Dish Holders Hair Pins bottles Pint Bottles Heavy art ticking covering invisible hair pins, 40 count. S5c Rhinitis Tablets 25c White Pine-Tar Cough Black and brown. 1 1-2, 1 3-4, 4 6 c S rmp ...... 2 for 26c 76c bound with hias tape. Asbes­ ...... 2 for 86c 3 tos center. 2, 2 1-4 Inch size. (1-2 grain. lOO’s) (3 oimces) 65c SOo lOc, 1 more for Ic 5c, 1 more for Ic 15c So^m int ...... 2 for 16c SOc Syrup Wild Cherry (40’s> ' 15c 50c Hale’s Napkins Twill Tape Psyllium Seed Glycerine ...... 2 for 61c Hale's “Number Twelve” English “Superfine” twill Recommended for constipa­ 20c Epsom Salts 2 for 21c (Flax seed and menthol, 6 (1 pound) Castile Soap Mouth Wash napkins, deodorized . and sani­ tape, white only. 1-4 to 3-4 tion by Life Extension Institute. Suppositories ounces) inch size. 12 ounce size. For adults. Twelve in package. 25c Extract of Almond tary...... 2 for 26c 15c Quinine Sulphate Pills, Made with Spanish oil. Ex­ Prophylactic mouth wash is 2 for 50c, 1 more for Ic 2 for 20c, 1 more for Ic ...... 2 for 16c an ideal antiseptic and. deodor­ SOc Olive OU (French) cellent for tender skins. 4 ounce 2 66c 2 31c ...... 2 for 51c (12’s) ant for halitosis or • unpleasant $1.00 PsyUium SOc Glycerine Suppositories (8 ounce bottle) 35c Shaving Cream.. 2 for S6c cakes. breath. Useful as a throat W ilsnap Kotex Sanitary gargle, lotion, eteV Seed, /\ - | SOc White Camphor.... lin i­ (1-4 poimd jar) ment 2 for 61c SOc Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, Dress Fasteners Napkins 2 f o r ____ V X • X 2° 51c (For rheumatism, sprains Cakes O bottles (Black. 12 ounce size.) For Infants. Twelve...... 2 for Slo Black and white. All and neuralgia.) (8 ounce bottle) 16c 4 99c sizes. You can never have Another for Ic too many on hand: Famous Kotex sanitary 25c SOc 89c Norwegian 50c VaniUin napkins now 4 for 99c, an­ I r other box Ic—totaling 5 for Glycerine ^ose Creno 2 20 c $1.00. ’Twelve in each box. Cod Liver Oil W ater Disinfectant Flavoring Extract Another for Ic Deodorized and sanitary. ■ ' Supplied both plain and mint flavored. For chapped hands and A general household disin­ skin. fectant. Pint size. Wonderful flavor tor cooking and baking. Rubber Aprons ’ Ric Rac Large bottles. •=! ^ ' O for Two for the price of one. .Best' quality ric rac braid. 3 r r y .i 16 oz. “Coverall” rubber aprons. Large to the piece. Special, 2 26c size. Blue, rose, green. bottles 8-oz. bottles lOc, 1 more for Ic 90c 51 50c, 1 more for Ic Garment Hangers Thimbles Twelve bemgers for 24c! Drugs— Main yioor, right If you need an extra thimble Hardwood hanger; nicely finish­ for spring sewing—buy, now! ed. ' 5jC, 1 more for Ic G f(y 23c, 1 more for Ic Sanitary Bloomers Bobbie Pins High gijade.v -Medium, large. “Willshap” bobbie pins. Black, $1.6o, T more for Ic brown and blqnde. Repeating For Thursday Only Our Regular $5 Wright’s Bias Tape lOc, 1 more for Ic Slightly irregulars. Colored American Laundry Bags and white. 10c and.lSc grades. Heavy quality laundry bags. Made lOc, L more for Ic Regular size:' Low price for h HOSIERY SALE U Sanitary Bloomers this sale. : Medium, large. Special* low 59c, 1 more for Ic Buy One Pair of Hose at the Regular Price and Buy Another for Ic price Bloomer Elastic Wrist Watch^ 50c, 1 more for Ic 1-4 inch bloomer elastic. 15o $1.50 Wmnen’s 50c Tape. Measures quality packed in 3 yard rolls. Chiffon Hose Silk Stockings 10c, I more for Ic \ 15c, 1 more for lc> $2.39 Coat Hangers Garment Bags 60-inch garment bag of pairs 2 pahs 5 1 / Colored coat hangers in $ 1.51 For men, women, boys eind girls—^wrist-watch good quality—keeps clothes all pastels. These are our regular stock of $1.50 chlEEons of a na­ Choice of regular SOc pure silk stockings with neat lace with adjustable link wristband. Chromium case. dustproof, , tionally known hosiery manufacturer whose name we can­ clocks. Also popular chardonlze hose that looks like a Non-breakable crystal • face guarantetid for one another for not use because of the very low-price. We assure you high priced chlffoii yet wears like cotton. Trijough these year. “Aviatloa” style. I c 99c .... I c that this is the first time in our history we have offered stockings sure priced SOc today, two years ago you were We Inadvertently advertised these vetches at IQc this quality at this very, very low price. Finest, sheer­ paying $1.00 a psiir for similar qualities. $2.95 last Friday. The adv. should have'read est pure silk chiffon with picot tops. French heels. Full- $2.39. Those who purchased a watch at $2.95 Notions— Main Floor, left. fashioned. last Saturday can call at the store and t^e dif­ ference will be refunded. Children’s 39c Children’s 25c Watches— ^Main Floor, front . , Silk-Wool Hose 2 pah’s pairs 'Children’s silk and wool hose in gray and tan tones. Buy the children’s spring wdihdvhoslery now. Our Also boys’ cotton 3-4 socks in neat patterns and colorings.' regular stock 25c socks now-rrS j>eua:a6c. Fln^^knlt- Regular 39c grades, now 2 pair 40c. Wise mothers will ted tiir4e-qu^er socks m new patterns and ■ Qpod come down tomorrow and stock up at Hale’s low prices. Wearing hose for school and play wear. Hosiery Department— Main Floor, right

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