AVERAGE DAILY OIRCCnLATIOiS ^ A T B B R for the Month of January, 198S Foreoaat o f'0." 8.' Weather Bareau; ' Hahtford Member of the Audit Bureau Bain and:^ai1k. ^ i.^ni|(ht; of CIrculationa. day oIoQdy ajid colder. (Claaelfled Advertliing on ^ g e 14.) VOL. Ll» NO. 118. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1932. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PK1(*E THREE CENTS CANNONADING ENDS; Italian Warship Rushes Troeps to Ghi|ia REORGANIZE BUREAUS SHANGHAI IS QUIET IS HOOVER’S APPEAL Both Sides Renew Efforts To I TUMULTY ASSAILS Stop Hostilities — Two President Sends Special Mes* LEACUE OPPONENTS Dtaft New Beer Bill; t British Soldiers Killed sage To Congress; Wants During Bombing. Former Wilson Secretary Would Raise Millions Changes Made In Federal Says Politicians Appeal To Washington, Feb. 17 — (AP) — The bill as now drafted would Departments In the Inter­ Whanghal, Thureday, Feb, 17,— Executive committees of the House modify the Volstead Act to legalize (AP) • Shaken by the guni which Democratic and Republican Anti- beer of 8.2 per cent alcohol by weight or about 4 1-2 per cent by ests of Economy— Wonld hoc bombarded Chapel all nlRht, Men’s Prejndices. Prohibition Blocs will be asked to­ volume. It would be sold only in Shanghai wan quiet early thli mom morrow to approve a bill to legalize sixteen ounce pint bottles and be Also Create Four New Ing ns the cannonading came to an beer of 8.2 per cent alcohol by subject to a Federal tax of four Newark, N, J„ Feb, 17,— (A P )— weight and establish a tax that pro­ end. cents a bottle. Joaeph P, Tumulty, secretary to ponents of the measure say would O’Connor oald the measure also More artillery was being brought Posts. President Wilion and a leading ex­ raise $600,000,000 a year. would include a prohibition against up to the lines of Chapel and Woo Representative O’Connor (D., N. ponent of United States’ entry into the sale of the new beer in any sung but there was no concrete Id- y.) said be and Repreaentative Wil­ political subdivision—including vil- dlcatlon that the expected Japanese the League of Nations, today assail liam E. Hull (R., 111.) had agreed lagesc—that chose to continue the Washington, Feb. 17 — (AP) — offensive was ready to begin. ed political expediency and declared Off to swell the ranks of the defenders of the Shanghai International settlement, the Italian battleship on the outline of the bill. present law in force. Asking support for a wholesale re­ Trento is pictured here as it sailed from Oaeta, Italy, enroute to the Chinese war zone. The vessel carried On the contrary, both sides bat “ the popular mode of the past few It will be presented to the execu­ The bill also, O'Connor said, would organization of the government. renewed their efforts to brlng'an end a regiment of troops, shown upper left as they paraded aboard ship just prior to their departure. tive committees and then to the en­ prevent sales of beer at any places years has been an appeal to the President Hoover today dispatched to the fighting. The Japanese com tire blocs, as was the constitutional but in hotel dining rooms, and a special message to Congreaa mand indicated that they would prejudices Instead of an appeal to amendment which failed to ‘receive restaurants or clubs whose members give ample warning before launch the handeome passions of men." favorable action in the House judi­ pay annual dues of at least $15 and recommending the creation of four new Federal offices. log the thunderbolt, and leading Speaking before the Democratic ciary committee yesterday, O’Con­ then only “when served with a bona Chinese officials were trying to NO RETURNS YET nor asserted. fide meal." He requested, simultaneously, the Women’s Luncheon Club, Tumulty NEED MORE FACIUTIES major alteration and changing In agree on a basla for peace. leveled his attack particularly title of four other Federal depart­ Until late last night Wellington against presidential candidates who <8^ Koo, T. V., Soong and other out­ <?> ments. Under the eight new and “ will not exchange opportunism and FROM FREE STATE s e n u m e Nt f o b h o o v e b altered divisions be would cozisoll- standing Chlneie leaders were in the applause of the crowd for free AT HOME OF VETERANS u .g Ko w i n q i n s t a t e conference but they nad nothing to DEMOCRATS SCORED date present overlapping actlvitlea dom of action." <»- in an effort to subtract "millions of say for publication. The American, "Always with some candidates," Washington, Feb. 17.— (AP)— dollars annually” from the tax bur­ British and French ministers, who Obamrers Predict Margin Representative Tllson, (R., den. took a hand in the negotiations last Tumulty said, "in these days when great decisions have to be made af State Commission Reports CHARGES AL SMITH Conn.), informed President Hoo­ BY ASSEMBLYMAN Authority also was asked for the week said they would not go back ver todayly he had found “an ex- chief executive to transfer and con­ to Nanking until Saturday or Sun­ fectlng the peace ahd prosperity of WOl Be Small For Wko- the world, the main questions seem tremely favorable reaction” to solidate executive and administra­ day. To Goromor Cross— Med­ the economic rehabilitation pro­ tive groups merely through the Eager For Peace to be 'How easily can I win an CLAIMED INTEREST election?’ 'How can I sbake hands gram throughout New England. Told They Are Helping Can­ issuance of executive orders, each to Mayor Wu Teh-Chen said China ererlstkeFmner. Tilson reported that on a visit with the bitterenders, the Implaca­ ical Staff Inadoqoate To lie before Congress for 60 days be­ was eager for an honorable, perm­ in Connecticut over the week-end fore becoming effective. ble foes of Woodrow Wilson, the anent peace, “but every indication he was informed by leaders the Drastic Economy League a^d world co-operation and didates For Office and points to the determination of the Dublin, Irish Free State, Feb. 17. President had gained strength “In the present crisis,” the Presi­ at the sum time stand in reveren Do Efficient W ork. Farley’t Lawyer Says It W as Japanese milltarista to aggravate —(AP)—Intense excitement pre­ particularly in that state. dent declared, "the absolute neces­ the situation by extending the in­ before tliiU&rine of W ilson?'" “Generally the political trend Neglect the Public. sity for the most drastic economy '' Halting Fears vailed in the Irish Free State today vasion." Hartford, Feb.. 17.— (AP)—With Old Cnstom In New York for the President is becoming mtikes the problem of governmental Mr. Soong, ridiculing reports that 'Tumulty charged Jiat in the as the people waited the result of marke^y more favorable,” he reorganization one of paramount there were differences between the “diagnoses pf those who have re­ a population of more than 500 resi­ the couflt of ballots cast in yester­ asserted. Albany, N. Y., Feb. 17.— (AP)— importance.” cently c(^e forward in behalf of Sheriff’s Office. Chlang Kai-Shek Army and the dents, all subject to the disease Eind day’s elections, on which hangs the -<S> Here are the four x^w posts he their ony^ cimdidacy,. to express The Democratic minority of the New 19th Route Army defending Chapel, sickness prevalent among veterans fate oi the government of President would have Congress create: their vlsTVV'on domestic and foreign York legislature was described by a A public works administrator, to said General Chlang would support as a result of their service suid a Cospave. the 19th if the Japanese launched a policies, thpM has beS'/ nothing but Albany, Feb. 17.— (A P )— Counsel Most observers expressed the be­ Republican member today as “car­ construct and sometimes operate all “wholly inadequate" m''dlc£il staff, heavy attack. halting feaWr^pfleciiA <n, and worse for Sheriff Thomas M. Farley told lief that the margin fo. the winner, ANDERSON FIIES rying out the mandates of ambitious, Federal projects except those of the than ^ surxjbnqar to fite devil of ex­ the 'Veterans Home Commission is Army and Navy. ^ Two British sailors, put ashore whether President Cosgrave or his candidates for president for ten pediency. powerless to bring Fitch’s Home for Governor Roosevelt at yesterday’s with a landing party from the rlvAl, Eamonn De Valera, leader of years” instead of representing the An assistant secretary for public Soldiers ct Noroton “ to that state of hearing that former Governor Alfred health to head all sudh Federal cniiser Suffolk, died yesterday of “With the first shot from the gim the Flanna Pail, would he very people who elected them. ot the arch-enemy of the League, on efficiency which an institution of E. Smith also took the Interest on sm^l. Some of the returns might CARDOZO PROTEST work. wounds inflicted when shells from this nature requires," according to The charge was made on tha January 21st, former devotees of the litigants’ fuods when hf was sheriff b e ^ liw e d for days, they said. An assistant ^letary for Mar- the Chapel front burst on the the biennlEd report of the commis?v assen^^ floor by Assemblyman chant Marine, drawingUnto the com­ Whangpo docks where tl^ Wfss League ^ed, TUmerad, Kamerad,’ of New Yoric county.,’ 9fdiy - 1%«^l«etlOh passed quietly in Horaiw otone, Onondsiga coimty Re- and wealny. aussendered,^ with the akm aubmitted today to Govamor spite of tiitfr advance''fluiTY of'vio­ merce .department all Marine ship­ on patrol.
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