Military Pay Scales and Roles
Approximate What did their role involve? Rank/Rate (Service) Example Leavers’ Roles Pay Band All sugges5ons are trade and role dependent. MOD – Military Pay Scales as at 1 Apr 14 Other Ranks & Non-Commissioned and Warrant Officers Appren5ceship Recruit in Training £14,429.01 Contracts are set from 4 to 24 years. Training The Armed Forces: An Informa2on Sheet Senior AircraUman (RAF) Junior Technician Private / other e.g. Trooper (Army) Some technically skilled roles, others unskilled. HM Forces, the Services, the Military. Whichever 5tle Administrator Junior AircraUman/Tech £17,866.78 - you use, the Forces comprise three main Services : £29,521.18 • Royal Navy (RN or Navy) Able Rate (Navy) Driver Junior Supervisors, responsible for other’s work / behaviour in a small • Brish Army (Army) Lance Corporal Skilled technician team of 4-6 or component task. • Supervisors and team leaders of teams of around 8-10: required to take Royal Air Force (RAF) Leading Rate (Navy) £26,935.44 - Supervisor responsibility for organising and running training / task coordinaon. (The Royal Marines are part of the Naval service but align to the Corporal £33,849.23 Senior mechanic/technician rank structure of the Army.) May be responsible for running an equipment account / store. First rung of significant responsibility and administrave management: • In addi5on, each Service has a Reserve Force. Sergeant (Army / RAF) £30,615.80 - Junior Manager experienced and technically authoritave in their field. Support and Pey Officer (Navy) £37,671.30 Team Coordinator Talented Workforce advise the Officer in charge of a team of c.35 – keeps check both ways.
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