THE LONDON GAZETTE, 28 JULY, 1939 5217 the Undermentioned Pilot Officers Are Flying Officers
THE LONDON GAZETTE, 28 JULY, 1939 5217 The undermentioned Pilot Officers are Flying Officers. • ' • granted the acting rank of Squadron Leader Claude Corsellis HARVEY, M.R.C.S., (unpaid) while performing the duties of a L R C P Squadron Commander in the Public Schools - William Litster HECTOR, M.B., Ch.B. Cadet Wing at the annual camp of the Thomas Cradock HENRY, M.R.C.S., Junior Division of the Officers Training L.R.C.P. Corps from 2Qth July 1939 to 5th Aug. 1939, William Murray HONEYMAN, M.B., Ch.B., inclusive: — M.R.C.P. Roger de Winton Kelsall WINLAW. Frederic John Alliston CHASE-. DENTAL BRANCH. Michael Martin MAYNARD. The undermentioned are granted commis- Honorary Flight Lieutenant William sions as Flying Officers. 25th July 1939: — Harold Nelson SHAKESPEARE, M.C., A.F.C., is granted the honorary rank of Wing Com- Geoffrey Hope AUSTIN-SMITH, L.D.S. mander, ist May 1939. Cyril Leslie HOLLICK, L.D.S. Allan LAW, L.D.S. The undermentioned are appointed Clifford PARME"E, L.D.S. Honorary Flight Lieutenants on the dates Paul RANDALL, L.D.S. stated: — Norman Warburton TIPPETT, L.D.S., nth May 1939. R.F.P.S. Rear-Admiral Algernon Robert SMITHWICK, D.S.O. (R.N. Ret.). ist June 1939. Payr. Capt. William George Ewart AUXILIARY AIR FORCE. ENRIGHT, O.B.E. .(R.N. ret.). GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH. ADMINISTRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH. No. 501 (County of Gloucester] Squadron. Frederick Fulton FULTON is granted a Flying Officer Noel Lincoln WESTBURY- commission as Flying Officer with the JONES is granted the acting rank of Squadron honorary rank of Squadron Leader.
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