Birds of Athabasca County
ABUNDANCE KEY HABITAT KEY Sp Su Au Wi Habitat Sp Su Au Wi Habitat A=always seen, high numbers (listed from most to least Sp Su Au Wi Habitat Falcons (Falconidae) Gulls and Terns (Laridae) BIRD IDENTIFICATION BOOKS C=common, usually seen, common) moderate numbers. Some L=lake Ducks (Anatidae) American Kestrel A A A C, F//, W// Franklin's Gull A C C R, L, W, S species are common only in R=river Wood Duck O L, W Merlin C C C F, L//, R, W, Bonaparte's Gull C C C L, R, W,F// Birds of Alberta. Chris Fisher and John Acorn. specific locations. W=wetland, ponds, bogs Gadwall C C C L, W C, S Edmonton: Lone Pine Publishing, 1998. U=uncommon, sometimes F=forest Ring-billed Gull A A A L//, R//, C, S seen, low numbers, or C=clearing American Wigeon C C C L, W, R Peregrine Falcon ● ● ● L//, F//, R// California Gull C C C L, W, C Field Guide to Alberta Birds. W. Bruce McGillivray irregularly high Sh=shrubby area Mallard A A A W, L, R Grouse (Phasianidae) Herring Gull U O U L, R, C, S and Glen P. Semenchuk. Edmonton: The O=occasionally seen, sporadic S=settlement Blue-winged Teal C C C W, L//,R// Gray Partridge U U U U C Federation of Alberta Naturalists, 1998. Italics ●=rare, seldom seen, //=edge of habitat Common Tern U U U L, W, R vagrant, unexpected, wanderer Cinnamon Teal ● ● L//, W// Ruffed Grouse C C C C F, Sh, W// Arctic Tern O O L The Sibley Guide to Birds.
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