July 2019

Granville Academy News

Principal ’s Message :

Dear Parents and Carers As the summer term draws to a close, we look back on another year at Granville and all that has hap- pened. Our £8.8 million rebuild is well underway and the new sports hall is really taking shape. Our year 7 intake for September is over-subscribed and we have a waiting list for places. The school roll will have risen from just over 500 pupils in 2015 to almost 800 in 2019! At the end of term, we will be saying goodbye to a small number of staff. Mr Taylor (Maths) will be leaving us to take up a post at John Taylor High School and Miss Rhodes (MFL) will be leaving us to return to Long Eaton school. Mrs Brassington (Support and Guidance) will be taking up a new role as a Learning Mentor at Belmont Primary School. We say a huge thank you to them for all their hard work, loyalty and commitment to the school. We also wish “bon voyage” to Mrs Garvey (English|) who is taking a sabbatical for a year and intends to travel and undertake some voluntary work oversees. We wish her a safe and fantastic journey. From September, we welcome the following new staff: Erika Harris (English) Usman Asif (English) Sonia Dos Santos (Maths) Paul Marshall (ICT) Hollie McIlhone (Academic Mentor)

We look forwards to our GCSE Results Day on August 22nd and hope our year 11 students are justly rewarded for their efforts. Have a great Summer. I look forwards to seeing the pupils on Tuesday 3rd September 2019. July 2019

Granville Academy News

Introducing the New Head Boy and Head Girl

Hello. My name is Caitlyn and I am your new Head Girl. Let me tell you a bit about myself. I was originally born in Scotland but have lived in Woodville since I was two years old. My favourite subject at school is science which is a good thing because when I am older I would like to become a vet. I also really enjoy drama and outside of school I have undertaken five drama exams, achieving either a merit or distinction in them. I am also a keen photographer and I am a keen baker, helping my Brownies with cake sales in order to raise money for charity. As well as this, I love horse riding and in particular, show jumping. Finally, I have completed my Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award, and as part of this I started volunteering as a young leader with the cubs. As Head Girl, I hope you will find me approachable and feel able to come to me with any problems. I am really looking forward to taking on this role in the new school year.

Hello, I am your new Head Boy, Harry. I want to let you know that I will do my best to support and represent each and every one of you to the best of my ability. My personal interests include martial arts, in which I have a black belt. My study of the fighting arts has taught me how to treat people with respect and how to remain calm under pressure — but I have to admit that am really excited about becoming your new Head Boy. I am particularly looking forward to the public speaking side of the role, as I am keen to develop this skill. My ambition is to become a detective in the police, and I have already started on the path to making that a reality by joining Leicestershire police cadets. I see the role of a police officer as a caring one, and believe that the role of Head Boy is similar. I promise I will do my best to make the time to listen to everyone, so please stop me for a chat if you want me to raise an issue on your behalf. July 2019

Granville Academy News

Uniform Reminders As the Summer and good weather approaches, please remember some of our uniform requirements to ensure your child does not fall foul of our rules!

 Skirts must be knee length

 Trousers loose cut—not “skinny” or tight fitting

 Hair dye in natural colours only and not shaved at less than grade 2

 No trainers

 No hoodies or tracksuits as outdoor coats

 Piercings—only small plain gold/silver earrings, one in each earlobe

If your child does not comply with the policy, they may be sent home and asked to change or they may be removed from lessons until the Issue is resolved. We made our policy clear to you prior to joining the academy so please support us! July 2019

Granville Academy News

Expectations in Detail for Dress Code September 2019

We appreciate that towards the end of the year students have outgrown or worn out uniform and parents do not want to buy new uniform until the start of the new academic year. Please be aware of our uniform expectations for the first day back in September:

 Black blazer with the Granville Academy badge.

 Trousers – full length, plain black boot cut or straight leg/regular fit formal style trousers. No flared, narrow leg or tight fit at any point. Trousers must be waist high. No tracksuit bottoms, jeans, chino style trousers, combat trousers, leggings or jeggings. Belts should be black, plain and narrow with a discreet buckle.

 Students may choose to wear a black skirt. This must be a ‘David Luke Senior Girls Skirt’ from our approved suppliers only. The skirt must be knee length at all times.

 Plain white formal style button through shirt/blouse with a stiffened collar which allows a clip-on tie. These can be short or long sleeved.

 Clip-on Academy tie in the correct House colour must be worn in a smart manner at all times.

 Formal style, plain black shoes. No logos, emblems or coloured trims/patterns. No trainers, canvas pumps or trainer type shoes will be accepted. Heels no higher than 3cm. No boots.

 Long black socks with trousers. Black socks with skirts or black/flesh coloured tights. No trainer socks.

 Optional black V neck pullover. No other jumper, hoodie or cardigan to be worn.

 Outdoor coats should be removed once inside the Academy building. Hoodies and sweatshirts should not be worn as an alternative to a coat. Denim/leather/leather look jackets are not allowed.

 No extreme hairstyles, no patterns. Hair must not be shaved less than grade 2. Dyed hair: only full head or highlights in natural hair colours. No blocks of colour or dip dyeing of the ends of hair. Hair accessories must be plain, black or white.

 No make-up of any kind in Years 7, 8 and 9. Students in year 10-11 may wear very light make up but this must not be visible from a short distance, No shaved eyebrows, false eye lashes. No nail varnish or nail extensions. No additional accessories, badges or wrist bands (including charity bands) unless provided by the Academy or for a special Academy event for a specified time.

 One pair of small gold or silver stud earrings, one worn in each earlobe. No other body piercings or retainers are allowed including magnetic/fake piercings. A wrist watch may be worn. No smart watches.

July 2019

Granville Academy News

Your Support is Appreciated

Your support in ensuring your child comes to school appropriately dressed is very much appreciated. If you child does not conform to the academy dress code, the following actions may be taken:

 Loan of academy uniform  We may ask your permission to send your child home to rectify the issue  Loss of social times  Withdrawal from lessons  Isolation  Pre exclusion warning  Exclusion from school


Over the summer break Ms Peapell, our Careers and Aspirations Lead, will be getting married and changing her name. Her new name will be Mrs Staley and her new email will be: [email protected]

Also getting married over the summer is our very own Miss Barker, although she will be retaining her name and her contact details will remain unaltered. Congratulations to them both! July 2019

Granville Academy News

Vive La France! In June, a group of Year 8 students sailed across the channel to get a taste of life in France. For many, this was their first experience of going away without their families and they were determined to make the most of it. The first day began early, with teachers and students

meeting at school at 6.30am.There were yawns aplenty, but in spite of the early start everyone seemed eager to be away. The first leg of the journey was by coach to Dover, where the group boarded a ferry and was soon on its way to the continent. The crossing was smooth and uneventful, and “No, that’s starboard”! The white cliffs. No the group quickly made landfall and began the last leg of bluebirds, though. the journey to the Hotel du Moulin aux Drapes, in Desvres, Northern France.

The hotel was well-appointed, and the students were soon settled into their rooms and ready to commence activities with Quentin, a local “animateur”, whose job it was to entertain and educate them. A golden rule at the hotel was that everyone had to speak French, and this encouraged our students to become immersed in the language. To their credit, everyone gave it a go!

Winston, the French dog. The Hotel du Moulin aux Drapes

July 2019

Granville Academy News

Part Deux The following day saw our intrepid bunch visit a local school, where they took part in several lessons alongside their French counterparts. Both sets of students worked on improving either their French or English through a range of activities, including what could possibly be the longest running game of Bingo ever! After lessons, the French students introduced our pupils to the traditional game of petanque, which they picked up surprisingly quickly.

After lunch, the group bid farewell to school, and headed towards a snail farm, where Petanque. the local delicacy, escargot, was bred. Our students were given an introduction to snail farming by the farm’s owner, and one of them in particular developed a special attachment to a snail she christened “Gary”. The climax of the visit, however, saw our adventurous youngsters sample the delicacy for themselves. It’s fair to say that they found it to be quite an experience!

To a local boulangerie next, where the baker, Bruno, taught them how to make croissant in what can only be described as a unique way that was sure to leave a lasting impression on them. Gary’s mates after Gary the snail. So far the weather had held, but in the early hours of the following morning a tremendous thunderstorm descended lunch. on the hotel. With the weather being uncertain, the group’s itinerary was altered to take them to one of the most impressive sea life centres in Europe, the mighty “Nausicaa”. Our students enjoyed wandering the length and the breadth of its halls, taking in its range of educational marine exhibits. July 2019

Granville Academy News


On departing Nausicaa, the weather picked up, and the group headed for the beach at le Touquet. Instructions not to get too wet or sandy were summarily dismissed as nonsense by our students, who had the time of their life on what is, perhaps, the most picturesque beach in northern France. Returning to the following day, our weary travellers stopped off for a spot of shopping in a “hypermarche” and finally arrived back at school in the early evening, tired yet content. All agreed that Mrs Saddington had arranged an excellent trip abroad, and the staff who also accompanied the students, Mr Rea, Miss Wilson and Miss Rhodes, could safely say that our students had been a credit to themselves and the school.

Friday saw a return to normal lessons. But, as they say in France, c’est la vie!

Le Touquet beach welcomes kids of all ages! July 2019

Granville Academy News


On Tuesday the 25th June, 47 Y10 geography students, along with 8 members of staff, travelled to Dovedale and the river Dove. Here they collected data about the river to help them with their GCSE geography course. This involved getting into the river and measuring the river’s width, depth and velocity (speed) at three sites along the river. Despite the weather (It didn't stop raining all day!) students were able to carry out the fieldwork tasks and they are now using their data in the classroom.

Weymouth From February the 11th to the 13th, 90 students along with Mrs lobosco, Mr Adler, Mr Stone, Mrs Wilson, Mr Hobbs and Mr McCarter travelled down to Osmington Bay near Weymouth. The trip, organised by Mrs Lobosco, allowed the students to take part in some outdoor activities and geography fieldwork. They were taken on a walk along the beautiful Dorset coast, braved the giant swing and put their map skills to the test with an orienteering competition. The students also carried out a series of fieldwork techniques on the beach to collect data that they then used to study coastal processes back at Granville. A great time was had by staff and students alike and all the staff on the trip agreed that the students were a credit to the school. July 2019

Granville Academy News

PE Update

Mrs Wilson, Mrs Brickley and Mr Hobbs took just under 50 students (Years 7-10) on one coach to Shobnall Sports Complex, Burton upon Trent for an Athletics Festival competing against other local schools (10+), such as De Ferrers, Robert Sutton, Thomas Alleyne ’s and William Allitt. Firstly, the field activities… a superb jump of 1.15m saw Jess M finish joint first in the Year 7 girls’ long jump, with Charlie M getting silver in the boys’ competition, clearing 1.2 metres! Ophelia W also performed excellently, coming second in her high jump event (3.59m) and Owen E was third in the lads’ version! Liam H was an outstanding double champion in Year 8 for the Academy, winning the boys’ long jump by recording an incredible 4.67m and then the javelin, throwing a distance of 24.76m! Also in the javelin but for the girls, Thea K (Year 9) got a creditable third position! As for the males in this year group, Kieran S was our notable athlete, achieving a final result of second in the long jump (4.22 metres). Year 10 boys Cade C (long jump – 4.8m) and Aidan D (shot put – 10.55m) both accomplished top three finishes! On the track, the year 7 girls’ relay team came 3rd, in comparison for the boys in this year group Rhys H was our stand out athlete by attaining two second place outcomes in the 100m and 1500m. In year 9, Kyron G was most successful, he finished 3rd in the 1500 metres race (5 minutes, 40 seconds). Sophia M (Year 10) did likewise in her year’s equivalent event! Lastly in year 10 boys, and on the track Toby J got a silver placed position in the 200m with a time of 25.57, and James W finished third best in the 400m (69.5 seconds). The above were just our podium results, we had many more students from our school who came 4th or 5th in their competition too! Well done to every pupil who took part, we were able to enter every single event!

Elsewhere Mr Goddard and Mr Hobbs entered a Year 8 boys’ cricket side into a four team 6-a side tournament a Robert Sutton! Alongside ourselves and the hosts, Paget and De Ferrers also took part. The squad as seen below was Thomas W, Liam H, Leo M, Harvey T, Calum W and Sam W! The rules were normal cricket except 6 over innings, every player had to bowl an over each and retire on 20 runs, a feat twice achieved by Liam (as well as a couple of sublime catches) and once by skipper Sam! We comfortably beat Robert Sutton, but narrowly lost by a handful of runs to both of the other two schools, overall finishing third! Unfortunately, all-rounder Yurell Y was also meant to partake but was off school ill. This was a significant blow, as he could have well made the difference that would have seen us being victorious!

July 2019

Granville Academy News

Sports Day 2019 Sports day 2019 took place on Thursday 20st June. The sun was initially shining on our playing fields although conditions were becoming darker for

students to deal with. Eventually, at about 12pm, we had to abandon the event as the heavens absolutely opened resulting in a wet outfield! Therefore,

completion of events took place at different lesson times per year group during the next couple of weeks. Points allocation for finishing position per athletics competition was 1st - 9 points; 2nd - 7 points; 3rd - 5 points; 4th - 3 points; 5th - 2 points and 6th - 1 point. Whereas, in handball and rounders it was: first – 90 points, second – 70 points and third – 50 points.

In Year 7, Ashley D (KN) won gold in the 60m dash in a time of 8.34 seconds, and Kayleigh B did the same in the girls’ event (9.16). Charlie M won the boys’ high jump, with a best of 130cm for Chatsworth house and Jess M of Kedleston won the same competition on the girls’ side (115cm). Jay DS (CN) measured a winning jump of 3.42m in the long jump, but was only second to Liverpool F.C fan Charlie H in the 100 metres, an event won when it comes to the girls by Maddy B. Swimming fanatic Millie C came out on top in the 1500m Year 7 girls’ track race. All round sportsman Rhys H did likewise in the boy’s event. Ophelia W ran her heart out to be champion in the girls’ 800m girls, whereas Amelie C of KN threw the best distance in the girls’ shot (6.90m), whilst for the other gender Zac S smashed this field event (8 metre P.B). Harry B and Skye L were the victors in the vortex competitions. Meanwhile, the girls’ league in rounders incredibly finished all tied with all three houses winning one and losing one of their matches.

Other notable Year 7 winners were: - Leo M and Lily H – 200 metres Kian M – 400 metres Finlay S – 800m

July 2019

Granville Academy News

Sports Day 2019 Onto Year 8 and Chatsworth's Finlay G won the boys 1500m and Haddon's Leiah W the girls. Leiah was again first over the finish line, this time in the 100m race (14.91 seconds), whilst Lewis D won the boys’ race. Leiah then

made it a hattrick of wins in the 200 metres, and unbelievably made it four by winning the long jump too, top stuff! Grace C won the 60m sprint (10.19 secs). Owen G came out on top of the boys' 60-metre and then 200-metre sprints.

Whereas in the girls 800m Kedleston's Ella S was victorious. Logan WH was first in the male shot put (HL, 7m 35), and at the same time Georgia H of Chatsworth won the girls' shot put with a distance of 4m 04. CR's Liam H individually won an incredible 27 points for his house by winning the 400m boys’ contest in 1 minute and 13 seconds, then the 800m run (3:02) and finally the long jump, recording a best of 3m 92. Then there was Korey B who threw a distance of 29.20m to win the male javelin. Libby F was the champion in the female competition (17.66m). The girls’ 4x100m relay was a tight affair, with 2 seconds between all three competing teams, but Haddon were the ones who came out on top.

Now Year 9: CI’s Lucy C won gold in the girls’ 1500m race. 800m champion Morgan T also came out on top in the 100 metres for the girls in a time of 15.37 seconds, and again of Chatsworth Joe B was the front-runner throughout in the boys’ contest (14.16 secs). Bella G (HG) soared to first place in the female 60 metre dash, doing so in 10.4 seconds. Chatsworth’s Kyron G conquered both the boys’ 60m and 800m! Kieran S finished first in the 200m; he completed half a lap of the track in 29.25 seconds, and then achieved a highest distance of 4.60m to win the boys’ long jump, but did get beaten by Haddon’s Morgan C in the triple jump, who himself recorded a personal best of 8.60m. Haddon’s Ryan B won the 400m boys’ event in a time of 1 minute, 22 seconds. Whilst Ricky H (CV) was the victor in the boys’ shot putt, throwing a best of 9m 40. Sydney P (CA) won the girls’ javelin comfortably with a great throw of 14.10 metres, whilst Amber L won her shot putt competition (5.10m). July 2019

Granville Academy News

Sports Day 2019 Last but not least Year 10! Toby J (CI) won the boys' 200 metres in a time of 0.28 seconds, whilst Josh H did so in the 100m

(14.1 secs). The 100m girls' race was of high quality with Chatsworth's Lara H (15.2 seconds) just beating Ellie T and Leanne S.

Ellie did however win the 200m sprint (0.36 seconds) and Lara as always came first in the girls’ long jump. Tamsyn P for Haddon won the 800m girls’ event in a time of 3 minutes, 30 seconds. Aimee D of Chatsworth was the winner in the girls’ shot, Aidan D doing likewise for Haddon in the boys’ version of things (10.45m). Chelsey W(CG) threw a victorious 13.28 metres in the female’s javelin. Brilliant Billy A won a closely competitive boys’ 400m boys race for Chatsworth, narrowly ahead of Cade C and James W (long jump winner), as well as being the champion when it came to the javelin. Josh S (CA) dominated the high jump with a superb P.B of 150cm. To finish with, using their clear netball skills, the girls adapted to handball brilliantly, resulting in every house winning one and losing one of their two matches.

All of this meant the results finished up as the following: -

3rd place – Kedleston (1248 points) 2nd place – Haddon (1459 points) 1st place – Chatsworth (2409 points)

The P.E department would like to thank all members of staff who helped manage events during the day and subsequent catch up days, spectating performances and crowds. To conclude, congratulations to every single student who got involved in sports day, demonstrating excellent attitude and ability.

July 2019

Granville Academy News

Liberation Day 2019 On the 15th of May 2019 Granville Academy, Pingle Academy and joined together to help out at the South event ‘Liberation Day’. The event, aimed at the over 65s, provided advice and information on a range of topics including doorstep callers, mobility, fitness, health, pensions and much more. Many interviews took place with visitors and helpers and a considerable amount of tea, coffee and juice

was served. The volunteers, students and guests both had a great time! Following on from the day, a selection of students went to Pingle Academy to complete either a news report, movie or podcast reporting on the day which were presented on a celebration assembly at Pingle Academy, with the town crier and even the vice chairmen in attendance. It was really fun creating these as we had a chance to work together with students from other schools and even learn how to use the green screen. Kaya D, Year 9 Digital Leader

With the introduction of iPads into Granville, several year 9 students have been given the opportunity to become digital leaders. They are currently being trained to have a better understanding of their iPads and app functions so that they can help other students and even teachers how to improve their iPad skills. So far the digital leaders have had the opportunity to go to Pingle Academyto create a multi-media presentation as well as going on a trip to the Apple Store in Birmingham to take part in a session run by Apple Creatives where they learnt how to ‘elevate ideas into action’ to raise awareness about important issues chosen by them, such as global warming, electric cars and LGBTQ+, by creating posters and short video clips.

Sophie W, Year 9 Digital Leader

July 2019

Granville Academy News

Academy Catering

July 2018

Granville Academy News

Dates for your Diary Thursday 22nd August: GCSE results day Monday 2nd September: Academy re-opens for staff INSET Tuesday 3rd September: Academy re-opens for students Thursday 12th September: Open Evening for prospective parents Monday 16th September: Year 7/9/11 School Photographs Wednesday 18th September: Year 7 Theatre in Education Thursday 17th October: Year 11 Drama Blood Brothers Theatre Trip Tuesday 22 October: Year 10 Stevenson College Visit Friday 25th October: Academy closes for half-term

And finally...

As mentioned in the Principal’s message, at the end of this half-term we say goodbye to Mrs Brassington and Mr Taylor. We wish them all the very best in their future endeavours. Also leaving us, but on a temporary basis for a year long sabbatical, is Mrs Garvey, to whom we wish bon voyage!

We also wish all members of our learning community a good Summer break and hope to see students return refreshed on Tuesday 3rd September.