Some Characteristics of Optokinetic Eye-Movement Patterns: a Comparative Study
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AM 70-10 SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTOKINETIC EYE-MOVEMENT PATTERNS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY William E. Collins, Ph.D. David J. Schroeder, Ph.D. Nancy Rice, B. A. Ruth Ann Mertens, M. S. Gail Kranz, B. S. Approved by Released by ~AM> ~~ P. v. SiEGEL, M.D. CHIEF, CIVIL AEROMEDICAL INSTITUTE FEDERAL AIR SURGEON July 1970 Department of Transportation FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Office of Aviation Medicine SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTOKINETIC EYE-MOVEMENT PATTERNS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY 1. Problem. netic stimulation throughout a 30-sec stimulus Optokinetic nystagmus is an ocular rea~tion period. If so, the eye, within this short a period which occurs when a series of moving obJects of time, would track at slower and slower ve crosses the visual field, or when an obser:er locities. In addition, certain types of work have moves past a series of objects.30 The eyes m been reported to produce an un~~sired occup~ vohmtarily track the visual stimulus to the edge tional nystagmus. The most familiar of these IS o£ the visual field or to the limit of comfortable "miner's nystagmus"-a condition believed to be gaze, and then make a rapid corrective movement due to long periods of visual demand under_ very in the opposite direction ;3 they then fixate on a poor lighting conditions. Less well-known IS the new stimulus, repeat the pattern of slow (fol occupational nystagmus found many years ago lowino-) and quick (return) movements, and for train dispatchers ;26 it appeared to be related therebyb generate an ocular nystagmus. 21 p a t - to job tasks which required continual movement terns of optokinetic nystagmus, although report of the head and eyes over a busy dispatcher's edly noted as early as 1825 by Purkinje while train movement sheet, as well as continual move observing a crowd at a cavalry parade,12 have ment of that sheet (sheet dimensions were 5-9 long been associated with transportation; Helm feet by 2-3 feet, ruled into approximately 4000 holtz is cited as having mentioned in an 1866 small rectangles . related to stations, trains, and article that the response was most readily seen crews). when objects were observed from a train in The relationship between characteristics of the motion. 12 Indeed, one of the common terms used optokinetic response to those of the vestibular to describe this response was "railroad nystag reaction is also of importance. For example, a mus" ;1 21 that term is still used although the same prominent feature of the vestibular nystagmus phenomenon occurs in watching the external elicited from cats by means of angular accelera world from moving airplanes, cars, and other tion is a secondary (reversed) response which vehicles. The eye-movement pattern is similar occurs shortly after stimulus termination. The to that produced by head movements which same eye-movement pattern occurs following stimulate the vestibular system; in this ease, the optokinetic stimulation of rabbits28 and of cats.32 pattern facilitates vision during ordinary earth In man secondary optokinetic reactions are con bound activities, but can cause blurring of vision siderabl~ less frequent and tend to be quite weak; during "pilot's vertigo." but many human subjects give vigorous secondary In themselves, characteristics of optokinetic responses to vestibular stimulation. Moreo~er, nystagmus are of significance. Wolfe,32 for optokinetic stimuli are frequently us~d to pro~de example, reported that a steady drop (adapta calibration data for vestibular studies (particu tion) occurs in the following reaction of the larly with animals). Data published by Wolfe,32 human eye from the first few seconds of optoki- althouo o-h not discussed in these terms, make ques- tionable the use of this calibration procedure since he reported (a) steadily declining optoki . The animals used for this experiment were lawfully --acq uired and treated in accordance with the "Principles netic responses from humans, and (b) an ot Laboratory Animal Care" issued by the Animal Fa increasing response from cats from the first five riJJties Standards Committee of the Animal Care Panel, seconds through the first 20 seconds of stimula l'nited States Department of Health, Education, and tion. The latter confirmed a finding obtained Welfare, Public Health Service, March 1963. from rabbits by ter Braak.2 1 FIGURE 1. The CAM! optokinetic stimulator. 2 9 The present study was designed to examine in (needle electrodes were not effective ) : fur ome detail the characteristics of optokinetic around the left ocular orbit was shaved and the ~es pou ses from men and animals, particularly electrodes were taped in place. 7 Horizontal eye :yit.h regard to the questions of adaptation and movements could be recorded from cats, dogs, possible directional differences. and birds by means of needle electrodes. For the cats and dogs, the electrodes were inserted n. Method. near the outer canthi of the eyes; for the birds, recording from each eye separately but simul St~b je cts. Human subjects comprised five men taneously was accomplished by positioning elec and five women, nine of whom were between the trodes on both sides of each eye. No attempt :1ges of 21-29; one was age 37. All were lab was made to record vertical nystagmus from the ora.t.ory personnel. All but one man and one parrots or the dogs. woman were right-handed. The seven African Calibration and S coring. Human subjects parrots were young-adult birds which had been were required to sweep their eyes from one captured wild approximately six months prior marker to another on specially designed cards to testing. The 22 cats and six dogs were ma set at a standard distance (two feet) from each ture, young animals, farm-reared and of mixed observer. The recorded displacement of the eyes breed. was measured from the tracings in millimeters ApzJaratus. The optokinetic stimulator, lo and converted to degrees/ mm to serve as a cali cated in a light-proof room comprised a steel bration factor for measurements of optokinetic drum supported by a steel frame (see Figure 1). nystagmus. Eye movements for calibration The drum was four feet in diameter and two and purposes were obtained prior to each trial. one-half feet high, with its base 39 inches from Optokinetic tracking during rotation of the the floor. The interior of the drum was painted drum served as the means of obtaining calibra- white and to it were affixed vertical strips of • tion factors for the birds, the dogs, and the cats. black tape, each one inch in width and separated Tracings obtained during specified periods of by two-inch intervals from adjoining strips. drum rotation were measured, calibration con Each strip extended from the top to the base of stants determined, and the rest of the record I he drum. Two small spotlights, attached to the scored and converted to degrees of eye movement ceiling of the drum, provided illumination. A with these constatits.4 The calibration factor for Century DC motor with a variable speed control each parrot was obtained (in an earlier study) permitted rotation of the drum at a constant from measurements of each tracing during the ang ular velocity of 24 o I sec ( 4 rpm) . 28-30 sec interval of stimulation, while for the A modified, adjustable chair was positioned dogs, the last available interval (16-18 sec) pro nnder the drum at the center of the turning axis. vided the calibration data. For cats, a block of '.['he chair had a removable back which permitted 10 consecutive seconds of "good" recording (i.e., It~ conversion to an adjusta):>le platform for use with little or no artifact, no apparent voluntary With animals. An attachment provided a head eye movement, etc.) on a given trial was used to l-est for human subjects. obtain calibration factors for that trial. Res t1·aint. Cats and dogs were restrained by All recordings were divided into 3-sec intervals the technique described by Henriksson, Fernan for scoring purposes. Slow-phase nystagmus ~e z, a~1d Kohut,I7 or by a modification of it.9 was scored by measuring the vertical distance, b ~ tramt of Africa~ parrots was accomplished from peak to base line, of the slow-phase dis } a procedure descnbed elsewhere.u placement of each nystagmic beat; these values .Recording. Eye movements were recorded were summed for each 3-sec, interval and con w,,· :~ h an Offner Type T Electroencephalograph. verted to degrees as indicated above. Addition It]1 ] . ally, the number of beats within each interval 1 lllman subjects, surface electrodes were aped near the outer canthi for recording hori was tabulated by simple counting procedures. "'lll ta' l components of eye movements, and above P 1·ocedu?·e. 1 ;nr below the right eye for recording vertical P ar1·ots and Dogs. Data from the parrots11 ~' Ponses S f •• i tl · ur ace electrodes were also used 10 1 1 and dogs were calculated from tracings obtained cats for recording vertical ocular responses for calibration purposes in earlier studies. Only 3 horizontal nystagmus was elicited. All of the durations, followed by a 30-sec CW trial. Vertj. parrots were exposed to clockwise ( CW) drum cal optokinetic responses were obtained the same rotation followed by counterclockwise ( CCW) way and for the same stimulus periods, but on a stimulation after about one min of rest in il separate day to avoid possible fatigue effects. lumination. Duration of the stimulus was always General. The general procedure for testing · at least 30 sec and frequently was longer. For the cats and the humans was similar. A re. dogs, a similar procedure was followed but only strained cat was positioned with its head under • 18 sec of response to CW stimulation was avail the axis of drum rotation, either in an upright able for all six animals.