COMMENT LETTER Felix E. Smith (FS) March 16, 2009 Joseph C. McGahan FAX 1-209-826-9698 Drainage Coordinator E-mail <
[email protected] San Luis & Delta-Mendota Authority P.O. Box 2157, Los Banos, CA 93635 Ms. Judi Tapia FAX 1-559-487-5397 Bureau of Reclamation E-mail <
[email protected] South-Central California Area Office 1243 N. Street Fresno, CA 93721 Subject: Draft Environmental Impact Statement / Environmental Impact Report for Continuation of the Grassland Bypass Project, 2010 –2019, SCH# 2007121110. Noticed by letter of December 19, 2008 to the State Clearinghouse, agencies and interested parties. Attached are my comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement / Environmental Impact Report for the Continuation of the Grassland Bypass Project, 2010 –2019. The Draft EIS / EIR addresses the potential environmental effects / impacts that would result from implementing a new Use Agreement for the Grassland Bypass Project (GBP) for the period 2010 to 2019. Use of the Drain allows the separation of drainage water from the supplies to Nation Wildlife Refuges, State wildlife management areas and private wetlands. An agreement allows the Drainers to continue to irrigate about 97,000 areas of uplands. The associated salt and selenium-contaminated drainage would be conveyed to the San Luis Drain from where the drainage would flow north and discharged to Mud Slough, then flow to the San Joaquin River and on to the Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta. Please include these comments in to the record of the subject project / activity. Sincerely, Felix E. Smith 4720 Talus Way Carmichael, CA 95608 916-966-2081 cc: interested parties.