64650 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 198 / Tuesday, October 13, 2020 / Rules and Regulations ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Although listed in the index, some • Supplemental Environmental AGENCY information is not publicly available, Assessment for Revisions to the Effluent e.g., Confidential Business Information Limitations Guidelines and Standards 40 CFR Part 423 (CBI) or other information whose for the Steam Electric Power Generating [EPA–HQ–OW–2009–0819; FRL–10014–41– disclosure is restricted by statute. Point Source Category (Supplemental OW] Certain other material, such as EA), Document No. EPA–821–R–20– copyrighted material, is not placed on 002. The Supplemental EA summarizes RIN 2040–AF77 the internet and will be publicly the potential environmental and human Steam Electric Reconsideration Rule available only in hard copy form. health impacts that are estimated to Publicly available docket materials are result from implementation of this final AGENCY: Environmental Protection available electronically through http:// rule. Agency. www.regulations.gov. • Benefit and Cost Analysis for ACTION: Final rule. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For Revisions to the Effluent Limitations technical information, contact Richard Guidelines and Standards for the Steam SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection Benware, Engineering and Analysis Electric Power Generating Point Source Agency (EPA or the Agency) is Category (BCA Report), Document No. finalizing a regulation to revise the Division, Telephone: 202–566–1369; Email:
[email protected]. For EPA–821–R–20–003. The BCA Report technology-based effluent limitations summarizes estimates of the societal guidelines and standards (ELGs) for the economic information, contact James Covington, Engineering and Analysis benefits and costs resulting from steam electric power generating point implementation of this final rule.