CERN Courier November 2013 Faces & Places

Your guide to products, services and expertise M E d i C a L P h y s i C s CERN MEDICIS: radioisotopes for health

on 4 September, a ground-breaking ceremony at marked the start of construction of cern MeDiciS, a research facility that will Connect your business today make radioisotopes for medical applications. The new facility will use the primary proton beam at iSoLDe – cern’s online isotope separator – to produce the isotopes, which initially will be destined for hospitals and research centres in Switzerland. The aim is then to extend the service to a larger network of laboratories in europe and beyond. iSoLDe has provided beams of FREE isotopes for experiments at cern for more than 40 years. Since the 1990s, it has used a 1.4 GeV proton beam from the Proton-Synchrotron Booster, which interacts with a primary target. This beam loses only 10% of its intensity and energy on hitting the target and the particles that pass through The ground-breaking ceremony for the CERN MEDICIS facility with, left to right, Reto can still be used. For cern MeDiciS, Meuli, department head of medical radiology at the Centre hospitalier universitaire a second target will be placed behind the vaudois, Douglas Hanahan, director of the Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer fi rst to produce the desired radioisotopes. Research at EPFL, Rolf Heuer, CERN’s director-general, Yves Grandjean, secretary An automated conveyor will then carry general of the Geneva University Hospitals, and Piet Van Duppen, KU Leuven. this second target to the cern MeDiciS infrastructure, where the radioisotopes will research of the École polytechnique fédérale from Ku Leuven in Belgium. The civil be extracted. de Lausanne (ePFL) will use cern’s engineering for the facility should be So far, the Geneva university Hospitals, isotopes. But there is room for expansion. completed by the end of 2013. installation of the centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois The project is fi nanced by CERN the infrastructure and equipment –including (the university Hospital of Lausanne) and and counts on fi nancial and in-kind a radiochemical laboratory – is planned for the Swiss institute for experimental cancer donations from private foundations and completion in 2015.

a W a r d s Italian president, Giorgio Napolitano, left, greets Carlo Rubbia at the appointed Quirinale Palace in Rome on 4 September. senator for life (Image credit: Presidenza della Repubblica Italiana.) Four new senators for life were appointed by the italian president, Giorgio napolitano, on 30 August. They included carlo rubbia, cern’s director-general from 1989 to 1993, together with the music director and conductor claudio Abbado, the neuroscientist elena cattaneo and the Large electron-Positron (LeP) collider was protocol and code were declared “free of architect renzo Piano. inaugurated and the four LeP experiments charge” for all time. Before becoming director-general, rubbia produced their fi rst results. He was also in italy, the senators for life have the same Find out how to get your business or institution connected. was head of the uA1 collaboration and in a strong advocate of the case for the next power as elected senators, including the right 1984 was awarded the in collider in the LEP tunnel – the LHC – fi rst to vote. As the term suggests, their mandate together with for as chair of a long-range planning committee lasts for their lifetime. The four new senators discovery of the W and Z particles. During and later as director-general. in 1993, the last for life are worldwide renowned personalities his term of offi ce as director-general, the year of his mandate, the World Wide Web in the fi elds of music, art and science.

37 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 3 N u m b e r 9 N o v e mber 2 0 1 3 CERN Courier November 2013 CERN Courier November 2013 Faces & Places Faces & Places

C E N t E N a r y André Lagarrigue prize honours work of Haïssinski Wolfgang Paul: inspired scientist, Nobel laureate, father fi gure

Jacques Haïssinski, professor emeritus of through electron–positron, electron– physics at the université Paris-Sud, has been photon and photon–photon collisions. Wolfgang Paul was born 100 years ago on Wolfgang Paul, whose awarded the 2012 André Lagarrigue Prize. The subject of his doctoral thesis at the 10 at Lorenzkirch, a village “talking was full of He received the prize on 12 September, université Paris-Sud was the operation of in Saxony, , as the fourth child of content”, in during a lively ceremony in which his AdA – the small collider in which electron– Theodor and elisabeth Paul. Descended characteristic form friends and colleagues acknowledged his positron collisions were observed in orsay from generations of Lutheran ministers, outside the Council scientifi c achievements, the diversity of his for the fi rst time, 50 years ago. Combining they preferred a humanistic education for Chamber at CERN interests – from electron–positron colliders experimental and theoretical approaches, their family, so as a child Paul learnt Latin during a Scientifi c Policy to cosmology – and the depth of his physics Haïssinski became a pioneer in the fi eld. and Greek and could quote the Bible by Committee meeting in understanding. Most recently, he has engaged in the design heart. However, his father was professor in 1977. He was chair of the The award, established in 2006 under the of the ThomX project, a compact source of pharmaceutical chemistry at the university committee at the time aegis of the French Physical Society, pays X rays produced by compton scattering of in Munich, where Paul grew up. Although (1975–1978) and a tribute to André Lagarrigue, director of an intense laser beam off stored electrons. Theodor Paul died when his son was only delegate to Council. the Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire Like Lagarrigue, Haïssinski is an 15, he had implanted in him a strong interest (LAL) orsay from 1969 to 1975, who played outstanding teacher advocating the in sciences – a path that the young Paul a major role in the discovery, 40 years ago, of dissemination of knowledge to the general decided to follow. weak neutral currents with the Gargamelle public. respected for his integrity and Before Paul began his study of physics bubble chamber at cern, so establishing Jacques Haïssinski at the award ceremony. his thorough and rigorous mind, he in Munich, in 1932 the theoretician Arnold the validity of the electroweak theory. (Image credit: LAL, Orsay.) has participated in many international Sommerfeld advised him to start an as he called it. The device realized a short of manpower, Paul recruited his two co-funded by the ceA, cern, ecole committees and held major positions. He apprenticeship in practical mechanics. So in long-cherished dream – the free suspension sons and they measured the half-life of the Polytechnique, in2P3-cnrS, LAL and the laboratory had just been created, was notably deputy scientifi c director 1934 he moved to the Technical Highschool of individual atoms or molecules for lengthy neutron with high precision and determined université Paris-Sud, the prize is awarded Haïssinski’s work has focused mainly on of in2P3-cnrS (1987–1992), led the in Berlin. There he joined the group of periods of time, enabling extremely precise its gravitational mass by seeing the neutrons every two years. the physics of electron–positron colliders Dapnia-ceA (1992–1996) and chaired the , who became not only measurements of fundamental constants (e.g. fall inside the trap. Having begun his career at LAL when and on the particle physics accessible LeP committee at cern (1990–1993). his teacher but also a fatherly friend. in the the magnetic moment of an electron), as well In addition to his scientifi c insight, following years, Paul followed Kopfermann as the construction of ultraprecise clocks and Paul was aware of the responsibility that popular authoritative voice of particle fi rst to Kiel and later to Göttingen, where he other instruments. For this work, Paul shared scientists owe to society. He co-signed the Royal Society physics for three decades”, praising him for worked and taught until 1952. During the the nobel prize with norman ramsey and famous Göttingen declaration advising championing physics in the days when “hard 16 years that Paul stayed with Kopfermann, Hans Dehmelt in 1989, followed by many against the nuclear armament of Germany. honours the science” fought for media attention. his work concerned mainly the optical other distinctions. He also refused a limitation on scientifi c close has popularized physics through measurement of hyperfi ne-splitting in The second activity that Paul started in research, since “scientifi c knowledge, communication work radio, newspaper and magazine articles, atomic spectra to determine nuclear concerned the construction of particle which means understanding, is no risk. several books, and lectures he has given magnetic moments. in his PhD thesis – accelerators. A crew of bright young students non-understanding is the risk when acting.” of Frank Close throughout the world. Particle will interrupted for a short time by a call to the and assistants – some having followed Paul Paul played important roles as an organizer. know his classic introduction to the subject, Luftwaffe at the beginning of the Second from Göttingen – but with no experience Having spent a year as a guest at cern in The Cosmic Onion, and his recent work The World War – Paul improved this method in accelerator technology, jumped into 1959, he became director of the nuclear Frank close of oxford university has been Infi nity Puzzzle, which tells the story of the using atomic beams. the adventure of building Europe’s fi rst Physics Division (1964–67) and later served awarded the 2013 Michael Faraday Prize quest to fi nd the Higgs boson CERN( Courier By the end of 1952 Paul had accepted a electron synchrotron with strong focusing as chair of the Scientifi c Policy Committee by the royal Society for excellence in Januray/February 2012 p51). At cern he chair at the , where he and an energy of 500 MeV. even to their own and as a member of the German delegation. communicating science to uK audiences. was co-founder and the fi rst chair of the Frank Close, “popular authoritative voice of became director of the institute of Physics. surprise, it worked well. A 2.5 GeV electron He also was director of DeSY from 1971 The society described close as “the european Particle Physics outreach Group. particle physics”. (Image credit: F Close.) The institute had suffered war damage and synchrotron followed 10 years later and, to spring 1973 (where i had the pleasure to fi nancial means were still scarce. As Paul before retiring, Paul helped to gain approval succeed him). However, he did not feel “at put it, to perform competitive research in for a beam-stretcher storage ring – eLSA. home” in large organizations, which are Two centuries ago, on 1 November 1813, the Scuola Normale such a situation “one has to have new ideas”. These machines transformed the necessarily more formal than a university Superiore in Pisa enrolled its fi rst students. Founded two years continuing earlier work, he developed institute in Bonn to one of the most institute, where he could be a paternal boss, earlier by Napoleonic decree on 18 October 1810, it was intended as a mass spectrometer using a quadrupole important laboratories in europe. More following his intuition and taking care of his a “carbon copy” of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. With lens with an oscillating fi eld instead of a than 100 students were trained there and fl ock. He was not a polished orator, but his Napoleon’s abdication in 1814, this fi rst institution lasted for only magnetic fi eld – an interesting example transferred their knowledge to many talking was full of content and people listened one academic year but it came to life again during the 1840s and of cross-fertilization between different universities, countries and industries. The carefully. in meetings, his pertinent questions, went on to become a highly regarded seat of learning. Nobel fi elds because at the time Paul also became experience gained in Bonn was also essential starting with “one should be allowed to laureates and Carlo Rubbia are probably the best interested in the new idea of strong focusing in the founding of DeSY where Paul played ask…”, were feared. known among the physics students of the 20th century. Others well in particle accelerators. Knowledge of orbit a major role. Wolfgang Paul died in Bonn, almost known in the fi eld of particle physics include Gilberto Bernardini, stability in accelerators led him to the “Paul Active in research even after retiring, Paul 10 years ago on 7 December. not only was he Gian Carlo Wick, Luigi Radicati, Emilio Picasso, Luigi Di Lella, mass fi lter”, which found many applications. had the idea to extend his trap, which was for an eminent scientist, everyone who had the Italo Mannelli, Giorgio Bellettini, Riccardo Barbieri and Michelangelo Mangano. The Scuola Normale Superiore is at the The mass fi lter provides stability in two charged particles, to neutrons. in this case, chance to work with him benefi ted from his right of this sketch of the Piazza Dei Cavalieri in Pisa. On the left, is transverse dimensions, but by adding a sextupole rather than quadrupole fi elds were human qualities. ● Herwig Schopper, former CERN director-general a building where Count Ugolino della Gherardesca was imprisoned ring-shaped electrode with an oscillating needed to act on the magnetic moment of and one of the speakers at the Wolfgang Paul with his family and, according to Dante, fi nally ate the corpses of his fi eld, particles are also caught in the the neutron. He built such a trap, neSTor, children. (Image credit: André Martin.) longitudinal direction. This is the ingenious which was installed in a neutron beam at the Symposium to be held at the University of Bonn on idea behind the “Paul trap” or “Ionenkäfi g” institut Laue–Langevin, Grenoble. Being 11–13 November.

38 39 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 3 N u m b e r 9 N o v e mber 2 0 1 3 CERN Courier November 2013 CERN Courier November 2013 Faces & Places Faces & Places

C E N t E N a r y André Lagarrigue prize honours work of Haïssinski Wolfgang Paul: inspired scientist, Nobel laureate, father fi gure

Jacques Haïssinski, professor emeritus of through electron–positron, electron– physics at the université Paris-Sud, has been photon and photon–photon collisions. Wolfgang Paul was born 100 years ago on Wolfgang Paul, whose awarded the 2012 André Lagarrigue Prize. The subject of his doctoral thesis at the 10 August 1913 at Lorenzkirch, a village “talking was full of He received the prize on 12 September, université Paris-Sud was the operation of in Saxony, Germany, as the fourth child of content”, in during a lively ceremony in which his AdA – the small collider in which electron– Theodor and elisabeth Paul. Descended characteristic form friends and colleagues acknowledged his positron collisions were observed in orsay from generations of Lutheran ministers, outside the Council scientifi c achievements, the diversity of his for the fi rst time, 50 years ago. Combining they preferred a humanistic education for Chamber at CERN interests – from electron–positron colliders experimental and theoretical approaches, their family, so as a child Paul learnt Latin during a Scientifi c Policy to cosmology – and the depth of his physics Haïssinski became a pioneer in the fi eld. and Greek and could quote the Bible by Committee meeting in understanding. Most recently, he has engaged in the design heart. However, his father was professor in 1977. He was chair of the The award, established in 2006 under the of the ThomX project, a compact source of pharmaceutical chemistry at the university committee at the time aegis of the French Physical Society, pays X rays produced by compton scattering of in Munich, where Paul grew up. Although (1975–1978) and a tribute to André Lagarrigue, director of an intense laser beam off stored electrons. Theodor Paul died when his son was only delegate to Council. the Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire Like Lagarrigue, Haïssinski is an 15, he had implanted in him a strong interest (LAL) orsay from 1969 to 1975, who played outstanding teacher advocating the in sciences – a path that the young Paul a major role in the discovery, 40 years ago, of dissemination of knowledge to the general decided to follow. weak neutral currents with the Gargamelle public. respected for his integrity and Before Paul began his study of physics bubble chamber at cern, so establishing Jacques Haïssinski at the award ceremony. his thorough and rigorous mind, he in Munich, in 1932 the theoretician Arnold the validity of the electroweak theory. (Image credit: LAL, Orsay.) has participated in many international Sommerfeld advised him to start an as he called it. The device realized a short of manpower, Paul recruited his two co-funded by the ceA, cern, ecole committees and held major positions. He apprenticeship in practical mechanics. So in long-cherished dream – the free suspension sons and they measured the half-life of the Polytechnique, in2P3-cnrS, LAL and the laboratory had just been created, was notably deputy scientifi c director 1934 he moved to the Technical Highschool of individual atoms or molecules for lengthy neutron with high precision and determined université Paris-Sud, the prize is awarded Haïssinski’s work has focused mainly on of in2P3-cnrS (1987–1992), led the in Berlin. There he joined the group of periods of time, enabling extremely precise its gravitational mass by seeing the neutrons every two years. the physics of electron–positron colliders Dapnia-ceA (1992–1996) and chaired the Hans Kopfermann, who became not only measurements of fundamental constants (e.g. fall inside the trap. Having begun his career at LAL when and on the particle physics accessible LeP committee at cern (1990–1993). his teacher but also a fatherly friend. in the the magnetic moment of an electron), as well In addition to his scientifi c insight, following years, Paul followed Kopfermann as the construction of ultraprecise clocks and Paul was aware of the responsibility that popular authoritative voice of particle fi rst to Kiel and later to Göttingen, where he other instruments. For this work, Paul shared scientists owe to society. He co-signed the Royal Society physics for three decades”, praising him for worked and taught until 1952. During the the nobel prize with norman ramsey and famous Göttingen declaration advising championing physics in the days when “hard 16 years that Paul stayed with Kopfermann, Hans Dehmelt in 1989, followed by many against the nuclear armament of Germany. honours the science” fought for media attention. his work concerned mainly the optical other distinctions. He also refused a limitation on scientifi c close has popularized physics through measurement of hyperfi ne-splitting in The second activity that Paul started in research, since “scientifi c knowledge, communication work radio, newspaper and magazine articles, atomic spectra to determine nuclear Bonn concerned the construction of particle which means understanding, is no risk. several books, and lectures he has given magnetic moments. in his PhD thesis – accelerators. A crew of bright young students non-understanding is the risk when acting.” of Frank Close throughout the world. Particle physicists will interrupted for a short time by a call to the and assistants – some having followed Paul Paul played important roles as an organizer. know his classic introduction to the subject, Luftwaffe at the beginning of the Second from Göttingen – but with no experience Having spent a year as a guest at cern in The Cosmic Onion, and his recent work The World War – Paul improved this method in accelerator technology, jumped into 1959, he became director of the nuclear Frank close of oxford university has been Infi nity Puzzzle, which tells the story of the using atomic beams. the adventure of building Europe’s fi rst Physics Division (1964–67) and later served awarded the 2013 Michael Faraday Prize quest to fi nd the Higgs boson CERN( Courier By the end of 1952 Paul had accepted a electron synchrotron with strong focusing as chair of the Scientifi c Policy Committee by the royal Society for excellence in Januray/February 2012 p51). At cern he chair at the university of Bonn, where he and an energy of 500 MeV. even to their own and as a member of the German delegation. communicating science to uK audiences. was co-founder and the fi rst chair of the Frank Close, “popular authoritative voice of became director of the institute of Physics. surprise, it worked well. A 2.5 GeV electron He also was director of DeSY from 1971 The society described close as “the european Particle Physics outreach Group. particle physics”. (Image credit: F Close.) The institute had suffered war damage and synchrotron followed 10 years later and, to spring 1973 (where i had the pleasure to fi nancial means were still scarce. As Paul before retiring, Paul helped to gain approval succeed him). However, he did not feel “at put it, to perform competitive research in for a beam-stretcher storage ring – eLSA. home” in large organizations, which are Two centuries ago, on 1 November 1813, the Scuola Normale such a situation “one has to have new ideas”. These machines transformed the necessarily more formal than a university Superiore in Pisa enrolled its fi rst students. Founded two years continuing earlier work, he developed institute in Bonn to one of the most institute, where he could be a paternal boss, earlier by Napoleonic decree on 18 October 1810, it was intended as a mass spectrometer using a quadrupole important laboratories in europe. More following his intuition and taking care of his a “carbon copy” of the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. With lens with an oscillating fi eld instead of a than 100 students were trained there and fl ock. He was not a polished orator, but his Napoleon’s abdication in 1814, this fi rst institution lasted for only magnetic fi eld – an interesting example transferred their knowledge to many talking was full of content and people listened one academic year but it came to life again during the 1840s and of cross-fertilization between different universities, countries and industries. The carefully. in meetings, his pertinent questions, went on to become a highly regarded seat of learning. Nobel fi elds because at the time Paul also became experience gained in Bonn was also essential starting with “one should be allowed to laureates Enrico Fermi and Carlo Rubbia are probably the best interested in the new idea of strong focusing in the founding of DeSY where Paul played ask…”, were feared. known among the physics students of the 20th century. Others well in particle accelerators. Knowledge of orbit a major role. Wolfgang Paul died in Bonn, almost known in the fi eld of particle physics include Gilberto Bernardini, stability in accelerators led him to the “Paul Active in research even after retiring, Paul 10 years ago on 7 December. not only was he Gian Carlo Wick, Luigi Radicati, Emilio Picasso, Luigi Di Lella, mass fi lter”, which found many applications. had the idea to extend his trap, which was for an eminent scientist, everyone who had the Italo Mannelli, Giorgio Bellettini, Riccardo Barbieri and Michelangelo Mangano. The Scuola Normale Superiore is at the The mass fi lter provides stability in two charged particles, to neutrons. in this case, chance to work with him benefi ted from his right of this sketch of the Piazza Dei Cavalieri in Pisa. On the left, is transverse dimensions, but by adding a sextupole rather than quadrupole fi elds were human qualities. ● Herwig Schopper, former CERN director-general a building where Count Ugolino della Gherardesca was imprisoned ring-shaped electrode with an oscillating needed to act on the magnetic moment of and one of the speakers at the Wolfgang Paul with his family and, according to Dante, fi nally ate the corpses of his fi eld, particles are also caught in the the neutron. He built such a trap, neSTor, children. (Image credit: André Martin.) longitudinal direction. This is the ingenious which was installed in a neutron beam at the Symposium to be held at the University of Bonn on idea behind the “Paul trap” or “Ionenkäfi g” institut Laue–Langevin, Grenoble. Being 11–13 November.

38 39 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 3 N u m b e r 9 N o v e mber 2 0 1 3 CERN Courier November 2013 CERN Courier November 2013 Faces & Places Faces & Places

s C h O O L W O r k s h O P Advanced accelerator physics in Norway From Higgs to black holes: three hot days in Protvino

The cern Accelerator School (cAS) and experimental and theoretical studies of Jefferson Lab, which was devoted to the the norwegian university of Science and Higgs bosons, quark–gluon plasma, neutrino Standard Model and beyond. This revealed, Technology (nTnu) organized a course oscillations and mass, general problems of the among other interesting issues, that even on advanced accelerator physics this Standard Model and beyond, black holes, dark the familiar Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix year, which took place in Trondheim on matter and dark energy, etc. Such was the list – described as a “test-bench” for searches 18–29 August. of topics for the 29th international Workshop of new physics – might cause embarrassing The course followed an established on High energy Physics – new results and questions that are uneasy to answer. The format with lectures in the morning and Actual Problems in Particle & Astroparticle subsequent concert of classical music was practical courses in the afternoon. The Physics and cosmology, which was held in apt to prepare participants for a peaceful lecture programme consisted of 32 lectures, Protvino, Moscow region, on 26–28 June, Participants pose in the sunshine for the conference dinner. supplemented by discussion sessions, private Participants on the CAS course on advanced accelerator physics in Trondheim. (Image with 35 speakers from institutes and research group photo. (Image credit: Nadezhda The last day of the workshop started with study and tutorials. The practical courses credit: Kaja Bugge Vik.) centres in Australia, Germany, France, india, Sharykina.) a detailed review on observational data provided “hands-on” experience in three Poland, russia, Spain, Switzerland, the uK accumulated to date on possible candidates topics: rF measurement techniques, beam representing 21 nationalities, most of the the highly technical courses, which are a key and the uS. Moscow, who – instead of the announced for black holes in binary systems and instrumentation and diagnostics, and optics participants came from european countries feature of the advanced school. The organizers of the workshop attempted talk on quark–gluon plasma – gave an galactic nuclei. Then, while one speaker design and corrections. Participants selected with a few from beyond. Their positive The next cAS courses will be a to overcome – as much as possible – the extremely amusing impromptu presentation enthusiastically supported the supposed one of the three courses and followed feedback refl ected the high standard of the specialized school on power converters in increasing diversifi cation in the different on the properties of chiral media in magnetic supermassive black holes in the centre of the the chosen topic throughout the school. lectures and teaching. Switzerland in May 2014 and an introductory fi elds in which particle physicists work. fi elds. He also led the lively panel discussion Galaxy, others presented both alternative Seminars and a poster session completed the cern, nTnu, the research council course on accelerator physics in the czech The second purpose was to provide an on quark–gluon plasma. Among the explanations of would-be event-horizon programme. of norway and radiabeam Technologies republic in September 2014. atmosphere of critical discussion to a greater questions that were discussed, the problem of observations and purely theoretical fl aws in The course was attended by 70 students sponsored the school. nTnu also provided ● For more about cAS, visit extent than is usually allowed by the brief thermalization in particular was addressed the black-hole paradigm. They were followed selected from more than 90 applicants. excellent facilities and invaluable support for schools/cAS. “question–answer” discussions after a talk. but the discussion did not show a consensus by a presentation on a rigorous exact solution This aim was also helped by the organization among participants. reports on heavy-quark of the metric induced by the point-like source P u B L i s h i N G of panel discussions after each of the six physics at the LHc and on the unhappy fate in general relativity. The ensuing panel 3 sessions. Despite being a little overloaded, of supersymmetry and other exotica – even discussion was quite emotional but could not Elsevier comes on board SCOAP this proved to be a viable format for future at the highest energies achieved so far – reconcile “establishment” with “dissidents” meetings in the series. completed the fi rst day. and moderator Skiff Sokolov, iHeP, was open-access initiative The opening talks provided an The neutrino session on the second unable to give a consolidated summary. exhaustive survey of the Higgs searches day was marked by recent data from The afternoon session started with a talk at the LHc and the Tevatron, followed by Super-Kamiokande, oPerA, KATrin and arguing that quantum cosmology should As of January 2014, elsevier’s premier The fi rst key presentation on various aspects of possible GerDA. The subsequent panel discussion become a “numerical subject”, which high-energy physics journals Physics fi ndings by theoretical interpretations of the observed on neutrino problems, led by Vladimir was followed by a talk on cosmological Letters B and Nuclear Physics B will ATLAS and “ Higgs-like” state. The subsequent panel obraztsov, iHeP, was one of the most lively acceleration with arguments that it should be published under the model of the CMS on the discussion, led by Valery Kiselev of the at the workshop. From the prospects of not be necessary to invent things like Sponsoring consortium for open Access discovery of institute for High energy Physics (iHeP), the long-baseline neutrino experiments to “dark matter” to understand accelerating Publishing in Particle Physics (ScoAP3), a Higgs Protvino, revealed the lively interest of the cosmological properties of the hypothetical expansion of the universe. There was which was launched at cern a year ago boson were audience and its eagerness to join – and sterile neutrino, the range of discussion then a presentation of data on gamma-ray (CERN Courier november 2012 p6). in a published in even intervene – in the discussion among topics riveted the attention of numerous bursts, core-collapsed supernovae and letter of intent that was signed on 8 July, Physics Tejinder (Jim) Virdee went back to his the panellists. (The same was true of all attendees. the global star-formation rate at large elsevier and cern formalized their Letters B on alma mater, Queen Mary University of of the subsequent panel discussions.) The The afternoon session covered further redshifts obtained, in particular, at the commitment to move these journals from 17 September London (QMUL), on 18 July to receive debate about the elementary or composite results from the LHc on the Standard special astronomical observatory of the a subscription model to an open-access 2012. an honorary degree at the summer nature of the Higgs boson was particularly Model and QcD. There were also short russian academy in the northern caucasus. model, in which the content is available graduation ceremonies. Here he is seen interesting. The discussion ended with the presentations of a phenomenological model High-energy gravitational waves from to anyone who would like to access it signing the Honorary Graduates Book unanimous, though rather shy, confession of multiple production in deep-inelastic the early universe and an interesting story free of charge and the open-access article with the university’s principal, Simon of two panellists – both experimentalists scattering and recent attempts to fi nd a about what can be learnt from the study of publishing charges are paid by libraries decades, the ScoAP3 initiative brings the Gaskell. Virdee, who is professor of – that personally they would, as unbiased “u-boson” (a dark-matter candidate) at cosmological perturbations brought the fi nal rather than authors. peer-review service that is provided by physics at Imperial College, London, researchers, prefer a composite Higgs boson the WASA@coSY experiment. While talks to a close. played a critical role in the design, ScoAP3 was initiated by cern in 2007, journals into the open-access domain. as the more intriguing option. nuclear collisions at the LHc could be used The fi nal panel discussion led by Edward research and development, prototyping, following the report of a task force on How does the redirecting of funds construction, installation, The second session covered up-to-date for checking many unusual observations Anderson of université Paris Diderot and open-access publishing in particle physics. work? under the subscription model, commissioning, data taking and physics experimental results on heavy-ion collisions made with cosmic rays, the LHc energies the university of cambridge took place quite in addition, all of the LHc experiments libraries purchase journal subscriptions exploitation of CMS – all leading to the both from cern and from the relativistic are arguably not high enough to reveal late and lasted a while, but the conference strongly encouraged publishing results to cover publishing costs and allow their discovery of a Higgs boson in July last Heavy-ion collider (rHic) at Brookhaven. “genuinely asymptotic” features of strong hall was fi lled with people who were by no in open-access journals. The objective of researchers to access articles. in contrast, year. He has been with the CMS A short account followed on the possible interactions. The fi nal talks of the day were means experts in cosmology – showing that 3 3 ScoAP is to grant unrestricted access to under ScoAP , libraries contribute to experiment at CERN from the start and use of the still fashionable anti-de Sitter on current results and future research on the cosmological problems are accessible and articles appearing in scientifi c journals the consortium, which pays centrally for was deputy spokesperson (1993–2006) holographic approach for quark–gluon anatomy of spinning nucleons at rHic and entertaining for particle physicists. in the fi eld of particle physics. While the publishing charges of the open-access and then spokesperson (2007–2009). plasma. The session was completed by a at ceBAF at Jefferson Laboratory. For more information about all of the open dissemination of preprints has article – freeing the libraries from paying (Image credit: QMUL.) talk from Valentin Zakharov of the institue The second day ended with a panel presentations, see been the norm in particle physics for two subscriptions. for Theoretical and , discussion led by Alexei Prokudin of event/hepft2013.

40 41 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 3 N u m b e r 9 N o v e mber 2 0 1 3 CERN Courier November 2013 CERN Courier November 2013 Faces & Places Faces & Places

s C h O O L W O r k s h O P Advanced accelerator physics in Norway From Higgs to black holes: three hot days in Protvino

The cern Accelerator School (cAS) and experimental and theoretical studies of Jefferson Lab, which was devoted to the the norwegian university of Science and Higgs bosons, quark–gluon plasma, neutrino Standard Model and beyond. This revealed, Technology (nTnu) organized a course oscillations and mass, general problems of the among other interesting issues, that even on advanced accelerator physics this Standard Model and beyond, black holes, dark the familiar Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix year, which took place in Trondheim on matter and dark energy, etc. Such was the list – described as a “test-bench” for searches 18–29 August. of topics for the 29th international Workshop of new physics – might cause embarrassing The course followed an established on High energy Physics – new results and questions that are uneasy to answer. The format with lectures in the morning and Actual Problems in Particle & Astroparticle subsequent concert of classical music was practical courses in the afternoon. The Physics and cosmology, which was held in apt to prepare participants for a peaceful lecture programme consisted of 32 lectures, Protvino, Moscow region, on 26–28 June, Participants pose in the sunshine for the conference dinner. supplemented by discussion sessions, private Participants on the CAS course on advanced accelerator physics in Trondheim. (Image with 35 speakers from institutes and research group photo. (Image credit: Nadezhda The last day of the workshop started with study and tutorials. The practical courses credit: Kaja Bugge Vik.) centres in Australia, Germany, France, india, Sharykina.) a detailed review on observational data provided “hands-on” experience in three Poland, russia, Spain, Switzerland, the uK accumulated to date on possible candidates topics: rF measurement techniques, beam representing 21 nationalities, most of the the highly technical courses, which are a key and the uS. Moscow, who – instead of the announced for black holes in binary systems and instrumentation and diagnostics, and optics participants came from european countries feature of the advanced school. The organizers of the workshop attempted talk on quark–gluon plasma – gave an galactic nuclei. Then, while one speaker design and corrections. Participants selected with a few from beyond. Their positive The next cAS courses will be a to overcome – as much as possible – the extremely amusing impromptu presentation enthusiastically supported the supposed one of the three courses and followed feedback refl ected the high standard of the specialized school on power converters in increasing diversifi cation in the different on the properties of chiral media in magnetic supermassive black holes in the centre of the the chosen topic throughout the school. lectures and teaching. Switzerland in May 2014 and an introductory fi elds in which particle physicists work. fi elds. He also led the lively panel discussion Galaxy, others presented both alternative Seminars and a poster session completed the cern, nTnu, the research council course on accelerator physics in the czech The second purpose was to provide an on quark–gluon plasma. Among the explanations of would-be event-horizon programme. of norway and radiabeam Technologies republic in September 2014. atmosphere of critical discussion to a greater questions that were discussed, the problem of observations and purely theoretical fl aws in The course was attended by 70 students sponsored the school. nTnu also provided ● For more about cAS, visit extent than is usually allowed by the brief thermalization in particular was addressed the black-hole paradigm. They were followed selected from more than 90 applicants. excellent facilities and invaluable support for schools/cAS. “question–answer” discussions after a talk. but the discussion did not show a consensus by a presentation on a rigorous exact solution This aim was also helped by the organization among participants. reports on heavy-quark of the metric induced by the point-like source P u B L i s h i N G of panel discussions after each of the six physics at the LHc and on the unhappy fate in general relativity. The ensuing panel 3 sessions. Despite being a little overloaded, of supersymmetry and other exotica – even discussion was quite emotional but could not Elsevier comes on board SCOAP this proved to be a viable format for future at the highest energies achieved so far – reconcile “establishment” with “dissidents” meetings in the series. completed the fi rst day. and moderator Skiff Sokolov, iHeP, was open-access initiative The opening talks provided an The neutrino session on the second unable to give a consolidated summary. exhaustive survey of the Higgs searches day was marked by recent data from The afternoon session started with a talk at the LHc and the Tevatron, followed by Super-Kamiokande, oPerA, KATrin and arguing that quantum cosmology should As of January 2014, elsevier’s premier The fi rst key presentation on various aspects of possible GerDA. The subsequent panel discussion become a “numerical subject”, which high-energy physics journals Physics fi ndings by theoretical interpretations of the observed on neutrino problems, led by Vladimir was followed by a talk on cosmological Letters B and Nuclear Physics B will ATLAS and “ Higgs-like” state. The subsequent panel obraztsov, iHeP, was one of the most lively acceleration with arguments that it should be published under the model of the CMS on the discussion, led by Valery Kiselev of the at the workshop. From the prospects of not be necessary to invent things like Sponsoring consortium for open Access discovery of institute for High energy Physics (iHeP), the long-baseline neutrino experiments to “dark matter” to understand accelerating Publishing in Particle Physics (ScoAP3), a Higgs Protvino, revealed the lively interest of the cosmological properties of the hypothetical expansion of the universe. There was which was launched at cern a year ago boson were audience and its eagerness to join – and sterile neutrino, the range of discussion then a presentation of data on gamma-ray (CERN Courier november 2012 p6). in a published in even intervene – in the discussion among topics riveted the attention of numerous bursts, core-collapsed supernovae and letter of intent that was signed on 8 July, Physics Tejinder (Jim) Virdee went back to his the panellists. (The same was true of all attendees. the global star-formation rate at large elsevier and cern formalized their Letters B on alma mater, Queen Mary University of of the subsequent panel discussions.) The The afternoon session covered further redshifts obtained, in particular, at the commitment to move these journals from 17 September London (QMUL), on 18 July to receive debate about the elementary or composite results from the LHc on the Standard special astronomical observatory of the a subscription model to an open-access 2012. an honorary degree at the summer nature of the Higgs boson was particularly Model and QcD. There were also short russian academy in the northern caucasus. model, in which the content is available graduation ceremonies. Here he is seen interesting. The discussion ended with the presentations of a phenomenological model High-energy gravitational waves from to anyone who would like to access it signing the Honorary Graduates Book unanimous, though rather shy, confession of multiple production in deep-inelastic the early universe and an interesting story free of charge and the open-access article with the university’s principal, Simon of two panellists – both experimentalists scattering and recent attempts to fi nd a about what can be learnt from the study of publishing charges are paid by libraries decades, the ScoAP3 initiative brings the Gaskell. Virdee, who is professor of – that personally they would, as unbiased “u-boson” (a dark-matter candidate) at cosmological perturbations brought the fi nal rather than authors. peer-review service that is provided by physics at Imperial College, London, researchers, prefer a composite Higgs boson the WASA@coSY experiment. While talks to a close. played a critical role in the design, ScoAP3 was initiated by cern in 2007, journals into the open-access domain. as the more intriguing option. nuclear collisions at the LHc could be used The fi nal panel discussion led by Edward research and development, prototyping, following the report of a task force on How does the redirecting of funds construction, installation, The second session covered up-to-date for checking many unusual observations Anderson of université Paris Diderot and open-access publishing in particle physics. work? under the subscription model, commissioning, data taking and physics experimental results on heavy-ion collisions made with cosmic rays, the LHc energies the university of cambridge took place quite in addition, all of the LHc experiments libraries purchase journal subscriptions exploitation of CMS – all leading to the both from cern and from the relativistic are arguably not high enough to reveal late and lasted a while, but the conference strongly encouraged publishing results to cover publishing costs and allow their discovery of a Higgs boson in July last Heavy-ion collider (rHic) at Brookhaven. “genuinely asymptotic” features of strong hall was fi lled with people who were by no in open-access journals. The objective of researchers to access articles. in contrast, year. He has been with the CMS A short account followed on the possible interactions. The fi nal talks of the day were means experts in cosmology – showing that 3 3 ScoAP is to grant unrestricted access to under ScoAP , libraries contribute to experiment at CERN from the start and use of the still fashionable anti-de Sitter on current results and future research on the cosmological problems are accessible and articles appearing in scientifi c journals the consortium, which pays centrally for was deputy spokesperson (1993–2006) holographic approach for quark–gluon anatomy of spinning nucleons at rHic and entertaining for particle physicists. in the fi eld of particle physics. While the publishing charges of the open-access and then spokesperson (2007–2009). plasma. The session was completed by a at ceBAF at Jefferson Laboratory. For more information about all of the open dissemination of preprints has article – freeing the libraries from paying (Image credit: QMUL.) talk from Valentin Zakharov of the institue The second day ended with a panel presentations, see been the norm in particle physics for two subscriptions. for Theoretical and experimental Physics, discussion led by Alexei Prokudin of event/hepft2013.

40 41 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 3 N u m b e r 9 N o v e mber 2 0 1 3 CERN Courier November 2013 CERN Courier November 2013 Faces & Places Faces & Places

v i s i t s O B i t u a r i E s Dinesh Srivastava, left, the new director of the Variable Energy Cyclotron Godfrey Harry Stafford 1920–2013 Centre in Kolkata, came to CERN on 26–30 August. During this time he met with Godfrey Stafford, who was director of the a high-power laser was approved. Like CERN’s director-general, rutherford Appleton Laboratory from 1969 nimrod, the laser was beyond a scale that Rolf Heuer, and gave a talk to 1981, died on 29 July at the age of 93. could be accommodated in an individual in CERN’s Heavy Ion Forum. Stafford was one of the international university. Since then the central Laser He also toured ALICE leaders who transformed particle physics Facility has seen continued dynamic growth. and other experiments in On 4 September, Polish minister of science and higher education, in europe from its early days in modest A second merger with the Appleton which Indian scientists Barbara Kudrycka, centre left, visited CERN. During her tour with university facilities to huge international Laboratory came in 1979 and the rutherford participate. Agnieszka Zalewska, centre right, president of CERN Council, and laboratories, such as cern. This evolution Appleton Laboratory (rAL) was created Andrzej Siemko, left, head of CERN’s machine protection and electrical took several decades and the path was strewn with atmospheric and space sciences as integrity group, she met Polish members of the team working on the with challenges. He worked quietly but with added activities. Stafford had to make protection of the superconducting magnet circuits. great determination to encourage people to a major effort to keep the project for the focus on the real issues and to put aside vested infrared Astronomical Satellite on course The Italian minister for economic interests in support of the bigger picture. and on schedule because it was threatened by the move. rAL Space has grown enormously development, Flavio Zanonato, right, His european roles included vice president came to CERN on 10 September. His of the cern council (1973–1975), chair during the past 30 years. tour included a visit to the ATLAS of the CERN Scientifi c Policy Committee When Stafford resigned as director-general experimental cavern, where he was (1978–1980) and president of the european Godfrey Stafford. (Image credit: RAL of rAL in 1981, the laboratory was rich with new projects, all developed successfully in the accompanied by Sergio Bertolucci, Physical Society (1984–1986). His infl uence Photographic Services.) left, CERN’s director for research continued long after his retirement and in his following decades. nimrod had closed in 1979 and scientifi c computing, and is seen fi nal years he gave advice to those planning resistant to quenches. Known universally as after helping to establish the quark model the international Linear collider, based on his “rutherford cable”, this is used worldwide in and its users had to broaden their horizons. Jaak Aaviksoo, left, Estonian minister of education and research, came enjoying a photo with Anna Di Ciaccio, ATLAS-Italy national contact . expertise in superconducting rF technology. equipment such as accelerator magnets and Stafford had encouraged the development to CERN on 17 September. His visit included a tour of the LHC tunnel, Born in england in 1920, Stafford moved scanners for magnetic resonance imaging. of close links with cern, DeSY and uS accompanied by CERN international relations adviser Tadeusz Kurtyka, as The visit concluded with meeting Italian members of CERN and Italian teachers. to cape Town aged eight and went on to Stafford was appointed director of rHeL laboratories. rAL took on the role of a well as the TOTEM and CMS experiments. study at the university of cape Town under in 1969, beginning the most challenging national “staging post” for particle physics, r W James. He completed his MSc in and creative phase of his career. incredibly, enabling uK physicists to offer equipment cosmic-ray physics in 1941 but became caught it had just been decided to shut down and services that made major contributions L E t t E r s up in the Second World War. He was mainly nimrod prematurely, which would have led to experiments elsewhere, taking advantage involved in the development of radar but also to the closure of the laboratory. Therefore of the outstanding engineering services at the Lagarrigue and the discovery of neutral cern at that time. a short exposure, the collaboration derived did heroic front-line duty of which, with his Stafford’s fi rst job was to convince laboratory. ● 25 currents Violette Brisson, Anne-Marie Lutz and Guy a lower limit of T1/2 >2.1 × 10 years at 90% natural modesty, he would seldom speak. the relevant authorities that this was After leaving rAL, Stafford became We would like Wormser, LAL Orsay. confi dence level (1.6σ) from the pulse-shape Stafford did his PhD at cambridge, scientifi cally illogical. This he did and then the full-time master of St cross college, to commend the selected spectrum (see talk by c cattadori spending time at the Atomic energy worked to establish diversifi ed activities to oxford, until his retirement in 1987. He took celebration of the Progress in double beta decay? at ePS-HeP 2013 and CERN Courier research establishment, Harwell, under ensure the laboratory’s long-term future. important initiatives for the development of 40th anniversary nuclear double beta (ββ) decay is one of the September 2013 p8). Sir Basil Schonland. in 1950 he returned to in 1971 he established the neutron Beam the college, including moving to permanent of the neutral fl agships of non-accelerator particle physics, However, they compared this erroneously South Africa but in 1954 accepted an offer research unit to support the burgeoning accommodation in the heart of oxford and currents discovery searching underground for physics beyond the with the half-life deduced from the line from Gerry Pickavance to join the cyclotron community of neutron-beam users and increasing the number of graduate students.

by the Gargamelle Standard Model. For many years (starting in at Qββ of the full spectrum recorded by Group at Harwell. The rutherford High investigate future options. After considering uK particle physicists – and the collaboration 1992) the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment, the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment, and energy Laboratory (rHeL) was formed a high-fl ux reactor on the RHEL site, they communities that emerged with the broader through the article using the fi rst enriched high-purity76 Ge found a deviation of less than 2σ, which in 1957 with Pickavance as its fi rst director subsequently facilitated the uK’s entry to the application of accelerators (neutron André Lagarrigue. “neutral currents: A detectors, has dominated the fi eld in they say “refutes the Heidelberg-Moscow and Stafford as head of the Proton Linear institut Laue–Langevin in Grenoble. scattering and synchrotron radiation) – (Image credit: Ecole perfect experimental sensitivity (CERN Courier March 2002 p5, signal at high probability”. indeed, they Accelerator (PLA) Group. in a pioneering in 1974 an ambitious accelerator project owe a great deal to Stafford. His vision Polytechnique discovery” (CERN March 2012 p34). ignored the fact that this line is a double paper in 1961, he and Tony Banford (ePic – the electron–Positron intersecting and leadership established the concept Paris.) Courier September However, recently some fresh breeze line and that they should have compared described how a future superconducting complex) was launched but proved too of national laboratories with a dual role – 2013 p53). arose in the fi eld. The EXO and the Kamland their result to the pulse-shape selected machine would operate continuously, expensive for the uK alone. in a crucial move, partly to provide a service to the university nevertheless, we believe that the article experiments looking for ββ decay in 136Xe spectrum of Heidelberg-Moscow yielding a instead of at the 1% duty cycle of the PLA. Stafford led an initiative to replace nimrod community, partly to carry out their own 25 25 omits acknowledgement of the overall leader reached half-life limits of the order of 10 6.4σ signal and T1/2 = (2.2±0.4) × 10 years By 1963, with the PLA operating, Stafford by a high-current proton accelerator to serve research – and how to strike the right of the project. The Gargamelle detector – a years. They suffer, however, from low-energy (CERN Courier March 2012 p34, Mod. was made the fi rst head of the High Energy a pulsed spallation source of neutrons. This balance. He will be remembered with great huge heavy-liquid bubble chamber – was resolution (around 30 times less than in Phys. Lett. A21 1547 and arxiv:1308.2524 Physics Division, with a major responsibility was a stroke of genius – it re-used nimrod’s fondness for nurturing a vibrant science conceived, studied and built in France, under germanium detectors). recently the GerDA [hep-ex]). This means that the limit deduced to develop the research programme for infrastructure and the laboratory’s accelerator culture in the uK and worldwide. the leadership of André Lagarrigue. until experiment at Gran Sasso has yielded its by GerDA is even less than the half-life nimrod, the new 7 GeV proton synchrotron. expertise. Thus was the iSiS facility born. it He was a great family man and many who his untimely death in 1975, he led the whole fi rst results. It uses the idea of the GENIUS determined by the Heidelberg-Moscow He and Pickavance did a wonderful job of now has a huge user-community of scientists worked at rAL were privileged to get to project, including the data analysis that Project (CERN Courier July/August 2003 p9), experiment, and thus is fully consistent. encouraging uK university physicists to across the world. know his wife Goldy (they married in 1950 resulted in the discovery of neutral currents namely installing naked germanium detectors The statistics of the GerDA experiment form teams and create a unifi ed Nimrod user Around the same time, in 1975, the and she died in 2003), their son Toby and by the Gargamelle collaboration. Without his in liquid nitrogen or liquid argon. operating are at present far too low to check the community. Signifi cant R&D work included laboratory merged with the ATLAS twin daughters Anne and Liz who survive long-term vision and his dedicated tenacity, 14.6 kg of enriched 76Ge – 10 kg of them from Heidelberg-Moscow result. the development of twisted fi lamentary computing Laboratory, an electron him and also fi ve grandchildren. there would not have been such a discovery at the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment – after ● H V Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Heidelberg superconducting cable, which was extremely Beam Lithography unit was formed and ● His colleagues and friends.

42 43 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 3 N u m b e r 9 N o v e mber 2 0 1 3 CERN Courier November 2013 CERN Courier November 2013 Faces & Places Faces & Places

v i s i t s O B i t u a r i E s Dinesh Srivastava, left, the new director of the Variable Energy Cyclotron Godfrey Harry Stafford 1920–2013 Centre in Kolkata, came to CERN on 26–30 August. During this time he met with Godfrey Stafford, who was director of the a high-power laser was approved. Like CERN’s director-general, rutherford Appleton Laboratory from 1969 nimrod, the laser was beyond a scale that Rolf Heuer, and gave a talk to 1981, died on 29 July at the age of 93. could be accommodated in an individual in CERN’s Heavy Ion Forum. Stafford was one of the international university. Since then the central Laser He also toured ALICE leaders who transformed particle physics Facility has seen continued dynamic growth. and other experiments in On 4 September, Polish minister of science and higher education, in europe from its early days in modest A second merger with the Appleton which Indian scientists Barbara Kudrycka, centre left, visited CERN. During her tour with university facilities to huge international Laboratory came in 1979 and the rutherford participate. Agnieszka Zalewska, centre right, president of CERN Council, and laboratories, such as cern. This evolution Appleton Laboratory (rAL) was created Andrzej Siemko, left, head of CERN’s machine protection and electrical took several decades and the path was strewn with atmospheric and space sciences as integrity group, she met Polish members of the team working on the with challenges. He worked quietly but with added activities. Stafford had to make protection of the superconducting magnet circuits. great determination to encourage people to a major effort to keep the project for the focus on the real issues and to put aside vested infrared Astronomical Satellite on course The Italian minister for economic interests in support of the bigger picture. and on schedule because it was threatened by the move. rAL Space has grown enormously development, Flavio Zanonato, right, His european roles included vice president came to CERN on 10 September. His of the cern council (1973–1975), chair during the past 30 years. tour included a visit to the ATLAS of the CERN Scientifi c Policy Committee When Stafford resigned as director-general experimental cavern, where he was (1978–1980) and president of the european Godfrey Stafford. (Image credit: RAL of rAL in 1981, the laboratory was rich with new projects, all developed successfully in the accompanied by Sergio Bertolucci, Physical Society (1984–1986). His infl uence Photographic Services.) left, CERN’s director for research continued long after his retirement and in his following decades. nimrod had closed in 1979 and scientifi c computing, and is seen fi nal years he gave advice to those planning resistant to quenches. Known universally as after helping to establish the quark model the international Linear collider, based on his “rutherford cable”, this is used worldwide in and its users had to broaden their horizons. Jaak Aaviksoo, left, Estonian minister of education and research, came enjoying a photo with Anna Di Ciaccio, ATLAS-Italy national contact physicist. expertise in superconducting rF technology. equipment such as accelerator magnets and Stafford had encouraged the development to CERN on 17 September. His visit included a tour of the LHC tunnel, Born in england in 1920, Stafford moved scanners for magnetic resonance imaging. of close links with cern, DeSY and uS accompanied by CERN international relations adviser Tadeusz Kurtyka, as The visit concluded with meeting Italian members of CERN and Italian teachers. to cape Town aged eight and went on to Stafford was appointed director of rHeL laboratories. rAL took on the role of a well as the TOTEM and CMS experiments. study at the university of cape Town under in 1969, beginning the most challenging national “staging post” for particle physics, r W James. He completed his MSc in and creative phase of his career. incredibly, enabling uK physicists to offer equipment cosmic-ray physics in 1941 but became caught it had just been decided to shut down and services that made major contributions L E t t E r s up in the Second World War. He was mainly nimrod prematurely, which would have led to experiments elsewhere, taking advantage involved in the development of radar but also to the closure of the laboratory. Therefore of the outstanding engineering services at the Lagarrigue and the discovery of neutral cern at that time. a short exposure, the collaboration derived did heroic front-line duty of which, with his Stafford’s fi rst job was to convince laboratory. ● 25 currents Violette Brisson, Anne-Marie Lutz and Guy a lower limit of T1/2 >2.1 × 10 years at 90% natural modesty, he would seldom speak. the relevant authorities that this was After leaving rAL, Stafford became We would like Wormser, LAL Orsay. confi dence level (1.6σ) from the pulse-shape Stafford did his PhD at cambridge, scientifi cally illogical. This he did and then the full-time master of St cross college, to commend the selected spectrum (see talk by c cattadori spending time at the Atomic energy worked to establish diversifi ed activities to oxford, until his retirement in 1987. He took celebration of the Progress in double beta decay? at ePS-HeP 2013 and CERN Courier research establishment, Harwell, under ensure the laboratory’s long-term future. important initiatives for the development of 40th anniversary nuclear double beta (ββ) decay is one of the September 2013 p8). Sir Basil Schonland. in 1950 he returned to in 1971 he established the neutron Beam the college, including moving to permanent of the neutral fl agships of non-accelerator particle physics, However, they compared this erroneously South Africa but in 1954 accepted an offer research unit to support the burgeoning accommodation in the heart of oxford and currents discovery searching underground for physics beyond the with the half-life deduced from the line from Gerry Pickavance to join the cyclotron community of neutron-beam users and increasing the number of graduate students.

by the Gargamelle Standard Model. For many years (starting in at Qββ of the full spectrum recorded by Group at Harwell. The rutherford High investigate future options. After considering uK particle physicists – and the collaboration 1992) the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment, the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment, and energy Laboratory (rHeL) was formed a high-fl ux reactor on the RHEL site, they communities that emerged with the broader through the article using the fi rst enriched high-purity76 Ge found a deviation of less than 2σ, which in 1957 with Pickavance as its fi rst director subsequently facilitated the uK’s entry to the application of accelerators (neutron André Lagarrigue. “neutral currents: A detectors, has dominated the fi eld in they say “refutes the Heidelberg-Moscow and Stafford as head of the Proton Linear institut Laue–Langevin in Grenoble. scattering and synchrotron radiation) – (Image credit: Ecole perfect experimental sensitivity (CERN Courier March 2002 p5, signal at high probability”. indeed, they Accelerator (PLA) Group. in a pioneering in 1974 an ambitious accelerator project owe a great deal to Stafford. His vision Polytechnique discovery” (CERN March 2012 p34). ignored the fact that this line is a double paper in 1961, he and Tony Banford (ePic – the electron–Positron intersecting and leadership established the concept Paris.) Courier September However, recently some fresh breeze line and that they should have compared described how a future superconducting complex) was launched but proved too of national laboratories with a dual role – 2013 p53). arose in the fi eld. The EXO and the Kamland their result to the pulse-shape selected machine would operate continuously, expensive for the uK alone. in a crucial move, partly to provide a service to the university nevertheless, we believe that the article experiments looking for ββ decay in 136Xe spectrum of Heidelberg-Moscow yielding a instead of at the 1% duty cycle of the PLA. Stafford led an initiative to replace nimrod community, partly to carry out their own 25 25 omits acknowledgement of the overall leader reached half-life limits of the order of 10 6.4σ signal and T1/2 = (2.2±0.4) × 10 years By 1963, with the PLA operating, Stafford by a high-current proton accelerator to serve research – and how to strike the right of the project. The Gargamelle detector – a years. They suffer, however, from low-energy (CERN Courier March 2012 p34, Mod. was made the fi rst head of the High Energy a pulsed spallation source of neutrons. This balance. He will be remembered with great huge heavy-liquid bubble chamber – was resolution (around 30 times less than in Phys. Lett. A21 1547 and arxiv:1308.2524 Physics Division, with a major responsibility was a stroke of genius – it re-used nimrod’s fondness for nurturing a vibrant science conceived, studied and built in France, under germanium detectors). recently the GerDA [hep-ex]). This means that the limit deduced to develop the research programme for infrastructure and the laboratory’s accelerator culture in the uK and worldwide. the leadership of André Lagarrigue. until experiment at Gran Sasso has yielded its by GerDA is even less than the half-life nimrod, the new 7 GeV proton synchrotron. expertise. Thus was the iSiS facility born. it He was a great family man and many who his untimely death in 1975, he led the whole fi rst results. It uses the idea of the GENIUS determined by the Heidelberg-Moscow He and Pickavance did a wonderful job of now has a huge user-community of scientists worked at rAL were privileged to get to project, including the data analysis that Project (CERN Courier July/August 2003 p9), experiment, and thus is fully consistent. encouraging uK university physicists to across the world. know his wife Goldy (they married in 1950 resulted in the discovery of neutral currents namely installing naked germanium detectors The statistics of the GerDA experiment form teams and create a unifi ed Nimrod user Around the same time, in 1975, the and she died in 2003), their son Toby and by the Gargamelle collaboration. Without his in liquid nitrogen or liquid argon. operating are at present far too low to check the community. Signifi cant R&D work included laboratory merged with the ATLAS twin daughters Anne and Liz who survive long-term vision and his dedicated tenacity, 14.6 kg of enriched 76Ge – 10 kg of them from Heidelberg-Moscow result. the development of twisted fi lamentary computing Laboratory, an electron him and also fi ve grandchildren. there would not have been such a discovery at the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment – after ● H V Klapdor-Kleingrothaus, Heidelberg superconducting cable, which was extremely Beam Lithography unit was formed and ● His colleagues and friends.

42 43 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 3 N u m b e r 9 N o v e mber 2 0 1 3 CERN Courier November 2013 CERN Courier November 2013 Faces & Places Faces & Places

At the start of the LHc era he joined the was co-ordinator of the nowcasting project, Scientifi c and Technological Information cMS collaboration, mainly contributing the local supervisor for the extreme energy – a spin-off from the School of otranto that Frederick Mills 1928–2013 with the inFn unit of Bari to the design and events project and a member of several aims to establish a dialogue between physics, construction of the resistive-plate-chamber scientifi c commissions and committees. society and economy. detectors, which play a key role in the He founded and directed the Seminario He will be greatly missed by all who were Frederick (Fred) eugene Mills, an Linda university Medical center. Built at fi rst-level muon trigger. nazionale di Fisica nucleare e Subnucleare – lucky to have known him. internationally recognized expert in the fi eld Fermilab, it was the fi rst proton-therapy Francesco was a member of the an educational initiative for young physicists ● This is a translation of the obituary of charged-particle beam and accelerator machine to be designed specifi cally to Management Board of the Polytechnic known as the “School of otranto”, which took that was published on the INFN website physics, passed away peacefully on 21 June. operate within a hospital setting. Loma of Bari, director of the inter-university place in September 2013 for the 25th time. on 20 May 2013 and is reproduced Born on 12 november 1928 in Streator, Linda began treating patients in 1990 and Department of Physics in Bari and chaired the Francesco also promoted many initiatives with permission. For more about the illinois, Mills received his BS and continues to treat patients to this day. italian national board of the co-ordinators of for scientifi c communication and, in 25th School of Otranto, see PhD from the university of illinois at Mills remained at Fermilab until he retired the doctorate in physics from 1983 to 1998. He particular, founded the District of the it/~otranto/2013/otrantofr.html. urbana-champaign, where he worked with in 1993. During his 19 years there he took Al Hanson and Donald Kerst, the inventor of leave to develop a conceptual design for large N EW P r O d u C t s the betatron. He then became a postdoctoral tokomak fusion-reactors with the university fellow at cornell university, working on of Wisconsin’s nuclear engineering AMS Technologies has introduced the new specifi cally confi gured for analysis of fast miniaturized ceramic inertia drive. The Pi electron synchrotrons under the guidance Department. in addition, he helped to PoLAriS family of picosecond lasers. The transient pulses and of rapid compositional micos LPS-45 linear translation stage is of robert Wilson. in 1957, Mills relocated commission the Advanced Photon Source at PoLAriS i200 laser delivers 10 ps output changes in gaseous processes. Developed designed to position samples along a precisely to Madison, Wisconsin, and research on Fred Mills. (Image credit: G B Mills.) Argonne national Laboratory. He also visited pulses over a range of repetition rates of for researchers, the system is suited to guided path with distances up to 2.5 cm. The fi xed-fi eld alternating gradient accelerators and the teams at cern on a number of occasions. up to 1 MHz, with average output power studies of diverse thermally or chemically position of the moving platform is measured colliding-beam machines at the Midwestern At Fermilab, Mills applied his keen insight For many years he continued to teach levels of up to 200 W at the fundamental triggered reactions. The multi-mode by an optical linear encoder with nanometer universities research Association (MurA) in into accelerator physics to the development courses on accelerator physics at the university wavelength of 1064 nm. Developed to Windows MASsoft Professional software resolution and controlled in closed-loop Stoughton, Wisconsin. of the laboratory’s burgeoning accelerator of Wisconsin and –with his daughter – at respond to the increasing demand from the features quantitative analysis and statistical operation by a compact electronic motion Following a sabbatical in 1961 at the complex. He was one of a small group of the university of illinois, so spawning manufacturing industry for high-power, data reduction programs. operating with controller. Several versions are available, centre d’études nucléaires, Saclay, he innovators who proposed using Fermilab's new generations of accelerator experts. high-energy picosecond lasers, it is sample pressures from near-atmospheric up for applications in air, vacuum and even for became director of MurA from 1965 to Main ring accelerator for very-high-energy Following his retirement, he continued work optimized for cost-effective, high-quality to 30 bar, the bench-top mass spectrometer non-magnetic environments. For more details, 1967 and afterwards the fi rst director of proton–antiproton collisions. He helped on accelerators as a consultant on ion storage and high-speed production. For more uses a fast digital detection system for visit the Physical Sciences Laboratory at the to bring about a collaboration between rings, muon accelerators and colliders, details, visit minimized signal response times. For further Motors_Stages/Linear-Motor-Precision- university of Wisconsin (uW)-Madison. Fermilab and the Budker institute of nuclear proton-driver accelerators, antiproton information, e-mail [email protected] or Positioning.php. There, Mills secured funding for and Physics in novosibirsk, which had developed collectors and medical accelerators. Cobham Technical Services has released visit oversaw construction of the fi rst dedicated electron cooling and lithium lenses, and Mills was a skilled handyman, a skier, a a new version of its opera electromagnetics Ridgetop Group has announced the electron storage ring as a synchrotron light he helped Fermilab to incorporate these hiker, a biker and enjoyed a game of golf. in and multiphysics design software, enabling The Numerical Algorithms Group has radchek, a 3D software tool for design and source. That device, soon named Tantalus-i, techniques into its plans. Thanks to his retirement, at Sun city, oro Valley, he was design engineers to speed up analysis time. announced the latest release of its nAG shielding optimization of electronic boards became the seed for the Synchrotron leadership, the Antiproton Source was president of the Astronomy club and taught Designed for use on standard offi ce-grade Toolbox for MATLAB to Mark 24. More and modules exposed to harsh radiation radiation Laboratory at uW-Madison. completed in 1985 and integrated into the courses on energy and energy sources for the Pcs, opera-3d version 16 contains numerous than 130 new functions have been integrated environments, such as in space, near From 1970 to 1973, Mills served as the Fermilab accelerator complex. A month institute for Learning in retirement. enhancements to take advantage of the into the Toolbox, bringing the total number particle accelerators, nuclear power plants, chairman of the accelerator department at later the Tevatron collider produced its fi rst ● Based, with permission, on the multi-core processor architecture offered of maths and stats functions to 1500. The or medical scanners. it allows engineers to Brookhaven national Laboratory. He was collisions at 1.6 TeV – the highest energy that obituaries in the new York Times (www. by many of today’s computers. opera nAG Toolbox for MATLAB complements determine the best shielding material to use pulled back to the Midwest in 1973, where any collider had achieved. version 16 also extends the multiphysics MATLAB by allowing the easy use of nAG to avoid the damaging effects of radiation. his former colleague Wilson was director in addition to his work on Fermilab aspx?n=Frederick-Mills&pid=165684680 capabilities of opera-3d and the opera-2d and MATLAB functions concurrently, giving once the design is generated, the radiation of the newly formed national Accelerator accelerators, Mills – along with Phil Livdahl, #fbLoggedOut) and Fermilab Today (www. circuit editor has been extended to include increased algorithmic choice. The nAG dose and shielding calculation is performed Laboratory – renamed the Fermi national Lee Teng, Don Young and others – designed additional functional components. For more Toolbox for MATLAB is available for 32-bit by a ray-tracing module that combines Accelerator Laboratory in 1974. a synchrotron for proton therapy at the Loma today13-08-15_MillsReadmore.html). information, e-mail vectorfi and 64-bit Microsoft Windows and 64-bit data from the radiation model with data or visit Linux systems. it will also be made available of the radiation environment. For further for Mac oS X. For more information, visit information, visit Edwards Group Limited has updated its or e-mail [email protected]. Francesco Romano 1943–2013 range of turbopumping stations to include the newly launched nXDS dry scroll The ORTEC Products Group of Wind River has released Wind river open pumps. edwards’ turbopumping stations AMeTeK Advanced Measurement network Software for the development Francesco romano, a renowned Francesco Romano. (Image credit: INFN Bari.) feature a choice of neXT turbopumps with Technology (AMT) has introduced the of next-generation data-centre switches. experimental particle physicist, passed away speeds from 42 l/s to 400 l/s, enabling the Alpha Mega, a fully integrated, digital alpha open network Software is a complete, on 16 May. He was 70 years old. Gargamelle and the Big european Bubble most appropriate pump for the application spectrometer for environmental laboratories open software environment for the creation After a brilliant start to his career as a chamber, mainly contributing to studies of to be selected. The new nXDS dry scroll and counting-room applications requiring of network switches for software-defi ned fellow at cern, Francesco romano became the production of heavy fl avours in neutrino pumps extend the range of turbo stations to large-sample-size analysis capabilities. The networks and infrastructures. it provides professor of general physics at the Faculty interactions. Among the main results that include dry backing pumps with capacities Alpha Mega can accommodate fi lter samples the tools and resources to create, modify, + 3 3 of engineering of the university of Bari were obtained, the discovery of the Σc (a from 1 m /hr up to 20 m /hr and offer an up to 4.18 inches (106 mm) in diameter and update network layers L1, L2+ in 1986. Some years later he moved to the baryon containing the charm quark) was oil-free, robust vacuum solution. For more and is designed to easily integrate into the and L3+ functionality and is highly Polytechnic of Bari. particularly relevant. When the project for about the “plug and play” turbopumping Alpha ensemble modular system. For more extensible, allowing for the seamless The author of hundreds of publications the Large electron–Positron collider at system, visit information, download www.ortec-online. addition of third-party applications. it also in the most important international physics cern received the green light, Francesco pumpingstations. com/download/Alpha-Suite.pdf. supports an extensive suite of networking journals, he began his research activity joined the ALePH experiment, contributing protocols. For more information, visit by studying the decay of the K+ in bubble with the Bari inFn group to the construction Hiden Analytical has introduced a new PI (Physik Instrumente) LP now offers chambers. He joined several experiments at of the hadron calorimeter. gas analyser, the HPr-20 Qic TMS system, a new type of positioning stage based on a open-network-software/.

44 45 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 3 N u m b e r 9 N o v e mber 2 0 1 3 CERN Courier November 2013 CERN Courier November 2013 Faces & Places Faces & Places

At the start of the LHc era he joined the was co-ordinator of the nowcasting project, Scientifi c and Technological Information cMS collaboration, mainly contributing the local supervisor for the extreme energy – a spin-off from the School of otranto that Frederick Mills 1928–2013 with the inFn unit of Bari to the design and events project and a member of several aims to establish a dialogue between physics, construction of the resistive-plate-chamber scientifi c commissions and committees. society and economy. detectors, which play a key role in the He founded and directed the Seminario He will be greatly missed by all who were Frederick (Fred) eugene Mills, an Linda university Medical center. Built at fi rst-level muon trigger. nazionale di Fisica nucleare e Subnucleare – lucky to have known him. internationally recognized expert in the fi eld Fermilab, it was the fi rst proton-therapy Francesco was a member of the an educational initiative for young physicists ● This is a translation of the obituary of charged-particle beam and accelerator machine to be designed specifi cally to Management Board of the Polytechnic known as the “School of otranto”, which took that was published on the INFN website physics, passed away peacefully on 21 June. operate within a hospital setting. Loma of Bari, director of the inter-university place in September 2013 for the 25th time. on 20 May 2013 and is reproduced Born on 12 november 1928 in Streator, Linda began treating patients in 1990 and Department of Physics in Bari and chaired the Francesco also promoted many initiatives with permission. For more about the illinois, Mills received his BS and continues to treat patients to this day. italian national board of the co-ordinators of for scientifi c communication and, in 25th School of Otranto, see PhD from the university of illinois at Mills remained at Fermilab until he retired the doctorate in physics from 1983 to 1998. He particular, founded the District of the it/~otranto/2013/otrantofr.html. urbana-champaign, where he worked with in 1993. During his 19 years there he took Al Hanson and Donald Kerst, the inventor of leave to develop a conceptual design for large N EW P r O d u C t s the betatron. He then became a postdoctoral tokomak fusion-reactors with the university fellow at cornell university, working on of Wisconsin’s nuclear engineering AMS Technologies has introduced the new specifi cally confi gured for analysis of fast miniaturized ceramic inertia drive. The Pi electron synchrotrons under the guidance Department. in addition, he helped to PoLAriS family of picosecond lasers. The transient pulses and of rapid compositional micos LPS-45 linear translation stage is of robert Wilson. in 1957, Mills relocated commission the Advanced Photon Source at PoLAriS i200 laser delivers 10 ps output changes in gaseous processes. Developed designed to position samples along a precisely to Madison, Wisconsin, and research on Fred Mills. (Image credit: G B Mills.) Argonne national Laboratory. He also visited pulses over a range of repetition rates of for researchers, the system is suited to guided path with distances up to 2.5 cm. The fi xed-fi eld alternating gradient accelerators and the teams at cern on a number of occasions. up to 1 MHz, with average output power studies of diverse thermally or chemically position of the moving platform is measured colliding-beam machines at the Midwestern At Fermilab, Mills applied his keen insight For many years he continued to teach levels of up to 200 W at the fundamental triggered reactions. The multi-mode by an optical linear encoder with nanometer universities research Association (MurA) in into accelerator physics to the development courses on accelerator physics at the university wavelength of 1064 nm. Developed to Windows MASsoft Professional software resolution and controlled in closed-loop Stoughton, Wisconsin. of the laboratory’s burgeoning accelerator of Wisconsin and –with his daughter – at respond to the increasing demand from the features quantitative analysis and statistical operation by a compact electronic motion Following a sabbatical in 1961 at the complex. He was one of a small group of the university of illinois, so spawning manufacturing industry for high-power, data reduction programs. operating with controller. Several versions are available, centre d’études nucléaires, Saclay, he innovators who proposed using Fermilab's new generations of accelerator experts. high-energy picosecond lasers, it is sample pressures from near-atmospheric up for applications in air, vacuum and even for became director of MurA from 1965 to Main ring accelerator for very-high-energy Following his retirement, he continued work optimized for cost-effective, high-quality to 30 bar, the bench-top mass spectrometer non-magnetic environments. For more details, 1967 and afterwards the fi rst director of proton–antiproton collisions. He helped on accelerators as a consultant on ion storage and high-speed production. For more uses a fast digital detection system for visit the Physical Sciences Laboratory at the to bring about a collaboration between rings, muon accelerators and colliders, details, visit minimized signal response times. For further Motors_Stages/Linear-Motor-Precision- university of Wisconsin (uW)-Madison. Fermilab and the Budker institute of nuclear proton-driver accelerators, antiproton information, e-mail [email protected] or Positioning.php. There, Mills secured funding for and Physics in novosibirsk, which had developed collectors and medical accelerators. Cobham Technical Services has released visit oversaw construction of the fi rst dedicated electron cooling and lithium lenses, and Mills was a skilled handyman, a skier, a a new version of its opera electromagnetics Ridgetop Group has announced the electron storage ring as a synchrotron light he helped Fermilab to incorporate these hiker, a biker and enjoyed a game of golf. in and multiphysics design software, enabling The Numerical Algorithms Group has radchek, a 3D software tool for design and source. That device, soon named Tantalus-i, techniques into its plans. Thanks to his retirement, at Sun city, oro Valley, he was design engineers to speed up analysis time. announced the latest release of its nAG shielding optimization of electronic boards became the seed for the Synchrotron leadership, the Antiproton Source was president of the Astronomy club and taught Designed for use on standard offi ce-grade Toolbox for MATLAB to Mark 24. More and modules exposed to harsh radiation radiation Laboratory at uW-Madison. completed in 1985 and integrated into the courses on energy and energy sources for the Pcs, opera-3d version 16 contains numerous than 130 new functions have been integrated environments, such as in space, near From 1970 to 1973, Mills served as the Fermilab accelerator complex. A month institute for Learning in retirement. enhancements to take advantage of the into the Toolbox, bringing the total number particle accelerators, nuclear power plants, chairman of the accelerator department at later the Tevatron collider produced its fi rst ● Based, with permission, on the multi-core processor architecture offered of maths and stats functions to 1500. The or medical scanners. it allows engineers to Brookhaven national Laboratory. He was collisions at 1.6 TeV – the highest energy that obituaries in the new York Times (www. by many of today’s computers. opera nAG Toolbox for MATLAB complements determine the best shielding material to use pulled back to the Midwest in 1973, where any collider had achieved. version 16 also extends the multiphysics MATLAB by allowing the easy use of nAG to avoid the damaging effects of radiation. his former colleague Wilson was director in addition to his work on Fermilab aspx?n=Frederick-Mills&pid=165684680 capabilities of opera-3d and the opera-2d and MATLAB functions concurrently, giving once the design is generated, the radiation of the newly formed national Accelerator accelerators, Mills – along with Phil Livdahl, #fbLoggedOut) and Fermilab Today (www. circuit editor has been extended to include increased algorithmic choice. The nAG dose and shielding calculation is performed Laboratory – renamed the Fermi national Lee Teng, Don Young and others – designed additional functional components. For more Toolbox for MATLAB is available for 32-bit by a ray-tracing module that combines Accelerator Laboratory in 1974. a synchrotron for proton therapy at the Loma today13-08-15_MillsReadmore.html). information, e-mail vectorfi and 64-bit Microsoft Windows and 64-bit data from the radiation model with data or visit Linux systems. it will also be made available of the radiation environment. For further for Mac oS X. For more information, visit information, visit Edwards Group Limited has updated its or e-mail [email protected]. Francesco Romano 1943–2013 range of turbopumping stations to include the newly launched nXDS dry scroll The ORTEC Products Group of Wind River has released Wind river open pumps. edwards’ turbopumping stations AMeTeK Advanced Measurement network Software for the development Francesco romano, a renowned Francesco Romano. (Image credit: INFN Bari.) feature a choice of neXT turbopumps with Technology (AMT) has introduced the of next-generation data-centre switches. experimental particle physicist, passed away speeds from 42 l/s to 400 l/s, enabling the Alpha Mega, a fully integrated, digital alpha open network Software is a complete, on 16 May. He was 70 years old. Gargamelle and the Big european Bubble most appropriate pump for the application spectrometer for environmental laboratories open software environment for the creation After a brilliant start to his career as a chamber, mainly contributing to studies of to be selected. The new nXDS dry scroll and counting-room applications requiring of network switches for software-defi ned fellow at cern, Francesco romano became the production of heavy fl avours in neutrino pumps extend the range of turbo stations to large-sample-size analysis capabilities. The networks and infrastructures. it provides professor of general physics at the Faculty interactions. Among the main results that include dry backing pumps with capacities Alpha Mega can accommodate fi lter samples the tools and resources to create, modify, + 3 3 of engineering of the university of Bari were obtained, the discovery of the Σc (a from 1 m /hr up to 20 m /hr and offer an up to 4.18 inches (106 mm) in diameter and update network layers L1, L2+ in 1986. Some years later he moved to the baryon containing the charm quark) was oil-free, robust vacuum solution. For more and is designed to easily integrate into the and L3+ functionality and is highly Polytechnic of Bari. particularly relevant. When the project for about the “plug and play” turbopumping Alpha ensemble modular system. For more extensible, allowing for the seamless The author of hundreds of publications the Large electron–Positron collider at system, visit information, download www.ortec-online. addition of third-party applications. it also in the most important international physics cern received the green light, Francesco pumpingstations. com/download/Alpha-Suite.pdf. supports an extensive suite of networking journals, he began his research activity joined the ALePH experiment, contributing protocols. For more information, visit by studying the decay of the K+ in bubble with the Bari inFn group to the construction Hiden Analytical has introduced a new PI (Physik Instrumente) LP now offers chambers. He joined several experiments at of the hadron calorimeter. gas analyser, the HPr-20 Qic TMS system, a new type of positioning stage based on a open-network-software/.

44 45 cerncourier www. V o l u m e 5 3 N u m b e r 9 N o v e mber 2 0 1 3