'V. -\ * 1 M - ' ' k / Average Dally Circulation nie^Weather m itiV A X , ABG I^T 6,104* For the Month of July, 1945 Foreeaat of LVS. Weather Bnrean Manchester Evening Herald ’ \ 8,890 \ Partly dondy toiUgtat and Wed­ nesday; warmer Wednesday, gram fields: ^ t s and crafts, Oom- Mesnber of the A iM t V, ''r.. Center Congr>gfttionol Cbyrch munity life, health and 'Safety, BafeM of ClreoMlooa Quadrtmt, the younSs^tilt group Home o n Leave N50^ Leaders homemaking, International friend­ MaarilchcMer—-A C i^ of TiUc^e Charrli About Town of which J4m«h Elllott<^ ship, literature and dramatics, dent, wiik meet tomorrow^ewnlng T ^muslC and dancing, nature, out-of- nv at T:80 ht the-church. ^ '■'•Are doors, and sports and games. (TEN PAGES) ^ PRICE CENT8>] x t f l t n R . g m s H VOL. Lxnr., NO. 261 Adv^rtUtag «■ Fagn 8) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AU G U S T, 19^5 Frgrt«tor« of jyf \ Anyone' who, has knowledge of . ] - 1 who ran an advt 3atu^ Mrs. Robert Ensmlnger, the for­ several of them fields should Share ly announcing the opening or- Girl ScouL troopi iA It with thes^-Glrl Scouts. mer Anna Armstrong of tWsloum, ' >-'V y'-- lelr business want people to has fetumed-to her home In pkia- Town Sendi Ouri^ppeal Mrs. BroWn will ansvyer qi^eS^ ------low that there was error In the tlons aboidt new troop lea^pshlp V ^ F ii^ Jap :Gty Hit by Atomic Bomlh homa, after a visit with her almt; Amid O ur ourroundinigS/.^ o f tne number uwd *^i**J, Mrs. Anna Richards of 58 School For Guides. ' New Demand\Seen ^ ---- [ioe number used- was the street. The latter and her nfece, •\ \ Correct number as *»y Mrs. Dorothy Phipps, accompan­ quiet dignity, the bereaved >- telephone directory Is 8926.,, ' Wartime tempo has, swept up ied Mrs. Ensminger to York. PA.. Manchester Olrl Soouts as they Where she . visited her -husband# It took longer for the garbage strive to serve their country \and may confidently expect to find, ^ZSlHdinSt >an ^fioUectoni to do their work this people. become fine future eltisens. The For Sale morning. They were tying to lump In ifsncheeter pojwlatlon In- phoife The pjant . of'the prford Soap creasee Girl Scout and Brownie ap/ ganctity and \unde1retandingi • / can a notice on how to pre­ Company resurried operations this DAYoatMIGHT pare cans for the next collection. T pllcahte, and present troops are TRUCKS momihg after a shutdown of two fllied to capacity. Mfa. J. S. Brown, Complete f^ilities enable us T o Get 48 The tags did not state When the weeksTio aHow the employees a next collections would take place. organixatton committee chairman' >y It has )>een set for this Friday. vacation:-''-.' of the Manchester Girl Scout Coun­ cil, announce# that more, leaders to render service that is effec­ k are necessary to guide, tiach and Ultimatum, Bacl^ed by Heavy Aerial -T assist these children. 1945 Model tive and impressive. Atomic Bomb Threat, . As little a# two houra a week de­ lese Imperial Coi voted to a Scout troop by a busi­ Forecast by British HALEYS SELF SERVE ness woman or a-housewife will do GHEVROtETS Attack Sets luniquc Hints Nil much for Manchester .youth. ■Ambiittinee Servict '"’^Press; Question Raised The Original In New England! \ p oonese n e 8 ^ W a r Lords Try'''j Courses Are Offered THiether Secret to Be RM2C R. 1. W Bob Courses are offered in Manches­ t Port Aflame m g^o DetermineDetern Whotl ter and'Hartford for ne^f. leaders. Xhtt dsKaa eoiry \ Shared With Others Edwin J. M. Belinsky, itadioman .Mrs. John F. Pickles is chairman Heavy-Duty Chassis leoUiHi ess when Hit ffiir pisbima; ^ i i i Tall 2c, son of Mr/and Lawrence i^ or One Quam, Avg. 7v^A*)— Iroa bars Of the American theater of Bought and. Sold ' Manila, Aug.- 7— ‘ Th* Point Freis Items-- yvpr, Asiatic-Pacific and Libera­ Atomic Bomfe censorship was clamped on i Essential truck u^era raised whether -the United aouthem Japanese port of Tarumi' Of Natvitn*} Other ■ \ ^ tion of the Philippines. He also A. G. McCROHON details of -the bombing should not delay their States and Britain would see waa. aet .afianie Sunday by more .Bugar Heart . ' , . ' m i f wears the combat pin whleh is Phone 0619 fit to share their secret with Great .Wr'or Iitt4 h stry of Hiroshima by the U. 3. given to a silbniariner after he has purchase of new' units, than 400 Far East Air Forte# Jars Morale Strategic- Air Forces today, completed hts first successful var other Allied nations. Cities Likely Tairget; l ic e 46 0z. Can for our total allotment H m JW.HAU COM planes in the heaviest fire raid yet .^ t from the stu'hnCd enemy .nuaonim Com» -Priklucee "Alarming Problem” oatrol.patrol. .' '• fdr 194.1 will be small. mounU^ by the Okinawa-baaed EvdutHe . Radioman Bolinsky received hts British experts on , military, sci­ Trying to Of Japaiiese finidly came .admi.ssion' that boot Iralning lit Newport, R I. He' SIMONIZING entific Slid international affaln, filer# against a single objective. Its Possible Effects the terrific new 'weapon had /Wegner was graduijiicd from Manchester busy making calculation# on- the The entire target was engiulfed done great . A-/Japa* High school with the claSb of ip42 The Body Shop Method 1 7 / effect# of tha awesome develop­ In ilam#B and smoke that billowed Some : of „ Secrecy on nese imperial bomn:;unlqu« broaO* ment, #ald the bomb would Infiu- Washih^ton, Auiv 7.— and for a time was employed at 12,000 feet high Gen. Douglas Mac- V (IP) cast' by Radio Tokyo hiiited Um | Orange ahi SOLIMENE & FLAGG, Inc. RUBBER ence all future International rela­ Devastating Effects o f the Pratt * Whitney Aircraft CARTER Arthur related In today# commu^ Aerial reconnaissance view show thq Jap harbor city oF Hiroshima, first target to feel the full — 'Tokyo or one . of Japan’s! Nipponese War lords werr scurf* \. plant/ From Newport he was sent 684 Center St. / Tel. 519T tion# and produced the “alarming nique announcing the two-hour 46 0z.Can TIN IS STILL NEEDED SH E E T IN G : weight of the new atomic bomb! Damage Inflicted .wag equal tiKthat which would, be caused by 20,000 Other great waf^industry cit-j New ‘Diabolic!' Weap- Ing about, trying' to ' ‘ detenplai to Balnbridge. Md., to study radio, ' By the Yard.,, problem'* of how to control It. tack. what hit the' Hiroshima A m y| Juice and was transferred In 1943 to the “ How far It will be pOaSlble or ton# of TNT.— (N E A telephoto.) ies is believM here today to Chevrdet Co. ~ Arthur Drug Stores'^ Planea of all categoriew/lh the A. on Lifted in Report base. . Submarine School at New London, DON’T LET UP-^SAVE TIN CANS Wise to diffuse generally over the Far Eaat Air Force# participated, be next oh the list for atomic City HlddSn In Dust 191 Center St. T oL 6874 845 Main St. Teh 8806 world the knowledge of how to Wegner GrapefriiBt^^Juice (■ including Liberator l^»dvy bomb­ bomb destruction. This is the San Francisco, Aug. 7—(4>)—The While meager U. S. dlsclosuiMl make these bomb# poses a vitally ers, Mitchell mediupls and Thun- said one bomb bad- hit wltb-.auotil important problem, aald . Prof. Peliain Aware view of officials trying to new atomic bomb shook both the N o. 2 Can Wl AM AU- deibolt and Muroing fighter- D o m estic“Pd1 evaluate the possible effects devastating force '.tbpl Ihe cltyl Gilbert Murray, joint president of bombers. / military city of Hiroshima, and the the League.oir Nations union glncTe was hidden in a towering cloud oCl LEGLERC PreclB l^ Strike# Made of the terrifynig new weapon Japanese morale, enemy propaganv dust, the Japanese talked of nMr| N--. 1938. “There are enormous diffi­ A t lea8t>800 ot the forte were Of Talks Held —both on bringing this war to ah llJNERAL HOME culties in keeping It as a.secret of diste indicated, today ip a broad­ “bombs.” Tbeir use of the i ' to Os. Caa Burt Olney Mltchelle,/wlth jellied gasoline 'roblem s early end and on shiwlng' the. indicated the blast was ao U. S. A. cne or two nations." y world of tomorrow. rej cast lifting some of the secreeiKp" 29 Maln^Streri bombsywhlch they poured In at the deimstetlng effect of the n W taring tbfy could not' believe 3 Cans To Serve Another Ultlma.fum low Jevel In precision strikes With British Radical Changes Doe ToiHotg Jufee Phoue"^ 62€» i x i i i j "diabolic weapon." , . ' one boinb had struck. The Dally Mail, In a Waehlngton against the to-wn's factories smd From what has beeiTlannounced The bomb wa# dropped by'para­ The ilippohese communique i dispatch, quoted “r-liaWe sources” Trum an to Vari-! 14 On, Oan Campbell's arve# publicly-* by President Tniman and chute yesterday morning, explod­ a number of B-29s made the attedk Altsr taal viriefy.'whiniag lbs In the V. S. capltal.118 saying the Tarumi. about the size of San^ Fernet Says Marshal Ap­ ety o f Issues; R ad io, other American, and Britlah offi­ ing in the air and s p r ^ in ^ ex­ with "considerable" deatrucOoll, pence will pose a real preb- Allies would serve Japan anothei^ .dusky, Ohio, is on the eaat shore 3 Cans 2 5 c proved ‘ Secret Nego­ cials It la cleg)’ that old ideas of tensive dertruction across the city, The admission was typical of the Tomato Juice lea ler on e< la. ■ ulUmatum threatening to l ^ b of Kagoahlma bay on Kyushu Is­ Report to Nation Ex- Seen Result the government-controlled' Dome! Japanese habit of undereattinaitiag her into o^iVion with t l^ n e w national defense .and security- A REMINDER! land, opposite the often-bombed tiations Shortly Aft­ based even on weapons as modem new# agency said. damage, because U. S. sources in­ As Am pteleclea el enr Iree- weapon unless she , su««idered industrial center 8f Kagoshima. preted in Day or Two K e.2 0BB V-8. as'the rockets Hitler used against ’ Jap# Fear Indicated dicated the great cloud of dust dea ore deaebillsed. lei ne uncondltitmally. T h e ^tim atum Only one Japanese plane' at­ er Armistice in. 1940 that rose from Hiroshima When toB Need Mere would carry a 48-houj/tlme limit. Elated Legislators Fo London— are iitnlng flghtera re about the negotiations, which of­ ing developed —one of . the waria iould not believe that only a sin- of the great strategic la#ues which to guarantee news freedorll privi­ Pending full reconnaissance re­ glC/bomb was used, pomel said a have been bones -of ' contention peated their last , week's record ficial British statements 6'hinded leges in those areas, as a cht>ck on beat-kept aeOret# — ha# been Gold Medial Flour 2,100-mlIe round trip to Singapore, as a dial -‘ed account. ports, it Is believed here that' the “ few” , were dropped, adding; among nations now take 'on an en­ the freedom d elections there. to »ome senator# for more city, which "bad a pre-war popula- FOR OUR ANNUAL VACATION where they shot/ do-wnfwo Tojo Marcel I’cyroUton, former Vichy Houses Demolished Runaway Boy Sought — ' 10 Lbi Bag tirely new aapecL Security, they Whether Mr. Truman answers Uian'two years. 59c fighters. a-ny oif these queries, he apparent­ Chairman Thomas (D-Uteh) "As a result-of this wanto.n nt- New:-London, Aug. 7.—(iP)i-Ca- and Sev- (Continnri) on Vwo) of (CoBtimwd M riMto Six) Thirteenth Air Force ktkmttnued on Page Six) ly is going to have to saj^.som^ told a reporter the Military com­ iarit, a considerable number' der -the dtrectlou of MeuL CorroB enth "Fleet Llbeiators a^^Boyalkfld Ro thing about the slxe of the Army. houses in the city were demolished -Shaw, comroahdM of the West­ Australian A lf Force plffl«h con­ mittee will expediate legislation while fires v/ere caused to. start at Fresh Sweet Corn 49c Some legislator# lately have been setting up the control commi#alon brook sta'te harracka aaS tinued to- support ground fortes on bearing down on the.key that the several points.' Trooper Boy “Obodale, resident blasted the~ runway at so that it. can be ready tc make Nteed to Shil The dispatch claimed Japanese 1 , ANNE -CAMPBELL’S . | Bong Victim Strike Total Army is keeping too many men In swift tranBltlon from war to peace state policeman’■''for the shore, Mitl airdrome on Java, sank three uniform. authorities already' were busy «>ir towns of tMtcrn C'onnectlcat, a small vessels off western Borneo, activities when the Pacific con­ counter-measures and declared Fresh String Beans ii: 15c Expected to- Back High Command widespread "searth Is un^er way I ' BEAUTY SALON j and made neutralizing raids on the Near 64,000 flict end#. ■— AerM Tactics that “ the history of war 'shows ■for an 1 l-^ear^ld, boy who O f Explosion Celebes and Halmaheras. \ Capitol Hill friends of the pres­ While seeing the possibility, that that the new weapon, however 'f- ident expect him to stand Sqwkrt* away froth 'home In UId Lyme i 863 MAIN STRE^ ]RUiBNIOW BLDG.'^ | Developing Two-Wjjjr Pinch the bomb miR^t shorten the war T. fectlve, wlU eventually lose its F r i^ y and of whom nothing :ly. behind the high command if It materially, Thomas said he could Bch. fiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiliiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir American and Fluipna troops F.ew Fast Bombers Like­ power*' bSnuse of discovery o f ' been heard since, pe hr'UorneUaa Fresh Celery Hearts 23c 'Ajce ,of Ac^ Killed as are developlhg'a two-way pinch on More Than Two Do^en maintains that! It still must have not guess whether it would elimi­ ways to nuliif-V its effect. ■- • Japanese hideouts In northern 7.000,000 men In the Army next nate the necessity for an invasion ly to Be / Able to D o Domel quoted, its informed V-.r - Niagara Colored Border ' Shooting Star . Ex- Dispute Curtail and June 1. Significantly, Secretary of dren of Mr. and . Mrs. John Luzon In a relentless scarth for of Japan. source as branding-the 1)0011) tac­ earthy of Four .Mile Blver-r Ko. 1 . a p i OT77V7WYWW7W77VWY77777V7VV1 •L-plod^ During Flight Genp.ral Tamaahita despite some Half Production Yet War Stimson said recently the Thomas and Senator O’iMahpney Task pf Great Fleet. tics “a destroyer o f. justice and maximum ‘rate of discharging men (D., Wyd.), a member of the'AP' and the state poliM said his i)l#-| rumors that the ._Japaneae com-^ appearance fplIpU'cd a “scrapl Potatoes' / 10 Lbs. 45c , SPECIAUST* « A 1 A s « carried out. prOpriatlons and Military commit' '.Washington,. Aug. Air (Continued on Page-Two)" Yea, we're’ speefaH^ts in refrigeration, will aervlee a ^ .- Burbank,. Calif., Ai%. l — m — 1 (PontinDed on Page Two) ,B y The, AsstKjiated Press, J BecaUae most congresamen have tees, eaid Congress ' is certain to with bis mother." The' boy i# de-l war tactics will be revised sharply scrilied as being 4. feet, 6 InelMial F m h . SIm // type of InatalUtlon, find whafa wrong, pat It rignt. Maj. Richard Ira Bong, the. farm The natlon’a atrike total vrim! gone ;home, Mr. Truman may not provide all the funds neceMsry for if the atomic bomb can be deliver­ .No need to have an (die refrigerator. Call Mancheater boy who beegme America's aerial around the'64,000 mark today, aa face any showdown with them un­ peacetime development of atomic ed as simply aa ‘ conventional tell, of Mm buUj. and weighing I about 6U pounds. Be has brown 2-1226. / ,- ace’’Je ape#...by .downing 40 Japa- ihore than two dozen disputes cur­ til October. But he may have to energy as a possible replacement I j!..15e tell the Army to .release types. ' - ^ ■ 13 PersQns hair, with a crew style cut, blue j Cantaloupes . 8ERVI<^E NOW — SALES LATER ! heap ' plane# while emerging un- Protests Rape tailed and halted; production along mor* for cpal, oil and other power A few fast bombera.iheavily pro­ acath<^ fror.i over 500 cbtnbat the labor front.-' transportation .workers and coal, .Bources". ' tested by fighters and Hying above eyes and light complexion. With 23,000 idle at the Wright miners, '*>- Ball Deg Red Rabber 9 f rrjjis iXMJf/fJsce m m i rrees 1 hour#, today la) dead, the victim Both insisted^ ^ a t any such de­ effective flak range, could accom-- Die in Bla^t Aeronautical Corporation plant in Although ,now on vacation, Sec­ velopment should be controlled by i Will Eequi^re Mpre Money of a jet P-SO Shooting Star By Red Troops retary rife Jlnterior Icke# ia likely pllsh a mission which now requires ploalon - which occuired four mlri? Cincinnati, the metal-'Working in- the gOveriiment for the common hundreds of large .planes. /iv ..:,Londbn,^Aing. 7—Kff)r—A hlg Jar ffings C O A fM ^ y ut«#.'af!cr a taiceoff. dustjcies were the hardest hit. A l V* be an early White House-caller good of -all: an objective Mr. Tni­ And If the tremendous force# in­ W- 1 4--. XWT-- I '-I* resbonslbie American eoulaa. ew-a to u r'o f 43,000 were Idle in thlarto discuss 4he coal problenu pe- man, seemed to have in mind iri rec­ Explosion Wreviks »tor*j ,.^y that IJNRBA’o programl The explosion, which. acaUered Provisional Austrian categofy.. -'fense Transportation'^Director J. volved in atomic disintegration ommending establishment of the can be fully controlled they might — ¥} K ithropgh 1946 would require new* parta of^t;»e olanc over an ircre. Old Stoppage Ends } Monroe Johnson, who has been age Elevatocy xxui.ix I p<,„tributio,ns from : part!clpatln| occurred-yeaCerday afternoon just Goveniinent CMEiciali. commission. be employed either in propelling Practical lun^-cloths with One of the, oldest stoppages on | “hollering’’ about the lack of rail “ New Post-War FronHer*.’ •"/ ins Great Lakes Gities nations ot between $i,60o,ooo,i 2 Piece Jar Cops WE SERVE HOMES OAlRlES-FOOD STORES'TaVERHS'ktSTAURANIS ■ after-. the 24-year-old pilot left •thebombeifil or ' sending out re­ . lllg XxrtfUl and $2,300,000,000. DetaUs Of tho ff...... colored borders in gold, blue; the strike list ended during the'f® *^ workers, alru may have i "We must have a commission to ,000,000. ' Lockheed Air terminal on a test “Reveals Reply Given few Words for the president, motely controlled bombs! laat 24 hours, enabling about 2,- deal with'the entire area of scien­ Explosive Charge Small Hnanclol program will be present­ and green. Fast color. flight. Major ' Bong apparently Still another White House vlet- Port Arthur, Ont., Aug. 7 - .^> ed to the UNBRA conlereace berol Vienna, Aug. 7.— (JP)—An offi­ 700 men and women to go back to tific develonment," CMahonev as­ President Truman descrilfcd the .tried to jump cleaj.' :bf the diain- work in Kentucky coal mines and tor is likely to be Secretary of La­ A t least 13 persona were killed- by Director General Herbert ,Leh-j tej^tlng.-'shlp, bul'llahiea cqugbt bor Schwellrnbach with a sug^a- serted. “That Is the new nost-war explosive charge a# extremely today by an -e.xplosion which: Mason Jar Caps cial of the provisional Auatrian affiliated jobs. ^ frontier. We must, use what science man, he said. The larger- flgnral him; Udn for a national conference cn small, but the official description wrecked Storage Elevator Ncf) 5 gpvemment said today he ^ d A 29-day old strike which had Is capable of producing for the ad- was reported to depend . upon I Parachute Partly Opened poat-war labor-industry relations. of the July 16 test in New Mexico of th#‘ Sg|hatchi wan. Wheat Pool, ORANGE HALL BINGO protested rai>e by Red Army closed four mines, six company Indicates that complex and po3 whether the council grants Ru»^ I The CIO wants Secretary of Com Ltd., one 'of the largest at .the sla's request for $7OO,0OO,OO9| His body waa found 10^ feet troops in their victorious awSep Btorea and five recreation centers (Onnttnned oe Pare Four). sibly heavy apparatus is nrtessary Parowox from the flaming jet turiMae':^ Hla merce Wallace cut in on any such head-of the Great Lakes. worth pf supplies. 50x53 Stevens Fast Color across Austria.and waa told; of the Consolidation Coal Com­ get-together, first broached pub­ to detonafe the charge. j>arachu'te had partly opened.' “ Our troops are different from pany at Jenkins and McRoberta,}, Treasury Balancil That may be the answer to the The blast rocked the twin cities EVERY MONDAY, 8 P. M. Tha wiry, pug-noMd • fighter , licly by Vandenberg., of Port Arthur and Fort WlUlafh Biirglan Steal Furs the 8. S. .They raped our women Ky., ended alter a pgmnal ap­ Has Appolntmeata to Make role of the consolidated B-22, new- BtL pilot, who bad been testing P-SOs peal by President Job/ L. Lewis shortly after io a. ra. (e.w.tvl v • Gteenwteh, Ang. 7——Even nine days of war, at the present The miml)lirx)f persons Involved An accumulation of grain dust, RANGE AND FUEL OIL I. .Into the air for about 400 feet." mans, naturally felt a desire for In production indicates a high coat demand a share of - rep Explodes With Terrific Roar can Iron Works plants In WUkea- rate of spending. a source of exploglone In. grain ' The government wIDI "llTmljr:' FRESH LOBSTERS revenge against the people and ^ ^ ----- D* aaelitlMiW. mVwMeh if the;atomlc bomb shortens the in man hours, A -tf^ery highly- Other wltneeees said the plane this was strengthened by the fact Barre, Pa., which hswl Idled about U, S. war expend!turfes have av elevators may havs gaugeil the fe r ^ g in m the reparatloa# ‘ TMBOrirow Momiagl Ton can buy them Live or Freeh war by only nine days. Its money eraged well over $7,000,000,000 a placed’Allied air official recently Wholesale Gasoline ' f exploded with a terrific roar, eeveral dlvlslone of Auitrlan I IjOOO workers for three deya, and criticized the Oennan V-2 for Its blast. justloe oompele' vaagoU a” Boiled-> while they last, Oret come, llret served. troope fought alongside the Ger-:at the 10 plants o< the Reynolds cost will have been moree than tos- jnohth for the lest two years. The workmen killed and Injured maay to pay the eonatar iM which shook the vicinity. Most In July the govemmentv,.spent production cost, but the a w e ar­ And We Also Will Have 3f the plane, and Bong*# body, mane on the eastern front, Metals Company at LooitvlUe, tified. gument would not be validragalnst were employed In the elevator dsvaitated aad rateed,’* ha- President Truman annneuoowfbe , $7,395,000,000 on the war. a dally •» / iandeu in a Vacant lot: Most, Viennese profess to under-|Ky., and two at Richmond Va„ the new bomb because it# deatruc- workhouse where the grain ia un- Tha premier • laM ta stand the “ revenge- attitude’' and affecting 8,500 and 1,500 etaploy- project has cost $2,000,000,000. average of»about $239,000,000. At. would submit FRESH MACKEREL ^ Bantly Oil Conipony Oilorful fruit patterns in red and Four patterns in an color combjnptlons. Gar­ This wa.** the end, then for the this rate $2,000,000,000 ivas spent F ' ^ , ■------I ■ ---- —' Treasury S)cperte said today tnia oa Paga Fea#) .(CsriW—8 Ml Fag* Twu$, PaHod Watlsia To A r r iv e I r th e M e m tagT^ , den and Gate,. Hearts and Flowewr,-and Fruit eoet than la about eight and one-third dajS. 3.31 Main Street ^152920^2-1057 blue, red' and green. Pre-laun- (Couttawd e * DSfa Four). ((^ tlp u e d ea Page Twa). (CoatlaueS ea Paga XwaS tapreseato At The Health Market And Buy FVow The Best dered and fast color. - designs. Pre-laundered and fast color. ' . F o ^ Sopjply In TowfC dpposite the Armory %

) ___ .... J*’ fllAMLiMIliS'l til* t^VKiWUNli ttt.K A t.U . M A W l/H E S ’I tiK.AiUNW .. 'l U t-rsU A l', A U O .p S l i, PACE Tl c / ' / MANCRESS^R EVENING lEIERA^D. MANUHEirrER. CONN- TLT^SpAT, AUGUST 7, W45 ^ SK t w o •dren. It to spread from one p-r.*:'!-,! to another by fltochsrge fror,i b'ut it wlllTertainly be a pierlbd of Reports Mi^e mouth and nOee ab an irnportant ing over 59,00(r^cres of Ipnd, had elation, '"frith additions of $76.75 W m Not Open inerg Search for Home J, from the Air-Wardens of District Tokyo Seen Next many years, Atomic. Bomb fact6r-_in- preVqntion is. to avoVl Rationi sprung . up occujped atfmoft as Aeriial ‘‘^rthirmore, 'there, are . many mlflgling in crowds where some 35 and $16 from Lt, (jg), Antoni' ►w W o rk much cdnvcrshtiona^^'attfntlon an economic considerations to be ta­ Polio^ictiins people m li^t be carriersi I Sadlak who Is stationed in the O n List to Feel 1 3 B ran ch es . Furnished By the atomic bomb itifelf. ken into 'account ..before, ws tian Jars Morale fe--;* -•NtyoM sneezers and do not kis.t j me Recall MushrooMng aoiithwest^PaCtBc. ' Attack Sets say to whBt.Oxtent atqmlc energy c h ll^ n , for any person, even par­ Office of Price Administration 'First People recalled that Ridge, Thjf^Iiijlured Guarded Treasures . ' . . Aioitue B onibing will supplement coal,'"hll, and wa­ Numln^r of New ^ses ents, ritsy he farriers during rhe Reiri'>nal department,.of .lirii)rinattbn. mushrobnied from a rolltng aid , Oenrge Nelson ftkinner, 'son- ter as fundapi'ejital sources of pow- War Manpower .Coift- ‘poliomyelitis stmson,' Another, im­ timbered rursl landscapeV into of Mr.' and Mrs. Luther C. Skinner Of Japaiies: State Two Less .5.5 Trerarmt .Street, Bbston, A ^a'ssarhusfttt} Port Aflame c f In In d ^ ry in this or any other •V*w - portant factor is to keep up r.’- einent in Oak ^5‘ennessee'f fifth city with m ^e As CaKUpsiets of Ogden's Corner - ^ o has been finned From Page One) country missioii in Stale'Io Re- aistahee by gopd nu'lritioua food, overseas fifteen monlha was one ■' ^ — han Previous Week. than 300 miles of roads, 55 mites (Continued prom Pare one) ‘‘Wet' are at the threshold ^ f a (C/ontinued From Page 9 "* '^ y \ .KT diiee Personnel. the avoidance of fatigue and sud- ^ K^Meats, Fat*. Etc, , • y ' '-Fiiei Oil, / | | lid ^ e ^ ,t5OTin., as Ato^ o f ' railiyay traekv school^ of the American soldierlhplaced. tp tlM X f 318.()00 was largely if nbt new,Industrial art which wIlFtake, • / ------.den chilling, and getting plenty of I Book Four Red Stamp" Q2 .Period One throqgh Five cou'- chtirches, thpaters an.d. recrea;^on H u rt (fuecd trea.sures .stolen by- the qdmpletely wl^'d out. mstfiy years and much expenditure mankind . . . and Ptiblic Enerhy . Hartford,. Aug. 7—(4>) —Nine rest. ■ : i Ihrnhgh U2 good thrijugh'^Atig. 31; ',pons good through Aiig. 31. lou tj FXjc Bomb Disclosed Thriee Clergymei niander df the PhilippIneSI was kllh American propaganda ' broad­ Number One of soOial justicb.'' centers^x , ' Naals when they were cd in an air raid.. .d'f money to develdp." . -- Hartford. Aug. 7.—(4»)—William new casM of poliomyelitis (infan­ - "It is highly important to call a V2 through Z2 good .through Sept, year's period four and five cbii-1 There, was so much hn|d on the ^heii Auto Skidi^\on the Americans. / casts are bombarding the Japa­ When Mr. Truman's statement , communique was the first J. Fitzgerald, state director of the Physician immediately Upon the 30; A1. through Ei,/good thi'ou^h pon.\ rtiao expire Aug. 31. Period 0«i?lUdfe, Te«»U Aug. T -wC)-' nroject in thr early daya,.9fxCon- An eatlmated 6,000 Japanese nese with reports of this mighty was issued at the White House ll tile. paralysis) were reportetf would be 'Tbesdays; Closed to, the public. han t h w years ago; Oalr Riage Mace, Nb.w Haven, and Re Associated Fteos Correspondent The Japanese have no adequate , reduced from 54 tf>^(* t-ffective -A field. F^st Hartford, -; Durham, Vletlm of Fall Dies goodr through Oct. 31; PI througli closure. a mattor-of-fact announcement Tl good thro\igh Nov. 30. ..■"tVediK^aya; 2 p. m. to 4:15 p. jn.' aidents numbering, approximat Charies Ro^f.- alao of Everett, hip the StatMoporttneut- Wil-1 Ruaeell Bringi,' with the 12Jth In- defense agalqst this weapon any Little Tetdjnlcal Data Aug. 28. V-- / Mlddletowhv. Saybrook, Otwnge, , , knew what waa being By Red Troops more , thaij. agaltui^ regular . aerial that ^ i n s in 'Hiroahlma prefec­ Seynvour andNcrwIch. Aug. -7. (4’i—Injured Tbursdkys: M)a. ni- to4:16 15 000 MaSC>Xere treated yesterday af- llhm L CTay^n may be the on!" fantry reninent of the 32nd divl- Among tlvo/personnel to be Dan; ary. i Sugar ' Fridays:'10 a. m. to 4:1.5 p. 'm. hiifactured here and the over-] tem oop'at the R^k-vlUi City hos­ The offlctdi statements gay^ Jit- ture hkd been canceled. Main and White streets • ^ ^ surHvor amoni^present t o p - r a n k ;rion. sgid three American and bombardipenV They can only -gur- ' ' dropped are the assistant area di­ Whooping Cough Dropfi in a fall „,„Book Four Stamp .36/'g o o d Saturdays: ''0 g .ra. to 12 noon. elming bearing it waa expected pital for nitreMitlons and other in­ •render or fate destruction. The tle technical information ,o q / the JUignifed. to Dust and Snsoke here Sun night, Robert G. IfVrmigb Aug. .31' for fiyo''poupd.s. [’onllnued from Page One) ofllclma. Dean ' Acheson. another ! F llipl^ columns had made new, bomb or the souAes of Its dd'struc- rectors in Bridgeport. Waterhury, 'nie number Of. new whooping Office telcpjjone 5J89. ' . have on the. war with Jap^n. juries when the automobile In secretary, reportedly thrusts 55 miles northeast d f hour .til the most critical In th«lr S- riporti said thkt Hlro- New Britain, Hartford, New Haven cough', cases took s pronounced Loughced died at Danbu/j’ Next stamp valid SepL'"’!. an'r^se wga complete and vride-. tive power, other than .a' revela­ shTma .was engulfe*' In an ‘‘Impen­ night. He Is aur- all sayHhat ih** Russians.V,..,...-.... nbw...... are which they were jifUng overturn-i XanTs tX^e .sbllcitoXgeneral. and R'>guio. and were developing national history; tion by Stimson' that yhe mineral and New London where the WMC drop, 13 being , repdrted ' for the hospital Mon. Shoe* .^jrread when the secret was first as well hVha^rl as the soldiers of ed afteV it skidded r. once ntt,<;,mpted to moiestXher. bull , (lose (^nHnued , mav want to quit soon. Thm Japanese prisoners said, In the making. which remain,' secret. But some’- seeds In Connecticiit an(J“it was be- j leased a table showing the num­ Donald M. Beckwltly^acting medi­ ation — ai^ anyone -else Mav Re Keetvy and Bulky FilSerai (SOmmuhications Com- cause of thls'thab a i-edurtUin In gt the country, but re- that she was aaveti by thX*nter-| ^ The cases o f' Joseph Rich, 26, •IPhc president has yet .to copp howeW . that they had beenl thing is known of the . cxplosi.vS ber of poHoniyeUtis cases report­ cal exarhiner, termed aa a-suicide plete the\fqformalltles for appoint- ■ forcedforfeit KT act as Ittten-bearera The president and Secretary of effects. Scientists and Army,ofEl-* m.lBsIdt),:^^ ’ ' WMC jiersonne! will be m'adb. the death by hanging. Monday o f ' J n ^ at their joba without cel- Ventlon of her mother-with \ ‘•‘•'V I-«wrence Farr. 25,. and Raymond llW, .T - - ^ I'pirst, considerable 'damage arced To Drop PJiriis ^ ed In Connecticut each year since Baer. 2,5, all of this city charged'; Etlward R StettljU^, Jr^ Yaniashlt'h.Jjecause he was wound­ Wart Stlmson gave little detail cf cers made a'test In the desert near Chiirfi*# Baksls,' 70, of New Ha-1 ARE YOUR WAR Itration. . volver .the nevV weapon except' that 'the w is caused In Hiroshima .city as “Sevcml Weeks ago the War 1910. Up to Aug. 6.of this year, uh w’ith breach' of the ’ pcar-e were forfher aecyatary j ed. The date they gave corre­ Alamogordo,}-N. M„ early em July These ^lermans pull a cart, with personal effectq and an aged woman atop the lead cart, thrmigh When newspaper extras hit the You can't blame . for tiyih; PCB! a reault of an attack made by a .46' ca.sc.4 had been repo? ted, com­ ven. The man's body was dlscov-1 to*protecl ourselves." she .said. ' American - delegate to the United sponds tqj the scouts' reports gire of the- explosive charge is cx- 16. Manpower 0 ____, househoM possessions too. iinder^-dn an told everythingv ry still goes or), but on a m\ich Serge'4pt Arthur Frey and Super­ poles! M ust T rek . The. years since 1920 when-more Aetna Residence nqd .Outside Theft in­ jrRecollections of the manner in o^ce will be offered. , , ' las said they had seen^Uie' general ser\’ers here believe it may be 40.000 feet. When the experiment­ this^gttack. However, details sarv'old to nor returning.veteran4.4iYa/I o U II olltJ lIS , [. atnmtr energy from urahlunu amrtller scale. Here again.• the numerary George-Maichuk follow­ The four othijr American u'ele- heavy 'aniL4>yLky because of rhe noyv under InvestiggWiftLT' The fnllure of Congress to prmide "I see 'ho reason; however-,- to than ITO eases occurred In the flMi't katti* tcrstablns surance policy. Protection npjjH^s both Srhich the gigantic project, sprawl­ Viennese who seerii iiluntly hoti- alive and well in the May^yao-sec­ ers visited the scene of the blast 0*a* ■ sproy vti4. ing an allegedk; . disturbance. gates to the United Nations still apparatus needed to touch off the state Were;, 1910, 168; 1916, 9,51;, at' home anif ■ away from hafne. Re­ est in reference to general- ac- tor recently they found the earth torn Into a the nbeeissary funds for these Russian O utpost with;iold saying that Ip- our de­ / H oiiiew anl A fo6l was stated th^t while at the police ■ t„en, "■ FOOT SUFFERERS believed, to have tossed a lighted , Economic and Social council. The from Highway 11 met strong ei peacetime—, ■ been vaporized. ' vsiKhia cities will continue to give Moscow, Aug, 7—(45—Red Star the explosion, of a pea-Mze amouht Frankfurt on Main, Aug. 7 .-(4'i i>ld*fsflM«f IhCj. uitoei-vidcable ''Preeaiitlons' to Be Taken' psj (^fdlnsstsoRlIlsBsM.Uffs. 'insv With Lappenl are only exacting a sort of ‘‘repa­ my resistance., while a iiecon^ col Windows Battled 200 Milrii AvVay created '# hole In .the desert big tteks. eontrols sst sml ssrsoiitie - ATTeNTIOHlIt ■wa.Ste'basket and .the- pUpers in ’ambn.asador, to Great^Brltain. Hi:> new weapon l.s -securely in the San Francisco, Aug. — ans who sre returrirng, from the said today a German submarine condition of many railways in Eu­ The health department had thla msn««. rififfwonta sad sthsr dof f rations in kind" for the vast de- umn on the floor of the twYsting Forest' rangers 100 miles away .enough to drop'"'in a large-size '•(Isstiees^ laaU. ■slstessels «id Worksr. sr. the' basket caught on Are. ThC ; selection would. necessitate pick- mis of the Allies.,'.Stlm.son said thought there had been an earth­ Keporting a Mustang attack on battle fronts oA Eiiroi^-'ard the still at large had' shelled rope iLnow appears there' can be \ 7° -sa.v about prcicKutions to, be ' * S auM^RlouR rdU«f f*r e#re# atructioa wrought on their homes upper A.gnd river valley met rear, the War department is certain the the iouthwest 'Tokyo-Yokohama house--di­ JOHN H. LAPFEN fr»«i PODOL, Ih# iww lire was extinguished by the police ; Ing a hew enyoy ,to London, guard forcis-/ou r miles to the, quake and pessons 250 miles dis­ Pselflc. ‘ Army outpost on Rugen island in j no earlyshomeward movement of j .. .. ' Manchester Plumbing hy the Germany. Japanese cannot match it. 6ut' It diatriqt -thla m in in g (Japaneoa the 900,06^ Pdlea abroad except! “ "h ile pollomyeHtia'-.may occur All Forms of Insurance ancLBands Z st wklU whicli with a lire extinguisher^. south. A third column which tant reported their windows rat­ "The cooperation bAween WMC. the Baltic sea, where "many small 44 CONE STREET . rELBPMONB lOtl dSeate liUlsmW IlMMS at U« skia ...... ------• Judge Thom as F. Rady suspend­ is expected' that in future years time) the Japanese Dome! agency labor-management and nirrieuUure on foot .a t any agcrit Is uSually^A disease ^Has* caallas raUsI—SOe at The Britls)r goV'emment fgrbade Trunthn Certain Bttmb advanced uhimpede'd for two days tled with the spreading concussion. German vessels stlU are hiding.” W^’rew olf jitters ^ & Supply Co. ed Judgment in the'case of Wil­ o-v'ery-^ent Industrial nation will ..JDr. E. Slade, British, scientist added that, " ir la reported that haw been of tbe beat t)T>e‘ and play­ , The Army newspap^.said the . -1 of children as the great Ynajority W„ Hsla tarp., Weldaa Dreg, the Hudson's Bay company to met stiff resistance as it . ap­ As a result, 'Mw^ comlng months, cases occuf among young chil-'-' 877 MAIN ST. TEL. 4425 s Dreg, Ceater Pharmacy asd liam J. Newell of Pleasant street, ; Will $hortpn War develop who helned deVelop the new weapi^' several Britieli plines of unspeci­ ed on important nart In furnishing shellin.g occiirrcd on a,,Jniaty night give liquor to the Indians. proached the little mountain .bar­ MilitaryNauthorities already are fied category" took part. H it C zechoslovakia may see thousands of displaced i ' ^ gaad drag ataraa.. charged with breach of the peace, Aboard U; S. S. Augusja with rio of Tucaccan, One important : , on, said that while it appears to tbe neresaarV.pi.aterinls 'Snd eoulu- from a distance 'yardk in Poles strung out aising the nftnedi— — — —— ;------■ — possibility that the The broadcast said 40 planes ment which resulted In, tbe smesh- having used profane language In President Truman, Aug. (g*w- mile-high, ridge — changed handsS,.;. have done what It was expected answer to''-a -cljartenge ,by a 'Sen- roads of Europe in ^ effort to | ' . \ . speaking with workmen ertiployed Xould be attacked to do, some of the rumors that bombed And strafed the.area tar ■Ing victorv over Itniv’ and Ger­ Ary.'.who heqrd the --U-boat en­ President Truman, rortfldent the three times in a series of attacks ^om lC rock^s launched either an hour, with military tnatallto Pragvie. Aug. 7.—(4>)-t-A case or reach their homes before winter on a neighboring house. hevv atomic bomb will shorten the and counterattacks. have growiy up about It during the many. I know that’ thla same -co-, gines, (T1m< dati-ivaa not speci-' closes in. . from Europe or ^ lia. Some expect years of secret ijisearch have been, -tions/'ind clUeS as. principal tar- operation will continue tintll .Tapan werewolT' jitters gripped Czech- CLBANINO NEEDS! ElecMon n( Officers war against Janan. today neared fled). ^ Alt Allied officer who .is in com­ \' SIMONIZING to use this as a n e^ b od dramatic ''rather extravagant , get«: Is brought to her knees " daplurcd'crewmen of. other out­ .QSJipyakia ' alon§ the German bdr- MOtB PREPARATIONS At the meeting of Stanley Do-- the shore-of His own country argument} When Coi^rbsa returns, munication. With all major cOinps bosz Post No. 14, American 1>- which he left one month ago. Chinese Capture ‘‘When people talk about the It was the first report that any law Gerinan"'vessels- said, they d€r today as police annojinced the w a x e s a n d PQMSHE^ The Body Shop Method for epactmeht of national service British ■ affCraft—other than car­ arrest of a German who admitted where Polish displaced persdns glon to.be held thlj evening offi­ The presid int expects to be ba/'k bomb obliterating everything with­ w^eitt-ying to .reach foreign ports arh'-quartered said thp trek home­ Highway Junction legislation. rier* planes operating with Xthe W i«1o« of Yale that a sabotage headquarters was Arthur 0m g Stores ' SOLI^IENE & FLAGG, Ihc. cers for the coming .year will be ih Washington by,tomorrow and in a radius o f 100 miles.*’ he'gald, to be interned while others-want­ ward by foot would be organized Protect or j i p i r SUHUII€r 5paraehiite Invasion IJUely '■—well, that's a rather long way. Third fleet-'had participated 'in located In Bavaria- , 634 Center St. Tel. SlOl elected; soon thereafter will fix a time 'or Chungking. Aug. 7-*-hPi— Chi­ ed. to return to Germany to sur­ into groups of about. 1,000 persona 863 Mato it . Tel. 88M The contention will be made Isn't It?" ^ strikes on Japan. ._ - Haymakers Meeting Ills radio report on the Berlin Big nese troops have captured 'Yeung-'} , , Profes8<>r Oicft render blit "hardened Fascists . Bohemians have been especial­ eath. These convoys will march 'A meeting of the Rockville Hay­ Three meeting. kong. Kwangtung province high-■ that should such ^ o c c u r continue to busy themselves with ly, anxious Over the activity o f through corridors agfeed upon by loft, Haymakers will be held this, . .‘ibbviougly eager • to share Iiis way junction close to the South, to -.„fIj Government NHz Door piracy."' German werewolves since^ the Russians, British; Americans 3 elation 'over War depa#lmeht ad­ China sea and 125 miles southwest country would need millions - 6f 13 Persons - ^ New Hav'en, Aug. 7-i-(45—Mrs. cent Usti (Auasig)'factory, explo­ evening at eight a'clock at Red trained citizens capable .qf taking Sarah Walden. 73, fonVier econoihr. and representatives of the Polish Men's hall with a social to follow vices oni the first use of the terri­ of Canton; and are driving the San Diego, Calif;—(JPi—There's sion In which 26 persons died. " provisional government’. ble new aerial webpoo^. Mr. Tnt- Japanese toward Yamping, , 32 contrdl to prevent panic, to or­ telling w hat- the government lea teachw at Wellesley college.^ D etoh atioii 'T ests Czech authorities reported, find­ the business session: ganize security and to prepare for Die in Blast first - woman member o{ the New Oil t'ompuny Game Postponed man walked all around the ship miles to the northeast, the Chi­ will-sue next. Yesterday It was ing many sabotage device.s. int yesterday telling crew members resistance and. counter-attack. . - In ipneNyooden door, without hinges, Haven :yBoard of Education and eluding landliuines which look like Due to-the heavy rain on Mon-, ,, nese high command announced to­ founde/and long-time ore's'dent of l^li^Eartliqiiakes Soviej^ G el News t/ day. the war of the• future, tliese au-1 jtnbMvor peepholes. Customs of- (Conttnued from Page One)^^ j dinner'plates and explosive fsvtn- Center Strecl day 'the aontall game between the | thoritles say. an enemy ready for | the door waa part if a the wnnecticut (Thild Welfare Rockville Elks and the R»<'i‘ vllle The capture of Yeungking tight-. itain pens and bon tions BOLAND I J ’h c ' m T o Probably would ' shlnmcntvth'at Included^ 10 tires, loaded and cleaned before being Assqrl:#tton. died at a . ho.in. Kwalaleln^ Tlnean,; c y „;| . „ T e itisl wa>^ Along the West river, with increases the responsibilities of sailor gave him the matah,-lookM secrecy.'Lsaid Larry Crosby in an •veati.a' printed the story on Ua elements reaching a P°tot i government to work to^yther for All fourjjWalla of the elevator tiss of Ne.W Haven, and a sisters. me home a countess. I want noth­ Enlwetok, Saipan. Iwo Jima and ‘ *Kv 1 forwi at him closely and said:""M ay T interview,s_"and it isn’t nly pur­ foreign news pages “Wjthout com- west of 'Tengyun, j world peace. Many persons said blown "out. The bodlM Mrs. Frank Dunn Berrien of New ing but a queen, but. In a pinch, Okinawa. ^ He, has *vfour battle l ? 'i aak your home town ?” - Hsv--" , . ■ pose now to discuss any of the will Settle for a princess.” ipsbt. . . ' NOTICE stars and the Good Conduct Bar ! N e a r 6 4 , 0 0 0 whik miles west of C an-' succeaa of the United Nations or- "Kansas Glty,’‘-BlunJ8'nthal re­ re found were 200 feet ^from Although he knew several Rock- I ^ton. ; j ganizatlon now becomes jnore ini plied. . thd\bulldlng. A new poistal regulation, effective aXonce, requires a vllle men at Iwo. Jima he did not —r—— ' r CThlne'se trod] striking along ' portant than ever beforer" "Isn't your name Blumenthal?” wNwaa not known Im.nrfiSlately have an' opportunity to see the,I irenttniW From Page One) the . Hunan-Kwbngal railroad Another piece of legislation- for the sailor pursued. how man} men were at rrprk In few written request from any service nian or woman in the" men on the beached as he was] - -■ reached a point 'J2'3 miles from which mUUary leader^ are pre­ "Yes.** , the elector which to lifte d rtfar Navy, Marines or^ Coast Guard receiving' their mail aboard ship. He will report back «*■ respectively. Some 1.500 oth- Hingan, 32 miles northeast of re­ pared to argue would xauthorlze . "I used to work for you In 1938," the,. PoH, Arthur ^Ipbullding for duty September 2. ' er employes of the company at captured kwenih, the' high com­ the Federal government to organ­ the sailor announced. yards about^^fchres mites from $h® through. Fleet Post Offlee if they wish The Herald to be -K. Costume Parades ' New York’^clty and Glendale. U mand said.'' ize’ and promote pcacetl(ne acion- center of thevClty. ,A sent to them. This request in writing must be left at (Hoatume parades are' schedtiled Y.. remained out in g'-dlspute over No change was reported In '.he tlfie research- It was such re- Fumlahes Food for Victory. , All available a ^ u la n cco and for today at both t'he Nf)rtheast' contract negoUations. aeardh'whlch led. evejituallx to de­ situation southwest of Chuanh- velopment of the atomic biimb. . emergency medical squads were, ■ The Herald .office for file purposes so that they m.ay be and Maple street plavRTduhds. In No new developments were re- Z}en in' Kwangal province on the Eldred. III.;—(45—^^W.arren Beebe sent to the Scena ported In ' the other continuing Stress peaceful PosslblllOes says he was re.iected forearmed examined by~'a Postal Inspector at any time. f case dr bad weather the event.s are railroad 67 mllee -northeast of Mr. Truman. Stimson. Former I being'' postponed to Wednesday Strikes'and'walkouts.- Kweilin, toward which Chinese service in the (jivil war as physl-. "Frieml” Snaicbea Billfold Prinve Minister CHiurchlll,; -Afho cally imfl'., but at 67 he’s furnlah- 2 * S«D y o u r T ydol. dodjhprl He can beat r afternoon at two-o’clock. from the west have been stabbing drafted Britain’s statement on the . -v' — 1* Y evV * o m «an 6umm«r « h « a d , despite THE HERALD. { NnnMnatiOn and ElecUon - ■ing food for victory In World war Salt Lake City-::M45-7John Shol- Salem Bus Service in an attempt to cut off Japwese others, stressed the increased gas rations, if your overage car fails wear arfd prevent breakdowns^vwth his friction- I At the'meeting of Stanley Do- t communications. . . . , ‘ peaceful possibilities of atomic en- II. Beebe and his- “ kid” Brother tis of Trenton. N. J.. told police , boss Unit No. 14, American .La- ICVturnff (0 iVorm O f ,• Frank,-who Is.-88, operate an 85- that he and an acqualptonce who fighting lubricants. . . specialized equipment... -ergy. i r . you. Mechanics art scarce*—ap are repair pflrts. glon Auxllianr to be held Wedhes-1 salem. Mass.. Aug. 7. — (45 — ''It. will be a matter of much fur- acre farm near here and ratbe called himself "T om " planned to Allied Troops Meeting grain and hogs. In competition travel together l>y plane to Chi-» his intimate knowledge of car needs. ^ day evening in th eA K Jiall there i Eastern Massachusetts 8t»-eet RaU- ’ ther research and development to \ j^ven beyond summer, you’ve a long haul. will be hominStlon and election of | vs-ay bus service in the Salem dts- design machines for the conver­ with younger farmers, the elder cagp. "How much moaey do ,'/qu* Hetermined Resistance Beebe won five first premiums and have?” he--said Tom asked htWlv Those hoped-for new cars will be for fop-pr/or- Don’t wait for trouble. Prevent it. Drive into offlcers. ^ trict returned' to normal today, but Calcutta, Aug l—lf) — Allied sion of atomic, snergy into useful Special Fiind Inrressmi ( fig ,trtklng drivers In T»Unton atiU power.” Stimson said. "How long two second prizes at the Greene 'Then he took put bis billfold whlc.5 that Tydol statipn and make' SURE, of your car The special Nind o f the Rock- vv*re out and there waa no Indica- troops pattling ' to the''' Sittang this will take no One can predi. t. county filr this year. Tom snatched. Ipside was $75a iSi ify drivers at Jfirst. You may wait several ^ears! viljg Recreation B og^ wWch has tmn o f their future action, river larea of southeast Burma are ..this summer, of transportation for the future! been-started by thevBqaiard • for- fu-i- Fred A. Cummijngs. vice presl- determined resistance Better protect your car—and yourself— ture development Of the field anil dent of the rallvvSy, announced from the Japanese, a Sojitheast the building that money early thi's morning that "at the in- Asia command communique said, might be avalli matcii' Arty te^entlon of the (Salem) Chamber today. V-' Federal Granti which mlghU be of Commerce, th'e company will al- The fighting in this sector al­ qffered later 'or for some specific low a driver, who ahoiiM be dlaei?,^ ready' has coat the Jgpancie 10,- -project has now passed 'th e. $6()0 pllneid to return to work and the'' 000 dead in receqt week* but they -H e ll See Ym Throu^ mark and -totals $606.75. The union hga. Pronalsed to restore ser\-- continued'to resist stubbornly in WED. AND THUBS. / fund waa started with .a co'ntribu- ice In. this area," , - the flooded area betvTeen Myltkyo WED. - THURS. - FRI. - SAt. V tlon of $515.from the merchants Cummings' statement came ab- and the old Sittang river channel, Tlii CABI raOM A TO Z. Inflation, intpectiqn for throtigh the Rtickvllle <3ivlc a-wq- nroximntely eight hqurs -after 65 and in the Shwegyin area. m SH VIIDOi MOTOt o n every J ,000 mile# (bf drivers left thousands of north The center of this actlonr which ^Hi Hnt trail feasBc Mol '** y* *'r*'* ' » . • every 60..dsy», whiche>rer bom«» sooner). Veedol, cuts and'bruiiea, cron-iwitching. Recapping Inclilded heavy enemy artillery to TECHMCOLOm .. world-famous wear fighief — i» made from 100*;?, arranged b^ore carcafa become* useleia ’hore-- commiiter# stranded during 1 . Don't sit In diroct 9 la.ro. Shade evny X Avoid rofloclod gloro. Goerdjfeinst 9* Don't tit in your own shadow. Beaik- the "rush” hour By striifing late Ore,' to 70 miles northeast of R an-' ^tawsricnKsiMtai tog or working in yom o ^ shadow elm Penneylvania erude, I _ PFrunnal Nttflres | yesterday. , •. ffight to eUmineto ^are u d use iniUrect light reflect^ into toe.eyee ^ m shijpy •ATTfBT, gAOlATOt, fan belt "arid- (park plug godn, Burma Capitol. ~ ' ,, cause severe eyestrain. 'Voar shadow can- rYD O L The strike was called because Enemy troops astride *.he Pegu--' ' ^(leetor lamps wherever poseibleL Have eurfisMa A highly polished table should be V lio b l tAmV-.C|4jiCK lUMICATION. Protection aeiVice. Higheit qi^lity .replacement* if .need^ r^iice the amount of light bn ab object to C«rd of Thanks »'* the company- attempted 1o 'Tforce j Martaban railway . behind Allied i - ^jCght game oyer your left aboolder. Never itoTer^jtyon are to wo rk oir read et it fu* for all-moving chatrii part|, with S specialized ,1/tO its normal totyneltar. We wl»h to thanli tb« many' HfJfh- a driver to sign a dlaclpUnarv card fdrv/ard troops, in the Abya area' SSSd'&ctojl lyitu ^ ^ ' •SQr lenj|^ of tim^ ' lubricant*. Include*— at no extra cost-inipeetion hori and friehda for thair vord< of against his will," John J. Cullen. : cleared out aiid Allied units iiympath.v and expre^salona of klndnesa local prrsident of the A FI. C a r-- y ,, Toungoo-Maw- of 18 yiurpolnt* for dangerouf wear. .durini? 'Hu* IHnrsatanrf at the de*th of our wife and mother. Eapectally w# men's union. ^ - dii road without opposition, the would *wafit to thank thr .^ ya of-.He- Meanwhile.-striking drivers and communique said. pot -Squar#: *:,irlanda of Qaorga. for mechanics in the Taunton area, —The air command reported that jhelr axprefeWm of kindnoM. who walked out Saturday morning, an' enemy ‘ headquarters waa Cbarlaa August and, Famtly." were urged by union ofUcials and anVong installation# hit In bomb- j management to return to work. ing and etraflng attacks. . In Memoriaiii Cummings quoted A. I» Spmd------•- — < < i w r ( s - In 'loving mrinor>- of Krtwird O. llng, Bcting pre'stdent"of thf Amal­ CLOSED I (arris of IIW lirnry slrart. who dial gamated Association of Street, Mostly Canadian And: “ Escape In The Fog” Ausurt s: ISM. Railroad and Motor Ckiach Em­ ^ S o sV o B f ALL TMiS W EEK Gniir. (l*sr hiiibaiid and falhar. ployes of America, AFL, tele-j . The— .••■"Jgreat' American’1”* Falls car- e n I m t q n io h t How wr hiiaa your iovinz face. bhoning from Detroit that h** I ^ '‘So Cou|^( v l TIDE WATER w raw Hf/ir! REOPENING V - But you IrfI ua to rrmrmbrr would communicate with Taunton "'atr*' °n U»e ABBOTT A COSTELLO In None on rarth ran taka your plarr. officials to Instruct the workers to 1 other 96 per cent goes over th e , J^ASSOCIATED Mrs;. Abblr Harria and Famlly- “ Here Come The Co-E3s” return to their jobs. Canadian Falls. TUESDAY, AUG. i th 7 b m 3 ^ OIL COMPANY 4 Too I,«t« to GsMiify CO-HIT: "Lady Cop teases” . A ^AlRlNfj Ptos: Popeye — LII* Imln— 17 Battery Piece • New York 4, N. Y. FOUR ROOM cottage and boat at flk H oop botbc cloon. Boin9*oymirbiin{C 6. Uta right bolbt. Floor lanipt should Coventry Uake, flve minuU walk ENTRY BLANK Cnusnal Oecnpatlops—- Ix i E'a m C o / tost your oyot occasionally. Your Noveltoon —' Speaking Animals , pireojiBovo taor or flvo dBMO 00 o m y Bno a i^ boirte oeeadenatiy to 9hethem a beth havo UO watto;'tahla lampa, 100 to 150 from the beach. Available from T f t a P - i Aug. n to Sep'..* I: Tel. 3163. ROTARY CLUB’S 1945 SOAPBOX DERBY —Sports—All In Evening Show! lO ftF ^'T D rood on ovrego megaaine nrtf- In warm, anday watac. Tha brighter they watta; reflector lamps, 300 watte; 2-eocket h a r r :i e t t ’s ^ requlrao abont 40,000 mnacnlar n o fw are the brighter yoorli9|>k Grimy bolba ca» lamps, 60 to 75 watts; 8-socket lamps, 40 to BOY'S BALLOON "tire bicycle, Open tb all boya to Manobeater, lO In I f yaars of aga. ikelaalve. STARTING FRIDAY with carrier, excellent condition. kMataiDoatopondliaat awlilla. aaaaa SSft-to aOft k a a f f i ^ ' Racera mnat be hoine made. Wagons cannot be entered. Derby briflse BEAUTY SALON Call at 45 High street. Tel. • sreat . 129 CENTER STREET 2-1306. will be held around, but aot on, Labor Day. pier to the tcreesi s' FOR RENT —-'Four room flat, b u y w a r RONDS NA5lE •.. a ••«.»•*•••'•••I » • • • e e • • WABMISF tNblUIN* adults only. Call 7862. | t The Manchester Electric Division AND STAMPS LOST—BY SERVICEMAN, pair AODRBSi ...... s e e e a p p a e i , of dark glabsss to brown cats, at CJenter, Monday night. Tal 3467. Mlif nge on. S e^ . B will ba -years. ^ JO w ftit OQHPAIfT Reward. ^ JOHN 0AU.-JOAN LOMlNO'NIOa. MUCf •HHVt WIUtAMfl Pnrwito Mgnatnra 9m . A COUPLE LIVING at niarby r«VOH I JOHN WAYNE t o r "BAfK TD lATAAir A . lake deeire lady ta ear* for child, Mail nr leave Entry RIanh at The Herald. ■CODAVl PLI'.S: "BIAINTIE Km>M BROOKLV.N" ; live In:-Tel. 2-1717 front 5 to 6 THEIR VERY BEST! a p. m. only. _ j / -N I P A G E MANUHl';»rfc:k KVKNlI^tU h e r a l d , MAHUHirart'ISK, uui^w,, t u E o DAI, AUGUST 7. ly45 ,y-. MANCHESTEK e v e n in g .pfiRALD* MANCHESTER. CX3NN., S^JJESDAY, AUGUST -.7 »AftrFOUR an increase up to $2,500, He said 4-.: that' the association would circu­ QUAFtyviUe Melhodist church in Modest Praise Rubjber ^ fe Raft.ou Display 'Here Protest Seen ‘ late a petition calling for a tejor- PULLETS O.H'ni. ,\vp suppo.'-.o, wcia piayin;.; Nbrlh Bolton. Services., will be Gutbacfcs^J\o>v U se of Atom ic Energy ch'duni if the council increased'the Manche9(er . successful, ii tvoul^ prove Connecticut fees Watch re.sumed'on Selpf. 9. \/ salary beyond that 'point. FOR SALE Mmething Uiat ' couia. be con­ Bond flale« Report Given to Glare / On Pay Raise !La.st month, the asaOciation se­ Dark Cross, S .Wieeks old. Evening tierqtd trolled. Now that their «>st prayr Mrs. William Minor,' chainjlAn Are teeing Felt la ltie s cured the signature# of l.OOO peo­ Rcfidy for ranKe.' ' On Haymou s of the Seventh War Loan, JDnve, ple to a petition calling cither for rOBUSHED Bt Ti er has-been answered, their sec­ • ' Stirs ^ital QuestiDns ■aiA i% n t*no oo. me. annouhces the foUowing/^gurea Ulit of Connfccticut Men. Dead. Wounded pt Missing. Record of Mrs. Luce in Taxpayers’ Group . iu revocation of the conhcil’s vote of ts SIMetl StrMt ond prayer Is unbelievably and on the conrlpleted diiye As Released By the War and Navy Irpparlmenls Tf>day/< a $4,000 salary.or k referendum on $1.00;each KanetiMter. Cosb. By A.iTO. t IVel AtlVi.sfg Farliirp Hdus'ehdlil /^ppliaiices I^iildletown May Peti* ' it at the next city election. TBOHA8 rw looa c- 'urgently netessbry K'.bond’ sales S13TR5 and 2 'i These Reports Are Buse^ On Prloi\NoliHj^on^ft: X . Slinifon “^Says -Bluntly Congresfi Attacked kv (^Id in Quantities of not . 0«n«rml M|iMC*r .JV - --r::? per cent bonds $21^000. Boltonn' To Begin Reathing Re* fiOn foi’ Refereiuluin. less thfih one dozen. ftoinided OetP^r IM. There 'w ere three.: Important Tt> 'ft»r Spuiilaii- qudta'for-the dritfe was K^bonds Neit of Kin and Gasualtlj^s Npted HereN^a.vJ»reViopsly The flrat .slaves. to arrive in j *' :X \ . X- / " Cunimercial Applica- Mysterious Pamj^IjilCts. da.vs ln.dSie llfeNpf L.uciua, guinc: .115,000 and 2 ‘ i'p e r rent^ bonds taii' Outlets in Fall Have Been Repor1ed\ln the Neys Coliimnffc America landed at-Jamestown in e Publlabad Bwr E»«»!n« *?"?• Churchill In Gotmniins ^ foiiH (.oniiBiNtioii J^lyns Middletown, A.ug. 7—(iP)’—May-' 1610 a few months before the wSuadays and SoHdara. Botarad at tna tius f?fnolnnatus. The first wa.s the ■ — ' ■ •tl.OOO. Vyhtle Bolton-did,..,not lioai Awaits Fuij^er Stamford, Aug, (#) — Re- PoTney Mdses raeet._,Hir Jjuota of $f5,000 It caine of Salvatore T. Cubeta had a raise Mayflower landed the Pligrims at rjPoat OWea at Ifanchaater, Corn., as ■ Prime Minister Attlee, before he left his plow, „The, second Haitf.ord, Aug. 7 ...If 5'^’'* ^'a-shlngton. Aug. 7.—(/P>—In­ C O L U publican Rep. .Clare Boolhe.^Luce Tel. Rocltville 341-23 tiaaond aaaa Mall Mattkr. veryrhear that figure and made A Total Naval Caiquit lea to A«gM»t 6, IJ Research Work.- In aalary today but there were in­ Plymouth.' ,. asaumlBg office, had to be sun^ was the day he saved Rom^, The see a' farmer sticking' a\thermomr dustry is just beginning feel • won modest acclaim (eom-the eri- SUBSCalPTlON BATXa much better showing In the larger The'Navy Department aniicunce.s for '-Ahe Umted States as a dications that the Common Coiih- morliBl-before the B riti^ ^ King. returned ^to eter into his haymow, doh't call boitd sales. Mrs. Minor wishes the heavy impact of cut-backs in whole 875 casualties for August V . 1945^/P'f the U. S. Navy Forces By-lames Marlow (Hal Boyle and Ernie Pl.ve Oaa Ta« by Hall ...... •••••!••« tics for her acting in George cll’a action last night in a w a r d ^ and ‘'kiaa the Kings harm. A ” ,j,is plow, Shtiie .optimistic ac'- the 'men with the white,,coats to thank everyone who bought ws'r contracts. WPB , said ■ today. (Navy. Marine Corps, and Coast Gqard.j- not heretofore released on were the two most widely cir­ {pr In another statement, the agen­ Washington. Aug. 7—i.C)—S..T- culated coluronlvts of the Eu­ ^ern#rd Shaw’s "Candi^^’ last it would bring a protest frorn/tho ^’ isf W ar Stimson has cold- IDallaarad Ona T a a r H ^ . ?,?•!!) cy , predicted sewing machines, wounded, and 2 missing. These cftsualtiesxbring the total reportedF^-, ropean war. They .covered night but her record in JCThgriees Middletown Taxpayers :Pro(eClK'c / ; w itittn Stataa abd APO .v...... tH-pO too; as the new Hotise'' of. Com-vpa'a tpdk. only three, days'all, lold,' good reason, following the adVtpc made the house tp house caCnvas watered a K* Idea that there may and those-- who hetped ■ with,:, the vacuum cleaners, washing ma­ to next of kin and released fo r ^ ib lic a t l^ since December 7. 1941, much the aame ground. Both ----- attacked by myeterloui Association. / mona opened Its session last week. I Kut. at any rate, he -turned a of .Agrtculture Commissioner be comlViercial use of atomic en­ won the Pulitzer prize. V e t' Th^e council voted to/increase It’s MEMBER OP V bond rally. ‘ chines and electric irons will be'-. to August ff. 1 9 ^ to 144,30^rcias S lfi^ a s folloy ergy soon after this war because pamphlets which appeared in the The eeremontes with which Com-i »trSight “and hOfleSt ^.furrow be- Frank. H.'Peet . , . '- 'Prisoners they ne^-er . competed. Each the mayor’s salary frofh $1,500 a T i;* ASStKnaTED PR**r . . The ceremd^jes **<. ; . arted to the service!. Because, an announcement, from Promoted pnd C ll^ gin reaching retail outlets in the of djscovones connected with the Strand theater lobby as the capa­ . Tba Aaapciatad Prdba Is axcunlyaly 1 i fore ■ he was. ^ alfed to the .serv fall “ in-small quantities." And ... ' —Dead oifuded Missing of War Totals - w as busy In tils own way, tell­ year to $3,000 which''wps i$l,0U0 iaetitlad to tha tisa. of republication «■ mans got Into being wei-e'Ai leaai state.' By the capacity for Commissioner Peet’s office today . Howard ' C. Chase. Jr., .son of atomic bpmb. city*'audience was leaving . the- less than the increase, voted at (he Alarm riocks should be fairly plen­ United Stales Navy .3l,iS0i 10,2 JO 2,038 67,618 ing. .Vmerloa of the lives of Its /all naws diapatcha.) craditad to or not 600 years did. Many of thS new i straight’ and honest thinkipg'that .started loiif like this: / Mr\and Mrs. Howard C. Chdsd of He days bluntly: theater. ' July meeting which xvas ryled^ il- United Slates Marino'’CJorps 19^ m N, 53.487 913 1,717 75,574 son* at the„frbnt; Hal, ut before every- die .has been .pT'hmoted frbm ser-. to design machipes forjh e conver­ The Stamford Advocate, ' "Mrs. lorefore - cjoVvGoy.^/^Ra>inond rmyiminu E.c . Baldwintjcuuwiii geant to second:.-Uputenant of the ble good provision, cautioned that 'fptal casualties C 52,065 11.248 3,755 144.308 sion of atomic energy into useful Japanese machine-gun cut Luce handled the part with Asure- Tdispetchea bUMto. are elec reaerred. of them are from the highest aria honest buainesa car- thing burna." short Ernie's career, stopped had Signed the bill giving thpyoun'- 1 Full aerrlea ejlant of N. E A beorlea The advice was'gi't'en because the United States ^ a rin e Corps, volume .production of these and power. How long this will take no neas that, while really not profes­ cVt.Jhe. power to fix the mayor's ^IbC. ■ >'■ tocracy; but all submit to ^be | that, hth- acfvicc to- The advice other items consu'raers Jpng t}*ve off to see Plye’s Aunt Mary unchanged routines handed downkhe state done, he retu.»eci, to hls,,the W'eather hpAbeen so wet that , and«na clfed.c ijm . twiceiwice for^ heroism in bat- Navy De.^ one can predict, but 1( will certain­ sional, was considerably . above salary! c^ried the found difficult , or- impossible to ly be a period of many ycars;-’’ ami father Will. This la the Publlabera Repreaapt«l»aa: Tha .Das.san, Louis -lylthony. Seaman ^ second of t.w:o columns on that amateur standards.'! ^ Will Meek Referendum ,'J Actiy for self dastruc* the beach to the airfield. His total Court, Huntington Village. Bridge­ more. " " the House has niade^F or this It is imuiedial\ly ■obviou.’i that .substitute that can be assembled, these $8,509,000,000 affect 1945 port. , / ending a state of siege,Which had, atomic disintegration gives off tre- Aunt Mary’ was just as stubborn during the third act. . installed a display of their war­ taste better tlin and hla capacity fo'rjreaceful j it was this standard and this sys- at home and works mo.st satlsfac- timely accomplLshment of an ur- i the man Winston Churchill, gent mission .aided materially fh scheducs and- $6,725,008,000 1946 Falletti. Patrick William. Jr., been in effect for 3.1-2 yeara. ■* mendous heat. The heat' makes Eventually she forced the dlacon "There waa' nothing ‘haihmy’ time products, chieKiK'-which is a Rio De'Janeiro, Aug. 7-ri^/.r- Uvlng. Now, auddeply,,,.one half 1— ,^ his party hi'I ' tern of public serVtd^ which wasNtorily., schMulcs: / Pvt., USMCR. W ife. Mrs. Ruth The action was announced by steam. Steam drives engin'es. tented wren to nest and raise. Its about her performance," said the. Reports from the Brazilian front­ and " '“ i in the minds of thosex who estah- “The tester is assembled by the .Success of the operation .and t fully Inflated seven-man rubber or woman o f tha race la over.. 0 ur capacity Clear Picture Not, Given P. Falletti, 17 Bolton St„ Hart­ President Edelmiro Farrell In a So. that capsule would drive the b ro ^ In a box she and Will Pyle, critic, "and, she was helped im­ life,Taft. They are made- of syn­ ier today said Brazilian mtUta'ry ■ " t - people, no longer prime, minister Lg^ed the „ Connecticut General taklHg a wooden prPbe about These cut-oacks. however, do brief. decree in which he 'said he Queen, Mary on a round-trip At­ ,for self destruction has ' proSaed ford. ■ Ernie’s dad, built in a nearby tree. measurably by a splendid ' cast thetic rubber-:-tand glide along authorities hadf detained * Cjolom- who needs made with In office, but still finding adequate | Assemoly. It was to be compose'd three-fourths inches square, m ak-: was In keppmg wirn^^^ not present a clear .picture of -war Galluccl, Pasquale Joseph, Pfe was restoring "an atmosphere of lantic crossing, would keep afh This year the excited wren got with which she fell into* quick step bian gun'boat pending -investiga-, the finish line. We- have- found noiselessly in the .water. They have stature and dignity in his role as i of honest farmers, who would a c -, in|'a groove in one end in which traditions-.of the Naval Service USMCR. .-Wife, Mrs. Anna Gal­ freedom, order and copfidence" to ' automobile or airplane running for a head start on Aunt Mary. She almost from the outset.' been u-sed' for reconnaissance, tion of a collision in which the compllsh their service to the state, to Inihed a thermometer. The ^d^roie w;“^a;e;;i; i fo?' days, would heat a man’s home for H e i n s out how. to destroy - ourselves Kki'ji, free Englishman and member impetKllng protnptlon some time luccl. 47 Arch SL. Naugatuck. the nation. x. flew back and forth like a bumble­ “ Had ala hot taken tp wri’ lng shore landings, and evacuation of Brazilian river vessel “ Ajudante!' MOO fore we hmvs found out how to cleanly and qtilckly, and w ho,-thermometer with a reading of at contracts that have been let (ot Jacobs. Edward Leroy, PIC., Presumably in preparation for a year,; would keep factory wheels bee with her beak full of twig*. plays and tp politics. Mrs. Luce wounded. They are easy to handle w as sunk on an upper tributary-of ^ J»arllament. ' would, then hasten, neither soft- least 212 degrees Fahrenheit can ago Wd told hoW^G*at during the war w-ork or any Increases, result­ , spinning. prtse.rve ourselves. ASd now the time he was without hi;^sergeant USMCR. . Parents. Mr. and Mrs. the election# which Ferrell^ JHHI* And 79-year-old Aunt Mary, think- might well have made her mark •because they m a collapsible. the Amazon Aug. 1 wUth a heavy / \Vhkt, happens to defeated lead ened nor enriched, back to , their | be held in place by friction tape, ing from rescheduling. tary regime has promised l^fore Could Be Stranglehold ing how much EJmie had tovcfl^ all In Window Display question is Whether, possessing stripes and-until he re&elved hi." Ciareiice W. Jacobs. Pin^St. Ex-, as an actress.’’ v “ ■ lo.s« of life. plows. That this was wliat wasl .W hen hot spots are suspected And. becauste npst of the I9l!5 the' end of the year, the stepxwas But Who’d cohtral this poWer: animals, just sav and watched her The window dismOV co"s*sts of . i 0.'"* P^invUle sion prdgrarn ps “steadily gaining , it operate the pow-er? Like a faithful I felt sorry for her, and 1 tee: ' the Independent Citizens Thg Jornal' said 38 survivors had ;«#• Pvt., USMCR. Parents, Mr; and days after the Japanese attack on 'Rrealdent Truman seems aware have a long way to go, aplrltually right to. participate is sometimes lawyers, its sessions w^ld^ iTS degrees keep iSlI doors closed Bolton. , materials and parts and, in some Pearl Harbor, and wraa designed, pily in her hodgepodg* twig palace Connecticut chapter o( Americana Felt Insole (for cold weather bian and •Peruvian frontiers, Friends and schoolmates of Cor^j areas, manpower, Mrs. Carmine A. Polo, Sr., 17 Pat^k that atomic energy may in time! United for World Organization. which, has been theAcene of pAst and morally; before we can now questioned.*1 . ' have been .scheduled during the againat d r a G s - a r 'l^ degrees be (Tastillo said, - to guarantee tha on the light meter. use). , rad Hauk of Lake street ai%j I'Reconvyrsion must not be per- St., West Haven. New Haven. \ , replace power dama, for he said: I - Aunt Mary’s remaining life now Mrs. Luce Was greeted warmly Colomblan-Pfinyian border dls- m «llow«tl In w o#d It is precisely because our sys­ summer rece.ss of the state's\ppady for action." ^ security of the state. Navy deck hoot, . [ catch up wit,h our accursed sclcn- But It was. intended to pleased to hear hit has been re-1 mitted to/interfere In. any degree Army War Casuaitleo "The fact that we can release ' is wrapped in memories of Ernie. when- she made her initial en­ Mae West life vest. ' putes. ' courts. ----- , ^ The Castillo administration, was atomic energy ushers in , a new [, tlfic progress.. And ws have al­ tem condemns. defeated leadership' be a gathering of farmers, and it moved from the critical list at the : 'whatsoever with the, pi^uction of The .War Department annownres "He was/*lways so good to his trance about ten minutes after the Navy life belts. Sanetee a# Manchester Memorial hospital xj-fir material.’’^, Mitchell said. ‘T o deposed by the military coup on era in man’s understanding of na­ , atels aa ya most BO time In which to do/ our to-such .futility and waste, where­ was the slack season for farmers for the United States as a whole June,.4, 1943. Gen- Arturo Raw- folks,” she said. “We still get let­ pla.v started and at the . close she Wading shoo. '; blent. Sa If ] de1i9htfully nram otld where he ■was taken following an [ aafeguara this production controls 2ifi casualties for Aug. 6, 1945, ture’s forces. Atomic energy in the ters .from, people all oyer the world took the donveiitlonal three ciir- Four sets aluminum oars. catching up. >\ as the British aystem preserves it, which was selected for the open­ son, icOider of the revolution, was future may. supplen^t the power ing ot.^ the session. In later years, accident early 1^ the week. T he, arc atlU maintained by WPB on elasaified as follows: 32 killed, Oil- .who know him. Right after we tain csllB. Audience reaction Repair kit. \ PUNO t u n in g that many Americans would wel­ I'ad w-aa thrown from a trailer and materials such as sheet steel, gray himself /overthrown by a palace ■ that noW comes from coal, oil and unilorm in On# of the “high offlcera wim when others than farmers did he: wounded. 3 missing and ho Prts revolt twox^y8 later. Thq stats ,ot lost htln on the little Pacific island throughout the play was "coi^ Sun reflector. ' . \ Repairing Rebuilding WhSONAL FINANCE Ca wltneaaed the flrat and only teat come adoption of the proposal Saturday September the ftfteen- has-a possible fractured skuHV ''. iron castings, tin. Wood, textiles oners of W’ar. .falling water.*’ . — I never esR rightly remember its dial," said the critic who .tingled Self-sealing hos'#‘ corns members and introdilce The cl4m chowder supper served and certain chemicals.” _ siege vi'ha' bien extended \indAfl- Brings Up frlc* Question Bought find Sold <571 that defeated Presidents shoulth their devious ways,y», auv*and dilatory , ‘ h, is the.^ddte .aet for the all dav Also announced for the whQle name—we f o l 22 telegrams and out three members, of the support­ Hand pump. o f tha atomic bomb on our own by the Home Economics commit-! . / — ^ ^ - '*. nitV N ■ ■ ■' •Which, brings up this question; SIM maataa BaUniu apcirklin9^ clanr still • (Continued From Page One) give it to the rest of the, world. talking about her nephewX tion of th e. same play several FENDER AND ■T cal parties—Radical. ConservaUva This ia not'clear from Mr. Tru­ the railroad station last evening to to Tha Almighty." Due to the fact that many df/ Navy Wounded and 'Socialist—now may - conduct “ He was always 90 frail,’’ she years ago. h'wne d ^ l e . the Bolton service men are h a y man’s words , said.” ! don’t see how he ever stood - Mrs. Luce’s stage voice was de­ see the happy ,couple off. on th"lr BODY WORK the/ground and-it .was time for Keeney Hutchinson, food ^ le. vancement df human belnga, In­ active - campaigns' tor the Impend­ wedding trip. When the Zullos re­ Apd Hanson jBeldwlii,' military Mrs. Oscar Anderson; aport.s, Rog- Ing new addresses aLthe prer- stead of destruction; /,,The people Barnes, Robert Earl. Pfc.. .US He says: " ll has .never been the up under all that cold and mud and scribed by the critic as "adequate." ,.Prag=ue’If Movies plowing. ' . ' MC. Parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie ing election. turned hpme. they found that SOUMKNK A FLAGG ^'•apert of the New York Times, Jewell and' Oscar. Anderson^ ti'me, the Bolton Newsletter o as a whole must have access to habit o f the scientists of this slush. And all that noise! " but he said she appeared to be ex­ / The' old Ideal still holds good. Barnes, 27 Evelyn street, Bridge- thieves bad ransacked'their homo, IN € . . has this to say of the new atomic The freest,, ihpst democratic, /publicity. Kay Marshal; corned mittee would greatly appreciate it. it must not be held aA private ..country or the policy of this gov­ She lifted her handsr-as If—th. perimenting with it through -most /T h e most honest men who port. ernment to withhold from the shut that noise away from. Ernie. pf the early play, attempting to taking ,8.300 in cash and an unde­ .634 Centez 8 U Tel. 5101 moat western, yaih most Amerl: 'come to Hartford are atlH those beef supper, the Home Economics n«w' chatigea Jn address to f^Uj- domain,’.’ termined amount of jewelry. ; bomb: . .. ■ O'Mahoney said it seemed appal­ Breychak. Paul, Cpl., USMCR. Tokyo Rose Spen world scientific knowledge. Nor­ ’’He never ate much or wanted fihd the proper range. She appear­ can nation in E uro^ before this who have grown up ln..t.he strict committee; Hazel Pinney. Anna tate the sending of the letterycall Wife, Mrs. Emnia T. Breychak, 131 "Its use wlli probably, save : Munro, Evelyn Halloran. Maxwell Kay Marshall, 4052. ^ ’j ling that such developments as the mally, therefore, everything about knick-knacks, but he ale more ed to be letter perfect In her lines, American lives, may shorten the waf was Czechoslovalhf. It was' a honesty which Is the only pos­ atomic bomb, are often obtained' in Deacon street, Bridgeport., the work with atOmlo energy than common that last night he he said, although #t times she ap­ sible way of dealing: With the j- Hutchinson. Myron Lee. ' • •• " ' -^V Chmleleckl, Walter Joseph, Gnn- As Aid to M orale War materially, may even compel' nation which,. In every way but Finance Committee and Others * f . .the first, instance ^.for war insteajL 1 would be made public. came back. peared hesitant, speaking them soil. T he, farmer leglsiatori are her’s mate*3c, USNR. .Wife, .Mrs.. \But under present clrcum- “ As a boy he wiia quiet and never slovyly.,. that of the mllit!aTy,'ha'fi. proved Joseph Mack, Mj^dW'Lee, '^.'1'to o l l l l t of peace/ But he *a<5knowledgCd Jane Chmleleckl, 33 Harding Japanese sun;ender. j. still the legislators who tend to Ham Minor and Maxwell Hutchih- ^ ^ * X 4 » that sciehtlflc reseai-ch, for war Washington, Aug. 7.— es, while the granted her permission to broad- and Great Brltaln^nwhlfeh, worked squirted down his sleev’e instead of er. Gov. Raymond E. • Baldwin, under all classes and blue ribbons. V-2 waif atfictly an area,weapon.' Bancrofts are vacationing at Co-r- Giannottl. . .Anthony Alfonse, Brig.. Gen. Elliott Roosevelt, and we har'e-been the first to intrd-f worry abolit the health of demo- .red ribbons and white ribbons will lumbla Lake and will return to Cpl.,'(JSMC. Parents, Mr. ahd Mrs, .cast "soon’’ a description of Ad-:., tMcther on. the bomb, will let the into the''bucket." l.a^e Selection of Fabrics — Prompt Deli^ry! .: \ Uf Explosion From desqjiptions 'of the New Aunt Mary got out a picture of his wife, the film actress. F'aye t . J i T be^ awarded ' according to the their home in Devon the last pf.th eijoh n Giannottl, 47 Fillmore strest miral VVilUam F. Halsey riding rest x- “■ war Europe. For ..all one needed waf. Aiint Maty herself in early middle Bow/the seeds of hate mote Vlde- Poplar. Wis., -,boy who had earned mittee had the samf-arrangement trial the smoke cloud rose quick­ and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert 35^ street, Bridgeport, age—a atrong. sweet-featured, un- March, Producer Lelahd Hayard Thrall, .attended the' wedding of f/l the eecret.were shared world­ cs-i Ty tha^Kever. We may yet . reap to do 'with Czechoslovakia was to 26 decoralibtgs; including the con* Whereby only school pupils were ly t o '40,006 feet, wliile at..Hiro­ kaaper, John, Jr.. Pvt., USMC- Back-to-School • wrtnkled face under hlgh-bruahed and.;his actress .wife, Margaret MacDONALD UPHOLSTERY CO; gressidnalxmedal of honor arid (he eligible for money or w-ar stamp;. shima the target Immediately nnO Mr. Thrall’s nephew, Leonard-.l wide, however; th* : consequences the — .wmHwind...... CertiCertSinl/tl*.t Crechoslovakta take up the Wife, Mrs. Gladys E. Kasper. 2651 might be catastrophic., At, aome dark. hair. SUllavaii. Broadway Columnist' Bfritlsh distinguished flying erost, prizes and the'system worked out apparently for some; time after Thrall, at South Windsor ConsTre* 983 MAIN STREET HARTFORD TEL.2-4127. peage Jmd progress and prosperity Redding road. Fairfit^ld, future time If the world’s nations “ Erilest was always quiet," aha Dorothy KilgaHen and her produC'* with such Gnd*like power under the latter preserited to him by fine. Hpw'ever, the sijults in the was blacked- out by dust and gational 'Ohurch Saturday after- D r t v e ' ‘' L a u i i < * h e i l er husband, Kollnaar. Pro­ it had .Created for Itself before it nooii. ■ ___, Kennedy, Horace V/ashlnRlSLn. chose up BldeeAnd went to war, said, studying the long ago picture special Attention Qlv«d Out*ot-Town Cnttomera S S S V s inan'f Imperfect, control we face' Ring George of England. In addi­ community should make an effort' smoke. Pfc.. USMCR. Mother. Mrs. Eliza­ of the, boy who grew up to be .the ducer Max Gordon. Produc(:r Gil­ I ivas- surrendered to Hitler. to exhibit their .produce loo. In .or­ ■ ’I ^ '. plane which drops the Mrs. Mario Luaa of Main street they’d have in their hands (he bert Miller and Mrs. 'Miller, Te­ a Tilghtful responsibility.7 tion to- his 40 kjMs, he had mh?. beth G. Kennedy, 339 Orange ■Washington, Aug.. 7.—(g'l^The power to destroy' one another ■ ahd- beet khown writer of the Second Wje still hope that is all that ISv-probabieMin..two years.o.f qprnbat der that the exhibit will be worth­ atomic hopib presumably must get ia recovertng-from a tonailcctomy resa Helburn of the Theater Guild. Along sucb lines', we need oiily performed at the Rockville City street, Newr Havert. , government today launoheO a - civilization, too. World War. . X ■ ^ ' ' in t V South. Pacific, mo.stly over. while. . clear pf the blast effect as quickly Kuropat. Henry Stanley. Sgt,. ' He never talked very loud. ' I 'Lawrence Lahgner, also of the ra^all w’hat savages all of us coo-' going to happertj- But a- little news as possible, despite its altitude, hospital. . . taack-to-HchoOl drive aimed at Jn*. New Giiin.^. Committees Continued USMCR. Father'TW'al.Wi' Kuropat, don’t know where he got that soft Guild and Mrs. Langner, Princess story' from Pra^gue the other day Joseph Mack and Arthur Pinney just-as low flying medium bomb­ Miss MarjUja XC'Bower, Who rq.* creasing high school enrollment Natalie Pelejl, Actress Peggy Mdercd the G«rra,ans~ for their in­ Bong joiiwd the Forces in by 250,000 students this fall. . Plans B lacklistiiig volde; The last few times he was was to the effect that 'American will have charge o f the' refresh­ ers depend upon delayed actiM « * » « ,, ~Ho,. 'W!4io.“ sssa < 5 a is Fekrs, Author Elmer Rice and troduction .of the rocket liombs to May. 1 9 4 1 . attending Supe­ tion at the. Hartford hoapttil'ts I Spohsofed by the Childse*;# Bu-' home he talked, so low I couldn’t rior; Wis .i State. Teachers college, ment stand which will prqS^ly fusings to permit them to 'glYs Betty Fields, hie. actreea wife, I imagine-h.'hat we would'diave con­ movies had;' after, severali,-show- convalescing at the home of her H*osnital '•'**“ the Labor department and O f C ollaborators hear everything he said.” ' - where'hs, met his future • vfife, include hot dogs and "Soda 6n~the clear. niece, Mre. Albert Long in Hart- KwMnlck. Middletown Hospital ...... Neither Auijt Mary nor Will Writer Dorothy Fieldg. Republican Ings to which the ■^ech peoplq Some new flying tactics-prob- the Office of Education, the drive JJational Com m itte^an J. Ken­ sidered them if they .had succeed­ 'Marjorie Ann Vattendahl./ He re­ menu. Edward DeDossef recent­ Mlddletown. Pyle want Ehhle brought back and using a ! taken diit. of th^ ly discharged from, the / United ably are being worked out for use ford. is a step toward restoring pre: neth Bradley, who ..entered the the-, ed in developing ceived h is// second lleutenant[a ■MrSi! J o ;^ h F. Kunz and her Manchuick, Leonard'Jo.aeph, Avi­ ■ Manila. Aug. 7—ey are iiohietimea irrever- .In charge of arrangements for the nltiea - ^ » John Chapman writing In The 27. 1942, he knocked'down a..Zero craft factories are aome intended; -,.,Ml88 Mabel Heptoh of Highland ‘Organ, "Richard Joseph, P.Sgt.; with the enemy during Japanese where he Wants to be. - There's New York Daily News In the ther, that.although, it is we whpi?"^ CoramimiSt prliKlples. and 8 dive-bomber over BUna. dance to be held in the evening. to perform especially for the new 'nvehue has entered the Hartforduorai ,USMC. Parents. Mr/ and Mrs. , occupation. They face severe -re- nothing to be brought back--that’s form of a letter to Representative I FOR YOUR have the atomic bomb first, we. I. One does not~know, of" coufse, Flying'a P-3S' named “ Marge, v Other committees Iriolude poultry,; hospital'foF treatment of a 'Se'ri-1 Gharles Organ, 1136 Enfield Streep atrictiqna' jn business throughout the way'his faiher. and ne feel. David Toome'y. liveStocH. George bomb. - . ■ Luce said: „ n n .whether this .step, .w^a ordered by .the former choif' boy surpawed ous injury received in an automo- Yhompaonville. . the pKillpplnea. "We couldn’t see him. It really ‘And ',4118 performance, with aball not be the last to~posses8 its O Rose; vegetables, Thomas Daly: Pending a complete investiga­ wouldn’t be him." , the Russians, or merely undertak­ E^idie Rickenbacker's .World War bile apeident about two Alecks ago.J Palmer, Paul Everettr 'L S j you. jn v dear congressman..,in the NEW FREEDOM GAS KITCHEN secret, that ^although, we m a^ be I record of -46 enemy aircraft fruits, Michael Peace; flow-brs, All members of JUllngtonGrangel'MCR. Wife. Mrs.’Beverley-Palmer, f^ouTided tion. the Treasury department la- Ernle’a father tapped hU cane title irole, could not be termed Its only usera In this war, provid. en by Czech officials too nefvbos- downed in combat. Mrs. John Massey: canning, Mrs. attending the frankfurt roast at|-48 Scofield place. East Norwaik. Bued a “watch list" of certain aa' he pulled himaelf to his feet. Firat you will waht a modern .Automatic Gas Range (hat'ivffisl. flexible and j South Coventry . 'No," he said, shaking hla head electrifying. You looked sort of ing Uip Germans and the Japs 1'V to be se.rv'Ue to „their The medal Of honor was pre­ John Rogers: foods, Mrs. Oscar .the home o f Mr. and Mra. Laruse PILLOW,'Thomas Harvey, Col,, i 6 7 U '\ blocked nationals to Philippine cute in your old-fashioned dress efficient with Automatic Lighting, .-Xatomatir Heat Gontrol and .\atomatie sented to Eking on Leyte island by Anderson: hobbies', Mrs. George C. Schlude, Wednesday night fM- tJSMC. Wife, Mrs. Angelina Pil­ banks. This waia- done to .prevent | alowly, "W e don't want to go weren’t too closely linked ; scien-1 Brest big neighbor. But. in any those individuals who niay be in-j through all that trouble and aor- and your hair on top of your pert O ven T im in g — A “ N ew iPrei^dom^'-in cook in g perform an ce. Shedd; fancy work. Mra. Myron The Lakeside Skating club went lowing the Grange meeting are re­ low, 138 West-avenue, Stamforl. bead. But you spoke, far too slow­ tifically, there will be other na- event, there is one thing that both ' Gen. Douglas to Springfield Friday evening t» cluded on the .blacklist from in- i row again” .w: .U*.! I k- 7. 1944. Before he went hPr—Brig. gational church In South Coven­ 000. Topar, Edward Peter, Pfc., US ' Yablonicky o f Bridgeport. Paul IM v is io n , his spare momenta. Mrs. Bong, 21c. at Sandy Beach. (Crystal- Lake, on 'Clnkel of Waterbury. Raymond tkmgrcsswoman Luce could bring timisUcaUy call civilisation. Gen. Reginald D. Delacour. state Wednesday. Those who plan to try Sunday morning. Laurel, Misa.—Gily MoiTiaoai m CR. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. JoKn who majored in art in college, — • ' — 'Itzgermld o f Hartford, Altce-Ee- Weak-Legged to the part.” adjutant general, reported Mon­ attend should be at the church at Mr.- and Mra. Alexander La- Walker, 75, financier, author a n d lj, Topar. 840 Castle avenue, ^ Hartford C r a a C a . Tha grafft nicn of acience who taught him the rudiments. ■■!er Oarvln of New Haven. Rob- day that the Connecticut State ,10:15 a.-m. Wednesday with their Fleur are spending a week In book collector. He waa a native I BridgeporL together the first bomb and Today she was preparing to ac­ 'ert C. Orteb o f Noroton Helghta, Wilsea’s petrels. "Mother Cm- Probably th* rocord rids ta tbs Guard of which he ia commanding company her hero husband on Kls own lunch. Those who Maine, following their wedding of Fort Wayne. Ind. I Willeyr Frands Stephen, Phar- prepared to aet it off spent . rornellue______Burnt of Danbury, _ VVen- rey’e chickens,” the little birds Pony Express was made by Rob­ BUILDING W LOAN ASSOCIATION, INC officer had trained 4,418 men for final flight. An Army twinsport transportation should call Miss Monday morning, performed by Chicago—Mra. Addis Farrar In-| maclst’s.mate 3c, USNR. ParenU. . The Sign t>f ■ ert Haslaro, known *a^'"Poiiy litea before the detonation "man, 75, former Chicago news-|Mr. and Mrs. Andrew WiUey, 749 Jell ^ Idsm ltil of Hamden! John' that roam over the ocean, have War- Bond* .Now . . . For Your “New FreMon G** Kitchen*' the regular armed iforcea- from will bear the body to Superior, Doris Skinner, 6622. the R ev.. Bernard Foster at the \V, Nolan of Norwich. Fiore Petri- such .weak lep.i* th'it they cannot Bob,'! Who rode 120 miles in Ne­ ------O k G A N U S O A P R IL /89! ------B uy papcrwbman, author of short stpr- j Wordl'n avenue. Bridgeport, #r. .They were praying, we Auguat. 1940; to Aug. I of this where the major's parents. Mr. Churrh Vacation Catholic church. Mra. LaFleur ia Wnflhv Service cone of Torrington-And Benjamin stand erect on land withotit beat- vada in eight hour* and ten min­ year. The Guard has liained a to­ For the.next four Sunday's .there ies and magazine articles, and lec-1 Zizka. Joseph George; Pvt.. US' for .the eucceaa of their. and Mrs Carl Bong, two of hia the former Mrs. Harriet Lang- Krieger of. New Londoiw (ing their wingL ute*. tal of 9,136 men during that pe­ hana. They plan to’ reside in Wa- turer. She was born in MicldganJ MCR. Wife, Mrs. Caroline J. Zix-i. A j. |42 E A S T C E N T E R . ST ifMparlBMnt, and aome o f] brother.^ and four X sister# await will be no ■ church services -v or riod, he TMfcid. , —V ' his retiirili ' ■ ./ i church school servicca at .thaj terfjront Park Wlkr they return. City, Ind. ' ka. South Willlngton. i - - ' ' I I .: «- i "f>AGB m v ifll ilANCFnBSTl|R EVBOTNG HERALD. iUlN^BSTTO/ TUESDAY, AUGUSTS, 1948 \ MANCHESl KR'feVKNlNG HERALD. MANC:HESTER. OONN. TCESt)AY, AUPtfST'7, 194ft SIX Hirowinf for jUttlnf for Local O fficer WTIL— 1«»() Petam Aw are distance and^w e ror elrclln^ the v e bases will bf'taken Info considers.! O b i t u a r v UTIRI'— 1860 V,Joday’s Radio' tion on U»C awaMs. Eastern War Fime V O f Talks H ekl . Wlnpfrs In the races'Will be Is D ecorated -V N e t w o r k iL. TT aw a^'d Ylbbons -through the Tol- 4.00 -- \\TjRC -- House Party/? 7;45—WTHT Knights of Colum- Isria County Farm Bureau: 4-H .Deaths ,Neqsi WtHT — News; Cilrarid's : bus. Bunco Sheklcton W ith pritish Ivlslont TTie fljld ,-dxy will be a Lieilt. Charles C. Hath-’ /‘.Music Hall: *WTIC-^ Backstage |^8:00 WDRC—- Big 'I'oWn; ;iVHTD 0^ris Lehry A(Jded Color Miss Shirley -,_L. Shckleton,. F o r t i i r r Ala combined 4-H and, town event, all Wife. Pick and Pat; WTHT —Frank st y a lu a b ] layer ;natofs ^er «1500,000 in Pei daughler o f Mr. and Mrs. Frgnk under the supervision off the. local Mrs. Annfo Felrtam ' away Awarded Bronze Slnglser'J w n c — Otriney T p II s o f ^ H ih ^1 ^x|M*ri- (f'ontlnued Krnm ,Page 4:15— WTIG—Stella D a%‘ HM- ^mit»/Are Isfued in tl ^ Shekieton of 87 Gaya avcniie, war counclj. ■Mrs. Annie Feltham, wife of /^tar for Rravery 4,:30—WDRC— Ad Llninrf: WTIC Simms.. And Lif^ to Benefit Gtr^e enrrb in As ar ritPiH.fri4 It ougk( to be a "b ig time" for John'H. Felthani, died this morn­ . ’ — LofenSo Jones. . .4 . g;lg_^WHTD— News pf Tomor­ t ' , ■■■ • riartford, became the bride minister anti governor or Algeria, the vtoWn. 'biit\ one wonders if ing' at her ho^gie, 9.51 Stiddle Tunj-^* Is Trailing Pac^ Setters Month of July todn.v told the court Jrnat Britain 4:45—w n C . —^ Y'ourig Wldder row; WTHT —Kay^O-Qult. in Twi L of y ^ e d L. Biinae, MN 2-e, U. 8 . ‘ ■ someS^f the old^m e church peo- pike West. ■ ’ Mr.s. Feltham Was Second Lieut. Charles C. Hath-^ 8 :30— WDRC — TOeater of Ito- Chris t-eary gave the greatestthe eighth • frame, he .decided to' Ffeld Direetor TonT'Stnwe, ■X for­ maintained' contao^t/’^d'th the eld Brown. N a v y .^ n of Kdwln C. Bune’e,, of soldier’s regime ^Throughout 19-10 ple^-ynuM not turnHn their grave*,... bom 76 years ago oh Staten Is-' away, son bf LlcuU-Colonql and 5:00—WDRC— News’.. What Is It? mance: Bill Hpruy; WH’TD , — exhiblttoa of umpifirig tod- clown­ awing a willow and . swing he did. ( .. Ujtottlclia figure* of- mer Herald ippAs editor, gave an f they kneWj, ^and and had UVed for 23 year* ing seen on a baseball diamond in He lined oiit to the pitcher but Tigers, White Sox Split) I'opwTAtions iri Manchester lor Julyt 886 Harttord^Rgad, and the late through .Spain Jthd Switzerland. so near tnKbailhe! Mrs. Russell B. Hathaway of For­ WHTD—Terry aiicl CKe Pirates: Alan Young;'WTHT *-The Fal­ out Play Friday at Oval '' - ~ -Manchester. Besides her hus- |Five Players S Sunday'*,. Gate R6c6{|>t8 Manchester In years, last Sunday claliried It didn’t count' and then Mrs. Biihcc^t candlelight cere­ interesting aeco'unt of hi.s experi- of it. Pnbllcsmiinjon alMo Sunday est, street has been awarded the IV T H t— Music; WTIC —When con: WTIC A / D a te with ibow M»noh«iUr, with w He said Brtain and Laval were .amusement}* hk^cbangeiKmark^d- band-,she leaves three daughters at the West Side Oval. Leary h,a4 poked a sizzling liner to leftfl’<'ld 1 Indians Drub ^rowna iHUMl, WM Jn the mony last e\^Lng at eight o'clock en<^cs serving willft the y\nierican a Girl Marries. / JUdy. . A [ With But Tw( eeks aeeoni at loggerikmda within six months, and five adna. They are Mr*. Bronze Star Meilal for “ heroic -tb* color and spark and rill afouriil for a base hlt.-'yHe huffed and he The local American Legion «ost oC -lwlMing In of the 33 in tlie First Baptist Church. West Red Cro.ss on - the'CBS Network after tjn^_ Vichy* governmept Was ly within the P«hV few ugcades. ^ :1 5 —WHTD-Dick Tracy; WTHT 9 ;00 — WDRC —/Colombia Fre- The; collection kt, {he exhibi­ Twice; Benton toina; »iy even, and probably’’'for the blatter. John Ji Hussey pf Sea Cliff, L I., achievement .In action” tn Fran4l|P Of Play, ^maining; showmanship to put his act across. >.nuffi“ ed aa he rounded first He wa* baseball rilh* '’’dll engage In the *tate re^rtlng- Hartford, ‘ .^'ftev\panlcl t*- Rider, thTs atternooi)--frnn.1' 1 i.'lO to 1: 1.V set ufrand tbaVliaval was'arrpsl- ^ - : 8uperinan:’ WTIC — .Portia 'sents Corwin;^ WHTD “ Guy tion game last Sundky between temtm 0» The old Puritan ideaa^bf Sunday Miss--Elizabeth Feltham of New on January 16. 1945. When he per­ ■ Fa<»s, tofo. ' i. g a ^ ’.: ?.l-hn8HRDLSHRDLCMF j the color Iri the game. • Stratford/ Friday evening at 5 Christman la Injui Manche»ter'% perAtt* piistnr of the church xvhp ofTlciat*. In an.swcr to,a que.sUpn by the In­ ed^w the night of Pec. 13. 1940, Lombardo; W THT — Gabriel Art \Porigrat* . Lislefl. the Old Time.rs nnd the Veter­ observance bavic died njit to a York City. Mrs. Fred A. Burke of sonally routed an enemy combat 8:30^ ' WDRC—. War Commem ' Heatter; WTIC—Navy Hour. ans amounted to 6213.61. it The ga'ibq featured the Old Timers Chris Is married and lives in | o'clock at the West Side Oval. .1033,530 -while Bri*tdl, which led ed used the double ng c^emony/ terviewer, irrim saiii Tte had bi-rm ^.fer Petain had consulted the The regularly scheduled Twi­ great extenj.’ ■ this town: .Thomas Feltham of triry; fewoon or Croon; WHTD 9:15—WTHT—Real Stories from was revealed last night. Thla and the V^torans with proceeds go- •KrilyriHe. He has two sons In the ByJachlHand the «t«te, had p^mita .totaling Tall white tapers fcrM ancKpalms with the Third .Marines, on 18 dif­ eab'Vnet of which he was tnteriflr .patrol and aided li\ the evacuation moat v^uable pl*^- ing-lnto the League Accident Fuhd. Army. One la a lieutenant In Ger­ light League game ha* ' been 0537,329. s The pernilU iseued >n decorated the church. ferent'islands in the .Smith Paeific. minister. A daughter, Sharon. hak\^cn Southampton. L. I., William C. of of one ot the. members ,.of his ouG-, Jack. Artnstrong; "WTHT — Real Life, Who A money will enter the league (Asckctated Press Sports Writer). hem to Mr. and Mrs. CarhqM Rockville, Robert of Indiana, Ed­ !Bk*ebaIl^Scores, Music; WTIC er In ti TwUlght League T fund. Before the game yVwent over many. Hi* wife I* an ardent 'an. moved up to Monday, Aug. 27. July of thti'year for new bulldti^ Miss Barbara Smith of'Norw and pllans'to.gn back with Oehe'.s) Suicide iTap Delays Trial post who had been severely wound­ 9:30—WPRC Poqtor Fights;' and Introduce Leary £o Bob Hls daughter never went to a.game ‘ .If Steve 0;Nelll doesn’t sec CW- MacArthur In Manila to “go on Frankel, who live- on the Hebroh^ ward and Samuel -G. of Manches- — Just*T»lalri Bill. WHTD—SaludoB Amigos: Coro­ 1945 lea'gue season Is rapid- ^ ■ far In. exces* of July of laat and West Hartford was maid w**' AcA ''* ed. ■ - Mlleskl the local umpire who waa with Chris umpiring imtll recent­ ^ A woman’s suicide leap before a MarlboloUgh Road.'yThey have er. . 6 :45— WDRC — Tennessee Jedi net ,^ory Tflle'r; WTHT—Gor- cago again until IVorid Serleff vear when the total was 38 per-- honor, 'nhd Mr, Bunco was bejit 'M-lth him to .Tokyo." *r' siibway train delayed the trial- for Lieut. Halrtaway’s'regiment, the fy coming to a BlOse? Only ^'tsfo, assigned, to' the game. .When asked ly. Knowing only that two of the p thrbe other children, \tarllyn, rs. FHlham also leave* , J4 WHTD — Singing Lady; W THT dom-firing Quartet: WTIC —^ time It wiu be okay byUie gentle- • S r ti with a Aralue 6f 070,650 but Than for his son. ' The ushers >H lauded the Marines fi»r1fnolr ,,2C4th. was awarded the Prcslden- where he wanted to Work, on the fast teams tn the' Springfield ^rea courage, in, spite of the difficulties art.hour today,because a Jiinir-was Warren and Meyer. grindchlldrbn 'and eight grw t ' —Tom Mix; WTIC —Front Ctor Borge Prograin. inoro weeks of piiay remain and In 1943 the permits‘issued were 76 were Percy Stfikes, brother-ln-la,sy CaugW-id tbc ensuing traffic. Jam. 'tial citation for Us war record and several ball players have been out­ bariea or behind the plate, he'bel­ were playing, she was amazed man from the hard coal sectiim of of ’tet^in aud^ a courageous en­ Leroy H. Gctchell and his young gramlchildrenX w*s recently given an additional Page Farrell “ Sports and the value of nfw building of the bridegroom, and iVlllard J. “I^Symitou, who was moved from 00—WDRC — Service to toe standing for their acnievementa on lowed out ‘‘-What In Hades do yOu when the plate umplnT'was her Min'ooka, Pennsylvania. •, emy, cbmparlhg the utter tb'ioln- .^n. 11-year-old Leroy. Jr., . or Funeral aniangcments, in dwttfe star for their participaWn Evening Local Sport Horton. hlS'Mincle, both of Man- Argentina to North Africa by Gen. Front; WHTD — 'To be “ an­ the pla^ng field at thlq writing. think i- came down foir, I’lr.work pbp. During the game there was a 0260,910. . tion of Iwo Ji.ma to Oklnawa^ythe Buddy as popularly known, were charge 'of\thc"Holjoran FVneral In the "Cqltnar..,pocket” bKttJe in 6:00— News bn all stations.. nounced; WTHT-r-M'uslc; : O'NellTs Detroit 'ngera took a The new building this year Will che.stcr. - pop-* Henri^iraud after the Allied land­ Tl(g backbone o f many a'^' fine the piste sqid give the fans their close jilay and Chris toumbed two latter a spot orbeauty wdth gfeCn bus.v Iasi' week . painting . _ , the Home; are mqomplefo at this writ­ which his unit Ven t to the .Aid of 3;15_WDRC — Edwin C. Hill —Man Called X. Forujm^ safe, if not comfortably pluiiq>, -Bdtxget underway to such .an ex- The! bride who was given B O Y L E ’S ings, said-'Jhe ’ British established team lies In the catchlrtg depart­ money’s rilorth, that’s-why I’m ball pl^en i I'Ut of the prirk. A t the five-game lead Into Ojmisky Park hills, expansive rice paddles s.id Get'cheil house, f o m ^ Cham|)er- the French.'-'jftnnod down by-the en- WHTD— Tom Hussey Jourqai 10:15 — WTHT — OP A Talk — Chatter sup^r'table that evening, the te h rw to show any great increase marriage by her father^,' wore contacts wHh Vichy beehuse_t))ey ing. ment. Art Pongratz of the Hamil­ here." With" that he donned his last Friday afternoon and Umpad pleasant. Villai^ea set in scenes of COLUMN laln place on the- Andover road xmy In the Voiiges n>nuntains. Orchestral Interlude; W THJ — Stanley Crute. j, daughter told CJhrls that he Was Ma ichester. Cnrni. In the town's grand list-In Octo- Grecian, style-gown of . white silk were concerriSd about the French Music; Cfoncert’-Hour; WTIC — ton Props has been the East Hart­ mask and protector and took his out^««e last night'thankful tl ■wW a ^ 4 A M *4 for-k whol^ natural cnilnr. \ comer. The entire Getchell fa m ily ;- , TtieCItallon 10:30---WDRC —Gongresa Speaks; ford’s team apark and hustle that The state- American Legion awful mean and that the people Earl Yost, 5 Editor. hefubut Ir a good start for an in- Jersey with .long train, finger-tip \ Tells of nlirieulilps fleet. He sa.ld'-n6thing came of Professor Andre Schenkgri. place behind the plate. Manchester Ing Herald ‘ game shadow . over onrushing veil of tuHe, and carried a bridal - have gone to the beach this week, j I XkC 'U l V alliJ Following Is the citation acconi'- WHTD — Cpriderl Orchestra; has enabled toe team to climb to baseball playoffs will get under Draws Attention around her a.t the game had been I crehsed grand-list In 1946. ^ ■ He spake of the 'difficulties of *age Five^Today the exchanges. X "' p.anying Lieut. Hathaway's award:, 6:30—WDR<3— George B. Arm­ way this week- Manchester, wln- Manchcater, ■"Conn. Washington-. bouquet, of white gladioli.. When a juror -''qsked about and Jhe ration board, office Is - . WTHT — Hartford Heroes within a game of first place In'the He. first drew attention ishen he railing him a buM and a robber setting up Red Cross .luits irr t closed during their absence. I t f r o t l l "Charles C. Hathaway,'0201.5005,. stead: WH’lT) —^ Ansrirer Man: Speak: WTIC-^Slgmund Rom­ ner^of the Hartford County cir­ and what not and'siSKed Chris'to Dear Sir: The White Sox', hardly cari be The maid of honor wore powder Vichy's anti-Jewish -la\<’v,Peyr6vtton W n c —Bob Steele/ red-hot Twilight ' League raee^ shouted out the starting batteries. The story varibiiB jungle islands, iand sndl Mr. and Mrs? Walter C. Hewitt ] g I 4*11* Second Lieutenant. Infantry, Com­ berg. ,' Hawk Is one guy.that Is near the cuit. will oppose Stratford at This was his first indication of q(iit. Imagine hls face that night! of old time baseball i called Dctrolt’.s jinx team for th# Cen80T8hi|i Tight blue satin and chiffon, with of being marooned at sea foir^fiur : asked: "Is this my trial bn.Mars'hkl pany 'B.' 254lh Infantry Regiment, *:45—WDRC Neyfs: WHTD — Stratford tomorrow afternoon at Leary umpired for year* In or­ In Manchester moke* Interesting two clubs have split exactly even -jPetaln's?” But he asserted that and daughters, the Misses Emily______10:45 “ 'WDRC — Behind the top With the rating^ as the No. 1 color. The gaihe got underway matching turban and veil Her hotirs during arr enemy > nod for heroic achievement in action on Charlie Chan:an: lylyTjC r iC — Lowell Sprinee at CBS; 'WTHT—Even- 5 o’clock. ganized baseball. Today he to^.op- reading, but as manager of the in 20 games with t'wo to go. But, B o m b arm bouqnqt was of pink gladioli. , •j "racial laws were signed by ^ all player in the league.' ■and the first pitch, was a called 191y team-/'when baseball waa On Re8ult8; waiting for a Itffid|pg^,;^lace of HeWitt seashore cottage at Point' ^ome 16 January 1945, in the vicinity of Thomas ^tlde Bchoe'e. • Alsthe'-flahvert ottrtetjjeioSHRRH ttn* 'll* Ipt tent. to work In Springfield ^next to Boston, jimmy Dykes’ The mother of the bride was at- ministers." \ i 7;00_ WDRC /‘-On Your Mark; -ubtrike and he let out - with a brought, back to Manchester, it safety. Many m o \ ^ prograns iegoweim, Era nee. When an 11:0(1—New* on .all stations. ' Mickey. Delucca of the Grill, la The eefond game^ in the best neighboring towns.’ He threw no a -gang ha* been th* roughest on ;hc ^red in fuchsia trepe wjith black V O' Woods beach, where they spent f"^ *'J ;/ ‘;,«rth is noon after ten+: WHTD — Headline 'Edition; a-t-r-1-k.-e one that was heard for at bring a smile to the face of Admiltetl which he planneil,;^ir front line ■/ a C f l l l U l l .G5U4SH entering its 14th-day. ,j enerftyxpmbat patrol attacked hi*' l l : l S —WDRC —Night Owl Show; another. Mickey pitched In and two out of three game Series be­ mllea around. He continued his good job In. order to appear here Tiger' Ca‘*. _ , acce.ssories and pprsage bf w'hlte troops were brojeerCSir due to Jap ■ ______" ■ is expected ^ close , by the end * ' ------. . days- of . f trainingtrmn .. at Camp Baldwin outsat position of three men, kill­ ■WTHT — Fred MorrisoirrWTTC last Sunday. I' pnly' other man alive,, today It all started wlUi Earl C!:aJd'/| William Pagac.'SF Ic, is having Niantto. "rae men reported a good WHTD—Hank D’Amico Quin­ won four games-in the first round. tween the locals and Stratford super bfUl, anq strike calling who knpws the . real story; Billy gladioli. A reception followed at air rajda. . Ifl-day leave of absence from ing onaftnd seriously wounding the — Supper Club. tet; WTHT—Baseball Scores; will take place Friday “ night rit throughout the entire nine Innings V. f?Iid Ovek Fence well, a Supposedly '“washed up’,' from Page. One) the home of the bride's .parents Asked what the front line boys Rev. Jkmes M Gage. peator Dcnles R ^ w lfd ge of Torture 7;X5_WDRC---- Danny a ’Nell, He ranked- with the top five Slug­ Leggett, who was assistant man­ the North Methodi.at church, who other, Llqjitenant Hathaway cour­ It’s Dance Time; W TIC—Hark- gers in the lobp and is a capable the West Side Oval-%t 6. The aasly of play. During the depresalon, Chris oldtimer who- probably would be for 60 guests, v ' want most of all, Tom declared Jurols andriudges asked Peyrou- ageously eoverert the withdrawal Songs; WHTD — Raymond ager and n ix rlgh'L-jarm thoac ia taking his vacation during ‘.he ness of Washington. infielder-outflelder. Mickey has ye*, stsu(tlng time.of the games has Some of his antics are as follows. broke and having been a _ days, as' the late Joe Tedford waa mapaging *' tearia In the Texas ment that more than one bomb had Erir traveling tho'/brlde wore a that mail from home, was fh<> one lon^-hether ns knew that boys bf- i before the war. of the wounded maij. holdjng the ' Oram Swing; W THT - - H a r t ­ League if things were normal. month of August! with Mrs. Gage and Mrs. Paul Pagac^of Amston. ; During the period the. f’Uards-. • 11:30—WHTD — kiusic; WTHT— to .make an appearance in the sec­ been’''set Ih order to get In. the full He kept up a constant chatter with good umpire he packed hl^'bag trea-surer of the cub. hMn used, declaring, a "few had black arid white check paper taf­ thing all men wanted mosty-’ plan* to leave shortly for Boston, 16 were sentXto copcentratlon Thomas Badore had a vacation until hts r'^^ ford Heroea - Speak: 'WTIC — Caldwell's dark magic is at Its 1,1‘tters Mean a Ixit itiipn went to to n e ’s Ranch rifle Dance Orchestra: WTIC —r Po­ ond round, of ‘play and has lost nine Innings that is -required. the bleachers fans. He talked con­ and bid hla wife goodbye l“ hopes Before the season opened, we been dropped." feta with red and white accesabr- for a visit w-Uh. their son - and xamps In, North Africa: mistreated last week, part of wplch he spent jammed. In hiSxeffprt to regain News of the World. tinually to the rival pitchers and beat under the arcs. where Iv* "It Is the sadftest thing'of nil range for record rifle practice and 7:30— WDRC — American Melo- lish Orchestra. some of the valuable prestige that of! gettlffS; a Job on the road. He collected a title over' 6200 -»rom j iDomel followed usualMapanese ies. She was graduated from daughter. From there they will and even torttired>- Ttvl .wltrte.ss with his parent* In' New York his lines he was cpt' off by Infil­ batters. His knack of picking a ball got a* for as East Orange, N. J. snapped the Tigers’ six-game wtn William Hall High school In 1942 to see the. young Marine go away the 2nd battalion particlt**ted in dv Hmir—WTHT-^County Fair; 12:00^'WHTD News: Mualc; rie built up in the first roun:^. Tonight at Mt. Nebo the West the business men to put baseball | p)racedure In admitting on^y that take a trip through the VJ'hite denied knowledge. He, snid he had state. a He is Is employed by the trating members o f \ the patrol. out'Of Ills pocket after a fofirbaU, heard the rOar of the crowd streak In the series opener. ' and the .bridegroom from Manches­ from the mall line with tears In ■ 1* J vi M 1 olRlC. IC ciii^iwjFcv* . *** an qvernlght training and bivouac. VVTHT -i^-Arthur Hale; W TIO— WTIC — News; Roy Shield end Others who deserve rec'o^ltlrin gldes face the North‘ Ends In a across In a big- way, against teams i , fiduee,. rather than m lllta^ es- M^n'.ains. and visit friends In forgotten who compiled -M«t*', of . HilTfie-FoobHbn O’Leary of the Men’s Club and old seen by all the 3^000 fans that were During the game there was a dis­ were spent in tire Pacific wnr everything — even the- smallest oinn..<^>, Will' return through Vermont, Pete 'Kapura of the Grill. mer Manchester High and Univer­ 6125 guarantees to these clubs 'We form arid then Bill Dietrich and {•'g^ees of invasion plans “MroVe the routon said President Rooseyelt ] P A„»,,at^has been so ^-et and i J to duty of Lieiitennnt' H ath a\ ^ In attendance. puted decision and the ijmplre >vps aoori saw tots money disappearing, Johnny Johnson teamed- up on th *, rone. He is at present stationed thing that- happens , at nomc. • It making several, stops, reaching __ - ______An... *V.„ ' At August nas oeen BU ■ period. I ■ .«««/<*reflect hl<»h high ,-roait eredU nnr>n noon . hgroundc.d Mrs. Stowe: was a teacher In the "ng'--sendee. The flowers\\vere he was appointed a prefeet. In apparent. In the forenoon at Hor­ John Waclaw,. aon of Mr. and !7:30,' American Melody Hour; 10,1 ance of mariy of the stora \ ^1 Schact windup a feature. In fans ,will never forget Chris Leary. opener aftef he and Coach M ite further conflict. . ^ a n il JimlSr High school. given In Moying memory of Mrs. rotary of the Connecticut Aaso- tlie grounds, told me that the Che­ aircraft. ^ southern Fralifca' after Petain ace’s homo a breakfast .party ha's' Mrs. John WaclaU’ of the Tollpnd latter is vacationing. During the | gervib^ to the Front, . . ABO— I terday who made names fqr them-, ■_____ • ______— ney family did not wwit Sunday Haas had been banished by VlB- The Tokyo-Tokohama district “ Nolhlng-iess than International Wldle on -Okinawa, Tom,.^ said,; Apnle C. Porter by' lier daughtbri taken ' piece, w-hen .ha received ciatlofi-of Future Farm.ers at th* tu t two weeks of Dr. Black’s ab- g 8:30, Alan peace will give s'ecurtty." one mill- learned he was anti-German. He east side, left Monday for-tw o selves on the baseball front. baseball on Nebo on a large scale. pire Bill Grieve in an orguneat yraa bdimbed and strafed about an he visited the grave of Brhic”*Rylc., Mis. VJ’iUre^Hill and famil.v. The said prefects did everything possi many birthday pie.sents fiom mem­ weeks camping at J^ake Qiiinn'e- annual conventloh held ’ at Wea- sence September 30 and' Oct. I« I-young: “ ,*^Guy Lombardo; 10, -J. larv commentator said. leyan University in Middletown, R osen V H olm es Edloo Faces Tough I was so tied up. with baseball, an- over a play at second bswe wttMi hour this morning by -40 Iwo- notwl war .correapondebt \yho was! Conimunlbii; Vnvice. was observed to...... allevinte- dlff'enUles of the bers of the Immediate family. haug, John is a member of the Boy Alfred Wallenatein wlfl.r direct the | George 01 . .MBS—8:30.^ “ Herman Bronkie is nearing 60 P A ’ss, A ircra ft swering scores of letters and tele- Britain's first gasp of amaze­ To crowd the occasion, Horace’s j George graduated , with honor* • the ump colled m Detroit rtmaer \baeed American Muatarilfsr'and "It killed by .a-Jap .sniper!* bullet sev- during fpe moiming worshiji serv-j pennle because "we, knew Sc'diits of Tolland^ orchestra, | Adventures of i Falcxm; 9:30, yet he went <)ut,there and played' 111 YV a l t O T I from teams and players all ment at the power of the atomic cral nfontha-UgS. - At, the ^ n d a y . school ses- thafyip that wa\’; Ave were carry- white Guinea hen came off with a safe. ,1s reported that “aeveral British; bomb and the hopes it spurred for Pfe Edwin L ^ i g Is spendtrg ,''^9dhaiBi, IRgb school, c|as* ‘ American Foruiri the ' Air; third base, the position that later j- l e s i 111 l Y U l l M i l and .western Mas- ' --Browns Hopes 8Bai p1aneublehead*i’, falling 8)6 drat attack bp the Japanese home­ leiFby Rev. Allen Hi Gates. And militia, and msrslwil told him: there, wh’o says the'white variety perts to return with him after Wii ia working-rin the faim with his Oumpert*’ and the star, and hi* Fred WaringWords an “ r , , £ J S y hT £ Defending Champ. Mn.l - "It might produce something .While baseball will come back length* behind first place. land of lapd-baaed British air-, For Bride-Ek‘ct next Sunday Mrs. A\ J. VlritOn '-"Y-Aii .are-rig^t If you think it lire very' hard to get nowadays. furlough. / father, Severino Borsotti, wife Elsa Lapehester will appear gjc; 6:16, Serenade to AtnerijeaT Loop by Single Point failed to coiled a base hit. He bitten off more than he wOl be able In a big way after this war, I see that will revolutionize Alt indiia- Win lo Remain-at the, to chew In facing Ralph Walton of' Bulled in seventh poittlea, Lubft'l c ra ft BritishBrt carrier planes At- ■ trial life.” said Sir John Anderson. ' ^ . ..will be. in charge. is your duty. Unfortunately. I 'The‘mother hen stoic her nest and Mr. and Mrs. Clavrion Reed have Mrs. Floyd Fogll and daughtCTj ■ in it. . I Supper Club; 8, Mr. and Mrs" asked tf the pltcber thought he. * ^ i c . !• small chance for a revival among tacked'-iTaippn« rnany times last ------T ./ ■ ■"'"^timiay morning, Edivard WII- have no ohe to - whbm 1 can re- feqd 15 or more eggs under her, returned .from -a day spent In Patricia and Phyllis, spent Friday ■-, ^ V North. . . .CBS—9:16, Arthur Margin in Hi* Parade. was an old man because if he had; F o p . o f ': I W I S t a n d in g s Montreal In a ten-round |(tar bout, the smaller places, as conditions Sewell’s Browns, find -- tliei'iiw lw f who as lord presidcrit'of. the coun-; at the Auditorium outdoor Arena month a* p ^ ^ of -. Admiral Hal- Miss Helen Marie ' Monson, ’ Latham, Jr.. bOrn- Xuly 13, .sign. I am a prisoner." ..about half failing to hatch. North Brookfield. Mass., with Mr*, in Middletown, guests of Mr. and. NBC will have a forum con-.Qodffey; 4, House Party; 7:30,1 .ov. i put one over he woujd have given aro to much different today with faced with a tough etruggls to ■icll- In Britain’s wartiraie.!.cabinet ' tonight. For the Canadian welter­ make too first division grate. A aajda Thirdd fleet.lie nhared reanonaibillfv for the ae-J‘'At'tlhter of Mrs. Ella Monsoh of: 1945- and son of Mr. and Rfos. Ed-J ' PTosecutor^ Andre Mornet and i Professor Austin Warren and Reed'a sister and family. Mrs. Albert, porau. xiucted by the U. S. Air Force in ^ Ellery^uee^; 8, The Saint; 8:30>- Neiiiv York,' Aug. 7—(4*i—Tom­ it a ride. Tommy was fed onlv The Polish American* by win­ every . .state having Sunday ball, More____ Jiilm Whn 400 400 Far East Air cret and costlv research which de-' '’'** We.Il*. street, whs honor guest ,vm \y. Latham was baptiwd a t ' Chief-.,Defense Attorney Eetmand ■ Mrs, Warten'arrived Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Frftz Comet* and Miss‘©oris Hutchinson and. her cooperation witX the University of “ r. Christian. . -ABC—11, my Holmro cf the Boston Braves slow balls. weight. tall and with a long reach, and the big league farnr systems yresr ago thoy wero lengthenlaff ning both Iheir remaining games has lost but two bouts this year— ^ re e a flghtera and bombera con- Veloped the destructive weapon. a lar^« mlsccllan^us shower, the Sennit-Congrcgatioijal chXrcb"; Pgyen snid thc.y then hoped to [ oq the Greyhound bus froni_ Boston. son David of Wethersfield, were slater, Mra. Lydia Simons and California at Loa Angeles on Sat- Breakfast in Hollywood; 12 and Tonv UucclnellO of Chicago’s , ! grabbing.up all the young promis­ out a firm lead and never hod T I given -Saturday evefttng by’ her The golro- Charlo*. Mrs. Prank Latham, the latter the ! tlo'q* In two- days apiece. ' ! at the home of Mrs. Gertrude M. Flynn .and family. Their daughter are spending their vacation at 3:30,-Ladies B^ Beated; 8, Pick Major, L^gu e batting races today, foul. ; It landed in ■ the rpad!'on for first place with the Depot Willie Pep here and to Dave Cas- Yours truly, , Foankle Hayns* homer with tan. •There are great possibilities if sider “ The Returnee and Society.;' Square Grill nine in the torrid "V i- tllloiix. withWltn a* two-houriwo-nour hammering,nammerinK^ .withw^^^^^^ preaehted In the ' Carson.' About 35 reiAtjves and brother-of the fathep,,jvho Is serv­ ' Hough, while Professor Warren Marilyn returned home with them their summer home in Gilead. \ Cfokmel". Howard Rusk, U. 8 . and ^at; 9. Curtain Ttine. . . Witll-'^two monthaxof the season the fly in leftfleld! easily the. long­ Wm, H. Dowd. ^ on in the ninth bfWte up n 6-8 t e -goea on to New York bn business light League race that has but ’ -.vo- Walton boasts knockout* over Ip tbe initial frpy and Jim Boghy; fire-boml^ r ^ e U | bomb Is made available to drive frl.end* were present from Hart­ ing iri the Navy. Saturday‘ after being'a guest at Mrs. George Milne l# s ftoeived Army Medical Corps;' Donald Nel. MBS—19:30. Fun with \Mualc; to goi .-( i.; est hit oL the year.,. Sipples is ford. New Britain And this town. Mtissolhu Orderofl ] connected with the Rockefeller Although Goody Rosen of Brook- ; more weeks of play, remaining. Lefty LaCJiance, Joey Gambaro retired the Brownies with th# I machinery and jirovlde sources of, The Christian Endeavor service the Flynn- home for several days telephone call from her hus­ son-,, former head of. .the War Pro- 112:16, "Morton liowney; 2:30,. down-to a* mere 23,5 hut can still 'Seated under a decorated, um­ 1 Foundation.. He holds a chair as- lyn still waa shadgwtog Holmes’ The-PA’S have two^ games 'eft and A1 Gauthier.- jnd ha*' also ba'aea 'oaded and one run acre## la 1 power,” he added. was held at 7:30 at'the home of ^AlUnnre Proposal Mrs. Mairy Edgerton Baker, of band., Lieut. George Milne, who dpctlon- Board: and -Rep. Jerry^ueen ’ * • ” ” for a Day; 4:30, Bummer- ■lace (he old apple. brella, the bride-to-h* opened her professor of English branches at .tos average with aTbeond on their slate, tonight’s clash and beaten Alex Doylie. Johnny Cool ware vlsl.bl* so mtlea. _ I Dr. E. Slade, research control- Mra. Grace S. Heed. The leadeifs Hartford, la a guest of Mrs. Lucy haS.Deen in the Pacific area for are the par■- time Melodies; 7:30. Mutual Mel-, whom he whip- Twilight League the lost half of, th* inning. varied and lovely gifts which tllN Rome. .Aug. 7— The news-1 thrUnlversUy”©^ He iiriU be Usher and Is spending some time v W ^ lt (D., Calif.). I-JI— D.aa Qgpl Wheeler. ' Xp^' an engagement with-the Rockville and Victor Jade Eyewltnea* Reports Withheld | imperial cbemlcai Indtia- were Miss Loretta McKinney and tbe.last two years, that he has ticipantS aijd Dr- Clarence A odies; 8:^ , 362 In tlw National Phil Cal Chris Leary held up His right In addition to losing, the'gMBA ed, a large basket'.'. Dancing- 'and -Miss Dorothy Gates and. the topic paper It Secolo said today ^bat as the dean of St. calling on formes’'Tolland neigh­ reached the Stetea and b« expecU retta pt Chicago had become hand and anv resemblance be- Hill Billies Thursday evening. If i ped tn Marichester recently, In loa- St. Louis lost toe servlc4* of third Eyewitness 'report* ’Of ^•'* }***■ I tries, one of the experts who dc- 7^" past performances mean anything ing to Pep, he displayed some ro.- torip blow struck‘''*t other pssftme* rounded otij. the "Developing an AttracUve Per­ Vittorio Cerruti. Itollan ambassa-, pater’s school, which was tn opera- bors arid frierids. to be home for a furlough,, sooM Important factor In_the“ lt do tween straight finger* and Standing / bssemoa JMork Christman wb# Hlroahima: veloped the botnb which wAs drop- dor to France In 1935. received In- about ten >eara in a aum- the PA ’S should take the measure | tllng blows that cut up the by the single, amall atomic bomb' q;, JapAn-for the first time evening. sonality.” ' . .. Miss Alice E. Hall and Miss Ber- time this week. {HOW with hls .357 mark. The Cubs’ hrsi. wa*-., out. -They were was hit by a fast boll thrown by strpetions from Mussolini to pre-' course. Mrs. Warrtn is the Tftlce Hall hav6 had aa recent guest sacker Ticked up seven points jd''!.* of both remaining - opponents, j champ’s features somewhat. .w ere withheld pending theii; re- „a iq . "T h is Invention The hostesses- used blue ' &dl The trustees of the Second Con­ CpU Alex Spak has retumetf G irl ilatch er all during "his playing 'day* However, upsets have been ai oorn- Improved If anything. Is Tony W. L. Pet. OBL. A1U% Raynolda. Dp Robert Hy­ white In' their decorative seheme pose the French-Itallan military .^f ^ spinal complaint from Miss Hortense Galln of East Ha­ ing the last se-ven days, moving to 'lease by the War department in i^mbably will have a revolutionary gregational. cWurch "met Monday alliance of which Piegre Laval >J[rcim overseas and is now oq.^ a when I was a catcher. mon occurrence In recent' games I Falco since -he fought here before P. A.’s ___ 8 4 .667 ■— • land said the Inflelder suffered ft Washington. Wltneshes of a test affect oh our future live^. Wb have and - seri’pd a dpltclous bnffet evening at the home of Ernest which she haa suffered for some ven High School faculty. ' furlough at hts hoine in Gilead. within eight points of Grill ...... 8 4 . .667 — brain concussion! was" In serleus lestifled at the trial o* Marshal Ume. Prof. Warren will return Howard Metcalf has returned Averages Inclu.dlng Sunday’s and neither opponent cari be cqunt- entering the service. He so Indlca- blasb-hiX^ew Mexico July 16; hpw- j solved the jrrpblcm how to relea.se liinch, a surprise feature of .^vhich Evans. Petain last weik. . Mrs. Chkrles Fish land son Cal- A tN ortliE iid At the ^ r t y held after the ID scoring a 2-1 upset over Hamilton ...... 7 6 .583 1 condition and would be out p f the • waii a-large, beautifully decorated The Mother's club'will meet at within the week aria" has offered to from" Y.M.C.A. camp where he. Vlh bay# returned' froiri Black STANDI games. ! ed ou. 5 .555 m ever, related that a'7 steel tower afhiost unlimited energy. The next Cerruti was -quoted as - saying Xr-'---»■ game Leary atkted that Manches­ TTie Grill,'jco-league leader*' ■ •:lsO; Rod Doty here a few weeks ago. It Fliers ... .,7 : 6 lineup for St least a week to 10 was ‘\'ap0rlzed” by the incredible thing I* to disbover how to harness c^ke. bearing the words, “ Good the home ^pf Mfs.'Albert Katzung preside at the pipe organ at thg was a -gninsellor. 'He has accepted Point where they were gueets'of Vestorday’e Result* Fourth place was,held by Stan ter was a sivell bkaebaU toWiVvand Men’s Club ____6 5 .555 l.'-Z the pact never waa realized be­ Hack of Chicago at .337 ndth have two games left, one against' wa"S his 29th triumph In 30 pro days. "—■— blaat—shock of which waa felt it so- it wiU^ serve Industry. It Is Luck! Helen, and Nick.”'The' cake on Tuesday afternoon'at 3 o'clock . 11 a. m. service at St. Peter’s a position with White, COrbln * Mr. and Mrs. Car) Geissler. Eastern .. that he had a thrlfopf a lifetime bouts. In between hjs 28th and Majors . ___ 4 7 .364 3'4 • Mickey Rocco hit two into the ■ cause condltiona .which Mussolini church. • _ Doris Orvini to Play Manager M«1 Ott of New York the Fliers and the other against- 350 miles. ' ' . imposstble^yct to.-measure.its ef- was the gift of afi aunt o f. the This wil) be an. outdoor meeting proposed werip not acceptable to Co.. In Rockville. . Mr. and Mrs.’Cleorge V. Bain of All games postponed (rsin.); umpiring the game, H e thought ?9th victory he staged many while Rockville . . 4 9^ • t's stands and Jeff Heath clubhsd one Miss Hannah Fuljer is spending Pfe. Woodrow Farriham Is spend­ National . . cllmbing-into A fifth-place tie with the Men’s C2ub. .2.50 '5., : Secretary of War Stimsom! In feet*,’’ . ^ . , "s brjlije-elect, Mrs. - Samuel Pfiverr and all. mothera-arc asked- to bring France. The newspaper said Cer­ GurleyvlUe were Sunday callers With Vets Against the fans were great andNla-i Rook­ ■ The Aircraft snapped a six-game In service.. In convincingly whip­ Aircraft ___ 2 6 round tripper to. hdp Stsiv# Oro- i Wtshlngton-gave a hint of what LondonnewspTipers. whlch devo- man of New Britain,,^ The hostes.*- some time with her. brothaivln-law ing a 30-day furlough with hla at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Fred Brooklyn at Boston (tain). LuJs Olmo Of Brookl^ at .334. sewing or knitting to work en ruti also was Instructed, by Mus­ Whltey KuroWakl ,of St. Louis.. ing forward to next year. losirlg *treak-J.ast week against ping Doty the Middletown stylist mek grab victoiy No. 13 In the j the atowlc-bomblng airmen over ted almost their entire front phges es were gsalsted " 4n .serving ,KV during the afterriooii. “ and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwocxl family on MIU H lll.ln southwest Wgy. ' .. Nichols, Bristol Ten. St. Louts at Pittsburgh (rain) repeateil a throe-year-old feat; he solini to refuse a French and Brit­ Miner. She haa been In falling Tellsnd. He will report to Camp out with Injuries, playe^ only one the Hill Billie's and will be out to­ nightcap over'SlR Jokuckl. Hiroshima had seen. The city, he' to'stories about the. homb and dis- Miss Fratires Felice and Miss The 200th anniversai^xcommlt- ish offer to mediate In Ethiopia. Robert Link's, son of Mr. and (Only gamSs scheduled.) For the ISvllight League play:^ climbed bafek Into the ring after health and 1# unable to din active Shelby. Mis*., for further tralnlnfer. ' American game and maintained hts .317 lev­ night oq prove that the win 'vas The scheduled Brooklyn at Bos- ■aid, was quickly engiilfed In "an cu.'<.‘K’d its posstbilities'lli long erti-. Rosemary- Napoli. tee. chairman'rmd auh-^oirimltjees Mra Karl'LlhkS, waa honored by .p ^ Z Cervlnl; local glH softball offa that are coming up,, a eure fire no flu k ^ Jehhny Cressey who being knocked, through the rope* Spoilt Schedule work.:;; JTrs, Mable W. Spicer 1* a guest Detroit 6, 0; CHileago 2, , 7. el In seventh position fpllowea bv ton and St. iJouU aK; PltUburgh .'Impenetrable cloud .of dust and torials. agreed that the'-dlscovery Miss Mon.son ia to he married will meet In the parsofiage Tue*H. election to the state farmer' de­ catcher will appisar tonight at the drawing card would*J)e Leary be­ “notched toe win will do the toss­ -at that time snd gave Doty a tax­ iX. tilt* in the National Were rained should compel the. w;orld to keeai, of friend* In Wethersfield and Cleveland 9.-#: St. Louis 7,. 4. ■Vance Dlnges Of Philadelphia, 316 .•ropke." — . 'is. -v"..,:; Saturday morning at ten o’clock day evening at 8 o'clock to make gree at. the annual convcntlgif. of Don 'Johnson. .Chicago, .812 and hind the plate. He is strictly big ing With Phil Cervia on the re- ing leSStifi-. Tonight out and all other clubs In both, the peace.' " , in St. James’s rectory, to Nicholas flrtal arrangement* before, the pro­ Hartford. the -.Connecticut Aasoclatlohi 'Of North End diamond with ^he Vet­ (Only.gaiftes scheduled.) ; y - Four six-rounder# crimplete th# . ;{%• Japanese Dohiei: agep.cy th' Hebron Concert ToiiiglVt: The annual Tolland Grange pic­ Dixie Walker of Brooklyn. .311. league.^ ceivlngNand. The- ,PA'a choice • is 'Veteran. V* NB’s, 6:3(1- North leagu'^ had regulkr offdays. a broadcast 'last night noted «m - Stressing. the J'gjavest rtnagl’n- H. Dnnofrio of Hartford. gram'goes-to the printer*. BTiture Farmers of' Annericg« held eran# of tots war when they will V Buck B j^otekl urtlesa,: the man­ card. They are: Wendy Wllo.'I3t. Erid Field- ' able responsiliilitics” laid ^^upori nic wHl beheld at thie Grange Hall %CucctneIlo went to hat only four ’------'A, Albans.. N. Y. vs. Bam Daroudl, ply that President Truman and Thert will b e’ll rehearsal of the and lawn following the regular at Wehieyan University'. inMid­ meet the' Nichols, Bristol ten at -times during the w e ^ but failed Bregk Wilson was all tired out agement can 818 ttp a new hurler. P A a V# Aircraft, "B^IS We-st , ■Thief Steal# f t British Prime Minister Clemept mankind by the new„poWe>T The play, given by the Town Commit-, A meeting of the activities (tom-.- Program Listi^ dletown last- week. Robert is a 6« 0. Dhrla has played the game to hit-falling to .329. However. at the end of the game. He got Tbe. P A ’S are entitled to: add two New York, welters. Don Anderson, Side Oval. - Dally Telegraph warned: "Unleas mittee' of the Hebron War Coun­ meeting Tuesday ht 8 p. m. Aug. OBL. New York. vs. Lou Black. New­ Attlee had announced the, drop- tee at"*he Community House oil 7. A pot-luck refreshment member ot the JTrl-Ag Chapter at for a hqmber of years but haa George Caae of Washliigton, who to talking about hls uniform and new faces and ■ both men (nay Wednesday. .4ug. 8 Dallas—(/Pi—A* Mrs. N. M. i we nbaj;^ bear oiirselve* that the A lib iit T ow n cil, , held recently at the- home of Windham High acbool-.-ftr Wllll- n«wer made an appearance In her Utica ark. welters. Tommy Murray, Mon lng of the bomb oir-.Hlpdshtma. Thursiiay evening, August 9 at 8 Through the efforts- of William ^ the repast. has been chasing "Cooch’* for the he knew It waa old A* It had a make their inlUal leAri* appear­ Major* -rye. fniers. 6:15 W est Corlev was. sleeping Under on t was the first enemy rbference power of ...war-making Is stamped d’clrck Thla play will be pre­ the'chalrman! Leroy H. Getchell, mantic where he will be a senior • home town. She has caught tor Wllkes-Saire last two m o n ^ dnwped to .316 cpllap. Collars -went nut '30 ances tonight. treal vs. W illi#, Gibbs, Long t#i electric fan While'tpe thermometer f waa attended -by all committee J. Hanna, of the Salvation Army Mr. and Mrs. William Sumner Albany land City, N. Y. Billy Marcus, Side Oval. ’ to • the, newsest and most fearful blit and peace among men of good The Junior Luther League of sented -At the 4H CTub Fair, Aug-, Bajqd, In cooperation with Harold this fall. He haa.^been vice presi­ the Fuller Brush. Girls of Hartford and third. p la « as George Stlrn: year* ago. ■ bs, . . — The game will get underway at Warren ft Jarvis vs EG.'*, 6:30: hovered In the nineties, s thief will IS securely cstattlished the hu-^ .members with the exception of th(«- Simpson, of Soutbport, were Hartford „ Hartford vs. Pat Doyle. S t AI ataapon of Allied scientists. E'mamiel Lutheran.: church will ust 24. Miss EsOife'r Koehler ta BSrinlpgton, .executive secretary of week-end guests ’of .Dr^Xand Mrs, dent and secretaifj bf the chap­ and th# Underwood men’s teAm of welts of N[ew York Went into the 8'16 with Owf'" iiaiial attendance —^North ‘ End field; ' entered the room *nen« ’ frlw iJ' Son banquet, ax senior Boy Seoul |he game. . .: ,v _ fpr fourth at .308. — that it WM- * pleosurt to com* - Hiroshima prefecture - had been' -llrtrapeiKd. to saVe lives of Allied lunch. , The following committee waa a week-end guAst at the hdqie town field day. . This had been un­ en by the band this evening at patrol leader, active In , football -^^aitoVeterans’. - lineup -vfttl con:. American th*r leadera In the American back to the town that was ao good oif Hartford. . . s?^iiH ^«ai service men that have W. Pet, gb cancelled.* It.did: not refer to any forces'In the Pacific, to use thl?, is making the. afrangemspta: Jean of Mra.''0.'G. Anderson and faWK der -conaider:aifon preriolialyr and 7:4ir In the administration build and ba.seball squad*- and has been L. L. were; Bobby "EStalellaof Philadel­ to hint during hls playing days. :the original idea waa to have the Cniarlea Broadbent hag rejuroed seen duty in the present conflict, :s4 41 .568 — ■> [- unusual form of explosive; •*„ ' terrible weapon. But ' tli'efc Robinson. Ahhe'Beechler,. Elsie ily. Wllllgm. Sergeant of West Ing at Orford, Village, fop the pscfe from the Johnson Memorial ■ nos- often on the ..honor roll' at school. Dbtroit phia, .807; Vern Stephens. j,8t- He felt by playing he waa repay­ should be Tio;. boastful! exultation Hartford was also a guest for the date on ’August 18, Saturday But pie In the whole neighborhood. " Besides'these -activities he ..has some tif them being home only oh Wo^lngton'' 54 49 .583 Lniils; .801; Georg# M yatt Wwh- ing In a little ^ y for what be . !5iust Expect Intensified .\HNaufts jind-.uson.' Esther Olson, Reger on account of transportation and plUl, Stafford Springs, where he furioughs an(j .other* who have 50 43 .538 3 It) Its might."' ■ ■ week-end. Dr. and Mra.'G. Ter­ The program follows: had sfn operation on one of his foet. been activo In poultry judging, New York Ington, .297; Wally Moaes. Chl- made financially' bi town. . It' flotear'however, that .Super- Louck* and Diirwood- Miller. other diffl(;ulties ft ■was finally de­ either been discharged- by the Chiesgo .50 47 .515: 6 Mayo, "Oe- vWtreasea had begun “ a 'cajm- Tim llrilng of the'aecreby sur ry Goodale and small daughter of “ America” ', ma'rch, "Joy and Alfred Ayers. C.E.M.. 'U. S. biptler raising, milk production, cago, .994 and -’Eddie cided to place the date for Sunday p^nt eystem or ^yen a iriedlrsl Cleveland '■ 48 48 .500 5% trott. .287,. / - The only disappointment /was .^algii" against Japanese. com­ rotidctljig the bomb' also brought ' Mr; and Mr*. Nicholas Blanch­ Boston.-and Mlaae* Jean Polnt- Liberty": male choriis. "Q Wor­ Navy has returned after seri’lng hefter raising, arid la In charge of 7 the 19th. ship the King” : cornet quartet. rerords on a herd' of thirty cjws diecharge. Hippo CorrentI -who Boston 48 49 The ten leading batemen In each Sara-Hyman who failed to. api^ar munication* centers, and warned the disclosure that three, years ago ard, of 407 Center street, have re- -dexter of Scarsdale. ' and . MJss three years tn both the .European 45 49 .479 RIDE The events will open at 1 p. m., was rated among to;, fastest in St. Louis 8 H the Norwegian underground blew Gayle Sturbridge of Arllngtpn. Hark, Hark My Soul” : gelectlon. and Pacific areas. He has gone to on the home farm. '. sjj league: « ' for the second atralgbt year afteir that Intensification of B-26 as­ turned.Jfrom CJamp Edwards, Fal­ nj^dj-will take place on the town th* game before he waa called to Philadelphia 32 ,62 .340 22H National Leaftn* saults must be expectetij.., , >\' up a factory in which German* mouth, Masa.;-Where they went to, ■Vfrglnla were also recent guest*. Happy Memories” : "Londonder­ Boston where he 1« repo^ng for having promised to put in an ap­ baseball field, which Is on the ry Air,” (“Danny B oy"); male, the armed forces win do the fling­ Naticmal ,, O. AB. R. H. PcL pearance. Billy Diwyer, a cap­ ' Previous eqemy . broaiJcbSts had been .working • frantically 'Ip bring back their son. Private Miss Evelyn Olsen has returned further orders. groiirids of St. Beter’s rectory. chorus, Negro Spiritual. "Oolden ing for the Vets, who will be out W. L. Pet. GBU Holmes, BoS. T02 4l9 .93 158 .365 tain in the State Guard was tied Ifondav had acknowledged 'a raid pfoduefe an atomic bomb. George. Blanchard, who recently to her home after a vacation spent Alice Mitchell, daughter of Mk. to hanfi the league leaders a set­ , The ■ stbry of thla lncident"W*s The principal .feature will be a Slippers” : march, "Deeds of Val­ and Mrs. Erwin Mitchell is senior HoKpital lNote8 Chicago-' 63 34 .649 Rosen. Bklyn. 92,381 84 138 362 down but otherwise all the 'old on' Hiroshima by " a . small num­ returned from the E.T.O. Pvt. at Virginia Beach. Virginia. baseball contest between the "Old back. .584- I C v’iT-tts. Chi. 99 378 11 135 .35 written- almost tw'ff^imonths ago A special meeting of Coventry our*’ : cornet solo,- ’’Tucker’’ : se­ counsellor at Camn Woodstock, S t Louia 59 42 ttoers appeared.- ber" of American - B-29s which Blanchard was wounded "In - Bel­ Timers" and the nresent day town .561 Hack, Chi. .. 99 389 76 131. .SSY by Barbara Wace of the London Grange will be held on August 16 lection. "The Old Rugged Cros-s’ ; S. Seegt- Steven Bodnar is home Brooklyn 56 "46 dropped Incendiaries and . explo- gium on January 17 last. team. A -load of fun Is promised male chorus, “God of Our; Fa­ on furlough after 20’ month* In the Admltte'd yesterday; Miss Patri­ New 'York 54 47 .536 1 Olmo. Bklyn . 94 383 SO 12S 334 Jimmy King and Henry Mai flyes.- , , ■ . staff of The Associated Preea dur­ for the purpose of taking In more here as the old fellows try to re­ .505„. 1 Ott, N. Y .^...'6 4 826 54 109 ,334 TOtES thers": march. "Homeward South Paclfle’.'...... ; cia Meads, 19 Pioneer (Jlrcle: Pittsburgh - 51. SO lory were rival shortstop# at an in g-a .visit to Norway, but was Mita* Margaret Donahue, cadet applications, for membership. This 46 55'- K ’n-wskl, St.L. Si 381 59 105 .817 'Presidenf Truman, tn ahpounc- held, up-by censorship. She said gain their vmithfiil fire and rienr Bound"; "Star-Spangled Banner.” -The two Tolland -a<:hoolhoHaea Joseph LaTullppe,' ’758- Vernon Softball Leaghe. .Boston •tfiS.'l outing of, the Pioneer Parachute Ing first uee bf the terrible new' nurse at the Joseph Lawrence is the last’ opportunity to join In to srnash the young aproiits. The Cincinnati 43 53 .448 t Dlnges. Phil. . h8 342 48 108 ;S16 Norwegian patriots diaeovered the have been sold. Snlpeic schoolhouse street; James Foley, Z (Tenter company last Sunday. Jimmy weapon, warned the Japanese r— C^ilcago police-, p-oiinds to Andrew H. Szemreylo. Today** Oolites American I>ngae '"heavywater" for xesearch on the Plsns are under xi;ay for th* hov It nr>!lt torn out. No. 2, Manchester; Mrs. Elizabeth Eastern CuCClnello, Eh. 84 292 38 96 329 the air the like of-whleh ha* never men feel the lack pf a knowledge Mrs. Fred Hamlin and sons ot w . Pet. GBU There will be on • important atom in the,summer of 1942,’ Ntne Booster Night program to be iTig activities will also include Ludwig, 223 Hartford road; Fred .750 Utica at Hartford (2-6:30 p.m.) BrnWas. N.Y. 93 384 68 122 .318 been .eeen bn This earth." He ,de- youth* of the underground, aup of OUneae wriUng. The reason: Washin^on, D. C.. .are spending Ntohols, Bristol 9 meeting of all managers of the given bv Coventry Grange, Sep­ a fiftv yard dash for girts under SUwson. 77 Strickland street Stolls ft Gamble 's ;667 i Wilkes-Barre fot Williamsport Cose, Wash. • "92 377-66 115 .316 FRBI M rib ^ tht amall atomic bomb as There waa a fire In the Chinese the month of August yrith Mrs. 'six teams entered tn the Manches­ pqrted by the British,' wrecked the tember 27 and their regular fair, 12. also for those of 12 to 16: Admitted today: Mrs. Martha Warren ft. Jarvis 7 .582 ,i H i : Lake, Boet.’” . 75 266 55 82 .308 aaeie ‘destructive than 30,000 -tons plant with’ explo*lyea. Nine Bblton launilry near the Chicago avenue Hamlin’s parents, Mr. and Mr*. ter Softball League Wednesday oiTtTT. supper and a fine evening's pro­ 100 yard dash for boy* under 12, Habenstreet,' 12 Chestnut street; Plant J 5 .417 4 Binghamton -at Albany (2). B’dreou. Oev. 85 -312 45 06 .308 JACK ROAN’S SERVICE STATION month* laterth e Germans ' suc­ ■Ution. Since the officers eend Harry R. Bartlett and Catharine Mrs. Florence Walsh, 334‘ Genter Estalella. Phil. 93 335 37:103 .307 night St 8:80 at the Eset Side Sblenui Warning Brosdoaet. gram will be held. Further de­ and.the same for bov* frobn 12 Lee’a Bsao . 4 .333 f. Scranton at Elmira >(2). ceeded In replacing the’ machinery There will be a demonstration tails will be announced lateV. But to their shirta‘^to that establishment, Bartlett, slater. street; John McNamanC 85 North Stp’hena. St.U 00*345 58 104 JOl Rec. 'There Is In ^ rton t busi­ ' Btories of how 'Allied soientiaU 16. “There will be a shot put for Kaceys ...... 3 •?50 ( - Amertcaa 275 MAIN ST., COR. MIDDLE TURNPIKE TEL. ftlW but a force «pf Atnerican-- heayy of the pew fire truck at Johnson’s the date should be kept In mind. they tried to retrieve the pack­ stret; Barbara Tyrell, SM Wood­ Ho games scheduled. - MyatL Wsh. . 84 318 48 93 .297 ness to come before toe managers, t o - a ^ 2,000,000.00p top-aecret bombers swept in aind wrecked"4t' pond jon the old Andover RoSd on all boy* and a potato race .for all ages. But the IdentiflcatlOB tags Make Speedy'Flee Drive and It la, important that every girls, of 25 3mrds; a 50 yard shoe land street ... National Moaes. ChL .. 87 344 46 101 .294 •earosttthtoject had unlocked .'the aga'&t'": _ / r ■ » ■ Wednesday-evening at“ :30 p. m. Names Own Sentence were written in Chinese. Discharged yesterday: Mrs. Fish Suitneated by Oaa Brooklyn a^ Boston. toayo. D et .. 54 873 55 107 .287 manager be present at this meet- OFFICIAL TIRE INSPECTORS . . . PASS. AND TRUCK er ^ th* atom and .produced B. Ns villa Wallace. Bri,tlah ecl- All firemen are aakeft to attend^ race for. bo.ve. and a rolling pin Portland. Ore. — (g>i — Police ' . ^ ------. throwing contest for all girls, the Elizabetli Douglas. T a ltottvlU ^ (Only game scheduled) IfiR- ______. ’ “ new bomb were broadcak'f to entlst who perfected the- 10-ton Churdi Vacation Portland, Ore.— )—The di»- Remembered by Old BVlead* • made, a speedy vice raid when a Trenton. N. J— (P“ :Th*re’* i One-Man Oannen ^ . . e UP i same distance: a 25 yard sack race patrblmdh obligingly offered help Robert Slone, 46 Drive A. 8U v«V . Japan, .together with the p.resl-."earthquake" bomb, said "the A1-. TherX will be no church services 1 attorney had rallied to fec^ Denver, Oolo.—(d5—:Mrs- Helen Lane homea;. Mm, Irene DeMer^ been- so .much rain that flab are Not An A10ie Both last night's Softball and : dtwt's aMemn warning. lie*’ new atomic bomb 1* eeriain at the Bolton Congregational, ommeitd a sentence for James i for all boys, an(f the same for A. Cameron of Everett, Mais.. to a truck driver after a part of dying in a Newljeraey lake. Thei A one-man cannon, Ared from Twilight league games were his load had fallen In the street A chant i$9 Bunce drive; Peter Rag- Tbe London^ Dally Mail, tn a to end the war quickly because no church until September 2. Mullahan. who pleaded guilty 10 ! eirla; S 25,.v*rd ,*hree-legged race vieited a t y park here yeaiji^rday state gome and fish wardan ex­ Not -'in deer shed their antlers the shoulder without recoil. Is the washed out and will be pUyed at for 'ill ■ girls, and the same for and found that old friends don't peep into the truck showed a load anako, iO Sterling place; Mfo WE HELP YOU APPLY FOR NEW 7 K B :-:.Wa*hlpgfon''dispatch quoting un- hatien' of group of nations can for Picnic Luncheon . stealing three’watches. The judge Barbara ElUott WUUmantic. plained morln* growth wna aecsl- annually, oa do American speides latest U. 8. weapon- to ' make tta a later date. . ned "Reliable" sources, * said long withstand it* unprecedented­ The Ladles’ Benevolent Society Tasked the defendant: "What wotud boys,‘ ^ jv d a ; a 50 yard relay, forget- From inside the sdo came of gambling tables.- A vice squad appesrmnoe In the Padfle. It .arrived soon after the truck reach­ Dlaidiarged today: William Rua- •nted by tbe rata and tormad a The .Axis deer of India may keep Japan would be given a new ly devastating, effects." . He added of the Bolton Congregational you suggest?” race for ,afl girl* and the same for a hearty; *^eUo Helen; Jicllo gfUinlah scum. Accompanying -hot a aet for aaveral years., and the Are* a regular attftler;.’-type shell Frogs do drink wjster by Helen.” She found a pair of panrota ed its destination. Inside the build­ acO, 105 Birch gtraet; Mra. Lola JiUUmatum—to surrender wl*hln that H e, poweeartOH by policlngi church will hold a picnic luncheon | "About four yean, X guess." boys yards. In th# ball McKinney, 14 Arch atreet: Janet sraatbir turead tUa acura Into gas Per# Davld’a deer of C2Una proww at enemy tanks arid piUboxea with • mouth—they .absorb it through riM boura a i Incs “ the prospect contest. C3arit*on F. Bailey will big Paul and tsunbte^ which she ing the Owner wailed: 7Keep away at power*" would be “ one ot the most at the hhnae of Mrs. George .Shedd ‘ said Cullahaa, from-them walle; the paint ain’t LAraen, 56 School atreet; Steven which auffeeatad tha tt(h. ha said I two sets annuoUv. the oecuraev of a snipliner’s rite. i their Skins. eu^ra pbUtaratlpu.. ^ the pdwertii W^opona for peace the of Bolton Notch on Thursday at | ^ "rjiigt’s what it will be,” said Uke chgrge of the older: Uftm. had presentetL to the City park moM Hum two >aan ago- . ^diyjret^ ’ ,R aal% U SB** and X4to JCMraMU at th* MRuJaai. X- S ;-, '■ X x . INI MI'/Sl 1*>K fcVl*;iVlNG/rtt!;KALl), MANCHI’aSI KK. CONN , lUKSDAY, ALKiLt^l / Mi(NGHE8TER EVENmO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN; TUESDAY,'AUGUST 7,1945 PAGE NINE ■-fi IHGHT S' ,x ■#> 'Hounehmd Goods /Wanlvd--iTq buy '58^ Rooflng— Repairing 17*^ Help yanted-^Male \ 36 I ^ ItlUNERVIhiE POUKK BY aVn E Aotomobhef. for SijI® ^ Husinesn Scr.jylcess^ffered IS .MILL H.ELP.'XIRAIN MILL. Good Ir 34th Annual w a n t e d TO BUY —An upright R F F m n P ’ R A T IO N S E R '^ IC E '’^ REPAIRS of shingles. Classified by F. HUGH FOR. SALE — IPSlMbDEL, A KLhUJlT>«;if;^llUIN composition and tin roofs wages and ’wyrking conditions. ;^UGUST S A L % - Tlano.-W rite,/Box H. P. care oi Sense and Nonsense Y o u N g E R B r o t h e r ReaaonBMeV'i'? l.KX'kwood Herald. > ied coach.^ Grunow' CoWpot, Ci oslcy, Rebuilding and repa,lring,.^of ■'Stea£• ' nMV roofs No Job tqp small'dr ; ■ for full time work, In plepsant 3 Room Outfit Complete .. . . $195. FULL SHOT right ' A grbiip of hla pals atood on tha ^ To Buy 3 Room .Outfit D e L i^ e ...... 5^5® la hearty, boomlnff voice greeting believe it Or not. these two little SHEET METAL WORK hot air large'Good work, fair price Free! siMiroiindings. wljo l.s looWfig for Still blissfully unaware of any­ Idiots have been secretly mar-' Dr your-relatives all'^fll't. treet comer> He tried kaep a furnace repairing fJew hpt - air 4 Room Outfit DeLUxe ...... $695 WOMAti WANTS • to take a I Louise. This is {he voice of Unclii^ ^ ~ 7 FOR- SALE 1935 . HARLEX- estimptCa Odll Howley. Manches- (. a isplendld bppoKdnlty^o make, child to, btyird over two years thing amiss,. tJncle George goes ried for a couple of months. -- Sure Mis hgrd, but then you might upper Up aa he; passed them: and air conditioning furnaces In- ter 5.361 , * ' ■ ! * permanent connec^n with a Buy here with cAnfidence. Albert's lOeorge, the naval chaplain . pre-' 1— What did you^lo. Fred? Davldso)» 74 motorcycle, -new old. Phone to81. Busine.ss laicatinns for back to Corliss. ■ * .' ' UNCLE GEORGE: (astounded>-. 2Vy amiltog. started Eaves trough ^ n c con-* ______■ ' ' i .going and growing^ncern. Give have ’been fU'rnlshlng hvi m e a Ivloualy identified by a photograph. G oesn't! dtiknge things, of course, Bby\( bravely) <*^-Oh, nuUili), tires and'^ubes. recently- over- Rent X I UNCLE GEORGE; (o.s.) Louise! UNCLE GEORGE: (boister­ Well, bless my aoul! ductor repairing.. Norman Bfents,. ' ", '■ v*-’'—~ ------i' ' pxperie.nce . and aBa \Vri*e Box throughout Connecticut sigbe 191’ . Jua| smiling. they’ve asked me to play with the Lost iuid Found h iiu led ^ J ^ East Ml(l<11< Turn Special discounts and consideration It’s good to aae you again! ously) Let’s have a look at you. MRS. ARCHER: We only found 8968 .* • MoyttiC—TruCKHlK—| vv Care of'-Thc Merald, 10 DEPOT SQUARE—Hall, large, Yep. Prettier than ever!, (beam­ But H cannot make them worse cope team Bgainet the firemen. i o i r r —SMALL «L U E purse W vi­ pike. given, to all ^ervicemgli-and their Wanted— ''nr.uf. Board 62 IlhIlhey ey h have all heaiff the voice. *•’ out about it a minute before Storaffe 20 fine floqr, -for rneetlngs, socials, ing) Well, ymi’re proliably all you arrived. That'e why we Just shilling. cinity of North End Atlantic and FOR SALE tHRL'S Flre.*rtone WASHER, VACUUMS. Electric STOCK,JIDY XVANTRP Full or ifamllles. , Z etc. $0.00 per day, monthly 2 her darts to hta wife’s aide.. . And It atoms to help your case, , Guest (es hbx^ind his host ap* pnCt time^ ^cl.e,Han’s, 975 AfSIn i / Branch of " . OLDER ■ WOMAN wishes robin NT r * ARCHER: (appalled) wondering why I blew In- like .wlei-e all Bo'rt of-rfluatered. r^ciflc store. iPhone 2-1867. deluxe bicycle, pre-whr. inquire motors, etc., repaired All parts AUlimN CHAMBLR§ Com- $8.00, monthly 4 day# $12’00. this, so I’ll tell you. I’ve Come Brightens Up a igloomy plare. proaChed .tliei.house) --r Ah, I see svsilable 24-hdpr service Oharg- p'any. Trailer van service. Local street. ■ CONNECTSCTTT’H , LARGEST and board in small quiet f,amUy. Janet, that sounded like UNCL® GEORGE: 4wonderlng- ■ 276 East Middle Turnpike. Phone 892'7. - in regard, to a christening. ly!) Well, bless ,my soul! (In­ Then, it sortoV(^ts your face— your dear aoD and mughter Swait- ee -C O D. . Manchester 2-1489 ■'moving, packing .gnc storage FURNI'pTlRE STORE Write, Box J, Herald. • George! ing us on the porch. Annoonceinents ' 2 z : He grina happily all around' and dulgently) I don’t Ueme ?k>u Just smiling, '.fc, FOR. SALR lAnmlngs or evenings. ■ '' Dial 5187. a -i/ b -e -r -t -s Host—Wan, not quite. You see ituations Wanted— 43\Allyn street Hartford IMEDIUM SHOT it obviously puzzled by the re­ for beinging flustered.I - ( affectibn- I STEEPLE TOM—Steeple and flag Davidson motorcycle, . Moflel (4 Summer Homes action to fhia announcement. - - a '* Recipe to r a Frock tKt girl'-in tha short dress is my HAY CU*t*TTN(. and rem ov ^ O f n o r t h AHKRU3A Van Unef«| ■ Female 3iS Apaflmer is— Flats-r ■l o w e r H AL L ately) V^yr—they're both ''’ba­ in pole .v.jrk. Cleaning chlm ni^ a CaH 3636. SMAR'^.N UP YOUR living-room F or Rent 67 MR. ARCHER; (stunned) What! bies! (to Archer) Don't look so Tske two quarts of'toinsral oil, mother,'tner,' anand ' the young fellow trees, also hay for sale. Alme Inc. Coast to Coast moving serv- * Itepeinvnts 63 ILouise, gasping with aatonish- Stir In three lumps of c(M|l and a riding breeches is my wife. apscikity. Inquire MagneU’a Drug POSm O N w a n t e d as secretary . Vith a new mahogany coffee or Iment. is just admitting UNCLE UNCLE GEORGE! (booming deapondgnt, Harry. Very, sim­ Latiillppe, ,758 Vernon _s‘.n tcs. Dial 6187 FOR RENT—5 ROOM cottage at out) Yes. sir! I'm going to fly handful of soy beans. Flavor'wtth a Store. , ’ r- Waited Autos— in~local, offide, experienced.' Write . cocktail table. For that bare spot Crystal Lake,from August 11 on.\ |GE0 IGE, who drops his. grip in ple.; You Just have to get it 607T FOR RENT—SIX ROOM duplex, back with Corliss to the Navy annulled, that’s all. little salt and bring to a. kbil. HOLD EVERYTHING Motorcycles Box Z.'Herald. on the wall mahogany Nick- Telephone 4953. Ithe hall. A ' jrVERSHINE — t h e s a f e -12 Painting— Papering Nack slielf or Shadow- Box will do garage, all Improvements. Avail­ Yard and, let her. christen a de­ Strain and allow to cool, FT.OOR M ACH IN F S UNCLE GEORGE; (booming) J^R. ARCHER: But, George, preaa with a hot Iron and trim to Cleaner for removing grease, the trick. Shop Benson’s, 733Malh able abo'ftt- Sept. 1. Write Box K, Where are the ifolksT No, don’t stroyer, (to Corliss happily': Ig- you don’t understand—Ave dfn't EX-9ERVIC3E MAN wants 1936- PAINTING A'ND paperhanging, suit. It’s the latest thln|[ In wear stains and dUcoloration from; por­ F O R ^ R E N t ' Dors— Bi rds-^Pets 41 HeraljJ. Wanted to Rent 68 tell me — I b®t they’re on the nnring the others) Think you’d ' want it annulled. \ ; 0 celain enameled stoves and gas 193T Ford convertible. Manches­ good work, reasonable rate. Call for milady. FOR SALE — TABLE TOP gas pofchl I kriow the way, Louise! like that, honey? 'V UNCLE pEORGE:. Oh.*' com®* ranges. Evershlne contains np ter 6638 6 p. ro.-7 p. m. Sanders^and Polishers, Raymond Ftske 3384^_____ ■ FOR SALE —THOROUGHBRED stove, 4 burners. Inquire 13>4 HOME u r g e n t l y htoded by riXlNE SHOT ON GROUP — FA­ iH e . strides jovially down the hall come; Hkrry—they’re obviously 'The Sweet Young Thing entered mcJd, grit or harsh abrasive. Guar­ WANi'ED^Wte NEED used cars Dachshund dbg with papers. In­ Ford street. ' Legal Notices Naval, officer and faijnily v f four, ■towards the porch. VORING. CORLl.S.S AND UNCLE too yOung,, Slid I cannot think anteed not to scratch or deaden \lcGIlrf-CONVERSE. INC. quire Jones Realty, 36 Oak permanently atationed in ^H4rt- GEORGE , a clothier’s -shop and approached ‘ and pay top prices Cash talks PAINTING AND fAPERHANG* FOR SALE—TWO ,alabaster.tahle of oh® good reason why— the-eoimter. -'Complete Cleaning and check-up and wallpaper. John P. Sullivan. Spaniels, beautiful blacks,’ hbalthy references; Call 4082! tlirilling Information haa tempo* l^erk —Yes. man. Something, nice Co. ■ ■ ■ .. FOR SALE - BASSINETTE with Preaent. WILLIAM S; HYDE. ^.Ksq., Iwards the hall, darts back- to his him towards the'hali. • * than It'S.worth right now. .Brun­ of yoiir mdlo S3.0fl[, All makes puppies. Inquire 41 Hamlin street, rariliyVjdilven everything else from In ties? . V radios irepaire^, EXperi service. Phone 4260.______2*ST detachable top, Riding legs. 5 Judsr.e. , ' Iwife’s aide, "MR. ARCHER: (as he goes oiit) Sweet YoUng Thing (explalnln'g) ner's. 80 Oakland street. Tel. .5391. evervlngs. ' .Estate of Albert L. Cruwell. late of WANTED TO RENT—By service­ MR. ARCHER: IKJa Georgs! CorliaSimlnd. • AutoRidbiles for Sale 4 Military\ralnlng. Phone 4553. Drive B. Sllvei Uane Homes, ril give you one excellent rea­ —No, he has a beard. Open 7 a. m, to 10 p. m., also Manchester. In said District, deceased. man’s wife. 3 or 4 room unfurnish­ MRS.-ARCHER: (franUc whisr CORLISS:' (enchanted) ■ Hon- son. 23 Telephone 2-0458. On motion of Ma.rtle Case Crowell of ed apartment. Telephone 2-0541. CI«|K (murmuring thoughtfully) Sundays. LIGHT' *l*RtJCKING, ashes and R epainitR per) He would come at a time- ...~Mtly, uqcle George? Me?, iN EEi' A 0,001 USED carl See Poultry and Supplies . 48 said Manchester, executrix. (To Be Continued) —Mfhm. Perhaps a faney vest j-uhUsh rernnved rehsouable. Tel. TOR SALE—6 CUBIC Foot, elec­ ' ORDEUKDi That six months from like this! Christen a destroyer - % Erunner open < a. m. ■'Jll 10 P PIANO rUNEl AND repai^g; WANTED TO RENT—Lake front ■ She ^ings h er. arms arqund nis might’ be suitable, > 366” tric refrigerator, porcelain inside llte 4th day of August. A.P.. 1945. be |A spilt second later Uncle George m. every day Fhone 6191._____ Business Services Offered IS player pipno ■ specialty. Jbhn KKCy '^ I ir K S have Rfxia avail­ and the same are ilmitetl and allowed cottage at Columbia or Andover neck and-hugs ' him ecstatically. Sweet Young Thing—No, It’s for balance of August. Call 2-1277 Iheaves Into sight In the doorway BobKKEEPINi7\&nd Accounting Cockerham. 2b Blgelp.w itreel able:* A ^ . 15. Order now. Ehco and, . out.. Inquire 98 Summit for the cred tors within ..*hich to brinR Xteanwhile, 'the Archers have ap­ Social Situations long beard. IjfE W PRE-WAR 16*2 G.M.C. li- Company. Phone .3233. street before 7:00 p. m. in their claims aitainst said eatatei and Iwavlng his cap Jovially. ■ Clerk—Well, how at>out a pair' of REFRIGERATION seijVlce, G ^ records '".ept weekly. . Balanced Tel 4219 WANTED—2 or 3 BOOM rent. UNCLE GEORGE: HI, children! proached from thejjb.g. ton 126-inch wheelbase, pickOp- eral Electric, Grunow, Crosley” the. said executrix Is directed to jflve slippers? ' ■ / ' monthly-'for income tax pilrposea, public notice to the creditors to brlnir Reasonable. By middle-aged-worn., The fleet’s In! , .- MR. ARCHER:' (aterhly) Cor- Thf Situation:- After - Inviting -1987 Ford pickup; 1936 Ford Frtgldalrt and all otliei. nlakes. ] N. H, RED pullets 3 months old BABX BpOGY-stroIier combina­ Cole confldehtlal notary ■puhllc. Phone In their claims within said time al.' an on or before Sepf. 1. Write Box iB ls entrance is’- greeted by a llaa! “ , pickup 1 1940 Ford., panel. Work .fuaranteed. Motor repairs ‘ Private InstV-iWlions 2S | $1,.50 e.-U'h. .Martin Keister, Hills­ tion. metal frame with leatherette lowed by poMInjc a copy of this order guests to an Informal - party a Author (moaning, .as his new 3627 days or evenings. dale road. Wapping, Call /Man- cover and; top, -chrome handle. An T. Herald. Istunned silence, but Uncle George, With a guilty start Corliss coities serious illnejM, femlly Motors. Phone,4364. ___ Call 4394, B. * tt. Refrigeration oh the public'^iRnpt^t nearest to the back to earth. She gets up oft play wa# being booed by the speo- P'.LOCUnON 'Ueveroplng thfr. , che.ster 379$^ excellent value at $14-.95. regular­ place where the. deceased last *4welt ■for the moment, 4a.*<4>bllvlou8 to makes . tho "party Impossible for Service. . v FURNAtTK REPAIRING and oil natural resonance of your voice. WILL PAY $25 reward for suitable her uncle’s lap. tators) — Audisnoee e®® hard to lyO R SALE—19*0 Pontiac 6 wach; ly $19.95. Pearl’s, 599 Main street. wjthln' said town Tahd by publlshlnfc Ithls. the tima being. ^ figure. It is M rd to tell what J l7 m IT HW.IW. *...■ 1941 Pontiac 6 sedan: 1941 Dodg« burner service. Ask about,, our Speech difficulties, corrected- the same In some’ newspaper having a rent for. family of 4 'adults. Call UNCLE GEORGE: Narry! How CORLISS: Oh,, goily. I was-for­ r a n g e BURNERS and power Sjjring cleahlng For full informa­ TUTORING: Reading, mathema­ TOR SALE HOD-A-DAY coal clrcuiatlotj- In said probate district, 8920. , ^ are you, my boyT . Janet, you getting. Wrong Way: -^11 off tlje pirety they want. '' , ■- 6 sedan: 1940 Bulck coupe; 3936 Artirles ?of Sale 45 altogether, since- you cannot have Theater Mana^r (grimly)—Not "Can Junior come but and flghll" burners of all makes and kliids tion call Van Camp Bros 15 tics. The 'White Studio (Johnson atove for heatinar.. water.. Tnquit^e’ within ten days from the date of . this look youngqi and prettier every ITNCLE GEORGE: W h a t? NtasM Reo Flying CToudseda^ 1937 order, and return make to this court it on the evening you Intended. this time. They want thair money cleaned and adjuster 10 years' yean;’ experience! Td 5244\ Free Block). 709 Main street. Phone MADE - FOR-,THE * Goverhment. 13 Marshall Road. ’ day! Hi, Corllas! ' How’s my . What’s that? (It begins t.o dawn - w : . ------Plymouth aedan; 1936 O. M, experience Tel 2-1731, 44 Main of the m>tiCe driven. Lots for-Sale 73 back. ; ■ x truck motor like new. Brunner’s Inspections! 2-1392. , / Heavy-duty harneskvihadefor the \Vl.LLIAM S. HVDE. Ju^C favorite niece? bn hlm'^dhat something is Right Way: Simply postpone FOR SALE WARM' MORNING wrong) What’s the matter? the party until a time when It is Phone 5191. Open 7 a.“ m. to 10 street government and. .relelVMti to meet FOR SALE—BUILDING lot. cor/--., |8e picks Corliss up in his arms BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES jui^ Thinklrtl’ BY EDGAItMARl'lN p. m. everyday including Sunday. OLD f l o o r s SANDED \ the critical n.eed for farm'harness. heater, ,ind Floreitfie oil heater. land klssea her with boisterous Anything wrong? cohvenient. ' He—'Where ere you going? r a n g e AND FUEL oil. Genera Laying and finishing. Help V -nted— Female' 35 ner of South Main arid Hackma­ MRS. ARCHER; (unhappily) She-^I am going to a lecture. m y 'o Au. TY.W. yoo t o Top-quality sp e c 1 fi c\ t 1 o n s Phone 8378. tack. Inquire 29 Cottage street. laffection. As- he sets Corliss down. \Y MCfWea MiiD W W Y VOVKW V5O0VO WWTwSr VMRT V300VO 5)\V\Viy» trucking. James A. Woods, 21 J. E. Jensen, throughout. Long-lasting, sturdy, Ma/or: leo^ d he n o tice the Franklins.- who are ■ Well. George, it's litre this— The ' Coast Guard has saved He—But you can’t go to. a lec­ 6 K f XY.«b’. Vb AObT Pearl steet. Telephone 6666. WOMEN WANTED .for stitching VbWfe AVWat .VWiW: v o o o v ^ AW? > AVO HPMW • AKO Tel. Willlmantic 9928. evenings. only $82.50. Wards Farm Store, Hooking at him goggle-eyed. Corliss and Dexter have—. more tkan 200,000 persons from ture at 4 o’clock In the morning. AW. T V t OlWIRfe TVW NOKO/OY A \ Apply Ka-Klnr Cloth Toy Com Main street. Manchester. Mnrhmerv antj Tools • 52 UNCLE GEORGE: (still boom­ Uncle George chuckles Inerrlly (ieaUt at sea. '■■8he—You don’t know my father. YWb.y lYAX w t TO W r P PLUMBER, sicamntter. pump ne EXPERIENtnCD RADIO service pany, Cheney . Building. Forest Legal Notices O ? Y*DO ? - — ------1 ------chauic. Carl Nygren. 15 SouM Leaders ing Jovially) HI there. Franklin! and pinches Corliss’ cheek. Promt and efficient. -All work street. WASH ■ BLE WINDOW shades, NEW CLETRAC tractors, portable ..AT A tX)t;RT OF PROBATE hfM Mra. Franklin—how ' nice to eee UNCLE GEORG'EJj^ (toguishly) WANTED street. Tel. 6497 ' ' guaranteed Phone 4607 \raCtor.» sawrigs, cement mixers, •t—Manchenter. within and fdr tha \ ■------^ ^ 39c also Holland window shades you! Hello, Dexter! (hand­ !vOh-bh—I’ll bet ycm’ve bee'n get­ BY GALBRAITH \V aN t KD YOUNG WOMEN to nuking machines, Fordson parts.' By The Associated ^res8 District of Manchester. oA the ,4th day SIDE GLANCES ASHES AND RUBBISH removed sew\overs on baseballs at home in all cblora, cut tn measure at of August, A.D.. 1945. somely) Boy, has he grown! ting into mischief. ----- MAN TO WORK AT OVERHAULING and repairing of Dunlin Tractor Company. VVlIll- Amnrlcap League ■ s?- ■ Attics, cellars and-yards cleaned - Sparser all time. Apply at Tober_ reasonable "prices at Marlow's. Present. WILLIAM 3. HYDE. Eaiq.^ Frankllii, you joyght to .be proud CORLISS: Wen—sort of. typewritersrArtd adding machines ■manm. Batting—Cuccinello. CTilcago, Judffe. ■ \ CLOSE SHOT—FAVORING ITY- 8TH d i s t r i c t S E W A G E R. Camposeo, telephbqe 5848' o ' Baseball Manufacturing Com­ Cast Iron skill?!, .,59c, canning of him! . 5WMTaas ^’Telephone 6925. ■ ' — .329; Stft-nweiss, New York, 318. Estate of MIrthle Miller, late of Man­ CLE GEORGE AND MRS. 7487. ■ pany, Elm .street, Manchester. Nfi ACdmore road, Man­ and thp 8aniP aro limited and altow for sen. Brooklyn, 138. ' c6 clouted two round trippera in Ihf^ i^pflHora within which to brinjf in Doubles Bostoi and can be arranged. street. ; chester. Phone 7191. . tlielr clalma airainst ' estate, and the 8-4 finale. Walker. Brooklyn, 31. A1 Benton, Tigera .and Johnny tin* aald adminlalratrlx m dlr»»cled to FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Using the Head BY ME^tRiLL BLOSSEH pive pnitllc notice tA the cretlltnra to , Triples .-^Olmo, Brooklyn, 1 Humphries, White Sox— Benton JONES REALTY brihi? In their claima within, aald time Walker. Brooklyn, 9. veattered eight Chicago hita to allowed by pdatiiTR. a copy of this Home runs—Workman. Boston, ~DV\ WORRIED ABOUT HEODR. You See.SON, r s h oni-v I ^ T HAN^A watch " T hen i hit ,e(M over, the HEAD earn hia llth vliptory, 6-2, in the , CATCHIN’ OtO IROMSIBfeS •' L BETTER BITE- AT A CERTAt^ .TlMe- N W WATERXAND WITH A HAWMEE, / r 36-38 O ak 'R treet ’ order on the public aijfnpoat neareat to 18: Holmes, Boston. 17. - WANTED! the place, where the deceased' last f l r ^ game; Humphriea 'bjanked LDO SOMtfWIN' ABOUT IT / OF d a y — SO I ’u. Ten-YOU THE FISH SWU^CUJOSe FOR SALE TeJ. 82.54 dwell within said town and by pub- Stolen bases-^ Schoendienst. 3t. the l^dera with four blowa tn the HOW -D OTCH 'CM ! TO s e e WHAT TIA/IB maintenance MACHINE REPAIH MAN llahinK the aami!'’, |n aoine newspaper Louis, 19; Clay, ..Cincinnati, 14. nightcfii), 7-0. ■ / ' _ . nr 1 5 / -J— p i — 4 6>Room Single,. Oil BRfn- T4IB1NG M a c h i n e O P E R A T O R havitur a clrculatit*n in aald probate Pitching -T- Cooper, Boston, 9-2, ■ r Johnson Mch. district, within ten days from the date ,8*8; Pa-sseau, Chicago, 12-4, .750. er. Steam heat.^-Garage in Experienced or TraineeT of this order, and rqtum make to this '.V basinnent. Located Corner court of the notice Riven.' ' X S 7 Good Wages! Bright Post-War Future! , WILLIAM 8. JIYDE. Judne. An orphan aaylum founded by Daytiine w.u.ypAfwr COWL w i IV siA iesvict. imx t.W sio. a a mt. ow iBranford street and Middle '■ ^ ■ i- ■ ■ " . - r T~ George Whltefleld in 1740 atill : : “Now here’s a lovely one^this i* really" super-sloppy T turnupike. Thi.s is a gtmd SPENCER RUBBER PRODUCTS CO. stanidR. ten miles south of Sayan- go home, dear? It’s full!" HELP Manci’cstcr. Conn. nah, Gsu , ! b o y ! . ti ■ Chapel Streef - Manchester. Conn. Colonial Potholder PRICE . . r . $6,500. _ N E E D S WANTED AH HiringDone in Accordance With the Area IWASH TUBRS Such Thoughts BY LESLIE TURNER 1— Cleveland Automatic ■ - Stabilization Plan. Three and One-half ^Acre 20lCarpenters / r e a l e s t a t e LISTINGS f W CPMPLAIMT eONdfRM YOUR VOlWd BROTHER, Mttf '' ’ 1 KUSH AT HIS MIE!n69RMA-'' HMM! WHV \ OHB mORE ABtlie OP Hir’PON'B 1 , Screw Machine-Setup Place. 4-Room Callage. Laborers Of AH Types Wsntedl TPC^ SMP-SAM RHAARKiP TO MM THAT THE CHWeSB _ ,T)0M~. Ml «AtP THAT THB MR. lAOSli H U j K O SP lTA U Ty, TIMA ByAM , AMO YOU Eleclricily anji, pump in 20 Man Caah AysMaMe. WIRS H Y "------AH PV CHttnUWjNMS 08IN4 S F W 30 HIM i BO TH * 0 TO A C O N C E in s A TK jM iwe. T. M. MO. u. r W ifWllC T*w^wHeKT»BB# WHAT \ P O ir n M N lW JABMKEE A T OMCBS C A M P l i U J 2 / kitchen. Located on Pucker 5 Bricklayers ^ 1—/Cleveland Automatic JARVIS REALTY CO. '■■X street, in Coventry. Screw Machine Oper­ Offlee 6I1S BeaMem* TSTS ..IJnexpecied Help BY F R E D HtA R I^A N ' 2 Stone Masons 80,5AV ^ RED RYDER P R IC E ...... T .~...$2,750. a tor ' Weeadsys sad Soadsys eJ J rT r r * o c op F^SFVr rtA\E S 1 Painter ' » flANtSOO)'' \ARRT I ( 1PNK CLOUS R&t>-rt£A£l - Post-\V%r Prtigram . TPOSlROf^Gi i.YAk:c viHncr Apply, " REHtdw', As.surect Men and !women to help in the production of war THE STUART material -needed to. cbmptel^ the job of defeating' Notice of Special A p p ly 9 'A . ,M.-;to 5 P, M. Jaitvis Realty COx Japan. REALTY CO. 6 Daver Road _ D aily.. . Towm Meeting *Ttote, Theater. Bulldln g 52 M AIN STREET We can use;,. ■ ' 755 Main Street Phone 4112 .or 7275 TeT 66t» » 7it6 .Ail hiring done In >ecordanc( - ’ . Loomflxers — Men The Legal Votcra of the Town Week Days and Sundays ivlth area manpower eoiitrols. Off Coventry are hereby warned X Weavers — Men and ,Women and directed to meet at the Sewing Machine Operator ■*- Woipfen Church Com'touBlty Houae, North Coventry, Conn., on wedneaday, - _ Spindle Machine Oiwrators — Women August 9, 1946, at 8 :0 0 -P. M.. to vote on the followtag article; _ General Help — Men and Women To eee If the 'Town will vote to authorize the Bdard of Selectmen HASHMARK MAN WANTED^ MALE HELP ' Trainees will be accepted for alL work except ■ to*-glve a deed ot the- farm former­ - V ■ ■■ loomfiking. ^ . EXPERIENCEDi-OR WILLING TO LEARN THE ly known aa the Alfred Young MAJOR HOOPLB WASTED place which the Town recenUy OUT OUR WAY BY J.iL WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLEi^BUSINESS lecelved In aettlement of a law CHENEY BROTHERS AND - KlULII^'NUE, ^ GOOD SALARY! PERMAP^ENT JOB! Full or P irl TUne. suit. 6&AD.FATHEti.MADl l^ Y lM Y0U'O& ^ ■* 5 0 0 8 Signed: YOO MCASJrr T& FtRJSMi a/'-r'V- oo erALK .5-DAY — 48-HbiuR: WEEK Apply ^ ^ PIONEER PARACHUTE COMPANIES George G.' Jacobson, ASOOT OMTUIS BePYCH ACOUNO ASWEET ' Arthur J. Vinton, OVER StpOaiPRSO LlKB Apply,At Cheney Brothers Employment Office \NlTHOUST A BATHlhiS SHlBT’ Colonial Board Arthur Sebert. r o HAMB REM M M & O ACT A FAT © A niD H l? <&0 Selectmen of Coventiy A & P SUPER MARKET * .All hiiing in accordance with Area Stabilization HOhAE/YfaUC. COSTOAA.e W Atl< HOME: IBROM A U --- 717 MAIN STREET X Company Attest: ‘Aloert E. Harmon, vesasES oi^ eOA^r R lO e AsJC> 4 Plan. Town Clerif 88S4 tSANE U m HMlW PUM; 616 Parker Street 36-52 IMMODEST.^-— : 5AY 4 ^ IT’S 'D lS lS R A C e i^ L /

By Soe Barnett By Mra. Anne OSbot Notice lUCKEY FINN More Worry I LANK LKUNAKD To, take you coolly and comfort­ As pretty as the best o f Grand­ ably through the summer — a O iB^.u s ri*.oa> mother’s old-faahtoned iiulltli —. ■ Democratic electors- of the graceful, unpretentious daytime IT'S A T ’S FI?OM T TWANk .HELLO, ^ mickey- so m e th in g - I TRIED TO CONVINCE fct fyiitoaha, HIM THAT THE BOVS WERE] Wg, thick, potholdera neatly hand- Town of Bolton are hereby warn­ frock especially designed for the OKAV WOMAN'S h ER.'ALL j GOODNESS' • CLANCV' ; h a pp e n e d HERE JUSt quilted and appliqued with bright ed to meet In Caucus at the dining matron. ’ ''♦low AND I rWINK I ONLY KIOOIN; MiCKEV A PACKAGE -I1.L S i ^ HANDWRITIN ) RIGHT' / NOW, MICHAEL, Howers. Do the morning glory ap­ room of the Community Hall, Bol- OUGHT TO TELL '«U -BUT ONE OP-EM plique’ in scrapa of blues and pur­ top Center, Saturday avcnlng^ at Pattern No. 8894 is designed for ’ poir POR IT ' THE RING ;iF VOU CAN sizes 36,'88, 40, 42, 44, 46. 48. 50 MUST BE IN 17 SONLV MAKE ABOUT *T' r e p e a t e d w h a t the ples. The Chinese lantern flowers S p. m.. Ahgust U, 1946, for the MR.PMLIP DOORMAN HAD SAID can be done m shades o j , yellow and 52. Size 38, short sleovet:, >o* FINN' AND HER NO'^E'; ‘»WILtP foUowing purposes: ABOUT MINTMORE- and orange. Use a medium dark 1.- To nominate officers for- the quires 8 7-8 yards of 36 or 39-inch UNDERSTAND. fabric. -AND PHIL • w e n t OU'*’ green for the leaves and bind the coming Town Election. WITH FIRE W holders in a lighter gregn. . 8. To e l^ t members ta^ the For this pattern, send 20 cents, Democrittic Town Commit­ EYE To obtain pattern for holders, Coins, your name, address, alze de-V actual alze ffower and leaf design, tee. sired, and the Pattern Number tof finishing Instructions for the Co­ 3. To do any ^ e r business Sue Burnett, The Manchester Eve­ lonial Potholders (Pattern Na proper to con^ before said ning Herald, 1160 glxth Avenue. 6008) send IS cen^i in coin, plus Caucus. ! New York 19. N. Y. 1 cent i^ ta g e , your name, ad­ Vlncenf Krzcaickl. dress anffthe pattern number to Chairman Democratic Town Send today for your copy of Committee. ’ Fashion’’—it’s fu'if of ideas for Bolton"’ c o n Z ‘ Ihla 6tnI summer wardrobe pUnnlng. 16 Hli&H CRIME ■ I III ------i * i ‘ day of August, 1948k cent^ iiaiBuijtot J a f m 19, N, Y , 1 \ I
