
Talking Book Topics September–October 2017 Volume 83, Number 6

Need help? Your local cooperating library is always the place to start. For general information and to order books, call 1-888-NLS-READ (1-888-657-7323) to be connected to your local cooperating library.

To find your library, visit www.loc.gov/nls and select “Find Your Library.”

To change your Talking Book Topics subscription, contact your local cooperating library.

Get books fast from BARD Most books and magazines listed in Talking Book Topics are available to eligible readers for download on the NLS Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) site. To use BARD, contact your local cooperating library or visit nlsbard.loc.gov for more information. The free BARD Mobile app is available from the App Store, Google Play, and Amazon’s Appstore.

About Talking Book Topics Talking Book Topics, published in audio, large print, and online, is distributed free to people unable to read regular print and is available in an abridged form in braille. Talking Book Topics lists titles recently added to the NLS collection. The entire collection, with hundreds of thousands of titles, is available at www.loc.gov/nls. Select “Catalog Search” to view the collection. Talking Book Topics is also online at www.loc.gov/nls/tbt and in downloadable audio files from BARD.

Overseas Service American citizens living abroad may enroll and request delivery to foreign addresses by contacting the NLS Overseas Librarian by phone at (202) 707-9261 or by email at [email protected].

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Music scores and instructional materials NLS music patrons can receive braille and large-print music scores and instructional recordings through the NLS Music Section. To learn more, email [email protected], call 1-800-424-8567 ext. 2, or visit www.loc.gov/nls/music/index.html.

Publication feedback? Share your thoughts about this publication by writing us at: NLS Publications and Media Section Library of Congress Washington, DC 20542 or email us at [email protected]. Library of Congress, Washington 2017 Catalog Card Number 60-46157 ISSN 0039-9183

Contents Talking Book Topics September–October 2017 Contents In Brief Books for Adults Adult Fiction Adventure Animals and Wildlife Family Fantasy General Gothics Historical Fiction Human Relationships Humor

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Legal Themes Medical Themes Mystery and Detective Occult and Horror Political Themes Psychological Themes Religious Themes Romance Science Fiction Spies and Espionage Suspense War Stories Westerns Adult Nonfiction Arts Astronomy Biography Business and Economics Computers Cooking Crime Diet and Nutrition Drama and Theater Family Folktales Gardening General Geography Government and Politics Hobbies and Crafts Page 3 of 128

Language Legal Issues Literature Marriage and Sex Medicine and Health Music Nature and the Environment Philosophy Poetry Psychology and Self-Help Religion Science and Technology Social Sciences Sports and Recreation Stage and Screen U.S. History World History Books for Children Children’s Fiction Adventure Animals Family Fantasy Friendship Growing Up Historical Fiction Holidays Humor Mystery Scary Stories Page 4 of 128

School Science Fiction Sports Stories Children's Nonfiction Animals Biography History Medicine and Health Nature and the Environment Science and Technology Sports and Recreation Foreign Language Books Español Audio Magazines

In Brief

Audio magazine about retirement savings available on BARD Published monthly, Kiplinger’s Retirement Report covers practical strategies to help grow retirement savings, how to make money last during retirement, maximization of Social Security and Medicare benefits, and other retirement- related topics. An audio version of Kiplinger’s Retirement Report produced by volunteers at the Florida Bureau of Braille and Talking Book Library in Daytona Page 5 of 128

Beach is now available for download from the NLS Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) website and also for subscription through the NLS Magazine on Cartridge program under the magazine code KRR4.Contact your local cooperating braille and talking book library to change your Magazine on Cartridge subscription.

Newsletter on new NLS initiatives launches NLS has many new things on the horizon in the next two years and in July a newsletter called “NLS on the Move” was launched to keep libraries and subscribers updated on the progress of four new pilot projects designed to create greater efficiencies for our network of cooperating libraries and get more NLS materials to more patrons faster:

Duplication-on-Demand. To reduce wait times for talking books, NLS is testing a system that allows network libraries to duplicate talking-book files onto digital cartridges at their own state-based locations.

Synthetic Speech. In-person voice recording is still our gold standard, but synthetic speech can help us make available material we couldn’t easily record and bring new, time-sensitive materials to patrons more quickly.

Wireless Download. NLS is exploring wireless transmission of talking-book files directly to simple devices in patrons’ homes, which would then load the files onto blank cartridges for use in NLS’s players.

Braille eReader. Braille eReaders can turn a digital file instantaneously into braille for tactile reading. NLS—working with the renowned Perkins Library in Massachusetts—is studying the viability of providing eReaders to our patrons.

The following is a reprint of the first four newsletter issues:

NLS on the Move

July 13, 2017 We’re glad to share this introductory issue of our On the Move bulletin. We’ll use it to give you the latest updates on NLS initiatives—updates that you can reuse in

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your own communications. Look for On the Move toward the end of every month. —Karen Keninger, Director

A new front door on the Web The NLS website at www.loc.gov/nls opened its new front door on Sunday, July 9, when our long-awaited revamping of it went live. Most major URLs important to longstanding users within the website have not changed, or have been made painless by internal redirects. New, more explicit, navigation will lead first-time visitors to what they need to find quickly. Three reasons make this the right moment for a new NLS website. First, we are undertaking several major pilots during 2017 and 2018 whose results, we hope, will help us widen our audiences and improve our services to cooperating net- work libraries, and, through them, to our end-user patrons. Second, we want to address a vast audience that has been, in the past, somewhat neglected by our website: visitors who do not use screen readers, but for whom features like monitor contrast tools and font-size adjustments are helpful. Third, a new generation of patrons makes a fresh website crucial. A website in 2017 must be meaningful to longstanding patrons—but also to younger users and others who reach us on mobile devices, to a new generation of veterans and those with physical disabilities who don’t yet see themselves as seniors, and to new organizations who want to help us share the message of our services with their staff and patrons. And if those three reasons weren’t enough, the NLS offices in Washington, D.C., have been undergoing a major renovation this year—so it’s good timing to have a virtual renovation on the web in parallel with our architectural renovation. Websites in 2017 are never truly “done,” and ours is no different. We’ll be iterating on improvements over the next few weeks, so please make your voices heard if there are problems you encounter, fixes that are necessary, or suggestions you would like to make. You’ll find a link right on the homepage asking for your feedback. Make use of it—that’s what it’s for!

July 27, 2017 Libraries begin testing duplication-on-demand NLS has now completed initial development and is staging all the materials necessary for its duplication-on-demand pilot, working with six libraries from our cooperating network, in Arkansas, the District of Columbia, Kentucky, North Dakota, and Virginia (where two libraries are participating). The libraries in the pilot all have WebREADS as their integrated library system (ILS)—a prerequisite for participation in the pilot. But the long-term aspiration is for the duplication- Page 7 of 128

on-demand functionality to be available in other library automation systems, including CUL and KLAS, permitting users of those systems to participate. Why do we need this? When the distribution of digital talking-book files on cartridges commenced, it was implemented in a way that mirrored the system used for books on cassette: one book per cartridge, which circulated to patrons and was stored until required. Duplication-on-demand allows the cooperating network libraries across the country to create customized cartridges at their own location, containing books based on the specific requests of the patrons whom they serve. And it makes all the titles in the NLS collection available all the time for all patrons without requiring libraries to stock physical copies of books or to anticipate demand. “Ease of circulation is the key theme here, and also the long term goal,” says Michael Katzmann, chief of the Materials Development Division at NLS. “Think of it not just as a more convenient duplication system, but as groundwork for an electronic, Internet-based service to come. That’s where all circulation is headed. If our pilot shows the success we expect, we would urge all of our network libraries—not just those using WebREADS—to talk to their ILS providers so we can roll out the service more widely.” Duplication-on-demand helps with several key problems faced by our network libraries: current centralized duplication of talking-book cartridges requires network libraries to estimate demand and then to store cartridges not circulating; excess inventory must eventually be recycled; and centralized selection of what goes on a cartridge prevents customization for patrons and limits circulation to the copies already available—which may not include older titles recently converted to digital cartridge format. Reducing these nuts-and-bolts problems can free up resources throughout our network to be redirected locally to what individual libraries do best: provide patron support and service. And NLS is here to support that every way we can.

August 31, 2017 NLS and Perkins team up for eReader pilot “Braille needs to migrate. It needs to follow print into the electronic era where it can be more flexible, more ubiquitous, more accessible, more manageable.” These are the words of NLS Director Karen Keninger at the April 2016 NLS national conference in San Francisco. And now we’re seeing that migration come about. Earlier this month, Kim Charlson, Executive Director of the Perkins Library, and Keninger, representing NLS, stood side by side to announce a practical step toward the future of braille distribution. They were launching a pilot to test the effectiveness of distributing Page 8 of 128

digital braille files for use on braille eReaders—those refreshable braille displays that are now becoming more widespread and portable. In the pilot, the Perkins Library is providing braille eReaders to registered borrowers in order to test the ease of use and effectiveness of electronic braille files on the devices. Non-braille users might be surprised to learn what a difference a change to electronic distribution can make for braille users. Digital files have been used for years to produce hard-copy paper braille books, which, when printed, require between two to eight physical volumes per title. That bulkiness—in production, handling, shipping, storage—is exactly what digital files and braille eReaders can help alleviate. No more struggling to get giant volumes of summer reading into a weekend bag! There’s no question that the fundamental process of distributing digital braille files works, and that eReaders can serve them up easily for users of braille. What we still need to understand is how best to turn that process into practice. What’s the right format for distributing the files? Can it be easily scaled to serve as many patrons with as many braille files as possible? Can we ensure the process lightens the burden on cooperating network libraries? And, above all, is the process easy for patrons to use? It’s exactly the right moment for this pilot. Braille eReaders have been around for decades, but their cost has put them out of reach of many. Now eReaders are becoming more affordable and easier to operate. The pilot is timed to help NLS, and partner organizations like the Perkins Library, prepare for wider use among their patrons. NLS will keep you posted as the pilot unfolds. It’s not just NLS, it’s braille itself that’s on the move.

September 28, 2017 NLS ad campaign in full swing A young girl sits at a dining room table cluttered with crayons, models of space shuttles, toy rockets, and an astronaut helmet. She’s intently reading a book: Astronaut Abby’s Space Adventures. “There’s no place like space,” she says dreamily. The phone rings and she runs to video chat with her grandfather. She excitedly shows him her book and asks if he’s read it. “No,” he replies sadly. “I’d love to, but the print is just too small.” That’s the opening scene in a commercial for NLS that was filmed last month and will air on cable TV stations nationwide beginning this winter. A radio commercial also will be created from audio recorded that day.

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The TV and radio commercials will continue the NLS multimedia campaign that began in June with the launch of ads on Internet search engines and Facebook. The ads reach out to veterans and students with visual impairments, aging adults, caregivers, and people with physical disabilities who would benefit from NLS services. “The goal of these ads is to get people to visit our That All May Read website (www.loc.gov/thatallmayread) and, if they meet the eligibility requirements, to apply and enroll in the program,” NLS director Karen Keninger said. “We’re getting around 1,000 visitors to the website every day, and many of them will enroll or share information about NLS with relatives and friends who are eligible.” This isn’t the first time NLS has gone online and on the air to tell the public about its program. In the summer of 2016, NLS sent public service announcements (PSAs) to TV and radio stations around the country. The PSAs have a long shelf-life, but in the first seven months alone the TV PSA aired more than 30,000 times on 166 stations, and the two radio PSAs aired on more than 50 stations each. NLS also successfully used online ads to drive traffic to its Facebook page (www.facebook.com/thatallmayread). We’re excited about this latest marketing campaign—and look forward to telling you more about the TV and radio ads in the coming months!

Newsstand The following announcements may be of interest to readers. The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped reserves the right to publish announcements selectively, as space permits. The items mentioned, however, are not part of the NLS program, and their listing does not imply endorsement or support.

Audio description available on Amazon videos In June 2017 Amazon Video began supporting audio description, providing customers who are blind or visually impaired access to professional narration describing what is taking place during stretches where there is no dialog. More than 133 movies from studios such as Disney, Lionsgate, NBC, Paramount, and Warner Brothers are now available with English audio descriptions, including such titles as The Hunger Games, Inception, Captain America: Civil War, and The Big Short. Also, ten of the most popular Amazon Original TV shows such as Bosch, The Man in the High Castle, Mozart in the Jungle, Transparent, Creative Galaxy, and Gortimer Gibbons are also now available with audio description for

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select seasons. Audio descriptions are available on popular titles included with an Amazon Prime Video subscription, as well as those for purchase or rent. The feature is available on Fire TV, Fire Tablets, iOS devices, and Android devices. Customers can view and browse through titles with audio descriptions by going to www.amazon.com/video/audiodescription. The selection of titles available on the page will be updated continuously. To play a title with audio descriptions, customers just need to select the “English-audio description” option from the “Subtitles and Audio” menu during playback. To provide feedback to Amazon on their audio description services, email: [email protected].

Hadley offers Self-Esteem and Adjusting with Blindness course Has vision loss impacted your sense of self-esteem? Many of us, whether blind or sighted, can struggle with self-esteem from time to time. Hadley’s course, “Self- Esteem and Adjusting with Blindness,” explores a number of blindness-specific issues on intellectual and emotional levels in order to help you reach a place of greater self-awareness and self-acceptance. Free of charge, this course is available in braille, large print, or in Digital Talking Book (DTB) cartridge. Call Hadley at 1 (855) 830-5355 to enroll.

Books for Adults

Books listed in this issue of Talking Book Topics were recently sent to cooperating libraries. The complete collection contains a wide range of fiction and nonfiction books, including biographies, classics, westerns, mysteries, romances, and others. Registered users may also immediately download all titles and magazines from the NLS Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) service at Page 11 of 128

https://nlsbard.loc.gov. The free BARD Mobile app is available from the App Store, Google Play, and Amazon’s Appstore for reading talking books on your personal smart phone or tablet. To learn more about the collection or to sign up for BARD, contact your local cooperating library. Regional library telephone numbers and email addresses are listed on the last pages of this magazine. Books within the headings Adult Fiction and Adult Nonfiction are listed alphabetically by subject category, author last name, and title. For example the title War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy would be listed in Adult Fiction under the Classics subject category and by the last name Tolstoy. Note: A notice may appear immediately following the book description to indicate occurrences of violence, strong language, or descriptions of sex. The word “some” before any of these terms indicates an occasional or infrequent occurrence, as in “some strong language.” Commercial audiobooks for which NLS does not have access to the print book may display the notice “unrated,” which means that the book may or may not contain violence, strong language, or descriptions of sex.

Adult Fiction

Adventure Last Descendants: Assassin's Creed DB86339 7 hours 27 minutes by Matthew J. Kirby read by Gregory Maupin To clear his father's name, fifteen-year-old Owen accesses his genetic memories with a machine called Animus. But he ends up unlocking and entering a history he never fathomed. Based on Ubisoft Entertainment's video game Assassin's Creed. Some violence. For junior and senior high and older readers. 2016.

Those in Peril DB87722 14 hours 12 minutes by Wilbur Smith read by Rupert Degas Oil heiress Hazel Bannock and her nineteen-year-old daughter, Cayla, are cruising the Indian Ocean when they are attacked by pirates and Cayla is kidnapped. Hazel calls in the head of her company's security, Hector Cross, and they work to free Cayla. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2011. Page 12 of 128

Animals and Wildlife The Dog Who Danced DB87561 10 hours 15 minutes by Susan Wilson read by various narrators Throughout the loss of her mother, home, and son, Justine Meade relies on the companionship of her Sheltie, Mack. When notified of her father's impend- ing death, she travels home, but on the way she loses both her ride and Mack. A rescued Mack's new family needs love too. Unrated. Commercial audio- book. 2012.

Family We Are All Made of Stars DB87272 9 hours 54 minutes by Rowan Coleman read by Faith Potts Night nurse Stella helps hospice patients write letters to their loved ones that will be sent after the patients have died. Stella is unsure how to reconnect with her husband, a veteran, but one patient's letter forces her to reconsider the rules. Some violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2015.

Commonwealth DB86217 10 hours 9 minutes by Ann Patchett read by Kristin Allison Deputy District Attorney Burt Cousins unexpectedly shows up at the christening party for cop Fix Keating's baby daughter. Burt meets Fix's beautiful wife, Beverly, and steals a kiss. The ramifications of this play out for both families over five decades. Strong language. Bestseller. 2016.

Fantasy Merrow DB87651 6 hours 24 minutes by Ananda Braxton-Smith read by Nona Pipes Enduring whispers about her absent mother's alleged merrow origins after her father drowns, Neen questions her identity as she becomes increasingly torn

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between the world of the sea and her island home. For junior and senior high and older readers. 2010.

The Skill of Our Hands DB87465 12 hours 54 minutes by Steven Brust and Skyler White read by Alec Volz The Incrementalists live on after their bodies die, influencing the world gradually over time. When Incrementalist Phil is murdered, his widow and colleagues work to uncover his killer and find him a new host. Sequel to The Incrementalists (DB82529). Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2017.

The Insides DB86369 6 hours 47 minutes by Jeremy P. Bushnell read by Mare Trevathan Ollie Krueger, who works as a butcher in New York, thinks she has left her days as a street magician behind her until she notices a coworker using a magic knife. She encounters Maja, who has a magical talent for finding things. Violence and strong language. 2016.

The Crimson Crown: A Seven Realms Novel, Book 4 DB86206 17 hours 52 minutes by Cinda Williams Chima read by Jill Fox Queen Raisa struggles to maintain the peace as tensions between the wizards and the clan escalate. Meanwhile, Han Alister, now a member of the Wizard Council of the Fells, inspires hostility among the kingdom and tries to resist his romantic feelings for Raisa. For senior high and older readers. 2012.

The Gray Wolf Throne: A Seven Realms Novel, Book 3 DB86056 16 hours 0 minutes by Cinda Williams Chima read by Jill Fox After saving her life, thief-turned-wizard Han Alister joins forces with Raisa, heir to the Queendom of the Fells, to defend her right to the Gray Wolf Throne. Meanwhile, Raisa's enemies grow bolder and more determined to see her fail. For senior high and older readers. 2011.

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A Crown of Wishes DB87487 10 hours 24 minutes by Roshani Chokshi read by Priya Ayyar Gauri, the princess of Bharata, has been taken as a prisoner of war. Hope unexpectedly comes in the form of Vikram, the cunning prince of a neigh- boring land and her sworn-enemy kingdom. Companion to The Star-Touched Queen (DB84702). Unrated. Commercial audiobook. For senior high and older readers. 2017.

The Invisible Library DB86252 10 hours 57 minutes by Genevieve Cogman read by Deborah Desmone Irene works as an agent for the Invisible Library, tracking down rare manuscripts from alternate realities. She and her assistant travel to a version of Victorian London only to find that the book they seek has already been stolen. Some violence. 2016.

Undead Series, Books 6–8 DB85918 14 hours 35 minutes by MaryJanice Davidson read by Erin Jones Three novels in series about the continuing adventures of Betsy Taylor, vampire queen, written between 2007 and 2009. In Undead and Uneasy, Betsy's wedding is approaching when her fiancé, Sinclair, goes missing. Also includes Undead and Unworthy and Undead and Unwelcome. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2009.

Amberlough DB87718 11 hours 29 minutes by Lara Elena Donnelly read by Mary Robinette Kowal Cyril DePaul is a gay man and a spy in the decadent city of Amberlough. A botched mission forces Cyril to work for the conservative One State Party, which endangers not only his lover Aristide, who is an emcee at a local , but all of Amberlough. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

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In the Shadow of the Gods: A Bound Gods Novel DB86313 13 hours 33 minutes by Rachel Dunne read by Kurt Elftmann In ages past, the gods known as the Parents cast down their twin offspring, binding them below the earth. Now, a priest named Joros is gathering followers to attempt to free the Twins, while others attempt to oppose him. Violence. 2016.

The Cold Eye: The Devil's West, Book 2 DB87513 14 hours 15 minutes by Laura Anne Gilman read by Terry Donnelly As the Left Hand of the Devil, Isobel has been riding a circuit of the Territory, along with her mentor, Gabriel. Investigating what seems like a natural disaster, they discover that something has poisoned the magic of the land. Sequel to Silver on the Road (DB83792). Strong language and some violence. 2017.

Bookburners: Season 1 DB87629 23 hours 47 minutes by Max Gladstone and others read by Emily Ellet Four fantasy authors collaborate on linked stories originally released as an online serial. After her brother steals a book that eats his soul, NYPD cop Sal Brooks is recruited by a team from the Vatican that deals with magic and rare books. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2015.

Traitor to the Throne: A Rebel of the Sands Novel DB87532 15 hours 7 minutes by Alwyn Hamilton read by Cynthia Farrell Desperate to uncover the Sultan's secrets by spying on his court, gunslinger Amani is taken captive by the forces of the Sultan, whose agenda seems less tyrannical than originally believed. Sequel to Rebel of the Sands (DB84465). Violence and some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2017.

The Weaver's Lament: The Symphony of Ages, Book 9 DB86342 12 hours 27 minutes by Elizabeth Haydon read by Erin Jones Page 16 of 128

The final volume of the Symphony of Ages series begins after the events of The Hollow Queen (DB82645), with the Cymrian Alliance on the brink of civil war. Rhapsody must choose between husband Ashe and her two oldest friends, Achmed and Grunthor. Violence and some descriptions of sex. 2016.

The Girl from Everywhere DB85361 9 hours 55 minutes by Heidi Heilig read by Anne Hancock Sixteen-year-old Nix has sailed across the globe and through centuries aboard her time-traveling father's pirate ship, but when he gambles with her very existence, it all may come to an end. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2016.

The Ship beyond Time DB87632 10 hours 6 minutes by Heidi Heilig read by Gabriella Cavallero Captain of a time-traveling ship, sixteen-year-old Nix learns about her best friend Kashmir's terrible destiny. Her only hope is to find a fellow Navigator and learn how to manipulate time. Sequel to The Girl from Everywhere (DB85361). Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2017.

Empire of Dust DB86381 15 hours 44 minutes by Eleanor Herman read by J.P. Linton Prince Alexander struggles to balance being a strong ruler against becoming a tyrant. Meanwhile, a prophecy must remain a secret, scandals flourish, and a Persian princess works to mislead her captors. Sequel to Legacy of Kings (DB85435). Violence and descriptions of sex. For senior high and older readers. 2016.

The Fate of the Tearling DB87450 17 hours 32 minutes by Erika Johansen read by Jill Fox Kelsea, Queen of the Tearling, surrendered to the Red Queen at the end of Invasion of the Tearling (DB82530), but she is still plagued by visions of the past. Page 17 of 128

In those visions, she witnesses the fall of William Tear's utopian settlement. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2016.

The Perdition Score: A Sandman Slim Novel DB86346 8 hours 55 minutes by Richard Kadrey read by Gregory Maupin The head of Los Angeles's magical underground, Thomas Abbot, asks James Stark, aka Sandman Slim, to help find a missing boy. His investigation leads him to Wormwood, a group of magic users trafficking in a mysterious black liquid that could upset the balance in heaven's war. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

Passing Strange DB87510 4 hours 25 minutes by Ellen Klages read by Lisa DeCaro In the present day, Helen Young is trying to sell the last painting by famous pulp magazine illustrator Haskel. Flashback to 1940 San Francisco, where Haskel is part of a bohemian group of lesbians who dabble in magic. Some strong language. 2017.

Last Call at the Nightshade Lounge: A Novel of Magic and Mixology DB86212 8 hours 5 minutes by Paul Krueger read by Teresa Willis While walking home from working the closing shift at a bar in Chicago, Bailey Chen is attacked by a demonic creature. She fights it off and learns of a mysterious order of bartenders who use mixology to gain powers that help them fight monsters. Violence and strong language. 2016.

Heroine Complex DB87451 12 hours 42 minutes by Sarah Kuhn read by Abigail Maupin As personal assistant to famous superhero Aveda Jupiter, Evie Tanaka's days consist of trying to keep her demanding boss happy. When Aveda is injured in a demonic attack, Evie is forced to reveal that she too has superpowers. Some violence, some strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016. Page 18 of 128

Sins of Empire DB87492 20 hours 27 minutes by Brian McClellan read by Christian Rodska Lady Flint's mercenary company is in Fatrasta, putting down local rebellions. They are asked to find the leader of the Palo uprising, aided by secret policeman Michel Bravis, who has a separate mission of his own. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Revenge and the Wild DB86358 8 hours 38 minutes by Michelle Modesto read by Mare Trevathan Seventeen-year-old foul-mouthed Westie, the notorious adopted daughter of inventor Nigel Butler, lives in the lawless western town of Rogue City. When wealthy investors arrive in town, Westie is convinced that they are the ones who murdered her kin. Strong language and some violence. For senior high and older readers. 2016.

Feversong: A Fever Novel DB87250 16 hours 43 minutes by Karen Marie Moning read by Mary Kane Having been possessed by an evil book at the end of Feverborn (DB83754), Mac must rely on her allies to find the Seelie Queen. Only she can wield the Song of Making and heal the broken world. Strong language, descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2017.

Stealing Snow DB87521 11 hours 4 minutes by Danielle Paige read by Emily Ellet Seventeen-year-old Snow escapes the Whittaker Psychiatric Institute by fleeing into the woods. She finds herself in icy Algid—her true home—with witches, thieves, and an alluring boy named Kai. There Snow discovers her royal lineage. Some violence. For senior high and older readers. 2016.

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On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness: The Wingfeather Saga, Book 1 DB86374 11 hours 33 minutes by Andrew Peterson read by Erik Sandvold Three siblings, Janner, Tink, and Leeli Igiby, find a mysterious map and embark on a grand adventure to undercover their family secrets and search for a lost treasure. For senior high and older readers. 2008.

Lifeblood DB87524 12 hours 23 minutes by Gena Showalter read by Eva Wilhelm Having chosen her realm in the Everlife, Ten faces the consequences of her decision and endeavors to save her Secondlife. Meanwhile, the war between Troika and Myriad rages, a situation that is further complicated by Ten's inability to forget Killian. Sequel to Firstlife (DB84324). For senior high and older readers. 2017.

The Crown's Game DB86117 11 hours 11 minutes by Evelyn Skye read by George Holmes With threats emerging, the tsar initiates the Crown's Game to find one special enchanter—but the loser of the game will have to face a death sentence. Two powerful teen contenders, Vika and Nikolai, duel with magic; only they never thought they would fall in love. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2016.

Ever the Hunted DB87519 11 hours 38 minutes by Erin Summerill read by Terry Donnelly The outcast daughter of a bounty hunter, Britta Flannery must use her powers to track her father's killer in a world of warring kingdoms and dangerous magic. Some violence and some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2016.

The Liberation DB87678 14 hours 49 minutes Page 20 of 128

by Ian Tregillis read by Chris Kayser The infection of free will is spreading among the automatons known as Clakkers, and the Dutch who use the machines to control their empire find themselves facing a revolution. Meanwhile, Berenice and the French seek an alliance with the Clakkers. Sequel to The Rising (DB83338). Unrated. Commercial audio- book. 2016.

The Blood Mirror DB87676 20 hours 32 minutes by Brent Weeks read by Simon Vance Former emperor Gavin Guile, still without his powers, is locked in the prison he built for his brother. He must make a deal with his father if he wants to escape and help win the battle against the White King. Sequel to The Broken Eye (DB81075). Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2016.

General The Angel of History DB86336 10 hours 4 minutes by Rabih Alameddine read by Andy Pyle In the course of a night in the waiting room of a psychiatric ward, Jacob revisits his life with the assistance of Satan, Death, and fourteen saints. His story winds across the world and through the time of AIDS. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

Number 11 DB87471 12 hours 21 minutes by Jonathan Coe read by Abigail Maupin Five linked stories begin with young friends Rachel and Alison visiting a local madwoman who lives in the woods. The number eleven recurs throughout, including on an old film canister, a bus route, a banquet table, and a subbasement. Loose sequel to The Winshaw Legacy (DB41722). Strong language. 2015.

The Red Notebook DB86377 3 hours 52 minutes by Antoine Laurain Page 21 of 128

read by John Haag After a woman is mugged on the streets of Paris, she winds up in a coma. Bookstore owner Laurent finds her handbag abandoned nearby and uses clues from the bag, including a red notebook, to track the woman down. Translated from French. 2015.

The Godmothers, Books 1–3 DB87506 23 hours 48 minutes by Fern Michaels read by various narrators The first three books in a series about four friends, written between 2009 and 2011. In The Scoop, Teresa "Toots" Amelia Loudenberry, a sixty-five-year-old widow, convinces her three best friends to help her buy a Hollywood tabloid. Also includes Exclusive and Late Edition. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2011.

Indelible DB87615 11 hours 42 minutes by Adelia Saunders read by Jennifer Hubbard Magdalena, a Lithuanian living in Paris, sees other people's lives and histories written in words upon their skin. She meets Neil, surprised to find her own name on his face. Meanwhile, Neil's father, Richard, is in Paris researching the mother who abandoned him. Strong language. 2017.

Gothics In the Shadow of Lakecrest DB87603 8 hours 50 minutes by Elizabeth Blackwell read by Kate Kiley 1928. When Kate Moore meets Matthew Lemont on a cruise ship, all she is looking for is a man who can care for her. They marry, and when she meets his family, deeply buried secrets threaten her chance for happiness. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 2017.

Historical Fiction The Hamilton Affair DB86279 14 hours 2 minutes by Elizabeth Cobbs Page 22 of 128

read by Celeste Lawson Alexander Hamilton and Elizabeth Schuyler are firebrands in different parts of the world until they are brought together during the American Revolution. They both work for freedom and deeply love one another, despite challenges from both outside and inside their marriage. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 2016.

For the Most Beautiful: A Novel of the Women of Troy DB87622 11 hours 10 minutes by Emily Hauser read by Jennifer Hubbard A retelling of the Trojan War through the eyes of women. Focuses on Krisayis, the daughter of a high priest, and Briseis, a princess. Both are captured as slaves by the Greeks and become pawns of both the gods and the fighters. Some violence. 2017.

We Were the Lucky Ones DB87700 15 hours 38 minutes by Georgia Hunter read by various narrators On the eve of World War II, Addy Kurc receives a letter from his mother in Poland telling him to stay in Paris and avoid Germany. The Kurc family scatters around the world as they try to survive Nazi efforts to extinguish Jews. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

A Piece of the World DB87630 7 hours 16 minutes by Christina Baker Kline read by Mare Trevathan Christina Olson, whose legs are weakened by a childhood illness, lives most of her life in her family home. There, she is burdened by her family history, until she is visited by painter Andrew Wyeth. As Andrew becomes entwined with her family, Christina reflects on her world. Bestseller. 2017.

The Shadow Land DB87695 18 hours 38 minutes by Elizabeth Kostova read by various narrators

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While assisting an elderly couple and their son, Alexandra Boyd accidentally acquires the ashes of violinist Stoyan Lazarov. Alexandra attempts to return the remains, but threats reaching back into Stoyan's lifetime thwart her. She must uncover secrets relating to Stoyan. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

The Second Winter DB86308 11 hours 52 minutes by Craig Larsen read by Brian Hemmingsen Half-Jewish Polina is forced into becoming a prostitute in the early days of World War II. In Jutland, Fredrik earns money by transporting Jewish refugees to Sweden and sometimes stealing from them. The path of Fredrik's son Oskar crosses with Polina's in Copenhagen. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

Fire in the Streets DB86362 6 hours 2 minutes by Kekla Magoon read by Mare Trevathan In the aftermath of Dr. King's assassination in 1968, fourteen-year-old Maxie longs to join the Black Panthers, and she is soon caught up in the violence of anti-war and civil rights demonstrations. Sequel to The Rock and the River (DB69290). Some violence and some strong language. For senior high read- ers. 2012.

Judas DB87499 9 hours 59 minutes by Amos Oz read by David Hartley-Margolin In 1959, twenty-five-year-old Shmuel leaves his studies and finds work as a caretaker for seventy-year-old Gershom. As Shmuel's life intertwines with Gershom's, he also forms a relationship with their housemate, Atalia, the daughter of a deceased Zionist leader. Translated from the original 2014 Hebrew edition. Some descriptions of sex. 2016.

Pharaoh DB86687 13 hours 31 minutes by Wilbur Smith read by Gary Tipton Page 24 of 128

Ancient Egypt. Former slave Taita, from Desert God (DB80506), is a general in Pharaoh Tamose's army. Tamose is killed in combat with the Hyksos, and his son Utteric rises to power. Utteric condemns Taita, but Rameses helps Taita escape as they plot Utteric's downfall. Violence and some strong language. 2016.

Kopp Sisters, Books 1–2 DB86312 22 hours 10 minutes by Amy Stewart read by Terry Donnelly Two novels, written in 2015 and 2016, based on the real-life adventures of one of America's first female deputies and her sisters. In Girl Waits with Gun, in 1914, thirty-five-year-old Constance Kopp's run-in with a factory owner makes her and her sisters targets. Includes Lady Cop Makes Trouble. 2016.

Radio Girls DB85897 14 hours 24 minutes by Sarah-Jane Stratford read by Pilar Witherspoon 1926. Down to her last coins, Maisie Musgrave interviews at the BBC. She becomes the assistant to both the director-general, John Reith, and to influential producer Hilda Matheson. Hilda and John are at odds, but Hilda's past work with MI-5 leads her and Maisie into investigating British Fascists. Some vio- lence. 2016.

An Irish Country Love Story DB87750 13 hours 53 minutes by Patrick Taylor read by John Keating 1967. A new doctor, Nonie Stevenson, joins the practice of Fingal O'Reilly and Barry Laverty, but she may not fit in. Barry and his fiancée, Sue Nolan, plan for their wedding. Ballybucklebo villagers come to O'Reilly's aid when he is in danger of losing his home. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2016.

Miss Jane DB86071 8 hours 48 minutes by Brad Watson read by Catherine Byers Jane Chisolm is born in 1915 with a congenital malformation of her genitalia. While it does cause issues, she learns to work around them and explores the world Page 25 of 128

around her with the help of her family and doctor. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

The Edge of the Fall DB86353 14 hours 38 minutes by Kate Williams read by Kristin Allison The de Witt family struggles in the aftermath of the events of World War I that they experienced in The Storms of War (DB84893). Parents Rudolf and Verena let their estate, Stoneythorpe Hall, fall into disrepair. Daughter Celia runs off to London. Some violence. 2016.

Everything Belongs to Us DB87692 13 hours 0 minutes by Yoojin Grace Wuertz read by Greta Jung Four students attend Seoul National University in the late 1970s. Jisun rejects her family's privileged connections. Namin is on scholarship and hopes to lift her family from poverty. Sunam is torn between Jisun and Namin. Juno cares only for his own advancement. Their roads diverge and converge. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Human Relationships The Tightrope Walkers DB87625 7 hours 8 minutes by David Almond read by Gregory Maupin Dominic is torn between the extremes of his shipbuilder family's lifestyle in northern England, a complex bully to whom he finds himself irresistibly drawn, and the eccentric artist girl he loves. Dom's true passion, however, is tightrope walking. Some violence and some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2014.

Taduno's Song DB87727 6 hours 28 minutes by Odafe Atogun read by Prentice Onayemi When his music becomes too subversive for the ruling dictatorial regime, Taduno leaves his native Nigeria. He receives a letter from his girlfriend, Lela, prompting Page 26 of 128

his return. When he arrives, he finds Lela has been kidnapped, and no one from his past recognizes him. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

The Idiot DB87693 13 hours 41 minutes by Elif Batuman read by Elif Batuman A semi-autobiographical novel about Selin, daughter of Turkish immigrants and a freshman at Harvard University in 1995. She struggles to find her direction, taking classes at random and forming an attachment to an older student with whom she exchanges emails. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Essential Maps for the Lost DB86364 8 hours 29 minutes by Deb Caletti read by Kristin Allison When teenager Mads discovers a dead body while swimming in a lake, she thinks the ordeal will end there, but Mads soon obsesses over who the woman was. Matters grow even more complicated when Mads falls for Billy, the woman’s troubled son. Strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2016.

The First Wife: A Tale of Polygamy DB86182 11 hours 49 minutes by Paulina Chiziane read by Emily Ellet After twenty years of marriage, Rami discovers her husband Tony has been having multiple affairs. When he is forced to marry them according to Mozambican law, Rami bands the wives together to demand their due from him. Translated from the 2002 Portuguese edition. 2016.

Winning DB86370 7 hours 4 minutes by Lara Deloza read by Mare Trevathan The current queen of Spencer High, Alexandra Miles, manipulates her fellow classmates easily. When Erin Hewett moves to town and people adore her, Alexandra will do what it takes to ensure the homecoming crown remains hers for the taking. Strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2016.

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The Arrangement DB87581 9 hours 2 minutes by Sarah Dunn read by Ellen Archer Owen and Lucy have been married for nine years and are parents of an autistic son. They decide to experiment with an open marriage, setting a strict six-month time limit and ground rules, including no falling in love. But things don't go as planned. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Dime DB86231 7 hours 24 minutes by E.R. Frank read by Catherine Byers Fourteen-year-old Dime, a foster child in a city, believes she has finally found love and family as a prostitute. When her pimp, Daddy, exploits an eleven-year- old, however, Dime struggles with her new beliefs. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. For senior high and older readers. 2015.

Bang DB87730 5 hours 39 minutes by Barry Lyga read by Charlie Thurston A special friendship with new neighbor Aneesa gives fourteen-year-old Sebastian hope that he might be able to move on from accidentally shooting his infant sister ten years earlier. They bond over his cooking hobby and create a YouTube channel together. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. For senior high and older readers. 2017.

If Not for You DB87546 10 hours 48 minutes by Debbie Macomber read by Khristine Hvam Eager to get away from her controlling mother, Beth moves to Portland, Oregon, to work as a music teacher. She agrees to a blind date with mechanic Sam, partly because she knows it would horrify her mother. An accident creates a bond between them. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

One of the Boys DB87717 3 hours 49 minutes Page 28 of 128

by Daniel Magariel read by Ryan Dalusung A father who has won custody of his two sons takes them to Albuquerque to start a new life. His erratic behavior and drug addiction leave the boys with a new sympathy for their mother. They regret taking his side in the divorce. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2017.

Optimists Die First DB87550 5 hours 0 minutes by Susin Nielsen read by Julia Whelan When sixteen-year-old Petula de Wilde, who is anything but wild, meets Jacob in their school's dorky art-therapy program, his friendship helps her overcome the intense fears she has had since her sister died. However, Jacob has a secret of his own. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. For senior high and older readers. 2017.

The Fall of Lisa Bellow DB87714 11 hours 9 minutes by Susan Perabo read by Kimberly Schraf The Oliver family is beginning to recover from the traumatic eye injury of son Evan when thirteen-year-old daughter Meredith is caught in a store robbery during which her school nemesis is kidnapped. Her world changes, and her family tries to cope. Some violence and some strong language. 2017.

A List of Cages DB87592 8 hours 26 minutes by Robin Roe read by Jason Griffith Adam, a high school senior, tries to rescue Julian, a freshman and his former foster brother, from an abusive situation. His help, however, puts them both in serious danger. Strong language and some violence. For senior high and older readers. 2017.

The Hate U Give DB87441 11 hours 21 minutes by Angie Thomas read by Emily Ellet

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When sixteen-year-old Starr Carter witnesses the fatal shooting by a police officer of her childhood best friend, Khalil, she is afraid to speak out. But remaining quiet and safe is difficult with rising tensions between the police and the community. Violence and strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2017.

Daredevils DB86366 7 hours 54 minutes by Shawn Vestal read by David Hartley-Margolin 1974. Fifteen-year-old Loretta's fundamentalist Mormon parents catch her sneaking in from a date with her boyfriend and marry her off to already-married Dean Harder. She bonds with Dean's nephew Jason and plots her escape. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 2016.

Humor Lamb: The Gospel according to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal DB86280 16 hours 37 minutes by Christopher Moore read by Michael Russotto Humorous imagining of the early years of Jesus Christ, as told by Biff, his best friend from his Nazareth days. The pair have adventures, including traveling the world to find the three wise men so they can ask them for advice. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. 2002.

Legal Themes The Outsider DB87495 9 hours 38 minutes by Anthony Franze read by Robert Petkoff When attorney Grayson Hernandez intervenes in a violent mugging, the good deed lands him a coveted law-clerk position at the Supreme Court. But now FBI Special Agent Emma Milstein approaches him with an offer. Convinced that a murderer is on the loose, the FBI wants Gray to be their eyes and ears on the inside. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Quicksand DB87703 12 hours 56 minutes by Malin Persson Giolito Page 30 of 128

read by Saskia Maarleveld Eighteen-year-old Maja Norberg has spent nine excruciating months in jail awaiting trial for her involvement in a mass shooting at her Stockholm prep school. But how did the popular good student become the most hated teenager in the country? Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Medical Themes Before This Is Over DB87752 11 hours 38 minutes by Amanda Hickie read by Cat Gould Everyone thinks Australian mother Hannah is overreacting to the Manba virus that is making its way through various countries. She secretly stockpiles food and pulls her son out of school, while worrying about his older brother away at camp. And then the epidemic does hit Sydney. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2015.

Mystery and Detective Penance DB87712 7 hours 20 minutes by Kanae Minato read by Karissa Vacker As children, Sae, Maki, Akiko, and Yuko were tricked into separating from their friend Emily by a stranger, and Emily was found murdered mere hours later. When the surviving girls weren't able to describe the stranger's appearance to the police, Emily's mother vowed that they would pay. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

A Crimson Warning DB86207 10 hours 41 minutes by Tasha Alexander read by Jennifer Hubbard Lady Emily and her husband, Colin, are back in London. Emily and her mother- in-law join the Women's Liberal Federation to fight for suffrage. Soon, doorsteps in Mayfair are being splashed with crimson paint, and secrets are revealed. When dead bodies appear, Emily and Colin investigate. Some violence. 2011.

Dangerous to Know DB86043 9 hours 54 minutes by Tasha Alexander Page 31 of 128

read by Suzanne Duvall Normandy, 1892. Lady Emily Hargreaves's retreat to her mother-in-law's estate is shattered when Emily discovers a dead body. Her husband, Colin, is called on to investigate whether the killing is related to the Jack-the-Ripper murders. Local secrets also are at play and threaten. Violence and some descriptions of sex. 2010.

Death in the Floating City DB86345 10 hours 7 minutes by Tasha Alexander read by Jennifer Hubbard Lady Emily's childhood nemesis, Emma Callum, calls Emily and Colin to Venice after her father-in-law is murdered. Her husband has fled, and she is considered the prime suspect. A memento of a centuries-old love affair may be the key to the current mystery. Some violence. 2012.

Little Boy Blue DB86347 9 hours 23 minutes by M.J. Arlidge read by Madelyn Buzzard A man is killed in an S&M club. Arriving at the scene, Detective Helen Grace soon realizes in horror that the victim is Jake Elder—someone she shares a secret past with. Then a second murder also touches close to home. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

The Fix DB87562 11 hours 56 minutes by David Baldacci read by various narrators Amos Decker witnesses a murder outside FBI headquarters. A family man shoots a female teacher execution-style, then turns the gun on himself. DIA agent Harper Brown orders Decker's team to back off—the murder is part of an open investigation and is a matter of urgent national security. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Darkside DB87607 11 hours 27 minutes by Belinda Bauer read by Alec Volz

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Following Blacklands (DB87467), policeman Jonas Holly’s concerns about his ill and suicidal wife, Lucy, make it hard to focus on the spate of murders of elderly townspeople in Shipcott. This frustrates abrasive DCI John Marvel from Shut Eye (DB87626). Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2010.

Finders Keepers DB87608 12 hours 7 minutes by Belinda Bauer read by Alec Volz Someone is abducting children from vehicles in Shipcott and leaving behind notes that accuse the parents of not loving the children. After the events of Darkside (DB87607), Steven Lamb is suspicious of policeman Jonas Holly, who has just been cleared to return to work. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2012.

Rubbernecker DB87600 7 hours 42 minutes by Belinda Bauer read by Peter Holdway After a decade of obsessing about his father's hit-and-run death, eighteen-year-old Patrick, who has Asperger's syndrome, enrolls in an anatomy lab program to get some answers. Instead, Patrick soon realizes that there is something odd about his cadaver's death, and he feels compelled to prove it. Strong language. 2013.

The Shut Eye DB87626 10 hours 32 minutes by Belinda Bauer read by Terry Donnelly Anna Buck's world fell apart when her four-year-old son, Daniel, slipped out the door and disappeared. Meanwhile, London DCI John Marvel is determined to find Edie Evans, who disappeared a year earlier. A psychic and a missing dog lead an increasingly agitated Anna into Marvel's case. Strong language and some violence. 2015.

Away in a Manger DB86129 6 hours 32 minutes by Rhys Bowen read by Anne Hancock

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1905. During the holiday season, Molly Murphy Sullivan learns that two young siblings have arrived in New York from England, but their mother has vanished and they are being mistreated by their aunt. Molly is determined to help the children and figure out what happened. 2015.

Bless the Bride DB86237 10 hours 54 minutes by Rhys Bowen read by Terry Donnelly New York, 1903. As she prepares to marry police captain Daniel Sullivan and give up her private investigative business, Molly Murphy can't resist taking one more case. A Chinese businessman asks Molly to locate his missing bride—who may have run away from their arranged marriage. 2011.

City of Darkness and Light DB86216 10 hours 5 minutes by Rhys Bowen read by Gabriella Cavallero Molly and Daniel Sullivan's new routines of parenthood are shattered when a gang retaliates against Daniel over a big arrest. Since Daniel wants his family safely out of New York, Molly agrees to take their infant son to Paris—but she soon realizes they are in even more danger there. 2014.

The Family Way DB86359 8 hours 48 minutes by Rhys Bowen read by Kristin Allison New York City, 1904. Married and pregnant, former detective Molly Murphy Sullivan still can't resist a case. A letter from Ireland prompts her to search for a missing parlor maid. At the same time, she learns about five kidnapped babies. 2013.

Hush Now, Don't You Cry DB86360 8 hours 53 minutes by Rhys Bowen read by Mare Trevathan 1903. After their wedding, Molly Murphy and her police captain husband arrive for their honeymoon at an alderman's estate. Molly has promised to stop sleuthing

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now that she is married, but when their host is found dead, Molly joins in the investigation. 2012.

The Last Illusion DB86100 11 hours 34 minutes by Rhys Bowen read by Terry Donnelly New York City, 1903. Private investigator Molly Murphy and her fiancé, policeman Daniel Sullivan, are watching a magic show when an illusionist's trick turns fatal. Harry Houdini's wife believes that whoever tampered with the equipment will target her husband next. She hires Molly to find the culprit. 2010.

Molly Murphy, Books 5–6 DB86113 19 hours 48 minutes by Rhys Bowen read by Faith Potts In Oh Danny Boy, written in 2006, PI Molly Murphy works to exonerate police captain Daniel Sullivan of bribery charges in New York. The title In Dublin's Fair City has Molly traveling to Ireland to find a client's long-lost sister. The voyage yields another mystery—a missing actress and her dead maid. 2007.

Time of Fog and Fire DB86222 9 hours 1 minute by Rhys Bowen read by Gabriella Cavallero 1906. Molly's husband Daniel has left the NYPD for the Secret Service. He is on a secret assignment in San Francisco when Molly receives a cryptic note to join him. Fearing Daniel is in danger, she sets off for the West Coast with their young son. 2016.

New Scotland Yard, Books 1–2 DB86038 15 hours 41 minutes by Anne Cleeland read by Peter Holdway Two titles, written in 2013 and 2014, feature Chief Inspector Michael Sinclair, Lord Acton, and new detective, Irish Kathleen Doyle, who become partners in both work and play. In Murder in Thrall, a horse trainer's murder investigation proves difficult. Also includes Murder in Retribution. Some descriptions of sex. 2014. Page 35 of 128

Raven Black DB87770 11 hours 22 minutes by Ann Cleeves read by Gordon Griffin Two teenage girls dare each other to stop at reclusive Magnus Tait's Shetland Island home on New Year's Eve. When one of them turns up dead soon after, Inspector Jimmy Perez from mainland Scotland must untangle both this murder and one from the past. Some strong language. Commercial audiobook. 2006.

Thin Air DB87833 10 hours 2 minutes by Ann Cleeves read by Kenny Blyth A group of old university friends travels to Shetland to celebrate a marriage. While there, however, one of them, Eleanor, disappears—apparently into thin air. Detectives Jimmy Perez and Willow Reeves learn that, before she went missing, Eleanor may have seen the ghost of a local child who drowned. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2014.

Gus Murphy, Books 1–2 DB87384 25 hours 4 minutes by Reed Farrel Coleman read by Joe Wilson Two novels, written in 2016 and 2017, feature retired Suffolk County cop Gus Murphy, who provides security and van service for the run-down Long Island hotel where he has been living since his family was torn apart. Includes Where It Hurts and What You Break. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2017.

Charlie Parker, Books 13–14 DB86069 31 hours 20 minutes by John Connolly read by Joe Wilson Two books, written in 2015 and 2016, featuring cop-turned-PI Charlie Parker. Includes A Song of Shadows and A Time of Torment, in which Parker must enter a strange, isolated community called the Cut, which is ruled by the Dead King. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2016.

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Conviction DB87707 8 hours 19 minutes by Julia Dahl read by Andi Arndt In 1992, a year after conflict exploded between black and Jewish neighbors in Crown Heights, a black family is brutally murdered in their Brooklyn home. A teenager is quickly convicted, and the justice system moves on. Twenty-two years later, journalist Rebekah Roberts receives a letter from the convict claiming his innocence. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

The Burial Hour DB87484 14 hours 12 minutes by Jeffery Deaver read by Edoardo Ballerini A businessman is kidnapped in broad daylight. A miniature hangman's noose is left at the scene. A nine-year-old girl is the only witness. With a crime scene this puzzling, forensic expertise of the highest order is absolutely essential. Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs are called in. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

The Heavens May Fall DB87590 9 hours 48 minutes by Allen Eskens read by Jason Culp On the fourth anniversary of his wife Jenni's unsolved death, homicide detective Max Rupert investigates the murder of the wife of attorney Ben Pruitt, whom Max would love to arrest. But the case is complicated by an anonymous tip regarding Jenni and by Max's friend Boady Sanden defending Pruitt. Strong language and some violence. 2016.

Trail of Echoes DB87006 10 hours 40 minutes by Rachel Howzell Hall read by Mare Trevathan LAPD homicide detective Elouise Norton investigates the murder of a girl found at a park. Thirteen-year-old Chanita was from the same housing project that Elouise grew up in and—like Elouise—seemed destined to get out. Meanwhile, other similar girls have been reported missing. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 2016.

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Closed Casket: The New Hercule Poirot Mystery DB86046 10 hours 5 minutes by Sophie Hannah read by Gary Tipton Agatha Christie's Belgian detective Hercule Poirot is invited—along with Scotland Yard's Inspector Edward Catchpool and others—to a mysterious gathering at the Irish mansion of children's author Lady Athelinda Playford. Playford's announcement of a drastic change in her will sets events in motion, and a murder occurs. 2016.

Bill Slider, Books 12–14 DB87236 26 hours 31 minutes by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles read by various narrators Three mysteries, written between 2009 and 2011, featuring London police inspector Bill Slider and his team. Includes Fell Purpose, Body Line, and Kill My Darling, in which Slider investigates the men in a missing paleontologist's life and learns of secrets from her past. 2011.

Bill Slider, Books 17–19 DB87221 26 hours 57 minutes by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles read by David Hartley-Margolin Three mysteries, written between 2015 and 2016, featuring London police inspector Bill Slider. Includes Star Fall, One Under, and Old Bones, in which a couple discovers human bones when digging in the garden of their new house. Some violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2016.

August Snow DB87398 9 hours 9 minutes by Stephen Mack Jones read by Bob Moore Half-Hispanic, half-black August Snow returns to Detroit's Mexicantown where he grew up. A cop like his dad, August sued the city for twelve million dollars over being let go for investigating corruption. Now a wealthy woman from a previous high-profile case demands his help. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2017.

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Prussian Blue DB87746 17 hours 54 minutes by Philip Kerr read by John Lee In 1956, Erich Mielke, deputy head of the East German Stasi, orders compromised former Berlin PI Bernie Gunther to go to London to poison a female agent. Instead, Bernie bolts for Germany. Hiding out, he recalls investigating a murder in 1939 at Hitler's retreat as Kripo's best homicide detective. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

The Novel Habits of Happiness DB86218 7 hours 12 minutes by Alexander McCall Smith read by Mare Trevathan An unusual case for Edinburgh philosopher and amateur sleuth Isabel Dalhousie. She has been asked to investigate a story told by a six-year-old boy who is describing in great detail what appears to be a past life on an island off the coast of Scotland. 2016.

Cross and Burn DB87635 12 hours 27 minutes by Val McDermid read by Kristin Allison After horrific personal tragedy in The Retribution (DB87599), DCI Carol Jordan quit her job and vanished. Profiler Tony Hill doesn't hear from her until unfortunate coincidences lead to his arrest for the brutal murders of two women. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2013.

The Last Temptation DB87470 19 hours 6 minutes by Val McDermid read by Jon Huffman After the horrifying events of The Wire in the Blood (DB87611), Tony Hill has left profiling work for academia. Two years later, Carol Jordan calls for advice on an unexpected undercover assignment. Her dangerous case is soon complicated by a stalking serial killer. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2002.

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The Mermaids Singing DB87609 11 hours 17 minutes by Val McDermid read by Jack Fox Criminal profiler Tony Hill pairs up with DI Carol Jordan when it becomes apparent that someone is torturing and killing closeted gay men in the town of Bradfield. But honing his profile of the killer makes Tony a target. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1995.

The Torment of Others DB87633 12 hours 52 minutes by Val McDermid read by Kristin Allison A prostitute's murder is identical to the serial killings committed two years earlier that ended when Derek Tyler was locked in a mental institute. Now profiler Tony Hill and DCI Carol Jordan—who is still recovering from her own brutal attack— must determine if it's a copycat. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2004.

The Wire in the Blood DB87611 13 hours 27 minutes by Val McDermid read by Jack Fox While Tony Hill begins training members of the newly created National Offender Profiling Task Force, Carol Jordan starts her new position as detective chief inspector. But the two reunite to pursue the criminal who is responsible for dozens of missing teens. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 1997.

Ghostly Echoes DB86332 7 hours 36 minutes by William Ritter read by Teresa Willis Miss Rook and Jackaby search for the killer of Jennifer Cavanaugh, who is the ghost lingering in Jackaby's residence. But soon a new, similar murder sheds light on the ten-year-old cold case. Sequel to Jackaby; Beastly Bones (DB83832). Violence. For senior high and older readers. 2016.

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Echoes in Death DB87365 13 hours 18 minutes by J.D. Robb read by Carol Dines Dallas and Roarke find Daphne Strazza naked, injured, and stumbling on the street. They discover that she and her husband, a surgeon, are the latest couple to be brutalized by a rapist thief. But for the first time, he's killed the husband. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2017.

Golden Prey DB87697 11 hours 7 minutes by John Sandford read by Richard Ferrone Lucas Davenport—who left the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension for the U.S. Marshals Service, where he gets to pick his own cases—investigates a Biloxi, Mississippi, drug-cartel counting-house robbery. Suitcases full of cash have disappeared, leaving behind five bodies, including that of a six-year-old girl. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Dead Run DB86617 10 hours 59 minutes by P.J. Tracy read by Carol Jacobanis A truck tips over in Four Corners, Wisconsin, with catastrophic consequences. Shortly after, computer-game-developers-turned-crime-solvers Grace MacBride and Annie Belinsky, along with Deputy Sharon Mueller, wander into the oddly vacant town after their car breaks down. Hidden, they witness an inexplicable double murder. Violence and strong language. 2006.

Chasing the Dead DB86330 8 hours 32 minutes by Tim Weaver read by Jack Fox Mary Towne hires missing-persons investigator David Raker to find her adult son, Alex, who disappeared six years before. Even though his body was identified a year ago in a car accident, Mary is sure she recently saw him walking down the street. Strong language and some violence. 2010.

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The Dead Tracks DB86368 11 hours 42 minutes by Tim Weaver read by Doug Tisdale Jr. A widowed former journalist who now investigates missing-persons cases, David Raker is hired privately to aid the police with the disappearance of seventeen-year-old Megan Carver. His first new clue is a mysterious repeating image of a man staring at Megan on a videotape from a club. Violence and strong language. 2011.

Vanished DB86341 13 hours 10 minutes by Tim Weaver read by Gary Tipton David Raker is hired by Julia Wren to find her husband, Sam. Six months ago, Sam boarded his train to work. He never got off. Meanwhile the police are searching for the Snatcher, whose male victims vanish—leaving only a pile of hair. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2012.

What Remains DB86261 15 hours 55 minutes by Tim Weaver read by Jeff Allin Former Met detective Colm Healy is unemployed and homeless, but he is still obsessed with the case that caused his misfortunes—the murder of a woman and her twin daughters. Missing-persons private investigator David Raker agrees to help him, hoping to get Healy's life back on track. Violence and strong language. 2015.

Occult and Horror Nightmares: A New Decade of Modern Horror DB87610 17 hours 11 minutes edited by Ellen Datlow read by Gary Tipton Twenty-four horror stories published between 2005 and 2015, chosen by the editor of many horror collections, such as The Cutting Room (DB81620). Includes tales from Gemma Files, Gene Wolfe, Margo Lanagan, Garth Nix, Richard Kadrey, and more. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016. Page 42 of 128

The Edge of Everything DB87502 10 hours 16 minutes by Jeff Giles read by Jon Pinnow Holed up in their missing neighbors' cabin in a Montana blizzard, seventeen-year- old Zoe and her little brother Jonah are rescued from an intruder by X, a bounty hunter sent from the Lowlands to claim the souls of evil men. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2017.

My Best Friend's Exorcism DB86233 10 hours 5 minutes by Grady Hendrix read by Gabriella Cavallero Charleston, South Carolina; 1988. High school sophomores Abby and Gretchen have been best friends for years when Abby notices Gretchen begin to act strangely. While some would dismiss it as teenage mood swings, Abby knows Gretchen has been possessed by a demon. Violence and strong language. 2016.

Dogs of War DB87731 17 hours 47 minutes by Jonathan Maberry read by Ray Porter New technology in robotics is dangerous in the wrong hands. A terrorist has begun using robot dogs to deliver bombs in cities across America, and it is up to Joe Ledger and the Department of Military Sciences to stop the violence. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Disappearance at Devil's Rock DB86030 11 hours 23 minutes by Paul Tremblay read by Julian Thompson One night, after sneaking into the Borderland State Park with his friends, teenager Tommy Sanderson disappears. Devastated, his mother believes that she sees Tommy's ghost and receives pages that seem to be torn from Tommy's diary. Violence and some strong language. 2016.

The Stars Never Rise and The Flame Never Dies DB87531 22 hours 22 minutes Page 43 of 128

by Rachel Vincent read by Carol Jacobanis Duology, written in 2015 and 2016, featuring a world ruled by the puritanical Unified Church. In The Stars Never Rise, Nina and her pregnant younger sister become fugitives wanted by the church and soul-hungry demons. Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex. For senior high and older readers. 2016.

Political Themes 2084: The End of the World DB87404 10 hours 53 minutes by Boualem Sansal read by Gary Telles Beginning in 2084, there is only the worship of the god Yölah in the kingdom of Abistan. Secular thought is banned, and religion is all. Ati's doubts are growing, however, and he begins a quest to understand the truth. Translated from the original 2015 French edition. Some violence. 2017.

Psychological Themes Ill Will DB87547 14 hours 57 minutes by Dan Chaon read by various narrators The massacre in which psychologist Dustin Tillman lost most of his family was blamed on his foster brother, Rusty. Many years later, Rusty's conviction is overturned, and Dustin must face the fact that his testimony helped put Rusty in jail. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

The Dark Flood Rises DB87316 13 hours 58 minutes by Margaret Drabble read by Laura Giannarelli Fran, an expert in housing for the elderly—who is advancing in age herself— travels across England for conferences and caring for her family. Her son Christopher mourns the death of his girlfriend while maintaining a professional relationship with Bennett, who confronts his own advanced age in the Canary Islands. 2016.

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Religious Themes A Greater Glory: The Trials of Kit Shannon, Book 4 DB86210 9 hours 8 minutes by James Scott Bell read by Suzanne Duvall Lawyer Kit Shannon is hired by Celia Harcourt, who fears blackmail on the eve of her daughter's wedding to a scion of a prominent family. Kit works to protect the woman's reputation as she uncovers the threat. Meanwhile, Kit's fiancé, Ted Fox, faces charges of treason. 2003.

A Higher Justice: The Trials of Kit Shannon, Book 5 DB86338 9 hours 49 minutes by James Scott Bell read by Carol Dines Kit Shannon takes on two cases. In the first, she defends a man down on his luck from a murder charge. Then, a mother asks Kit to investigate the seemingly accidental death of her son. As Kit works both cases, secret connections come to light. 2003.

The Hidden Flame DB86334 11 hours 44 minutes by Davis Bunn and Janette Oke read by Theresa Conkin As the city of Jerusalem remains in turmoil after the execution of Jesus, Abigail, a member of a sect following his teachings, is courted by a merchant with ties to the Sanhedrin, a Roman soldier, and another. She lets her faith in Christ lead her. 2010.

On Lone Star Trail DB85945 11 hours 48 minutes by Amanda Cabot read by Catherine Byers When TJ crashes his motorcycle right in front of Gillian, she takes him to the Rainbow's End Resort where she is staying so that he can recuperate. The pair, both still dealing with past traumas, develop a mutual attraction. 2016.

The Girl from the Train DB87613 13 hours 39 minutes by Irma Joubert Page 45 of 128

read by Carol Dines 1944. Six-year-old Gretl escapes from a transport train taking her family to a concentration camp. Minutes later, the train is destroyed by a bomb. Resistance fighter Jakób saves her only to send her to South Africa. Gretl must balance faith traditions. Translated from the original 2007 Afrikaans edition. Some violence. 2015.

Brush of Wings: Angels Walking, Book 3 DB85309 9 hours 24 minutes by Karen Kingsbury read by Anne Hancock Mary Catherine Clark is in need of a heart transplant, but, against the advice of her doctor, she decides to move to Uganda to work at an orphanage. She doesn't tell her friends and family how serious her condition has become—not even baseball player Marcus Dillinger, the man she loves. 2016.

Amish Classics, Books 1–3 DB86039 23 hours 21 minutes by Sarah Price read by Eva Wilhelm Three novels retell Jane Austen's stories in an Amish setting, written between 2014 and 2015. Includes First Impressions [based on Pride and Prejudice (DB50549)], The Matchmaker [based on Emma (DB23490)], and Second Chances [based on Persuasion (DB51057)]. 2015.

Romance I Thee Wed DB87614 11 hours 43 minutes by Celeste Bradley read by Jennifer Hubbard England, 1818. Biologist Orion Worthington hopes to escape the chaos of his family when he takes a lab assistant job with Sir Geoffrey Blayne. There he meets Blayne's niece and fellow scientist Francesca Penrose, and his hopes for peace go out the window. Explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

A Hunger like No Other DB86209 11 hours 43 minutes by Kresley Cole read by Alec Volz Page 46 of 128

The leader of the Lykae Clan, Lachlain MacRieve, was tortured for years by vampires. Now he finds that the mate for whom he has waited centuries, Emmaline Troy, is half-Valkyrie, half-vampire. Violence, explicit descriptions of sex, and some strong language. 2006.

No Rest for the Wicked DB86257 11 hours 23 minutes by Kresley Cole read by Kurt Elftmann As he was dying, Sebastian Wroth was turned into a vampire against his will. He meets beautiful Valkyrie Kaderin, known as the Coldhearted, an assassin hired to kill him. She spares Sebastian, only to compete against him in the Talisman's Hie. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 2006.

Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night: Immortals after Dark DB86348 11 hours 16 minutes by Kresley Cole read by Alec Volz After losing his mate, werewolf warrior Bowen MacRieve turned cold and withdrawn. He is surprised to find himself attracted to Mariketa the Awaited, as she is the leader of the witches, and his enemy. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 2007.

The Duke of Shadows DB87536 10 hours 18 minutes by Meredith Duran read by Eva Wilhelm India, 1857. Betrayed by her fiancé, Emmaline Martin turns to the man she should not trust, but cannot resist: Julian Sinclair, future Duke of Auburn. Together, they try to escape Delhi while the city is attacked. The war separates them, but they meet again in London four years later. Some violence and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2008.

Krewe of Hunters, Books 18–20 DB86187 28 hours 8 minutes by Heather Graham read by Eva Wilhelm Three entries in a romantic suspense series featuring FBI agents who investigate the paranormal. In Haunted Destiny an agent tracks a killer on a haunted cruise Page 47 of 128

ship. Also includes Deadly Fate and Darkest Journey. Some violence and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

Until There Was You DB86036 13 hours 49 minutes by Kristan Higgins read by Julie-Ann Elliott As a teen, Posey Osterhagen fell hard for local bad boy Liam Murphy. Now she's an adult with a good life, a loving family, and her own architectural salvage company. When Liam moves back to town, all her old butterflies for him return. 2011.

It Ends with Us DB86517 11 hours 50 minutes by Colleen Hoover read by Emily Ellet Opening a flower shop in Boston was a dream come true for Lily, and meeting the handsome doctor Ryle was the cherry on top. When his jealousy leads to abuse, Lily struggles with a choice. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

The Violets of March DB87529 8 hours 35 minutes by Sarah Jio read by Deborah Desmone Emily Wilson, a bestselling author facing divorce and writer's block, retreats to Bainbridge Island, Washington, to relax and seek inspiration. Finding a diary from 1943, Emily is drawn in to a love story from the past and sees parallels with her own life. 2011.

Daughters of the Bride DB86375 12 hours 22 minutes by Susan Mallery read by Gabriella Cavallero Sisters Courtney, Sienna, and Rachel are all happy that their long-widowed mother, Maggie, has found a great guy and plans to marry. After helping Maggie get ready for her big day, the sisters are inspired to search out their own happy endings. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

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All We Have Left DB86235 9 hours 2 minutes by Wendy Mills read by Emily Ellet Interweaving stories of two sixteen-year-olds. Modern-day Jesse tries to cope with the ramifications of her brother's death on 9/11; and back in 2001, Alia, a Muslim, gets trapped in one of the Twin Towers with a boy who changes everything for her as flames rage around them. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2016.

Four Weddings and a Sixpence: An Anthology DB87390 14 hours 8 minutes by Julia Quinn and others read by Terry Donnelly A collection of novellas from popular historical romance authors. Four friends at boarding school find an old sixpence coin in a mattress. They decide that it will be their lucky charm, helping each find true love and the perfect husband. Some descriptions of sex. 2017.

Darkness DB86180 10 hours 55 minutes by Karen Robards read by Elisabeth Rodgers While on a trip to a remote Alaskan island to study rare birds, ornithologist Gina Sullivan rescues Cal Callahan after his plane crashes. But when she finds her whole team murdered, she doesn’t know whom to trust. Some violence, some strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

Accidentally on Purpose: A Heartbreaker Bay Novel DB87512 8 hours 46 minutes by Jill Shalvis read by Patricia Kilgarriff Elle Wheaton is happy with her job as a property manager in San Francisco, until it brings her back into contact with former cop Archer Hunt. Archer has always felt protective of Elle, especially as he's seen her date other men. Some strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2017.

Crouching Tiger, Forbidden Vampire DB87508 9 hours 43 minutes Page 49 of 128

by Kerrelyn Sparks read by Gabriella Cavallero Former Marine Russell Hankelburg is determined to kill the master vampire who made him undead. Were-tiger Jia has the same goal, and soon the pair decide to work together. Can a mutual desire for vengeance turn to love? Strong language, explicit descriptions of sex, and some violence. 2015.

Rushing Waters DB86048 8 hours 36 minutes by Danielle Steel read by Abigail Maupin Ellen Wharton is visiting her mother, Grace, in New York when Hurricane Ophelia strikes, and Grace refuses to evacuate. The pair, along with a British investment banker and an ER doctor, are just some of those who experience the devastation that hits the city. Some strong language. Bestseller. 2016.

Abandoned Memories: Escape to Paradise, Book 3 DB86329 11 hours 53 minutes by MaryLu Tyndall read by Abigail Maupin 1866, Brazil. Angeline Moore is hoping for a new start in the colony of New Hope. James Callaway also hopes to begin again, as a spiritual leader to the community. They are drawn together as the colony faces a mysterious threat. Sequel to Elusive Hope (DB78583). Some violence. 2014.

The Chosen: A Novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood DB87694 17 hours 35 minutes by J.R. Ward read by Jim Frangione Xcor, of the Band of Bastards, is facing a death sentence for his treason against the leader of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Layla, the Chosen, could save him, but to reveal their love would destroy her world. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Science Fiction The Race DB86310 14 hours 3 minutes by Nina Allan read by Pilar Witherspoon Page 50 of 128

In a near-future Great Britain, scarred by fracking and ecological collapse, Christy lives in fear of her brother and seeks help. Meanwhile, Maree, who was raised in a secret government program, discovers something life-changing while journeying through shipping lanes. Strong language and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

Dark Run: Keiko, Book 1 DB86208 12 hours 32 minutes by Mike Brooks read by Jon Huffman A ship of smugglers, mercenaries, and adventurers travels Earth’s colony planets, searching for work. When a face from Captain Ichabod Drift’s former life sends them on a run to Old Earth, however, trust will be broken, and blood will be spilled. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2015.

Spear of Light: The Glittering Edge, Book 2 DB86188 15 hours 5 minutes by Brenda Cooper read by Nick DePinto After the events of Edge of Dark (DB81418), the post-human Next reappear and work to build a new city out of starships on the planet Lym. Meanwhile, the Shining Revolution threatens to undo everything by attacking the Next on Lym. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2016.

The Hutt Gambit: The Han Solo Trilogy, Book 2 DB87591 14 hours 15 minutes by A.C. Crispin read by Richard Davidson After the events of Paradise Snare (DB87392), young Han Solo is now a fugitive from the Imperial Navy, but he has gained a new ally—former slave Wookie Chewbacca. While Boba Fett tracks them down, Han and Chewie find themselves doing business with crime lords Jiliac and Jabba the Hutt. 1997.

The Year's Best Science Fiction: Thirty-third Annual Collection DB85902 44 hours 12 minutes edited by Gardner Dozois read by Joe Peck Award-winning author and editor Gardner Dozois gathers thirty-six short pieces of science fiction, published during 2015, in this year-end retrospective. Authors Page 51 of 128

include, among others, Ann Leckie, James S.A. Corey, Ian McDonald, Nancy Cress, Paolo Bacigalupi, and Carrie Vaughn. Violence, some strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

Time and Time Again DB86311 13 hours 0 minutes by Ben Elton read by George Holmes In the summer of 1914, Hugh Stanton is the loneliest man on earth. No one that he knows has been born yet and may never be. For him, the present century and looming war are already history. The question is—can he change that history? Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. 2014.

Spaceman of Bohemia DB87493 11 hours 27 minutes by Jaroslav Kalfar read by Jot Davies Jakub Procházka has risen from a small-time scientist to become the Czech Republic's first astronaut. He embarks on a dangerous mission to Venus. While in space, he takes on a possibly imaginary giant alien spider companion with whom he forms an intense bond. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Alien Nation DB87501 19 hours 5 minutes by Gini Koch read by Kristin Allison After the events of Camp Alien (DB85450), alien spacecraft, none of which are from the Alpha Centauri system, make a beeline for Earth to ask Kitty for asylum. Meanwhile, an old adversary makes a mysterious request that places Kitty in a tough spot. Violence, strong language, and explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

Arabella of Mars: The Adventures of Arabella Ashby, Book 1 DB87670 10 hours 34 minutes by David D. Levine read by Barrie Kreinik A century after mankind first flew ships to Mars in the late 1600s, young Arabella Ashby lives on a plantation in the flourishing British colony on the Martian frontier. To remedy Arabella’s wild nature, her mother sends her to the exotic city of London. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2016. Page 52 of 128

The Corporation Wars: Dissidence DB87560 9 hours 58 minutes by Ken MacLeod read by Peter Kenny Sentient machines fight and die in interstellar exploration and conflicts on behalf of their owners, but commands often arrive late and cannot be enforced because of distance. With the newfound autonomy to make their own choices, the robots begin to seek answers about their masters. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2016.

Waking Gods DB87711 9 hours 4 minutes by Sylvain Neuvel read by various narrators After the events of Sleeping Giants (DB84351), tensions heighten when a second robot appears and attacks. Then more colossal machines arrive all over Earth, but the Earth Defense Corps refuses to surrender to despair. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

The End of the Day DB87721 12 hours 25 minutes by Claire North read by Peter Kenny Charlie's new job involves travel and meeting interesting people, some of whom are actually happy to see him, despite the fact that his job is to visit those about to die. The end of all things is coming, however, and Charlie's boss and his three associates are riding out. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Nemesis DB87549 13 hours 12 minutes by Brendan Reichs read by various narrators As an enormous asteroid called the Anvil threatens to end all life on Earth, sixteen-year-old Min uncovers a lifetime of lies and a sinister conspiracy involving all of the students in her sophomore class in Fire Lake, Idaho. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. For junior and senior high and older readers. 2017.

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Drowned Worlds: Tales from the Anthropocene and Beyond DB86331 13 hours 27 minutes edited by Jonathan Strahan read by Jon Huffman An anthology of short fiction focused on the subject of climate change. Each story features a future wracked by the deluge. Includes stories from, among others, Kim Stanley Robinson, Ken Liu, Lavie Tidhar, and Jeffrey Ford. Some violence. 2016.

The Doomed City DB86349 18 hours 37 minutes by Arkady Strugatsky and Boris Strugatsky read by Andy Pyle In an experimental city bordered by an abyss and an impossibly high wall, the city’s inhabitants are individuals plucked from across global history. They are left to govern themselves under conditions set by the inscrutable Mentors. As time passes, however, increasingly nightmarish scenarios plague the city. Originally published in Russian. Strong language. 1989.

Change Agent DB87741 15 hours 4 minutes by Daniel Suarez read by Jeff Gurner In 2045, Kenneth Durand leads an Interpol team against genetic crime, hunting down black market labs that conduct "vanity edits" on human embryos that could rapidly accelerate human evolution, often preying on human-trafficking victims for experiments. Then, an attacked Durand wakes up to find that he has been genetically transformed. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Icon DB86066 6 hours 31 minutes by Genevieve Valentine read by Mare Trevathan After surviving an assassination attempt in Persona (DB81579), Suyana Sapaki climbs the ranks, dates the American Face, and is poised for success. Now, she must face the dangers of the public’s attention. Some violence and some strong language. 2016.

Ones and Zeroes: A Mirador Novel DB87463 10 hours 31 minutes Page 54 of 128

by Dan Wells read by Erin Jones Marisa is searching for a mysterious hacker when her gaming team is invited to compete in an exclusive tournament. She discovers that the event is rife with corruption and dangers that render winning the only way to survive. Sequel to Bluescreen (DB85572). Violence and strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2017.

Thrawn: Star Wars DB87748 16 hours 58 minutes by Timothy Zahn read by Marc Thompson Before his rise in the Galactic Empire, a young Thrawn is rescued from exile by Imperial soldiers. His abilities capture the attention of the Emperor, and Thrawn quickly proves himself to be both loyal and indispensable. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Spies and Espionage The Dark Chronicles: A Spy Trilogy DB86253 23 hours 40 minutes by Jeremy Duns read by Mark Ashby 1969. MI6 agent Paul Dark has spent the last twenty-five years betraying his country. When a Russian defector provides information about a British double agent, however, Dark discovers that everything he believes is a lie. Includes Free Agent, Song of Treason, and The Moscow Option. Some violence and some descriptions of sex. 2012.

A Hero of France DB86073 8 hours 24 minutes by Alan Furst read by John Haag In Nazi-occupied Paris, Mathieu leads a cell of the French Resistance, helping downed British airmen escape, risking everything to aid clandestine missions. He is helped by a student, an arms-dealer-turned-nightclub-owner, an aristocratic woman, and a Jewish teacher, among others. Some violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2016.

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Suspense Don't Say a Word DB86248 12 hours 8 minutes by Beverly Barton read by Pilar Witherspoon A serial killer is on the loose in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and investigators Will Brannock and Julia Cass have been assigned to investigate. Amid their romantic tension, they need to figure out what the victims have in common to find the killer. Violence, some strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2012.

If I Run DB87410 7 hours 4 minutes by Terri Blackstock read by Faith Potts Suspected in the murder of her journalist friend Brent Pace, twenty-five-year- old Casey Cox assumes the name Grace Newland and flees. Brent's parents hire another friend of his, PTSD-afflicted veteran Dylan Roberts, to track Casey down. Meanwhile, Casey may risk everything while trying to help a kidnapped girl. 2016.

Home DB86335 11 hours 42 minutes by Harlan Coben read by Andy Pyle Myron is summoned to London by his friend Win, who needs his help. Win has received anonymous intel on his nephew Rhys, who, along with playmate Patrick, was kidnapped ten years earlier, when the boys were six. Win also believes he has spotted Patrick. Violence and some strong language. 2016.

Winterlong DB87379 11 hours 45 minutes by Mason Cross read by Jon Pinnow As Carter Blake finds the man he was hired to track down, he learns that he too is being hunted. Winterlong, the secret government group Blake used to work for, wants him dead and wants the files he's been using to ensure his safety. Violence and some strong language. 2017.

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The Cutthroat DB87728 9 hours 23 minutes by Clive Cussler and Justin Scott read by Scott Brick 1911. Chief Investigator Isaac Bell of the Van Dorn Detective Agency is hired to find Anna Pape, who ran away from home to become an actress. When her murdered body is discovered, Bell, vowing vengeance, goes after one of the greatest monsters of his time. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Taylor Jackson, Books 1–2 DB87014 20 hours 1 minute by J.T. Ellison read by Kristin Allison Two novels, published in 2007 and 2008, featuring Nashville homicide officer Taylor Jackson. In All the Pretty Girls, Jackson teams up with her boyfriend, FBI profiler John Baldwin, to stop a serial killer making his way through the South. Also includes 14. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2008.

Right behind You DB87388 13 hours 5 minutes by Lisa Gardner read by Bill Quinn Pierce Quincy and Rainie Conner are about to adopt their thirteen-year-old foster daughter, Sharlah. Then, they learn that her brother, Telly, is suspected in a double murder at a gas station. The siblings have been separated since Telly killed their abusive father eight years ago. Some violence. 2017.

A Deadly Web DB86105 8 hours 0 minutes by Kay Hooper read by Nick DePinto Tasha Solomon is able to hear the psychic voices of those around her and uses the information to stay alive. John Brodie, a Guardian, must persuade Tasha to let him into her life, because she needs protection whether she believes it or not. Some violence and some strong language. 2015.

Wait for Dark DB87627 9 hours 36 minutes by Kay Hooper Page 57 of 128

read by Catherine Byers FBI special agent Hollis Templeton, her partner Reese DeMarco, and two new agents head to Clarity, North Carolina, where the victims of four seeming accidents had each received a mysterious text saying "wait for dark." Hollis and Reese's personal relationship affects the investigation. Violence and some strong language. 2017.

The Girls in the Garden DB86047 9 hours 9 minutes by Lisa Jewell read by Abigail Maupin Clare Wild has recently moved to a new apartment with her two daughters, Pip and Grace. They are thrilled by the communal garden space until one midsummer evening, when thirteen-year-old Grace is found unconscious and bloody among the roses. Some violence, some strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2015.

A Separation DB87545 6 hours 54 minutes by Katie Kitamura read by Katherine Waterston When her uninformed mother-in-law contacts her, a wife separated from her husband goes to southern Greece in search of him. There, she meets a hotel employee who is a former lover of her husband. As she unravels her husband's life and lies, she tries to figure out her future. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Shutter Man DB87491 11 hours 16 minutes by Richard Montanari read by Scott Brick Plagued with a rare disease that prevents him from recognizing faces, Billy—a member of Philadelphia's Farren crime family—carries a photograph in his pocket to identify his next victim. Something that Detective Kevin Byrne witnessed as a child in Devil's Pocket makes him the next target on Billy's list. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2015.

16th Seduction DB87698 7 hours 3 minutes Page 58 of 128

by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro read by January LaVoy Fifteen months ago, Detective Lindsay Boxer's life was perfect—she had a beautiful child, and her doting husband, Joe, helped her catch a bomber. But Joe wasn't everything that Lindsay thought he was, and she's still reeling from this as a wave of mysterious heart attacks claims victims across San Francisco. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Apprentice in Death DB85935 11 hours 8 minutes by J.D. Robb read by Gabriella Cavallero A laser-rifle shooting at the Central Park ice rink leaves the first victims dead in what becomes a serial killing spree. Lieutenant Eve Dallas learns that she's dealing with a professional sniper and his much younger apprentice—and they have an agenda. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

The Zero and the One DB87572 8 hours 12 minutes by Ryan Ruby read by Bobby Long A shy, bookish scholarship student from a working-class family, Owen is adrift at Oxford until he meets rich, brilliant, charismatic Zachary, a visiting student from New York City. But their daring each other to transgress boundaries of convention and morality eventually goes horribly awry. Owen is left to pick up the pieces. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Marked for Life DB87411 12 hours 2 minutes by Emelie Schepp read by Kimberly Schraf This first book in a trilogy has Swedish prosecutor Jana Berzelius working a horrific case that stirs up memories from her all-but-forgotten past. The official in charge of asylum seekers appears to have been murdered by a child. Originally published in Swedish in 2014. Violence, strong language, and some descriptions of sex. 2016.

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The Kept Woman DB86211 15 hours 30 minutes by Karin Slaughter read by Barry Bernson A dead Atlanta policeman is found in a building owned by the pro basketball star whom GBI agent Will Trent recently investigated for rape. Signs point to a second missing victim—quite possibly Will's estranged wife, ex-cop Angie Polaski. Violence, strong language, and some explicit descriptions of sex. 2016.

The Second Girl DB87736 8 hours 7 minutes by David Swinson read by Christopher Ryan Grant Decorated ex-DC police detective Frank Marr is now a defense attorney's PI. A long-functioning drug addict, Frank is skilled at hiding his usage from others, but after stumbling upon a kidnapped teenage girl in the home of an Adams Morgan drug gang, Frank must investigate the disappearance of a connected girl. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2016.

Mangrove Lightning DB87706 8 hours 22 minutes by Randy White read by George Guidall Legendary charter captain Tootsie Barlow comes to Doc Ford about a curse. Family members have suffered bizarre attacks that Barlow believes are connected to a 1925 multiple murder in which his family played a shameful part. When Ford and his friend Tomlinson investigate, they also suffer a series of near-fatal mishaps. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Fast and Loose DB87696 7 hours 46 minutes by Stuart Woods read by Tony Roberts Stone and some new acquaintances have an enemy in common—one who prefers force to finesse, and who regards any professional defeat as a personal and intolerable insult. And when Stone’s sly cunning collides with their adversary’s hair-trigger-temper, the results are sure to be explosive. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

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War Stories American War DB87724 12 hours 24 minutes by Omar El Akkad read by Dion Graham Sarat is only six when the Second American Civil War breaks out in 2074. When her father is killed, her family is forced into Camp Patience for displaced persons. Sarat is befriended by a mysterious functionary whose influence will turn her into a deadly instrument of war. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Silver Stars: A Front Lines Novel DB87239 12 hours 10 minutes by Michael Grant read by Mare Trevathan During the summer of 1943, female soldiers Frangie, Rainy, and Rio accompany the American Army to their next target in Sicily to face the brutality of war and fight on the front lines. Sequel to Front Lines (DB83819). Violence and strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2017.

Westerns Wild Ran the Rivers: One Family's Western Odyssey; Five Trails West, Book One DB86950 11 hours 35 minutes by James D. Crownover read by J.P. Linton A story of pioneers, kidnappings, forced marriages, pirates, natural disasters, a mysterious wilderness settlement, and how the second generation of a Cherokee family found a home on the upper reaches of the Little Red River in the early 1800s. Some violence. 2014.

A Dangerous Man: A Novel of William "Wild Bill" Longley DB86371 9 hours 41 minutes by William W. Johnstone read by Joe Wilson William "Wild Bill" Longley guns down a dozen men, the sheriff, and the deputy of Texas town Comanche Crossing. Along with criminal sidekick Booker Tate, Wild Bill takes control of the town. Trouble brews, however, when a bounty hunter comes to town. Violence and strong language. 2014.

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The Trail West DB86219 7 hours 16 minutes by William W. Johnstone read by David Hartley-Margolin Three decades after his 1848 disappearance, Dooley Monahan has become an accidental legend after killing a dangerous outlaw. Dooley just wants to claim his rewards, but he faces many obstacles, including the blood-hungry brothers of the outlaw he killed. Violence and strong language. 2013.

Adult Nonfiction

Arts Fashion: A Very Short Introduction DB86090 5 hours 6 minutes by Rebecca Arnold read by Laura Adducci Describes the visual and material culture that goes beyond clothes to play a significant role in economic, social, and cultural life. Focusing on women's wear, discusses how fashion is designed, made, and sold. Explores the evolution of the couturier, ready-to-wear, the growth of shopping, and globalization's impact. 2009.

Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief's Tribute to America's Warriors DB87551 3 hours 29 minutes by George W. Bush read by George W. Bush As part of the George W. Bush Institute's Military Service Initiative, President Bush painted portraits of service members. As a companion to these pieces, and to help raise awareness of burdens faced by those who have served, this collection of profiles relates the stories of President Bush's subjects. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Modernism: A Very Short Introduction DB86165 3 hours 40 minutes Page 62 of 128

by Christopher Butler read by Michael Scherer Explores innovative works of art in literature, painting, and music during a 30- year period (1909–1939) to illustrate the experimental originality that characterizes modernism. Discusses the destruction of the conventions of nineteenth-century realism, the growth of abstraction, the use of stream of consciousness, the rise of surrealism, and the subjective point of view within modern urban conditions. 2010.

The Avant-Garde: A Very Short Introduction DB85835 4 hours 43 minutes by David Cottington read by Lou Harpenau The meaning and history of the avant-garde, particularly in relation to the arts. Explores why Western societies place such high value on newness and "up-to- dateness," the connection between avant-garde arts and radical politics, and the avant-garde's co-option by popular consumer culture. 2013.

Hollywood: A Very Short Introduction DB86390 4 hours 20 minutes by Peter Decherney read by Lou Harpenau Explores a century of entertainment industry success, adjusting to and absorbing its competition. Examines the evolution of the studio system, censorship, movie stars' and studio directors' contributions to the war effort, television, and independent film movements. Discusses how internet video sharing has enabled media consumers to become producers. 2016.

Photography: A Very Short Introduction DB86506 5 hours 17 minutes by Steve Edwards read by Barry Bernson Lecturer in art history thematically surveys the role of photography in society. Posits a major distinction between documentary and art photography. References important photographers such as Alfred Stieglitz, Walker Evans, and Diane Arbus. Discusses key critics and theorists such as Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes, and Guy Debord. 2006.

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Landscape Architecture: A Very Short Introduction DB86135 5 hours 8 minutes by Ian H. Thompson read by Catherine Byers Landscape architect sorts through the terminology to elucidate the various occupations that define his discipline and its developmental history. Describes four case studies in different areas of the world illustrating master-planning, impact assessment, urban design, and community engagement. Demonstrates the continued relevance of attempts to improve the environment and the land. 2014.

Astronomy Moons: A Very Short Introduction DB86414 4 hours 46 minutes by David A. Rothery read by Lou Harpenau Compendium of facts about the moons that revolve around our solar system's planets, from Earth's one satellite to Jupiter's sixty-plus. Explains how moons got their names and how Earth's moon influences tides. Gives examples of different types of moons. Includes an appendix with details of other planets' moons. 2015.

Biography This Life I Live: One Man's Extraordinary, Ordinary Life and the Woman Who Changed It Forever DB87646 8 hours 22 minutes by Rory Feek read by Bill Wallace Country singer Rory, who gained fame alongside his wife Joey, tells how their love and religion changed him. Discusses the birth of their daughter Indiana in 2014 and learning that she has Down syndrome. Describes the Joey's diagnosis and death from cancer in 2016 at the age of forty. Bestseller. 2017.

The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit DB87555 6 hours 21 minutes by Michael Finkel read by Mark Bramhall In 1986, twenty-year-old Christopher Knight drove to Maine and disappeared into the forest. He did not speak to another human being until he was arrested for

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stealing food nearly thirty years later. Discusses his survival in the wilderness in the intervening decades. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

The Amazing Book Is Not on Fire: The World of Dan and Phil DB87496 4 hours 28 minutes by Dan Howell and Phil Lester read by various narrators British YouTube stars Dan Howell and Phil Lester tell the humorous story of growing up and becoming an Internet sensation, and they offer advice to their teen followers. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. For junior and senior high and older readers. 2015.

Newton: A Very Short Introduction DB86320 5 hours 28 minutes by Rob Iliffe read by George Holmes Professor of intellectual history provides a balanced appraisal of Isaac Newton (1642–1727), one of the most influential mathematicians and scientists who ever lived. Explains Newton's scientific discoveries, the forces that shaped his thinking, and his radical theology and controversial beliefs—including a keen interest in alchemy. 2007.

Business and Economics Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces That Shape Behavior DB86215 7 hours 15 minutes by Jonah Berger read by Stephen Van Doren Author of Contagious (DB76440) explores what leads us to make decisions on a subconscious level. Topics include imitating what we see, differentiating yourself from the herd, motivation, and more. Uses case studies from busi- ness, entertainment, and his own research into social influence to illustrate points. 2016.

Women from the Ankle Down: The Story of Shoes and How They Define Us DB86281 8 hours 18 minutes by Rachelle Bergstein read by Nicola Daval Author of Brilliance and Fire (DB85802) details the development of women's shoe fashions in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Discusses Page 65 of 128

technological advancements such as the use of arch support by Salvatore Ferragamo, the influence of social movements, designers, popular media, and more. 2012.

Microeconomics: A Very Short Introduction DB86143 5 hours 8 minutes by Avinash Dixit read by Emily Ellet Princeton University emeritus professor uses common examples to explain the small economic transactions that have big impacts on people's day-to-day lives. Discusses the roles of consumers, producers, and markets; concepts such as supply and demand and pricing strategies; and what happens when markets and policies fail. 2014.

Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune and Random Failure in Silicon Valley DB86002 18 hours 38 minutes by Antonio García Martínez read by Patrick Downer A Silicon Valley insider profiles the culture prevalent there, using both his own experiences and those of colleagues. Discusses business deals, tech startup culture, interpersonal relationships, the ups and downs of his career, and the personalities within Facebook and Twitter. Some strong language. 2016.

A Fine Mess: A Global Quest for a Simpler, Fairer, and More Efficient Tax System DB87740 10 hours 7 minutes by T.R. Reid read by T.R. Reid A journalist examines tax systems across the world and compares them to what exists in the United States. Discusses the history of tax code revisions, including the fact that significant ones usually occur every thirty-two years, making the next one due in 2018. Presents policy suggestions to address growing income inequality. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

The Curse of Cash DB87237 14 hours 6 minutes by Kenneth S. Rogoff read by Joe Wilson

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Former chief economist for the International Monetary Fund argues for the elimination of paper money. Discusses the drawbacks of cash with regard to criminal enterprises—including tax evasion, illicit drugs, and national security— the effect on national interest rates, and the interplay between international currencies. 2016.

The Green and the Black: The Complete Story of the Shale Revolution, the Fight over Fracking, and the Future of Energy DB86351 11 hours 28 minutes by Gary Sernovitz read by Jon Huffman An oil industry expert discusses the realities of fracking—what it is, how it can be made safer, and how the oil business works. Also examines how the shale revolution has impacted the future of the oil industry and global politics. 2016.

The Rise and Fall of Nations: Forces of Change in the Post-Crisis World DB86223 20 hours 14 minutes by Ruchir Sharma read by Jake Williams Investor and columnist analyzes the global economy after the 2008 financial crisis. Describes ten rules for identifying future winners and losers in the global economy. Presents each rule's framework for evaluating a nation's political, economic, and social conditions and the ways they influence the nation's economic stability. 2016.

The Loudest Voice in the Room: How the Brilliant, Bombastic Roger Ailes Built Fox News—and Divided a Country DB87554 17 hours 38 minutes by Gabriel Sherman read by Erik Singer Journalist examines the development of the Fox cable news network under the leadership of Roger Ailes. Analyzes the significance of his youth in Ohio and career development prior to landing at Fox. Considers the personalities he promoted to groom the network into a politically conservative haven. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2014.

Computers Computer Science: A Very Short Introduction DB86095 4 hours 59 minutes Page 67 of 128

by Subrata Dasgupta read by Jeremy Gage Scholar and writer explains one of the most consequential new sciences of the modern era, involved in problem solving across many disciplines—social, economic, technological, and cultural. Explains the differentiation of knowledge, information, and data. Discusses symbol structures, computational artifacts, algorithms, compilers, programming, and heuristics. 2016.

Information: A Very Short Introduction DB86131 5 hours 13 minutes by Luciano Floridi read by Emily Ellet Outlines the different types of data, roles played in scientific contexts, and social and ethical issues raised by information technologies that have transformed life for more than half a century. Analyzes data from mathematical, semantic, and physical perspectives, and highlights the importance of technology's harmony with healthy natural environment. 2010.

Cooking Kosher USA: How Coke Became Kosher and Other Tales of Modern Food DB86250 13 hours 40 minutes by Roger Horowitz read by Richard Davidson Historian chronicles the development of Jewish kosher laws and the integration of them into the twentieth-century American food industry. Discusses divergences of opinion among Jewish sects on what is and is not kosher, further accommodations with secular entities, and the interplay with ethics moving into the twenty-first century. 2016.

Real Food/Fake Food: Why You Don't Know What You're Eating and What You Can Do about It DB86220 11 hours 21 minutes by Larry Olmsted read by Stephen Van Doren Journalist expands on a column he wrote for Forbes in 2012, in which he explored the sale of beef in the United States that purported to be Kobe, a well- known Japanese delicacy. Discusses difference between "real" and "fake" food, trademark names, the food industry, and more. 2016.

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Crime Forensic Psychology: A Very Short Introduction DB86467 4 hours 33 minutes by David Canter read by Doug Tisdale Jr. Leader in the field describes the tools forensic psychologists use to try to understand criminals and their behavior. Considers the mix of biological, psychological, and social factors underlying criminality; techniques for working with offenders; and topics such as the insanity defense, false confessions, and post-traumatic stress disorder. 2010.

Forensic Science: A Very Short Introduction DB86490 5 hours 35 minutes by Jim Fraser read by Emily Ellet Past president of the Forensic Science Society uses examples from his own experience to detail the ways that DNA, fingerprints, blood and body fluids, and the like can help bring criminals to justice. Describes the methods police use to investigate crimes and recover, protect, and analyze evidence. 2010.

Diet and Nutrition Food Rules: An Eater's Manual DB86363 1 hour 23 minutes by Michael Pollan read by Stephen Van Doren Journalist offers a set of rules for eating wisely that draws from a variety of ethnic and cultural traditions. Discusses the link between diet and health and suggests that people renounce or modify the Western diet of highly processed foods and meat. 2009.

Drama and Theater Comedy: A Very Short Introduction DB86087 5 hours 9 minutes by Matthew Bevis read by Doug Tisdale Jr. Scholar examines comedy, from the ancient Greeks to the present, through recurring elements and themes: the physical body, marriage, pain, the humdrum of existence, death. Discusses the idea that comedy and tragedy are not true opposites; comedy presupposes rather than precludes tragedy. 2013. Page 69 of 128

Family Push Back: Guilt in the Age of Natural Parenting DB86064 10 hours 4 minutes by Amy Tuteur read by Kristin Allison Harvard-trained obstetrics-gynecologist examines the myths and potential harm of the natural parenting movement, which advocates minimal medical interference, advocates breastfeeding for all mothers, and hails attachment parenting. Discusses the movement’s history and modern practices and incorporates the author’s experiences as a mother and doctor. 2016.

Folktales The Masks of God, Books 3–4 DB84595 56 hours 57 minutes by Joseph Campbell read by Emily Ellet Author of The Power of Myth (DB28043) discusses the themes underlying art, worship, and literature of the Western world in Occidental Mythology, first published in 1964. In Creative Mythology, first published in 1968, he explores the inner stories of modern culture and man’s position as creator of his own mythologies. Sequel to Masks of God, Books 1–2 (DB84554). 1968.

Gardening Herb Gardening: How to Prepare Soil, Choose Your Plants, and Care For, Harvest, and Use Your Herbs DB86333 10 hours 17 minutes by Melissa Melton Snyder read by Kerry Dukin Guide to growing herbs, from choosing a site to harvesting and winterizing, with chapters in between that include sample garden designs, tips on choosing what to grow, and tools gardeners will need. Describes planting and growing herbs, from seeds to mature plants. 2016.

General Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors DB86254 3 hours 40 minutes by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs read by Bob Moore Page 70 of 128

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs 2016 summary of benefits provided to eligible individuals. Covers health care, service-related disabilities, pensions, education and training, home loans, life insurance, burial and memorial benefits, transition assistance, dependents, and survivors. 2016.

Geography The Antarctic: A Very Short Introduction DB85551 5 hours 15 minutes by Klaus Dodds read by Judie Yuill Geopolitics professor discusses early explorations of the last continent discovered, governance issues, research projects, and the exploitation of animal and mineral resources. With ninety percent of the world's ice and seventy percent of its fresh water, Antarctica provides an archive of past climates and an indicator of future environments. 2012.

Government and Politics Governance: A Very Short Introduction DB86471 5 hours 9 minutes by Mark Bevir read by Erik Sandvold Explores the process of decision-making and ruling not only in the public sector but also in corporations and other organizations. Traces the political and social changes, such as globalization, that have shifted attention from "governments" to "governance" and empowered markets and networks over hierarchies. 2012.

How Everything Became War and the Military Became Everything: Tales from the Pentagon DB86183 16 hours 44 minutes by Rosa Brooks read by Catherine Byers A former top Pentagon official traces how war has transitioned from being considered, typically, a temporary state of affairs between times of peace to a continuous state. Argues that when the boundaries around war disappear, one risks destroying the founding values of America and invites chaos. 2016.

Richard Nixon: The Life DB87710 28 hours 56 minutes by John A. Farrell Page 71 of 128

read by Dan Woren A biography of the controversial president. The author begins with young Navy lieutenant "Nick" Nixon's 1946 congressional campaign and follows his upward trajectory and ultimate downfall and resignation from the presidency. Addresses both the positive and negative aspects of his career. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Ideology: A Very Short Introduction DB86130 5 hours 59 minutes by Michael Freeden read by J.P. Linton Professor of politics analyzes the thought systems that organize how we interpret events and actions. Proposes a definition of ideology and examines its pejorative connotations and the major contributions of some twentieth-century theorists. Explores text, utterances, and non-verbal forms, and argues for its central place in our lives. 2003.

Nationalism: A Very Short Introduction DB86319 6 hours 1 minute by Steven Grosby read by J.P. Linton Professor of religion asks what is so important about the existence of nations. Using examples from ancient Israel to the present-day Balkans, discusses how nations arise from a sense of kinship, territory, history, and shared language and religion. Questions whether the "uncivil ideology of nationalism" can be remediated. 2005.

Farewell Kabul: From Afghanistan to a More Dangerous World DB86376 23 hours 39 minutes by Christina Lamb read by L.J. Ganser The award-winning coauthor of I Am Malala (DB77454) examines NATO’s failure to defeat a group of religious students and farmers in the longest war fought in American history—a war that has left Afghanistan one of the poorest nations on earth and the Taliban undefeated. Discusses the human cost of these failures. Some violence. 2015.

Old School: Life in the Sane Lane DB87708 4 hours 25 minutes Page 72 of 128

by Bill O'Reilly and Bruce Feirstein read by various narrators Conservative political commentator discusses the values at odds between two groups of people that he refers to as "Old School" and "Snowflake." Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Brown Is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority DB86236 9 hours 57 minutes by Steve Phillips read by L.J. Ganser Political activist contends that it is foolhardy for politicians not to chase the votes of people of color, given the explosive population growth of these groups. The author draws on his own political experience to argue that progressives risk missing a crucial moment in history—and losing as a result. 2016.

Six Encounters with Lincoln: A President Confronts Democracy and Its Demons DB87552 17 hours 37 minutes by Elizabeth Brown Pryor read by various narrators Examines six encounters between Abraham Lincoln and his constituents. Collectively, they reveal his character and opinions and illustrate his challenges with managing a republic and creating a presidency. Explores the difficulties he faced in communicating, his conflicts regarding emancipation, and his fondness for storytelling. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Trump's War: His Battle for America DB87704 6 hours 50 minutes by Michael Savage read by Holden Still Conservative media personality analyzes the initial appointments, speeches, and tweets of President Donald Trump and discusses the early direction of the Trump administration. Lays out a suggested path to victory for conservative Americans who side with Trump. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Bush DB86229 35 hours 6 minutes by Jean Edward Smith Page 73 of 128

read by Joe Wilson Presidential biographer and author of Eisenhower in War and Peace (DB74849) attempts to portray the forty-third president in a critical yet fair manner. Discusses Bush's decision to invade Iraq and the consequences of that choice, the financial crisis of 2008, Hurricane Katrina, the No Child Left Behind Act, and other aspects of Bush's legacy. 2016.

Insane Clown President: Dispatches from the 2016 Circus DB87548 9 hours 21 minutes by Matt Taibbi read by Rob Shapiro A collection of articles and essays covering the course of the 2016 American presidential election. Discusses the author's views on the failures of both liberals and conservatives, as well as those of the reactive media. Theorizes that the rise of Donald Trump marks the beginning of a new post-factual movement. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

The Hamilton Collection: The Wisdom and Writings of the Founding Father DB86174 8 hours 30 minutes edited by Dan Tucker read by Peter Berkrot A curated collection of the writings of founding father Alexander Hamilton. Includes personal letters, business and governmental correspondence, excerpts from his published writings [including The Federalist Papers (DB26691)], love letters to his wife, and correspondence with his friend-turned-nemesis Aaron Burr. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2016.

Hobbies and Crafts Loom Knitting Primer DB86378 6 hours 32 minutes by Isela Phelps read by Catherine Byers Guide to creating knitted projects using looms. Discusses the difference between loom knitting and knitting with needles, the types of looms available, considerations when buying a loom, round-loom versus board-loom techniques, yarn types, and making felted goods. Includes thirty-five patterns, a glossary, and a stitch dictionary. 2016.

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Language Dictionaries: A Very Short Introduction DB85669 5 hours 30 minutes by Lynda Mugglestone read by Peter Holdway Describes the craft of noted lexicographers and the challenges of creating a factual reference work. Shows lexicography's continual evolution and adaption to ever-changing language in an ever-changing environment of computers, the Internet, mobile devices, and pronunciation sound files. Discusses the question of a dictionary's role as descriptive or prescriptive. 2011.

Legal Issues Medical Law: A Very Short Introduction DB86141 5 hours 53 minutes by Charles Foster read by J.P. Linton An overview of the laws—few of which existed before the mid-twentieth century—that regulate the medical profession. Discusses the difference between medical law and ethics, the various ways doctors can be held accountable, and real-life cases on subjects such as cloning, confidentiality, consent, negligence, human experimentation, and euthanasia. 2013.

Literature South and West: From a Notebook DB87553 2 hours 53 minutes by Joan Didion read by various narrators A collection of essays by the author of The Year of Magical Thinking (DB61740) and Blue Nights (DB74045). Contains excerpts from two notebooks kept during a trip in 1970 to Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, and another trip in 1976 to observe Patty Hearst's trial in California. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Evelyn Waugh: A Life Revisited DB87409 14 hours 38 minutes by Philip Eade read by Peter Holdway This biography of the famous writer examines many of the phases and themes of his life, such as his troubled relationship with his father, his homosexual relationships, his marriages, and his religious conversion. Drawing on Page 75 of 128

unpublished sources, Eade associates these themes with motifs that often appeared in Waugh's work. 2016.

Homer DB87445 3 hours 27 minutes by Barbara Graziosi read by Steven Carpenter A classicist analyzes the literary, historical, cultural, and archaeological issues surrounding Homer's epic poems The Iliad (DB66356) and The Odyssey (DB72052). Discusses the world of Homer, his potential influences, the impact of ancient and historical criticism on translations, and ways to interpret the poems. 2016.

Dante: A Very Short Introduction DB86078 4 hours 23 minutes by Peter Hainsworth and David Robey read by Lou Harpenau Analysis of the Italian poet's major works focuses on the Divine Comedy (DB30589), exploring its relevance to its own time and the ways it still speaks to modern readers. Considers Dante's use of allegory, his inventive language, and his insights into human nature. 2015.

Italian Literature: A Very Short Introduction DB86395 4 hours 27 minutes by Peter Hainsworth and David Robey read by Lou Harpenau Thematic exploration of the most significant Italian authors from perspectives of history, tradition, theory, politics, and secularism. Discusses long regional history, the novel's struggle to establish itself, the focus on human values in the face of authoritarian dogma, increased literacy among women, and their recent prominence as novelists. 2012.

The New Testament as Literature: A Very Short Introduction DB86324 4 hours 34 minutes by Kyle Keefer read by Bob Moore Professor of religion brings the tools of literary criticism to bear on the revered text to enrich the reader's appreciation by illuminating its language, structure, and

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crafting. Explores the Gospels, Paul's letters, and the Book of Revelation in some detail. Shows how literary analysis can uncover unexpected complexity. 2008.

Chinese Literature: A Very Short Introduction DB86094 4 hours 32 minutes by Sabina Knight read by Jeremy Gage A survey of Chinese literature from antiquity to the twenty-first century and the ways it reflects the social and political concerns of its times. Discusses narrative and lyric forms as well as historical works, philosophy, and drama. 2012.

The Marquis de Sade: A Very Short Introduction DB86404 4 hours 19 minutes by John Phillips read by Erin Jones Examines the life and writings of a philosopher whose literary contributions were largely suppressed for two centuries. Discusses his imprisonments, his stance on religion and politics, his many plays, stories, and verses devoid of obscenity, important insights found in his correspondence, and legacy as an original of merit. 2005.

Science Fiction: A Very Short Introduction DB87140 5 hours 38 minutes by David Seed read by Erik Sandvold Professor of American literature considers the emergence of science fiction as a popular genre in the twentieth century, in both writing and film. Devotes separate chapters to space voyages, encounters with aliens, the changing role of technology, utopias and dystopias, and the relation of sci-fi to time past as well as time future. 2011.

Marriage and Sex Dating and Sex: A Guide for the 21st Century Teen Boy DB86227 8 hours 33 minutes by Andrew P. Smiler read by Doug Tisdale Jr. Provides information and advice for teen males on dating, relationships, sex, physical changes, and sexual orientation. Also discusses the topic of consent and

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covers the basics for solo and partnered sexual activities. Explicit descriptions of sex. For junior and senior high and older readers. 2016.

Medicine and Health What to Expect When You Have Diabetes: One Hundred Seventy Tips for Living Well with Diabetes; Revised and Updated DB87414 4 hours 33 minutes by American Diabetes Association read by Bob Moore Explains diabetes to the newly diagnosed and discusses blood sugar, medications, alternative treatments, and possible complications. Advises on diet and nutrition, weight management and exercise, pregnancy, and prevention. Although geared toward people with type 2 diabetes, most of these suggestions will also benefit those with type 1. Includes glossary. 2016.

Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction DB86159 5 hours 5 minutes by Tony Hope read by Patrick Downer Medical ethics expert examines moral quandaries surrounding issues such as euthanasia, genetic testing, reproductive technologies, mental illness, medical research, and allocation of health-care resources. Describes tools of reasoning that can help one make ethical decisions. 2004.

Hormones: A Very Short Introduction DB86391 4 hours 17 minutes by Martin Luck read by Lou Harpenau Explains what hormones are and what they do, from regulating blood pressure to controlling the female reproductive cycle. Discusses hormone-related disorders such as diabetes and thyroid disease, recent developments in endocrinology, and ethical issues such as athletes' use of steroids to improve performance. 2014.

Infectious Disease: A Very Short Introduction DB86147 5 hours 4 minutes by Marta L. Wayne and Benjamin M. Bolker read by Patrick Downer Two researchers use case studies of five pathogens—influenza, HIV, cholera, malaria, and an amphibian fungus—to explain how infectious diseases are Page 78 of 128

transmitted and the ecological and evolutionary processes that make them a moving target for doctors and scientists. 2015.

HIV/AIDS: A Very Short Introduction DB86389 4 hours 49 minutes by Alan Whiteside read by Lou Harpenau South African HIV/AIDS researcher explains how the virus works and spreads and describes its devastating demographic impact, especially in the developing world. Discusses the international response to the epidemic and the medical, economic, and ethical dimensions of prevention and treatment. 2008.

Music There's Something Happening Here: The Story of Buffalo Springfield; For What It's Worth DB87437 13 hours 36 minutes by John Einarson and Richie Furay read by Brit Herring Music biographer teams up with a founding member of Buffalo Springfield to tell the band's story. Along with Richie Furay, members of the band included Neil Young and Stephen Stills. They only recorded from 1966 to 1968. Drug busts and infighting broke up the band, but their sound influenced many other artists. 1997.

The Orchestra: A Very Short Introduction DB86502 5 hours 36 minutes by D. Kern Holoman read by Kerry Dukin Music professor and conductor examines the roots, structure, and day-to-day functioning of the modern philharmonic society. Argues that the orchestra is a powerful political and social force, seen as an essential element of civic pride. Examines the economics of orchestras and the role of race and gender in their formation. 2012.

Lonely Boy: Tales from a Sex Pistol DB87559 9 hours 28 minutes by Steve Jones read by Steve Jones Memoir of the guitarist from the band Sex Pistols, who ignited the punk music scene for a few brief years in the 1970s. Discovered while homeless on the streets Page 79 of 128

of London by trendsetter Malcolm McLaren, Jones discusses his struggles with drugs, alcohol, and sex addiction. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Film Music: A Very Short Introduction DB86085 4 hours 12 minutes by Kathryn Kalinak read by Gregory Maupin Analyzes music's power in complementing all elements of film's narrative system. Explores its history from Hollywood to Bollywood and around the world, highlighting music's role in creating atmosphere, foreshadowing narrative developments, and shaping our perceptions and emotional responses. Discusses how composers collaborate with producers and directors. 2010.

Infinite Tuesday: An Autobiographical Riff DB87739 10 hours 6 minutes by Michael Nesmith read by Michael Nesmith Best known as the guitarist from the TV show The Monkees in the 1960s, the author reflects on his music, acting, his famous friendships, and the second act of his career as a pioneer in the music video and home movie industries. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Instrumental: A Memoir of Madness, Medication, and Music DB87716 8 hours 36 minutes by James Rhodes read by John Lescault Sexually abused as a child, a classical pianist describes how music saved him from a life of drug abuse and mental wards. Organized around classical music pieces important to him, he discusses his career and his efforts to process the traumas of his youth. Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex. 2014.

Folk Music: A Very Short Introduction DB86382 5 hours 14 minutes by Mark Slobin read by Bill Burton Award-winning music professor explores a genre of music that eludes simple definition, presenting examples from every part of the world. Discusses social movements, channeling strong sentiments (of religion, longing, protest), the effect

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of rural to urban migrations, and the influence of recording machines, researchers, record companies, and YouTube. 2011.

Born to Run DB86228 21 hours 54 minutes by Bruce Springsteen read by Erik Sandvold New Jersey's famous son tells his story. Covers his youth, how seeing Elvis on The Ed Sullivan Show made him want to become a musician, his early bands in Asbury Park, his life touring with the E Street Band, and the personal stories that fueled his music. Some strong language. Bestseller. 2016.

Nature and the Environment The Elephant Whisperer: My Life with the Herd in the African Wild DB85906 13 hours 9 minutes by Lawrence Anthony read by Jon Huffman Conservationist relates his experiences caring for a rogue herd of elephants on his South African game reserve. Describes his misgivings in accepting them, challenges faced with both the herd and local communities, lessons learned from individual elephants, and the joys and sorrows he encountered. 2009.

The Death and Life of the Great Lakes DB87702 12 hours 18 minutes by Dan Egan read by Jason Culp Wisconsin journalist examines the ecological impact of dense human habitation on the Great Lakes, which contain twenty percent of the Earth's fresh water. Discusses industrial practices, invasive species, connections between the lakes and the ocean, and more. Presents policy recommendations to improve the health of the lakes. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Forests: A Very Short Introduction DB86383 4 hours 35 minutes by Jaboury Ghazoul read by Lou Harpenau Traces the history of shifting attitudes toward forests and their tangible and intangible contributions. Explores forests worldwide, showing their diversity in form and composition. Highlights their dynamic nature through species Page 81 of 128

fluctuation, climatic disturbances, disease, and fire, and the deforestation driven by expanding global economies and population. 2015.

Citizen Scientist: Searching for Heroes and Hope in an Age of Extinction DB87389 16 hours 10 minutes by Mary Ellen Hannibal read by Emily Ellet Journalist discusses her experiences working as a volunteer in scientific fieldwork, assisting in the collection of data and specimens. Discusses the history of the citizen scientist movement, her own family's history with this work, and the impact of her father's death on her own choices. 2016.

The Dragon behind the Glass: A True Story of Power, Obsession, and the World's Most Coveted Fish DB86337 11 hours 1 minute by Emily Voigt read by Kerry Dukin Journalist explores the market for the Asian arowana, a species also known as the "dragon fish." Describes how an NPR story on exotic wildlife kept as pets in New York City led the author to learn about the arowana, the history of the trade in the endangered species, and the crimes related to it. 2016.

I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes within Us and a Grander View of Life DB85943 15 hours 12 minutes by Ed Yong read by Ken Kliban Journalist explores the role of microbes—microscopic organisms—and the health environments they create in human and animal bodies. Discusses the evolution of microbes, scientific inquiry about them (including their discovery by Antony van Leeuwenhoek), their roles in both solitary and multi-organism ecosystems, and their use in medical and industrial research. 2016.

Philosophy Philosophy in the Islamic World: A Very Short Introduction DB86505 4 hours 32 minutes by Peter Adamson read by Lou Harpenau Professor of late ancient and Arabic philosophy surveys key texts and philosophical thinkers from AD 622—the year the Prophet Muhammad led his Page 82 of 128

followers from Mecca to Medina—to the twenty-first century. Profiles such writers as Avicenna, Maimonides, Ibn Khaldun, and Mulla Sadra, and examines developments in theology, science, and Islamic law. 2015.

Ancient Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction DB86450 4 hours 31 minutes by Julia Annas read by Laura Adducci Discusses the search to understand the universe and the self, examining ideas from a long list of thinkers and schools. Traces developments from the sixth century BC, predating Socrates's emphasis on questioning. Presents ancient philosophy as an ongoing argument to join, not a succession of ideas to be adopted. 2000.

Hume: A Very Short Introduction DB86392 5 hours 12 minutes by A.J. Ayer read by Jon Huffman Overview of the philosophy of British thinker, historian, and political essayist David Hume (1711–1776). Based on a series of lectures by the author—a longtime professor of logic at Oxford University—that considered Hume's views on perception, cause and effect, morality, and religion. 1980.

How to Live; or, A Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Attempts at an Answer DB86123 17 hours 2 minutes by Sarah Bakewell read by Gary Telles A portrait of the philosopher Montaigne, using the content of his many essays that served as free-roaming explorations of his thoughts and experiences. Examines topics Montaigne discusses, such as how to get on well with people, how to deal with violence, adjusting to loss, and the ultimate question—how should one live? 2010.

Ethics: A Very Short Introduction DB86083 4 hours 28 minutes by Simon Blackburn read by Lou Harpenau

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Philosophy professor examines the complex subject of standards of behavior, as well as our ideas of right and wrong and good and evil. Identifies seven threats to ethics and discusses religion, abortion, political systems, and human rights. Questions whether there exists such a thing as moral knowledge. 2001.

Locke: A Very Short Introduction DB86401 3 hours 39 minutes by John Dunn read by Gregory Maupin Cambridge University professor of political theory reflects on the intellectual life of John Locke (1632–1704), particularly his attempt to answer two questions: How should we live? And how can we know anything? Discusses Locke's views on civil authority, property rights, natural law, and religious tolerance. 1984.

Risk: A Very Short Introduction DB87173 6 hours 14 minutes by Baruch Fischhoff and John Kadvany read by Kerry Dukin Professor and policy consultant discuss the field of decision theory and risk analysis. The authors demonstrate how to be a critical consumer of claims about risk—whether from politicians, pundits, doctors, financial advisors, car mechanics, suitors, or scientists—and provide a conceptual framework for thinking about risks in the context of decisions where they matter. 2011.

Derrida: A Very Short Introduction DB86079 4 hours 11 minutes by Simon Glendinning read by Lou Harpenau Academic shares insights into the thinking and writings of the philosopher known as the father of deconstruction. Discusses positive and hostile reactions to his work. Addresses the problem of language in the history of Western metaphysics, thought-provoking ideas on ethics and politics, and the significance of the structure of writing. 2011.

Schopenhauer: A Very Short Introduction DB86802 5 hours 28 minutes by Christopher Janaway read by Lindsay Ellison

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Exploration of the work of the influential nineteenth-century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860). Describes Schopenhauer’s work grounded in an uncompromising pessimism and denial of the value of human existence. Charts the philosopher's influence on such artists and thinkers as Wagner, Freud, Wittgenstein, and especially Nietzsche. 2002.

Humanism: A Very Short Introduction DB86089 4 hours 58 minutes by Stephen Law read by Bill Wallace Senior lecturer in philosophy at the traces the history of humanism and explains its key principles. Analyzes—and rejects—arguments for the existence of God, but suggests that religious people and humanists can still share many of the same views and goals. 2011.

Medieval Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction DB86142 5 hours 19 minutes by John Marenbon read by George Holmes Explores four interconnected traditions of medieval philosophy—Latin, Greek, Arabic, and Jewish—and their approaches to age-old problems such as the relationship between mind and body. Discusses the development of philosophy from the early to the late Middle Ages and the ways it was studied and written about. 2016.

Free Will: A Very Short Introduction DB86384 4 hours 22 minutes by Thomas Pink read by Lou Harpenau Looks at the fundamental philosophical question of free will, critically examin- ing whether our actions are determined by forces beyond our power or if, and how, we control our actions. Examines the shift from an omnipotent God's con- trol in the Middle Ages to the material cause-and-effect world. Discusses causal determinism, compatibilism, libertarianism, skepticism, Thomas Hobbes's material deterministic system, and Immanuel Kant's conception of free action. 2004.

Beauty: A Very Short Introduction DB86092 6 hours 57 minutes Page 85 of 128

by Roger Scruton read by George Holmes Philosopher ponders the nature of beauty—in the arts, in nature, and in the human form—and challenges the notion that it is solely "in the eye of the beholder." Argues that beauty is vanishing in the world, in part because of its degradation by pornography and kitsch. 2011.

Kant: A Very Short Introduction DB86134 5 hours 26 minutes by Roger Scruton read by George Holmes English philosopher recaps the life of Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) and analyzes his greatest work, Critique of Pure Reason. Discusses the historical antecedents of Kant's thought, his concept of the categorical imperative, and the role of aesthetic experience in his philosophy. 2001.

Marx: A Very Short Introduction DB86140 3 hours 4 minutes by Peter Singer read by Peter Johnson Controversial philosopher examines the ideas of Karl Marx (1818–1883)—whose impact, he says, "can only be compared with that of religious figures like Jesus or Muhammad." Discusses Marx's intellectual roots, collaboration with Friedrich Engels, theories of history and alienation, and his most influential works, The Communist Manifesto (DB19621) and Das Kapital (DB39627). 1980.

Nietzsche: A Very Short Introduction DB86418 4 hours 10 minutes by Michael Tanner read by Lou Harpenau Cambridge professor explores the life, career stages, and major works of the iconic German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900). Examines Nietzsche's influence on a disparate, even contradictory, range of interests. Discusses his conflicted relationship with Richard Wagner and analyzes the concepts of the Will to Power and the Eternal Recurrence. 1994.

Hermeneutics: A Very Short Introduction DB86388 5 hours 10 minutes by Jens Zimmermann Page 86 of 128

read by Lou Harpenau Humanities professor explains the discipline of interpretation and the interpretive quality of knowledge in philosophy, theology, art, law, history, literature, and science. Stresses the importance of integrating words and events into a meaningful whole, and recognizes that to perceive is to interpret; interpretation is a human condition. Appendix presents debates. 2015.

Love: A Very Short Introduction DB86137 5 hours 16 minutes by Ronald de Sousa read by J.P. Linton Philosopher ponders the puzzles and paradoxes of romantic love, arguing that it is a "syndrome" rather than an emotion and noting that it inspires terrible crimes as well as great art. Discusses various perspectives on love, from Plato's Symposium to the latest neurological, hormonal, and behavioral research. 2015.

Poetry Poisoned Apples: Poems for You, My Pretty DB86258 1 hour 0 minutes by Christine Heppermann read by Laura Giannarelli Collection of fifty poems that explore how females are taught to think about themselves, their bodies, their friends—as consumers, as objects, as competitors. Based on classic fairy tale characters and fairy tale tropes, the poems range from contemporary retellings to first person accounts. For senior high and older readers. 2014.

Psychology and Self-Help Child Psychology: A Very Short Introduction DB86456 5 hours 20 minutes by Usha Goswami read by Laura Adducci Cambridge University professor describes children's emotional and intellectual development from birth to early adolescence. Topics include the importance of family, friendships, and play; the way children learn language; and the advances in neurobiology that are transforming the field of child psychology. 2014.

What Love Is: And What It Could Be DB87634 6 hours 13 minutes Page 87 of 128

by Carrie Jenkins read by Kristin Allison A philosophy professor explores the idea of romantic love from both a biological and social perspective. Using her own experiences of an unconventional love life as well as scientific studies and evolving cultural norms, she explores the variations in romantic love. 2017.

Super Mind: How to Boost Performance and Live a Richer and Happier Life through Transcendental Meditation DB86059 12 hours 27 minutes by Norman E. Rosenthal read by Jake Williams Professor of psychiatry and author of Transcendence (DB75694) outlines three states of consciousness: waking, sleeping, and dreaming. Uses research and hundreds of interviews to discuss how transcendental meditation can help people reach higher levels of consciousness and improve their quality of life. 2016.

Religion Nothing to Prove: Why We Can Stop Trying So Hard DB87745 5 hours 54 minutes by Jennie Allen read by Jennie Allen The author examines feelings of insecurity and promotes the use of faith in Christ to overcome them. Shares stories from her own life to illustrate points, discusses biblical stories, and presents challenges and prayers related to those passages. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Tried by Fire: The Story of Christianity's First Thousand Years DB87628 14 hours 36 minutes by William J. Bennett read by Ken Kliban Chronicle of the spread and widening influence of Christianity, from its start in the Middle East in the early part of the first century AD to around the year 1000. Discusses prominent figures, theological crises, schisms due to competing centers of power, and interactions with secular governments. 2016.

A Short History of Christianity DB87520 20 hours 1 minute by Geoffrey Blainey Page 88 of 128

read by Catherine Byers Australian historian and author of A Short History of the World (DB56466) chronicles the history of Christianity in one volume. Examines the birth of the religion in the Middle East, its development in Europe, conflicts that led to the Reformation, and Christianity's growth into the twenty-first century. 2011.

Bounds of Their Habitation: Race and Religion in American History DB87518 10 hours 42 minutes by Paul Harvey read by Doug Ramsdell Historian examines the intersection of race and religion in America from colonial times to the twenty-first century. Discusses the determination of early American identity through religious affiliation and skin color, religious freedom and repression, the use of religion to enforce racial identity, immigration, civil rights, and more. 2017.

Science and Technology The Elements: A Very Short Introduction DB86082 5 hours 34 minutes by Philip Ball read by Lou Harpenau Beginning with the ancient Greeks' earth, air, fire, and water, science journalist goes on to discuss the discovery of oxygen, the aesthetic and economic appeal of gold, the periodic table's origins, and practical uses of the elements in science, medicine, manufacturing, and technology. 2002.

Molecules: A Very Short Introduction DB86145 5 hours 46 minutes by Philip Ball read by Emily Ellet Science writer defines molecules as the smallest units of meaning in chemistry, and describes biochemistry's challenge to learn how they communicate. Explores the interaction of molecular science and materials engineering, the huge impact on medicine, mechanisms that power the body, and the immeasurable biological importance of protein molecules creating movement. 2001.

Magnetism: A Very Short Introduction DB86138 4 hours 49 minutes by Stephen Blundell Page 89 of 128

read by John Haag Physics professor explains the detection and importance of this mysterious phenomenon of the physical universe, from the properties' first references by ancient civilizations to its use in fusion reaction technology. Discusses the role of magnetism in industry, navigation compasses, loudspeakers, high-density disk storage, and protection from space radiation and solar wind. 2012.

Astrobiology: A Very Short Introduction DB86091 5 hours 35 minutes by David C. Catling read by George Holmes University of Washington astrobiologist and former NASA scientist explains what we know about the origin and evolution of life on Earth and the possibility of microbial or intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. 2013.

Nuclear Physics: A Very Short Introduction DB86421 4 hours 12 minutes by Frank Close read by Lou Harpenau Oxford physics professor describes the historical development of nuclear physics, beginning with J.J. Thomson's discovery of the electron at the end of the nineteenth century. The field ranges from the study of heavy nuclei in supernova to applications in the world of medicine, including MRIs and PET scans. 2015.

Particle Physics: A Very Short Introduction DB86503 4 hours 38 minutes by Frank Close read by Lou Harpenau Professor of physics journeys inside the to examine its known components: quarks, electrons, and neutrinos. Describes the processes by which scientists have discovered these particles and how our understanding of the physical world has been radically revised. Discusses antimatter and identifies particle physicists' future inquiries. 2004.

Memory: A Very Short Introduction DB86160 5 hours 4 minutes by Jonathan K. Foster read by Patrick Downer

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Demonstrates that memory, the active and selective psychological process central to all we do and to our sense of self, comprises multiple components. Reviews the history of scientific investigations since the late nineteenth century, methods of research, and study findings. Discusses amnesia, age-related changes, techniques to improve performance, and mnemonics. 2009.

Dreaming: A Very Short Introduction DB86088 5 hours 15 minutes by J. Allan Hobson read by Bill Wallace Psychiatrist demystifies dreaming, describing the paradigm shift from content and Freudian psychoanalysis to the study of characteristics distinguishing dreaming from waking. Discusses neurobiological discoveries made possible by brain imaging technology, allowing brain-in-action observation, and showing that waking and dreaming are two states of consciousness determined by brain chemistry. 2002.

Michael Faraday: A Very Short Introduction DB86409 4 hours 41 minutes by Frank A.J.L. James read by Barry Bernson History of the scientist's life (1791–1867) and legacy, illuminating his research investigating substances susceptible to magnetic force and the connection between light and magnetism. Explores his Sandemanian religion, work at the Royal Institution in London, practical applications as an adviser to government regarding naval maneuvers, art conservation, and lighthouse technology. 2010.

Dinosaurs: A Very Short Introduction DB86081 4 hours 55 minutes by David Norman read by Lou Harpenau Cambridge University paleobiologist summarizes what the fossil record tells us about the dinosaurs that roamed the planet more than sixty-five million years ago. Recounts nineteenth-century discoveries that provided a foundation for study, and recent developments that have challenged the traditional view of dinosaurs. 2005.

Reality Is Not What It Seems: The Journey to Quantum Gravity DB87747 6 hours 9 minutes by Carlo Rovelli Page 91 of 128

read by Roy McMillan The author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics (DB84064) examines the ways physicists' interpretations of the universe have changed since ancient times. Discusses the concept of quantum gravity. Translated from the original 2014 Italian edition. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2016.

Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race DB86234 12 hours 15 minutes by Margot Lee Shetterly read by Emily Ellet Daughter of a NASA engineer profiles the black women who worked for NASA and its predecessor, NACA, as human computers. Discusses their lives prior to joining NACA/NASA, the challenges they faced due to gender and race discrimination, and their impact on the space program. Basis for the 2016 movie. 2016.

Nuclear Weapons: A Very Short Introduction DB86422 4 hours 21 minutes by Joseph M. Siracusa read by Lou Harpenau Professor of international diplomacy explains the history and technology of these weapons. Describes the Manhattan Project, early testing, and the use of atomic bombs against Japan. Discusses the politics of deterrence, including arms limitation treaties and the Strategic Defense Initiative. Explores concerns over nuclear proliferation and acquisition of nuclear materials by terrorists. 2015.

Chaos: A Very Short Introduction DB86455 6 hours 37 minutes by Leonard Smith read by Erik Sandvold Mathematician explains chaos theory—the idea that small differences in present conditions can have huge effects in the future—and considers its implications in fields such as meteorology, astronomy, and economics. 2007.

The History of Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction DB86168 4 hours 33 minutes by Jacqueline Stedall read by John Haag Page 92 of 128

Thematic overview of mathematics' four-thousand-year history rejects a chronological, Eurocentric approach and focuses instead on the experiences of everyday people around the world, including schoolchildren. Topics include the ways that mathematical concepts are taught and spread, the rise of algebra in the seventeenth century, and the professional mathematician. 2012.

Minerals: A Very Short Introduction DB86163 4 hours 26 minutes by David J. Vaughan read by Michael Scherer Explains these fundamental components of the Earth, how they are named, their physical and chemical properties, and theories of their evolution and roles in the emergence of life. Explores advances enabled by the microscope and X-rays, and the strategic importance of special metals in industry. 2014.

Social Sciences Dear Ijeawele; or, a Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions DB87701 1 hour 4 minutes by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie read by January LaVoy Author of We Should All Be Feminists (DB87556) expands on a letter she posted to Facebook in October 2016 in response to questions sent to her by a childhood friend about raising a baby daughter to be a feminist. Presents fifteen suggestions. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

The March against Fear DB87446 4 hours 20 minutes by Ann Bausum read by Bob Moore In 1966, James Meredith, an African American, was shot in Mississippi while marching to fight racism and fear. Recounts how civil rights leaders organized a group to continue the protest in the name of equality and justice. Violence and some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2017.

Citizenship: A Very Short Introduction DB86458 4 hours 45 minutes by Richard Bellamy read by Laura Adducci

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Director of the School of Public Policy at University College, London, explores the challenges that globalization and multiculturalism pose to the idea of citizenship. Argues that citizenship should be understood primarily in political, not social, terms and that its essential element is the right to vote. 2008.

Leadership: A Very Short Introduction DB86136 5 hours 26 minutes by Keith Grint read by Emily Ellet Cofounder of the journal Leadership examines what leadership is and isn't, characteristics of leaders and whether they are born or bred, and styles of authority. Discusses classic texts on the subject such as Sun Tzu's The Art of War (DB59556) and Machiavelli's The Prince (DB39689). 2010.

Organizations: A Very Short Introduction DB86501 6 hours 0 minutes by Mary Jo Hatch read by Kerry Dukin Organization theorist's overview of her field. Explains where organizations come from, how they contribute to and detract from the meaningfulness of our lives, and ways to improve them to better serve our needs. Draws on physical science, social science, economics, psychology, and literature and introduces ideas important to organizational thinkers. 2011.

Communism: A Very Short Introduction DB86462 6 hours 22 minutes by Leslie Holmes read by Erik Sandvold Examines Communism in theory and practice, from Marx and Engels to Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, and the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union. Details the history of Communist governments and their political, social, and economic practices, including twenty-first-century China's hybrid "middle way." 2009.

The New Odyssey: The Story of the Twenty-First-Century Refugee Crisis DB87655 10 hours 2 minutes by Patrick Kingsley read by Brandon Bujnowski Migration correspondent for newspaper, Patrick Kingsley has traveled to nearly twenty countries along the early-twenty-first-century European Page 94 of 128

migrant trail, meeting hundreds of refugees. He provides an account of who these people are, why they come, how they manage it, and who the people are who aim to aid or stop them. 2016.

Globalization: A Very Short Introduction DB86387 4 hours 35 minutes by Manfred B. Steger read by Lou Harpenau Analyzes globalization in economics, politics, culture, ecology, and ideologies, and questions how global crises will affect its momentum. Argues against a myopic definition of it as inevitable, inexorable forces that spread Western values at the expense of local traditions and national cultures. Stresses the importance of building an egalitarian global order while preserving cultural diversity. 2013.

Critical World Issues, Books 1–4 DB87408 9 hours 53 minutes by Mike Walters and others read by Patrick Downer Four books analyzing contentious issues. In Abortion, the reproductive rights of women and the need to protect an unborn fetus are examined by using various perspectives. Also includes Animal Rights, The Arms Trade, and Capital Punishment. For senior high and older readers. 2017.

Anarchism: A Very Short Introduction DB86449 3 hours 40 minutes by Colin Ward read by Laura Adducci Examines anarchism from theoretical, historical, and international perspectives and its relevance in the twenty-first century. Explores the major proponents' key ideas and how opposition to political structure will be reinvented continually. Discusses its role in European popular uprisings and the contributions of anarchist pioneers to social change. 2004.

Charleston Syllabus: Readings on Race, Racism, and Racial Violence DB86315 16 hours 35 minutes edited by Chad Williams and others read by Bob Moore Collection of sixty-five essays, excerpts, and articles collected in response to the June 2015 shooting deaths of nine people in Charleston, South Carolina. Sections Page 95 of 128

address the legacy of slavery, the impact and importance of church life, the Civil War and Reconstruction, Jim Crow laws, white supremacy movements, and other issues. Some violence. 2016.

Sports and Recreation Casey Stengel: Baseball's Greatest Character DB87725 15 hours 20 minutes by Marty Appel read by various narrators A former PR director for the New York Yankees baseball team pens a biography of one of the team's most famous managers. Stengel (1890–1975) was a player, but is best known for managing the dominant Yankees from 1949 to 1960, as well as for his colorful way of speaking. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Sport: A Very Short Introduction DB87144 5 hours 11 minutes by Mike Cronin read by Erik Sandvold Scholar charts the history of sports, from ancient games and traditional medie- val pursuits such as folk football and cock fighting to the big business of professional sports today. Looks at the variety of team and individual sports. Explores the relationship between sports and class, gender, commerce, identity, and ethics. 2014.

Ballplayer DB87738 10 hours 29 minutes by Chipper Jones read by various narrators Memoir of baseball player who spent nineteen years with the Atlanta Braves. Describes his path to get to Major League Baseball, how he learned to become one of baseball's rare switch hitters, and the many great pitchers he faced. He also reflects on the pitfalls of fame. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Ty Cobb: A Terrible Beauty DB86340 16 hours 21 minutes by Charles Leerhsen read by Barry Bernson Detroit Tigers outfielder Tyrus Raymond "Ty" Cobb (1886–1961) is considered one of the greatest hitters in baseball, but he is just as well-known for his temper Page 96 of 128

and bad behavior. This biography leverages primary documents and first-hand accounts to reevaluate Cobb. Some strong language. 2015.

The Arm: Inside the Billion-Dollar Mystery of the Most Valuable Commodity in Sports DB87381 15 hours 25 minutes by Jeff Passan read by Joe Wilson A baseball journalist looks at the epidemic of injuries that baseball pitchers experience with their throwing arms. Examines the importance to Major League Baseball teams of keeping their most expensive players healthy, and follows two professional pitchers trying to return to the game after surgery. Some strong language. 2016.

Fastpitch: The Untold History of Softball and the Women Who Made the Game DB86230 10 hours 45 minutes by Erica Westly read by Laura Adducci A journalist chronicles the game of softball, including its origins in late- nineteenth-century Chicago, the growth of the fastpitch version starting in the 1930s, and its distinction as one of the only team sports women were allowed to play competitively. Profiles many of the stars of the game. 2016.

Stage and Screen A Life in Parts DB86373 8 hours 30 minutes by Bryan Cranston read by David Hartley-Margolin The actor, already successful before he starred in the huge hit show Breaking Bad, walks readers through his life by way of the different roles—acting and personal—he has played. Some strong language. Bestseller. 2016.

The Daily Show (The Audiobook): An Oral History as Told by Jon Stewart, the Correspondents, Staff, and Guests DB87677 16 hours 10 minutes by Chris Smith read by various narrators

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Covers the sixteen years of the TV show The Daily Show during the tenure of host Jon Stewart from the viewpoints of the writers, producers, performers, and guests involved. Discusses the challenge of turning news into comedy and shares behind-the-scenes stories. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2016.

Andy and Don: The Making of a Friendship and a Classic American TV Show DB87442 11 hours 49 minutes by Daniel de Visé read by Robert Sams A journalist provides a dual biography of actors Andy Griffith and Don Knotts, including stories of the making of The Andy Griffith Show. Utilizes interviews with costars, family, and friends to detail their personal lives and careers before and after appearing together in the iconic TV show. 2015.

U.S. History White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide DB86343 6 hours 23 minutes by Carol Anderson read by Erin Jones Inspired by an op-ed piece by the author that was published in the Washington Post in 2014 as racial tensions erupted in Ferguson, Missouri, this book dis- cusses race relations at various points in American history. Examines how points of social progress for African Americans tend to face particular types of opposition. 2016.

Lincoln: A Very Short Introduction DB86399 5 hours 16 minutes by Allen C. Guelzo read by Bill Burton Award-winning scholar explores the historical and cultural forces that shaped the nation's sixteenth president. Recaps Lincoln's decision to become a lawyer after failing as a shopkeeper and his unremarkable early political career. Analyzes the evolution of his opposition to slavery, his leadership during the Civil War, and his legacy. 2009.

The True Flag: Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Twain, and the Birth of American Empire DB87563 10 hours 57 minutes Page 98 of 128

by Stephen Kinzer read by various narrators A journalist examines America's position at the dawn of the twentieth century when it was faced with the chance to take over foreign territory. Delves into the arguments both for and against imperial expansion given by historical figures such as Theodore Roosevelt, William Randolph Hearst, Mark Twain, Booker T. Washington, and Andrew Carnegie. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

Unreal City: Las Vegas, Black Mesa, and the Fate of the West DB87557 9 hours 16 minutes by Judith Nies read by Coleen Marlo A historian tracks four decades of conflict over land, water, and power that began with the division of the Arizona Black Mesa desert between the Hopi and Navajo tribes. Examines the involvement of governments and businesses, cultural collisions, and the extensive battle for resources. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 2017.

North American Indians: A Very Short Introduction DB86321 5 hours 33 minutes by Theda Perdue and Michael D. Green read by Catherine Byers Historians describe how indigenous North Americans shaped their cultures so that they could flourish on the land. Perdue and Green stress the diversity and resilience of native societies and describe the ways Native Americans have struggled to maintain their integrity against attacks by European colonists and the United States government. 2010.

World History The Fall of Heaven: The Pahlavis and the Final Days of Imperial Iran DB87123 27 hours 31 minutes by Andrew Scott Cooper read by Jake Williams An account of the rise and fall of Iran’s Pahlavi dynasty, examining Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in particular. Traces the Shah’s life from his childhood through his ascension to the throne in 1941, his political career, marriage to Farah Diba, and life inside the palace during the Iranian Revolution and fall of the Pahlavis. 2016.

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The Norman Conquest: A Very Short Introduction DB86419 4 hours 36 minutes by George Garnett read by Lou Harpenau Oxford historian analyzes the conquest of England by Duke William of Normandy at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and explores its far-reaching consequences. Discusses redistribution of land, rebuilding of churches, and the revision of history that followed King Harold's defeat and the end of five hundred years of Anglo-Saxon rule. 2009.

Vietnam: A New History DB87327 21 hours 16 minutes by Christopher Goscha read by Mark Ashby An exploration of Vietnam’s history, from antiquity until the early twenty-first century, with its mosaic of peoples, languages, and cultures from over fifty different ethnic groups. Discusses the grand narrative of the country's past as well as the creation of the modern state. 2016.

Nineteenth-Century Britain: A Very Short Introduction DB86325 4 hours 44 minutes by Christopher Harvie and H.C.G. Matthew read by Peter Holdway Historians discuss developments in Britain between 1789 and 1914, when relative government stability provided the backdrop to radical economic and social change. Industrialization, urbanization, and imperial expansion abroad characterized the era, as did the growth of literacy and contentious progress in the recognition of civil and political rights. 1984.

Northmen: The Viking Saga, AD 793–1241 DB87244 17 hours 48 minutes by John Haywood read by Catherine Byers Examines the Vikings within their wider geographical and historical context, from their prehistoric pagan origins to their transformation into Christian Europeans. Focuses on key events, such as the sack of Lindisfarne in 793 and the assassination of saga-writer Snorri Sturluson in 1241. 2015.

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Island People: The Caribbean and the World DB87460 18 hours 55 minutes by Joshua Jelly-Schapiro read by Gregory Maupin A geographer describes the culture and politics of many of the regions of the Caribbean, examining their common heritage and their collective identity and role in the larger world. Discusses Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Haiti, and Barbados, among others. 2016.

In Wartime: Stories from Ukraine DB87650 8 hours 26 minutes by Tim Judah read by Jeremy Gage Reviews the ongoing conflict in Ukraine that was sparked by the 2014 revolution. The author listens to politicians, poets, pensioners, and historians, pulling their many perspectives together to paint a picture of early-twenty-first-century Ukraine. 2015.

Northern Ireland: A Very Short Introduction DB86420 5 hours 15 minutes by Marc Mulholland read by Barry Bernson Oxford historian surveys the origins and protraction of political, religious, and cultural conflict in Northern Ireland, from the seventeenth century to the twentieth. Explores the rise of republicanism, the growth of Sinn Fein and the provisional Irish Republican Army, the formation of the opposing Democratic Unionist Party, and efforts to achieve peace. 2002.

The Invention of Russia: From Gorbachev's Freedom to Putin's War DB86249 13 hours 50 minutes by Arkady Ostrovsky read by Ken Kliban The author reaches back to the Cold War to trace the genesis of early-twenty-first- century Russia. Describes the propagandists, oligarchs, and fixers who worked to set Russia’s course after the collapse of the Soviet Union and discusses the tension with the United States. 2015.

Modern Ireland: A Very Short Introduction DB86164 4 hours 46 minutes Page 101 of 128

by Senia Pašeta read by Steven Carpenter Survey of Ireland's political, social, and economic history since the 1801 Act of Union with Great Britain. Topics include the Great Famine of 1845–49, the impacts of emigration, conflict between nationalists and unionists, sectarian violence, and the country's transformation from an agricultural to an industrial economy. 2003.

Jacobites: A New History of the '45 Rebellion DB86186 22 hours 51 minutes by Jacqueline Riding read by Robert Sams An account of the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745–46—the doomed attempt of Charles Edward Stuart (also known as "Bonnie Prince Charlie") to regain the crown of his grandfather, King James II. Discusses the context of the rebellion in the larger ongoing civil war that threatened to destabilize the British nation. 2016.

The Mongols: A Very Short Introduction DB86413 4 hours 31 minutes by Morris Rossabi read by Lou Harpenau Professor of history and Chinese describes the inception, growth, and decline of the Mongol empire during the 13th and 14th centuries—the largest contiguous empire in world history. Describes the Mongols' evolution from bloody conquerors to wise rulers who nurtured the economies of the lands and people they subjugated. 2012.

Ancient Worlds: A Global History of Antiquity DB87321 14 hours 17 minutes by Michael Scott read by Mark Ashby The author examines a revolutionary era in ancient history that overturned the old order and laid the foundation for the modern world. Discusses social changes across three continents, new forms of government that emerged, wars fought for a variety of reasons, and new faiths employed to unify vast empires. 2016.

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Books for Children

Listed books were recently sent to cooperating libraries. Books and magazines are also available for immediate download from the NLS Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) site at https://nlsbard.loc.gov. To order books or sign up for BARD, contact your local cooperating library. Regional library telephone numbers and email addresses are listed on the last pages of this magazine. Books are listed alphabetically within the headings Children’s Fiction and Children’s Nonfiction by subject category, author last name, and title. For example, the title Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown would be listed in Children’s Fiction under the Classics subject category and by the last name Brown.

Children’s Fiction

Adventure Dark Shadows: Yes, Another Misadventure DB87660 0 hours 59 minutes by Doreen Cronin read by David DeBoy Vacationing chicken squad siblings, Dirt, Sugar, Poppy, and Sweetie, visit their entire extended family on a nearby farm. Shortly after arrival, a shadowy figure spooks Sugar, and their jellybean stash, along with Poppy's beloved shoe, is stolen! The chicks set out to find the culprit. For grades 2-4. 2017.

Fall of Hades: Michael Vey, Book 6 DB86344 9 hours 14 minutes by Richard Paul Evans read by Alec Volz Michael and the Electroclan know that in order to defeat the Elgen, they will have to hurt them financially. To accomplish that, they must capture the Elgen boat Page 103 of 128

Joule; but first, they must rescue three Elgen electric youth condemned to death. Some violence. For grades 6-9 and older readers. 2016.

Captain Awesome, Books 16–18 DB87264 1 hour 52 minutes by Stan Kirby read by Steven Carpenter Three humorous adventures featuring Eugene and the Sunnyvale Superhero Squad. In Captain Awesome vs. the Sinister Substitute Teacher, friends Eugene, Charlie, and Sally believe something bad happened to their teacher, Ms. Beasley. Includes Captain Awesome Meets Super Dude! and Captain Awesome Has the Best Snow Day Ever? For grades 2-4. 2016.

The Candymakers and the Great Chocolate Chase DB86361 15 hours 26 minutes by Wendy Mass read by Kristin Allison Former competitors Logan, Miles, Philip, and Daisy embark on a tour to promote the winning candy bar. They experience an adventurous journey full of hidden treasures, secret worlds, and candy. Sequel to The Candymakers (DB84040). For grades 5-8. 2016.

Going Wild DB86118 9 hours 29 minutes by Lisa McMann read by Romy Nordlinger After reluctantly moving from Chicago to the deserts of Arizona, Charlie Wilde puts on a mysterious bracelet and receives superhuman abilities. Charlie teams up with her friends to try to understand and control her new powers. For grades 5-8. 2016.

I Survived Series, Books 11–14 DB86213 5 hours 56 minutes by Lauren Tarshis read by various narrators Books eleven through fourteen, written between 2015 and 2016, featuring different kids surviving epic disasters throughout history. Includes The Great Chicago Fire, 1871; The Joplin Tornado, 2011; The Hindenburg Disaster, 1937; and The Eruption of Mount St. Helens, 1980. For grades 3-6. 2016. Page 104 of 128

Horizon, Book 1 DB87726 5 hours 55 minutes by Scott Westerfeld read by Johnathan McClain When a plane crash-lands in the arctic, eight kids find themselves alone and surrounded not by ice and snow but by a deadly jungle full of carnivorous plants and predatory birds. All the other passengers have mysteriously vanished. Commercial audiobook. For grades 4-7. 2017.

Animals Priscilla Gorilla DB87541 0 hours 11 minutes by Barbara Bottner and Michael Emberley read by Deborah Desmone After six-year-old Priscilla's father gave her a book on gorillas, she became obsessed with the animal. But when her ape-like behavior gets her in trouble at school, Priscilla wonders if she is really channeling her inner gorilla or is just a troublemaker. For preschool-grade 2. 2017.

Rabbit's Snow Dance: A Traditional Iroquois Story DB87656 0 hours 13 minutes by James Bruchac and Joseph Bruchac read by Nona Pipes A long-tailed rabbit who wants a nibble of the highest, tastiest leaves uses his special snow song in the summertime, despite the protests of the other animals. For preschool-grade 2. 2012.

Brave Little Finn DB87682 0 hours 11 minutes by Jennifer Churchman and John Churchman read by Robert Petkoff Newborn lamb Finn learns to be brave with the help of his new animal friends and Farmer John. Commercial audiobook. For preschool-grade 2. 2016.

Armstrong: The Adventurous Journey of a Mouse to the Moon DB86184 0 hours 31 minutes by Torben Kuhlmann read by Jeff Allin Page 105 of 128

An avid star gazer, a little mouse dreams of visiting the moon, which strangely resembles cheese. Even though his fellow mice think him foolish, the fuzzy rodent works on his inventions until he makes his dreams come true. For grades K-3. 2016.

Family Moo DB86221 2 hours 30 minutes by Sharon Creech read by Gabriella Cavallero When her parents find themselves unemployed, twelve-year-old Reena and her family move to a coastal Maine town. Unsure what to expect, Reena is surprised that her parents volunteered her to help on an elderly lady's farm filled with crazy animals, including an ornery cow named Zora. For grades 3-6. 2016.

Still a Work in Progress DB85916 4 hours 52 minutes by Jo Knowles read by Gregory Maupin Noah hopes for a normal life as he deals with the angst of seventh grade. But then his older sister, Emma, who struggles with an eating disorder, starts to really get sick and throws his life into chaos. For grades 6-9. 2016.

Wish DB86072 4 hours 49 minutes by Barbara O'Connor read by Emily Ellet When ten-year-old Charlie's dad goes to jail and her mom spends all day on the couch, Charlie reluctantly moves to the country to live with her kin. There, with the help of a stray dog and a new friend, she discovers the true meaning of family. For grades 4-7. 2016.

The Courage Test DB86224 3 hours 27 minutes by James Preller read by Doug Tisdale Jr. After his parents split up, William Meriwether reluctantly embarks on a trip with his father to retrace the footsteps of the explorers William Clark and Meriwether Lewis. For grades 4-7. 2016. Page 106 of 128

Fantasy Mechanica DB86365 7 hours 6 minutes by Betsy Cornwell read by Mare Trevathan Nicolette's horrible stepsisters have nicknamed her "Mechanica" because of her fondness for creating mechanical inventions. On her sixteenth birthday, Nicolette discovers her mother's hidden workshop in the cellar, and it may just be the key to her chance at freedom. For grades 6-9 and older readers. 2015.

This Is Not a Werewolf Story DB85491 8 hours 29 minutes by Sandra Evans read by Dan Bloom When a new student at a boarding school becomes the target of the bullying gym teacher, quiet student Raul finally speaks up on his behalf. But Raul has secrets that involve the magic of the forest and sunsets. For grades 4-7. 2016.

The Secret of Dreadwillow Carse DB87447 5 hours 16 minutes by Brian Farrey read by Deborah Desmone Jeniah, a princess, and Aon, a peasant girl, hide their sorrow in a town where everyone lives with unending joy. After meeting by chance, they embark on a dangerous quest to search for Aon's missing father and to outwit a centuries-old warning foretelling the fall of the monarchy. For grades 4-7. 2016.

Showing Off: Upside-Down Magic DB87729 3 hours 23 minutes by Sarah Mlynowski and others read by Rebecca Soler Nory and her friends are worried about the upcoming Dunwiddle Magic School talent show. The students are supposed to showcase their skills, but with their uncontrollable powers, they don't believe it is a good idea. Sequel to Sticks and Stones (DB84631). Commercial audiobook. For grades 3-6. 2017.

Cavern of Secrets: Wing and Claw DB87647 7 hours 7 minutes Page 107 of 128

by Linda Sue Park read by Erik Sandvold After a winter in the Sudden Mountains, Raffa and his friends make their dangerous trek back home to fight against the evil Chancellor and to help Raffa's bat, Echo, recover. Sequel to Forest of Wonders (DB84606). For grades 4-7. 2017.

The Storyteller DB87412 7 hours 38 minutes by Aaron Starmer read by Eva Wilhelm Along with stories, Keri Cleary records in her diary the strange and terrifying events surrounding a shooting and her brother's shocked silence, the disappearance of kids, and the continual efforts to find Fiona in Aquavania, a fantastical realm. Sequel to The Whisper (DB81422). Some violence. For grades 6-9. 2016.

Friendship Rabbit and Robot and Ribbit DB85948 0 hours 15 minutes by Cece Bell read by Faith Potts When Rabbit shows up unexpectedly at Robot's home, he is surprised to see Robot playing chess with a new friend, Ribbit. Disgruntled, Rabbit must figure out how to expand his circle of friends. Sequel to Rabbit and Robot (DB77200). For grades K-3. 2016.

The Peculiar Night of the Blue Heart DB86214 4 hours 8 minutes by Lauren DeStefano read by Jon Pinnow Lionel, a wild boy, and Marybeth, a good girl, are best friends at the orphan- age and rely on each other for everything. When a mysterious spirit possesses Marybeth a little at a time, the duo will do anything to stop it. For grades 4-7. 2016.

A Hat for Mrs. Goldman: A Story about Knitting and Love DB87444 0 hours 13 minutes by Michelle Edwards Page 108 of 128

read by Deborah Desmone Young Sophia knits a very special hat for her elderly neighbor and knitting teacher, Mrs. Goldman, because she is concerned that Mrs. Goldman's ears are getting cold. For preschool-grade 2. 2016.

Mother-Daughter Book Camp DB86232 7 hours 21 minutes by Heather Vogel Frederick read by Mare Trevathan Emma, Jess, Megan, Becca, and Cassidy go to Camp Lovejoy in New Hampshire to serve as counselors. When some of the young campers become homesick, the friends decide to start a summer-camp book club. Sequel to The Complete Mother-Daughter Book Club Collection (DB81149). For grades 5-8. 2016.

Ugly Cat and Pablo DB87749 0 hours 44 minutes by Isabel Quintero read by Rogelio Ramos Ugly Cat really wants an ice pop. His mouse friend, Pablo, is determined to help him get one. Things go horribly wrong for the duo in the process. Commercial audiobook. For grades 2-4. 2017.

The Sweetest Sound DB87528 5 hours 45 minutes by Sherri Winston read by Kimberly Schraf Ten-year-old Cadence wants to share her amazing voice in the church choir but is held back by her extreme shyness. When a recording of Cadence's amazing voice leaks before she's ready to go public, she is torn over what to do. For grades 3-6. 2017.

Growing Up Sticks and Stones DB86065 5 hours 17 minutes by Abby Cooper read by Mare Trevathan Twelve-year-old Elyse privately struggles with a rare genetic disorder that makes the words other people say about her—as well as her own thoughts—

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appear on her body. One day, she receives a mysterious note offering help. For grades 4-7. 2016.

I Am Drums DB86111 4 hours 49 minutes by Mike Grosso read by Mary Kane Twelve-year-old Sam is determined to be a drummer, but when the recession hurts her family's finances and forces the school to cut the music program, Sam uses creative means to keep her dreams of drumming alive. For grades 4-7. 2016.

Dory Dory Black Sheep DB86185 0 hours 58 minutes by Abby Hanlon read by Catherine Frels When Dory's best friend learns to read before she does, Dory retreats into her wild imagination. She finds herself in the middle of a beginner book she is struggling to read, and she encounters imaginary friends. Sequel to Dory and the Real True Friend (DB83365). For grades K-3. 2016.

We're All Wonders DB87566 0 hours 4 minutes by R.J. Palacio read by Kivlighan de Montebello Auggie Pullman, an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face, feels like every other kid, but he isn't always seen that way. Even though some kids taunt him, Auggie plays with his beloved dog, Daisy, and hopes that one day kids will accept him. Commercial audiobook. For preschool-grade 2. 2017.

Fishbone's Song DB86354 2 hours 37 minutes by Gary Paulsen read by Jon Pinnow Boy reminisces about the magic of an old man who raised him in a rustic cabin and the tales the old man used to tell him. They were all true, but different each time. For grades 5-8. 2016.

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Historical Fiction Finding Wonders: Three Girls Who Changed Science DB86255 2 hours 50 minutes by Jeannine Atkins read by Mary Kane Biographical novel in verse featuring three notable women scientists in three different time periods: Maria Merian, a naturalist and scientific illustrator; Mary Anning, a fossil collector and paleontologist; and Maria Mitchell, an astronomer. For grades 4-7. 2016.

Otherwise Known as Possum DB87481 5 hours 6 minutes by Maria D. Laso read by Haven Burton Enrolled in school after her mother's untimely death in 1932, Possum resolves to preserve her mother's homeschooling lessons by proving she already knows everything. This unsuccessful endeavor is complicated by her teacher's attraction to Possum's father. Commercial audiobook. For grades 3-6. 2017.

An Eagle in the Snow DB87457 2 hours 50 minutes by Michael Morpurgo read by Andy Pyle England, 1940. While stuck in a train tunnel as German fighter jets fly overhead, young Barney hears an unlikely story of a highly decorated World War I soldier who once had a chance to kill young Adolf Hitler. For grades 4-7. 2015.

Hunt for the Bamboo Rat DB87743 7 hours 50 minutes by Graham Salisbury read by Greg Watanabe Seventeen-year-old Zenji Watanabe is sent from Hawaii to the Philippines to spy on the Japanese during World War II. After he is captured and tortured, Zenji must find a way to survive. Commercial audiobook. For grades 5-8. 2017.

Holidays Santa's Twin DB86259 0 hours 36 minutes by Dean Koontz Page 111 of 128

read by Joe Peck Santa's evil twin wreaks havoc on Christmas Eve: he kidnaps the real Santa, scares the reindeer, creates disgusting messes, and plans to gift-wrap cat poop for young Charlotte and Emily. Dismayed, the sisters plan to save the real Santa before the holiday is ruined forever! For grades K-3. 1996.

Humor The Bolds DB86122 2 hours 22 minutes by Julian Clary read by Peter Holdway After two hyenas in Africa find discarded passports beside a crocodile pond, they decide to take on the identities of the humans, the Bolds, and move to , England, to raise a family. Problems arise when Mr. McNumpty, their nosy neighbor, takes an interest in them. For grades 2-4. 2015.

My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish Series, Books 5–6 DB87540 6 hours 6 minutes by Mo O'Hara read by Kurt Elftmann In Live and Let Swim, a trip to the aquarium featuring a hungry psychic octopus endangers Tom's pet zombie goldfish, Frankie. Things get worse for Frankie and Tom during a medieval day re-enactment joust in Jurassic Carp. Later, Tom's evil brother clones a prehistoric fish. For grades 2-4. 2015.

Mystery Ballpark Mysteries Collection, Books 1–5 DB87564 6 hours 16 minutes by David A. Kelly read by Marc Cashman Five mysteries featuring cousins Mike Walsh and Kate Hopkins that take place in ballparks all over the country. Includes The Fenway Foul-up, The Pinstripe Ghost, The L.A. Dodger, The Astro Outlaw, and The All-Star Joker. Commercial audiobook. For grades 2-4. 2012.

Ballpark Mysteries Collection, Books 6–10 DB87565 5 hours 57 minutes by David A. Kelly read by Marc Cashman Page 112 of 128

Five more mysteries featuring baseball fans and cousins Mike and Kate. In The Wrigley Riddle, the cousins investigate when someone tampers with Wrigley Field's famous ivy vines. Includes The San Francisco Splash, The Missing Marlin, The Philly Fake, and The Rookie Blue Jay. Commercial audiobook. For grades 2-4. 2015.

The Gold Medal Mess: MVP, Book 1 DB87575 1 hour 17 minutes by David A. Kelly read by Tonya Cornelisse Five friends are ready for their school's Olympics field day. But not everyone wants to play fair, and someone is trying to ruin the events. The kids in the Most Valuable Player club must solve the mystery in time to save the Olympics. Commercial audiobook. For grades 2-4. 2016.

Scary Stories A Guide to the Other Side DB87643 5 hours 33 minutes by Robert Imfeld read by Doug Tisdale Jr. Thirteen-year-old Baylor does not like ghosts, but as a medium he sees them everywhere, and that includes the helpful ghost of his twin sister, Kristina. After an evil spirit terrorizes Baylor and Kristina disappears, he tries to uncover what is happening and find her on his own. For grades 5-8. 2016.

Slappy Birthday to You: Goosebumps SlappyWorld DB87488 2 hours 53 minutes by R.L. Stine read by various narrators Ian gets a Slappy dummy for his birthday, and things go from bad to worse as the demonic Slappy comes to life and takes control. Commercial audiobook. For grades 3-6. 2017.

School Gertie's Leap to Greatness DB86244 4 hours 49 minutes by Kate Beasley read by Tara Sands

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When Gertie's estranged mother decides to move away from town, Gertie decides that she needs to be the best fifth grader ever to show her mother what she is leaving behind. But a fellow classmate proves to be an unexpected challenge. Commercial audiobook. For grades 4-7. 2016.

Six Kids and a Stuffed Cat DB86350 2 hours 9 minutes by Gary Paulsen read by Gary Tipton When a severe storm hits, six misfit classmates at RJ Glavine Middle School hunker down in a restroom and discover an odd friendship. For grades 5-8. 2016.

Science Fiction Children of Exile, Volume 1 DB86226 6 hours 36 minutes by Margaret Peterson Haddix read by Gabriella Cavallero Raised in a foster village, twelve-year-old Rosi and her brother, Bobo, are unexpectedly returned to their biological parents, along with many other children. They discover that home is definitely not what they expected it to be. For grades 5-8. 2016.

Vault of Shadows: The Nightsiders, Book 2 DB85917 11 hours 49 minutes by Jonathan Maberry read by Andy Pyle After surviving the enemy Bugs' hive, Milo must choose between saving his own life or risking it to save both the human and magical universes. For grades 5-8. 2016.

Galaxy Zack, Books 9–12 DB87538 2 hours 28 minutes by Ray O'Ryan read by Joe Peck Books nine through twelve, written between 2014 and 2015, featuring Zack's adventures on planet Nebulon. In The Annoying Crush, Zack tests an android, and she develops a crush on him. Also includes Return to Earth!, A Haunted Halloween, and Operation Twin Trouble. For grades K-3. 2015.

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Sports Stories Left Out DB86352 6 hours 51 minutes by Tim Green read by Bruce Huntey Landon, who wears cochlear implants, struggles to get people to look past his disability and see him as a talented football player. Determination and an unlikely friendship help get Landon off the bench and onto the field. For grades 5-8. 2016.

Ghost: Track, Book 1 DB85921 3 hours 50 minutes by Jason Reynolds read by Jon Pinnow Aspiring to be the fastest sprinter on his city's elite track team, gifted runner Ghost finds his goal challenged by a tragic past with an abusive, alcoholic father. For grades 5-8. 2016.

Children's Nonfiction

Animals Lesser Spotted Animals: The Coolest Creatures You've Never Heard Of DB87523 1 hour 8 minutes by Martin Brown read by Joe Peck A collection of amazing yet often lesser-known animals. Includes an Australian termite-eating creature called a numbat and a giant gaur, which is bigger than a bull and whose bellow can be heard from a mile away. For grades 3-6. 2017.

5 Giraffes DB87405 2 hours 5 minutes by Anne Innis Dagg read by Patrick Downer Profiles of five unique giraffes in captivity and in the wild. Includes information on their evolution, diet, and social life. Highlights the unusual body parts of giraffes, from their long necks to their four stomachs. For grades 4-7. 2016.

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The Deadliest Creature in the World DB86672 0 hours 11 minutes by Brenda Z. Guiberson read by Peter Holdway Fourteen animals compete to be named most deadly. Size doesn't matter with these dangerous contenders, as shown by the disease-carrying anopheles mosquito and the short-tailed shrew, with its chilling eating habits. For grades K-3. 2016.

Masters of Disguise: Amazing Animal Tricksters DB86034 1 hour 15 minutes by Rebecca L. Johnson read by Bob Moore Examines the many ways animals have perfected the art of deception through camouflage and mimicry. For instance, the gliding lizard in Southeast Asia confuses prey with extendable skin flaps that look just like the dead leaves falling from a tree. For grades 4-7. 2016.

Crow Smarts: Inside the Brain of the World's Brightest Bird DB85946 2 hours 13 minutes by Pamela S. Turner read by Bob Moore Follows a scientist to the island of New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean to study crows in aviaries and in the wild. Investigates the intelligence levels of birds that can craft their own tools and are able to solve puzzles. For grades 4-7. 2016.

Biography STEM Trailblazer Bios, Books 1–8 DB86260 3 hours 35 minutes by Valerie Bodden and others read by Bob Moore Books one through eight, written between 2015 and 2017, featuring notable people with careers in science and technology. Includes Astronaut Mae Jemison, Computer Scientist Jean Bartik, Genetics Expert Joanna L. Kelley, Mars Science Lab Engineer Diana Trujillo, Nintendo Video Game Designer Shigeru Miyamoto, and others. For grades 3-6. 2017.

Six Dots: A Story of Young Louis Braille DB86519 0 hours 30 minutes by Jen Bryant Page 116 of 128

read by Peter Holdway A narrative biography of Louis Braille, who lost his sight as a young child while playing in his father's workshop. After being exposed to coded military messages at the Royal School for the Blind in Paris, Louis invented his own alphabet—a system for writing using six dots. For grades K-3. 2016.

A Wicked History, Books 9–12 DB86189 7 hours 52 minutes by Jane Buchanan and others read by Joe Peck Four biographies, written between 2008 and 2016, featuring some of history's most destructive leaders. Includes Ivan the Terrible: Tsar of Death, Julius Caesar: Dictator for Life, King George III: America's Enemy, and Mary Tudor: Courageous Queen or Bloody Mary? For grades 6-9. 2016.

Women in Science: Fifty Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World DB86127 3 hours 46 minutes by Rachel Ignotofsky read by Eva Wilhelm Profiles fifty notable women and their achievements in science, engineering, and mathematics, from the ancient world to the present. Includes Katherine Johnson, an African American physicist and mathematician, who worked for NASA as a female computer and later calculated the trajectory for the Apollo 11 mission. For grades 5-8. 2016.

Let Your Voice Be Heard: The Life and Times of Pete Seeger DB86110 1 hour 52 minutes by Anita Silvey read by Jeff Allin Portrait of Pete Seeger (1919–2014), an internationally honored folk musician and activist who devoted his life to furthering humanitarian causes through music. For grades 5-8. 2016.

The Music in George's Head: George Gershwin Creates Rhapsody in Blue DB86256 0 hours 23 minutes by Suzanne Slade read by Joe Peck

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Short biography of composer George Gershwin (1898–1937), from his early infatuation with music as a child prodigy to the creation of his musical masterpiece Rhapsody in Blue. For grades K-3. 2016.

Kid Artists: True Tales of Childhood from Creative Legends DB85950 3 hours 24 minutes by David Stabler read by Gary Telles Highlights unusual yet true stories from the childhoods of great artists. A young Leonardo da Vinci painted a Medusa head on a shield that couldn't be sold right away because it was too terrifying! For grades 3-6. 2016.

History Dive! World War II Stories of Sailors and Submarines in the Pacific DB86181 9 hours 22 minutes by Deborah Hopkinson read by Richard Davidson Recounts the story and events of America's little-known submarine warfare, also known as the "silent service," in the Pacific during World War II. Includes personal accounts from U.S. Navy personnel serving aboard the vessels, submarine design, and descriptions of weaponry. For grades 6-9. 2016.

On Our Way to Oyster Bay: Mother Jones and Her March for Children's Rights DB86357 0 hours 17 minutes by Monica Kulling read by Mare Trevathan In 1903, labor activist Mother Jones inspired a group of working kids and adults to march with her from Kensington, Pennsylvania, to President Theodore Roosevelt's summer home in Oyster Bay, New York, in an effort to end child labor. For grades K-3. 2016.

Motor Girls: How Women Took the Wheel and Drove Boldly into the Twentieth Century DB87597 2 hours 48 minutes by Sue Macy read by Kay Kerimian

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Discusses the first generation of female motorists who drove cars for fun, for profit, and to make a statement about the evolving roles of women. For grades 5- 8. 2017.

World War II: Blast Back! DB86262 0 hours 44 minutes by Nancy Ohlin read by Marsha Rehns Recounts the origins and events of World War II and identifies the countries of the two coalitions, the Allied and Axis powers. Highlights the use of propaganda to rally support for the war effort, the sacrifices people made at home and abroad, and more. For grades 2-4. 2016.

Medicine and Health Inside Your Insides: A Guide to the Microbes That Call You Home DB86355 0 hours 51 minutes by Claire Eamer read by Jon Pinnow Discusses the many microbes that live in and on the human body. Microbes are organisms so tiny that a microscope is required to see them. Explains how certain microbes can be used to battle the harmful ones. For grades 3-6. 2016.

Nature and the Environment What Can We Do about Pollution? Books 1–6 DB86126 2 hours 46 minutes by L.J. Amstutz and others read by Bob Moore Six books in a series featuring environmental issues. Includes How Can We Reduce Agricultural Pollution?, How Can We Reduce Fossil Fuel Pollution?, How Can We Reduce Household Waste?, How Can We Reduce Manufacturing Pollution?, How Can We Reduce Nuclear Pollution?, and How Can We Reduce Transportation Pollution? For grades 3-6. 2016.

Grand Canyon DB87595 0 hours 52 minutes by Jason Chin read by Joe Peck

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An exploration of the Grand Canyon, from its length of 277 miles to its width of 18 miles. Highlights the ancient rock layers and the staggering elevations, and identifies the creatures and vegetation that thrive there. For grades 3-6. 2017.

Science and Technology Bel the Weather Girl, Books 4–6 DB87407 0 hours 40 minutes by Belinda Jensen read by Jean Cochran Bel, the young daughter of a meteorologist, explains the science behind three different weather events. Includes A Snowstorm Shows Off: Blizzards, Spinning Wind and Water: Hurricanes, and Weather Clues in the Sky: Clouds. For grades K-3. 2016.

Sports and Recreation LGBTQ+ Athletes Claim the Field: Striving for Equality DB87539 3 hours 33 minutes by Kirstin Cronn-Mills read by Joe Peck Profiles of professional athletes who are LGBTQ+, with personal accounts of people who came out publicly as homosexual or transgender. Examines the social and institutional challenges that exist for people who are LGBTQ+ in the field of sports. Also includes a timeline of milestones, glossary, and resources. For grades 6-9 and older readers. 2017.

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Foreign Language Books


Los libros presentes en esta edición de Talking Book Topics (Temas de Libros Parlantes) se enviaron recientemente a las bibliotecas de cooperación. La colección completa contiene una amplia gama de libros de ficción y no ficción, incluyendo biografías, clásicos, de vaqueros, misterio, romance y otros. Los usuarios registrados también pueden descargar de inmediato todos los títulos y revistas del servicio de Descarga de Lectura en Braille y Audio del NLS (BARD) en https://nlsbard.loc.gov. La aplicación móvil de BARD está disponible en la App Store, Google Play, y en la Appstore de Amazon para leer audiolibros en su teléfono inteligente o su tablet personal. Para conocer más sobre la colección o para registrarse para utilizar BARD, comuníquese con su biblioteca de cooperación local. Los números de teléfono y las direcciones de correo electrónico de las bibliotecas regionales se encuentran en las últimas páginas de esta revista. Nota: Puede aparecer un aviso inmediatamente a continuación de la descripción del libro para indicar escenas de violencia, lenguaje violento o descripciones de sexo. La palabra “algunas” antes de cualquiera de estos términos indica un hecho ocasional o poco frecuente, como por ejemplo “lenguaje violento poco frecuente”. Los audiolibros comerciales de los cuales el NLS no tiene acceso al libro impreso, pueden presentar el aviso “sin calificación”, lo que significa que el libro puede contener o no violencia, lenguaje violento o descripciones de sexo.

El Sueño de Berlín (The Dream of Berlin) DB83988 2 hours 51 minutes por Ana Alonso y Javier Pelegrín read by María Pino Ana es una adolescente con trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo. Su amigo, Bruno, quiere ayudar y la anima a ir en el viaje de fin de curso, para realizar su sueño de ver el busto de Nefertiti en el Museo Neues en Berlín. Para grados 4-7 y lectores mayores. (Ana is a teenager with obsessive compulsive disorder. Her friend, Bruno, wants to help, and he encourages her to go on the class trip to realize her dream of seeing the bust of Nefertiti in the Neues Museum in Berlin. For grades 4-7 and older readers.) 2015.

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La Espía (The Spy) DB83990 3 hours 33 minutes por Paulo Coelho read by María Pino París, 1917. En su última semana de vida, Margaretha Zelle escribe sus reminiscencias detallando su viaje improbable desde una joven holandesa recién casada hasta la bailarina exótica, prostituta, y espía conocida como "Mata Hari." Traducido del portugués. (Paris, 1917. In her final week of life, from a prison cell, Margaretha Zelle pens reminiscences that detail her improbable journey from being a young Dutch newlywed to an exotic dancer, prostitute, and spy known as “Mata Hari.” Translated from Portuguese. Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex.) 2016.

Pablo Escobar, Mi Padre: Las Historias Que No Deberíamos Saber (Pablo Escobar, My Father: The Stories That We Should Not Know) DB83984 15 hours 39 minutes por Juan Pablo Escobar read by German Jaramillo Un retrato íntimo del narcotraficante colombiano Pablo Escobar Gaviria (1949– 1993), escrito por su hijo, que revela el lado que su padre criminal presentó a su familia, explorando también las consecuencias de la violencia que Escobar engendró en su país y en el mundo. Violencia, lenguaje injurioso, y descripciones de índole sexual. (An intimate portrait of the Columbian drug lord Pablo Escobar Gaviria (1949–1993), written by his son, revealing the side that his father presented to his family, while exploring the violence that he engendered in his country and the world. Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex.) 2014.

Crónicas del Desamor (Chronicles of Heartbreak) DB84976 15 hours 54 minutes por Elena Ferrante read by varios narradores Publicado bajo el seudónimo Elena Ferrante, estas tres novelas de éxito internacional —El amor molesto (1992), Los días del abandono (2002); y La hija oscura (2006)— exploran las vidas de mujeres y el amor napolitano. Traducido del italiano. Lenguaje injurioso y algunas descripciones de índole sexual. (Published under the pseudonym Elena Ferrante, these three international bestselling novels—El amor molesto (1992), Los días del abandono (2002), and La hija oscura (2006)—explore the lives of women and Neapolitan love.

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Translated from the Italian. Some strong language and some descriptions of sex.) 2016.

Omnia: Todo Lo Que Puedas Soñar (Omnia: Everything That You Can Dream) DB83987 6 hours 9 minutes por Laura Gallego read by María Pino Nico tira a la basura un conejo de peluche de su hermana y él utiliza a Omnia, una tienda en línea donde prácticamente todo se puede comprar, para encontrar otro. Pero un error lo envía al espacio físico de Omnia, que incluso es más fantástico que su presencia en el internet. Para grados 4 a 7 y lectores mayores. (Nico throws away his sister's stuffed rabbit and turns to Omnia, an online store where virtually anything can be bought, to find another. But an error sends him into Omnia's physical space, which is more fantastical than even the Internet presence. For grades 4-7 and older readers.) 2016.

Sapiens: De Animales a Dioses; Breve Historia de la Humanidad (Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind) DB84962 18 hours 51 minutes por Yuval Noah Harari read by María Pino Una discusión sobre el desarrollo de la cultura humana y la historia, desde la aparición de la primera especie del género Homo hace más de dos millones de años hasta el siglo veintiuno. Examina el progreso desde los puntos de vista de la biología, la antropología, la paleontología y la economía. Originalmente publicado en hebreo en 2011. (A discussion of the development of human culture and history, from the emergence of the first species of the genus Homo over two million years ago to the twenty-first century. Examines progress from the standpoints of biology, anthropology, paleontology, and economics. Originally published in Hebrew in 2011.) 2014.

Antes de la Caída (Before the Fall) DB84985 16 hours 17 minutes por Noah Hawley read by Walter Krochmal En una noche de niebla, once personas salen de Martha's Vineyard en un jet privado para Nueva York; éste avión cae en el océano. Los únicos supervivientes son un pintor y un niño de cuatro años —el único heredero de una familia Page 123 of 128

inmensamente rica de un magnate de los medios de comunicación. Traducido del inglés. Violencia y lenguaje injurioso. (On a foggy night, eleven people depart Martha’s Vineyard on a private jet for New York; this plane plunges into the ocean. The only survivors are a painter and a four-year-old boy—the only remaining heir of an immensely wealthy media mogul’s family. Violence and strong language.) 2016.

Conversaciones con San Juan (Patmos: Three Days, Two Men, One Extraordinary Conversation) DB84977 8 hours 57 minutes por C. Baxter Kruger read by Jorge Pupo Un teólogo de Mississippi, Aidan, viaja milagrosamente a través del tiempo para pasar tres días con San Juan en la isla de Patmos, donde muchas de sus preguntas son contestadas —y surgen nuevos enigmas. (A theologian from Mississippi, Aidan, miraculously travels back in time to spend three days with Saint John on the island of Patmos, where many of his questions are answered—and new conundrums arise.) 2016.

La Juventud de Miguel de Cervantes: Una Vida en Construcción, 1547–1580 (The Youth of Miguel de Cervantes: a Life in Construction, 1547–1580) DB83989 15 hours 37 minutes por José Manuel Lucía Megías read by Martin Untrojb La primera parte de una biografía de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547–1616), autor de Don Quijote de la Mancha (DB60979), que detalla los primeros treinta y tres años de su vida. Explora las etapas formativas de Cervantes como estudiante, soldado y cautivo—junto con los mitos que rodean a estos períodos. (The first part of a biography of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547–1616), author of Don Quijote de la Mancha (DB60979), which details the first thirty-three years of his life. Explores the formative stages of Cervantes as student, soldier, and captive— together with the myths surrounding those periods.) 2016.

Después de Ti (After You) DB83985 13 hours 49 minutes por Jojo Moyes read by María Pino Esta continuación de Yo antes de Ti (DB82996) comienza con Louisa Clark luchando para seguir adelante sin Will Traynor. Un terrible accidente la obliga a Page 124 of 128

regresar a casa para sanar su cuerpo, pero se necesita más esfuerzo para sanar su corazón para permitir que ella vuelva a amar. Traducido del inglés. Lenguaje injurioso, y descripciones de índole sexual. (This sequel to Yo antes de Ti (DB82996) begins with Louisa Clark struggling to go on without Will Traynor. A terrible accident leads her to move back home to heal her body, but it takes more effort to heal her heart to allow her to love again. Translated from English. Strong language and descriptions of sex.) 2016.

Mejora Tu Salud de Poquito a Poco: Una Guía Completa de Bienestar para Ti y Tu Familia (Improve Your Health Little by Little: A Complete Guide to Wellbeing for You and Your Family) DB83960 14 hours 31 minutes por Juan Rivera read by Tony Chiroldes Un cardiólogo y experto en temas médicos de la cadena Univision ofrece siete mandamientos para la buena salud —incluyendo sugerencias acerca de la dieta, el ejercicio, el dormir, el estrés y el sexo. Descripciones de índole sexual. (Cardiologist and chief medical expert for the Univision network offers seven commandments for good health—including insights about diet, exercise, sleep, stress, and sex. Descriptions of sex.) 2016.

Huracán (Hurricane) DB84981 12 hours 50 minutes por Sofía Segovia read by Martin Untrojb Un huracán devasta la isla de Cozumel, revelando personalidades ocultas en el panorama, incluyendo Aniceto Mora, conocido como "el Regalado", un hombre que ha vivido una dura vida de profunda tristeza. Violencia, lenguaje injurioso, y descripciones de índole sexual. (A hurricane devastates the island of Cozumel, revealing hidden personalities in the landscape, including Aniceto Mora, known as "el Regalado," who has lived a hard life of profound sadness. Violence, strong language, and descriptions of sex.) 2016.

Siempre Amigos (Friends Forever) DB84979 8 hours 46 minutes por Danielle Steel read by María Pino Izzie, Gabby, Billy, Sean y Andy son mejores amigos y amigas durante sus días en una escuela privada de San Francisco. Sus años de adolescencia traen los Page 125 of 128

divorcios de sus padres, familias mezcladas, y solicitudes para la universidad. Pero tragedias ocurren una vez que entran al "mundo real." Lenguaje injurioso. (Izzie, Gabby, Billy, Sean, and Andy are best friends all through their private- school days in San Francisco. Their teen years bring their parents’ divorces, blended families, and college applications. But tragedies occur once they enter the "real world." Some strong language.) 2016.

La Vida Secreta de los Árboles: Descubre su Mundo Oculto —Qué Sienten, Qué Comunican (The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate—Discoveries from a Secret World) DB84982 8 hours 45 minutes por Peter Wohlleben read by Monica Steuer Un guardabosques comparte sus observaciones así como las investigaciones de otros sobre la red natural de árboles y bosques. Explora la comunicación entre los árboles, el ciclo de vida de un bosque orgánico en comparación a uno plantado, y la interacción de los árboles con su ambiente más amplio. Traducido de la edición original alemana. (Forester shares his observations as well as research by others into the networked nature of trees and forests. Discusses communication between trees, the life cycle of an organic forest versus one planted, and the interaction of trees with their greater environment. Translated from the original German edition.) 2016.

Locura y Razón (Madness and Reason) DB83986 9 hours 49 minutes compilado por Juan Miguel Zunzunegui y Lizette Estefan read by Rosie Berrido 1913. Mientras la artista amnésica Elizabeth Limantour deambula por las calles de la Ciudad de México con un pedazo de papel misterioso en su mano, comienza a desarrollarse una historia del espionaje global que abarca desde la Belle Époque hasta el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Violencia. (1913. As the amnesiac artist Elizabeth Limantour wanders the streets of Mexico City with a mysterious piece of paper in her hand, a tale of global espionage unfolds that reaches from the Belle Époque to the end of the Second World War. Violence.) 2015.

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Audio Magazines

For a free subscription to these magazines, contact your cooperating library. AARP Bulletin (10 issues) and AARP The Magazine (bimonthly (6 issues)) American History (bimonthly (6 issues)) Analog Science Fiction and Fact (10 issues) Asimov’s Science Fiction (10 issues) The Atlantic (10 issues) Audubon (bimonthly (6 issues)) Das Beste aus Reader’s Digest (German; 12 issues) Bon Appétit (12 issues) Consumer Reports (12 issues) Contemporary Sound Track: A Review of Pop, Jazz, Rock, and Country (bimonthly (6 issues)) Cowboys and Indians (8 issues) Cricket (for children, on one cartridge with National Geographic Kids; 10 issues) Diabetes Forecast (12 issues) Discover (10 issues) Ebony (12 issues) The Economist (52 issues) Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine (6 issues) Foreign Affairs (6 issues) France-Amérique (French; 11 issues) Good Housekeeping (12 issues) Health and Nutrition Newsletters (includes Scientific American—Health after Fifty, Mayo Clinic Health Letter, and Nutrition Action Healthletter; monthly) Horticulture (6 issues) Humpty Dumpty (bimonthly (6 issues)) Kiplinger’s Retirement Report (12 issues) Magazine of the Month (12 issues) Money (11 issues) Missouri Conservationist (12 issues) Muse (9 issues) The Musical Mainstream (4 issues) The Nation (34 issues) National Geographic (12 issues) National Geographic Kids (for children and teens, on one cartridge with Cricket; 10 issues) Page 127 of 128

National Geographic Traveler (bimonthly (6 issues)) National Review (24 issues) The New Yorker (47 issues) The New York Times Book Review (weekly) O, The Oprah Magazine (12 issues)) Oklahoma Today (bimonthly (6 issues)) Outdoor Life (10 issues) People (52 issues) People en Español (Spanish; 11 issues) Piano Technicians Journal (12 issues) Playboy (12 issues) QST (12 issues)) Quarterly Music Magazine (4 issues) Rolling Stone (biweekly (24 issues)) Seventeen (6 issues) Smithsonian (11 issues) Sound & Vision (10 issues) Southern Living (13 issues) Spider (for children; 9 issues) Sports Illustrated (50 issues) Sports Illustrated Kids (12 issues) Talking Book Topics (6 issues; also contains NLS News, published quarterly) Travel & Leisure (12 issues) True West (12 issues) Vanidades (Spanish; 11 issues) Vital Speeches of the Day (12 issues) The Week (50 issues) Wired (12 issues) The Writer (12 issues)

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