PART THE INGHAM COUN,_fY NEWS ONE Eighty-Eighth Ye~w- No. 38 18 Pagca- Paacn 1 to 6 Biggest Fair Has Biggest Deficit $13,000 In Red 4-H Exhibitors Pa·omiacd Payment in Full, Othca· Ca·editon Face Long Wuit SllJr!l'I'HtiiiiiJ' ~Jilde PutJcnhcrgcr, who i'l a mcmbeJ or lhc slate fail board as well as I the county fair board, suggcstl'd I the county develop an rtgr 1- Mason Recreation cultmal fair instead of trying to match state f111r entertainment He Open and League said thme was the possibility that Jngl1am can't nffmd the kind or Bowling shows which were provtdcd this year Hartig ,r former fair association • president, demanded a b.tlanccd on­ let tainmcnt budget for anothm Open Afternoons



AUCTION SALE I Tuesday, September 30 An Added Convenience At the Upton-Stanton farm in Wheatfield, For Our Customers Section 20 on Burkley road. On Monday, September 22 20 Head of Cows and Young Cattle Pick · Up and Delivery Service 24 Hogs and Shoats Chickens Will Be Started 2 Tractors and Attachments Just Phone 2-4221 1,000 Bales of Hay and Straw Quantity of Corn and Oats 153 W. Ma(llc • See Auction Ad in Next Week's Paper For Complete Details E. A. Densmore, Admr.

Falll Footballl (To Be Continued Next Week) $3.50-$7.25 I Our new fall frock styled With a large, round collar and Shoulde1· Pads $2.98 Dr. F. J. Kellogg tnm tml01 ed lines f01 off1ce or school In wool or gabar­ dmc $2.59 Optometrist S1zes 9 to 15 WIU he out of the office Sat­ Come m and see 1t 111 yout s1ze

$2.50 urd!ly, 'l'ue~dny n11d Wednesday Athletic Socks- 35c-59c- $1.19 Beckwith Clothes Shop H1gh School Season Football 120 W Maple Here!

Prepare For Fall ... ~iok! It's beautiful Retread For Skid Protection , ~ Listen! It's radio's richest role~ Hammann's Home & Auto Supply Your Friendly Flte~tone Delller New Super •

• 8 tubes, [JiliN rectifier ru1d tuning

son of Taft, Cnllf, Mrs, ,Johnson •ro V ACA'I'ION IN liJA.ST ., iu Util former Helen Rose :Oatomrtn rs~l""'t:~~~w~~Jp==J::~·, School News ot Holt, Mt•, unOc ._..,.._____ ...... __...;,. ______1, ·stead instead of of 33c; 69c. nnd cooltcd hams, 79c illness. $1.59 * * * .TONI DELUXE Ul'r ...... $2:00 Super Malt NORTHWEST STOCKBRIDGE 'l'oni I'egulnt• ...... $1.25 $1.2$ Mrs. Guerdon Usher ,, Toni 'refills ...... $1.00 Unicaps To Keep Out Wind, Rain, Weather: Sunday school, 10 n. m. Church 8 p.m. - 100 for $2.96 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Campbell OLD rSPIC.E SUAVE_ spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 250 for $6.63 ... I.OTION ...... :.: ...... ljil.OO ~~~.. Walter Koch of Dexter. .,'\!,'~'.I ABDOL with Vjtamin C .. . Aleutian Cloth. Jackets Mr. and Mrs. Fred Briggs spent \ the wee!' end with Rev. and Mrs. A. B. FGclder of Fostot•ia. . 50 for $1.78 Mr. and Mrs. Verne Rarden of . ~00. for $2.96 near Mason, Mr. and· Mrs. Keith · Woodworth, Mr. and Mrs .. Roy : Homicebrin ,i, Ballard of Jacltson and Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Heeney were callers .. $1.21 of the William Garners last weelt. !limn 1~ co~idng wltl1 ga~ Mr. and Mrs. Wlllinin Garner : • .,Now- Ware's Vit

---...... L.o...~ ...... __....__..,_ ...... _ .._.__" ... ..______:----··-··- .. ----_... ______..

I' ; Custom Grinding and Mixing Miscellaneous fo'r Sale POlTr.TRY AND DAIRY FElilD Want Ads Snow's Hatchery RATES:-Advertisemcnh in this department: 30 cents fo1· 30 w01·ds o.r lcSB AND, FE!llD MILL Jewett's Flowers for each insea·tion. For more than 30 wordo, .one cent a word for each mser· HOLT Phone 3511 23wtf li'loworphone 212:11 tion. Advertising may be mailed Ol' telephoned. Dial Mason 9011. ------MASON Feed for Cows 31wtr lit CHOICm I-ImRillTI'ORD CALVmS, ai}d l-IenS DUROCS-Spring borrrs1 nnd g R, yearlings, 2-year old steers or This Winter ·...Livestock-Tools Reasonably priced. "· m. I•'oglo heifers, truck m· cnrlond Jots. We Clements & Son, fi miles north of1 Maso~ono~ dell vel' any m!mbcl', Also young Now Is n good lime to get your 01w1~1os .road. Lans n~ p3,"wtr breedhlg ewes unci feeding Jambs. cows nnd chiclccns In good condi- Flower Shop ·:· for Sale 8717.. " lion for wfntor, For low-priced ''· Robert Shull Cattle Ranch, 7 miles f eel usc your grain nnd Master II lt r(i]iNJ5mgREJ CORN · BINDJDR north of Clare on US:27· concentrates of which we have - 0 1 160 S~h~~o ~lx ' for· ~ale. In good world11g cm,l~ll· Clam , Wl. . . '' w p 11 good supply, We also have plenty 1 Phone Holt 717fl1 . ·HORSlilS--Hig-hcst prloes paid for 1 tlon. Wlllnrow eod ! """ 90 do" we wIll "'" • '"" u"" '"too "I U! etim• """''"""". """ ,,._,.,,., ""'" j ""· >Om> loogo I·I o00. P>ooo 597 2. >Bw> 3H 2 H"'" tt ro"", 0 I<> moo. P>o"' ~ l<'or information write section harrow, nlmos.t now . .Toh~ of Hereford calves, Holstein heifers demonstration. Call or write R. J. neck and some small; two 30-gal-J Lansing 72092. 38w1p otto, Chelsea. 10 mtlcs east of 1 and feedmg cattle, Stealy & Gra- McCarthy, 4.06 Tussing Bldg., Lan· Jon hot water tanlt".". T,.ll. "'""ill"- Homo .,,-,., ''Y uotll moot, M~oo. Phooo 38.,_. · - lmmodlot• ''"""Y· Como lo too WOOD AND COAL RANGE wiuO :•;,;J~s;:;~~Ziciti~~r;·~~~~:,,r.~~~ootoo Md g ...of ,,:· · · · ·. '"'""wghly -"""'h""'''• "' - '" · "-"' ""'"' lri>m, oom"' "' Cl"k '"" mile> c,. ""-" oow '"' •ruo. Yo '""' 00•dltiM. Al"" Now 6-tub, tAble modo!, ""'''" .'"' Zoolt>. A"' oho•t liood 3<1-,.lloo hot wot.;o tao)<, •';!INTERNATIONAL SILO flllel' fo.r ISibgle-bpttom 16-in. 't\·actor plow and .West ·roads; Dansville. paint, Runs•~•- lilte new, Five tit:es. 18-inch Rocltwoorl pulley with 7- broadcast and short wnve, Tone lngho~oofree tecmd sy~tem. Ipractically new. William Crovt:~· ' • •mlo.0 Floyd Mill.,, thooo ' '"' Md OWUwito;, to ltVtmOtooc otto 38 Fmok Woagoo, t milo """"' "' luoh '"" JutAmutiooW "'" """""''· ,_,.,, ''"""· Dumogod W AT>R HJMTERS - Whit.; '"' firnt "'"' "" olght oldo """ : ' mil'" '""thwoot uf Mu- ' G, L•dioko, H36t S. DoW itt m»d, w> P Col•mhi• '"'' 00 M • .,, t> reo- !Ill'"· Will!~ lam Mruo>o, " ' mil" "'biuot. oru y W "" 311, 50, '"' 65 ...- rorut "" Us-"7. PJ'"oo Moiop ""~>ok 38 tiog>m>~, 00 ,. '" -'" LY"" <lcll"'"' whllo_ theyIm~•- '""'· "'"""- · ,; • condition. CurtiCe Smith, route 1, Jncltson on :M-50, house number Bradley grain box, new; HooverDo~d boxes $1·19• regularly 9c, G. A. Parsons SERVEL REFRIGERATOR, bot- Eaton Rapids. Phone .Eaton Rapids 5701, 37w3 1 BLACK MARm PONY for sale, t t ge . d d't' saving 59c; colol' piclcup cream8 or tl d . deluxe with ... ~ 0 11 111 38 1 0 000 1 1011 7178 38 1 · 0 tJ po a < g r goo con · liquid 69c, regularly 89c, saving e gas, new 1947 FIBERBOARD collaspible war~- . w. >OHN1 DEERE b II f o I r;• ' '"· AIM gmy Em~! S>ow, l••t off E. H•lt """ 20o1 llol•hlug loti"" 49ol """''"· Food Gooo., ''""'log '"mporlmoot_ robo '"" oolo. Do•blo olw ood · ~ t d, U en~ pu er ge mg. Gerald Pierce, 661 S. on N. Every rond. Phone 6686. 1 5!1 Mason COMBINAT)ON RANGE, coal, ]il{e new. $ . .. Mrs.' Nelson MASSEYcondition. HARRIS On rubbertractor, withA·li Twosa setse or ofra lmives, e. seFranlt one Weager, season. Diamond road. Phone 23816. 38w1p asw1p forY 79c,c, savingregularly 10c; 59c, hand saving cream, 39c. 2 w wood.• and bottled gas. ,Immedi· Brown, S. ·•ansing~ St., Mason. 38 1 5 00 ; otm·too, lig>to ood powco liff. BMt t milo oorth o! Col•mblo ~d oo l93S DODGE SEDAN, Rodlo, Moo. M""t W. R•ymood, 524 Coo- "' doh"ocy. Plio"' ""·511 . "Wif ,,offer tnkes it, Also M. M. 14 inch, M-99, three-quarters of a mile 15 NEW HAMPsinRm YEAR- heater, sent covers, two new ter St., Mason. Phone 7574. PREMIER SWEEPERS-Upright i . : : ·:two bottom plow like new, Walter enst, second house on left. LING HENS for sale, all lay- tires, $500. F_,ranlt.Evans, 124 East 38w1 Zimmerlnan's rotary brush ttype, or tank style PREMIER VACUUM sweeper fhr '• Illi>dllol•""· oio milffi orurt of Mo- l7w2p · log. """ fW o ribbouo "" "'"' "'d wilb ""'""- '· ••• '" gooo """"tum. AI"" '''" - '"" "' H"''"" '""' to Cl""' '""'· ..... 02.50 Mo>, "" $35 '"" ..... O..k, "'"""· Ph""" '"'· 3Bwtp BUZZ WOOD """ mill ''"' wood Headquarters For SPACE HEATtms-F"'' •0-wc "' ,_,,..., .... ' "'' ...... : one mile north, 1009 Waldo 1;oad. DOUBLE BOTTOM l4-inch Allis- Also two 'nice cocl·~ 'In· 'Je• dmw•. ea· st of Jtiu,, Mason·. Rlodllolooh. · Howell "" m•t. . · · . '7w2p JERSEY~ HOLSTEIN COW..., for 1937 INDIAN MOTORCYC. LID for' LARGE_ CAST-IRON fut·lince for : systems for~ freezing food' right bWoooo · J2 mootM to ""'· ·• TimADLE- SEw'ING MAc.'iJ~'.. ,_-r. 0 roiu(to Clarle~ rand,' onc·mile·l)orth111 10 •· 2 0 McCOR:MIOK'DmERir'G: ·· ' ' sn 1e. "'•100 · J; ·C. · Greene,· · · 989 I sale.. In good condition. Henry I •sal e for old . Iron · M l's~ c a th erne1 at_ ··'hom. e. 16 '·feet long,-. WIJ_ite WASHINGdi t · il MACHINES-forlivery'" im- .F for 1 11ale, in 1goo.d .~ondltior\, ~·t>" , 1009 Wnldo road 3sw fractor. on ste11! fpt ila!Ji, good 'Dexter TraiL. Pbo;nn 221j85~ , ·.r,:, · Brayman, .. 1874 Wallace. road, .Owen,, 6'1:, .111.1les east .C)f·:1,1:nson at e~am:e~ fl,nlsb, cnbiilet style; ~<:eeps rr::e n e e ; ! ; .. , • u I sized k tcl)~n•. e,abin~t ·.W'l\'!' SI ·.'' · · · 00 runlilng condition:/~Tplin,n.'Barlter, :· :·. 38w1p Webberville. · · 38w1 :~70 Dextct Trai)..-. ,. 38w1p footls flavor fresh, vitamfn-ricl)·for , .. CUP,boards above, hi gopd conl;ll.~f~. ~ US.'i'D ST'<'EL Louden2 ,;.: 3 miles west miilt~ .. Sportsman house trailer, 24993.. . 38w1p LARGE, porcelain coal &M.wood .WALNUT. DINING ROOM SUIT~ all. Agrlco ·.new, $130fi, Also. tjrea, new, used · · ·· r1111ge for sale, with shelf, only for sale, 8 piece, $71i, Mr•·- Thorburn /and recapped, all sizes. Cecil Htid~ ·10-IN.· RONSELL FLOOR sander TROJAN RANGE for sale. 4623 $75, Mrs. Henry A. Cook, ,Dp.rt Glenn Oesterle, th~ec Jlllie.~ ilciutll 7131 .. _ • ~b)s, '/111 E. ··Main; Stockbrldg~: ··. arid· polisher, Robert · Corhaln; Elliott road... Elmer -Greenlee. road, first house south .of ,Canaan of Mason on Eden road. PhOn(. ""'J P'- ~,_,., _ - - "":" _•00 w. COJom•L , ; : · !1\1'.... __ ..,. """'· _ aswtp """"· ' . _;. . 0~1~ _'"'l· ___ __ . . .• _""'· ...,__--·------·•-=>-•-•;;:-"""'--"" ---..:... , ...... _,_ .. ____ .... __ ...... __ ... ' INGHAM COUNTY. NEWS, MASON, MICH JCAN, TI-IURSDA Y, SEP'I'RMDEI( 18, 1947 WOMAN'S BLAC/{ wlntm• eont, J'IJI' I.J•Im, ~f?.e 10 fnl' Bnlo, ~10, AIHn womnn'H l'lihhm• g-ulo,q]Jrm, lllw now, Him 7, $t.r.o, MrA, ;Mm•t W, Hnymontl, 1121 Center St., Mntlon, Page 2 Phone 7117•1, 38wl

, ]i]:,J]JC'J'HTC 2 hiii'IH'I' pill it• I'OI' Hrtlo, Jlfw ll"W, I'<'IIAIHillhfro, fiiCJIIfi'O • C wdfe Bn1 leer, •I mfii'H l'llnf nn , M-3fl. aBwl p

'------~-----~ - - --- , I{ 'B::UCK r.rNmD Scnt'H flllll Hoellnc•l( f ;: c:oal he[ltol·, wnlnuf llnl{crl 'CJIU/lWJ flllfHh, IIOIII'ly new, I'm• Hnlc ' en· ti'!Hio !'111' hnrHe. Glen Cronlt­ rf~hf, ·!1 mile HOiilh nl' Dn.nsvJJle '011I Wflllnnmton rontl nt R, A. I [r:wmpHIHI I' arm. aBwl fl I ' BABY BI~D I'OI' .9alc, MI'H. Lowell SollleJH, o[l() Pnrlt St,, MnAon. Phnne iHBa. :JSwlp

i Fruits~ foodstuffs for Sale

----- ~------

NOW PICKING W~althy Apples Vete1·ans Bal'tlet~ Pears Business Services For free estimates phone We will hnvc a large supply of: Mason 9871 40 acres on I ves road,' cor­ ~ quality fr'lllt throughout the hnr­ ner of Columbia road, 6 room , vest ,c;cn:mn. Br•ing own contnincr·s OIL BUHNERS servlcc·a PY auth- W. D. Chapman, Contractor ; anrl save container rleposrt. Open orized Duo-Thcrm denier. Home house, newly painted, barn ,-, evenings, Equipment Co., Holt. Phone 7· 19wtf about 30x40, garage, 25 acres ' At Dansvrlle immediately 1111. During the evoning call ----~- tillable, 15 acres pasture with .. , 734 71. 30-tf WILL CLEHI< auction ~ales any­ Alfred Wal'Clowski This adv. sponsored by where. Also 1 n c o m e tax as· spring fed creek, good soil, WHITE SJJJWING MACHINE re- sistance, En.rl Dunsmore, 3042 W. dandy garden. Price $6,000. Blossom 01·chnnls Wanted V. F. W., Murphy-JJJvn.ns Post No. pair man wfll he In your com- Columbia, Mason. Phone 2-:1211. ' 2 m1les north of Leslie on US-127 680•1 munity Friday, September 26 to 14w-tt EJ :lBwl :l7w2 repair and adjust all mn.kes of WANTED- Automobiles, all ____ _ makes or models. Phone Mason machines. If you woultl like him lfln Need Of ' • POTN!'OJJJS for Hale. Ripe sane! 21161. 30wtf ----·------to call, smlrl a card to H. D. Stcr­ WANTED- Light trucl{lng and /ling,I 1030 Devonshire, Lansing, l' grown Pontin.cs. Latgc•, good , T junlr. OrvUJe Haines, 216 E. 28wtf Drainage Work qullllty. Reasonably prieed . .Tilmcs ,yAN ~D-~crol~:lron, met a 1, Sycamore St. Phone 5251. 39w-tf Ha!Py, % m1lc cast of Pleasant . lugl~est ca•• h pttce, phone Aurc­ See .- lake.' 36w.1p l!lls L>lO. Bob Warner. 3Gw12p ·lwtf I _W_A_N_T_E-.D---B-Il..,l._cd,--st:-r,-a,-.,-o~rstraw Block Laying Orlen Arras . C,OBBLEJR POTATOJJJS f'ot• sale./ · stack. Mm·shn.JJ Young, R 1, CeJnent Wor·k Tile Drainage Contractor Plul, Stoclcbridge, · Stoclcbrfdgc. 38wlp 17 years experience Pn.rmnn road ncar Co.tholic Ch11reh 1 ron.d. 38wlp Wanted WiNTI6D-dishwn.shcJ', Apply at I F'or informatig~3 phone Mason 107 I

WANTED-Day-bldf calves and up: Also beef cows. Highc,st prices paid. Robert -· Sheathclm, 2 miles south of Eden on Eden road. Phone Leslie 2153. 23wtf WANTED-'-Washings and Iron· ings, Vincent Johnson, 330 E. Sycamore St., Mason. Phone 21281, 32wtf. THE PLUMBER I~ strictly on his own, Don't waste good feed on oon·producers, Cull out non-producers; All Jobs Delivered keep the good b1rds busy on the nest! qive good hens tbe bcsc Equipment and .insurance fur­ of care-and plenty of the egg mash that contains the proper .. , nished Steady year-around worlt. Apply mlxsure of die csscolials for heavy esg production ••• The formula · .: 9,:15 a. m. for chis feed has been tested ia cbe Master Mix: laborasories. Sherriff-Goslin Roofing Co. . ·She

wur,r- m-OODEJD IRISH SET·' HTOUAGID SPACID for rent. nlbh· 'J'HIR, 2 Yfl 'ntn Extra 1948 Pasture Legal Notice n1ilo wcut nrHL 1;.j milo· north on Standings after flrsl week of cu a so a ll ' H c. 2·6218. All dogs plcl,ed • up by tuctcd at" the Beckwith clothing rnlsHion to 1tll flvu vnrHity ami ·--=-----o-----.:' l.l11xton rand. Phone G283, 12wtr bowling nrc tlR follows: Michigan dairymen will flnrl lots ORDER Ol'i'OINTING TIME county dog warden nro bTPiight to store from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. on hyr11 re,;~r·v., nlghl; foot ht1ll 1'1nun Shi:ndhll{~ Ave, - j 11 ' FOR HEARING. CLAIMS ' · Pls. Avcrag"c l'ts of advantages n accc ng rye nnw I HAGGART-DECEMOEit 1 1·· tho Shelter d~Uy. . ~r.··42w·tt these' ·datel!; for the "".'purpose of Jl'lLmllH at Mason um fhullnl{ Ware's Drug" Store .. ..4 Hammann Firestone. ,..... li07 7 for pasture, points out A. C. Enlt· Btntn uf Mld•l"lln, 'l'hn huhnto Co•r-t." -- ---·-·------_, - helping tho veteran's on any prob: r·r>~tdy sale rtt $2.110. ~tud~nts 77a Attention Fal'mel's Wolverine Eng, Co, .... 3 7a6 Mason City Bnkot·y ..... : .. o88 7 'I•ZCI', exi~t,J~inn dairyman at Michl· fnl' \h" Cuunty of ln~hl\111, ., .LOS'I'-Smnll sliver penc' l. Rc- !ems they may have, Phone 21211. am Jlflrhlllng tim prtst<·•·, J. t ·Bl 1 A '1 LOST:=Ladlea' purse In vicinity of CARD OF THANKS-I want to nnLnn'H Home anrl Auln Sup- Lumber co...... 3 Jewett Flower Shop ...... 166 llccejJlng the cost ofl produclno- milk · 1'""'"'"1., linN JOHN McCI,Jo;!,J.IIN,. OC {8 Val - M & H service station tn Mason than![ nil who sent cards, cnllcd, ply, Warn's drul{ stol'll, Slmonn 720 1 ,., J111ig-1! of f'rnhute, , 1.0elnen .TcwctL'H Flflwcr Shop .. 2 71U from going higher. It will provide '" Uw Mnli.PI" ur lhu l~lll.nlu of mam, . ! aN() 11 ab Ie Monday night. Finder may keep or In any way h~lped rlurlng my crmfectioaury stortl, 1\1 Hilliard's Cty, Clcrlts .. 2 7fifi tho earliest grazing grass in lfl48 r:lil Hllf:CIAII'I', '''''"'II"""· ... )" money' if lhcy Will please return recent illness, It W!LS greatly ap- baluwy anti l{ 118 much as 10 per fm· 1 '""" l>dty ur ''"""'""' Michl"""· "" ,,, · l' f goi'nn- on tt-10 screen. A company should be scmlcrl rtl f!, rntc of six ho·f'"'" Ihe 1111. rlay ol II"''"'"'"''" A. n.· Call or write us t.ndELy .... ______.. ______Beneath lies one we dearly loved In scrimmages the past two from Hall's. Schmid s won om· ,., 1'117 "' t , • 1 1 1 11 1 · hfl ". been forrncd t"n Tolteran bttt, or seven pcclu; per acre. Two vnr·~ . : ' . L' 1 o c cu: < '' . lli oa:,.nnon~· from Maflon IDicvntor. Chevrolet ,., •.; . 1 ruud ''""' mul plnce be!n~ nppoin(l!rl rol' Immmliato delivery LOST-The person who picked up But whom we could not snvc, weeks. Mason has shown fnir and Silsby split with two points owing the lack of stucllos and lolle8 arc noiwt nhvnllnblbo, t Ro~enltho '"'"rntnal.lvn nnd >uiJn,lmrHit"ul nil A. B. Conct·ctc PmductH Co, black and white dog in front of Friends' may thlnlt we have for- promise. While not deep with re- • trained technicians there, the lead- rye 1s very w n or arr]y u mn 1 tcR, elalm11 uml rlcmaod11 ""alnHt. "•nlrl ric·· house on North Cedar street is gotten serve strength in any position, the each. t d' t a' slow growth In the f111i Iconno·rl. , · Ftrst plncc west off US-127 at High Individual scric'l g11mes ing artists will go o In 10. o • B . It ;, f•'•u·tlw>· Onlul'cri, 'l'llHt pnhllc •.• !mown. Please return dog, and no When at times they ace us Mason team will feature a fast, were rolled by Thomas 558, Eddy, Rhoot many of the scenes of the anc1 carY1 Hpr 1ng. Ja1 0 18 not·1 tlco th••r,uf he Rlvuu hy puhlientlou 110nl 381:1 Harper road, Mason 11 questions will be asked. 38w1p smile; ' . Ihard-clriving back rIc I d with a -.· 0 fihn 0nlat• I{hayyan." Hfl wintcrhnrdy hut makes El 1nrgcri' n eupy or thiH Ol'dor· fol' thl'f!(! Hllt:l:!t!IIHivu :14825. Gl.R ::rnrl R. Erlg-nr, dJ • growth in the fall nnd cat•ly Wl'tdtH l!l't!VIIJIIH to tmld d!IY nf lwadnj.{,. Little do they ltnow the heartache heavy line. -In a scrimmage with Elddy broke loose with a 224. for ·-· spring lu llw lu"hnm Gonnty Ncw11 " "''lVII· 38w1 · That our smiles hide all the I Leslie Monday afternoon at the high individual game. Hall's ...... 5 602 · · Jlllf•PI' pl'lntud nnd cll'culntr~d lu Hnljl ----·--·- ··------·- f t ·'while. · Blackhawk field, Coach Lori's boys NEW 21x26 frame house for sale R Mr. and Mrs. Rollle Speer nnd showed possibilities of a strong Team · Pts. Average Silsby's ...... a ~~~ ·.;•; · I cou~l.~·,-~ , cupy: JOHN Mcc:t,EJ,t,I\N," or en Jennings ...... ? 7::!1 Chevrolet's ...... 2 Once to every man nnd nrttion II>AVII> 1 ll"II'I"I'Y .ruilv.c l'rnhlltc ::to be moved from propct'ly. Will Garnet. 38wlp scoring punch, c. 111 nacrificc for $1,800, .Tames Snow, The starting lineup for the Bold. Schmidt's ...... 5 757. Mason Elevator ...... 0 665 c~mcs the moment to decide. ll•·"i"t'"' of l'mhnto :tHw:t' 1 FO ~ R • NT--Wall r,aper s camcr, t d th 1 t P ~.:mile-mllc nm·thwe~~ on Eifert Aurcl~s road. Ccn~r.38w 1p $2.00r Elper day. Or will be tglad to CARDOFTHANKS~ew~h~ex en ours 1n?crc adn '~ hobour Roy~~game .Johnson, ~II Joeprobahly~@~~ Johnson, Barney ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------.. - --- · ------trade the usc of it for saiBable friends and relattves an ne1g ora Curtis, and Windy Fell in the back- ~HINCLES--Flvc bundles 18 inch antiques such 118 old toy banl,s, for the bc<~;utiful flowers, cards and field and Ron Stolz and Bob Lyons aolc.,;,No. Also1 ccdn1' assorted siding- windows.shingles Donfor co 1ored p; 1asswarc, pre tty 11 gurencs, dacts I of lundncss b extended t AI to thus I at ends. For the tackle slots 1 or old dolls. Mrs. Webb Darling. ur ng our ereavcmen · 80 e George Whyte and John Stitt have Densmore,· red house, 2 /:, miles .Phone Mason 22291. 4wtf forge boys at the shop, the CIO the Inside track. Joe Hallenbeck West of Mason on Columbia road. and Rev: and Mrs. Morford for the and Danny carver will be at the Schmidt'slsAn Old/land ::. 88w3 For Rent wonderful sermon and song sclcc- guards with Harold Ware installed -;r------·- tlons. Also to Mr. and Mrs. Linn In his· usunl spot at center. Hoy i:l~l'EAM RADIATORS, 2 full size Star Ideal Wallp!lper steamer and the underta![er who so wlll- Johnson is slated to handle most . •"and 2 smaller. Ingham County Call us for rental charges lngly assisted us. Mr. and Mrs. of the punting and passing. Mer- At Saving· You Money! News, Mason. :18tf SHAFER DECORATING SUPPLY Ernest Upton, Mr. and Mrs. Lester ritt Snycfer, a capable passer and f . ·· 425 s. Jefferson Upton, and Mr. and Mrs. L"eonard runner, will also sec a lot of action. Phone Mason 23461 IUpton.· 38w1p Following the Belding tussle, D·.·. ogs for Sa I e Owtf CARD OF THANKS-We wish to Mason will jump l_nto a busy sea- ' ---·--- • son. Mason has ftvc home games FOR REN'l'-Slccping room for extent dtiourfheatthtfc 1t tthanfksklandd scheduled under the lights at the Check Over These Basement Store V~lues • • • 2 RABBIT HOUNDS f;>r sale, ~ two gentlemen, Phone Mason apprec a on or f e ac st0h n d. newly remodeled athletic field. ~·walker and one Bluc-tielc Both 217,11 38w1p ness, messages o sympa y an Th E t J k S t Schmidt's bus always (llll'chused In qmLntity dh·cct from ljlalc., dogs, Max Mills, 27:l0 Iosco · ' beautiful floral offerings recel'Ved b ese26 _ar,eE astt o• ac t bson, 10 .cpH em- tim Joanufaetut·cl', 1.'hls (}Unntity buying In mlditlon to road, 2 miles cast and 1 mile north I~ OR RENT-0-room rural house, from our friends, neighbors and er ' vere .' c 0 er • ~w~ of Dansville, 38w2p newly modernized, automatic relatives during our recent bcr- ell, October 17, Holt, October 21, our cash sales policy Increases the stwlngs to our cus­ -'"---- __, ______.. ____ heat hot water. Centrally located eavement in the loss of our he- and Grand Lcrlgc. November 7. toJncl'H. ~ • • ~NGLISH POINTER bi rei dog for 1 as t~ surrounding towns on blacl[· loved husband father son and Gp.mes away wtll be with Char­ ..,sulc. Female, well broken. Max top !'Dad. Garden spot. Write Box brother. Weals~ want tb thank the lotte, ~c,to~er a; Eaton Rn~lds. Mills, 2730 Insco road, 2 miles 31 Ingham County News. 38w2p pastor, Rev. Gordon Overholt, for October 31 ' and Vandercook Lake, east rutd 1 mile north of Dansville. -·--·------·--- his comforting message. Mrs. November_14_. ____ Terry Towels 38w2p HOUSE for rent. My furnished Glildys Wood and family, Mr. and \Vhite, hordm·cd In ro~e, blue, green, 1•caelt --- home, six rooms and .bath on Mrs. Artie Wood, Mr. and Mrs. G. SPRINGER PUPPIES for s~iC,1 West Columbia mad, 6% miles H. Wood, Mr. and Mrs; Harvey 'fhllsc towels nre extra heavy weight, made hy wecJ[s old. Don Chapman, •132 west of Mason, Mrs. Ernest Tripp. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wood,' Loader Is Bought Dundee. Supor·absorbcnt, too! W. Elm. Phone 5801. 38w1 1Phone 2·1866. 38w1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tharp and Mr. Generou~ Size - 22xH and Mrs. Rex Wood. · .38w1 CARD OF THANKS-.To all our By Highway Board friends and neighbors who At the meeting of the board of 59c gathered at our home for a fare- road commissioners held in Mnson well party and Who contributed to Wednesday afternoon a new Bar­ such a lcively and wholly unex- her-Greene gravel "!onder was Quad riga I COTTON SHEET Your pected gift-our belated but none- bought. The net price was 3,3660.- thclcss , heartfelt and sincere 30. ' "· 80 squat·~·. ~~1;eale "in' ~nutll fl~i·al jw;nts' iuul'· .. BLANKETS.· '{ tha.nlts. We cxten,d a cordial invi- In the equipment budget for checl,~, 1vomlcrful for mothe1·s who nrc still 1 Extru hea\'y weight; white, 81 xOO tat! on to all of you ~o call on us next year ts an item of !)67, 700, clpar court, was bound over Mrs. Dean was a devoted family j l)ircuit court for . trial · on . a woman, dedicating her entire life· charge of !lfJsaillt with Intent to In the love and service of her fam· Wool Underwear con'unlt rape. .He ill being held In lly, and to those.outslde"the family Men's sizes, heavy weight, 25% wool. Designed for .warmth, wear and who suffered, and :to. whom she comfort. . . 1 ; · ' . . could be of service; aid and coin· fort.

'...._ ' ' . \" ' . SO% wool also available - $5;49 I ' ,, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,.1947 the ··lngh_a_.·m_·._c_·_o_._u_n~ty_· _N_·e_w_· _s _____r~-~--

HUBBARD OISTRICT Tho unmml Boworn reunion WaR I~IA'llt·h (Jr1ulo hold Sund1ty at, tho Wchbcrvillo community hall. lPOI'ty were Jlres. MIHH Mn.r•le Acli;J. frnm Michigan cnt for the pntluol( dlnnot•. At the ·f1tntc collogo Wits nt tho ~uhool cieetinn of orficorH, J.ucian Smith l<'t·lday, of Webberville was rc-elcetcd ItS '.rho •1-H c~luh mot. nt tho home president, Harvey Ling of Detroit of Don r.yons l•'l'illity night. HIICCCCrlH .TcBHio BOWel'S Lo.n· or . nov. IIlli! Mrs .•r. A, Lippincott ~lng ns vlco proalrlcnt. Mm, J, A, woro In Ci~icngo Sltf.urday, Hninllton of Lo.naing was ro-clcc­ IJ'amlly night. nr tho Jildun eliiu•cll t•id [IR socrctar·y and treasurer. Tile reunion will he held on the second WILli hclr.l at tho l'aul Ho

Scores of small towns in Mic:hi· gnn nrc installing- meters, rmmc with enlhusimrm all amund and Rome after bitter arguments.

Lard .. 19c Lb.


Rolled Rib Roast ...... SSe Beef Ribs .. :...... 3Sc Beef Roast ... ,...... 4Sc ·Beef Liver ...... 29c Beef Heart and Tongue ...... 29c . Cube Ste.alt ...... 69c' It'll Be The Tallt of the Town! . P01·k Roast ...... :.. sse .Pork Sausage ...... 49c Nu - Charm Veal Roast ., ...... 49c A NEW Sim1>lified Color System 20 Dusty Deep Tones 20 Gorgeous Harmonizing Pastels JuHt what coutt·::wt•n·.,, decomtors aud honw owuers lutvo Millerlile Market· been lnoldng for, WJtlch yn1u· nmgazlnus for IIHl untimml Julvcr­ IJsing of NU·CIIAHM. ·' CUS'fOM UUTCIIERING E'\'ERY 'l'UESDAY BAit'l'O WINS 'l'OURNEY NU-CIJAltM Cll!!lom (!oloi'S may lie used ll'ilh inlcrlur flat In the city golf tournament paluJ.s, seml-gloHs, enamels and e:dcl'ior finishes. finals Saturday morning, Septem­ ber 13, Kenneth Barto and Harold 'DOES AWAY \VI'l'll ALL l'AIN'f OIJOR! Ware shot for the championship, with Barto being declared the win- Shafer's Decorating Supply FEI.'l' l'LAJNS ·~lEI~'J'INGS /"i, JcffcrHon •st. Fall and winter community meetings will··be"started at the Felt Plains school Friday night, September 26. The first meeting I will start at 8:00. .The Lippincott r-.amily of lite

Mr. and Mi·s. Lewis VanNockcr Eden United Brethren Church and\ daughters, Eunice and Dawn, Your Home attended t~e wedding and recep­ Invite you to the church sct:viccs twn· of thmr niece, Agnes Louise Higgens, of .Eaton Rapids and Repair And Frederick Arnm· of Jacl\son at the ·sunday, September 21, 1947 First Baptist church in Eaton Rapids Friday evening, It 1!1 Rally Day ln the Sumlay School and a Remodeling Born-to l'vir. and Mrs. Gerald Johnson of Taft, California, a S(leclal program· Is (Jianncd Itt 10 u'ducl<. Rov. daughter, Roberta Ellen, Mrs. J, I. Batdorff, pnst district HIIJJerintcntlent. of the Needs ... Johnson was the former Helen 1\llchlgnn Conference wlll spcail at 11 o'clucl<. Rose Bateman, of Holt. , . Mrs. Marguerite Dawson .spent D Insulation last weel< in Flint Choir Practice - 7 :~0 Mr. and Mrs. R~ymond Darbor 0 Roofing and Siding attended a birthday party for Evening Service...:..... 8:15. Rev, Henry Kenneth Dyer li'riday September Liddicoat, speaker 0 Storm Windows 13, at Lansing. ' , Mrs. Maude Jewell has resumed 0 Storm Doors file Plastlc·Steel Ro~fing· her duties at Masher Jordan Halls, Mid-week service at 8:30 Wednesday; Rev. Ann Arbor after spending the j ' Lippincot!, lead~r 0 Millworlt Approved by 'Industry I summer vaclttioning with her \' In fcrm roofing; it'• edre pro·" 0 Lumber e 1 daughter,. Mrs, John Allen, . tc~lion thai counbl That'• .why '------·------.·:------~-----=~ PLASTEEL-tho industrial roofing-; I& perfect for farmo, lh 11.. 1 baoe i• lriplo·protectod, woalhtr•lutod and corrosion•prool!, It defies doltuiora~; • lion. Needs no pcintin91 no ropairo, no upkoep. Yes, it's economical. With PULLOVER SWEATERS The following typ~s of INSULAT~ON now in stocl'~ PLASTEEL 'you roof onct and your ' .,through! Thai' I why you'll prtftr it. Rock Wool Wool Batts .o..s....,,.,.,....,..... _,.,.. With That Casual Air Pal-0-Pak Kimsul Leslie For Co.mfort and ·warml'h Heating and Plumbing Co. 225. N. ~Iuitl St. • . • · Phon'! LoHile 8682 And All ·Day Wear . Mickelson Baker Lumber Co. Here is the /!~~~{~election Leslie . Of pullover sweaters we've,.ever\! fQr: your selection .. are 25 diffmnt styles and .co~~V~i;iric14~,.~'g V-nccl~ and crew­ neck types in solid colors, flrgyle plai~s and fancy patterns. · • II ' • ··• '• • .1/~re (:Ire .brand-names ··sACKlfJ In abunda11ce and falnous for qua~ity imd style Students' Clothes • McGregor· Rop~r I,~ e e Jersild e Carciean Before,schopl-or on week ends and . • Byr-Kay • Manchestet· vacations home Here are value prices on · \ ' 100% wool brand-na:nc pullov~rs that ~ill fit ~very pocketbook: ALwAYS RECEIVE. PROMPT' ATTENTIO.N .$ 4.95 - 5.9q,- 6.5o - .6.95 - 7.95 ',· ~ -:- . 8.50 - 10.00 - 12.50 - 14.50 . ., ' iNCiHAM q.>UNTY NEWS, MMiON, iVIIC.I-UGAN, THiJHSDAY, S£t•'J~I~lVIUEJt lH, Hl47'. grnrluotlrm ol' MlrJH ,Tcfm Cn.11Aln HQ,USEL MIR~ Dorothy . Bnttorworllt of Glenn Coole hns llcon painting Fritlay cvontng, :r,rr, and Mrs, Lo­ Ml'H. J(mmnth Hrtlllll' from l.ho Community Hospltnl Dct.mlt 11pont 'tho wcolt end wit.h the r~llOllfl Olcls hollRO tho JlllRt STOCKBRIDGE ttn•nlng lly wny nC l.ho npprH• pon. flehonl nl' Nlii'Hlng, my Wnmer aro planning to llpentl AIRPORT NEWS. insnln., ()ovcr'lng 111 nil ilOilO mihlH, her pnronlR. . weolti t]\e' With Mr, and MI'R, CIIU'• TOWN LINE M'ra r.n.wrenco ll!Hl Ml'R, MrH, Ln.Wl'nnr.o Oori!.oJ•Jo nnrl 1\lrH. ,J, H. Uaynm; M1·, nnrl Mrs, Bob , Cooper 11nd Mr•s, Cllll'le BI'Oo!c or Vnndor­ cnnc Wlli'IHlt' u.t ~ephor Hills, Mr, nn1l Mr·M. T-Tm'lllnn Hlgga nncl !(1:1% CurtlrJ Wright. enlu1·trtlnerl nl. fnmlly nr Mnsnn nnfl Mr, rmrl Cm·tls Wrlgl)t entortntnerl nt n. SuHnnne oF Detroit wot·o Sundny conlt ln.lce Is IJ\loncllng 'the weclc Florida. Ml', n.nd MrH. Wayne Rll{f.l'll Wlll'!l Ml'A, Her•)Jo1'l Hown ll11Cl A rrlyoo vlflltor~ nt F!'flnlc Oshor•nc's. wll.h lhm• doug 1ter nncl hushnnd, llm1111 on 'l'hlll'mlny evening or lnHt MrR .•T. H, Hnyn1ll' ont~rl.nlned I Hundny gucJAt.H r1t tho home ol' M1·, MoC1•onry or T•~rd.nn Hnplds wm·o Mr. nne! MrH. Jllfll'l )¥ebb, Miss JDdnn. n1tndnl! of Mnson Is for rtillnol' Sundny, honoring l.he 1 ;Hid r.oonnrrl Wnlltol' wlw!'ll \(!cole nt the hoqw or lhn formor, Sunclrw 11fio1'11oon r.nllern or M1·,9, M1•, nnd MI'H, Ln.Vcrh Srmlo r.n· em. ployccl at the homo ot M1•, and r.r'rs. l.lw -----.---- hil'l.hdny nnn!Vm'Hill'Y ~·f hm• 1111:9-1 Bl!rpr!He blrthclny cllnnm• WfiH I' : n'ilrreHhnwnls of. apple pte, leo Pfl.\11 McCt•r.or·y, t.or·tnlnr.d nHimhr.rn of t.hc Soule Mrs, Clnrenoe Warner, family 11t n. picnic dlnnor• SuncJny. COLUMBIA ROAD hand. His cousins, Mt, unci Mt~. 1honoring MrH. IUI'lo Spenny ol · · ~Weum nnd coJ'J'ee were sni'Vcrl nt Mr. nnrl Mr11. Gregory Harte anrl Hny Bmvcnrlcr of Holly rtnrl Mt.l tho close of the evening, Ml', IL!Hl Ml'R, r,yJo Mm·Rl~all or MrM, W, 0, Nnl'I'IH 901 must. T.rtnstng woro Snndny on.llm·H Mr nnd Mr'H, lllr'nest NimR and Shnron of Bnlh visited Mr. 11nd nn;l Mrs, Hnlph Hnynor of: White · 1• ·,,, l{elth Glillnwo.y nnll Doris in thill nclghhol'hoorl, ' fnmlly nnrJ Mr. nilCI 'Mrrr, Hownrtl Mrs, Lovern Iccry, Mr. Mr•s, lloln Osborne, who Rllffcr•nc] Mr. nnd Mrs. LllRilr.;.fiQ!lgfiqlJ·flnd ·Mrs, Dni• Hm·mmmt Is suf. guests of M1. and Mr.•. Wlll!am Glen Rose was ·soloerl nut In tho Sadler nnd fnm!Jy of Mnrlon nnr! Hlyh•s fur !'nil 111ul wlut1n', ahd ''M:t'ff. i'• Claude 'Howe, · .Toyer. compllc:nlinns fl'nm n. reer.nt Fnll, Arthur· ·spent 5llln!lllr,l·\ :nr~llr!'\llll.r!l fcrln" frrini nn ahscosR in her car·. Oa.blc Sunday, The cllnn,cr. w.ast Ercoupe. Stiladily"lncreaslng num- Mr. and Mrs, Lee Waltz and J'am- I.jaulln~ej\JIJ m.Jrl l~'l'Unl! MeC1•cery, Is now tnltlng t.mntmr.ntH In Lan­ wit.h Mr. ·nnd Mr~II.Lg.;ltc~. ~imlgoon·: · ,.,, '-'·------given in honor of Davi? a , fhs bers of husin'oBH'''mpn 11nd their !ly or.· W11.tcJ•Joo were n.IRo guo,9tR. Mrs. Donald Lance npd tliQ b1•)cJe's pn!'P,nls .and Jm1lh- Hlng. . 4' ' ' or Rose Illite. 1!·~ iu. ,.. ,r rir" < . ' 'sOUTH AURELIUS AND ,birthday nnniverRary, . , employees • are laldhg · up flying, · Diln· Steffey has rotmncd from 22•1 Vl 1'!. ,J.,J'fi•!'HO!t l'hotul ~504 • cr.;. r · <' I LrtHt week's callcrA ut the OE· Mr and Mrs Hauflld ,Rnob cancl ORTI-' ONONDAGA Mr. and Mrs. Lovern I

' Hall'r~ Quality Milk and Crean1 Can be ltlentlfled By The DART .MOTOR SALES "· Convenient S.quare Dottle ' · ,. 227'N. Cedar Phone 23081 ~ HA.LL'S DA.I RY Phone 24101 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1947 Nine ;:·------·------:------SPBAIC MAR1UAQ11! VOWS ' Presbyterians Plan C"thullt Mnna nnxt. fliiJldl~Y nl. HIIlii n, m, Mldwook duvu!.lonnl nol'vlnu rJ'hunul,.J1 Mlna Beverly B. Comtitoclt nnd t)VIIIIhiK nt ulnhl u'ult)cli, Many Fall Activities Lewis L, WUIInma of Onondaga Lualla Un\Jtht, Jlnul 11, •ru,•!Ul!'r IIIIHtot•, 6polto tholr mnrrlugc vowa to .Jua­ auuduy IIC wul, I() /1, Ill. r Wot·uhlp fllll'VIi+u, ll lit m. HHI'nlUII 11 Unw lmn• J IHlnW tho Dllnavlllo Froo Mulhodlol, l!ov, )',loyd Tho fall C!llendn.r of the Mason· tlcc of the Pence nay Adnma at hla will uf Clod 'l'' Rrwr:lul Olllllhl hy !lw l•:ul•n·, PH11tnr•, Hundny twhOul, In u. nl;' PrcabyterifLn church ,1howa a num· realdcnco Tueaday evonlnll:, 'riley nhnlr•, PrnlHo rwr·vhw, 7 :II() I'• m. Mov .. 14ftlnud Jlunlno, HUJit!l'iutcrulturl. J1 rtluch·' ' SociaL 6venls anJ Penonafs InK' rllcttu·u, 0 \Vomnn uf Humnl'ln.'' l'l'HYUI' lnu nurvl1~tl II u. m, Y, 1', M, H. nca:vlca;• her of activities during the next wore n.ttcnded by Mlaa Mnxlne 1 f11W weelca, beginning Thuradn.y, mout.lng, '1 illll't111Uy 71:10 11, m, Ohoh• 7 :HO II• m. fnlfuWtlfl hy ll nJtliiHfiKO hy tho Comatoclc find ,James Conrr•toclc, ru·,wtlcu, /':I :no tt. m, J•ltnlor•, CJummunlt.y l•t·nytH' nwutlruc Tuorl .. Soptemhct• 18, with rt · F n. m II y ulso or Onondaga, a slater and lluy ClVllflhHr nt uhrht o'clucl<. Ut!lfUIIU'" EN'l'Eil'l'ATNS AT SHOWJiJn Baptist wmnen Plan Night Blipper In the church flOCifll brother of tho brldo, M~aann Chrh'ltlnn Science S"duty' hnldn JII'IIYilt' lllCHLIUJ( 'JibUI'Bduy CVOI1111U llit• £l11:ht o'clocl~. Round And About Mason Mra ..John Hamlln entertained at rooms. '!'he teachers of tho city's • • • /HJI'Vi4WH Itt. tho l'hlll'tlh, CUI'IIIJI' u( Onl< Jlllfl Pn1·k Htl'twtH uvcr·y Huudny 111. II n. m, rL stork iihower I~'rlduy evening In All-Day Meeting public schools and a number of Mr~. Mary Roblmwn, Ml'fl. Sundny tillhool Iii huld cllrl'ltrJ~ t hn Hf!l'VIc!c, hnnnr• nf Mrs, Ben Wilbur, Games other newcomers arc to be speclnl .Gladys Kidder· and Mrs, Allee WorlruJHdny t'\ll:nlnu tllttt•Lirw nt M lncludoH Mrs. C. W. Browne and Mrs.· Maude Clark arc house- were played wllh prizes being won Members or the Baptlut Wom- guests, with n. program nt•rangcd Moore, all of Haborhlll, Masanchu- ttJJtUmunlutl uf Clri'IHtlnn Hdn1wn ht!Ulingn, gucsts of their brother, Dr. Frank Williams, at Mullet l11ke, by Mrs. Olrulys Culver anrl Mrs, an's Union arc meeting next by the church'l! boar·d of deacons, sctts, nro vlslllng their' parents, A p11hllc l'uHdlng l'orHn IH upon nt tho tlhUn:h ()\ll!l'.Y HHtlll'dny llfltli'IIUUII rwrn 'l"i"l' M 0 f B' · t Wednesday, Scpicmuer 21, n.t the Circle No, 4 of the Women's asso· Mr, and Mra. s, Welsh this 1 C1 1cyboygan, thts· wee 1c. " " .. rs. J• E'· G· reene lrmmg- Gus Owen. Rcfrcshmcn R of calce church fm· an ull-day meeting, At eilttlon Ia In charge· of the supper.· wcelc. c, 2 to li, 1'/w puh!lt: iH L'UI'dlrdly lnvltr•d ham, Alabama, was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. nnrl coffee wCl;e aeJ'Vcd by the hos- the forenoon session hcglnnln\,at )lCJ' to ut.lund Lhfl lif!l'vlm!H nnd liHn thu nmtl· d 1 ln1.r l'oom, 11 MnLtur·" will ho Lhn HHhjLJt:(, Charles Laxton 'l'.hurs ay. ".I "I M r. an d M rs. R o 1an d T roxe 11 tcs~. • 10 a, m,, the three divisions Ill ·Tuesday ' evening, September 2a, leftMr. Sunday and Mrs.for AnnDonrtlcl Arbor Hilliard where of the LoHHnn-HtJ!'tnou !n nil Ght'IHI.i!tn * Sr:itJflCO chur-duJH throughout world and1 their daughter, Anna Lee Troxell, cadet nurse at St. NEWLYWEDS FIDTED 1nold 1 a jointf meeting.II A hnhomla11b i at seven o'clocl<, thn Senior-HI, Mr. Hllllnrd entered the University on Surulny, Sc!ptrtntlwl' 2 J. 'l'ht! fiuldl!ll /incent's hospital, Toledo, Ohio, returned Thursday n ighdt Mr. unci Mrs, Donald Vander- 1 of Michigan law school on Monday, 'l'oxt (I Jnhn r,:2J) !111 "Lilllo i1h!ldt'tlll, 1 P~~~~~~~nfor ~~on~ wlt~ ~~ ;~~ula~ w~;~mlff~~ Fo~lows~~~ ;:u[ hf~d hr.p yotmmlveH fmm ldnht," Arnn111~ thu Give ultima~ from a two-weeks trip through Canada and the New Eng an Vccn, .rr,, entertained 20 guests at mcinthly meetlng of tho Woman's a ' n • ·a r er" · 0 11 c· Mr, and Mro. Herman G. Walt llihlo eitntlona iH thl11 tHtHHHJ.rtJ, {PHnlrnK ra· · Tiley Sp J&urc·biiUIJ ent the wee!' e11d at the l1omc of Mrs. Troxell's a buffet auppct•,Sqturday.cvening i · t b 1 ld 1 church. All church young people entertulncd··MJ•,l. and Mrs, Darn fi7:1, !!) "(Jod hu HHJI'cif1rl unto UH, nrrd . hll!tHi IIH 1 Ulld CfliiHil hill fllC(! Hhillll 11)1011 ..,. , 1 3 11 un on o e 10 n tile arternoon who nrc members of tho ocnlor Diehl'' o'f'.. ·Dnnl!vlllc, nnd Mr. n.nd ~0 cr, Earl Phillabaum, in Bellevue, Ohio, * * * Mr. and In honor of M~. and ,Mrs. .~ H•s ·beginning at two o'eloclc. hi"h acbool nrc expected to attend Mrs, ,,Jim': Jac!c•,. Mr. nnd Mra. Hnr- UH; 'l'hnt thy wny mny hn l111nwn UJuJn ) promott' ...., Cotinn, who .~pnkc tlu!lr .. wcud 1 ng · " onl'th, thy Hnvlng lwaitlr nnwnl{ nil nu~ Mrs, Bert Nellis of Palmetto, Florida, were week end guests vows on ScptcmiJar 3, ,·,Bridge and '!'here will be displays of cn.rrls, this affair. Jan Smith and Mr. and Mrs, Rich- tlonH." ll•tt•r b•lt.. .. of Mrs. Lttlu Whipple and Mrs. Ella Lewis. They plan to leave hearts were the 1dlversiQn of the wrappings nnd calcmlnrs at the The. September meeting of the nrd ·Brown,· 1!11 of Mason, sunduy Dootora' prucrlptloat .. soon for a visit in Texas. evening. Honor·s •at hridgc were forenoon meeting. Plans for tho w omens• nssoc 1a tl on 1s t o b o h eld even 1ng, Dnnavlllo Mothodi11t, Ut•v. 1+', A. Lurulrum, Garolully fillell society's coming fair wlll be dis- t l ht • 1 1 · s t b 25 JlL~Ht.or, Ch ureh Hclruol, 1 0 n, m.,AI'tittll' M d M Ad · V K · f z I d · won by ,Tames Cotton and Yvonne a c g o e oc c, cp em cr , Mr. an·d Mrs. William J, Mcilqu. l'ollok, HIIIHH'intr·rulnnt. Wot·r~hlp IHJI'V~ . r:, ~n rs. rtan an ocvermg. o ca an were 1.n Suralenux. Mrs, Loris Whipple eus~ccl, · with Mrs. Marshall Simpson lend· ham and family visited In Grund lt!C 1 11 ll, nt, With H flll'iillUJ{Il by JIIUti.OI', , Mason l•nday afternoon, Mr. Van Koevermg recently sold hts recclvc'U a gift for high score at At the afternoon meeting, Mrs. lng the study on "Leaders or To- Ledge sunday, M, Y, 1•'. Hf!I'Vif!r! 7 n, m, Com1111111ity 1 Jll'llYfll' rnct~tin1~ '!'ucHtlny l~vcnlnJ.C nt tJighl newspaper and publishing plant to his sons, * * * Mr. and I hcm·ts, Mrs, C_otton, wnri pre· Lyman Freshour will be the leader morrow." Mrs. Jilrwln Duchnne, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Felton and o'clocl,, Mrs. Don Densmore entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Crook scntcd rL guest prtze. rhc Vander. of the study hour, and Mrs. the society's chairman for chll- Annette 1 were sundn,Y dinner Mrs. W, J. Thm·burn t d llh Charles Everett will lea·' the de- ''r ' ric Is co chairman n tho t M WhcnUiehl Mllthodlat, Hev, I•'. A. Len .. 4061 l'arlt Drive of Oak Park Illinois Friday * 'i' * Week end guests at the I Vccn home was .uecoru,, ·c w u u en 8 wo • • 0 gues s of r. Felton's sister and ' ' ' . baslccts of gladloh, votions. The topic for this meeting program, and Mrs, !{, A. Zimmer- husband, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ivan Red- drum, ,,JtCI'Irtlendent. M, Y. P, IHJJ'vlc(J, 7 p. m. were fraternity brothers at the University of Illinois. * * * I tertalned Mrs, Fowler's cousins, members of Division 3, under the Voss and Clarence Foote spent Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wyman and Terry and Ellen were in Big Mr. unci Mrs. A Iber t naymon d , of ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE dlrcctlon of Mrs. Nelson Brown. th e weclc end' In G run d R np 1-•us as Rapids over the week end to visit Mrs. Wynwn's parents, Mr. Detroit Tuesday. Announcement Is made· of the Other dates for church gather· ~~~~~~ of Mrs~ Foote's son, Anson and Mrs. A. B. Clark, * * * , . · Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Flnlc marriage of Charlctta 'l'aylor, lngs In the ncar future nrc Sunday, . . . S , Sunduy vtsttors at the Earl AI· spent Sunday at the llomc of Mr. cluughcr of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest evening October 12, when Dr. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Dysert Miller Road Bible Church Lester Moot ehcad of agmaw del'!Tmn, Sr., home were Mrs. Aldcr-11 and ivlrs. Raymond Flnlc of Stoclt· Risher, 1016 !Dlm street, Holt, and Knclldrlc, or. Orand Rapids, who spent last week end with Mr. Dy­ spcnt a few clays last week at man's brother, Ed Bloomquist, of bridge, l•'ranl< Lawrence, ·son of Mrs. Effie for many years was a medical mls- sort's, Burke Dysert, and (lrulcpmul"'rt I•'untlamental Chut•dtcs of America) the· home of Mr. and Mrs. Barryton, her sister and husband, The Ferris company i.~ worlcin" McClain, l239 Clark street, Lnn- sionury for the Dutch Reformed family ln Dearborn. WcHt JUlllor U01Ltl off S. CctiJLr 1 Charles Laxton. I-Ic also visi- . Mr·. nnd Mrs. Henry In•too· . . and. John She par an nne! family and M:r. and Mrs. Mrs. Stanley Frocdtcrt: bt•idc's parents. Icc cream and church with a ban ·que t at six wo•·•hiJJ, I o :1111 n. m. Sermnn, Mr~,. I 1 !:!~n·nlu~: family VISited Mr. and Mrs. George Graham went to Wolf !alec Callers at the C. H. li'owlcr home cake were served, Mr. and Mrs, o'clock: Two hundred young pco·: M~ 011 .1~::-~r ~~~~~~~ .~:'"~~;~~;len~:'\v:"E. W 1;~•; 7 :30 "Bible QueRtions Answered'• D .. Graham at Concord Sunday. Sunday to cull Miss Alma Bir- Frlduy,wcre Mr •. ·and lYl;r!J,·~JI(IIllam I Lawrence are at home at 1230· pic arc expected to attend this• mm·, n. Y. F., a:uo ,,, m., ro • nil y 1 g Mrs, Laura Lewis of Chicago ney. . .. : · ~- :,.•:·. ·•·.·.· I McGassney or W,hitino.Oi.'i.l::l.' .. ·g, Clark street, .L. an_.slng, · "'athering. The annual bazaar unci' neol'ie of the Sundny Achool nml.eluu·c:J,.1 01111 Bring your questions; hem- an interesting discussion J C f Cl 0 spent Thursday and Friday at the ames arr o ·. tnr" 1o tt e··vtol" t c d .1 . Mr: arid Mrs·,· '0larc.'C\nlr~il}~..... ~ and ~ · ~ · "!'!· pu bll c supper o f tl1e W omens, us-· ofEvening •ong wot•t~hlp,nnd te•llrnony, 7 :3[} r 1• Sormon-"llc-m. A tmrvif.!c ..sec, Sound Motion Picture , home of Mr. unci Mrs. Russell Bir· Johnny Evans over. tlic ..yeck'cml. childrenof Owosso sp'C,IJt);l~~:)veelc . JI:'Ir. und Mrs. Charles Seeley sociatlon is to take place Friday,. llevc ·unci Hnve Joy,"

'!celt. Col. and Mrs. ·Alex:. Torrey. of 1 end with Mr. Courtie!''$.·.;;;,"'tf(nd- vtstted Mrs. Seeley's parents, Mr. November 21, with Mrs. Thomas · . •· -- · Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Allen en· Gary, Indiana, spent Sunday. with Imother, Mrs, Robert Jall}es';\a;·~ • and. M rs. H. M. Young In Charlotte B cl t as generaI c h atrman,· A rum-· colt,Eden Umtcd'"'"t,or. llrcthren,Sundny J.•chool, Allan Llppin-, , .terlaine1·nnd llnd." i As!\ for it Itt uur soda Icvemng 111 h,ono: of Johns and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Todd and . * Mi.a Lilnfern Colhy will be thu orMnniAt. * * 11 fountain Also Choice T-Bon't<:'l'Y ric Barker at the Ingham county friends in Indian River and Pctos- Aurolluo Baptlat, Vcl'flon ·Leg~e. l'""to•·· . COOLNI!::SS 't 1 F 'd t key. Wot•Rhltl sct'Ytcc H :30. Sundny t~ehool, IN 1\l~'l"l'lm COOLING II wspt a 1'1 ay af crnoon. 10 W.· D. Orr,. our,erlntendent. Daytime • IN \\'Dim-SAVING Dance 1 Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Parmeter of Miss Alice Davis of Detroit spent :~5. __ . RIGi'!IJIJf\>; CONVENIENCES • IN !•)CONOMY AND E vel'y Wed. & Sat. I Lansing were Sunday guests of F. the weelt end with her parents,·Mr. Miller .Road· Bible chut•c.h,. (lnrlcpend- P M'llb d · a11d Ml'S C A Davt's of Eden cnt Fundarncntnl· Churchms of Arncl'lcu), HJ•:'I'ICNDABILI1'Y MASON, l'ltiCII. ' 1 ury an Mrs. Lennah T~eck. ' . . . . . WcHt Miller l'Oil{l off South Ccdnr. ll :011 I1 Wear American Legion Hall Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Etfert, Miss 'l'affy Fortman attended· n mcRHnge, The Grcnt •rrlbulntion. 7::H1, 1Mr. and Mrs. Earl E:fert and Bon· the Roy Rogers rodeo nt Detroit Dlhle, rJue•lion• nn•wco·cd. Urlng yom· In OABARDINm It's a beauty! Everything nie and Mr and Mrs F L Brod- last Friday c_vcnln"'. She was nc- •Iu••toon•, hen•· nn, lnlct·cotln~:•- Sizes 16 to 1.0 ynu want is built into this f M • , · • · ...., e ulon, see t~ound·motlon pictut·c, ""======""'= man o ason and Mr, and Mrs. E. companied by her parents, Mr. and Warm, Full CoiOJ'S new 1047 Wesling-hrmsc Elcc- · I H. Braclman of Lansing spent Sun- Mrs. Kenneth Fortman. · · · Houocl Uni,cd· Brethren, Puul E. Olm· tri~ Range. Spotless lei lchcns d 'th M d M 1 B t Rted, IJUKtol'. Sundny f!chnol, L0 lt. m. $13.05 ay WI r. nn • rs. G cnn a c- Mr. and Mrs. Richard'Mills have Prenching, 11 n. m. ChriAtinn ·endcnvol', arc 11 cim;lr! Every recipe is I ·a winner! Vitamizcd surface man of Holt, ' bc,en spending a .few days with ? ,,, m; EvnngciiHtic service s I'· m., F Howard Singh spent the week Mrs. Mills'. ll)other, Mz·s. Hatt(e nnd mid-wcclc ·111'/lYcr •et·vice, Wedncsdny In WOOL JERSEY coc:ildng is easy! !Electric Iond at Mullett lake. His 1nothcr. Bailey in Brecltcnridge. evening Ml'· m. :timer (availnhlc ·as ncccs­ Table Sizes 11 to 20 socy) makeR oven conlcing Decorations Mrs, Fern Slagh, and his sister, Callers at the· W.' S. Rhodes ======~==== Pastels an'd Gray L Auclrey, returned home with him home last weelt were Mrs, Madel· automatic! A new Westing· $10.95 house" savr.s more than its Sunday after sp\nding last week lnrJ Baker and Miss Marian Wood· Centerpieces attrac- there. · fi ld f J I · Ch 1 · 'Ih 1 cost! 0 Mrs.. Clarence Eifert has had the· e 0 · ac tson. ar es r tey tivcly arl'llngcd for cast removed from her arm and is and Mrs.s dRose Harder of Jacltson By AMERICANA JUNIORS $209.95' now tulcing treatments. Her arm were un ay guests of the,I~hodes .. In FAILLE - $13.95 $72.0D dowrt $12.75 per 'mo. 'for 12 mo. w one or several was in a cast for ten WrJcks after Miss Carol Noxon is staying Brown, green or blue she brolcc it. in a fall while at with Mr. and Mrs, Marshall West­ accented with gold buttons and tables, as large or ·1 .1 q 2 t W tl I fall at Ionia and n.ttending the belt E small as your party I~~~· t une - a ye l ncorpora- Ibomt'ah higLh schoNol. On Sunday her In CORDUROY - $13.95. Mr. and Mrs, Vernon J. Brown ro er, ynn axon; was a guest z·cquh~c·s. and Dorothy spent sunday with at the Westfall home,' ' , Bloomfield Exclusives tailored especially for the Paristyle R :; Jliirs, Brown's cousin, Friend D. Mr. and Mrs. Do11ald Vander- Westinghouse ' Grimes, and family at their Parlc Veen, .Jr., are residing in the house '+ lale Sun· Smnlley a11c1 Dennis, nlng, Scptcm!Jer• Hl, at 11 '""1Vnlrm·l HChcdu!ccl for Wednesday, Septom- clo,y evening. cent llospllt!l in LtlnRing. I-To wnH '· ~lmc in Galveston. •I• * * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Royston en· her• 21, at ono o'elor.J(,_ Luncheon Mr. und Ml'H, George Wm·;]Pn bo1'!1 in Ionht eounty Qel.ohor· 28, I ·lcrtained Mrs. Royston's brother,· Harold Gephart, and Mrs. SJGT'fr.ING UJ''l'ON JCSTATJ~ will bo scr•vcd nt the home of MrA. m•e having a new hnnRI! hnllt. nrnr ITI. A. Drchard work. · home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray· ------~--~------~---~ I FEATMiiU 'rho devotions will be lml by Mrs. 1 nolc BnriJam l.o Ann Arbor Sutur­ A lO')t,,

.. spending a weelt vacationing in the 1 upper peninsula and Canada.

~- 4-H Club News , The September meeting of the , Southeast Alaicdon. 1-H: club was. 1,:-'hel,d· ut the DuB_ois school:Septem· i ),;; b_e_ I' 19: The busmess m,eet!ng. was.l 31!2 fo 4-lb. Avor4go . . f·.::called -to' order ·by the 'presrdent · \-!,.and, roll·. call was· answered by STEWING -FOWL ·- >., , ' g! ving the placlngs received at the ; ', ;; ' Ingham county fair and the state Frosh, Rich ,, 'i fair. Report blanlts werp given out Foncy long J·slond fr~Jnco~Amorlcan Soloclod-Michl;an-U. !. No. 4. : I r' ·.. to the different project members. ••. 4Sc Silverbrook Butter tb. 87c Ducklings lb. 39c Spaghetti } 15t~~r. 2St Potatoes ... ..-:· ~;~· 591 , . ·I,r Qames were played and t:efrcsh~ Jane • Parkor 11 Fresh-Woshad and Clipped ments were served at the 'close of Large GMdo "A Foncy Young Blrdr, Any Slzo Swlmson's ... .. with' :d'le~ky;;,: Marble Pound Cake .a. 33c \~" 6·01. Carrots · , ·,a lbt.1~c "•; .. , the rricibting. The. livestock club Sunnybrook Eggs dot, 81c Turkeys lb. SSe Boned Turkey_ ' ·can 39c .. :;will meet at the home of Donna Jano Porker Julcy-Swaei-Galllornra. t ·~· ·r :!Lncl Edwin Voss September 24. The clogged;, worn~o~t Amorlc:an Procouad Fancy Rocks Bright Soli ) {~ Fruit Cake u~~:· 79c oar:: 59c • IQI. Oranges ' •. \ 2doz. 59C · club held ·a wiener. roast at . the Jano. Parkor-Cocoonut Orango Twist Mei·O-Bit Cheese Frying Chickens lb. S3c Soap flakes pkg. 231' LorQo-CrlspooSolld Hoad1 ~ :· • county park for the :August'· ~l!cet· muffler.· . Kroft'• Leg or Rump Hoi! ' ~~~ 15c .·,~ · lng ' · Besld~s being dnng~rous, a. Coffee Cake · .a. 39c ~·-< '· :--. 1 _. · ._· 8r••d,i~sl Head Lettuce ~ f' •• , . ., 16·01. Golden Rod ( . · The· service <::lub. plcni~ \vas l~cld [ badly worn or defective· ex• Morval .Yelveeta Cheese Leg of Veal r.:~~::: :ate:.: torn~d Beef Hasfi can 25ct 1 1 'at Francis parlt, L~nsing, Sund~y. hnust· system on your, autom~ 16-oz. _, .· . . . ' .rams · 3 tb•. 29c Party Rye Bread loof Fra1h . Ovon Ready . ·• ;· ~-. ,., Luneheo'n Mut ,J · Tractor club members are to ' .bile cuts down engine efficiency 18c 12·01. ,Mlchl;an-Hoorll ' and can wnstu precious gas, Marvel · . .,.;;,:: . , meet at the court hotise next Long Horn Cheese lb. 48c Leg of Lam~ :,::~"~), ;ac:···. ·Armour's Treet ... 3Se ·,Celery _ ·- : "' 2och •. 25C '")1 Thmsday night to malte plans for ·i~ t_ • -. '·,' • ' -,j :~ ' \ : : ~ Cracked Wheat Bread Michl;on J.ean Fresh Chopped · . Fhh or Regul01 Mlchl;on-Hole Havon1 fall and winter program. J6•0L 1 'j .GET A NEW , ht.39c bu. J:59.: Harvesting day for corn has Frankenmuth Cheese lb. SOc Ground ·Beef lb. 53c Daily: Dog Food con ·Be Peaches 'I been set for Frl(lay, Septe1nber. 26. Haatl1s Doll;hi'-P.. tourlroband fumes and odors. y,.lb, 28c Plnll ;·Kraft Cheese pkg. Cod Steak · •'b. ·3St '· · .Fruit Jars , dor. 60c . should he sent in soon. , . -, ' \1 1 ··· .. No· Wollo ·For Decorotl~g .Cakll · Registered Guernsey calves· lire I QUIETER·-sA.FER 1 ., ~~~' 331!1 ' available for 4·H club worlt. · · 'Am•rlcan Choeso, Food . I·· Oceait Perch Fillets . '--lb;' ~·- ilrim-ettes. There will be a ram sale at A new mufller. will make your' Michigan State college Wednesday, cor much quieter, much safer October 8. Those who want to buy to drive .....: will odd to your -.CHE.~O-BIT 2,~f BOc ';lb.. ;31c or sell rams should contact Gray­ motoring plcn5uro, cion Blanlt, animal husbandry de· part~ent, Mlc.hlgan State college. ,..ORE' POWER JERO!\IE TANGHE DlES · In· a clogged 'm~ffier, back pros• J Jerome Tanghe died September aures can greatly cut , down 7 .in Lansing and was buried in. the· engine efficiency, Don't tako St. Joseph cemetery September 10.'.. choncea with _a. defective iituf· ·. He. was born In Belgium December> , : fler · wasting your, epgino'• power, Be sure, be' safe! Get 9, 18771 one of 14 chlldren. He , a free inuffier inspection today, came to this country In 1907 and U you need a new· one, insiot except for the first year, has lived on a Genuine · ~ord muffler, ,In InghO:m county until his death; ! · .. He was a resident of Ingham town­ , ·ship for 29 year's, moving baelt to . Lanshig In ;1944. He , leaves his ·Wife, Eleonora, t\Vo 'sons, Andre of ·Lansing, and Lt. Albert, now sta­ . tioned' in Japan and four brothers, Cyrlel, Lcopold.lllld Emlcl of Bel·: · gtu~1; lllla Albert ofFrance; , INGHAM NEWS, MASON, Jll, ,,._··-·---··-·-~·--.. ~~· ... --·--·-···--·--··-... -.... -----~-~ ...... ______,.., __ ,_~-~· COUNTY MICH IGAN, THUHSDAY, SEPTEMHEn 1947

Oi'i'li·•~J'H JOlcl,fncl •~cpLinn, J:or l.ho tr.nni!Ol'/l of 1.!111 fi'J•nvn, 0, B, Wood nnrl Dwlg]]t l.own~hlp, Tl10 nrrllnanrn haR 18' S\mdny wem Mr, nnd Ml'H, lDd Mr, anrl Ml'R. Glen Loo·------·-----·------of L~n·· L:esl ie 'I'Iln III1111HJl ctor.tlnn of offloors r~""l!o snl!nnl:i, whleh i11 IIJ1011Romd Hcnnt Sunrlny with Mr. nnll ,]onn 11.11rll !'et!GIVOd ,!1. lly 1.1 Loulio vlllngo f!ltli!HJIJ 11.!. r1ugern.ted for •.fl. reception to he tw!:nln the Leslie Music Sl.rrdy mcy, Otto lt'uneluw rtnn l'oHI.!'Hirwd fmm doing rc- wllllm llcld at tho Bapt.lst chnrch, Mcl:llrldiRI: chureh held n ptcnlc factory, Trvln Holmoy, E. Donltor-~ _____:_ '''' !f/WI daughters Of South Bond, Jndlumt, OAKWOOD home i.fl it l'mntle mother. 1 r.onH!.I'III!I:iun worlc .nn the brlrlg-cs dlnnm· ut Russell purJ[, Wcr.Jnca- brooJ[, 0 · B. Wootl, 0 · A. IJeclcsot, !Unrrlagn Rowult•!l Last Frlrtuy Mr. nnd Mrs. Oncnr Mt'H, lfnl\:lll'd Hnrl'lfllc M1·, and Mrs. !lay Miller nnU on J~aHL Haec nnl! ltUHRCll HlrcotH, 1\fuJ'I'htgn Revc~alnrl d Otto Fancher nnd Charles Alex- Mrs. Normnn l:n~.>on announces Raison entertained Mr. nnd Mrs. RELymoncJ WCI'O dinnor guests Of whicJh wnre wrlHiwrl out )ly the MIHH n.,n.J.rlco Wymnn, l'lt will be done In stl'ict com· oftemnon will be devoted to 11 ld 1 conHtructed . · : · was the widow ~f Archie Barr, daug·hter, Marlon, ami fnmtly, Mr. and Mts, Clinton Slovens P!:unr:o with the law and the vii- eontosts between tlw freshmen n~Hl bcglnnmg Tuenrlay, ~s 1 ~ Will he was a life long ~·estdent of the Felt Mr·. and Mrs. Fran!( I•'elton nnd nnd Mr. and Mm, Dannie Owens Jrwc I)J'(flllnncos 1 1 , 1 on the Hide ol ,Juclcson on Pi·uns community except for tho 1 I' mill " nov! " t tl1e1'r Dr. WaIter Kon r ad '' · ·' . soph~morc c asses nne on I• r day North Westr~eslto ·Ave., it wlll lle to the · ' ' . ' · Mr. and Mrs. ,James Stephens v!sl· nm a es .. r 1 n, o ''Asi\Jo fi'Om routine husmo~rt, UJC e;cn1ng thoro will he u nll-~1rgh advn.ntage nr many Leslie youth Lo past t:vo years when she waH llv· ted Mr. and Mrs. James Dnvls at new homos this weelc.0 ' OPTOMETRI!;iT C\1l11Jf!l] cnnsfrlererl thn exptl'llLJon I P;r.rty. In the school gymnasnt.m. join, Ha· also told of the $l2,000 tng Wtth her daughter, Mrs. Bar·' their new home in Ann Arbor Sun- Tho training school for the loncl- SueeCHHor I!J nr. ro. E. ,Jewell d~tc for lhe payment of vlllngc ~he JrcHhmen are .to wenr dcmg- mobile radio transmitter now with tha F[art in .Tac![son, where she day. ors or the "Now Lire Movement" :1407 South Cc~llnr St, 1 J.llnslng tnxcri w.i!.hout ]Wnalty,. ns .M.on~lay, , nntcd coRLHme~

aulhorrty that hugo rcsm·ves of an cxtende(l visrt W1th his gmnd- 1 valuable high graue iron ore still parents. ·~ I Stock exist in the U. P.; that the Gogo- Mr. and Mrs. Eldred House nt-'1 bic range is good for at least 2 c tended a party at the homo of years at the present rate of pro~ Harolu Smith in Webberville, ,. Courtesy Is a commodity all.Kroger ntoreu carry. !luction, This region also posse~scs honoring Mrs. House's grund- i There Isn't nny price tng on It, and you can't mJUwns of tons of low grade iron mother, Mrs. F. I;Iummcl, on her i put it in your shopping bag. But It's there just ore, and eventually a way will be 1 71st b1rthday anmvcrs~ry.. . 1 the same and from the time the store opens In Mrs. Grace Strobel Vtrgmta and : the morning until the time It clones at night Vemita were Sundny dinner · It's A Pleasure To Open Fuel Bills The service you get at I IIJN'r M1_u·L MotoJ· SaleH...... fJG.40 When jelly has not set, add a I H 1chj lJcll Tel. Co ...... few drops of lemon juice. This maintain their economy by modest use of fuel oil. Most home users find, too,·· 1 alp1 AdntnH ...... Rnthbut·n'H HJtJ'clwHro Wtll often overcome the difficulty that they can use inexpensive fuel oil, l'l~flccting an inct·e.ascd saving throug·h· 1 ~;t~~c{r~d. niii~l'ih~Jthl~ ·c~·~:;;::::::::::: anrl also impt·ove the flavor of the p I ,ud 01J Co ...... : ...... jelly, ' ••J. SomcJ·vWc & SonH ...... , out the burning season. I l1Jichigan SupJdy' Co ...... :. $1.50 6-Pioce Comb 1\fmttclh Andcrt~on Co ...... 1 ' When all the oceans of the l Joy/c llur·~eHII.,,., ...... ,...... world .are combined they contlw• • . set Only 2Sc with Jol'don ...... fttRt li-on~ Wur·l~:l:l 327,072,000 cubic mlles of water; 2 Labels 1 .. eon An\vny ...... ,,,.,., 1 Dnl't Nr~Lionul Dank ...... ancl one cubic milo of water cOJl· : S!ifdJy Jnll,fcmcnt Co ...... tains more than 1,100,0()0,000 gal- J. ll. J)cnn...... 7'l.ti•t 1 Con.'Hrmei'H Powm· Co...... GJD.r12 I -, ---·--·--·-- Mid;elson Bnkl!l' Lumber Co...... Ol.trl . Rohu1·t Luonard ...... ,...... 4rJ.ii:tl ])n•·t & Cndy...... 22.:~0 ~ounl ·of Cernutc!'Y 'l'ruslcco...... l »2.30 O!lCJlh H. Nollet...... 1·170.1~ , City Emp/oy(!cH ...... :..... 525.0{] Johnson's Applier Free wilh Purchase 1 1 1; ,. R. llo\vnuln...... !JHG.UG TjJC rupol't ·of t.hc: finance comrniltuc gal. I\~nH tuloJ1lcd Ly thf:' following vote, )•eus l 1 6-nnys o. · ' Renuzit l can I The rcJIOJ't of S. L, Dcma~·est autwl'iu~ 1 I tendcnt nt diHJIOHnl plant. for· ~uly urul J 4·oz. can Spot Remover free wilh Purchase I AuHust WfLH received nnd plnced on file, ApproprintJon Ordinance 1 The City. o[ MaHon ot·clainH thnt monr:y · each . ~hull be !'HIKed by tnx levy to dcf•·ay tlw .Buy Nowl Easy Terms Available Bro.oms Bab~O ICXJICIHiitUl'CK lllld JiahiJiticH of lhu i'IHid Green Sky , city fo1· the fiHc:11tlon• If tho hond• ·nrc .not .Roltl,. '· . •·. ·, · •· . C1EORGE l\llf.LOC10," · 'City Cle~•l( • 38w2 '•I ' '

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1947 The Ingham County News "i·, ------1 ------·------~~---• Howe in rlOo[rcrEJtlon witl1 tho 1'1CAM WAN'I'H OAMI~H ., of tho fji'Und off!· ,.,,,.,,,:,::x.:w ·Bang-Bang! l'CHCI.IO or Wllldo Bronl

sing. nomlc.Y room. MrB. BcBB Chappell, Burke and Mrs. St~ton were Elaine F'rcdcriclc, Donnis Strur, 1 Miss Lucille Lott WllH tnl<~n to Ml'H. l•'r:u1ccY 11unynn, MrB. Cln.ra neighbors for many years. Marilyn Paine, John Coy, Barbara ! the Mason ho~pltal last Tuesday. Lang-hrtm ami MI'IJ. Ielorcncc Blrllr A new house Is being built fnl' Launslcln, Janpt Frcdcrlclt and' : pourer!. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rice just south Rob~rt J cwctt. . ' •'' Cnndldnl"""tl Four l!u·g-e lahlcs wm·e cov­ of the home of· his parents, M1•. We have organized a safety pu­ lly Gnlntl Offlecr• ercrl wl lh lace cov'ers, two held and Mrs. Lester Rice. Since their trol composed of the. following luq~c centerpieces wilh flowers of marriage they have been living In members: Janet Frederlclc, cap- f 'rhroc hundred attencled tho In· l.he dmptm· colors wll.h cn.nclleH Lansing. tuln; Leigh Lyon, Robert Jewett, ·atilnllon of the Holt chapter of the 1 the base. Large ba~Jcets of flowci'H, Mrs. Ralph Hart, Mrs. George Donn is Starr and Barbura Laun-1' I .Qrdcr of tho l~astcm Stur Frlrlay r:lrts f'rom chnpters and frlendn, '.: Cona.rton, Mrs. Clarence Leonard 'stein . night at the .high school gymna­ decorated the gym anrl tea room. · . Dlclc H~ymos vocalizes under ; I and Mrs. ·Howard North attended The children have set up 11 I sium, Forty-two were ln~Litulcrl, 1 Guests were present from the tJ•opicul moon in "C·trnival in· Rally day for home economlcs sportsmanship code for the year. J 28 by Initiation nnrl lfJ Qy affilia­ fc,llowing' chapters: Amity, Arbu­ tion. Two membcrH were almont. Costa Rica," tho new 'tcchnlcolor Jlcaders and officers In Mason The sixth g-rade made health tus, Publiulty, Kcdron, Mezpalc, mlisical · which also stars Vera-~ Tuesday of last weelc. Mrs. ~crcy covers, while the seventh grade I THEATRE · Grand Worthy' Palron Gcnrge Orion, Leslie, Eastern, Battle 11JIIen, Cesar Romero and Celeste Barrett was unable to attend be· made covers for ocience, I !{rltzcr of Ncwngo had ehart:e of Obituaries, Atlanta, Zcnohla, Olcc­ Holm, opening Saturday at the cause her daughter, Nancy wa~ Fifth graders mad c United MA~ON PHONE 7421 lho Institute and was assi:iterl by mos, Grand Rapids, Parle Cor­ Fox Thcrtrc . talcen to the hospital for a~ States maps showing the country's Evening Shown Stnrt nt 7:00 p, M. "\ :arand Worthy Matron Lela De­ inthln., Lawrence, Adrian, Eaton -· · emergency operation Monday. I natural regions. Cnntlnous Saturday from 3:90 P. M. Continuous Suudny from 3:00 Jl. M. Long and the· gmnrl officerH. Bcr­ Rapids, Dansville, Webberville, 1 Bethlehem, Wlnn, Segnct, Yorlc, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hansen of The fourth grade gcogruphy I Admisalon-ltlc nnd 32c-Tnx Included ·nice Lane, wm'lhy matron of Ar· Will in mst:on, Zion, Bellevue, Ma· Lunslng called Sunday afternoon: dass made a poster of "Ways We butus chapter of ·Lansing, unt.l son, Wncousta, Dimondale, Port· Oriented, Penilmular, Onaway, on Mrs. Howard North. ' Travel." Potterville, Ionia, Kalama, Mctro­ .. Richard Bc1Ty, worthy pn tron ot land, Olivet, Charlotte, Quinccy, Grovcnburg school has made: Jlolls, Hod Cedar, Brooltfield, Perry, Thuroday-Friday, 8"J!I1 oblc-37356 . 3 SHOWS FROM 6:30 P. M. Our New Policy: spending a few df!.YS ut Rush lulce. and opening Saturday at the Fox Mr. and Mrs. John Huffine and Theatre, has Diclc Haymes, as Jeff "ALMOST LIKE BEING IN LOVE" . THE "Tnt.K.t::. BU'J' .t'lllt YUU UO J:' FOR IHDDimS who buys a combin.alion Mr.. and Mrs. Sedgwlc]{ Lawrence Stephens, young Amerlcun business .t•runtt· .SJna.tiu-37382 have returned home from a. fishing man who learns about n: new ldnd I receives FREE RECORDS trip with a fine catch. · of love. · "NAUGHTY ANGELINE" • . "l'I''S I<:II'ID Or' LONC:~OME OUT Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Lane enter- ·~=~·======TON1liHT" Available on.Easy Te1·ms talned Mrs. Lane's brother and ~ . Kny Ky•cr-37561 wife from Jaclcson Sunday. l-3 down, 12 months to p.ay "DON'T TELL ME" Mr. and Mrs. Emanual Freier­ "t;VJ::RY ~U Oi''I'C:N" muth are building a new house · Lea Brown-37557 south of Fitchburg.on part of Fred "AFTER GRADUATION Holland's place. · "JI:: VOUS AIM.t:;" Mrs.· Maud Henney died at her Eddy Duchh•-37389 home last' Sunday night. · · ·. · "TOMORROW" ·, Mason all-star -baseball team "SOMETHING FOR NOTHING" played ball with the Fitchburg Harry Jnmco-37388 Free Table Radio boys at Fitchburg· Sunday .after­ "ROSE OF OLD PAWNEE" noon; Fitchburg winning 4 to 3. "BOB WILLS BOOGI£" . It was the. last game of the sea· . ·,Bob Wlll•-37367 · Or Portable Radio son.. · · Mr. and Mrs, Jaclde Ranolc, Jr., "ROCKIN' HORSE COWBO\"' Persons wlio purchase table radios between "MIDNIGHT MASQUERADE" spent .the weelc end in Detroit Fr1111kio Carl.,....a7337 , . now a11d Christmas Eve has an opportunity to with Mr. and Mrs. John Wlnter- l'owd. : .· \ · "SHADRACK" have his radio WITHOU'f CHARGE. Com~ " & EVIL'~ Pansle Watson, daughter of Mr. DlaTINCTIVIU'I' 'I'OUIIa. l'o.nonallocd to ••· Colden Gate Quartct-37236 plete· deta~ls on request a~ the· store. u_nd Mrs. Logan Watson, and pma cuuol omartueaa and lodlvlduliltr loa omoll J · " h · but fmtl~nt accc:mftory. . , ~ "IVY" . ' ·. . · · 01ce ,,.,c ultz, daughter of Mr; and ;. DniiiABI.I: 01,..,.. The•• ottractt•o book "THAT'S.,MY DESIRE" Mrs, Alfred Schultz, were both match•• rato topo wltb Jour trlonda. At thlo low · Woody' Hermnn-37329 . . talten .to the Rowe hospital last ·prleotbor'roldoaltorpor-lilalnr&Volnmoohtlto, WeeJt for a dl it h tl 01101:11 JODA'I'I • DON'T WAIT!' ·"SAGE BRUSH SHUFFLE" ppen c us ol:"era ons. D•ll••rr on• wllk.' No .c.O.D.'o. Sand •!Molt "SWEETHEART, THIS IS GOOD· $5 Down, Balance on Easy Weekly Terms Mr. and Mrs. Ruy · Teachworth Pootplld, . or mooo ordor, 1 ' ·,·~ 1 DYE" • ' spent Sunday .at the ·home .of her ra •••••,'r1LL aur cA•••u••r I Adolph Hafn~r-37241 . parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Bot- TiiiLiaii.;o,.-co-:------~·.. ••• dorff. I• · . ••• W.llan~)lll ••·• Clll-11 lfto The Merry-Go-Round club .will· ·, EnoiOIIAY, S£P'l'EMBE!l HI, 194'¥

~ter~ in public school unless we also aee to it that they Jearn the even more valuable lesaons of rellg!on? Ari~ient History Half of the people In the United States have no connection Glonnod fvnm Ncwa Fllos of "UDLISHI!D THURliDAY AFTilllNOON!l IN Tllll CITY 01' , ot· affiliation with any:church, Half of the boya and girls in Years Post MASON, MICiiiUAN the United States have· never been in Sunday school. Isn't It Onu Year Ago Vernon J, Brown & Son, Publishers about time that we as parent's realized that only our children George Douel aolll his retail shoe Rtoro to CIILI'l< Horn of Pontluc, Nelson D, Brown, Editor stand betweeti the world and paganism? Deuel had )leon In tho shoe bual­ "' , " , , , Betty Crum, Advertl.ling Manager IICRR fm• .flll'ty yonra, .•llutorctl n1:1 ucond ·Chuut mattur at iHJtJtofrlce, Mn.aou, Mtr.hllfnn, uncld A\.t or Erno,9t Palette of Norfnlle, Vir­ Mnrnh JJ, lH70 ginia, told pollee ho WflH hit over I k tho hciHI and robbed of :~111\fl Sun- IIUDSCRII'TION JtATE.S ADVERTISING JtATES Ra'Jns Un 0 Summers Wor dny momlng HDUtlt or MctAcm flR ho (l'ay•bla In Adv•n•o) ntnplny ndvortlulns raton on nil• . .. . d wna sleeping In the r.nb ol' the van ,, Ono ycmr Jn Inghnm and pllentlon. Du•lnoHH loon!• nne! ronol· '·' ' he waR driving for the ,Jnclrson In~ noiloco on fir•t nn•l lncnl tlllno•, lly Vm•nou ,J, llmwu: . •I R[llita, tllo rough, I. thought, for ·Snnbom St.ol'llge Co, nf Norfollr, 11 On'o J8Ur fiUtrtlrlo Inahnm and Inc A I! no, No rending or bu•ln•"" Ani old 'rulagc ·,: l'nndll;·' "Prldo lmylnfi mnchlnel'y, So I prnr.cdded Enrolled In the ninth g'rndc In udJolnlng t.nuntl11r1 ""'"'""''"" ~.liO 1 adjulnlnu· Dnuntlon ''""'''"'"'''""1~.00 ndvurtlulng I••• thnn HOo; Onrd ol Rlrlcth llofQre a Fctll.' I: nm re· l.fl run the disc .over the tlel!lR tile MuRon high school Is Tbunlcn, lo " word, Annnuncomcntu mindel! oe thiA nil'' I remtll with once more, then with the ~pllw Sflyet·, who CILme from BntchawnnrL , , 11!!2 month• In" .JpRhnm and ' ·, adJoining r.nunt\aH """'"''"'""" 1,2/'i ol untortnlnmonln whor~ udrnl••lon what pride n wr.cl1 ago·. I loolccd tooth drag to mnoot:h thorn nut. Bny, about fiO miles north of the .., ·Four montJ•ri ', .. ,·...... ""''"''" ,'1fi lu ohnraoPHOTO · Cit' ·· • G d G · b 'f . · c t where the youngsters were to start nlng angle 1111rldng. Don't· bet any valved, ·as well as Insurance and THREE BIG DAYS Izens oo . , oyernment 1eague, ut 1 1t caus~s the school. .Mrs. Crulcltshnnlt remained money that pinking meters won't ·annuities. There's also a chapter. 1 :."!\\·nt••r" to look up and compare the records of ~he. candidates ln,Petosltey, Jus.t south of tuwnns he Installetlln Mu.son, Leslie,· Dans· for the administrator of estates.. Age Limit: 2 Montha to 6 Yeara ·':\ .\ ,·. - the league will justify its existence whether or not its can- the three Crulcl,shnnks s&utcd for VIlle· ~d :";ilrilllus 'Center ·,Wlth\11 Whnt Jane ·Austen d~d for the '·' !Q:Iidatces are elected. · .P.ortsmouth they encountered 11 the year. 'll1e meter makers get families of rural England, Emily Bring your child to our atore to . be photograph~d .·by our~ expert Kiddie . bn·

D. A. WEST COMBINATION GRINDER Fills silo or grinds feed HIGH-SPEED FARM WAGON ------,--:New with 650x16 ti1·es PLASTIC PAINTS For wood or linoleum: Elimates constant waxing POWERAIRE PAINT SPRAYER Saves painting costs

1940 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK With rack. This is .a good buy LOWDEN CHICKS TWO-WHEEL TRAILER Will take the place of a farm wagon Rocks, Reds, Leghorns, Sexed Chicks New U. S. Approved Hatchery Silsby ~mplement Co. Mason Phone 5141 '

..... ,·I asses With-A Purchase Of$1.00 Or More

I :' Saturday and Sunday Only, Sept. 20 21 . -

Mercury ··.·' .. ~ : . ,, ..• , 1 :'.Quick Battery Outboard ., I ·· .., ,, ;, : '·· " :" Charging ·,'"HARRY REAM; New O.perato~ 'j\! I Motors Of,:;The Hi - ·speed . Cedar· and + + St(ltiol1, . Ash Expert ,'. / '"· .'· ' . :. ' . ." . . .. . ' \ . . . . Lubrication L,e Tires Makes· this -special 'introductory offer to get acquainted with CUS• ·tomers a~d prospective: customers, and to make, them -familiar with • + • \ , - , • , , . • . • . ' . • r • , ... · ·· · · · the m¢uly services wh'ich he oH~rs .... ·.· : : · Hi~ Speed . ' . Hi. Speed Ac~essories Batteries • . .. Fada Radios ~ Give' - . .Gold . ' StclnlP~. we ' . DRAIN NOTICE

I 27

:2 72 72 l _(i 1 .!ti 1 0 1 0 ELECTRIC HEATERS 1 0 1 0 W1th 01· Without Fan 2 0 • r.or. r.or. Jewett I 0 2~R Appliance Co. 21 1 R I r. IHO W. Aslt I SO ----" 1 otnl fl Hr: I

Body and Fender Repair

Painting Is A Specialty We have the most modern spmy booth m Mason Paint Job- $59 (Bump worlt extra) Set of Fenders - $15 (B'itmp work extra) Jennings Body Shop Land Surveyor Located at US-127 at the south city llmlts Phone 21801

ORDER APPOINTING TIME William C. Berryman FOR HEARING CLAIMS BIRD-NOVEMBER 25 Reg1stered Professional Engineer Stntl! of M1chlg n I he P1 obntf' Com t \ f01 the Co 1nty of lnghnm At 1~ HE!IHI on of Hlllli Coutt hl'lcl nt the • Prohnte Off cl! In the C1ty of MnRon In 507 Woodrow, Lansing (10) the Mad County on the 12th ilny of Sen· A lJ 1947 SPOT CASHI For Dead or Disabled Stock Horses $10.00 each Cows $12.00 each (AcCOJ'Illllg to SIZe I~Uil Clli](IJtion) Garner &. Powelson Hogs $3.00 per cwt .

TRUCKING SERVICE Calves ami sheep• - Removed FIW! • Local and Long Distance Hauling Phone collect to 1\Jnson 8141 DARLING & COMPANY Phone Leslie 4422 The original company to pay for !lend stucl[


I will sell at public auction at the former Jesse Nelson home in the village of Danavill'- ' M-36, first house west of the cemetery, on Phone 24191 Saturday, September 20, 194~: I '

9xl2 Living Room Rug Quantity of Rug Border Wilson Sewing Machine Linoleum Quantity of Dishea , Canister Set, Bread Box Teakettle Kitchen Scales Work Table Ironing Board £lothes Bars Wash Board Dust Mop 1 • Small Crocks 2 Crocks, 20-gal., large 3 Oil Drums 6 ft. and 3 ft. Stepladder Grindstone, pedal-type r"\!1·~ DEAD or ALIVE, Garden Cultivator FARM ANIMALS COLLECTED PROMPTLY Used Lumber 2 Saw Horses HORSES-$10.00 COWS -'$12.00 Bushel Crates . ' Lawn Roller HOGS - $3.00 cwt. Forks, Shovels, Hoes and other articles too CALVES AND SHEEP REMOVED FBEE numerous to mention

TERMS: Cash, all gooda to be settled for day of sale before removal

L. E. NELSON, Admr. ------·------iNGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEP'l'r~MllEft '18, 1941 :....------~- tll'day evening in lwnm· or Mr, and MrR, .Tnlln. Hmnlln, 11. ltro long FOUR TOWN CORNERS Wcdnoadny1 StJptcmhtlr 2>1 1 1047 'Phu p,,nph' nf tl1r. Hlui']'Jr Mh·lilunn. Scptumhcl' to, liJ•''' Mr~. LeHter• Mnm•oo, A large crowd t'd. nf dhnniHtml. , I' 1 1•:tilllli of flhlldtl, nu I Anlftl'li;nn fitulo Hnlll( vu. Pruul.: Pl'l'llllll, 'l'hu p .n Ju nF l1111 Rlnt11 t1t Mlllhhtn/' H"l't'<'Hhltll'lll:J wm·o Hor·vcd ul tho pltnl In .Trtcltaon, LrtnHing- and Mt'fl, Mlldi'Dd Snyd11r, Triii~I'Y lfr•J \~'ITIJ' 1 olnlmH nnd ! ur hu 1 IH, I JJnruult Judl(ttUJunl !u•· !llnlntlff clnnuatml 11 1 1 ( J~nlllJ'InlnH 1'\huh•niH clime ol' tho ovcnlng, Mra, Berllm ChlldH viAitcd 11J' L.rmalng, wcm J~dday ovonlnt( 1 1~,~nfu of Mnr,v A. ru,,nunn, Jlillll' 1111 *I '/:lO.Hr\, CnHtH ~:!ll,:!ll, • Jf:• A~'/~\~,~~1 \1 n~~~\'[:ln•J••, At•t•n nnmunt 1( , With Jlruulw••lllnj{ •,-;lclll 'l'hc P. N, G, club mot at tho frlonrl.~ rmcl l'olntlvcH In Lunalng Cllllcra u.t tho JTirltl Million homo, 1 1 SyiVIJHiflJ' Bnlwoelt or Alhcnfl collago nf MrH. Lenu DtlllHOinl'O ul. luat woelt, j\oft•, ruul Mr~. Cecil WlmtJlo I IHIJ·l~t:;,~ll;;f Ohndt)H LJimldn, JfpnJ'InH nn 'J'hu l'l'fllllt! or lhu Hlnlt• o( Mlold~mn 'l'lw i'Popltl nf t.hP fllnltl nr Mll1hlun~l ~~rtv'e Wchlwt·vlllc lugll Hnhool 111~ PluaHtlllt lalw laHt WodnoHrlay, .Joh11 G1•ecn ltpent iftAt week In apent IIUVUI'Ill daya laHt woolt ·Elt ]f{!fl~.·~~·::lll~!o (~~ll.N'nrn MunlH, liPIII'IOI{ Cltl v~. n, H. LnHh, At·r·uhnllllf'Ul~plunclml VIi, Mlr•lliH·I CllffiHd. Al'l'lli!--I'IIOHIJ)j ...... , 1 ~ nut. HlliltY, hone! t'lmtlnu11cl, n, Jl, A, 1 umnndflll. inlorost.lng- exhlhlllon in l.llo uri. 111 'rho flrat rcglllar meeting of .TacltHon viHillng r•olatlvoB. their cottage nl Houghton lulto. 1 wJ~t HLHict of 'I 1'11Jnflll 0, l'l'lltl, Jlnlll'hlH ------,; hnndwril.lng. Jill nlni.Prl t.!Htl. he CcdaJ• Hehclmh lron ,.nnd• · "ell•ddml " " It would he a pnylng Wesley Bor:hmnn wu.q t. ••, 1, on to of Mrs.l'r•nli••r·. Jerry WC!'C Wolllvm• Saturday und culler·sfamily v•.nol. uulll.y,Vh·"ll houdHlntt. contlnAi'l'nhmm<•ul·Jilo•nd••ll:•d. · 0 1111 11 '.~n·opo>ll'tl on. !Iowovcr t· go t b y ]If! Sllnmon 1H!Hp It a 1 W C( In esrlny', ' or her· parents,' Mt". and Mrs. c. B. Rcxlnn Glynn VH.'l'hn Floyd l'unnlu Mol"Hio ul' ' l111•Arrnl,(urnnut ~tutu nf Mlnhl"""i'.fl.i',i\, 'worlwd on the l'lllii'Ond Cor ll. num- Roy Schultz . n.nd Ills mother, Mcl{cc, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glynn and 'fho Pcnnln nl thn Hlnte or Ml,.hl"'"' '.,bel' rl~:yc'nt'll ond at different odd Mt·s. ITimma Schultz, spent tbc Mr. and Mrs. John Hey of Holt Dale and .Pete 'romlln ,qpcnt Sun- VH. Floyd MorRo, l'rnliiitlnn, """ YUill', 'jolm '· 1 J ''! · 1 t $20o,on cloHtH, .1 · • l:•·,: -' , week end In An g-o u, nu nnu, VIA • wcro F'ridn.y evening mtllors of Mr. dny with Mr. untl Mrs. Rex 0 or on 'l'hn l'ooJilo of tho Slut .. nf Ml•·hl>SLnt.obel lilmu·y Wilt ho hero :-loptPm- Loon lnltn spent Sunday visiting ting relatives and on Sunday v1Ai- inois, after a short visit. ba n °11 reun on a e ' a r 'l'ho Pr.onlr• nf llw Slnlo or Mir·hl"'"' •· . "'''''l t " en l•tlog·• til'L ll oo Ici,J'Ctulinr-r, HLnndRhnnd r•nnLin1u•d.mute, Jllen nr not ~miiLy '<... nnilf'rl in marriage hy Hev, Wil- and broke her collarbone on Labor of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Glynn. crmany am1 zoe 1lOS 1ova 11 a, 'l'hn l'o•upl" of thn Slnt" of' Mli•lil"nn FOOT ITCH limn Hunter nt the parsonage to Day, fell ond misplaced her collar- TI1e 131st was activali'd .Tnly vn. Fr·nnk .r. M:·Nnmnm. i\i'i'nl"nm••nt· II ] , HOW TO STOP IT. -nrvcy "• mn )r I'111, son o r M r. unc I b one agarn . on Tlllll'sc I ay, URTICE DISTRICT l' 1n·12,v "lu Camtl Pet·ry, Ollio, u"ncl <•onlinuorl.wnlvr~d I'Pndln~. uh•lulecl not gtdlty, hnncl ' M1·s ..Toe l•'rnnly. All'nrf{nml'nl-wnrv•·d lf•nd- Saturday, September 27 and p f tl 1 1 tcr, Vcrmucn, ot Detrmt spent ing, lllrmdecl not J..:'ltiiL\', hnnd continuf'rl. ' SEED CORN·· Tuesday, SejJtembel' 30' ng-o, or Je wee { em · family culled on Mr. and Mrs. sevcrul clays last we cit nt the ScJilcmbor 9, 1M7 ' M1·. nnd Mrs. Bob Pnge received J Lynn Haynes Wednesday evening. home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Olson. 'rho ~ooJilo ~f the Rlnt" or Micl•i_>•nn I :Oil u'dell'k l':tl'h ila,y AUCTI'ON many. houq~1ets on. Thursday,_ the Mr. und Mrs. Albert Lane and v•. Lomn 'l'. J,onl. Ai'i'al"nmont-w:uvc:l ' nccar!.ton bc.tng their first anmver- fam'tly spent Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. l?red Ruthig nnd ,.,.,,.ling, Jilonolod not guilty, bond con· ' '',, Wednesday, Septembct· 24 ''I' b family called on Mr. ancl Mrs. tinned, ' Their Business sary ln usmcss. . with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sedgman W It G d M Tho PeoJil• or tho Stnlo or Michi""" I :00 o'o 1'hol'l11u·n Mill,, Hem. Roc, E 111' Oerlrudo notmet, of Dotroll srmlw ln lho u.fl.cnwon, •· ~' ? tlndl{llthllntuut r ~ ~ Love· u little more, Be faithful ' Ill ~ I' u qum· CJ' y mcc llJl' o II lbl 0 J' this lrnlnlng where he underwent nn .opcmtlon Mrs, Allco Dlls~ oJ~ RochoHtcr llll~ Family night wlll be heir! 'flHII'II· tho J,nnsing dl.9trlct of lhe !Prur1 ° g .or ___ ' .-.-- , , · for nppctHIICJII.ItJ,·lJc oxpec!.u to rc- Mr.' nnd MJ·s. DJwld WoorlB nt- boon visiting Mr·s, Louella GlCford, dny t eig-ht n'r:loclt In' the n. little more, Soi'Yo rt llltlc 11101'0, 8 e\'~nlng And then wutoh God rovonl himself :f>{othorllst church wlll be heir! nt · 1'1 1 W. ~r. S. EJc.r.tH Offlecr turn to school Mon!lny, tm,Hlcd II blrUH!ny pnrl.y Snlurdny Mt'H, Inez Clarlr, Mr. nnd Mrs, chlli'(Jh pnrlm·s.11 Lig-ht ·cl'rcsluucnts Jllll' locnl Froo MclhorlltJt chu1·eh I W.R,O.\"l. Uttlu;rl6 UonriH . llll 11•• AI. Annnal l\l!mUnJ:r · Melvin Simonton utl.nnllr.d •the evening f9r MI'O. Glnrlys Potter ut HowEml Clark nnd Mt•H. Lloyrl wlll ho sorvccl, Everyone1 In the th you In u turgor• and lovllor way, next wool! bcg"lnnlng on 'l'hursdrry / . Tho Womun Society for Ohd \ Tho Wonum's MISTllonnry society county nr,l'lculturul rmmoll miJct- the home of Mr. an(( Mrn, Gcnq;c • Clarl(, Onn evening luRt wecl1 community Is -Hobert; Norwood, I " t h . ''" n 1 con- bon Service nf tl10 Mctho Is of the Froo Methodist, church mel Posi· or Mason • · · Bll M r ·1 1 · M Mr~. lnvll~Jl. ,v~n ng, . .,cp em cr ~u.. u r , chumh Ul'C sponsm·lng u hnlwd I Wodnesrlny ltflcrnoon ut the home lng Mondny. even in,; nt 11uynor . . . ' I ss, rs, ncz c nr t, r•s, a 1f.· Mr. nnrl MrR. Witllnee Knappnncl tl.nulng through Sumlu. · 1goods suiB SJtturdny nt Anderson's of Mrs, ]]rn!c Miller, .ruach mom- [llll'll,. Mn~on, J,utm· ihe bwrlness Mr. und Mrn, .Jn