PART THE INGHAM COUN,_fY NEWS ONE Eighty-Eighth Ye~w- No. 38 18 Pagca- Paacn 1 to 6 Biggest Fair Has Biggest Deficit $13,000 In Red 4-H Exhibitors Pa·omiacd Payment in Full, Othca· Ca·editon Face Long Wuit SllJr!l'I'HtiiiiiJ' ~Jilde PutJcnhcrgcr, who i'l a mcmbeJ or lhc slate fail board as well as I the county fair board, suggcstl'd I th.tt the county develop an rtgr 1- Mason Recreation cultmal fair instead of trying to match state f111r entertainment He Open and League said thme was the possibility that Jngl1am can't nffmd the kind or Bowling shows which were provtdcd this year Hartig ,r former fair association • president, demanded a b.tlanccd on­ let tainmcnt budget for anothm Open Afternoons INS'fltUCTION FOlt BF.QINNlmS CLIC.ANLRS FOX AND DYEUS AUCTION SALE I Tuesday, September 30 An Added Convenience At the Upton-Stanton farm in Wheatfield, For Our Customers Section 20 on Burkley road. On Monday, September 22 20 Head of Cows and Young Cattle Pick · Up and Delivery Service 24 Hogs and Shoats Chickens Will Be Started 2 Tractors and Attachments Just Phone 2-4221 1,000 Bales of Hay and Straw Quantity of Corn and Oats 153 W. Ma(llc • See Auction Ad in Next Week's Paper For Complete Details E. A. Densmore, Admr. Falll Footballl (To Be Continued Next Week) $3.50-$7.25 I Our new fall frock styled With a large, round collar and Shoulde1· Pads $2.98 Dr. F. J. Kellogg tnm tml01 ed lines f01 off1ce or school In wool or gabar­ dmc $2.59 Optometrist S1zes 9 to 15 WIU he out of the office Sat­ Come m and see 1t 111 yout s1ze $2.50 urd!ly, 'l'ue~dny n11d Wednesday Athletic Socks- 35c-59c- $1.19 Beckwith Clothes Shop H1gh School Season Football 120 W Maple Here! Prepare For Fall ... ~iok! It's beautiful Retread For Skid Protection , ~ Listen! It's radio's richest role~ Hammann's Home & Auto Supply Your Friendly Flte~tone Delller New Super • • 8 tubes, [JiliN rectifier ru1d tuning <ye • II wave band!i-FM, standard hrondcnst, Gaylord, Michigan Jllus short wave • FM (Ftequency Modulation) stlltlc·free \ ICCCJltlon 350 Calves, 350 - 500 pounda; • Trouble-free u.utomntlc record changer. 'l'Ais bl!tlllriful new Super Sparron Radio­ Aln10st a solid hour of con&lnuous play­ Pilono,rapla iJ woilillg for :you. Model 10· Ing. "Roll·out" tJhonogrlltlh BfY·7t).P,f in fine walnut ueneer. Abo fln· iMM ill IIIIUII'IIl mahogany llflllttr. A111111o record storage, I '\ . I INGHAM COUNTY f)IEWS, MASON, Mlq-J JGAN, 1'1-IURSDA Y, ·SEPTEMBER 18, 1947 ' Tlu·eo son of Taft, Cnllf, Mrs, ,Johnson •ro V ACA'I'ION IN liJA.ST ., iu Util former Helen Rose :Oatomrtn rs~l""'t:~~~w~~Jp==J::~·, School News ot Holt, Mt•, un<l Ma·s, A. B. Bnll plnn trr , Shop Talk kitVo next. wuulc end i'Ol' It vnclttioii A son, Keith Loa, wns born tn I. in 1.110 liluHL. 'l'hcy will v!Hit Ma· .. Mr, ttnd Mrs, Kenneth Samson, 214 Albert ,Johmum of Leslio hils Bn!l'ii slst.m· in Now Ylll'lt City Jllld 'South Woodworth street, Lealie, on joined the .lcwct.l. Appllnnco com- will lour tho ·mwLcrn stutea and Sundny. Soptcmb,er U, nt tho Sprtr­ pany anlcs stare. Crumda, row hospitJil, Lansing, L.,.~~0~<W~t:!~~~.JO~~"'J ofrlco~:::;,i~~.i~~·:f.:!~:.~~~:.~ fnl' ~:1.00 each, With these Mias Tilfflc lluwn attended a EnJ' oyable 'I'imc sail boat, they were maneuvering Child Study Club Groups Students Leaving tlcltclR, stuclont~ al'Cl admitted to Mr. ami Mrs, Curl McMann of mooting of tho Ford Accrn1ntnnts' CANAAN DISTRICT • • lipped upside down. ro Meet September 24 nil home games, dances .following Holt announce the birth of u son, clnh In J.nnaing 'l'ueHriny, M!Hs ltlrH, .. J.llwronce IIUl'I{~H" At Wyeth P1Cl11C Bal'hecuod snnd'.<lchcs, filled To Start Classes the gameR, nnd to any school Stun ley C£trl, at Spurmw hospital Hawn lA honltkccpcr at the J, B, • wll.h 1fi0 pound/! of mc!lt potato 'rho senior group of the Ch 1ld rlrmccs nncl professional assemblies September 1.5, Mrs, McMann WllB Dean Ford agency. · Mrs. Wllllam D1•uycr nnd Patoy Wyeth Incorpor:;tlcc.l's ·picnic Sflln.d, bnlwd beans, lcmm{ndc, lee Study club will be entertained at Dozens of suitcases were still be- given during the year, Adults mny formerly Virginia Cannnrllp of Mrs, L, A. Scott who worlcs nt spent lho wcclc end nt Tublm lulte,, I' Lnnalng. , Cl'cam, caltc and coffee were on the horne of Mrs, W. V Kennedy i , ,1 , til c- also buy t!clccts fiJr $2.00 which the Pari style Shorpc Is home 011 M1•, llll!l Mr~. D. N,, Taylot• WCI'O · SundRy at tlje county Jill! lc at tJ , 1 •d d . d b I on Werl•wsdny evening September ng pnc ccc 1 1 s wee 1c .o 11 will entitle them to soc the home 11. dnughtm·, Donnctln Louise, ll 1 t to menu p anne an set vo y I . .' . company MflAOn young people re- VUCfltiOll this WCO!(, Monday evening rlliincr l{llCHts or Plcnsanllnlw at.ll'lldctl to Jll'gcs Mt•s. Mary Gnrvcr nnd hct• com· 24, with Mrs. Ot•cn Hall und Mrs, turning' t colleges univcrsll.lcs foollmll gnmcs, WM horn September 15 to Mt•, nnd Star.i.lng Monday, Scpte!mhcr 22 Mr. und MJ's. Hal'l'y Vrlll Kurcn .... : crowd ever to attend this llltrlllltl . rnlltcc, Other committee heads Dean Cmndcllns co-hostesses. 'l'he and busln~ss schooi~ 'rhc first Youth Canteen dflnce Mrs, Donnld Lee of South .Jeffer­ 1 tho D'ox Cl<,mers wlll lnLVe n pick- M•·s, ,June Sulthcn of L£1nalnrr nffah·, Mm·c limn 27G employees, 1 we1·c Donnld H11dwln, sports, Lloyd j spcalccr fm: the· evening wlll, bo Amon"' lltosc lcavl.ng for Mich- will he held Saturday at 8:30 in son street. Donnctta is the Lee's Doane reception and Fred Bur- Mrs, Cllffotd Walcott of ,lilust " t , the school gymnasium. Music will second daugther,. The older one is up unci clcllvory sct·vl"e, For tho cmllccl on her mothet·, Mt•s. C!mrlua,' tlw!r fruttilics and friends partoolc i • , 1 • t. · 't t1 1 Lansing who will spcnlc on "Teen ig-un Stnte college Jtl mus Lans 1ng ho played by Mr. lind Mrs. Arthur Elninc, now five ycnrs old, proscnl l3ill Fox will do, tho drlv-1 Mulldna, Sundity, · .. of the dinner and participated in t~uf ts, ~n?s&or a! o:l· GCJ~ra , Agora", arc Mat·y Louise •rripp, Beverly Nichols, Tho Canteen dances are the sports events... c n rmnn 01 e Jl en c was or- I , ' Watkins, Jlll Mills, Mcrrllyn Hum- Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cool{ . of lng. Mr. and M1·s. L, ·o. WclluHtn and' . don Kennedy, Doris Trupp w11s his rho junior group •.vlll meet at 1 moll Millon Bcrgcon Robert sponsored by tho Mason P. 'r. A. Bunlter Hill announce the birth of . Clarence JDd<ly h£1H starter! worlc I FJnns 11ncl Mr. uud MI'B, Hal'!'y' ' . ' In the forenoon rr h11ndlcap golf assistant, tho horne of Mrs, Frank Gucrrlei'O, Adn~s L A Murray' Charles Officers clcetccl for tho Ynutlt a son, J{clth Qlcnn, at the M£tson nt the Consumers Power comr)[lny Shipp nnd family, ali of LnuHh1~, on gas · inslullatlons nud adjust- wore Sund11y evening cnllera. ot . tournnment wns sln.ged, Prizes of " wtth Mrs. Hubert Harrrson as ns- Seeley' C~rolyn Bocg!y Stuart Canteen for .10,17-18 nrc .Jeanne hospital Saturday, September 13, golf balls were awarded the win- HONORIDD ON BIRTHDAY slstant hostess, Mrs. Geraldine Bullen' Jfl.mc~ Young, Rl~hard Gil- Swanlngcr, president; Mary Men· menta, Mr. and MrH, Harry Van Kurcn, • • • 'Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Lee Ware were ners, Mttrk Cave, Ruriy Mich!tsch ·.Johnson, lcindcr·gartcn teacher in 1 s 1 'Will' B ekw!Ut Herbert ovslcc, vice president; and .Joan and LnMou1·e Bnrnahy, lirst, :md Mr. nncl Mrs. Ivan Patter 11\'ere' the Mason schools will speak on ~· P 0 • mm 0 , ' Jowett, scm·otnry ond treasurer. Services Saturday in Detroit 'rucsday through I•'ri• Lcllny S:wlcns, second, Ednn entertained Saturday evening at,. "Prcp11rlng The Chllcl For School.'' D ~x, .r.r., Robert 1' ox,, ClJarles Committees have also boon np· dfly morning im a buying trip for Mlchit.9ch aml Holen Eggers won tho home of Mr, and Mrs. Georg-e • •• * Bt own and Louis Gnrvet' , , pointed to take care of adver- For Mason Woman Wtu•c's dt·ug ~tore. 1 t he prizes in the women's tnm·mL- Post ~nd family in honor of Mrs. , • T~w~c t w~~se Jn!lil 'ftill oP'k~~~: llslng, refreshments and clean-up, mont, In the lJorsoshoe contest, Pottm· s birthday, Cards w u r c IOrganizatiOnS c1 rcssc 0 e n vors Y; , , 'l'he election of chccrlclldcrs for Funeral services for Mrs. Alfred Mark Cave and Max Br•mcnt WCI'C 1played during the evening, prizes jgan, Ann Arbor, wlll. include E~j the year of lll17-18 was hold Frl- Weston, 66, who died Thursday Services Tuesday Fori dcclrtrerl the winners nnd cueh Wfls: gnlng to Mrs, Potter and Mr. and Phil McKernan Corps. No. 131 wnrd Dunn, Jnclc Mrlls, Donat( day. Six girls wore chosen to cheer morning, will be held fmm tho given a dollar bill, Elwood Mlllllt'd: M1·s.
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