T^A'iT HAVEN XKAVS. TluiiMlny. .Tnmmry 2I, ,inr,l. Va«o fl Worthy A.ssoelale Advisor. Marion lallon. Ail Masler Mn.sons. Eoiitern conducted ol the meeting. Ar- tenl Ihe group ijr the Woiiren'R jo^.;.' 6 i.. ..ven H'^ Obiluar DnoliUle; Charily, IJorothy KinKs- •Stni* Members. Rainbow Girls and ranKemi.-riis for the supper tt*UI he Council. The csecutlve conimlltee n MfiK • Library 7 ford; Iloije, Rli-«ibelh Kurtz; Ibeir friends are invited lo allend. made by the Yuung Adult Gioup. Is making orr^ngemenls for the i:;.ist H.'\t.)on, Mrs. Siilviilorc Miisrola Fallh. Shieln JCrrnglcbel; Keforrl- On Monday a mooiing of the supper. Soi-vicfs for Mrs A er, Wi''>ia Hu.ssell: Trea.sti;tr, Jo- Old Stone Church Friendly Circle will taKe place at On Wednesday at 11 a. m. Oic Avllnblc Mn.wnla, witlnvv of Snl- 0:30 p. m. In Ihe church parlor be­ vnloi'p Mniicqln,/nnd formwly, of .anne f-einhtrin: (.naplaln, .irtnc adilli bihle class will be conducted ginning with a covered dish, sup­ in tlie'pastor'.s study. A sncK lunch Our Telephone Numbers n.'i Urnillcy Avd,', look plrtco ,Mon- FiTehert;; iJrlll Leaner, Sue Owen; Holding Annual per. The meeting night of this An Independent rtny In Hit? Tsui Haven Momorlnl T.ovc. Linda rvosch; P.cllglrm, group has l>een changed' from the and fellowsnip hour will be held Business: Alwater 8-1661 Funnrnl Homo. A mo.'i.s \vii« ccl- Katherlne Leeper; Nalure, Martha iWccting Friday second Wednesday of the month from noon 10 1 p. m. Al 7:30 p. fbinled In SI.: Vincent de Pnul's m. Ihe evening Bible Class will be E Weekly "Newspaper Brown; Tmmnrlnllty, .loan nich- The annual church meeting of to the fourth Monday of each Editorial: IlObart 7-5811 ChuiTh. Bui'inI was In En.sl Ln'wn ard.s; Pal rial ism Nancy Malsano; month. held in the' Educational Building. cf'nu'lery. Ihe Old SiUine Church will lake .Service, Audrey Graver; Confiden- Mr.s. George Owen will be in­ ®hf East Hauptt 53^?toa Mrs. Mnscoln Is .lurvlvcd by two place tomorrow (Friday) at 7:,10 lial Observer. Zelda Knighi;.Mu­ p. m. In Ihe fnnciuary. The meet­ stalled as president al this, meet­ The first United States mini was srin'i, .John -and .lame."^ Ma.scola; sician, Koborin Cnpp; Choir Direc- ing. Olher newiy-elecled offlcer.s established In Philadelphia then G Cents A Copy — i!i2.ri0 A Vcar tliri'p dnuBhiora, Mrs. Amelia Cop- ing will bo preceded al fit.io with roi, VIII — XO. -I;-. ."uhliihed WHVly by FrM Preii Publirttioni. Inc. K.\ST IIAVHN, CdNXK'TH TT, TliriiSD.W. .lANTAHV L'S. IH.VI (or, Linda .loenbson.' a covered' di.sh supper for ail lo he placed In office are: Mrs. Ihe nation's capitoi, in 1792. YMrlv Subicrlptton $2.50. pnln, Mrs, .lulln Laudnno and Mrs, Meniliera of I he Advi.soi'y Board Ervln Applegnte, vice-president; Counterfeit bills generally have VIciiyriii Mniwnioi a fjroibor, An- church members, in Ihe Parish ,nrc; Mother Advisor, Mr.s. Miriam House. Mrs. Paul Ooss, .Sr.. secretary; and no colored threads, but these may llmny Avilnhio, of .Soulh Brnin-- 'Kuriz; . .Serreiary. Mrs. Sbiela Mrs. Paul Donne. Sr., treasurer. he imilaled by red and blue pen Proposed Shopping CcnltM- iri'o, .Mass., and a'sl.sler. MnrRarei Election of officers and nt mem­ and ink lirtes. - , \vo Teachers KdrnRlebel, Treasurer, Mrs. Bea­ bers of Ihe various hoards and .Mrs. WiUiani Russell will repre- liiuirro. of Now Haven, nnd twcft- trice Doolltlle and the Mrs. Viola 'Confession' Made By ly Kinnrtchlldrijn. Mr.s. Ma.scola committees loRcther wiib oilier KnlRhl, Pearl Tainler, .Mary buslnes.s of iinportnnce will be Appointed By CDiniunlly llo.'ipllal. '' KnlRht, Wi .Slrandliei'K, Olua ,IohnKon, Kdith Zllo. KllzaiFclli Mrs.. Ociiaro Snicvo . , .. Shafnp, Arietta Dnien and Mae Education Bd. .Sfrvk'cfs for .Ipnnle Ranrono, Proseb; also Messr.s. Rose. .Ir)hn Youth Cracks Mystery Mrs. Rosemary .C. Lynch, a wir<' of Cicnnoro Solevo, of 21 Zllo, .Milton .lolln.son, and fiordon ', teacher wilh SIN years experience Charii'i- Oak Ave., , look place .Stevens. In Ihe East Haven scnools system, 'ruesiliiy in llip l.upoli Brothers The Wesl Haven Order of De- Gambardella's will replace Mrs. Elizabeth Ford fiim'iiii home, .ITfi Chapel SI, A Molay For Bays will pui on ihe I RE STAU RANT. In the first grade at Highland mns.s was eelebraled in .Si. Vin-. Inlerpolalinn Service al tlifio p. m. OYSTER HOUSE School beginning March 1. - Of Laurel St. Blaze '•ent de Paul Church. Burial was Befresbmenis will be .served In LAUREL STREET • EAST HAVEN • Tel. HO 7-5576 ( .SI. Lawrence Cemolery. • Tlie appointment of Mrs. Lynch the hnneiuet liall after ilie Inslal- W'e Htieehill7.e in Cun I- dim.' wilh us and enjuy the plen.sure of dining out'and ol - Storv That He Mr.s. .Soievo died Sunday in I find III; the many Food .Specialties wc feature for your enjoymenu' wa-i made al the regular meeting Orarie-New Haven Ikhspllnl. ' m Rrolli.d .•\Iiilne Lobsters Serving Coinplcltt Dinners of the Board of Education Friday' N'e%v ueroinniodatlons for "Tossed Match" addllion lo her iiuKiinnd. she is •r!r-.«W.tr.t—i-irri IJaily from fK.'lO to !1:3(1 except Monday nlglu in a consideration of a num- School Bldg Cotniniltee To, survived by tlireo son.s, Anihony siiiiLlI and larce parties. .Sunday from 12:00 to 8:30 P. M. bDi of more or le.ss, routine mai­ .Soievo, of EnsI Maven; .losojili-nnd Dancing .Saturday NItes to the Mu.slc of lers Being Checked Frank .Soievo, holh of New Hav­ fall IMA 4-,n(!!)2 FRANKIE DURAZZO'S ORCHESTRA 1 Aripointment of Mrs. Marjoric Med Wilh Fin. Bd. Fri. en; rive dnughlers, Mrs. Anthony CAPITOL II I'"or Reservations P. ApuzEO, of G28 Woodward Ave.. Local aulhorlllcs were engaged The Elemeiilary School Uulld- It has been previously reported, ill a riiial check-up today of a Hlondl and Mis.'.liihn c;onli oF I'''eatlirliig •New Haven, as a teacher in Ihe iSiisiIlaven. Mr.s. Oscar Mlro-Que- "f^intliieiltul Table Nlyhl" Kvery Tursdiiy loc;il school system without speci­ iiii; Conimlltee will mccl wilh but on Ihe basis of unofficial In- slory by ii 15-ycar-old East Ha­ 109-173 MEADOW ST, fic assignment was also voted by .siicla nl Lima, Peru, Mrs. Benedict From S to 10 P.M. 'I'iie llniird ol' Finance tomorrow formation'that it is likely thai ven boy who Is roporlod to have Civllello or Now Haven, and Mrs. EAST HAVEN ij New Haven the Board of Education. Mrs. nighl 111 7:311 in the Town Hall All you can eat for .'i:2.5U per perBon Apuzzo will not be assigned until additional sums will he .sought to coiJeaaed tiiat he had sot tho firc Vincent loveno oF Nurlh Bran- IVIaUo Reservatloiifi 111 deliver their report on coii- Turd; a brother, Emanuel HunFone Free rnrliliiB Faelllilea September, ' make up the difference between which giillod Ihe homo of Ilobcrt 'i'he new teacher, whose starling iraciual bids received on con- of I'Xsl Haven; 17 Krnndehlldren, the lowest obtnlnublc conlraclunl Manstield, al .103 Laurel St., Inst I wo ureal Krandelilltlren, I salary will be $2,700 is pros-ntly slrurlion of two elemoiltnry NOW! THRU SAT.! attending New Haven Slate Tea­ schools and a' school addition. • price and the notiial'amounls a|i- August 7. chers College and will graduate Deputy Poll(;o Chlof Joseph tlRKAT °" 0"'' New r.eorge Letls, chairman of ihe proprlntml, A.s.scnibly 17 Order noxt June. She graduated from Folio said that a signed copy of AioviF.S! Giiiiit SfircenI oommltlee, said liml he com­ A total o£ $7(10,000 was appro- East Haven II|gh School in insO. n stnlcmcnt by the youth had '^^ •", d^ i'" *l!.'**i5—*ud-r=:— f*^^ mittee has been busy all through. jirlaleri tor the two ll-room ele- Ranihow (Jirls Holds Supt. R.. 'Vernon Hays, who sub- been received this momlng, The mltled-Mrs. Apuzzo's name, ^esti­ Hie week drnrtlng up a final rc- nientnry schools, on \V|lilch the stalcinent cbntolncd an artn'lsulon, mated that between 11 and 13 new porl on the bids,' tlifl lowest of lowest baso bid was ,i;788,950. In ln,slallulion Sal. ho said,'by the boy tliaf ho had touchers will he needed for the whlcii were In excess oC the addition tho hid did not Include tossed a match liitn n pilo of EnsI Haven Assomhiy No. 17, ^ new term liexl Fall besides any i;s^%'fm amount appropriated for llio con- an estimated $30,000 worth of j J'eplacements that may be ncce.s- waste near a couch"^In tlio home Ortler (if Hie ffainhowfor Girls, Shown al!0\e is a sketch of the l\iie of building thai •Maiirn (on stiuclion Co. plans lo erect on a sllc I North lllkli St , it IN si ruction. furniture needed to equip tlie .sary. would be an leel wide on Iho day of the flro. will hold a .soml-puhlie Installation , . The Board voted to continue a iippllrntloii for a reionhig Ihe area lo business is granted b.> tlie Z oiiing ( oniiiiissloii I'lu' o\eialldinii'ilsiii The commllleo chairman said school. and would Include three stores as Illustrated. Uncovered III Now IJavcn ' of iifficers .Salurday, .Tanunry 2.'1, t ^commilt(*e headed by Mrs. John that no Infonnallpn regarding the , For a tlireo-clnssroom plus gen- Tho reportod ad|TilBslo'n cumoto '••.Sullivan and commissioned by the in!).|, at 8:00 p. m. In the Mn.sonic content of Ibo renorl could be ro- eral purpo.so room addllion to tiio light yesterday following qliostion- , Temple, Hfi!) Main Strc}et, East chairman of the board to look inio lea.sed unlll It'was presented to Haven. Tlie inslalhilion will he ' the matter of eslimallng future Parking Meters Will Momauguin School $150,000 was lug by Now linvon polled who Two-Ycar-OldBoy Iho board. Ho said, however, that set as Iho top limit" wlillo tho had Interrogated the locn), j'BUth preceded by a s|)eclal meeting al tOw n school needs. Receive Your Donation the amount of "trimming" oil the ^ . Mrs. Sullivan reported progress Mary Sabo Named Lady Cop lowest base bid amounted to and n 15-year-old boy copipnnlon 7:,in. school plans would not bo (oo 'I'he In.stalliiii; oFFIcei-s itre n.s 'On her survey and noted that To The March Of Dimes $17't,a00, not Includlni; furnilure. regarding a series of crimen. In­ AaM-O'M Picture OperatedOnAgain great, since they \vero designed follows: Worthy Advl.sor, Mario \ Technical Planning A.s.sociatcs, of Ni'xt wccU, from Moiulay Tho amounts wcro authorized cluding a couple of buvglftrlbn and -New Haven, was now preparing a 10 meet tho minimum roqulre- SIrnndborK, Grand Musician and WITH More ^Supers ^ Are Wanted lliroiiRli Saturdny, rrsle used as of supernumerary policeman were three "chiefs", Clilet Edwin Pncst, make lUcir (toiiiit Ions to 1 ht: Education, which had caleulnlcd CO-IIIT: PAUL r.ALLICCS Al the same lime, 11 Is known Konner and Michael Mlcl(|ow(cz visor of East Haven Assembly; the basis of a future survey of acknowledged by the Board of Depuly Chief .loseph Folio and Murt'lK of Dinies Iiy clrpoNlthiM: an East Haven young.ster who has its needs on the hasls of Informa­ "NEVER TAKE NO school needs. Assistant Chief 13. Wesley Stcpp lliat the cominlttoq has been alile tion made nvallablo al that time. of tho New Haven pnllco'foVce, FROM YOUNG, TEljIDER, HEAVY Chaplain, .loycc Freeman, Pnsl Public Safety Tuesday nighl as a Ihoir (Ihnes in tlie Town pnrltr been deprived of most of his Worlliy Advl.sor of East Haven FOfe AN ANSWER" NEW HAVEN ' .She asked continuance of the would "rotate" Sunday duly on lo trim tlie plans somewhat to ct- One official not connected with the youth said tlittt. ho, and a call was issued for ridditlohal ap­ siglit hy glaucoma, underwent a WESTERN CORN-FED STEERS lilMsiiiMWptK Assembly; Recorder, Joan ITorlon, ' committee until a report could be. the desk. UiK motors. First Solpclnmii fect' .some economies. slep-ui)clo had .been roplaclng dq- FLORIDA I'rnisea by Life * Tlrr.,i MaKiizlncs | the building committee polnied GOOD SIZE Past Worthy Advisor of East Ha­ completed. plications from interested men. The action came after lilockars Franic Clancy ami th« Hnaril of major operation on Wednesday of • It was not stated wlictlicr the fecllvc fuses. In ll\o [M^itHflnld SUN. - MON. - TTJES. The board appointed Mrs. Mary out recently thai selling loo low ven Assembly; Musician, Mr.s. Ar- ^ Supt. Hays reported that plans and, Peter Llmoncelli aske'd Folio Puhlio Safety enilorsed tlio polio last week. Surgery on the right committee will submit any rec­ a figure might have bad Its good home that day. He s,^|q iifi tossed KING OF THE BEEF STEAKS Icltn Dnlen; Molher Advisor, Mr.s. Holiert -^ .Tack Sabo, of 56 Frencli Ave., as a po­ 4FOR25C foi switching tile ses.sion of kin­ whether any. clianges had been canipaif^rn and urged rosidentH eye was 'undertaken in an at­ ommendations Willi Us report or ctteol since contractors tend lo the match as Ihoy WQfo Icavlnfi. Viola KniKiit, Past Mother Advisor MlrCIlUSr PAI.ANOE I licewoman, oh the local force. It A TEMPLE THURSDAY dergarten children would run into made in scliedules in accordance to contribnto, whether 11 will Icayo this to tho bid around the limit whiclv is When lie: hcavd; Iho IlrP ap­ Porterhouse Steak LD 3 LBS 25c oF East ITaveii A.sscmbly; Soloist, IN TF.OIINICOLOK ,liansporlatlon problems In - the was pointed out Hiat Mrs. Sabo, tempt to save the very -slight vi­ who. heads, the i Welfare Division Board of Finance. UrangeS FLORIDA Muriel Andrews, Past Worthy Ad­ "SECOND CHANCE" i Laurel and Highlaiid .Schools arid with.a. previous board dictum. Fol­ • In addition^ the Hoard votod sion which lie has In that eye authorized. paratus nrrlylnil,^' .iip sotii. he TENDER; FLAVORFUL, WELL-TRIMMED and serve's, as, Kecretary for .the "thought" tho flro •h/irt- siartcd. FLORIDA 5 LB BAG SSc ij visor oF East Haven AHsetfibly. Itni-biira -^ Vri^A ; asked the board for advice. io.said :lhai;some had been made. at Its meeting this week, to do- Oranges '^'^'^^"^"^ FRIDAY and SATURDAY (J The board moved quickly to first selectman, ' would he', easily ' lie.-\va.s'theii!.''a6ked"'linw many. r rtiitAlliR, .<;i>tJro j)roivt»cds ojCr th^* and forestal!-.iotal.tillhdness. As. a, t'oault ot'iVhti tli'j), Iho '(in- LO EMPEROR 2 LBS .29c Tile officers lo bo installed • for. STANWYCK SraoNtlRRAY | available for special . osslgnmoiits. Ihe ensuing term are a.s follows: P leave the matter to the discretion days a .vyeek ho was on,,duty. Fol- ' we«k, .jUi^~ne», "lueklils'^mid "pen-"' ''.'Brflifti •^vS'ho.,',wiir- lic'-iyo.^yciirS, Grapes CALIFORNIA "THE MOONLIGHTER" when needed. The d.epartmenl ,wi)l, old;'nHxt,^'rhur(id9yi' was born Willi and several cblldroii, ,iye|;o„to)i'cnu FINAST QUALITY - ALL LEAN BEEF Worlhy Advisor, Paula Andrews; i\ of the superintendent, wliereuport Ig replied that he. was working . hie^Ho'r tfip I\larch "of Dimns. - MAINE 50 LB BAG,.98c January 21-22-23 Hay.s sfated that he .stlli wii'iited riovV;hnve two •pollcewomeii.-"," ' Ihe disea.so which has gradually ingOnl^oxon Shopping to find lodgiiig ,olso'\yliero. Tho LB Potatoes'"'"' - the advice of the board in order Tlie board Issued the following "seven days a week" and could taken a\vay his eyosiglit and now fire destroyed all tliull' (loinestlc 39c notice to those interested, in the Bradford Manor Hose. WESTERN BCH \^C ' '.Ihni he might be able to make a "gel- a couple hours oft" by asking threatens him with total bllnd- and personal possesflonn. " • ' Broccoli I CELLO ' better decision. He said ho an­ post of supernumcrai-y. Applicants for it. Company To Celebrate Center Draws Large Croiacf PLUMP, TENDER, MILK-fED, must be between the ages of 21 nes.s. Ho, Is' tlio son of Mr. and Wiis Suspoct^wl Carrots WESTERN 2"KG? 23C ticipated no unusual difficulties in Its 80th Anniversary Mrs. BrunoVAndr*ill, of 72 Char­ Fire Marshal Ernest Hansen' re­ LB 41c 'ilhe other scliools. " ' and 35 years, must be at least five First Selectman Frank Clancy, Fresh Fowl ter Oak Ave.. Pligiil ol the young­ Belter than 150 persons jammed street level so Ihal loading of sup­ LB 55c d NEW YEAR-1954 s^ feet, eighl inches tall, weigh 150 ex officio chairman, then 'staled: Tho Bradford Mnnor. ITosc, Conir vealed today that tjlu .(ingor of : CLEANED All WASTE REMOVED Cabbage TEXAS - SOLID HEADS LB QQ SAVE!...SAVE! pounds and have a high school pahy and its Women's Auxiliary ster led neighbors lo join In a Inio the Town courtroom last plies and dis[)ns(il would lie at suspicion' hai) "prolly; 'W«)l , Switching of the morning and "I think it's got 10 the " point night for a hearing on a petition basement level al the rear of I he FRESH. YOUNG, TENDER FRYERS or BROILERS. Celery FL^ORIDA OBLBCH |7C education. will colohrato tliolr 50Lh nnd 25h campaign lo raise funds to give pointed" at the youth on.Uio Ijaiiia ^afternoon se.ssions is a, recom­ where. It tliey can't numoge it for re-zoning of a I>)orlli High St. huiidiiig. He said it wopld be back Chickens z'/i-ay. LB AVG LB 43c East Haven's Buying Directory • Applicants must register at the anniversary rcspeclivoiy, this Sat­ him the special. Irealment and of Information dcrlyod from nn Onions YELLOW-MILD 3 LBSIQC mended practice for accustoming down there by theniiiolves, then sllc from Resilience A lo Business apiiroxinialely 50 feel from the CLEAt^ED . AIL WASTE REMOVED LB 55c police station and be tlngerprinl. urdny with a.dinner at tlio Brad­ training ho '.would need to help Inlerrogatlon cohHuciod n ilay- or the children lo attending school ed on or before February 15. A this board will liuve to do il lor for the location of a tlireo-slore building line and about GO or 05 BONED AND ROLLED If DESIRED ford Manor fh-ehnuse, Cnpt. John him in life. '' sllopping collier. feel from the road paving. Park­ two after Ihe tire, but until the NEW LOW PRICE P during both parts of Ihe school date for examination will be .set at them." 39c •>ii. Chndcuync announced. Last, full .as the yoimg:der's Two .sets of petitions were filed ing space would he In frpnt of nnd confession was modo thoru was Lamb Forequjcarters • daj. the next meeting of tlie board. Ail The change was niuoe effeclive Augie'8 Auto Repair GEORGE A. SISSON applicariis, including the three Only memhers of the voliinloer eyeslgiil qonilnucd tojdwin^le lie Willi lire Planning nnd Zonlnj! nl the slile of the building. no- "tie-in." MILDLY CURED TO PERFECTION A letter from the Elementary February first on a, motion.made who already have applied, will fire company and nuxillary and was';iaken to a N^W' Vork eye Commission wlilcli conducted the Several Individuals residing In ShorHy after Hie flr4, Hanpon General RepairiHg insurance- . School Building Committee was by Limoijccili and seconded by 55c lake the same examination. Klockare. It was voted unanimous­ their wives or liushnnds will «l- clinic In be examined by' special­ hearing. One set conlalning 2.'I0 the urea expressed their personal told this reporter that the tlioory Smoked Tongues lend slating simply that the com- names and repre.senling 115 fam­ support for the shopping center. FINAST - MADE WITH CHOICE Tires — Batteries jiji-g Bonds • The board did not reveal how ly by the lliree membi'rs present. tond the dinnor at which all past ists. His parents hoped that some­ that defective wiring might have FRESHLY SLICED • SELECTED WESTERN ^ miltee meets regularly on Mon- ilies supporting the propo.sod shop­ Edward Spencer, of "17 Olonmoor, - 33c TOMATOES AND SPICES AAA ?,ERVI0E AAA Automobile Casualty many supcrnmerary posts would Arthur Uiccio was Ihe Ihird members and o'fficers of both or- thing might be dJne lo .slop the caused tho fire had bopn jnrgoly . days and the Board members may ping, center was fiUiimitted by Al­ referring to a sloi-y curried last Beef Liver be filled.. Deputy Police Chief .To- member prcs^fnt. ftani/.attons will bo honored. progress of tlie disease. disproved, Al that tlniffj ilPWOVpr. I'liionu IIO 7-11218 430 Main St. 21 Clilrtsey Ave. Kast Huvcn seph Folio revealed that the force fred A. ToBcano, New Haven at­ •week In tho EA.ST HAVEN NEWS PLATTER STYLE - SUGAR CURED ''. nttcnri if they desire. The letter The recent opc'ration, was per­ LB .75c 140Z BTLS now had 20 supernumeraries . but torney representing Nicholas said there was "no truth" to n rp- ho declined to say ijnjTiiora, O)?-, 35c I was answer to a letter asking for Momauguin Masons To ruhlic Health Nursintf formed in St. llapbaei's hospital Mauro. Mauro Is the contractor port contained therein regarding cept that the InvoBtlgntlon Woa Finast Bacon a meeting of tiie Board with the tliat 11. was difficult lo get men lo LINDEN lake day-lime, asslgnmenl-s. Exemplify Apprentice ^ The rogulnr monthly moethiR of and results of the .surgery arc wlio Planned lo build the shopping a coiiienllon that Mauro had still being conducted. A FAMILY FAVORITE LB 49c commiltee or representatives. BUY THIS "Momauguin lodge 138 A. F. & the Public iloullh NurslnR Asso­ being awaited. Young Bruno has center. - promised the Foxon post oC the At the time of tho contlnBra- FROZEN FOODS At a previous special meeling American Legion quarters In tho Es:cs= CONVALESCENT .• Another letter sent by the the board approved a standard A. M. will exemplify the ISntered ciation of East Haven will be held undergone' a .scries of surgical Another pelitlon' against the AH Beef Frankfurts "YOR" GARDEN Monday ovoninf? nt. S o'cloet< in building, llon, Mrs. Mansfield was reported J •school board- and a.sking written police oxaminntion sy.slcm to be Apprentice Degree on a class of operations imdertakcn to relieve project submitted •'liy Harold Hall, to have told police tliiit uho had $1.30 PER WEEK; HOSPITAL ' ?"conflrmation" that turnilure now modelled on that used by Ihe candidates al their regular staled I lie Town linll, Miss Zita Mat­ a resident In Iheurea, also boro Reynolds, of the Zoning Com- Week's Best Buys! 2C^NS39C thews, secretary, announces. fluid, presiiOro in either eye. had trouble with fuses bUI'nlns Grape Juice g[being USC'I In temporary facilities Hamden police department. The communication 'which will "be held lO'l ^nanies. Hall, claims thai each mls.slon, questioned Spencer on Mrs. Kay Anastasio, Dir. tills: He asked If any kind of a out, and this had rulsod tho FIN AST -IN EXTRA HEAVY SYRUP "YOR" GARDEN j| would be used in tlio new schools action was taken on the recom­ in' the lodge rooms 265 Main" of tlie signers .Is a resident living SALESMAN | Registered Nurseo in within 500 iedt radius of the site proposal had been itiacio to provide theory of pos.slblo dofbctlvo Peaches I2OZPKG23C ^when built. No reply was given mendations submitted by Bortol Strt^el, East Haven, on Monday Let Tliis Available Space . [AUendance Day nn'd Night] Klockers, a Republican menibor of February 1, lO.-il al 7:,30 p. m. All and that 7'1'out of 82 homes In accommodntions. Spencer replied wiring. , • ' Fruit Cocktail 2 30 oz CANS 71C "YOR" GARDEN • BABY OR FORDHOOK ^on (his score, but George Letis, Sell For You | Carefully Prepared Meals Iho hoard, . ' Mnstel''Masons are invilcii to ul- Zoning Bd. Holdd Hearing ."Waplevalo were represenl«d on that; "No, not as far as using Asslsllng tho local aupiorltlo.s A FINE FLAVORED FRUIT FOR DESSERT or.SALAD Lima Beans 2'OOZPKGS49C •,'.j-a member of tlie board and chalr- liie pelitlon. one of these stores". He admitted and Diets The board clnnipcd down on tlie lend," • ' In' the Investigation were State Ijim.an of Ibo committee, told the Show or Hands that "some time ago" the mailer Police Officer Vlncont Soai'lou, CALL AT 8-1661 i Phone HO 7-S828 A show of hands among llioso of obtaining quarters for the post Richmond Pears 2 ^QZ CANS 45c BEEF - CHICKEN ; TURKEY •;''i-^ board that the building com- On Town Plans Thursday Captain Edward Slonhani of the i83 Main St. East Havi-n { i\.,l|"^nilttce would need more definite who were present and voting on (Cuiitliiiied On I'ago Two) A SMOOTH TASTE TREAT WITH EXQUISITE FLAVOR Swanson Pies 38OZPKGS1.00 'I'he first of several open meet­ lo present lo the residents of East llie matter siiowed 32' favoring the local police department, and an- (•f'-iylnformalion regarding w'lial wns ings iiy the I-*lanning and Zoning Haven 'a report on Ihe progress Central Cleaners Dyers Mothers March On Polio To project while another 107 regist­ Investigator from tho National CANS 73C l|.;-'desired. Commission and 'I'cclinical I'lann- of our planning studies, parlleular- ered in opposition, according to a Board of Fire Underwrllora. Finast Pears 2 29 oz Home of Distinctive Cleaning | ing Associates to oiituin the opin­ ly as.lo.lhe problems raised by our RALPH P. °,L Thomas Donegnn, • president of count taken by Charles H. Miller, Services Today One of the theorlo» hold by CHOCOLATE, GOLDEN, CINNAMON or, WHITE . ' Wc Operate Our Oown Plant ,^j;)the Maplevale Civic As.soclat4on, ions of ihloresled residents wliich ra[)id gi*owlh'Over the last several chairman of the .Honing Commis­ Be Guided By Porch Lights! will be h(!ld next 'I'liursdny even­ y.ears. local Investigators, It Wlis reporl- GASTELLON 4-Htur Cleaning Service j'!^ appeared before the board to. aask sion; and Edward Reynolds, a For Mrs. Chidscv Irish Raisin Bread ing al 8 o'clock In Ihe Town Cmirt •The 'technical Planning Assficl- member. cd, was that an Inflammnblo li­ X-Pert Cake Mixes 1^°"^^ 19c Gcnoral Insiirnnco (.''tor n clo.ser bus pickup of pupils wilh llw! I'olic'i! Auxiliary and Ihe SPECIAL Call For and Deliever Sponsored by the Retail Division "Llghl Your PorchilKhll" 'I'h'il room. at(;s Of JNew Haven'are now pro- quid might, have been lised lo \ \ In that nrea ntlendihg elementary Volunleer Flio Cumiiuiiics liave pai'ihg a compreliensivo plan which The case for Ihe shopping cen­ Long-Time Resident MIRABEL - A FAMILY FAVORITE , . 19c ."!22 Main .St, I'hone HO 7-0007 will be; Ihe walchwiird Ibroujjliqui- The announoemonl was made ter was largely presented Iiy At­ start the fire. Howcyor,' otficliila, ON rOUR Lm5—YOim H0AU2 k ' 'gcliools, East Haven tomorrow (FpUlqy) VulUpleerod Ihcir services andwiil this week by Charles II. Miller, will ullfo include a complete re­ Services wore held today for REGULAR PRICE 29c SPECIAL torney Toscano,-who was the first were unable,to confinn this fact. 120ZJAR |9c YOUR AUTO -•'-, William Wilhlngton, chairman night between the hours of .7 and 8 patrol,the streets IhioUjihlout all chairman of_ the Planning and vision of he 55onlng Code. We feel Mrs. Mary Gcrrlsh Chldseyi 91, New Haven Chamber of Commerce secliohs of the town during the lo speak. He argued thai the shop­ The boy ami his comiiiinipn -yvho Jelly Donuts pKcoris 25c TOUR BUSINESS GEN'S LAUNDRY i of tlic school board's committee when some 300 mollieis will join Zoning Commission, irf a general gr^al •.sPti-ifiction In knowinf! that widow of Ihe late William Street canyasslrigr In addition, policemen pur cofi-sulCants are an outstand­ ping center would be the first In were being, held In .'cu'stody for REGULAR PRICE 37C SPECIAL and DRY CLEAN.TNG ' on buildings, reported that he in a'VR.st "march" on Polio aS .sialement setting'forth his views its locality and that it would In­ Chidsey, who died Tuesday In her 201 MAIN ST., KAST IIAVKN the final pho.so of Ihe local March' will bo sUllioned at Hie homes of on the subject of home building in ing firW'lri'thls type of wark. We qucBllonhiK by local ; alit|iorlllcs, Coniplete Ijiiiiidry Service and Bernard C. Luongo. board clude a drug store which would home at 515 Thompson Ave. Mrs. "EAT, DRINK and be HEALTHY " Brownies PKGOF* 33c llO 1-7890 Spcelul C-'are Taken I of. Dimes, each of the 12 district captains •East Haven and the .prohlonis ao- haVe iicquesled them to give us were apprehended In Now ,1fork I ^secretary, investigated a com­ whore thd funds will lie collecteJl. comrilclte data as to our future be Of great value to Ihose living Chidsey was one of the oldest till Main SI. IIO 7-74Sg New Haven's greatest 3-tlay money saving event! . . . Take ad­ Equipped with ordinary qgarl- eiulng from the rapid growth of Iq^the area.' )asl Thursday and returnod'; to WITH CITRUS FRUITS and JUICES HEINZ f plaint at & basement room in Cer-. .slze jars bearing lllhals with Iho iletlirns wlilch'would have been I he town papulation. gi'MvllJ, ..pP.riiculariy as lo future residents of Easl Haven. He said the sllc was out of the New Haven for queslldnlnB. - • WHOLE SEGMENTS / ' ' , rish Ave. School. single word: "Polio" - the official mailed to iho regular J'liilo drive Miller said Ihal sollsfaclory pro­ land use "tor residence, business ler husband, who was In tho According to the New Ilavon 14 OZ BTL nlay be given to the volunleer col­ and Influstry. question as a place for building 23C EXCLUSIVE vantage of the tremendous values!... SHOP and SAVE In any The school P.T,A, complained ~ container tor the drive - lliese gress Was being made by Technical building business for many years authorities, one, of tlib bpys bur­ Finast, Grapefruit 2 WNI 29C voluntvers will go .from door to lectors, MLss Homer announced, Planning Associates, a New. Ha­ In riiy opinion, satlsfaclory pro­ since its nature would bring pro­ FRANCHISE* DEALER FRANK A. BARKER of poor lighting and vootilation. hibitive costs of development. As here as a partner In the firm of glarized Iho home of a ^ffjflnd in SWEETENED or UNSWEtTENED SOFTASILK Withinglon reported that (,l)e door receiving contribullons for i The captain who will he in ven firm which lias contracted gress •ji-'i'helng made, and that hy FOR . .. "General Contractor" charge of the teams of volunteer ino mtiuis stiould the work bo done a matter of spol zoning, he said, Chidsey Brothers, served as a first New Haven and stole two .3S cal­ of the participating stores displaying the OFFICIAL CLEARANCE , room, in which the seventh grade the fl(;hl against infantile paraly­ Willi East Haven ,lo draw up a Grapefruit Juice 2 [\^\ 19< Cake Flour !1r clashes are held, had a number poign are as follows: Mrs. Ben- entire town. 'He said, also, that of the community as a whole." In the early 1900's. committed a holdup at Losna's FLORIDA • SUGAR ADDED Hotpoint & Universal as low us SG'Ii.OO Elaine Homer, regislerefl nurse compiff'^'"-,'!. Ample shopping facilities were 18-OZ yrs. lo Pay Tel. 110 7-0001 DAY STJIEAMERS... the values and the savings will amaze you! who lllis sprva'd for tho pi|.sl few •-Thci suggestion of Mr. Waller needed, he said, and "sooner or Bakery, on Prince, Sl„ New Ha­ Orange Juic«.> 2 CANS JLJC *-,of obscnteclsm for the class was years. Bs B Vrtlpntpry vvo.rlfor q- trict: Mrs, Kenneth Bergman, advanced by Walter Sciioenknephf. Schoeilkheclit that a blanket afternoon In the W.S. Clancy ven last December 24, and llien W' Crackers LBPKG 33e APPLIANCES or .M.\ l-OOr.a jiigiliand School; Mrs. Frank in last week's issue of the EAST latci- these people must have the A FAVORITE j .. 2101 mat. mong polio pa|ien(s, lieitd!* (ho change, in. lot sizes he affected Im- place where they can shop with­ Funeral Home, 4.'? Klrkham Ave. burglurl-/.od Camposano'a Api'«a, See Them Now On Display! Theie were three alternatives, local drive. .She fssped ji'l SPPPll Mozenlrius,. Riverdale and High HAVEN NEW'S' was I'lntelligonl" .Tiieaiaiciy Is on inlelllgent propo.s- The Rev, James E. Waery, pastor Hi-C Orangeade A$Ol CAN27< UNCLE BEN'S - LONG GRAIN CONVERTED 'fl|(lf!e area; Sji-.s. William Slant, hul cautioned afsflinst hasty adop­ out having lo travel for long dis­ at n Wliltnoy St., before EOlng For Appointment Call lie .said, incliidlng moving the to local home-owners to "oppn ai, bun I-feol that'careful consider­ tances." of the Old, Stone Church offici­ FLORIDA "Authorized Dealer" Lai(i'el "fScboql; Mrs. Louis Mc- tion of.such aT| .ordinance with­ lo New York where', Ihoy Svere Iiy.;',,.'' yopr hearts, lo the drive to raise ation pe.ljven before such a step ated. Burial was In the Old East Rice t4-ozpKG 23c HO 7-1854 ''fitorie to the High School, moving funds ftir tho battle agaiijst infan­ Ks'ly, ftlyersidB and parkw'ay out first studying lis legality and; is takp, both as to the legality of Tax-wise, Toscano said, the cen­ apprehended with the'guns they Tangerine Juice 2 CANS 23c ^tuxfDiftr class into the room or tile pnralysl.s", Mfss llomsr iisk- iirea'j Mrs. I^awronce Walpolc;. its effect on 11^0 study now- holim. sttohfn Interim ordinance and Its ter would help keep business local­ Haven Cemetery. had taken. FINAST-SEEDLESS International ly and that the town would prollt CALIFORNIA • LOW DOWN PAYMENT Open Thursday 'til 9 p.m. • allowing the .situation lo remain ed eaeii family IP luj^n lin their litirlh central district; Mrs. Caryle eonducted. po.sslt le effect on the studies of Mrs. Chidsey wa« the daughter <', by the Increased lo.;< value of tiie I 51/1 OZ '5OZPKGS35C • EASY TERMS 'V^s IS until ine conditions could porchllghl 10 ligitl (ha W».y fO'' jrraiylpy, souUi central district; 'i'lie Commissiqa chairman fav-^ oiir c m.suilonls. of the lato Charles Gerrlsh and Annual Mcelln|{"< Lemon Juice , CANS Raisins 2 the volunteers who will pijnv.itss' Mr.s. Wjillape Paznick, Tyl'lo, I ored requiring contractors lo in­ . Tjio largest un-devcloped portion properly. He said that sanllatloh Evelina Uorman. She was the 21< Open Evenings & Sat. Only Trucks '-be J-'kf^n <^'"''' °' "'"'' »""""<"'• regulations woulil be complied A banner attendance Is Indicated |i.'.'i^ "YOR" GARDEN -.CONOEtiTRATe ORANGE AND GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS East Haven homes. Sc()(')ni; M):s. sigiirtj Aader.son, qii- stall satisfactoi-y streets and other' of Eo d Haven lies north of Route first president of the American for the annual meeting of tho SALES — SERVICE ,;' The bo"'''' ^'"^'^^ "" "^^"^ '''""' iis Selioolj Mrs. Williani Brown, facilities in order lo prevent added with strictly. a .f The Mothers' march will be slg- 80. several months ago this area Legion Auxiliary unit 89. CouncU of Social Agcnclou set for A. G.F. ELECTRIC Shop where you see -lliatlee's veuommcndatlon not to Jr., "Momauguin; Mrs, WtlHc coSls to the Town, but said this wtiB 'e-zoned for lols 100 by 150. •Robert Decker outlined the Orange Juiw 3 ^ 49c Citrus Salad 'C'A°N'19c n,lllBd by Ion llia^ls on the bull­ , ,She is survived by two daugh­ Monday, February 1, al WflH P,M. horn of FIro IlBadnuarlors while Kono, Morgan Point; and Mrs. was more within the domain of Immi dlaloly after the change an plans lor the building, lind ex­ SERVICE, INC. East Haven ijinak••"' e any cnang.i '» ^"^ '^'"•''••=- ters, Mm. George Agnow and Mrs. In the Town House, 174 Crown : four signals,-will "))p souiirterl on Pasnufilo Sj.reato, GRrrisIl and the Board of Soieclmen. His state- irijun ction was sought by one prop­ plained thai one site, which Is Street, Reservations arc helilB "Klectrienl Contractors" Greeen Garage the official streamers! j Hie alarms at the-Foxon, Hiver- Vp-si 'enil.' • Ptent follows i : . •- erty owner, Iiut I have been os- some distance soiilh of the Foxon Illda Chld.scy, both of 515 Thomp­ handled at Council heaijquarterii, mm 407 Main St. East Haven ,,;,lde and Bradford Manor (Iro , VolHnU'ers are Klill peedpd for Miller's Report sure/fl that the change was legal, School and on tho cast side of son Ave. She leaves five grand­ 397 Temple Street, UN 5-61^1. &H 175 Maiai^ni St. HO 7-3735 Join The tuius^e, , , , ' ' !, the, central riislricls. lnten;.sted As chairman of the Ea.st Haven Wef 1"'VF, reqiie.stcd Technical North High St., would-bo filled In. children and two great grand- ^ <•— Luncheon tickets are $1.50 includ­ 1 pff-duty fjiembers of the Police persons are advised to conlnct the Planning and Zoning Commission Piownlng io give particular at The rcjiV »r«a wtjwW, be , below <;hUdrcn, ing tax an

^•.ll&llP»(VK/').JW.iMtfi.-»Tsi*^.>. »,.<*-

HAST TIAVEJJ NEWS. TliiinHlny, Jniumry J8, IflSI. Ta^e, 2 ing in the United Stales. Au.slralln. '9^ \ New Slealand and ihe South Sea iMi.ss Stonv Creek Ensiles. He cnplured first, place HIGH SCHOOL NOTES 1 EAST IIAVF-N XEWS. Thursday, .Inminry as, insI. Page S I.slnnd.s. Allhough Boston Is her measured the nilleaijo to the near­ Present Minstrel Show For in the forty-yartt freestyle-nnd home town, she has Irnvelled nil tty .lean Ihtchllian latn nnd George Wngni'r. Hearing On -7- , ! est s,lore nnd found II was ihtert- Ihe lOll-ynrd freestyle nices. over the country directing .shows. Tl--' Comet rdilorinl staff is ***** • (ContltlMcil From Vugo Om>) (ehllis oC a mile. The Foxon Pnrk The 'Intest. victory, now gives I Council Of Social The part of Ihe Inlerloculer Easties Defeat Wilcox 61-i^l sponsoring n Sock Hop Sniuidny A cnmplimont is in order fnr shopping aiea he said wa.s only, M(isqni(i Temple Bldg, Fund the East Hitj-cn team three vic­ tlie.studenls for gedlng lielilnd the wnq rtkcusicd, ViUl "inltl, In ro- will he played by Andrew Kmelzo. niKhl the .lay-Vees tied their rioni »• lo 11 p. nv. Tliero will one and three-tenths of n nine' tories in n row. nnd n record of tenm nd the cheerlenders ati the Agencies Slates I tionso (0 n qiiBillon Hint tliS post dist ant, IJresentatlnn of "On Singe, these amnteiir shows for the a- Charles Larson will take Ih;»:part sties Regain New Co-Captains Wlic.iv Tech cnunlerparls ,'I2-.'12 be various novelty itnncos as well iiUil not 0\pCcl \o RCl quni-lcrs In lour wins nnd one loss in the. ns sinndnijil dances. Door prizes haskelbnll gamps. The scli;ioi spi­ Amerlca!" a .sparkling minstrel warding of prizes. In addition, nf "Amo.s" nnd Bertcl Klockers, and f.iiBcd ahead in the overtime rit is renlly liigii thi.s year. tlic bulUUng. ,. Conned icut Inlerscholnstic con­ will lie awarded. 'I'hc commlllee show lasting one hour and 1)7 min­ there will be many specialty num­ "Andy." "IKngfish" will be . iior- ad After piM-ied to win .•)S-n2. Annual Meeting Rfeprc^cntlnn pnrt of iho oppo- Women's Bureau Holds ference. in ciinrge nre D.mns .'TilcKeiinn utes for two evening perlormances I rayed by .lames Condie and sltton Wns Allornoy Edwnrd F. bers hy performers not competing. .Stiverni local ticrSnns are ex­ Second Talk On Refugees wns announced this week hy of­ Suinmnry Frnn McTrnttes, ,Tonn Unckiiinn, iMis-s Edna Hon- Becker who nrRUod Hint spnl ren­ Biol her Crawford and Sapphire, ailing 1st Qnarlcr pected to allehd the cnrtUnt Meet- What Is heliiB done -to sellle the ficers nt the Momaugujn FeUow- 'I'led In with (lie show will he n 120 ynrd medley relay; Keefe. Bnrhnrn Rncrlo, .lacltie Cnrlson, ins oUKhl to ba dono In t)ie Kbn- yotjng folks' "Pppulnrlly Contest". Ball nnd Chain will he played by Ing of the New I laVeii Council of , 30 million 1 efUKoes who have been crnflClu.l;. Tlie henlfll shows will Arte- >:->:ng caught off guard Sheltoii Slow-Up Brereton nnd Carlson (Vlnst Nnn^y Cucurello and Danny ei'ftl Interest of (he conimunlly hy Delnlis of this conlesl arc to be Edward Leeper. "Aunt .lenilno" Honored At Social Agencies (n be hold; Moh-, ' uprooted fiom Iholr homes, their be preseni.3d next Thursday and the first period. East- Haven Ilnvenl, Mnutle, . tlto Zoning Comml'sslon "Inslcrid handled by members '.t the will be W. Munro Andrews and fnmlles and their Jobs? Ke|ire- Friday evt.-iing at 8 o'clock id the adunliy turned the tables to day. Fell. 1, nl, ,I2.;1S p,m, in the of i-ecognlzlnB n promoter who cn.st who will ci,,.tacl parents Taclic Fails, 200 ynrd, freestyle: CInpp (Ein * * • « • Surprise Shower sentnlivcs fioni Geimn'ny, Norway UIgh School auditorium. "linchester," .Joseph Nlttl. Towne House, 174, (irown St. .v.. ,. recognbod an opporlunlly lihij of . Interested youngsters. The •wn Wilcox Tech fi7-n Tuesday 1st, Trulln,., (WC) 2nd. I'owell • Marks arc clo.sing this Friday, and Turkey will dihcuss hovy ihclr •Plans for (he program of en- "Miss .Stony Creek" will mako Miss Edna Ilerr, a teacher in .Miss Cnlherlne M. .Dunn, d'Opii- • snnpppd up n sUe" fol' whnt ho memiwrs will a.sk for the loan Rhl to preserve Us unbcnten (Ell) 3rd,; •Tnuunry 20 nnd rciiort cnrds will oountlle.s hnVe rtenlt with the iirbh-' icrldlnment were laid at a moet- a pcrsnnal nppearnce nl each nf E-H Wins 65-35 Ihe sev.'lh grade nl Union ty comnilsslonor of liie Oonnecli- Rnlrtj mlRht heconte nn ""cconoinlc of n. photo or .sriapshop of be issued Februnry .3. lem at an dll-ilay mooting' pre* (ngof the local group's officers ?card - nnw a string nf 1.3 wins, 40 yard freeslyie; Smith (KIT) cui Deparimeht' of Welfnro,''will loll-slnllon." ' the youngster Ip be displayed In the twn performances. Schord, w:,!' the surprised recipi­ sented by llioiServlce Bureau for Willi (he director, Mrs. Eve Stet­ •t counting nn alumni game ol.so Efforts liy the Shelton quintet 1st, Gllson (EH) 2nd, Piascik, The swimming tenm defenled be lwlncl|)al .spenicer and her. top­ the window of the East Ilftvon ent of n shower of glfls hy friends Allhough Inlciosi In (he henrlnR Women's OiRanlvallons on Mon­ son Jnst' Sunday nlghl shortly nftor in. The game was played in lo slow the pace of the game with IWC) 3rd, Wiihur Cross Friday by n score of ic is"A I-oiik Ahead,W'ilh the Momdn, ihc. pKlabllshmcnl nt 2t.1 wni Intense,'oti the whole It was day, Fohi'uhiy Rlh,, The moeling,' her flri'lvnl hero (Tom Boston, Mus i;\ i; SI 1.1 HON Mrs. Kenneth Griffiths East Haven licre Friday night in 50 in 17. nl n recenl pnrly given in the Stale Welrnre DepnrlnK^ut,",, • , ,, Main. St., near Ma.sonlc headquar­ . Stanislaus community center Dive: Brereton lEH) isl, Mel- vtly orderly and no IcmperHiWoro which starts nl 10;'I5 a, m.' will niiler to keep down (he scoro were A' gradiinte of-tlie tllil\iersll'y (if ters. sey-Tolsles fliiiiki'il Ity n Kuln nr- To Entertain Woman's Meriden. beouf (WC) 2nd, Brewer (EIU lioi,." ot Mi's. .Tolin SlrnndberK, lo-iU Boeder drew a InuRh when continue until 2•.10 p. m., will bo nehoarsiils hro being held ench Inoken ill the second half. Led The Fr;slininn Cinss tMoctfd Ihe Cldcngo nf Socinl' Service Admlii- rnngemcnl of sDiilhciii Itclles In Club Next Thurs. 3rd. 23 Kirkiium Ave. In response lo Townno's ohtocllon held at the niiilgeporl Y.W.C.A, evening starting tomorrow (Frl- 'i'he pbitos do not have (o be Tile Wilcox Indians, considered iiy Tony Massari Hie Enst Haven following ' nfflcer.s, president .loe Jslrnllon.Ml.ssDunn hns tnughl nl 100 yard freestyle; SmlHi (EH) Miss Merr will become Hie to his use of the word ''promoter", 'The Februniy 8UJ< meeting Is dny) and running,, with (he ex­ rcceal ones. 'I'he^ may be loft foriYiel di '"•. Mrs. Kenneth Uilffitha of ri2 many observers as the closest capers accumulated 45 '/'nts in Snillhi vice president, llnliih Pno- that unlver.sily. Hie Onlversliy of he nnswered that he mid Mnurn, Isl, O'hidy (Ell) 2ml, Trufin Ihe spcond In n series of three op- ception of Saturday nnd Sunday, with Mrs, Engelhanll In the store. ChMienil clii.lrnir.n lor the pro­ Forbes Place will enlcrliiln mem­ .•nl to the Ensiles In this end the final period (o score n R.'i-35 lllloj secretory, Bnrhnrn Snhlne; bride of Bornnrd, Schullz, former­ California nnd , the: New Vorit nt whbm the word wns nhiled, titled "The Century of ironi.clcS.S through Wednesday next -week. bers of Ihe executive bonrd of Hie two 3rd. Parents arc advised thai there is duction Is Uui'di.'lle .Spl(!gal. Law­ tile Class M circuit, .surpilsed win over the Gaels. trensuror, Mnrlin DeFellce; class ly n lencher of ninthenintlcs in School of Social Work. were niemhers of (he New Iliiven Men," • En.sl .Haven Woman's Club In her They are being "held In the base­ no Crist for enlerlpg childreri-and rence Fnelli is in clmrge of stage The visitors' performnnee dur­ 100 ynrd' breast-stroke: Znlnuski historian, Carolyn Mulqueen. Hie High School, oil Feiiriinry 20. She lias nlso been tcchnlcnl con­ Linns Cldb. "A^lhnuKli ho owed home next Thursday evening, at e Ensiles wilh a • full court de- • * i • * ment of the local Masonic Hall on (hnl thert! Is nollilrig lo buy In con- nnd pioiierlle.s. Mrs. Ituth Kloe- ing Hie first half of the contest (WC) "3rd. Mr. Selniltz is nnw lenclilng in sultant In the Social Security Ad- hini some nllonlnnce, Ho mdd, "Il's Main St. Entry may he gained 0 o'clock. Mrs. Fred Wolfe .7r. nsive press in the first period. 3'lierc wns n P. T. A. mCetUig iMATIIKW .SIIANAIIAN necllpn with (he contcsl. A sljp kars and Mrs. h.iiliierine riarrlng- was marked by excessive hail 100 ynrd backstroke; Keefe New Brltnln lilgb Schoni. ministi-ntkin nnd free lance consul­ n free country, nnd I'll enll lilm ihrough the side entrance on High will conduct the business meeling. •nnk Eesiak led the Indian.s in Wednesilny evening In the enfe- shniilil he allachod In each pholo lon WYO in ehnrge of muke-up. Ad- handling. The reason for (bis ap- (Ell) 1st, ' O'Shea (WC) 2nd, tant nil socinl welfare, ndinlnl.strn- n promolcr','.* The I'enim-lt drew n Rervlres for Mntlhow. M, Shan- St. • 12-10 load ever the visitors. terin. Mrs. Antiiony Prviingrnssl pre­ Among those Who wore present hearing ' the pnrenls' nuine, their verllsing represenlallves are; An­ Officers and chairman ofvarious per.red to lie two-fold: first, the ll'on [or ninny iivulilic and 'piivnle Riln fioni Miiuro, who sul quietly Mrs. Stetson re(|Uc.sls llwit any­ Mnher (EHl ,3rd. sided. Tlu' topic discussed wns the were many Incnl tencliers and nhan, 72, of 42 Iver SI., were held child's name and age, and Indica­ drew K.nel:-!), Frank Barker and commiUce who nltcnd the meet­ 'I'lic Easllcs gj'adually recovpiod t^aels were unable to lireach the agencies. Institutes nnd wnritfihnps. throughout the iirocecdlilRs. one laking imrl In the show or tion of a 'place where a container Burdelle Spiegel' who will be as­ IBO ynrd relny; Cnrlson, Wnl- Englisli neiil'.rlmenl and its fuiic- school staff memliors. They In­ Wednesday mornihg in the \y.S. ing nrei Mr.s. .lohn .J. Walker ,7r., oir wits and, with Henry Ilef- HKIII zone defense of Iho Ensiles Mori- ihnil 80 hL'hIth, hiid \v6l-' inleresled, in any way,; In tlie per- lace, Gil.snn and O'iiidy (East tions. Memiiers nf tlie student Among the ohjecllons died by should 1)0 placed (o receive voles sisted by olliers. A full page nf Vincent .1. Fa.snnn, .Tnhn W. O'Don- inan conlrnlling the hackbn.iids, and lacked the skill to make the cluded; Alliertn 'rooihnker, Bnr- fare orgnnlzntlnns In Creator New Clancy Funeral irnnie, 'I.? Klrk- formr.rice mhy contact her at llic I body present were Tlierese Par- Bockor wns the cliilni thai the for l)ie contcsl balloting. These Iirograni ndverlising lo appear In nell, .Inhn Onuld, IJllsworth Brnc- long shnts pny from outside the Haven). liarn Folsoni, Mnry WeboV, Mary Hnvcn nre nffiilnlOd, with. .;lhe lilaco nf relienrsnl nn any of Iho ey worked their way to a 27- store would rcpiesent n lia?nid lo liam Ave., and in St. Vincent de "volliig" cpnlalncrs together with' Hie East Mnven News will present kett, Walter Schoenknecht, .I.ohn lu'rimcter nf thai defense. Iloei'O, Mnrguerito Lowe, Edith' Council of Socinl ARoncles,' wliich evenings Indicated nhovo at or af­ edge over the Wllcix toain school children since ll would cards will be placed on merchnnis' all Ihe names of the cnsl and P.. Scnhie Albert .lacoh, Theodore Secondly, it apiienred that their Oelinns, Margnerlln Bower, ilil- nets ns n conlrnl plnndhig nhrl cn- Paul Cluireli ter 7 o'clock.. half-time. After that it was mean more traffic hot ween the counters whore the parents Irude. dinriis. French, Roy Wilson, Willis Hen­ lii'st linpe of cnnlrolllng the niai'- ordlnntion body tor nctivltles in Mr. Shiui'i'inn, who w.-.s em­'"On Stage, Anierical" will have Ill Koi dnr Svensnn, Mnry Cunnlnghnni, children's lionles and Hie Kovon It Is expected thai approximate­ •Spiegel will al.sn licsd the ticitel dricks, Forrest Doten, Frank Bar­ gradual pull-away wilh Tniiy s;ln lav in keeping down the shoot­ llinse fields, Loonl ngdnclos whicli ployed by Iho New Ihiven Trap n cast and ciinrus of (|5 local per­ Cnlherlne Mnnlngue, Kntherlpo School. ly 80 youngsters wl|l enter the conniiitlee whoso members in- ker, Frank McDonald, Maurice assarl lending the nn.'^lauglit ing nf tlu'ir opponents. Tlie Shel- nre meinbers of llic Councili are Rocit Compimy in North Brnn- sons. U is a gay' nilnfilrel and Unnks nml Glorin Pierce. Becker fell aKo thni the loon contctil. Those Inleresled • mnv rluile: 'Clifford .Seymniir. Wilfrl-l Sarn'ohn, Alvln Thompson, Alfred Ih 28 points, netting five coals inn teeiM abandoned tlie man to the Hninden Hcnlth llepiirtmbni. ford for niaay years, • died Sat­ musical shoW'Wllh calehy songs, Also, h;iennnr Leary, Florence lion of the Moie would laesenl i Contacl Mrs. Stetson, the show di­ linrier, .lohn Zllo, Fred Miohahel; llolcomhe, Arthur Smith, Borl the third quarter. \ivi\ O'Maia iiir.n defense fnr n gang up on Welfare Depnrlmoht, Public itonlih .saiiUalloii iiiobloni hoenuho of IJii urday In hlh iiomc/'illo IsJsUr-' .Inkes'nnd dnncesi according^lo-lhe I's. Uusseli nri'-e. Fdwnnl Lee»"r. iinrker, lUUh Voungermnn, Mrs, rector,'.nt her quarters Iri (helin/ine Rlchard.s, .Inmes Gnrlland, .loserili me next with 1.1 points. wiinever happened tn iinve Hie nnd Visiting Nurse -'• Associniinn, need fur stojaKC nnd renioval nf \Ived by ills wirciiEyeiyn Sliun- director.' All pel'frtriiicrs' will 'bo of Mrs. n. 0. ^arker, fiO Francis W. Mimrnn Andrews. WllUiim li:- liall. sn that Ihe entire contest tnnk .loseph Kiernnn, Mrs. Chnuncoy O'Connor and Richard' Prirllla. .Tack Zuher, forward, and Bob nml Cl.illdren's Center. ... i. • wast e. henuUfully coslumiid and, Inler- e'-s. .Jnmn.t Coiill \Vv\ KInckars, nhuii, two diuiidilers,'.Mrs. .Itay- .iii»'V ofl,O^N 12 MO 1 15 MO 30 MO Sullivan, K r> 1 11 Massari, f 4 18 uidlng game in every wny and EAST HAVEN S 90 (5 02 _ Paolillo, g 1 n 2 Bowden, f 0 2 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TEACHES 100 10 05 $ 0 30 «73 apted,'himself, • into n scoring FC 300 39 27 34 35 19 35 O'Mnra, f 3 11 SOO 47 41 39 04 30 69 oak which netted an additional Massari. f 8 ltlt>« Kiir luldt III tr| tjmrtti 1 > 1 Ir all LI nifrt Totals 2.'? 21 67 Pnnllllo 2 G RELIANCE ON GOD ALONE Tl.«/ lia Uif 1 on |.r 1 1) im i il ly [ lyi, r. •• points for his team. I.uz.zl. f ' 3 WILCOX TECH Wisminiti, 3 9 Attend n free leclnri' eillilii'il At this office you may cfef; East Haven and Wilcox Tech O'Mara. f 4 1 I' T Heffernan, 2 10 Wisminiti, e 5 I MONEY to help wUh current ike nn inleresting conipari.son Sullivan, c "Christian Science: Its Awakening r- oxponscf ,ce'the latter team as gone un- Lesiak, 5 1 n 2 G Ileffernnn. g Luzzl, g SuUIvnn, g [MONEY for docror, denlUf, aten except tor its Iwo en- Zuher, f .•j •! M 4 14 9 hotpitui, funoral bith tot rtls and Healing Mission" iinlers with East Haven. Lust Quails, e 12 4 , MONEY for taxoj, Intoreji, tn- 0 2 12 SIIEI^TON f luronco, lullion t\e tiiey.wcre beaten 72-5.1. Koclianowski, Totals 28 20 70 12,1 by Ella H. Hay, C.S. MONEY for furttlluro^ tooli, •Summary Coruli, K .ST. HIARY'S Cnnke. f equlpmonr. . . (or t)i« ot Indiiinaiiolls, Indianii EAST tIAVEN I» F V Barblerl, f home, Iprm, lummor Mciiilier nf Hie Hoard nf Leiiture.siiip nt 'I'iie MoHiei Church, camp Fd I^ T Totals 18 11 47 Lion, f .7 1 15 Taylor, f MONEY lo moke living morB Nnn-scnring sulistitutes: (Enst Mattels, f 0 14 Grady, c ihe First t:iiurcii nf Chrlsl, Scienlisl, in Bosluii, MnssnehUHeils, convenloni, more :is.sarl, f 11 G 28 Mnrketto, g Haven) Bowden. (Wilcox) Miloraj, Savo, c 3 ,7 HllNllAV, ,IANHAUV ;)l~!l:no I', I\l. pleasant, moro com­ fternnn, f 2 fi 10 Smarz, g DlChello, c. 2 12 • (ilUJKClI ' EDIKK!!'! fortable PismlnlH, c I) 2 2 Outlaw. D'Angeio, g , > MONEY to mako your worV at Leahy, g 0 B IIIH Whllney Avenue, New Haven homo, in llio ihop, on ivinra, tt . 4 H 13 Scnre by periods (Enst. Haven- totals , R. Mallcis, -.;-;-.,:,. , lUo formi »a»lor,- Wilcox) 10-12, 27-24, 40-34, 07-17. 0 1 ...Non-scoring suli.slllulcs:. (Shel­ First Ciuircii of Clirist, Scientist, New Haven, Conneclicul, , ^J I liko ro \liiyo4t\Moa4tU0K ton) Depluin, Nagy, Monahan, Pls- Totals ' 24 7 55 acano, Ilnyden, Staholkych. (East A ll Are CordiaUii In viled TELEPHONE • WRITE . or VISIT FOR A (^ Easties Perform Non^scorinp! suhsUtutes; (I3asl Haven) Paolillo,'Bowden. .'=in'air'.'rtcaoi=iat3ae=att«oeirir5ir5'=ii3t=iiri'a««t:aai3ii-' Haven) Narracci, (St. Mary's) Score by periods (East Haven- PREFERRED Shellon); 8-3, 20-8, 42-17, 65-35. FINANCE CO., INC. p^^ a I en tine Sinootlily Beating Schappo, RIclin, Pnrto, lovene. \\n mxwEU AVI., >„. 101 . i„d ri<,» Score by periods .East Haven- ^ 11. S. Al my I'linin Armv I'vl. Willinnl C. Montgoiner.v '.ill, nt East Haven, is sc-rving HAMDEN • . . Ttlitihon.r MAIN 4-5141 THAT'S DIFFERENT ° SL Mary): 17-8, 30-20, 53-37, Op»n fAanday Ihtu Viuitilar 9:30 to 5.10 in Korea as n clinplain's assistant with the •jlth Infnnlry Division and rildtiy 9i30 ID 6 • Cloi.ii Solur.l..- St. Mary's 76-55 76-55. : , E.H. Mermen Take loontMod«toHfililtnMotN«aibYTi Headqunrti-rs. The son of .Mr. nnd Mrs. Willinnl I". Mniilgonil'ry, NEW YEAR -1954 In perhaps its smnntliesl per- 3rd Straight Win Wl lilni .SI., I'rivnte •Moalgonler.N lered Hil.' Army iasi I''elirlniry, furmjince this seasnn, East Haven Jay-Vccs Stifler completed hnslc trniiiiiig at Fori Ilix, N. .L, and arrived in the I'lir East Haven's Buying Directory Iliuli enunl.ered a threat iiosed hy Enst during September, 'file Enst: Haven soldier, whose wifr, .Inyee, a sirong SI. Mary's quintet Mon­ First Defeat Of Over Wilbur Cross lives a( 21 Chldsey Ave., Is a former student nl Springfield Col­ day niKhl to preserve its no- lege nnd nicmher of Hie Alpha I'hl Onirgn frnlernlly. J'. J*-K ~ Mttj&-5. by Bill Webster loss record nnd score a 7G-55 vlc- Private Monlgoinery's new-born son, Willlanl, .Ir., was win • rWHICH ONE OO YOLJ WAFsIT ? Season By Si. M The East Haven .swimming of tiiii; New Year's lifihy contest. Ileeently Hie eiiild and mother Angle's Auto Repair Inry. .The gnnie was played iiefore GEORaE A. SISSON were pietlireii in tlie EAST IIA\'E.V NKWS. a good-sized crowd in the Ilani- The East Haven .lay-Vees whn loam scored another major vic­ General Repairing Insurance dini Higii Schoni gym. had a .season paralleling the un­ tory last Friday when it defeated Tires —- Batteries I'ire ~ Bonds Henry Luzzi, East Haven guard, mixed success of Hie varsity team Wilbur Cross Hlgii by the tre­ AAA FiERVIOE AAA and Red 0'Mar.a, forward, Joined Automobile Casualty suffered their first defeat Mon­ mendous margin of 50-17 in a Tony Massari, tlie Easlies' star I'httno no 7-l)'il8 43!) Main R(. 21 OlililHey Ave. East Ilavon day al the. hands of St. Mary siionler, in racking up pnints meet in the YMCA pool In New against the Fnars. Luzzi's por- High School. The junior varsity Haven. was oulscored 41 lo 32, bringing LINDEN fnrmanco was outstanding and his The Easties dominated nil the I BUY THIS I five goals nnd four foul shots lo an end a perfect string of vic- events with the exception of one, CONVALESCENT made him second illgh scorer. torie.s. the 100-yard breast-stroke which Massari led the fray with a total In two other giimes Ibis past was won by Zainuskl of Wilbur I $1.30 PER WEEK; HOSPITAL of seven baskets nnd four fouls ,mtiM(J' week the junior learn was suc­ Cross. .loseph Smith, newly elect­ Mrs. Kay Anastasio, Dir. tor a. total nt 18 points. cessful winning 37 to 22 over ed president of his frcsliman cln.ss. * O'Mara who Is the Easties' SALESMAN | RcgUtercd Nuracn in Shelton last Friday. On Tuesday was the star for Hie victorious MORE NEW SUBSCRIBERS TO main asset as on all-around play­ I Let This Available Space . Attendance Day and Night er and ball handler was next in ) Carefully Prepared Meals (kext .best thing lo Being there in J Soil For You | l^erjon ... on Valentine's Day . . . line with four nnd three for a to­ I and Diets Iind all Ihe days lo come ... is to tal ot 11 points. UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI Ul , CALL AT 8-1661 i ) Phone HO 7-5828 ' ierid o professionally made porlrait The Eivsties moved lo an early ,83 Main St. East Havon lo the one you love. Call us for an lead and, dominated the entire SII^ iEaat Mmm Nma game. By half-time: they com­ Jippoinlmenl now. Maiie this a di(. Central Cleaners Dyers • you can have your dream house—this easy tvay: erenl... a beUer Valentine Day. manded a IG point lead marglh, Home of Distinctive Cleaning- and relaxed a little from thereon RALPH P. We Operate Our Opwn Plant •^ iil. w'aVerage of 395 interest, conip'ounded semiannually, liow to reach them through Payroll Savings. You can save any There are five full months left for you to sum 70U wish, from a'couple of dollars a payday up to aa much aa MATERNITY For Appointment Call "Authorized Dealer" ffrl iytfrj and 8 iiionl/js. Thit'svihy the money you put into you want.' The important thing is, start your Plan today! enjoy the sleepiiig comfort which otily elec­ I-.Ml * LOCAL CLASSIFIED SECTION Bon^f oow grows to such a surprisingly big sumj' _ tric faetJcovering makes possible. And there DRESSES HO 7-1854 International / / ate other winters coming. Choose ati elec- • • LOWDO-WN PAYMENT % PRICE • MANY, MANY MORE LOCAL FEATURES trie blanket at your own electrical dealer's" • EASY TERMS Trucks :! / right way. . , Open Evenings & Sat. Only SALES — SERVICE A. G. P. ELECTRIC V SUBSCRIBE TODAY-1 YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION DAYTON'S SERVICE, INC. East Haven W » " VTki U, S. CturmtHt dms ml pay for this ttjitrtiihs. Tht Tnaiury Deparlmttit tljnks, for thth patrhtU donalkn, the AJttrtisin^ CountU amt , THE UNITED ILLUMINATING / , ONLY $2.50 EAST HAVEN HARDWARE 301 Main St, "Kleelrieal Cciilraelor.s'' Green Garage ,...^- ==^s^ COMPANY Saving i's^-^soS'simpk—whm you invest ht U. S. Savings Bonds on the Payroll Savhigs Plan 467 Main St. East Haven 175 Main St. HO 7-3735 310 MAIN CORNER ELM STREET • HO 7-2641 East Haven UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI UI •yi*^-'to**ii|»i',>~. .Jil

EAST HAVEN NEWS. Tlnirolny. Jannnry an, iftsi.. Pnffc 1 IK. The Foxon Park Civic A.ssocl8- r.A.ST nA\K\ NT.W.«*. Thurwlay. January •)«, m,',,. Pa^o ., tlon will hold iheir regular month­ Moniauguin a.m. al High Ridge nnd lt:4.'i a.m. cording (o an nrliole In .Tnnuno' No Place is Home. "No Place" is nnd agreed thai if their vlllnsO ly meeting In Our Lady of Pom- tliis vicions vims. New Class Is at Glenmoor. The children will Federated Fund •'Community," the pulillenlinu of in Enijlaiid. it^s not very big -- wns lo lie coiidenined for its name, pell Chuich Hall, on Wednesday, flrer..; wore elected: Forrest Dot- 2.1!) people; thole's no plnce lo go If you like eliildi'cn, stay liomi? tomoiTow \Second Fiddle Tunes Capl. and Mrs. Rob6rl Little and Town be returned to Glenmoor at 4:20 Cnmmiinily Ciu'.sts nnd Couni:ils ul other Durham vllloBo.i might also February 3, at 8:00 p. m, Mr. Lecture On Christian. rilBLISllEU KVEHV TIlUnSDAY sons have returned from Okinawa en, superinlenrient; Clifford LcwLs, " no church, no cinema, no tool- lie doomed.,, What would happen iiiKlit between BPA'fin and eight o'elocli, and Leon Bcaudin, president, will pre­ Started To Handle p.m. and to High Ridge al Drives Gaining America. bail. But the natives of No PIOCQ, | BY ;ta&t«riacsffsenat3W=nacal3Ben»=iw«t3»M for a .30-day leave with Mrs. ro-superlntendont* ^1l's. Paul ti) cold Knuckles, lor instance? turn on yoiir porch light to guide the Moth­ side. Jcicncc Next Sunday United rcMd lieadqunrters re­ most of them coal mirier.s, didn't HOW U>N() from an old Indian, who cut off Little's mother, Mrs. Louis Fer- Richards, audio-visual aids diroc- 4:,'tO p.m. (5r Vttn Kf7 After a';. It had ceived liie 'nngnzlno and Iho ar- like it one liit Wlien they learned ers' March in the drive against t>olin. JOTN So mnny tlilnfcs dcpeml upon one end of his blanltel and .spwed * • « * * rucci, of 98 Henry Slreet. Captain Topics lor: William Iins.se III, nudin-vis- Influx At Foxon In his Kiior Hays staled that: Wide Acceptance taken a henp of living 1" make The Zoning Board of ppeals will Little has been n..:signed to Ft. Jy Ella H. Hay uni aids projectionist; Charles Slz- tlclo stales reporl.s lo date indicate Inst week that Durliam County of- TIIH irAUCH 0I-' ntMKS. nccurnio timin);, and llin world Is II onto the olher end to make "If will be necessary for the 8 Tile recent federalen ftitid-iais- No Plnce like home. INCOBroKATEI) hear the npfJeal of Mrs. Edward Devens, Mass. Quite a surpi-isojo get a (hutfe,^ eniorp, supf •infrndent of s?nlor A new class was started wllh an overall increase of G,7 (ler .cent ficlals had lloonicd No .Place ' to full of people who either don't II longer. llhv prncttci' of Christian hriil- a.m. lo noon second grade chil­ ing camp.iiRn season wns tlie most S01S DIxwcll Avoinip, IliiiKilRn, Conn. meet on Wednesday, Feb. 3, lo derstorm one night nnd a ni^' nnd intfcnnedinie departments: a new teacher added to Foxon over tho prnvlouR year, And the slow extinction. know or don't cnre what lime It At a .South Dakota ranch, a ***** ^Ing in relntinn In prohlenis of dren lo eat lunch al homo after successful of tho past lliree, ac- Czeplga of 500 Strong St.. to erect blanket of snow tho morning fol»/, Mis. Wiiiinni Lynehan. superin­ JONATHAN CZAIt, EOITOR Culture' and Guns , Is. A mile boy's molhcr had pro- visiting cowboy was an overnight Plans are now- underway for the \A\pr\duy living will he the top- School today lo accommodate the I'coorrt sun; ji $260 million Is .sure The oulhorilies decided that No a nursery for pre school children lowing. W returning from .school. It also guest. Because of plans lo drive Installation banquet of St. Clare's >\t of a leclure on Christian Sel- tendent, junior deportment; Miss and It requircil, provide a gunr- lo bo c.vcecded, l:e article conti­ Plnce Is dying out, dcelnrcd 11 a I ilotiii Zyclt, AclvBrtlslHir Miuinitcr mi.ied lo be ready to lake him on the premises. additional children who have been will be neceswary for the 12:05 to the movies In "about five mi­ catllc lo the railroad, everyone Guild which will be held at the it^r*"*"*" *" *"* tb'Uvcrrd in Xe\v llii- I.«!ibi'li Thomson, superintendent, ranty for satisfBclory completion, nue.":. "had financial risk," nnd ruled , "WIKJH T hear the word culture," said a * • • • « ley roads were the main pi'o^^ gradually moving Into the .school p.m. lo 4:05 pm. first grndo pupils. THE EAST HAVEN NEWS nutes." He wailed around for was routed out of bed at 3:30 the Talmadge Inn, February 8lh, Of­ ^•"Tcn iievt Sunday afternoon, .Inn. primary department; Mi.ss Edith of the w;ork. Thus phase is inore United community eampnigns thai the county .would no longer celebrated Naul pool, "I reach for uiy re­ Finn! plans for the CYO Volen- lem in town this morning anS lo eat lunch nt home before leav­ 230 Main Street, Tcl.lIO 7-5H1I Rox 2] 5 Ewit Ilavcii what seemed like an age and a next morning. "Humph," yawned ficers lo be returned lo office are f>5^/Sl, li\ Klla H. liny of Indinna- Monroe, .'Superintendent, kliider- since the opei^lng dnle last fall. properly in the prnvlncr of the now raise more tlmn three times build new linnu'S or repnir old line Dance will be made at the Highway Department trucks werl volver." And Hitler himself declared early couple of eons, and then timidly the visitor, "it sure doesn't lake Mrs. Frank Dumark, president; -~ ^ " liul. snrion department; Mi-.s. Ronald ing for school." Selectmen, who must take over ns much as In 1D40, and the num­ ones 111 the vllinge. meeting on Tuesday evening. All out all day sending the tieacher% Letters have been dispatched to in his career: "We suffer from an c.xccss of Inquired, "Mother, arc minutes long lo slay over night here!" Mrs. Sigurd Anderson; secretary, Cnrgiil. superintendent, nuiwry future mninlainanee of the devol- ber of conmiunllies using the fi*iie- The minors organized a pnilest AnVEBTISING HATES ON AI'PUCATION members arc urged lo attend this ous road surlnces. School was disl parents of children attending the opnienl. i' any longer then they used to I)c7" Goethe sold, !'Many people take Mrs. Raymond Freed nnd treas­ iloparinient; Mrs. Paul Richards, rated api roflch to fund - raising melting, Tl.MK MagaziiH' leiiort.s, « BivilnciM TclepIioiiK ATwalcr 8-10(11 culture. Only knowledge is valued. What we meeting which will be held In Our urer, Mrs. Raymond Langlols. The rupted by the lateness of. hu.sof school nnd affected by the change Zoning Btl. — An old soulliern cotton - picker no care of their money till they suporinlendont, cradle roll, ^Mrs. A.s.suming Ihat Ihe amount of lins nearly Iriplod. llundred.Uo consider­ 7:30 p. 111. ments consists of Mrs. Harry Law- flimsy evidence for murder, and others do. Just the same with Bfailliwaite, treasurer. First ano secoi.a grade children tenlion to this area, as well aa to does not cover the cost of .scliools ed too small for fodenitcd cnin- SUBSCIHPTION; $2.80 i»r ycnr, payiilile In luivnnco ,.' , Th(; attack on culture is an attack on the lor, cholrnian; Mrs. Charles Cope- Fh'st Selectman Frank Clancy's BETTER GRARES sentenced to death. There had their time," v * * * « « from Glenmoor and High Ridge. olher large areas susceptible to and services, there Is one factor pni)>ns iinw hlive them,/ii was free mind, on liberal values, reason, and-non­ Tlie cotechsm classes of Our land, Mrs. Ulerman Scharf, Mrs. last snow removal operation lia^J Many others were named to been hints that tho covernor was During a brief stop at a llltle Gleninoor nnd High. Ridge .second large scale dovelopiiiK. Ihnt 1 feel has'iioen lost siglil of, staled. SINGLE COPY On Lady of Pompeii church will be Alfred Meirllo, Mrs, Alvin 'I'honip- various offices, but are not listed . ON HOMEWORK conformity. It says of the "intellectual" who dissatisfied with the verdict and southern lowri^. a couple walked brought favorable commenLs from] It is iho opinion of the Board and thnt is llie purcliasing power Also pointed oul ns a signiHisI held on Saturday morning at son and Mrs, Frank Nolan. liere lierause of limitation of grade pupils will attend classes seeks restlessly to find new answers to old intended to exerci.so his powers to a .imall lunch counter, where many persons, h number of lel- as well ns our consult nnls that we of these new families. A.ssuniing of grovViii is Iho iucronsed num­ 'When you do it with Entered ns second class matter on Mny 15, 1052, 10:30. Those students nttending *•**«. -pli.-e. from 8 a.m. to noon, and first in the Inleresls of clemency, Mose there were stooining containers of tci-s and auout two dozen call should he guided by the wishes of lOOO new families, encii spending ber of cnmpnigns whieli iinve lioen fpicstion: "Yond Cassiits has a lean and the Fii-sl Communion Class ^me Hapiiy birtiidny to Barbara Pan- grade pupils will attend the. 12:0.') a lypewritorl Neater . . , nt New Ilnven, Connecticut, under I lie act of March had been walling patiently for creamed chicken, spoon bread, tho iiooiile of those areas as lo lot from 511000 lo $2000 for food, cloth­ extended lo emhraeo niiijnr na- asked to meet downstairs in the lalone of Bradford Ave, wlio cele­ were received in his office com Easier . . . Quicker 3, 1870. huiigry lookj lie thinks too much: such men something to happen. Finally ho pork chops and . olher lemiillng Local Man Named to 4:05 p.m. session. sizes, nnd are now nrrangmg n ing, etc, a large sum of money is lionnl n|)|)eal,s. Nearly 5110 cities -*"53J^p Church Hall, while all olher brated yesterday. mending hlni on Ihe job that was ,1,1 arc dangerous." And it sees in every "pi'o- decided to Jog tho official memo­ dishes. They • ordered chicken. The conibinalion Grade ]-2 series of open meetings lo discu.ss being spent by our new families, iiow include one or iiinre of these Dopondabln Sorvioo elas.ses will meet as usual. **** + ' done, I do not heiievo that our local In llicir, federated'cami'ialgns, .The 1 fcssor" a possible conspirator, a probable ry. He moistened a stub of a pen­ "Are you irom the train?" ihe Vice President room will meet all day. Pupils 111 these problems, the first of tiieso Siiioo iniO * C * i-V * cil and wrote, "Dear Massa Gov­ motherly'attendant asked. The Mrs. James McDonougli of Slov­ the half-mile area and those in meelings lb he iield on February mercliaiils are receiving wiint they Red Cross took part in more tlinn KKNT OH miY A reader of Mar.v and dealer' in dangerous ens Street is convalescing in St. siiould of lilts pntentini, and met­ ; Join The March Of Dimes ernor, They is fixin' to hang me man nodded; "No creamed chick- Four Local Men Police Chief Edwlij Prle.st re­ Grades one nnd two now walking 4lh. iho Unlled Funds,' cancer iiartiol- thoughts. ' Baphners Ilospilnl after undergo­ turned Friday from Bostrtn where Al Fir.sl Federal hods should he found to publicize paled Ih 327 nnd iieart, 277, on Friday nnd hero It Is Tuesday." on," she said. "Pork chops?" que­ lo .school will attend this all-day In gonernl, •the questions now TYPEWRITRR For almost a full month now,' the IDfi'l ing surgery Monday. A quick re­ ho attended an executive meeting our modern stores and niarl(et,s. Air mall letters never were ried the puzzled patron, "Not Charles J. Anderson, of 42 Vic­ raised by Mr, Schoenknecht and Tlio article stated thai Uiilli'd :^; Jlaroh of Dimes has been conduoiod locally, This tendency to find culture suspicious Among U-I Workers covery Is our wish for Kalberlne. of the New England Police, Asso­ ses.sion. No change has been marie dreamt of by nldtlme whalers and when you're on the train," she tor St., has iieen elected a vice otliers are common lo nil towns Another imiiortnill pnase In our Funds wlilcli included iteii Cro.ss TO-DAV ***** ciation. He was appointed last Oc­ In the bus .schedule for this cia.s.s. and (tinny East Haveners have already mado h(is shown itself in many wi)ys in the United their wives whose homes were on answered, "you folks can have pre.'iirient of the First Federal in this nron. Tlie allompt by Mil- Iroubles Is lack of industry in East appeared to lie iiariieuiariy sue- To Bellonored Clifford'Downer Is the new tober as a niember of tl^e' board Ilus Schedule Haven. Due to lock of sewers. It Kor Iloniownrtc nnd the.ii' liontribnllon lo this very wortliy cause. States lately. There is, of course, a healthy Nantucket Island. They tell about cheese sandwiches; people with Savings nnd Loan A.ssociation of ford lo stop developing is not only ce.s,sful. H.'ci- than ,100 per cent of Drum Corp Chairninn ior llie Coiniiiorelnl Stiidoiita the correspondence carried on be­ only ten nilnules aren't slllln" Among the 17 United Illuminat­ of directors. 'f New Ilnven. President, liny B. The bus schedule is as follows: lllogM, but Is not the an.swer. Only is not probable tlial we can at­ goal wns achieved by 100 of liiese irownvcr, there are may oC us who have put Amoripnn pragmatism that puts the emphasis Bradford Manor. He will be assist­ tract large industry, but wo hope tween a whaleman In the Pacific here to gobble down food T spent ing Company persons who will be We.storfleld .-.nnounced this week. For second grade children, the bus by a comprehensive and orderly and 4.1 "now". Unltr.i I'-und.s which off mnlllug Ihat contribution, for tliis, that on getting^thingti done anfj rightly suspects ed by n commitleq from the Brad­ Clnhc y announces tliat thoi'e Election was by the board of di­ plan can we hope to have a we can find suitable slies for Included lied Cross for the first 1 ( and his wife at home, "Dear Ez­ all. afternoon proparin'. I want ,IMr«.. Hay will spenU under the win be nt High Ridge- at 7:30 honored nt tho annual meeting ford Manor Auxiliary ,nnd. Hose smaller plants. TEL. ST 7-2738 115 ORO'WN ST. or anoltier rea'*on, all the while intending to (in al'id intellectunlism entirely divorced ra," wrote the wife, "Where did folks lo dawdle over my food.an' will be II meeting of the Insurance rectors recently. a.m. and al Glenmoor al 7:45 a.m. liealthy. and iniclligoni growth. time raised lO.'i.ri pi'i- cent of goal. of llie utility's Jewel Club, In the Comjiany. '>^ ftUspir4s of First Church of It is the hope of the Commission from experience. Hut, the growing distrust you put the axe?" Fourteen appreciate it." Commission on Saturday to re-1 Anderson began his career with The land developer In all cases do our port. New Haven Lawn Club, Tuos and there Is iin adniis- junior office of assistant treasurer grade schedule is as follows; 11;,15 nge, hydrants street lights, etc. are lur.v \vnrking on. ister forces posing as the prcsorvers of a red- wife replied, "Dear Ezra, never four East, Haven residents. Ea.sl Haven High will play hiindi'Ofl liouHowives will visit all homos in woman of the family was bu.sy Panlalone was tho winner of the f^on charge, according to ineiii- mind the axe; what did you do . The following are the local Branford on their basketball court in 194.1 and was elected Iren.surer Hast Ifavoii J'Viday night to ensure an oppor­ blooded Anierieauism. with licr washing. "Mrs. Parkins," prize, wliicli was drawn last Sat­ bors of the local church. in Iflin. With the hammer?" area Jewel Club Inductees:" Louis tomorrow evening Instead of lo­ said the doctor, "you haven't been urday. Tlie pi'izc was three large cally as was originally scheduled. 'I'iio new vice president Is a for- tunity for all )o eontribule. To any of these There are always those who, when they "Tell me, sir," asked a new.spap- Tyler, "ITT Thompson Ave., sta­ ^Formerly active, in Ihe field vaccinated and you know that turkisii towels. Many thanks to The Ensiles now boast a string of #' mei- presfdont of the Connecticut participants in the Jlolher's March on J'olio, cr reporter, "how have you been of educutinn ns a teachor and come across new itieas coiiohod In unfamiliar you're liable to arrest." "Good- tion superintendent; Fred Kirsto, lliese boys for their efforts to 14 wins. Chapter of the American Savings **•!»•»» able to majears. She has been active in Society of Savings and Loan Con­ when do you find the time?" He said, "we'll, Ju.st vaccinate you on view Ave., station electrical contacted U. S. Senators Prescoit Quickly! bearing a single word: J.'olio. Into this jar above "instinct and will," and so long as tomorrow niglil (Friday) at 7:30 ,' Christian Science for more than trollers, a group comprised of peo­ I replied, "I keep a pile of books the leg." "No sir," exclaimed the maintenance. Bush and William Purtell asking p. m. in tlie fireiiouse to Iienr the J SO years. She is currently on an ple siiocializing in llic. nccounting will) bo placed the donations. Americans arc true to their finest traditions on my desk, and I open one wlicn- woman, "I heed them to stand on for an amendment to a bill sub­ I EVERY S At the annual gathering, all auditor's report. extended tour a.s a member of I|iiiase of tlie business. It is ox- .So, if you like children, you'll want, to do they will renlizo that society needs the theo­ ever I'm ori the phone and the and to deliver • my washes." She mitted by the two Connecticut f* reflected a mlnute,"but the Lord four will receive pins marking .'•enator.s. Tho bill is aimed at pro­ Tho Christian Science Hoard of pocled that he will he elected lo I whatever you can to hasteji tho day, when person I'm talking to say.s, 'Just **.:.** Easily! rist as much as the man of ;^otlon, intellectual knows that I ain't never gonna their achievement, from William viding funds for rebuilding lieclureship. the presidency of this body al the I a .moment,' please.' " The regular nionlhiy mooting of instllule's national convention infantile, paralyji^is no longer casts its ominous as much as material productiveness. get time to sit down." C. Bell, president of the llnitcd beaches in the Fairfield County A little boy In a small town tho Bradford Manor will l)e held next March. I 2 to 6 pm shadow over young people already stricken The omniscience of life Insur­ Illuminating Company. and Milford area where .storm and — From The Christian Science Monitor was excited about starting to go Monday evening witli Mrs. Larry During the last World War An­ (IS well ns for those who will leant first ance people Is legendary, of erosion has been exten­ ),Officers Named e Accurately! lo the local country school. "Have Some 250 Jewel Club members, Freeman presiding. Hostesses will derson served In the Air Trnns- course, and it scares the dickens sive. hand about pblio in the days ahead. you been In the schoolhouse?" he representing both llie New Haven be Mrs. Harry Lawlor, Mrs. Adel- porl forces of the Army in tlie I it out of the overweight, but we bert Mnutte ar;d Mrs. Bernle * * m * * asked a lifelong resident, who nnd Bridgeport Divisions of the By Stone Church European tiieater of action. He I That's tlie story of money management when you have a First* If you like ohildren, you'll support with didn't know until recently that Eiber. All members are urged to The slate representatives are answered, "Why, Jimmy, I went electric company, will attend the is married and has one daugiitcr. your dimes arid dollars the scientists who arc , It,extends to electric llghf bulbs. attend. asking, tliat ;funds be provided al­ I Checking Account." You save time, no trips to town, no standing in to school there, my father and Jewel Cliib get-together. ~ working on an experimental vuceine to jiro- /.//.r/.MARCH OF DIMES mother went there, and both my A! girl'got'a Job with Metropoli­ so for beach areas in East Haven Al Annual Meeting line, just mail your clieclt with the bill and you have an accurate record January 2 to 31 tan Life and was silting at her The highiiehts • of the meeting St. .Mark's Mission .w.iil hold and other easterly portions of .the G teet future generations permnneully from grandfathers did, too." The boy '.Donald Ciild.sey was eioclod desli one' day when she 'noticed will be the annual, .lewol Ciub their monthly card party tomor­ Connecticut .shoreline. The local of where your money goes and a permanent receipt. tliought a moment,, and then said, ,clerk of tlic church nnd Mi's. Jo- B an overliead light blank out. Wilh- message by Mr. Bell. ^No\v officers row evening in the fireiiouse. legislators sponsored a I'csolution "Gee, didn't you have to .be ex­ • ***-)=* ', sfepii Bi ennan, nssistanl clerk, at toi; tlie coming year also will -be which was' passed by the' General B clinrge. Tile progrnni will consist tra good, with nil of tliem .sitting In minutes an, electrician appear­ tlje annual meelini; of the Old BILL GOLLEn iVl.O. of u sliort address by the church ed and] a.sked, "Got a light "off?" named, Marshall F. Beebe of 111 ' Our sincere sympathy lo diar­ A.ssembly last;, March memorializ­ nejct to you?" ies Copeland, of Catherine Street, Stone Church which was lieiil last Between The Lines pu.slor, nnd the rending of a Euro­ "How did you know?" she cried. Prospect Rd., Is the outgoing vice ing Congress on the^Shore oro.sion 'Vyiien Mac West received , an on the "death of his brother, who ErJtiay evening. Oilier officers pean iraveipgue. Uefre.slunenls '^'Oli,'' ho replied, "'Vye know when president. problem and requesting attention. rugislered mail with return re- invitation to speak to ii>.luncheon'i passed away this week in New nlfthied were: • Evan IDavies, Sr., Local Court Already will' 1)0 served and Mrs. VVftei-y we put • them'-'ln' -r-.T cam'e. up' ,.' - i . + * * Bi .R • ,- . I ceipl rcquosU'd. llencif additional wili.'bc th'e hostess, At 7:30 p.m. club ciilled "Tli'e .Minute Mep,'!' iThe ;,usual .schedule , of aftei' 'Xprk. . tteasuier; Mrs. Hoy Ilotchki.s.s, ijocause. She'was I about .due to "go The Planning and Zoning.Com­ AND TRUST COMPANY OF NEWHAVEN Hiais Power To Set Up c6nipun.suUon to llie clerk, not npW_ the ;Evening Bible Class wilt be she declined, saying, "I'liko rnen dinner entertainment is being, re­ treasuier of benevolences: and ^lit.': ,'• •; .'•:.:•'., . ;. • ' mission was embarassed by tho 8 provided in tlie budget, would.be'| conducted In the Education Bulld- wl.iq lnUctl>blr;tIme." '*''j .:';,.'•.. placed by the adjournment of thii :liVi'Illlam Hn.sso, Jr., auditor. Chid- MAIN OFFICE BROADW/AY OFFICE WliST HAVEN BRANCH tAST HAVEN BRANCH Small Claims Division ' .A' unique .-dcslghation, ol: a time inige turn-out at-the hearing last wherever you In order., ;• .l(ig.; ^The.sludy .will be oh "Tho ,'Wc.::lieai'di .of .a .oo\ipic In Mil­ '^^y was al.so named historian. 42 Chuich Street ' 88 Broadway 5/4 Compb(;ll Avo. , . 232 Moln Strool Elwoofl Sdoble, president of tlie limit was .used by • Sherman'BIl-, group! to. the New. Hayen Arenij, night on a pro pes ed rezoning for a If a defendant • falls' to answer Uo'cU'ine of God",. waukee wiiO rushed I Into the t- ^1- ^Tlie foilowlnt^ were named, to local CViamber of Commorce, hlnt- wivei-e the' members will occupy shopping center to be erected by MtAlSEK HiDEBAl BESEBVi SYSTEM ; MEM5EP fCOERAl DF.FOSII INSURANCE COdPORAIION there's radio courthouse.and asked tho! elevator lingsley of the Storic Cliib In an FOXON PARK f, the ^oard of Trustees. Foj' term . 1 fhl3 wti}j{ that, n re-e.wnilpo- the sunUnoiis, a default Judgment a .special .^eating seclion in «''!•• the Mauro Construction Company. I may. bo eptercd agaipst.htni. How-, operdtot.'to.whisk them.up to the Invitation to a'jiaHy. It read: tixpiiing January liKT: Bertci tlon would bo made or the proco- nessing the "Ice Capades." • Complaints about the weather Tho courlrdom was jammed to ov judge: on the fittii /loor. When ''Fforiv 6:30,16 •exiiaustlon." : .lOockais, Fred Bi'aitiuvailc, Vin- ... best on dure rci|Ulrod for the dislubllsh- ever, enforcement 'would Involve First Selectman always are a very timely topic for er-capocity, -and since the • Town ^V'^ "ft^2£0St"^f^CourseJ. ll)e operator asked tlie reason for cept Fasano, LoRoy Lawson, Mrs. nient o[ a local small claims court further action. , ,' Wo fret and-'stew about our Hall audltoriuhi- and basement Kccoiirso To NOW Iluvcn ' their htusto, • they. jSald .that, they conversation, but one comnlnint „ Arthur Guslafson. For ierni eiid- to handle claims uiidbr $100. Urge.s Siippdrl 01" overcrowded: diiys; but If at night, were belnfe occupied by the Amei"- *^^Vi C9?DC cTO •"" TW "wn waj r~w ww sssw m^ nra cm cw* "^oj trr BOM BIB (DM mn stoi I W'anted to get married tiWorc the Mrs. LC. Clark that cnn't be voic.'.(l against the ' liig January 1956: Siierwood . The. osUbllshmenl of such' a Since a .small 'claims division all' ouripr'djecls were ' conipleted, ican Legion bingo contest, there .J ^ chamberlain, Mrs. Robert Mart- wojiJd.ehtttH.'added, expense unil time .limit .,on' their .L'us .transfer.s there .woufd ,be no Interest in: to­ January weather i.-* that It has was no'othei* place to go. court l»;favpr6d by nt least some March Of Dimes man, Kenneth Griffiths, I.yont trouiiie, the argument was pre­ •expired. •, . \ • Named First V.P.. *****•" members (if the Chamber, but morrow, it's that, eyeriastiiig lodk^ been monotonous. T. certainly Is '. RUssell, Stanley Sham'p. that grqup tublcd their plans last sented. It ought not to be set up East Haveners were urged to • Someone has said that the Idea Ing forward to the future wliich a rare occnslon Ijhave a thunder until a real need developed. Of State COP Women We wotild like to present furl '^^'The following wore named to n Ociobep under" the belle! that a eive solid backing to the 195'1 for daylight saving time came gives life its zest. ,'•'••.; storm one dny, and woke up tiie finest wishes to the Bradford Ma-f ^ the Boai-d of Deacons: For term special BOtVpt the state loBlslnturo It Is also possible^ In some cn.scs, Mr.s. Leverett C. Clark, of , 7.| next morning and find the ground to milko- ii.so of the New Haven March of Dimes by FJr.st Seiecl- nor Hose Company and its auxil I'* eliding January 1058: W. Munio would be .required. The labling Bradley Ave., was elected first covered with snow. That sure is iary who are celebrating thei^ " Andiews, James Ogiivie, George small claims court;.. It either party man Frank S. Clancy IIIIB week. .ja.;'4. •followed a rPPT' !'y Tliomas .T. vice president of the New Haven variety, even if it isn't pleasant. Saturday. The volunteer fire com-8 THIS RADIO AND Ilauick. ReUly,.lpb(il attorney, who served in such a .suit is from New Haven, He' siressod.thc huge amounts of * 1-. * *' f the action may 1)0 taken;to that County Republican .Women's As- 50th and 25th anniver.sary Ihi^ „^ ' Named to the Board of Doacon- on: a comiplttcc looking Into the Supreme Court Upholds A; The Foxon General Store, which SATURDAY SUNDAY court. . It n New Havoji man.'op­ mdiiey which are needed (o carry sociatloh at tliat group's ' annual pany is headed by Capt. Job ^ i eiisos were the followir)g. For term THURSDAY FRSDAY MONDAY TUESDAY matter. is now located on Hose Street, \yill WEDNESDAY ••':.• ' . ' '• Cliadeayno. • Mrs. Larry Fj'cema, "^jexpliing January 1955: Mrs. Edna erates tt business in East Hjivcn on: tlio fight against the sharply meeting last Thursday night In RADIO TEI-EVISION RADIO XELU:VI8I0N move into new quarters on Ihe is president of the Auxiliary. AADIO TEIJSVISION RADIO TELEV^8IO^ KAillO TICLKVIHrON RA3>10 TIS^KVlHIO> RADIO . - XEI^KVISiON Unbehpovynst to the committee, under his own name and It Is not; .'t^JI'reslon. For term e.xplrlng Jan- WNHO-irt WNMC 1840 b WNHO-TV rising lliroat of' Infantile par­ the Tivoli, Restaui-nnti Mrs. Clark, opposite side of Route 80 and Rose >C 41 * » * (VNnO IMO k WNUC-TV IVNIiO 1840 k WNHO-T WNnO- 1840 k WNUO 1840 It' WNIIO-'rV WNUO 1840 If WNHO-TV and to this foporter, until It was Inqorpornted, he may use tlie New (Juary 1056: Mrs. Theodore French. WNHO 1S40 If VmilO-TV Decision By Local Jiildge, who is a member of. the. local Street. The grand opening will be pointed outio him by Judge Vinr Hitven court. , • •• ' alysis. Geoffrey Hoggs, of Guernsey |JFor teim expiring January 1947: Vincent J. Fasand, Judge of the rested his 'case. Opposing counsel Wonien Republjcaii Club, lia-s been held, on Thursday, February 4th. Great Britain, a Rotary Fellow a|| Hcwi *Makt Up And SmIU lews News cent Fo^apo early lust month, the Authority for establishing 'the \iMrs. William Boll. For term ex- With Niwi Newi Tnilav "I have beep a supporter of claimedihe^hilU not developed any Congratulations . and the best of Yale University, was the feature^ Clock .WiLlitf Clock Walchv Clock Watcher Cluck Walihtr Clock Watcher nuthprlty for sotting up a .sniiill .small claims division rests with loqal Town Courl, hais been upheld ncilve In party affairs for a num­ P-piring January 19S8: Mrs. Ken- 7 testimony- or cvldeiice showing Dl- luck are extended to Pete Orlando speaker today before the loc^,^ 7 claims (llviiilon. Is nlrondy vested the local court. the March of Dimes fight against by tlic state Supreme Court of ber of years. ' ' •, •''''^eih Griffiths, Mrs. R. Vernon Benedetlp's .liabtiiiy,. and moved and Eric Munson in their new Rotary Club. He was Introduce^ WoH? N^t Roundufl World News Roundup World News Roundup In. tiio Ipcni court. Under the gen­ polio for a long lime," said Clancy Errors in a decision .which he ren­ • Mr.s. Clark will be one of four 4^Hnys, Mrs. Alex Mcintosh. - Worship Hour Chck VJalclier World Htwi Roundup for a norisult. 'The 'motion was .store. hy Desmond Coyle, program chalfi| Clock Watcher Breakfast with Stvi Clock Watcher World News Roundup -•-• %j.at J.^1 On the Standing Committee, Howdy OHdy Show Clock Wa(fhir eral f^tatutcg municipnl courts may In his endorsement of the cani- dered as an acting'Judge lit tho denied. ' * -. East Haveners \vho will represent man. set up siiioll claims divisions when­ the local Club at the annual ^•^Ricliaid Angus, Pilgrim Fellow- 8 'l''- To Observe Youth City Court of Ncw.'^Haven. The Instead of resting his case Di- palgn. . . .. ' , ^t ship Representative, was named ItA Pattern ;. World News Roundup Nature Of Tilings ever tl)oy (eel them necesanry. luncheon of the Women's Nation­ Yankee Pcddlcfs Rythm Roundup Yankee Peddlers Rytlun Ranch Vankei Peddlen (tylhm nnnrJi Yanku Teddlen Hylhm fipiitfi. case Involved an owi^er of. East Bencdetlb then pursued, his de­ for the term expiring January Fun With Food rhfUtlan SCIMH What's your Troubi Yankee Pleddle«" Judgp Fasnno said he had In­ The first selectman noted the al Republican -Club al the Wal­ DIone Lucai Shaw Egbert Mr. Wliard K • "•-- : Music Frontiers of Faltti quired • lh(b the need Ota .-imali Sunday This Wqek Haven property and'an ^aat Ha­ fense, in Which Orlando's tesll- ' 1055 Foi' the term January 1957 9 Morntr;; NEWI Morning Rewi serlou^ proportions of ,tlie great dorf-Astoria in New Yorlf City on Mead V.F.D. Auxiliary Roto Mniilclflii Roto Maulcian claims 4tvliiion when he first look ven contractor. ; • -K Imony revealed to the court tiint weio Edward Leoper, Si-.. Richard Breakfast Itotlywood Johnny. Jupiter.'-"- *<•*•• Mu(U This h The Life epidemic ol 101)3 and how Its ef­ Saturday. Other, representatives Welcome Tri»eIIen DIno Dong SctiM Welcome Tnvtltn Ding Dons Schoof Welcome Treftlera Olnp Oonp SehoQj Welcome Travelers ' pino Dong Sichool Welcome-Ttayelerj the beno|| two and one-half years Announcement was itiilde Mon­ not ho, but. DlBenedptlo was the Ilaivcy, Forrest Inkstei- and Frcd- Millie OIng Dong Schoel _ At Stone Churclji fects wcte s( 111 felt throughout are Mrs. diaries Miller, Miss Rnn Mnuf Bob Hope Wladtm Stiopp«r Tops In Tune Smilin' McCot^tll Captain MjdnlBht Bob Hope 'Vtndow Shopper Dob Hope ago. Ho; said he found no need eiick Reading. Window Shnviitf 10 Window'Shopper Bob Hope' day that Hie Supreme Cdjiirt found, principal In.the.case and the Judg- 10 E-'ry D?y Every Day Clinton Keyboard . E/rry Day Fwp^ Day • Whidow Shoppcf for It tjicn nor when he rc-oxamin youtli .Sunday will ho obsiirvcd tlie nation. Only by solid support Margaret Tucker and Miss Mar­ T.iie following church .'^clinoi of- Fvtiy flay • •"no error" In a judgineitt^U'endereft Spaca Patrot nl ihe Old SInne Church llils >cnm- jTiont w*as Tendered : again.st the Hawkins Falls Strike It Rich Kawtdn Falk My Swet Stoc Musk Sutler CIrcut Strike II Rich Hawkins Halls ttawhlni Falls, cd the niattor several times since. of the current March ot Dimes, last March 13 by Judgo^^asanOfl.n garet Durso. ' strike II nicli Strike M nirh TIttc SItps Three Steps Three Steps Three Stem - Hawkins FtJIi However, ho B»ld, the situation ing Sunday. 'I'ne young pooiile nt latter, i In "his. attempts to .refute V/omen In Love S[iace Cadet Phnie Tliat Payi SIrltafi nich he said, could suftiolenl funds be favor of.John Cinque, of the Cin' 'Tonight the East Haven Wom­ Pliraje Pays SIriki II Rich P'*rase That Payi Strike It Kicn 11 Phrase Ihat Piyi Strike It Rich Three Steps ought to be reviewed periodically Ihe church logelher with ' the 11 Sctoiiit Cliarice Second Cli3nce And For Tomorrow Second Chance Second Chance Sl/lkijt Kicti obtained to cjirry the fight a- que Construction company, against Orlando DIBenedetto's counsel of­ en's GOP will install Mrs. Alvln Secntid Chance- and when ho foil It was Jusliflod Youtli Director will Join tins pas­ Saiawtore DlBencdetto,' a New AFTERNOON PBOGEAUB AFTERNOON FROOBAMS AFTERNOON )i>KOGBAl«S galnst polio to a successful con­ fered further evidence Thompson ns president of the Ail-EENOON PBOGBAMS AFTERNOON PROGRAMS AFTERNOON PROOBAMS he would . consider the eslabllsli- tor In te services at 9:'15 al'Jd 11 Havener who owned a ,shore cot­ AFXBItNOON PUOGRAMS In unhoidlng.. Fasnno, the Su-. Newt Big Top a. m, . •' clusion. group lo serve for 1054. Other Wcrid Wi ll»eB vice on the ,mBtter, and ho did not vices in the form of a grading Job: vice .president; Mrs. John Pauline Fredrick Reporti c ject the redecoralihg o,f thpl, Me­ tiff had rested ills case, "DIBenc- Pauline FriderUlic Garry Moore Memory Lane Bands Art LInkletter Univeritty of Chlcags Zoo Parade Pauline Freilrlcki Gery Moore feel it li^-OMld be proper to enter essary lo the people of East Ha. Film 1 Listen Ladles Paiillnt Fredtrickt Gary Moor* performed on the projierty ,at 61 Round Tililt Listen Udlet morial Chapel. All • attending; are dctto should hnVe rested. That Croumey, .secretary; nnd Mrs. liilfn ladiri a public cpiltradlclloa to the local ven," Cloney said. "Tliroughbut Cosey Beacii Ave. Cinque 'brought Listen UtWn Hob Crosby' asked to wear old cloU)Os \nnd Frank Bnyzat, treasurer. Melodie Matinee Film The Catholic Houra Pride ol the Family Melodic Mallnea Dgublaqr Nothlni Melodic Matinee Chamber oi Commerce's findings. would hiive clpsed the ease as lo Ootible or Nothing bring paint, brushfe and ' palit(.lhg' (Our niillon, .many of our young actioh agaln.st Homy. Oripndb, oti| Ooulili or Nothing '^J^fy office Is always open and. I hlmi and'made liim Impervious to Guiding. Llolit Guiding Light Talent Patrol American Forum Stu Erwln Guiding Uihl Guldlni Light ra^s. _ "rhei'e will he a spngl<|elti men and, W'omon. have .beeii Now Haven, and DIBenedelto.Thc' 2 News Newi Guiding Light pniiiBl>yayS',l;«;r,Cnched by anyone Orli^ndo's evidence In defense." it 2 Mid Allernoon News News .slipijor ill is o'clock'for the, nisni- latter appealed .Tudge Fasano's do- Melodic Matinee Newi stricken by * Infantile pnriilysis. pointed out also tiiat "In any Walter Schrump And Melody. MaUnH Pro Baikilliall VIelody, Mallnea Big Pafoir . ihlbreStedIn conferring with me''. cisldn claiming: (1) that the plalnr ^a(e Smith BIB. Payoff Gofden Voices Comeback bers. A meeting and worship Ser­

'SSk ..i. .W...V ^..,..e A„v.or. M„r,on„ation. An.Ma,te.. Ma.o,..Ea...r...onduci^ot ,he -"n. __ A. ^;en,^a,e .roup ,„ the WoiU^n. nTUttv;*ivpriltl%;'»,J;^'"" ..III ••I'

KAST IIAVF-N NKWS. Tliursilny, Jnmmry 28, 1051. Tnne 0

casts. Also, the Foxon fire alarm will be sounded four times at 7:00 a. 111. il the schools are' to be closed. In a'l other fire distrirt.s the iiiciiii will he sounded four limes at 7:00 a.m. Vour cioperaiion as parenlswlll flif,mi^%fH^g be highly appreciated in this mat­ ter of ':;osing the school.s. Please do not leleplione the schools, ra­ Notice Issued On dio stations or Ibe suijcrintendent .IT (iEMINOS ME^WHOWXR.UE,VAMCE- of schools during'the 6:00 to 8:00 OPTMEWA,V CUS- Y YDU CAN'T BEAT. a.m. period. If you do not have TOMEES'WAE-MUP NTHE SALES WE^T OF LOST CONNnCriCHT SAVINGS Closing Of Schools a radio please call a neighbor who TO OUR. A0VERT\SeR.3;NEWSPAPEe AOVER.- VtOSCY'S CORNER HANK nOOK No inw; Sprlnu has one. Please remember, It there PE.OOUCTS,j-^\y\smG- -CAN YOU? In Bad Weather is no closlng-of-schools broadcast r;Uii IT .nil h. I'nsnionl slopped. in llnniltiRWiiy Aveinio ' \ the .schools will be 0|)en. Ueluin lo hank. R. Vernon Hays, suiicrinlemtonf ICttMl IlnviMi no 7-Ultni of sciinols, issued the foilowitig Italian and Amorioan l.ORT CiKRMAN .SIlKPAKn notice lo yiirelUs regarding tlie .East Haven Soldier D'OCI, name "Plnme", male \^- rnnreltntlcn of school sessions in Promo.'ed In Korea DiBhca (pnse nODR. Dliappenren Sunday event of severe storms: in siiinlly nf Dunliai Hill Krhool. IX CORPS, KOREA " Harry The schools will Le operated at Creseentl, 21, son of Mr, and Mrs, I'liMi.c nolify Oiiil I'oilii, CII nll limes it is possilile for the APIHA H-nill. Orennaro Creseentl, 41 Pardee Pl„ buses lo run. In the case of very East Haven, Conn,, reeenUy was Music iiy U)4'l , i'Asa IJOOK No IM I3rtiii- small children the pnrenis may promoted to corporal 'while serv­ use Uleir best judgment in re­ OAL MAR TRIO fnirt Tiilut Ol, I'liynicnl i.lnppod, ing with the 937th Field Artillery gard to whether or not to send lii'luin lo baiilt, Uattalion la Korea. Every Fri, and Sat. the (-•lilidren tii school on days The battalion fired In support ( f i lanfoid in i d Disli I d when the weallier is" exli'emeiy of every American corps and di­ , CatnrliiK lo WoililliiKit c—I HELP WAMl.n n—I PIANO 'II NIMl 11—17 im.siNKSH simvicK CPllSCfl, liad. vision during the Korean coafllct. Re^ R. Bartlett Post No. .ttwcacidcawwEittoadwcJ' will not lie in session. These tery, entered the Army In October HT 7-4'l,iH 4-1713, limited and 0|)i)oin'ted six nionlhs an tonight at 8::)0 in the Legion Call AT a-'t^5ri for details. stations will begin tlieir broad- 1052 iinil arrived In Korea last from llu.' dale hereof for llie c;red- BuiUling. Refreshments will lie easts about 7:00 a. m; The schools ,luly. He comiileted basic train- I'.IIMDI.SII ki;MOVAl. WANTED: A WOMAN TO IJO itors of Hit.' said decr.'ased lo bring WANTED 'I O IIIIV H—-M servefl iifti^r the meeting. be in .session if East Haven ng at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Tly olil spedal selvlce 'iKOO per LIGHT HOU.SEWORK U- days or In J.heir claims against said estate. not mentioned in tlie broad­ Md. yeni, full days for .several w^.ek.s. Cull WANTED TO BUY used liedroom Those who neglect lo exhiliit their Jlnmilen and NiiiUi Haven only, CII 8-.i;iir). sets, sewing niachmes, refrlgera- claims within .said lime will be de-, Tilal period J nionlli Tifle tons', rugs, all household Items. iiiiired. ,H. A. MA)tcori'i'; CII H-in'15 .1011 WANTED I)—2 Phone LO 2-;i374. All iier.sons Indebted to said Es­ tate are rei|uesled lo make, im- FRENETTE'S LAWN MOWER COMPETENT WOMAN HAS WANTED TO BUY — Seraii Iron, iiiediale paymi.'nt to Shoy, 2701 DIxwell Ave, Hit cuts WEDNESDAY, Tliur.snny and Fri­ Wo s|i<'ciall7o III old furnaces, la-nss. copper, lead George A. Oil, Briiis, we nell and norvle; It, Tel. day available for (jenernl lious-e- ISroltod Maine Tvolmterfi etc. Call ST 7-4420. Adnilnistralffir, an 8-5JH. work. Full da.vs only $1.00 an New uccoiiiniodatlons for 75 Harrison Ave. »iiiiUl 1111(1 liirHo iiartlel. hour. Send replies to Box 12,1, KENT.S WANTED 1^12 CARPENTRY SEHV-TCES—Cabin­ flranford Review, ets, Loolrcnsos, hlorago .vfllls, MARRIED LAW SCHOOL STU­ WARNING OF A SPE(;IAI, Call UfA 1-05»S plnyioonis, attics finished, and RESPONSIBLE PERSON WILL DENT WOULD LIKE FURNISH­ TOWN-MBF-TINr For IleKervatioitfl genei ul building. Free ostlmotes. CARE FOR CHILDREN or elder­ ED APARTMENT, kllchen, liatli- Notice is hotJ.y, tiven to all CALL J3ILI, WILSON ly per.son by, the hour or day or rooni, bedroom, li\'i'ng room from 100-173 MEADOW ST. CII 8-G170, by arrangonienl. Address P. • O. .luly 1054 Ihru .Tune 10.55. S50-.'5B5 persons quuiuied lo vote in Town Box 277, New Haven, or Tel. iie- rent (ulililles Included). .Contact Meetings of the Town of Brnn- Now Haven UEl'AIRINO C—25 fore 10 A. M. or afler 7 P. M. Larry Newniun, 2008 Yale Station, fQfd that a spoelnl Tniyn Meeting CII 8-r*l7. New Haven, Conn. win be held In the High Stdiool Free I'arlcliiK raolllllos WASHING MACIIINK REPAIRS Auditorium, corner of Soutli Main and Eletlileal Reiinlis MOItTOAGE MONEY . E—2 and Eades Streets In said Town, We Ilavo Pal Is lo Fil Any I'-On SALE M—() on the 2nd day of Feiir'uary. at WasjilnB Machine FIRST MORTGAGES BOUGHT ORANGE, WIIEELER.S FARMS P. M. for tlie following p.irposes: AMEinCAN APPLIANCE CO. AND SOLD. Loans, Reflnnnc- ROAD across the rii-er from now To consider and act up.5n the ossaeiairarsriBticaeseasaw 2rj1flWhll»ey Ave Clleslnul S-'M-I"! Ing, New Loans, LonKbothani.' ,i;l2,00n,00n SlUorsky Plant _ 5.3 question of adopting the provis­ 207 Orange St, Tel, LO 2-4815. acres divided inlo 3,1 building lots. ions of Chapters 43 and 45 of I lie Interested? Connecticut General Statutes, Re- Waiiterl 1 & 2 family houses for -vision of 1949, as amended, relat­ HANOJNO INSTRUCTIONS F—I) cash". Call N. II. SYe.imorc 0-28.38. ing to tlie institution of zoning EAST HAVEN M.ras JUDY'S PROF, School of Burnakn Realty. and iiianning In the Town of tile Dance. Ballet, toe, modern Branford, and'to provide for the and tap, character, acrobatic, HAMDEN - SACRIFICE - OWN­ creVition.of a iilanning and zoning classic, Spanish, castanets. Spe­ ER LEAVING town, G room, .3 commission or, commissions, and a ALWAY,s Qn Our New cial classes boys and adults, be- bedrooms, 2 tile baths, hardwood zoning board of appeals, by ordi­ A BIG glnnenl, iiitemiediato. Advanced floors, steani oil heat, storm win­ nance in nceordahce witii said .SHOW Giant Soreonl «nd professional, students. IW.l dows, screens, extras. ' 4';i, mort­ statutes. Slate St. (Cor. Ridoe Rd.) Ham-gage. Phono CII 8-2285. . Dated at Bi-anford, this 27th day iiJ I^Qw! Enils Sat! den, Studio Tel. LO 2-085-1, of .lanuary, 1954. Rouldcnce AT 8-0259, Dominic J. Bontatilnis, Legal R- D. Schroeder, .7r., H- Michael ,T, InfantIno, floor) TruNGS TO EAT DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, Selectmen. MAHIONI'S STATE OF CONNECTICUT, PROBATE COURT, -lanuary Delicious Ice Cream Cake.s 1954. USE FREE PRESS EliMKR Mousses and Puddings Estate of GRACE C. OTT WANT ADS Fanry Individual Forms For All Occasions Ili'llFllIFS®ai| Teleplione STate 7-.inB9 'I'he Home Of Fancy Ice Creapi mm ^^^^^^^"m: ^ Sin Dl.swell Ave, llamdeii, Conn.

PIAIS: TIIRILUNT. CO-llIl' HOI'.SEHOLD GOODS 11—.31) l.INDA -^ GAKV nAHNlSLI. SIEKRILI, ,3 ROOMS BRAND NEW FUR­ ____ RESTAURANT^ __ "NKJIIT WITHOUT SI-KKI" NITURE WITH TELEVISION OR LAUREL STREET-EAST HAVEN -Tel. HO 7-5578 I..a(ries! Fvory Tue-s. & Weil. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR CO.Ml'LETE MODERNIZING 'Come dine with us and enjoy the pleasure of dining out and ol. FOR 25* Jfiivlilaiid IMiilil Diiiiier^viiro FOR ONLY ) finding the many Food Specialties we feature for your enjoyment.' MATERIALS IN STOCK $584 Servinjy Complete Dinners Oranges 3 LBS 25c Here's what you get: bedroom SyN..»ION.-TUES.| PKtsliurKli Faints - Cold Strlpo 'Dally from Sfao to 11:30 except Monday suite, lls)ng room suite, five piece Granges 5-LBBA0 35C nob Hope- 9 Arleno Dulil Brushes, Window Glass - Yale .Sunday from'; 12:(i0 to 8:30 P. M. dinette -set, tables and lamps, ce­ Koseniiiry Clooney Stanley .1!: Kwlkset Kuildcrs Hard­ Dancing Saturday NRes to tlie Music of D'ANJOU 39C dar cliesc, rugs a!id smoker, 52 Pears 3 LBS IN 'rccirNicoLou ware, Oranueburg I'lpo-- iSI.ii.snii FRANKIE DURA5;Z0'S ORCHESTRA EMPEROR piece silver sot, 34 piece linen set, "IIERJ! COSIE THE GHILS" Supplies - All Types Insulation - Grapesi CALIFORNIA 2 LBS 35c '•'— I'LU.S: THHH,I^KR — llulilierolil KnofliiK - I'lywood - kitclicn cabinet, and your ch.ilce : •'. Feuturiiig,; "MAN t)N A TKiHTltOfB" Windows, Screens - Storm Sasli - of TV or electric refrigerator. "Cbntliicutal Tabic NiglifV Every Tuesday Broccofi WESTERN BCH t9e # FHKHElllC RIAKCU Coiiililiialiou Doors. Also, ninny other articles to fur­ From 5 to lo'F.M. WESTERN ' -^ ta.OniA (lltAHAMK nish your home, All you can eat !!or $a..50 per person Carrots CELLO 2 pKGs 23e •ylf TEUnV MOOUK Maico' K'eservntions YOUNG, TENDER, FRYERS OR BROItERS FRIENDLY TERMS — FREE EscaroSe FLORIDA 3 LBS 29c STORAGE Fresh Chickens SM-SHLBAVG LB 43C SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT CLEANED Alt WASTE REMOVED LB 5Sc Lettuce WESTERN 2HD5 29C lumber Company Phone UN 5-7482 PIUITtp Fowl TENDER,MEATY MII.K-FED LB ^-Ijc Tomatoes CELLO 2 PKGS 29c '/NOTHING LIKE IT . After G P, M, LO 2-7202 N. MAIN ST. BRANFORD CLEANED Alt WASTE REMOVED LB 5Sc TEL, HU 8-3484 A —L- B ... E — R — T — S Witt TRIMMED - KING OF THE BEEF STEAKS 187-189 • George St., New Haven (Vi check Porterhouse Steak ^^oa/i . L~arot. these feafures: WEtL TRIMMED - HEAVY CORN-FED STEER BEEF •\/ Fasiij and quickly Sirloin Steak lb 85c A NICE SNACK roR . Jn^taltcU I 1-1 GENUINE SPRING LGE [b 63c DESSERT OR AFTER •y/ No nniiueiiance LaniD Legs SOFT MEATED PKG 29« rtquircd READY fOR THE OVEN SCHOOL WITH MILK lb 71c "y I^cJuccs messy II r BONED AND ROLLED frustiHB and Lamb rotes IF DESIRED LB 35c ^ttan Carol condtns.uion Lamb for Stew NUTRITIOUS. EcofioMicAL LB I9C CIRCULATION! n I I . RIB • UP TO 6 LBS rn riuninalcs ceatly Ileal loss rO'/X LOinS • CUT FROM FRESH, YOUNG PORKERS LB 3VC Butter Crumb Cake ACHING JOINTS • TENSENESS DELICIOUS TENDER TEXTURE O "3- Skinless Frankfurls SAUYRCTAUT UBCEUO 53C Reg Price 3:9c SPECIAL EACH JJ*" TIRED FEET • LIMB CRAMPS 1007„ Extrudoc Sausage FROM PURE PORK UBPXG 73C with NIAGARA'S wonderful new i Aluminum Ml-StuI, Self-Storiig Svu^/aet Rye Bread CUSHION AND HAND MASSAGE UNITS CASEMENT WEEK'S BEST QKOifM BUYS! SLIGHTLY SWEET 18-OZ \L, COMBINATION SCREEN ResPi/iceISc SPECIAL LOAF iQ' NIAGARA Home Deep Massage STOKM SASHES AND STORM DOOR Ritz-Crackers- NABISCO LBPKG 33C The Ninuara two-unit Itome tel mn A icreen door and atorm door be used w)tlle you icJd or tetl. OUTSIDEijNSTALLATION all Is oaa. Juit raiia (laii The dHiily peneUallno, >e"y tom- Hs-Ho Crackers SUNSHINE LB PKG 33C <,j ^(Jen l'?rtina action wit) help r(l|Gve li<"tt H sltiniiluto circulation forTCntUstlon—like* window I cramnt, rtuinhneis, ' colit teet and NO . DOWN PAYMENTS FHA TERMS 36. MOS. • AMINO lUTVOlW tlinsioil SLICED ENRICHED alh>r circulatory ntlmeiiti. Aha, it « snoUio soro nitittfilos will h»li) rtilnx (mil MMi »ni< nid Chateau- Cheese ^ORDEN-S- LOA^-^F^ in •the• ' flrinin•• • a - ,-(|l »auhi[i ami uchlut; Jnliits ALSO -- THE FINEST IN . . . > Call for Free Demonslratlon • ntLitdet. WHITE FREE BOOKLET • NO OBUGATION • ALUM. COMB. STORM WINDOWS & DOORS Margarine tLovEROALE LBRQLL 20c

E12K Husco Of Gofin. • VINYL WEATHEKSTRtPPED .laloiisie.s C NIAGARA OF CONN. FinasI Ketchup Vt^lZS^ SAME LARCiE LOAF 152 TEMPLE ST. 1-LB 2-OZ J. K. Newton, Mgr. NEW HAVFN. JQ. CONN, CALL NOW! 14-OZ SAMEHIGHlqUAtlTY LOAF Phone UN 6-4187 NAME HO 7-1111 X-pert Cake Mixes PKG SAME LOW PRICE' 15< ADORESS ;.,..... Offleo OpeiuTjll 0 PM • eOO Orchard St., N. H. Alt aptiroyed appHanct u&eil by iiQipHals, TiieBranwinCo. CITY M'etk Days. B P.M Sat. - * " NEW HAVEN. CONN. A Proiluct of tho F. C. HUSSOU d«. ' pliv^iolhtraolsti, ami atlittlir Iralners. L^ BUY BEST JWV BR;VmVlN SKasBsrc!