T^A'iT HAVEN XKAVS. TluiiMlny. .Tnmmry 2I, ,inr,l. Va«o fl Worthy A.ssoelale Advisor. Marion lallon. Ail Masler Mn.sons. Eoiitern conducted ol the meeting. Ar- tenl Ihe group ijr the Woiiren'R jo^.;.' 6 i.. ..ven H'^ Obiluar DnoliUle; Charily, IJorothy KinKs- •Stni* Members. Rainbow Girls and ranKemi.-riis for the supper tt*UI he Council. The csecutlve conimlltee n MfiK • Library 7 ford; Iloije, Rli-«ibelh Kurtz; Ibeir friends are invited lo allend. made by the Yuung Adult Gioup. Is making orr^ngemenls for the i:;.ist H.'\t.)on, Mrs. Siilviilorc Miisrola Fallh. Shieln JCrrnglcbel; Keforrl- On Monday a mooiing of the supper. Soi-vicfs for Mrs A<l''lnW(> er, Wi''>ia Hu.ssell: Trea.sti;tr, Jo- Old Stone Church Friendly Circle will taKe place at On Wednesday at 11 a. m. Oic Avllnblc Mn.wnla, witlnvv of Snl- 0:30 p. m. In Ihe church parlor be­ vnloi'p Mniicqln,/nnd formwly, of .anne f-einhtrin: (.naplaln, .irtnc adilli bihle class will be conducted ginning with a covered dish, sup­ in tlie'pastor'.s study. A sncK lunch Our Telephone Numbers n.'i Urnillcy Avd,', look plrtco ,Mon- FiTehert;; iJrlll Leaner, Sue Owen; Holding Annual per. The meeting night of this An Independent rtny In Hit? Tsui Haven Momorlnl T.ovc. Linda rvosch; P.cllglrm, group has l>een changed' from the and fellowsnip hour will be held Business: Alwater 8-1661 Funnrnl Homo. A mo.'i.s \vii« ccl- Katherlne Leeper; Nalure, Martha iWccting Friday second Wednesday of the month from noon 10 1 p. m. Al 7:30 p. fbinled In SI.: Vincent de Pnul's m. Ihe evening Bible Class will be E Weekly "Newspaper Brown; Tmmnrlnllty, .loan nich- The annual church meeting of to the fourth Monday of each Editorial: IlObart 7-5811 ChuiTh. Bui'inI was In En.sl Ln'wn ard.s; Pal rial ism Nancy Malsano; month. held in the' Educational Building. cf'nu'lery. Ihe Old SiUine Church will lake .Service, Audrey Graver; Confiden- Mr.s. George Owen will be in­ ®hf East Hauptt 53^?toa Mrs. Mnscoln Is .lurvlvcd by two place tomorrow (Friday) at 7:,10 lial Observer. Zelda Knighi;.Mu­ p. m. In Ihe fnnciuary. The meet­ stalled as president al this, meet­ The first United States mini was srin'i, .John -and .lame."^ Ma.scola; sician, Koborin Cnpp; Choir Direc- ing. Olher newiy-elecled offlcer.s established In Philadelphia then G Cents A Copy — i!i2.ri0 A Vcar tliri'p dnuBhiora, Mrs. Amelia Cop- ing will bo preceded al fit.io with roi, VIII — XO. -I;-. ."uhliihed WHVly by FrM Preii Publirttioni. Inc. K.\ST IIAVHN, CdNXK'TH TT, TliriiSD.W. .lANTAHV L'S. IH.VI (or, Linda .loenbson.' a covered' di.sh supper for ail lo he placed In office are: Mrs. Ihe nation's capitoi, in 1792. YMrlv Subicrlptton $2.50. pnln, Mrs, .lulln Laudnno and Mrs, Meniliera of I he Advi.soi'y Board Ervln Applegnte, vice-president; Counterfeit bills generally have VIciiyriii Mniwnioi a fjroibor, An- church members, in Ihe Parish ,nrc; Mother Advisor, Mr.s. Miriam House. Mrs. Paul Ooss, .Sr.. secretary; and no colored threads, but these may llmny Avilnhio, of .Soulh Brnin-- 'Kuriz; . .Serreiary. Mrs. Sbiela Mrs. Paul Donne. Sr., treasurer. he imilaled by red and blue pen Proposed Shopping CcnltM- iri'o, .Mass., and a'sl.sler. MnrRarei Election of officers and nt mem­ and ink lirtes. - , \vo Teachers KdrnRlebel, Treasurer, Mrs. Bea­ bers of Ihe various hoards and .Mrs. WiUiani Russell will repre- liiuirro. of Now Haven, nnd twcft- trice Doolltlle and the Mrs. Viola 'Confession' Made By ly Kinnrtchlldrijn. Mr.s. Ma.scola committees loRcther wiib oilier KnlRhl, Pearl Tainler, .Mary buslnes.s of iinportnnce will be Appointed By CDiniunlly llo.'ipllal. '' KnlRht, Wi .Slrandliei'K, Olua ,IohnKon, Kdith Zllo. KllzaiFclli Mrs.. Ociiaro Snicvo . , .. Shafnp, Arietta Dnien and Mae Education Bd. .Sfrvk'cfs for .Ipnnle Ranrono, Proseb; also Messr.s. Rose. .Ir)hn Youth Cracks Mystery Mrs. Rosemary .C. Lynch, a wir<' of Cicnnoro Solevo, of 21 Zllo, .Milton .lolln.son, and fiordon ', teacher wilh SIN years experience Charii'i- Oak Ave., , look place .Stevens. In Ihe East Haven scnools system, 'ruesiliiy in llip l.upoli Brothers The Wesl Haven Order of De- Gambardella's will replace Mrs. Elizabeth Ford fiim'iiii home, .ITfi Chapel SI, A Molay For Bays will pui on ihe I RE STAU RANT. In the first grade at Highland mns.s was eelebraled in .Si. Vin-. Inlerpolalinn Service al tlifio p. m. OYSTER HOUSE School beginning March 1. - Of Laurel St. Blaze '•ent de Paul Church. Burial was Befresbmenis will be .served In LAUREL STREET • EAST HAVEN • Tel. HO 7-5576 ( .SI. Lawrence Cemolery. • Tlie appointment of Mrs. Lynch the hnneiuet liall after ilie Inslal- W'e Htieehill7.e in Cun I- dim.' wilh us and enjuy the plen.sure of dining out'and ol - Storv That He Mr.s. .Soievo died Sunday in I find III; the many Food .Specialties wc feature for your enjoymenu' wa-i made al the regular meeting Orarie-New Haven Ikhspllnl. ' m Rrolli.d .•\Iiilne Lobsters Serving Coinplcltt Dinners of the Board of Education Friday' N'e%v ueroinniodatlons for "Tossed Match" addllion lo her iiuKiinnd. she is •r!r-.«W.tr.t—i-irri IJaily from fK.'lO to !1:3(1 except Monday nlglu in a consideration of a num- School Bldg Cotniniltee To, survived by tlireo son.s, Anihony siiiiLlI and larce parties. .Sunday from 12:00 to 8:30 P. M. bDi of more or le.ss, routine mai­ .Soievo, of EnsI Maven; .losojili-nnd Dancing .Saturday NItes to the Mu.slc of lers Being Checked Frank .Soievo, holh of New Hav­ fall IMA 4-,n(!!)2 FRANKIE DURAZZO'S ORCHESTRA 1 Aripointment of Mrs. Marjoric Med Wilh Fin. Bd. Fri. en; rive dnughlers, Mrs. Anthony CAPITOL II I'"or Reservations P. ApuzEO, of G28 Woodward Ave.. Local aulhorlllcs were engaged The Elemeiilary School Uulld- It has been previously reported, ill a riiial check-up today of a Hlondl and Mis.'.liihn c;onli oF I'''eatlirliig •New Haven, as a teacher in Ihe iSiisiIlaven. Mr.s. Oscar Mlro-Que- "f^intliieiltul Table Nlyhl" Kvery Tursdiiy loc;il school system without speci­ iiii; Conimlltee will mccl wilh but on Ihe basis of unofficial In- slory by ii 15-ycar-old East Ha­ 109-173 MEADOW ST, fic assignment was also voted by .siicla nl Lima, Peru, Mrs. Benedict From S to 10 P.M. 'I'iie llniird ol' Finance tomorrow formation'that it is likely thai ven boy who Is roporlod to have Civllello or Now Haven, and Mrs. EAST HAVEN ij New Haven the Board of Education. Mrs. nighl 111 7:311 in the Town Hall All you can eat for .'i:2.5U per perBon Apuzzo will not be assigned until additional sums will he .sought to coiJeaaed tiiat he had sot tho firc Vincent loveno oF Nurlh Bran- IVIaUo Reservatloiifi 111 deliver their report on coii- Turd; a brother, Emanuel HunFone Free rnrliliiB Faelllilea September, ' make up the difference between which giillod Ihe homo of Ilobcrt 'i'he new teacher, whose starling iraciual bids received on con- of I'Xsl Haven; 17 Krnndehlldren, the lowest obtnlnublc conlraclunl Manstield, al .103 Laurel St., Inst I wo ureal Krandelilltlren, I salary will be $2,700 is pros-ntly slrurlion of two elemoiltnry NOW! THRU SAT.! attending New Haven Slate Tea­ schools and a' school addition. • price and the notiial'amounls a|i- August 7. chers College and will graduate Deputy Poll(;o Chlof Joseph tlRKAT °" 0"'' New r.eorge Letls, chairman of ihe proprlntml, A.s.scnibly 17 Order noxt June. She graduated from Folio said that a signed copy of AioviF.S! Giiiiit SfircenI oommltlee, said liml he com­ A total o£ $7(10,000 was appro- East Haven II|gh School in insO. n stnlcmcnt by the youth had '^^ •", d^ i'" *l!.'**i5—*ud-r=:— f*^^ mittee has been busy all through. jirlaleri tor the two ll-room ele- Ranihow (Jirls Holds Supt. R.. 'Vernon Hays, who sub- been received this momlng, The mltled-Mrs. Apuzzo's name, ^esti­ Hie week drnrtlng up a final rc- nientnry schools, on \V|lilch the stalcinent cbntolncd an artn'lsulon, mated that between 11 and 13 new porl on the bids,' tlifl lowest of lowest baso bid was ,i;788,950. In ln,slallulion Sal. ho said,'by the boy tliaf ho had touchers will he needed for the whlcii were In excess oC the addition tho hid did not Include tossed a match liitn n pilo of EnsI Haven Assomhiy No. 17, ^ new term liexl Fall besides any i;s^%'fm amount appropriated for llio con- an estimated $30,000 worth of j J'eplacements that may be ncce.s- waste near a couch"^In tlio home Ortler (if Hie ffainhowfor Girls, Shown al!0\e is a sketch of the l\iie of building thai •Maiirn (on stiuclion Co. plans lo erect on a sllc I North lllkli St , it IN si ruction. furniture needed to equip tlie .sary. would be an leel wide on Iho day of the flro. will hold a .soml-puhlie Installation , . The Board voted to continue a iippllrntloii for a reionhig Ihe area lo business is granted b.> tlie Z oiiing ( oniiiiissloii I'lu' o\eialldinii'ilsiii The commllleo chairman said school. and would Include three stores as Illustrated. Uncovered III Now IJavcn ' of iifficers .Salurday, .Tanunry 2.'1, t ^commilt(*e headed by Mrs. John that no Infonnallpn regarding the , For a tlireo-clnssroom plus gen- Tho reportod ad|TilBslo'n cumoto '••.Sullivan and commissioned by the in!).|, at 8:00 p.
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