'V . -\ * 1 M - ' ' k / Average Dally Circulation nie^Weather m itiV A X , ABG I^T 6,104* For the Month of July, 1945 Foreeaat of LVS. Weather Bnrean Manchester Evening Herald ’ \ 8,890 \ Partly dondy toiUgtat and Wed­ nesday; warmer Wednesday, gram fields: ^ t s and crafts, Oom- Mesnber of the A iM t V, ''r.. Center Congr>gfttionol Cbyrch munity life, health and 'Safety, BafeM of ClreoMlooa Quadrtmt, the younSs^tilt group Home o n Leave N50^ Leaders homemaking, International friend­ MaarilchcMer—-A C i^ of TiUc^e Charrli About Town of which J4m«h Elllott<^ ship, literature and dramatics, dent, wiik meet tomorrow^ewnlng T ^muslC and dancing, nature, out-of- nv at T:80 ht the-church. ^ '■'•Are doors, and sports and games. (TEN PAGES) ^ PRICE CENT8>] x t f l t n R . g m s H VOL. Lxnr., NO. 261 Adv^rtUtag «■ Fagn 8) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AU G U S T, 19^5 Frgrt«tor« of jyf \ Anyone' who, has knowledge of . ] - 1 who ran an advt 3atu^ Mrs. Robert Ensmlnger, the for­ several of them fields should Share ly announcing the opening or- Girl ScouL troopi iA It with thes^-Glrl Scouts. mer Anna Armstrong of tWsloum, y'-- lelr business want people to ' >-'V has fetumed-to her home In pkia- Town Sendi Ouri^ppeal Mrs. BroWn will ansvyer qi^eS^ ---------- low that there was error In the tlons aboidt new troop lea^pshlp V ^ F ii^ Jap :Gty Hit by Atomic Bomlh homa, after a visit with her almt; Amid O ur ourroundinigS/.^ o f tne number uwd *^i**J, Mrs. Anna Richards of 58 School For Guides. ' New Demand\Seen ^ ---- [ioe number used- was the street. The latter and her nfece, •\ \ Correct number as *»y Mrs. Dorothy Phipps, accompan­ quiet dignity, the bereaved >- telephone directory Is 8926.,, ' Wartime tempo has, swept up ied Mrs. Ensminger to York. PA.. Manchester Olrl Soouts as they Where she . visited her -husband# It took longer for the garbage strive to serve their country \and may confidently expect to find, ^ZSlHdinSt >an ^fioUectoni to do their work this people. become fine future eltisens. The For Sale morning. They were tying to lump In ifsncheeter pojwlatlon In- phoife The pjant . of'the prford Soap creasee Girl Scout and Brownie ap/ ganctity and \unde1retandingi • / can a notice on how to pre­ Company resurried operations this DAYoatMIGHT pare cans for the next collection. T pllcahte, and present troops are TRUCKS momihg after a shutdown of two fllied to capacity. Mfa. J. S. Brown, Complete f^ilities enable us T o Get 48 The tags did not state When the weeksTio aHow the employees a next collections would take place. organixatton committee chairman' >y It has )>een set for this Friday. vacation:-''-.' of the Manchester Girl Scout Coun­ cil, announce# that more, leaders to render service that is effec­ k are necessary to guide, tiach and Ultimatum, Bacl^ed by Heavy Aerial -T assist these children. 1945 Model tive and impressive. Atomic Bomb Threat, . As little a# two houra a week de­ lese Imperial Coi voted to a Scout troop by a busi­ Forecast by British HALEYS SELF SERVE ness woman or a-housewife will do GHEVROtETS Attack Sets luniquc Hints Nil much for Manchester .youth. ■Ambiittinee Servict '"’^Press; Question Raised The Original In New England! \ p oonese n e 8 ^ W a r Lords Try'''j Courses Are Offered THiether Secret to Be RM2C R. 1. W Bob Courses are offered in Manches­ t Port Aflame m g^o DetermineDetern Whotl ter and'Hartford for ne^f. leaders. Xhtt dsKaa eoiry \ Shared With Others Edwin J. M. Belinsky, itadioman .Mrs. John F. Pickles is chairman Heavy-Duty Chassis leoUiHi ess when Hit ffiir pisbima; ^ i i i Tall 2c, son of Mr/and Lawrence <if the training coipmiUee. Ta#umi Target for 400 ’TUESDAY with Cab Nu-Enaael wlE London, Aug. 7.— )— A O f New ‘Bombs’ Ini I Bolinsky of l5 NOrtrian street is The Girl Scouts study ten pro- aakeHlpoknewr (fP Far .East Air Forces 1 home on a SOrday leave after 18 Light Delivery ^ new surrender ultimatum to cates Japs ^ li’t / Be jJ.-<9C Green Stamp* Given With Cash Sales! Japan, backed by the threat I months of d.uty aboard a subma- - Pick-ups —essfly. Come in Planes; Smoke .Bil­ lieve Onlv One Usedl rlhe In the Southwest Pacific. He PIANO JtJNING -'-w ell show yon of the atomic bomb, was hew. And-yon oin lows 12,000 FieerHigh Is entitled to wear the campaign Repairing Rebuilding forecast in the British press hy belose yo& buy. today.,and the question was Japanese Ca}>i^ or One Quam, Avg. 7v^A*)— Iroa bars Of the American theater of Bought and. Sold ' Manila, Aug.- 7— ‘ Th* Point Freis Items-- yvpr, Asiatic-Pacific and Libera­ Atomic Bomfe censorship was clamped on i Essential truck u^era raised whether -the United aouthem Japanese port of Tarumi' Of Natvitn*} Other ■ \ ^ tion of the Philippines. He also A. G. McCROHON details of -the atom bombing should not delay their States and Britain would see waa. aet .afianie Sunday by more .Bugar Heart . ' , . ' m i f wears the combat pin whleh is Phone 0619 fit to share their secret with Great .Wr'or Iitt4 h stry of Hiroshima by the U. 3. given to a silbniariner after he has purchase of new' units, than 400 Far East Air Forte# Jars Morale Strategic- Air Forces today, completed hts first successful var other Allied nations. Cities Likely Tairget; l ic e 46 0z. Can for our total allotment H m JW.HAU COM planes in the heaviest fire raid yet .^ t from the stu'hnCd enemy oatrol. .' '• .nuaonim Com» -Priklucee "Alarming Problem” patrol. fdr 194.1 will be small. mounU^ by the Okinawa-baaed EvdutHe . Radioman Bolinsky received hts British experts on , military, sci­ Trying to Of Japaiiese finidly came .admi.ssion' that boot Iralning lit Newport, R I. He' SIMONIZING entific Slid international affaln, filer# against a single objective. Its Possible Effects the terrific new 'weapon had /Wegner was graduijiicd from Manchester busy making calculation# on- the The entire target was engiulfed done great damage. A-/Japa* High school with the claSb of ip42 The Body Shop Method 1 7 / effect# of tha awesome develop­ In ilam#B and smoke that billowed Some : of „ Secrecy on nese imperial bomn:;unlqu« broaO* ment, #ald the bomb would Infiu- Washih^ton, Auiv 7.— and for a time was employed at 12,000 feet high Gen. Douglas Mac- V (IP) cast' by Radio Tokyo hiiited Um | Orange ahi SOLIMENE & FLAGG, Inc. RUBBER ence all future International rela­ Devastating Effects o f the Pratt * Whitney Aircraft CARTER Arthur related In today# commu^ Aerial reconnaissance view show thq Jap harbor city oF Hiroshima, first target to feel the full — 'Tokyo or one . of Japan’s! Nipponese War lords werr scurf* \. plant/ From Newport he was sent 684 Center St. / Tel. 519T tion# and produced the “alarming nique announcing the two-hour 46 0z.Can TIN IS STILL NEEDED SH E E T IN G : weight of the new atomic bomb! Damage Inflicted .wag equal tiKthat which would, be caused by 20,000 Other great waf^industry cit-j New ‘Diabolic!' Weap- Ing about, trying' to ' ‘ detenplai to Balnbridge. Md., to study radio, ' By the Yard.,, problem'* of how to control It. tack. what hit the' Hiroshima A m y| Juice and was transferred In 1943 to the “ How far It will be pOaSlble or ton# of TNT.— (N E A telephoto.) ies is believM here today to Chevrdet Co. ~ Arthur Drug Stores'^ Planea of all categoriew/lh the A. on Lifted in Report base. Submarine School at New London, DON’T LET UP-^SAVE TIN CANS Wise to diffuse generally over the Far Eaat Air Force# participated, be next oh the list for atomic City HlddSn In Dust 191 Center St. T oL 6874 845 Main St. Teh 8806 world the knowledge of how to Wegner GrapefriiBt^^Juice (■ including Liberator l^»dvy bomb­ bomb destruction. This is the San Francisco, Aug. 7—(4>)—The While meager U. S. dlsclosuiMl make these bomb# poses a vitally ers, Mitchell mediupls and Thun- said one bomb bad- hit wltb-.auotil important problem, aald . Prof. Peliain Aware view of officials trying to new atomic bomb shook both the N o. 2 Can Wl AM AU- deibolt and Muroing fighter- D o m estic“Pd1 evaluate the possible effects devastating force '.tbpl Ihe cltyl Gilbert Murray, joint president of bombers. / military city of Hiroshima, and the the League.oir Nations union glncTe was hidden in a towering cloud oCl LEGLERC PreclB l^ Strike# Made of the terrifynig new weapon Japanese morale, enemy propaganv dust, the Japanese talked of nMr| N--. 1938. “There are enormous diffi­ A t lea8t>800 ot the forte were Of Talks Held —both on bringing this war to ah llJNERAL HOME culties in keeping It as a.secret of diste indicated, today ip a broad­ “bombs.” Tbeir use of the i ' to Os. Caa Burt Olney Mltchelle,/wlth jellied gasoline 'roblem s early end and on shiwlng' the. indicated the blast was ao U. S. A. cne or two nations." y world of tomorrow. rej cast lifting some of the secreeiKp" 29 Maln^Streri bombsywhlch they poured In at the deimstetlng effect of the n W taring tbfy could not' believe 3 Cans To Serve Another Ultlma.fum low Jevel In precision strikes With British Radical Changes Doe ToiHotg Jufee Phoue"^ 62€» i x i i i j "diabolic weapon." , .
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