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NAW2 OF AUTHOH/A«Mf DE L'AUTEUR. 'David, John Gregory

'' TITLE OF THESis/r/Wf DE LA THÏSF Gamma Irradiation of the Face . autumnal 1s DeGeer .

(Diptera: Musddae) L_ ,' • ,




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• \ ' '*' ' * \ - •. , / GAMBIA .IRRADIATION OF THE FACE.'FLY : •'; f-':.•• „„_.—, . ....-, _„_.._, .f ^ ' .(DIPTERA:

•• . ''•- \S> • ' i ., ' ' A-'Thesi8 '- ' ' . /• ' , • . .Presented to . . . ' - - ' "• '•,',-: I ... T}ie. Faculty of Graduate Studies^

'of •" ; The Dniversi'ty of Guelph i r ,


Iri partial fulfilment of requirements • for the degree of * Doctor.of Philosophy December, 1973

David John Gregèry, 1973 GHEGORY UNIVERSITY OF.GUELPH' sutnome • t < ' • David John . . ?800460 , given ncnjQB , —, I.D. number FACULTY' OF, GRADUATE STUDIES « i ' • '*

S t m ' , Environmental Biology deportment degree


' "We,The undersigned,''hereby certify that the thesis presented by the above- - .named candidate-in, partial «fulfilment of the .requirements* for the degree of , * , • . Doctor ,bf Philosophy ., ,ç ' ..- v , /'. is worthy of acceptance and may noW be formally submitted to the Dean of .Graduate Studies. " "" , .'. -, • . \'



• External Examiner^ ' a Morlt Rating andidate's Researdin Supervisor 1 •>

& ô I I Diotinguiohcd Supervisory Commit iv 4^ Cdzmnittee Sûtlofactory


Supervisory Committee

Date : y_j '973 Received,by Doan of Grnduoto Studido Date: toJTXH \ 73

. f ' 1 ABSTRACT


David John Gregory, Ph.D. Supervisor: • / University of.Guelph, 1973 Professor R. Ei Wright

'' Pupae of the face" fly, Musca auturanalis De'Geer, wejre irra'-, I ' / . •••',*' \l • diated at 5 days of age us;Lng gamma-radiation from a Co-60 source. ' j • • y ' •< s< • • • * •• .1) Experiments were conducted to determine the effect' of radiation doseWon . /' ^ ' • • V ' ' ' - ' '•< the fertility and longevity of the resulting adults. . .

* ' • / • • • • • ' ' ' ' " ' ' t. • I ''• An irradiation dose of 2.5 krad induced permanent sterility-- • A ^ in both males and females.without affecting tneir longevity signifi- 1» ' i cah'tly. A similar" result was obtained with, males front a'.colony\jf •

1 J •fieldrcollected reared through eight generations. ' Pupae irra ; V diated under anoxic conditions required twice-the radiat'ibn dose to' '.'••'• V

achieve the same degree of sterility. ' - '", '

" Competitive and mating tests indicated that males irradiated

at 2.5 krad were as competitive as normal males. The mating .tests in-_

dicated tHat untreated males inseminated a mean of 4.44 females,- where-

as males irradiated at 2.5 krad and 5.0 krad,. inseminated a mean of '

4.28 and 3.44 females respectively.. Males irradiated with-5.0 kradlin ,- >'>-, " ;-',"' '', • v " , ( ,1 anoxia inseminated a mean of 4.02 females.' Competitive tests using

ratios of irradiated mâles : normal males : normal females indicated]

that' ma le s irradiated at 2.5 krad were as competitive 4s'normalV

at the ratioà*

competitive at the 5:1:1 ratio in large cages... Males irradiated at

5.0 krad In air were less competitive than the normals at all ratios ' > »

tested, whereas^males, irradiated at 5.0 krad, under anoxic conditions

y ;•' . •l, • " »

were as competitive-as normal males at all ratios tested., > /

i A colony of flies was infected with the nematode parasite,

Heterotylenchus autumnalis Nickle. Irradiation, of parasitized, 5-day-

S*™.**» S» «s-ife^»**" ^__oId-pupae-,-HLndlcated^th'ât1 tKe~jjarasTtë~was not adversely affected by

radiation doses of l.(0 and ?.5 krad.

The results'.indicated some promise in the potential use of

/the sterile-male in-an integrated control" program against the face fly..

• < ' \

\ •

'*•., "y.* '• " ./

J 'y-- ' '_ ;.• • —


The,author wishes to express his sincere" thanks to his

-committee chairman, Dr. R. E. Wright, and the other membersi of his '

supervisory committee, Dr, F. R'. ftallett, Dr. A. J. Musgraye, and

Dr. F. L. McEwen for their critical appraisal of the many aspects of

the research and this manuscript; and to Dr. R. W./ ShueL who. also ex-

tended valuable advice on the statistical analysis of' the data. The

. author.wquld also like to thank Dr.. W. F. Baldwin, Chalk River Nuclear

. Laboratories, Chalk River who acted.as his^external examiner.

• À'special, expression'of thanks to the author's wife, LynnC,

for her continued encouragement and understanding, during the course, of

the study and to whom the author dedicates this manuscript.

. ' . This study was supported iri part by the National Research

Counci'l (Grant No. A61A0) and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and

. Food. • '

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y> •7 ••

'ii r , . 1 * • ' *


' • . ' x • ' • ' Page | .

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .' .• ' . . • 1

' TABLE OF CONTENTS '....'....' -. ' ii r- •• • ti_ _L_J __^ - *- ~ LIST'"0F"TABLES"7T;r."7T77-r.7r.17™7.7". . . . . '. . ' ' iv s , •- LIST OF FIGURES . . . •. /.' ' '. • • ...... \- Vil

* '."'•>

/ * - ' •>. INTRODUCTION. . . .-...% , >. . 1 /I 'MATERIALS. AND METHODS .• '. •. .' ..... 8


« •' 1.1 Rearing Conditions in the Iris'ectary 8

' • • ' ' • '' , 1. 2 Care of the Adult Eli,es . . .' .' •. . . 8 1.3 Collection and Counting* of Eggs 10 > 1.4 Larval Rearing and Separation . .' 12 • , 1.5 • Nematq

. 3. STATISTICAL METHODS* !.}. ,. ...,." 19 EXPERIMENTS, RESULTS, ANIL. DIS CUSS ION ...... \ .'...;.. 22 7 1. • Normal Life'Cycle •. ;. . 22 2. Effect of Irradiation on Survival of Pupae of, Different , Ages .WV 22 \


' 3., Effect of* Irradiation "on Fertility'and. Longevity of

Adult 'Flies±._._.^_.^_. <> ',.'.. .*. .-.-.-.~r-.-*-.-.-.--.-.-rrv -24"

h. Effects of Irradiation on a Native Colony,of Face Flies' .. 35

5. Degree of Permanence of Male/Sterility 38 / 6. - Mating Habits of the FemaLe Face Fly "

7. Effect of Irradiafing, Pupae Under Anoxic Conditions ...... 46'

8. Competitive Studies .'on^the'sterilized Maie Face Fly ..]...-. 50

« 9. Effect of• Irradiat.ion on the Nematdde Parasite, '

, Heterotylerychus autufnnal-is, of the Face Fly ;.'.... "59

.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS .<...:.y . . . .- .,...... 67

REFERENCES Î"!".".. .'.'/...... '•'. .'v ...-..'...-..,...'..•.•....•...' ' .71

•••, • ;'

»*> t,

-/•. .

•} X r ', t


' 1

V • * • . ' v - ' / ' ' • \ • • Page S Ir 1'. Percentage errof between the irradiation doses (observed

and expected) as determined bylthe Fricke Dosimetry Method

_, . , and Calcium"FlubVidë Method . . X : 20 ' .

2. Percentage emergence of Musca aiitumnalis adults from ptipae • I * - • ". irradiated at each of six different ages «....'.' '. . . . '23

\. Percentage emergence of Musca autumnalis aduj,t-a-«.,from un- , ' .- ' '.

treated pupae and pupae irradiated at 5 days of age at '

different radiation doses ; ^'.'. .• -, 26, '

4. Eggs laid, pupae formed, and emergence of Musca autumnalis

adults from, the mating of normal females (N +,).and males .' 1 • / _ .'

' i irradiated (I cr ) as 5-day-old pupae at different radiation , t t > doses (N $ x. I o^ ) ' ...'.'. : 27 ''" ' ' ' 1 ' f V * * ' * f * ' 5. .Eggs laid, pupae f.ormed, and emergence of MuBca autumnalis v . '- ~ ' 1 ' • • ' • . . '' adults- from thé mating of normal males" (N o*^ ) and females ' à • * • o • • • ><4*' irradiated (I + ) as 5-day-old pupae stf di'ffer'fbt radiation ;,' "

i , ,doses '\l ? x' N

matings: (1) normal females (N- + ) and irradiated males •' \ .,

/ ' ' o' ' ' ' -'' ^h • (I d* y, and (2) irradiated females (1 + ) and normal males -*-. •_"„ ' tf

(No"") at all dose levels . . . , .\. .\ .>.'.. v 29 ' •* .

7. Percentage,survival of male Musca autumnalis adults at 7, ,/ •

14, and 21 dâ^s'^for different radiation doses ,. 33

8. Percentage survival of female Musca autumnalis adults at 7, ~

14, "and 21 days for different radiation doses, «....• 34

1 ,.

• <. ' • '

' ' • *• .- •>-

i »•• * ' - - " V.

9. Eggs laid; pupae formed, and emergence >of Musca autumnalis • ' / r\ ' adults from the.mating of normal,_nativecolony_ifemales_to_4~- native .colony males, irradiated as 5-jday-old pupae at

different -radiatjLon doses ., . .^. ..'...' 36,

10. ,'Percentage survival of native colony, male Musca autumnalis

• adults at 7>. 14', and 21 days for different .radiation doses ... 37

11./ Eggs laid and pupae' formed from the mating of normal, virgin-

Musca autumnalis females (N'.+ ) with\mtreated males«(N cr )

and irradiated males.(I o* ) for six separate'3-day periods-.. 39

12. Percentage/insemination of normal, virgin Muaca autumnalis'

- females (N $ ) by: (!l) untreated males *(N c/? ),, and (2) ' irrad,iated'-male8 (I cf ) for six-separate 3-day pe'riods ..I1'.'.. .'41.5 , J * / • • '' i ' " ' ' . ' • - , k • 13. ,'-• PercentagA e survival• , of untreate/ d *an d *irradiate 'd male'; ' Musca \ '' . ' autumnalis adults"at 7, 14,and/21 days during the male

• T~~ % t ' / ' , • ••"'.- •.;• ••' ', , • "sterility permanence test .....f." .•...-...... /..... 43

'14. Eggs laid, pupae formed, and emergence of Muse-a .autumnalis

' adults from the mating .of normal females with males irra-

--r- ' diated as 5-day-old pupae at, 2.5 and^.O krad in anoxia ...... 48 _ -» 15. Percentage survival of untreated' mâle Musca autumnalis adults jand males irradiated under anoxic conditions at 7, 14^**"

and 21 days )"'. . . 49

. " ' •• ••..-.. •'•*••-.:. '/ ' r

.. vx

16. Mean number of Musca autumnalia females- inseminated,, the \ •

range, \and the percentage of males inseminating five or

Lmorelf emalea-f or-the-dose-levels •—( l)~untreatéH7 "'(2)~275 .-—

kfad in air, (3)'5.0 krad in air, and (4) 5.0jkrad in^ -!

' anoxia '..'.., •. * f.. 52

17 an number' of eggs laid and the resulting pupation

(observed and expected) from the matings of normal Musca

autumnalia females (N + ) with différent ratios of normal

males (N o^ ) and males irradiated at 2.5 krad (I'. ,tf ") 55

Mean number of^eggs laid and the, resulting pupation . "'

'.-(observed ^and expected) from the matings of normal Musca

^^aut.umnalis ' females (N +' ) with, normal males (N o*^ ) .and •

•*>.; . maleSj irradiated (I d* ) ,at 5.0 krad in,air and 5.0 krad

under anoxic conditions; . ., . Ù '..,...• 56

- Levels of parasitism for Musca autumnalis females witV the

ynemat^de., «Hetérotylenchus autumnal is, through two generations' "

after•irradiation of 5-day-old-parasitized pupae at 1.0 and^ Jt 2.5 krad • : , • 61

-'.' v t I



1. ' Populationë ' of Musca autumnal-i» adultis, feeding at the eye's

*' , • '-'<',' .•,••'•'•'-,' 41 "' ' ' •• •' " ' / i 1 *--—'—:";" • - ~"- - and npse of a young cajlf: ,an4,hafcse.,..ir,V' » ,-. ,.*•>.<<'<«.".••.".".-.•-.•••: :-.-;".-•:'--'?'" 2" -•T: :•" •'r rr\y ;••/..-. 1 • ::,?.•• . '•;•••'••, •.",•'•• •., .2. Internal floor plan of. tjtie"lns,eiltary showing the positioning .''' ' of the, experimental tabjè ! and-coWiy,'table-in'relation to , ,,

& 1 • tJ /' th.e . huniidif 1er '(H),, . airTcondit ion|t".- ( A-, C. ) , wall, heaters arrid ^'. /• .'",',. lights , 7•', (1)^ incandescent11 lights -fil.L, ) and (2) 1 fluorescent4 '. --i [,' u. • r 1 ;;'/' ' "; : lights ' (F.L,).- ! (Scale: '." ls20.,,apprL. ) ....'.. ;.;,..-.. .'.,..,.':?.:'•.'.? ; 9 •y. An interibt y,i,ew;oÉ thè insë^tary.snpwirig the placement'of thev •

A .',. .large.,cag'e8';(L). arj'd'square" cages,v(s4) on-the c'olbny. tàbïe'ahd -,-• " '.."'', •, -'.'• " '•/'" '. ' ',".'• / '.'•••/ •'•,''-'-V v ' '• '. " • • ' • ' • , ' ' the small'cages. v(5) un -the'', experimental -t'a^ïe, • ' Food pads (f) " •• ' • \ • '•"

'*• .' ' and .water",cups_;(w) 'ar.e •shown'.dn the'snwil^cage C§) ,..,.„.. 'lL

--. •> 4. .-The life cytlë of the nematode parasite,' Heterotylenchus. • i

autjtunnalts, ' in its relationship to the iifer.cycle of the

., '• •' femaleTace fly, .Musca autumnal is ., .'....-. '. .' 15

••'5. -Thq, dammacell 220-in .its - inactive position showing the loading

-•' ' collar (C) and descent stage' (P). Automatic timing is set by- Jt-, the control

6. An adult emergence container for Musca autumnalis pupae is


.. section- (r) • '. . . -.- , 18

• -> ; 7. Frequency distribution of the number of Musca autumnalis '

•• fjemales.inseminated by male face flies, untreated and •\V. lv irradiated at 2.5 and 5.0 krad in air and 5.0 krad in nitrogen 51

«a . V viii ' 0 ' -• /

\ ' .1 •

* *.* ! Page >\ A 8. lnfectionrof (a) male (Mag. x 25) and \b)'female (Mag. x 12)

- Musca autumnalis adults by Entomophthora species (Em) 5'8

. 9. Infective nematodes (N) invading theoyarian-tissue-of-1^-day- ._. ,'•*—_

•< • old (a) irradiated and (b) untreated Musca autumnalis :cemales' * ' ' '

and also present in the oviduct (OV) of the flies. * 65 ~(Mag. (a) x 25; (b) x*50) .10. Infective nematodes (N) present in the haemocoél of an un-

treated Musca autumnalis female protruding through the inter- - < secmental membrane. (Mae. x 12V" ....: '.. . . 66

•y t,' !• ' -


, r \ r . 9 4 • •v


\ / f "• J


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• \,

$' INTRODUCTION The face fly, Musca autumnalIs *DeGeer, has dispersed rapidly V ' since it was first recorded, in Nova Scotia in 1952 (Vockeroth, 1953). Its distribution has^ been reported, for,,Nor^i America-(Sabrosky;-1961) , ~ Western Canada (Depner, 1969), and the United States (USDA, 1969). The biology of the face fly had been reported comprehensively by Hammer (1942) in Denmark and Teskey (1960 and 1969) in Canada. An annotated bibliography of the face fly in Jby Smith ejt aT., » (1966) and subsequent supplements by/Smith and Linsdale (1967; 1,968,* and 1969) provide a literature review on the occurrence, biology, and control of the fly from 1952 to 1968. ** Face flies feed on the nectar of flowers, moist cow , the mucous secretions from the eyes and noses of and (Fig. 1), and at the wounds made by hemàtophagous flies.- Of a sample of 500 flies collected from cattle duting one survey, 87% were found O ' • - "7 v ' around the eyes and muzzle, whereas the-remainder were found on the body (Jones, 196^/. Populations of 5 to 10 flies per cause annoyance (Hansens, 1961). Wrich (1970) in a review, stated that '.'the economic importance of high infestations of horn flies, Haematobila irritans (L.) and face flies was due to disruption of feeding, improper digestion, loss of blood, fighting and kicking with subsequent loss of weight, reduced milk production, and wounded and bruised cattle". In spite of obvious increases in face fly populations (USDA, 1960-1972), valid estimates,of declining milk production or weight loss in beef cattle due to face flies have not been reported. However, when seriously annoyed by the face fly, cattle and horffes cease grazing and seek xelief by crowding together or moving to shelter. This inter- I •

r 1 * i '••"

1 * • , •

1 (

< j » i

* \

V « r „ I • * „ •

• -~. • •

• a

- •

•s" * ( •

4 /• t • •

1 - • 1. Populations of Musca autumnalis a4d Its feeding. at the eyes > a^id nose of a young calf and . >

, !* ' •

;• •

- •

- • -

' - •

V ,

'-) -

- • X A ' * -,

• / *

* •

V - 2 .


V ,i -ri-

3 '

ferencfer e with grazing probably*>lowere milk and beef production-, .although

," i Cheng and Kesler. (1961) concluded'frdm their experiments, that control 1 , • i (' • of face fly and .house fly, Musca domestica (L.) populations did not have a significant effect on milk production in herds thafc-were well -—managed and" Supplied witH'supplemental rations. «. In addition to'its \ " . ' i ' eiffects on horses and cattle, the face fly; may~.move into suburban areas and annoy perspiring humans and create a nuisance by overwintering in

' their homes (Singh e± a_l. , 1966). • '•/'•> 'v * ' < . . ' The face fly is a suspected vector of eye diseases in cattle and horses because of its-habit of feeding on the mucous secretions of the eyes. The facevfly was implicated"tÏ8 the potential carrier of Moraxella bovis (Hauduroy),/one of the suspected.causative agents of , pinkeye (Steve and Lilly, 1965). Increased incidence of pinkeye ,(in-^ :" fectious bovine keratitis) in cattle was accompanied by an increase, in the number of flies per cow (Cheng, 1967; Stoffolano, 1970a). Ou't- breâks of severe eye disorders occurred in biaon at the National Bison Range/after the appearance of-face flies (3urgèr and Anderson, 1970). ^J#||pLdence of.-thelaziasis in horses correlates with increased fly populations /(Stpffolano, 1970a).' Invasive stage larvae of bofh gulpsa Raflliet and Henry and T. rhodeaii (Deamarest) occur in the head of the face fly at 28 to 32 days (Vilâgiovâ, 1970). Chitwood and Stoffolano ( 19-7i)r"were \he first-to report the finding o;E a Thelaziâ species in jthe face fly in North America.. • ' ' Attempts "to control the face fly with insecticides has pro- duced variable results. The difficulties encountered in control ore'' due mainly to the feeding habit of the fly and its ability to disperse

. i widely from the area of its origin. Treatment with insecticides has . %

ranged from the use of grapules in the ration, through smear-type

' / formulations, dust bags, back rubbers, and sprays. Direct applications'1

v * • r * of spray and duBt using'residual insecticides gives control for a few days' JJieJFoJLLarjt( 1963)__rep6rted-improved~control- of~

.. stable flies, and face flies on dairy herds and in barns, when the first

insecticide applications Were tnade before flies were numerous and then

repeated at.specific intervals.to prevent fly increases.

The preferred ovipositional site and larval habitat of the

face fly is almost exclusively cattle droppings. Each dropping is an

ecological niche containing many species of coprophagous and predaceous * " ' '• . . - ' " interacting with each .other. Poorbaugh et al., (1968) proposed C . . that high levels of% horn flies and face, flies in an area might be

attributed to a scarcity of natural enemies, in the droppings-.

Biological control of the face fly using its predators and'

parasites has been considered. , Hammer (1942) lists Scatophaga

(Scopeuma) stercocaria (L.) as a predator of adult face flies. This

has been shown to be true in a small laboratory experiment in Guelph

* (Fairbairn, personal communication) but its effect as a predator of

adult face.flies in the field is unknown. Attempts to rear several

hymenopterouo parasites on face fly pupae have been only partially

successful (Hair and Turner, 1965; Burton and Turner, 1968; Thomas and

; Wingo, 1968; .Hayes and Turner, 1971). Aleochara tristis Gravenhorst m - * • 1 .

(Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) parasitizes the face fly'in France (Drea,

A966). Releases of this species in the United States established - • populations in four locations, buC the effect on'populations of face ' f . - • - flies has not been evaluated (Jones, 1971). Heter oty lenchus autumnal is Nickle, a nemat.ode parasite of the

A i ' - >„< i ri

• /face fly, was first discovered' in New York State in, 196'5 (Stoffolano

* and Nickle, 1966). ' The nematode was expected to be a promising bio-';

k, control agent because of host specificity, but. because of variable

' levels' of parasitism in the field populations and a failure to build

» Vup. a high level of parasitism in laboratory colonies (Jones and Perdue,

1967) it has not been used as a control agent. Reriorted levels of

parasitism of face flies vary from a low 3.07, in Ontario (Wright, 1972)

and 6.0% in New England (Stoffolano, 1968), up to 21.6% in Nebraska

(Jones and Perdue, 1967)- and 40.0% in Central Missouri (Thomas and ,

Puttier, 1970; Thomas e± ai., 1972). .

, ' The lack of effective control of face flies by.known bio-

logical control*agents and various chemical materials, has prompted

. if the considération of other approaches as control techniques. The

I possible use of sterile insects to -control or eradicate

populations is one of the "revolutionary departures in modern insect

control. The basic principles in insect population suppression, em-,

ploying sterile insects for population control have been discussed by

Knipling (1955, 1959, 1964, 1966a, 1967).. The theory of the steri-

lity principle and its application are discussed by LaChance e_t 'aJL. ,

(1967) and LaChance (1967).

.;-.. .. One approach to producing sterility in.insects is by fehe

of chemosterilants. Several chemosterliants have been tested in the

laboratory against face flies. Sterility produced by boric acid was

not permanent (Land and-Treecè, 1972), whereas hempa and metepa pro-

educed permanent sterility in both sexes (Kaur and Steve, 1969).

Âpholate, whether fed to the adults (Hair and Turner, 1966) or applied

topically to pupae (Hair and Adlcins, 1964) produced permanent sterility in both sexes. A limited field experiment by Dorsey (1967) using

apholate and an attractant produced variable results'. Efficacious use

of chemos ter liants for face fly .control dèpèndsjvôn their accessibility

--•and-attractiveness to "the fly", which" would necessitate their use in

field stations.' High mammalian' toxicity of some of these compounds

has prevented their practical application under, such field'conditions.

Sterility in ïnsécts may also result from irradiation.

Successful control of other dipterous insects using irradiation led to

the investigation of its effects and potential use against the face fly. ' '

, No previous reports on the effects of irradiation on the

' HEace fly were found, but its effect on DNA synthesis in their germ

cells was reported by Tung ejt &l., (197.1) while thi^wjark was in pro-

gress. The Gaamacell 220, available at the University of Guelph, was

used as 'the radiation source. The, study was confined to the effects of

irradiation on the pupal stage, since successful control of other

". dipteran species.using the sterile-male,technique has involved irra-

diation of this stage. - / . '

Research was initiated on the face fly to determine the

following: , • ' t

(1) the optimum rearing and handling procedures;

(2) the optimum age for irradiation1of pupae;

(3) the-optimum dose of irradiation to induce sterility without

impairing adult survival;

(4) the effects of irradiation on a native colony-' of face flies;

.(5) the degree of permanence of the optimum sterilizing dose of

irradiation; (6) the mating habits -of the female fly;

(7) the effects of irradiation under anoxic conditions;

•<8) the mating competitiveness of the irradiated male flies compared

. to the untreated males; v

(9) the effect of irradiation on the nematode parasite,

Heterotylenchus autumnàlis. of"the .face fly. MATERIALS AND METHODS ! v V,' ..o 1. MAINTENANCE OF THE FACE FLY COLONY

" ', "^ "7 • A stock colony of fate flies, obtained from ' ' .•?*

Dr. Calvin M. Jones, U.S.D.A. and referred to as the "USDA Colony'!, . '* • '* .has been maintained in the insectary àince October, 19,69.

\ . .-•'

1.1 "Rearing Conditions in the Insectar^i ' ' ^j>

All flies were kept in the insectary at a room tempéra- it' ' • o • ' J ture of 25.5 C, relative humidity of 50-70%, and a 16-hour photo-

phase (0700 hours to 2300 hours). Fluorescent and incandescent

Lght sources produced a light intensity of 80 foot-candles on the

top of the experimental table. A floor plan of the insectary is

shown in Figure 2. \ " 1.2 Care of the Adiilt Flies. ,

\\ Stock colonies of flies were maintained in. circular cages

of unpainted plywood covered with a grey fibreglass screen (35 mesh 2 \ . " per cm ), and measuring 57 cm in length and 35 cm in diameter.

These cages are referred to as "large stock cages1!. Experimental

flies wer,e kept in cages of similar construction^ 26 cm in length'

and 26 cin in diameter. These are referred to as "small experiment-

al cages". Square cages, 38 x 38 x 4A cm (pf wood and screen con-

struction) were used in the large-cage-competitive studies-and in

experiments using parasitized flies. These cages are referred to

as ."square cages". Access to all three types of cage was by a .Figure 2 Internal floor plan of tiie insectary showing ,the positioning

of the .'experimental table and colony table in relation to

'the humidifier (H), air-conditionêr (A.C.). wall heaters and

lights - (1) incandescent lights (I.L.) and (2) fluorescent

lights (F.L.), (scale - 1:20 approx.). ù.


I . r OHtir



s y s

'•' •/ \

if B ? o a C SPB R 1 boaTAi , TAOL I • a i - 9 s

r !" ï • P.I I.L. P.L


I / S S S A.C


âl-. .".. Jf <••- - ^ ',, • S V,'-, "I* il ' 10

nylon screen sleeve. -The three .types of cage are shown in Figuré J 3. Stock cages occupied one-side ,of the insectary. Experimental .

.cages were randomly1 placed on the experimental table (Fig. 2).

The diet fed to all flies was: (1) bloodjcolleeted j _™, ™._ 64 —I • weekly from a local, abattoir and mixed with the anticoagulant

/ , sodium citrate ,( 10 ^ccVof a 30% solution per litre of blood), and

(2) sugar solution — r-,1 part diastatic malt syrup, to 3 parts

„. '' ' O ' Ï , water. Both solutions were stored at 4 C until used. Blood and * * *

sugar were presented daily on separate pads of cellucotton

absorbent wadding placed on the tops of the cages. Water was "•V ' r ' §• ' ' '

available at all times in the. cages from styrofoam cups. The cups

were*filled daily and provided "with a styrofoam float to prevent

accidental drowning of flies. Cups were changed everysfifth day or

sooner if necessary. Cage tops were cleaned with wet paper towels

once every 2 days to prevent excessive food build-up.

1.3 Collection and Counting of Eggs. ' ' ^

Flies oviposited into fresh cow manure (designated ovi- «

position medium) placed in the fly cages.. The manure was contained

' in 7 oz Btyrofoam cups for the experimental flies and in larger

1-quart plastic containers for the colony flies. The oviposition

medium was offered to the flies during the period 0900 to 1000

hours. Desiccation of the eggs was prevented with the use of

plastic containers or a plastic humidity chamber. Eggo were left

Panamalt >- Type P.M. Regular. Standard Brands Limited, Montreal.

Kimberly Clark Canada Ltd. \ \

Figure 3. An interior view of the insectary showing the placement

of the large cages (L) .and square cages (Sq) on the - P colony table and the small'cages (S) on the experimental

' - - - i* "• "~ - table. Food pads (f) and water cups (w) are shown in

"the small cage (S). ' v . _ ., " ' ' r'

. *• / for 24 hours in the humid i twcfiûWwP^/ before transferral to larger containers of fresh manure. TÎggs were counted using a grid system marked on the top of the petri dish and placed on top of the cup of manure. One. square-on-thet.gr id -fitted the-f ield"of" vision ~o"£~a binocular microscope at 12 x magnification. After counting, eggs were handled as indicated previously. A single layer of cheese- cloth placed on Cop of the manure before oviposition facilitated egg counting (Rummel and Turner, 19-70), but was found to decrease

the number of eggs deposited.

' t

1.4 Larval Rearing and Separation.

Within.6 hours of hatching, larvae were transferred to

larger^ftpntainers of manure. The. manure containing the newly emerged larvae was carefully .placed, oviposit ion-side up,, on the fresh manure to prevent loss of larvae by anoxia. The amount of

• fresh manure was determined by the number of eggs present,' large r numbers of eggs being divided into several containers of manure.-

All containers were covered with a loose lid to prevent excess drying-out of the manure. Larvae pupated in sand placed at both ends of these containers, which h.ad been placed in larger con- tainers with sand to prevent any larvae from escaping. For ex- perimental purposes- pupating larvae were collected over 12-hour' periods to synchronize ageo. Pupae were allowed 3 days to complete

The use of humidity chambers waa instituted to increase the per- \

centage pupation after low results were obtained without their

use in Experiment 3.

4 13

calcification before being sifted from the sand and counted for

irradiation experiments.

1.5 Nematode Col.ony Maintenance. _ _ > .._ —--—A stock "colony of "face* "flies parasitized with the

nematode Heterotylenchus autumnalis Nickle was started from pupae

collected in the field in September, 1071. This parasitized stock

colony was maintained in the"large square cages in the insectary,

under the same environmental and dietary conditions as the USDA

colony. \

Since the nematode does not invade the ovarian tissue

until the flies are at least 9 days old, oviposition medium was not

presented until day 14 in order to ensure the continuation of a

parasitized stock colony. However, oviposition medium had been

offered^previously on days 6 and 8 to prevent females ovipositing in

the sugar and blood pads and thus blocking the ovipositor and pre-"

, venting future attempts at oviposition. On day 14, a sample of

colony females was dissected to determine the level of parasitism.

li. the level «of parasitism was above 10%, the eggs were treated in

the same manner as colony eggs (see section on handling of eggs).

If the level of parasitism was greater than 20%, additional USDA

eggs were added to prevent excessive1larval mortality by over-

parasitization. If the level of parasitism was below 10%,^,dis-

sected females containing nematodes were spread over the newly laid

eggs (following the method of Stoffolano, 1970b and 1973) and the

eggs then handled as before. All dissections were carried out in a

0.9% Ringer's solution, using a binocular microscope of 12 x

\ 14 '

magnification. I Thé life cycle of the nematode, H; autumnal is 'as iç affect8 the face fly is illustrated in Figure 4. In the process of

completing -its~life-cycle~by~invas"idn~o"£~tHe~~ovarian tissue of the

female face fly, the nematodes destroy this tissue.- When ovi-

position is attempted by the female face fly, many nematodes of

both sexes are deposited, a process referned to as "mock" ovi-


1.6 Maintenance of a Stock Colony of Native Flies.

A stock colony of field-collected flies was maintained in.

. the insectary under the same environmental and dietary conditions

as the USDA colony. Maintenance and handling procedures were the

s amie as for the USDA colony. This colony is referred to as the

native colony. By the eighth generation, the life cycle of this

native* colony of flies was the -same as that of the USDA colony^'- •

though there was still some tendency to seek the darker areas of

their cages. ,«


2.1 Irradiation of Pupae. * a w -

The Gammacell 220 (Fig, 5) supplied by^Atomic Energy of

Canada Ltd. Ottawa, and located in the Chemistry Department,

University of Guelph, was used for all irradiation work. This.

machine used the isotope Cobalt-60 (Co-60), a high-energy gamma . r \


Figure 4. The life cycle of the nematode parasite,

Hecerotylenchus autunmalis,-• in its relationship to.the

life cycle of the female face fly, Musca autunmalis.

•m ^_

'(' J 1

Figure 5. The Ganmacell 220 in its inactive position showing the

loading collar, (C) and descent stage (P). Automatic .

timing is set by the control (d) and manual operation

by the up-down buttons (u). 16


1 17 -

emitter (1.17 and 1.33 Mev), with a half-life of approximately 5.27

years'. The original radioactivity of the Co-60 rods (February, ,

1967) was 11,600 curies. When this Gammacell was installed at the '

University and measured (Marc.h '2, 1967) the radiation dlosje was _,_

0.98 x 10 + 2% rads per hour. This was the figure used.to

calculate the daily radiation dose. While the Gammacell 220 «as

• e ' • being used for irradiation experiments the radiation dose dropped 5- . ' 5 '

from 6.79 x 10 rads.,per hour (Jan. 1, 1970) to 4.71 x 10 rads .

per hour (Oct.. 11, 1972).

' Pupae were irradiated in plastic vials (Fisher Plastic •f ' 7 dram vialV or petri dishes, depending on the numbers of pupae to

be irradiated. Vials and petri dishes.of pupae were placed in a

sealed thermal bucket for transportation to and from the insectary

to the Gammacell 220 in order to prevent temperature fluctuations. o « The temperature within the irradiation room was about 25 C.

2.2 Handling of Adult Flies. 1 * / . / 1, • Prior to adult emergence, pupae were placed in an emer-

gence container (Fig. 6) consisting of a darkened glass jar at the

bottom and a removable screened cardboard container at the top.

Being positively phototropfc, adult flies upon emergence moved to

the top section of the emergence container, from which they»could

then be removed. Only adults emerging within a 24-hour period* were

used for the experiments. Carbon dioxide was used to anesthetize

all flies for separation of the sexes.

The unit of absorbed dose is the rad. One rad is 100 ergs' per grea. Figure 6. An adult emergence container for Mu8ca autumnalis pupae

1 is shown with the darkened jar (E) and' lightened, removable

n section (r). - -,' • •

• • 18 / •*

- , //

-, •



< — ,~ ~ 1 U t • -; • •4



V - < •

• * * J \ ê\ 1 \ S* • 'h if'- • r •k. 1 • v 'A' & Hi % V •^ ' ' ' , • I \ * i I V - ''if '"S -

' 'I

-> •


- f '

• • • • 1 1

• •

• 19

2.3 Dosimetry. / Irradiation doses, expressed as rads per hour + 27», and calculated from half-lifé decay of the initial Co-60,in cell 220, were checked a number of times during 1970-1972 by two / ' methods. For dose ranges 0.5 to 2.0 ,krad, calcium fluoride chips / (0.3 x 0.3 cm) were used (A.E.C.L., Chalk River). For dose ranges 2.5 to 10.0 krad, the standard Fricke' dosimeter was used (Am. Soc. Testing Mater. , 1959).. *

2.4 Results of Dosimetry. The percentage error between the calculated and observed irradiation doses as determined by the two methods of dosimetry are shown in Table 1. The mean error as determined by the Fricke method was 4.8%, a much smaller error than that of 14.47» determined' by the "calcium fluoride method.

3. * STATISTICAL METHODS "1 ' . After verification of population homogenity»by Bartlett's Test (Woolf, 1968), data on percentage survival for US DA, native colony flies, and flies irradiated in nitrogen were transformed by the arcsine transformation. The transformed data were treated by analysis of variance (Snedecor and Cochran» 1956) and the Student - Newman - Keuls Test (Sokal and Rohlf, 1969; Rohlf and Sokal, 1969) . was used to compare means. Standard errors of the means were cal-

if culated for percentage adult emergence data. The Students' t-distribution (P ^ 0.05) was used to calculate differences 20

' -A s-s u o u u w

•O O CM i-< i-H r-t a. i-l «s a CM i—i 10 0) 00 03 > O H l u qj g) "-•CE

(4 h U M 03 i-l vO CM O\ i-l TI u * "1 • 03 TJ «^1 s» •" ca c 0 c 03 . , _ co IX 03 T3 O CM vO CM o> S » CM O 03 h o o% r* ^ oo m m h 4J -» -• O CM ^ CM* CM M "O 03 03 G E U « -H . O 03 ca ' u 60 *O QO u CM »! ? . u ** «** •* CT> £ l< 03 T3 • • . • a, -^ 4J a) o u

co 6 vO co sf 2 6

<»» Is» o» r^ 3 «*î *o st eô

«*• o\ oo ^. ^. ^ • • • • O vo ^ • u-, vo

ai TJ a a «nom O 5J3 * • , • CM CM O .-• ,-4 I; 21

between the means for data on percentage pupation,and percentage adult emergence. Unless otherwise st/ated, the level of signifi- cance P <^ 0.05 was calculated. Th^ Students' t-distribution (P'^ 0.05) was also used to determine'significant differences between means for survival of irradiated USDA males and native

colony males. ; . "" •

x *

-, 'V.W

\ •

IK 22


1. Normal iiife Cycle. I " • ' ' Studies completei d showed eggs took 18-24 hours to hatch and that_Jthe larvae pupatejd_at_the_end^of-4-days.—Adult f liea-emerged-6% —- -

7 days later. Male flies attempted to mate with females at about 3

days of age; oviposit ion, by f.emales commenced at 5 days of age. Gravid

female/ flies oviposited readily into fresh, cow manujre. Manure of

medium consistency and containing some alfalfa hay was the most suitable

for oviposition and larval development. Virgin flies also oviposited

at the same âge as mated females but no attempt was made to count the

number of, eggs laid. Population density per cage for "Colony flies was

kept to the limit-suggested by Jones (1967) for stable flies, one fly 2 per 2.54 cm .

2. Effect of Irradiation on Survival of Pupae of Different

Ages. I ' The sensitivity of 'insects to ionising radiation throughout

their,life is dependent not only on the species and sex, but also on

the age and stage of-development of the insect. This sensitivity is

related to {he differential cellular activity and degree of tissue

differentiation. Egg and larval stages are relatively susceptible to

radiation, but" immediately after the onset of pupation, resistance to * - ' s

radiation increases, coinciding with the later part of metamorphosis,

when the main organs,of the imago have been laid down but are atill

undergoing differentiation. The optimal age for irradiation of pupae '

had to be determined before proceeding to experiments on'the effects of

ft , 23 irradiation on the adults.

An experiment was therefore designed to determine the optimum» age for the irradiation of pupae. " Lots of 100 pupae, ranging in age

r ?,JLJi2 ^li§y^^ï^A JÇa!diated_at_do8es^of- 0.0, 1. 3, -2.5r-5.0j-7.-5r-

10.0, and 12.5 krad and the percentage-, adult emergence recorded. Four replicates were completed for each/ dose/time experiment.

The results (Table 2) indicated that age was an important factor in determining/the sensitivity of pupae to irradiation. As pupal age increased, sensitivity to radiation .decreased. This was in- dicated by the increased adult emergence from pupae*4 days old and . older at all dosesiexcept 10.0, and 12.5 krad. The low adult emergence

(63.67.) for 1-day-qld untreated pupae was probably due to damage sus- • tained to the pupae before the puparium calcified.

TABLE 2. Percentage emergence 6f Musca autumnalis adults from pupae irradiated at each of six different ages.

a Dose Adult Emergence (%) from Pupae Irradiated at Days (krad) 1 2 ' 3 4 • 5 0.0, • 63.8 85.7 95.0 91^5 93.8 90.2

1.3 0 32.3 59.8, 90.8 92.0 91.3

2.5 0 • 19.8 . 44.8 90.3- , 88.3 89.3

5.0 0 11.0 36.0 * 93.8 89/8 86.8 in 7.5 0 2.0 18.3 86.5 86.0 88.5

io.o° ; • 0 0 1.5 59.0 67.3 86.0 12.5 0 0 0 19.0 46,.0 " 85.0

Mean of 4 replicates of 100 pupae each. A 1.0% difference in percentage emargence represents 4 pupae. r 24 /, Emergence of adult face flies from the puparia occurs between 6^ •- 7 days of age, Since there was little difference in the percent- age emergence of adults from irradiated 5- or 6-day-old pupae, 5-day- " old pupae were used for the remaining'irradiation experiments. ~\

3. Effect of Irradiation oh Fertility and Longevity of Adult Flies. ' . . The dose of radiation necessary to produce complete sterility •r in an insect is an important part of the sterile-male technique. Male sterility caused by irradiation may be due to: (1) aspermia, (2) sperm inactivation due either ,to the loss of fertilizing capacity or loss of motility, (3)^the inability to mate, or (4) dominant lethal mutations in the sperm, or to a combination of two or more of these factors. A" dominant lethal mutation, as defined by LaChance et al., (1967) is a nuclear change that can cause1 the death of the zygote even though ifiis introduced by only one of the germ cells that unite at fertilization. Percentage egg-hatch has been used byx many workers as an index of the number of dominant lethal mutations occurring. However; 0 \ • because of the ovipo'sitional behavior of the^female, face fly, egg-hatch -N « , . ' » \ • - . counts were difficult. After communication with Dr., D. A. Lindquist of IjA.E.A., Vieria, it was decided to use pupal production as an index ' •y T « • instead of egg-hatch. However, pupal production cannot represent the dominant lethal effects alone, since survival to the.pupal'stage is a result of the influence of a combination of experimental conditions upon the egg and larval stage. Therefore, percentage pupal formation is used to represent all the-conditions influencing survival to the - pupal stage including the effects gf the dominant lethal mutations 25

induced by irradiation.

Experiments were conducted to determine the level of irra-

diation required to produce complete sterility in male and female face

—f lies,--and- to -determine~the~ posa iblê™ f ac:tors™~c~orifcrlbutf ïn"g~To"thïïf

sterility. • -,

Five-day-old pupae were irradiated at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, " •

# ' ., '•'•>'•

2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 krad.' Two small cages were used for each dose

level, one cage contained 50 normal males (No"1) with? 50 irradiated

females (I $,), the other contained 50 normal females (N % ) with 50

irradiated males (I o^). Two control cages (0.0 krad) contained 50

N + with 50 N a** each. Thus, each experiment consisted of 18 cages

of flies randomly placed on the experimental table. In each test, all

50 flies of one sex were placed in the cages and allowed 1 hour to ..__,

recover at which time dead flies were replaced. Then the flies" of Che

opposite sex were placed in the cages and the procedure repeated.

Each experiment was replicated 4, times. Oviposition medium was placed

in the cages every day from day 5 to the termination of the experiment

on day 21. Eggs laid were counted, and the resulting pupae and adults

were recorded. Dead flies were removed daily, the numbers and sex re- .

corded, and insemination of the females determined\by examination of \ . / their spermathecae., < %

.(a) Adult Emergence • '

Adult emergence from irradiated pupae was determined for all

levels of radiation for 4 replicates and is shown in Table 3. There

, was no significant difference between any of the mean percentages of

emergence of adults at any dose level. The slightly better percentage

c 26

emergence obta^ped in' this experiment compared with the previous ex- periment was probably due to morTe careful handling of the pupae.

TABLE 3. ^Percentage-emergence-of-^8ea-:autumnalig~adults from untreated pupae and pupae irradiated at 5 days of age1 at different radiation doses.

- - Dose (krad) 0. 0 0. 5 .1. 0 1.5 2.0 2. 5 5. 0 7. 5 10.0

a , Emergence ' (%) 93. 7 93. 6 93. 8 92.4 89.5 "90. 9 88. 9 90. 8 84/8


Mean for 4 replicates of 200 or more pupae each;

• /

(b) Male Fertility

Male fertility was measured as the percentage pupation of

progeny of normal female_s mated to males irradiated at different

~" \, radiation doses (Table 4). The results indicated that percentage

pupation decreased with increasing radiation dose. Complete sterility

was induced in the male face fly by radiation doses of 2.0 krad and

above,. There was no .difference in the number of eggs laid by normal ' Î females'mated .to irradiated males and those mated to untreated.males. • 27

t TABLE 4. Eggs laid, pupae formed, and emergence of Musca autumnali8 adults from the mating of normal females (N + ) and males irradiated '" : (I

.f radiation dosés. "(N + » 1 & »). ' ^ ______

• yDose Mean a , b • Adult c "(krad)' No. egjgs laid Pupation (%) Emergence (%)

• 0.0 5,'063 ' 47.2 +^9.6 41.4 + 7.8 ,

. • ,0.5 fy ,5,043 16.5 + 2.4 13.9 + 2.1 • < j 1.0 4,856 ' • 1.7 + 0.6 1.5 + 0.6 . • 1 5,178 . 0.4 + 0.3 0.3 + 0.2 2.0 4,855 ,0 ^ ' ^ 2.5 5,397 ' '0 / 0. 5.0 c4,703 '0 0 7.5 .. ,5,525 0 0 10.0 5,107 0 0

. / a • ^^y Mean of 4 replicates, 50 females per replicate. ^ b ' 'y %-derived from no. eggs laid. A 1.07» difference represents 150 eggs

a . '. < approx.< - c -> , % derived from no. eggs laid. X

(c) Female Fertility . Irradiation of pupae for*a sterile-male release would also have to include a consideration of the effect females might play in the

; release'. If the dose of radiation necessary to induce male sterility - was leoo * •• than that necessary for induction of female sterility, in a - release program, some females would produce fertile eggs. ïfjfts would 28 be detrimental to a release program unless the females were separated from the males before release. Sterility in female insects, can result from any combination of»; (1) loss of elgg, production; (2) inability to mate; or (3) dominant lethal mutations. Dominant lethalityjias. been _- discussed in males and is essentially the same in females. If sterile females produce eggs, they would presumably have dominant lethal.mu- tations in the eggs they produce. ,

Female fertility was determined as the percentage pupation of progeny of irradiated females mated to normal males (Table 5). In- ' creasing dosés of radiation resulted in decreased fertility and de-

/ • creased egg production. A slight decrease in fertility and egg pro- duction occurred in the female face fly irradiated at the 0.5 krad

level (Table 5). At the 1.0 krad level there was a dramatic decrease-

in fertility and in egg production, and a total^loas of egg production

occurred at the 1.5 krad level of irradiation. - K»

'TABLE 5. Eggs laid, pupae formed, and emergence of Musca autumnalis adults from -the mating of normal males (N o*[ ) and females irradiated (I $ V as 5-day-old *• pupae at different radiation doses. \j.~j.~* xN or**"" ).

Dose Mean a b ' Adult c (krad) No. eggs laid Pupation (7.) Emergence (%)

p.o 5,521 49.6* + 6:2 44.3 + 5.9 0.5 4,085 ' 4A.9 + 3.8 40.4 s+ 3.0 1.0 161 22.5 + 6.5 18.9 + 5.3 1.5 0 0. 0

Mean of 4 replicates, 50 females per replicate.

% derived from no. eggs laid. A 1.0% difference represents "150 eggs approx. ' > % derived from no. eggs laid. (d) Percentage of Females Inseminated

The results of the previous experiments, indicated that irra- diation produced sterility,, in male and female face flies. These re- sults did not indicate what factors might be, contributing to this ste- rility. For this determination,' an examination of the spermathecae of inseminated females was conducted as part of the previous experiments.

" Insemination of females was determined by dissection and observation of sperm in all of the three female spermathecae. The per- centages of females inseminated in the crosses, (1) N + x I

(2) I + x N o^ , aré^shown in Table 6. These results indicated that

there was no significant difference in the percentage of females in- -s , seminated by either irradiated or untreated males. Any percentage less than 1007. was usually due to the females dying in the first 3 days of the experiment before the males began mating attempts.

i TABLE 6. Percentage insemination of Musca autumnalis females in the matings of: (1) normal females (N ¥ )_and ' irradiated males (I o^ ))»» and (2()) irradiated» females -.((I ,+.) and - normal males "(N cf* ) at all dose levels. ( - , • • a - — Females Insemi kated w o ^JDOBJB (krod) N + x I (2) X N o* (1) I + • 0.0 97 99 0.5 97 99 1.0 96. 99 'J ,;l.5 98 97 2.0 98 99 2.5 97 99 5.0 99 100 7.5 98 98 10.0 99 97

a • Mean of 4 replicates, 50 females.'per replicate. 30

' Examination of the spermathecae indicated that the irradiated

male transferred sperm as effectively as did the normal male. Also,,

the" irradiated female mated as readily as the normal female with normal

_.malejsï-—Motility-was observed-in-the sperm found in'the~8pennathecàé b£"~

females mated to irradiated and to normal males. Sperm motility is not •

usually affected until complete sterility is induced (LaChance e£ al.,

. 1967).' However, Terzain and Stah|er•(1958) reported that, 10.0 krad\

induced 1007» sterility without affecting sperm motility in Aedes

aegypti. These experiments showed that male sterility*was not a result

of aspermia, sperm immotility or inability of males to mate, but rather

to the lethal>effects induced in the sperm as a result of irradiation.

Dominant lethal mutations induced by irradiation produce

nuclear changes resulting in the death of the zygote (LaChance et al.,

1967). The nuclear changes induced by radiation and causing the death

of the zygote may be due to the direct, and indirect action of ionizing•

radiation on DNA^synthesis or the result df a base-change or base-

deletion altering the base sequence of a molecule (Pizzarello and

Witcofski, 1967). In formation of the zygote these genetic changes may

be enough to cause lethality. Most dominant lethal effects in'insects

are a failure of the embryo to develop. The frequency of 'dominant '

lethal mutation induced by radiation increases in proportion to the dose

(LaChance, 1967).' . ^

The sensitivity of immature pupaé to irradiation and the

gradual increase in radio-resistance with age has already been des-

cribed for the face fly and is similar to that described for other

dipterous pupae *(Nairs_1962; Bushland and Hopkins, 1953). By the tins

the pharate adult is visible in the puparium (3 to 4 days in the face 31

fly) cell division and differentiation has' been replaced by cell en-

largement and'decreased radiosensitivity. Cell division and replace-

ment still occurs'in the gonads and these are easily damaged by

radiation. Consequently the sterilizing dose and 'maximum tolerated "J

dose differ so enormously. This difference has been demonstrated for

other diptera as well (Bushland and Streeter, 1971; and Davis et _al.,

1959).. Auerbach and Slizynski (1956) found that spermatids at the

point of transformation into spermatozoa were the most sensitive germ

cells to the mûtagenic action of: X-rays in Drosophi-la and mice. tSperma-

-i ^—*

togonia were the least sensitive. Conversely primary spermatocytes and

«permatogonia are more* sensitive to the lethal action of radiation in '

the screw-worm fly Cochliomyia hominivorax (Ct/querel) , (Riemann, 1967)

and house flies1(Riemann and Thorson, 1969).

These experimental results alsduindicated that female ste-

rility was mainly,a result of loss of egg production and to some extent

to the lethal effects of radiation on the egg at doses of radiation

less than 1.0 krad. Inability on the part of the female to mate was

not a factor. Egg. production by insects is largely dependent upon the ' /

•differentiation of oocytes from oogonia and the proper function of the

nutritive cells. Severe damage to the oogonia, and at certain

the nutritive cells, can result in permanent loss of egg product i/bn.

JLOSS of egg production has been observed repeatedly aftW

treatment of female insects with ionizing radiation (Bushland and

Hopkins, 1951 and 1953; Annan, 1955; Henneberry, 1963; Gregory, 1969). Loss of egg production in the female7facJ e 'fly was thought to be due to injury to the oogonia but this can only be ((hown histologically. The

appearance of-nurse cells in the first egg chamber of the screw-worm 1 v "* 32

fly has been observed 1 day prior to eclosion (LaChance and Bruns,

1963) and if this is the same for the face fly, then irradiation would

damage the oogonia and not the nurse cells. The ovary of the female

— face-fly is more-sens it ive-toTadiation-itljury-than- the teatis of the ";

male. A similar sensitivity was reported for thevstabie fly (Offori,

1970) but the reverse was true with the screw-worm fly (Bushland and

Hopkins, 1953). / *

(e) Adult Survival >

Longevity of the irradiated insect is as important to the

sterilè-male technique as the 'actual sterilizing dose. The sterilized,

insect must surv.ive long enough to compete against native insects for

mates to play its part in the release program. Therefore, daily sur- i vlval of the irradiated face flies was recorded as part of the ste-

. rility experiment/, and tabulated as the percentage survivals at 7, 14, / - and 21 days. Percentage survival of irradiated males and females are

shown in Tables 7 and 8 respectively.

/ Treatment of the data for the percentage male survival

(Table 7) "by analysis of variance produced a high degree of signific-

ance for the treatment and time factors. Treatment-time interaction

was.not significant. At 7 and 14 days, there was little difference,

between the survivals of irradiated and untreated males, however there

was greater difference at 21 days.

I 33

TABLE 7. Percentage survival of male -Musca 'autumnalts adults at 7, 14, and 21 days for different radiation doses.

• a 'Mâle survival (%) at; Dose (krad) 7 days 14 days 21 days

0.0 98 93 84

0.5 98 96 82

1.0 95 "86 61

1.5* 93 76 38

2.0 95 77' 37'

2.5 95 74 45

5.0 94 71 40

7.5 97 . 70 38

10.0 92 " 74 53

Mean of 4 replicates, 50 males each replicate.

Statistical significance for: Treatment f ^0.01

Time „ P <0.01

Treatment-Time Interaction P ^>0.01

Variance analysis of the data for the percentage female / "V survival (Table- 8) showed no significant difference for the treatment 0 I effect (a small degree of significance at P = 0.05), but a high degree of significance for the time effect^ Treatment-time interaction was not significant. 34

TABLE 8. Percentage survival of female Musca autumnsills adults at 7, 14, and 21 days for different radiatlron doses. • \ a Female survival (%) at: Dose (krad) 7 days 14 days 21 days.

0.0 92 81 58

0.5 98 82 61

1.0 V 96 75 42

1.5 93 73 39

2.0 94 * 77/ 44.' 1 - 2.5 93 72 39

5.0 " 93 77 •*•- 46

7.5 95 80 48 -

10.0 93 71 • 41

•/ a Mean of 4 replicates, 50 females, each..

Statistical significance for: ,

, . . Treatment P ^ 0.01

. Time P < 0.01

Treatment-Time Interaction P ^0.01

The results indicated that males survive significantly better than females between 14 and 21 days. This was probably due to the added stress of oviposition in the females. Decreased longevity has been reported in screw-worm flies (Bushland and Hopkins, 1953) at the sterilizing dose of irradiation whereas an increase in longevity was reported for male and female codling moths (White et al., 1972). No difference in adult longevity' at the sterilising dose was recorded for 35 the stable fly (pffori, 1970) or horn fly, Haematobia irritana (L.)

'(Lewis and Eddy, 1964). .

4. Effects of Irradiation on a Native Colony of Face FJLies.

An insect colony which_is reared under laboratory conditions^ different to those found in nature, may be a process of selection, result in a strain very different from-the parental stock. This selection fox laboratory conditions'^ may^.resul t in behavioral changes which potentiall' ^ y- affec• t ,the "abilitk- \y to survive and compete satis- factorily with the wild flies in the^hatural environment. A colony of

/ '• •- . field-qollected face flies, referred to as the native colony, had been / " ' ' ' S '<.n rearedI under laboratory conditions through eight generations. At this time no\rEfferencV e was noticed between the duration of this colony's life cycle and that of the* USDA laboratory colony.

Experiments were conducted with this native colony (eighth generation) to determine the effects of radiafion on the adult emer- gence, fertility, and male survival'in order 'to be able to .compare the results with those obtained for the USDA colony. Pupae, 5' days old, were Irradiated at 2.5 and 5.0 krad and the emerging adults placed in small cages in the following combinations of 50 irradiated males (I /) and 50 normal males (N o*' ) with 50 normal females (N % ) each:- „

2.5 krad • 5.0 tarad 50 1^ + 50 N % 50 I o^ + 50 N °-

Control 5ONo^ + 50 N/£ 50 N

Daily survival for males was recorded until the completion of the

• • < test at 21 days. Eggs were ,4-qJLlected and counted on days 5 to 21, /and

_ ' j the numbers' of the resulting pupae and adults were tabulated. Three

replicates were completed for- each dose level. , , • ;

t #*• >n , ,

(a) " Male^Fertility • • ' \ , -

.The mean number of eggs laid, by normal females mated to

i ' . ) • irradiated males and the resulting pupae and adults are shown in Table

' ' '..'•, ,,;% ' 9. Adult emergence from irradiated pupae are also shown. '_

TABLE 9. Eggs laid, pupae formed, and emergence of Muaca autumnalis^-r <* is» aduLts from the mating of normal, native colony females to native colony males, irradiated as 5-day-old pupae at different radiation doses. „$

Y Mean ' tJ Dose Adult emergence from . no. of a b, Adult b (krad) irradiated pupae (%) eggs laid Pupation (%) emergence (7.)

0. 0* 87. 3 2 ,775 67. 3 + 2. 5 52.6

2. 5 89. 2 3 ,502 > .0 0

5. 0 86. 7 2 ,474 0

Mean of 3 replicates, 50 females per replicate. A 1.0% difference

represents 90 eggs approx. b \. - \ • % determined fronrno. eggs laid.

The results indicated that a dose of 2.5 krad sterilized

males of the native colony completely. There was no significant

difference between the mean percentage adult emergence from irradiated

and untreated native colony pupae. The. niéan percentage emergence of

at •'•/. L


adults from irradiated pupae of the native colony was .similar to that

fronl irradiated pupae of the USDA colony. No comparison was drawn be-

tween the number 'of eggs laid by.native colony females and USDA colony

-feinaleB~since~the~èxpëtfiinent8"we"r^c^n*dûcltëd""at" different times of the

year. However, native colony females di,d'not oviposit as readily

through cheesecloth as did USDA "females. * ' VL

(b) Male Survival *

Data for the percentage survival'of irradiated and untreated

male native colony flies are shown in Table 10. Treatment, of the data

by analysis of variance showed a/significance for, the treatment and

time effects, but, no significance for the treatment-time interaction. ! These results were similar to"those obtained for'USDA'males (Table 7);/

TABLE 10. Percentage* survival of native «colony male . 7-', Muaca autumnal is adults, at 7, 14, and 21 , /<• days for different.radiation doses.

i , - ' - à m Male survival (%) at • Dose (krad) 7 days 14 days ,'[ 21 days

1 i 0.0 92 84 76 ! 2.5 89 • 55 35

• 5.0 . 87 61 -> . 37

Mean of 3 replicates, 50 females per replicate.

Statistical significance for: ' --'- \ / Treatment. p <£ o.oi Time. ! ' ' P<[p.01y

Treatment-Time Interaction P ^-0.01 • » ^ i

1 .> 1 38

5. Degree of Permanence of Male Sterility.

Previous experiments demonstrated that male face flies were

sterilized completely by a dose of radiation of 2.5 krad administered

• ' « / to the 5-day-dld pupae. However, these_ results_did__not__shaw_whether

the induced sterility _was permanent; or whether there was a return of

fertility after a period of time. Therefore, experiments were con- %

ducted to determine whether or not there was any return'of fertility in

males sterilized at' 2.5 krad' and subjected to multiple .matings over a

period of 22 days. . ' • ' ,. , * ,

t ' -.V Pupae were irradiated at 2'. 5 krad and the emerging adults r i * , . / i placed in two small edges in the following combinations of 50 irra-, • "-":-'

diated males (I o^ ) and 50 normal males (N o^ ), each with 50 normal

females (N % ). . - f

Control 50N/ + 50 N % Cage 1

2.5 krad . 50 I / + 50 N ? Cage 2

Eggs were collected and counted on days 5, 6,- and 7, and the

resulting pupae recorded. After oviposition on day 7, the female flies

in both cages were replaced by virgin female flies 4 to 5 days old

equal to the number of /male flies'remaining alive in each cage. Eggs

were collected on days/8, 9, and 10, counted, and the resulting pupae

-recorded. After oviposition on day 10, female flies were replaced

'with virgin flies as before. This procedure was repeated'for each

successive 3-day period until males had the opportunity to mate with

6 separate groups of virgin females. All female flies were dissected

to determine whether insemination had occurred at each mating. Male r 39

survival was recorded at 7, 14, and 21 days for each of 3' replicate


.(a) —Percentage-Pupation" -•*>—

• The results of these tests are shown in Table 11. The mean

number of eggs/ deposited per 3-day period was 457/ for females mated to \

^untreated males and 368 for females mated to irradiated males. The

difference was probably due to a better suryival of the untreated males

compared to irradiated males at the end of each 3-day period. This'

v^ould result in a greater number of virgin females being introduced to

the normal males for each 3-day period.. The difference in the number

of eggs produced was most evident at the fourth, fifth, and sixth .

mating. The smaller number of eggs laid by both groups in the first

period was probably due to experimental error since peak- oviposition

usually occurred on dayV5^ dur ing/previous experiments in agreement with

the findings of Miller and Treece (1968). l . . ?

TABLE 11. Eggs.^aid and pupae formed from the mating of normal, virgin , J Musca autumnal is females (N ,$ ) with untreated maples (N

Mean No. of Eggs from; Pupation Resulting (%)• (1) (2) Period Matings (days) N + x N N + x N- N . 1 5-7 228 219 72.9 + 5.8 0 2 8-10 592 .565 49.3 +7.0 0 • 3 '*'. 11-13 567 547 66.4 + 3.3 0.9

4 14-16 562 481 69.0 + 3.2 0 •**> 5 s 17-19 385 251 71.5 +4.7 0, 20-22 407 149 42.9 + 9.7 0

Mean of 3 replicates. 7T


The'mean pupation for untreated flies for six matings was

60.9% and for the irradiated flies 0.07». ' There was a suddert drop in'

percentage pupation (Tablé 11) between days 8 and 10 (Becond mating) •^ - _£or_the__females _mated_to- untreated • males.—Thi8~was~followed by a

gradual increase in the percentage pupation'through days 17 to,19 '

when another sudden drop occurred. These decreases in percentage .*»' pupation can not be explained satisfactorily. Since the number of

females inseminated (Table 12) during the,, same period did not indicate

a_similar trend, sperm depletion in the males can be ruled out. Ex-

perimental error was not? thought to be a factor since results from

all 3 replicates indicated, a drop at both these points. ,

Only a very small percentage pupation (0/9%) was found with

females mated to irradiated males (Table 11). This occurred in 2 of- \

3 replicates'between days 11 and 13. Since one untreated male had

been found with the virgin females before their addition to the ex-

perimental males, this,.apparent return to fertility between days 11 •

and 13 was probably due to this"male matirig with a few females. These

results indicated that the sterility produced by irradiation of 5-day- 13 old pupae with 2.5 krad was permanent and that no recovery of fertility c occurred in males.through 22 days.

(b) Percentage of Females Inseminated

^ Henneberry and McGovérri (1963) using Droa'ophila melanomas ter

and Tsiropolous and Tzanakakis (1970) using the olive fly Dacus oleae

(Gmelin) reported that the store of sperm of irradiated males was ex-

hausted after several matings. Single mating tests completed on the

face fly had not indicated how long the supply of sperm from irradiated * /


males, would last. This was determined by examination' of all females '

from multiple,matings of the male permanence test for insemination.

Insemination depended on finding sperm in one or

; spermathecae.. Data on the number of females inseminated by irradiated

and normal males during the six/ separate 3-day periods are shown in J

Table 12. V,

TABLE 12. Percentage insemination of normal, virgin Musca autumnalis females by: (1) untreated males (N1 cf% ), and (2) irra- diated males•(I d* ) for' six separate 3-day periods.

Females inseminated (?<•) by males during days: Dose (krad) 5-7 8-10 11-13 14-16 17-19 ' 20-22

0.0 (N/nN'?) 83 82 77 82 78 75

2.5 (I d* x N % ) 81 71 45 20 0 15

a • Mean of 3 replicates, 50 males each.

' No difference was recorded in the number of females ih-

seminated by untreated males during^ the experiment. Usually all three

spermathecae contained sperm.'.. This indicated,, that the males' supply of. , • ' f sperm was- never depleted. However-, fewer females were inseminated by

irradiated males (Table 12). By days 14 to 16, usually only one sperma- fi . \ '

theca contained.sperm. ' No sperm was found in the spermathecae of

females for the period 17. to 19 days. The presence of sperm in the

spermathecae of a' few females (1 out of 5, 1 out of 15, and 5 out of

20) during the period 20.to 22 days was thought to be due to, mating by

flightless males which were unable to mate before the death of the more

aggressive males. ,

A 42

•»•>. The permanence test indicated that irradiated males were able to transfer sperm through four matings, whereas normal males trans- ferred sperm through six matings. A few sperm could be found in the spermathecae of females mated-by-irradiated males'up to" "thefourth r " & mating. By the fifth mating the spermathecae contained flebris of dead

'-.ri ^l ,,%.'"$* , cells, probably primary spermatogonia and spermatocytes. As mentioned '

•previously, primary spermatocytes and primary spermatogonia are easily killed by

1967) and house flies (Riemann and Thorson, 1969). Therefore,, after a few matings the male fly becomes aspermic. This indicated that re- covery had not occurred at thé sterilizing dose (2.5 krad). This was also shown histologically (Ritcey, personal communication).

(c) Male Survival . * ,1 ,.

Data for the percentage survival of irradiated and untreated males during, the sterility permanence test are shown in Table 13. No, significant difference was found between the percentage survival of irradiated males and untreated males at 7 and 14 days. However, a significant difference was apparent at 21 days. The results indicate that the males.survived significantly better under the conditions of single matings (Table 7) than the condition of multiple matings (Table

13) which is probably the, situation found in nature.

Longevity is inaccurate as an indicator of sexual vigour as some inactive males'•lived as long as sexually aggressive males

(Çaumhoyer, 1965). There was some suggestion of.an inaccuracy using longevity as an indicator of sexual vigour with the face fly.v1 During"' the permanence test, females dissected after mating with males for the

t 'i if


• ••! '

' "•% ' ' ' ' -'r v *:> ï . V , ,,/j,,<;< fifth time showed no sperm in the spermathecae. However, at the sixth „,/»',;'s.t"•'*'' " mating, some spermathecae contained sperm and it was thought that some •

'v^"-'-* ' less aggressive males had'jma_ted__with_these_females,—being-given-the — _ .——

«•J/;*;)}chance after the more aggressive males had died after the fifth mating. * ft

• -- • -t. TABLE 13. Percentage survival of untreated*and irradiated * male Musca autumnalis adults at 7, 14,.and 21 days during Che male sterility permanence testl J o. a ' • •* Survival of males (%) at: j Dose (krad) 7 days . 14 days 21 days f 0.0 84 . 76 55 / V-dT" 2"5 89 64 17'

a / <^> • ' Mean of.3 replicates, 50 males each replicate. fy


. 6. Mating Habits of the Female Face Fly. x\ i?

The female face fly has been reported to mate only once _ (Teskey, 1969; Killough and McClennan, 1969). Those attempting-to mate •

again had not received a -fuLl complement' of sperm at the first mating

(Killough and McClennan, 1969). Wang (1964) and Lodha jet al., (L970)

- reported repeated matings by female face flies. However, Lodha et al.,

(1970) also stated that one mating was sufficient to sustain normal,

' egg production through three gonadotrophic cycles. If the sperm

•< transferred by sterilized male flies was not-as motile as that pro-

duced by-normal males It would be important'to determine whether or v i - - not the females mated more than once. In females that mate more than

.) > 44

once, sperm immotility would permit the production ôf fertile eggs'With

subsequent matings. 'Also, preferential usage of stored sperm has been

reported for^emale Glossina austeni Newst. (Curtis, 1968). It was

-decided,- •therefore-,~to™determine~if~the"femaré"fàcë™~f ly"mâ~të~d once or-

several times^r^Th^r^T e sterile-male technique provided a good' method fô*K - ' *'%£*£. . ' . ' •• ' ) V this determination,, Two experiments were conducted using males stery-

lized by 5.0 krad-of radiation. '

- In the first test, 25 untreated males (N d* ) and 25 irra-

diated males (I df ) were placed with 25 normal females (N + ) each, in

small cages, in the following combinations:-

Cage 1 25 I d* + 25 N ?

Cage 2 25 I (/ + 25 I ? •• , . ,

Cage 3 25 iV + 25 N ?

Cage 4 25 N o^ + , 25 N Î •

Cages 2, 3, and 4 served as controls. On day 10 of the 'test, the irra-

'diated males 'in Cage 1 were replaced with normal 5-day-old males equal z to "the number- of normal females left alive. Eggs were collected daily

from allNcages beginning on day 5 until termination of the experiment

on day 21. Eggs were counted and the resulting percentage pupation re-

corded as before. Three replicates of this test were conducted.

. ;In this experiment, the test females (Cage 1) produced eggs

resulting irTlfpercentage pupation of 0.0% and 0.3% before and after

introduction of normal males, respectively. The females of Cage 2

produced no eggs, as would be expected, and; no pupation«resulted from

the eggs oviposited by the females of Cage 3 (Tables 4 and 5). Eggs

-produced by the normal females[of Cage 4 resulted in a 70.3% d

i \ 45"

pupation. • , . ,

In a second test, sexes were kept separate for 5 days, then

placed together in small_dages.. as..,£ollpws: —~ -T —"; —

Cage 1 50 N ? + 50 1 / V:

' '* ' fl'"1 '* Cage 2 50^ N + + ,0' 50 N o< fl -

Eggs were collected on the next day (day 6), at which time the male

flies were replaced with male flies of the complementary test. "**

Example :

Cage 1 N + + 50 I eK before 6th day

/ 50 -N, °- + \50 N o? after 6th day /

• ' •' Eggs-were then collected for a further 5 days and all per-

centage pupations recorded. Three replicates of this test were com-

•>• pleted. _ . ' •

In this test, females mated with untreated males and then

caged with irradiated males produced eggs resulting in 63.6 ±- 4.1%

and 69.7 + 2.9% pupation whereas females mated with irradiated males

and then caged with untreated males resulted in 0.07. and 0.3 + 0^2%

pupation. • v

These results showed that the female face fly received a full

complement of sperm in a 24-hour period and probably mates only once if

x complète sperm.transfer occurs in a single mating. This is "in agree-

t i ment with the .findings of Killough and McClehnan (1969). Multiple

mating attempts probably do occur if the female has not been success- "' fully inseminated at the first copulation, which would account for the

reports by Wang (1964) and Lodha et al., (1970) of several matings in 46

the female face fly. ' '»•<*» •

Studies by Riemànn £t 111. , (1967) on the house fly indicate

that sperm transfer" is not necessary to initiate a single mating res-

™ponse"~ift~femalesT These"7mthôFs"~ândRÏëmanïr and^Thoraon (1969b) re-

ported that stimulation to oviposit and loss of. receptivity to males

by. female house flies, Musca domestica (L.) are caused by the presence

of the accessory material produced in the male ejaculatory ducts. The

male face .fly, like the male house fly has no.accessory glands. Since

the irradiated male face fly can transfer sperm for only four to five

matings, the transfer, of ejaculat'ory duct fluid preventing loss of f e- "

male Veceptivity/toould be an advantage after the fifth mazing in a

stenile-male release. However, the presence of accessory"

from the ejaculatory ducts and it» effect on female face fly recept-

ivity has, not been investigated.

7. Effect of Irradiating Pupae Under Anoxic Conditions.

Ionizing radiation produces mutations in the cell nucleus by • ' c \

both direct and indirect effects. - The formation of free radicals by

the indirect effect and their action on the genes is.probably as im-

portant as the direct effect on the genes. Since a large part of the

cell is made up of water, most of the indirect effect will be the

action of radiation on the water molecule with production of free

radicals from which chain reactions may start (Pizzarello and Witcofski,

1967). Oxygen enhances the effects of radiation by Interacting with'

radiation-produced free radicals to produce auto-oxidatlve chain re-

actions and promote the formation of hydrogen peroxide. Changing the"

composition of a gas mixture will effect a change in the oxygen tension .47 at the tissue or cellular level. This will then af^ct the interaction of oxygen and the free radicals and produce a protective effect during irradiation. The fact that reducedJ3xy_gejti__tension_decreases...damage frcfm ionizing radia,tion has been known for some time (Thoday and Read,

1947). Both nitrogen and carbon-dioxide have been shown to have a 1 protective action on pupae during irradiation (Baumhover, 1963;

Smittle, 1967"; and Hooper, 1971a). Therefore, face fly pupae were i irradiated in nitrogen to determine the effects of anoxic irradiation.

/ Pupae, 5 days old, were irradiated at 2.5 and 5.0 krad in a nitrogen atmosphere.* Control pupae were not treated,with-nitrogen.

Pure nitrogen (less than 2.0% oxygen) was circulated through the lid of.the vial containing the pupae for 15.'minutes. The lid was then sealed with tape, the pupae irradiated and immediately removed to a clean vial. Upon emergence, adults were placed in small cages in ' combinations of 50 irradiated males (I é1 ) and 50 normal males (N (? ] each with 50 normal female,s (N °- ):-

.^2.5 krad 5 .0 krad o 50 I / + 50 N 50 I o* N i o Control 50N/ + 50 N 50 N c? +* 50 .N

Male "survival was recorded daily unt^l the termination of the experiment at 21 days. Eggs were collected and counted each day from day 5 to 21 and the resulting percentage pupation and.adult emergence recorded for

3 replicates. ' .

(a) Adult Emergence and Male Fertility

The adult emergence from irradiated pupae, the mean number of 48

eggs laid and their resulting percentage pupation and adult emergence

are shown in Table.14. The results indicated that there was no sig- \ ntficant difference between the mean percentage emergence from un- ,

-treated pupae* and pùpaë'irradlatedàC 2.5 krlîd and 5.Ô kràd under

anoxic cqnditions. Comparison of the adult "emergence from pupae irra-

diated at 2.5 and 5.0 krad in air and anoxia showed no significant

difference between them. Under the anoxic conditions used,, the irra-

diation dose had to be doubled to achieve the same degree of sterility

as pupae irradiated in air. This is in agreement with the results

reported .by Hooper (1971a).

Dose ' Emergence from Mean no. Adult (krad) irradiated pupae (%) eggs'laid Pupation (%) emergence (%)

0.0 92.4 3,544 • 68.8 + 1.6 58.7 + 2.5

2.5 92.9 3,999 |1.9 + 0.9 1.5 + 0.8

5.0 93.4 3,087 0.2 + 0.1 0.1

Mean of 3 replicates, 50 females per replicate.

% determined from no. eggs laid.

The protective action of decreased oxygen tension could be

important in any sterile-male release program. ' Storage of large

numbers of pupae prior to irradiation could reoult in anoxic conditions

produced by carbon dioxide released, particularly aa pupal sstaboliom

is increasing at the tints of irradiation of the face fly (Guerrâ and

1 < ' Cochran, 1970). Irradiation of the"pupae under these conditions might

result in only partially sterilized adults on release.. Therefore,

irradiation pf large numbers' of pupae should be_cjarr_ied__out_min_,well=——

aerated containers to eliminate this hazard.*

' ' t

' (b) Male Survival. - ' ';

Data for the percentage survival of untreated males and males

irradiated at 2.5 krad' and 5.0 krad in nitrogen are shown in Table 15.

'There was a significant difference,in the treatment and time effects,

bût no significance for the treatment-time interaction. A comparison

. between mean percentage survival for males irradiated in nitrogen and

jnales irradiated, in air showed no significant difference, at 7, 14, and

21 days, at the 2.5 krad dose or the 5.0 krad dosé, v

i5. Percentage survival of untreated male Kusca autumnalis adults and males irradiated under anosic conditions at 7, 14, and 21 days. -

Ï a • Male survival (%) at: Dose (krad) 7 days 14 days 21 days

0.0 96 90, - 79 2.5 •95 75 38 • 5.0 89 57 29 • 'a. 1 /a ' * ' ' **. / Mean of 3 replicates, 50 males per replicacfe.

l Statistical/Qignificonce for: Treatxcant , P 0.01 V Tims ~^ P 0.01 J i Treatment-Time Interaction P 0.01 i .-

50 ' ! 8. Competitive Studies on the Sterilized Male Face Fly.

Mating competitiveness refers to the ability of the sterile

males to compete with the fertile males for mates. In nature, it, is

. probably-tihe-sum- of— dispersal— ability" mat ing"ag^ë88"lvenësi^",attract- f ion to sex pheromorie and the' number of potential matings. Apart from 0 •J» . : the induction of sterility, it is important that the irradiated male - in a sterile-male release, program be as sexually competitive as the'

, ii wild maiei Competitiveness has ( been evaluated in three ways: (1) by,

comparing the number of observed matings; (2)'comparing the number of

females mated or inseminated, and (3) by ratio tests. The first

method has not been employed in this study.

.(a) Number of Females Inseminated '

An experiment was designed to determine the number of normal

les -which could be inseminated by one normal male, or one irra- .. ^ • s i '«' ,. male within a 24-hour period. Males and females were kept

.' separate until day 4 after emergence when one male was placed with ten ':;, • . . * -,

• normal.females in a 1-quart cardboard container, with a screen top.

* e * Females were dissected 24 "hours later to determine if they had been IS. 'inseminated. ' '. Fifty replicateV s 'of this desig- 'n were. , completed •>fo r each — of four treatment levels — (1) untreated, (2) 2.5 krad, (3) 5.0 krad

in air, and ' (4) 5\0 krad in nitrogen. I» '

A frequency distribution of females inseminated by each male --

for these four treatment levels is shown in Figure 7. The mean number '-v

of females inseminated, the range, and the percentage of males mating • the males irradiated at 5.0 krad in air inseminated significantly; fewer with five or more females is shoun in Table 16. Results indicated that '• -'".' •J'K>'(V\''I[,{

/ />,'

/ , ;/ ,

Figure 7. Frequency distribution of the number of Musca autumnalis

females, inseminated by male face flies, untreated and irradiated at,2.5 and 5.0~krad in. air and 5.0 kra'd in/ nitrogen.


.' £;>•

y • x • .. 51 I /

l' y

_ o • ° <. a 1 i - o' - o u C- o i DDDC DC - . • DDDC --1. • DDC • DDQCOODDC: DDDDDDE L- ^ • DDC ODDDDDDDDC|^ * s w DPDDDDC D'DDDC k • ODDDC ODDC / / ""/ Q D ODDC lad :rl '• / • -o/ Lo - / / - A J» 7, o a» rL

/ / .

ESd / / IS. ta. O c - o t a a . Ê2 . , DC a tsa ^ / a oc o DDDDDD£>^ 1 ; OD •° I 2 ' - eDDDDDD[-e> •" DDDDC » CD & * 1 DC /S DCIDDDtDDDDC i f' / .•ODDDDi ''• ÏDDDD- « •r DDdDDDILea oDDq-- ; • , • • - one J, o & k r •



i /• I, 52 \ • females than either the normal males or males irradiated at 2.5 krad or

5.0* krad under anoxic conditions. There was no difference in the numbers of females inseminatedJby_normal.males, or-males- irradiated~at~~~

2.5 krad. . ' '

TABLE 16. Mean number,of Musca autumnalis females inseminated, the range, and the percentage of males inseminating 5 or more females for the dose levels: (1) untreated, (2)1 2.5* krad in air, (3) 5.0 krad in air, and / (4) 5.0 krad in anoxia.

Dose \ Mean no. a Males inseminating (krad) females inseminated Range 5 or more females (7<.)

0.0 0-9 60.0

2.5 1-8 '52.0

5.0 0-7 24.0

5.0 (Anoxia) 1-8 34.0

Mean of 50 replicates, 10 females per replicate. ' b, c • ,' \ ' ' Means characterized by same letter are not significantly dtf-£erent at P= 0.05 level of probability.

' -The results (Table 16) indicated that the male face fly irra- diated at 2.5 krad was as virile as, the normal male.. Males irradiated at 5.0 krad were significantly less vy.irile.' Lodha el: ail., (1970) re- \ ported that the normal male face fly may mate with as many as eight females, .with an average Of four, in agreement with the results reported here. .Normal male screw-worm-flies mated with as many as six females

(Bushland and Hopkins, 1951). ,No difference in the percentage of females mated by sterile or. untreated males was recorded for stable 53

flies' (Offori, 19(70)" but irradiated males of Anopheles pharoensis were

reported to mate with,more females ,than did normal males (Tantawy v

.et al, , 1967) .

(b) Ratio Tests

Egg-hatch data, obtained/from the mating of normal females

with various ratios of irradiated males to normal males, are probably

the best estimate of the confpetitiveness of the irradiated male. • Egg-

hatch will be the net result of•the interplay of factor» such as

copulatory efficiency, sperm transfer, and sperm competitiveness.

' Basically, any factor affecting competitiveness will be refle'cted in

the egg hatch or pupal formation which was the index used to test j

competitiveness in.the face fly.

Ratio tests were used to determine the competitiveness of

male flies irradiated at 2.5 and 5.0 krad in air, and 5.0 krad under

anoxic conditions. Following irradiation of the 5-day-old pupae, the

resulting adults.were placed in three small cages, so that each con-' o ' '

tained 50 normal females (N + ) with different ratios of irradiated

males (I cr ) to normal (N

1:1:1, the numbers of flies in the three cages would be:-

* , H* * Cage 1 50 :: 50 : 50

Cage 2 50 •: 50 t , 50

Cage 3 Control 0 : 100 : 50 With th,i8 experimental design, the effect of the total male population1 ' ' ' ' / . !>on the survival, oviposit ion,,and fertility of the caged flies could be

— determined.-- ~ ~~ "~ , , '

, • -\ •

P% At 2,5'krad, the following ratios of irradiated males :

normal males'':' normal females were tested1 1:0:1, 0:1:1, 1:1:1, 2:1:L,

5:1:1, and 1:2:1. In addition, flies in a 5:1:1 ratio were tested in large cages. At 5.0 krad, ratios of 1:1:1, and 2:1:1, and 5:1:1

' • " *

were tested, the latter in square cages. At 5.0-1 krad-under anoxia,

only the ratios 1:1:1 and,2:1:1 were completed. Each experiment was replicated 3 times at each ratio used. Eggs were collected and counted Y on.days 5, 7, 9, and 11, and the. resulting pupae recorded» as the

observed percentage pupation. The experiment''terminated on day 11.

- Competitiveness8 was estimated by a comparison between the

observed percentage pupation and the expected percentage pupation

determined from the controls for each ratio test. .The results obtained

from 3 replicates at each ratio for the 2.5 krad dose in air are shown,

in Table 17 and the results obtained for the 5.0 krad dose in air and

under anoxia are shown in Table 18.

The results (Table 17) indicated that the irradiated males

were as competitive as normal males, at* the ratios 1:1:1, 2:1:1,^5:l:'l,

and 1:2:1 but less competitive at the 5:1:1 ratio in large cages. In-

creasing male populations (2:1:1 and 5:1:1 ratios) affected,the number

of eggs laid by females but not their fertility, as indicated'by the

percentage pupation.for the controls at each ratio. There was a

significant difference between the percentage survival of irradiated

male populations and the untreated male populations (control) at 2.5

kfad using the ratios 2:1:1 and 5:1:1 in the large cage tests. There , 55 was no, sigrfif icant 'difference at the other ratios.

TABLE 17. » Mean number of eggs laid and the resulting pupation _i _ (ob^erye^d jind_.expected)._ f rog-the-mat ings -of - normal — „.__ r female Musca autumnal is (N + ) with different ratios of normal males (N dr, ) and males irradiated at 2.5 krad (I d* ). .

Ratio: Mean no. * e888 Per Observed Expected b, Id* : N d* o replicate pupation (?<,) pupation *(7.) * \ 1:0:1 1,573 0.0

0:1:1C - 1,550 65.3 +' 8.8 ,

1:1:1 1,036 22.9 + 1.5 27.9 V 0:2:1° - 929 , 55.7 + 2.9

2:1:1 878 24.9 + 2.5 20.2

0:3:1 1,109 60.8 + 3.3

X 412 8.1 ± 2-5 0:6:1° 355 67.0 ± 2-5

• 1:2*1 1,041 43.4 + 2,2 41.6 e 0:3:1 , 970 62.4 + '2.2 -

5sl:l 718 25.5 +' 1.4 11.7 0:6:lC 705 70.4 + 3.3

Mean of 3 replicates, 50 females per replicate.

Determined' from controls.

C t • Controls for each ratio test. d Large cage test.

r rx


The results (Table 18) indicated that males irradiated at

5.0 krad were less competitive than normal males'at all ratios tested.

-There wa8-a"8ignificant"^if£ërencë" in ^percentage survival between •

males'irradiated at 5.0 krad and untreated males at the ratios 1:1:1 V

and 2:1:1, but no difference at the 5;1:1 ratio in'thëcvfikrge cage test.

TABLE 18.' Mean number of eggs laid and the resulting pupation (observed and expected) from matings of- normal \ Musca- autumnalia females (N ? ) with normal males (N o*7 ) and males irradiated (I o^ ) at 5.0 krad/in air and 5.0 krad under anoxic conditions. v Ratio: Mean no. eggs per a Observed Expected : N d* : N replicate puypation (%) pupation (7«)

1:1:1 ' 1,666 42.4 + 1 | 7.1 32.6 r 0:2:lC , 1,552 2.9 t * 65.1

2:1:1 1,383 37.2 + 6.3 26.4 " 0:3:lC 1,2.09 79.2 + 2.3

5:1:1 1,072 23.5 + •6.5 12.1 0:6:1° 702 72.4 + 6.3

In Nitrogen: • 1:1:1 1,234 37.4 37.1 0:2:1 1,230 74.1 + 5.2 —

2:1:1 1,230 21.9 + 2.4 18.0

0:3:1° •1,013 54.1 + 6.8 Mean of 3 replicates, 50 females per replicate. 7 Determined from controls.

Controls for each ratio test. '

Large cage, te'st.

I 57

Males " Irradiated at 5.0 krad under anoxia were

as. normal males at both ratios tested (Table 18). Untreated males sur-

vived significantly better than males irradiated under anoxia at both

the 1:1:1 and 2:1:1 ratios. The difference between the percentage

pupation obtained for the irradiated flies and their'controls for each '

ratio was hughly significant, (Chi-square P = 0.01) at al^ levels of

radiation.. . , • i ' -

During the competitive tests at 5.0 krad in air using the

5:1x1 ratio in large cages, some of the ma^Le flies became infected with

Entomophthora muscae (Cohn) Fresenius. Typical infections of male and

female flies are shown in Figure 8, "This adversely6 affected the sur-

vival rates of the irradiated males in the second and third replicates.

It is«almost certain^Chat only irradiated flies were 'infected as, no

.deaths, either male or female were recorded in untreated flies. It is

not known to what extent the infection affected the competitiveness,

but the results indicated that the irradiated flies were .not as com-

petitive as normal males,"a result perhaps influenced by the' infection.

The ratio tests showed that competitiveness' decreased with

increasing dose (from'2.5 to 5.0 krad) in the face fly, a result

similar to that noted for Ceratitis capitata (Hooper, 1971b and 1972).

As has been mentioned, irradiation of face flies in nitrogen de- creased the competitiveness less at the higher dose (5.0 krad), a^e-

sult similar to that reported by Hooper (l'971a). However, the male, face fly, irradiated at 2.5 krad was as competitive as the untreated males in small cages. If significant differences in competitiveness values of males are to "be demonstrated, extensive replication Is > necessary. This is particularly important in larger, cage tests which fi '

Figure^. Infection of (a) male (Mag. x 25) and (b) female (Mag. x 12)

,Musca autuinnalls adultly Entonujphthora speciea (Em).


^ 4 58


* r

i '

_,, _ — -

• < i'



• - • ... ' '

- s y l •• b) . •


0 * •

» •••••,1:.

i 7

• . y •

indicated the sterilized face fly to be less competitive, than ,the nor-

mal male at both radiation doses. Tests in which irradiated males

—competed"With"wild male "flies for females would give an indication as

to how the laboratory reared males might perform in a release.

Males of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) irradiated in

nitrogen were more competitive males than those irradiated in air

(Hooper, 1971a). This was important, since the sterilizing dose of

radiation reduced the sexual competitiveness of the males (Hooper and

Katiyar, 1971). However, this is probably not very significant in

* the face fly unless a 5.0 krad level of irradiation is to be used,

since the male fly irradiated at 2.5 krad was as competitive as the

untreated male at most ratios tested.

9.- The Effect of Irradiation on the Nematode Parasité,

Heterotylenchus autumnalis, of the Face Fly.

The nematode Heterotylenchus autumnalis, Nickle was first

described by Stoffolano and Nickle (1966) and has since been found in

face flies throughout North America. Detailed accounts of the life

cycle of this nemato&e^have been presented by Nickle (1967), Treece and

Miller (1968), and Stoffolano (1970b). The parasite is found in male

and female fy.es but in the male fly the nematode is unable to com-

plete its life cycle. Parasitized female face flies axe "steVi^lized" ,

when thousands of infective nematodes invade the flies* ovaries. The

nematodes complete their development in the ovaries and inhibit -all r normal egg production. "They are transmitted by "mock" oviposition to- fresh cattle droppings where ttfey mate and the infective female in-

•" vades newly hatched face^fly larvae. / , '

V- 60

t,v,), This i-nematode parasite has not lived up,\to, its potential as a

b i oc ont rpl< l'agent against the, face fly." ' An, attempt, was .made to determine

whether this/parasite, cou Id be integrated witTv.the"' sterile'males and '

...females ,i- since ""it"was tealized'that! "the sterile-male,technique for con-

trol of face flies could not succeed alonel'-^ExpetimentslWere conducted

pn face'^fly|'pupae parasitized with the nematbde parasité Heterotylenchus \

autumnal is using small doses of radiation to determine:- Cl) whether * '"•'

or not the nematodes would survive the irradiation dose, and (2) whether^

or not they would be sterilized by that dose.

Five-day-old pupae from a nematode parasitized colony-were

used for irradiation. After irradiation, pupae were handled in the

same manner as normal irradiated pupae. Two dosages were employed. • < * fc - • • . ' In the first three tests, 1.0 krad was used. Previous results (Tables r

3 and 4) had shown that this dose produced a 987. sterility in males.

Female/é so irradiated produced few eggs. • It was thought that the

abirljLty to produce a few eggs might be important to the successful de-

velopment of the parasitic nematode'. In a fourth test, a higher dose

(2.5 krad) was employed. Following this exposure, males were ste-

rilized permanently and females produced no eggs (Tables 3 and 4).

In the.first 2 experiments, untreated "and irradiated flies

from a nematode parasitized colony (parental colony P) and flies from a '

USDA colony were combined* in two separate cages (Cage 1 and Cage 2).

Cage 1 contained 200 untreated, first generation females from para-

sitized, pupae, whereas Cage 2 contained 200 irradiated, first

generation females from parasitized pupae. To ensure adequate egg

production, 100 normal USDA females and 100 normal USDA males were

added to each cage. The addition of the normal USDA males prevented • " ny possible parasitization arising from matings using parasitized '

males. Oviposition medium was offered for 1 hour on'the 14th day after

...emergence. - -After -oviposit iony~aH~" females"were dissected (in 0.9% a. 'Rfnger's solution) to determine the level of parasitism of the first

generation adults. The eggs produced by the first- generation adults

were handled according to normal rearing procedures.* The.resulting . \t >f r

second generation adults were kept 14 days, at which time they were

dissected to determine the level of 'parasitism by the nematode. Re- •

sul^Cof these first 2 experiments are shown in, Table 19. *

TABLE 19. Levels of parasitism for Musca autumnalis females with Che nematode, Heterotylenchus autumnalis, through two generations after irradiation of 5-day-old parasitized pupae at 1.0 and' 2.5 krad.-

Nematode Infection (%) of: Irradiated females, Untreated females, 1 Parental generations - generations/ Experiment colony (P) 1 ; 2 1 2

6.3 6.0 ; 41.2 8.5 21.4

4.0 5.0 75.0 • > ,4.0 . 28.0

.28.7 49.0 c 25.0 0 0 0 0

300 females dissected for first generation level'of parasitism. All

second generation females resulting from first generation adults

dissected. • - • ' ', b 450 females dissected for first generation'level of parasitism. AljL second generation females resulting from first generation adults /*.

dissected. t * c No data as a result of infection by Entomophthora species.

4 . V-A 62 .1

The level of parasitism increased from 6.37. and 4.0% in the

parental stock (

.in the untreated females. The increase Was more dramatic with irra-

..diatedrfemales j - increasing -to 41r2Z~afid 75.07." in™"thê~"secônd generation

adults.a *The'se results-indicated that either there was a'more com- 4


of egg-laying females "in Cage 1 at the first generation was Influencing

. the, level of parasitism of untreated second generation females. If we

- presume a 10% level of parasitism in the first generation adults

t • . • (actually 6.0'dnd 8.5% in the first experiment) for Irradiated and un- i .treated females, Cage. 1 would contain 280 egg-laying females. Cage 2

would have the same number of,, females but the 180 females from the para- ./ s itized pupae , were irradiated'and produced only a few eggs, therefore, ,

Cage 2 contained only 100 egg-laying USDA females and this was thought

.- to influence the result's*9of the first 2 experiments. .* '. '_ ' Tcv investigaçe^che' possibility of a more,competitive nematode, I ' a third experiment usiixg^l^-O ij£rad and a fourth experiment .at 2.5 krad

' •* werfe conducted using a 'slrghtly.^different experimental design'.- The, •

difference was the addition of 150''irradiated USDA females to Cage 1

' and 150 normal USDA females to .Cage'jL. j This design provided the same , r number of flies in both cages and approximately the dame number of .egg-

producing females, depending on the, level .pf parasitism of the female

face flies.. As in the- previous-,test8y females from the first and

' ' ,' $ ' • " . second generations were dissected at 14 days of age to determine the •; ' ' f>' •' •*'"**'.; -•:'{" \ ^levels of paraa.itisn and" the results tabulated (Table 19.).' \ \ • -, ; • '•• In the third fexper Leant, levels of paras it 1 a =v.tor the

parental varïd' :Vrst gt'eeratten adiflta Vsre =£ich higher than these f du

4 \ •

. $ V

63 y ri1* , , in the first 2 experiments. Consequently, only a few pupae survived * v ' ' y and these were preserved to maintain W:he stock colony. These results » . • • • •_ -f- »« indicated that_the greater .number—of~egg-laying females-in"Câgé"l""at~ " * " /

the first generation were influencing the levels of parasitism of the

second generation and were not the res\ilt of a. more competitive

nematode. , ' • . .

Infection by 'tan Entomophthora species affected the results of

the fourth»experiment. This fungus -attacked only irradiated'flies

(Fig. 8). Survival of first generation adults was poor, so that at

day 14, only one\ parasitized female had survived and.no p"arasitization

of second generation adults was achieved. Untreated f irst*gè-neration

adults>were not carried through to the second generation. Dissection

of first generation females showed invasion of the ovaries by the

•' • , *

nematodes in both the irradiated and untreated females. This indicated

that parasitization of second generation 'adults Would«probably have

occurred had, not the Entomophthora infection been present. The fungus

infection was so complete that it made determination of parasitism in

' females almost impossible. > • , ** ,

Although-no critical.estimate was made of the number, of ih- . i ; " 'a

fective nematodes present in the haemocoel or\oyaries of either un- • ,

treated or irradiated females at each level of ^irradiation, there was

no obvious difference, between the two groups of females'. This' in- ^ *

'dicatéd that' the'nemacodes were not being ste-rilize,d( at the levels .of

Irradiation used. .••/", . ' ' • •

Gasjogenetlc fçnale nenatodes were t i3und tror di§e.d

•r^il- t'liea In an e-ifwr:renu As^iLSfet^'-^s. da, . art-r "•« .«xperiaer.ir it.t

\ '. 64

Infective nematodes were never found invading ovarian tissue before day

9. Infective nematodes are shown invading the ovaries of irradiated and untreated females in Figure 9. The large numbers of infective _neraatode8 supported-by-a'^elttà'le-fly^is 'shown in Figure 10. So many r /' ' ' • • I • • nematodes are present in the haemocoel that ,the abdominal sclerites

have separated releasing some of the nematodes. „ "/ 'jr/H '•-'? Percentages for adult eclosion from irradiated and untreated

'"''• / '' • ' ' parasitized pupae were similar. At 1.0 krad, 90.47» of adults emerged* / i whereas at 2. 5 krad 92.37o of adults emerged. The-corresponding eclosion8 for untreated adults was 89.4% and 91.4% respectively. Some difficulty was encountered in maintaining a stock of .

'/flutes with a high level of parasitism. Part of this'difficulty may

have been to larval mortality caused by the•nematode. Branch and Nicholas (1970JJO) reported that as few as two nematode larvae of the Heterotylenchus species may kill larvae of the Australia\ n bush fly,

Musca vetustissima Walker. However, by. careful .mixing of paras it iz'ed '

face flies with non-parasitized flies, it was -possible to produce con-

sistently a generation of>flies with a 25-30% level'of parasitism.\

Further refining of this technique to ensure adequate infusion of non-'

• * i f i

parasitized flies or by addition of non-parasitized eggs to eggs and

nematodes collected from a 'nematode-parasitized colony, should maintain

production of flies with a level of parasitism of 757. or higher. * A

level of parasitism this high used in a sterile-male release would

«*, certainly be more advantageous than the release of sferile insects '

alone v .• .'••••' I

Figure 9. Infective nematodes \(N) invading the ovarian tissue of

14-dky-old (a) irradiated and (b) untreated Musca • * autumnalia females.and also present in the oviduct.(OV)

' of the, flies. (M*.g. (a) x 25; (b) x 50). 65 I


1 1

• / * \

, r


t s-

r ! , fi

t *

) Figure*10. Infedtive nematodès (N) present in the haemocoel of an

'untreated Mtisca autumnal is female protruding through v,

the intersegmental membrane. ('Mag. x 12).


i u

66 r

^ < U


Discussion, pertinent to the results for each experiment, -has •

__been?preBented -in -the-previous-section"t"d"mainTrâin~clïntinuity. ^Thi's

section will present a discussion of the general e-ffiêcts of,:

irradiation on the, face fly and suggest a potehtJ/al role of «|

, male technique in an integrated control 'program for this pestt'1

Relï'e'ase of sterileS^male' insects is usually considered for

three types of circumstances: (1) for control of important pesés»that

are normally present in small numbers; (2)- control of newly estab-,

lished insect populations before the population density becomes high;

or' (3), as an adjunct to other control measures,when the target species

is abundant and widelf&^&tributed (Kniplihg1, 1955). The third 'sit- uation applies to the^sfaac'e if$Y

fly with insecticides .and' bioc^ntrol agents has been inadequate. Ob-'

viously. a ccraibfnati'ortVoftfconM^l techniques must be employed for *,Hi? ~

successful control oif/thiJs'[(^efc1^ * To evaluate the potential of sterile

males in such an in^.eg^ra^t|ed concrol program,, research was conducted to

examine the effects oï.irradiation on the face fly.

An integrated control program through the use of insecti-

cides, biôcontrol agents, or cultural .practices might be employed,to

reduce face" fly'populations to a low level", at which- time, releases of

stBerile^male.8 would be economically- f,easib,le . The theoretical ad- / •>a vantages of integrating two or more control sfocedures to achieve

eradication by sterile-male releases has been di.scussed by Knipling J ' ^ • tages of integrating .insedti^

cidal cûntrol with "the s^cer 1 le-=^lea appro-ach have been discussed •. ™

ieai'.is v\ î !» p-r p^21 a t -. c-r. s -: V.e t \ z a l'l . rc--'rrar: ~s- 's .s_c- a.' 68 \ •

Musca dome8tica (L.) (LaJJrecque and Weidhaas, 1970).' The integration

of techniques.such as: (1) application of insecticides, , (2) chemo-

sterilant baits, and (3) sterile-male releases would'redûce^Jthe_number^

of treatments required with insecticides or chemosteril'ants, reduce the

number of insects needed for the releases, and reduce the tine required

to reach theoretical eradication. These techniques combined with other

control techniques: (1) us.e of pheromones (Chaudury ££ a^. , 1972);

(2) release of irradiated, flies parasitized with H. autumnalis;

(3) treatment with larVicides; and (4) releases of parasites and pre-

* •••'.;

dators, could'possibly be used in, an integrated control' program against

the face fly. Success would depend on the timing of these integrated

control-measures to obtain the optimum effect from each.

~N-"*-v Recently completed research .has diiown that irradiation of the

5-day-old. pupae with 2.5 krad^induced permanent sterility in the male

face'fly and resulted in a total loss of egg production in the female

without adversely affecting their longevity. Competitiveness, as ,

i • < i

measured by mating tests and ratio tests, indicated that the irradiated

male was as competitive as the normal male. These- results indicated

that the face, fly can be sterilized without harmful side.-effects;. the

sterile-male technique shows some promise in an integrated control program1. However, further competitive tests are necessary with large X cages, since extensive replication is necessary to determine differ-

ences in competitiveness. Furthermore, these tests should be extended

to include competitive tests with wild flies, for if wild females pre-t

f erred wild males, or if the-females wojild not mate at all with the*

introduced naLee, Chen the release pr,ograa would t>^ '•nanrrf*««ful.

2xy«.r : -*r t s wur. a native colony of face flies. Indicated no" dit f ercs.cc' 69

/ from the USDA colony in the dose necessary to induce sterility or '

longevity in the male. No comparison was made between the native

ny and USDA colony using competitive tests. However, in "a com- / par ison of two laboratory strains and one wild strain of'house flies, ,\ / Fye and LaBrecqu'e {1966) found that females of all strains mated more

readily with males of their own strain whether or not the males were '

sterilized. ' . - • .

It « apparent that the sterile-male approach alone cannot

be used practically to control or eradicate populations of such great

density and dispersal as the Jsace fly. However, when integrated with

other control methods, it would have a much better chance of con-

tributing to a successful control program. Initially, face fly pop-

ulations would' have to be reduced with control, measures such as timed p

aduXricide and larvicide applications. This could possibly be com-

bined with, chemosterilant baits and releases of promising biocontrol

agents.k Once the face fly population had been reduced to sufficiently '

low levels; the release of sterile males and females could begin. It

was shown that the nematode parasite, Heterotylenchus autumnalis sur-

vived i'r radiât ion in the face fly pupae without itself being sterilized. "'

The competitiveness of the' irradiated, parasitized adult flies is un- ,

known. However, if they are as competitive as normal flies,, then the," X release of these parasitized flies'might prove, more beneficial than the/ release crçy'j^Jie sterile males alone. Not only would the sterilized v

males compete for mates', but the "steri le'1, females would increase- the

level of H.' Is in the natural habitat during false) ovipostçion

and also cocpete for =-ites Releases should be tired :o

Abdel-Malek .et al. , 1969) .

l| The possibility of the irradiated fly being more' susceptible

„ —-.-. f —<—1~ to fungus infection might complicate a release program. Jaffi (1967) reported an increased susceptibility to infection by Triboliutn castaneum (Herbst.) and T. confuaum Duv. to Bacillus thuringiens°is

Berliner following exposure to X-rays. Infection of dipteran genera

•/- • " , by Entomophthora species in'Ontario seems 'to reach a peak in the fall.

(MapLeod', 1956; Miller and McClanahan, 1959). However, no infection by IS. muscae has been recorded in field-collected face flies. A re- lease program for sterile face flies, timed for the spring would ( probably minimize losses due to thiJ"i3 fungus.

•s» I

"3\ ,< 1 i' V I 7

REFERENCES / ABDEL-MALEK, A.A. , A.O. TANTAWY, and A.M. WAK-ID.. 1969. Studies on the eradication of Anopheles pharoenals by the_sterile-niale~.technique~using- —Cobalt-60""VI11 Population dynamics of mosquitoes in Fayoijm area, U.A.R. J. Econ. Entomol. 62(3): 348-351. "• '', \ AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS. 1959., Measuring absorbed gamma radiation dose by Fricke dosimetry. Am. Soc. Testing Mater. (D1671h59T)* 54-66. . ' '' . .

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