.20119 *\ Nptional Library Bibliothèque notionoie CANADIAN THESES THÈSES CANADIENNES DO ^ Canada , du Conodo ON MICROFICHE <? sun MICROFICHE NAW2 OF AUTHOH/A«Mf DE L'AUTEUR. 'David, John Gregory '' TITLE OF THESis/r/Wf DE LA THÏSF Gamma Irradiation of the Face Fly. Musca autumnal 1s DeGeer . (Diptera: Musddae) L_ ,' • , University of Gueiph DEGRcE FOa VWICH THESIS WAS PRESENTED/ , ', GRADE POUIt LEQUEL CETTE THESE FUT PRiSfNTÊE- Ph.D. Of YEAR THIS DEGREE CONFERRED//W/V& D'OOTENTION DE CEDEGJJé- 1974 Xt OF SUP£RVIsÔa/«O£» OU DIRECTEUR DE Dr.- R. E. Permission is horcby grcntodto tho NATIONAL LIBRARY OF L'autorisation ost. par la prâsonto. accordée û la BIBUOTHÈ- •• CANADA to microfilm this thosis ond to lorefbr «oil copies QUE NAT ION AIM. DU CANADA do microfi/mr cotte thâso or off tho film. ' , do prûlar ou do vendra dos oxomploiros du film. Tho author roocrvoo other publication rights, end noithsr'tho L'autour so rdsorvo los autres droits do publication: hi'la /' thosio nor oxtcnoivo oxtracto from it may bo printed or othor- thOsoni'do longs extraits do collo-ci no doivent être imprimés , aico reproduced without tho ajthor's written pormissiosionn. f ou cutromont reproduits sons '('autorisation êcrito de routeur., FSU.ÎANENT AODnES8//^S/l)f/VCf FIXÉ. Uc *e>y •f .••..."/ ' '. • . ^ '< • •/ , THE UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH LIBKAftY' , • ' ..',.,.; , ; AUTHORITY-TO DISTRIBUTE THIS MANUSCRIPT THESIS . '. This fhesls .may'bé lent, or sin'tr^e copies ohjly made available i'n response , 'to a written 'request' from any library of a university or similar institution1 for purposes.of private' study.and 'research oaly. Author and Department " "Chairman'sign In one of'the three spaces *below. '• • ' - „._..„ Author - - —-Department" (a)', without restriction , i , ' ,'(b) </ with the restriction, that, for a period of one year* - - / ; (until" .,.:...'. I.'.) ' 'the written approval of tlieA o "/ ' Department,Chairman is' / , j required. ', I (c) with the restriction th'at, / ' \ for a period of one year* /* - (until' ...'.,..' .'..) • / the vrritten approval of - i / . • the aathor is required. N ... V * dated,.from the' defence , of the, thesis, namelv.^ 9(?c_errd>er '7J's£/J> ' » ^ '_ ' , «»*> .• • t -'•'-_•; - ; • • . y ' '> ; . ' - ' . , . V. The bprrower'undertakes to give proper,credit for any usé made of the thesis, . and to obtain^th'ç consent of the author if it is proposed to make extensive ' quotations, Qr to reproduce the thesis in whole or in part. ' SÏGKATURE OF BORROWER. ADDR1SS DATE ( ' r" » .' / • r / • \ ' '*' ' * \ - •. , / GAMBIA .IRRADIATION OF THE FACE.'FLY : •'; f-':.•• „„_.—, . ....-, _„_.._, .f ^ ' .(DIPTERA: •• . ''•- \S> • ' i ., ' ' A-'Thesi8 '- ' ' . /• ' , • . .Presented to . ' - - ' "• '•,',-: I ... T}ie. Faculty of Graduate Studies^ 'of •" ; The Dniversi'ty of Guelph i r , - • ; by • DAVID JOHN GREGORV Iri partial fulfilment of requirements • for the degree of * Doctor.of Philosophy December, 1973 David John Gregèry, 1973 GHEGORY UNIVERSITY OF.GUELPH' sutnome • t < ' • David John . ?800460 , given ncnjQB , —, I.D. number FACULTY' OF, GRADUATE STUDIES « i ' • '* S t m ' , Environmental Biology deportment degree CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL (DOCTORAL THESIS) ~ ' "We,The undersigned,''hereby certify that the thesis presented by the above- - .named candidate-in, partial «fulfilment of the .requirements* for the degree of , * , • . Doctor ,bf Philosophy ., ,ç ' ..- v , /'. is worthy of acceptance and may noW be formally submitted to the Dean of .Graduate Studies. " "" , .'. -, • . \' Title!: ' GAMMA -IRRADIAT 10tl-OF THE FACE FLY. MUSCA AUTUMKALIS/ • DEGEER (DIPTERA: MUSC^PAE)' ' I '• • External Examiner^ ' a Morlt Rating andidate's Researdin Supervisor 1 •> & ô I I Diotinguiohcd Supervisory Commit iv 4^ Cdzmnittee Sûtlofactory Supervisory Supervisory Committee Date : y_j '973 Received,by Doan of Grnduoto Studido Date: toJTXH \ 73 . f ' 1 ABSTRACT / GAMMA IRRADIATION OF THE FACE FLY, /' MUSCA AUTUMNALIS DEGEER (DIPTERA: MUSCIDAE) David John Gregory, Ph.D. Supervisor: • / University of.Guelph, 1973 Professor R. Ei Wright '' Pupae of the face" fly, Musca auturanalis De'Geer, wejre irra'-, I ' / . •••',*' \l • diated at 5 days of age us;Lng gamma-radiation from a Co-60 source. ' j • • y ' •< s< • • • * •• .1) Experiments were conducted to determine the effect' of radiation doseWon . /' ^ ' • • V ' ' ' - ' '•< the fertility and longevity of the resulting adults. * ' • / • • • • • ' ' ' ' " ' ' t. • I ''• An irradiation dose of 2.5 krad induced permanent sterility-- • A ^ in both males and females.without affecting tneir longevity signifi- 1» ' i cah'tly. A similar" result was obtained with, males front a'.colony\jf • 1 J •fieldrcollected flies reared through eight generations. ' Pupae irra ; V diated under anoxic conditions required twice-the radiat'ibn dose to' '.'••'• V achieve the same degree of sterility. ' - '", ' " Competitive and mating tests indicated that males irradiated at 2.5 krad were as competitive as normal males. The mating .tests in-_ dicated tHat untreated males inseminated a mean of 4.44 females,- where- as males irradiated at 2.5 krad and 5.0 krad,. inseminated a mean of ' 4.28 and 3.44 females respectively.. Males irradiated with-5.0 kradlin ,- >'>-, " ;-',"' '', • v " , ( ,1 anoxia inseminated a mean of 4.02 females.' Competitive tests using ratios of irradiated mâles : normal males : normal females indicated] that' ma le s irradiated at 2.5 krad were as competitive 4s'normalV<males at the ratioà*<r:r:l,_2:lU-,'-5'ïï-:-l-î-and 1:2:1 in small cages, but less competitive at the 5:1:1 ratio in large cages... Males irradiated at 5.0 krad In air were less competitive than the normals at all ratios ' > » tested, whereas^males, irradiated at 5.0 krad, under anoxic conditions y ;•' . •l, • " » were as competitive-as normal males at all ratios tested., > / i A colony of flies was infected with the nematode parasite, Heterotylenchus autumnalis Nickle. Irradiation, of parasitized, 5-day- S*™.**» S» «s-ife^»**" ^__oId-pupae-,-HLndlcated^th'ât1 tKe~jjarasTtë~was not adversely affected by radiation doses of l.(0 and ?.5 krad. The results'.indicated some promise in the potential use of /the sterile-male in-an integrated control" program against the face fly.. • < ' \ \ • '*•., "y.* '• " ./ J 'y-- ' '_ ;.• • — / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS , The,author wishes to express his sincere" thanks to his -committee chairman, Dr. R. E. Wright, and the other membersi of his ' supervisory committee, Dr, F. R'. ftallett, Dr. A. J. Musgraye, and Dr. F. L. McEwen for their critical appraisal of the many aspects of the research and this manuscript; and to Dr. R. W./ ShueL who. also ex- tended valuable advice on the statistical analysis of' the data. The . author.wquld also like to thank Dr.. W. F. Baldwin, Chalk River Nuclear . Laboratories, Chalk River who acted.as his^external examiner. • À'special, expression'of thanks to the author's wife, LynnC, for her continued encouragement and understanding, during the course, of the study and to whom the author dedicates this manuscript. ' . This study was supported iri part by the National Research Counci'l (Grant No. A61A0) and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and . Food. • ' - V i y> •7 •• 'ii r , . 1 * • ' * • . , , . TABLE OF CONTENTS ' • . ' x • ' • ' Page | . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .' .• ' . • 1 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS '....'....' -. ' ii r- •• • ti_ _L_J __^ - *- ~ LIST'"0F"TABLES"7T;r."7T77-r.7r.17™7.7". '. ' ' iv s , •- LIST OF FIGURES . •. /.' ' '. • • ...... .\- Vil * '."'•> / * - ' •>. INTRODUCTION. .-...% , >. 1 /I 'MATERIALS. AND METHODS .• '. •. .' ..... 8 i ' 1. MAINTENANCE OF THE FACE FLY COLONY 8 « •' 1.1 Rearing Conditions in the Iris'ectary 8 ' • • ' ' • '' , 1. 2 Care of the Adult Eli,es . .' .' •. 8 1.3 Collection and Counting* of Eggs 10 > 1.4 Larval Rearing and Separation . .' 12 • , 1.5 • Nematq<Je Colony Maintenance ,. .'.".,.... 13 ^ . <• 1. 6 Maintenance of a4-Stock Colony of Native Flies' 14• ', _, 2. HANDLING OF EXPERIMENTAL MATERIAL .' ••,••,•• I1* V • v. , 2.. 1 Irradiation of Pupae . ._,_. .. , .'.,.........,. ' 14'.'/.'""' • !•:'"• ! •2.2 Handling of Adult Flies 7. ." ,'. 1... 17 a 2. 3 Dos imetry .. ., .' ..,....•.:;.. -19',, ' 2.4 Results -of Dcfsimetry .../...' /.'! ?.''•' 19. ' , . 3. STATISTICAL METHODS* !.}. ,. ...,." 19 EXPERIMENTS, RESULTS, ANIL. DIS CUSS ION ....... .\ .'...;.. 22 7 1. • Normal Life'Cycle •. ;. 22 2. Effect of Irradiation on Survival of Pupae of, Different , Ages .WV 22 \ iii ' 3., Effect of* Irradiation "on Fertility'and. Longevity of Adult 'Flies±._._.^_.^_. <> ',.'.. .*. .-.-.-.~r-.-*-.-.-.--.-.-rrv -24" h. Effects of Irradiation on a Native Colony,of Face Flies' .. 35 5. Degree of Permanence of Male/Sterility 38 / 6. - Mating Habits of the FemaLe Face Fly " 7. Effect of Irradiafing, Pupae Under Anoxic Conditions ...... 46' 8. Competitive Studies .'on^the'sterilized Maie Face Fly ..]...-. 50 « 9. Effect of• Irradiat.ion on the Nematdde Parasite, ' , Heterotylerychus autufnnal-is, of the Face Fly ;.'.... "59 .DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS .<...:.y . .- .,. ..... 67 REFERENCES Î"!".".. .'.'/. .... .'•'. .'v ...-..'...-..,...'..•.•....•...' ' .71 •••, • ;' »*> t, -/•. •} X r ', t 9 ' 1 V • * • . ' v - ' / ' ' • \ • • Page S Ir 1'. Percentage errof between the irradiation doses (observed and expected) as determined bylthe Fricke Dosimetry Method _, . , and Calcium"FlubVidë Method . X : 20 ' . 2. Percentage emergence of Musca aiitumnalis adults from ptipae • I * - • ". irradiated at each of six different ages «....'.' '. '23 \. Percentage emergence
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