
Biomedicine : Human Genetics

Lakovaara, Seppo (Ed.) Advances in Genetics, Development, and Evolution of

In 1906 Castle, Carpenter, Clarke, Mast, and Barrows published a paper entitled "The effects of inbreeding, cross-breeding, and selection upon the fertility and variability of Drosophila." This article, 55 pages long and published in the Proceedings of the Amer• ican Academy, described experiments performed with Drosophila ampe• lophila Lov, "a small dipterous known under various popular names such as the little fruit , pomace fly, vinegar fly, wine fly, and pickled fruit fly." This study, which was begun in 1901 and published in 1906, was the first published experimental study using Drosophila, subsequently known as Drosophila Springer melanogaster Meigen. Of course, Drosophila was known before the experiments of Cas• tles's Softcover reprint of the group. The small swarming around grapes and wine pots have surely been known as long 1st original 1st ed. 1982, X, 474 edition as wine has been produced. The honor of what was the first known misclassification of the p. fruit flies goes to Fabricius who named them funebris in 1787. It was the Swedish dipterist, C.F. Fallen, who in 1823 changed the name of ~ funebris to which was heralding the beginning of the Drosophila. Present-day Drosophila research Printed book was started just 80 years ago and first published only 75 years ago. Even though the history Softcover of Drosophila research is short, the impact and volume of study on Drosophila has been Printed book tremendous during the last decades. Softcover ISBN 978-1-4615-8323-3 Order online at springer.com/booksellers $ 149,99 Springer Nature Customer Service Center LLC 233 Spring Street Available New York, NY 10013 Discount group USA Professional Books (2) T: +1-800-SPRINGER NATURE Product category (777-4643) or 212-460-1500 Contributed volume [email protected] Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-1-4615-8322-6

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